10 TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 20. 1922 REAL K STATE. For sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW IN &UNNYS1.DE, Tt has large living room with fire place, bookcases and hardwood floors, fine Dutch kitchen with large break fast nook. laundry tray and wood lift. Two sleeping rooms, modern bath, lights and gai; Rood cement basement, full size lot. It la handy to Sunnyside car line, good stores and Glenco school, and 1 a real snap for $4250, Including new mt;l ranffe, linoleum on the bathroom and kitchen. Only $500 cash, balance $40 per month; this payment Includes the interest; everything Is new, neat and clean as a pin and quick possession can be had for Inspection. See E. W. HUGHES, r07 Journal Building, Main 2S58. 8UMK EASY PAYMENT ONES. 4- room cottage, Fulton, paved street, $15O0, $150 down. 5- room bungalow, Woodatock, $2776, $30 down. Pretty 8-room bungalow near Reed collr-ge, paved streets, 1W1K, $300 down. Furnished If desired. S-room bungalow, Montana street, $3100, $H)0 down. O-room house In Sunnyalde, oloee In, $30O, $000 down. RALPH HARRIS CO., 1f1 fTiamlT of Commerce. Bdwy. S Q54. DUTCH CULONIAU IHVINOTON. $75oO. 9 New B rooms, most attractive home, lo rated In nice neighborhood : house con' vcniently arranged; one bedroom and bath on first floor: space for 2 addi tional rooms upstairs; built by owner for tits home by day labor; best or materials used; hardwood floors, plate-glass win dows ; full cement basement ; good fur nace. 4:i East 27th North, near 'inia mook St.. or 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 051. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 7 rooms, colonial home on 23d at., 1H blok south of Hawthorne. Modern in every way, with such features as hard wood floors throughout, built-in ward robes In all closets, tile bathroom floor with wall tub and shower, very modern kitchen with tiie drainboard and back, breakfast room, nice stairway entrance of kitchen and hallway, expensive paper, Jiving- room 14x25, 3 large plate win dows, with unusually nice shades. Terms, ''all owner. Tabor 2700. LAt'RBLHL'K.ST VIEW. Corner 37th and Wasco, one of the classiest bungalows In Laurelhurst; cor ner lot, 000 square feet. Has every conceivable modern feature. Materials and workmanship are of the best. Drive out and see this and make us an offer. Open afternoons and all day Sunday. We are the owners, builders and archi tects. Call Wdln. 139 or Bdwy. 61ti4. W A A LE-WHATT U K CONSTRUCTION CO. IN HEART OK IKVINOTOX. ftfOAO AN INCOME BARGAIN $0000. 1 0-room duplex flat; 8 room each aide; fine basemen t, furnaces, fireplaces ll in fine condition; rents for $110 per month; lot 50x100; all Bmpramemfl paid; this ia a REAL BARGAIN; on terms; make your home pay you $00 each mouth. Let us show you. Mur. &!Hk. MAUIELS & WILLIAMS. s20 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6770. ROSE CITY PAR-K DISTRICT. $3700 $,soo Down. N w 5-room bungalow; every modem conveniens; beautiful Interior; hdw. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement; Brarae; block and a haJf from Bandy. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 104 5th St. Bslwy. 63 1 3. $I2.5oo KOlt eieganf modern home on large, lightly corner lot, beautifully located; exl ra large living room, reception hall, den, dining room ard kitchen, 8 bed rooms, dresHng room, sleeping porch and bath; offered at this low figure for Im mediate sate; house good as new and ould not be duplicated for above figure. Shown by appointment only; no agents. v fWrcgoninn liUNliAI.t)V, tt rooma on Mississippi ave., near Jefferson high school; Dutch kitch en, complete hiitlt-lns; all impts. paid. Lot loOxlOO. $ls((0 will handle. Modern 7-houK", full basement. Fur nace, fireplace- This is a fine home on corner of Eugene at., f 1240 handles this. R1H-R1RU ChJim. of Com. Bldgt N EV B UN A LO W $2O0O. First-class double-constructed, modern 4-room bungrulow. It Is not on an ex pensive lot; that's the difference. It u a splendid home at a very reasonable price. Small cash payment, balance mon t h 1 y. W. G. Ida, 817 Lewla bl dg. Broadwav 2O40. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 0-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, hdw. floors, built-in fixtures, paved street. Improvements in and paid for; 2 blocks to carline. Price $47H; $1500 cash. Will trnde for larger place. AUHTIN-O'LEAKY REALTY CO.. :s:i,1 ('ImmhT nf Commerce Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A WONDERFULLY GOOD BUY. Splendid 7-room house now vacant and will sell on cany tortus ; cor. lot, near Hawthorne and K. 20th st. Bee this, make offer; will submit to non-resident owner. F. W. TOnnLKR, 100 Sherlock Bldg. fft.-iOO COLONIAL. 830 Hamblet ave. Ivory finish and oak floors throughout. Living nn. 14x2iJ, largo sunrm. off it; 6 finest bevel-plate French doors; bkft. rm. Art tile fireplace, tile bath, several fine bedrs. and si. porch, garage. Best eolo nlul home buy in Portland. View section of Alameda Park. MAKE YO-l'R, OWN TERMS. $t3s50 Very artistic new California bungalow, 4 rooma end sleeping porch, hardwood floors, attractive fireplace, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace a-nd garage: pretty and. dis tinctive; nnv -reasonable terms. R. SO-M KUVI LLK, Hronrhvav 247S. f OnuO COHV IRVING rON llOMK $0hM. VACANT. MODERN. AT RIGHT PRICE. Five rooms, hungnlow type, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays. BoxlOO lot. all Assuaements paid; In flrst-clnss rendi tion; twnm. Sundav. Marsha!! 0003. MAIM EI ,S Sc WILLIAMS. S-.'O Cham, of Cntn. Bldg. Bdwy. 0770. $L'7om MONTA VILLA BUNGALOW. 7 -room hunsalow, fireplace. hiiilt-tTis, nd plumbing, busement; TtOxloo lot, some fruit, eay term. M:uiets or Williams. f20 Chnmber of Ym. bldg. Bunday Maaahall &'.K33; weekdays Broad way rt77. ) .-, ,V. 0 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six large rooms, bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, 10x100 lot, garage; paved street in and fiald: nearly new house; $1600 cash, will handle. Kelpper A Croshy, 814 Railway Excha nge hh)g. Bdwy. flftoO. Open today. ELHl'RST S rooms, 6ofM, I am offering this splendid home at a price way beiow its rt-ai value. Complete with hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, ga rage. Good location. Terms. Will be sold furnished If desired. Phone Wood 'awn 3S'.2. tttl.W MOUNT SCOTT. New bungalow, four rooms and bath, full liiwnftit, on S4x13.1 lot, house fin ished in white Ivory; near good school; tti'O cash will handle. Kelpper & Crosbv, M4 Railway Exch, Wdg. Bdwy. OtiOO. Open today. JiWB CITV PARK Modern ft-roodit bun iralow JHid Uire atts?, hardwood floors, fireplaces lanre ilate g I turn window, huilc-in buffed, Iutch Wtcheti and breakfast noctk; cement basement ; a nesymenta paid. $A00 down. 7-0 E. 6;id ""VACANT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six room one floor, cement buaeinent, fireplace, h. w. floors, built-lns. ull kinds, bre.')kf.t-st nook, pitnigo, all city Improve nifnts paid; 1 btam-K to car; price $4."0O, terms. If you want a bargain see the owner nt T.'.i'A Enit :7rh su k KlVE-roum bungalow on Alberta St., ner Mississippi car line; fireplace, fur nace, full basement, all Improvements 1n and paid fur. IVIce $:utrt0. Easv terms. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, HOI .Mississippi ve 1V OWNER Sit-ro.mi uio-ini h.itijt. on carline; garage, fruit tree. k. :tixan st.. nwir 6-d rt. For quids sale f:ttVo; small payment dow-n- for Imme diate poMssion: balance hke rent; fur niture if ilertred. A LA M EDA. FROM OWNER. 5 rms.. hsM, hardwood fioors, furnace. t ireptace. all bui It-ins, garage, full lot, ail improvements in and paid. At a bar guln. Mi Skhlmort. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. SU'jrVt .FI K e-UOOM BUNO M.O-W. Vst E. 6! ST ST. V : PAVKP STREirT. ('LOSE TO SANDV; FIREPI-ACE. rn'H KITCHEN. FURNACE. A S A P B R O TW AT ;i7", . MR A NO NEW BlNC.ALOW. Five rooms and floured attic. Every thing modern. French doors, hardwood and all bi:ili-lns: garage, paved street aH paid. Easy terms. Very desirable. East WEST SI DR. 0-room hous. on I'ollege, near Broad say. Price fiivo: ha'f cash. J"HN SINGER. "rt Chn m her of furii merer B'r z. KE NTi iN ilA KGA1N. NEW j-R; M ' BUNC.ALOW. BARN. O It AG E 2 4 FULL LOTS. iMR. NEil: All. FOR Vt.V: TERMS. OWNER, WOOni.A'V 4V7?. HAWTHORNE 1 1 UNGA 1 ,C-W . Cosy five-room bungalow, j;lt"0; paved street, one toloxk from car. Look it over, vou cannot beat this value. Tahor 87S. Main inn 2 week rtnva. Bl X - Km M ED collage, giis. elect ric light, fruit trees and berry bushes, sightly lot f-OxlOO, paved sidewalk paid, one blk. from cRr. Si. Johns district. Price 11150. Phn Cnl. 401. HUSK CITY DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, close to car and B-rtfol ; a rltjver-Milking little home and a good biiv. S237A: ti-rms. Se Royal, aud Bandy blvd. Tatwr 155. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hook. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 2fcOO EASY TERMS. New 4-room bungalow, fireplace, bullt Ina, basement, trtvs, very cosy, near car $3150, $75 CASH. 5-room bungalow, 50x10V Jot, Improve ments paid; rent terms. $530o, $! CASH. 7 -room bungalow, all modern con veniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage, 50x100 lot, improve ments paid; rsnt fcwrme. Let us ahow J'ou. W. D. RODABAUGH, Realtor, 1046 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 4299 LAURELHURST. Am called away and can not use the beautiful home I am building on a view lot: this home has a living room ful! width of house, dining room opening on terrace, 2 bed rooms, tiled bath with shower, recess 'tub, linen closet, modern kitchen, dining alcove, full basement, f urn-ace, all built-in features, best of materials throughout; garage; complete In every detail. S05 ARTKAN'S BLDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. lKVlNGTON. $10,000. Cut From $13,500. Another reduction on this beautiful 8-roorn home. Constructed of everlast ing concrete Dakota block; every mod ern convenience, very large drawing room ajvd dining room; -4 beautiful bed rooms, sleeping porch, two bath rooms. servants' quarters, double garage; cor ner property; txoutifiH grounds HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor, 104t fith St. Bdwy. 6318 IRVING TON. Owner out of cltyr will consider any reasonable offer on beautiful Irvlngton corner; could not be duplicated for . iL'O.ifOO; U rooms with solid mahogany living room, dining room and hall; 2 baths. 8 fireplaces; very large cement basement: Ruud water heater; must be 'gone over to be appreciated: small house, up to .VXM, if priced right, taken as part payment. For appointment. East ft!4. J $500 TO $300 DOWN. FURNISHED 7-R. IRVINGTON HOME. . Corner lot, very modern, near 23d ami nancocK, exclusive district, r me over stuffed and mahogany furniture. Own er leaving city, must sell. Price $10,000. $500 to $S0O down to reliable parties. .Mm. Lucius, E. 4UUL IF YOU contemplate buying a home and have fHouu cash I have a proposition that will be of Interest to you. This lovely home of 5 rooms with all mod ern conveniences Included will show you a net Income of $1KOO per year and at the .4me time we wiill pay you 6 In terest on the amount mentioned, $8000. Thifl proposition is open to anybody financially and morally responsible. See us Monday A. M. E. M. Ellis, 728-31 Morgan bldg. Main 478 and 2081. APARTMENT BUNGALOW. $3200. Beautiful little bungalow, has recep tion hall, large living room, large airy bedroom, nice Dutch kitchen and break fast nook. Fine bath and best fixtures, 60x100 lot with fruit and berries; house only a few months old ; near Willamette blvd. ; a lovely little home for two. Let me show you this. CALL MR. ERWIN, 1200 GREELEY ST. WDLN 6714. FOR SALE Rose City, beautiful five-room bungalow, furnished In mahogany and black walnut. See this and you win buy it; price and ' terms arranged. Everything goes. No agents. 501 East 47th street N. IRVINGTON. NEW. ' Six large, airy rooms and breakfast nook; oak floor, papered and decorated throughout; tile bath and drain board; best of plumbing; attic; garage; fine location. If you are In the market for a home don't full t see this. Open. 555 E. 25th St. N., near Knott at. BUILD YOR OWN HOME. Why buy a house that was built some time ago? We will build the house you want In the locality you prefer and will finance It for you, If you . have a small cash payment. 505 ARTISANS BUDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. KNOB HILT WEST SIDE. WATCH THIS GO. Residence and Quarter Block $5700. DAVIS BUILDING CO., 41S Board of Trade. LET ME show you the best buy in Ala meda Park today. A delightful 5-room ultra-modern, exceptionally well built bungalow with every Imaginable fea ture; bullt-ins of ail kinds; breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms; hardwood floors; beautiful, splendidly located lot; ftarage; a model of convenience and charm. Call E. KH70. A sacrifice. ALBERTA DISTRICT, $4tfOO. 6 rooms and large floored attic, ce ment bailment, laundry trays, very best of plumbing, fireplace and built-ins, fin ished In ivory and white; lOOxloO lot with garage aitd ament driveway; plen ty of fruit and lvrrien; $1000 cash, bal ance easy. See Mr. Krwin, T21M Greeley st. Wood lawn A714. N E W BUNG A LOW. 70TH AN D GLISAN. Now 4-room modern bungalow and ,bath, all lato built-ins, hardwood floors, 'finished in ivory; fireplace, cement base ment, garage, with cement driveway; only $3.HH; $.O0 down, balance easy. Call owner, 'East 0M or Tabor ti442. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. X420O S'MVl CASH. fivo.E. 01 ST ST. X ATTRACT! V E ti-RO M" B tTXTS ALOW WITH FURNACE. ONE BLOCK TO SANDY: FIREPLACE. HUTCH KITCH EN. 3 B I'M ROOMS. VK-H B A T H, $lti.0. Good 4-room house, V block from car and pavrntent. full lot with fruit tres and berries. This is nar KUllngsworth and Denver; good district, and worth more thnn the price, disked. $500 will hnndle. See Mr. Erwiff. 1200 Greeley st. Wdln. 6714. I R V I NGT( N N E W ! 601 K. 1STH ST.. N.. NEAR BRAZEB. Beautiful 7-room house, garage, two fireplaces, oak floors, French doors, per fect kitchen, select plumbing, cement porch; In fact, nothing missing; open Sunday from 2 to 4. Owner. G. De Koning. Phone East 4004. MAKE YOUR. OWN TERMS. $3H50i Very artistic bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, garage and. furnace, hiiw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2i2 E. oth at. N. c 1 oee to M . V. car ; very easy terms. Bronilwav 247S WORTH $15,000. MUST SELL, FOR $10,000. Lovelv Irvlngton 8-roora house, two fireplaces, three toilets, two baths, double garage ; Very small payment down. Phone East 6407 for appointment. MODERN BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, new, hardwood floors, lire place, breakfast room. den. full cement basement, all bullt-Vna: S00 down, bal ance easy terms. E. R. S.. 712 Couch h:lff. Broadwav f5. 1 K V I N ; TON 5-room bungalow, good at tic and basement, rurnace, wash trays, fireplace and all built-in?. $4 00; rea sonable payment down ; will nell all or any part of furniture if wanted. 710 East 15th ft. N.. on I.T line. FOR SALE 5-rooin bungalow, modern. well located, furnished or unrurnished, heat and a!l conveniences; price un furnished $4400; terms if desired. P 3S. Orcgonian WEST SIDE. 7-room modern, on Park at.; lot 35x 100. Price $.oo. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DAN DY 5-room house, modern, except heat, close in. Improvements sll In and paid for. Small lot. Price only $2650. Kasv terms. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala. S'1 Mississippi ave. FURNISHED HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW A real bargain ; six rooms: strictly modem ; garage. Only $5250; terms. John M. Pavne Co.. realtors. Main 9oi2: Tabor ss Sunday Beautiful uvw bungnlow. complete tn every detail ; email cash payment, bal ance like rejit; no mortsage. Tabor S7S. Mai-n i-12 w-tk da vs. B U Y F It O M BL" i DDE R, New 4 and 5-room bungalows. $3100 to $440": btst value you have seen. HOWARD. 1TT5 X W. Bank. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Unfurnished 7-room house by owner. Call between 10 and 4 o'clock. 584 East Taylor st.. near E. I4tn. V ANTE D Pa rty with $;tmo who wants furnishei home in good district. .1 a c k . 20." Her.r y hM g. BUY FROM OWNER. Nice l.'ingalow fr sale, cheap. In rvi:re 11 East 2th st. North. N EAT, 4 -room h-ue. !2io down. :J0 iiumth. or will rent furnished, $25 month. Call Duma. F.a: '--iO ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5-room bur.ga'.ow. C6ft E. 45th t., N. Tabor 67.2. . NEAR Alameda drive. fin home. S r. and a. p. ; hot water het : aacriflce price; pafv Terms. TaboT 74. CvilPLETB funn&hed house, close In. 350 raham ave.. near I'ni'n. 5 AND fi-ROOM bungalows. 54 and E. 4flth. neur D.ivls Owner. ti21-!l. BY OWNER Glenn ave N. j-r'o;u bungalow. Wtil R. OMERVn,!3. BDWY. 247S. S20 U. &. NATION.! iiANK iUU. REAL ESTATE. FURNISHED HOME, CLOSE IN. Right here on East Belmont. less than 15 minutes' from the center of the city this home ia neatly furnished and every thing goes, ready for housekeeping; U has four rooms on the main floor, one finished room and storeroom upstairs, full cement basement, modern bath. lights and Raj, fine lot. all city improve menti in and naid : fine garaee : one block to Sunnyside car line; only $4500 tor complete outiit ana tne iinest Kina uf terms. See this is you want a real, close-in snap. E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Building, Main 2858. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE. Most Unique OLD ENGLISH home on wonderful view lot; hot water heat, place-glass windows, ; pleasant sun room, large terraced grounds. If you are looking for something unusual cost present owner $20,000 see this and make offer. McDONELL EAST 41. ROtiE CITY PARK SACRIFICE, $6300. Cut from $7000. Must be sold. Beautiful unusuad 5-room bungalow, every modern convenience, drawing room 14x28: modern hardwood floors through out. Ivory and tapestry finish, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breiakfast nook, hou wired for all electric equipment; corner property; beautiful treea and grounds. HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor, 104 5th St. Bdwy. 631. 6500 IRVINGTON. . 6-rm. colonial bungalow type, like new; southern colonial porch, wonderful shrubbery, fruit trees, extra large living room, good sized den or sunroom, 2d floor has 3 bedrooms (one Is very large) with fine closets. Ivory finish, up-to-date electric fixtures. Owner moving to country. By appointment only. R. T. STREET, BETTER HOMES. KOtiE OI1Y PARK DISTRICT. $4500 $$50 Down. BennUful new 0-room bungalow; every modern convenience; hdw. floors; ivory and tapestry finish, Dutch kitchen, glassed breakfast room, fireplace, buf fet, magnatile bathroom; beautiful view; near school and Rose City car. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 104 fith st. Bdwy. 6318. IRVINGTON. Just completed 2 bungalows. 7 and 8 large rooms, with all modern conve niences. The very best material and workmanship: classy plumbing and lighting fixtures, hardwood floors throughout, facing south on Knott at., between 25th and 20th. Open today. A. C. Malmquist, owner and builder. East 22. . COUNCIL CREST. $7SOO. Beautiful 7-room oclonia! home; every modern coiwenlenCe, drawing room, din ing room and library down; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch up. Hardwood floors, ivory finish ; Gasoo furnace; beautiful grounds. 55x120x50. HARRY BECKWJTH, Realtor, 1Q4 fith St. HMwy. 631B. GO TODAY $500 CASH. Brand new 4 rooms and bath, big ce ment basement, fine plumbing, walls tinted, finish old ivory, electric fix ture s, wl n d o w sh adee, f 1 rep lace. Bal ance $.0 at $25 monthly. OtiO E. Pine, near 18th st. SIDNEY G. TjATHROP, 411 Abing-ton Bldg. IRVINGTON PICK-UPS. YOUR BEST OFFER, PLEASE. 701 CLACKAMAS. 6-rm., modern, garage, below $6000. 485 E. 20TH N. 6-rm., beautiful condition, modern, garage, below $7000. VACANT. SEE US FOR OTHERS. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON REALTOR. I WILL sell my beautiful Laurelhurst home of seven rooms, ivory finish, extra heavy hardwood floors, double construct ed, sunroom, den, large brakfast room, complete In every detail, roomy garage. This is a bargain for anyone wanting a refined, modern home. Terms to re sponsible parties. Will show Sunday only. 121) Laddlngton Court. No dealers $20O CASH " puts you In good little 5-room house, with plumbing and gaa, 40x100 lot, paved street, everythi-ng paid. Balance, $1500. payahle $20 monthly. 6314 82d at., two blocks Mt. Scott car. SIDNJ3Y G- LAKHROP, 411 Ahlngton Bldg. $5500 AND UP. Irvlngton. Alameda, Laurelhurst. Also beautiful COLONIALS and larger homes. Selling better homes is our business- and our habit. Naturally, we can show you what you want. R. T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor. 5 ROOMS ROSE CITY PARK. Tinted walls, old Ivory woodwork, fireplace, bullt-lns, hardwood floors, art electric fixture. Price $4600, $S cash. 8S4 E. 45th st. N., near Broadway. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 411 Ablng'on Bldg. $4500 6-ROOM modern, garage, OOxIOO-ft. lot, nice lawn, lota of fruit and alirtib b ry , most corn-man ding v iew on M t. Tabor; hard-surface streets, one block .to car; anv terms will be accepted. LINTON" & WELCH. 41 S Pail way Exc hnn ge. 5 ROOMS $1875 3 ROOMS. $250 CASH $250. Owner moved away and property must be disposed of. Yes. all st. improvements In and paid; go to 7:t6 Minnesota ave., see for yourself; house is vacant, move rlR-ht in. F'hone East 4S4. LAURELHURST. 4-room modern bungalow, lot fVOxlOO; flTi( basement, breakfast nook; Improve ments in and paid for; on carline. Price $:trM; $'() cash. AUSTIN -O' L E A R Y REALTY CO.. .T'.5 fhamher of Commerce Bldg. BEFORE YOU BUILD. Experienced architectural designer (not a real estate man or contractor) will prepare your plans, specifications, estimated cost and bill of material, for reasonable fee. Woodlawn 6388. BUNGALOWS 10 CHOICE ONES. IRVINGTON LAURELHURST. ALAMEDA HOMES. No difference what kind you want, we have it. McDONELL EAST 419. BUY FROM OWNER. New 5-roon bungalow; hardwood floor, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook; full cement basement; near Sandy blvd. International furnace; glassed-in sleeping porch. 1061 Schuy ler St. $6850 IRVINGTON corner home a valua- abie oversize corner, near i:ja ana Aina mook. Modern, Boynton furnace. Ivory finish, hardwood floors, 3 bedr. and si. porch, garage. By appointment only, BIG VALUE. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON HOMES. WEST SIDE CORNBR, 75x112. in -room house. 2 sets of plumbing; good basement, furnace, fireplace. Price $t50O. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerqe Blrlg. A GOOD BUY. B-room modern house, full basement, good locality, fruit trees, full lot to al lev, paved street, sewer in and paid; $3 1 50 ; $500. 246 E. Broadway. East 9213. . FOR SALE New 8-room house and double garage, 1048 E. Burnside at., near Lau relhurst park; hardwood floors on 1st and 2d floors; tile bath; Gasco furnace. Everything up to the minute. Tabor 6054. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Nearly new 5-room bun gale w: hard wood floors, furnace, garage; all mod ern. 1373 E. Grant, near OOth. Tabor 2:i::; IRVINGTON SOUTHERN COLONIAL. $11,500 Corner home, large rooms, hot-water heat, plate-gtass windows; in fact, this is a very comfortable and pre tentious home on Knott, near 24th. McDONELL EAST 419 NICE 5-room cottage, close to school and car: want larger place; will asume. This place Is cieer. Bring in your trades. LTNTON A WEI7H. 4 1 . R aHway Exchange. LAURELHURST Beautiful new corner bungalow, 11U5 East r landers, at cost; built right. Owner transferred. Every modern, costly convenience, R. T. STREET. AGENT. WEST SIDE. Corner Park and College sta.; 7-room house ; price $5OO0: half cash. JOHN SINGER. s 420 Chamber of Commerce BMp. tj RGAIN on 0-room bungalow. West More! and district; real home; layre roomr; beautiful shrubbery, fruit; near golf links, park, car and school; $1W0. Owner. 1440 17th t. Sell. 0. Irvington's best. Vacant. Open for inspection today. 45 E. 20th N., 6 rms.. 2 sty., garage, Center of Irvlngton. See it today. IRVTNGTON $5500. 8-room, 2 fireplaces, full lot, fruit trees. 1 block to Irving ton car and schools: $loO0 cash. Mel") N EL L EAST 4 1 NEW 5-r. bungalow ; only $S0O; terms; full basement; Ivory and white enamel; f me plumbing. Ask about It. W'din. $800 Kw'UITY in new modern 4-room bun galow with fireplace and breakfast nook, in Vancouver, Wash., for Portland equity or vacant lota. M. 867. Oresonlan. .' REAL ESTATK. NEW LAURELHURST HOMB. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. One of the ahow places of Lau relhurst. A home complete in every way Just as new and mod ern as tomorrow's sunrise. The quality of materials and work manship apeak for themselves. The owner has taken infinite pains to produce a house of the highest type. Inviting a the de tails may sound, they are as noth ing compared with an inspection of the house itself. Located on large corner lot. Multnomah ave. and Peerless place, just off Sandy. A. O. TEPEE CO.. 70 etark St. Bdwy. 6093. EAT SIDE OFFICE, 4oth and Sandy. Tabor 0536. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. lust completed; it la modern in every tall; it has five rooms and sleeping porch alt on one floor; it has lirep.ace, bookcases, beautiful Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, modern plumbing, full cement basement and furnace heat. hardwood floors or the living and dining room; full-size lot, alh city improve ments and paid. It Is handy to school and Rose City carline. $5000 gets this beautiful, new, up-to-date bungalow. For terms and inspection aee E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Building, Main 2856. BEAUTIFUL CORNER BUNGALOW. Everything apic and span 5 nicely ar ranged rooms, bath, large floored attc, enameled kitcnen with all bullt-ins. fine basement, wash trays, new Gas'eo fur nace, radiant heater for ftrepiace, wa ter heater and kitchen range, paved sts. One biock off Hawthorne. Personally in spected. A bargan for $4750, easy terms. Don't fail to investigate before investing. O. B. RIPPEY, Realtor. 611 McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 7220. LOVELY STUCCO BUNGALOW. 5 lovely rooms, beautiful large living room, finest oak floors, fireplace, one enclosed sleeping porch bedroom, Dutch kitchen in ivory, furnace, beautiful lot and shrubbery. PRICK $4800 CASH $2000. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4O04. 320 Lumbermen's Bldg. PIEDMONT. 8 lovely rooms, immense living room with fireplace, oak fioors, breakfast room, sewing, 3 bedrooms, full cement basement and laundry tray and very fine furnace; fttU-aixed lot and lovely shrubbery. PRICE $6500 CASH. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 404. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $5400 Let us show you this attractive, . 7-room bungalow home, strictly modern, including hwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc Garage. Imp. pd. 50x100 lot: -J. A. W1CKMAN CO., Realtors, 262 Stark St. Sun. Phone 324-14. ELEGANT IRVTNGTON HOME. One of the most beautiful corner, beautiful grounds and- shrubbery, fine garage. This beautiful home is one of the most beautifully kept homes in city and will please the most fastidious. For particulars and apt. call MRS. SNOW, Bdwy.' 4664. HOME BUYERS AND EX-SERVICE MEN. See our plans of 3, 4 and 5-room bunga lowa, prices from $3150 up. These homes are all strictly modern, double-constructed, hwd. floors, fireplace, break fast room, cement basement. Tapestry paper, enamel finish, etc J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtors, 2R2 Stark St. Sun. Phone 324-14. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $3050 4 rooma and bath down, 2 rooms up; full basement, wash tiyya connected with sewer; only one blk. to car. Near uf th, east of Laurelhurst. Might consider lot as part payment; easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtors, 202 Stark St. Sun. Phone 324-14. DANDY BUNGALOW, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalow, full base ment and attic, 1 room finished In at ,tic, furnace end fireplace; everything; in pink of condition; atreeta paved and aid. Price $4000. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor, 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7831. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $4750. Five-room bungalow on corner lot, full basement with Gasco furnace, large liv ing room with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, large attic. If you buy now you get gas range, stove, radiant fire for fire place. Terms. Open Sunday. O'FARRELL A FORDNEY, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. ROSE. CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, cozy, complete and In fine condition; fireplace, furnace, beautiful shrubbery and fruit ; one block to car service. PRICB $5250 CASH $1500. MRwS. SNOW, Bdwy. 404. ALAMEDA PARK PICTURE HOME. South facing on Dunckley. ntar car. All Ivory finish, large living room, French doors, fireplace, oak floors, 3 bedrooms, garage, $7350, terms. Neu hauscn Co., i30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. ALBERTA BUNGALOW, $J500. Five-room bungalow with bullt-lns, fireplace, full basement, Dutch kitchen, 1 biock to car. Very small down pay ment. Open Sunday. O'FARRELL & FORDNEY. 838-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. 1M.M EDI ATE POSSESSION. NOJi 11 ILL DISTRICT. ' Strictly modern residence In first class condition. large sleeping porch, garage. Price $12,000. Terms if desired. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7831. FROM, OWNER, five-room modern bunga low, two lots, sleeping porch, garage, . fruit, flowers. shad, chickens, $3000. Furnished, $3500. Terms. Liberal cash discount. 6141 Woodstock ave. Phone Auto 016-RH L TWO-FIAT building on William ave nue, near KUllngsworth. $6500. Flats rent for $35 per month each. Excellent for home or investment; $3000 cash. A. E. Campbell, Soiling bldg. WRjCT 55TDR VTEW PROPERTY. 10 rooms, two fireplaces, eteam heat, oversize lot. A real modern home. Price 116 000. Will take clear property to $10,000. Bal. mortgage. See Reck, 403 Coucn nirig. LtA unEiiinunni. "We have somev fine buye In homes close to LaurelhurV Park. It wilf pay you to investigate. Open Sunday. 0'FA"RRELL & FORDNEY. 838-40 Cham, of Com. B'dg. Bdwy. 4172. IRVINGTON COLONIAL A DREAM, Center hall, artistic living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room, all oak floors, extra fine plumbing, garage. THE BEST BUY FOR THE MONEY. Neuhausen Co. Main 8078. East 304. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE, DON'T HESITATE. Extra well built house, near 24th. and Brazee, 7 lovely rooms, oak floors, ga rage. Reduced to $7250 for quick sale. Neuhausn Co.. Main S"78. East 804. READ BARGAIN. 8-room modern house, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, full lot, all Im provements in and paid, $65O0 or $75M) with furniture. Owner, Tabor 670. 400 E. 44th St. ff. Five-room modern bungalow, 1 block to car. old ivory finish, corner lot. $700 cash. 0,lFARRE;Ltj poRDNEY, 838-40 Cham of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 4172 I h 1 vr ;TOX COLONIAL SWELL. 2 bathrooms, all oak floors. Ivory fin ish. DO YOU WANT THIS? Of course you do. See Neuhausen Co., 830 N. W". Bank bldg. Main 8078. . IRVINGTON BUNGALOW ELEGANT. Piano polish finish, hot water heat, oak floors, 2 bathrooms, corner. LOOK ING FOR SOMETHING CHOICE ? See this. Neuhausen Co. Main 8Q78. East 804. 6 IRVINGTON COLONIALS C. BEAUTIES EVERY ONE OF THEM. $7500 TO $13,000. LISTED WITH NEUHAUSEN A-CO., S30 N W. BANK BLDO. MAIN 8o. IRVLNGTON BUNGALOW, $7500. 5 lovely rooms down, 2 up, oak floors, plate glass, tile bath. Ivory finish, ga rage. THIS WONT LAST. Neuhausen Co.. Main 8f7 East 3'H A FURNISHED 2-room house, lot i 1A0. trees and chlcken-houee. Tenna .cash. See owner. E. Tchaboiol ; COr i or 246 IRVINGTON. CHARMING BUNGALOW. $7250; terms; E. lth, near Stanton; 7 rooms, built for home; oak floors, flre plnce. garage, Neuhausen Co. Main 8078. IRVINGTON HuMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE NKUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS, 0 '. W. BANK. MAT N S078. K. 304. IRVINGTON PICKUP $6750. . Fine 7-room home. Ivory finish, art paper, oak floors, garage. Neuhausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. E. 394. IRVINGTON LOTS LOTS LOTS. A. A V-r TH ATT. CTPPCTV SEE US BEFORE BUYING. I NEUH AUSEN CO. N. W. BANK BLDO. 7 I K VI NGT ON BUNG A LOWS 7. ALL GOOD. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. $450 TO $14,000. NEUHAUSEN CO. MAIN 807S. E. 304. HOUSE equity of $25ou, easv payments on remaining portion; good district, close. to car. paved street. Address 1557 East Everett, REAL ESTATE. For 5ale House. $3800 FURNISHED COMPLETE. A o-room, house, with full basement. Wash trays, some built-lns. etc.; 50x100 lot, corner, garage, city Improvements paid. This house la furnished with practically new furniture. $3H. with $5O0 down, balance like rent. (Soldier'a loan can apply on this). $2350 BUYS 100x100 ft. A 5-room cottage (needs some repair), bath; good basement, furnace, lights, etc 100x100 ft. Lota of fruit trees, near Jefferson high school. PRICE FOR IM MEDIATE 6 ALE $350. $500 down. $4050 EAST BROADWAY. A 0-room house with furnace, fire place, all built-ins. beautiful light fix- turea, sleeping porch; very large living room, all finished in ivory, tapestry pa per; VACANT and in wonderful condi tion. Lawn and roses; city improve ment paid; easiest kind of term. $6200 ALAMEDA PARK BEAUTY. If you are on the market for a real classy bungalow, let us ahow you thist It haa five large airy rooms, floored at tic, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace; every imaginable built-in feature; wonderful breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, artistic ilght fix tures, plate glass windows, ivory finish, t pes try paper, 50x100 lot, large garage and cement runway; city Improvements paid. Teem reasonable. $6500 ROSE CITY PARK. A 7-room bungalow, with full cement basement, wash trays, all built-in fea tures (1 bedroom downstairs) t very best of up-to-date plumbing, hardwood firs., hot-water furnace; everything in fine ronditfon: 6x1m lot; double garage. Price $6500, terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6720. $1650 MONEY TALKS. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. . Owner cuts price $S50. Must leave city at once on account of wife's health. Full basement, at tic. Dutch kitchen, two nice plas tered bedrooms, bath, electricity and gas. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. 100x100, WOODSTOCK, $3500. Bungalow type 6-room residence, nice fireplace, full cement basement, natural shade trees, terms. HENRY W. GODDiARD, Realtor, 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7831. Suburban Homes. ONE ACRE, Vz mile from electric station, on macadamized road, 5 blocks to school; exceptionally good soil; attractive B-room plas tered bungalow, electric lights, fireplace, bathroom, garage, fruit house. Price $2600. $500 cash. Consider beach property up to $2000. Inspected by Nelson. NEW PLASTERED BUNGALOW. 4 acres, 5 blocks from electric atntion and school; woven wire fences west of Portland ; good Boil; new, attractive 4-room house, chicken house, woodshed ; $500 caBh, balance easy terms. In spected by Hunter. NEW HOUSE WITH PLUMBING. acre, just outside city limits; 7 blocks from city car line; woven wire fences; all under cultivation; " new 5-room bungalow just being completed, with plumbing. Price $2250, terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. SUBURBAN HOMES. 5 acres choice garden land, family orchard, 6-room house, on the pave ment, at Ry.F station, 10 miles out; $2500, terms. 1 2 acres choice land, lota of fruit, ber ries, grapes. 4-room house, barn, chicken house, Oregon City line, $3000, terms. One acre in garden, fruit, berries, grapes, 7-room house, gas, elec lights, water In house, $4200, terms. Oregon City line. , ' 6 acres in cultivation, 5-roora house, bam, windmill, at Clackamas atatlon, $4200, terms. , 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, berries, 5-room house, elec lights, water In house, gas available, near river, walking distance to Ry. atatlon at Os wego, $6000, 'easy terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 1654 4th St. ULTRA-MODERN COUNTRY HOME. Beautiful Swiss chalet, constat ing of eight rooms, strictly mod ern and up to the minute, grounds contain one acre with native and ornamental shrubbery. Located on the Oregon City paved highway (river road,) corner of Concord road. Shown hy appointment only. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Brd. 6034. ALL -EQUIPPED. 2 acres, all in cultivation, on elec tric line to Oregon City. 175 nut and fruit trees in bearing, 7 kinds of ber ries, also grapes, rhubarb and horse radish. Fine soil. 4-room house with city water, barn and chicken npuse. Fine cow and number of chickens. Majestic range, heater, dishes, cooking utensils and tools go with the place. Price for all only $3500. JOHN K. HOWARD, Realtor. 31S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $4 500. One acre In bearing assorted fruit trees, cosy slx-Tnom bungalow, with liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and hath downstairs, two bed rooms up, dry water, gas, paved road, 18x24 parage, 6x24 modern chicken house; walking distance to Hawthorne car; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. 3-10 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 67 5C. $4500. One acre in bearing assorted fruit trees, coxy 6-room bungalow, with liv ing room, dining room Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bed rooms up. city water, gas, paved road, 18x24 garage, 16x24 modern chicken hpuse; walking distance to Hawthorne car; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & TO. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. Broadway 6755. $500 UNDEKPU1CKD. Nice 5-room homo on beautiful acre at Clackamas; only 2 blocks from depot, close to school, lots of fruit, chicken house to hold 200 chickens, good barn, acre in high state of cultivation; $2500, TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK J j. McGUIRK. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. COZY RETREAT. Little suburban place, right on paved highway and close to interurban electric car; just outside city limits; beautiful fractional acre,, all in cultivation; 5 room bungalow and other improvements; bright and cheerful surroundings; fine location. City conveniences. Price only $3000. terms. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lum- bermens niag. VRW BUNGALOW $2250. Four rooms and bath, ga; ivory fin ish woodwork and tapestry paper; acre on good road, not far from Ever green station on the Oregon City; terms. This Is just the place to get a. start on. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRK, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Warn, and Stark. SUBSTANTIA L PARK ROSE HOME. Haif acre with a 5-room house, bath, electricity, gas and running water; close to FChool and car. ONLY $3000, WITH EASIEST OF TERMS. DO NOT WAIT BUT LET US SHOW YOU THIS TO DAY. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEW COZY 4-rooin apt. bungalow, com bination living room and dining room, Dutch kitchen, white enamel through out; solid brass hardware, fine plumb ing; best electric fixtures; this Is just out of city limits, on Oregon electric; So car fare; close to station and school; city water, gas, light and phone, $2350; easy terms. uwr.er, - jia-raiian oi'f. 9 ACRES berry and garden loam soil In cultivation, hk acre in city limits, bal ance outside; gas. city water, electricity available. On paved boulevard. $750 cash, balance easy terms. 6. ELROD & DRYER. Gordon P'dg.. 23 Stark St.. Bflwv. MB. IDEAL for suburban home in city limits; at countrv prices we have several de s'rable acres on 92d St.. near Gliaan, 2 blocks from city cor line Very easy teim W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 2J.0 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1Q5S. "l4 ACRE3 ON FOSTER ROAD, $40OO. All in cultivation : new 4-room bun galow, bath, B.y R. water, gas and elec Finely located. Terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark Ft. Broadway 7831. 1 ACRES with new cottage, near car line and paved road : will sacrifice for $1350, $200 cash, balance to suit, ELROD A DRYER, Oo r d on Bide. 23 Stark St.. Bdwy. 113. $3000 3 y ACRKS, 8-room houpe. barn, cow. 3 heifers, 4 hogs, 100 chickens; Oregon City line. Brenner, 5331 Rodney. REAL ESTATE. Nuhurban Home $3600 HUBER STATION, near BEAVER TON, 2H acres, 6-room. 1 4-story bungalow, doubie construct od. plas tered, hath room, coxy Dutch kitchen, wood-lift, waxed floor, cement base ment, gaa heat, force pump on back , porch, garage and good chicken house; land drains both way a from house; splendid view of surrounding country, located on macadam road, 10 mln. walk to S. P. atatlon, high way and school. Cash $S00. balance $30 per month. This on will bear Investigation. $3O0O BEAVERTON DISTRlCT-JfcOOO. ThTee choice acres, 6-room California mission bungalow, bath with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered; semi -Dutch kitchen, city water and gas, wired for elec; large chicken house, splendid view; locaied on good gravel road, close to highly and good schools; only 1A mln. drive to Portland. Cash $800, balance $25 per month. 10-ACRE COUNTRY HOMB. $4500 REEDVLLLE STATION $4500. 6-room house, bam. chicken house, gaa heat, elec trio light, good weil, choice orchard, walnut tree and berries. This ranch is in a good location, on a newly built gravel road, close to high way, S, P. station and Oregon Electric, also school. Cash $1000, balance $300 a year. $6000 10-ACRE TRACT $6000. On Capital highway, 6-room Dutch colonial, with more than 10 acres, at Tigardrvllle, near Tlgard; hot and cold water, elec; barn, chicken house, 40 as sorted apple trees. 3 acres in clover; ex ceptional good soil; 1000 feet of frontage, lies alonT the paved highway; an ideal location to divide into 1 and 2-acre tracta. Caeh $2000, balance $25 per mo. The above are only a, few f out aub- urban homes. We have a well chosen list. See ua before you buy. Office open Sunday 11 A M. to 2 P. M. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANTs ROT Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric, only 20 mlnnta from the center of the city, by strictly up-to-date electric train sjervice, or 15 minutes over the TerwlIH ger boulevard by auto. Thl is the place for you to get a homesite among the tree or in the rolling garden tracts which w are offering on the easy terms of 10 down and $10 a month. Tracta running all the way from a lot to an acre, beautiful property a mile out of the city limits and still enjoying all the city convenleaces with country privileges. I have a number of small homes running In price from $1000 up that I can sell you on easy terms. Don't fail to see me if you ere trying to break, away from the rent prison. Pay rent to yourself, be your own landlord. A little inde pendence, a little determination will take care of you. I have started many and will a tart you. BEN RIESLAND, Dealer Exclusively in West Side Sub urban Property. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Multnomah Office in Charge of Mm Grant, Main 60HP. 4-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. ON PAVEMENT. Three miles east from city limits, fac ing pavement, near station, electric lights available. 4 a. all cleared, no rock, lies up in fine shape. Abundance splendid fcuit, English walnuts, berries, etc 6-room bungalow, plastered, nice large red barn, outbldgs. Price $4250. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 0th St. Bdwy. 43S1. A COMFORTABLE country home for $5000, $500 cash, balance like rent tne special features of this place nre that It has tt large, light rooms, Dutch kitch en, built-ins, a big acre of land, fruit trees, lots of berries, garage, chicken house, and is just outside city limits, where taxes are . low and no assessments to assume. Remember, only $500 cash. See It today, tomorrow may be too late. Tabor 7364. R. H. CONFRFY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO. 201-2-3-5-7 B o ard of Trade Bldg. ONE-ACRE TRACTS , JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST - $000 AND UP. Highly Improved farm. Just been sub divided; lies level, productive poll faces good macadamized road; Bull Run1 wa ter and beautiful view of the mountains and city; some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees, and others with raspberries, loganberries, strawber ries, currants, grapes and asparagus; $100 down and $50 every three months. SAYLER B. SMITH. 818 Railway Exchange Rider. ATTRACTIVE NEW BUNGALOW. On paved highway, close in ; 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, bullt ins, full basement and garage; haif acre of land. A home to be proud of. Price $3750, $1000 caah. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. EASY TERMS WILL HANDLE. About 1 s acres, half in cultivation ; Just three blocks from S. 1. electric sta. New 4-room bungalow with gas and city water; & bedrooms; $2650. Will accept soldier's loan with nmall down payment. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I McGUIRK. 205 Abington Itidg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEAR it I AN STATION. 1 full acre, all In cultivation ; 24 as sorted fruit trc'M, all kinds of berries; 4-room house, chicken house, bn t n, an idenl pface for chickens; you better see this today; price $2500, $500 cash, bal ance easy. MR. HENRY, Broadway 7581. 210 Chamber of romnrr-'c Bldg. l'i ACRES. Meldru?u station, Oregon City car; modern 5-room bungalow, good well and pressure system : fe acre of grapes. H acre of at rawberrles. also raspberries, loganberries, a number of bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, clicr rien and fi Inert nuts: 1 block west, 4 south of Meldrum station. Harry C. Modenbaugh. OSWEGO HOME. Modern 5-room house, bath, concrete basement and walks, shade eod fruit trees, beTries and shrubbery, over 4 sere on corner, streets and alley Improved, near Wllsonla station, 9c commutation fare. Price $3000, h. cash. C. B. Hall. Oswego. OSWEGO LAKE BARGAIN. ONLY $900. 100x100, wonderful view, overlooking Willamette river, close to Pacific high way; Oswego lake privileges granted with this property. The first ever of fered In Oswego. Easy terms. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. $150 GIVES YOU POSSESSION. Coxy bungalow of 4 rooms with elec. and gas; garage; close to Evergreen sta tion on O. C. line. ONLY $1350. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I j. McGUIRB. 205 Abington Bid?. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wnh. and Stark. SPRING OPPORTUNITIES. Raise veg tables, fruit and chickens; have a caw; be Independent. For sale, close in, 5 acres or less, abundance of fruit of all- kinds, modern bonne of 7 rooms, all city conveniences; other buildings; good road, near station. Dc commutation fare. Owner, Main 77-"0. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $1S00. New 4-room bungalow, double con structed, basement, water, light, gas. big homesite, . 100x120; mall payment gives possession; you'll not find another like this. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark streets. Half acre, youn? fruit tree. berries, chicken house and run; 5-room bunga low, basement, Tireplace, built-ins: water, gas, electricity and phone; 21 blocks to car; ideal location. Price $4250, $1500 cash, balance $25 per month, including interest. Owner. 44 Union ave N. $lOO0 BUYS a dandy little new house and about one-third acre of ground close to Multnomah station on improved street with modem conveniences. For particu lars rfee Ben Rfeland. 4"4 Piatt blJg., or his agent, Mrs, Grant, at Multnomah of fice. . IF YOU want a nifty 4-room modern bun galow and 14 acre, 1 block to electric elation on Oswego lake. 3o-minute ride. I will make an exceptional prir-e and terms if sold thh week. Particulars see F. R. Je&f-e. owner. 5CJ7 Coroett bldg. Main 7141. Cal 1 M on day. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station; electric lights: new 3-room plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, balance like rent. Owner, NINE acres sandy loam soil, running water, 44 miles from Broadway bridge; $450 cash, balance monthly or yearly at t ; make fine dairy. ELROD DRYER. Gordon Bldg.. 23 Stark St.. Pdwv. 11q. O ACRES. ONLY $OO0. Nine miles from courthouse; level, fine for chicken, berries; $50 gives pos session. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 'Jd n:id Stark sis. 2s OR 5 ACRES, ne-v 4-room plastered house with attic; water in house, light, gas in street; 5 blocks from G res ham car Lne on 7Kd st.; 80 minutes from center of cUv. Owner. Tror 1041. OSWKUU BARGAIN. ONLY $1650. 100x120 with new 3-roort bungalow. lights and water: very easy terms. Ste ownr, 5QO Crncord h'dg.. I'd and S?nrk. ONE ACRE improved, in east Multnomah county, and 0-room house with range; fruit trees: $1 100, cash $300, terms. Au tomatic 218-38. Owner. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. HALF-ACRE TRACT. ONLY 2 BLKS. SOUTH OF SANDY BLVD. Corner tract, graveled streets, ground all cleared, some young fruit trees, bearing bushes, water and gas connections, half-acre tracts in this district are very scarce and this is the first one we have had listed for some time. See us at once. 'Price only $1050, $100 down, $20 per month, inter est 6. -t J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of ComBldg. Brd. 6034. HERE'S A BKAUTT. Nifty 4-room bungalow, exceptionally large living room, garage, quarter acre of iertil soil, shrubbery and beautiful trees; out river highway; close In on Oregon City car Hoe. A. K, Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. For bale Business Property. 100x100 ON MORRISON ST. $10,000 below value: this prop erty can be bought now for $30, OOO, S cash. Broad-way 571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway SxoiianK Bldg. ONE fireproof building, income $450 a month, S32.5O0. One fireproof building, .tecom $625 a month, $47,500. . Two fireproof bulldlnrs. Income $5800 One fireproof building TOO feet square. Income $2700 per year, $1W,500. 1158 tfnion Ave. North, bet. 9 A 11 A. M, GREATEST bargain in the city of Port land. Nothing to compare with this; $55,000 property offered for $25,000, ALL CASH. Close to 2d and Washington sts., business income property, 50x100; must act very quickly to get this prop erty at this price and must have ALL the cash or no business. C L. Becker, 133S First st. 10 rooma and 2 stores, lot 62x100, gro cery and confectionery in one Bloreroom, other store vacant. Would be dandy for meat market. Stock, property and all goes for $3500, or will trade for bunga low up to $3000. Must be clear. BARRAND REALTY CO.. 349 Salmon. OLD ESTABLISHED wood yard on Wil liams ave. Price $5100, or will lease for $40 per month. Lois 100x120 0 for alley. Shed and office 30x120. Wdln. 230. BUSINESS PROPERTY. GOOD BUY. Will aell 100x100 N. E. cor. 2d and Everett; has stores below and rooming house above and pays over H net on selling price. Takes $5000 cash to handle deal. ' E. H. HOSNER, 60S McKAY BLDG. SOUTHERN Portland between Macadam street and the railroad, 50x200 ft., ideal manufacturers' elte, for only $3000; non resident owner compelled to sell. For particulars call Main SS 1 X APT. OR BUSINESS SITE. Corner of East Belmont and 29th, 100 llOO, with 6ox00 concrete basement in; bargraln; second mortgage privilege. . R. SO.MEKV1LLE, Bdwy. 2478. 20 ROOMS in apartments and 2 stores pay ing l'i on $1:0.000, all occupied. Price $17,500; will take equipped poultry farm to $7000. Woodlawn 1184. Homesteads, Relinquishments. TWO improved relinquishments, joining $30,000 fruit ranch; SO rods to nice lit tle town, near Grants Pass: $2000 spent on one, running water, $600 and $700, all caFh. 301 Corbet t bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Irrigated Land 15 ACRES, $5500. Extra fine dairy and poultry ranch; fine sandy loam soil, pro duced 55 tons alfalfa last year; 11 acres alfalfa, 4 acres in garden, orchard and potatoes; "all under gravity Irrigation, large supply of water. This place will keep 12 cows and 1000 hens; good 0-room plastered house with concrete basement, electric lights, screened--In porches, hot and cold water; poultry houses for 300 hens, barn, garage, and other buildings; deep well, pumping plant, water piped to all buildings; fenced; orchard mixed fruit, small fruit of all kinds; telephone, R. F. D.. on good road, 1 mile good town, creamery, high school, churches. Why pay high price for dairy when you can buy this with $2ouO cash, balance at your convenience at 0 per cent? $1500 will buy your cows, poultry' and equipment; this will give you steady Income and will pay the balance out on th place in few years. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. "A GEN I' IN E liARGAAl.V 160 acres, one mile from highway; 60 acres first-cl-.s waier right; old buildings- price $40O0 ; good terms. E. M. Peck. HiFters, Fruit Lamia for Sale or Rent. 1IOOO RIVER! HOOD river: 30 acres. ioO apple trees, 108 cherry trees, close to town, hk cash will handle. See Mr. Williams. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Ping. I'or Hale Acreage. " J EN N I Nt iS L 1 Ik K, , 10 acres on the Oregon City car line on Jenning ave. Rich. Mark soil, all tillable. Juat the place fir your home. We are not asking you $1000 for this fine land but $4200 takes the entire tract. Terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor, 318 Chamber ot (. oinmerce PV ACRES, IMPROVED $800. All good land, 2 acres cleared ; good 2-room house, well, 2 sides fenced, some tools and furniture; located 1 mile from station. 30 miles from Portland. Terms only $300 down and $50 every 6 months. LUEDDEMANN COM PAN I. 013 Chamber of Commerce. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 52H acres on paved highway, 8 acres prunes; 35 acres cultivation. 1 acre family orchard; lot of small fruits; 5 room house, barn, outhutldlngs; I'O acrea in crop; fine spring; $5000: terms. C. W. MILLERSI1IP. 165U Fourth St. Main 5275. SIX ACRE?. CAPITOL HIGHWAY. Large frontage on paved road. AH cultivated garden land, lies beautiful, 20 minutes by auto from center of 1'ort land. Price $3200. Murphy, Mar. 3324, East 1304 OUT UaM Line road, on Barker road, nearly an acre, 1 block to store and few blocks to car line: will give you 3 v-ears to pay for this acre. Inquire Mr. Landes, at filling station corner Base Line and Barker road or phone Ta bor 7415. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 137 acres, most all cultivated, 5-room house, lnrge barn: 44 miles from Fores Grove, on rock road. At 501 Stock Ex cha n geTuesmvyiiusjri 1 ACRE on the Estacada line, -room house, electric lights. large chicken houe, barn, 8 rabbit huts, cement fruit cellar, all kinds of assorted fruit and berries. Two blocks to chool. For $3000. Woodlawn 5M Twn ACHES IHiOO P2D STREET, PAVED. Two miles from city limits; good op portunity for builder; generous term A. W. LAMBERT & SON, C o rner Grand ave. and East Alder at. Has been all under cultivation, some nursery stock, two mile from Sycamore station. . HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 43 Stark St. Broadway 7H31. BEAVERTON-REEDV1LLE ACRES. 6 '4 acres, beautifully lying, rich soil ; all in loganberries, right close to paved highway and station. See this. Price ?38'i0. Jacob Haas, Marshall 3324. East ;:tu4 4ho ONE CHOICE acre under cultiva tion: excellent soil; paved .highway to Portland ; we can make your terms W M. Umbdentock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. P11WKLL VALLEY ACRES. 8 acres. 8 miles eust city limits, all ctty conveniences; on paved road; price $.50; -wonderful buy. Wm. Murphy. Mar. 3324, East j.hh. BUY a city cultivated acre, only. $20 taxes j earl v ; gas. electricity, phone: city and country combined.' Why go out 7 Your building cots iec. Price $170O. J, D. Kennedy. 32! Salmon. Main 47T. V ACRES. pirt cultivated, good house ' itnd barir. fruit and berries, 2 miles from town; price $2400. At 5oi Stock Exchange. TueTnay, J nnrwuy, rm turns, v. TWO ACRES on good paved highway. 5-room houe, line view 01 ioiumuu river; reasonable price. X 892, Orego v ian . ACREA UK- near electric, some improve-d ; truck garden, cheap. AP 380, Oreo nmn. FOR SALE One acre and a 2-acro tTS'-t, ciose to fci'y limits, by owner. 3. Tsc habolo., 240 Salmon St. YOU H ALE S K V EN Al'UES, CLOCK IN, THOMAS ALLEN, 0131 U2D ST., 3. K. RFATi ESTATE. I or Sale Acreage. . CHEAP ACREAOD. CLOSB IN. 15 arrew, on srvrnd road, okiwe t Col irtn bi hig-hw ay; 6 mll ea t of Port land limit; all cuitivatd n gcM, productive river-bottom land; price $250 rr acre; $150 Caen, bwrfuire in 10 eual smJ annual pavartent. 6 per cent. Thl Is diked iauid and the diklt chm we Is aoo-ut $50 per aco in additioo wit.h 18 yera in which to pv; Hoot to elttrc and tam imne.-torttm. bwrJi aswt tral aohooiK. Consider aukller'e loan. W DLL-EQUIPPED FOT7LTRT RANCH. 10 acre, In Iewta cownrty. W ab ington. 14 Siiil from good town with free bun to hh and grade ftchool; w-ovon wire fenca; beam ing orchard; crek. wcik, 4-room buiiKeJow, 2 y 32; ba-ro, leJir chicken ho-Ut3. 20xi; brotxW hiM capacity 500 tbir-ketm; In oiiRUd wHJk pace 420 laying put leu. Whit LerinriU Tancred etrnAn, good Jnv- cow, lienfer alf. larr horse, buxvry, hnn plow, toolfl, food, brnoder stove, etc. Price for verything $2650, term. IN MARION COUNTY. ORTTOOTJ. 10 strew, 14 nil from railroad nd good twn ; wfth high and grad Pclwoo! ; woven wire fences; sandy loam sr.il; 2 acre undwr cultivat iotu b;iilsn' eoled to grass and has some smalii sturnpe; 4-room cottage, chicken house. 8 large fir t r cs for wood ; ; got rocked road; ' price $11100, $500 caelu balance 3 tMue, 6 per cenft. Over 7 acree, 1 mile from center of PorUand, wwt : 1 mile to achoo4; blwck Lomn ofcl: 6 a-rs 11 rider -ultiv'ttm: aom fruit trees; ' 4 acre strtt w berries ; good rt-nifim, painted home, barn, 3 chicken hull-, cow ahed ; included with place Jersey cow, chicken a, otc Price for everyth.m. $3O0O. C.vn nider hotss In St. Johns rtlwtriot for part. Ask for Mr. Kemp. CONSIDER SOT-DTER'S LOAN. 8 acres, 2 miles from eijootrio alatron, 1 -i mile to arhool; grav eled road ; tiH under cu't ivaf hn ; 10 bee-ring1 assorted fruit trc, 1200 strawberry pbunts, acre-?! loiin4erriew; S-TC-mi lnr bungalow with bathroom; barn 24x24. g r:i 3 chicken houses, capacity 5O0 chlckwits; rot cellar. PrU-e $3200, teruiM. Will ecr-ej-t intdlor' loan and give posenton iimuedi ateiy. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Dliu. FARM SACRIFICE. Will sacrifice at half value my plac-, approximately 0 acres, 3 mln. from elec tric car. 10 min. from city limits, good view of city, paved read to Portland ; good buildirfK. nil kinds of fruit, good well and living spring, good fidi stremi on place. Refused $10,000 six month ago. will sell for $ftl!;0 ard give some term: land .surroumdimr selling for $lth0 to $000 per acre. Must sell quickly on account leaving Oregon. For informa tion call Fred J. Wyint. Main B13l after Sunday, or address Fred Matthias, pnri land. Or.. R. R. No. I. box 755. owner. CT-OSE-TN. ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD." SUNDERLAND ACRES ON COLUM BIA BIVD. nt East 21Uli St. N-. C to 20 aere tracts, rich soil, all plowed. $400 to $000 per acre ; 10'tf, down, balance an nually. Outside city limits; low taxes. Few 1 to 3-a-cre lots left; beautiful loca tions for 'homes: convenient to schools, Woodlawn end Alberta cars. ELROD A DRYER. Owners, 2R3 Stnrk St. Bdwy. 11 RS. J 3300 1 0-ACR E T R A OT $3.Wft AW) ha station, close to Beaver ton, 10 acres in orchard, big frontage and an excellent building site, with city water iid gas in front of door; on good gravel road ; on Ly 0 blocks from S P. station, highway, school and stores. A genuine bargain; cash $1000, , balance easy terms. M. E. DeJOICTC COMPANY. 307 TIenry Bldg. Broadway Hffll. BEAUTIFUL B-acre. country home, T-room modern house, city water, lights and gaa, Inrge sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath. French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country, near Baverton on lock road. Price $5500, terms. STROUD & CO.. INC, Be ay erto h. Or. BEAUTIFUL sightly ncre. facing on Im proved coun ty boulevard with new mod ern bungnlow; nn Ideal home ot fur from Multnomah on t lie Oregon Electric that we must siwrlfico on account of leaving the city; $:n0 down nnd $25 per mont li on the balance t t he price of $2400 will biiv our home. Thin Is co-n-afderahlv below cost. For particulars cal! Main A BARGAIN. Ten acre at ciaekams station, river front, hlitli state (.f cultivation ; houw, barn, fruit, land all r-ndy to plan t . large gar:ure. ne:tr Pacific hlghwiiy; part payment down, balance run nn contract: ani malting bin wicr'Tiee; tentn, row, chirk'i-is and far in Imp!" mm I m ; don't fall to Fee thN. For particular apply lnnV n n c 1 u r avn., h . ne V ! in. 213". iTa-ACRE. SMALL BARN; Kit FIT. This ride Henl college. Spring braijch. Build it 11 1 it I bout", keep chic It ens and (i in ks, m 1 !t " r. 'i rden. have 11 n Indepen dent living; Sl.'oo: 5 cimi; fio Why Roger W. Cary, 1210 N W. nk b'd. 5 A C K K - 1 1 K A V E UT N 1 H ST It 1 1 "". All In cult 1 v:it bin ; young urclmrd ; 0 r 111 Ihum htirn, butid nearly new: close to I. -it I on nnd high wiiy. on hard road; pile.. .vt.M'O: verv I'n-v teiuw. I.I'K Dl KMAN N COMPANY. 015 Clifiinln-r nf f nyvmci-.-c Hl.'u. to ACHES flUO. 4 tracts 40 Here ein-h, running wni'T, Yamhill count y. d.c to new R. It. : gfind s-oll, only lino down nn each tract, bal. $10 per mouth, tl'r. (120 Chamber of Commerce hldu. SKA CI IK l--'T BROS. ACniiAfi E. For sa le by owner, 1.4 acres, pnw house and woodshed; running water, tc. 3 blocks from Huher statbni. Terms cen be nrrnngnd. AC :i!trv. Qregonlan. CARLTON. OKRtlOX. 1H acres, good fl-room house, eltv water, electric liirhts. outbuildings. So bewrlrig- fruit tree, berries. mie en.uln Tnnt: It is a pickup nt $1100, $000 oih'h. Wm. WIMinc. 104 Fourth t. Hell. 1 150. 10 ACRES 1 : E A VKUTi N DISTRICT. Buildings, young orchard, berries. fin poll ; 1 mile to elect r-c st .! t Ion ; vtv sightlv; n bnrenln v t $.1500. c;iv terms. LUEDDEMANN Ct 1 M PAN V. 013 Ch amber ef Cmn in eyci i iltl g. $44H ItOWN $20 PER MONT1L New 4-rooim plastered houae, go-d well- 2Vi acrs of rod shot foil; half cleared: fronts Barr ro-sd: It's n btir iraln; $2000. Strong & Co., O00 Ch, of BEAUTIFUL ACHE, $12K. $50 down, $11 month; cltv water; nwt ural trees; only 2 tracts left. Alber'i car. Roger W, Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank hulMlntr. tnoo TtlTVS pnuilv in nmnll ncrpwco lm- P proved with huildfries and fruit; elon to Jvienwny : woo m rnnnipr nevro or Ford, value $250. balance caeh. Address Boy 4S. A lohn. Oregon. IF YOU WANT a c)oe-ln piece of acre age at a bargain I have i acre nn 3ih and Powll Valey road for $1175 on- rnnv terma F. R. Je 627 Corbet t bld Mnin 7141. ; 5 ACRES. Improved, not mor. tnun 15 miles from Portland, wit bin walking distance of elentrin line, on good rnsd. within half mile of pavement. F 3M. Qregonlan. $Kt0 DOWN will buy 5 ncres fronting elec trie line, all cultivated, level, line roil, no Tock, only $300 P'r acre. V. M. UmbdenMnck & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwv. JOOK ACRES. ACRES. Vj ACRES. Small monthly payments. Outside or Inside city. City water, fiome with gas and electricl'V. Let me show you. P.orer W. Carv. 1210 W. Hank bldg HOME SNAPS, several cnoice tracts rrom- 1 to 10 acr1, with bu-IMlng. nmr "lectrlc ' station, prt-d from $1500 to $3500. with $250 to $500 cash, balance like rent. B. ,S. Cook, OQl Stock Exchange hldg WRITE for map of weatern Washington. showing location, low prices aud easy terms offered to settlers. WEYEllH AUREK TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wa sh. 100 BE AUT I FU L acrps. iUi miles from Washington st reet, excellent subdivi sion ; a speculation, $150 per acre. Eat 022S. $50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. NU-e wooded, tract of 2' acres, front -uir Urr road, li ml1 west f Marker r-l. St rong Co., OOP Ch of Qnm. EX-SOLD f E H S- Six acres uiM-ltared land within city limit" on Skvllna Il vii,; 't mile north Germantown rond. Will tak' sold It's hrmus. .Vir. 3 ( ijjt . O wne r . 5 ACRES," Tualatin valley, 0 milea from center of Portland on Cornell rond. rocked; all clear, no building; $3uou. AM 3 03. Ore c on 1 an $100 DOWN, must sell. 5 acres at olertr'c station, near Portland; A-l soil, ull cp' tivated; $2'0 per acre under value. W M. Umhdenstock A Co.. 210 On-gon b'rlu ACF! EACE. just outside city ;rnit, elec tric lights, water'- find g t. nil in; fruit. Call owner, AMtnmmte o:t-ir7 MY EUITV in 10 acres on Phcitic hurh way: need little Cash, bal. hi 3dV Orcgontan.