it i . .TAXTTARY 29. 1922 ' 19 OKEGOXIAX. TORTLAXD, t V t fc .) i . c l , If l t I. r ZZTZZZZ 1 j ZZTT I ,r, Pm ' bis.nksh ppqRtu.t,EW. I businksb orroKTrNiTiKS. 1 ms.Ns .rPO-TTMT.m bis.nks orrTrNlT tmnkw ommmn I urnkliril HouMTb. fctorea and itusinrwi I' i At tit. ! RKAIjY for tenant February 1, thorouaiily modern seven-room bonne on East Couch street near U.t Oth ; hardwood floors, piano, good substantial furniture, only tW per month. Firat-clasa references required. For particulars call Main fcisu venk days. WANT A REGULAR HOME. Jt the way 1 furniphed -It to live In? It's a nifty 5 -room home, too. Mahog any and overstuffed furniture; $73; will rent for 6 month. SMITH-WAOONKR. CO., STOCK EX. 7-KOOM modern residence, partly fur nished, l Shaver, corntr H-itcnt ava lteiit $45; everythins; new and fin.t-c.aa. fAKRlbH, WATK1XS CO.. 2S2 &tarlt Hi, FURNISHED cottage, Rose City Park. 5 rooms, strictly modern, immediate pos sesion, no children; references. 584 E. 67 th N., near Sandy, cali Sunday or phone Marshall 'JiWH after 5 week days. LAUGE 4 rooms, inodrn bungalow, com pletely furnished, absolutely clean, nice yard, trees and bushes. $30. Including; water and removal of garbage; no chil dren, .'hone Tabor ltUO or tail 243 East 44th, 2 blocks norOi of Hawthorne ave. FOit LEASE Nicely furnished house of H rooms, arranged for two families; private bath, etc., for each; easy walk ing; distance; adult? only. For appoint ment, call Eart 8472. K1CILY furnished fl-room house, Irving ton dint.; can be had for 7 months or lontrer; shown by appointment only; $00. U. ti. ROHRER, RE.VTAIi REALTOR. 'JfHl Panama Bltig. $110 BEAUTIFUL Irvinglon colonial home, completely furnished, on Thomp son street. All bdu. floors, sun parlor, garage. Furnace. Will leas?. R. SoMBKVILLB. Ilriwy. 247B. FOR KENT . Nicely lurnished B-room hout4, gas. electricity, hot air furnace, fiOxlOO lot, nice lawn; on Church at., one block to car lin; $30; cali 1U to 1 P. M. Woodlawn 903. . 8-iiOOM beautiful modern house, com pletely furnished. Hawthorne district; will lean) for one year to responsible party. ('. A. Wagner Co.. '-'SO Stark ji t. NEATLY t urnish-eil 5-room house, with e-l-ectrtcity. gas, radiant fire. Will le-asa for noma term. 103 E. 4th t. No., Mont a villa depot on r. . iluOHKN a-room bungalow, completely f urnUhed, February 1 to April i : pri vate homee. Hose City Park district. Only $4:i. Phonn Tabor 417. TWO furnished roonu wnh sleeping porch In Rose, City Park bungalow ; also ga rage; arliilts; references; call Monday. Tahor fc'.K!. 6-Ruu:i house, piano, xewing machine, rent $:!), with garage, $:i,Y Adults only. 1 bior-ks from liroadvvay and Union ave. Phone KaKt Foil RENT - 4-ionm furnished house, bath, cement basement all modern con veniences; $;tn per month. 71MI Cora avu., betwen J.MU and .th. east side. 8-H KJ.f bunga low. newly painted inside nnd out, Imch kitchen, two bathe; iKr car unl school; lO-minute car ride. Nicely furnished. $.10. Mar. Full RK.NT 5-room model u euung, lur nthrl with furniture and ruga; full b;teinrnt and jaragt; Red college dlat. SHI. .!"4 fnuii A. M. to 1 P. M. FK H EST Furnished cosy cottage for couple, lljrhtg, gas and water; block went highway on Center t.. Oak Grove. Qfltroni. . 1'AKTLY furnished, atrictlv modern, eisiht rufun house, nfcar Franklin high ; refer enced required: rent $."0. ."i410 :;7th ave. H. K.. near ."4ih st. RANCH near Milwaukie. partially equipped for dairy, ;10 acres; will sell some good cows and equipment. Phone Milwaukie 4 4Y. fc-lUio.M nn.dirn furninned bungalow Tor rent to aii.i!i only; good I neat inn and nice yard b.'i.'i Vancouver ave. Wiliams or St. .) oh n h car 10 S k Id in o re. B-ltooM furnished hnuae suitable for 2 apts. ; gnnd furniture, piano, gas, elec tric lights; $.". H4 2d at., near Whit akor. ridwy. 31172. PIEDMONT Pl.sT. Famlwhevi 5 ronm for rent, piano an-d Krthm: phone, garbaite nn-1 water paid f.r; adults only. 1239 Garfield ave. WE DKLlVKlt pianos, no mars, no fuss, at lowest rates. Phone delivery depart ment. Oregon Ellers Music house, Bdwy. . r,r23. 61X-UOOM extra well furnished Ciood guritRf, no children. COVER & GREGORY. r (iitAN'i) avk. north. FO R R KNT Kurnifhed li-rm huune west side; take S car to Bancroft ave., 1 block weL 083 Water St.. phone Mar shall .47. NH'ELY furnished house. piano. ga. lljrhti'. water, garage, eparc; will lease. E. Yamhill. Tabor Htn3. STRICTLY modei n il-ronm completely fur nished houHf in 1 rvington. $73 per mo. Will Icae hv vear. Call Wdln. 9-ROO.M weli-iurnished house, J.Hdd addition, months or lesj Tahor h22. garage. Phone (-ROOM furnished house, east side. See owner, room (UtTi GoodnnuKh bldg., 5th nnd Ys nihil! t . ROOMS, fuel and light, $J,"i per month. PH Kkidmore si., 1 block from Missiswippi car. NEW .VR00M biitigalow, fur.. East 4(KJi si.. Hawthorn' diutrict, Wakefield, Fries & Co.. tih St. $3P 7-ROOM modern furnished house, near Jefferson high. Call between V and 1 1. Woodlawn ti' ' -V t PORTLAND H EIGHTH. Modern 7 -room house, furnished, ga rnt'e. $s.v M:iin S47. 4-ROOM house, furnished, close to car line, faie 7 cents. $13. 434 Morgan bldg. Main M43S.. MO VI Mi and long-distance hauling at reasonable, price; roomy van; 2 Is -ton truck. Phone Wdln. Nnfl. - NICELY furnished cottage with garage, 214 Crosby st., 8 blocks east end Bdwy. bridge ; adults on I v. East "Mtt. Mo) K K N home, Ptednionl. partially fur niched, also completely furnished home. Sell wood. Phone Milwaukie 44Y. MODERN home. H rooti nlshed; will lene ti 1 erenee: Htliactivp lo iik mlHoniely fur . or linger: ref tinn. Main 471' 6-R00M house, expensive furniture, piano, gas and steel range, fireplace, $(13. Call 123 North ttth st. Hon? for Rent ru-ninire 101 Sun. ROOMS and sleeping i-orch. Irvington apt., furnltute for nW, $73 cash; beau tifully furnished: rent 173; possession Feh. 1. East H3W3. FL'UNITI' RE lo ely 3-room f lut for sale; rent I3ti; walking distance; newly tint ed; all outside rooms; must eell at once. Mi2 Market ot Ft It N I TP HE of 8-room hous for aJe, S.VKi. terms. House for rent. $18 per rno. 3 17 4th st. 0-ltOOM house on w Feb. 2, furniture for Mar. 4332 t side, vacant by ale. house for rent. Vl'RNJTl RE f 7 -room, wesi side, good lucatlon. ideal home, clearing renL 14H N. 24th. Main 21H'l. GOOD grade of furniture of tt-room houe. house for rent. $33; $3110. Call Sunday or evenings. East HO'EI. 710 K. Burnside. 5-ROOM house. to party buying furni ture, or w 1H sell cheap. U42 Commer cial st. after 10. .. DESIRABLE fJ:, a)o part of furniture fnr wale. 029 Thurman. WILL give best of care to baby over two 010. Kttsonanic, v n in. 00 1 -ROOM house for rent, furniture for sme. MODERN 4-room flat, $20, close In, fur- niiure hi narnain. n n pi HOUSE for rent and some furniture tor ... 1. r 11 , Hi r?M COSY tt-room house for rent; furmture for nate. 0S1 Kearney st. SEVEN-ROOM modern house to party buy lug gas range. Phone East 44ti2. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent. Graham ave.. near Union. Furn. of 7-room house, U h. a. apts. from Income. $3no. t-rm. lOl'O Williams ave. Store and Jlustnews I'liwem. IS AO DOWNTOWN store; rent $s3; 12x20 downtown store, rent $30; 13x1 7 office, $ 12.30 ; 40-rnom up-to-date apt. houo to tease. Ed. Diamond Realty Co., 439 Chamber of Commerce blrig. FINE, light, top floor. 90x100, suitable for factory; at eat n heat, elevator, watchman rvice, auto moat to epr inker, low In surance. Apply on pren1ett, N. W. cor. Grand ave and Kft St srk st. FOR RENT A good light second floor left, 20x100 feet, with good passenger and freight electric elevator opening on street. AG 37, Oregoman. To KENT O R LEAS E 1 irable w a re hou space on east aJde. cloe in. ele vator service. Terms reasonable. Phone East 3U(V FINE corner store with snopa on second Hory in new bu'.lding. Park and Yam r 1 ill. opposite aulo stave depot. Donald Macieod. 334 H Chamber of Com, bldg. STi'RE ior loot, 20x40, in Siontavllla. Phone Tabor 0323. Inquire Victory FOR RENT, downtown store. 4 years lease. good retail location. 2 extra large show windows BD 36. Oreeonmn. TO RENT One large store room on First street, between Washington and Alder. 1 no, utre Simons' store. WILL rent part of nice, large store bldg. Well located, on Union ave. East f.23. UNION-AVE. store and garage. R. J. Mo- G utre, 43 North Union ave. STORE. 11 U $;" Phone Tabor 114 Foil DEMRABI.E space In fireproof ware house, nlione Broadway 3713. S f'KE. 230 ash ing ton st. Apply 232 S; ark ( reet MMt It EN T Half stor.. $12 menih 330 I'n'nn avenue. ALL OK HALF STORE. 430 WASH- TOR RENT 279 Hawthorne ave.. neai bridge, store wit ft light basement, 17x45: ready Feb. 1st H, N. Burpee. IK) rt llcoa Bidg. Broadway 86. SU.fJOO SQUARE FEST. WEST SIDE, 3-SloRY. BRICK. Trackage, corner, utjse In, long lease, storage, warehouse, or manufacturing; owner will remodel. Come in and talk It over. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. TO LEASE, for a term of years, one or two lofts (second and third floors , 10.000 square feet, on the beet retail business corner In the city. Suitable for clothing, suit house, etc., or offices for large firm. Xo agents. P 397, Ore gonian. LARGE front room for rent, suitable real estate. 73 Park st. Of Her. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rental, gee Donald G. Woodward, ageat. 1U4 Second street, corner stark- . WE ARE turning the fifth floor Fliedner bldg. into offices. There will be about ao rooms available. Make your reser vation now. Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wa h . . WE HAVE some very desirable space In modern ground floor office, including telephone service; very convenient. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. FOR RENT Private oiilce in kuite in Northwestern Bank bldg. State business. AB 3'.'S. Oregoman. FOR KENT Furnished office in Henry bldg.. with telephone service, $30 per month. Broadway M87. ' OFFICE space, including puone. heat and light; very liberal terms Cjail 4 Bdwy. ONE-HALF of nice office, ntw desk, chairs, ruge and phone. $13. 401 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. Sunday 11 t 2 or Monday. OFFICE lor rent. deek spa; or private room at 024 Hen ry bids. FRONT office, modern, in Railway E change b'.dg. Apply room 812. DESK room with telephone nJ graphic yervice. Phone nowy. j.i.t. DESiv space for rnt. with or without desk, use of phone. ul2 Railway Exch. bldg. HALF 1 office. 1 well -lin led. nicely furnished 3 2ii C h a nu of Com, bldg. OFFICES fur rent, Fliedner bldg., 10th anl "ash. sts. 14 U.Nl.iili' oil ice, aiso Vrti:it: $13. 207 StncU Exchange bidg DESK, rooiii. Al oft'U;i. Norlhwe-stein Bank hUIg. AM 3H1, Ore?tm;an. MiMcellHiiettu. h-At RE TRAi'T ior truck gardening; will divide; -O mlnutcsut ana on car. line. Tabor 2nd. BIHINKHM OITORTl'MTIES. PANAMA LUNCH COUNTER with 9 stools; auitk service and money -maker; a busy place for $430. Will be sold -Uun-dav. PANAMA RESTAURANT; a regular place with 9 tabies and 8 stools, 011 west side; well equipped and good trade, Price VJO00. PANAMA GROCERY, downtown loca tion; dry meats and tisp ; large wareroom In rear and a good business for $1300 cash. PANAMA MEAT MARKET, on east side; comp.eie equipment; rent 20. and .iU weekly receipts. Price 1 loo cash. PANAMA AUTO REPAIR SHOP; lo cation rmht downtown and doing big business for a 3- man snop; price jjuo; bargain. PANAMA AND MANY OTHER good business opportunities. Come in and iook mem over oe lore fou buy. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO., 401 PANAMA HLUG. THIRD AND ALDEK STS. AUTO It E PA 1 R PARTNERSHIP. Here is an exceptional opportunity to buy In with a first-class mechanic in an j established, busy auto repair shop; fully i equipped in every way; prefers steady partner to hired help. If you are handy with tools and willing worker this is 1 your chance to learn the business; also clear better than $175 per month for yourself from the start. Equal half In terest, only $300 cash. Best auto repair shop opportunity in Portland at pr;ce. Meet owner, 31U Plttock blk., Washing ton at loth sts. AUTO REPAIR BARGAIN. $330. As the busy reason is just starting, this Is an excellent opportunity to buy In with a first-class mechanic in estab lished, well-known shop; finest location. K you are mechanically inclined and a willing worker this Is your chance to learn the business and also make better than $100 per month for yourself from the start. Equal half interest, only $330 cash. Best buy in city. Don't fail to see this before you locate. Apply 31 ti Pittock blk.. Washington at loth st. CAFETERIA. A good chance to add delicates sen in same room: doing a fine business; the best of fixtures and a good reason for selling. This is a dandy opportunity. Sacrifice for $2300; terms. H. B. FERN, 200 Hallway Exchange. Bdwy. 7874. DELICATESSEN and grocery on 6th St., ' doing 473 per day. Delicatessen and grocery on 11th, do ing $123 per day. Will invoice stock. Grocery on East Burnside, doing $75 per day The above places are all live ones and will bear Investigation. CITY HALL REALTY CO.. 2ti7 ',2 3th St., Main 6420. HAVE well equipped two stand 10.000 per hour shingle mill, abort distance from Portland; chep tranportaiion. N'eei up to $3000, with services, investor half in terest. Excellent opportunity for build ing contractor. This plant cost com plete two years ago, $14,300. BF 3S7, Oregonian $3000 BUYS stock and fixtures of country store, postoffice, gas filling station, . head cattle, 10 horses, loo tons hay. 1 year paid on lease of 2 sec. pasture; gas engine, truck and farm machinery; half Interest for $2300; main highway, cen tral Oregon. , T,, HUHI N ESS SERVICE. 71R Dekum Bldg PICTURE THEATERS FOR SALE. We will sell the leases and equipment on our theaters in Enterprise and Jo seph. Or. ; county seat, large pay ro.I, no opposition; best buy in Oregon. Write to Enterprise Theater Co., Enterprise, or. SSOOO APARTMENT building and furnish ings, close in. east side ; will show IS per cent on investment; will take un to S3000 asflrst payment. -40 K. Broadway. East 0213. FOR SALE A paying flower shop. The reason 1 am selling It: 1 am in poor health and need a change of climate. AK 304. Oregontan. FOR SALE Well equipped week I v news paper In Willamette valley doing good business. If you mean business, address A V 1 'Ji , Oregnnian. PARTNER with $3i0 and serv es In proo osition that will stand the ; d test, ex perience not necessary. Cad after 10 Sunday. 718 Dekum bldg. AM leaving town; will sell service station and repair shop for $300; doing good business. 80 Nebraska at. Take Fulton vnr. M:ir. 1 DENTAL office in eastern Oregon town, fully equipped, no competition; people anxious for doctor to locate: price less man invtnuu . - -. - " CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY, 3 fur nished livfhg rooms; average $2a day; rent $22.30. Bargain. $730. See George, CARDROOM, confectionery, lunch, gooa location, long lease, low rent, average $123 day: $;;100; some terms. I NT E RS T A 1 K l.A If H.. cmr .-i START a busings of your own, Popcorn crisrwtte And home-made cana oui.i. Quick Sales Co.. 400 Couch bidg. FOR QUICK saie, V-room. h. k., $473. bal ance -? a mvntn: cirar a mount. 432 Jefferson. White Temple d s:rict HALF Interest in established florist busi ness; grernhouses and store, city. H 3 sit. Oregoman. WISH partner to lake half interest la real estate; man or lauy. Hallway -.xenance nu.y. LIGHT, pivas.tnt busmcua proiKMt on with or wit In ut services, no competition ; 11300 wT handle. Sell, ?1 i. GOOD grade of furniture of -room house, house for rent. $3.V $3t0. Call Sund iy or evenings. East 710 E. Burns: de $030 RESTAURANT, busy location, feed ing 123 people daily, 2 or 5-year lease. It will go Mondav 4V7 McKay Mdg. COMPLETE, goiug cement, brick, block, cesspool block, plant building, business and macninerv; nm gut-nine, cm... li,t0 CIGAR STAND, lady or gentlemen. Best bd in Portland. 407 McKay bidg. CIGAR and root beer stand. Can triple your money. 407 McKay bidg. MOTION pictures taken, industrial and educational. Want partner. Bdwy. 27H. GOOD 4-un truck, 'with city business; cheap, terms. Seliwood J-'n. ' VARIETY store for sale, in good growing town. AV 121, Uregonian. partner wanted aitto repair. An A-l mechanic wis he steady and reliable partner who will take real in terest in his work. Have well located downtown shop with good trade, doing only guaranteed high-grade work; ex perience not required if congenial and willing to learn. Can easily clear $lft0 or better a month for yourself from the rtart. If you want the best paying small shop in the eltv todav. don't fail to see this before locating; $330 handles. Call B20 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark- GROCERIES GROCERIES. $0d gets you this SNAPPY little gro cery, 3 living rooms. L174. $1300 and this is yours, 3 Hvigg rooms. A busy location. L175. $1300 HANG UP YOUR HAT and go to work; 4 living rooms. Llti. $ft00 buys the fixtures, corner location. Must sell TODAY. L143. See Mr. RltK. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GROCERIES GROCERIES, CASH AND CARRY. $400 fixtures, stock will invoice about $900. doing $4A day; 3 living rooms. . $-) fixtures, stock will invoice about $1000, doing $43 day; living room. $&A) fixtures, stock will la voice about $12J doing $30 to $S3 day. $G. grocery, brick building, steam heat, P. O. in connection pays $430 ar; living rooms. Z. EAKINS, 313 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th St. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. The owner of a busy and paying light lunch and confectionery, including to baccos and ice cream, wishes to retire: stock and fixture will invoice close to $1300. If buyer can secure as to future payments a small payment down and $30 per month until paid for will take it ; 6 per cant Interest. An excellent paying business to step right into; pos session at once. See owner at U143 Foster road, at Lents. RESTAURANT. $3O0 Cash Will Haadle. Restaurant complete, fine wida foun tain and syrup dispenser; 4 living rooms. Located at a street car terminal. Price with ionritain, $1300, without fountain $1000. Tins ia a tsnap. Act quick. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor.e 104 .1th St. Bdwy. 031 H. BUSINESS location for sale che&sw a fine . location for service station, garage or light groceries; nothing of the kind near 173 miles east of Portland on the Columbia river highway facing depot on main line of O.-W. R. & N. R. R. ; 100 ft. front on highway, t-mall, well made business building on front of lots and warehouse in rear. Price $630; $400 cash. Address owner, W. H. Pierce, lrriRon, Or. Box 61. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My half Interest in a going business of a newly patented electric lantern for $1000, or consider real estate trade. This includes machinery patent and about 1000 lanterns partly assem bled. Jf you are looKing tor a business with a great future as well as a good partner, us 1 wish to retire. Call Wdln. 4tw;o. AN EASTERN manufacturing company who are moving their taotory to Port land, is desirous of interesting two three good ousines men whs will invest from $2300 to $3000, and become officers of the corporation. This is a splendid chance to get in on the ground floor, with your money fuliy protected. Call Broat wsv 73S 1 for appointment or call at -230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg . FOR SALE Good-paying garage In itemt town in Southwest Washington; on main line between Portland and Seattle; popu lation 1300; great farming and poultry center; new building with cement floor and front. Wi't sell buslnesH with nr without building; terms. Good reason t sc. ung. AV 140. t)regnntan. CcNTROLLING interest in thriving gen era', merchandise business, over $ lact year. BufldJng, irast and location ideal. Only bona tide merchants ex pecting to continue the buifnes need apply. Good reasons for sailing. No traders. W 394," Orcgonian, AUTOMOBILE REPAIR AND MACHINE SHOP. FULLY - EQUIPPED, 50x100; FIREPROOF; I5EPE LOCATION WEST SIDE: GOOD TRADE; LONG TIM E LEASE. LOWEST RENTAL FOR HI.E IN CITY. NO BROKERAGE; TK rt MS. M 393. OREGON I AN. RES 1 AL RANT If you are looKing for a good buy, write to P. O. Box 147. Linn ton, or. I have -a dandy little place, doin a good business and growing. Rent only $13 per month, including living rooms. MuFt sell on acct. of sickness. Will make the price and terms right. FOR LEASE. Fireproof building, 50x100 on CJay SL Call East 0M0. FOR SALE Soft drink and concession stand In Cotil lon dance pavilion; finest hall and largest crowds in city; dollar for dollar value. See Mr. Sussman Mon uay night at Cotillion hall, 14th and Ilurn.side. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Wonderfully equipped restaurant, rent $125. LEASE. DAILY RECEIPTS $155. See V. GEORGE FOR THIS. I. E. SPENCER & CO 317-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. G R0CER1, Good corner location, west side, runs $;t0 per day, rent $22 with lease, fixtures $4.0, stock at Invoice; priced to fell quick. F. H. WcCrea, Broadway 731. :hi vn.imner rr Commerce Kirig. MOVING PICTURE THEATER. low rent. equipment new; u you wanr the best money-maker for a small Investment, see the owner Saturday or Sunday night at the theater, Beaverton, Or. ; on sale for two days only. HI LLi ARU and card room, soft drinks. tobacco, candy; best location In city 10.000 population, doing nice business; : juiI stock; up-to-date fixtures. Address S. J. Sullivan, No. Ill Eost 17th St., O'vmpia. Wash. w WANTED Responsible man to take charge 01 branch store in city for corporation o.f 20 years' standing in Portland; must have best of reference and $2300 cash; cash will be fully secured for six months. A 3S7. Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP. Fine opening fox 2-chair shop; no bar ber shop in thl vicinity ; reasonable rnt. Apply at Carmen's lunch counter, 1K03 E. 11th st.. St: wood. LUNCH ROOM. Central west side location, clears $230 per month: $000 cash handles: ex ceptional buy. F. H. McCrea. 23d Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $w3 GROCERY. Good business, all cash- and-carry; fine .corner location, cement block building; clean stock, excellent fixture.; rent $15. Owner, 325 Russell st. Ke.t irt33. CLEANING AND PRESSING. West aide location. Hoffman press, established 4 years, clears $200; $730 cash. F. H. McCrea. "3Q Chamber of Commerce BMe. GRO'"ERY and living rooms, cash and carry store, corner location, invoice about $1100. Rent $23. UNIVERSAL SALES CO. q02 Railway Exchange Bldg. HAVE for sale ral live garage at snap. In good location, and other good business deals. Write for descriptions on busi ness, farms and residence property. A. F. Lewis, real estate. Drain, Or., box 213. FOR SALE Meat market, good dally erage, trade increasing, private, neat an 1 clear., investigate. Call at Chamber of (Vmmerce cigar stand. OPENING for good man with business training to become partner tn estab-1-slud real estate office. Must have car. No capital required. K 387, Oregontan. UAi LING contract: requires purchase of 3-ton truck: small payment down, bal ance easy terms. This job is good for 2 year. ('nil 430 Belmont. 13,000 MILL, SO M. ft. 2-lnch lumber; good 2-ton truck and trailer, all for $200O. or will lease mill 60c. AV 14S. OrcToninn. v FORCED to aril on account of 111 health. weM-estanllshed gift shop; frr particu lars write postoffice box 1238, Yakima, V" h fngton. RESTAURANT A little gem; well equipped; rent only $17. Including sleep ing room; price $1.50, some terms. Bar rnnd Realty Co.. 34! Salmon. HAVE 1 r,- e bu i Ui i ng in N y de r. A I ask a. used last year for cabaret; will trade for d'amonris and some cash. See owner. 4 SI Washington st. FOR SA LE FiMing station and complete vulcanizing shop. Will sell at a bar gain. Owner going east. 839 Union avv N. IS YOUR BUSINESS FOR SALE? For quick action, see F. H. McCrea. Bmndway 75R1. U:i0 Chamber of Commerce BMg. KESTA L RANT Doing good business, ex cellent location. ner depot. Poor health reason for celling. Price t300v Address 7JS G St.. Grants Pasa, Or. LUMBER hauling contract with purchase of track, steady work In city; stand in vestigation. See Mr. Kilton. 430 Burn- jiie. wt s d. POOL hall and soft drinks place for so-Ie; 3 pool tables and card tables; bar fix tures and stock. Inquire 502 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. iSROCERY store and fixtures for sale; daflv receipts $50 to $00; will Invoice $2100: rent $3.V Call Wm. Brock man. iisi-t1 Stark street. WANTED Partner who understands China noodle business; have good location at Seasid-. Or. Call at 606 Oasco b'.dg. FOR SALE Store, drinks, ice cream, erett St.. near 0th con f ectionery. oft Call at 3W-311 Ev- FOR SALE Corner grocery store: now vacant, close to station, city limits, G 3!:. Orejtnnlan. RESTAURANT for sale, good business; also location, 212 Madison street. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first Class, close in. White Temple, some lerms. Price right. 7-room -flat, $600, some terms, close to Washington su 32-room hejel, west side. A money maker. Good lease. Price $3230, $1300 cash- 14 housekeeping. White Temple, good buy. 5 4 -room apartment, west side. Income $600, rent $JW. RO-room hotel, close in, west side, $7000, good terms, good lease. LANE A CORRELL. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 42; AUTO TOP AND UPHOLSTERING. To the right man 1 will sell my equal half interest in a fine businecs, auto top and upholstering; must be honest and reliaBle; experience not necessary if willing to learn; now if you are a bona - fide buyer, and satisfied with $130 per month at present as your share, it will pay you to look this up before you In vest. Price oniy $300. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bMg.. 4th and Stark. BEAUTY PARLOR. DOWNSTAIRS LOCATION. Located in thickly settled APART MENT district; veiy email overhead ex pense, established 6 years; doing gooa business; with or without permanent wave machine; STKP RIGHT IN FOR $4X10. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., fiOU-lO I'an.Tn.i. 3d and Aider sts. TIRE AND VULCANIZING BUSINESS. $430 buys equal half interest In busy well-located ehop. handling new and used tires; experience not necessary if handy with tools and willing to learn business; must be satisfied with 1130 per month for yourself to start. This Is your opportunity to buy the best small business in Portland today. Apply C20 Chm. of Com, hldg.. 4th and Stark. W ANTE D P artner. lady or gentleman a ifw hundred dol- middle-aged, with a lars to invest in sttar e business on mall scale. I am In business and have some Inventions that I wish to manuracture and need partner to take care store and 4t will make- permanent business or both; references exchanged, u ure- gonian GARAGE FOR SALE. This fine west side commercial garage shows (according to a certified account ant's monthly statement) a net income of $12,790.71 for the past 17 months, or an average of $732.84 per month. Dis agreement of partner gives you the opportunity to buy this high-class prop osition. See owner at 523 Henry bldg. PATENTS Write tor tree guide book and . evidence of conception blank; send mod el or sketch and .description of lnven ' tion for our free opinion of tt pat entable nature; highest references; prompt attention; reasonable terms. Vic tor J. Evans & Co., Itobart bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Main offices, 04 U 0th at., Washington. D. C. li ROOMS, mostly housekeeping, part transient, newly tinted and renovated, brick building, good condition, fine lease to December, lsrJ2; price $3300. terms. This is priced far below market price for similar places and shows 'an in come of over $200 net. See it soon. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. KELSo. the City ot Opportunities. If you want a busines-s location, investment, location for a hotel, apartment house, hoepital. garage, theater or looking for a home, a tarm, chicken ranch, dairy farm or stock ranch near the city of opportunities write to or see Mrs. J. L. Mooney. Kelso. Wash. GROCERY. Cash and carry. One of the" neatest, cleanest and nice appearing stores In cil. on good business st.; a closely set tled resident ami apartment house Vlis-trict.- Rent oniy $10 per month, with living rooms, all for $1030. D. C. Della bouirii,. owner. 152 Russell st. PARXVER wanted with tfoo to .$"00 for oh the best propositions going; ca iVMije frem $3000 to $10,000 this year i Imo l next: business proposition wort ' investigation. Call 314 Stock Exchang ear; th Exchange ost pros- -lsr, and make rhhit year yet. The very thing so are-, loQKing ror. jtore In the heart 01 suoppum sCll complete line-of dairy prod- Investigate; this place can be on- easy terms, long tease auu UNIVERSAL SALES CO. 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. SOFT DRINK, LUNCH AND CARDS. An opportunity tp get into a business that nets $1000 a month, west side, low rent, good lease. UNIVERSAL SALES CO. 602 Railway Ex change Bldg. FOR SALtJ Dry goods store in good town of 3000, southwestern Wash. Best lo cation in city and good clean stock. Stock can be reduced so that stock and fixtures can be handled for $12,000 or less. Selling account sickness. AV DH, oregoman xx.-inu POOLROOM $3500. Must be sold at once. Good business, fine -location, very reasonable; 7 tables and gymnasium. UNIVERSAL BALES CO. 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. B L Y E R S. US! EN. If you are looking for a restaurant or grocery store, see me before closing deal. 1 have some good places from $300 up, eas terms. Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN. 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg. SMALL restaurant, just the place for man and wife, brick bqilding, steam heat and water furnished; this is a snap at $830, terms. LINTON & WELCH. 41S RAILWAY EXCHANGE. BUYERS, LOOK. $1230 restaurant, good equipment, bet location in city, good business, low rent, long lease; some terms; have other busi ness. See me at restaurant, lOtt North Sixth street. No agents. GOOD restaurant, doing $00 per day. cheap rent, this is a cheap buy at $2000, $1300 "h" LINTON St WELCH. 4 1 RAIL W AY EXCHANGE. SICKNESS compels me to sacrifice my dressmaking and millinery shop. Store Urge enough for living qiiarers. Rent only $20. See owner, 3' 18 East 23th St., cor Clinton. WW or WR car. COAL LANDS. Can locate you on 2300 acres govern ment land : new coal leasing act : gov ernment charges $40. See Prospector, St Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. BAKERY and cate, wholesale ana retail, one of the best money makers in south ern Oregon; worth $f000, to be sold for $.i000. Domestic trouble demands sale. A V 430. Oregoman BOTTLING PLANT. MINERAL SPRING RESORT. Ileslth'-seekers opportunity; $7000. part trade. Klickitat Mineral springs. K lickitat, Wssh CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real eat ate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002 wanted Small grocery or lunch coun ter; have clients waiting; we guarantee ..!r-k results if nrice is right. Morris. with O. O. SLETTEN. 415 Railway Ex- change bldg. Broadway 34QO. ST I" M PAGE on 40 acres. Close to Port land, good road; also lVi-ton truck ami dragaw for cash or take hnuee and lot a P"-rt iayment. .B 383. Orego ntan. VALUABLE discovery for production of fruits and cerlals; enormous production, wanted shareholders in new company now forming. Write W. D. Morehouse, AV nod stock. Pox 14?S WANTED To get :n contact with com pany or individual who will take con tract to log and run small sawmill. AK STS Gregorian. BARBER SHOP WANTED 1-chair shop with living rooms in rear, in suburbs or Mnall town: muet be neat and clean. 5o V Stock Exchange bidg. WANTED Man to furnish money to en large factory that has the business, or man to take half Interest. Give telephone number. BC 3H0. Qregonian. Mi" PHOTO iVi'Ul'lO ti-r sale, or rent to A-l man who has wife to help; good city reputation .to keep up; leading studio; h u rr y . sickness. AY 343. Qregonian. PACIFIC coast newspaper pnopertlt-s. Job shops, binder!. Pacific Coast News paper Exchange, Monadnock Bidg.. Sn Francisco. $J5 BUYS half interest In good 2-chair barber shop. Write or call J. E. Rice, C atskanie. Or. Box 242. FURNITURE repair shop and secondhand store doing good business, $500 cash. Tabor 335. 1103 Hawthorne. FOit LEASE ur exciiange. only Hotel town of 1000. with 40 rooms. Address AV 14, pregon'an DRUGSTORE, eastern Oregon; only store, cash deal, invoice : good proposition; no trades. AV 83. Qregonian. FOR SALE One of tne best paying mil linery stores in southwest Washington. Owner leaving city. AV 112. Oregoman. FOR SALE $1100. Restaurant clearing $350 month, rent $12; lease. 1675 E. 13th St., Seliwood. PILES can be permanently cured w.tnoui operation. Call or write Dr. Dean- Sec ond and Morrison. FILI ING station and vulcanizing shop; good location ; for saie, or vu'.canlzing equipment for sale. 363 E. 11th st. BARBER shop, 2 chairs, good business, good location; other baainess compels me to se4J. Corner Holiday and Adams st. BAKF-KY in good business condition and in good business location; right place for right party E 392, Oregoniau SOFT drinks, cards, barber shop; sell all or half. 348 Gtisan st. i-CHAlR barber ehop. or 2-jear leaae. 851 Aakeny at Broadway. 10T.V 350 RESTAURANT and lunch counter, located In factory district, doing good business. well equipped. two living rooms In connection; some terms. $1000 Restaurant, fine location, best of equipment, low rent, long lease; $60Q cash, balance easy. ItfOO Restaurant and lunch counter, doing 133 day business, low, rent, long lease; foreman and wife, can't be beat. $2S0O Restaurant, best equipped place can be got for the money, doing e-nnd business, located on best transient street In Portland; long lease; easy $300 boivs two-chair lady barber shop, doing good business, well located; rent $40; long lease; 2S0 cash, balance easy. MORRIS, with O. O. S LETT EN. 413 Railway Exchange Bldg. $28 WILL start you in a busines that will pay you above $10,000 per year. We want district distributors for a new aurtovnobile device: .every car owner a prospect; users eay it i essential; that it is not an accessory but a necessity. Used now by over 12,000 cars In Cali fornia: strongly indorsed by leading au tomobile concerns. $828 will buy yon sufficient merchandise to start distri bution to eub-agente; experience in au tomobile accessories not ncesary. Write at once for-details; good territory etui ope-n- Add-res Dept. a Manager, 915 S. Figueroa St.. Loa Angeles, Cai. FOR SALE Sawmill of 40,000 capacity, n-if u fmir rinniiKvi and logging equip ment, planer and resaw and other mill equipment. Now operating and complete and up-to-date in every way. Located six miles from Cottage Grove. Twenty million feet of government timber trib utary can be handled by donkeys. Twenty million additional also tributary In come property or bonds considered as part payment. Address A. L. Woodard, Cottage Grove, Or. - A PAYING PROPOSITION. Here is a 14-room hotel and 4tt acres with numerous outbuildings, all In beet of condition; also good lamlly orchard and 2 acres loganberries; located In prosperous vallev town, -2 blocks from electric station. This is not only a beau tiful home, but money maker as well. The buildings could not be duplicated for price aeked, $oOrt, on terms. Par ticulars see F. It. Jeee, 627 Corbe-tt bldg. Main 7141. I'OVK h'A 'TION'ERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Fine marble fountain with two freez er and ten syrup holders. Abundance of others first-class equipment and all stock on hand. Rent only $13; l4-year lease. Room to make steeping quarters Total price for all $1600. $100 cashand terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., "infl-10 Panama Bid. Bdwy. RH42. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. No. 4 American mill complete. Ameri can edger. 60-h. p. boiler, state In spected. 123 Us; engine, tools, ramP outfit. Ford car. toge-ther with 200.mM to 300.000 ft. pine stumpage. The price will surprise you. Get ready for spring work. Address owner, V SSI. Oregonfan. GROCERY and confectionery store, with three living rooms and bath, doing bet ter than $2300 per month, rent only $.5 per month, near two schools and church. A dandy buy. Stock and fixtures will in voice $3000. Further particulars on re nueut. Address 439 Ekluud ave.. Ho- fjuiam. Wash. ' POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. Well equipped poolroom In the rear and open-front confectionery, cigars, etc.. In front; close-in location; rent $4o. Three-year lease. Price $2300. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. W42. BUILDER wanted to builid by contract 2 story apartme-nt; have lot, gravel, ce ment, lumber (except finish), and equlpSiient aiil paid for and on g-rounn; want man to finance; wiW 3"iva first mortgage or will g-et cash for you when finished. Not in Portland. AV 23. Ore- yonisn. h a k-env. Neat little bakery with 100-loaf Mc Dowell oven, cost new $000. All other necessary equipment; business $:!0 a day and up Price $030 and invoice stock on hand DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. ft342. CA4SH GROCERY, doing nice business growing neighborhood, bright future: 3 living rooms, furnished, In connection with etore; If looking for nice home with good buelnes. this Is the place for you; deal with owner; prioe. furniture, stock and fixtures. $2000. Wdln. BflS. 1.' VPRI.T.F'T RUT. One of Portland's best cafeterias; beautifully equipped; rent $200; 8-year lease; average daily receipts $200 price $5000. V. George, T F! SPENCER & CO.. M7-21 Ofampftr of Commerce Bldg. -iuu I'nllVTItV STORE S2OO0. New store building on ten-year ground lease at $5 per month: new stock and fixtures, all Tor $2000; $1200 cash. This Is a real snap. Hi miles from Portland on highway, stage station. G. G. Ide, 817 Lewis hullding. ' " BARBER SJHOI4 . Four chairs, doing nice business; sell for invoice. Will accept small first pay ment. Hera is your chanee to get into a good business. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth Ft. Bdwy. fig 18. HOTEL-RESTAURANT. Weft side, corner location: doing fine buslne.; good lease, rent $100. Selling account sickness. Ilflon; some terms. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, 104 Firth Ft. Bdwy. t)318. $1700 CASH. Grocery store, including building lot 30x105, on east side business street; sa.iiu and invoice of stock, about $500; four nice living rooms. K. A S. REALTY CO.. 425 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OLD ESTABLISHED WOOD YARD. 4 yeans' leaee; office rent $13; ira rage: woodBaw; nil planked; 12500 takes It. See Mr- McCrnskey. with I. E. SPENCER CO., M7-21 Ch.imber of Commerce Bldg. GARAOE ON HIGHWAY TO FOREST GROVE. Brick garage with accessories. Will Invotce over amount asked. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. Bdwy. 6318. A PARTNER WANTED. A prowing business manufacturing auto bodies, truck and bug bodies, auto tons, etc.; making good profits; prefer office man as owner oversees the work. Room 401 UPKum ning, PARTNER TO TAKE HALF INTEREST IN BUSINESS OF EXTREME MERIT. MUST BE GOOD HONEST MAN AND WORKER. $1000 REQUIRED. AF 386. OREGON I AN. FOR SALE SOUTHERN SPOKANE county newspaper and job office; good business: good fie-ld. Owner wishes to engage in othef business. Box 19 Fair fiHd Wash. ' WANTED A young or mlddie-aged man, capable of handling machinery, to in vest 1500 or $1000 in stock of a good paying business ; good salary to rigbt man. B 30. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE GARAGE. Wonderful location, storage full st $10 per month. See tliis .for a oargain. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 Fifth St .Bdwy. '-3l8. pt s FOR SALE Largest and best blacksmith and machine shop in a good, prosperous Oregon town, for less the In voice, from owner. Good reason for selling. AV 149. Qregonian. ' HOTEL, brick building, five-year lease, good furniture, netting good income; price only $6300. 45O0 cash. LINTON & WELCH, 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. EDTSON steel frame pfcture machine, Mazda and carbon, rewind, extra reels, screen, fine condition, $100. Waiter Adrian. Gresham, Or. MOST complete equipped beauty shop In the city, heart of business' section; cheap for cash, or some terms. AM 39, Ore gon lan. PARTY to Invest $230 In a one-third part nership In a clean-cut, money-making proposition, or as silent partner. 11 su orcgonian. FOR SALE $200. 2-Caair barer shop, east sitle, close in: rent $15. AK 3N3. Oregon Ian. T.i'VCH room, bargain terms and good lease, fine location. Par. exchange for rooming house. See owner, lim 0th at. ELECTRIC window bakery for sale or rent, good transfer corner location. Phone East 3S50. WANTED To meet man oar woman wild ing finance Institute of hlbeiat merit. Adores H BS2. Ore-ro-nian. b'ISiZ hit.e reataurant Jut 2 blocks from Washington: on good street; at very Tf-n sonr b cash price. Call Bdwy. 20P5. CASH and carry grocery, for a quick buy $2750; rent $40: big tourist trade; owner. Phone Tabor 738. SMALL capita; wanted, profitable manu facturing; investor may take charge of accounts and sales. BJ SSI. Qregonian. FOR SALE Retail bakery and lunch, can dies and Ice cream; $S50 cash. Apply AN 870. Qregonian." LUNCH counter, soda fountain, some rooms, rent $20, sell half or whole, $000 tuM right for 1 or 2 ladlew. 305 Main st. i BLRNS1DE ST. rnoTrt fnr sale Restaurant and card WANTED Partner to invest $150 in going bns'npss. East 8150. BARBER shop and barber furniture for sale chpftp. 222 Morrison st. WANTED Party to finance invention tor half. Y oregomaTi. GARAGE A real one on Columbia higb- wav 57th and Sandy. .100 BUSINESS CARDS $1.50. ACORN PRESS, 2Sfi WASHINGTON" I LUNCH counter, I Third si. $350 complete. 189 WE WANT A BIG MAN". One who wants a meritorious proposi tion with, unlimited money-making possi bilities. Oniy company of Ita kind In Pacific northwest. Eastern companies in same line have mad millions manufac turing absolutely staple and necessary line. Abundance of raw material and an enbHahed market. The man we wan must be able to Invest or bring with him from $13,000 to $40,000. We prcfee that bo take presidency and active in terest in corporation. Money subscribed will be used to furn-ish additional man ufacturing equipment ami facilities. De tailed information and figures upon re quet. Will cot you nothing to investi gate. All dealmgw will be treated confi dential and your name will not be sold or hawked around as an investor. Write AH S(4. Oregonin. This is ait) an op portunity for the profession-al or business! n-ban who does not want to take an ac tive Interest, also the email investor with $10O up who wants to put his money In an Oresnon industry, on a gro-und-Tioar proii-osition CONFECTIONER V AND LIGHT LUNCH. Across the street from large school, established 12 years, rent $30, good lease, living rooms, fixtures alone worth $l(k0, but must sacrifice on account of sickness; 3 showcases , 2 electric mixers, soda fountain, 2 cash registers. 2 pairs scales. Ice box, large range, 6 Tables wire chairs. stools, counter, 'dishes cooking utensils, first-class stock, marble slabs; $1100 and some terms. Bring your bankbook with you and be ready to act quickly. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-Vfl Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. LA R G E M AN U FAC T UR1NG BUSINESS. established 23 years, wlslies to enmr business to meet demands of trade: ltw per cent profit; $4O.0O0 gross receipts last year; must have partner. If you are office man, can draw salary and profits. Bank references and books open for Inspection. $0,000 required. No experience necessary. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 40-3- Panama Bldg.. Third and A. per. HAVE old eatabltshed jewevry bus-iiwiws in a very good location which I am corn pelieri to acrifioe; my stock amounts to $ltfOO, fixtures $300. I am offering entire business for $1350; 8 to 5 years lease; a very good wtchintker's trad; act quickly If Interested a an oppor tunity of this kind Happens once in a lifetime. Call Main 7714. or lttl First st., near Morrison. FACTORY representative wanted by lar"j unicago manutaciure monev-back Buarmntee; flUOl) to JU0 required to carry stock or supplies; no special experience necessary: our dis trict managers make 10,0U0 per year ana up; act quici.. rim... - MW W. Jackson St.. Chicago. xjrtm. llAT.l. AINU LUiv-nnw. 4 pool tables, root beer barrel bar. wall case, several show case,, cot fee urn. Ice box, steam table, lunch counter, etc. All foe, Ior a00. li00 DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., MI9.1II Panama Bldr. BliWV. B.H Large grocery uusineF. """",' ,; . Portland, live town, must sell to estate; :huu iixiuivs ,-ft lng delivery truck; 'i"t-c!a!s stock. 10 per cent discount; about ti.UUO. UO.000 UU II lit' SB 1st! L J ca' . . . ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Kealtoni 404-ft-n I'anama hiub.. t mm - MANUFACTURING concern, manufactur ing a newly patenteu snuu., attractive exclusive state territorial sales right to responsible party; small amount of capital required; character and proof of ability more essential than lr; amount of capital. H. B. Bennyson. -7 N. Juniper st., Philadelphia. Pa. Hw-WEST HIDE UAKAJE -I500. Partner wanted for this we 1-located garage, do storage, auto repairing, etc., shop equipped with acetylen, wel,1"" outfit, electric drill, full Un. of hand i. nnd a service car; equal Interest only I son. Room 401 Dekum Blrtg Good location, east slds, 15 rent, nice line of notions, dry goods, etc.; mall room in rear, did 5.VK) last year will Invoice stock, about IM00; will tuks lot as .part payment; no Phone Information. McKAKLAMJ. " a - GET INTO BUSINESS for yourself, be your own boss; Bmall capital will start you; sell the Ellsworth oil gas burner for kitchen ranges. 100 per cent profit, burner guaranteed; sea demonstration, this is your opportunity; answer. B ao, HOTEL, brick building, lease, rent only $100 per month, less than J2 per room, nets good Income: this is a housekeeping hotel, cheap at $5000 . $3000 1 cash. LINTON & WKLCH. 41 3 Railway K-xchange Blflg. . A PARTNER WANTED. N Auto service station; carry auto Parts tires, vulcanizing, etc.; sell gas, oils, etc., and be genera y useful; requires small investment fully lecuren. reoom "tnu... RESPONSIBLE corporatoin wants general Bales-managers to ope n branch office. manage salesmen, v ,, " j sary; expenes to Baltimore allowed ifJ yoli qualify. Address Manager. 603 Eutaw St.. naiwiimic A BOM FID1D BUSINESS IS WAITING juat around the corner; on y requires a email amount of capital; al Information amyour disposal 434-425 Fliedner bids 10th and Washington sts.. City. t-au between ana SUBURBAN grocery store, wt elds. tjtocK and fixtures first-class. 8 nice living Kom.. nt"$30. 5-year lease summer trade averages r-t-q go filling station goes with rnt UE T S I GO. MPFARLA.U. neaii.i. a. r, -r ANYONE contemplating re,ulna!; fng concession, shows, etc., at Seaside, Or . this aeaaon can rent or lease reas stnnhiv snace on principal st. irom j. xu Kloiierman at 810 Board of Trads blde.. Port innd. 'T. Tv VOII have 12500 ami can in-c. "pnrc I ifa ve a c ! a n-c ut re tall jm Ins- proposition inai wi" .t.. I2X pr month; no bonus or coin mission. SOUND Investment for a few who wl " satisfied wun i to :0. No speculation or promotion scheme. Money srib anu a to.... . proposition, lau woouiawn A 1 A t 1 r. iv , . . . . . - -Handy man can Join Hood mschsnic in auto Dusiness; warn, nucio-.w . ran each clear J200 month. Small In vestment. Boom 401 Dekum mug. WEST Lun.r.n - on 6th St.: old established. ood busi ness; sen ai in .. JOHM SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commeres Blfl. Owner of modern Karaite wants a . . . . - .A .ell onm Aila. nannls ?n"a"'" d, 4(. week beside. " ' .111 Dekum bldr SUBURBAN HlG-ilWAY H: Will seat p"r"p- '.!i:":,,"..n' v n.'.Mmt v"r F A R LAND. Realtor. Fallitlir Bldg. RUI UI1I.B and e..tablished manulHcturing Dusiness in Portland will consider serv ices of. man with sales experience, who can Invest -'R00. six year, part Interest. Tnvpstiar-'tion mv iru. " - ... . .r- t. l' i v Till." MARK KT IV J UU Ann - ' for a real busineea that Is not a rt-rlch-qulck scheme and that will stand the most rild Investlratlon, write for Information. .n'". vi"...-" Al, I I.' HI-' rti.fc . Chance for active, reliable man as n.rtner working 4 men; owner snow cln rnnke 1175 month; T.OO will hnndle. Ronm Ml Rnilway Exchange. fJood storage, plenty repair work, a so sell (ral. oils, etc.; good lease; price . ' ..r . l VI U- 1 T Ul Rk' I-'T tiKCK-C.rlI ..i,.. , . 115(10 Invoice, living rooms and good . ' - ..Ilinv term.. Business rra.;. -- i - RAPID SAl-tva '" "t.. WANTED A man who is active and looks I' 'Jlin1 will investigate. Call 4IW1 COUCH man., i" - .v...-., - . . . . . i',iVl'1.'l'TlliVl'.IIV Thl prettv place, account ill health, W1,T- . k. fMHl. A hariruln. I a n uuukv 511 Rallwuy Exchange , A Lien ii.......--. Deal In butter, eggs and farm produce; clears J'OO to M"' month; your money r y r nl'il VPCJ ruliv securrn. ' - ' . . . "t r- f7 TUr.lTPTl Mini.Mi rn-iunu i"""'"" for sale, in city. Deal with property owner. Small amount down and terms verv easy. inquire sui t,aai juurr.juu. FOR BALE Small bakery, east side; must leave town; have other business; good Dlace for man and wife. Phone labor rrns or Inquire Fletsehmnn Co. We have a dandy buy In a luneh counter or restaurant: look these over. RAPID SALES CO.. 4W Couch Bidg. A. GARIOE and service station in a fins country town on highway; price only tsso. Room 401 ucKum meg. ..1.IT.. ..v - TT-JJ SALE Nice clean cunt ectionery store living rooms with bath In rear; rent 'reasonable. m6 Olbbe St. AGENCY for good popular car in the val lev stand full Investigation; big sale nf parts, etc. Ml Rsllwny ruxenan loot) CLOSE In coffee house, eajt side. good trade and location, a snap. McFar- land. Realtor. Falling p:ng. S3O0 CASH, neat restaurant with living we.r .lde. good trade. (475. McFARLAND, Realtor, Falling Bldg, PRINTING plant for sale, doing 120.000 yearly business; price 110,000. AF 891. Qregonian. BAKBEKS Have 2 shops, must sell one; S ! S(l. r-ast XJDUGX CIGAR STAND FOIi SALE CHEAP. 345 MORRISON. LIGHT IJ-NCH AND CONFECTIONERY. East ,ia: does a gross business of XIH'O per miwnh. Sale Includes 2 furnished living rooms in rvr of .tore; fax out on eal side; price SJOOO, terms if desired. frocated on 6lh St.. large bar. soda fountain, showcases, electric mixer, all necessary equipment; $100 cash will handle. , GROCERY STORES. , Mount Scott district on Foster road; good business; 4 living rooms in rear of store; rent only $-0 per month; mock will lnvoica about I-'tiOO. Stock of groceries. Stark street, west side, good location. Stock of groceries. Mount Fcott district, across from school; stock will Invoice around Suou to flOou, POOL ROOM AND RESTAURANT. East side. Graild ave.: 4 pool tables, lunch counter, cigar and showcases, good bar: does a per day business; X1500 down will handle. garage: and repair ehop. Prick building. MixlOO, dead storage amounts lo $lo0 a month; parts and equipment, including stock car, will average about SISOO; owner will transfer his lease, equipment, business, sua., for 14yo. RESTAURANTS. A busy restaurant on Sixth st.; feeds 170 to 1100 people a day; new and high-class equipment: fixtures alons will invoice ovs $3uuU; $20U0 cash will handla. $530 cash will handle a good east side restaurant near Grand, ave.; does a t'M to business per day; buyr can stand outslda and. watch the business during noon hour. This Is a good buy. CAFETERIAS, We have two very h1gh-cls cafeterlHS for sals. Modern kitch en equipment; in the heajrt of tn business district; If you want a high-class place, It will pay t Investigate. WOOD-WORKINO BUSINESS. West side, near Madison; make step ladders and screens and othr wood-working business. This is a good business to buy for a gooa carpenter, Chester I- Florence, RITTEIt, LOWK A CO.. Kealtorm, H01-3-&-T Hoard of Trads Bldg. UAllAur. n . i.v. . ...... Located on highway, over SO-c ar stor Tge, corner brick. rent $10, -year i.,.. n.i. .-.o ner month. If you are o L'. 'T A I C looking for a good garage proposition L.i.h i ri.nrtv location and a. money maker .it will pay you to Investigate. 4iiiia handles. -A Downtown, west-side lo,,tl,ni-8"-r storage. 414 years' lease, rent 145. Two . ory'brlclt net. 3uo. ilv. this i your prompt attention. Do not let this one slip by. Price 4.1O0. terms. H W OSUOUNE CO., Realtors. . 80 1 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. M87. A GOIJTO genera! merchandise basl ns is for sale In valley town. 80 miles south of Portland; a grow ing community: will Invoice or lump around 17000. Bee J. P. METZGER-PARKER OO., Bealtora, 289 Oalt BL Bdwy. B358. FOR SALE General repair shop good or motor car work. Machinery consists of 3 lathes. 1 8()-ton Arbor press. I shaper. 1 large drill press, 1 small drill press. 1 speed drill, emery wheel, also air compressor, blacksmith forge with necessary tools and an acetylene weld ing outfit. If you are looking for a shop of this kind in a good location In Port land, get In touch with the owner by answering. j icm..... WITH the view ot becoming generai- manager of nw uoastai ii.iw.i.... Corporation now holding valuable long term tonnage contracts, we art now ready to taJlc business with a man wrrh I10OOO and soma practical experience along this line; your Investment fully secured from two Bources; person qual ifying will be given a profitable and satisfactory contract; replies confiden tial. - .I--.', un-KVin.ii. 13000 CAFETERIA clearing :i50 per mo. .uuv ,Mn fin hujttne&B. lease. terms, .; lunch counter: rent ipa. I4'J5 takes cigar and candy enld. J400 cieaning, pressing and tailor "h"P- S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Hldg,, Fourth and OaK. FOR SALS) or trade for Portland home. , tire and accessory business, good loca tion, good lease, invoice 4.,00; will make good proposition to right party. S-0 Plttock block. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. 15000 cash will handle one of the best suburban houses in the city. 13000 cash will make first payment on a high-class country town house. STjOO for another country town movls that will clear from. 1250 to 300. WESTON CO., 1-MO N. W. Bank Hldg. MEAT MARKET. One of the best in the state. WHOLE SALE and RETAIL; buildings, lot and 6 acres of ground, slaughter g hows sverything, Al: will sell for 114.000. ft cash; will lnvoics. See Mr. Spencer. M7-21 Cham'her of Commerce Blilg. SUCCESSFUL mfg. corporation in live eastern Oregon town has opening for business man who can take entire charge and Invest 110.000; assured permanent profits and Investment secured; will stand strictest investigation. Mr. Umb denstork. 210 Oregon bldg. 1 . 1 . A Ij JlAAUAJ.i ' " " - ' cleaning, pressing shop, IS miles from Portland; no competition, living room In rear, furnished; everything goes, leav ing country, iii. " aired. Commerce bids., Sherwood. Oi n Xewherg highway or S. P. Rallroa Can't be beat for man and wife; takee In over 12.1 per day; rent 15, under lease: a real money-maker; price lb .5; oniy iwru imii. (i. C. UI.TIICH A Co., 405 Ptock Exchange Bldg. I' A II II IUHIM -.v..,.,.. vi V -.A Dandy little cardroom. clearing T- erage x'uo per mon in. n,-n. vv. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. r.nn-10 Panama Hldg. Bdwy. BX2. FOR SALE Half Interest In country nowsnauer in the heart of Douglas county; good shop, good country, gooo ,.. iiuva rood reasons for selling will 'sell cheap. Write Harry - Arnold, Onklnnil. or. . ...tioif anln snanDV grocery and mea im.iness In Gladstone. A bargain for -.v, if tnken at once. "Trlfiers do not apply. Phone 831. Add. Bos 457, Glad- Btone, or. a tA IITXKft -WANTED. . f..-i hn.irHi win sell equal 1n terest to steady man. can each clear 1210 month: requires small investment fu! v secure!. itnom .01 I'rsuu, oin., lv,u u A I I.-! nr trjirte Tor I'orilHIiu uruiieri. chicken ranch with two poultry houses, brooder and three Incubator;, with one or four acres ground, near Portland. J. P. Nelon. Lent?, rtnme WANTED! WANTEDI iva.mmi! PARTNER In a good paying bualnes IliO required. L 11. Mr. Buholt. i v sPEWElt & CO.. M7-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 117O0 OROCEItY; owner going east, will dinoe of going grocery at a bargain; ia.eri rri huMV east side street; lease. large HvineT room: thr! won't last long; no agent. i, r ,.. . . . e OPPORTUNITY to buy one-half Interest vln a big paying storage garage lease 5 years, low rent. Price 12200. 611 Rail way r.xcnan He. WANT partner in new business: must in vest 1500 or more; good location; long lease- don't answer unless you mean business. Main Room 20 FILLING sliition, auto repair snop ana cottage to live in; clears 1250 month; will Invoice; rent low. Room fill Rail way Exchange "AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Auto parts, tires, vulcanizing, stc; "oo to ano month clear profit: Invoice price Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted in an auto parts store, mem be reliable and able to Invest 11000 with services; pay good wages and prof its Ml Railway Exchange. I AM looking for a small lunch room. Must be a bargain and show at least $0 per day, with light overhead. Owners only O. A. Thomas. 221 Vt Morrison st. ONE of the best truck Jobs In Oregon; can make 140 and better a day; must have 1(00; to 12 A. M. F. T. Pem broke. 301 it 1st st., room 8S. BELL YOUR BUSINESS QUICK. DAVENPORT, HDtVY r.SOO tOR SALE Meat market, cash business. 15S4 E. Stark. DRY GOODS stock and building for sale by owner. Woodlawn 4500. SURETf INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama lllilg., Cor. 3d and Alder Sts., Portland, Or. BURETT PARTNER WANTED AUTO TKAILEll Mill. line of the largest automobile trall'-r manufacturing bueinesa and gas etiKine assembly shops 111 cltv; ownT Is expert tneclianlo and capable of handling me-, chanlcal end of business: Wants man capable of taking cumplete charge of the office end; money fully eerureil; - business will pay jl"i month and up from start: exn-P- tional opportunity; price luou. SURETY ClOAR PTORF1. best In Port land; fine downtown, west eide cornor location; vsluiiblj lease, low rent, full value in sitfht for your money; full lene of staple stock, cldim. tobacco, candy, iiiagaznn etc.: business Is paying $-'i0 month uvt profit. Investi gate. Price 13."0. SURETT VM'SUAt, PARTNERSHIP AUTO TOP AND PAINT HHOP. The largest and iiiost fully equipped place In the citv; Incorporated under th laws of Oregon; doing work, for the largest and bent busi ness firms in city, employing number of expert men; need man to attend to outside end of business: no previous ex perience necessary, as your part of the work Is pleasant ; will guarantee you $4U week to start, and equal share of monthly profits. Investiga tion invited. Owner cannot hnndle business alone. Price 11000. .SURETY AI'TO RF1PAIR RHOP PARTNERSHIP. Splendid op portunity or a congenial man willing to work and learn the auto repair business; nave steady storage, pays all over head expenses: most fullr equipped shop on west side; right in auto row; no troul.Jj for each of us to clear II. month each. Doing work for best firms in City. Only lUUtf. Bee this first. SURETY KXCELLFNT OF"ICPl J'1' CIOAK STAND. Beautiful oak fixtures, large tp' stock, excellent west ld downtown office bldg.: low rent: owner will give lease; full value for your moneyi ex perience not necessary: n trouble to clear soo tnontij above all expenses. The beet, buy In Portland. Only IlKuUi terms. SURETY OARAGH A.KD R A. tjt RHOP. Equal half Interest Of fered to man willing to tak charge of the front end, Minna accessories, waiting on cus tomers, eto. Established years; prefer partner as s cannot depend upon hired, help. Ilave 60 steady ears In, storage. Battery charging eto. A splendid rroposltlon, Price I1T0O. Investigate Ujls. SUKETY-POnTLANT. NERSIUP OFFERED In largM est and busiest auto patnttnrj and auto enameling shop; val uable lease, fireproof bldg.J employing 5 mon; doing worK for the largeet and best busi ness firms In city; want con-; genial man to take charge ciC office and attend to outslda details; previous exporlenca not necessary; books open tn Inspection; drawing uacountoC ISO week and prof'.ts dlvldeoj , equally. Legitimate proposU tion. Price ,1700. SURETY BUYERS, If yon don't j I what you want In our ad call at our offices and looie, over our large list o excluai tve listings. v j BTTRFITY INVESTMENT CO., 810-11 Panama XJIdg.. Cor. 8d and Alder Sts., Portland, Or. FOR BAT.E on irTCTtANaB. GROCERY STORE. One of the test country stores in Oregon, new buildings, piste-glass windows, all modern fixtures and roS.l stock. Will Invoice over 14000. This store located In good farming district and doing good business. Will sacrifice for IJtlOO or might consider some trade. Owner must have some cash. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 407 Main St., Vancouver, Washington. SUBURBAN POOL UAl.L -Brick bidg.. free heat and water, large living room, rent 20. If you would IV, ..i Msfled with 1240 a month profit. b Jf .hi Seta Is and be at our office iTo o'clock i ond2? morning. Owner down wf'S rheumatism, Old "tab. shed PladCfr.JnUt"btrf0,waU if". "-.."5 toda fSSntaj"' pool tables snooker w.. keSo board, "chairs, clock stock it; llnoo down, balance of (o0 at 0a ANCHOR INVESTMT5NT CO.. J.r.T.'L'.m. Bldg.. Third snd Alder, I WASHINGTON ST. RESTAURANT. Fine location, seating 8 PPJ .verytalng complete; rent 75 per , month. Price USB- 3. B. Hodson, with WAKEFIELD, FRIES b3 4th St. OND OF tne best ikying Ust man ufacturing business, lntho city of Portland: a going conoern; bus fnei. ..tabllshed .everal debts; earning "9e month. $70x. PJt or aU - " ireWGEltpARKEB OO, lioaltora M9 Oak St Bdwy. CLAY proilucts plan, -making J1,1 with service. ,i"s slot, of the 'J;,, , bVus-d SKVffl' return SoT,: fully secured and snouiu r v THIS IS YOUR CHANCE ther ".tall. e, OEO T. MOORE CO.. WT Teon Bldg. ?.PlP.hed profitable buslne.a Must In tabdshed P1" by plant. This prop osVlon wUl bea7 strictest investigation. Don't answer unless you bu.lnesa X 3113, Qregonian. HAVE going Plant manuf aciurlng aulo Accessory with established world-wide market and distribution; well sdvert ls.i.1 Md .old at handsome profit; compel led fiT uive so must dl.poso of present In to ''"e'rtuc, being handled by largo PcotJ : M W. WashgtJJChlago. HiTTKUY SERVR'B STATION. iv rnilll TO WN Close to Portland. ,.4 pe MT-21 Charrl'er of Commerce Bldg. POOL 11AI.L. Well equipped 3-table pool sill l good busmesS district. Price only 900. 'SUDT 'iNvWMBOT CO Vt..ZMim. Bidg. nnwy. arvre. A PARTNER WAITED. WANT $2300 with Brvlce, manufucturin bualneV.; man or woman; mow .eourji by flr.t mortgaea with bonua U flSU. Qregonian. - kkst located cafottria for choao If It 130 Broad-way North, oppoalta tho pow tnrrir : . . v a VT 17000 In manufacturlnur buslnea ." . . . mnn.v mf It rf( bv flfSt Wlin tr V ILr . - mortRa&e. Interest and percentage. SM. Qregonian. . WANT woou-imutiiiK i.uihii contract. Hell wood 1)81. Frentzel, 443 Ent Roth at. CLKANlNti, pressing and one of the beat tailor whopn. 3M Ankeny at Proatlway, NE W apeclal-bullt Cole 8 rodatr Cor jit folnc biuUneaa. .Broadway 0OG&.