,. I 1G TITE ST7NDAT 017EG0XIAX., PORTLAND, FEBRTJART 5, 1922 FOR P. LIS. Type writ fm. iw-ESLILT tp writer, ail kinds, for MUe, rent. exchange; w are xciuirive dis tributor f Corona portable, $5 com ptc with earrj.ng caa; suppil and r.m of aii make. OREGON T 1" P fc WRITER CO.. 94 Fir-.o St- Wain SW? WOOUaTOCK TYPEWRITER. Pin Woodstock typewriter No. ft. like fiw( oovc I .'"; price $i3 $15 down, bal ance monthly. Hjratt Talking Machine . o . 3- A :cer. iiL'LTI'j KArlI JR., w:th tall printing ai tacbmect. $123; Underwood typ writer. No. 4, $i0, only ud 6 motitfu. JWUr. D:!. ST RLmt Ankfny. Of Kagt f0i. I'OK h.T 1 C. a m : ux typewriters; sp cal rat to student. 1. C. Smith 4k Bros. Typewriter Cou. 80 o Spaidiftg bdg. ROYAL TYPEWRITER. P.orai typewriter. splendid condition. $:;T ; $: down. $3 monthly. Hyatt V K r.g Mrh!s Co.. .V-O A:d?r. VNDERWOODS and Rfm!nton S3 a month. Empire Traaafert -4 Sroaa wiy. Proa d way 156. rtai, buy, ;;; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. S '. 2 Siark. M. S54. UJViKtt W hD v.. i. ba. Wpcr. U-co.or r:hfr..n: 4:n IT. 4 Broad wv. Bdwy. 1-3C.. Pool try. AbY cii.r and hatch.ng es. trap nested, high record birds, winner in laying eonteat. 2 succeaMve years; price as 4ow aa good stogie can be aod; come aad see oar stock. It la a pleasure to hJ tt. Order from an established u:dT with a reputauon at stake. Ta bor T21. DUALITY POULTRY FARM. GRESHAM OR. Breeders f H.jra-tirade Leghorns. Bim Line. 4 m; east of Portland. I- SALE We have succesfullr served I ne pub.tt for 1 year and ara better rated (Man ever to fi-1 ail your require ments in baby chicks, turkey a duck lings sad hatch tng egga A.so feeds. r::id!a Incubators. Keliable and fire- If s brood era Wr:ta for pru-e list a Shipments on San day a Mondays and Thursdays by parcei pot or expreaa Pioneer Hatchery, aUO ck. bpriaat WAui';:E s chicks. BRED TO LAY. HATCHED TO CROW. H. i. K-da. O. A. C. liarred Rocks. p-r liw: W hits Leghorns, ll per '"': I7" pr ltMi. Vigorous thinks rroru iseav laying strains; Hofinnea ana tra p -r.st l s:o K, irder now. E;;s Vt R HAH HI.VC. JRSIA' HIRE, 7s7 Oregon st. E. lo; i'Ui LI KVMK.N S-nd A stamps for l-cil S months trial for the best and oldest iurnal In the west. The articles and a Jv rtiffment are or special 1 n fi"t to lh poultry breeders of the nort hwt. They lell you how success ful poulf rymen have achieved best re sults. Northwest Ponttry Journal. 20-H r.n.irer.-ial St.. Salern. Or. I KUK1TABLE chicks, over 3wO satisfied rus(on,; s in !:-1. Tan c red, Floiiv wood and Commercial strains White leghorns: a!-o It- I. Keds. Barred Rocks. Black itinorciis and Ancona chicks with stsm tn 1 he largest and best line of in cubators and brooders in i he northwest. Catalogue free. Vueen Hatchery. Queen City Market. Seattle, f S. A. BABY CHICKS! BABY CHICKS! REDCCED PRICES on White Leg horns. Red a Minorca. Bard Rock a Wh.te Rocks and Anconas. Booking or ders now. Postal secures new FRKJ cat a.ociie. Write tojy. C- S N E Kt'HAM. SALEM. OR BOON. WH1TB LEJHvj1; BABY CHICKS froir. I'lluni heaviest producing stock: we guarantee safe arrival; literature on re usC riO.SE-.a HATCHERY. 441 ttrh St., Prialu na. Cal S. C WH1VE lKiiorns. trap-nest baby chcks hat htd Jan. must b- sold at ihr h ig iei offer recei v d before Feb ruary 1". deposit wuh offer. McKenni l'"i irv Farm. IOJj McKeiina ae.. Port 'an 1. Or. KAHiiiTS Some god breefling does ml rucka. ai- some young stock : New X.ea.and. Fietn.sn (lianis and tiheriarr hHck. or trade t(T cnit ket.s. It. K Warrtn. Km4 4it h ave. S E. lAM'kfcU and U. A C. White Leghorn chick. $ii per hundreds Hatching ejpgi, mcutator lots. Tabor SJ-, Paf kroe Hat '-t-T. Portland. 'iiPl.ETE outfit Tor le ranch: ail hives a. id uH-ra are stantianl and dovetailed; .-ell a or port of it: price reasonable. A Yoigt. K. Salrnnn. Port and. t r. . C tN.ii.iMi Wiute tvCQrn setting ejtxs fr sie. $7 prr hundred ; our 1S--ar lot) or lto lots Joa Saundera Route ' Portland. r. J ' R. I. RED p-.iilt-tK. starting to lay ; Mad stra n Mrs. E. P. Evans. 2 miles nouth of Sy -aiuore station on Kock . t'r.'.k road. t ' H Ei S. pu.l-is and coi kereis. f.ish inah b'oo l lines ; eggs for hatching, hi. k. J. V. Ken wort rv tg. Son. 1111 hi- Tavlor st. Td hor 4ti!. I'KIXE wi.'Uirs iiiul umtr 1ts. s. C. Khwle J -land Red cockerels. Rent Jack I strain. Sin and 1 1 t ac b. W. E. Hunter. Rut-crt. Ida. FOR SALE Year oid White Leg!irns. guarant. ed ; ai.o Vpril puilets. McKt-nna Poultry Farm. l2i McKenna ave., Port- and. Or 11. ANS for pou.try hou. a i sty.es, 130 Lustrations and copy of "The Fu.i Egg Basket." Sand cent. Inland I'ouUt journai. i nil ;na pons. In'L tl.IE.N iH E AS A NTS for sale: male and d. femaiM. Call at Stark, cor. Phono Seltwood loin. N Yvl'NO Rhie I.H-and Red h-ns, cock erel, heavy laimg strain. Call "bunday. ir.A'i Kri'in.ini. .v: h i. A. C. BARKED it cockerels, s--t t ing he !o N Svcji more t. 'K. laying pullets, a Columbia 444. KK SA LE 4 tach., Call a1 rec. n Tou . ou se g0e.t 1(I Bank St.. he:..-. 14 tt. Johns, ONE B1CKEYK rt'ana.trd co.ony broodier stove, rapacity ?H. 4'-lich canopy; used very LiTi- M a m h a ' ! S rt I . 'MPLL I K d f-r sale r-ett s; si nk or poult or trade. Mm and stock 1442. 1U46 C Hil'K KX W. lsiii to- sa.e. $l each: , -st. S. E Ta k M(. rr.j and K. i n -n. Vcoti car I. Keds 'J JO Oth to Sttih. A C W H 1TE l. g o ( n laying nui Box routs 4. id and Ki.lings- incubator and brooder, ck s-, eiectric preferred. AutOc i.. HENS. I ea.-h. W I,, pullets, 1 '-' 0 each; Hoganit-.l stock. gotd lay ers J R Mn urv. 7s7 i '-eg-n st. FOR ALE 6 h-rts and roor-r. ft pullets and rooster, hiooded stock Barred Rocks, Wd.aa n 1M FoUR thoroughbred . c-okere. cha-rtplo -Cna S'pnr. e lotve W hite Minorca ra:n. J5 each. MM North. 1 r. TALI Ma Incubator, o'"-gg. Xirst-c ass lor.dltlon -.V Springwal'-r Pou'try ar.!s. Wlrh.ts Sta . o. W p. car line. FiR SALE Toulouse gfej from pr:xe winninr stock.- 0-o. itartlng. mile s n-ta schol. 4 KIN K I ve . or K. cockere . Thompson strain, aving pulicts. Holtaday M ANTED Three Mammoth Pek:n white drak.. Call Columbia -'4 and ask for .1 W Ken-.p U T.VNl KK! row Tin cock-T m ecs d.revt Tabor 7474 1 1ERN rr. e.l ch;ckr I -hone i house. lux Trt. easily Brtwy H47T Mariday. 1'AIiK LED R. M, Charles I R. co. kcr.da, re-a.-.onbLc M-Kenie. Tigard. Or. O m D W. 1 lr. . . ; month- T.Tvr 7. co. kt rls. age 10 i't'H SALE or trade, o A. C. s:rt;n Whte Leghorn cockerel. Call W'lUtl. Muskovey duck etctts fo ' g ';-'e for 5a'e. 71st a C BAKRKD KaW cKra, IJ 5t la. It-abb 1 1. Bird and pet tock. 1'LKMA N cats for serv.ee. large b.ue, b.actt. arbtte and orat.ge maie for serv-1- 4Tt K. .-,3d s ' . . N Aut.v SIM -37. Al rtEDALE pLipp;e strviiit:, health) ; res isierod su k, Inspection Invited. ers, thoroughbred A :,iv Austra-iavU Ta.t ll $i "iii-'ic'UiUltKEi.) fox terrier pup. 1713 Foii ALE F.r.e Scotch Coi.ie puppies. '-r -; Vat or T9j;t li ..;;.".! t'.lj I'.c-s.or. terrier ma.e pup H nr:M old. .".. Ta b,r I a.NUHKASHKHii r.-l. r;- -nd fe:v.ale Se 1-i S TON terrier puppi ' r :ve 4i" Simpson s. reasonable No, l"'luH Turner - la . k .r.g parroia at l T f F 1L I.XLD St. th V Ph. Anclr.i :.vrg re T.rrr .".l!: ;.era. (hj k. I -ST I AllT S .UacOKE;c R." 1.--; fr Vo.i Bos.on. .eto;.;an. lV.v 4.M VI .""IT. 1U - '.'Tt. s:or. lu 1 room 127. H ontns' old. W - -i':Ir 1 ElST dry cord woohI. 7 and pr cord; ' ' M : ' nVi r heat. Hra.nl .nv 111 n. iiAl.t. ou.l FOR SALE. Pon. Rabbif. Hird aud Pet Htpck. OREWOOD KENNELS. Sensation Pilot II. Orewood Frank and Alnc.air Cinco at etud; Boston terrier out of champion stock. See the others firs and compare with mine ; grown dogs and puppies for sale; .small dags boarded. MRS. WILLIAM J. SMITH. 130Eut 80th St. Tabor 31 3. AIREDALE puppies, pedigreed, thorough bred: beauties, ready to go now; $16 and $23. Tabor 7S2L QUALITY POULTRY FARM. ORESHAM. OR. a Bi Line. 4 mi.ea east of Portland. JVU SALE. KABBITs. Some good breed in m does and one buck; also 3 young stock; will sell til or part; also rood hutch, call eventnK or al. day Sunday. E. XI. Decker. 1432 Ea.: gth st. North. PE1 STOCK ANli ai'PFwts- are headquarter in tba N. W for hlids and cases, doc. ca:s, iatbita calves, etc., food re me J lea, etc t.-l or write Pet stock cataioa on request. Routledge Seed A Floral Co. 1 4 3 I'd t. Forilana. Or. Foil BKEEDiNU 3 grand eastern Persian males, known to breeders of fine cats a.l over L". S. Silver. Smoke. Red. Black. tee. to $4. Portland Cattery. 1'none Auto U4-4. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Thoroughbred, eiie;.b;e to register: ex- Mneai pe; as we.i aa bird dtgs: sired by Atta Boy, from en am pi on stack. -44 K. Slut st. TAtror SH3L TH& Boston Kennrm of Portland. 4u7 Ainsworih ave.. Woodlawn Si Pedi greed Boston terriers, exclusive. y young Mock. S chnir mas fr service. WANTED A f ulI-bioo1ed female Collie oog for breeding to registered male; be tween 1 and 3 years old preferred. AO 4,13, Oregon ian. Dei. 34 HOWfcs, veterinarian, aog and cat hospjtai: lady attendant, dogs warned and dry cleaned' b-ankets mad to order. Pftone Tshor tiottt. CALL tK3-?5 for extra fine canary singers or fviTiaies ready to mate, sl Andreas berg. Manx mountain and linnet. . PEDlORELD French bu.i and Or at Uai.e for services. Jordan, Tabor lt0V 15 12d street. FOR SALE U ray and slaghound cross. JH-month-old bitch. F. S. Booth, Sil verton. Or. fcT. AMJrtLAMitKO mountain pedigreed Wood.awn Sfll4 C XAKY BIRDS, .good singers. also Parrts for sale. Liberty Market Fior !t. ."th and Yamhill sts. PEII;iiEED Bos:on Bull Terriers, per fectly marked. Cal! 1211 E. Flanders, near 41t. Tabor 173. FEDItiKE&D B.-bton maie puiny. 4 months old. beautifully marked and 'ri.n cham p ion stock : t3-V Tabor PJ'i. ST. AM'REA.SbEKU f-nial, rady mating: singers. 51 E. 4'Jth at. Tabor 37. IM POUTED Andreasberg Boiler singers. temaies ready mate, reasonable. ood !awn 36.". FUR SALE GoAien Pheasants. 'J years roosters. old, per pair Slu: 1 year oid ." each. hone East FINE pedigreed Atreda.; pups. $2 each. til Sli r AKM. Koute 3, fortiana. ( Kain- apo on tireaham ne. O. T. AND Biue Persian stud; for sale; also st uds for service. Sotl E. 01 st N. Tabor 777:t B t . I.aunclir and Marine Fquipnient. B EST BUY UN K1VEK. IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 24-ft. launch. 5S-ft. beam. 4-cylinder. 4-cycie engine. SO-h. p. SUM E BUY. Lan b-rt Rued, east end Hawthorne bruise. , 0- E J-roora and one 1'-room houMebouta Electric hht.. Bull Run water in houst. tin rn S". chicken house and yard ; no in cumbrance. Situated on river bunk. AM goes fos S3tMi ca.-h. Owner. W. E. J"hny.ri. 1 1 ti North Fox st.. via St. Johns, ANTED-.- --Woody lira or mall houseboat I can use as woodshed, on good f.oat. tiive bottom cash price. J 4-7. Ore- gnta n. ONE -4-Ioot tpted boat, Uo-horwe auto Engine. One 24-foot fiat-bottom skiff, 4-hore engine. Woe's Bike Shop. -Ut 4th st. Phone Main ?747. NEA Fi stl HO AT, just finished, ft. C In x-ft. beam ; strongly built. lonard, nil Washlng;on st.. ancouvcr. Wasii. Phone evenmgs. Hl'.'tR. TKOLLINt; boat. 4 ft. ".ong. It". hore power. Atlas imperial engine. Will con sider good city property as part pay ment. Woodlawn ."4. between S and 1 1!. KOl'K-KoOil f ui nished or unfurnished nouseboat ; lmmeiiaie posse shi on. Ma r uR ball Furnished or unrurnic he modern .-room houseboat. Call tie ood 1.ti. Terms. KuH SALE Oregon Yi wood ni"" -Furmsh'-d houseboat. Nt. icht club; easy terms. Sel FO-R S A LE or ren t ."-room houseboa 'o. f. foot of California st. Phon Months l :;..o'i. KIVK-IIOKSE At;as engine, 11'UU; in good sn-ipe L'-H Ah ft. Ft'R SALE condition. -1 7 -fool Oid Town canoe. Call Tabor .ll'oii. WANT1JU Boat ft P O. Box hull between "K and bi 4.T7. Ast.irla. Or. FOR SALE MODERN" HOUSEBOAT. FHi N E S E LI. WOO D :i 1 Kega and Barrel' KEilS AND BARRELS Fir and whit oak. western Cooperage Co.. 306 N. 14t st.. near Pettygrove. Ithuae A 519-11. ( uhI and oimI. COAL: COAL.: COAL: COAL! til per ton. put la your basement, city we;nt. direct from m.ne to consumer targe lump, no conkers or soot; burns to l:ne ash; trv a ton. PHONE EAST IS OR EAST t12. FREE 1 sack kindling with each dcub load of 14-ln. block and slab mixed runs partly dry; 1 cord to double load J. UAP! JSI 1 lx)AL $ .50 Wdln. laoo. or Wdln. Soil. WANT to buy Soo to lotrfi cords of wood, either stab or cord: state full paricu ara sun lowest, price on same; it ou of town state freight rate, M 41a, t refinian. CALL EAST 702O. Best No. 1 dry. old-growth cordwood that money will buy. Delivered 4-ft. 1J and lrt-!n. lengths. NICE Hi-in. siab. li.7a; best fir, seasoned heavy or mereiy icraded. 15 load, any where, barsrain; dry iJ and ld-ln. coun try slab.! J.V Sell. 17rti. TAVLOK FUEL CO.. 4S 14:h N. Phone JHda y. ..d.. BiOCk, s!ah, wreckage, s.ngae load. $it; double load, $S. Short orci.rs a sperla.ty. F1A r-Git'JVTH fir. Kock Springs. Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick St Tii Co , 3 Fifth st.. between Stark and Oa K. fhon Wroartwa v l. GOOD dry fir cordwood 17. -o cord, heavy country saj so hoc a springs and t tan coa;s. ti?t l.ou. BONE-DRY boxwood, ideal kindling. $4; block and a Lab, $4. 7T ; heavy wreckage, $T; large loads. Wdln. MOST all kinds 12 or 10-inch Marsha!! 1!7. if wood. 4-ft., from i. or by load, a load up. HEAVY b.Ock and slab mixed, dry. 1 and in incnes -o. a itr, naruwood dry slab. Call Wod!awS 4-HHJT dry siao. H.it cord; J-cord lots II-: in-mcn partly dry b ock and slab, $.V big Lt'ls Woodlawn i:02. FoR SALE i.in cords drv rordwoo.l nked out 2Hi yards south of Garden HfH:ie oerntt. or pnone Minor MM'i OAK WOoD, 11 a cord. Id-in. length. De Isvered anywhere In the city. Phone tllV .1.1. FIRST -OKOWTH wood. drv. 17 SO . .rrf aecond growth, dry. $6.5 cord. Aut BOXWOOD 14 PER LOAD. Fu!ton Wood Co.. dealers In box and sisrnvood. U'U .M.ifidm. Main 41 7.1 LEST green and dry fir cordwood and dry .ton i'u iruni country m;u. 1 m m e d.at delivery. Tsbcr 7J"S LINCOLN COAL. 410 egg. ll lump; in vest $1 in a sample sack, save 5 a ton thereafter Bdwy S4l3. COAL SALE. 1c LB. wack. delivered. Pdwy. 3423. LTAH KINO COAL now C 1 Km ffs4 $li.OO per tou VL"R-RKT block lfi-:n stove wood. ind ra.iroad M ir. S643. ties; a.so A LoAl. lo-lnch dry plank and small t'.rtbr Sellwood 315ii. i old-growth f:r tha; is DRY. Automatic B1H-S7. 7.:rt. K'L'tU.K i.-aa lte-.n. mill wood. tit. Ksst Sl4 or Auto P47-SO. KY CORDWOOD, rOKDWOOD, 6.io and 37.0 per delivered in 2-cord ?o:a. Wdln. 6312. cord. RST-O KOnv T H ffr cordwood, JP7 .-V0 per coed for curb delivery. Phone East rl WO I Ll growth ou pay 37..r. If so call En real first BEST old-growth dry fir. $7.30; aecor.d-grpw t h. 37. Sell wood 314. large A-l FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwooo, deliv oreT at ? Tabor r!33 or E. S77. SALE Wood or coal heater. cheaD E. 4-4th st.. rear revision. a:. 1 siat . !. II'.. not $; acuble load; all blk. Kle !od Bdwy. 4 HO. IN. R ECK AG L wood, load de.tvered r.-der.c-e paor.e East L'54. FOR .e u fir:- IdO pounds $1. t:p.e Pciu ery." Rdwv. 341.1 Cv.; i 'S ry c r t . S- a ptoi wo.i-1 for sa.e. SEE AW 1NO. aaya hera in cuy. FOR 8 A US. Coal and Wood. $4 PER I.OAD-4t 2-LOAI LOTS. l-lnch fir block and siab, runs part.y dry, ready for furnace or -heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood lawn -4102. WOOD WOOD $7 50 PER CORD. First-growth fir wood, seasoned. $7..& for curb delivery. Phone Last 201. Si PER LOAD 14. 16-lnch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or heater, de livered In 2-Ioad lots for S; sing'e loads .14 .VI. Washington lump coal, 911 ton In tne basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2M1. k FUEL to fit the present-day pocket book: a good grade of furnace coal for a few davs only, per ton. In bin. Cent ra! Fuel Co.. Main 1606. Machinery. FEBRUARY REDUCTION SALH. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR BBS REDUCTION SALE. ALL PRICES GREATLY RSDL'CED. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR HARDWARE. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. NEW AND SECOND H A X D. IF YOU WILL LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING ARTI CLES WE CARRY YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING THAT YOU NEED AND CAN SAVE MONEY ON: CHAMPION FORGES. ANVILS, VISES. CHAMPION POST DRILLS, P LACKSMITH TOOLS, WIRE CABLE," BLOCKS, PEA VIES, PULLETS. RUBBER BELTINGS. SHAFTING, GEARS. CHAIN, CHAIN BLOCKS, SPROCKET CHAIN. SPROCK ETS, BABBITT METAL, BOX INGS. CANVAS TARPAULINS, MANILA. ROPE, SHOVE L S, PICKS. M AT T 0C K S, CROW EARS. CROSSCUT SAWS, AXES. WEDGES. SPLITTING MAULS, BROAD AXES, SPLITTING BARS. ALL KINDS OF PLUMB ER AND CARPENTER TOOLS, HERE AREA FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK: SOLID FORGED STEEL CAR PENTER HAMMERS WITH A HICKORY HANDLE, 90c EACH. -!TH NICKEL-PLATED GAS PLIERS, 33c EACH. ' SPARK PLUGS. LARGE AS SORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. AT 40c EACH. 1O0 COMBINATION MONKEY AND ALLIGATOR WRENCHES TO BE CLOSED OUT WHILE 1HEY LAST: 6-INCH. 30a EACH S-INCH. tnC EACH HACKSAW FRAME AND BLADE. 6oc EACH. SPECIAL PRICE ON ROOFING PAPER WHILE IT LASTS. FRESH FROM THE FACTORY. EACH ROLL CONTAINS 108 SQ. FEET. INCLUDING NAILS AND CEMENT INSIDE. 2- PLY, 31. 30 PER ROLL. 3- PLY, SI. SO PER ROLL. J. LEVE. FRONT STREET'S LOWEST- PRICE SUPPLY HOUSE. MAIN .1198. 1R0-1S9H-1W1 FRONT ST.. BETWEEN YAMHILL AND TAYLOR tSTS. BOILERS AT PRE-WAR PRICES. 4 ACME code boilers, 7-'xl. 150-Ib. 4 olJ-h. p. Sterlings, ItHMb. 4 ;;.".o-n. p. Sterlings. l0-lb. - SAtt-h. p. Atlas. lfiO-lh. 2 iVa-h. p. Scotch marine boilers, built by Willamette Iron Works, l.-.n-lb. 1 l.o-h. p. Scotch marine boiler, built by Willamette Iron Works. l."H-Ih. 1 7'J.1S quadruple butt strap. ir0 pound. 2 Ktixlti quadruple butt Strap. 150 lound. 2 Ot.xlti tripla riveted butt strap, l-'.".-ib. 1 A4xl4 triple riveted butt strap, l.vib. 1 Erie City 00-h. p. Economic boiier, 113-lb. - X-Erie City 00-h. p. Economic boiler. llU-lb. I Open-bottom firebox, 60-70-h. p., l-T.-lb. 1 50-h. p. open-bottom firebox Ke- wnnee boiler. 113-ln. 1 4tt-h. p. firebox. TOO-lb. J- .VI x 15 lap seam, 100-lh. a-17."-h, p. open-bottom firebox, lo-lb. 1 X"--h. p. open-bottom firebox. l)0-lb. 1 12x13 Erie center crank engine. 1 81 Erie center crank engine. 1 t Erie oenter-crank engine. 2 Risdon upright engines, 6hx. 1 Oardner deep-well pump. 6-in. Wort lit ngton pumps, 7 S xIO xlO. 1 YVorthlngton pump. 71?x41xluw 1 YVorthington pump. 64xti. 1 Smith & Vaiie pump. SxoxKV. 1 Remington tee machine. 13-ton, direct conn, with steam ice cans, tanka. all complete, high, and low side, very cheap. . 1 10x12 double-drum donkey en gine, extension firebox. 2000 feet of cable, 90 new. Get our prices on new code boil ers before buying. We also hsve many other sizes of boiler and pumps at red wed prices. All boilers are sold under Hartford and state inspection. G. & R. MACHINERY CO.. The Boiler and Engine Speelalistsi Foot of 17th St.. Portland, Or. Broadway 33. R. R. POPPLETOtN. MOTOR REPAIRS. MOTOR INSTALLATIONS. 225 STARK ST., BDWY. 771L ALWAYS CONSULT A SPECIALIST. ON E .V POL" N D BE LT H AM MEdL 1 L'l 2-ft. air compressor. 1-2-ton portable floor crane. 1 IK- h. p. horizontal tubular holler. New and used railway equipment and iractt materials. CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY EQUIP MENT CO.. E. 3f2. PETERMAX LATH MACHINERY. The moat efficient machinery for the manufacture cf lath, broom handles and curtain pole stock. For prices and de livery see WESTERN FOUNDRY CO.. ttJd Hood st. Main 39. MACHINERY'. Wa have every facility for moving, hoisting and erectinc machinery jia boilers, any sie or weight OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY. 13th and Giisan. Broadway 1281. :0 FEET S-inch elevator cable, first class condition; cost to replace J77.H.1 ; sell for 3'J0. Inquire 207 Stock Ex- pfrange bMg. CONCRETE building block machines and moids; catalogue free. Francis Co.. 112 S 2d st.. St. Louis. Mo. E W LATH mill macninery. 12-day de livery. Send for bulletin No. 50. Port land Iron Works. -INCH Sliver's baad taw in. first-class condition. Apply owner. 77 Montana ave. Phone Woodlawn 5227. SALE Nearly new 1-batch concrete mixer, use a only one jod : also 4-h. p. Cushman gas engine. YV 414. Oregonlan. Portland Iron Works for new sawmill ana transmission macninery. istabUsaed 1S2. NE 6x24 cabinet planer, one 36-inch band w. .one ivincn Jointer, ill 16th. K. 1Matia;.-tUT!r.r Co. EM EN" T Mvk machine for sale or trade. FOR SALE. Machinery. VERY SPECIAL ON 2-IN. BLACK PIPE. 200,000 f 2-inch O. D. black pipe at 8 cents per foot. ' All practically new, with new threads and couplers, PIPE PIPE PIPE. We have the largest stock of new and used pipe in the city, sizes ranging from 4-inch to 12 inches, black and galvanized. Our stock must be reduced. Lowest prices on application. Logging blocks. trip blocks. Tommy Moore blocks, high-lead blocks, etc. 73.000 feet cable, all kinds, all sixes, new and slightly used. All kinds gears, castings, pulleys, shafting. boxes and conveyor chains. Tanks, punches, shears, blowers, chain hoists. air compressors, pumps and all kinds of machinery and machinery supplies. 1 Leyner air compressor, size 10 xl2. beit driven, cap. S50. 1 Massillon steam hammer. 1200- -lb. cap. WR HAVE JUST BOUGHT 4 LATEST TYPE LATHES. ONE PLANER AND 1 BOLT MACHINE. THESE HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY USED BUT ARE IN Al CON DITION. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ABOVE MACHIN ERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FROM 2 H. P. TO 30 H. P. AT A LARGE DISCOUNT. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL OF ALL KINDS. . . Crosscut saws, new and slightly used. 40 to 60 cents per foot. 1 Howe wagon or ' truck scale, weighs up to 30.300 pounds. Belting, new and slightly used, rubber and leather, all piles, 'at very low prices. We also have a large stock of remnants in belt ing from 15 feet and up at a bar gain price. BLACKSMITHS AND ROAD CONTRACTORS" TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. We make a specialty of renting tools and equipment of all kinds. Machinists vises, etc. and blacksmiths Chain blocks, all makes, H to 5 tons, at 50 per cent reduction. House-moving, hydraulic, log ging, etc., slightly used, at very reasonable prices. All kinds of pipe wrenches and chain tonga 2000 emery stones, all sizes and grades, all new, at less. than half price. At a very good .price: 1 Uareo billing machine', 1 comptometer. 1 elec. operated Burroughs adding machine, office desks and chairs. 1 F. & E. sale cheap. check protector for 600 ROLLS PAPER ROOFING TO . BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 1- ply 31.25 per roll 2- ply , $1.63 per roll 3- piy-. $2.00 per roll All full rolls. 108 sq. ft., with nails and cement in each roIL Mail orders taken. SMOKESTACKS. ALL SIZE& Tool steel; all grades and sizes. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201 Front St Marshall 3011. Main 4110. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. C17-18-19-20 GASCO BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON. MAIX 5813. 5021. EXCLUSIY'E AGENTS ADAMS ADJUSTABLE LEANING WHEEL GRADERS. THESE GRADERS ARE IN USE ALL OVER THE STATE AND ARE THE ONLY GRADERS . MANUFACTURED THAT WILL OPERATE WITHOUT SIDE -SLIPPAGE. ASK THE MAN YVHO HAS ONE. OREGON DISTRTBTTTORS NOVO ENGINES. HOISTS. COM PRESSORS AND PUMPS. STOCK AND REPAIR PARTS IN PORTLAND. YOUR INQUIRIES ARE SO LICITED FOR ANY MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT. CRUSH ERR COMPRESSORS. BOILERS. DONKEY' ENGINES. HOISTS. DRAG BUCKETS. PAVING PLANTS. MOTORS. MIXERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. PAVERS. STEAM SHOVELS. SCRAPERS. TRACTORS. PIPS. S. A P. OIL BURNERS. STEEL BU4YKK. MISCELLANEOUS CAMP EQUIPMENT. BELT. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. GASCO BUILDING. MAIN 3813 AND MAIN 5Q2L VERTICAL ENGINES. One 8x10 Automatic. One 7x7 Nagle. Three tix7H Sterling-. One 0x6 St, Louis. One 3x5 St. Louis. One 4x6 Buffalo Forge Co. Inverted. One 4xH Racine. One 4x4 automatic. HEAD BLOCKS. One set 3 72-Inch Clark cast steel. One set 4 t5-inch Sumner screw blocks. one set 3 tw-lnch. steel I-beam blocks. One set 4 54-inch Clark rack and pinion. one set s -ta-incn steel I-beam screw blocks. pne set 3 42-inch rack and pinion. MISCELLANEOUS SAWMILL MACHINERY. One 42-Inch Mrtts A Merrill fuel hog. One 48-inch Diamond fuel hog. One 10x72 Atlaa L. H. 5 -saw edger with steam int. On 8x30 Union edger with steam lift. One 6x48 Gawley 3 -saw edger One 4x3d Tower 3 -saw edger. PLANERS. One 6x24 American double surfacer. Ona 8x24 Greaves & Klushman single sur racer. One 8x24 American 4-side planer and matcher. One 6x9 Berlin No. 04 planer and matcher. One 6x20 De Loach 3-side planer and matcher. One No. 125 Berlin 6x12 4-side planer. 24 built-up lumber trucks. One 48-lnch by 00-ft. smokestack. HO 6-ft. by 6-inch roller bearing dry kiTn truck STAR MACHINERY CO., SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. OAK ROLLS and lignum vliaa saw guide Ducmngs, narawoou wagon ana truck material. lilihee Mill and Manufactory, Oakland. Or. J H. Miller. NEW 48x8 in. and new 4ux4 in. edger In Ftock. send for bulletins. Portland iron Works. FOR SALE. Machinery. ENGINES. 1 18x42 Bates-Corliss, right-hand wheel, 14x24. 1 13x20 Frost engine, right hand. 1 14x18 Frost automatic side crank. 1 14x27x18 McEwan auto. 1 14x18 McEwan auto. 1 14x36 Bates-Corliss L. H 1 14x18 H. S. & G.. side crank. 1 14x42 Lane A Bodley, Corliss. 3 33x16 Chandler & Taylor.' - 1 12x13 Russell, side crank. 1 11x16 H. s. & G. self-contained. 1 21x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 10x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 l'txIS Russel S. C. 1 9x12 Nagle, center crank. 1 9xl0 Ames, center crank. 1 7x9 Clarke, center crank. 1 3 2-H. P. upright. 1 No. 2 Gen automatic 1 4-H. P. upright. BOILERS. 2 x16 Kewanee Butt Strap 150-lb. 1 80-H. p. open bottom firebox boiler. 123 lbs. 1 66x16 Butt strap, horizontal tub ular boiler, 125 -lb. 1 6fixlfi Frost 100-Ib. 2 34x16 Frost 100-Ib. 1 54x14 Kewanee high - preesur butt strap, horizontal, tubular. 1 125-H. P. Hawkes. combination water tube and tubular boiler; 130-ib. working pressure; all steel setting. , 1 60x16 Standard tubular boiler. 1 40-H. P. Kewanee firebox, 110 1 DS. ' 1 4o-H. P. Russell firebox boiler. 2 30x12 Erie City tubular boilers. - 1 23-H. P. Kewanee firebox boiler.- 2 30-H. P. Russell firebox, H. P. 1 OO-H. P. upright boiler. 1 40-H. P. upright boiler. 1 50-H. P. upright. 52x102. ' 1 15, 6. 5 and 4-H. P. uprights. RESAWS. . 1 No. 342 Berlin band reeaw. 1 No, 44 R. MoDonough reeaw. 2 36-inch circular reeaws. 2 8-ln. horiz. Mershon band resaws. 1 No. 281 Berlin rip saw. PLANERS. 1 No. 24 14x30 Berlin planer. 1 8x24 Hoyt planer and matcher. 1 0x30 Fay-Egan single surfacer. 1 12x30 No. 177 Berlin del. sur facer. 1 8x15 Amer. planer and matcher. 1 6x15 Amer. planer and matcher. 1 6x15 No. 04 Berlin planer. S 6x24 4-S Cal. No. 1 P. & M. 1 12-in., 10-in. and 9-Ln. stickers. 1 2 -spindle s ha per. STEAM FEEDS, 2 9x12 Wheland. 1 14x18 steam feed. ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 1 75-K. W., 3-phase, 60-cycIe gen erator, complete with exciter and switchboard. 1 60-H. P. motor. 1 50-H. P. motor. 2 25-H. P. motors. 1 15-H. P. motor. 1 A. C. motor. ' 1 5-K. YV. generator. 1 6-H. P. motor. DONKEYS. 1 0x1 0 Tacoma yarder. 5500 ft. 9-10 haulback line and 2500 ft. main line; line very best. 1 8x10 Willamette yarder. 1000 ft. main line; and 2500 ft. haulback line; line good as new. 1 8 4xUl dbl. cyl. 3-drura hoist. without boiler. 1 6x7 dbl. cyl. reversible sgl. drum hoist. SHAVING FANS. 1 60, 1 50, 1 45, 1 40, 1 35, 1 30. SPECIAL MISCELLANEOUS. 1 No. 43 Phoenix hoff. 1 30-ft. span hand operated crane, 3-ton capacity. 1 set of irons for stiff leg derrick. 1 Challon-er single - block shingle machine, late pattern. 1 Challone-r double block. 1 American side-head grinder. 1 No. 7 Gardner City blower. 1 No. 5 Gardner City blower. 1 8-in. Hill steam drag saw. ' 1 8Hx30 mult, steam dragsaw. 1 power shear. OUR MACHINERY IS THOR OUGHLY REBUILT AND GUAR ANTEED. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 61 FIRST ST. Portland. Oregon. BURKE MACHINERY CO., CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 7 tons -in. and 1-ln. drill steel. 60 dozen 8-lb. hammers. 10 dozen 4-Lb. hamsners. 100 24-in. gauge swede care. 20 blacksmiths' vises. 60 12xl4-ft. to 16x22-ft. tents. 6 30-hole blasting machines. 60 wheelbarrows. 6 shilling ranges. 10 portable forges. plO tons 35-Ib. rails. 6 tons 20-Ib. rails. 1 18B revolving1 shoved. BOdLEfRS AND ENGINES. 1 00 H. P. firebox boiler. 1 60 H. P: firebox boiler. 1 14x18 Swede crank engine. 1 7xl0 horizontal at earn engine. 1 8x10 horizontal steam engine. 1 8x10 upright. Bdwy. 692. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. BATHTUBS. TOILETS. frTINKS, BASINS. LAUNDRY TRAYS. GUARANTEED. PIPE AND FITTTNGS. NEW AND USED. About 25,000 feet of pipe, all sizes, from H to 12 inches. All kinds of fittings and valve a SPECIAL QUANTITY PRICES ON PIPE. WOB 66x16 BUTTSTRAP HIGH PRESSURE BOILE'R AS GOOD AS NEW. LATHE. OtNIB SMALL, BARNES. NO. 5. WITH EXTRAS. $1115. PULLEYS ALL KINDS AND SIZES. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY . AND MILL EQUIPMENT. FOR LOWEST POSSIBLE) PRICES ON MACHINERY. PIPE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. ZIDELL-BERENSOtN" CO., Marshall 1332. 209-11 Front St. PORTLAND, .OREGON. FOR SALE. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. AIR COMPRESPO-RS.. AIR RECEIVERS. GAS ENGINES. PUMPS. B LOWERS. FLOODLIGHTS. DAVIS ELECTRIC PIPE THAWEiR. SPECIALS. 14 H. P.. SINGLE-PHASE" MO TOR. 1 20-IN. BAND SAW. 1 SACK CONCRETE MIXER ON WHEELS. 40 H. P., 2300-VOLT MOTOR. 75 H. P., 440-VOLT MOTOR. INSTALLATIONS AND MOTOR REPAIRING. B. E. TAViS ELECTRIC CO.. 75 FRONT ST. AUTOMATIC 5S5-49.. FOR SALE. Machinery Wanted. WANT from 2 to 5 -horsepower, single puasealternating current motor. State price and condition. Walter Nelson, Til laraook. Or. WE ARE in the market for 60 to 70-ton Rod locomotive, suitable for legging op- erations. National Lumber & Mfg. Co., . Hoquiam. Wash. " ' WANTED Good second-hand fire box x boiler. 70 to 100 h. p. Arthur . Eade. YVarrendale, Or. WANT solid bench lathe or small regular lathe. Call Bdwy. 3278. WANTED To lease a well-drilling chine. AV 16-3, regonian. Miscellaneous. ECONOMIZE -BUY HERE!' BOYV KNICKERBOCKER PASTS, corduroy and other material, 20c to s .50 SWEATERS, men's and children's, 15c to 1.15 LADIES' SUIT, mixed color, jer sey, size 38.. $ 5.65 CHILDREN'S DRESSES, washable, sizes to 10 years 25c to $ .45 LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES, nice ones $ .75 MEN'S 3-piece suit, about 40, blue with gray pin stripe, fine quality.Sll.50 LADIES' SUIT, about 38, dk. blue.? 5.85 MEN'S COAT and VEST, about 40,. 5.00 MEN'S 3 pc. suit, gray, about 38.. S 3.83 OVERCOAT," young man's, about 18. dk. gray mixed 3.85 PICTURES, tiice assortm't, 15c to.$ -.30 ' Buy your shoes, here. You wiil get good material, good looks:,-comfort and durability for the same price about as it would cost you to . half sole and heel only. Every member of .the family can bo fitted nicely. Yoti are bound save money, because we are not selling shoes, or anything else, just to make a profit on. WE ARE AIMING TO GIVE JOBS TO THE HANDICAPPED OF PORTLAND. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. . (In business for service not profits.) 212 Third St.. Near Salmon. THIS WILL SOLVE MANY - A MUSIC -QUESTION. A good parlor organ is better for stu dents and for good music in the home than is a mediocre piano.',' Give more thought to music, Let the youngsters study music and practice on a gooa parlor organ. , -Here is the opportunity. We are closing out 17 organs, each of mem at less man nair actual value, ana we take terms $1 down, $3 month. Sale nrices. $18. $25. $37. $40. Kimbalis. Es- teys. Mason; & Hamlin and many other weu-Known aiiaK.es. SPECIAIi A receipt of $2 will be given for each $1 paid up to one-third the sale price or tne organ tms week, proviaea you uring tms clipping. QREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, 287 Wash. St., just below Fifth. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your we-t wash to the Snow Flake laundry; ciotnes waanea snowy wnite in separate "compartments. M O N D A V, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 70 CENTS; THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 60 CENTS. 4 CENTS each additional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. BEAUTIFUL Heed piano, almost good as new; owner says slaugnter lor $jho oraer to- get casn, or win sen on time payments for $300, $10 per month; also an Emerson mahogany upright, fine tone and same price; also a small Emerson, only $200. See Eilers. Second floor, Eilers Music bldg. SEWING MACHINES. Giving away stocking darner with sale of each new or used machine. Slightly used. $16 to $35. Phone -Main 6833. To ren or buy. Singer Store. J. G. Walters, manager. li3 4th St., near Taylor. OR SALE Two trundie beds with mat tresses, $3' each; oriole basket, $3; twin oriole basket, $3; Fulton coiapsible sui key, $3 ; 4-section Lindstrom bookcase, slightly damaged, $4; 5-foot baby pen, 3; high chair. 50c; bassinette, 50c East 5227 after Sunday. LEFT on sale, nice mahogany VIctrola, the kind, that costs $L50: also late records worth $22; owner will sacrifice all for $100, account moving away. Stee phonograph Headquarters, 3d floor of Eilers building. Phone Bdwy. 5323. SET DISHES, porcelain; 1 calculator; 1 silk and chenille iioor lamp snaae; pair of goose feather pillows; 2 large rag rugs; 2 rattan rockers; 2 white dressers; .2 white beds with springs and mat tresses; white desk and chair. Main 6389. VICTROLA. Beautiful $125 VIctrola and 30 dandy records, cost $153; price $110, $15 down, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 50 Alder. ' A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER S Big cittie Jewelry store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. AM WRECKING two frame buildings at 508 Mississippi ave., material for sale; scrap wood, $1 per .load. Phone Wood lawn 2789. FO'R SALE1 Newlife violet ray machine, practically new. two extra ftttaenments, cost $28; will sell for $18. Call Tabor 44ti. FUEL to fit the present-day pocket book; a good grade of furnace coal lor a rew a ays oniy, .ow per ton, in bin. central ETiet co., aain x-otro. BROKEN doll Is a child's tragedy, but ? i n ' t nnrrv vnn can rftDftir them at the Djll Hospital at 464 Washington, st. between 13th and 14th. . . BRUNSWICK SNAP. $225 Brunswick and 30 fine records only $170; $25 down. ia montniy. iiyatt Talking .M-acnine co., K3V Aiaer. MlAJEkiTIO COMBINATION RANGE. p Separate ovens, 4 gas burners, 6 holes for fuel ; a baxgain lr taueti toaay, Main 3816. STORE FIXTURES FOR LESS. Show cases, wall cases, scales, pool- tables, back and front bar, adding ma- cuipe; many other rixxures izf isx st. NEW ENAMELED universal combination cook stove, for wood, coal or gas. Oood baker, $150, cost $200; good as new. Sell. 3380. 687 K. 9th. NEARLY new 3 Riverside tires, 32x3; straight side with tubes, '$5; one full Presto tank, $6; one A. B. C. gas stove, $12. 79 Buffalo st.. Kenton car. ATTRACTIVE red fluff rug, almost new woven from Axmlnster rug. Size lOxlGL Price $15. Phone East 2201. FOR SALE Pure loganberry Juice, 5 gallon lots, $1.25 per gallon. . Johnson Cider Co., 24T Yamhill. Main 4248. MOVING PICTURE machine, with Mazda light cost $150; will sell for $50. Room 206 Rivoli Theater bldg. HOME canned fruit and jellies for sale cheap. 1449 Winona " sL, Woodlawn, all day Monday. KELLY'S directory, latest edition, haif price, $10. 401 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. WALNUT he'll tree, large mirror and um brella rack, marble top with drawer. East 6046. ' HAVE paid $75 on Ruud automatic gas water heater No. 2 ; will sell equity for $25. Automatic 325-27. . FOR SALE About 1000 filbert sprouts, mixed varieties, mostly Barcelona, Ta bor 4851. FOR SALE Farm pumping outfit, gas engine, tank ana tower. can xaDor 7294. or address C. W. Hulse,. Lents, Or. A BRAND new Dal ton adding machine , will trade for a good phonograph. East 14S0. 457 Williams ave. vVILL. TRADE a good Cleveland motor cvcle for cord wood. Phone East 1480. R7 Williams ave. NEW HAMILTON-BEACH sewmg ma chine motor; never usea, io. Mar. 3KP1. 3, A KODAK, F 6.3 lens, ball bearing shutter and case, 55U. Marshall 11U4. FOR SALE Monarch Sange, nearly new. AUtO. 624-3L BABY CARRIAGE for sale cheap. 3S31. DIAMOND SOLITAIRE, nearly lk, . very ively gem, bargain. $225. Maranar. 34S3. NEW 250-3000 SAVAGE, cost $82, only $35. Newman, 128 1st. Tiear Alder. FOR SALE Almost new high-grade ward robe trunk. $50: cogt $lgg. TMr 5341. WOOD heating stove with pipe and elbows. $15. Tabor 2.J72. 10.00O-GALLON tank, pump and tire for sale cheap. xeiepnone iasx Q40J. NEW AUTO KNITTER for sale. 455 N. 2Qtn St., faaiem, nr. SACRIFICE my diamond earrings, pure color, $140. Marsftall 11U. . BLUE white diamond, cost $133, will take $115. Marshall liu. NEW $30 TODD CHECKWRiTER, ONLY $18. Ps il IWAl-AJN. final, s. n w rs. APPLES, nice Spitzenberg, $1.35; apples. $1.25 per oox. r.. wz.-i. 1 DIAMOtN'D ring for sale. Cail Marshall FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. 292 RUSSELL ST.. bet. Williams and Rodney. Are you looking for bar gains goods at less than whole sale prices ? Unclaimed freight and salvage .stock. Consists such articles as women's tan calfskin oxfords, men's felt and velour hats, sweaters, shirts, hosiery, sox, vests, bloomers, boys' suits, pants, some canned goods, soap, toilet par per, shoe polish, etc. All new goods. Come in and look around. Monday only, women's cumfy cut vests, 15c Boys' up-to-date .hats and caps, choice 50c. RUSSELL ST. BARGAIN STORE. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN ' by nerve-blocking, zone therapy or con ductive anesthesia; without danger or after-effects; we perform all dental op erations without pain. Come in and let us prove it to you; X-ray work. DR. A. YV. KEENE, DR. E. J. KIESENDAHL, ' Above Majestic Ther.ter. En. 3ol H Wash. STAMP COLLECTORS. We are breaking up a large collection; many fine oid U. S. and foreign stamps; we carry everything for the stamp col lector; albums, hinges, packets, sats, du plicate books, stamp tuns a. wasfermark detectors, etc. stamp collection bought and sold; op?a daily 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.. Sundays 10 A. M. to 4 P. M Columbia Stamp & Coin Co., 94 N. Itith s t . WONDERFUL VICTROLA BARGAIN. Most beautiful mahogany Y'lctrola, style XVII, electric, cost $415, and loo finest records, cost about $375; price o5, terms. Hyatt Talking Machine .co.. aw Amer. LADY'S dark blue tailor-made suit, size 40, beautiful material and lining. brown silvertone coat, siae 30. $S, Pair . patent leather two-strap pumps, v size. bAA, ?3. ov. 4io Harrison st., apt. o. 41am 8ai4. WHY THE -weeping and wailing and moaning about a leaky roof? Why not be cheerful and comfortable under durabie and permanent roof? Phone all your roof troubles to Broadway 79 OAK DINiN'tJ room set, spring hat, flow er trimmed. 4ti: new orantre party dress, never- worn, $10, size 36. Heavy brown motor coat, new gray shoes,, size 5&. raoor iroo. MULT1-ACOLST1CON LITTLE - GIANT. Ex-soldier, who has . learned "lip- reading, offers above slightly used Acousticon , for $30. Apply American Red Cross. Piatt building. FOR SALE A complete set of Voltaire's -works, including index, in red Ductcram binding, almost new, very reasonable. Call Mr. Dunbar, Col. 78. . SILK LAMP SHADES. Shades made to order for.a.11 makes of lamas; also nxcure iignts, prices rea sonaole. 46 Union ave. North. DRY COW, electric bicycle lamp, 160-egg incubator,- wood or coal heater, or will trade for auto accessories, or what have you? Marshall 1118. GRAY wicker oriole, cost $23, will sell for $10; also hand-embroiderod baby . cape, cost 10, will sell for 3.50. Broad- 'yway 633. BARGAINS in used sewing machines, all makes, including Singers, Whites, New Homes and Nationals; guaranteed; $12.50 and up. 172 3d st., near -YambUi: WE! .DELIVER pianos; no mars, no fuss, at -lowest rates. Phone delivery depart ment. Oregon" Eilers -Music House. Broadway 5323. BRUNSWICK., ' Beautiful cabinet model Brunswick, only $75; $10 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder.. LARGE, newly . enameled and " reiined French gray wicker baby carriage; good as new; a bargain. Phone Mar shall 4097 after 12 M. .- -. BEAUTIFUL solitaire, value 90u; must ..sacrifice for $630 cash E" 391; Orego nian. ' - FOR. SALE Iowa cream separator, .ca pacity 7o0, practically new, bargain. Jj 440 Oregonian, FOR SALE Peninsular 6-iiole steel range, $40; Lilly heater: $15; "quart jars. 40c dozen 960 East 38d st. N. LAHIE cast iron heater, complete with pipe and four eacits ot nara coai, :o. Call 48 E. 3d st. .. . RELIABLE gas range, right side oven. 25; copper coil water neater, .ov; will deliver. iast 4&o. $90 FULL DRESS suR. like new, $40; $10 down, tmiance per uwmu. jwj. Tailor, 104 4th st. , NEW WHITE enameled bassinette, lined and padded, baby ouggy, usea a. xew times. East 53 14. HORSE, harness, buggy, Iigtht spring Fairmont Chesapeake, Council wagon. ' Crest. TWO ALADDIN KEROSENE .UAAl-t'fci, guaranteed brand new, $f eacn. . ju o-j. Oregonian. FOR SALE 140-egg X-ray incubator in geod condition, reasonaoie. jrnone oou- wood d4i4. M I HAVE electric light and water system. cost $1000, sell tor joov, new. a axt. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL purple broadcloth suit with large iur collar; purpio velvet xia-i; very reasonable. East 3305. FOR SALE Twin beds, complete; dresser, chiffonier and chair, ivory unisn, euv. East 4975. WAGON, harness and almost new rain coat. For all, 2o. tdz rj. i-ttn. si. Woodstock car. VULCANIZING outfit for sale. For further information see -unaries . . xTowDriage, Q u i m'by hotel. 29 4th St. S7."i ovrrcoat. iust like new, $35; $5 Tailor, 104 4th at. NEW HAMILTON BEACH sewing ma- chine motor, never usea, xo. jviarsnau 3891 THREE-BURNER AB gas range, all white enamel, with oven ana sneii. xux ju.asi 33d st. North. DOUBLE coil Do Lux spring bed, like new, $22. 266 N. r3th; also two rocKers DOUBLE burner Manning," gas maker. pressure and storage tanit. Aiar. am SlNUE'R sewing machine, .practically new, $30. Storage. 114 union ave., near Aiaer. SPANISH ermine fur cape, unlined; make offer; worth $135. 830 E. 32d st. North. OVEiR 20O0 feet of flooring and. lots of 2 by 4; tor tne lot. oj naaaaio ai. it. PLANET JR. seeder with hoes, cultivator and Dlow. $13; good as new. 205 Monroe. ELK' HEAD, 7 prongs, a fine one, $45. Telephone E. 4oOU. 2 PAIR silk lined hangings, all kinds silk wool dresses, hats. -. East 2209. t INFANT layette, hand embroidered; price reasonable. i4f hj. 46tn. xaoor inu. FOR SALE Gray reed baby carriage, $J5. Tabor 6953. . OAK dining room table for sale-. Tabor oi3. FOR SALE Journeys Through Bookland, $15.-Apply 3ua Corbett Diqg, FOR SALE Radiant gas heater. SDth St. Sell. 126SK ONE A. B. gas range and Ruud heater at a bargain. 4S4 E. Clay. WINCHESTER 25-35 rifle Bargain. -fine condition. Call East 248. Target sights. ELECTRIC washing machine, copper tub, for sale, reasonable. Tabor 1351. LIGHT delivery box for Ford roadster, $6. Marshall 1072. NECK FUR, NEW. SNAP PRICE, AFTER HEMSTITCHING, Uc yard.. Mrs. James, 387 tamnill st. LOTS of free dirt at . 802 Mallory avec Phone Broadway oi. BEAUTIFUL orchid satin evening gown, size 38, S14. can h-ast iioi. FOR SALE Second-hand brick. Call after 4 P. AI. East a LADY'S new waists. size as. Marshall 4225. , FO'R SALE, clwap, 200 feet wooLen gut- ers. new. Fhone xa.por arwg. COiiOXA typewriter, in case; trade lor. coffee urn. Bdwy. zutm. in. lain st. TABLE'S, trays, rang and a lot of cafe- ter a supplies for sa;e, cneap. do olii au ADJUSTING table for sale cheap. 426, Oregonian. FOR SALE: One three-quarter A. C. elec- tric motor. Woodlawn 4325. PRACTICALLY new Half safe, fireproof. 212 Railway Jxcnange ums. GLASS CASE FOR MEAT MARKET. PARTICULARS X 443, OREGONIAN. OPERA glasses, -pearl, maKer Colmont, Paris, leather case, $12. Tabor 755. 21-JEWEL Hamilton, 16 size, $40. Mar shall 11U4. FOR SALE Alexander Hamilton Institute course tor o. ami qvu .ih. nmS. A. B. COMBINATION range, good condi tion, reasonable. Main 3022 BOY'S bicycle; also girl'i sonable. 352 Chapmai). bicycle ; rea Irvlngton car. CEiM'ENT block machine for sale or trade. Main 5'Jl'l. 1 DOZEN shipping boxes, about 8 cubic feet capacity. juwy. jo.i. r.on RTT.KIN ESS CARDS $1.50. Acorn Press, Wash., near' Sth. 1 RUUD water heater. $12.50; 1 vacuum cieaner. u. jxam rtn. LARGE stove, srood condition; burns coal or wood. Call Tabor 8970. FOR SALE All-leather suitcase; lavalliere Wit P. gmaii QiaiUUflU. Jr 0, cnuiiia.u. PiPRRS nnd messages of the presidents for sale cheap. Call Woodlawn 3634. 4 6-HOLE range, good condition, $15. Phone Columbia 219 between 1 and 6 P. M. A ORAY wrap for sale. Woodlawn 3t34. FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. COLD LATELY? Yes, but our customers do not worry about freezing their' nose a little If they can keep their pocket book warm. Hal ha; that's the , place most heat comes from in the modern world. BUILDERS' HATtDWAKB. The factory talks to you in price through LEVI N. The Dork ay design front door lock, $3.25 retail, builders' price $1.75 For the better grade of home, solid brass, sanded, with pol ished high lights, a noble bungalow handle, solid cast brass cylinder lock, $13.50 retail builders price- $9.90 A large selection of Corbln bun galow handles, designs suitable for any type of home, ali priced pro portionately. A well-constructed large bevel inside mortise lock set to cut the cost of inside hardware; a set complete .'....766 4 Most builders just inquire the price of nails or locks and then conclude that their saving is through. There you are mistaken. ' Some people are paying 23c each 1 for glass drawer knobs, wo quote at builders' price of 14c. Then your hinges, basement sets, case ment adjusters, fasteners, drawer pulls, sash cord, pullies. wood lifts, rope, cupboard turns and 20 other small items you need and which ordinarily the builder never con siders. A printed builders list in sures you, Mr. Homebuilder. a real saving down to your last item. Consider your price on cup board catches at -$ .09 Casement adjusters, 60c grade at 33 The beautiful "Diamond" pure white glass inside mortise glass knob sets; a beauty; builders' price 1.08 CONCRETE WHEELBARROWS. A solid, heavy frame concrete barrow, heavy wheel, build ers" price $8.70 Courteous salesmen, a real sav ing, plus 30 years oi' honest deal ings, make this an Ideal place to buy your builders hardware. ROOFING. Complete with nails and cement, Acme grade. 1- ply roofing $1.25 2- ply roofing 1.45 3- ply roofing 1.S5 This is the home of the high grade "STORM KING" roof ing. If you want service, dependable goods cost you little more. Medium, guar anteed ten years and will easilv srive you flften years' service; builders' price, per roll ..$288 CARPENTERS' TOOLS. We have but one motto: Not only to Bave you money, in new or used tools, but to satisfy ycu. Smooth plane, all steel, regu- lar S4, now $2.90 r All-steel two-foot squares for , general use 95 A handv one-foot steel square .35 Goodell-Pratt miter box and saw 14-T5 A guaranteed forged steel hammer, $1.40 value 90 Good used hand and up saws, one-half of new price. -Wood chisel, bevel edge, one half Inch Wood chisel, bevel edge, three quarter inch 75 Barton spike adz, $5 value, for-... 315 In our complete line of carpen ter tools you can find the Disston. Simonda Athens, Stanley. Red Devil, e(c, lines at real values to you. BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Lancaster blowers, regular $28.50, wholesale cost now $3H, our price $21.50 Self-feed blacksmith post drill, $15 values, to lower our stock J - A good repair anvil 6-45 Price proportionate on all steel anvils, forges, blowers, hardies. tongs or anything you need in blacksmith equipment, new. or used, at real values. PUMPS. ' a m We handle the celebrated "MEYERS" pump. We don t merely sell you a pump, we fur nish you a type for your purpose and guaranteed to give ""S tion. Incidentally, the . GLAbS SEATS" MEYERS pump line 1 the standard grade dropped from $16.85 to around $10. The sam guarantee Just the same. FENCING. -Any type ot chicken fencing, rabbit wire, hog or field tonce, smooth or barbed wire, at the -LEVIN figurei . LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNI TURE CO., 221-223-225 Front St. 202-204-206, Corner Salmon St. OUR ONE BIG ATM? TO ALWAYS TREAT YOU FAIR. BABY GRAND PIANO. Very latest style, high grade. cep tionany beautiful toned, baby grand Dlano. in dark mahogany case price only $575; $75 down, balance 1Vahln. lv Daymen its. O.W....O Co.. ar0 Altler. DOORS, windows. lumber, molding., mill work, Blasa. roofing and hotbed i .ash. S. our odd stock of sash and door, for prloes. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet MorrUoa and Yamhill, rnone jyit... SEWING machines, new and se cond-hand. sold for less; no agents "PlM;J;.c plete line of parts for all makes, ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE KMPORIM 190 Third St., near Taylor. Main H43I. MAKE a small payment and wear yvar eyeglasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeier Optical company, second floor, Oregonian bids. SAFES Firs and burglar-proof safes, ne and second-hand, at right prices; bought, sold and exchanged; casV terms if a- EareNORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., lvx Second St. Broadway iv. WALL case, old ivory finish, buirt vmt stero Tor oiou.ea, imo . Tower compartments, sliding door. hav. no room for it name your own price. Young's Gown shop. 130 10th st. w LADIES' siiKhtly used garments. terials; suits 5 to $25; catf;,, lowest prices. Fourth floor 403 Allsky ma. Vniue. 3d. near Morrison. ..tci-t;- TVPV.WRTTER. Fine Woodstock typewriter No. 5. Ilka w, cost $100; price $55. $15 down, bal- ,nthiv. Hvatt Talking Machine ance" monthly. Hyatt Talking Co., 330 Aiaer. HOT WATER tanks, 30 gal., $7; 40 gal.. $ 9 ; , tfiiranteed: stove and furnace oils 'els heaters' Installed; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh, 203 Adams. E. 8516, r'Au-ptT. FOR SALE. - 75 yards high-grade Axmlnster carpet fnr nala verv cheap. See it at oil Mul berry St.. l?dd'" addition. Call East 1096. NO 1 POTATOES', highland grown, best cookers. 5-sack lota and over at $1.65 close in, delivered. John Schmid. Tl- gard. Or. BED SPRINGS, woven wire; lawn mowor. c othes wringer, i ., .;. ,. fiAn and fruit Jars. Automatic 234-14. 1300 Fast Tavlor. corner- 4.-th. A PEASE upright, fine tone, rich, dark ra,ra Piano dept . 2d- floor Eilers' Muslo bldg. tii vn pnR RR"T. Splendid "toned piano for rent, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. DAINTY, artistic pieces for home gifts, prizes. Little Art Shop. 336 North western Bank building. TODD check writer, latest model, used very little, in be bought cheap. Nord strom, 111 pt- HONEY warranted unadulterated, strained, nilld; quart 55c. East 1416. FOR RENT Sewing machine, 2 months. mmpire iransiei, i"."of -lu-u. FOR RENT Sewing machines, 2 mo., $0. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 155. ' FOR SALE Lady's riding boots, black, size 5 "4 C. Call Main 4838. RADIANT FIRE, cost $flO, will aacrlfice for ouick sale. $35. 788 HoqdBt. FOR SALE Pierce bicycle, $20. CaJl eve- nings, -rjas-c i&.-o. BABY bassinet., in good condition. wood i n.jif. BOYLE-DAYTON gasoline pump and tank. Cheap, fliarsnau io.)q. FURNITURE repairing, mirrors, mdiclne cabinets, etc. Call Woodlawn 1487. NEWTON high-power rifle, good as new. $45. Marsnau iiv'. OLD MASTER'S violin, 1630, $100 cash. 5Q2 Stock Exchange. EXQUISITE valentine cards. 838 N. 'w'. Bank building. AUTO HOIST and chain b loo It. Tabor 123U A