The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1922, SECTION SIX, Page 8, Image 80

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Cook & Gill Building Is Se
cured by Lease.
- - .-:A v V- : 'r
II. G. Childs Joins With Two Sioux
City, Iowa, Men in Forming
New Dealership.
11' ' ' "
r I U H In ' 7 p-w vtrt I i
UVfo 1M xs ! yt gV j -
i z 1M in r-J-i-Vfjil -' - f 1 -.2 I- v Tri
Braley. Graham & Childs, the new
Dodge Brothers distributors tor this
territory, began active business in
Portland last week, taking over the
handsome Cook & Gill building as its
headquarters. Arrangements were
concluded late in the weel between
the new firm and the Paige organiza
tion whereby the Dodge people will
occupy the big building at Eleventh
and Burnside Btreets, while the Paige
will be housed there until it an oc
cupy a n5w building which It is
planning to build
The lease is the most important In
automobile circles for - months and
came as a big surprise to automobile
row. Arrangements between the two
parties were handled by Chester
Moores of the F. K. Taylor company,
the Dodsii organization taking a
seven-year lease' on the structure
which will aggregatu nearly JIOO.OOO
in rentals.
The buildinfc, which was erected by
David Duhm two years ago, is one of
the finest in the city used by the
automobile industry. It measures 75
by 112 feet ground spaci and is four
stories In height. Room on the first
floor is provided for handsome show
rooms and offices and for repair
shops. Additional shop room, parts
and storage room are provided on the
upper floors. While the new Dodge
organization will occupy the entire
building, arrangements were made In
the leasing agreement whereby Cook
& GUI company will occupy portions
of the building until a new building
which that concern Is planning is
erected. While details were not ready
to be announced, it is understood con
struction work will start within a
short time.
ew Men Are Kxprrleneed.
The three men who have formed
the new Dodge company are all ex
perienced Dodge Brothers men. "Hal
G. Childs is a Tortlander. while the
other two' members of the firm are
from Sioux City. la.
George A. Braley. whose name leads
the firm organization, has been a
Dodge Brothers dealer since 1915 and
was one of the successful dealers of
Iowa. From 1915 to 1920 he handled
the Dodge car at Sioux Falls, S. D.,
moving in 1920 to Sioux City" to join
Graham in the firm of Braley &
Graham for handling the Dodge in
that section.
A. B. Graham, the other member of
the firm from out of Portland, has
been with the Dodge practically since
the ear was brought out in Detroit
in 1914. Joining the Dodge Brothers
company back in the days when It
was manufacturing parts for Ford,
Graham remained with the company
continually until July, 1920, when he
associated himself with Braley, ex
cepting for a period of service during
the war. During his association with
the Dodge Brothers company he held
Important posts in many sections ot
" the country and at the time of his
joining Braley to enter the dealer
field he was district manager at
Portlnnd Looks Good.
Both Braley and Graham were de
lighted with the prospects in this
city and declared that, while they
disliked for many reasons to leave
Sioux City, where they had a strong
retail organization, they felt that
there was much greater opportunity
I in Portland and the northwest.
Hal G. Childs, third member of the
Ifirm, Is also an experienced Dodge
Brothers man. Childs was sales man
lager for Rlegel Brothers, Spokane
podge distributors for several years,
prior to coming to Portland about
three years ago. Since that time he
has been with the Covey Motor Car
company, former Dodge dealer here,
and at the time of resigning from
that firm to enter the new organiza
tion was sales manager for Covey.
Statement la Made.
"We deeply appreciate the confi
dence placed In us by Dodge Broth
ers company and are not unmindful
of the great responsibility resting on
us to carry on a creditable organiza
tion in this section," said Childs yes
terday, in speaking for the firm.
"From the great number of appli
cants, Dodge Brothers chose, we be
lieve, an organization which, from
point of experience and talents, will
be able to give to the public motor
car service worthy of the present pro
portions of the Portland dealership.
"Owing to the general popularity
of the Dodge Brothers motor car, m
look upon our main problem as not
one ao much of sales as of service.
We are confident that Dodge Broth
er have produced an automobile that
generously fulfills the requirements
and our greatest aim in directing this
dealership is that we may maintain
service as sterling in value and as
acceptable to the publlo as the car
Activity Greatly Increased at Akron
Since First of Year. ; ,
AJCRON', O.. Jan. 21. The turn of
the year finds the rubber industry
in a splendid position in regards to
production, finances and prospects for
the future. This holds not only for
.the Industry as represented in Akron,
but throughout the United States and
for the little as well as the larger
companies. s
. More than 2500 men have gone back
to work in the Akron factories alone
during the month. Production has in
creased more than 6000 tires a day in
these plants. Orders are coming into
the factories for spring delivery with
a rapidity to which the Industry is
not accustomed at this time of the
year during even the best periods in
the industry. Prospects for the next
six months are not contingent upon
any "Ifs" find "nnds."
'"' Photo by Angelus Commercial Studio.
Structure at corner of Eleventh and Bnrnalde leased taut week by the new Dodne Brothers' dlMtrlbotlntc firm here,
Braley, Graham A Chlldn, from the local Palfce dlatribntor. The' new Dodse firm will nsc the entire bnildlna;.
which Is one -of the f Ineat In the city, bat Cook A Citll will retain portions of the building; for their use until a
new structure has been put up for them.
CAGO JAN. 30-31.
Those Who Conducted Successful
Business in 1921 to Tell Fel
lowmen'How They Did.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21. Automobile
dealers who conducted ' a successful
business and made money during the
1921 perlbd of depreseion win tell
their fellow dealers how they did I
it (he fifth annual convention of the
National Automobile Dealers' associa
tion. Hotel Da Salle, Chicago. Janu
ary 20-31. Announcement was made
today by Harry .G. Moock, secretary
and general manager of the dealer
organization, that the programme for
the convention has been completed.
"While the automobile trade un
doubtedly could learn a great deal
from other well-established lines of
business, there is quite a lot that au
tomobile merchants can learn from
successful automobile merchants ot
the country," says Moock, In making
the announcement. "While a student
of economy might be Interested in the
principles that make a successful
dealer in farm Implements, electrical
machinery, adding machines, type
writers or cash registers, automobile
dealers right now are Interested in
knowing what an automobile dealer
must do to stay in business and make
J. James MacGregor, St. Louis
Cadillac distributor, will tell how he
has made a success selling quality
cars. Charles E. Doan will fit Into
the picture his experiences as the
Studebaker distributor at Toledo, and
Frank R, Tate, Dodge Bros, dealer in
St. Louis, will tell of the policies and
methods that have made his estab
lishment outstanding among Dodge
Bros, dealers in the United ijtates.
A reduced rate of a fare and one
half round trip from all points la
the United States to Chicago has been
granted by the railroads to the con
vention. Last year 1300 automobile dealers
took advantage of this rate and saved
more than 14,000. The average sav
ing on each railroad ticket was
greater than the cost of the mem
bership dues in the association.
For an automobile dealer to obtain
this rate he must be a member of the
National association and he must ob
tain an identification certificate front
headquarters, St. Louis. Tickets will
be sold from all points January 25
fop the trip to Chicago and from the
far west and southern points as early
as January 24. Return tickets will be
sold so that the purchaser can reach
horn by February 7 and 8.
The complete programme follows:
Saturday, January 28, 1922 10 A. M..
directors' meeting-.
Monday, January 80. a A. M., regintra
U'on, room 1811; 10 A. M., report of pres
ident, report of secretary-general manager.
2 P. M., addreis, "American Bustnesa In
1822," by Magnua W. Alexander, managing-
director national Industrial conference
board. New Tork; address, "Why People
Buy; Why They Do Not." by Frederick
Pierce. New Tork. 6:80 P. M., fourth an
nual N. A. D. A. trade frolic (entertain
ment furnished . by Chicago Automobile
Trade asoola.tlon).
Tuesday, January 81. 10 A. M., "Mer
chandising," Frank R. Tate, Dodge Broa
dealer, St. Louts; "Cost as Related to
Sales," J. James MacOregor, Cadlllao dis
tributor.. St. Louis: "Ths Publlo Be
Pleased," Charles 8. Doan, Studebaker
distributor. Toledo; "Tour Opportunity."
B E. Peake, Kansas City; "One of a
Thousand," P. W. A. Vesper, St Louis; re
port ot committees, electkra of officers and
directors; address by asw president.
Wednesday, February L 10 A. M., di
rectors' meeting.
Thursday. February 2. 14 A- if., educa
tional conference.
W. Ij. Hughson Declares Recent
Event Best In Auto History.
That the New Tork automobile
show, which has just closed in the
eastern metropolis, was the biggest
success in the history of the automo
bile industry, is the declaration of
W. L. Hughson, head of the Paclfio
coast organization of W. L. Hughson
company, Ford dealers, contained in
a telegram received by Manager
Stoner of the local Hughson branch.
"The attendance was the greatest
ever had In the history of these
f Car Dealers and Garage Men g
We invite you while visiting the ' j
Automobile Show
to use our offices for your convenience Ej
1 WIGGINS COMPANY (Incorporated) 1
Automotive Equipment
Phone Bdwy1. 277
: Park and Couch Sts.
shows," says the message, "and more
actual sales were madj as a Tesult
than in any previous year. The stimu
lation to the industry produced by
the show is being felt throughout the
east, and dealers as a result are en
tering the present year optimisti
cally." Mr. Hughson has already gone to
Chicago, where he will attend the
Chicago show opening late this
month, Mr. Stoner said, following
which he will come west. At the
New York show Mr. Hughson was one
of the leading Pacific coast dealers
present and was honored at a dinner
given by the National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce by being
seated at the speakers' table as the
representative of the automobile
dealers of the country.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver to Have
Additional Event for Week.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver company
have announced a used car show in
their quarters, the Mitchell building,
at the corner of Broadway and Ever
ett streets, as an additional feature
for the coming week. The company
will of course have a large display at
the automobile show itself.
The purpose of the show, according
to J. H. Madden of the Mitchell, Lewis
& Staver company, is to acquaint mo
tor buyers and visiting out-of-town
dealers with propere methods of
handling the used Car situation. The
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver company
have obtained best results by main
taining a special department in their
shop for the overhauling and refln
ishing of used cars. In many cases It
is actually difficult to tell a used
automobile from a new one. '
The used car show will be con
tinued the entire week and the public
has been Invited to visit the Mitchell
plant - and Inspect the results of
handling used cars in the new-day
Cold Weather Starting.
During cold weather the battery
fall3 off In efficiency and the car
owner can help his battery consid
erably by turning over the engine a
few times with the starting crank
before throwing the starting motor
into operation. The cranking by hand
serves to break solidified oil around
the pistons.
Ford Battery Charging.
The Ford magneto can be used to
charge a battery, provided a rectified
is placed in the line. The current from
the Ford magneto is alternating and
only direct current can be used in
charging the battery, hence th need
for the rectifier.
' 1
Announcement was recently made
of the appointment of J. D. McKay as
sales manager of ' the Francis Motor
Car company, authorized Ford deal
ers, at the corner of Grand) and Haw
thorne avenues. McKay, besides being
active in automobile circles. Is a
prominent member of the American
Legion, being adjutant ot Portland
post. No. 1.
"Close In"
r "4
- -
Experts Preparing Data Enroll
. ment in 75 Automotive Schools'
Reported to Be 16,000.
An automotive commission repre
senting the Y. M. C. A. automobile
schools of the United States, at a re
cent meeting in Detroit, decided upon
the standardization of various courses
including text material, laboratory
manuals, job sheets and equipment,
and decided many details concerning
L, G. Nichols, director of Oregon
Institute of Technology, which con
ducts the automotive school at Sixth
and Main Btreets, is chairman of the
standardization commission. On his
trip east he visited automotive and
other technical schools, both Y. M.
C. A. and private, at Denver, Kansas
City, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit and
Minneapolis. He spent one week in
Detroit where he met with five com
missions which had been especially
appointed by the board of governors
of the United States Y. M. C. A.
schools of North America to standard
ize various features of educational
work. The commissions covered the
fields of organization, administration,
finance, accountancy schools, business
administration schools, marketing,
traffic, machine trades and automo
tive. v Concerning the work of the com
missions Mr. Nichols saidi-
"These men representing the auto
motive commission were in constant
session, day and evening, for three
days in Detroit and agreed upon the
standardization of text material,
laboratory manuals, job sheets, equip
ment, and many details concerning
instruction on the following courses:
Automobile mechanics, automobile
electrical, storage battery repair,
owners or drivers, tractor and sta
tionary engine, radiator and fender
repair and tire repair. '
"Text and" laboratory material and
other standard data are now being
prepared by experts in the employ of
the schools in the following cities:
Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Denver, St. Louis, St- Paul,
Detroit, Cleveland, Washington, New
York and Boston.
"During the past year the' T. M.
C. A. automotive schools enrolled 16,
000 different men. The central idea
of these schools is to so train men
that they will have a knowledge of
the fundamentals in the instruction
and operation of all types and parts
of vautomotives and to do this with
a definite character background. 1
believe that the great need in in
dustry today is not for more me
chanics, but for men who believe that
"He profits most who serves best.'
"Three years ago when we started
this standardization work there were
23 Y. M. C. A automotive schools;
today there are over 75."
Grease Cups' Easily Ijost.
It is remarkable what vibration
will do in the way f loosening
grease cups that have gone in stiffly
and apparently been absolutely se
cure. Every lost grease cup means
that some part of the mechanism is
in danger. " The safest remedy for
this trouble is to employ a set of cups
with locked caps.
In Canada, as a result of the rapid
growth of agriculture in the Sas
katchewan district, farmers spent
16,000,000 for new tractors this year.
Denby Motor Truck Company
New Truck Prices
iy2-2 " "
to l-ton Speed Truck price includes- pneumatic tires, electric lights
and starter. , '
V2 to 2-ton chassis price includes pneumatic tires and electric lights.
Denby Motor Truck Company
Portland Branch Tenth and Davis Streets
SS-n. P 3KxS-hdi
Raw body of
! - Series 22
New Wills Salnte Claire Schedule
Received by C. C. Fagan,
Local Dealer.
C. H. Wills & Co. of Marysville,
Mich., has announced a sharp reduc
tion in price on all models, both open
and enclosed, of the WilleJ Salnte
Claire 8-cyllnder car, designed by C.
Harold Wills, according to word re
ceived last week by C. C. Fagan com
pany, local distributor.
The oew prices for the "flying
gray goose" have already gone into
The five-passeng-er touring1 cr has
been reduced by $400 and the new
prices save the purchaser of the road
ster a like amount. Still greater re
ductions have been made in . the
prices' of the enclosed models, $475
having been lopped off the coupe, one
of the most popular mod-els of the
Wills Sainte Claire line.
The new prices for the complete
line, f. o. b. Marysville, Mich.. -are as
f. o. b.
In the New Models Studebciker Again
Establishes Its Right to Leadership!
1921 is past. It was a Studebaker year.
1922 looms ahead - uncertain in most
things, bat as certain in one as tomor
row's Eunrise. It tviU be a Studebaker
For the new models continue the intrinsic
values that made 1921 a Studebaker year,
PLUS the refinements suggested by an
other year of line motor car building.
Beautiful new bodies have been designed
and built complete by Studebaker.
Look for These Features in the
119-ineh wlimls s FWs Msarsapaoty
anaI rownrfaws . bnflt mipli by Stadtbskm tasAai Im a deep. liAhl with n lia iinsi .Mi s sssfcs it t mm bmtmiUX thm W yar sssasl
Cowl vobiator coasrstlaa srsat dssb Coawlas Us tbsr aybolsloiy
lusu uiacats, iadndiiig 1 day dock,
BnilUa tluof-pjowfTsls tnmiislin lock, iaiatlns lork ass Inrs
PaAit lishls s loww mao of saw pltco imia-piwf wi.dihlrld Viaaidtssld wipat 'II- K,
Studebaker Corporation of America
Studebaker Building
follows: Touring car, $2475; road
ster, $2476; coupe, $3275; sedan,
$3475; imperial sedan. $3575; town
car, $3S50; limousine, $3850.
Practically two-thirds of the states
have adopted the hyphenated num
erals on motor vehicle license plates.
Salient Six
Auto Show,
Price. New Price.
Refinements bare been made in equip
ment features that add to the comfort and
the convenience of driver and passenger.
Refinements have been made in mechan
ical details that make driving easier and'
the shifting of gears an operation as
silent as it is simple,
"We are certain that the new models will
maintain Studebaker leadership. We
KNOW that you will be interested in
them. We urge you to see them at the
Automobile Show this week.
New Special-Six at Hie Show
Lgrya hmrMi plats sisal winaow ss raarwf
stliasliisly siawsid oa doth
on Innl wjiail la lift fiaia iliioi iiiiniil Willi
t i;4 lZi ,-,
" " -
You Are Looking for
Closed Car Comfort
Equip your touring: can with an Artcraft Top, complete with platd
glass curtains that open with the door, builWn dome light, etc.
Your old car plus an Artcraft is
cheaper than a new touring car
Jennings Trimming and Top Shop
50 North Broadway Phone Broadway 3787
(.,,,...,.,.,.,......,, ...,,,...,, ,.
330 Flanders St., Near Broadway.
Manufacturers of Batteries and
Battery Repair Material.
Broadway 1073.
jly tsilorad
sssis kmf
v s ' '. A ' "
, ,
Tenth and Oak Sts.