8 TITE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 20, 1922 RY.Ati KPTATE. For hale 1 iat and A partment Property, APARTMENT HOUSE SITE (with Income) One ft the bent sites in Portland, easy wanting distance, is the loo-it. square next to Alexandria Court, on Ella at. bet. Washington and Everett sta. This ran be purchased for the small aum of X2..ouo on terms. ion can t beat thi for a bargain. This property will pay nu-w o v on i no pure case price. K. H. H OSNER, (MIS MrKAT BLDO. 100x100 Af'AKTME.VTS, good location, nne income, oniy io,uuu, $i000 handles. .mimerman, Ma tnam. or Com, bid?. for Sale lietu-H J-'roperry. iron SALE Seaside. 2 modern bouses. ..Mii-ju iut, uvciiounioj ocean; sjuu. For Hale Lots. IRVINGTON CORNER SNAPS. Did you ever stop to think that ma. terials of all kinds, labor, too, can be Imported and the market ran down, but every house that goes up in Irvington manes me lot market that much stronger? You cannot Imoort home- sites, therefore. Is It not reasonable to assume tnat prices will Increase as th supply diminishes? BUY NOW and ave money. 1400h. w. corner E. 10th and Brazee. $105o 8. W. corner E. 23d and Fremont. $17508. W. cor. E. 14th and Stanton. 9ihm s. W. corner K. 21st and Fremont. $2000 x. W. corner E. 17th and Klickl tat will take lot up to $1000 as part payment. $22.10 8. E. corner E. 15th and Siskiyou. $2250 N. W. corner E. 16th and Stanton. $2250 S. E. corner E. lth and Stanton. $225-0 N. E. corner E. 22d and Stanton. $3000 75x100 S. E. corner B. lbtli and Stanton. $4000100x1008. E. comer ID. 19th and Thompson. $4500 100x100 N. B. corner XI. 15th and Thompson. These prices are cash, with all Hens paid. Let us show you. HITTER, LOWH & CO., Realtors, ztu-a-a-s-T Hoard of Trade Bid, IK V IN G TO X $ 12.10 Ta k e your pick of any insiae lot otocK Doundea by Klicki tat, Fremont, 23d and 24th. Special sale for short time ONLY. Remember, the Broadway car swings around this diock, toe improvements are all in. Got in early and pick the best. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 2H1-2-3-B-7 Roard of Trade Bldg. HIGH, level corner, 100x100. outside city limit, east. First block north of Eat Glls&n st (paved), water, jas, light and phone at hand, concrete basement and first floor built for house, 27x45. Five blocks to M. V. depot car. Good buy at $a00. Some other lota cheap In vicin ity. Owner, H. P. McCoy. 8atJ E. Mor- tmon, Jaai as. ArAilTMlfi.MT OR FLAT SITE H. H. nor. H. 20th and Salmon, 80x100, $3000 takes ii ana no nen to pay, also a dandy on J. 10th. close In, 100x100, for $3500. We specialise In vacant property. It will pay you to see our larj list before RITTKR, LOWE A CO., Realtors, ui-z--n-7 iioara or Trade Bidg. IRVINGTON If you ever expect to llvs in Portland's model home section, by all means secure your lot NOW. They are going fast. Look at block bounded by Klickitat, Fremont, K. 23d and 24th. j Any inside lot at $1200 for a short time uiNia, HITTER, LOWH A CO., Realtors, 201-2-S-ft-T Board of Trade Bldg. 1INHVVORTH AVE. corner, make offer: asking $5-00 but must sell, cannot pay Hens. Remember, this is one of Port land's show streets, beautifully parked up center. Go look, . S, 1. corner E. 11th, then see us. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 2"i-2-a-n-7 Board or Trade Blag. iKVINGTON PARK Two bargains E. 2d facing west, S35 feet north of Ains- wnrth, sewer In and paid, price $300; also Dekum facing south, 220 feet east of 27th st., only $230. Can you beat them? RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 2Q1-2-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "WooDLAWN 100x100, only $soo; S. W. corner Claremont and Fern, close to business center and car line; nice neigh borhood. If you Intend living In Wood- lawn don t pass this homesito without Investigation, R ITT MR. LOWH A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $s".0 LOT, 10. UTH, near Union ave. N.; street and sewer imp. paid. $ 1 250 sightly lot, K. Harrison, near S-lih; restricted; all imp. paid. 1400 Lot. Union ave.: imp. paid. $15O0 Business lot. division. K. 37th. F. W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock Bldg. 11A WTHORNE oaxlOO; hi. 43d, near Olnv; out-of-town owners need monev; $ t ar0 takes this biff lot, or will sell 125x ino for S2r00 cash; an opportunity for 1UIILOBK to put up three houses In a guud selling section. RITTKR, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. JUST across Preseott from Alameda park on 2iHh st.. we have dandy building lot for $750, paved street, sewer and ell improvements paid; easy terms to right buyer. RITTKR. LOWE A CO., Realtors, 2iil-2-3-r-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IKVINGTON E. 2Ut, west front near Stnntnn, level lot, good houses In this district; price $1700; also 100x100 on 8. W. corner E. 21st and Fremont, bar gain for cash. RITTER, LOWH & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON 75x100 This is undoubtedly one of the finest corners available. The surroundings are the best and .the neighborhood established. Price for a short time $3000. See us before buying. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK Wonderful view, on The Alameda Just west of carllne; $1250 cuh buys it if sold today or tomorrow. Call Tabor 4139 to see It today. A real bargain. HITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON Special bargain $1250 must be cash. East front E. 20th near Stanton; owner needs money NOW; ail liens - paid. You'll havs to hurry for this one. RITTKR. LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg WEST SIDE 60 foot frontage, view site, a big lot for $2250; very select neigh borhood. This Is something unusual; look It up If you want a west side sits tor little money. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, ;ni-2-n-n-7 Board or Trade mag. JlAWTllOKNE AVE. .Must be sold; fac Ing south, bet. E. lHtti ana nun eta.: excellent apartment site; the price Is right. See us. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. LaPD'S A D I 1 T I O -V 8UX 1 2S. with paved allev; dnndy corner for flats, in the best part of tlits cloein district. Price just redunrd to $3500. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bhlg. 2aVRELIIUKT corner lot. a beauty. $200 cash down. Rose t iry. choice lot, $rt50. Industrial corner, looxlOO, $3000, worth double. llany other sacrifices. F.O. MAMO.NU REALTY CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg iKVlNlJTOX L16T $4."0 bye lot 4xl00, on F.ugone st.. near 25th; some terms to right party. This Is a dandy specu lation on the edRe of a good district. HITTER, LOWE A CO.. Realtors, -ill -2-3-ft-i Ho.ird or Trade iwig iKVINGTON' Durulv east face, a few blks! west of l.'.th; all liens paid; $1000 takes It; also one on 14th St., near Stanton; aame price. RITT1IR, LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bonrd of Trade Bldg. A PA HTM KNT OR FLAT SITE btlxlOO; Just the right sixe; S. K. corner K. 20th and Salmon. OWNER MUST SELL. Take a look, then see us. RITTKR, LOWH A CO., Realtors, 2Q1-2-3 5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. j k v Closf in. lit wLhoi ne - district, on Unrrtson. facing north; 100 ft. we of 24th; very desirable neighborhood. Price $1.V0. RITTKR, LOWE & CO . Realtors. L'01-2-3-5-7 Bonrd of Trade Bid &RO BLAND 1'AKIv 50xlO ; 53 J, facing west, 145 ft. north of Sherman; the last lot we have In this pretty bungalow dis trict: all liens are paid. ONLY $i00. RITTKR. LOWH r CO.. Realtors, 201 - 3-a-T H"'ird of Trail" Itldg. JUVINGTOX Brunt if ul east front on 17th for $1700 the only 50x100 left on this SO-foot street. Better grab IL HITTER. LOWH A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST-VIEW lot near Vl1 ave.. Mont f ornery drive: $UIK. Bdwy. 507 ROSE CJTY PARK. IISTK1CT. BtNititif ul honwesites cloa to Sandy; treew; lie le!. $4. crufh. 1UKKY It ECK W3 T H , R 1 1 or, 104 5rh Ft. Bdwy. (Wl. watch this t:o. WVuXUlN K KNOB HILT- BARGAIN. 5nKMt Lot. jir.oo. DAVIS BUILDING CO., 4H Bonrd of Trade. $ljs.0 One Mock north Sandv on E. 3th. l--k0. half-block north Shindy on E. 3'Jth. :uhi Alunieda iiocial. facing south on Skidmor. nr. 3'Jd. terms. .T. C. COR BIN". 3J5-j Lewis Mng. WATCH TH1KS OO. Noh Hiil apartment or hotel site, short w;k downtown: mighty care bar ciin: $,Vtihi. Room 418 Board of Trade. LAUlLHI'ltST CORNER, ftrtxi.v) on Burnalde. eist of pej-k. at a retii bargain: call owner. Tabor 8180 or V.rdtt-ay 0T7'.'. OWN several fin lo:s In Laurel hurwt; w,;i sell very cheap. Call ownr t Alar sbn'! MXVl r Bnmdwav "?;. t tJ i.i.h.R's contra l: t taken at face, value for nics lot. improvements all In, paid; fiiie location. Uoggoss, 603 AlciLay oida;. REAL KSTATE. For aIe Lot:. FOR BALE. FOUR LOT9. CORNER OP AVENUE TJ AND PROM, PRICE $1300. Two of the lots are on the OCEAN FRONT and two are on FIRST ST. and ccst toe owner $2000 several years ago. THIS IS A BARGAIN. WHEN YOTT WANT TO PELL YOUR SEASIDE (OREGON) PROPERTY LIST IX WITH R. O. RALSTON, REALTOR, 741 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 211. Wa CAN PLEA SB YOTJ, BOTH IN LOCATIONS AND PRICES. Kllllngsworth ave.. lot lies about two reet aoove graae, st w; it wui pieai you. Belle Crest, about two blocks from car, $630, Rose City Park, one block from car. Rosemere, one block from car, $1050, Irvington Park, 60x100, $50. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 21 N. W. Bank Bldg. Manrhfl.!! 4114. ALAMEDA PARK. LOTS. " Below the hilL Terms $100 down, bal ance monthly. We will finance your noma ir necessary- Bik. 56. lot 1. $625. Lots 2 and 8, $550. Lot 4, $500. Lota 6 and 7, $490. Lota 8, 9 and 10, $400. Blk. 57. lots 6, 6 n T, $550. Lot 8, $075. Lot 9, $625. Lot 10. $630. Lot 11. $675. Over 80 lots In all at similar nrle.es. Contractors able to finance mode homes vii iubbo iota win una it to ineir ad Vantage to get In touch with us at once, J. A. WIUKMAN CO., Realtors. 262 Stark St. Sun., Phone 324-14. SOME BUYS. 60x100 on Couch, in Laurel hurst. everything in and paid. $1600 07x100 corner Hoyt and Mirlmar, everything paid 1600 100x100 Eat 17th, near Division, everything Included 1500 40xl2, paved alley. East 20th, and Locust, everything paid 1350 iwntiw, ziLn, near Ainsworth, one block from car 1000 60x100, Multnomah, near Imperial. everything paid 1500 ooxiva, Aiameua park, cor. Tne Al xneda and 2Sth, everything included 1250 ,nE,Ani w. UUUUAKi), Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Broadway 7831. ROSE CTTY. 1 BLOCK FROM SANDY BLVD. 10 LOTS. We have these very choice lots, only 1 block from the Rose City car line ; priced from $1150 to $1600; 4 extra choice lots, 100x100 ft., on corner. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS' VERY BEST. Desirable lot at an enormous sacri fice. Analyze carefully; 08 feet front age on street, 03 feet deep; level with street, making it inexpensive ror bulla ing. Unusually extensive and magnifi cent view. Non-residenl sacrifices for $2800, Including all imp. paid. Half casn win nanuie. j. u. Kainey, 017 AO ingtonbldg. Broadway 62ti9. MARKING ACRES, ROPE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Only 10 minutes' walk to car and school; tracts of 4 to 6 city lots, $675 and up; Bull Run water, erraded streets. 3 '.a years' time to pa for a tract, no jnieresx ior nrsi year. rnis spienala property is jusr outside the city limits, no city taxes to pay. see us toaay, Sunday. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 418 Spalding Bldg. Broadway 055O. LAURELHURST LOT. Lot 0, blk. 70, large corner, 65x100 rront, ts iee. at rear, improvements all paid. S. W. corner Royal court and East tiiinan st. formerly held at J3000. Own er Just accepted offer of $2000. but cur- chaser was unable to complete deal. This is a rare bargain, hee today, then phone, Inside lot adjoining also open for offer, J. A. WICK MAN CO,. 262 Stark St. Sun.. Phone 324-14. 78x300. $100 cash and the balance on easy term gives you 78x300 on East 82 d St., all cleared; price only $800. Let us tell you about this. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 210 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IKVINGTON $1500 cash, inside lo; mock bounded by Stanton. Siskiyou. E. 22d and E. 23d. This offer holds good only a short time. Regular price $1700. See us nt once. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Pldg. IRVINGTON HOME "VlTE. 60xlOO-foot lot. 2 14 -foot bank, fine 1 oatlon; fine homes adjoining; owner will sacrifice for quick sale; easy term. 6ee Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.f 210 Chamber of Commerce Blrlg. ROSE CITY PARK comer, $100 down, $10 montn, jm, w . cor. e. 4iitn ana Siskiyou, 60x100. 100-ft. side paved, sewer and other Improvements paid. Take k. look; It's a dnndy. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON $1250, the best lot left at tms price E. 2it fac. E., 00 ft. S. of Fremont, beautiful SO-ft. paved street, one block to Broadway car. it's a dandy. Buy before It is too late RITTER, LOWH A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3--7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE TWO LOTS NT5AR P1ST. ON EAST ill. UE. TO TRADE FOR AUTO. CALL N. E. Bl'RKITT, 207 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. CLOSE IN $2000; 50x100; E. th. near jarrutners; good location for flats or mall apartments. Investigate. RITTKR. LOWH A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. 50x100, Schuyler street, near Broad way, all Improvements in and paid, tlm'O. W. 1L Hoes, 1100 N. W. Bank building. COLONIAL HEIGHTS $1500; lot on East 2 1 st. near Hawthorne ; cost $3000 ; big sacrifice: owner out of town. See us. RITTKR, LOWK A CO., Realtors, 201-2--5-7 Board of Trade B!,ie. IRVINGTON LOT Ready to build on. Everything in and paid; at one-half value: $300 cash will handle, balance long time. A snap. Buy it. K. H. HOSNER. 60S McKAT BLDG. LACRKLHL" UST corner bargain. $1175. a Dig ioi, oniy one nioctc to canine; terms to suit. Call todoy, Tub or 4139, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. RKAI'TIFCL West Mount Tabor HomeSite, very lect location; real sacrifice for quick deal. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen bide, or call Tabor M!. DIXON PLACE $00 E. 17th near Beach, Mi-ft. paved street, all Hens pa!d, also fine corner on Fremont for $12ro. RITTER. LOWE CO, Res'tors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade B!dg. ALAMEDA. Exceptionally well located lot. Im provements in and paid. By owner. BP S'.iS. Prcgonlan. BUSINESS LCT. 60x200, 87 th and Fremont, all Im provements in; price $-0oO. Owner, Tabor 7i4. W EST MORE LAN D. Choice corner, mart seil at once; cash and balance at easy terms. Call Mar shall 5M after lO A. M. Sunday. MOST beautiful view lot in Laurelhurst, kxb". si aw. Terms. Kignt-Ams-h a r y . W ilcox bid g. B roadway 3578. JITUXD HE1UHT3 EXCLUSIVELY. Lots, tracts ena nouvps. A11 locaUoa. iind priciiPliOOKE, Main 4"4?. KOSffi CITY PARK LOT. BOxlrtO, between Broadway and Han Cock on ibih, Owr. Tatxir 6T4. BEAT, KSTATK. for Sal. Lota. FAKSTS AND DAIRIES FOB KENT. 20-ACKE SHARE RENT. 20 acre, located near Hood River, 15 acnes. lev.L acre, strawber ries. 1 acre loganberries, ? acres good - orchard, mile to sta tion; 6-room bungalow, barn SOx 36; full line of farm tools, 3 horses, 2 cows, 1 calf. Frica 41000; rent H crop. 75 ACRE 3 DAIRY. 75 acres located near Vancouver, on good road. 60-acres under plow, good 10-room house, large barn, milk house, etc.: 10 A-l cows. 3 heifers. Sell milk at gate. Prica 111:00, $S00 cash. 2-year lease. COOS COUNTY DAIRY. This Is located on the coast tn Coos county dairy section, 100 acres with 32 acres under plow, 4 or 5 acres apples and pears; fine soil; 0-room house, large bam; full set of farm equipment, as well .as d-alry; 13 cows, 2 heifers, team; 2 brood sows; cans, aeparator and leae to January 1, 1U25. Prlca I22O0, $1100 cash, rent J500 per ytar. CLARKE COUNTY DAIRY. Having 11 cows, 1 Holstetn bull. 9 yearlings, team, 8 brood sows, 1 . boar, 73 chickens, full set of farm Implements, cream separator, cans and pails; 150 acrea, with 5 under plow; 20 acres of beaverdam Mil, family orchard; 5-room house, 2 barns, hoghouse, - chicken - house and store room. Price only fLTOO cash. Rent t200 per year. ' COLUMBIA COUNTY DAIRY. 225 acres, all level, with 75 acres under Plow, balance good pasture, about 2 acres orchard; finest black loam soli; 0-room house, concrete milk-house, fine large barn, silo, garage, pressure water system, full set of farm and dairy equipment; 2o head fine cows, 12 heifers, team: in fact, a fine,, going dairy. Price 50no, some terms. Lease to July 1. 1U25. YAMHILL COUNTY DAIRY FARM. Consisting of 1S5 acres, of which about 90 acres are under plow; water piped to house and barn from a spring; 6 registered Hol stein cows. 1 registered Holstein bull. 2 young mares; full set of farm machinery which is nearly new; plenty of oatbulldings; creek through place; good rock road, be ing only 2 miles from pavement. .Price of personal property tlSOIX year 4 ease. ACHFS FOR RENT WILLAMETTE VALLEY'. This 890 acres has about 1SB acres under plow and is located year the Santlam river. This is a fine general farm, with no per sonal property to buy. Rent 6J0 tals year. These are only a few of tho many farms and dairies which we citing" Ure " u b6fo lo- PtI'5DIT' REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO , 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg O .t 200x100, $550 CASH On Multnomah st nenr ir ft--, ... sidewalks, curbslud reetEgraea. I'i! TlY,THORJfE DISTRICT, thorn. ' ? arfur". Jt outh of Haw- f-n?6,!, hmi?rcl.hnenta Som NEAR SAVIER STREET-CATt -RAmtfl ly60A?l.100; ? S10BmoS iy. All present improvements vaid n IRVINGTON. ill ,1? n E- SOtn- near Knott, $1600. All improvements paid -. WEST SIDE. .il"nf,r- casn on Paved street, sidewalks nd sewer, all paid.- On car near school. ' . IRVINGTON. 100x100 $8500. $1000 cash: liberty bonds or good paper as first payment. All improvement!, paid. Will divide. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Ivw102i ,'VUf! Cash or w'r divide, raving, sidewalks and sewer paid. This la way under market value .... SELL.WOOD DISTRICT. $600, $K caeh. $10 monthly. 50x100 on Crookham ave., near Mllwaukie-ave. car shops, Macadam street, sidewalks curbs nnd sewer In and pairl. E. YAMHILL, MAR 23 D. 40x100. 2 garages, rented for $10 Zi, ,1 ..1L Sr,'sent improvements paid. Price i:i00. $100 cash, 10 monthlv One acre, near carllne and Eighty second street, $7.r0. 50jl4O lot, Alarheda park; good view: $lii00, terma Alameda park lot on Dunckley av near car. $1000. " Alameda park corner, $900. $200 cash. . streets paved. 60x100. near Columbia bird, and Ken ton district. $300, $30 cash, $a monthly JOHXSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W Bank bldg. Main 3787- BIG BARGAIN ARLINGTON HTS. $2000 All lien. paid. Runs frbm one street to another, but is not steep; all natural ground anBl an easy place to build. Pt. imp. cost this much, but must raise money quickly and make' una pig gaennce. y wj, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON APARTMENT site. 100x100, i."u, in. cor. t;. iota and Thompson Build a four-flat colonial-type residence and make your home pay Its way. Many other fine flat sites. It will pay you to see us before buving. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg OXE BLOCK OF CITY PARK. Corner lot with both streets paved and paid for, only $.'300. Level, at tractive view, easy terms. Will build anu iinance your home on this lot. J G, P.alney. 517 Ablngton bldg. Bdwy. 02(19, IRVINGTON CORNER PRICE CUT FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, R W. cor. 23d and Fremont, 50x100, beautiful level lot, one block to Broadway car. all Improvements paid. $1050 cash, takes it. Will bring $2000 In spring. RITTER, LOWK 4 CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-'-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 100 FT. NORTH OF BTSKIYO ON 18TH Fine home sjte in choice location, beat district; $1250. J. R. HATOHT. Realtor. 325-27 Board of Trade. Bdwy 2045. Sunday. Woodlawn 6260. WANT A HOME? If you do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal finan cial assistance extended. We are pre pared to a?sit you in any way. Sol dier's bonus may be applied. ROBNET ft McCLURE. Builders, 3Q2 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6574. Bl'ILDKRS. ATTENTION Build three not on xnis quarter Dlork on the N. W. cor. E. 55th and Washington, near carllne, schools and paved all around. Price $2100 for quick sale . RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Reartorsl 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg KNOB HILL. 2 beautiful, r.0xl00-ft. lots; bargain, unobstructed view. East 40vl. ROSE CITY PARK Owner wants offer r;. ostn lac. n;. oet. biJKiyou and Klick itat, sewer, cement walks, curbs, one block to pavement. Asking $700, make offer. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, L'i-,'-i-.vi Hoard or Trade Bldg. IR l.NOTON. .".." xl()0-iXX)T LOT. 1."0. A-l location, improvements all in and paid: second mortgage privilege. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. H'X0 100x100 ON E. 15TH fac. west. 100 rt. no. 01 Aiuswortn, cement! walks. curbs, grading paid, sewer In. This Is a bargain for cash. Also S. W. cor. E. 12th and AinBworth for $500. RITTER, LOWE 4 CO. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU enjoy paying for the other man's property Dy war rents. v hy not start now. buy a lot well located, all im provements in; only $10 down, $5 per month. CORCORAN. 325-6 Lumbermen's bldg. JUST THINK $5J, dandy lot on Ellis ave. near foeiiwood carllne. paved street, sewer, all improvements in and paid; the cheapest Improved lot in Portland. RITTER, LOWE 4 CO., Realtors, 'J01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOT 75xl."0 on 0th and Center sts.. New- berg, lias rrjjrt trees, oeage, cement walks, sewer and lights ail connected and paid; only $50u cash for this bar gain. See TAIK'.AKT BROS.. 11Q2 Speeding Bldg. LAl'RELHVRST CORNER tiNAP On 37th street, one blork to car, 5.100 sq. ft, all liens paid. $1150; good neighborhood and level lot. RITTER, LOWE CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-8-T Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER Lot. 39x120. Ladd's add., block irom Hawthorne ave. inquire 145 Orand avt., or ill feast Washing ton St. . . . READ ESTATE. For bale Lots. ROSE CITY PARK. $425 E. 68th St.. east front, i blocks north of Sandy blvd. $5O0 E. 59th St., west tront: comer oinh and Fremont. $:10 E. 4ath st.. east front: north of Siskiyou. $775 E. 48th St. west front; alt Imps. paid. IwO E. 48th st.. cast front; all Imps. paid. $50 E. 48th st., east front; all Imps. paid. $b00 E. 48th St., east front; all imps. paid. TaOO E. 61st St., west Tront; all Imps. paid. $700 E. 47th St.. east front: all Imps, paid; located below the hill. $750 E. S2d St.. east front: all imps, paid; located below the hiil. LATJRELHI7RST. $825 Laureihurst ave.; all imps, in and paid. $950 Laureihurst a.ve.; all Imps. In and paid. $1150 Hazelfern place, near GH san: Imps. paid. $1350 Glisan st., near Mlrlmar ' place; Imps, paid. $1350 Mlutnomah St., near Im perial ave.; 50x135; all imps paid. $1200 Laureihurst ave., 150 feet from E. 3Jth st. $1400 Fioral ave.. 1 block north of Glisan sc $1700 Floral ave.. block south of Glisan st.; east front. $1700 Hazelfem place; east front: y, block south of Glisan. $2250 E. Ankeny st.; facing Laureihurst park. $2500 Large corner, Hazelfern place and Irving st. ALAMEDA PARK. $09056x100, paved St.. all imps, paid; E. 83d. $750 50x100, all Imps, paid; E. 24th st. $'.00-5-50x100. all Imps, paid; E. front. $1000 Dunckley ave.; all imps paid. $1000 Skldmore st.; corner; all Imps, paid on both sides. $1250 Shaver St., corner In Olm stead park; aid Imps, paid on both, sides. $1900 Alameda drive, facing on two streets; all imps, paid.- COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. $12o0 18x100; E. 27th St.. fac ing east. $1250 Harrison St.; facing south; $250 cash. $1250 E. 25th St.: 1 biock to Hawthorne; east front. $1250 E. 24th st., near corner of Stephens. $1500 Stephens and 25th: cor ner;' Imps, all paid on both aides. GROVELAND PARK. $850 E. o2d st.. facing west; all Imps. paid. $1000 E. fld st.; all imps paid, WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR, $1900 66th St.; 7oxl00; all Imps, paid; west front. ' HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 823 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. 999 LOTS. BUILDERS' 2D MTG. PRIVILEGE. ROSE CITY PARK, WILSHIRE. MORNING SIDE OR FRANKLIN .TRACTS; Second mortgage privilege means that you can buy a lot for a small payment down, receive your deed when you get ready to build your house and continue paying for your lot on easy monthly payments. To buy a lot see us. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway C034. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. COME OLT TODAY to 605 Fremont, between E. 15th and 16th sts. N., from 11 A. M. to o P M see big sign; only a few choice lots left at these remarkably low nrife. , terms; $750 to $950 for Inside. $1000 up for corners, $100 cash. $10 monthly: paving, sidewalks and curbs in and paid surrounded by new homen neat Irvington car and ew park; w have Btiai en large lots in this section, $1000 up, all cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 CLOSE your real estate deals quickly through our Escrow Department, TITLE TRUST CO, Tltls 4 Trust Bids. - $2100 ONE LEFT $2100. LOWER ALBINA; 14 BLOCK. Vacant, clear, level, near Broadway bridge and ferry; S. E. corner of Knott and Aibtna streets. The 11125 fair will mean much to this particular location; study this over carefully; second mort gage privilege. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN rYV 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON Fine location for duplex uuura, tvwuicr lac no. 1-0 rt. tsi. of East 21st. 1 block to Broadway car, concrete garage goes with it. Take a look and make offer, might consider cheaper lot. or auto as part payment. RITTER. LOWE &vCO, Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. YOUR LAST CHANCE. TO BUY DARCH ADD. Hurry. 22d St., south of Sandy blvd,, $700, which means clear of ala Incum brance, improvements ail in. See them, Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. MOUNT TABOR E. Stark, fac. N., 50 ft. . ui iHtm, price iouu, paved street, dandy location for home, high and sightiy; also one on Stark fac. N., next coiner of 60th, for same price. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-3-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. END OF ALBERTA CAR. Then mo Holman street; lots from 33d to 87th, $250 and up. Cement walks. Some with gas, electricity; $10 cash, $4 month. Build smalt home. Do not throw your money away for rent. Roger AlONIAVIILA BARGAIN Hot). 50x100. fcl. sotn lac. E. 1150 ft., no of Burnside. sewer, ctment walks and curbs in and paid, right on carline: you couldn't put the improvements in for this money. RITTER, LOWE 4 CO.. Realtors, .ui-.-j-i-i poarq or rmqj DIdg. BBAUTIFL'LLY wooded lots near Penin sula Park and Jefferson high, $500 cash, $10 monthly; also 60x155, $700; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7R7. iRVINGTON PARK 50x100. iMU, includ ing sewer In front of property paid for, on East 22d, near Ainsworth. Easy terms to right party. RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. KENTON LOTS. Corner 75x100, cement walks and curb, sewer, water, paving in and paid, $1150. W KEELER. Kenton Bank Mig. Wdln. 6507. . LAURELHURST LOT. oOxlOO, on Hazelfern, faces north; only $touo, witn everytning paid, lidwy. 571, PORTLAND HOJ1E CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. KEEr CHICKENS 100x100 LOT. In beautiful Hilton addition, $560; ready to cultivate; $8 down. $8 month. 37th and Sumner. Alberta car. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bidg. 2 LOTS, 6Lh and Failing, corv ant Just short way off Sandy. Paid $1000 for tnese iu years .-waive oner, or will trade for good auto. Evenings, Embody, Woodrawn 0102. WILL take in small car to $300 on lot 2. block 1. Westmoreland, on Milwaukie st. near Yukon ave.; everything in and paid: $850. L. B. Morse, Brownsville, Oregon. FOR SALE Good corner, 6th and East Burnside, on terms; also good corner lot on 17th and E. Davis; terms Call owner, tlast 2704. 60x100 OR 100x100. EAST front, level, sidewalk, sewer paid; 85th-E. Ash, Ter race Park. Cash or terms. Owner. Aut. O-'-l. FOR SALE My equity In lot in West moreland or wtlH trade for late model Ford or Dodge. Call East 6543 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. REAL ESTATE MEN'S BOND NO STATEMENT REQUIRED BONDS OP EVERY KIND WRITTI-V SM'TH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. WESTMORELAND, 17th. St.. near Knapp ave.. east facing, $1000, $200 cash. Wm. VVilimg. yeuwooq no:. WESTMORELAND, 17th st. Knapp ave.: sacrifice $700; $200 cash. Act quickly. H- Willing SAM-u-rtnrt 11 W FOR SALE My equity in lot In West moreiand or will trade for late model r org or locus'-. J". vregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY ' Lots, tracts and houses. All vocations aUQ Trie.- jjiyw-.ju. su:n .3-. HAVE fine stock of high-class mdse. to exchange for residence lot. Owner. AR 302. Oregonian. . 2 LOTS in Warrenton. Or., for sale or trade for Portland property. Tabor 5279 1131 E. Clay st. FOR SALE Beautiful lot on Milwaukie, near Center: $11500. Address J. L. Stuart. 4348 Maryland. St. Louis. Mo. NE.VRLi X'vx acres, elegant marine view, touches Hillside blvd-, Whltwood Otvurt $1000, no mortgugpg. Phone. 313-74. OR SALE 100x100. East 26th and Kelly St. M. F- Keaney. 350 '.j Glisan St. LOT IN" Alberta district, 150 f-t from Alberts, st. $250 down. 295 ilonroe REAL ESTATE. For sale Lots. ALAMEDA REAL PICK-UPS. Don't forget the stseets are paved, restrictions are on and the surroundings beautiful. See us before buying. $800 Skidmore near Glenn, 60x100. 850--26th near Skldmore; must be cash. 900 Glenn near Shaver; easy to build on. $900 Glenn, east front, nice sur roundings. $900 Corner on Prescott; it's dandy. $900 Skidmore facing south, near 324 $1000 S. E. corner Glenn and Skldmere. $1250 Beautiful, view on Laura, near Reirents. $1350 Beakey, facing np 84th. running through to Klickitat: unob structed view of city and moun tains. $1100 Dunckley. facing north, 60 feet west of 26th. $1250 Hamblet. facing south. 60 feet east of 24th: a large lot. Manyother choice homesltes; corns in and get our list. RITTER, LOWE 4 CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. E. 21ST ST. 50 feet north of Bj'bee ave, facincr east. 50x100. SS00. Tibbetts st. 200 ft. east of 33d. facing north. 40x100. $850. Halsey st. 175 ft. east of 28th. facing north. 60x10.0, $650. Interstate ave. 850 feet north of Portland blvd.. facing east. 60ll00, 181a, 61st st. 250 ft. south of Stanton, fac inir east. 50x100, $1050. Northwest corner of 54th and Halsey, 60x100, $575. Multnomah st. 155 fost east of S9th. fnolni- nnrth SUOO. Pacific st. 40 feet west of 33d, facing south. 50x100, $1070. Kandv blvd. y5 feet east of 33d. fac ing south, with entrance on Wasco st. and Sandy. $1250. Northwest corner of 68th and Glisan sts.. 58x100. SK50. E. 20th st. 150 ft. north of KHckltat, fnrlnr Mt RlllOO SlftOO. Northwest corner of Bryant and Knowles. 116x109. S950. t See Blue for bargains, be has 'era, witn COB A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th St. rhone Bdwy. 7522. 55x110 FEET. corner'lot. WILSHIRE ADDITION South facing; terms, 10ce down, $12.50 month. Branch office, 83d and. Bryce ave. ;liroadway car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Broadway U034. LAURELHURST $850 buys this 1 everything paid. IRVINOTON CORNER, 100x100 ft., on Knott st.; $3-uo. 4th and POWELL VALLEY ROAD, $650 for a corner, with hard-surface sU, and sewer in; terms easy. $450 for Terms. a full lot in ALBERTA. ROSB CITY 2 beautiful lots on 61st St.; everything paid; fiouu eacn. RUMMELL 4 BliMMBtU . 274 sStark St. Bdwy. 6729. imMlc mni.DKRS ATTENTION. It M Fnncher. 501-2 McKay bldg.. builder and designer of distinctive archi tectural homes pre-war prices on plans will finance your ouiiuing. ine ioi- Inirlnj. testimonial on file: "I have built and sold bungalows from ycur plans and I am credited by people In a position to be wise to t,he subject that I have set a pace for up-to-date bungalows In this locality. "W. W. SARGENT, Pres. "Fitchburg & Leominster St. Ky., Fitch burjr. Mass." $25 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. 100x100 ft. up to half-acre tracts. oms witn Deautirui iir irees, oinen mi tieiueu and ready for garden. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ALBERTA DISTRICT CORNER E. 23d. only two blocks to car, mxiow; aiw Killingsworth ave. corner for $400, sub- ..... 1.. ....... n..inVi ha. 111st been JCl 1111? LI CGTt, ,.... w put in. For AlBerta and Irvington parK iota, see RITTER, LOWE 4 CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board ot -xraae piue IKVINGTON BUSINESS CORNER S. W. cor. tl. Z4tn ana rrerauni, iwnuv, .''"" caph; fine locntlon for substantial busi ness block; study the situation; will bring $.5000 in a short time. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, Z'll-.-.l-i)7l DO'HU Ml , 1 !-... my,.,. SKE HILTON ADDITION LOTS. 100x100 beautiful tracts, 3 down. $8 month: due east of Alberta car to 87th and Sumner. Now Is the time to get ready for your garden. Roger W. Cary, 12in X. W. Bank bldg. t J01-2-3-5ri Boarq ot irauc dhik LAURELHURST $12,0, Pine St., near Dark, beautiful south front, all liens paid, terms if desired. This is worth looking up quick. RITTER. LOWK A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board or TraQe King, LOVE LEIGH Lombard near "Williams, cenieui wain..i, uuius, biu-us , . v , - level south front lot all In cultivation for ?450; easy terms to right party. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, . 201-2-3-5-7 Bonrd of Trade Bldg. il.AMKDA PARK. A beautiful 50x100 building; site, $RH0, one of the -finest corners in the best district, 91350, easy terms. W. M. Umb denstock. & Co., H10 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1G-1S. LAURELHURST 1350 is the price, anx ious for ca?n oner, lraperwi, 60x140, 90 ft. off Sandy. It's a dandy. See us before buyinjr. RITTER,' LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50x100 EAST 13TH ST. $IWW. Near Division st., close in, on car; all improvements paid. RICHANBACH & CO.. 207-8 Couch Bide. Broadway 4143. . GOxlOO CORNER $675. Near Jefferson high school, all Im provements paid, close to car. RICHANBACH & CO., 2f7-S Couch Bid?. Broadway 4143. IRVINGTON $1000, E. 34th near Stanton, and another east rront on n. j.vih, near Siskivou, same price. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. w i.-o ! t r" i. TJ w 1 A "N7 ri Some wonderful lot bargains In this district. Easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, Realtor, 31M Chamoer or commerce. IRVINGTON. 75x100, 8. E. cor. ISth and Stanton, Deautuui nomes in mi ujeinti, take a look and see us. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO LOTS in Woodluwn, lUOxlOO, fine orchard a-nn fraraen, revei; one diotr from car: $700. Save commissi om. Call owner. Bdwy. 30fl3. 3 LAURELHURST LOTS. 24 blocks north of Glisan, facing east on 44th st., 4o0 spot cash each. Phone owner at Taor do.t FULL-SIZE lot. Rose City dlst., close to car. desirabie location: a good buy at $450. See Royal, 721 Sandy blvd. Ta bor 3 r.-'t. LOT 50x100, 4(ith rt. N-, Roee- City Park TAOOART BROS., 1102 FpakLing Bldgl EL TOVAR AUDITION, half block off Union ave.; lot 13, block 11; reasonable. W c-od I awn 512& 3'5 Buffalo st. RESIDENT lot on the northwest corner of tiitla and Sandy blvd. Inquire of owner. Tabor TO TRADE Two lota in Portland for au tomobile. For full particulars address P. O. box Tn. jeirerwon. ur. ROSE CITY, S. E, corner 42d and Brazee, $1250; next to corner, $1000; improve ment spaia12J"I212i: SSxlOO CORNER lot tn Laureihurst. 43d and Oak. For price phone the owner, Sell. 21S.1. TWO 4xl2t-FT. lots, adjoining Laurei hurst, everything in ard paid for, $750 eacn net, .tia.ni I"' AINSWORTH lot, 440x123. with 20-foot allev. all improvements in and paid. By ' ' - tann. amt T-tHwv 1411 lOxino, $50). $100 CASH, all cultivated. & blocks north of St. Johns car, near Pen insular school. Hi) are, uregnnian $723 LOT 110x125 FEET. Trees ; Wil shire Addition; easy terms. .T. L. Hart- a rham rtf Crtm Mrtr 2 LOTS. 40x100 ft. each, on corner of 62d st. and R4th ave. S. E. Sacrifice; must have cash. Aufo. 640-04. LOTS 15th and Failing, North Irvlnajtoa Phor.e- Tahor 703 fi. BIG BARGAIN Lot at 41st and Stanton. East lOlL . WESTMORELAND, near Bybee and ISth. Sacri flee at $075. Bdwy. 4S.ry Mar. 3788. ft T.rvT?? Firland station, with fir trees: reasonable. iaoor .nin. '5x100 EAST 31st and Rex. ave.. adjoin ing Eastmoreland. $450. East 5725. $450 S. E. CORNER 2tith and Jarrett; sewer ana jhic aig fimi. i a jm i ii i . IX'T on Tillamook fit, near 32d, $650. Sel!m-ood 21 S5. TWO FULL lots, west aide. $160 will hao- dle. Tabor 4412. ON K of the best cor. lots in best part Westmore'.and. Bdwy. 4330. $050. 2 LARGE lots, facing Fremont st., adjoin ing Rose City Park. Tabor 6732. FOR SALE Lot on paved street. Killingsworth ave. WESTMORELAND 1 blk. N. of By be on jkUlwaukle; clear, $750, 21ms. 2130, SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON LOTS. $1300 2fith, 150 feet south of Thompson. $ 630 25th. south Klickitat. (Ne hard surface.) $3700 -1 ooxloO N. W. comer 391. and Stanton; a wonderful corner. $ 873 2sth, 50 feet south Stanton. 1400 Cor. 28th and Stanton; one la 115 another is 63x100. $ 900 20th. Brazee to Knott. 40x100. $1200 Alameda Park view, 52xlft0. $1000 Alameda Park, best level lot. $ 825 Facing south on Broadway. SO feet east of 31st st. $1026 Cornor adjoining. $1050 24th, north of Fremont. $1450 100x100 corner 20th and Fre mont. Will divide. High, lot.. $1250 MixluO. corner, fac south, block from Fremont. $1300 27th, 150 feet south of Thomp son, one lot or two. $ 625 Corner or Inside, 25th and Siski you. . $ 500 Corner or inside, 28th and Sis kiyou. $2500 75x100. fac aat, 20th, Braiee to Thompson. $2900 100x100, northeast corner 14th and Stanton; will divide. $2100 75 feet. 14th next Knott. s.io 18th, block north of Fremont. 950 50x123 to alley, facing south on Clackamas. 150 feet east of 26th. $ 850 10x120, 27th. north of Brasee. $1850 16th, 150 feat north of Kuott. $1150 20th. Knott to Braxee. $1000 50x100. 27th. south, of Knott, $1250 15th, next store, near Brazee. $1400 25th, Brazee to Knott. $ 700 18th, 150 feet north of Falling. 2 blocks north of Fremont. $ 650 50x142, 2th. south of Klickitat. $1500 6exl(M), Clackamas, near 22d. $1250 100x142, corner 20th. Siskiyou. $ 725 50x100, 26th. 100 north Klickitat. I s. E. corner 24th and Klickitat, (Corner or inside.) $1000 50x100, 14th near Stanton. $1750 Corner 16th and Klickitat. $1S50 Corner lUth and Stanton. 100x100 Corner - KNOTT and 24th. Of lOOxlOO. corner 25th and Knott. Phon us to show you Irvington lot. R. T. STREET, Irvington Head'iuartera, East 8U4. Res. East 42b0. $500 CASH, paved, fruit, berries. Woodlawn 1703. Tor Sill -liUUttfri. Announcing the opening of the Beaver Realty Co.," 902 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 2075. Opening BARGAINS. A WORKING MAN'S CHANCE. 8 -room cottage on 50x100 lot, 4 block from Peninsula school, one block from car line. A snap for $1100. bee this place today ; terms. HOME AND INCOME. Two-family flat near 22d and lorth rup; 5 and 0 rooms each, sleeping porch; double baaement, two furnaces, all kinds of modern conveniences; $30 a month Income. A dandy buy for $.500; suit able terms. BUSINESS PKOPERTT. Two eight-room modern houses, and store building located on corner, west side, close in; splendid business locality; income $100 a month. Only $S50O; mem property then name your terms. In South Portland, Walking Distance. A large six-room house, one block from car line in good location; house In splen did condition with raodern plumbing throughout; near school; a real puy lor $1050; must have $10o0 cash. LOTS OF LOT'S. If -ou are looking for a lot regard less of locality or price come In and ae us; we can be of service to you. See Nate B. Casler, with BEAVER REALTY CO., U02 Northwest ern Bank Bldg. Main 2675 Eves. Mar. 212. Open Sundays. STAR SALES SERVICE. BRAND-NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4250 $4230 $4250. Double constructed, hardwood floors, cement basement, all modern built-ins, finished In rrtiry or to suit. Xcke lot up to $1000 as part payment. CLOSE IN ON TILLAMOOK. A modern 0-room bungalow, garage, cement driveway, full basement, uni versal furnace. Dutch kitchen. Vs block to car. $4250, tarin. A cosy home, close In. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. A real good buy at $5750 for modern 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, 'hardwood floors in every room; all mod ern built-lns and conveniences; com plete and charming in every detail; large garage; excellent furnace. Terms. HAWTHORNE. 6-room modern bungalow Dutch kitch en, buffet, fireplace, paved street; no liens, no mortgage; on Morrison near 38th. Paneled dining room, hardwood floors, linoleum and range Included. Rea sonable terms. ST A K REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Realtors 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Eve, and Sun. Wdln. 602. AN ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. ' 6-room modern bungalow, in first-class condition and 100x150 ft. of ground; good garage, all kinds of bearvng fruit, large, com plete poultry houses, brooder house, etc. 8 blks. from Mt. Tabor CAR. PRICE $4750, $1500 cash; wiil take soldier's bonus. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ROSE CIT PARK AND LAURELHURST. $6000 See arrangements of this nifty bungalow home, 5 rooms and large attic; we will arrange to . finish rooms In attic if desired. Buy now and have finished to suit. Now under construction. Also Laureihurst home now under con struction with one bedroom down, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch up. Completely modern. See this now. You can then have same finished to suit. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtors, 202 Stark St. Sun. Phone 324-14. PEVEN" CENTS CARFARE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 4 rooms and bath, electricity, sewer connections, large lot. 50x210 ft. Best of garden soil, 34 fruit trees, grapes and berries. A good buy. $1U75, $300 cash, $25 per mo, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 lovelv rooms, large living room and radiant fireplace, plate glass windows, French doors, ivory finish, oak floors, full basement and fine furnace ; built only 3 yrs.; garage. Price Includes cooi blnatlon range, linoleum, and Ruiul water heater. PRICE $5750 CASH. $2750. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. BEAUTIFUL SEAVIEW RESIDENCE 7 nicely arranged roomy rooms on cor ner 100x100. well located; also a two room cottage which rents for $150 for the summer season, mis property com mands hirh rent during the beach sea son. It is a money-maker: will consider Portland property in exchange; wna; have you? O B. RIPPEY, Realtor, 611 McKay Bldg 3d and Stark. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, $6400. One of the moet complete modern bun galows in Laureihurst; hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, linoleum on kitchen floor, breakfp.st nook, tile bath with shower, large attic, full base ment. Easy terms. Open Sunrlay, O'FARRELL A FORDNEY, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 4172. BUY A NEW HOUSE. $3150 Is the price; corner lot, one blk. from Hawthorne car. Look this up at once. Ills a bargain. ' W. H. ROSS, 1300 X. W. Bank Bldg. $3250 A NEW, classy 4-room bungalow. Jjutcn Kitcnen, onsemeni ana wtunary trays, new Monarch range, near Penin sula park and Swin ton-Kenton car. Terms,- $700 cash and $35 monthly, in cluding interest, 177 Sforgan. Wdln. 4f42. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. Large lot with fine garage; six rooms, modern. Price only $6000. May take good lot In trade. W. H. OSS. 1100 X, W, Fank Btdjr FURNISHED 3-room house, btsement, ga rage, iruit, rntcken house, two blocks Sandy boulevard. $loo. $600 cash. R. HOARD. SOI Stock Exchange. $4!Wt MoDERN 6-room home, valued at j.500: need $000; very large lot. garage, fruit trees, grapes, nice lawn. 1H minutes to Portland hotel. A real sacrifice. Price $4tH)0. Tabor B4'.w, AlODERN 7-room house, 51st and Sandy, furnace, large fruit trees; cheap for quick sale. Terms. Call owner. Tabor 1 207. LEAVING Portland, will sell attractive Portland Heights home, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, large living room, sun rooms rtuy nirct rrom owner. Main !.0. LAURELHURST. 4-room bungalow, fur nished, S4200. $600 cah, balance terms. B3 K. 45th N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots and tracts. All locations snd prices. BROOKE. Vfnln 4342. FOR SALE or trade, 4-room haus pm-tly furnished, full basement: need pome reperrs. BF 3SB. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM house by owner, large Jot. fur nace heat, full -basement, garage. 269 Going Pt. half block off Williams ave FOR SALE, by owner, attractive Portland Heights home; six rooms. str1cj!y mod ern; choice fruit trees. Mar. lf.H. fEIJj or rent 6-room modern houae. 6S4 Gntnhe!n ave. East 632ft. FOR SALE Small house, Sandy blvd. ; assessments paid. Tabor REAL TATF. For Salf linuM-H. OPEN TODAY, see FRANK Is. McGUIRH To Buy Your Home AMERICA'S LARGEST HoMS SELLER 12ui Photographs of Homes for sale. PEHSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPKAlSUlA HOME SEEKERS. A FEW MLNUTivS spent in our mod ern daylight office will save you time and money, and accomplish more THAN WEEKS OF AIMLESS TIRESOMK SHOPPING. We SAFEGUARD YOUR EVERY INTEREST. Deal with an old reliable firm. If necessary, we'll help You make your down payment. SERVICE MEN! WHY WAIT TO BVY YOUR HOME 1 You can se'ect it NOW and APPLY YOUR LOAN LATER! 1J of our Salesmen are ex-service boys PEAL WITH lOL'H COMRADES. OPKN ALL PAY SUNDAY. Open evenings until 9:00. 60 salesmen at your service. LOVELY ALAMEDA HOME. $ 399 0 U N O I .ST R U CT ED BEAUTT FU L VIEW of City and snow capped Mountains, is obtained from th:s exquisitely appointed bungalow on Wisteria avenue ; 5 rooms, double constructed; old ivory fin ish throughout ; plate-glaia win dows; solid brass hardware, hard wood floors; Immense living room 14x27 with beautiful art tile fire- place; dining room with ruajwive buffet ; Fre;ich doors; a truly wonderful litch kitchen with a breakfast alcove; sleeping porch; garage; beautiful landaped grounds. THlfi PERFECT HOME. ROSK CITY PARK. $6950 ONE- OF TUB LOVELIF5WT ot the "New colnnv" of bungalows. Up to the minute with everything m it! Oak and mapie Iloura: Trench doors; all sorts ot nove and useful bu! It-ins; Unsco fur nace, fireplace; gnrn.ro; Sandv Blvd.. on carllne: THE NICEST NEWS YOU EVER HEARD! PTSTINCTP.'R LAVRELHITRRT $8490 ULTRA BEAUTIFUL and digni fied home in HEART OF THIS exclusive. peaovfui home dis trict. Massive construction: ar tint ir, andtiring lines; H roomi replete with every conceivable device for utmost In economy and comiort; restrui library with fire place and built-in bookcases: cove ,eei tings In living room ; dining room is swim paneiea witn nana some mirrored buffet: breakfast room: 4 bedrooms nnd s een in porch; garage; HAZELFERN PLACE. ROSE- CTTY CORNER. $4490 HOME LIKJ0 QUEKN AVNB "bun galow on one of th best corners In all Rose City. Low. brosd sheltering lines; every modern convenience; 5 rooms; sleeping porcn; sum larg enough lor 4 rooms; E, 49th sts, (paved). ! BUNGALOW EXTRAORDINARY 1 PF.B THIS TODAY! HAWTHORN!?. $5690 ACTUALLY ONE OF TH B FIN EST bungalows we've seen for an age 7 rooms; superior material ana worKmannn.p empiovea throughout; massive pillared porcn; tapestry; narowooa noors Bleeping porch : fireplace: fur nace; beamed ceilings; glass door Knooi ouilt-tn oeu: Duxiet: seats linen closets, etc.: (gas range and heater included); paved st.. close to car ana scnooi. jju i wait E. 49th St. ! MERRY BROWN BUNGALOW ! $4750 SUCH WARMTH AND CHEER radiate from this beautiiul HAWTHORNE bungalow, ideally located od "bunga4w row": 5 rooms; wfth every feature dear ti a woman s neurt; living room nnu dining room with iirepince, tapestry, full paneled, beamed ceilings, beautiful buffet, built-in wardrobes; complete kitchen; fur nace; cement driveway. LITTLE HOME-MAKER, IT'S ALL HERE AND WAITING. E. 47th St. ! FURNTSHRD DTTPLEX I 1 BUNG A LOW ! ! HOME AND GOOD INCOME ! $5990 ARTISTIC DUPLEX BL'XOA LOW HOME in Waverly Rich- mono inu can live in one part, RENT THE OTHER; 10 rooms, built-in labor saving conven iences; including built-in beds, etc.; on paved St., hi. 25th; FUR NISHED. Can arrange terms. THINK OF THIS I ALL FURNJSHE-D! for $500 DOWN! $3490 GENUINE BARGAIN I Practical and attractive 5-room modern a averiy Richmond Home com pletely furnished. Onlv $noo down; REST LIKE RENT! K. 2.th (paved). MT. TABOR'S EAST SLOPE. $4250 A BEAUTIFUL BROAD BUN GALOW HOME on large lot with fruit, etc.; 7 room, large living room with cheery fireplace; solid paneled dining room with buffet nice white enamel Dutch kitchen 2 large bedrooms down. 2 bed rooms, sleeping porch find bath up; on car. WILL CONSIDER SOLDIER'S LOAN! E. Tavlor street. YOU'D NEVER BR COLD. $3700 IN THIS SPLENDIDLY CON STRUCT BD WARM bungalow In al.ber.ta: 0 rooms: solid ce pient block foundation ; living room witn rirepiace and book cases at either end; pnneled din Ing room; very convenient white enamel uutcn Kitchen. 3 Iaree bedrooms, each having 2 roomy ciope-tn: natn ; mm, etc. : terms, t DEFIES COMPETITION! E. lttth . bt. Terms. ! COZIEST ALBERTA ! $2890 WANT A NICK LITTLE BUN UALOW 7 Weil. here's one READY FOR YOU! - 5 - rooms. just as neat as a pin ! built-in buffet ; white enamel Dutch kitchen and kletchenette with nil manner of built-ins; 2 sunny bedrooms and bath; 1 block'' to cur, Webster st., (paved). LOOK THIS UVM! ! RUNNING KOZY KENTON ! VACANT! NEW! $ 00 D O W N ! $3190 "LOVE OF AN IMMACULATE BUNGALOW." just completed KI.EAN AND Kf FORT ABLE; J.orjre living room opens to din ing room through French doors: built-ins : Dutch kitchen with cheery breakfe-st nook; one airv bedroom, etc.. beaunLftil trees; convenient to Peninsula Park and playgrounds; Michigan ave. BEAUTIFUL WABASH PARK! $2ft50 SNUG LITTLE bungalow of 8 rooms, large combination living ana dining room; very hsnny , kitchen; corner bedroom ; white enamel plumbing; electricity ; gas; full cement basement with furnace, etc. W abash ave. 1 BONUS MEN'S HOME! $3490 A REAL BARGAIN in a good 7 room modern home, close in, .1tiPt north of Brosd way, hss evry convenience: sleeping porcn: you can rent the upper floor for housekeeping rooms. San Rafael street. LOOK! YOUNG CHICKEN RANCH! ISNT'G WHITE COTTAGE! $1830 $500 down ! QUA TNT LTTTT.E. HOMEY COTTAGE of 4 airy rooms. Combination living and dining room : 2 bedrooms ; white enamel- iHiteh kitchen with lin oleum; bath; screened-in back porch; 45x225 with 1ft fruit treej garatre; chicken house with room for 7i0 chickens. $500 down wi:i handle, 74th st. !OQZY LITTLE NEST! $300 DOWN! $300 DOWN! $1590 RUSTIC SHINGLED KENTON BUNGALOW, very artistic line; that will make an idal little . home. Has 4 rooms; living snd dining room are combined; 2 bed room ; kitchen ; girage ; Mobile st. Call Bdwy. 7171. and we'll take you right out ! $200 DOWN! $200 DOWN JUST LIKE AN APARTMENT! $1475 $200 down! ADJOINING EAST MORELAND! A cunning little 2 rnom model cottaue, white enamel woodwork: pretty light fixtures; 2 ply French door: com bination kitchen and dining rom with built-in tables; cooler, etc., fgas range nnd hter inludd ) : fru!t una shrubbery. JUST FOR A HAPPY TWO. Rex Ave. ' MAKE IT A POINT to com" In anl investigate our HOMES BEFORE YOU BUY! The area test, most varied selection of Home Bar gains in the Entire West. 60 courteous, experienced salesmen with autu at your service. See FRANK I.. MeGUTRE To Buv Ycur Home Realtor. Ablngton Bldg., Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. (Note) There Is an opening on our Salci Force for a Live. High-Class salesman with an automnnne. riACi.- yiTV U A 1" Pl'VflfiirtW Tret tv, modern, with furnace, hard wood floors except ki:.eh'?n and bath, e'ose to car, corner lot; mupt sell. Price right. I PTTnn. Juin. n.-.vn. NEW fi-room Dutch colonial h.cuee for aale by owner. Woodlawn 4763. KKAf. FSTATE. $4500 A BWATTTIFTT. bungsloTT of r rooms, hardwood fioorL fir!! ace furnace, garages about 1 year oJd, located on corner lot, K'xllU. This btmgalow ts just outsld t jw city limits, bu near th- rarLine. andr 1(111 TnaUe any on a wonderful litcie suburban home; $St0 cajOi and baiiamce monthly; this is a real snap. FORCED SALEL $1650 A Roao City Iaxk bunga low, 5 rooms, every modern) f oat ures S y ears old $ 7 ftO cash, balanc to uit; her Is a snap; It must be soldi. $5750 A beaut if ul home of six room, a real bungalow. 2 fireplaces, every imdrn feature, located un-dT th hilt, 4 block of Sandy; tlUa U an unusual opportunity; 1 1 you are look ini for a home It is worth your Urn to Inspect thi a $$300 Here is one of th tnnstt beutifu1, on of the bewt butit . homes) In Roee City Park, but it ft years ago for a b oin e and 1 1 looii s like It was built yeetertXay; finished t h rourhoujt In aid, Ivory, bcMVra;A, buffet, wrnp; cloftet dr are alt bevoled plate mirrors: thr Is not a modern feature kicking In this house, so It is not Dnrwwury to nam each feature; it Is witliln, one block of Sandy boule vard and w witf surely b gWid to show It to you. HILLEIl BROS. REALTORS. 211 Ky. Excl. Bhlg. Bdwy. :t12K Branch office 504 h and Fmidy. Open bu:-ays. Tabor 84ma OWNER GUING TO SPOKANE. ' PRICE ONLY $.H200. You will buy this nt 5-room bunga low If you know vslues, as the pric Is far under the market. It Is locntad on Wasco street ner 2Mb on th very dge of Irvington. This plce is modern, built about 7 years. hHB B well-armngod room, large fireplace and full basement. P'es dor.'t ak if it has hardwood floor throughout or furnace. 1. bus not, but it has 2 lots. BOxSO mi oh, With mot ect and choice fruit trees of every kind. Including wsinuts. Furnltur may b bought if wanted. .1. .1. MCAHTI17 Art.. Ablngton BUlg. Bdwv. W.T. BRAND Nl'W I.Al'HK LH URfciT HI Nt.AMMV. $.rtXa TKUMSv 100ft CLACK A.MAS ST.. CT-OPB TV. . Strictly modern 0-room. large sleep ing porch, hardwood floor furna buffet, fireplace, plenty buiit-ln, tap estry decorations, Dutch ltltclwvnv break fa at n ook, sew ing room, French d Krs, matwlve enment porch, fine plumbing and electric fixture, paving, ta. in cluded; 2 blocks to Rose City car. Own er on premJ5-s 12 to ft dally. Tak II. C. car to 3 .'id st.r then go 2 blocks north Phone Woodlawn lfViiX EV-FRVTrE MEN! NO PAYMENT DOWN. On acre, all In clover, has new 4-ronm house, juM completed, cement bs semen t, city water; liKhts. gas and telephone available, near school, stores and car line, close in. price with fuil acre, $2050. $21.50 with half acre; sppiy bonus loan and balance at $15 per month, 0 per cent intorest. See .T. S. Culbertson. KILLER BROif., Realtors. 211 Railway Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. Jtfl2fl NEW CORNER BUNGALOW on paved Htrct, nent, modern, hardwood floorM, fireplace, every built-in feature, lutch kitchen, breakfast nook, concrete banement, 1 Mk. from car, walking rtltt. to school: r'Hson;il)le terms. .$4750 CITY HOMES DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & O .. R' altors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AVOID all trouble In closing your real estate deals by using our Ktcrow De partment. TITLE A TRUST CO., Title A Trust Bldg. NKWI NEW! ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. f i:0O TERM S. 740 E. 07TH ST. NO. R. C. CAR. Just completed. 5-room. large sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, furnace fireplace, Dutch kitchen. noolt, full basement, double cmitructetl, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, 1 blk to R. C. car. Open for Inspection 1 to ft. Dral direct with owner. Wood tawn 1550. SAVE $1(100. New, B large rooms and bath, hard -wood floors, fireplace, breakfust nook, all bullt-ins, double garage, cement basement, corner lot, ftoxlOO, Mreet pu Vfl and paid for. Must be sold this month and offered at $1000 less than voal. W. KEELER. Phone Woodkm-n (1507 LAUUELH CRST. Large 0-room Ilallnn stucco bungalow, sttuatt'il on corner . double lot, 1 block from Laurel burnt 1'nrk ; every known convenience; confitruction and finiuli of highest class; completely furnished or unfurnished ; simply a beautiful home, witii everv comfort and e rrnnge.nent ldal. Phone owner. Tabor 931S. for ap polntment. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $5500. $1000 CASH RENT TERMS. 5-room modern buiignlow, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins. breakfast nook, large floored attic, garage; only 2 Mocks to lSroadway car. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 623 Henry lildt. , Bdwy. 4754. FINE BUY. Attractive 4-room cottage, close In. on east side, modern, full babwment, laun dry trays, floor cemented. Apple, peach and pear trees, grapes; largo nttic with apac for several rooms ; only $'t0O0; t'Tins. OwnT nt 318 ChHtnbnr of Com merce or bellwood S040. Sunday or evenings. " BEAUTIFl'L ROSE CITY HOMW. Alameda drlvo, 9 roruns, Imrdwood for, HMlxl2."., corner, all nuKlern ffa tures, din, porch, buffet, full eminent besetiwnt, garage; ownr needs Jiwnfy, must be sold ; price wlM surprise you, $2500 cash, balance to suit. T. O. BIRD. 520 Chs m. of Com. BOiilli GOOD BUY. Here Is one of the b'nf. bmn In the city of Portland. Juft think of it, a roal hcrne, also an excellent Ircome. vlth;n walking distance ; everything, completely fumishefl; can bo hiindli'l with terms; ni-ut be sold soon. Eor more informa tion rail Auto. oKo-oa. Ftrt SALE. Attractive. new. 4-room bungs Tow; hardwood floors, flrepli.ee. Dutch kitchen brenkfact nook, and lull b isement : pi n- $3000; open for Inspect ton 2 to 5; sub stantial payment down, balance e.mv terms. 120H (ihihIib ave, U wner, 271 13th St.. cur. Jeffersr.n. , I.' r t T V Tl TP T (""T Tf you want a r-4al 1 ome, nt th right price, see t his one todii y ; m w 7-room strictly modern bungalow, f urn.ice. fire place, ail latest built-ins, 2 block from Sandy blvd. Price $4050; termf. MR. UENHV. Broadway- 75M, 230 Chamber of Com. Rlilg. EX-SERVICE MEN. (As you were) Use your bonus fur a home. Will hulld and help finance. Phone for appointment Main BiD5. ALBINA AVE. Ill' Ni .ALOW. 5 ROOMS, $t2UO. Furnace, fireplace, beautiful buffet, nice, large rooms, Dutch kitchen, fu'l cement basement, wash trnyw; ft yrarn old, on car line, tiome tei-m. Phone Bdwv 0011 or T;ibnr hid, eyoiings. GOING TO HU1LD? We deilgn and bui d rei-idenc or any building, am lt In financing earn; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY yAND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. ft. Biilley, contract ing architect. 1'24 N. W. Rank bldg. 7 KOOMS. SLEEI'.NG POUCH. 13400. JT.iO CASH, Ne.r Gi.d.tne ave., block car; large rooms, good conditiont Bdwy. 6011. Tubor 840. eviitilnsm T O. HIRD. 520 CbaTn. of Com. FOR SALE Attractive houseboat, 3 bed rooms. mrKe i.ur ri oh-iiiic pnrrn, hardwood f ioors beaver board finish ; beautiful home. Kveninc.i, Bellwood 205U; day time, Broadway tW03. $1S50. $li"'H) DOWN. $17.MI pi-r mo.. Inc. int. Jluy irom o iri i it-i ...-.jr M'luum iiuiiKainw with attractive view. 50x1 no lot. n-ar car. Write box 2S, Errol station, Alli- waukie. or. WEST SIDE. !l IKHJilS, I ;u HI I Lit ,V8. Irving nt., ck in. Furnace; good lo ation. See It todMy. T O. BIRD. 520 Cham, of Com. WI akc P .nt now eiilire furn'fli iom bungalow if you buv in rt r .-tight mortgaK'-: Beaver Apts., 12ih rentfHl $35. Apt. 80, .M:iinau, ow n-" A HO'ME AND A DCS I NESS. On Union avu.. a etorq building with rooms te live in., nlcrt new grocery Htuck. all to be o'.d at riB hi price. Toi m. Auto R23-17. t.A UR EI.H U RsT bunija.ow, cheap for ii-;u cn.e t