TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 193 KE.ll ESTATE. BEAX. ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. "ITW TODAT. EW TODAT. JTEW TODAY. KW TODAT. REAL "ESTATE. for Sal Flat and Apartment Property. For Sale Lote. For Sale Ixts. Will Net Purchaser Better Than 8 WEST SIDE Improved QUARTER BLOCK This very eloee-in quarter block Is under rood lease to responsible tenant engaged In a lung-established bual- Property- Is so rrormdVd rry otfcer improved properties), la close to trackage nd Tory near downtown district, and In line of city's business de velopment. Lessee pay TAXES AVO RAVrt Price J5S.000. and satisfactory terms can be arras geU. Tklsi rery will sisrt apleaaM lavestsseat. J" I aside mTtr Dealers. TEOl ILDOi Jf'""" - ... J US-- . Fonnor Colonial Homo for 1691 IV YOU expect to bond borne yea wtn do yoarself a real favor by (ettiac Frnner's proposition. Fenner homes include plans snd specifications, lumber cut to fit. Uth. shinties, doors snd windows, mill work, buildinc paper, sails, paint. bard ware and tin work. More than 100 desirns to choose from, or we will build from your own plan. For more than II years Fenner has built factory-cut homes in aU parts of the coun try. We caa show you many besatiiul tenner homes in Portland. If you need assistance in the planning or financinr of your home. Fenner can help you. We can build a limited number of soldier-bonus homes immediately. CLOSE-IN FLATS Corner, 100x100. Rental value) $500 pr month. Easy terms. Price $31,000 NOB HILL APT. Walkinfr distance, modern. Rents 345. $7000 cash, bal ance 6. Price $18,500 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY! BUY NOW! IIULIL lBUIVIMO OX FORTY-SECOND STREET, NEAR FREMONT Clns- to nrhool, carlin, merona ntTct from WiUihlre. where lot are .-. ling- for 1500 to 21 ACRES AT SI250 PER ACRE KfisoniiW term to rtg-ht buvrr. Ut us show you. RITTER, LOWE & CO. RK.UTOKS roi-3-s-.-T nmnn of tr idk Yamhill and Twelfth 100x100 $35,000 PROf.Rr iMVK DISTRICT. Donald G. Woodward 104 Srreid Street. rine Manufacturing Site Approximately 17 lz Acres Ovfr 1 1 tef frontape on th I.AMKTTK KIVKR in the manufactur ing diHtrict. with the Southern I1 -cifu' and Oreeon Kiectrlc lines sd JoiuinK and closr to pronerty. To closr an estate, a price of $60,009 will b accepted and easy terms graated. E. IV I. Brown rr-l A ansa its Bun-orso If isesxi ININER MFG. COLJpl fcsdii run a ii ii i i ii i o si a 11 A. V. Bask Bide. Mala WANTED West Side Busi ness Prop erty Will Assume and Pay Cash. Property to $300,000 Will Be Considered Otrr 1 1 e n t Is the owner of splendid west side properties, free and dear of en cumbrance, tn value to $100,000. Some 1 m prorsments. Will e x e h a n ce all or part of them and assume any reason able mortfiee and pay whatever cash neces sary for west side busi ness property la varus to 1300,000. This proposition Is mads because o 1 1 e n t desires to concentrate holdlnjrs. Closest rn sp e o 1 1 on is Invited. The character of properties now owned by client are of un questioned worth and could bs bandied to Srofltable advantage y purchaser. J am Me Ii osei ty Dealers, YKOrf BUMS. BEAUTIFUL 1RVINGT0N PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTIUN SECURE YOUR HOME SITE NOW ! , Lex Pries Reaacea for Short Ttaee Osjly . INSIDE $1250, $1500, $1800 ' CORNERS $1650, $2000, $2500 Drive out today, between East' Four teenth and East Twenty-fourth. Tilla mook: and Fremont streets. Remem ber, all improvements in and Included In the price. Ton will havs to pay mors In the spring;. Let us show you. For your convenience you may call Sundays or eveninjrs. Tabor 4139, or, week days. Bdwy. T567. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS xn-S-3-S-T Board of Trade Bids. TWO GOOD BUYS BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE AJTTTAL ITCOMH... CaSH fAEQl IREJJ. . . . .B34.00O . .$00,000 BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE APfWTJAXj HfOa. CASH RKttllHJiO.. lo.ono 13,000 Very attractive terms will be (riven on these high - rrade. exception ally well-located apart ment bouses. 0. W. BRYAN M Chamber of Oosasaerco Balldln-. Broadway SMS. NOB HILL APT. Corner, 60x100. Very choice location. Building: in pple pie condition. Select tenants. Marble halls. All tiled baths. Would cost $90,000 to replace building. Rentals $1140 per' month unfurnished. No leases, no trade. 4- $70,000 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. FOR SALE New Brick Building la Heart of Ross City Park. COXTAI' STORES AD APART MKXTS ALL RK.NTED. IS PER CEXT OX INVESTMENT. This Is a Wonderful Buy Savo Cosamtosioa. SEE 0"VKR AT 90S THIRD ST. TO RENT Automobile Building 50x100. Two stories, electric slerator. fine salesroom with offices oa mexsanine. This building Is lo cated on main thorouf hfare. west side, and offered at very low rental. J. P. STAVKR. Maeleay Bide. Reatal Realtor. BUILD NOW Building plans at the most reasonable rates In the city. Stock and special plans. D. M. CROOKS P. O. BOX 3643. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES $37,500 WEST SIDE APARTHE3TT. , Frame apartment In A - 1 condition; 15 apartments, and three stores on ground floor. Good income. $13,000 down and mort . gage for balance. $36,000 V rHTlVGTO V BI SGALOW APART MEST. Select bung-alow apart mente; eight apartments of f lvo rooms each, all roo-Yna outside; hardwood floors, built-in buffets; separate furnaces. In come is $600 per month. Terms. . sisiooo BAST SIDE KUTS, Four apartments, close In. Good district. Five rooms each. Separate furnaces, corner lot. Very easy terms. $10,500 east side flats. Three flats, close tn. Sepa rate furnaces; fireplaces. Goo4 c o n d i t I ons. $4000 down and easy terms on fcaiance. . KOTEt' For These sad Other Spleadld BsiImm Property I vestmeats MM u S IRKS - PPOPSJ-TT' '-' - T , . ... . v , Talra St, Bet. Wash, and Stark. Will Build Downtown to srrr TEX AM T And Give Long' Term Lease This corner property is on one of the principal business streets AND 19 RAFIDLY BECOMKO B OF THE FIXF.ST BUSINESS STREETS. For responsible ten ant, client will build to suit up to $150,000, and give long- term lease. THIS IS A HFLI! BTDID OPPOR TIMTY FOR SOME BUSIXBSS CONCERN, Inside Property "Dealer, YKO BLDG. oH:-y Fine West Side Home on the Heights On block from Westover. comer 29th and Raletgh streeta Eight rooms. Includ ing glassed-in sleeptng porch,; best of con struction, beautifully finished and strictly modern la every detail; two baths, two fireplaces ana not water neat: very nn basement with fruit and laundry rooms iraraa-e built in with house; level lot, nice lawn, fine shrubbery and magnificent v i w of sn o p-c apoed mounCaiTifl. $ iB, 00O. liberal terms if desired. E. M. BROWN lift V. W. Bank Rid jr. Main ?42. .WEST SIDE BARGAIN 100x150 Must bs sold for cash at once or lose this and other property. This is a beauti ful corner facing on car. only one block, from busy thoroughfare and very large concerns. Street paved ; sidewalks, sewer and all other citv conveniences in and in cluded In price. Clear title and abstract. - TOTAL PRICE $4000 FOR ALL Assessed at S6700. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS roi-2-3-7 Board of Trade Bids;." $5000 GASH New Brick Warrhoaae. Wita 20.000 Sq. Ft. Floor Area. On quarter block, 100 - foot switch, with loading platform, on common-user track. Electric elevator, offices, gas heat; cen trally located and now vacant. Offered Below Cost Oa Easy Terms., J. F. STAVER Macleay Bldg. Reatal Realtor. AN UNUSUAL OFFER SI 2,000 NC3 HILL DISTRICT ' West, side modern residence on Northrup etreet. near 26th. Large rooms, well arranged: large sleep ins; porch; garafre. Immediate pos session. IIEXRV W. RODDARD, REALTOR 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 731. . 1 -'.- '-j'n' One Real BUNGALOW . - .. . OFES TODAT, X TO 5. - w SEE EX. LantELHlKST. KEW Just built for owner's permanent home. He is trans ferred must sell. Make your own-offer within reason. EVERT JIODHSIXITT" your heart desires. See thorou-chly every detail throughout a good home; you can tell nothlri-r about Its excellency from outside. -Cost was below $&000. Corner. Most costly tile b a t h r o o m. Large Ivory living: room; whole house has best oalc floors; artistically papered; big plate windows; 2 full-length bevel-plate doors; countless other desirable details. See through it 1195 E. Flanders. Immediate possession on easy terms no bother of building with rts pillng-up costs and its delays and exasperation. , OPEN TODAY, TO 5. . See Tfcroagm It Make Offer. R. T. STREET Be iter Home. Portland's Best $8500 Home OPES TODAT 2 TO 6. SEE IT. COLONIAL INTERIOR, center entrance hall, larve riving- room across end of house; bevel plate French doors to large sunroom; Ivory finish and oak floors throughout, brktst. room, tile fireplace, tile bath, several very fine bedr. and L porch; garage. If you will ever own a good sized home. $7090 to 112.500, see this now. Best value in the city. 830 Hamblet ve. best part of Alameda Park. Open today, 2 to 5. R. T. STREET Better Homes, Office SOS East Broadway. East 8M. . Res East 4280. Homes i $10,000 to $20,000 Many choice offerings. If you will ever own such a honje in this city, phone for appointment to see these now. R. T. STREET Better-Homes Realtor RUG CO. FLUFF RUGS Oldest snd beat equipped factory la the northwest. Mads out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save halt the prico of new rug. Uss woolsa clothing. BxlS RUGS 9TUAM CLEANED East SSSO. ' 188 Kast Blgktb. Parrish, Watkins & Co. ' Est. lsor.- Prank E. Watkins. Manager. Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire arid Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 253 Stark St. Phone Broadway 7644 HOME-PURCHASE LOANS Monthly Installment plan. 6 per cent simple Interest, with protection for the family in case of death. Option to take up any time. No commission. . WILLIAM MACMASTER S2S C S. National Bank BalldflnK-. LOAD'S I SV HAN CIS REAt STATE. IF YOU have 500 we will build you a noma on easy payments. Bqwy. aJ7x. For iKalf Flat and Apartment Property. FINE opening- for party with $8500, take nail interest in pooo, up-to-aate apart ment house building, centrally located, will pay better than 14 per cent net; also an apartment and salary for look ing after same. For interview see Mr. Jackson. 530 Stark. WEST SIDE 13 ROOMS. $9000 gets nice home, walking dfs? tance, h. w. floors, hig basement, -furnace, 7 bedrooms, sleeping porch, sight ly location, suitable for h. k. rooms; Just , placed on sale. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND. Realtor, 208 Falling bldg. FOUR-FLAT BLDG. $7500. Ground 50x100 on Union avenue, near Alberta; flats in good condition, income of $100 can be increased; 164 on your investment. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, . 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. $1000 HANDLES FLAT BUILDING. 4 rooms each; private entrance; walk ing distance, all rented; balaooe $4000 to suit purchap-er. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 1H Fifrh St. Bdwy. 6318. INVESTMENT Income paying apartment and store building, weM side, central lo cation; $15,000 to $20,000 will handle: Will nt 14 to 1 per cent above -taxes and insurance. Balance on terms. Ad dress A 417. Orepronian. 20 ROOMS in apartments, partly furnished, and 2 stores, east side, paying 14 per cent on $17.50n. Will take J.'.OOO cash or poultry ranch as first payment: easy terms on remainder. Woodlawn 1184. BUY FROM OWNER. Ft2rnishings of 9-room flat. Income tl0: with livmr rooms for yourself. Phone Main 7S3S. HOL.LkA.DAY addition, two-e-room modern flats and one -room Tiouse: close in: price $7500: rented SS7.50. Owner, 264 t 2d st. X. Phone Eat 2S4. TWO-FAUILT flat, income I7S per mo. A bargain for half cash. Phone Wdln. SSI 100x100 APARTMENTS, rood location, fins income, only 1000. $7500 handlea - Zimmerman. 918 Cham, of Com, bldg. APARTMENTS We have them. pome eood bujts. larste' or small. See us first. Main 4i4. 370 Yamhill, cor. W. Para. 1 EAST 6 IDE FXiATS. TWO 4-ROOM FLATS. Fine location, always rented, $7000, $2000 castt. Income $82 mo. TWO 6-ROOM FLATS. 1 block R- C. car, close in, income $90 mo., sarase. large rooms, $7250, terms. EIGHT 2-ROOM APTS. Income $270 month. This is some investment; $12,000 takes every thing, building fully furnished. Broadway 2371. - PORTLAND HOME CO. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE). 10 apartments, aU 3 rooms, located in gooa aistnct on. east siae. ciose to w ti ll ams ave. Lot is 60x150. Three -story! concrete basement. 6 apartments fur nished. Wall beds and built-in fixtures. This place is a good buy at $31,500, $3000 cash and good house will be taken as first payment. Balance on reasonable terms. See my agent, Mr. Florence, with RlTTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EXCEPTIONAL BUY IN . FLAT PROPERTY. Four,-famlly flat of 4 rooms each.' On good corner of east side, Cyoom bunga low adjoining that Is now 'renting for 940 per month. This bungalow fiaa sip. porch and large closets. Flat is In good condition and Is a good buy for income- bearing property. Property is all clear and I will sell for $12,000. $5000 cash will handle. This property will sell quick. Bee Mr. Florence with RITTER. LOWE & CO.', REALTORS, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BAB-NET JOHNSON CO., REALTOR. . 170 Tenth St. 40 -room corner apartment house build ing. Nob Hill, clears $375 per month and owner's apartment. $30,000: $15,000 td handle. 6 7-room apartment house, brick build ing, clears $700 per month; $38,000; half caah. 30 -room apartment house,' $17,000; clears $225. Be your own landlord: Main 3100. GlitiAT INOOME SACRIFICE FRXOE. lOOxlOO, corner, near heart of city. Some improvements and fin-e income' of about $35O0 a year. Ground le worth more than pflce for all $32,5-00. Very little cash required. See this and dou ble your money. Nori ce -We have some wonderful of ferings today under Real Estate foi Exchaugo. Read them. CK H. SKOTJiEIM REALTY CO.. TN'C, 4QS-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway ff7S7. $7000 CASH, balance easy, new apartment house, income $3000. $15,000 cash, balance easy, 5-story bricK apartment, inoome $24,000. - $25,000 cash, balance easy, 7-story brick hotels income $32,000. $15,000 cash, balance easy, block. Morrison st. Many others. ED DIAMOND CO., 439 Chamber of Commerce. " MODERN apartment, east side, complete ly furnished, modern In every detail, building in best of condition inside and out; fine location, free and clear of all incumbrances; will pay big Interest on investment and does not require your personal attention. Must have $13,000 cash, time or trade on bal. Let us show you this opportunity. UNIVERSAL SALES CO. 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. HAVE a 4 2-room apartment house. Three stories and basement, located in good district on east side. There are 9 apartments of 4 rooms and three of 2 rooms. Large porches on each floor. Fine hall a Very clean, well built and ""paying good money on investment. Will sell for $30,000 on reasonable terms. See Mr. Florence with RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE. 32 apts. and a bonus of $50 per month free for 5 years to the man who has $lv,0O0 cash, balance $8O0O at 7 per cent. This la a bona fide statement. Located west side, 3 minutes from Washington and Broadway. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR, 104 Fifth St. Bdwy. 6318. NEW. MODEM APARTMENT. 12 2-room apartments, all built-in fea tures, up-to-the-minute he&tin? arrange ments; leased to net 7 per cent, or will include complete furnlBhlnxa. Price I27.0O0; with -furniture 31.000. Close In, 60x100 eorner. Could use part desirable exchange. OTIS C. BECK. ' 5io Henry Building. A 5O0D IMflOMFl 8-etory, 1& rooms, can be used as fleets or made in 2-room apartm-enta. High basement, fine location for oonfecttonej-y 'and echool su-pply store. Opposite school; no competition. $4500 handles, balance to suit. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR, 1Q4 Fifth St. Bdwy. 6318. J5250 Buys an paartmem house, close in on east side, 100 feet from carllne; blk. from school. Four apts.. two furnished. Private baths: rents at 1107.50 month. Terms. Will accept small home as part FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. 503-4 Selling Bldg. FINE APT. HOUSE SITE, none better, 100x100, White Temple dist. Produces good Income now. For1 sale cheap. V 437, Oregonian. MODBRN flat bldg. dn west side. 4 five room flats, good income; owners will consiaer iarger . apt. or business proD' erty; will assume or pay difference. wonsiaer apartment site. A. H. AKERSOIT. 420 Henry Bldg.. Mar. 4079. 12.600, WORTH flo.000; modern 4 flats, 4 rooms each besides baths, sleeping porches, built-lns, laundry trays, full cement basement, individual heating plants, Al building on Alblna ave. near iMtuajswonn, naxr casn, easy terms rt. it. anaringnousen, owner. Bdwy. 7478. Sduuu, 1JCOME $50, 16-room apartment jiouse, jot doxoj; aiso S2uuu, income 35, x i wins, iuii an me iime, l oiocK scnool and car. Must sell to settle estate. ,asy terras. Seerle, 1928 East For Sale Beach Property, BEACH FRONTAGE 64 acres 6 miles north of Seaside. Lies west of a fresh water lake, with 2100 feet of ocean frontage. This would be ideal for a beach resort. One mile from Columbia River highway and railroad station; 80 P'r eT. H cash, balance easy. Write Box 412, Seaside. Oregon. GEARHART-BT-THE-SEA. ... wJ?"rom. shingled house with ga wlfo' Si?0.Iot: ,ha' )arBe ivin- vuX.i f JU5cei n'pe dining, room and Kitchen and toilet 1st floor- 3 bed rooms upstairs; Borne furniture; for quick For Sale Irts. 1RVINOTON LOTS. ,f Uf 1o' '"day sure. They are morlng fast. These snaps soon will be gone: 3800100x100 southeast corner 2&th and Hancock. J1600 .Northeast corner, 80x100. Tilla mook and 29th. f o5f5' 150 feet SOIrth f Thompson. t -25th. south Klickitat. (No hard surface). 3700 100x100 N. W. comer 19th and . - Stanton; a wonderful corner. 2th, 50 feet south Stanton. 41400 Cor. 28th and Stanton; one is 118 another Is 53x100 $ 900 2th. Brazes to Knott. 40x100. $1200 Alameda Park view, 62x180. 1000 Alameda Park, best level lot. ' t 825 Facing south oa Broadway, 50 feet east of 31st st. tl0O5 Corner adjoining. 1050 24th. north of Fremont. 150 100x100 corner 26th and Fre mont. Will divide. High lot. $1250 59x100. corner, face south, block from Fremont. 1300 27th, 150 feet sooth of Thomp son, one lot or two. $ 925 Corner or Inside, 25th and Siski you. $ 650 Corner or ' inside, kiyou. 26th and 81s- $2500 75x100, face east. 20th, Brazee to jnompson. $2900 100x100, northeast corner? 14th and Stanton: will divide. $2106 75 feet, 14th next Knott. $ 850 18th. block north of Fremont. $ 960 50x123 to alley, facing south on Clackamas. 150 feet east of 26th. $ 8-5040x120. 27th, north of Brasee. $1850 lflth, 150 feet north of Knott. U50 2fith. Knott to Brazee. $1000 50x100, 27th. south of Knott $1250 15th, next store, near Brazee. $1400 25th. Brazee to Knott. $1950 90x100 N. E. corner Hancock and 29th. Can deliver 200x200 here or less, at attractive prices. $ TOO 18th, 150 feet north of Falling, 2 blocks north of Fremont. $ 650 50x142. 26th, south of Klickitat. $15O0 68x100, Clackamas, near 22d. $1250 100x142, corner 26th. Siskiyou. $ 725 50x100. 26th. 100 north Klickitat. $ 950 S. E. corner "24th and Klickitat (Corner or inside). $1000 50x100, 14th, neaj Stanton. $1750 Corner 16th and Klickitat. $1950 Corner 19th and Stanton. $1750 100x90. facing south on Hancock, or north on Tillamook, 100 east of Hh. $ fcOO Corner 26th snd Fremont $120050x100, facing south on Stanton; 1O0 west of 15th. 100x100 Corner KNOTT and 24th, or 100x100, corner 25th and Knott. Phone irs to show you Irvlnrton lots. R. T. STREET, Irvington Headquarters, East 894. Res. East 42S0. BITTER. LOWE & CO.'S Column of Lot Bargains. A few extra choice homesites picked from "our 2000 lot listings. Now Is the time to buy. You will have to pay more in the spring. . You cannot import lots. Every new bouse that goes up makes the vacant lot across the street worth much more. Go out today and make your selection. Thea see us for ' terms. ALAMEDA. $550 E. S3d, E. front, near Shaver. $SO0 Skidmore near Glenn. $8S0 E. 26th near Skidmore, paved and paid. 900 Skidmore near 92d, all clear. $900 Glenn near Shaver, with tree 9O0 Glenn nr. Skidmore, grade level. $1000 Dunokley Bear 2Sth. $110O S. E. cor. Glenn and SkM-more. $1100 Dunckley, fee. N., 50 ft. W. of E. 26th. $1250 amblet; fac. S., 60 ft. K. of 24th, a big lot. LAtTRELHTJRST. $700 Wasco, fac S., sixth lot W. of 33d st. 'JS50 Senate, fac. N.. 10O ft. E. of 39. $B25 Laurelhurst ave, fac. S., 4th lot , E. of 41st. $950 Laddington Court, fac. Fir st. - $950 E. 43d, 6th lot" N. of Glisan, fac north. - $1100 E. Couch, fac S., th lot east of S2d. $950 E. Stark, fac. S 1O0 f. 13. of 33. $1175 S. W. cor. E. 44th and Flanders. J1100 Hassalo, fac. S., 450 ft. E. of 39. ' $1150i N. E. cor. 37th and Senate $1250 E. Pine, fac. S., 239 ft. E. of 41. $1250 Multnomah, fac &a 2d lot W. of 41st, run through to Senate. $1350 Oregon, fac. S., 250 ft. W. of Peerless Place. $1350 Imperial, lac. E-, 90 ft. S. of . Sandy. $1400 Hazelfern, fac. 8., 167 ft. B. of ImperiaL $100 E. Burnside, fac. N., 7thi lot E. of 41st, 52x120. $W60 Burnside, fac S., 2SO ft. B. of 39th. $1750 Laddlngton Court, fac. N., ISO ft. E. of 39th. $1900 S. E. cor. 42d & Glisan, 60x100. ' -. IBVINOTOJT DISTRICT. $800 E. a 7th, fac. W., GO ft. S. of Falling. $850 E. 28th, fac. E., bet. Russet and Knott. -$1000 E. 10th, fac' E., near Siskiyou. $1000 E. 14th, fac W., near Stanton. $1200 E. 22d, ac W., near Stanton. $1200 Ella, fac W 50 ft. N. of Tilla- mook. - ' $1200 E. 8th, fao. E.,' 200 ft. N, of. Siskiyou, &5ixl00. $1200 E. 13th, fac. E., .100 ft. S. of Brazee. $1250 E. 9th, fac E., 150 ft. N., of Stanton. l $1300 N. E. cor. E. 28th and Hancock, ' also inside lot adjoining at $1100. $1400 E. 20th, fac B., 100 ft. N. of Stanton. $11250 E. 21st, fac E., 50 ft. S. Fre mont $1250 Inside lots in Block hounded by Klickitat, Fremont, 23 and 24. $1400 S. W. cor. E. 10th and Brazee. $1650 S. W. cor. E. 28d and Fremont $17u0 E. 17th, fac E ISO ft.- N. of Siskiyou. - $1700 E. 21st, fac. W., 200 ft. N. of Stanton. $2000 N. W. cor. E. 17th & Klickitat. $1700 Inside lots In block bounded by Stanton, Siskiyou, 22d and 23d. $2300 N. W. cor. E. 7th & Broadway. $2750 75x100. E. 19th, fac. W., 75. ft. S. of Brazee. . $2500 Weidler, fac. 125 ft. E. of. z 1ST, witn concrete garage. Might consider cheaper lot or auto as part payment. $3500 100x100 S. W. cor. E. 2Tth and Thompson. $38O0 100x100 S. W. cor. E- 26th and Thompson. J30OO 7xl00 S. E. cor. E. 18th and Stanton. $00I 100x100 S. Thompson. $4000 lOOxlOO N. Hancock. $4000 100x100 S. Stanton. .$5000 N. E. cor. E. cor. E. ,18 th and cor. E. 26th and cor. E. 16th and E. 15th and Thomp- BUU, 1WA1UV. $5000 S. E. cor. E. 100x100. 21st and Knott. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $225 E. 52d. fac E., 150 ft. Fremont. $50 F. 66th, fao. E., 100 ft- Falllng. $450 E. 67th, fac E., 100 ft. Mason. $450 B. 80th, fac. W., 55 ft. Fremont. N. N. N. of N. of $500 N. E. cor. F. 31st and Brazee. $550 E. 48th, fafe. W., 100 ft. N. of Klickitat. $500 E. 58th, fac. E., 2O0 ft. S. Of K irkitat. - $600 N. W. cor. E. 59th and" Siskiyou. $800 8. W. cor. E. 59th & Stanton. $850 N. .W. cor. E. 49th and SiskI you, $iw aown. $860 OX 88th, fac. W., 100 ft. Stanton. $S50 E. 46th, fac E., 150 ft. Siskiyou. S. of S. $850 Bdwy., fac. N.. 250 ft, E. 37th. W. $9oO N. W. cor. E. 67th & Siskiyou. $0800 E. 61st, fac W., 50 ft. S. of Klickitat. $1000 E. 39th, fac. W., $1000 E.-" 58th, fac E., Stanton. $1150 E. 38th, fac. W., Thompson. near Brazee. 50 ft. S. of 100 ft. S. of $1100 E. 3Sth, fac E., bet. Brazee and Knott. $1200 N. W. cor. E. 72d and Sandy, .-WXlt)V. J12SO N. W. $2500 N. E. mook, cor. E. 43d & Broadway, cor. E. . 37th and Tilla 100x100. - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $400 E. 71st, fac. w., bet. 30th and 31st aves. $750 E. 59th, fac E., 33 ft. N. of Sherman. $750 Stevens, fac. N., 150 ft. E. of E. 60th, 50x1-60. $800 E. 54th. fac. W.. near Lincoln $900 E. 53d. fac. W., 143 ft. N. of Sherman. $12O0 Glenn, fac. E-, 4th lot N. of Lincoln. $1350 E. 43d, fac. W., 125 ft. S. Clay, ox("u. $1350 E. 80, fac E., 300 ft. S. Lincoln. $1500 E. 21, fac W., oO ft. N. Market. $1800- Ladd Addition, Spruce St., fac vv.- lo ft. In. of l'Jth. $2000 E. Madison, fac. N., 2d lot W. or zLaa. $2000 Hawthorne, fac. S., 05 ft- W. of 23d. . $220055x100, cor. E. 21st & Market. $2oH) S. E. cor. E. 46th and Salmon, IWXIW. i $3500 Ladd's Addition, S. E. cor. Mul berry and Palm, 80x128, WEST SIDE. $500 Kelly st., fac E., 150 ft. S. of Custer. $600 Corbett St., fac E., 100 ft. N. of Custer. . $WKH Macadam, fac. E,. 75 ft-S. Iowa. $500 Nob Hill exclusive view site, 60 ft. frontage, at the head ot Love joy st. $100 Savler St., fac. N., 100 ft. E. 29. $2500 Raleigh st.; fac- S., 200 ft. W. of 29th. . $4750 N. W. cor. 17th and Laurel, 100x100. . $8000 S. E. cor. 16th and Mill, 125xS5. $12,000 S. W. cor. Olympic and Mar ' coni, 100x150. . . . MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS. - $300 E. 22d. fac. W., 335 ft. N. of ' Ainsworth, sewer paid. - $350 Killlngsworth, fac. S., 50 ft. E. of 13tt. $0 Prescott. fac. N., 60 ft. W. 16th. $1250 Terry St.. fac. S., 275 ft. E. Al blna, 25x100. $150 Maryland ave., fac. W., 166 2-3 ft. N. of Saratoga, 33xll0. $300 Morgan St., fac. S., 150 ft. E. of Miss.. 25100. $150 :E. Burnside, - fao. N., 75 ft. E. of 91 st, 25xlOO. $360 E. 80th. fac E.. 250 ft. N. Burn side. sewer paid. $600 58th ave.,. fac. S., 200 ft. E. of 77th St.. 100x100. '$2250 Wonderful view site, adjoining . Mt. Tabor park, on E. Yamhill St., 8000 sq. ft. ' $500 Fowler, fac. E -, 100 ft. N. of WInchell. 100x112. $500 Atlantic 'st., fac E., 250 ft. S. of Jessup. $500 Willard ave., fac E., 154 ft. S. . of Portland blvd. $600 Franklin St., fac N., 210 ft. E. of 29th, afl Improvements paid. $550 Ellis ave., fac. N., 100 ft. E, of 18th stv paved and paid. $12M N. W. cor. E. 18th and Bybee. $1000 200x100 E. 15th St., fac. W., 100 ft. N. of Ainsworth Foryour convenience you may call to day or 1n the evening. Tabor 4139, or week days Broadway 7S67. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BIG LOT SALE AT ABOUT PRICE. We are closing out- the unsold lots for the Swinton Land Co. at about half price. So you "can buy while they last 60x100 lots from $30O to $500 each, terms $30 to $50 cash, balance $6 to $10 month ly. Swinton Is north of Peninsula Park, extends from Bryant street to Columbia boulevard, convenient to weet side, Van couver, Kenton district, St. Johns. See them tomorrow. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE Two lots with 2-room shack, $300 down, balance on easy terms. Ap pjy 1338 Willamette blvd., between Mc Kenna and Montelth. FOR SALE Beautiful lot on Milwaukie, near Center: $1600. Address J. L. Stuart, 4348 Maryland. St. Louis. Mo. WESTMORELAND 1 blk X. of Bybee on , Milwaukie, clear, liVX Marshall HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. HENRY BLDG. ( . WE HANDLE VACANT LOTS ONLY. ROSE CITY PARK. . $350 E. 71st St.. facing east, 125 ft. north of Failing St. $425 E. 68th St., facing east, 105 ft. north of Beech St. $500 E. 49th St.. facing east, 200 ft. north of Siskiyou st. $500 E. 49th St., facing east, 50 ft south of Klickitat st. $600 Klickitat st and E. 49th st southwest corner. $700 E. 46th st, facing west, 100 ft- north of Klickitat st $700 E. 47th St.. facing east 100 ft north of Halsey st $750 E. 48th st. facing west 100 ft. south of Siskiyou st $?60 E. 52d St. facing east B0 ft north of Halsey st $800-r-E. 61st St.. facing west, 150 ft north of Klickitat st $800 E. 47th st, facing east 00 ft south of Stanton st $800 E. 48th St.. facing west, 150 ft south of Siskiyou st -$800 E. 4Sth St., facing east 200 ft south of Siskiyou st $850 E. 48th st. facing east B0 ft south of Stanton st $1000 E. 38th st, facing west 150 ft north of Thompson st $1000 E. 89th St.. facing east, 150 ft north of Thompson St. $1050 Stanton st and E. 48th st, northeast corner, all improvs '. ments in on both sides. -$1200-r-E. - 60th St., northwest corner 60th and Freemont sts. $1200 1E. 45th st, facing west, 200 ft South of Hancock- st. ALAMEDA PARK. $690 Mason st-' and E. 33d, southwest corner. $900 E. 25th st, near- Regents Drive. $1000 Dunkley ave., near 28th st. $1250 Shaver st, near 31st, 50x100 cor. $1400 Hamblet, bet 26th and 23th sta LATTRELHTTRST. " ' $825- Laurelhurst ave.. facing south, - 100 ft west of 43d st $950 Laurelhurst ave., facing south, 140 ft. west of 43d st. $1150 Hazelfern Place, facing west, 200 ft south of Buena Vista ave. $1200 E. 33d St., facing west, 200 ft north of Holladay ave. . $1300 Laddington Court, near 41st st, 60x140. $1350 Multnomah St., facing south, 21s ft. west of Imperial ave. $1850 Glisan st. facing south, 100 ft west of Mlrimar Place. $1376 Floral ave., facing west near Glisan st $1200 Laurelhurst ave., facing south, 150 ft. east of East 39th st $1500 Facing north, 200 ft. west of . Floral ave. $1700 Floral ave., facing east, 50 ft -south of Glisan st $1700 Hazelfern. Place, facing east 100 ft. south of Glisan st $2250 East Ankeny st, facing Laurel hurst park. $2500 Hazelfern Place and Irving St., southwest corner, extra large lot GROVELAND PARK. $850 E. 52d st, near Sherman facing west $1000 E. 53d st, near Sherman facing west st. HAWTHORNE. $850 E. Harrison st, facing south, between 37th '.and 38 th sts. WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. $1990 E. 56th st, between Yamhill and Taylor sts., facing the city, 7800 square feet , S500 E. 55th St., 80x260. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. $1250 E. 24th st, facing west, 100 ft. south of Stevens st. $1250 E. 24th st. facing west, 50 ft north of Harrison St $1500 E. 25th st and Harrison st, the northeast corner. $1500) E. 25th and Stevens sts, south west corner. $1250 E. 25th St.. facing east, 100 ft south of Stevens st. $1250 E. 25th st. facing west, 106 ft south of Stevens st. $1250 Harrison St., feeing south, 50 ft. east of 26th st SEE US FOR LOTS. ., HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 4754. ROSE CITY LOTS. EASY TERMS. 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGES. $ 850160 feet south of Stanton. on west side of East 37th street. Beaumont. $ 875 50 feet south of Klickitat, on east side of East 46th street "North. $ 875 200 feet south of Siskiyou, on east side of East 48th " street North. $ 975 S. E. comer East 60th and Klickitat $ 975 N. W. corner East 62d and Klickitat streets. $1150 73x100 feet. S. E. corner East 61st N. and Fremont streets. $1700 100x100. N. E. corner East 4Sth street N. and Siskiyou streets. J. L. HASTMAN COMPANY. . 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVE VIEW PROPERTIES. N. W. corner 17th ami Elizabeth streets, 100x100 $6500 N: W. corner 21&t and Elm sts.. - , .?. . 100x100 9000 N. W. corner Mvrtle nad Lowns- dale. 100x130 7000 S. E. corner 19th and Myrtle. 100X 100 8500 N. W. comer 21st and Soring sts.; 100x100 6500 N. E corner 17th and Hawthorne Terrace, 110x115 7500 OPEN SUNDAY - v COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. . Broadway 7522. HALF PRICE. N. E. COR. BROADWAY AND 35TH STREET. $850 Paved street and eewer improvements paid. This is indeed a snap. This price is made for cash only; J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 603-4. LAURELHURST LOTS. BUILDERS, HOME-SITE SEEKERS. . We believe we are better equipped to locate you in this district than any one else In Portland, our past connec tion with the Laurelhurst Co. has given us the advantage of obtaining a large and complete listing of lots and houses for sale. Room 1 Railway Exchange ' Bldg. t Broadway 7519. Mccarty, maxwell & downet. Tab. 6057 Tab. 6531. 214-17. ROSE OITT DISTRICT. A few good buys in lots, 50x100, E. 63d. south of Sandy, $620. 50x100 on East Bth, $500. 50x100 on East 64th, north of Sandy, $3iW. 50x100 on East 63d, north of Sandy, $700. These and many other lots in thds desirable location. See Royal, 72d and Sandy bivd. Tabor 155. . WALKING DISTANCE EAST SIDE. DARCH ADDITION. LESS THAN ASSES. VALUE. Improvements all in; some as low as $7O0; 22d near Sandy blvd: am non resident. Broadway 6011. , T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. ONE-HALF ACRE in Ventura Park, out Base Line roaa, near canine, lor -uu, ou cash, balance $10 per month. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Boaird of Trade. $1250 SIGHTLY lot. E. Han-ison, near -4tn, resincteu, an nni. ikiiu. $1400 .Business lot, Union ave. N. $1600 Ladd Add., S. Elliott ave. F W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. BY OWNER Lot 39x120, between 17th and IStn, Jr-opiar street. lQa s anat tion, block from Hawthorne avenue. Call 145 Grand -avenue or 411 E. Wash ington street. . A DANDY acre near Buckley ave.. $700. $50 casn, Dal. to per monin. R H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade. RESIDENCE building lot, 50x100, located on West Aioerta. on pavea sc.; :ot tree from all liens; $775 cash. J 429, Ore gonian. 'LAURELHURST LOTS. 2 beautiful lots on Hassalo St., 167 feet west ofImperlal ave., fading north. $1290 each. W1H sell one. Tabor 5196. LOT FOR SALE Near 48th and Division Improvements paiq; n.j. laoor Jl.i-t. 50x100 LOT Side walks. and curb in and I paid; a bargain. Tabor 4821. . COIITS A KOHLMAN. LARGEST SUBURBAN LOT AND SMALL TRACT SELLERS IN PORTLAND. 2500 LOTS, PARCELS ACRES AND LARGER LAND FOR SALE. OF EVERY SECTION REPRESENTED. MARKING ACRES. NEW ADDITION. Rose City Park district, walking dls tanoe to car and school: large tracts lOO by 200, some 128x260; Bull Run water; graded streets; prloea range from $676 to $926; easy terms to home oullders; no interest to pay for first year. Marking Acres are Just outside the city limits. You'll ha no city taxes or assessments to pay. Marking is about the last piece of CLOSE-IN acreage in- the Rose City Park district. Get in on the ground floor. , ' MBTERMBAD TRACTS $475 TO $S25. Base Line and Barker roads; electric-' car service; depot on the property; elec tricity and gas available. Beautiful building sites on paved and graveled roads. Ideal tracts for small chicken ranches. Pay $10 or mora monthly. See Meyermead today, COMMUNITY ACRES. Rose City Park district, large tracts of 5 to 7 lots; Bull Run water, grav eled and graded streets. Why buy a lot in this section when you can secure a tract equal to a city lots for the same price? Only a few parcels unsold; sw. $900, 3 years to pay. See Community Acres today. Phone and we'll send an automobile for you. GATES ACRES. LITTLE BERRY FARMS. , 5 ACRES $300 DOWN. 5-acre tracts cleared and In . a high soil; Bull Run water, 10 minutes to Belrose station; paved and graveled roads to town. Remember, you need pay only $300 cash down on a 5-acre tract See us at once. WHITE CITY PARK. BIGGEST LOT BARGAINS. 50 BY 100 LOTS $168. ' Lots In this tract sold from $300 to $450 several years ago. Your choice of 10O lots for $168. Pay $5 monthly. We Interest for two years; Bull Run water, graded streets, good loca tion, 72 st. Southeast Buy In White City Park and build a llttie home. MEN TONE LOTS." PAY $5 A MONTH. Buy In Mentone; pay $10 down and put up a little temporary home. Stop paying the rent man your hard-earned money. 60x100 level lots S226-$240; Bull Run water, gas, good, school near; So car line. . See Mentone today. You'll like the location. GLENADA. WEST BIDE LOTS. Close in; 1ft minutes by car from 4th and Stark sts.; paved highway fronting the property; beautiful valley view; lots 50x100 and larger $250 and up. Pay $5 or $10 monthly. If you want a west side homesitd see Glenada. WEST PORTLAND PARK. WEST SIDE. Out Cornell road, 5 miles from the city hall; good soil, no rock or gravel: $150 to $500 an acre. Pay $25 cash and monthly payments to suit your con venience. Nowhere on the west side can . you buy acreage at these prices. More than 1K families to whom we sold suburban lots and acre tracts dur ing the past year are now living in their own little homes and paying for them with the same amount of money paid for rent. $10 will start you toward the goal of owning your home. Come in and we'll tell you about it COMTE 4 KOHLMAN. Broadway 6550. 418-20-22 Spalding Bldg. Over Ladd & Tllton Bank. LARGEST SUBURBAN LOT AND SMALL TRACT SELLERS IN PORTLAND. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Read our ad in classified Salesmen Wanted column today. BOWMAN'S LOT BARGAINS. IRVINGTON. $4200 For quick sale, this V block goes at this price; 2-ft. bank. Art ' location, fine homes on other . three corners; non-resident. Name ., terms wanted. IRVINGTON. $1650 55x100 ft, fine location, second mortgage privilege.' IRVINGTON. $1500 Choice 50x100 ft, fine homes, all around, all clear. Terms given. IRVINGTON. $1300 Corner, 50x100 ft, east facing. " only 2 "4 -ft. bank; a real buy. Terms given. LOWER ALBINA. $2100 100x100 ft. corner, southeast cor , ner of Albina ave. and Knott st.. handy to both Broadway bridge and ferry, second mortgage privi lege. See Mr. Jones. ' F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. LAURELHURST. $950 43d St., fac. west. 50 ft. no. of Glisan. LADD'S ADDITION. $1750 On E 12th, fac. w., about 220 ft. so. of Mulberry; cost owner about $4000. REED COLLEGE DISTRICT. $140-$500 57 nicely-platted homesites left in Stanford Heights addition, now being put on market at prices to clos.: out the tract. A high-class addition, with modern Improvements at easy terms. You should take your choice today. as this is the first announcement of these bargains. Our price to Include taxes to date of sale. Can you pay $10 a month on your homesite? See. JAMES H. PRICE, . THE LOT MAN. Mez. floor Sterling Bakery, 251 Morri son St. M. 5053. E. 91 HO. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. COME OUT TODAY to 605 Fremont, between East 15th N. and East liith ft. S.. from 11 A. until 5 P. M. and select that lot l,r TKiw hnmr- We have only a M.V for few left at these remarkably low prices and terms. Near school. Irvington car and new city park, surrounded by new homes. $7'.V up for inside. $lthM up for corners. $100 cash. $10 monthly; paving, side walks, curbs and sewer in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. FOR SALE CHEAP lOOx WW S. W. Cor. 4th and Division st. Ex cellent for either residence, apartments. stores, garase or moving picture show site. Good locality. Not fur to Frank- Iin high school. PHIL DIETZ. Own SOU N. 10th St. SOME I.uT BARGAINS. 100x105, corner, on k. Davis; price 60x100, near Franklin high; fruit, flow ers: everything in; $700. 50x100. The Alameda and E. 28th: everything in;' price $1250. 50x100, Knott, near E. 26th; every thing in: price $1250. HENRY W. GODDARP. REALTOR. 243 Stark St. llronrlway 7831. WANT A HOME? If you do not have a lot. let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal financial assistance extended. Soldier's bonus mav be applied. ROBNETT & McCLURE, Realtors. 302 Couch Bldg.' Bdwy. 0574. ROSE CITY LOT Two lots on 51st St., noar Tillamook. Everything in and paid. 51000 each. RUMMELL fz RUMMELL, 274 STARK ST. WEST SIDE LOT FOR SALE. $ Fine west side corner lot, walking dis tance; ideal site for an apartment or business bldg. at a reasonable price. Y 430. Oregoniaiv WILL sell my equity in tract. -.128x129. enough rough lumber in barn on place to build house. Good buy for contractor. 1443 Delaware ave. Take St. Johns car to Portland blvd. MAKE an ocfer side Hamilton road, "Oregon on lot No. 20 on south St.. west of Oregon City Homes' addition. Clack AV 1111. Oregonian. amas rountv WESTMORELAND, bet. Knapp and Bybee, 17th st. faces east. $1000. $200 cash. You should see it. Wm. Willing, 401 Panama bldg.. or Sellwood 11.9. TWO LOTS, NEAR ALAMEDA. Two lots on Alameda Drive In Rose City district, size 125x100: a bargain If sold at once. Phnrm Bdwy. 4288. ALAMEDA PARK, large corner lot, ex tending through - block between 21st and 22d : excellent location for residence. $1250; terms. V 4 311. Oregonian. LOT 50x100 in Laurelhurst. $075: paved st. Smail payment down. Owner. Tabor 21S0 SNAP ISO large lots. "R.-C." car, $130 each. Thoroson. Mohawk hldg. BARGAIN Lot 50x100. E. 13lh and Ains-vr-t. S225- tt-rms. Woodlawn 1773. IHKW iocs -at Firianil station with fir . trees. Tabut 31.0.