12 T1TE ' SUNDAY OISEGOXTAX." PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1922 FOR 8 ALE. Furniture for bale. FURNITURE BARGAINS. ' SAIE OF THE FORMER METER 4 FRANTt and other stocks of DRAPER IKS, ETC., Damaged at wareh oue and re moved to 843-351 OAK ST., Bet. Broadway and Park St., Across from Telephone Co. We are offering above stocks at price unheard of before. fte. $3O0 wool velour over stuf fed gul is, con sis tins' of davenport, chair and rocker, now $186.50 Reg. J10O tapestry daven port, special 50.00 Hem;. 1125 velour davenport, fipeclal 05.00 Reg. $50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker 26.50 Mahogany davenport table, period design l&OO Complete assortment of mahogany or walnut gate leg tables at a bit? saving. Mahogany piano lamps $.00 ihk lamp shades H Price Solid oak period extension tables, up from $ 15.00 Mahogany or walnut ex tension table, Queen Anne and William and Mary design '20.00 Dining chairs, all finishes at big savings. Reg. $47.50 buffet now 25.00 Ivory gate-leg tables, spe cial 7.50 Re. $50 genuine walnut bedroom suite, eons. sting of drt.wer, chlforohe, vanity case and bow-foot b'd, aa fine as there Is mad: special 290.00 Rg. $237.00 tt-plece Ivory bedroom suite, all hard wood, for only 122 00 Reg- I37.no Ivory dresser, large mirror, now 23.00 Reg. $5 Ivory dresser, 16x24 plate mirror 15 00 Reg. $60 ivory trlpi mir ror dressing table 17.50 "s. ivory wood beds now 12. CO 2-In. poet steel bed, large fillers . . . Pure silk floss mattress, havy art covering, spe cial ...... Rg. $18.60 coll springs, all ?lzes 8.75 14.23 9.25 9x12 wool wilton rugs, with linen fringe, 8 pat terns, special 41 25 8-3xlK-6 Wilton rugs to -.uxi Axmlnster rugs, only lft 25.25 -9x12 seamless Brussels, fr9cUi 18.73 vt.1 seamless velvet rugs, -peclal 24 OO RtcIO grass rugs, special . 485 Keg. $2.75 wool velvet car pet, now, d j ftj 24-Inch stair carpet, yd . . . 4c Reg, 85c pro-linoleum, now, ard 4-c Reg. $13 portieres, good selection, pr 4 00 And a thousand other bargains too numerous to mention. 340-351 Oak St. COHS BROS.. Directors. FURNTTURE PFECT ALS FOR THIS WEEK. 7-pc. dining-room suite,. 6 chairs and tahle, Ji'4; ninhoRHny setter. $6; oak folding bed, $10; $s. near new Stnger sewing machine, $35; 3-pc. Circassian walnut suite, bod, chiffonier und dreeing table, $70; 3-pc. ivory bedroom suite, bed, dresser and table, $50; Ivory dres . ser with plate mirror. $L'4; Ivory dresser with plate mirror. $10.50; $40 mahogany tea wagon, $115; gen unlne mahogany library table, $22; $175 mahogany hufft for $7H wardrobes, $0 to $13.50; good Mor ris chair, $7.50; good arm chair, $8.50; oak rockers, cane seat, $4.50; several large size mirrors, $7.50 to $30; extra large chiffonier, $23; hotel dressers, $6 fo $10; over stuffed davenport, $L'5; davenport bed, oak frame, brown leatherette upholstering, $27.30; $150 phono graph, $65;, good oak beds, $3.75; upholstorelJ courheji, 15; Iron and brass beds, any size, $2.75 up; Hoonler kitchen cabinet, whito enamel, $35; Uxl2 genuine Bagdad Wilton rug In good condition, $47.50; ftxli! Axmlnster rug. allght ly worn, $20; 8x10 tapeatry rug, $14; slightly damaged 0x12 con goleum rugs, $12.50; guaranteed gas ranges, best makes. $15 up Good steel rariK'-s, $20 up; No. 8 cook fteve, $11 50; oil cook stoves, $5 to kJULnO; Kuud gas water heat er, $11; Fridge-Beach gas water heater, $12.50. Houses furnished on easy pay ments, used or new furniture; lib eral dlsrount for cash. For out-of-town customers we pack, crate and deliver to wharves or depots. WESTERN SALVAGE. 101 Second. Between Yamhill and Taylor Stroets. Phone Main 8751, 8LTOHTLT USED MAHOGANY FINISH WILLIAM AND - MART DINING ROOM PET. 48-INCH DINING TABLE AND 4 FINE CHAIRS TO MATCH; I'PHOLtiTERKD IN GKNUIN'E Ft LIT Id LEATHRR. $69.50 THE SET; $7 CASH. $2 A WEEK.; NO INTEREST. GEVT7RTZ FURNITURE CO.. 183 First Street, Near Yamhill St, SPECIAL. 2-TVCH CONTINUOUS POST R R DS IN OAK. BRONZE OR MAHOGANY FINISH. REGU LAR PRICE $16 50 FOR !t.75 EAST TERMS. NO INTEREST CHARGED. GETUHTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 FIRST ST., NEAR YAMHILL ST. NEW OVERSTUFFED English davenport, down cushions. maple frame, now made ia muslin. I made It for myself, the filling ia moss gray hair; 1 will save you $50 on it; It would be a good one to make In mch.iir. 675 E. Alder. DINING sot. walnut finish oak. William and Mary dealt; n oak rocker, wicker bird cage and stand, bookshelf, walnut finish bed. ivory single bed and dreatr. Eureka electric cleaner. Call b. f ore noon. Tabor "HM. FOUR new. beautiful rurfs. 0x12, highest grade Ax minster, Chinese and Persian designs, blue, brown, old rose; must sac rifhe; leaving city. Phone alter 9 o'clock. Main 5072. FURNITURE FOR SAI.U-HnI davenport, oak dining table. I ory break fa.t table, 2 rocker, oak hull list rack, bed spring, tlak walnut mm lee. kitchen ciothc- rack, f'Qtto..f 116 I nlon ave.. near Belmont. DON'T ACKlFlcn your furniture ifuTng eat on to California We can save vou money 011 your freight in our through cf s; fireprdoi storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 24S Pine street. DKSK S C II A I KM S A F KS. New aud eoonl-hand. exceptionnl bar- fains. Call or phone for u.rimtn. KWIN HOOSON-FURNITURE KEPT, loth and Sta"k Sts. Bdwy. 3144 I'AVUM'uKT coiiibination, full bed Mle. Spanish leather; a.met new. $45, or fri.lo i.r overstuffed tapestry style. Call Tab..r ST'.M. l.kRiK biiiss tel. tt-tl prltlg.x, n-'lul o.k ili'MT, solid oak lib. table, wititie ivory be.l, spring tvory itrcsmg tahl. ;i k 15th. e..r (k. nft.-r ltt A. M. k''H Al.ii t'ne biuek v.a.nut J.)sejh and -Mary dining room tet: one velvet Wilton tuK. 8 3x10.6. 1000 Uraadon St., Kenton c.i r. li ;-..Ul I KI" I white enameled wieker ba- niivM. elaborately trimmed; als.i wl. ker ('. taniltu ator, very cheap. Call Woud- wn r.M :. K It AN'U H HA"H mahogany bai.v grand li.mo, u.d U than 1 year. $000. V.at J KITCHEN UAHl.NET. $15; 1 l x cwuch. il. l'a:l .Ioniia, .Marnhall l.'Mii", or 227 Si.-rth 21 wt. 1 l 11 . T 1 T:v.iCf. barns wood, coal. lid, $75: ai.-o iieater, $1; both giod as " A Jiitl .ok sve. T'tH-o-'. t--.'---t W.Jin. li i;toMS, furtiliurv. -ti Miasouri au between FaiHu- and bhavsr ts. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sule. SELLING OUT. THE KLINE FURNITURE CO. STOC K. Of Furniture, Carpets, Tt-jga, Ranges, Etc., Which We Pur chased at 50C ON THE DOLLAR. YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF OUR GREAT PURCHASE. OUR FLOOR SPACE IS OVER CROWDED AND WE MUST DIS POSE OF THIS ENTIRE STOCK IN AH SHORT A TIME AS POS SIBLE. THIS IS P( (SITIVELY THE GREATEST FURNITURE SALE IN YEARS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. ROUND SOLID OAK D I NI NO TAHLE, 0-FOOT EXTENSION KEG. 1'RICE. $5. SELLING OUT PRICE, $13.5. NEW KITCHEN CHAIRS. REG ULAR PRICE $2.50; SELLING OUT PRICE, $1.35. SOLID OAK BUFFET, GOLD EN WAXED FINISH LARGE PLATE MIRROR. REGULAR P R ICE $ 40. SELLING O LT PRICE, $22.83. FLOOR COVERINGS, REGULAR S5C YARD. SELLING OUT PRICE 42C YARD. GOLDEN OAK. SECTIONAL BOOKCASE, 3 SECTIONS. TOi AND BOTTOM. REGULAR PRICE $30. SELLING OUT PRICE $1S.15. SIMMONS HIGH-GRADE BEDS IN 1VOK1'. WHITE OR VERNLS MARTIN FINISH. REGULAR PRICE $13.50. SELLING OUT PRICE $U.5. 9x2 BRUSSELS RUGS IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. REG ULAR PRICE. $30; SELLING OUT PRICE, $11.85. PENINSULAR GAS RANGE, 4 BURNERS AND SUMMER WITH 1 H -1 N C 1 1 OVEN AND BOILER, REGULAR PRICE $27.50. SELL ING OUT PRICE, $14.b5. MODERN DRESSER WITH 2 LARGE AND 2 SMALL DRAW ERS; HAS LARGE SIZE MIR ROR. REGULAR PRICE $18.50. SELLING OUT PRICE, $10.05. MAHOGANY " FLOOR LAMP WITH BEAUTIFUL SHADE COMPLETE. REGULAR PRICE $30; SELLING OUT PRICE, $12.05. 40-LB. COTTON MATTRESS IN FANCY ART TICKS. REGULAR PRICE. S 12.50; SELLING OUT PRICE, $5.45. ROLTD OAK ROCKERS WITH GENUINE LEATHER SEATS. REGULAR PRICE. $15. SELLING OUT PRICE, $.u5. GENUINE LEATHER BLIP SEAT DINING CHAIRS. REGU LAR PRICE $7.50; SELLING OUT PRICE $.U5. IVORY BEDROOM SET, $59.85. BEAUTIFUL 5-PIECE IVORT BEDROOM SET CONSISTING OF BED. DR ESSE R. CHI FFuNT ER, CHAIR AND ROCKER. SELL ING OUT PRICE, $5U.of. DROP-HEAD SEWING MA UI 1 1 N E. It EG U LA H PRICE $20. SELLING OUT PRICK, $D.45. WHITE PORCELAIN TOP K I T C H E N T A B L E S WITH "WHITE ENAMEL BASE. REGU LA R PRICE 1 7 50. SELLING OUT PRICE, $7.85. KITCHEN QUEEN WITH DOU BLE BINS. REGULAR PRICE $12.50. SELLING OUT PRICE $7.85. SOLID OAK LIBRARY TABLES IN FUMED OR WAXED OAK FINISH. REGULAR PRICE, $15; SELLING OUT PRICE, JU.85. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. THIS TS THE GREATEST FURNITURE SALE IN YEARS. COME EARLY AND SAVE MONEY. STAR FURNITURE CO., CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STS. OVERSTUFFED davenport, rocker. $75; library table, bookcase, books; rue. $12, $25 ; $335 dining set. $125; bra.v bed. complete. $45; ivory dreewer, chiffoniere. table, $50; fine rf rifferator, $18; atair and hall carpet, $10; other articles. 5330 45th avenue S. E. RUGS SACRIFICE. Best quality domestic Wilton. !xl2 and 10.6x13 in.; also one best quality !xl2, body Brussell. all in the best of condi tion: will sacrifice. E. 21 4S. FOLDING bed couch. $1H; water heater, $15; Jewe gas range, $40; electric neater, $K; good heater. $111; bed spring, $5. U05 Hawthorne. Tabor. 1325. MAHOGANY bedroom set, latest style, in cluding mattress and springs; very cheap. Tabor IQifl. 12.n.O Belmont. HIGfi-GKADE dinlna; room set: will sac rifice ; leaving tow 11. Tabor 1610. 1230 Belmont. OAK BED with primes and mattress, Na poleon, $:V0; almost new. Tabor 16111. 12:w Belmont hi. TWO very nice rugs, low price; going away. Tabor 161!. 12:iO Belmont. LEAVING city will sacrifice my furniture. Wd!n. 203. 455 Mason. SOME furniture for sa'.e cheap. Sell. 1440. Office Furnitnre. 1 QUARTER-SAWED double flat-top desk with plate glass. 1 Dalton adding machine. 1 Remington Wahl typewriter. 1 18-Inch I'nderwood typewriter. 1 typewriter desk. 4 office stools. Several card files. Metal transfer cases. For pule cheap. Main 2164. SIX-DRAWER NATIONAL CASH REGISTER AT A BARGAIN. BABY'S BOUDOIR, 3S8 MORRISON ST. MARSHALL 67S. SEE OUR line of new and used desks, files, tables, chairs, etc., and you will find the prices lowest in the city; type writers, add. machines, dictaphones, time clocks. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2730. LA RG E office desk, drawer both aides; also bookkeeper's desk. 717 Hawthorne WHO wants this? Fine office partition of glass und rompa hoard. East 0712. SHOW c A SE and counter at a bargain. The Hun'er-W.ilsh Co.. !1 10th st. Type writers. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sals, rent, exchange ; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. S50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO 04 Fifth St. Main 36RS. FOR SALE 1 new noiseless typewriter. $r.O cash. Burke Much. Co., 528 Railway Exchange M'l. ' FOR, SALE 300 S. C. white leghorn pul lets: aNn a Newtown brooder, looo-chirk capacity. lnqii't v 1.014 41th st. S. E. Phone Au'. 04 5-311. FOR REV L. C, M11. th typewriters; epe cial 1.1.') to students. L. C. Smith & Bros 'J y p. writer Co. SO0 Spalding bidg. Bdw y. t-'.G.V NO. 10 Remington typewriter; fine shape: price $70; SI5 down. $5 a month. Hvatt Talking Machine Co. 35 Alder st WILL exchange new p tiouour.i ph f..r typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., :;;.o A'der st. PKAO'lCALjl.Y new L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter No. 5, for sale. Give highest offer. N 1 Oretconian. EGRY register, billing machine, new. price ... 5 3 McKay b 1 d g . RETAILS, tent, buy, sell: supp.les. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 554!. NFW. rebuilt econd-h,ti.d renin s at cut rrttes. P D V... J-l Stark st Main 1407. NEARLY new Corona. 10U3 Dwyjht st. Phone Columbia 3o. REMINGTON No. U. in good order. $35. is;, E Market st FOR SALE 22 White Leghorn O. A. C. piClets and 150 it. of 6-ft. chicken net ting. Fast flfs. can for Cook. F R SALE Barred Rock cockerels, from Ii.-tih with trapnest records from 2HO-34. I'ri- e $5 up. K:ij;ore Farm. E.-tacada. Or. S-. C. W. Leghorn hatching egg. $5 per hundred. CUude Boone. Aumsvilie, Or. AN l R. 1 R. (' Kt-rei. pedis; reed k. dark veBet. M.nn siiQO R. I. R. PULLETS ; a iso rooster. 350 Graham nve . near T'lilon FOR SA LE 1 2 young White L-ghorn hens. " cents e.ich. 431 E. 52d st. FoR SALE -Six W. L. pullets and roost -ft. f.Y l-'i.ll Swift r ICR SALE Cocker.;., Tancred strain Leg horritt ; : rapr.eMed ; 5 ears Am. J.i 4-u5. FOR SAL& SuiUiitf iu-u. Call Tabor ZlTi. FOR SALE. Poultry. FOR SALE We can now supply all stand ard varieties of baby chicks, turkeys and ducklings and can mei all com peting prices for January delivery and later. We have successfully served the public for HJ years and are better fitted than ever to fill your requirements. We it Iso carry a full line of puppies, birds, pullets' feeds and supplies. We also a-e agents for Pioneer and Petaluma in cubators and broodera Safe delivery guaranteed. PIONEER HATCHERY. 320 S. Spring. Los Angeles. HATCHING eggs from heavy-laying, good type, thoroughly hoganized 2-year-old hens mated to extra fine cockerels. Tan cred White Leghorns. 15 SI. 25, 100 $1; Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds. 15 S1.50. 100 $7; wild Mallard ducks. 11 SI. 50; Shep pard's Anconas and White Orpingtons, blue ribbon winners. 15 $3.50. Mrs. C. C. Anderson, Urea ham, Or. First place south of depot on Estacada car line. M AG U I RE'S CHICKS. BRED TO LAY. HATCHED TO GROW. R. I. Reds, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $25 per 100; White Leghorns. $18 per 100; $175 per 1000. Vigorous chicks from heavy laying strains; .Hoganized and trap nested siock. Order now. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J. R. MAGUIRE. T.S7 Oregon St. PROFITABLE chicks; over 3O00 satisfied customers in 1K21. Tancred. Hollywood and Commercial strains White Leghorns; also R. I. Reds. Barred Rocks, BIsck Minorcas and Ancona chicks with stam ina. The largest and best line of in cubators and brooders in the northwest. Catalogue free. Queen Hatchery, Queen City Market, Seattle, U. s. A. BABY CHICKS! BABY CHICKS! REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns. Reds. Minorcas. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, and Anconas. Booking or ders now. Postal secures new FREE cat alogue. Write tot'ay. C. N NEEDHAM. SALEM. OREGON. FOR SALE Few S. C. white Leghorn breeding cockerels; lusty trap nested stock with high records; last February hatch; $5 each, or bv the lot. Inquire GEORGE H. BANNON, Box l&l. Oregon City. Or. FOR S A LE Thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn cockerels 9 months old. Fine birds, Tancred strain, direct from his farms. Address Mrs, A. R. Thias, Rt. 2, M 1 1 wauk ie. ( r. Gresham car line, Wichita station. W H1TE Leghorn baby cnlcks from egg machines, bred in Corvallis, the place that produces .world record makers. Vigorous, heavy-laying, free range stock. Correspondence Invited. Oregon-Corval-lia Hatrhcry. Corvallis. Or. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS from Petaluma's heaviest producing stock; we guarantee safe arrival; literature on re quest, PIONEER HATCHERT. 441 tUh St., Petaluma. Cal. cocker spaniel puppies. Thoroughbred, eligible to register, S months old. The grandsire of these pup pies has won more blue ribbons than any other cocker in the United States. 244 E. 51st. Tabor 8631. FOR SALE S. C. Reds, pullets and cock erels, from America's most fashionable blood lines, eggs for hatching. J. W. Kenworthy & Son, Tabor 4000. 1111 East Taylor st. SELLING out today, loo White Leghorn chickens, $75; 400-egg incubator, ail sjeel, S::5. One mile south of Reedville, Or., between Hillfiboro and Port kind. L rt. Lyon, okx BLACK Spanish and Minorcas. R. I. Red pullets, laying, $1.65. Baff, brown and White Leghorns hens and pullets, $1. Anconla, SI, cockerels. Write Poultry Expert. 5U5 Williams. 15ll I.AY1NG White Leghorn pullets, $1.25 each, 150 laying White Leghorn yearling hens. $1 each. J. R. Magulre, 787 Ore gon st., 2 blocks north of East 24th and Sandy. BABY CHICKS. Orders taken for Tancred R. C. White Leghorn, Royal and Imperial strain. Wnndlawn 4!l!l. 13 E. Wlnchel st. W HITE leghoi n cockerels, 1 year old in February; trap-nested prize winners of D. W. Young strain. 1347 Hood st. Mar shall 25 5. MA M MOTH bronze turkeys for breeding, torn and hens. Mrs. E. C. Harris, Gresham. Rt. 4, box 157 WH IT E LEGHORN cockerel from the Qua lily Poultry Farm strain for sale. Tabor S.V10. WHITE turkey and Roose feathers wanted; highest price paid. Hartne&s Plume shop. 32 Washington wt. I og. Rabbits. Bird and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Beautiful deep yellow male roller from genuine Imported roller stock, $s and' $10. Call East 6874 or call at o87 Multnomah st. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Thoroughbred, eligible to register, 3 month old. The grandire of these pup " pies has won more blue ribbons than any other cocker in the United States. 244 E. 51st. Tabor 8n31. PE'l STUCK AND SUPPLIES We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, calves, etc., food remedies, etc. Call or write. Pet stock catalog on request. Routledge Seed & Floral C. 145 2d at.. Portland. Or. . PRETTY cretonne drapes and rods, fiber rugs, kitchen table, painted breakfast suite including table and your chairs, bed, green denim couch, telephone table and chairs, like new. Auto. 638-43. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Thoroughbred, eligible to register; ex cellent pels as well as bird dogs; sired by Atta Boy, from champion stock. 244 E. 51st st. Tabor 8131. 2 GOOD dairy cows, 1 coming fresh aoon, 1 milking 3 gallons of very rich milk. Price reasonable. 032 E. 24th. Wood stock car. WANTED To get in touch with a person owning registered wire-haired fox ter rier at stud. Mrs. R. J. Case, R. F. D. 3. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 12F4. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier pup pie, sired by Walnut Duke, strong heads, tight screw tails; $50 each. 532 Com merdal court. Phone East 3942. DR. M HOWES, veterinarian, dox and cat hospital ; lady attendant, dogs washed and dry cleaned: blankets made to order. Phone Tabor 6566. ST. ANDREAS BERG roller and Harti mountain pedigreed stock. $5 each. W ood 1 a wn 5614 , BALANCE of month Breedings $3 and $4, to the best prize winning eastern raised Persians. Portland Cattery. Aut. 614-64. SOMETHING cut. In A. K. C. stock male toy Boston terrier, 10 months; reasona ble. Broadway 3663. IMPORTED Andreasburir roller singles with soft, low song, also females, two years old. 310 Shaver st.. Wdln. 3652. OR AN it E Persian male. 5 months, sweet disposition, house broke; aiso guinea pigs. Kast 1D1H.'. AT STUD, Muitnomah Dan, Lewellyn set ter. Tabor 6740, H. S. Adams. 1463 East Hoyt St.. Portland. Or. ST. A N D R E A S R E R G rollers, thoroughbred males and females; reasonable. Sell- wood li:i; 4-MONTHS'-OL'D terrier puppy for sale or exchange for good canary bira. 'Ji to lumhia st.. top floor. 1EU. BOSTON TERRIER pup pie., well marked, very reasonable. Automatic 225-46. 1143 East .Main st. FOR SALE Reasonable, Scotch collie dog, female, 1 -year old. 481; E. Hoi man st. W. A. Voigt. THOROUGHBRED police dogs, 3 months old. male and female, for sale reason able. Phone SeMwood 1045. AIREDALE puppies, registered Mock, strong, healthy, fine specimens. Tabor 1M74 A COLLIE dog, male, 7 months; fond of children, alfo good kennel dog. 863 'a E. GlUan. Must sell. ST. ANDREA SUE RG rollers, choice sing ers und females. 2271 Washington. . Bdwy. 7221 FEM ALE canaries given away. Wdln. 44-6 before 0 school mornings. Singers f..r sale. REGISTERED male English 'bull pup. Mrs. Laura Davidson. Troutdale, Or., route J. Phone Oreshajn "KXt. PED1GRF.ED Boston bull terriers, J weeks old; wonderfully marked. Call 1211 K. Fland rs. Tabor 1723. FINE bulldog. leinale, gentle, make offer.. 10:H E 27tn st. N. BE A I'TIFl'L Llewellyn setter pup for sale, female, 4 months. 1M5 E. Pine. FEMALE pointer, trained. I year old this February, :t5. Phone Tabor 4325. PEDIGREED Boston icrrwr puppies, rea sonable East 660. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. 815 Court ave. Wood la wn 444. WANTED Boston or English bulldu In exchange for dressmaking. Sell wood 1657. SUA KK-SIIAI'ED Persian cat 8 mos. old; pedigreed male. Call Tabor 1073. FOR SALE Fine Scotch collie puppies. Tabor 7'.''3: A COLLI E and shepherd female pup for sale Tahor 7260. IRISH terrier yuppies; thoroughbred. Ta bor 2510. BEACTIFCL night linger for sale. Phone Tabor 51. FOR SALE Pert: creed male French bull dog. Tabor 1 !".. GENUINE St. Andreasberg roller. Tabor 5210. !! E HMh N. ST. ANDRAEBERG rollers and females. 754 Albtna ave. Woodlawn 8m3. W ESTERN electric sew inn machine cheap. Nearly new Aut. 627-Q4. BOSTON terriers, cheap, 1 female. 2 males. Phone Oak Grove. 1 36 Y. P U i 'S S3 AND $5 261 SECOND ST. SCOTCH CUL pupa. 134 CoUegs at. FOR SALE. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. HOUSE BOAT. For Sale 4 rooms, furnished. Terms. Call Shrock. Broadway 6034. or at Auto. 326-58. MOriKBV h.mchnAt alHPTiinr Dorch. ga rage and fuel shed. H. B. 3. west end Sell wood ferry. Mar. FOR SALE ia-fo.t boat. 5-fOOt beam. first-class condisfon. cheap. Call loot Mill st. FOR SALE New trolling boat, will trade for city property and some cash. Call uoiumma 1.6. NEW MODERN furnished houseboat. 3 rooms and bath, sacrifice. Main -.too. jjegs svnd Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and wnlU oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 3o6 N. 14ta near Petty grove, Pbona A. 618-19. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry. ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood- lawn 4H':;. SPECIAL. Superior grade, dry, -cord loads, first-elK Large country inside block. 4-ld. lots $24 Country block and slab 3-ld. lots $15 Also all kinds of wood furnace heater lengths. Prompt delivery. Broadwa y 2157. 14 pv.u t.nin S4 18-tnch. partly dry block and slab mixed. Fine for furnace or heater, de livered In 2-load lots for SS. umgie ioaa. $4.50. Washington lump coal.' $11 ton in tne nasement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. BAST 2041. fOAT.! r.CtAT.' fOAL! CIO AD $11 per ton, put in your basement, lty weight, direct- from mine to consumer; large tump, 110 clinkers or soot; burns to lir e asn ; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR EAST 8126. NICE lU-tnch slab. $3 75; best fir. sea soned, hpftvv or merely sraded. S5 a load. anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 16-inch country slab. $7.25: box, $4.50. Sell- wood 1760. 115 CORDS of good, dry .fir cordwood. for sal-e at $t per cord. Banked on paved, and graveled road. Owner, Geo. A. Ty- ler. B-caverton, Or., R. 2. FIRST-GROWTH lir. Rock Springs. Royal Owi Creek coal. . Standard Brick & Tile Co.. 83 Fifth sf. between Stark ard Oak. Phone Broanway la CORDWOOD First growth dry; also dead wood; on graveled road, 4 miles south Cotton station. C. D. Cathey. Phone Gresham 07. PARTLY dry block and slab. $5; dry wreckage, $6.5t; planer trimmings, $5.50. woouiawn BOXWOOD $ PER 1XAD. Fnlton Wood Co.. dealers in box and siabwood. 12(11 Macadam. Main 4173. CUAl $10 and $11 ton, delivered promptly. East & West Fuel Co.. East 102. BEST dry cordwood $7 and S7.50 cord: block and slab, SO. double load ; all block wood, S12. double load. Bdwy. 4110. OAK WOOD. Sll a cord, cut in any length, delivered anywhere In city. Phone Bd wry. :3 HEAVY block and slab mixed, dry, 12 and 16 inches No. 1 Dr. hardwood. Call Woodluwn 2010. GOOD drv fir cordwood. $7.25 cord: heavy country slab. $5.25; Rock Springs, Utah lump coal, cast lur.i. DRY PLANER trimming, $5 per load; dry block and slab, $6. Call Wdln. 5904. 1 133 Montana ave. COAL, Lincoln, $10 egg. $11 lump; invest SI in a sample saca, save 4a a ton , tnerearier. uroanway BONE-DRY boxwood. Ideal kindling, $4 block and slab, $4.75; wreckage, $5 1 a r g e loads. Wood lawn 3640. BEST oid-growth dry fir, $7.50; large econt-arowtn. reu. an. COAL, by the ok; Utah or Rock Springs. iiroao way FOUR-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16-in. stove wood. Mats 2643. $5 A LOAD. 16-inch dry plank, and small timber, Seliwoou al.cj. A 1 COUNTRY ala b. S4. 50 per cord ; da 1 1 vered. Bdwy. 4S6. OAK WOOD. $0.50; old growth fir, $7.50 corn, oeiiveren. iiroaoway ns. Al FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood. deliv ered at $7.05. Tabor 5033, or East 577. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry. S7.50 cord; eec ond-growth. dry. Jtii.l?. cord. Aut. 60-77. GREEN and dry slab wood from country mill. laDor GOOD dry cordwood. $7.75 per cord, cord load. Call Marshall 2300 NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY. $7.50, JS. Automatic 616-87. M EDI CM -SIZED cast iron heater. Tabor 7261. 74J) E. 6th M. N. nr. Fremont. UTAH KI NG CPA L. Call A uto. 64 7 -90. Fruits and Vegetables. HOOD RIVER apples for saie. Yellow Newtown, a remarkable winter apple, $1.25 per box ; w iii deliver. Call Sell wood 1h5. Machinery. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE FOL LOWING EQUIPMENT: l 800 K. W. STEAM ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT COM PLETE WITH BOILERS. TUR BINES. AND ALL AUXILIAR IES. 1 220 K. V. A. G. E. A-l GEN ERATOR. 2300 VOLTS. I 5IM K. W. STEAM TURBO . GENERATOR. 2300 VOLTS. 1 300 K. W. STEAM TURBO GENERATOR. 480 VOLTS. 1 16x16 McKEON ENGINE, 210 H. P. 1 lSxlR ATLAS TWIN ENGINE. 1 14x18 FROST SIDE CRANK ENGINE. 1 12-20 CLETRAC TRACTOR. 1 30 H. P. BEST TRACTOR. 1 40 H. P. BEST TRACTOR. 2 PRESCOTT LUMBER TRAC TORS. 1 3 DRUM WASHINGTON HOISTING ENGINE WITH IN DEPENDENT SWINGING EN GINE: DERRICK IRONS. CABLE BLOCKS AND THREE-QUARTER YARD BUCKET. SWEDE CARS. 16 AND 20 POUND RAIL,' CAMP OUTFITS FOR CONTRACTORS, STEAM AND GAS ENGINES. BOILERS. ETC. PL'RKE MACHINERY COMPANY. MAIN 1212 524-23 MAIN2619. R. R. POPPLETON, MOTOR REPAIRS. MOTORS. MOTOR INSTALLATIONS. 3 STARK ST., BROAD. 7711. ALWAYS CONSULT A SPECIALIST. 1 2500-FOOT air compressor. 1 1 2O0-ft. air compressor. 1 600-ft. air compressor. 1 5-ton traveling crane. 1 1 It-ton traveling crane. 1 25-trm traveling crane. 1 10-ton locomotive crane. I milling machine. 1 universal tool Krinder. 8 two-wheel electric grinders. Several sizes blowers. 1 surface iirinder. 3 electric welders. 1 IOO-h. p. motor. For sale cheap. Main 2164. HENRY For sawmills. HENRY. For boiler.- and engines. SEE LISTS. 131ft Wi'bt:r St. Wdln. 31 US. MACHINERY. We have every facility for moving, hoisting snd eiectine machinery jid boilers, any size or weight. OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY. 1 3: h and Glisan. Broadway 1281 STUMP PULLERS The Dow fcand stump puller, complete with cable, hooks and blocks for triple power, $ I IS. Machine only $60. All steel and absolutely guar anteed. Write for catalog. David Dow Son. 202 21st ave. Seattle. Wash. FOR SA LE Oliver No. 7S, tractor plow. International six-foot tractor disc: both nearly new; Si'ftO. L. J. Lownds, route 2, box 02. Linnton. Or. 4 H. P. STANDARD marine gas engine; good for boat or stationary work, in good condition; price $0. East 8912, Rs. 5'"5 E. Couch st. OAK ROLLS ana lignum vitas saw guide bushings, hardwood wagon and truck material. LUhee Mill and Manufactory. Oakland. Or J H Miller. 8 TO 16-HORSEPOWER vertical pollers. engine, air and pressure tanks. lner state Boiler Se Machine Works. East U'JJ, Foot oX Knott su , 1 FOR SALE. ENGINES. 1 18x42 Bates-Corliss, right-hand wheel. 14x24. 1 1Rx20 Frost engine, rlrht hand. 1 15x18 Buckeve auto.. R. H. 1 14x27x18 McEwan auto- C. C. 1 14x34 Bates-Corliss L. H. 1 14x18 H. & G. side crank. 1 14x42 Lane & Bodley. Corliss. 1 13x16 Chandler & Taylor. 1 12x15 Russell, side crank. 1 llxlH H. S. & G. self-contained. 1 11x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 10x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 9x12 Nagle. center crank. 1 8x10 Ames, center crank. 1 7x9 Clarke, center cranJc 1 12-H.P. upright. 1 No. 2 Gen automatic. 1 4-H.P. upright BOILERS. 1 54x14 Kewanee high - pressure butt strap, horizontal, tubu.ar. 1 lS-H.P. Haw kea. combination water tube ana tubular boiler. 1541-lb. working pressure; all steel setting. 1 60x16 Standard tubular boUer. 1 40-H. P. Kewanee firebox. 110 lbs. 1 40-H. P. Russell firebox boiler. 2 36x12 Erie City boilers. 1 35-H. P. Kewanee firebox boiler. 2 30-H. P. Russell fire-box, H. P. 1 60-H. P. upright boiler. ' 1 40-H. P. upright boiler. 1 50-H. P. upright. 52x102. 1 15. 6, 5 and 4-H. P. uprights. . RESAWS. 1 No. 342 Berlin band resaw. 1 No. 44 R. McDonough resaw. 3 36-lnch circular resaws. 2 8 -in. Horz. Mershon band resaws. 1 No. 2H1 Berlin rip saw. 1 4x33 edger. PLANERS. 1 No. 24 14x30 Berlin planer. 1 8x24 Hoyt planer and matcher 1 6x30 Fay-Egan single surfacer. 1 12x30 No. 177 Berlin dbl. sur facer. 1 8x15 Amer. planer and matcher. 1 6x15 Amer. planer and matcher. 1 6x15 No. 94 Berlin planer. 8 6x24 4-S Calif. No. 1 P. & M. 1 12-ln., 10-ln. and 9-ln. stickers. STEAM FEEDS. 1 2-splndle shaper. 2 9x12 Wheland. 1 14x18 steam feed. FAIRBANKS DIESEL ENGINES. 1 60, 2 15 typ. DONKEYS. 1 8x10 Tacoma yarder. 5500 ft. 9-10 naulback line and 254H) ft. 7 main line; line very bet. 1 8sxl0 Willamette yarder. 1OO0 ft. main line; and 2500 ft. haulback line; line good as new. , SHAVING FANS. 1 60, 1 50. 1 45, 1 40. 1 85. 1 30. SPECIAL MISCELLANEOUS. 1 hand rummer. 1 4S-ln. Smith A Watson hog. 1 No. 43 Phsenix hog. 1 Byron Jackson single stage cen trifugal pump. 1 Challoner single-block shingle machine, late pattern. 1 Challoner double block. 1 American side-head grinder. 1 No. 7 Gardner City blower. 1 No. S Gardner City blower. 1 8-4n. HIil steam drag saw. 1 3x30 mult, steam dragsaw. 1 power shear. OUR MACHINERY IS THOR OUGHLY REBUILT AND GUAR ANTEED. TUB J. E. MARTIN CO.. ' 61 First St. Portland. Oregon. VERT SPECIAL ON 2-IN. BLACK PIPE. 200.000 ft. 2-inch O. D. black pipe at 8 cents per foot. Ail practically new, with new threads and couplers. PIPE) PIPE PIPE. We have the largest stock of new and used pipe in the city; sizes ranging from 4-inch to 12 inches, black and galvanized. Our stock must be reduced. Lowest prices on application. Logging blocks. trip blocks. Tommy Moors blocks, high-lead blocks, etc. 75,000 feet cable, all kinds, all sizes, new and slightly used. All kinds gears,- castings, pulleys, shafting. boxes and conveyor chains. Tanks, punches, shears, blowers, chain hoists, air compressors, pumps and all kinds of machinery and machinery supplies. 1 only, 4-ft. sheet iron power driven rolls, cap. 3-16 plate. 1 Leyner air compressir, size 10 Xl2, belt driven, cap. 550. 1 Massillon steam hammer. 1200 lb. cap. WE HAVE JUST BOUGHT 4 LATEST TYPE LATHES. ONE PLANER AND 1 BOLT MACHINE. THESE HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY USED BUT ARE IN A 1 CON DITION. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ABOVE MACHIN ERY. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL OF ALL KINDS. Crosscut saws, new and slightly used. 40 to 60 cents per foot. 1 Howe wagon or truck scale, weighs up to 30.500 pounds. Belting, new and slightly used, rubber and leather, all plies, at very low prices. We also have a large stock of remnants in belt ing from 15 feet and up at a bar gain price. BLACKSMITHS AND ROAD CONTRACTORS TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. We make a specialty of renting tools and equipment of all 'kinds. Machinists and blacksmiths' vises, etc. Chain blocks, all makes, H to 5 tons, at 50 per cent reduction. House-mo vine. hydraulic. log ging, etc., slightly used, at very reasonable prices. All kinds of pipe wrenches and chain tongs. 2000 emery stones, nil sizes and grades, all new. at less than half price. At a very good price: 1 Uarco billing machine, 1 comptometer. 1 elec. operated Burrounhs adding machine, office desks and chairs. 1 F. & E. check protector for ale cheap. 500 ROLLS PAPER ROOFING TO BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 1-plv $125 per roll 2. ply $1.65 per roil j.ply .$2.00 per roll All full rolls. 108 sq. ft., with nails and cement in each roll. Mail orders taken. SMOKESTACKS. ALL SIZES. Tool steel, alt grades and sixes. ALASKA JUNK CO., 201 Front St. Marshall 80 11. Main 4110. FOR SALE. NEW AND USED MACHINERY. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR RECEIVERS. GAS ENGINES. PUMPS. BLOWERS. BANDSAWP. FLOODLIGHTS. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY. INSTALLATIONS AND MOTOR REPAIRING. B. E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO.. . 73 Front St. Automatic 525-49. LAST chance to get at lath mill, com plete, bt-It, pulleys, saws. etc. Make ine an offer. Ohien & Bishop, 205 E. Morrison st. CONCRETE building block machines and molds; catalogue iree. rraucu to., 11 S. 2d St.. Louis. Mo. FOR PATF. Machinery. VeiLDAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 617-1S-19-20 GASCO BLDO. PORTLAND. OREGON. MAIN 5813. 5021. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ADAMS ADJUSTABLE LEANING WHEEL GRADERS. THESE GRADERS ARE TV USE ALL OVER THE STATS AND ARE THE ONLY GRADERS MANUFACTURED THAT WILL OPERATE WITHOUT SIDE SLIPPAGE. ASK THE MAN WHO HAS ONE. OREGON DISTRIBUTORS NOVO ENGINES. HOISTS. COM PRESSORS AND PUMPS. STOCK AND REPAIR PARTS IN PORTLAND. YOUR INQUIRIES ARE SO LICITED FOR ANY MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT. CRUSHERS. COMPRESSORS. BOILERS. DON KEY ENGINES. HOISTS. DRAG BUCKETS. PAVING PLANTS. MOTORS. MIXERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. PAVERS. STEAM SHOVE LS. SCRAPERS. TRACTORS. PIPE. S. & P. OIL BURNERS. STEEL BUNKS. MISCELLANEOUS CAMP EQUIPMENT. BELT. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. GASCO BUILDING. MAIN 5&13 AND MAfN 5021. CANNING MACHINERY. 2 Modern can clinching machines. 2 "Troyer" double se-amlng machines. 1 "See ley can laquering zr, a chine. 2 Hopper feed salting machines. 8 Perkins can washers. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. 5 36-ln. band saws. 1 Variety wood worker. 4 Jointers, 8, 12, 16 and 24-ln. heads. I 'Baxter Whitney two-spindle shaper. II Single spindle shaper. 1 Wallace bench Jointer. 1 Wallace bench saw. 1 jls; saw. 1 Double end tenoner. 1 Fay single end tenoner. 1 Fischer A Davis excelsior machine. 1 American panel raiser. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Dot tinner's tools. 1 Portable wood sawing1 rig. 1 Lot heavy anvils. 1 Paper repress. 2 Ingersoll Rand "Little Tugger air hoists. Office and sales rooms, 1735 1st ave. So. Shop and yards, 207 Horton st. STAR MACHINERY COMPANY. SEATTLE. WASH. INVENTORY SALE. BATHTUBS. TOILETS. SINKS, BASINS. LAUNDRY TRAYS GUARANTEED. WE MUST UNLOAD FIREBRICK. We are forced to move our fire brick. Black and galvanized corr. roofing at a sacrifice. PIPE AND FITTINGS. About 25,000 feet of pipe, all sizes, from V to 12 Inches. All kinds of fittings and valves. SPECIAL QUANTIT PRICES ON PIPE. OVATj HOT WATER BOILER RETURN FLUES. GOOD CONDITION. ONE 66x16 BUTTSTRAP HIGH PRESSURE BOILER AS GOOD AS NEW. LATHE. ON E SMALL BAR NTS S NO. 5 . WITH EXTRAS, .$140. JUST RECEIVED 10 TONS OF PULLEYS ALL KINDS AND SIZES. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY AND MILL EQUIPMENT. FOR LO WEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON MACHINERY. PIPE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, ZIDELL-BERENSON CO.. Marshall 1332. 200-11 Front St. FOR SALE One stump puller with cable, $20; 1 H. P. Eclipse gas engine, J TO; 1 coal and coke brooder, 300 chicks, $ 1 11. M ain 757 O. Alii COMPRESSOR for Tabor 3514. .MlNcelliineauH. FOLDING baby sulKy, wicker sides, in giod ennd it ion ; also baby jumper. Ta bor 8736. APPLES Delicious, $1.75; Spitz, $1.50; Newtown. $ 1 box. East 6023. KNITTING and crocheting neatly done. Sweaters $2 up. Mrs. Hatch, East 2735. STONE, HOOVER vacuum cleaner and larire leather chair. Phone East UWV EUREKA vacuum cleaner with attach' men is. Monday, Main 21 SS. PANNED frail for sale, 50c quart. Sell. 20" 1 . MOVING picture curtain, standard size, good condition; make offer. East 6923. FOR SALE or trade,, a lunch counter at 1 4 1 G ra nd ave. HUM PHREY'S radiant fire, in good con dition. $2.50. Tabor 6203. FOR SALE Full wool -lined moleskin storm overcoat: bargain. Auto. 2o0-00 GO' 'D army overcoat, size 3 ; pair of hiking boors, size 1 or IP. Call Tabor 885 FOR SALE Round Oak heater. No. 16 nearly new. Sell wood 3636. PRACTICALLY new sanitary couch, boy'i nice gray overcoat. East 461 S. NEW KITCHEN heater with hot water coil; bargain 12f0 E. lS'h st. FOR SALE EVtric brooder, reasonable. Pall Wdln. Ki PRACTICALLY new 12x14 tent. E. Cileasnn. Must sell. UNIVERSAL range in first-class condition, for wood and coal. Sellwood 238. MENS Mcycies. 20-inch frame, presto spotlight and jack for trueij. Kajtt 7L'i:. BEDSTEAD, bp rings, mattren.s and rocking chair. Cal' Auto. 324-28, Monday. NATIONAL Ca.-h Register, slightly used, bargain. 513 Panama bldg. JAPANESE mink muff; good condition; ?7 5'V East 727. PLANET JR. sender and hoe, with culti- vat nr. $ 1 5 2 5 Monroe st ENCYCIXPEDIA of Mod, rn Engineering Practice, 10 vol.. $10, 6b5 E. Market. FOR PALE. Miscellaneous. ' DOLAN WRECKING CONSTRUCTION CO.. E. 8th and Morrison to E. 9th and Yamhill. WE MUST RAISE JIONET. Prices Below Manufacturing Cost. 8,000.000 feet dimension lumber and timbers from 2x2 to 14x16, from $10 to $16 per M feet. 3OO.000 feet all grades flooring, ceiling, siding, rustic, from $15 to $40 per M feet. WALL BOARD. 50.000 feet best plaster wall board, regular $55. sale $42.50 per M feet. PIPE PIPE. Carload new standard pipe. H Inch galvanized. 6c foot; other prices in accordance. PLUMBINC PLUMBING. You don't need to be a plumber to buy from us. Bathroom set. 3 pieces, complete, $65, all first grade cast iron. ENAMELED WARE. Roofing in rolls. 1S square feet, with nails and cement, first quality; 1 ply. $1.40: 2 ply. $!&; 3 ply $2.25; 50 kegs new galvan ized cut wire nails in sizes 4d. 5a and Gd, $3 per keg. r.noo new doors, standard sizes: regular $3.BO to $7. sale price 1 50 each; 6000 sash and French windows, 60c np; French door, 10 Its., glazed. $: French door. 15 Its.. $8.50 to $10; garage doors, $14 to 415 a pair. Mall All Your Inquiries to DOLAN WRECKING & CON STRUCTION CO.. 460 Belmont St. Phone Bait 0110. DENTISTRY WITHOUT FAIf hv nerve-hlneklnr ton theraDT or con liirrivo nmihiii Without danger 01 aOer effects We perform all dental op erations, without pain. Come in and let us prove It to you. A-Ray service. -DR. A. W. KEEN E. DR. E. J. KIESENDAHL. Above Majestic theater. 351 V Wash.. i.T IMP P.m. 1 .KCTORS,. We are b'reaking up a larKe collection; many fin lector; albums, hinges, packets, sets, du plicate books, stamp tongs, watermark: .,n,,r-m .lanin fiiprrlonji bought and sold;' open daily 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.. Sundays 10 A. M. to r. as. v,u umu:. Stamp & Coin Co., 94 N. 16th - Broad way 2019. x- a t t v- i t r rt ruiuTERS. SECOND-HAND. FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL ADDERS AS LOW AS $.0. Uni-hnriym and title ruarantoea. Repair servfee by company mechanics. NEW REGISTERS AS LOW AS 75. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. Broadway 1S16. 300 S tar K QT-. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & power p. n gold xotks.wa.nted. We will allow you par on above for new Victrola. Edison. Grafonola Brunswick phonograph. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 3.".0 Alder st SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; n.a chlnes repaired and rented. SEWING MACHIN3 EMPORIUM. 190 Third st.. near Taylor. Main 9431. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofins; and botbed sash. See our oid stock of sash and doors for Prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main WHY a continual round of erjcf and dls turbance by a disgusting old leaky roof 7 Whv not the pleasure of a cheerful and comfortable roof 7 We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Phone today. Hroanw ay 7tf. ALL KINDS of fixtures for women's wear. Face figures, wax figures, plain forms, nickel stands, mirrors; will sell very cheap. Apply 2K6 Morrison, phone Main uoa.t. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark St., bet. 1st and 2d sts. Bdwy. 7534 PTSHER hls-h freauencv coll with dlagnoa tic lamps D-Orsonval I 'lather may, etc., a bargain. Dr. Dean, 2d and Morrison. .Main SC.57. FOR SALE One latent Improved Wade gasoline drap saw; wiH ell cheap for eash; good as new. otn a ave. a s, Portland. Or. ha Rt; A INS In uned sewing machines; al inn Ices, including Singers. Whites. New Homes and Nationals; guaranteed, $12.50 a nd u p. 1 72 3d st.. near Vanillin. FOR SALE al coat, latest furrier. Th eaU Main 17 a sacrifice, a new squirrel model made by leading parties interested please 14. BEEKEEPERS Order your cedar supen now: save money: keep out moths. Enterprise cabinet works, li08 Reserve St.. Vancouver, Wash. HOT WATER tanks. 30 gal.. $7; 40 gal., $9 tested, guaranteed; stove and lurnacs coils, gas heaters Installed; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. DELICIOUS Petite dried prunes postpaid 2d zone 15 lbs., $1.35; 50 lbs., $3 70; few left; order now. Washbond Fruit farm, Newherg, Or. HOWARD piano, golden oak case, cost new $450; price $250; $5 down, $10 a month. Hyatt laiking Machine o. 350 Alder St. 1 BR1DE-BEACH No. 24- alr-tlght wood heater; 1 Mohawk steel range, S1& for one or both for $26. 673 E. Ash st. Phone East 7253. FOR SALE Seal muff and neck piece, al most new, also blue "Silk dress, 40, never worn. Call Sunday or week days after 3 P. M.. 2SS 10th st.. apt, -ti. .Mar, um.v CHINESE baskets wholesale price. Deco rating taught free. Tabor 2251. 655 E. 6"th .t. North. , lilt OA DC LuT II fur-lined gentleman's over coat with Astrachan collar. Call Wood lawn 4.:;o. NO 10 Remington typewriter; fine shape; price $70; $15 down. $0 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder st. DIAMOND HOlltairo scarf pin worth $150; will sell for half as I need the cash. 605 Artisans bldg. RUGS washed on your rioor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 cents per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. - BARGAINS IN LINOLEUMS. CORK FLOOR PRODUCTS CO. "BROADWAY AT TAYLOR. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Pr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. FOR SALE Lady's dress; never been worn; navy trieotine; size 40; cost $40, sell $25. Call East 173. Reed. D1EBULD safes, special prices. Co.. 48 Front st. new an! second-hand; Pacific Scale & Supply Broadway 1968. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. J for $20. guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 8701. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. DANDY 3-llght shower fixture, complete with shades, only 5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. 192 STEPHENS, sport, like new. sacrifice for cash or consider store fix t urea By o w n cr. 3HQ Flint st. Pho ne East 716S. EDISON .cylinder phonograph, 30 record.; S7.50. Gas reading lamp, $2.60. 6t3 Glisan St. FOR SALE Four shelves Blodget gas oven in good condition, at Liberty Laun- dry. 126 5th st. VULCANIZING outfit for aic For further information se Charles Trowbridge. Quimby hotel. UP 4th at. REGULAR $1 wool socks for sale, 65 cts Gray, anv size, out-of-town mall orderi taken. 261 Going st. CEDAR CHESTS Dandles. $6.75. Enter prise cabinet shop 1008 Reserve St., Van- couvpr. Wash. BOYNToN furnace, E:tt 227. cxceUent condition. DIAMOND RING. WILL SACRIFICE. Glisan St. FIRST-CLASS wood and coal range, p.raham ave.. near Union. ioREZ CELOR lens, N lth. room 5. even-inch focua 53 N E W whte enameled bassluot, lined and nadded. 7. blast 5314. IloT-WATER heating plant complete, $100. Marshall 2735. 1 HEAVY hand truck C-iM Main 3S4fl good condition. I WANT a sixe violin and have a Si to soU. U Grtgumaa. FOR SAI.K. Miscellaneous. ALE OF R. R. FREHQHT. AND SAMPLE GOODS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9 A. M. to A:30 P. M. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. This week you will notice we are going to do things. Read on. Tuke notice. Rafn costs for men or women, $4 65; $12.50 is cheap for these sample cents. All sixes, dark or tan, up to date. $1.23 boys' blouses, 65c, two for $1.-5. lu tau color or stripes. All sizes. Bos' $10 to $12 kntcker suits, $5. Sizes 8 to 15. Boys' beautiful overcoats at $3. SO. $". and $40 men's Engllah heavv rnln coats. $12.50. They come In tan or green, belted, up-to-date, extra heavy. Men's $3 50 cloth hats 1.RS Men s $10 velour hats 4 )H Men's $5 RolUuu e hats 2 50 1 lot of mens four-in-hand ne-ktles, 2 for 25c. 35c. 3 for gl men's ties. They are real 75c ties; $1.25 knit ties. 5-C. $1 Boy Scout books, 25c. Tape Ilium. 3 rolls for Uc. each roll makes 55 gallons of the very best biui'ig. A beautiful picture of Mount Hood. Hc. or 3 tor Zoc; size 16x24, nicely colored. Just arrived, a new lot of sample silk shirts; stz s 14 to lflu Thev will go at $1 75, 3 for $5. Ladies $S shaw lea, $3. 1 lot of ladles' waists at 60c. Stationery at 25c a box. regular 7..c; linen tablets, letter sixe, 2 r-. Km or "5c a tint; $1.50 record albums, 70c, 3 for $2. CLOSING OUT RECORDS AT 25c. Pat he doubIe-di(o records will be closed out at 2."c. We can't get any more records to sell et this prlr-e, so will also close out the $175 cabinet machine for $67.50. 30c cans of mnple syrup and can j, 17c, 3 for 50o. Men's all-wool pants, samples, at $4. Ladles knit bloomers, 20c. Iadls cashmere hose, 33c, 3 for $1, seconds. Boys' wool sweaters, $1.50. ages 3 to 5 years; 4.50 all-wool sweat ers for boys or girls, $2.50, age 10 to 14 Ladles 35c to 50c eleevless vesta J fie, all sixes. Men's $3 gauntlet gloves JI1.35 4ic to Ooc games lor children l'o Men's $." heavy wool union suits 2.N5 Men' $3.30 worsted union suits ; 1.75 Mon's mfxfd wool union suits. 1 25 Incense powder, 1-lb. can 2&o LADIES' LOW SHOES. $4. Thete are $10 to $12 shoes, an unclaimed railroad shipment. 1.45 for men's mixed wool sweaters, all six-'s. They are a sweater you would have to pay $3 for. 8 bars of white wonder soap, 25e. 10 rollj extra large. 8-ox. rolls toilet paper, 50c; 5 light clusters, (oc. $3.50 Elskltstlna racers at l0o each. 35c liquid shoe polish, for red, black or tan shoes, 10c, or 3 for 25c. Ladies or men's $3 umbrellas, $1.75. -Ih. ran of snow drift short ening. $1.1". ,5-lh. can of Royal Baking powder, $2. 2i rinz. clothes pins In box, 10c. 3 for 25c. 35c si h er polish, 10c, or 8 for 25c. Mutt snd Jeff books or comical bonks. 1."h $1 fiber brooms. 35c. R for $1, $1.25 large whisk brooms, oV. Cocoa iiiatt lng. 1 yds. wide at $1 running yd. Heavy restaurant plates. 10o. Root Beer seines, $3.75 a doz. Indies' serge Dolmens. $3. Ladies' $40. up-to-date coats, $S. Sizes, 36 to 3. 20c Carter fountain pens. Ink, 10c, 3 for 25e. ltic Carter's Ink, 2 for 15c. Children's 35c snd 5"c stockings, all ages, 20c; 3 for 50c. Hooks and eyes, 10 dox. for Bo, Dressmakers snaps, 6 dos. for 5c, white only. Boys' or ladies' pocket knives, 25c; cut as good as $1. Crown metal bottlo caps, 30q a gross. Mail orders promptly filled. CONSOLIDATED SALES CO., Dealers In Salvn ge Goods and Sample Stocks. 225-226 Clay st bet. 1st and 2d Half bile, east of Auditorium. Watch Our Weekly Ads. Store open every day, 9 A. M. te ft P. M. VICTROLA. Victrola, style X. fumed oak ease, looks like new. and 30 dandy records, $115; $15 down, $10 month. Hyatt Talking Mnchlne Co.. 3 SO Alder. 1 CALCULATOR or adding machine, new, half price; 1 silk floor lamp shade, plnlc crepe de chine: beaded waste, sire 38; brown shoes, 6VB, half price. Main 65 SO. BRUNSWICK SNAP. $225 stvle Brunswick and $30 fine records'; outfit cost $255; price only $170; $25 down. $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. MRS. S. W. H E R MA N, apparel h op We buy and sell ladles and gents clothes. Men's suits, especial, and even ing gowns. Prices reasonable. Mar, 100O 2M Park st. CADILLAC SEDAN. Fine R-cy Under Cndillao sedan, only $1750; $350 down. $50 a month, or will 'trade for good mortgage or lot. Hyatt Tn l k ing Machine Co.. 350 Aldor. GENUINE BARGAIN. Majestlo combination range; not a better one In town. Will consider your old range n deal. Main 8816. IMPORTED woolen cloth, sufficient for three-piece suit, cash or trade for ar ticle of value; make offer. L 394. Ore- gonlan. SCALES SCALES SCALES. Showcases, wallcases, new and used cash registers, safes, adding mschines. pool tahles. Fountains. 246 Washington. ROTARY Whin er. bargains, near Alder. machine, drophead Sing Storage, 114 Union ave,. NEW PRINCE ALBERT coat and vest, hUe 3S. cost $70. sell for $26. 370 th street, 10 to 12. mmii 1. rOtTrY White sewing machine, almost new, reasonable. Call Monday, East 239. 104 E. IHth st. BOWERS motion picture machine, with. Inopwetter. motor driven; price $125 cash. Room 206 Rtvnll Theatre Mdg. DARK BLUE OVERCOAT tallor-mada, s.7.o 36, cost $50. will sell for $20. Auto. 63K-77. 30-EGG incubator, good as new ; also 1 Manning burner and 100-gallon, together cr parste, cheap. East 3418. WILL exchange new phnnogr n ph for ce-m-nt work. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. IMPORTED fruits and flowers. The newest hct trimmings on display. Hart nes Plume Shop. 32 Washington st. $BMI WORTH painters' ladders and paper paper bangers' tools, $25. or will divide. 5;5 Ivnn st. S. E. Sell. 214. MOVING PICTLRE machine, with Muzda light: cost win sen ror noom ml Rlvoll Theatre bldg. ' IKK 'D overcoats, each; 2 new silk i Main t375. 2H0S 38 and 40. , sJse 16. $L HOT water beater, frt. large foidlng kodak. leather case, roldlng Mand. 9-0; elec tric sewing machine. Tabor 725. FOR S A LE Set of Books of Know ledge. practically new, very reasonable. iau Tahor 810. - COPPER coll gas wat r heater, good con dition. .: Kast !,, MAN DAI UN robe, blue and sold; saari 4