19 THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 REG0VEH1T IH GRAIN , MARKET 15 RAPID May Wheat Delivery Rises 13 Cents a Bushe!. BRITISH CREDITS IMPROVE Qolck Absorption of $75,000,000 7arm Loan Bonds Shows In vestment Demand Strong. . CCnprriffht. 1922. br The Oreonian.) NEW YORK, Feb. 10. The grain market and the (oreisn exchange market have Ub thm chiet centers ot Interest during tfe past week. Wuhla the last fortnight the Hay delivery has risen sorce 13 cents bushel, jui Its high, around 14.39, ssteriing eschar r was up in ifte aarne per iod 14 cent in the jyoand. while JrVencb francs bad increased o cents in tne Hun dred franca. These remarkable movement svr more or teas closely re.ated. Tbe tm- rovement of Eurooean currencies terms of tba American dollar makes the American market far ail coxnrao-dit.es snore attractive to th foreign buyer. As y tbia bas not shown in current ex port of w toeal. which, are running well below what they were a year ago, but tba wheat market im right;y reasoning that tba rive in exchange foreshadows heavier purchases for European account later on when contracta for delivery tn tba summer and ioma beam to be knada more freely. Whrat Stocks Kedoced. Tbe prospect of a short winter wheat crop -for this country this year bas been finite as much, of a factor. If indeed not mors forceful. In pro mo tine th recovery fr wheat prices as tbe rise In exchange. T he latest reports on farm reserves abow that there U no longer the great over bang tng supply from th old crop that there was min. months ago. It Is not tbe am situation that confronted tbe cotton trad last summer, for a short aft in th winter wheat crop can be made up by In creased production in tba wbeat sown tn tb spring. o tb wheat farmer may ba facing th same experience. It en tailed sacrifice and Individual loss in tb sou Lb. and will have a similar effect In th wbeat bet. yet nobody would say that th south Is not better off than it was in June, 1921. even though the change was wrought through tb worst crop shortage In recent years, English Credits Improve. Th fundamental reason for tb rise In th foreign exchanges has been pointed out so often that it would feardlr seem to bear repetition. Lng Land bas been able to raise the value of tb pound sterling by th sin. pi expedient of cutting down Its purcbaafs In th American market to , such an extent that it has ceased to be a debtor on current exchange operation a The foreign trade figures on both countries show th ta plainly show where the excess of American export over imports has so dwindled that it no longer sulfide to off set what the I'nited &ites owes for ocean freight, for interest and for tourist ex penditures. Under tbe circumstances th demand for remltuences exceeds th supply of drafts representing the sale of American mer chandise and rates for sterling and for other Kuropean exchange ar advancing tn consequence.. XV mr Loans Not Factor. Th fact that Great Britain owes some 4,hO.Ooo.OX for credits granted during tb war. which sre now to be dealt with under the new anted debt refunding bill, doe not enter as an immediate factor. Previous to 10 X 4 w owed Kurope the amount on securities owned over there, but this did not involve a depreciation In the value of the American dollar. When Eu rope bgtns to pay interest on this debt the position, will be different, for then ther will be a new item on our side of the ledger to set against tbe Invisible credtts which Kurope hoUls over us. But In the 1 meantime where there Is no attempt to enforce payment of either interest or prin cipal, the excess of the heavy war loans does not stand as a barrier In tb way of Improvement in th exchange. Stork Market Vnc hanged. Th stork market occupies mock the am position as It did a week ago. Pro faeional traders and speculative cliques ar supp!ying all the initiative. Tb pub It a is taking little interest, at least tn the current fluctuation. For this reason the Inside conditions remain strong, because mocks are not being distributed into weak hand. Quiet confidence that tbe spring will wftms further recovery in th gen eral business is the key not of present operations. The quick absorption of so large an Issue as th T5.0tH.iHK farm land bank bonds snows that there ia no letup in th in vestment demand. The bond market as a whole has been helped by the decision to raise the cash for soldier bonus pay ments with new taxes rather than with a fresh Issue of government securities, but tb possibility f any such tax as a tenth e( 1 per cent on stock snd bond transfers ft neeeaaart.y viewed witb th utmost con cern. In the blU which passed th house In tay. l?t there was a similar tax. but It was levied not on the par value but on the markot value of securities. The par vat a basse if this I really going to b adhered to presents some ridiculous In consistencies. A stock l!k Erie common, for example, selling at $11 a share, would call for Jl payment on every sale of 100 shares bevau ot its il(h par. white a stock like Vtata Copper, scKing at T, wrtoid only pay $1 per hundred because t It J to par. Traaefer Tax Overeat tma ted. This is on thing which wt:i hav to be threshed out. regardless of the first re port from the way and means committee, but It is difficult to believe that any such tax as 110 a loo shares can stand, when congress Is msde to see tb futility ot ucb a measure as a revenue raiser. The cairn' at ion of an annual return of $A4. OttO.oOv is apparently mad by multiplying th proceeds of the preient $2 tsx by five. If this ta so. it is abaoiuteiy false estimate, bees use n o bod y in co n g r ess or out ca n suppose that th volume of Wall street trajvsactlons under any such impost would not be cut down very heavHy. It Is ta th presentation of this aspect that a tax as burdensome as this would completely fail ot Its object that th best hope lies In an evemual reasonable adjustment of tb matter. 1AW HOAR MARKET 13 STEAD I KB Xenuand for Kefluwd Light and Price I n " changed. VEW'TORK. Feb 11 The raw sucar market was quiet and while no sales were rvptwted to local refiners the undertone was steadier. Spot price were 2 cents fr Cuban, cost and freight, equal to 3.61c far centnfural and Porto Rrcos at 3.54c. while new crop Cuba for Pebruary and March shipment were quoted at 2 1-14 cents, coat and freight, equal to 3 for conlr;f ugL Thece were s- cf dots.) tons of Cuhas early March shipment to a Cawadian re finer at 1 f. o. b. Cuba. The raw sugar futures market was teady and price showed Im.e change. Pinal prie were one p'T-nt lower to one higher. March closed at i IV; ilay, 2.33e; July. 2 4c; Sep: ember. 2 tt3c. There was nothing new in the refined atuation. the demand being light and price unchanged at 3.0v& 5.1oc for fine granulated. Refined futures were without transac tions, closing net unchanged with XI arch aad May at 3 oc and Ju.y. 5. 65c. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11. California Hawaiian, lugjr S Coffeo Future Clowe aLower. MW YORK, Feb. It The market for coffee futures reflected further liquida tion of March contrails today undwr which that delivery declined 13 points under tbe previous close. The opening was v to 13 points lower. rv i uru.ninn . -.-, v'e J ' AUK VOI' LODKIVR FOR A PE rii.DBI.K I'KOUI TK DKALLHf Hark ( kftM . Hrarr J ITtMli.-t Alk Iw latest arlt4 aae tm mnpmr .fcl.mr-at, fur mltthcr arlcca. HI BV at l. ! rmt t I'artlaad, Or. rallied to 8 A2c and tecember from 8. 40c to a 47c Final price were to 13 points net lower. Sales a ere estimated at about 43.0O0 baga March, &.33c; May. 8 87c; July, 3. 4c ; Be p tern ber, &. 43c ; Ice m ber . ft 47c Soot coffee was renorted aulet at 8" trwc for R o 7s and 12e to 121c for bantos 4a. SAX FRANCISCO PRODCCE MARKET Price Current on Vegetable, Fresh Fruit, Etc, at Bay City. CAN FRANXL9CO. Feb. 11. (Stat Dirt s1oa of Markets.) Fruit Apples. 3H and 4-Uer, 3 1.40 "S3 3-iW) ; oranges, 3 2- u 0 3 50 ; lemons. Ho; grapeiruit, (Sffi; pears. box, tl.7dr2.T&; cranberries, oox. tauo 3.60. Panitrr Broiler, S3440c; young roos ters. 2u33c; old, 162Uc; bens. 230c; ducks. 3r zsc; uv turaeys. w a rMid. 37 4Ao. Vegetables Artichoke, larg crate, 913 023, beans, nominal; carrota, sack. $19 31.25; celery, crate, 31.30; cucumbers. dozen, Jl.Zi sggp.aci, pounu. 00 Hie- lettuce-small crate. 31.7304.23: mush rooms, nominal; olives, pound, fi& 7c; onion, brown, cwt, S6.T30 7.23; whit gioba, $8; green. boa. 3.10 92.23; pea, nominal ; be 1 1 pe p per, po und, 10 lie: potatoes. S2.2fi3.2: pumpkins, sack. 73c31; rhubarb, box, S.SOfr 3.50; squaah. summer, rmtii crate, s.do; xiuuus.ru, sack. 3L23t1.30; sprouts, pound, 13&10c; ipiaach, crate, $344; tomatoes, crate, 73c 13.73. Receipts Flour, 4229 quarter sack; corn. 4WO centals; potatoes, 3000 sacks; onions, 134 sacks; bay, 80 tons; oranges and. lemons, buu Poxes. Naval Ft sees. SAVANNAH. G Feb. 11. Turpentin. firm; 0414c Sales, 14 barrels; receipt 6 barrels; sbipments, luw barrels; stock. 6608 barrel a Roain. firm. Sale S38 casks; receipts, 440 casks; sbipments, 342 casks; stock, 74.003 caska uuote: B, $4.104.20; I, $4.13 4 .20; E. F, G. H. 14.20; 1. 4 22H ; K. 31. 33.20; Pi. wu, a-OJ, WW, 3. Hop. Etc. at New Tork. NEW YORK, Feb. 11- Hops, bides and wool unchanged. WHEAT AVERAGES HIGHER EVEXIXO CP TRADES HAVE LIT TLE EFFECT OX PRICES. Continued Drouth Conditions in Southwest Are Bullish Factor in Chicago Market. th. preaent upturn in wlU were raal- lied today, but wen malnt&inea k m. close. Unwmr, th. ruttlns .pot wor. StalHs higher, with My I s.i ana Ju.y ai ti-naw' ' " - . ... . 1. .hi!, n . : . cima iuw.t 1 v t.w . With a doubla holiday .brad then. w considerable eve nine up In wheat and May oid at a new high on th. preaent upturn and th. average for the day waa higher. Report, of the continued drouth In the southwest and the fact that the forecast suggested no moisture In Kansas over night were effective influences. Corn and oats neia wjiain ' " -with general disposition to even up for the holidays on th. part of th. local ele ment. Buenos Aires corn closed i M K higher, but this had lrttl. effect here. Oats were dull, with commission nouses fair sellers. ... Th. provision market was anil with prices little changed. ... 1 1 ..f.tv.A .M. 1 ne 1 nicin ' terday by the Overbook it Cook, company Wheat Disappointing cables were com- . . i ..t kh ih. liberal exDOrt sales' reported late yesterday. The feature or tne maraei wa. 1 . , 7 of May a. compared with July, reflecting evidence of a stronger cash situation. "The weather map will be closely scrutinized after the holldaya but with the cash de- tand steadily oroaueiimK . , V rength In the nearby poaltlon. it Is doubt ful whether moisture in tne soumwesi would have mora than a temporary in fluence on prices. Next week will prob ably witness a marked Improvement in flour trade, which will have a telling ef fect on the visible supply. Shorts in May sre apt to find themselves In the uncom fortable position 01 " 1 " ' " cure the wbeat necessary to fulfill their contracta . Corn All things considered, corn futures today showed remarkable strength. Re ceipts were larg. and the demand Indif ferent, especially for lower grades, which declined 1 to It, cents. The hedging S gainst country purchases was offset by uylng of future, by the seaboard against export sales. Hog. ar. now selling very close to th. 110 mark, giving corn a feed ing value so far above the commercial market that ther. Is no inducement for the holder to Mil at present prices. Oats Trade was of a pre-holiday char acter, but th. market held firm. The cash demand was good, mainly by leading elevator Interests and shippers. Country offerings to arrive were limited. We look for strengthening factors to appear in this market In the very near future. Rye Selling by northwestern Interests wss offset by a demand from the seaboard and the market gave a good account of Itself. Cash rye wa nominally steady ar jv, cents under May for No. 2 on track, leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat Open. H'-h. Low. Close. . XI 32 1 S3'. 1.32 11.5 ! Ju:v Com May .... JU'V .... .R9H .61 -1 .r.9i .50 .S9H .61 -s .61 It .61 .4 .40H .4U .41 --V 1910 Oata Mav July ... Pork- May . - mm mss 10 o 10.S2 July . ll.OS 11.01 1L03 11.05 May'b.T71.10 25 1.M l""s. 1(? ju.v ... lti.Ji iw.u iv.ai , Cssh prices were as follows: Wheat Mo 3 red, tl.SOii; No. 4 red, "cots-No. 2 mixed, 53?54ic; Ka S yel ow, 64Vf i4Wc. . Oats Xo. 2 white. Stt39Xc; Iso. S white. 3514 iSC,c Rye Nominal. Barleir ass 4c. Timothy seed 5S SO. Clover seed 122i Pork Nominal. lard 10 .-'. Ribs 110 it 11. Minneapolis Orain Market. MJN"NEAPOt-13. Feb. 11. Wheat Re ceipts. J cars; hoitdsy a year ago. Cash. No. 1 northern. $1.4.".H 1.60t4 : futures. Mav. tiaa: July. 11.27 1. Corn. No. 3 v.liow, SH40c. Oata No. S white, S4i r,iic. Barl.y. 445c. Rye. No. 2, M54 0 5c. Flax. No. 1. i.4t C2 S3. Caxlot Crala Receipts. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. Car lots Kansas City Wheat. 3Ki: oats. 20. Winnipeg- Wheat, 127; oats, 59. Omaha Wheat. 7S; corn, 109: oata, 11. Minneapolis Wheat, 220; corn. S; oats. 42. Duluth Wheat com. 47; oats, 29. St. Louis Wheat, 44; corn, 63; oats. 3. Grain at Omaha. OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 11. Wheat. No. 1 hard 1.2ll 2; No. 3 hard. IL IS 1.22. Corn! No. 2 white. 47 47 it c: No. 2 mixed. 4H461tc. Oats. No. 2 white, 3oUc; No 3 white. 84 34 nc. Si. I-ouia Grain Market. ST. 1XL1S, Feb. 11. Wheat May. Il.l': July. tl-14. Cora. May, S7Sc; Ju:y.iyiwac. Oata, May, 4lc; July, Kansas City Grain Market, KANSAS CITT. Mo., Feb. 11. Wheat. May 1.21?i; J"'. l.H?. Corn. May. ilae; July, aaVtc Winnipeg Wheat Marks. irlSTSIPKiA Feb. 11. Wheat, May, $1.27,; July. Il.tel.. Italuth Unseed Market. PULrTH. Minn . Feb. 11. Unseed on track. 3.4I3 g2.SH.: arrive. 12.4K.. Saa Fraarlsea Grain Market. PAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 11. Wheat Milling, 2 3r 2. 12 ; feed. 2 0 2.1 . Bar ley, feed. 1.22 tjl.liO; shipping, 11.32 1.33. tata red feed. ! 4- 1.50. Corn, white Kcyptian. 1.72stl.&; red jniio, n.K.ei.ii.. Hay Whita, 1719: fair. H17; tarn, oat. $151S: wild oat, 111018: aifaUa, U314; stock. t'glO- straw, nominal. Seattle brain Maritet. SKATTt-SV Feb. 11. Wheat Hard whita, soft red winter, northern spring. SI. 19:, sol t white, white club, 91 17; hard red winter. Xl.lt; eastern red Wails, .1.13; bis eaad bluast.m, HSk, STOCK TREND DIM TRADIXG LIGHT ON ETE OF DOUBLE II OLID AX. Junior Rails Firm and Speculative Industrials Tnder Pressure. War Bonds Gain Slightly. NEW TORK. Feb. 11. Uncertain ten dencies ruled during today's abbreviated stock market session. Th. approaching doubl. holiday and dissatisfaction over pro poeed future tax legislation held down trading. Several speculative favorite. In th. In dustrial and special divisions, particularly Gu.f States Steel, were under constant pres sure, closing at material recessions, but losses otherwise held within 1-point limits. Some junior rail, reetained most of their recent gains and a few utilities were active and strong. Sale, were ZTS.ooo snares. Bonds were dull and featureless, a ma jority of th. liberty series showing nominal net gains' Changes among other domestic bonds and the international groups were of a mixed character. Total sales, par value, aggregated S3.330.OO0. Actual reserve, of the clearing-house banks showed a moderate deficit for the first time since last October, due to a cash loss of .18.S15.00O. Actual loans and discounts decreased 144.137,000 and re serve, of members at the federal reserve bank dropped S21.000.00O. Week-end trade reviews reported less distribution In merchandising lines, but general business Improvement was noted at Important agricultural centera The on. lmDOrtant traffio return was that of the Union Pacific system, which showed a larg. gain In net Income for December. RAILROAD SFXrRITIF.S IN DEMAND Stock, aad Bond. Bought on Extensive Scale Daring Week. NEW TORK, Feb. 11. Temporary but vigorous advances by leading European currencies and substantial accumulation of railway share, and bonds, mostly of th. speculative variety, featured the week is the financial markets. The January rise in stocks of compara tively obscure origin terminated almost as suddenly as It began. Trader, fell back to th. former favorites of th. steel, equip ment, motor and oil groups, which closed at confusing gains and losses. Many theories were offered to account for th. mvement in frelgn exchanges. The consensu, of opinion among disinterested observers was that It presaged the return of th. pound sterling to its oid-time pre eminence In tne international maraeu. Advice, from London, which hinted that the rise In British bill, was du. to buying of foreign securities by American invest ors, as an offset to prospective federal tax legislation, were not credited In in formed banking; circles. Undercurrents in the domestic markets Indicated further improvement in industry and commerce, chiefly evidenced by an other pronounced decline in idle freight cant This wa. neutralized somewhat by the additional slowing down of operations caused by the government' naval disar mament programme. Production of fabricated steel and Iron hovered around the low levels of 1921, that condition finding confirmation In the reduced tonnage of the United States Steel corporation for January. Further cuts in crude and refined oils pointed to the uncertain state of that Industry. Money on call was increasingly abun dant, though holding mostly at o per cent. Local supplies or time xunds were con siderably augmented by offerings from New Kngland and the middle west. For dates extendins beyond 90 days, however, few loans were negotiated at less than A per cent. The federal land ana ureat isortnens railway issue featured the week' new underwriting.. Great Northern being al most Immediately fully subscribed. The outcome of other railroad financing now under discussion is believed to hinge large-, ly on the question of federal guarantees. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland.) bales, mock. nign a.ow. i.ioaa Adams Express 1,000 61 bs 60 Advance Hum ..... ..... Agr Chem ... 300 84 33 33 do PId oott Ajax Rubber.. 2,700 16 18 157e Alaska Gold... ..... ..... 7a Alaska. Juneau 5lX Allied Chem.. 700 88 B8 68 Allis-Chalmera 45 445, do nfd loo nil i ' Am Beet Sugar 100 341, 34", 34 ! Am Bosch 100 35, 35 "4 34 Am Can Co.. l.luo 8. 3tt a( do Dfd lx Am Car & Fdy 800 147 146 146 do Did lit! Am Cotton Oil 200 21 20 20 do ofd 42 Am Drug Synd 5 Am Hd &. Lth 200 13 13 13 dO Dfd '0 Am Ice 500 ,94 92 93 Am Intl Corp 600 42 41 42 Am Linseed 31 do Did.. ....... .-. on Am Loco 2,100 107 108 106 do Pfd loo 113 nil Am Saf Rasor 30 4 4 3 Am Sh & Com 600 8 8 8 Am Smelter.. 300 45 43 45 do Dfd 8 Am Snuff ... 100 119 119 119 Am Steel Fdy 31 Am Sugar ... 6"0 65 66 do nrd. . li W4 4 - Am Sumatra.. 4.700 24 24 24 Am Tel Tel 500 118 117 117 Am Tobacco.. SOO 133 133 133 do B ISO 12Hr. JZi', Am Wool fW 82 82 82 do Dfd lOO 104 14 1IM Am Wl P pfd. 200 26 28 25 Am Zinc 300 13 13 13 Anaconda 1.700 47 47 47 Assd Oil 99 tchlson eno t ( . la do Dfd 2"0 88 86 88 Atlantic Cst L 300 8S 88 8 At a & W I.. 1O0 26 - 28 28 Baldwin Loco. 6.700 102 101 102 dO Dfd I!'-' Balto & Ohk. 500 35 35 35 dO Did ".'-H Beth Steel B.. 2.300 63 62 62 Booth Fish - 5 B R T mo 11 11 11 Butte C & Z.. 200 5 5 6 Butte Sup.. 1O0 25 2 25 Burn. Bros... 100 116 116 116 Caddo Oil 11 Calif Packing 1.500 72 71 72 Ca:if Pet 1.600 49 48 4S do pfd 85 Canadian Pac. 10.100 1 28 128 128 Cen Leather.. 400 32 32 32 C.rrode Pasco 300 3.1 33 3? Chandler Mot T.7O0 65 64 64 Chgo & N W. 1.400 67 66 68 ChlGtW 200 6 6 Chill Cop 1.000 16 16 16 Chlno 30 26 25 26 C M St P .... 600 20 19 19 do pfd 1.100 34 83 S3 Coco Cola .. l.OOO 45 44 45 C O loo 58 58 57 Colo F I.. 100 26 28 28 Colo So 50 42 42 42 Col O Eleo 2(0 69 69 69 Col Graph ... 1.500 1 1 1 Con Gss 90 Cons Cigar... 3.700 18 1R 18 do pfd 400 47 47 47 Contl Can ... 600 53 52 52 Citl Svc Ban 18 Corn Prod ... 6.500 1 02 101 101 da pfd 2O0 115 115 114 Cosden Oil .. 200 35 34 34 C R I P ... 2.000 34 33 S3 do pfd 87 do "B" pfd. 3O0 75 75 73 Crucible TOO 61 61 61 do pfd 10 81 St 80 Cuba Cane .. 500 974 9 9 do Pfd 100 24 24 23 Cub Am Sugar 900 1S 18 18 Pel sr Hudson ' 110 Dome Mines. 300 23 23 23 Del Lack.. 1.3"0 111 110 110 Davison Chem 2.4O0 60 . 58 59 Knd Johnson. 500 80 SO 80 Erie 1.20O 11- 10 10 do 1st pfd.. 400 16 16 18 Fleet St. Bat. 1.200 140 139 139 Fam Players. 1.4O0 80 78 80 Fed M & Sm 8 do pfd " Flsk Tire 100 12 12 12 Gaston Wms. . 20O Gen Cigar.... loo 68 68 67 Gen Kiec .... H0 148 146 143 Gen Motor ... T.6O0 9 8 8 Glen Alden... lOO 44- 44 44 Gen Asphalt.. 2,700 61 60 60 Goodrich 37 Goodyear 10 Granby 2S Gt Nor Or.... 500 33 35 S3 do pfd 100 74 74 74 Gr Can 2 Gulf Steel ... 6,300 73 70 72 Houston Oil.. KO0 75 74 74 Hupp Motor.. 8,800 14 14 14 lil Cent loo lot loi Inspiration .. 200 37 37 37 In Ag Cor com .'. 8 do pfd 35 Interboro SOO S 2 2 do pfd JOO 8 8 8 Inter Callahan Soo 5 5 5 Int Harv 100 83 83 82 do pfd 103 In Mer Marin 7O0 15 15 14 do Pfd 1.300 70 -69 69 Int Nickel .... 1.91X1 12 12 12 Int Paper ... 400 49 48 48 Invincible Oil 14 Island Oil ... 2.200 2 2 2 Jewel Tea . 12 K C Southern.f 200 24 23 23 do pf d . . . . ; . . .... .... 54 KellySps-fd.. ! l.S S7'i Sa 38 Kennecott ... 1.70 27 26 27 Keyatone Thro ! 16 11 15 I Lack Steal... i.t 47 4 47 i Lee Tire..... Lehlg-h Val... Loriiiard .... Low. Theater L A N Marland Oil. Martin A P.. May Stores. . Mex Pet. ..t. Miami Mid S Oil... Mldvale Steel M K T Wi. do pfd...., Mont Power. . Mont Ward.. Mo Pac do pfd..... MStPiSSM... Nor Amn.... Xat Biscuit.. Nat Knamel. Nat Lead.... Nev Oon..... New Haven. . Nor W Nor Pac Nova S 9teel N T Airbrake M T. Central . . 53 131 11 13 M 78 Ok la Prod ref Ont Silver... Ont & W.... OU1 Steel Pacific Dev. . Pac Gas & B Punta Al.... Pacific Oil... Pan Am Pet. do "B" Penna Peo Gas. .... Pere Marq... Pure Oil Phillip Pete. Pierce Arrow Pierce Oil .. .. Pitts Coal Pitts & W Va Pressed St C. Pullman. ..... Ray Oon. ... Reading .... Remlng-ion. ... Replogl. St... Rep I & S... do pfd..... Rep Motor.. Royal D Oil.. Ry Steel Spg. Saxon Motors. Sears jRoebuck Sh&t Aris.... Shell T & T.. Sinclair ..... Std Oil Ind.. Std Oil N J.. Sou Pacific. . . Sou Ry Stand Oil Cal St L S F.. Strombg. C&rb Studebaker .. Swift & Co. . . Tenn Cp It Ch. Texaa Oil.... Texas Pac... Tex Po C 4 O Tob Prod Tran Contl Oil Union Oil Del Union Pac. . . 1O0 1,200 800 1.70O 19 86 si' " 19 94 23 38 94 "i6 45 30 25 63 10 20 129 '68 3 134 69 26 54 44 54 99 82 87 19 0 82 19 94 23 38 92 "io 44 30 25 62 9 19 129 40O 1.000 2,100 600 500 1.704) 4,900 100 '""ioo 1,000 100 100 4.800 4,400 1,200 400 100 100 6,000 United Alloy. . United Drug. . Unit Fd Prod United Fruit. . Union BAP. U S Cst Irn Po Unit Ret Stres U S Ind Alchl trTTTRuDber. . . do 1st pfd. . T7 8 Smelting. U S Steel U S Steel pfd. Utah Copper. Va Chem l.lOO 61 60 do pfd Vanadium Stl 1,300 100 ' 100 600 Vlvandou .... Wabash ..... do A pf d . . . do B pfd... Wells Fargo.-. Western Pac. . do pfd Western Union 2O0 "'206 400 l.OOO , 300 100 Westghs A B. Wstghs K & 31 West Md White Motors. Wlllys-Overld. do pfd "Wilson Packs: 34 34 wise Central.. Woolworth . . ., 200 149 100 47 200 7 100 8 Worth Pump. W & L E White Oil...'. BONDS. U S 2s reg...10O!N T C deb s 99 -84 .61 ,95 . 94 ,96 do coupon ..101N P 4s D S 4s reg...'104M P 3s do coupon ...104;Pao T 4 T 5s. Pan 3s reg 79 Pa con 4s.. do counon ...79 8 P cv 5s..... A T & T cv 6s.l01lSo Ry 5s . 90 . 91 .100 Atch gen 4s... 8!U p 4s D & R a con 4s 73iU S Steel 5s. . Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory bond quota- tlons at New Tork as furnished by Over- Close. 97.00 98. OO 96.00 96.30 96.18 97.86 96.44 100.10 99.98 beck & Cooke company of Portland: Ooen. Htirh. Low, Liberty 8s 97.18 97.28 96.92 do 1st 4s. do 2d 4s do 1st 4s ..96.28 96.40 96.26 do 2d 4s...8.08 96. 20 96.08 do 3d 4s ..97.36 97.38 97.30 do 4th 4.. 96. 36 96.50 96.34 Victory 4S...100.10 100.12 100. IO do 3 a Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Feb. 11. Closing quotations: Alloues 28IDavis Daly 7 2 Cal & Ariz... Cal & Ilea . 58 I Daly West .275 Hancock .... 2 2 85 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 6 20 2 15 23 44 37 25 3 2 2 1 22 2 Centennial ... Cop R C Co. . . E B Cop M.. Franklin Isle Roy Cop. Lake Copper . Mohawk N Butte .... Old Dom .... Osceola Quincy Superior ..... S ar Bos Min. Shanon ...... Winona Wolverine ... Ariz C, m .... Adventure ... Ahmeek ..... Algomah .... Arcadian .... Bing Mns. . . . . New Corn . . . . 12 . 42 10 . 1 . 23 . 2 Helvetia Isl Creek . . . Keewanaw .. Kerr Lake . . La Salle Michigan Mass Con . 56 11 M O Col 23 Mas Valley 33 42 2 1 1 .sipisslng ... N Lake Obijawa Pond Creek Isle Royal , S Lake 45 10IU Sh Mich . 8) 00 pxa .. . 50 iS Utah .... . 60 (Sup Cop ... . 20 ITrin Cop .. . 2IUtah Metals. . 13 I Ventura .... . .17 I Victoria Swift Co. Stock. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 101 Libby, McNeil & Llbby 3 National Leather 2 do new 10 Swil't International 21 Mouey, Silver, Etc. NEW TORK, Feb. 11. Foreign bar .li ver. 65 c Mexican dollars, 50 c LONDON, Feb. 11. Bar silver. 34d per ounce. Money 2 per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three month bills, 3 3-10 per cent. New Tork Bonds. New Tork- bond quotations furnished by Herrin Rhodes, Inci of Portland. Am Tel & Tel 6s. 1922 100 Am Tel & Tel 6 .....1924 1 00 V Th 7. 1922 11X1 Am Tob 7s 1923 102 Anaconda 7s a -" J"i ? Anaconda 6s A 129 98 Argentlr-e GI 5s 1945 79 Am Ag onm .....aj-.i Beth Steel 7s 1922 101 Beth Steel 7s 1923 10O Beth Steel Eq 7s.. 1935 101 Belgium Ext 7 ltM5 107 Belgium 6s 1925 99 Belgium Ss 140 106 Bergen Ss, City of 1945 108 8. Citv of 1945 109 ne.,n Ka 1941 103 Canadian 5s 1926 97 Canadian os o-s tan isat r,q is. .............. .i'oo ji--a Chi & N-W 6s 1936 J6 Chicago. N-W 7s 1930 106 C M & St P gnirf 4. A 2014 58 r- Vnr 7. 1940 110 Chile Ss 1941 101 Christiana bs. city 01 ios-, Copper Exp Ss 1922 100 Copper Exp 8s 1924 102 Copper Kxp m m-a ioo- Cuban Amer Sugar 8a 1931 104 Con Gas cv 7s 1925 103 Dia Match 7s 1935 107 n.Hn,,rlr R.. , 1945 10S Danish Mun 8s 1945 107 Dupont 7s 1931 104 nr, Trunk 7s 1940 10974 Grand Trunk 7s 1940 109 nilriY. T... -19'5 71i Goodvear 8s .1941 112 Gulf OH 7s... 1933 100 Great Northern 7 1936 107 Hershey 7s 1930 99 Humble Oil 7s 1923 100 Int Rap Tr ref 5s 1186 64 Int Mar CT 6s 1941 Int Rap Tr 7s 1921 85 Kelly Springfield Ss 19:U 103 Kennecott 7s 1930 102 Libby. McNeil Libby 7s 1:;X 99 Morris A Co 7s . 1930 103 Mexican Pete Ss 1936 1 00 N Y Call 7s 1930 106 Norway 8s - 1940 109 N P & G N Jnt) 6s 19:s 106 X P 6s., .....1141 I'Hi- Northwest ret is Ohio C Q 7s Ohio Power 7 Pan Amer 7s Penna 6s itui Rubles 5s C.. Paul. Ka ..IMl 17 . .19-2-5 100 ..1951 101 ..1930 95 ..1936 106 1o"rt 4 1936 101 soutnwt 'let is j.i-.j jui-i, Ptandard Oil V T 7s IO"! 97 Stand Oil of Cal 7s 1931 1"7 iteei & mi. is. ............. -J , Sear Roe 7s 1921 114 Sear Kae 7 , 193 t 500 5S 600 152 800 . 11 "ioo 27 TOO 31 2O0 107 12,900 118 600 26 3,200 12 900 30 200 10 200 27 lOO. 67 S.5O0 13 "eoo 4S 1.300 i "l00 40 ""iod ii 1.900 18 . V.OOO f "406 59 1.200 76 900 2 "ioo 21" Bond SAN FXAMCISCO Swift St Co 7s Un Tank 7s Uruguay Ext s5 . . . U S Rubber 7s. . Wilson 1st 6s 1925 1930 ""!"!it30 ..1928 1931 101 103 66 104 84 105 Westinghouse 7s. . . Foreign Bonds. Forelrn bond quotations Overbeck & Cooke company Belgian rest 5s - furnished by of Portland: Bid ask. .. . 70 ...76 ...107 ...106 ... 99 . .103 ... 89 ... 89 ... 87 ... 72 ... 68 ...84 ...95 ... 97 ... 98 ... 96 ... 96 ... 47 ...101 ... 7 ...108 .. .107 .. . 51 . .. 74 ... 64 ...96 ...101 ... 3 ... 4 ... 4 ... 6 ... 4 ... 6 ... 5 ... 6 ... 5 ... 3f . .. 73 ... S7 ...87 ...109 ... 17 ... 3 ... 17 ... 97 ...114 ...101 79 107 106 99 103 - 91 91 89 74 70 84 96 98 98 97 97 48 102 8 109 107 52 75 60 96 101 Belgian 7s. 1945 do OS, IV-il do 6s, 1925 Brazil Ss, 1941 British 5s, 1922 do 5s, 1927 do os. 1929 do vky 4s.. i .e A Bordeaux 6s,' 1934 Canadian os, 11101 do 5s. 1926 do 5 a. 1929 do 5s. 1931 An lili.o 1927- Chinese 5s, 3951......... uniiean us, isj.- Russ-Currency . . . Denmark Ss. 1945 nan. Muni 8s. 1945 French 4e, 1917 do 5s, 12 do 5, 1931 do 7s, 1941 do 8s, 1945 German W L 5s......... 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 . 8 l 88 1 73 ! 88 I 87 ' Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s do 4s Lelpsig 4s J do 5s Munich 4s. .............. do os Frankfort 4s. ........... Italian 5s, 191S Jap 4s, 1931 do 1st -if-a rf OH AXLa 1925 Norway 8s, 1910 110 18 5 20 Russian oifcs. do 5s, 1926 .4 -. 1919 Swiss 5s, 1929 97 114 ! 101 i dO tS, 1THW San Paulo Ss U K 6s, 1922 U K 5a, 1929 U K 5s, 1937 ...103 103 .103 103 98 98 Standard Oil Stock. Standard oil quotations mnnsucu Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Tt(? Aflkod. Anglb -' -H Rnrna Summer .......... ,35D B;itJ Buckeye 91 93 Cheesebrough Ifo 5 do pfd 109 112 r-T, .iJrit:,. 1 ' 128 132 Crescent 36 34 cumberiana ................ Illinois Pipe '.I.'I.l 107 171 iian- Pin. 89 91 National Transit 27 -.rj,1 New lora Transit w Northern Pipe 102 1O0 Ohio Oil 269 2.2 International Pete 14 15 u.v 18 r 19 Prairie Oil 535 B45 Prairie. P.pe J- ooiar xveiiuius .......v -a.-- sou in reim ............. S. W. Penn Oil 00 64 Standard Oil Indiana ........ 86 6 00 ransas . " do Kentucky ...4o 4t do New York 360 362 do Ohio ' 375 390 l rhtn nf .115 116 Sw.n & Finch 30 35' Vacuum ..334 837 . ?a 32 Standard Oil Nebraska 1S5,, JI? imperial uu ..av7s Foreign "Exchange. X7- -...,iT.ra ..Im ftt the close Of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amou-nt quoted is the equivalent of the , The INVESTOR rlO The INCOME TAX 63-Page Booklet For Investors and Traders How to report Stock natal Cash Dividends, Scrip issued a for Stock Divi dends, Bonus Stock, Stock Rights, Bond Interest, etc, etc Includes typical broker's state ment showing sales to estab lish losses, etc. Contains ruled pages for investor's record. Copy gratis if you mitt on your business or personal stationery. L. A. Hughes & Co. Investments 100 Broadway New Tork ONFIDENCE Is the basis of the rela tionship between patient and physician, client and lawyer, friend and friend. This is so because through all the ages illness, trouble and friendship have demanded a confidential relationship. The safe investment of money demands a confidential relationship in no less a degree, but, because to the average man investment is a new tiling, he knows not where to seek it. The invalid or the litigant knows instinctively where to turn the new investor flounders. , But there is for him a specialist as skilled as the trained doctor or attorney. The reliable investment banking house will make his problem its own and, out of the abundance of its wisdom and experience, will invest his money for him in the same class of securities in which a bank invests the money of its depositors. All that it asks is his confidence. , "We are such a house. "We ask you to investigate us, our standing and responsibility, with as much care as you would give to the choice of a physician, a lawyer or a friend. Then, if you are satisfied, remember that the safe investment of your money means the success of our business. Ttmr mamt nd tdJrttfm tit lim Mm wit rmrmd U mt-mU tilt mt tftrym Jrttij titt swii wkick m Mumtjtmmii. &. Goodwin &Tucker mrORPORATED UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ' w PORTLAND LOS ANGELES foreign unit in United States funds; Country and unit ; Rate. Austria, kronen . . -SO.0075 Belgium, francs 0832 Bulgaria, leva ,. - 0082 Czecho-Slovakia. kronen 0199 Denmark, kroner .2064 England, pound sterling 4.3700 Finland, finmark 0214 France, francs .0870 Germany, marks 005I Greece, drachmas .0460 Holland, guilders ................... .3738 Hungary, kronen 0021 Italy, lire 0405 Jugo-Slavia. kronen 0040 Norway, kroner .1653 Portueral. escudos' ................. .0842 Roumania, lei 0090 Serbia, dinara .0150 Spain, pesetas 1588 AMiBH RAISE BIG CAPITAL Finance Your Business Write for FREE Copy of My Book "Qiiick Financing" if you need big capital quickly for any legitimate business. Learn how one company sold Over One Million Shares Another One Hundred Thousand Shares Still another company admit they raised TWO HUNDRED THOU SAND dollars by my easily operated plan. Let me send proof from many satisfied customers that may lead you to quick success Write for free particulars of this easily operated winning plan. Get My Proof and References Request- of me -wonderful reference letters from many satisfied clients who praise my plan for quickly getting large capital at smalt cost by the same method that is open to you if you want to finance some large enterprise or put out a big stock or bond issue or a real estate subdivision or a big land proposition of merit. Depend upon me to help you if your offer is1 HONEST and LEGITIMATE and if it offers a square deal to investors. , Money is always available for the financing of meritorious business enterprises if you reach the RIGHT people in the RIGHT WAY. r Getting It is a business unto itself and requires the services of an expert. - My Plan gives that service efficiently and economically. Hurry Your Request. CUNNINGHAM, Financial Specialist 582 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.nn Our Business Is the Purchase and Sale of All Classes of High-Grade Bonds f.l.nevepeauxgLfimpany INVESTMENT BONDS ST SOrTH STREET PORT LAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1042 GROUND FLOOR WELLS -FARGO BUILDING 50 Per Cent and Safety STATE BANK OF KENT, Kent, Washington. We bespeak, a bright futur. for Testerlald Egs Ranch. W. believe It will grow to great vol ume and proiruee wealth. W. H. Ov.riock. Pre. W. commend Mr. Allen and tb Testerlavm Egg Ranch to all with whom they mar hav. bisi ness. W. I Xasmyth, presi dent Kent Commercial club. StATTtf Sweden, kroner 2619 Switzerland, francs I960 China Hongkong, local currency. . . ,54o0 Shanghai, taels ''ISif? Japan, yen 4S2o NEW TORK, Feb. 11. Foreign exchange easy. Great Britain, demand J4.82, cables $4.33: France, demand 8.52. cables 8.52; Italy, demand 4.79, cables 4.80; Belgium, dema-nd 8.13, cables 81.13; Germany, demand .49, "cables 49; Hol land, demand 87.10, cables 37.16; Norway, demand 16.33; Sweden, demand 25.83; Denmark, demand 20.45; Switzerland, de mand 19.44; Spain, demand 15.0; Greece, demand 4.48; Poland, demand .03; Czecho-Slovakia, demand 1.89; Argentine, demand 36.75; Brazil, demand 13.12; -Montreal, 95. America's greatest trapnest poultry ranch; fitOOO- trapnested White Leghorns, record layers; 12,000 chicks hatched from our eggs every flv. days; 40 acr, all poultry buildlnga and yards; 125,000 Invested; earnings in txcau of 50 per cent yearly past three years. We offer you a SAFB investment in our stock In any amount from $25 op, at same price all officers and first stockholders paid. Fin. Illus trated circular on request. TFSTFRI.AID ego ranch1, ' New York Block, Seattle, Wash. NOTICE OP BEDEMPTIO TO HOLDERS OF VICTORY ROTES AND OTHERS O.NCKR.NED. Notice Is Hereby (.t-ren follow, t 1 Call for redemption of S per cent Victory Notes. All of thes. 8 per cent series of United States of America con vertible gold notes of 1922-19.3. otherwise known as 3 percent Viotorv Notes, are hereby called for redemption on June 15tn, 1922, pursuant to the provision ' for redemption contained in the notes and the treasury depart ment circular. No. 138. dated April 21st, 1919, under whiOji the notes were originally Issued. Interest on all yictory Notes ot the & per cent series wlu cease on said redemption date, June 16th, 1922. 2. Suspension and termina tion of Victory Note conversion, privilege, in view of the call for the redemption of all 3. per cent Victory Notes on June 16 th, 1923 and pursuant to the provi sions of said treasury depart ment circular. No. 138. the privi lege of conversion of Victory Notes of either series into Vic tory Notes of the other series hereby suspended from Febru ary 9th. 1922, to June 15th, 1922. both inclusive, and on June 15th, 1922, will terminate. Victory Notes, accordingly, cease to be interconvertible, effeotive Feb ruary 9th. 1922. and on and after that date no conversions of the notes may be made. 3. Detailed information as to the presentation and surrender of 3 per cent Victory Note for redemption is given in treasury department circular. No. 277, dated February 8th, 1922, two copies of whioa are . available at the treasury ttnd, the federal reserve bank. - A. W. MJBliiON. Secretary of the Treasury. OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stock.. Bonds. Cotton, Grain, Etc. ei6-217 BOARD OF TRAD 15 BLDO. Walla Walla, Wash, Portland, Or. reJuUeton. Or. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OT TRADE. Correspondents of I-oiran A Bryan, Chicago and Sew York. MEMBERS New Tork Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cotton Exchange. Kew Orleans Cotton Exchange, Kew York Produce Exchange. Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. A.W. NORINS & CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS. Est. 1889. :5 COMJMBTJS CIRC1.E, NEW YORK, N. Y . WE WILL, BUY Alaska Steamship Co. Baker Steam Motor Car & Mfg. Co. Paget Sonnd Power A Llffht. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. ORGANIZING A COMPANY? gava the usual incorporating- ex penses, avoid peraonal liability and ex cess profits taxes. Organize on th common law plan under a Declaration of Trust Demaree Standard Forms (approved by attorneys) furnioh complete equipment with which anyone In any state can or ganize a company, issue shares and begin doing business the same day. Aalc for circular A-42, containing full descriptions. C S. DEMAREE, Igal Blank Printer. 613 Walnut, Kansas City. Mo. Rare Opportunity for Tire Distributors Estab lished manufacturer of quality automobile tires seeks connection with distributor in position to give service to local dealers In this territory. Our products have made good for over five years they are known for quality, value, price. Favor able contract, with advertising assistance, that means profit and satisfaction. Write or wire for details. 315 East Third Street, Dm Moinea, Iowa. PUTS & CALLS "The Safest Way to Trade" $40 Buys a T-day call on 100 shares any N. X. Stock Exchange security. There are no margin calls, no interest charges and no commission is charged unless the call is closed at a prolit. Each point (1.00 the stock moves up means a profit of tlOO to you. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. WATSON & COMPANY Investment Securities, 625 Stock Exchange Bldg., Las Angeles. Safety and Profits IV STOCK MARKET TRADING. Learn HOW to combine these in ypur trading by use of Stock Privileges With .40 to $125 you can trad, tn i J00 shares of any iw".' tor expianatorv fold.. 10. Broadway PAUL NAIL, New York. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 18118 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Correspondents E. P HTJTTON CO.. N. T. Members all leading exchanges Babson's Service on File. Bdwr. 47Zu. 801 Ballw Exchange Bldg. 1 $n;ftinve,ted I ij JJ monthly at I I 6 will, in 30 years, I 1 amount to $50,000. I j Ask us. I Freeman, Smith! & Camp Co. i 1 LoMBaWaNS Bt-OO-. PoRTLAMS I