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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1922)
13 advance of expectations until the be ginning of construction of the Riley creek b rid re marked' the end of grad ing and actual track work. This was November. 1921. Work immediately In prospect con templates standardizing of 54 miles of narrow cause track between Nenana and Fairbanks and an addi tional 39 mllfg to Chatanlka. The railroad. It has been estimated, will serve an area of approximately 400.000 square ml'.es. $2.89 Men's Flannel $2.00 House Dresses ATUSTCOMPLETED Shirts Special Charming: house dresses and bungalow aprons of gingham and percale. Wide variety of unusually attractive styles to choose from. Extra special for Dollar Splendid quality part wool flannel shirt for men. Two large button flap pockets. Faced sleeves. Colors navy, gray and khaki. Sizes 1414 to 17. Special Dollar $ 1 Satisfaction Guarantee a or "Ybur Money Sack Driving of Golden Spike De ferred Till Summer. I 27th and Vaughn Streets, Portland, Oregon TTTE RTJXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 1022 B3 I 1 I I. - II ' IS 1 I $ LINCOLN DINNER PLANNED Multnomah County Republicans Day price Day HARDING MAY-BE THERE Swamp. Frozen Tundra, Huge ItfK-W Barriers. Difficult Moun tain ac Conquered. ANCHORAGE. Alaska. Feb. 4. .iis of steel on the Alaska govern ment railroad were brought together by the completion of the Riley creek br'dge. February 1. 14 days ahead of the engineer's estimates. The cers mony of driving the "Kolden spike." which hurt been orieirallv planned for that time, bas been deferred until soma time during the proposed Alaska trio of President Harding and EMrstxrr Fall next summer. A scarcity of roiling stock makes it im possible to run at the present time the. excursion from all towns along t&e road originally planned. Closing of tho last gap between ends of steel on the Alaska govern ment railroad marks practical com pletion bf one of the most difficult . engineering projects undertaken - by the United States government. With the placing in service- of tho Riley creek bridge, last unit. with, the ex ception of tho steel bridge over the Tuana river at Nenana. through train service will be possible between Saward, at tho bead of Resurrection feayi a-nd Fairbanks. Great Difficulties Caaqaered. Starting late in 1914. swamps, frosen tundra, huge rock barriers and difficult mountain passes were met and conquered. As a preliminary en gineers who pioneered the work ven built their own ocean docks. They had not even wagon roads to help them. Everything used in construc tion had to be shipped from Seattle, the nearest point in the continental United States. 177S miles to the southward. Th railroad was constructed from three operating bases. Seward, on Resurrection bay. the southern ter minus of the lino; Anchorage, the main operating bas at the head of navigation on Cook inlet. 114 miles north of Seward, and Fairbanks, the northern terminus. , A spur runs from Fairbanks to Chatanika. 39 miles to tho north. Construction, of the road was delegated to the war department, tho actual details being turned over to tho ALaska Engineer ing commission. Tho approximate cost of the lino totaled about J56.- J 000.000. The old railroads, tho Alaska Northern, from Seward to Cook Inlet, and the Nenana railroad, running be twern Fairbanks and Chatanika, were purchased as preliminary steps. Seven miles of tho latter road, which cost the government $300,003. were used Tho Alaska Northern was purchased at a cost of f 1,137.833. ."New Grade Coaatrarted. Only a section of tho Alaska North ern, right-of-way could be used. After the Spencer summit, 53 miles north of Seward, was reached It became necessary to - abandon - much of the grade and construct the road anew. From the point where the road en lered Anchorage valley. 61 miles from the town of Anchorage, the right of way was blasted out of almost solid rock. To advance the work it was necessary to swing suspension bridges across deep chasms, build trails and wagon roads along high cliffs. Deep snows were battled and rock fills were constructed along rushing streams. In winter materials were hauled across the ice on sleda. When the ice broke up ferries took their chances with the swift currents and breaking lea ' Typical of difficulties encountered was the construction of the Susitna river bridge, 1322 feet in length. ISO miles north of Anchorage. During tho preliminary examinations engi neers found white marks and scars high up on the trunks of trees, indi cating that the ice reached great heights during the spring breakup. Timber or concrete piers would not be able to withstand the heavy crush ef ice and flood waters. These con ditions led engineers) to decide upon a 604-foot span without supporting piers. Building it was another thing, but finally it was completed after Arrange Birthday Kvent! j Arrangements are being completed fcr the annual observance of Abra I'am Lincoln's birthday. The repub lican clubs and county central com mittee of Multnomah county have combined to make the celebration noteworthy. A dinner will be held next Saturday night at the Commer cial club. Seating capacity is limited to 350. The programme will consist of toasts and music John I- Rand, justice of the su preme court, will speek on Abraham Lincoln; to W. W. Banks has been assigned tho "toast. "Our President": Gus C Moser will outline what the republican congress bas accomplished; J. D. 'Stevens will recite Lincoln's Gettysburg address; Mrs. W. J. Haw kins w'ili discuss "The Peace Confr epce": Walter L. Tooxe Jr., "The American Soldier." The musical programme will com prise numbers by Webber's) juvenile orchestra, with solos by Mrs. Alice Moore, Miss Evelyn Drury and A E. Davidson. Reservations. 11.50 a plate, can be made with Charles B. Turlay, 409 Falling building. John L. Day is chairman of the general committee. APARTMENT HOUSE SOLD McMinnville Investor. Acquires Property at 279 East Twenty-fifth. A two-story apartment building at J79 East Twenty-first street was sold yesterday by F. H. Blake to J D. Goffrier of McMinnville. The price was 320.000. half of this sum being in cash and the remainder in city property. The bouse is a modern frame struc ture located on a 50x100 lot. It has 22. rooms. Tho deal was negotiated by W. G. Ide, Portland real estate man. assisted by A A Fisher of the O. O. Sletten office. It was also announced yes terday that Mrs. Etta. Enrlght had taken over the management of the two-story apartment house at 189 Twenty-third street north, having purchased the lease from the former proprietress, Mrs. Alice White. Mrs. Enright waa manager of the Stelwyn apartments for two and one-half years. a. most insurmountable difficulties had oeen met with and conquered. Canal aystesa Followed. The Alaska Engineering commis sion emulated) the system of the builders of the Panama canal, estab lished snug habitations for the 1000 to 3000 men constantly employed. In stalled modern sanitary arrange ments, commissaries for food and clothing and performed all the func tions usually falling to the lov of camps and towns that follow private railroad construction. To do this- the commission assumed the responsibili ties of civil government. At Anchor age a townslte was laid out. streets and sidewalks constructed and elec tric lighting plants and waterworks were Installed and a hospital waa built. Later these facilites were du pMcated at other points on a smaller scale. From the railroad building the commission branched into coal min ng. tapping the Chikaioon fields. 37 m lifts from Anchorage, and the coal thus obtained was used both in con struction work and for the civilian population of the various camps. In some places sawmills were estab lished. In 1919 trains began regular sched ules between Seward and Anchorage and to operate over the stretch of roadbed northward from Anchorage. Tracklaving proceeded rapidlv and in RED PEPPERS STOP PAIN OF SIR PHILIP GIBBS C0MJNG Xoted English War Correspondent Will Lecture in Portland. Sir Philip Gfbbs. noted English war correspondent, writer, and author of "Now It Can Be Told," and other books depicting the activities of the world from August. 1914, until the Armistice of November 11, 1918, will be Portland's guest February 17, and In the evening will speak under the auspices of the Oregon Civic league In the Lincoln high school auditorium. Sir Philip was one of the first of England's war correspondents to go to the front. His vigorous pen won more recruits for the British army than that of any other man. In so far as the censorship rules would per mit. Sir Philip told of the sufferings of the British at the front, and urged more preparation and support, and for his work was knighted by' the king. TRACK SPEEDILY CLEARED Big Boulder Responsible for Mis bap Near Celilo. The tracks of the O.-W. R. & N. line in a deep cut near Celilo-. where a large boulder rolled down from the hillside onto the roadbed and derailed the engine and baggage cars of east bound train No. 4 Friday night, were cleared by 10 o'clock yesterday, ac cording to Information given out by company officials. The train pro ceeded on its way at an early hour yesterday morning. The accident occurred at a point not tar from the scene of the recent collision in which several lives were lost. No one was seriously Injured, but Engineer Wilson and Fireman Williams were badly shaken up. The locomotive ran approximately 200 feet on the ties and turned over on its side and a baggage car turned over in the opposite direction. 1 1 HEAD NOISES? 4-Day Treatments FREE When you are uffrnc with rheu trti9m eo you can hrT?y get around Jjt try Rd Fepper Rub and you will tavt tha quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pen ttratinff heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tinclins heat, la three minutes it warma the aore spot through and through. Frees the btood circulation, breaks up the con EdUon and the old rheumatism tor ture n trore. Howies Red Pepper Rub. made from re peppers, costs little at any drug store. t.;t jr at once. Use ft for lumbsico. neuritis, backache, stiff neck, musetes, colds in cheat. Almost let tan t relief awaits you. Be sure t- feet the genuine, with the name Bowles on. each package. Adv. Ths pity of tho Head Noises, those war:ng annoying; ound In your bead' Tou have thought at ttmM that life waa hardly worth livtna. Perhaps your hearing? Is already w faUlnff. Even if it Ftf :V is all. i rood, you hara the added bur den of know line that the Head Noises may be only the. signals of approachtnc learness Tou may have ths Noises In the bead occasionally or whea you have- a cold, but yoa are In danger of a more serious de velopment all the same. You need imme diate treatment. Kar Specialist Sproule has studied and or:nated a Method of treatment which haa brought happy relief to many peopre troubled with Head Noise. This treat ment has. ia these many cases stopped the ounis and left the head clear as a bell. To show tM Method be offers a 4-day treatment Free. GIVEN AWAY. Then Introductory treatment are being; offered Free. If you want one. write today. You may try for yourself this Method. You can. then se why It bas suc ceeded, when some others fsiied. blar Specialist fcproule wants to help all who suffer from these Head Noise. He knows what misery those sounds of es caping steam that bell ringing in the ear that :ngit: of cricket or insects th humming t h puffing the the distant roarinr that dull heavy throbMng means. He therefore offers a treatment. FKtK. to all who write at once. Through this Method many sufferer, in place of those roaring- Noises, now enjoy a perfect quietness, in which natural, sound are heard qu-.ckiy and distinct. y. Just ett down and writ a post card or letter request aakmg fcr a sample treat ment Kre for Head Noises. Sign your f u'l name and address, and send It off NOW. The treatment will come to you by return ma", and w:ii cost you not hi - Don't delav send NOW. Write EAR SPECIALIST SPROt'KE. Adv. J&o Cornhiil Bid . Hoton, Mass. -FITS- "I cured mv fits by simple rem edy. Hoc tors gave me up." says Mrs. P. Gram of Milwaukee. You can receive a bottle of the same kind of medicine she used -fre.- by writing to FL UKFSO, lept. 102. Island Ave., Milwau kee. Wis. $1 Galvanized Bushel Basket, 3 for. . . r.xcellent value, in a use ful item for around the house. Has dozens uses. si Our first big Dollar Day (Monday only) A tremendous money-saving event that every person in Portland should take advantage of. Determine now to get here ahead of the crowd and get your share of hundreds of special Dollar Day Bargains. Remember! These offerings Monday only. Boys and Men's Caps, values to $2.50 . . . . Fine selection of high- grade caps in many style9 and colors; spring and winter weights. 36-inch Cotton Serge, 5 yards. . Good quality serge in a -fine selection of plain and plaid colors. ! 38-inch Lawn, 6 yards at Fine assortment of colors in a superior quality of material. Special. Canton Flannel, 10 yards Bleached and unbleached material of splendid qual ity. Dollar Day Special 1 Children's Aprons and r c ""s i . .jacO) iui ..... C- Assorted styles in Percale and Gingham. Sizes 8 to 12 years. 32-inch Romper Cloth gfft 6 yards &t Good quality in staple as- jj gain at this price. mm $2.50 Boys' Pants at Good, -durable knee pants for school wear. Special Dollar Day Price. Wall Paper for One Room Choice of 12 combinations of fine wall paper for a room 10x12x8 feet. Especially fine patterns for bedrooms. 6 d'ble rolls side wall ; 2 d'ble rolls ceiling 69c Leather Work Gloves, 2 pairs jjj split leather backs. Good wearing glove. 35c Organdy, 4 yards for 40-inch. Domestic Organdy of fine quality. Assorted colors. Work Gloves, at per pair gl Full horseJiide cloves suit- r I able for truck drivers, etc. Special. Men's Shirts, special, gg each kj Madras and Percale shirts with soft collars. All sizes. Special. I $2.00 Khaki Shirts ? :.::$ collar. A good work shirt. Sizes. 14 to 17. $4 Children's Coats at Sizes 6 months, 1 and 2 years. Fine looking, good quality coats, Blue Chambray Work Shirts, 2 for Made of good quality material. Flat inter lined collar; one pocket. Cf.!. ...Anf J n n K 1 a stitching on all seams 5! where greatest wear I comes. Special IJoliar Day Price. Women'sChamoisette Gloves, 2 pairs Values such as are seldom seen. A big Dollar Day Bargain. $1.53 Hot Water Bottles this exceptionally low price. Jap Matting, 3 yards for 36 inches wide; in the col ors blue, green ana Drown. Special. Window Shades Values to ?3 in an odd lot t Bnced for quick clearance, lollar Day. 89c Women's Flannel ette Nightgowns, 2 for Warm night gowns made of heavy outing flannel; light stripes. Js Neatly braid. trimmed with Regular sizes. 1 Men's Handkerchiefs 2 dozen for. . CE stitched, soft finish, good quality. 2 dozen for.... 78c Venise Point Lace, 2 yards for ....... C V 1 1 i V. V JJVUI. .lit-., Sa in. wide, new and at tractive patterns. , 17c Bias Tape, 8 bolts for Bias seam tape, good fin ish, is yards to the bolt a wonderful saving. 1 29c Emb'd Flounce, 5 yards for . li -c v :i . r T .... Tj firm scalloped edge, 3V4 in. wide; beautiful pattern. Aluminum Ware, values to $1.89, for Excellent quality aluminum kitchen utensils, grouped in one big; lot, Monday only . Vs-inch Venise Lace, 12 yards for Good quality white mer cerized lace edge. Dainty patterns; regularly 13c 1 $1.65 Table . Cloths, each ' Mercerized, unhemmed edge, 61 in. round scal loped, or 64 in. square. 75c Silk Stockings, 2 pairs for Full seamless pure thread 1 j silk, reinforced heels and toes, black only. Sizes 9-10. aJs ! 37c Pillow Cases, 4 gl ror 22x32 inches, well finish ed, hemmed, bleached pil low cases; good' grade. i;ij i 1 v. a 1 . u 3 niercerueu Hose, 4 pairs for. . . . Fine n'hbed. two-thra.d. v reinforced heels and toes. beamiess. isiacK ana wmte. Fast Color Gingham, 6 yards for. (I 90 sn a romAsT a c- o yvv-t m ori 4" I J ail. n HOOUi of new and attractive pat terns in wanted colors. TO REACH OUR RETAIL STORE Take North and South (N-S) or Depot-Morrison (D-M) to 27th and Thurman streets. You've been promising yourself you'd come out and shop around. HERE IS THE BIG OP 75c House Brooms, 2 for ... First quality carpet broom made of fine quality broom corn; smooth-finish handle. Special for Dollar Day. 19c Linen Finish Suit ing, 8 yards 33 inches in width. As sorted beautiful . shades. Splendid value. 27-inch Outing Flan nel, 8 yards. . ...... Good quality, plain color baby outing. Special Dol lar Day Price. 16-inch Bleached Cot ton Crash, 10 yards. . Fine quality toweling of fered at a ' tremendously low price for Monday. Turkish Towels, 12 ror $j A 1Rx30-mr.h towel of F good quality. Cream color only. - 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, 9 yards Standard quality material that you will save money on tomorrow. 36-inch Silk Stripe Voile, 3, yards Assorted colors and pat terns in a splendid grade material. A Sensational Bargain in Men's Shirts Shirts are full size. Cut to give comfort and fit perfectly, as each shirt is cut over a custom pattern. Closes in front with 5 buttons. Guar-i anteed fast color striped patterns in lavender, pink, brown, green and black with white ground. Limit 3 shirts to a. customer. Sizes 14 to 17. All regular sleeve lengths. Special Dollar Day price, each . $1.63 Fountain Syringe priced for Dollar Day Sale. 49c Whisk Brooms, 3 for .... ... Good quality broom with ring handle top. Unusu ally low priced. Toilet Soap, 36 bars tgr for m portunity to buy a house hold necessity at a saving. r Ebony Marcelle Hair Brush and 9 -inch CI r?l r i t l TJ the two for r Gloves, 2 79c Silk pairs Good quality silk gloves in your choice of white, black or gray. Turkish Towels, 4 for . 20x38-inch- towels; good quality; bleached. Spe cial Monday. Men's Underwear, values to $3 . . Union Suits and separate garments ottered very special. Phonograph Records, 2 for. - - - t of music. Exceptional value. No exchanges. LOU .Very-Special Monday Only Wonderful selection in Georgette Crepe, Silk and Voile Blouses in many styles and wanted colors. These values are so excep tional that you will want to buy several, once you have seen them. Come early for best selection. , 79c Child's Combina tions, 2 for ......... Good quality flannelette, - - . -.i j . one-piece styie, uujjj bcoi. Sizes 2 to 12 years. 75c Petticoats, 2 for . Women's, flannelette, seal loped ruffle, white or light stripes, regular sizes. 1 $11 1L $1.69 Boys' Union Suits Heavy weight, part wool, flat seams, closed crotch. Sizes 6 to 10. 16c Flannelette, yards for 10 27-inch printed1 flannelette beautiful colors and pat terns, good quality. Cove-rail Aoroni. 2 for : U Good quality percale, - j Short kimono Sleeves, patch pockets, saBh belt. $3 Half-Wool Union Suits, each .Men's heavy weight, flat knit, fleece lined, closed crotch. Sizes 36 to 44. 75c Shirting, 2 yards for ... ...... Fancy Stripe Madras Shirting in several wanted patterns. $2.50 Union Suits for , Women . Medium weight garments ' with high neck and long sleeves. Special. Toilet Paper, 24 rolls for Think of it; less than 5 cents a roll. Excellent quality. $1.79 Rag Rugs at 30x60 inches in size. As sorted colors. A very special Dollar Day item. 1 $1.50 Lace Vestees RTOral attractive stvles I in very good quality of vestees. . f $1.69 Wire Door Mat gf Mighty serviceable mats. They save your rugs. Spe cial for Dollar Day. $1.49 Purses and Handbags. .?. ' In this lot are' many exceptional values in velvet ti handbags, leather envelope-style purses, etc. Special. J, h 26-inch Poplin, 6 yds. for $ Reomlai4 2nc a vard oual- T I ity. In all the staple plain colors. . 48c Dotted Swiss, 3 Vrooa quaiiiy material, well woven; selection of spring colors. $4.95 Check Dresses at . . .... Sizes 34 to 44 in cotton shepherd check dresses. Three styles. 27x52 inch Japanese Matting Kugs, 3 ror... Ci e " j - a has many uses. Dollar Day Special. 98c Scrim Curtains, 2 pairs Cf ni ... I -nfni o c- VI sorted floral borders. Special. - ' 1 ' 36x72 inch Japanese Matting Rugs, 2 for... M porches, beach cottages, etc. Dollar Day Bargain. Women's High Heel Storm Rubbers, 3 prs. New stock, good quality rubbers. Special Monday only. $2.98 Bed Spreads at v$ 1rt.f. 1 Twiiii 111 CJTlf 1 TV I Come early for your . choice. 35c Child's Hose, 4 Pairs for . A little heavier than average weight. Double a v ; l i i reacmn'g jusl oeiow a knee'. Full seamless p reinforced heels and toes. Black only. 40c Child's Cambric Waists, 4 for Strong cambric waists with adjustable shoul der straps. Reinforced $j seams and taped but tons. Sizes 2 to 12years. Q. R. S. 2 f or . . Player Rolls, gf1 Good selection in popular, classical and standard mu sic. No exchanges. 5 Bars Woodbury's gjffl Soap for .- tf3 The famous facial soap that beautifies the skin. Special. Ml 1 83c Child's Sleepers, Good -quality flannelette, with or without feet, opens in front, drop seat. Boys' Flannel Blouses, each .. . 't ......... . Fart wool, good quality flannel, flat collar, one pocket; sizes 6 to 15 years. 73c Storm Serge, 2 V2 yards for. ...... . . . ii All -wrrtrtl 9.R in rnrui mlal- 1 ity in all staple colors, wonderful value. , Women's Cotton Hose, lO pairs tor t-fl "Full finmlARt:- crnnA mini- t3 ity, reinforced heels and toes; black only; 9 to 10. Yi -Inch Spark Plugs" for Ford Cars, 5 for. . A wonderful bargain. Here is a whole spark plug for little more "than the porcelain costs ordinarily. $1.45 Georgette Crepe for ...... ; ...... . All silk, and a fine color assortment; 40 in. wide; an exceptional value. 35c Women's Cotton Hose, 4 pairs for. . . . Full seamless, excellent quality, mercerized lisle, white only; sizes 8 to 10. 85c Tire Boot Studded Set, 2 for . . Buy several and be ready for tire trouble. Men's" Cotton Socks, 10 oairs for. ....... t-il MvKn-ni wpio-ht. cood l quality, reinforced heels and toes; black and brown. $1.05 Set Transmis sion Lining, 2 sets for . Lay in a supply at this low price. $1.39 Clothes Bas- Kets, eacn y 3-pound well made clothes f K a a lr a . ft. a TiprAS-sitv in I every household. Scores of other wonderful Dollar Day Bargains await the shopper here tomorrowCome early !