16 TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1922 TTI'ATrONH W A NTED FKM A I.E. Bookkeeper. Strn-ginphrrw. Office. tAP.UILK till;. Neat jitnman, Rood typist, Koon completing course in sten oeraphy. Llve with relatives, otherwise dependent on own effort ; will make good. ' 307. Oreimnian. ttoTH ERS Outfits for children of all to order; superior workmanship; j'ricee r-a:onahie; will tall at your home for arrangements. Phone East 5126. M-s. Martin. J I ' I .E S wili make our frock.-, gowns and wraps for at) occasions and aio d-o remodeling ut rHjiwinalji' prices. 431 Art leans' bldg. Rmnd 'n v 50ot, 1II. UkAU onur. Clowns for every occasion copied from kfcb'i or original designing. Mam M3I. loni Riwv. bldg IlK.MSTTTi 'JUNG r,d dremukii)g. spe cial atit-iitinn given to ftnut ligure. R icy S (I in ton. 411 Raleigh bldg. 1'imiif Broadway 3994. rATSY-A.N ilrp.-".s for children. original models, orders luk-n winter models at re-iuced prices. 1'hone Kast 4170 or Wdin. 4990. DUKftSMAKlMi Those desiring first- rlass work, call Mia Owen. 1 absolutely gi:-raiitee t pleate the mott exacting. I MRS ORR. ;iJ Panama bldg., 3d and ai'mt. Muini-MicMuig sr. per ara wniic wwi wait. Work guaranteed. Broad- KNGAOE.vJENTS by day, thoroughly expe rt nifi urt-ssma ke r, design, remouci, "'a.n.ibltv Kri'-t T.'.Oit. Ai'Ku.NS, doctors' enju.-. nur.K'K uniforms made. 332 Mohawk bldg. Satit faction guaranto-d. JfAS H I OX AllhB modiste will create your j rocks h ti-l evening gowns a t reasonable 1ri(fn JV1 iln 4!) I 3 for a ppoi ntmtnm. CKKSSMA K I NG -Yuuinf lady. experienced. wt Ik a posit inn h: ss it ill g h ressma ner ; ph'ne evnirgH. K 9I3H a 11 day Sun;lav. I IjR ESM A K i NO Up-fHrs made over, al e-ration, tn tonncrtion wtth Standard cleaner, 201 :tn ann aianison. WOULD like to have sewing at $3 a day or in my own home. Very reasonably. Call Miuvhii I 17.V 201 5ih and Madison fi Ji 1 1 i-CLASS dp ssmaking; references. M ri. Sterling. Main 3310. 4 It 3 Mont gomery. 1 A Sll 1" . A RLE modiste will create your frocks and ovonini; K'vns nt reasonable prlci-H, .Main 4913 fur appointments. BILK, dressea specialty ; prices reaion- th. 422' .Morrison, room u. upstairs 1 JTeMSTITCHING. Oc A YAKU. 350 mob- HIM' ) ST, ROOM IMP. .MAIN .VI43. JliESSM A K ING I w INK HKAS HLT. m it s. io n, vooir,Aw 146 XKKSS.IAKINCi i'hildrc-n's sewing a spe cialty. Auto. 3-'!-". Tfc;M.'i,lT'in";, cotton or ailk. Ideal Khc.p, 71 i urnanway nuig. i'JA 1 N n-vlng. aitiTlng and remodeling. I 'li one K .''i. XJ It KSS.M AKIN'!, rvmotJeiing, guaranteed. Jtrofl.lwav Hi t, roftin l. lltKi.l Aivl.Wi at home or by day; work guaranu-eii. Hi Stanton, wtiln. h.rii. "VANTiJL l-'irat-ciii di -a.smu.iiiK by th d.ty. 617 hi. f3d t. N. 1j J t i. .S M A K I N O I'nce reasonable. 11 K. 11th it N. I'hnn Kn.t ft:i4. fixi'JKIliXCKU ilrcMKiiiaker wishes work by Hay. Ttnr h4..'i. fil'Hl Ni dreKts, ti; beet work. li'.tO Jef- fiTson. oppowte city hall. Alain 4i'.7. KXi. UKKSSM AKtlK,' by day. saliHfactlou. lief. A Iterntions. Ksml i tltir. 1IKST-JI,ASS drtAjmu-kln k'i per day. beJlwmid l 7 -is. VIIlj g out and ow, f.l per day. Call 1'IKST-CLASS dressmaking, by the day. Tabor 4..1. K47 Ka-'t Aortti. urps. lUItSK and cumpanlon to lady or old gentleman, or nurse anu Roverness cnn dren; well educated, cheerful, optimistic, versatile, musical ; ran Hew and make home aurroundlngs harmonious. C 3i7, ireonlan. WKST MUK KLKNISiiKU FLAT. 0-room lurntshed flat, completely fur nisher, 3 bedrooms, closu in, rent $."0. Immediate occupancy. I'rico $1.'0. Call between 12 and 4 I. M. tiuuday, 410 l'ark nt. Owner. 1'ilACTICAi nurwe. motherly woman, wants patients In her home, out of city, where the altitude Is tSUO feel; best of care; r.ght on the H. Jt. Cun give lr. ref.Tf n AO 371. Orogonlnn. HkITIuN by niidilie-aged woman of cul ture and refinement, as companion and practical nurse for elderly Jady or couple. Speak French fluently. Willing to travel. AO Oregonian. PHACTK'AL nurse with, much experience will give the best care in ner own nome to Invalid aud elderly people. I'hone Auto. H:m-77. I'itACTICA nurse, will nurse by day or nitrht and will care for children when not nursmir; beat reference. Tabor K cf p ntimher. Kt'ltSK Quiet home ; care for confirmed Invalid, elderly; good auto road and car line. (iresham ave.. route a. dq jo. isl'HShl "will give h.-rvlco for room, board and reduced salary; short or long. Mar. EX I'KIt 1 HNCKI) nurse wants position, ob ttetrical or invalids preferred; give mas Miges, 1 372. Oregonlnn. KXlKIUUNlKU Rill wants day nursing, afternoons or nil day. Call between 11 and 1L'. Kast :.')! s. I'KACTICAIj nurau wishes care of Invalid or confinement cases; best reference. Tabor 7771!. COM I'KTENT woman would like practical numlng or hospital work. Telephone M a in 1' Sift. jNJSli'loN an French nurse for children. '1ty references. Willing1 to travel. AE RH !H , O re ton 1 a n . CAPAIil.K nurse, (ilis a as. day or night. 11 1 At'TICA I nurs. doctor's references. T abor f-' 10.p r Tabor 411'J. Voil THA1NHL nurses. umbrgraduatea ami practical, pnone ji ar. n-tu. f'ltACTlAL nurse wants cases; references furnUhed. A tit. 3-47. i'HA.CI'lCAl-i nursiiiK. will care for in vn lid ; roaftnnabie. Kast V 1 -tt. 6VK LMtill niiimo in your own home; ladles only. Miss 1'oulsen. Wdln. P7H. llOLSI-JKKKl'lXt; by dependable young nviiian -4 5 eai-a. with boy 4 years, for KKed man or woman, lnalld or widower wjLli otit or two child rn tiood plain cook, liest of city reference, ilox 14-, M anna, r. ill 1 1 L 1,10-A 1 Kl widow wants housekeep ing for widower and son, or chamber or dining-room work In Institution; good n fi re no en. I'hone Wood la wn 3411)1. HKl-lAl!-"!-;, middle-aged widow must huve work at once; housekeeping In w blower's home preferred. Hooni -1, S'-M Fourth it. Hotel ("ollinpe StKSI'KVTALU.li widow. 4S, would tike noHitlon as housekeeper In refined w ido wer's home, tn or out of town. S 37 t. t tregonian. IN K.M'KK I K.NCKU cook and neat house-keejM-r would like to work for one or two respeotab'.fc men. Have daughter att-i.ooi ago, a v i-'-i. orrgunian, TV' ANT I: i Ity lady, middle-aged house keeping on ranch, fond of children, good cook, neat; can give references. L. 370, t r eg oninn T L'Nil lady would like light housework or care of elderly couple, in or out of town Monday and Tuesday, OS 13 VH)th et.. s. i:. tMMl'KTK.N'T nnincum be red middle -aged w.Mi.an wishes lionst keeping. Phone Marshall 131.", or write M Orego- iari. AV llL liood worker, wants houst kecp ing fr widower between 5t and i0, who might make good companion. Main ll KS 1 ' KCT A ULK elderly woman would like work on a (:iiaii farm, not far out. K i; tU , Or-'ffcn:a:: . I'ltl'N'ti Wi'MAN. capanle. wishes boi:.e keptng for widower with fa:iill. It 3;'ti, lvK L.I A H 1. K. in ild I -aged. hou.sekeepimt or cooking ; would go to country. 6t7 10 Mh N. Tabor tW-tt LA 1 1 V with exp-ne nee cook, club or hotel (i p.uit'on Itox 1o:m1. hous.-kffpi'r and elsewhere, want Ph"ne Mar .4I. It Fl'l N Kl lady ( w blow ) w is lies position an housekeeper for small family, no u K'.!in,: AO 3Ba.OregP!uan. KKKIN'KP oung lady d-stresi position as housekeeper for 1 or ii tenlleinen. 43 New I'erkin hotel. VMN't:1 ItEKKt Udy wishes housekeep ing ono or more gentlemen. AJ ;;;t. Ore K mi lari. K 1: VI S Kit mldd'.e-ittied lady wants house k.. p;ng for widower with chiblren. Kast .v. 4 l vilTl . as housekeeper; u nl ncu inhered, eo -n pel en t , good nurse. d u4, Oiego- n I. i :i. TV 1 1 o W uith"l-iiionhta-old boy wi.i keep house for small family; refereuces. Tabor "i il V 11,jW wants housekeeping; alone, no t rlf lers; Row.-nnnr. P Hr!'. Oregin;an. LAliV wishe pt.sltl.n Uji housekeep.r for r.u'pV ; have hoy 3 y-jirs. Kast .".",J. CJlUIi'I AN woman wants housekeeping Al OoR.'R.an. Pumr-tli CuMrMTLNT lady d-Mr. houework. widie to go home nights. H 3t;i, tr goiiin n. VA.ltli Light general housework and plain cocking ) wnail family; refer-en.-f Wdln. 4 : rt OiK, dtiinet Jc tou w ill a !. d o family we wing . r avora hie Main ""4. VKKY capabU family cook. R 360, Or g on Ian. SITfATIOXS WAN7KO FEMALE. pomesi irs. EXfrlRIE-VKD woman desires position in home with small family; do cooking and light housework; references. I'hone Ea s: 1 4.';o. morn ! ne.-v WOMAN" will work for board and room In city; capable and willing; very much In need. X 372. Oregonian. HouserieantiiK. iiOLSE CLEANING Kxpert white and ivory enamel, brirk and tile fireplace, cleaning, t ioors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE 1SH Ch apiiian St. Phone Main 11. "7. VERIHEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. llnusecleanins. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER At FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and tiaU, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. W ANT El Jty Feb. 1. tt or 8-room un furnished house, close In on west sldo, with good basement, furnace and elec tricity, with privilege or renting out rooms. Wood la wn M I!'. WA NTElJ to rent in the St. .1 oil ns dis trict, a small furnisheii house or two or three furnished housekeeping rooms. An fver. UK 371. Oregonian. VANTKI A 5 or ((-room furnished house in Sunnyside or Hawthorne district, by family ot adults. Call East ouil. room l ). WISH to lease four or five -room house with garage. Mt. Tabor district pre- W A N T E 1 To rent by Feb. 1. 3 or 4 rooms, furnished or partly furnished; 3 adult1, fa 1-1 Sunday or evenings. Broadway 1-1S. SMALL furnished bungaiovv or cottage, Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne dis tric t ; respo n i ble party. Tabor 3134. WANT EI J To rent about Feb. 1. 3 or 4 room house, unfurnished, west side, near business section. Wdin. 33."0. 4 OR 0 IloOM modern house or flat, w ithln To minutes' walk of 7th and 1'avis. AFl Oregoninn. WANTED .1 or ti-room bungalow, modern house; preterably southeast part of JWtrand. I'hone 313-lfJ. A SM A LL lion", unfurnished, in vicinity of Arleta pehool. Give price and par ticular;. P. O. Box 4:tL'. A MODERN house, close in, rent $3. Kast :H7. . Apttrtmenta. HOTEL or apartment house; have client w ho wishes to lease hotel or apartment house In good location, of 3d to IK) rooms, or about 10 apts. See Mr. Bigbee. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Realtors, Corbett Bldg. Main n'.ll.V WANTED To rent. Feb. 1 by family of three adults, nicely furnished or partly furnished modern apartment of ii rooms. !! bedrooms preferred; centrally located. Phone East 1M FURNISHED apt. of 3 to ft rooms, desir able part of city. Address BJ 30, Ore go nl a n DOCTOR and wife wish to rent 3 or 4 room furnished apt. for 3 months. M 3!t, Oregoninn. WANTED Small, neat apt., not over $35. Box 34!'. city It. M 111 H. 2 YOUNG women, employed, want fur nished room wtth kitchen privi leges; must be reasonable and witHln walking distance. BC 370. Orogonian. YOUNG man wishes room private family, with piano, able to practice vocal one hour daily. Can give references. K 302, Oregon tan. L'M F I UN 1 HI 1 E D room by elderly lady. Moderate price. I'hone Main BUM). Rooms Willi liounl. WANTED Private home for boy ll. girl 6. to board where they will get very best of ca.ru, where parents can room same place. Call Sellwood 741 between 10 and 1. Sunday. WANTED By business woman, room and break fa5t, with good family; C. S. pre ferred; please give particulars in reply. S 301. Oregonian. TWO ROOMS with meals in quiet home. give st re-t number when answering. D 30)1. Oregoniam YOUNG business woman wants room and. one or two meals a day in private home, walking distance, west side. AP 04, Oregonlan YOUNG lady wishes board and rom In private home. No objection east side if close In. C. S. preferred. M 375, Ore goninn. BUS N ESS man. 40, wishes board and room in exclusive home, thorough gen tleman; reference given. N 303, Ure gon lan. SOME ONE to care for old soldier in warm, comfortable home; must be rea sonable. AJ 3S2. Oregonlan. EX-SERV. Innn wishes board, room, in private family, west side, walking dis tance. Y 3'"'0. Oregonian. Housekeeping Room. WANTED Three or four modern furn ished housekeeping rooms In private family, by young couple with, small bahv. BD 370. Oregonian. ft TWO PA RTLV furnished or unfurnished h. k. rooms with heat, light and gas and bath; reasonable rent. AC 304, Ore gonian. ONE OR TWO unfurnished or partly fur nished housekeeping rooms in residence. 11 3:tt, Oregonian. BY FEIi. 1 4 or 5 rooms (lower pre ferred). Walking distance, furnace heat. Not over $40. Auto. 317-S4. WANTED By couple with child, 3 or 4 room lower unfurnished flat by Feb. 1. Woodlawn 3.VJ1. Business Place. ACCOUNTANT wants good location ; will do work for desk room and telephone service. Tahnr OOtttt BOAT or boat house to board and aleep 10 to 20 men, few miles out. G 378, t iregonian. WANTED Store on east side, suitable for meat market and grocery. X 3&J, Ore roninr WANTED Store for painting . and dec orating business. F 3.r7. Oregonian. FOR RENT. NlTELY furnished front sleeping room, suitable for two; furnace, hot and cold water, walking distance. 57 Trinity Place. Ttdwv. 17ifl. Furnished Room. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington ami Fifth Street Special permanent rates. ROOM for girl with use of kitchen, ft.11 Washington st.. apt. fl. Call Sunday and aft r tl IV M. Bdwy. 2S3.V KENTON HOTEL at Kenton station Sleeping and h. k. rooms; hot water, steam heat. $'- "0 and up per week. HEREFORD HOTEL Modern rooms, single or en suite, with or without bath. res sonable. Main 33Q.V SINGLE or double comfortable rooms at reasonable rates. Special weekly rales. E m press hotel, fith nnd Stark. ON E furnished room for light housekeep ing; one sleeping room. JisS West Park. Main 301 . NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam h::t, hot and cold water: reasonable. 2U!i Fifth st. DESIRABLE room or apartment, walk ing distance; rent reasonable. Marshall 1 1 32 . N ICEi.Y furnished 2 or 3-room apt., also s e ping rooms. 0P2 Everett, Phone Bd we. HH3 WANTED Roomers at Wisconsin House, .")4j Hood sV. South Portland; nice, clean ri-onif. S i -at per week A NICE, large room, well furnished ; bath ; for t wo parties. Board if de sired 3)I E. 431 st. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat, lo cation desirable. Penrose ant.. 14M Grand ave. at Belmont. E.tsi 4.4S. Ri to MS. Sl.fto per w.-eK and up; L.berty hotel. Front and Madtson. Under new management $1S ONE ROOM and kitchenette; $l'3. 2 rooms. NO sma.l cniidren. 80 East 10th st. South. LIGHT, comfortable sleeping rooms, close In. west side, quiet place. 208 1 7th st. ' Main 702v j DAY. $2iO WtEhl up. clean, bath free Hot 1 Cad iliac, "d. near Jefferson. THE M 1LBURN H T EL- Rooms and suites for rent; untler new management LIGHT housekeeping basement room lor oaeiiemr. cwef. i-i mm at. CLEAN sleeping rooms. $1 75 and upward; butn. lobby. 412 11'th st. N. bachelor, cueap- i'" nun st SLEEPING ROOM. $3 50 W EEK. 305 JF.FFKRSO.N i-i SLEEPl.W room.s for r-nt. $2 per week: Ph. me K-it-t st.-.o. CLEAN rooms. $2.50 and up. North Bank Hote!. 4oS Hoyt St. WARM, furnished room, close in; lots of hot water always. 321 6th. LOVELY front room, single or twin beds; gentleman preferred. 3S1 5th. SLEEPING room for rent in apt., cooking privileges. 205 12th St.. apt. 2. ONE BASEMENT room, next to b-iu, 70S Wa-hitgtua aU. FOR RENT. garnished Koomt. FOR RENT. Bachelor rooms in high-class apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen or ladies; and up; references required. . 168 St. Clair street. HOTEL IROQUOIS. Thoroughly renovated from top to bot tom ; permanent rooms; now ready. $3 per week; transient 1 per Cay. Corner T-'th and Stark. Bdwy. 374. l MODERN well-furnished residence, within walking distance, in select dis trict, will be converted into a cozy com fortable club for young business men with hom privileges, can accommodate four. BC 37Y Oregonian. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.23 PER DAY. $0 PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE FURNISHED ROOMS AND LIGHT H. K. APT. IN NICELY FUR, LARGE HOME; '-' BLOCKS FROM LIBRARY. ESPE CIALLY CONVENIENT FOR BUSINESS MEN. 243 11TH ST. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see treellst of moderate-priced rooms for youig men In ail parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS. $2 WEEK. Clean furnished rms.. steam heat, hot water, bath, etc.. 3Gc and 5oc per night; ft-storv brick. 43 Front, cor. Harrison. NICE furnished sleeping rooms, heat and all conveniences, reasonable ; one loom hardwood floors, walking distance, west side. 0o7 Flanders st. Phone Broad -way 27S2. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month; A N GE LA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshal; IflflO. Large, attractive lobby wilh fireplace. Special rates to permanent guests. THE ST. PALL, i:;u 4th at., corner Alder A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 70c up. Private bath. $2. Special rate. bv week or month. HOTEL CON HADING, 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very rea sonatwe rates by cay or weeic. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, H't'hi Washington at. Modern, private bat to j. free phones; reasonable PLEASANT steam -heated room, large closet, 1 or 2 gentlemen. ftTl Washington at., apt. tl. Call Sunday or after 6 P. M. Bdwy. 2533. YOUNG lady, employed, wishes room mate in hotel with young lady, employed; room to be engaged 1st of Feb. K 303. Oregonian. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day. week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLEV, Morrison at., at 10th $1 dav. week I v $o and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy. Steam heat. I nftimished Room. LARGE unfurnished room, cheap, rent; nice for bachelor. J. W. Wiseman. 149 hirst street. 3 LARGE sunny unfurn. rooms. $20. See janitor H averley court, B. litith and Clinton sis. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. CLEAN, nicely fur. sleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2: plenty of heat; might serve breakfast if desired ; walking distance ; 1 block from Broadway car. 380 East ftth st. N. 2 LOVELY FURN ISH E-D FRONT SLEEP I N G R OO M S. FU R N AC E II EAT. H OT WATER. PHONE; NO OTHER ROOM ERS; WALKING DISTANCE. 4S0 EAST CLAY. NICE rooms In modern home for two or married couple employed. Would reni single. Walking distance. Use oi piano. 00S E. BurnsidV East H201. WILL share modern, elegant home with gentleman and wife; hot water heat, breakfast, garage, etc. $00. References required. Call Tabor 040. SINGLE corner room in modern home, near bath and phone, to business or professional woman. Fourteenth, near Harrison. Main 7317. LARGE front room suitable for one or two young men. Congenial people. Walk ing distance. $12 month. 607 Giisan. Broadway 204S. NICELY furnished room, adjoining bath, phone, furnace heat; gentlemen pre ferred, walking distance. 470 Park at. Main 3011. PLEASANT room with balcony and fur nace heat in modern, quiet home on Willamette Heights, reasonable. Main 3471. LADY living alone in upper flat will rent attractive room to companionable Chris tian woman who la employed. Tabor S730. COMFORTABlK room for gentleman, fur nace, bath adjoining, no other roomers, very close In, west side. Main 3291. 322 x. Broadway. STEAM-HEATED furnished room, all mod- i. t- n rnn viinlirii'P fifl-l tfTono.Vl Ant. R. Bet. 17th and ISth st. ELEGANTLY furnished front room in a swell, private home, suitable for two young men. 71 Trinity place. Al ROOMS in S'rictly mod. home, garae, breakfast If desired ; business people preferred. 408 Koseiawn. cnion v?. cars, PIANO for practice if desired ; single room; home privileges, also sleeping -..,-,-U- -!r hnonltol Vain O.tftQ. WELL-FURNISHED sleeping rooms, home privileges; the use of grand piano; Nob Hill district. Phone Broadway 4434. SLEEPING ROOM for gentlmen. in fine apt. house; 3 minutes to Broadway and Morrison. .viam o LOVELY room, Mem heat, west side, housekeeping privi leges. Ch. Sc. lady preferred. 401 '-a 12th t. FRONT ROOM for gentleman In bungalow home. Two In family. Breakfast if de Fired. Tabor 70 In. 2G'. 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON ST. Choice room. modern conveniences; walking distance. 1RV INGTON Large, beautifully furnished runt room, on Bdwy. car line. 4ft0 East 2 2d X. W E LL furnished room, steam heat, with kitchen privileges if desired. 713 John- ton. Main fMHi. TWO ROOMS and sleeping porch, well fur nished, suitable for 2 or 3. C. S. pre- ierreu. iui ox-i FURNISHED room, kitchen privileges, lady employed. References. 60 E. loth st. south. ONE nicely furnished room, with or with out board, in private home. Reference. 311 E. 3d st. N VERY desirable for gentleman, conven iences, furnace heat, reasonable. 289 13th t. jSICELY furnished room, free telephone. 800 Belmont st. East 1202; garage avail able. NICE touitorta ble room, best convenience, in a private family ; references exchanged. est side. Main 7741V NICE, pleasant roi-m, in a refined family : reasonable rates. Marshall 24)03. 300 llth st. WELL-FURNISHED room for one or two; separate beds; 15 min. walk to business district. East 571 5. CLE A N. comfortable room on first floor, private entrance, close in; $3 week. 4"4 Tav'or. NEATLY furnished and warm room, rea son ib'e. Main 41H3. CLEAN. light, airy front h. k. room with kitchenette. 4"S Main. STKA M -H'EATED room for gentleman, .lor, Cone h. ant. 4. 4 r.uitt.MS. furnished, modern, $25. I'hone Tabor OOSrt. SLEEPING room for gentlemen; steam heat. cose in. 307 11 thst. MarM. 257 12TH. modern front room for 2 or 3. men only; walking distance. FOUR furnished rooms. 1st floor. Gas. bath, elec. ngnts. nirnare. ;u Kearney. NICELY furnished front room. block Mult, club. Main WS'J. FURNISHED room in modern flat, walk ing d.s'anee. Reasonable. Main 771H. NICE arm room, $15 month. 6:) Lo ve iny r t. Marshall S35. CHo ICE 1 large. 1 smad, fireplace, rea sonable. fi.5 Everett. Bd-wv. 35ll. NEA i i-V luriiijdied and warm room rea naie. Ma.n 4113. SLEEPING rooms, gentlemen. 30 E. loth St. K. 1HMI2. NEALY turn.sned rooms, with or without b-.rd. P7 Stanton t. NICELY furnished rooms; $10; close in. reasonable. 7l 4 Hoyt. Mar. 3402. LARGE room with piano, ut-e of kitchen. 0i-3 Hth st.. after 2 P. M. CLEAN, we. I fur. room in refined home, s Norh 21st. cor, of Everett NICELY furnished sleeping, with bath and toilet. Phone Tabor 150. LARG E, light front room, with or with out garage, r.ast ;n. SLEEPING room, walking distance, reas onable 4.ttls Mill street NiCcI froiu it,m. .gnt. bath and phone; ?7 per month. 4ns i' ilumbia st. FURNISHED room, phone and bath. nric reasonable. 171 E. 7th N., near Oregon. 2 LARUE outside sleeping rooms. 635 EL M ason St. FURNISHED front room, modern apt., walking distance. Bdwy. 4ft2. CLE V.-". comfortable sleeping rooms, all conv-inien'f. 105 North ISth. $12 A MONTH. $14 for 2. Warm, com- fortabi room. Central. 413 Broadway. FOR RENT. Famished Rooms i.n Private Family. A LOVELY room in a home and location such as you will not find one in a hundred. Every modern convenience. A quiet, refined and very desirable place to Jive in. Hot and cold water in room; rler.ty of light; environment the best. This room must be seen to be appre ciated. Will rent to gentleman only. References exchanged. Location near 2'ith, one block north of Hawthorne. East 4MM for appointment. A BEAL'Tl Fl'L double room with twin beds and new furnishings throughout, in a, nice modern private home, H min utes from town; near H3d end Johnson st s. $:.'." for two people; or will rent single rooms tor $20. No other roomers. Main 2:t.".o. U VERY desirable front corner rooms, well furnished, in small family. No other roomers. Good heat and plenty Of hot water. Gentlemen. References. Mar shall asm. VERY ATTRACTIVE room, also young man wishes room mate, twin beds, con genial place, parlor, piano, home privi leges; rates $3.30 up; lo minutes walk Meier St Frank's. 01 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. IN WIDOW'S home, nice. warm, clean front room, very reasonable, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; no car fare; i minutee' walk to business center. 229 10th st. Phone Main "7ft'. Rooms With Board. , CAMPBELL HOTEL. An AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-knotfn residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.ft0 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. MOTHER COOKS THE MEALS at the Whitehall hotel. 2 .".3 Gth st. ; room modern, single and en suite; rea sonable rates. We cater to transients, business men. women and families. Portland's downtown hotel. , NOR TUXIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-clasa family hotel; rooms en suits or single, with, or wKhout board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. WEST SIDE Big. cheerful room; whole some home-cooked meal for two or three men or girls; congenial young peo ple in house; new management. Mar shal 410 TH E MARIAN An exclusive residential hotel for young business women, newly furnished rooms, single and en suite. Ex cellent table; all conveniences, refined, home-like atmosphere. 345 Giisan. Bdwy. 243 H. PARKVIEW residential hotel, . 386 Mont gomery st. ; nice outside tooiiib; hot and cold water in rooms; reasonable rates; nice plac to ptop. . 328 I0TII Well furnisheii room, 2d floor, with meals, hot and cold water. Price reasonable. Auto. 541-37. HANDSOMELY furnished room with large sleeping porch; home cooking. 400 Clay. Mam 0421. BEAUTIFUL room with bath, including board; suitable -for 2 or 3 gentlemen. The Lorraine. Bdwy. 3405. 0 NICELY furnished room with first-class board If desired. 738 Johnson. Main 371M1. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $.' per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. NICELY furnished room suitable for two; home cooking and home comforts; ga rage space. Main 4S7W. 2 FURNACE heated rooms with board, close in : gentleman preferred, i'hone Mar. 3003. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board tor girls, mod, rates. :iu lutn. aiar. i-ai. Rooms With Hcanl In Private Family. GERMAN lady wants one or two children to board In country home, age 1 to 3 years. Address P. K., Vancouver, Wash., Route 5. Box 129. NICELY furiilahcd rooms with and with out board, 15 minutes ride to town. ner garage, reasonable. MS E. Flan ders, cor. 30th. LADY having large, comfortably furnished home, with splendid meals, would like one or two peope to room and board. Woodlawn 3031. ' HAVE room for 2 gentlemen or couple employed. In private home in beautiful Groveiand Park. AH modern conven iences, home cooking. Tabor 4SMV FURNISHED i oom for one, $32.30; for 2. $00. with two fine meals; furnace heat; walking distance. 185 E. 13th st., bet. Jfam. and Taylor. BACHELORS' HOME Has one vacant room for two: hot water heat; 2 meals; for $35 each. 246 East Sixth st. North. ROOM and board in modern private home, near car; have plenty of cream and eggs and aii to make you feel at home. Phone Tabor !3?i. WOULD like to room and board employed couple. No other roomers, home con veniences, walking distance. Marshall 1075 FURNISHED room with board for two ladies; newly papered, walking distance, furnace heat, home privileges. Main 1100. I HAVE for rent with board in modern k home a pleasant and comfortable down stairs room, near u&wi . tctiBuuttuic. -.- bor 4210. A HOME for young people employed; home comforts ; piano, fireplace, close In: come and see. 2S5 14th st. Main 2533. . LARGE room, suitable for 2. with board; also single room; furnace heat, garage, close to car; walking distance. Phone East 6503. WIDOW, with nice home, will room and board working man ; home privileges; $7 50 per week; close in. 160 Morris st. Mississippi car. EXCELLENT room and board In very at tractive home; within H block Good Samaritan hospital; reasonable. 208 N. 23d street PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board for couple or 2 gentlemen. Mar shall 3521. 211 North 23d st. 2 FRONT rooms, one room with twin beds, suitable for men ; good hot water and heat; first-class tame now hi. ni oinan. YV1DOW, with boy 3 years old, will care for child from 2 to 4 years in my home. fall at 1 M W. Winch ell. Kenton car. !; KANT, or 1 2 children, eanjjhave good care in new modern home; no other children. Wdin. 1 50. WANTED Small children to board or will go evenings to care for children. Broad wav 4127. SCHOOLGIRL may have room and board in family of 2. reasonable. West side. C 2oS. Oregonlan. FOR TWO young ladies, piano, home priv ileges, walking distance, very reason able. Main 5i23. 40 Market st NICE clean room, next to bath, with wholesome, well-cooked meals at rea sonable price. 3&'-.. Mill st. ROOM for 1 or 2. Hawthorne dial., mod ern home. Walking distance. Board EXCELLENT room and board in attrac tive home, suitable for two ladies em ploy pclRpasonable NURSE with lovely home will care for Invalid elderly person. Aut. 610-96. r,sn3 Woodstock ave. STEAM-HEATED room, cozy, for one or two me-n, breakfast and evening dinner if desired. 4 1 4 .Marnet st. DESERVING lady alone desires gentlemen roomers and boa rders : nice home. 304 Kast first . r-asL NOB H1LU cloc-e in; young man to board and room, small family, congenial young people ; p.a no. modern. Main w. ONE OR TWO children to board in my own home : give mother's care, price very reasonable. Tabor t2o. WE HAVE room and board in private family for two, including garage, in Iadd addition. E 3Ki. Oregonian. BOARD and room, private family, lady or gentleman, or lady with one child. 347 Eat 47th st. WEST SIDE Room, beard If desired ; reasonable. 428 13th St., or call Tabor LARGE room for 2. heat, no other board ers, west side, we Iking distance. Mar sha:! ColH after 1 IV M. WOLLD like to room and hoard a couple emplovrd; all home comforts, reason able. ."74 East Couch or East 4770. WANTED Lady boarders. room and board, $10 month. Ella Finney, route 2, Gervais. Or. ROOM, board if desired; home privileges; use of piano. hiroanway n",i. WOULD lli:e to care for baby girl from 1 to 3 years of age. Call Tabor 9522. WOULD like care of a child or two, age 2 fo 5 years. Automatic 632-3S. PRIVATE nome far children 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2152. MODERN steam -heated rooms, home c v o king. $40 month. 201 E. First st. N. NICELY furnished. large, front room, suitable for 1 or - Tabor 222$ WILL give mother's care to child. 2 to 4 years. Tabor 4374. KiuxjL) riM.ni, nice home, near club. Good home cooking. Gentlemen. Main 22 li. ROOM with board, good home cootting. 373 Taylor st. RudW and bctrd, reasonable; private fam ily H-.w-thorne d'strict. Tabr-r nit Hi. NICELY furnished warm room, for 1 or 2, with hoard ; private family. 703 Hoyt. COM PORTABLE and clean room with board in a beautiful home. East 835. IR ING TuN room with board in quiet home' 455 E. 14th N. LA RG E front room, suitable for one or two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. WANTED Small boy to board and room, best of care. Tabor 7470. Ki'OM and breakfast for businesa girl, west aide. Marshall 2IJ5. FOR RENT. Rooms With Hoard in Private Family. 2 OR 3 RESPECTABLE young gentlemen to room and board in refined home witn mother and daughters; boy a who ap preciate real home life. 730 Ankeny st. Momavilla car to 22d st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished steam-heated room for 2 young ladies or couple em plyed; excellent meals, home privileges, easy walking distance; very reasonable rates. Broadway 914. LARGE room, closet, with board. 2 block of Broadway car. 3 blocks to Union, close to Ad cox school; home privileges. Tor one or two together; $35. 370 East 7th North. East 1787. 1 LARGE, light front room, twin beds. h. and c. water, fireplace; also 1 very large room, fine for 4 men employed: walking distance, w. with or without board. Broadway 4033. STEAM-HEATED bed-stting room with sleeping porch, suitable for 3 or 4 per sons; also single room, moderate rates; in pleasant refined home: 254 16th st. Phone E. 234. STEAM-HEATED bed-sitting room with sleeping porch, suitable for 3 or 4 per sons; also single room; moderate rates; In pleasant, refined home. 254 16th at. Phone E. 234. 1RV1NGTON, lovely room, mahogany fur niture; also suite very reasonable for 2 or 3 people; home of refinement; all modern conveniences; garage. East 004.Y k ONE OR TWO girls may have room or room and 2 meals or use of the kitchen for breakfast, reasonable. Newly fur nished room, west aide; private family. Bdwy. 2M7. I HAVE 2 bottom rooms in private Chris tian home; will give 2 meals; couples or ladies desired ; also modern garage; prices reasonable. 105 E. Salmon. LARGE well-heated and tumitfhed room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. cloi in, east side. Home privileges and meals If desired. Kast 4. WARM, moderu house, best of home cooked food, at reduced rates if taken for winter to four men employed; no . 1. V I r. U -SltU r-.. r,.nln NICE room, good bed, furnace heat, hot and cold water, piano, ali home com forts, walking distance to business cen ter. 703 Noithrup. Main 60! 1 3. 1 LARGE, light, airy sleeping room with 2 double beds, furnace heat, bath and .telephone; meals If desired. 612 Madi son st. Automatic 522-13. CH 1LDH EN to board, good modern coun try home. AB 3K4. Qregonian FRONT bedroom, nicely furnished for two. board if desired. Phone 221-42. Fl RST-cla-ss board, good lieaL 304 Co lumbia, cor. loth. Main 2mV4 Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank'e store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. TUB WHEELDON ANNEX. Desirable and close-in: also the ball room; a combination studio and apart ment. Main 4L KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 VISTA AVE.. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. One 3-room furnished apartment, with two disappearing beds, also outside bal cony. Call 3iain PEOPLE of discriminating taste will be interested in this most attractive 3-room apartment, kitchenette and private bath; everything of the best, fireplace "and furnace heat; located in lovely home: references exchanged. H 296, Ore gonian. FoR RENT 3-room clean, well-furnished apartment; 704 Michigan ave., near Beach at., one block from Miaflfssirpi carline; larg porch and fine yrd; to man and wife. $20; to man, wife and one adult. $2. MOST attractively furnished 3-rm. apart ment, unusually large, light rooms with open fireplace, in lovely residential dis trict, close in on east side; $75, includ ing, gas, light, heat and piione. East 31(12. 0 PIN EST RESIDENTIAL DIST. $20. With a beautiful view of the city and mountains, front room and kitchenette, tastily furnished. Good heat and electric lights included. Main 3S16. STANTON APTS.. 203 Stanton St. Two 3-room cottages; also 1 and 2 furn H. K. apts.; steam heat. RATES IN REASON. Children welcome W AVERLEY residence has 3-rm. front apt.; completely furnished; newly tinted; ail modern conveniences ; furnace heat; u block to car; large yard, garage. Sellwood 2 1 3.i im'imi.'i a vr 1 ITC Three-room furnished apartments. All outside rooms; adults only. Walking distance. West Park and Columbia. Main lOSrt. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished apart ment, piano, ail outside rooms; married couple, reference required. Phone morn ings before 10 o'clock, evenings after 6. Phone Marshall 270. NICELY furnished 3-room outside apt., newly painted and calclmined, white kitchen and bathroom. Will give bach elor service. References required. Mar- snail 294.1. Clean, newly furnished, 3-rooni apt., $35, including heat, gas. light, etc. uuit able for 2 or 4 people. Woodlawn 6711. HANTHORN Can show completely furnished 3-room apt. with 2 disappearing beds: vacated Feb. 1. Call afternoons. 251 12th st. NICE, clean 2-room apartment on good street $ 10.50; adults only ; light, gas. near Sunnyside car. 749 Belmont st. Phone fcast llNvts NICELY furnished apt., suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen or business" women; fur nace heat, walking distance. 7 Trinity SUNNYSIDE APTS. Fine furnished apt. ready today, high-class house, steam heat, best car service In city; no chil dren. Tabor39lMV THE REX FORD. 2-room corner apartment, steam heat: this is a nice one. close in; $55, Including phone. Main 553. THE EVERETT. Furnished 3-room corner apt., all mod ern conveniences, $60. Bdwy. 4490. TWO NEATLY .furnished apartments, close In. Call at 747 Northrup st., near 23d. Main 57S4. ALICE COURT 3 rooms. Dutch kitciien. bay window, bath, phone. 2 beds. E. Kth nnd Hurnslde. E. a.ow 157 12TH ROOM, kitchenette, gas, heal, light, phone, furnished ; walking dis tance. l-HUOM corner apt., hot and cold, water, sink, furnace heat. light and clean. 421 Hj 'ln st- Mar. 2'Io3. WILI share small cosy apt. with con genial business girl very reasonable. AE 370. Oregonian. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 701 Washington, 1 furnished 3 room apartment. THE JEFFERY 2-room furnished apart ment, $10 per month, close In, corner Russell and Krhy sts. Phone E. 1594. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments, hot and cold water, heat; 3-story brick b 1 i X. 5 .". 7 Williams ave. East 34S7. i-RooM furnished apartnunt, rent reason able, newly renovated, on 2 car lines. 915 Thurman st. Main 3tKVJ. BEAUT I FUL apt.. Laurel hurst home ; hot and cold water, hardwood floors; own privacy; $50. Tabor 020. ALT A MONT APTS. 4 rooms and bath. $50: 5th and Col lege. Call Main 0375. Foil RENT Furnished, modern apt. in Piedmont. Fhone Wdin. 1309 or Main 699 3 ROOMS and bath, also 2-room apt., neat and reasonable, lights, water and gas furnished. 595 6th St. CLEAN, cheap, nicely furnished 3 and 4 room flat. 344 Benton. 2 AND 3 ROOM modern apts.. tile bat a. Main 1052 . Buena Vista apts. ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished ; I ; g h t. heat itnn gas. : t. riroaqway SAN MARCO. E STH AND COUCH. 3-RM MOD- APT.. $45. E. lOftO. iiuR'foN apts.. 3-room furnished apa-t-nie n i . - 7 Washington st. Bdwy. 10'ts. ONE 2-ROOM ind one 3-room furnished apartmert. 22 Beech st. LUXOR APTS., 3 3TH AND CLAY. 3-room apt., strict ly modern. 2-ROOM furuished, clean, warm apt. N. li'th 3-ROOM front apt., walking distance. a d u ts. 32M Mill, near uroaaway NOB HILL 2-room fur. apt, 30. 68 G I if an . bet. 21 s"- and 22 d sts. FOUR nice. 11; hi rooms, close in ; adults only. iO L nion .n '-ROOM lurnished apt., reasonable. 480 HEATED four-room furnished apartment; call between ll ana a. ot ir.. .Morrison. - C IUI HlPiitu m.tii i -" .'ii - NICELY furnished 4 rooms with bath. Westminster apis. .yam FURNISHED apartments, s;ngie or JuUb.e. runnm;? water. n t-m f ; NICE, large 2-rom apt., we 11 -furnished. 4iit Benton st. East 0228 1-KOO.M apt.. a.t.o bas- nie n t .apt .. suil ab'e for t wo men. O'.'O I rv Ing s t . BEAUTIFUL 2-rm. apt., 2 beds, all con-veni-nees. clean. 573 3d. Main 3137. THE WENT WORTH A PA RTM ENT. 2. 12th at Main. Choice apart., modern. $.' FU KN ISHED, 3 nice large rooms, apart ment: west side: rent $10. "o3 Hood st. PORTNOM AH. 4-room furnished apt.. sleeping porcn. .mi .. i nn st. ,ast -i-ttt. WAiiil room, baekL -7 Kail u FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments, STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-room and sleeping porch; 16 windows, all outside rooms; furnished In Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings: lots of heat; also a 2-room permanent ami transient; bach elor rooms, $25 up: reference- required. 106 St. Clair st.. cor. of Wash. G R AN DEST A A PTS. Nifty 8-room apts., with private baths. Best heated brick butiding in the city. Lots of hot water 24 hours a day. Auto matic elevator; all other conveniences necessary for your comfort. Our prices right. 68 Grand ave.. cor. Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern resi dential Apartments, partly furnished, mahogany, wicker and oak, or will com plete 3 well-lighted rooms and bath ; hardwood floor, grate, French doors open large private porch, lawn, trees, desirable for 2, clean, like new, $0O. Main sr.42. Unfurnished Apart mentw. U N 1 E It N E W Al A NAG K M E N T. WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENT. Operated by owner; 5 rooms newly papered, kalsommed; close in, walking distance ; only 3 blocks from Washing ton street. Owner making extensive improvements on property, making It very deairable; steam heated: rent $55; references required. S. B. Gustaff. Bdwy. 1245 ALVARADO. Southeast corner Lucrctla and Everett sts, 1 upper 6-room duplex apt.; sunny south and west exposure; large rooms. 4t ROOMS, bath, light, heat and garage, with or without gas range; modern, near Washington high. Mam 0846 or ask for Mrs. Klein, 161 W. Park. Til E II EX FORD. 2-room corner apartment, steam heat. This is a nice one, close in; $50, includ tng phone. Main 553. BEAUTIFUL new 3-room modern apart ment, lrvington. 13th and Tillamook ; built-lns, hardwood floors, fireplace; will lease; no children. East 7065. VERY attractive apt.. 4 rooms, fine view, desirable neighborhood. $i;2.50 with heat, water, gas range. 901 Front, cor. Lowell ave. Mar. 3978. GORDON COURT APARTMENTS. 530 MONTGOMERY. New sunny 5 or 6-room unfurnished apn rt men t KIN' '. ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three rooms, strictly modern ; tile bath, elevator. Main 359. 3s5 llth st. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 701 Washington St., 1 unfur nished ant., vacant. APARTMENT and flat, for outside rooms, sleeping porch walKing distance. Vacant Februarv 1. Rent $40. Main 7 7 S. 5 ROOMS, etcani-heated, phone free; va cant Feb. 1. Marshall 319. MORDALTNT .Vsti Everett. large modern 4-room; homelike; ome and inspect. Fl V E rooms, modern, steam heat. - Gae Stove. 561 C, 1 1 a aiL THE OP.MOND: 5-room unfurnished apart ment. 036 Flanders. Bdwy. 3K73. THE AMERICAN, moaern 5-room apart menL P road way 3360. Furr.Uned or t'nlnriiiwhed AnartmrnU.M UNDER NE W MA NAGEM ENT. Upshur apts., 400 N. 20th. 2. 3. 4 and 5-room a part ment a, steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished; reasonable rates. HIGHLAND COURT APIS. Four-room furnished and 5-room un furnished apartment. Marshall 311. 3 OR 5 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. rent reasonable. p.mnnn u. M UNCE V Two rooms aud kitchenette. 390 Clay st. Main 4Q70. Flats. 5-ROOM mode.-n flat, 5701, Rodney ave.; gas rango in kitchen, also furnace, fire place and sleeping porch. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 269 Oa'-i St. Bdwy. 5355. MODERN o-room unfurnished upper flat for rent at 488 U E. 12th; newly tinted and painted throughout; rent $37. o(; Innuire Wakefield. Fries A Co.. S3 4th. 5-ROOM upper flat for rent in modern bungalow, near municipal golf links, suitable for young people. Phone Main 4835 or Sellwood 291, res. PLEASANT front room, alcove bedroom, unfurnished. itove heat, use of kitchen, phone and bath, $2.50. west aide. Auto. 510-20. 3 ROOMS, dressing room and bath ; gas range and water heater; linoleum on kitchen and bath room. 296 Tillamook. $32.50. ATTRACTIVE upper 6 rooms, sunny and bright. 572 East Salmon. Reference. Adults; $50. MAN AND WIFE will share 0-room flat with congenial working couple. Furnace heat. Main M71. LO W ER 4-room unfurnished f lat ; two blocks north of Broadway bridge. East 6354. HEATED flat, modern, up to date, five rooms, garage, strictly private. 576 Elliott sve. Ladd's addition. 4 ROOMS and Lath, newly tinted, $30 per month. 914 E-ast Morrison sL. near 30th. Telephone Tabor 803O. 3-ROOM modern flat for reent, close to Rose City Park car. A. N. Mikkelsen Co.. 52d and Sandy hlvd. Tabor 2380. MODERN flat, 4 rooms, bath, hvt water heat, $32.50. Janitor, 822 Savier st. 23d s-t. car. E 18TH AND ASH STS. Modern 5-room u j) per, fireplace, turnace. -io. nasi i FURN ISHED and uul urnished flats for - - I T..u..ll T7r 'IQ'ttJ 0-ROOM modern fiat. 2:id and Johnson sts. $43. East S421 or Main 3420. 6-ROOM flat' in good condition. Hawthorne 5-ROOM flat for rent. 82 Marshall. Main 4006. Call after 12:30. 7-RM., west side, gas range, linoleum on kitchen ; adults. Mar. 1445. 4-ROOM modern flat, $21 ; adults only. 272 Shaver s t . . near Williams ave. l'urnislied Fluta. COMPLETELY furnished flat. Colonial Heights addition, one-half block from Hawthorne car, 5 rooms and sleeping porch 2 bedrooms), hardwood floors throughout, furnace heat, in perfect con dition. No objection to children or two couple. 297 East 21st st. Phone East IRVINGTON, on car line, ground floor. 3 large rooms, completely furnished, player piano, fireplace. $50; Includes pnone. I1EIUK, wier, nroi, " t m -n , suitable for man and wife, two adults only. East 43S4 after 2 P. M 4-Room furnished flat, all of dow nstairs of building, bathroom, hot and cold water connections. Loth wood and gas ranges: walking distance of downtown. $:to month. Inquire 422 1st st. LOWER FLAT 4 well furnished rooms and bath for $65, including heat and water. Hss fireplace aud hardwood floors. 1200 Cleveland ave. Phone Wdl. 12H3 for appointment. TO ADULTS Three rooms and porch; good view, west side, wal king distance. Good home for pebple employed. Phone M"-S! or cnll 525 Montgomery st. LIGHT upper 5-rooms, range, plate, wood heaters, electric ; to responsible aduits: no dogs, etc. After 12 M. 1315 Vs Yamhill East. FURNISHED FLAT. 5 rooms, close in; reserve 2 rooms and havs income more than clear; $150. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg Bdwy 0785. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat, private bath; close in. 6811 E. Alder. Phone East 782. 4-ROOM furnished lower Lat, good loca t Ion. hardwood furniture: Wilton rugs, M2 50 Adults. Phone East 4707. 5-ROOM modern nicely furnished flat, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace ; $65. 22d and Kearney. Key 711 Kearney. MODERN 3-room lower flat, nicely fur nished; water, garbage service; walking distance. $30. 530 Mill st. 6 ROOMS, fine attic and basement, newly papered and painted, 18th near Giisan, $4't. Cell Main 813 Monday. 4 AND 5-ROOM neat fur a; shed fiat and housekeeping rooms; $18 to $55. Week days. Main f012. with or without garage. 53 E. 8th N. I Phone Fast I sk.. UPPER 5-roo:n, clean, lights, water, right price to aduits. 727 East Stark. East 3310. 5-ROOM furnished Lat: adults; my home; modern, clean, walking diance. East 3 3 2 3. 4-ROOM fur. flat on 2?vth and Sandy blvd., $35 per mont h. Call East 051 or Ta bor 6442. NICELY furnished lower 4-room flat, with bath; one b 1 oc k from R. C. car. 1 25 East 20th st. N. DOWNTOWN location flat for rem ; fur niture for saje. 147 llth St. Auto ma tic 532 -5L FoUR-ROoM tur. upper flat, modern. 1072 E. 16th St. N. Alberta car. 4-ROOM modern flat, furnished; garage; $-1 v',si Halght. Tabor 1035. MODERN 4-room, nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. 4-RuOM furnished Hat. furnish the liet and water. 394 Fargo, nojr Union ave. FURNISHED 4-room flat $25. 1294 Corbett FOUR rooms and bath. neat, clean, walk- i f.,nna W a .In t. . B7T."" SIX RooMS, 32 Park tt. ; open 11 to 4 P. M. Bflvvv 445!. WELL furnished lower flat. 759 Williams :.ve Phone Wdin. 240. VIEW cottage. 18th and Mill; re llable people: piano. Main 234. FOR SALE Furniture, close in. 3-room inci-me flat. Main 2-VQ. 4-HOOM upper flat and bath. . 3 079. FOR BUNT. Housekeeping Rooms RIGHT down town. 1 and 2-room apart ments, clean and well furnished, hot and cold water, light aud phone f rve. $1 and up weekly. Call Main 3230, or lts 10th st. SINGLE furnished h. k. room, beautifully and newly papered, light, clean ami cos.y. good furnace heat, electricity, walking distance. 624 Flanders near 19th. Bdwy. 2123. 4 FURNISHED living rooms in rear of stole. mI side. teel range, hot water mil, modern plumbing: rent $30. Inquire Wakefield Fries. S5 4th st 1 H. K. ROOM, 1 sleeping room, ali newly papered and clea n : furnace heat, lights, bat h; walking distance. $4.50 and $5 per week. 715 Everett. NB'ELY furnished 2-room h. k. suite, 1 block from Broadway car: walking dis tance; water and phono furnished. 380 K. 9th st. N. UNDER N EW MANAG EM ENT. Large, sunny rooms arranged for light housekeeping; newly furnished, modern home. 361 llth st.. Aut. 510-12. THE BEAVER. 1 2th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. room. $13 up, including hot water, electric ligh'.s. laundry roo m Bl'SHMABK, Wash. st.. cor. 17th. Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apt.. also sleeping rooms. Bdwy. 3403. SINGLE H. K. rooms, $7 to $12; 2 and 3 room suites, $12 to $22; free bath, dandy lobby. The Vaughn, N. 19th and Vaughn. NICE, clean housekeeping room, single, double, $2.50 w eek up. The Bfickeye apt.. 304 V? E. Morrison st. NICELY furnished H. K. room, uso of piano, home comforts; ladies preferred ; walking distance. 003 5th. Mam 512. ROOMS for housekeeping, first floor, also sleeping room. 153 loth st. Broad way 47U. TWO H. K. rooms, $5 per week up; linen. light, water, bath free ; one and alccp- ing. $3 up. 28 Washington. NEAT, clean housekeeping rumus, with kitchenette; also sleeping rooms; clobo in. 131 10th st. ut Alder. LARGE, warm room and kitctunette, first floor. 2 rooms, $18 monthly ; very con venient. 055 Flanders st. TWO FUR. h. k. rooms, bath and electric light, also sleeping rooms. Call at 017 Milwaukee st. Sellwood 1748 NEWLY papered uiul painted and new furniture, strictly modern. 5401? Will lams. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, $2.50 per week. 290 10th st. N., corner Pettygmve. 2 N 1-JElV furnished 11. K. rooms; mod ern, reasonable and centrally located. 440 Williams ave. housekeeping room and 2 sieping rooms tor rent. 393 Grand ave. S. I'hone East 920. HOl'SEK EEPI NG apts. and single rooms, clean and reasonable. Elmer, 93 North 13th st. 1171 MINNESOTA I iur room for light hiuse keeping. Ga-s electricity. Wood lawn 14sS. CLEAN h. k. room with kitchenette. lights, private phone, steam heat, close in. '.! Columbia, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light, water and phone free, cloto In. Mum 2s03. NICELY furnished large II. K. room. $20 per month; -smaller H. K. room, $14 per month. 629 Eve ret t st. Nob hill. BY FEB. 1, 3 unfurnished rooms, low er floor. $25, including light, water and phone, west side. Main 3'22. 3 FURN. h. k. looms on third floor, heat, light uml phone furnished, $25 month. lsth st. ONE OR two-room furnished H. K. apis. Everything furnished. 121 N. 23d st., cor. Giisan. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, light, water furnished. .381 3th st 4-ROOM h. k. apt. for family or suitable for 4 or 5 adults; near Jeff, high; rea sonable. 1020 Williams ave. THR EE furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. rent reasonable, children taken. Call 200 Hall st. NICELY furnished 2-room h. k.. across from Meter & Frank's. 291 tfc Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING room on 429 Main st., between llth and 12th. very re as nab to. 2 H. K. ROOMS. $13 month ; 2 H. K. rooms. M4 month. 166 North loth st. STEAM heated single H. K. room; every thing furnished. 370 6t h st. 3 AND 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Tabor 426. 1117 E. .Market. LARGE single housekeeping loom, stove heat. 235 llth. 15 DAYS- STORAGE FREE. Moving for Ics. Phone Bdwy. 2445. -ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot. cold w ater. 67 North 2mh. Bdwy. 4 123 NICE, clean 2-room suites for housekeep lng: walking distance. Call 221 17th N. LARGE 2-room apt., ground floor; stove heat. 235 llth st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent for work ing women. 1090 Vernon ave. SI NGLE steam heu ted H. K. rooms, $4 to $5 per week. 147 13th st. TWO-ROO 51 furnished housekeeping apt., $6 per week. 330 14th St. NICE clean housekeeping room. Close in. Always lots of hot water. 321 6th st. LARGE well-furnished housekeeping room. 093 E. Madison. East 89 I. AND 3-ROOM, well furnshed. 91 E. 12th. near Stark. Call 1:30 to 5. II. K. RooMr. 21 floor, front. 447 5th st. Liirht and pleasant. GOOD h. k. rooms, one $3 per week. 2 for $3.30. 153 N. 1 7th st. Bdwy. 4414. UNFURNISHED H . K. roo ms, w al k i n g distance. 392'? 6th st. FL' RN ISH ED housekeeping rooms; every thing f'lrnis-hed. Kast OOPS. 473 Pacific. NICELY furnished h. k. room. 475 Main Street. 1 AND 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping rooms $12 to $18 per mo. 490 Clay st. TWO CLEAN H. K. rooms, easy walking distance. Main 3405. LARGE front room, nice clean room. $.1.50. 310 0th st. VERY desirable front suite with running water. No children. 1 2S N. 1m h st. FURNISH ED houat keeping rooms, free phone, heat. 204 12th. TWO lower front rooms, light h. k. 187 North 15th. FRONT-ROOM upts., nisl.ed ; furnace heat. ry nicely f ur '2 Bdwy. RENT, housekeeping rooms; de.-irabe D -cation; photn . piano garage East 2333. Housekeeping Room in Pri ate Family. LA RG E front mom with kit chem-itu and porch; gas. electricity and phone. 939 Belmont. Tabor 1 107. 4 i-'l JtNlsl 1 Eu h. k. roums. first floor, modern. 081 Vancouver ave., bet. Cook nnd Fargo. TH R EE nice.y furnished housekeeping rooms with private bath for 2 adults. 916 IJnlmonf st. I'hone Tabor 7230 FOUR large rooms, $J3, including light, gas and water. 731 E. 15th st. S. T-ko Sellwood car to Rhone st. FoR RENT 3 nice large partly furnished H. K. rooms. 1019 Foster St.. St. Johns car. Wdin. 4219. TWO well -furnished housekeeping rooms, adults, close in. 3o8 College St., between 5th and 6th. F.OR RENT A large furnished housekeep ing room, private entrance, at 401 Bra i zee st.. city. FOR RENT l-rooui milage; 847 E. 12th N. ; gas, electrlcN lights, toilet; $17.50. Auro. .k'.o- i n FURNISHED light hou-s.-k. eping or sleep ing rooms. 90 W. Killing-wot th ave. Wdin. 3390. KENT Housekeeping rooms; desirable lo cation; phone, piano, bath. Phone East 2 5 : t : H. K. APT., walking distance. $15; he it, light, gas, phone free. 374 East Taylor Street. ' NICE, well-furnished 2-room apartment, ciowntown; reasonable rent. Phone Main "201. ONE DES1RA BLE furnished housekeep ing room. 1 block from Sunnyside car, $4 per week. Phone Tabor 3"2. LARGE 2-room front suite, electric, lights, phqiie. good pta no 43' Je'fcrson. $13 SINGLE housekeeping room, w alklng distance. .larsnan 2 OR 4 rooms furnished for h. k. ; no chil-dr'-n. 02 East Taylor. FOUR clean, furnished IE rooms. 540 East Stark. Adults only. 2 ROOMS, well furnished, down flairs. $16 per month. 507 Mississippi nv CLEAN housekeeping rooms or sleeping rooms. 5K) Havvti orne ave. NEW LY furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, gas, furnished. 63 Ella st. MODERN, 7 rooms, coiner 23d and East Main ; rent $48. Inquire East 5410. $T50 WEEK up. large downtown fur nished H K. rooms. 2-3 Wash. FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent cheap. 193 S. To; h st. FOUR unfurnished H. K. rooms, f urnauo 1 1 eated. 570 Ladd ave.. Kast 6717. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 33b Sacramento st. FRONT H. K. loom, hot, cold water, sink. 4t;;i Taylor. H K rooms, walking distance; children. East 3T97. Mrs. Wilco. SLEEPING and h. k. rooms for rent, fur.; all conveniences. 748 1- Thurman. ONE AND TWO h. k. rooms. $15 and up. 12 17th St. S -rv-o completely furnisued H. K. rooms, 16. 176 E. 431 h st. Tali' r 2729. PLEASANT housekeeping room, reason able, walking d-stauc. --L L - FOR RENT. llotiNeke ping hiHiii I'rtvme I- uimly. 1 WANT share n i y ry home with congenial elderly couple. Three- grown ups only in family; lots of room; mn home comforts. Including the cheer of a good vlctro'a, books and p a no a real home or the right pan. v. Only W block from car. and -3 minutes' rLe to he;trt of city. Very pretty part of city. Grocery store at corner. References. 1, 1109. Oregoiiuill LARGE airy room and kitchenette, water, light. phone. laundry trav. electric w.sher. On bl'ek from Sunnyside car and groc- r v. Fine local Ion. 919 K. Yamhill, between 30th and 31st. Auto." 210- os. V ERY desirable 2d-floor 4 rooms and bath; suitable for light housekeeping ; heat, light aud gas, telephone and water; ref erences exchanged. 204 Sumner tit., half bloc k t r i'J" Lo ELY" ("unisUed room with kitchenette, sink, hot ai-d cold water, well heated; also 2 Wauntul corner front housekeep ing rooms, gas range. Main 1311. 283 N 21' li si 2 FURNISHED 11. K. rooms with sleeping porch, priwito entrant; somemo occu pied during dav; $18 month. 67 1 Pacific st.. cor. intli. Take Roo City Park car. FOR r"k"nT 2 unfurnished H- K. rooms, 1 h'.oek from Union ave. car. ; phone, light and wood furnished. $17 month. 8 79 Gar field a ye. Call Wdin. 6592. 2 H. K. room electric light side. Call ? ner Ken rn-v run ii in ir water in rooms. In and bath, furnished, west ndnv. Auto. 195-lt. tnr ll.hvv, 431. . LARGE front lower H. K. room, c ose In; $3 w ee k . 505 W 1 1 1 i a my : 2 room s u p Malrs cheap, furnished or unfurnished. B iseim ti T. light free. SLEEPING; rooms, gentlemen, and fur nished and partly turnished housekeep- . lug rooms for rent. 241 N. list st. Phono Main 5u50. Ft 'it RENT Room and kitchenette, well furnisheii, gas and electric lights, west side. Phone Aut. 524-21 or call 895 Hood street. 105 2uTH. CoR. FLANDERS, neatly fur nished housekeeping moius Call eve uings or Suii.lii.v Bfw-y.l5!4. 2 N E W LY furnished housekeeping rooms; modern home, with or without garage. 308 Multnom.ih, si. Kast HI 0. TWO liTrge ell-fi;riiished ll. k. rooms, close in. East 7279. lloilse. VF.lt i an raei i vn ..-room bungalow apart ment, Hawthorne !ttriet. turnljdied or unfurnished. Owner owes for ground. Kent reasonable to permanent couple. No chi'dren . T bor 47 4 .V ROSE l ITY l-iin.:jCokv. 7 room.-, and peep ing porch, haidoini floor, all built -m. f. replace, luinaee, corner lot. 4H2 Ea.sl 4Ut V, coiner Tii!ammk. rent $60; will b ae. A 'Jton.o ie i;;i.L33. BEAU T 1 !' U L W ES 1' MOl ! EL A N D. 5-roo'n modern bungalow, f'tie condi tion: -'l5 22d M. S. E.. $10 month; woiild lease to responsible parties; adults preferred Key first boll-, south. FOR RENT For 3 months, 9-room mod ern home, 2 ha Mm, ha rd wood floors, gas furnace, cery convenience, nicely furnished, n iruge, convenient Ioch Hon ; $t30 pernjon t h 335 E. 21 st MN. ST if A NGE1LS-- Mu-Ue your house wants known to t his office. We have, some good homes for rent. G. (i. ROHLER. RENTAL REALTOR. t ltiJ'AN. M A LUjil. WA N 1 TO RENT ." IB "USE on west s.rt by April 1. furnished or unfurnished; responsible private family; about 12 rooms, 2 I) at hs on second floor, 1 bath, (servants f nia 1 1 cr.-i. I 'h one Main 1742 5-R k M furnished biinguoivv, modern, pa ved street. Kcwcf i ii and connected ; one block Albe t;i car. Inquire be t wt en 1 aud 4 P. M. ; Ho agents. 1010 East 12th North. CALL BROADWAY 5s(l FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POW E It 11 EAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST FOR It ENT 9-room house on west side, corner 14th and College, easy walk to business district; fine view; $50, Lued-d'-iuann Co.. 9 1 3 Cham her of ''"! nirci FoUR rooMS wnh business location and fixtures, bath, kitchenette. (t for $35, garage if wanted. 111." Beech si., near Alb-si-slppl ave.. 12 noon to 3:3n IV AL 5-RooM modern bungalow. fireplace, hardwood floors, l-uffet. Dutch kitchen, clean and nice ; $35. 487 E. 34 th at., Richmond car. Ft R li ENT Small 3-room house, partly furnished . gas and w od ra n ge ; e.ec tricity and bath. $20. 1316 Denver ave. Near Port'and hlvd. 0-ROOM house, bath, hot water, half acre, all kinds Iruit, c hicken house, barn, 20 minutes out. $3o. 32S Tillamook at. Williams Jive. car. FoR RENT 8-room house, $33 pur month. 0-room house. $275(1 month. Modern. 7011-71 1 2d si reet. Call East 8343 from 8 to 4 o'clock. 6-Roo.M house, garage, on 54 1 h st.. bet. Mt. Scott car and Franklin high. Will lease for one car $30 per mouth. Auto. 626-3 t. t lit V l.NGTi N ; duplex ; choice 9 rooms; new ly inished ; $00. Keys, 711 Thomp son. ELK TRANSFER Al- STORAGE. 15 PAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less B r o a d w a y 2443. DESIRABLE modem 7-room house; has mi conveniences to adu.tw; rent $05; reference required. 3S9 E. Broadway. 0-1U o ).M modern house, fireplace, oak floors, etc, Hawthorne district, $50 per month. T.-ibor SMi2. 7-KOOM house for rent. $30. 1117 K. 17th Mt. N. Call between 9 and 3 Sunday. After Su inlay call 072 Alberta wt. FoR RENT 0-room house, furnished, as sorted fruits, berries, on car line. 1204 Hawthorn- ave.. cor. 4 3d. -Rt OM h use, i on v eii ieti t ly arm. uged for two1 fa im i Kai-t 14th ; HI month. inquire 126 14-ROOM houe tor rent ; good location for roomers. Edward T. Orr, 115 Grand a vp n ue ti-Roo.M modern holism to adults, ou West Park, desirably located, w alklng dis tance, Ji to gf.ed tenant. Main 4990. Foii RENT U oodmere, 0-room modern house, two lots, garage and chicken pen, ?3U mo. ''a;! Wd in 07'.'5. 5-ROOM hou.-e, 8.17 Nelson st.1 $25 a mouth : key next door. Metger-Parker, 209 Oak. Bdw v. .'-333. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transler Co., Main 1261." -' Alder St. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hunting a specialty. O. A- W. Truck Service 'o.. I'd st i'hone Bdwy. 3 1 J 1. 0-lliMiM house, hardwood floor, in Loe Citv I'nrk. Vast 7m9. Weekd.t? s Mar shall 4378 DESIRAELE 7-rooiii house 392 San Ra:ae near Union ; close in; litqu.i e 399 j ian- C nek street . 7-ROOM house, furnace. fire, electric. st a t lima i y trays, i loca- tlon. 718 East JtijrnsM 8-ROOM house. C-46 Aibtna ave. Inquire at 655 Rorthwkk. phone Wdin. 470. rent reason a hie. RouALS lur lent, nmu lurniture for t-ale. 7 75 Vancouver an-. Phone Wood - Foil RENT- 5-r.n.m bur yulow, $21 3i mo. Inquire after 11 A. M. 3 blks. Monfai'iii car .'18 E. 03d y. V. 5-Ro .l cttage, modem, n.-w l tailed, pa lend and p..ii:'ed. 234 Williams ave. Pbor.n W.lli: ;io3 7-RoOM. tear CreMoii and Franklin echo- Is; eein- nt h.tM iiient, furnace. Call . - u n- r. Au t 1'1 9 $U Mi 4- Roo M ho ao part y furnished ; electricity, water free. 033 Tiogo at., loh-eS. k-Rou.M modern bouse, partly iui nished, $23. 1190 E. loth, near K i 1 1 lugs v ort h. Cull or l W ecu n ii no 1 .-uo".i j;io ij-ii. moder n house id 1 0i h st. near East Morrison ; good fund ture; for sale Ut Its value. I'hone East lls3. DA ND . oTTis: w: Lome foi oung couple, o II 1 v JT.. Phoil el i Li-JGV 6 ROOM house, modern; see 2 to 4. 123 E. 2ot h st. MODERN ..-room, iidults preferred. close, to car; E. 7th st. N. ll. Roo.M hoU.---. Mirt Ullloil N. Wuod- ",ri '-'His ti.hty M DEKN N- in ii oi;--e. fine location. Inquire QQ" E. Morrison 1 1 - Roo.M liou.-e. wt:it side, for large 1am- liJL, - 5-RooM bungalow with garage. Inquire 117 Por'sMiMiit h ve. "BLNGa7TW in Rose City Park. $50, with garage $53. PI. one Wdin. 2425. PXlt T of modern vs. s. home, no children. d!' Milt i1 1 L MoDERN 0-room hi-use for rent or le.-. pi-ore Auto. Sia-.-.T 8-ltCoM h"Uv: Hi Piedmont Tor rent, $5 Wd !n . 5'." i MODERN ii-1 -J- bouse. furnace, tra eier . KM", ' ail S7 E. 17th. A. M MoDERN 0-ii.oin house. 193 Knott s; Tnke Wl'lianiB-ave. car. -ROOM hous. . 71 East 19lh sc., Kvr":t. lnuuire 130 0t h st . .Main .ROOM house on ear line for rent rea ...liable :iM Tabor 74 4. 7A 'ER1 -EB 1 H II TS. 6-room bung to. w .33. 802 E. FrankHn. WW car. I ' R N ISHED 4 oom house, adults. 5:tl0 $22 30. Mt. Sett lit:e. s 1th .)Uf h, -SI N P MS, ... n ighborlio- modern cm vi-uf eiiees ; d. Marshall 444" 5 - R '' l inod--rii bungelow oa ea si I' ll Main '1915 after Sund -v 6-RO M houat X- G'-egorv. good coti-lit ion, $40. Cover Grand h-. ii-Kool ho..-., t.'H a in. -nth. BKl Elevi-i ti. a oi r a l Hiiwi', :i!l. PAKE ROSE buii.i iow lor rent; some fur niture. East 2290.