THE SUNDAY OREGONIA, PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 5, 1923 8 A The permanent ware. When lovely woman wants to be though even lovelier he invests in a permanent wire. Unless, of conrse, she is a chocolate brown beauty and already has one. In that case she sinks her money in the opposite direction and becomes permanently. un waved. Si - - , ; ' ,- . . . Zj TSSPy - Iff hi ( 9 1 H ft In i'lfl ;i 11 2f t t . IP f -v: MM i J1 -w-'' !-' Si li - .xi 1 iOnce iu a blue moon the men have their innings, even in this don colored woria . ociictt ii ui nw. iuc " - 'J f0i anybody else. He hasn't a chance, however, unless someone get np Vl a (ancy dress bail, and then doesn't be cat loose. BY THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE , J. rf- ft 4U I Vs sr.? rev-, i m t - A beauty of 1895 or thereabouts, showing pretty conclusively that beauty was just about as skin deep twenty-five years ago as it is today. And doubtless the 1895 girls went around looking beautiful and saying. ! don't see how the styles can ever be any prettier than they are today." 7 "The mellow type of beauty that comes with middle age" (says Mrs Fredlc Gridley lones in her little calk, "Is -fieauty Skin Deep'" before the Tuesday Afternoon dub) "depends on adapting one's clothes to one's personality" Mrs. Gridley-Jones' en tire costume has been thought out carefully and adapted to her type. Even to the hat, which has style and dignity without looking 9 P I i m ta talk aboat beauty bewig only skin deep, and all that, and murmuring. "Handsome is as handsome does." when an ugly dockbng goes past, but it isn't a darn bit of use to the duckling. For instance, what ARE you going to do with a homely mai. who has all the inner feelings of an Apollo and an Adonis tn one ' To say nothing of Cupid, loo. And if he isn't perfectly irre sistible to the ladies it's not the fault ol the cosmic urge Loves to play "creep mouse" - with beautiful ladies in dark corners, where they can't get away when he starts in looking arch, and doing the same things with his eyebrows thae Wallace Reid does ti 1 ?1 ,,"4 3K Hie Gilded Lily. H beauty is only skin deep, then Lily an is going to make sure of an extra layer with powder and rouge to work with. "Painting the Lily is now iuyaii s diuii gut iiiwui pws u 1 Irirft-xSSji, J The Barber Shop Massage. Any lady who imagines that her sex has a monopoly on beauty parlor stuff had better took in on the ttred business 11' .w. i k .iri-- ,: . w run vountrer with massage xream. trick mod. vibrators and hot towels. : rt: - -at f .y..ii 1 15 "Hats make the woman." so they say. Well, maybe, bnt it's our idea that a woman has to be pretty beautiful to get away with some of the hats one sees. 5 A