TIIE SUNDAY OHEGONIAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1923 r c e JM v t REAL ESTATE. For Hal e H oases. Two new. us-ta-dats California ban galows, 6 large rooms and breakfast nook, fireplace and furnace, bard wood floors and papered throughout, tile bath and drainboard. costly piumbing, plate glass windows, front door and side light belevel plate, light fixtures and window ahadea. This is a very attractive home smd In the best part of Irvlngtoa, 488 K. 24th st. N., near Thompson. Open for Inspection Sunday 1-5; weekdays, b-a, HERMAN NELSON, Owner and Builder. Wood lawn 4841. BEtATJ TIF V I ALAMEDA 1RIVE. Most Unique OLD ENOLLSH horns en wonderful view lot: hot water heat, plate-glass windows, pleasant sun room, large terraced grounds. If you are looking for something irnimual cost present owner $20,000 see this and make offer. MorxXXELL. East 419. NEAT. NIFTY. NEW. Hardwood floors throughout In this beautiful bungalow; fireplace, buffet, bookcases, breakfast nook, plaster hood over range, built-in bath tub, pedestal lavatory, composition dralnboards, tto sleeping rooms, larffe attic, concrete basement and porch, beautiful light fix tures, furnace. And I will accept a trood lot. light truck or auto as part payment with a resonable amount of cash. Inspect It Sunday between 2 And 4, or call Broadway DM8 for appoint ment. Located at 314 East 55th st. N., between Broadway and Hancock. SKLKCT section of Rose City, beautiful S-room bungalow, 1 year old, exceptional construction, patnt and decorations, oid Ivory and tapestry; h. w. floors through out, tile fireplace, attractive bullt-ln fea t ures, huge buffet with bevel plate, breakfast nook, most complete cabinet kitchen, tile bath with pedestal bowl and cloric furnace-, garage. If interested In a high-claws home, underpriced. see this. Requires $l-.VMf cash. O. A. PEAHCB COMPANY. "SpeclH-Hzing . Hose City Homes." Bdwy, 4Vtri. tiHi Henry Bldg. Mar. 1731 Suburban Homes. WELL IMPROVED, CLOSE IN. 10 acres. 84 miles from center of Portland, on rocked road, close to highway, 1 acres under cultiva tion, 1 acre timber. Young or chard, new bungalow, with plumb ing. Kit rati', chicken house. Very attractive place. Price $75oO; .will consid'-r bou In good district on east side of less value. 5 acres, 8 miles from center of Portland, all under cultivation; mile to electric station and school; 70 bearing fruit trees; (i-room plastered house with cement foun dation; barn HIx2i, garage, chick en house. Price $:iuoo, clear, large tanh payment. Consider house in suburha of Portland for same amount; will not assume.' MODERN HOME. WITH PLUMBING. 2 acres, on macadamized road west of Portland, near paved high way; all in berries; good 4-room huUHe with white enamel plumb ing; other buildings; close to sta tion and school. Price- $350O cash. Acre tracts near Milwaukle road. 1 inilii from electric station; good road ; city con venlencea available ; all under cultivation and best of soil. Price fiH hi p.r aero; very small puymcnt down. J Ull X F K It" I ISDN'. It 15 A LTO It, Gerliitger Bldg. M n.TM i.MAII is waiting for you ; come with me. and 1 will take you out over the Terwllliger boulevard In my nm- Vhine aad show you the prettiest suburb around Portland. All the conveniences of t ho city minus the irksome restric tions. 1 can give you a choice build ing site in si.c from one lot to one acre, according to your taste. I also have hntne nice modern bungalows low figures. Kr particulars call on Ben Kclslaiid, 404 Piatt Building. 127 Park St., or his agent, Mrs. Grant at Mult noma h. F It EE DO M FROM 1 1 E N T DA V. Buy this beautiful acre, with 4-room shark, shade and fruit trees, facing on macadamized rosd. Just outside city, for $1400. $I.i0 cash. bal. like rent. In 3 years. You will be frco from rent day. Tabor 73rt4. It. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. H ITT EH, LOWE A, CO.. 20T-2-.'t-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. DEAIH'I Ft' L Al I LTNl ) M A II DCNtSALOW" DANDY NEW MODERN BUNGALOW with electricity, gas. city water and ha t h ; ;i blocks I o Multnomah station. ONLY $2000. LOOK AT THIS BEFORE YOU BUY! Ask for F C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 105 Ahlngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. NEAR BEAVERTON, PRICE ONLY $3730. 8 4 acres, 8-room house; has hath and toiI-t, gas and water; screened porch, large barn and garage combined; lots of fruit and berries; lawn. Shade trees and t-hrubberv; very liberal terms. DUDKKY INVESTMENT CO.. MOT-10 PANAMA BUMS. BOW Y. 0042. Jl ERE'S A BEAUTY. Nifty 4-room bungalow with excep tionally large living room, garage, quarter arre of fertile soil; ishrubbery and beautiful trees; out river highway; dose in on Oregon City carllne. Price $:iimio, terms. A. K. 11 ill, 4-0 Lumber men Bid ft. MULTNOMAH. ACCEPT SOLDIER BONUS. Ji a rro with 5-room bungalow. Has basement, bath and toilet, electricity. khs and water. $4000. $,100 cash and terms. About 3 blocks to station. lnREY INVESTMENT CO., .VW-10 PANAMA BLlHi. BDWY. BM2. 3 ACRES; 2 l3 cleared, 1 acre 3-year fruit orchard, all sorts berries, currants, etc.; all fenced, only 1-3 mile to car Hue; about -00 yards to Oatfleld road; $2200 $;t0 cash, remainder $15 month ly and Interest. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 24S Stark. SPRING IS COMINO. $1500 SNAP. WEST SIDE. Close to good car service; nice loca tion, on hard surface road ; neat little hou, city water, phone, electricity, etc.; large, grounds, fruit and berries. See A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermen hid;. IDEAL for suburban home in city limits; at country prices we have several desir able acres on 0-d street near Glisan, 2 blocks from city car line. Very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co.i 210 Oregon Bldg.. Hdwy. ;.U0 CASH Nice 3-room cottage. 4 blks. to car; W cent fare; close to Multnomah; full acre; spring, fruit, berries, lawn, rose, chicken house, gas. piped water; on traveled street. $2.tOO. McKARI.A NI, Realtor. Falling Bldg. LTTR ACTIVE 4-room bungalow, .12 min utes out on Oregon Electric, close to school and station: city water, gas, lights and phone. All white enameled; 30x100 lot. $23.V. Good terms. Owner, Mar. 310. FOR SALE BY OWNER. ft1-room modern country home, old Ivory throughout, but It-Ins. city water, gas. & acres, equipped for chicken ranch, 4 mile from depot and highway; S7.MI0 P .ttr Ore;onian. 1 ACRE. 7-room house, barn, chicken house, garnice, all kinds of small fruit; 1 Mock Capital highway, Multnomah dlst, $jKS0t, eJv termi FLROD DRYER, '-s Prark St.. Gordon Bldg. Bdwy. USS. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY" $lftiM. 100x120 with new 3-room bungalow, lights and water; very easy terms. See owner. VP Concord bldg.. ?d and Stark. 'a OR 5 ACRES. new 4 -room plastered nous with a ter In nous. Iivhi 111 etirt-fi; a pincKa irom ure.inini cr line on 7-d st.; 30 minute from center of cltv Owner. Tabor 1041. o ACRES. ONLY $10(kl. Nine ml lea from courthouse: level, fine for chickens, berriea; $50 gives pos session. See owner. 500 Concord bldg., Second and Stark sts. B V O W N E R. 2 acres, fruit t rees, berri es. chicken houses, garage. 5-room modnrn bungalow, on pad road 1 , miles from jjt ; price $5o; cash $2oi. Phone V..-P 13. WrUe route 3. box 42- tUT BEAUTIFUL Powell valfev highway with all city conveniences, we have an a. -re with modern four-room bunealow f t $250O. on terms. A. K. Hill, I uin bermens bldg. no---ONE clinic 1 , client soil; Und ; wo can acre under cultivation; paved htKhway to Port make your terms. W. L.tnbdenst' K Co., 210 Ore ron Htdg. Bdwy. 1HM. $I50I 2U ACRES $15o0 Between two car lines; ideal for chick en r. and garden. Terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark St. lUM M bunuHli modern, half 1 might traiie. w. AI ult iiuin ah station ; n-re; fruit ; dandy view; Owner. Hdwy. 433tf. FOK SALE -Attractive 4-room shingled bung s'ow on river bank at Rolhe ta lUva. Osti SmJl Grovs ItlM, REAL ESTATE. hubqrban Homes. $2500 TIOARDVILLE, 5 acres, 5-room plastered bungalow, small chick en house, barn, family orchard, berries, well with pump; Included In price, 2 milch cows. 2 pigs and li5 chickens; cash $500; terms. $4000 BE AVE ETON PIST. $4000. Five choice acres, ft-room California mission bungalow, bath with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered, semi-Dutch kitchen, city water and gas, wired for elec. ; located on good gravel road, close to highway and good schools; only 20 minutes' drive to Pert land; cash $1000; balance $30 per month. 10-AC RE COUXTRT HOME. $4500 REEDVILLE ST A. $4500. -room, well-built house, barn, chicken house, electric lights, good well, cholca orchard. Including walnut trees and ber ries. This place Is in a fine location on a newly built macadam road close to 8. P. station and highway: also good school; cash $looo; balance $300 a year. $0000 10-ACRE TRACT 48000. ON CAPITOL HIGHWAY 6-roora Dutch colonial, with more than 10 acres at TiuAKD YiLLE, near Tigard; hot and cold water, elec: barn, chicken house. 40 assorted apple trees, 3 acres of ber ries, half acre In clover; 1000 feet of frontage; lies along the paved highway; an ideal location to divide into 1 and 2-acre tracts; cash $2000, balance $-5 per montn. The above are only a few of our sub urban homes. We have a well-chosen Hat. Some excellent values. See us before you buy. Office open Sunday, 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 307 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1031. MULTNOMAH STATION. 1 ',4-story bungalow, new. with bath, furnace, attic, fine one-half acre, on fine auto road, three blocks from sta tion; $4050; easy terms. 4-room classy bungalow, with sleep ing porch, bath, cement basement and one-fourth acre fine' garden and some fruit; $2000; terms. Elegant one-half arre on highway, with neat cottage and garage; near sta tion; $2000; terms. Lofs easiest chase. and acres tn fine location on terms. See us before you pur- NED BURKE. Multnomah Station. Main 1003. 5 ACRES, EDGE OP CITY. Beautiful 5-acre tract on East Glisan street near Buckley ave. ; 2 acres bearing apples; nice built up neighborhood; Bull Run water; all good land; close to electric line; fine roads. Ideal place for home. Price only $750 per acre. This is away under value; reason able terms. J. W. CROSSLEY, Main 5073. HERE IS A $10,000 PLACE WHICH WILL BE SOLD FOR $7500! Consisting of 10 acres, 1 mile from city limits on good read; an exception ally fine house of five rooms and bath, large floored attic, family orchard, barn and chicken house. Fine place for thicken or dairy ranch. WILL. AC CEPT SOLDIER'S LOAN AX D GIVE EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20." Ahlngton Bldg. Bdwv. 7171. Third St.. Net. Wash, and Stark. MAKE your dream come true, be inde pendent, own an acre. Where you have room for the kiddles to play, a place to meet your friends, a gathering place for the family, a garden spot, a lawn, a place all -your own. Here's the land just outside city where taxes are lowv faring on macadamized road. Bull Run water, $8H.". small payment down. 3 years to pay the bal. See us today. Ta bor 730-1. R. If. COVER EY. REALTOR. RITTKR. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-" Board of Trade Bldg. NEWBKHC HIGHWAY. 104 acres, strictly choice land. In -cultivation; running water; 41K) prune. 100 pear tre; also family orchard, berries; near Sherwood. There (s no finer home site, on the highway; $5000, terms. fl acre In cultivation, 4 acres berries. 1 acre fruit." on the pavement; $3ti00, $UOo down, $L'0O vear. K M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 10."iU 4th Sr. COSY RETREAT. Little suburban place, right on paved highway and close to inter urban electric car: just outside city limits: beautiful fractional acre, all In cultivation : 5 room bungalow and other improvements; bright and cheerful surroundings; fine location. City conveniences. Price only $3000, terms. See A. K. Hill. 46 Lum bermen bldg. IMPROVED 7-ACRE PLACE. Close in. fine location, on paved road; convenient to Interurban car; fertile soil; lies beautifully. A dandy buy; complete details furnished on request. Drop in and wee our list and photos of suburban places. Sizes und prices to suit you. A. K. HILL. 42ft Lumbermen Bldg. LOOK! 5-ACKE HOME FOR $1:M0! ii-room house. 1 acre In cultivation. 2 wells, spring and creek, some cedar; garage, chicken house, graveled road; TERMS. Bell Rose is closest station. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ahlngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. het. Wash, and Stark. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $lHO0. New 4-room bungalow, basement, wa ter, light, tras, big homesite. 100x120; small payment gives possession; you'll not find another like this. See owner, .-.no Concord bldg.. d and Stark St. $1;M) WEST RIDE. BY OWNER. Kour-rni. house. $:-i50 down, bal. $20 per month; 15 minutes' ride on Southern Pacific; 15 minutes by auto. Can also make good proposition on furniture. Call Dumais. Bdwy. 5730, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Wilt drive you out. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1450. Three bmcks to S. P. electric station; electric lights: new 3-room plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, balance like rent. Owner, 500 Concord Bldg.. Second and Stark. NEW HOUSE AND 2 S ACRES. 4-room plastered house, with wide front porch ; rich, red shot soil, ready to set to fruit. Fronts Barr road, 4 mile west of Barker roud. Price $260a0. Easy terms. STRONG & CO.. REALTORS, rtoti chum, of Com. For Sale Ituslnenw Property. GARAGE OR FACTORY $1100. On west side Macadam St., 103 ft. south of Pendleton; extends from Ma cadam to Virginia, with 50-ft. frontage on each st. Paved St., Imp. paid. Un questionably the cheapest Industrial lot in the city, if you don't want to use H buy it for an investment. You can't make a mistake. J. G. Rainey, 517 Ab inston hldft. Broadway K2H9. QUARTER BLOCK. . ON MORRISON ST. $30,000. i cash, buys this prop erty. It will pay you to investi gate at once. Broadway 571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR ONE WEEK, to raise money, we offer bj direst downtown bargain ever seen In IWtland; walk 3 minutes from Washington street, 5 minutes from old post of f ice ; retail, wholesa le or ware house location, iOxlOO. 2-story brick building: first $L,000 takes immediate possession. DAVIS BUILDING CO.. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. ONE fireproof buiidlng, income $450 a month, $32,500. tine fireproof building, income $625 a month, $47,504). Two fireproof buildings, income $5SO0 a year, $43,500. One fireproof building. 100 feet square. Income $2700 per year, $10,500. 1T5H Union Ave.. North, bet. & 11 A. M FACTORY FOR SALE. Ground and building with trackage. Well located in the west side industrial district. Suitable for all kinds of light manufacturing. Immediate possession. Price $5500 on terms. R. V. Bryan. 500 4'hmher of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 30H3. APT. OR BUSINESS SITE. Will saenfire the corner of East Bel mont and I'Oth. ItHntBai. with 6'x!0 con crete basement already in. Witl give second mortgage privilege. R. SOMF.RVILLE. Bdwy. 247S. MANUFACTURERS I have a swell man ufacturing site In South Portland be tween the track and Macadam street. Onty $300. Want to sell at once. Full Particulars 4 404 Piatt Building. STOlt E and an i-room house, frood for $120 Income; fnrced sate; k"M or trade; can get $tioai loan on this at once, owner. East 5300 APARTMENT, :ca-es, building, locations at bargains if taken soon. O DONOVAN. 427 Worcester Bldg. WAREHOUSE SITE. K. 2d and Main; quarter block: gravel fill; trackage: $lti.00Q. Call Auto. 5 2 7 -riO. WAREHOUSE SITE. EL 2d and Main, quarter block, graved fill, trackage; $10,000. Caii Auu &?7-tt. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. $310.000 WHOLE biock, facing Broad way, shopping district, terms. $1190.000, fireproof store and hotel bldg., $40,000. year Income. $.VOOO, close-in store and apt., brick, 920. OoO yearly Income. $16,000. Nob Hill apt., $4500 yearly In come. Would consider some exchange on any one. MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS. ED. DIAMOND REALTY CO. 430 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Inc. Prop. Dept. Homesteads. Kr tin q men men is. TWO Improved relinquishments, joining $30,000 fruit ranch; bt rods to nice lit tle town, near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on one. running water, $600 and $700, all cash. 301 Corbett building. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISH M EXT SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Irr i gated Ijinds. 25 ACRES irrigated land, paid tip water right; earliest section in the northwest; last year growers netted .average of $3.75 per crate for strawberries. 16c lb. for as paragus. Just off good graveled highway, 2 miles from town, mile from excellent high school. Very best lava ash soil; 8 acres alfalfa, raised 4 crops last year, 2 acres garden and mixed fruit, running spring water. 6-roora house, shed barn. 1 team, excel lent horses. 1 cow, 2 2-year-old heifers, sevsal calves, plow, harrow, wagon, all necessary tools. Owner is mail clerk and cannot take care of It. Price $3000, half cash. We have a fully improved 20 acres of irrigated land at Kenne wick. excellent 5-room plastered house, electric lights, lots of fruit, all in cultivation. Will trade for small place here. Price $7500. See Earle C. Miller. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St.. .' Vancouver. Wash. BEST BARGAIN WE KNOW. AM under Irrigation, near Her miston. Or.; 15 acres, 11 acres al falfa produced 33 tons last year, 4 acres garden and potatoes; 6 room plastered house with full ce ment basement, piped for furnace, electric lights, glassed-in back porch, front porch screened; barn, poultry house for 300 hens, garage IHxJO. deep well with plenty of fine water .piped t buildings, or chard mixed fruit and lots of ber ries. This is real home in good climate and very productive. Only 2 miles from Hermiston, located in the very best district; $5300, only $15O0 cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. ATKINSON & PORTER, 703 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. l r Sale Acreage. -U ACRES, $800. On the Moltala and Colton road, 2H miles of Colton and 4H miles to Molalla, on graveled road; close to fine fishing at ream; 10 minutes' walk to a sawmill, now running, that will take all the tim ber that is left on this place, which will amount to about $200 or more. This has been cut over one time, ut now they are going to clean It up; you can take the logs to the mill and have all of your lumber cut to build your buildings; some of the land not so hard to clear; lies finely, every, foot tillable. One acre clover, potato and berry land. Buy this, build a little house, go to work in the mill there and pay for It; clear It up a little at odd .imes, the first thing you know you will have 2o acres paid for and some Improvements on It, and our living from the start. If you will get some hens and a cow. Get away from the paper sack to live out of. Be your own boss; if you want to go fishing, you can go. This is all set tled up in small homes. The only tract we have left out of 12 tracts, thje best tract, at that. Eight new houses just built this fall and winter. Half cash, balance at 0 per ent. E. P. ELLIOTT & RON. 7th rnd Main srg.. Oregon City, Or. 10 ACRES Just outside Vancouver city limits 011 car line; very best of loam soil: 3'i acres cleared ; 1 'i acres strawberries; ' barn, shack house, some timber: on good road. Must be sold by Feb. 1st for what Is against it: price $2100, $no cash will handle; very easy terms on balance: sold 8 months ago for $:i000 cash. See Earle C. Miliar. ATKINSON & PORTER, 703 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 14 ACRES on 82d st., 7 miles out, 9 acres cleared; fruft, small house. $4500; terms, or will trade for house to $5000. fl 72-100 acres at Rex. on highway. 4 room house, fruit, grapes, etc. Fine soli. $2150. sv. acres on highway, near Tigard, $150 per acre. Two chicken ranches at Aloha; priced right. R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange. 14 ACRES, right on COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY, all cultivated and improved, with some fruit, lots of buildings, fine well with windmill, best of soil, no rock or gravel ; some farm machinery. Slopes gently toward highway; snow mountains in view. A fine location for beautiful sub. home. Owner too old to care for It. Price $10,000. some terms. 305- Henry bldg.. Portland. JEN N I N GS LO DG E. 10 acres cn the Oregon City car line on Jennings ave.. rich, dark soil, all tillable. Just the place for your home. We are not asking you $1000 per acre for this fine land, but $4200 takes the entire tract. Terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR. 318 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TEN ACRES OREGON CITY. Good 7-room furnished lhouse. 2 acres In loganberries; barn, chicken house; good water; price $6000; terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ahlngton Bldg." Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. GKESHAM ACRES. NEW BUNGALOW. Two acres in Gresham. all in cultiva tion, new H-roorn bungalow. Bull Run water, bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, garage, chicken house. Price $315t. KRIDER-ELKINGTON. Oresham. $75l in ACRES CLOSE IN $7B0. Red Shot Clay loam; no better produc ing soil ; adjoining farms prove value; close to water, rail and highway trans portation : insistent demand for labor; will co-operate in any resonable man ner. Terms. Owner. 248 Stark St. OREGON CITY HIGHWAY. Beautiful 5 acres, all in cultivation, on the Pacific highway at Concord station. A number of fruit trees in bearing. An exceptionally fine location. Price $6000. JoHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, 31 H Chamhex of Commerce Bldg. 1 ACRE, Parkrose, 3-room hous'e, water, lights, ga. chicken house and run. fine soil, $2150; a good place to live and work In the city; will trade for lot or house equity in Rose City district. Royal, 7 I'd and Sandy hlvd. Tabor 155. Resi dence. Ta hor 71 74. CLOSE IN. $3000 20 ACRES $30O0. Some cleared; red shot loam: free from rock or gravel; new 5-room bunra-low;- good well. Terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 243 Stark St. FIVE-AC RE chicken ranch close in. mutt be sold this week. Modern five-room bungalow, private water system, fac ing improved county road; No reason able offer rejected, 404 Piatt Building. 127 Park street. 160 A. DOUGLAS CO., OREGON Plenty range, game, creeks, timber, good land; Htore, p. o. and school near; $100 down, balance $15 per month at 5 per cent. . E. E. Woolley. 530 Crosby st., San Diego, Cal. t S14 ACRES creek bottom land. 5 acres under cult., small house, good water; 1 mile to town, highway, school, store, R. R. depot. This land is level. From owner. K 3$2. Oregon ian. SMALL house and one acre on corner Powell Valley road and Bradley ave., 2S milea from S2d st. Price very low. Masters, owner of place. FIVE acres. 10 miles out from Portland, on highway. $2300; $300 down. Terms to suit for balance. See Frank, 218 Rail way Exchange. Bdwy. 6S0S. CHICKEN RANCH. 350 chickens. 5-room house. 6 Iota bst of soil. 10 bearing fruit trees. prlc $jsiQ; half cash. Owner. Main 1459. 10 ACRES on west bide, paved highway, good chicken and berry ranch. Price $1000. $50 down, $10 per mo. DRAPER. 408 BOARD OF TRADE. 20 ACRES, 5 milea from Oregon City; good house and outbuildings; stock and Implements. $4200. Terina. AK 400, Oregonian. FoR SALE 3 acre, a.l cultivated; 6 room house and bam, pood well, water piped to hnuw. R. 3. bor KV. Portland. 40 ACRES. 10 in cult., bal. in good timber; all fenced : 2 small buildings on place. Price $3500. Terms. E 371. Qregonian. BUY city acre; $20 taxes only. Near Ains wo'th ave. Main 470. FOR BEAVERTON acrtase oa . fry. Beaverton. Or. REAL ESTATE. WELL LOCATED CHICKEN RANCH. 4U acres. 5 blocks from sta etation; Oregon City line; rocked road; 3 blocks to school; 19 bear ing fruit trees. 200 strawberry plants, 1 4 acres under cultiva tion; all can be farmed; well and spring water piped to 5-room house, barn, chicken house. This Is an exceptionally good chicken location. Price $J100. $1220 cash. ONLY $300 DOWN. 10 acres, 22 mile south of Port land. 14 mile from electric sta tion and school; & acres under cul tivation; all can be farmed when cleared; 3 acres beaver dam land; bearing family orchard ; 4-room house, barn. Price $3200, or will lease place. Or consider soldier loan. 4 acres, between Portland and Hillsboro, 2 blocks from electric station; wire fence ; 2 acres un der cultivation, balance in pas ture, no waste land; dark loam soil; strawberries, loganberries, etc.; 5-room frame house, good well, barn; woodshed ; gas in street. Price $1000 cash. 3 acres. 4 blocks from electric station ; 10 miles from center of Portland ; all under cultivation; wire fences, 2 -room house 12x24; electric lights available. Price $1200 $;i00 cash, balance annual payments, 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. WHY ARB Tillamook dairymen a happy and prosperous people ? BECAUSE TILLAMOOK land produces most grass; TILLAMOOK cows give most milk: TILLAMOOK cheese brings most money ; TILLAMOOK'S climate most agreeable to live in. Large tract of high-class dairy land close to Tillamook city, for sale as a whole or In small tracts: with or with out cows; price and terms right; will consider some exchange if suitable. BJ 321. Oregonlan. SPECIAL IN ACREAGE. 7H acres clear, level, no better soil, fruit, grapes, 6 -room house, large barn, fine well, fine neighborhood, near school and R. R. station ; only $2500; $500 down, balance $250 per annum; low interest. Also 10 acres extra fine land, 5 acres small brush, balance second growth ; a snap at $1400; $300 down, balance $20 per month. This lies on two roads; only orie mile from electric station. J. H. Richards, 308 McKay bldg., Sd and Stark st. GRAB CADDY TIME BY THE FORELOCK. The balmy days of spring will soon be with us, then you will want a nice acre where you can grow your own garden products and enjoy the freedom of the country. Here's the acre .lust outside city limits; $00 will handle. 3 years to pay bal. See us today. Tabor 7304. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 6-acre country home. 7-room modern house, city water, lights and gas, large sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath. French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country, hear Beaverton on rock road. Prioa $5500. terms. STROUD & CO.. INC. Beaverton. Or. SMALL RANCH CLOSE TO GARDEN HOME. 7 acre?, all in cultivation; family or chard ; 4-room modern house with gas and city water; large barn and cement mllkhouse. $0500. BEST OF TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abfngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. BEAVERTON. Half block and 4 acres adjoining, of fered at sacrifice account distribution of estate. Within town limits, well lo cated. All in cultivation. Only $3500; will take Portland prop erty for all or part payment. FRED C. PRATT. 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1S53. 5-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. A. fine home and chicken ranch, all in cultivation and crop; good house, barn, garage, brooder house, chicken house; about 450 chickens, cow. furni ture; near Portland, on paved highway. This is a splendid place: price $5150. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. AN ACRE of unusual beauty and charm, situated just outside city on macadam ized road in fast-growing country; deep rich soil, Bull Run water; $H5 cash; 3 years to pay bal. See us today. Tabor 7346. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ASCOT ACRE TRACTS. Some very choice acre tracts at a real bargain price. This is the coming sub urban district, lots of new houses, store. garage and filling station, car line inrougn tract, an city conveniences; price $000 to $050 an acre, terms $45 a own, io per month. Boone-Clear-water, BOH Couch bldg. Bdwy. B317. 0 ACRES, ADJOINS GOOD TOWN. All cleared, fair buildings, fruft and berries, part beaverdam. fine stream. plenty of water to Irrigate whole place, pump and engine, electric lights, gas; hard road, about 13 miles from Port land, frice .WH. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. P13 Chamber of Commerce Blder. YOU CANNOT Bet ahead by lookine on. be independent, own some acreage, over two great big acres, facing right on Base Line road, for $1075, $110 cash. 3 years to pay bal. See us today. Tabor R. K. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PLACE FOR SAWMILL. 8.R0O.O0O old timber on 70 acres, north of Willamina: fine road, house, running water, more timber adjoining; price cut to $3250: $750 down, bal. as you sell the lumber. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEACHREST BROS. 20 AND 40-ACRE TRACTS. On Clackamas river, near railroad, store, school and auto truck line, 18 miles from Portland: fine location for dairy, chickens, fruit and vegetables. Price $40 per acre, or trade. Broadway 6297. Sayler E. Smith, 318 Ry. Exch. building. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN. LITTLE DOWN. 4 acres on hard street near S2d-street highway S. E. Excellent soil: oppor tunity for poultry or berries; easy walk, g-ood car service, electric lights, other conveniences near; over 32 oity lots for $2UK terms. Give the kiddles a chance. Larger or smaller tracts. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 303-ft-T Lewis Bldg. SO ACRES, rock road, 20-acres prune or chard just coming to bearing, 25 in clover, 20 for spring crop, 15 pasture and oak timber; fenced and cross-fenced. 1 y miles to r. r. and good town; city water and electric lights available; fine buy at $100 per acre. The General Agency. MoMinnvMle. Oreeon. CARLTON. OREGON. 1 Va acres, good fl-room house, cltv water, electric lights.- outbuildings. SO bearing fruit trees: variety berries, some equipment. $1000. $000 cash; investigate, it won't last. Wm. Willing. 194 4th at. Se;iwoofl 1150 GRESHAM CHICKEN FARM. Fully equipped chicken farm. 4 acres, good 5-room house, full -concrete base ment. Bull Run water, up-to-date chick en houses, alt electric lighted: two acres raspberrips; all kinds of tree fruit. KRIDER-ELKINGTON. Gresham. 10 ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 7-ACRE FARM IN BEAVERTON. Under plow except 1-acre wood lot, bearing orchard, all kinds of brrtes, 6 room house, chicken house, garage. 1 TTiil-e 2 car services; $480O, $40O down. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 30.1-R-7 Lewis Bide. 10 ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT. Buildings, young orchard, berries, fine soil. 1 mile to electric station, very sight ly. A bargain at $-".50O. easy terms. LT'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Comn-ercy Bldr. j-ACRE. 3-rm. house, fruit and ber ries and garden, good place for chicken fine view; see this and vu will buy. MR. WASH BURN. I. E. SPENCER & CO., M 7 -2 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES $650. Toward Astoria: mile from R. R.. 15 acres most ready for the plow: lies fine; Al soil. $200, bal. 3 years, 6 per cent interest. 1S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. 2 TO 5 ACRES. Fine land on Columbia, blvd., just out side city, at bargain for cash or half cash. Roger v. ( arv. ii:i w . Hank Mag. 4 ACRE, ati cultivation. 3-room house take residence to $2500i 601 McKay Md g- ONE AND 3-10 ACRES at Ruby, on Trout- dale electric: easy lerma, ctose to was Line. Strong & Co.. V6 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN 8131 92D ST S. E CH E AP acreage near Portland for cash. O 'ihjnovao, . Worcester oiag. REAL ESTATE. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES IN CENTRAL OREGON. With Its wxmderful undeveloped re sources, central Oregon is the most won derful, yet scarcely heard of opportune country lying out of doors today. It offers to the homeseeker all that a per son could desire In a new frontier set tlement. Thousands of acres of virgin soil, that as soon as the pure waters of the Deschutes river is turned loui on it. Immediately becomes a blossoming garden. If 15 years ago. when the first great Irrigation system came, which has since been followed by many more of equal importance, a person had said that today there would be thousands of beautiful alfalfa and grain fields, fine houses, barns, silos, etc., where there was then nothing but a vast plain or, as most of the old pioneers called it, desert, that person would have been called crazy or endowed with witchcraft. x.Its beautiful mountains, which rise up out of the horizon on all sides, like a majestic ship at sea. covered with a green blanket of virgin yellow pine to its snow line, which is perpetual, from whose many lofty peaks one can stand and count dozens of beautiful deep blue lakes, iiteraiiy teeming with the gamest of game fish; where the wild deer spring from their downy bed 'neath some giant sentry of the forest or scamper from a swift cool mountain brook. Now and then a giant old bear and her cubs are seen playfully cuffing one another 'neath some sunny warm bluff of rocks, or a covey of pheasants and grouse fiy Tight out from under your very feet, to cause you to stop and catch your breath, so suddenly do you come upon them in the green mountain glades. If this would not cause one's ambi tion to mount to its zenith, what would? There are thousands of acres of this wonderful country yet to be had, but if our prophecy doesn't come true and there isn't the greatest land-seekers' rush, to this great Deschutes basin, then will the plow cease to move and the people forget farming. For further particulars write or call on us for some of our many good propo sitions in the way of irrigated farms, stock and dairy ranches or unimproved places with perpetual water rights for irrigation. We have some attractive ranches to trade for places In other- sec tions and are also in a position to help the ex-service boys get a start with us. We need good settlers lyith backbone. BENHAM FALLS REALTY CO., BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OR. A BARGAIN. About eight acres of land, all under cultivation; 7-room pla.stered house; city water and gas: nice large bam, good chicken house, other outbuildings; 1 -acre logan berries, good family orchard; place all fenced; one block from elec tric car line; one mile from Hillsboro. one-fourth mile from paved highway; this Is a nice tract of land well located and under a high state of cultivation; an exceptional buy at $5000; terms. HILLSBORO CANT) REALTY COMPANY. ENGLAND & MELLAR, Hillsboro, Oregon. LITTLE COUNTRY HOMES. Tn SUNDERLAND ACRES at Easrt 20th st. and Columbia blvd. Rich river bottom lands. Fruits and. vegetables grown in abundance. Roads now being built to choice tracts, outside city limits, low taxes. 5 to 20-acre tracts, $400 to $000 per acre; easy terms. - If interested in close-In acreage where your invest ment is absolutely secure, act quickly, for this tract will sell fast. ELROD & DRYER. OWNERS. 2S3 Stark SL. Broadway 1188. SOMETHING beautiful, rare, classy, great income property, Chehalis mountain, "iear New berg, wonderful soil, 5 acres, all in cultivation, beautiful mountain stream, finest spring, 0 to 8 tons of cherries an nually, besides apples, prunes, berries, tor.a of blackberries also; cannery takes them right on the place; very finest chicken ranch, small house, barn, chick en houses, delightful, sightly location, some wealthy Portlandera In that sec tion: no frost; on rock road, H mile store, church, school, cannery. This Is something delightful; nothing finer, and look at this price, $3500. $2000 caah. C L, Becker, 133 v. First St. in ACHES. $475. All good tillable land, has been logged off; some not so hard to clear; some timber left for wood. On county road, close to good fishing stream; daily mall, cream route, phone line. All small homes around this place on the Molalla & Colton road. 2H miles of Colton and 4Vi miles of Molalla and two railroads. Close to sawmill, logging right by the place now. Fine for chickens -or ber ries. Would like to have about cash, bal. at 8 per cent. K. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. TJPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Will sell this big choice acre for only $lf00, near car, all cleared, level, mag nificent view, faces on improved street, no liens. Way under value at this price and being at the outgrowth of the most valuable residence property in the city, it's certain to enhance very much in value. Fair terms. J. G. Ralney, C17 Abington bldg. Broadway 6269. STUMP LANDS. 750 acres, lower Colubmla river, eight miles from Rainier, one mile distant from boat landing, railroad station, paved highway, running water, numer ous springs, county road through place, surrounding lands cultivated right up to line. F. W. NEWELL 407 HENRY BLDG. $45 DOWN. 1 acre good garden soil, close to car and paved highway, water, gas and electricity; price only $900, monthly payments only $10 and interest at 6. Broadway 6317. JUST FOUND IT Do you want it? You will have to come early. It won't last, for it can't at the price of $1000. with terms. 3 lots 40x100 each, with berries and fruit trees, facing main paved high way. Small house on place. See McNeil. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517 Chamber of Com. Bldg. 2.1 ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. 21 acres, partly improved, splendid soil, all lies finely, on good road, close to station ; 20 fruit trees, some timber, small house, lumber'on ground for house and barn, small creek; price only $3000. KRIDER-ELKINGTON. Gresham. Telephone 2341. 30 ACRES. $1500 cash for quick sale; old house and outbuildings, pump and Bprings; about 3 acres cleared and about 10 more easily cleared, balance young growth fir, 2 miles from station on county road in Wash. Co. Would ' sell more if necessary. V 3S. Qregonian. 40 ACRES $650. i mile from town and S. P. R. lies fine, some has been in cultivation, balance very easily cleared; 4i cash, bal ance to suit. 018 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. On pavement, real value at $450, terms; best soil, cleared, plowed; buiid a cheap house and work in town. D. Mc rhesney, 026 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sunday call Main 7844. REDUCE COST OF LIVING. Get this nice acre, 4-room bungalow, gas, water, lights. Just outside city lim its, on hard-surface road. W. D. RODABA1TGH. REALTOR. 1046 HAWTHORNE AV. TABOR 4290. ACRE adjoining city, paved street, all paid, land cultivated, fine garden land, beautiful location, price $110o, $150 cash, balance easy payments.- ELROD & DRYER, 213 Stark St.. Gordon Bldg. Bdwy. IIS. 2-3 ACRE NEAR REED COLLEGE. Spring branch, small bam, fruit. $1500, $10 pavments. Roger W. Cary, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Res. Wood lawn 1959. $100- DOWN will buy 5 acres fronting electric line, all cultivated, level, fine soil, no rock, only $300 per acre. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. MUST sell immediately 40 acres near Ore gon City, 30 under cultivation, balance timber. SNAP, $3500, cash $2000, bal ance mortgage 6. 502 Dekum bldg. Tabor 4131. 2-3 ACRE, OREGON ELECTRIC. Beautiful wooded tract, 4 blocks to station, 12e fare. Gas, electricity, city water. $1250. $50 cash, $10 month. Roger W. Carv. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. A NICE 15-acre tract, 2 miles south of Reedvtlle, 5 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared, price $127 per acre. Ad d resa C. S., Beaverton. Or., Route 4, Box 85. ACREAGE, just outside city limits, elec tric lights, water and gas. all in; fruit. Call owner. Automatic 636-07. FOR SALE 10O acres undr Silver 7ake irrigation project. mile from town. A K .tHo. irregonian IN LAKEVIBW. acre, fine trees, good soil, near lake and station, $600. 510 Eilexs 40 ACRES of dike land out at Columbia slough, all under cultivation, $250 per acre. 969 Union ave. Wood lawn 56x4. ACRE, 6-room house, fruit, berries and vines; ant house and lot. Milwaukee 3-J, or AP S7 Oregonlan. - REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE BARGAINS. 5 acres, all very fine soil, all In cultivation except acre which Is chicken park; 2 acres straw berries, other assorted berries: large assorted ore hard of bear in g f rui is ; good 7-room bun ga low, barn, well and outbuildings; tools and machinery go with place; located on good road near school; 3 miles from center of Vancouver; this is a great bargain at $30O0; can take any reasonable amount as first payment. 5H acres all In cultivation; orchard, berries, etc.; very good house, barn, chicken houses, etc.; city water, electric lights, chick ens, cow, tools and machinery ; located on paved street in Van-' couver; this is an ideal chicken . and berry farm; price $5500; any reasonable terms; will consider house and lot to $2500. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., Realtors. 410 Washington Street. Vancouver, Wash. loo BEAUTIFUL wooded acres, 3 mile from Washington st., a true sacrifice at $150 per acre, for speculation or sub division. Write owner at once. E 306, Oregonlan. For Sale Farms. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 ACRES. All tillable; 32 acres in high state of cultivation. bulaace js lashed, in good pasture : best of soil, watered by good well and creek; fe-room house, bam 40x00; bIIo. woodshed, dairy, chicken house, hog-pen; buildings in good condition; fall crops in and look IttjC good: family orchard, assorted fruit, berries of all kinds for home use; personal property consists of 10 good cows. 5 heifers, registered Guernsey bull, large span of mules, 24 chickens, disc, one 2-horse cul tivator, one 1-horse cultivator, spike-tooth harrow, spring-tooth harrow, mower, rake, plows, wagon, harness, cream separator, stump puller and all small tools; located 14 miles from Vancouver in good farming district ; good graveled road, mile from paved highway. This is a good buy at $10,500; $40O0 cash, balance good terms. 20 ACRES. All tillable: S acres cleared: best of soil; good 6-room house; barn IMxOO. woodshed, chicken house and hoghouse; watered by good well: personal property consists of 3 cows, 5 heifers. 2 horses. 1 hog. 35 chickens, 2 plows, harrow, 2 cultivators, wagon, buggy, two sets harness, all small tools and all household goods: located 8 miles from Vancouver on paved highway; price $05M; $3000 cash, balance terms to suit. Albert Miller with . PERCIVAL. & WATTS. 1 lOS West ith St.. Vancouver, Washington. A SACRIFICE. On account of sickness I wlfl offer my very fine home and farm, consisting of 80 acres, which is all under cultivation excepting a small woods lot of about 5 acres. This farm Is as good a farm as any hing tn Washington county. Six 100m house, barn 34x78. all. build ings in excellent condition. Nice family orchard. Place all fenced and cross-fenced. Running water for stock, good well for family use. This land ail ties well with perfect drainage. All seeded ex cepting about 10 acres. Equip ment, 10 head of cattle, 3 horses, chickens, harness, manure spread-, er, binder, mower, rake. -drill, har rows, riding cultivators, wagons, small tools, buggie, scales, fanning mill, disc, spray pump. 40 tons hay. 8 tons oats, 3 tons wheat. 400 bushels potatoes. My equipment is all good and complete. The price of this place is $17,500 with rea sonable terms. For fuller particu lars see my agents, the Hillsboro Land A Realty company, Hills boro. Or.. England & Me liar, mgrs. WHY NOT buy now. when you can get a real bargain? HO acres for $5250; $3000 caah, balance terms: you can afford to speculate on this; soil is the very best; fine running water; 200 or 3O0 cords good standing green timber; cheap house and barn; about 20 acres in cultivation. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. 5 YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST. 105-acre farm, half seeded, balance fine pasture, well watered; valuable oak and ash timber; new buildings; house, barn, chicken house, hog pens; 30 miles south of Portland, 1! miles from paved highway ; close to school and electric station; best of soil, no rock or waste; no inflated values; stock and equipment are just as needed for successful operation and priced right; crop payments on purchase price of land without Interest for 3 years. E. M. H., OWNER, AK 373. OREGON IAN. H ACRES, $2100. All level and In cultivation, on good road, 3 miles of Oregon City and about i mile of electric line and Cation, good location, all small homes, fine berry land or a dandy chicken ranch; a new 4-room box house, well built that can be made into a good house; barn, well of water; close to good school, on mall and cream route; price $2100, want $1400 down, balance 3 years. Where can you beat this for price and location; let us show you this if you want a cheap place, E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres well improved, family or chard, some small berries, ideally lo cated for chickens; 7-room house, hard wood floors, furnace, bath, set laundry tubs; good barn, brooder pens and other outbuildings; 4 blocks from Oregon Elec. station ; short d ist ance from paved highway. Pric $b500. HARRY BECK.WITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. Broadway 6318. WHEAT FARM. BEST BUY IN OREGON. Will go at once, $27.50 per acre; all cultivation but acrea; good buildings; now sown, 4 B0 acres wheat, 80 acres rye; close to railroad ; us: of complete stock and machinery one year free; $7500 cash, balance one-third crop pay ments; guaranteed as represented; will put up forfeit for cost to look it over. Address George B. Jacob, Liberty Hotel. Portland. Or. 25 A'ULES FROM PORTLAND. 47 acres, 30 in cultivation, 35 cleared, balance wooded pasture land; soil black loam, no atone; completely furnished 8-room house, large barn, other out buildings, all in good condition; spring water forced by ram to buildings; can give reasonable, terms; accept some trade. HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor. 1 04 Fifth St . Broadway 6318. A REAL BARGAIN. 50 PER CENT INVESTMENT. 12 acres all in pears, within 3 miles of O. A, C, just coming Into good bear ing; half Barletts balance Bosc. This year's crop netted owner about 50 per cent of the asking price of $4500. $2500 cash balance good terms. This will hear closest Investigation but is good only a few days. Kyler & Blakely, Cor vallis. Or BEAVERDAM. 80 -acre highly improved beaverdam farm. 3 miles from Hvest little town In Clark county, Washington; fully equipped; 55 acres in cultivation; $11,000; 6 per cent mortg-age for $6000, balance on terms; some trade, AC 366. QREGONIAN. FOR SALE 60 acres, half tillable, bal ance second growth timber and stumps; water piped to house from large spring; silo, also large barn: on highway. 35 miles from Portland. 2 miles from Gas ton, 5 miles from Yamhill. Bank valua tion $6000. Exchange for Southern Cali fornia or make offer. G. R. McBean, Anaheim. Cal. 20 ACRES. NEAR HIGHWAY. 20 minute out. highly developed home, 7-room house, barn, chicken house, ga rage, 3 cows, homes, world of fruit and berries, good farm tools. Price $10,500, part cush. some trade, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, FARM BARGAINS. Come in and see our list of farms large and small. We list only good bargains. No time for infiatede ones. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. 204 Morrison St. Main 592. b0-A RANCH. 65 grain, 3 A. fruit trees, good barn, fez.ee. Airs. Bishop. Junction City. Or.. J&. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. LINX COUNTT. OREGON. Pfl acres, south of Portland. TH miles from irood town with high and grade school; ir rave led road; 40 acres under cultivation, 10 acres timber. 4 acres pasture ; creek, bearing orchard, acre berries, school on place, good 4-room house with fireplace, barn, chicken house, hog house, granary, machine shed. Included with place: team. 4 cows. B hellers. 60 chickens, wagon, plow, harrow, buggy, cream separator. interest in mower. Price of everythimr, Including feed, $7000. Consider house In Portland up to $.1500. Inspected by Mr. Ktmp. CLARKE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 100 acres. 27 ml. from Portland: rocked road ; 3 miles from good town and paved highway; good fi-room house, Iwrn. silo and other buildings; bearing family orchard; 1' springs, creek, 3o acres under cultivation ; two-thirds of this Is bottom land, not subject t over flow; ever 100 acrva can be farmed when cleared; some tim ber and p.isture; included with place: team. 4 cof s. 1 calf. 0 ( hogs, loo chickens. 7 tons hay, potatoes, wagon, harness, plow, narrow, cultivator, mower, raice, cream separator, oats, furniture, feed and seed. Price for every thing $ i10io, $2000 r-nsh. balance long time Q''f . Inspected by Hunter. 30 acres on Foster road, IS miles from center of Portland, f miles from city limits; nil umW cul tivation; lots of benring fruit and berries; best of loam soil, free from irra vel or rock : nice level land ; 7-room house, barn, chicken house, granary, cow. 50 chickens, plow, harrow, wagon, harness, wpring-tooth harrow, drill, tools, etc. Price $7500. $:tooo cash. Consider clear houae, up to $3000. ONLY $300 DOWN. 40 acres, 33 miles from Portland, Columbia county; H block from station; rocked mad: 4 acres un der cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; good live creek; about 1000 coris fir wood ; 1 room shack, sma II barn, chicken house. Price $1400, very easy terms. John Ferguson. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg YOU HAVE BEEN . WATTING FOR THIS 40 ACRES FOR $2500, STOC K. AND EO U I P M E N T. Located only 40 miles from Portland on line road. Only 1 mile from pave ment in Columbia countv. Finest black loam soli, 12 acres under plow, 7 acres xirst growth ilr and cedar. 20in straw berriea, raspberries. 25 young fruit trees, school at place. R. F. I., 3 good springs, chicken house 18x30, lumber for barn. With the place go a set of harness, mower, rake, disoi plow, wagon. narrow, many small tools, I cow, horse, hog and 2 dozen hens. Crop now In: " 8 acres oats, 1 acre wheat, 2 acrei clover, 1 acre vetch. Price only $2500, $1000 cash. F. L. EDDY. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS 20-ACRK FARM. ALL TS CULTIVATION. Vi MILE TO PAVED ROAD. SCHOOL AND STORES. 16 miles to Portland, extra fins soil. 5 a. In winter wheat, house, barn, poultry house, young or chard and berries, just set out. 1 cow, 40 chickens. 2 hogs, pota toes and hay, wagon. buKgy, plow, harrow, disc, cultivator, all for $4500, $12oo caah, balance $300 a yea. at tfr, until paid. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SOMETHING FOR YOUR HOPE CHEST. 10 acres, 30 miles out on electric line, ZVz acres in cultivation, a part of which is beaverdam, has fine rustic bungalow, fine sprinK in front of door, one of the finest places for country homo, near Portland, 1 block from store and school, idea I location, superb acenery, 3 bloc kit from railroad station, all for $14o0, $050 will handle, balance $15 ner month, pay able semi-annually at 17c. Bear if you can. See J. P. Culbertson. HILLKR BROS., Realtor. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3620. A SPLENDID 20-ACRE HOME. Very sitchtly, fruits of all kinds. room plastered house, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet and stationary wash trays; barn 36x40. another 20x24, 2 chicken houses and runs, hog house, water tower and tank, other necessary buildings. Two milea east of Oregon City. 15 mites from Portland. The best of land. Price $7000. Will exchange for house in Portland or Oregon City up to $4000. Some cash, 6 per cent on the balance. A. O. HOWL AND. fl20 Main St., Oregon City, Or. $2. TWO DOLLARS PER ACRE. 440. acres (seven sections) deeded land In British Columbia. Will be sold in sections. A-l proposition for cattle or sheep. Land Is level or rolling, good soil, water and abundant feed. TO INVESTORS Buy this land, hold for couple of years for big Increase in value. Terms arranged. Charles Morri son. 2Q.3 New York Mock. Seattle. Wash STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. CLOSE-IN FARM. 109 acres. 45 acres in cultivation bal ance timber and pasture. crek and springs. 20 miles Portland, R. R. station on land; 4-room house, 2 barns, stocked and equipped ; orchard, berries, grape; price $10.mm); good terms caJi he made; would take small farm or suburban tract for part. R. M. GATE-WOOD & CO., lflotj 4h Pt DAIRY farmers, investigate this unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying Irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $16,000. Located in famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO.. Inc. Redmond. Oregon. RICH agricultural land. $100 per acre. We are booking settlers for an American col ony. Abundance of rainfall, ideal cli mate and good markets; stock requires no attention, fatten on native grass. Call for maps and data. Bolivia Colonization Association, 600 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or. 30-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. 6 miles from city limits. 1 miles from pavement; fair buildings, good or chard, about ten acres cleared; fine soil, slightly sloping, fine spring, can be used for irrigation. For julck sale. Price $35O0. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. ft3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SHASTA COUNTY. Cat.. 80 acres. 0 miles city, tt farmed. Irrigated, old bldga, large figs, olives, etc., wood, gold mining, good Ford, team, cow. pigs, hens, tools, etc.; price $2500, 80 a. on river; big game, fishing: price $3 acre: stock dairy, gar den and fruit ranches; all prices. Pst tay 1103 Pine street. Redding. CaL $4000 10-acre improved, honest to good ness little farm near Tualatin. Plenty of fruit, easy terms. Also many larger ones, but alt good. Farm Department, ED DIAMOND REALTY CO.. 430 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACRES, about 20 In cultivation, spring water, small house, new barn; 7 miles from Rainier, Or., rn rock road. Includ ed six cows, two heifers, good work team, farm machinery. Price $3500. Terms. Peter Mauris, Rainier, Or., Box No 613. CLOSE-IN FARM. 88 14 acree, 2 acres In crops, bal. pas ture and timber; 75 bearing fruit trees, twrrie. etc, ; 6-room h ou.se, barn sun d mi t bu i'l d 1 n Kf ; 2 i miles Ba vert n , 1 0 mile to Portland; price $7500, terms,. R M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1S5H 4th SL HEALTH SEEKERS Investigate South ern New Mexico; U. S. Weather Bureau classes our all-year climate: "Dry. mild, sunshine, unsurpassed for healthfulneas and comfort. Write Camber of Com merce. Las Crace. N. M. 5-ACRB DAIRY FARM. 6-room house, barn for 80 oows; Just outside city on Columbia blvd. Big bar Bain for cash or half cash. Roger W. Carv 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sixes. McFarlana. realtor. jjs r ailing mag. 60 ACRES, about half under cultivation, Beaverton district, near Portland. Will sell at a bargain. Electric depot on farm. Huher. Or P. O. box 40. RANCH, acres, 12 miles from Vancou ver, Wash., right on Pacific highway; lost wife, so am going east. For pries phone ttiagTiem FOR EX-tiOLLlEKS I nave 100-acre ranch which 1 will sell and take second mortgage on. For full partlcujara ad dress A v 117. Oregonlan g ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good l-room house, near Willamina; $200 down. J. R. Sharp. 83 Third st. MUST SACRIFICE alfalfa ranch on ac count of alrkness. By owner. East 8tt31. DESIRABLE farm, $0U0. Might exchange. What have you 7 AM S&8 Oregoaiao. REAL ESTATE. TAN FA LB LANDS. ' BUY THKSB BARGAINS BY MAIL. 1 $25tt for loo cre with the buildings. $ 35 for a beautiful wooded 1U $ 75 for 25 acres with trout stream. $ 05, "ant acreage on beautiful lake. $l.o promising gold mining property. $333 for 320 acres Sunny Albert a, A-l Soil. Also beautifully situated hunting; camps and fishing lodges where there Is real hunting and fishing summer cottuKS sites, tslamts of all sizes, heavily wood ed acreages ail situated m Musk-'ka. Georgian bay district, with its 10.0. islands. Algonquin park with its 3H lakes, highlands of Ontario. Lake of Hays and the famous Mukoka lakes r.-Klon. Also farms in old Ontario. Wheat farms and cattle ranches In Sunny Alberta. Acraices of all sixs in . Saskatchewan and Manitoba. All offerctl at 5 cents on th d lUr of their valu, and on easy monthly pavments of $' and upwar'lM. Fur tho fifth year we ar offering Canadian tix ssle lanl in the United States, because American money is still at a small premium in Canada and because Canada and the United Slates are the two most prosperous countries in the world todav. In Cunad lesn than one In every 2000 farms U offered this year for taxes. Send for illus trated list of above and 50O ot her proper ties set sod, and sold for taxes Every prop erty la fully described and offered at a stated price. Send no money, send for list today so you will have first chance. Tat Sale Bureau. 72 Queen St. Vst, District CS, Toronto. Canada. BUY TIMS FAUM UtO ACRES If you want a real Willamette Valley farm. This farm of 100 acres contain SO acres of fine bottom land, has 11M acre under plow, 12 or 1,1 acres oalc timber, finest of soil, located only 1 l-a miles from good valley town. Bus R. R. station at place, fl-room house, lumber for new barn anil chicken house, new tern nary of U000-bunhel capacity, new gut aye 1 4x 24. new la rue machine shed. The equipment consists of Ford son tractor, 2 bot. 14-Inch plow, double disc harrow, also 00-tooth drotf harrow, steel corruirated roller. No. 7 Moltne binder, wattun, -ton truck, harness and many other tools which are nearly new, extra fine team mares, but It bred, 2 thoroughbred Jersey vows, 'A couple of pit; and some chickens. About 50 acres In crop, seed on place for 100 acres clover. You will ico a lontf way before you find another ranch like this. Priced at only $l!J.500. $12,000 cash. Owner will consider grocery store as part payment. F. I,. EDDY. REALTOR, RITTER, LOW & CO., gOl-g-a-B-7 Hoard of Trade Bid. DANDY COUNTRY HOME OF 12i ACRES. Facing on a good county road, near street car and paved high way, stores, churches and schools, nice 5-room house, small base ment, garage, burn and poultry house, 2 cows, chickens, buguy and harness, hay, wood, potatoes, some tools, all for $4tH)0, $2000 cash, balance easf nt ti,. Only 14 miles from Portland. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. YOU CAN BUY A FA KM. In western Canada you can buy low priced farm lands, so rich and fertile that one crop has ben known to pay for them in full. Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and living condi tions are the same as those you now enjoy. Same language and climate. Send for free booklet telling about the choice lands for grain growing and mlxec' farming along the lines of the Canadian National Railways. Special low rates and personally conducted ex cursions. Write today, DEW ITT FOS TER, Supt.. Industrial and Resources Dept., Canadian Nat lo ml Railways Dept. C24. Mnrnue-tto bldg.. Chicago. 111. 40-ACRW FARM. MOLLAIjA DISTRICT. Of this 40 acres there are 80 acres level and about 10 acres under plow, S acres in logan and blackberries, fins loam soil, fenced mosyy woven wire, only mile from R. R. station, ft-rooni celled house, barn, woodshed, chicken houses, garuge. Trice $5000, only $1000 cash. F. Ti. EDDY". REALTOR, RITTER. LOWK CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY OPPORTUNITY". We want real farmers to take up Irri gated land in Crook county, near 1'rlne viile, Or. We have land which can be purchased at from $05 to $HK per acre; all in cultivation and with each tract there la some alfalfa; these land may be purchased on easy terms and the Bank of Prinrvllla will assist in financing you with dairy cows, ties or write J. 7. KARNOPP A CO., 310 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 675. A REAL FARM. fW) acres, excellent soil, mostly beaver dam, beautifully located In the heart of a prosperous farming community, 55 cres in cultivation, fair improvements and fully stocked. fhis splendid farm is about 12 miles from Vancouver on good highway, and will be exchanged for Portland property. Valued at about $11,000. What hive you to offer? SEE PENNINOTON. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Fourth Street. Bdwy. 7522. CATTLKMEN. Have some of the very best cattls ranches which are well watered and in the best grass country left in the United States for grazing, ranging lit price from $2O.0o0 to $110,000. Can suit In size and price. Some of theuo will exchange for city property. See J. S. Tulbertson, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 32. EX-SOLDIER. YOU CAN HANDLE THIS! 'AH acres, west of tloble. 10 In cultiva tion. HO benring fruit treeB, plenty of outrange for stock; 5-room comfortable home, water piped to houe, large barn, 2 chicken houses, garsge and other out buildings; RIGHT ON MAIN ORAV- KLED ROAD. $:000. A VERY SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND APPLY IN LOAN WILL HANDLE. Ask -for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGTJTRR. 20S Abfngton Bldg. Bdwy. 717L Third St. bet. Washington and Stark. ORCHARD HOME FOR SALE. A beautiful, highly productive appls orchard in the heart of White Salmon valley, two miles from railroad. 11 acre In 12-vear-old trees, ;i acres In 2-year-old and & acres in timber; modern bungalow with electricity, hot and cold water, fireplace, beautiful lawn and shade trees: over iMWO boxes apples produced In 1021 besides cherries, plums, pears,, peaches' and walnuts; must sell for business rea sons; price $10,.Vto. Inquire of W. J. Morris. Tabor 020. 21-ACRK FARM BARGAIN. All In cultivation and crop, best of Boll, 11 miles from Portland on fins road, close to electric station and school; good house, full cement basement, large ba,m, other buildings; about 2 acres fipples, other fruit; 2 horses 1 cow, hogs. 60 chickens, hay and grain to feed through, wood, all kinds farm ma chinery. Price $I"o00. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 11 3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SIX ACREP. in cultivation, high a,r4 sightly, lots of fmiis and berries. f room -hrnLse. plumhtng. electrte lights, barn, chicken house near Willamette river, paved road, 20 mLnutea by art from cltv, walking distance to car line; $0000, $2000 down, $1000 per year. This is choice. R. M. liATRWnOD CO., 1A5U 4fh St. 120 ACRES, 20 ucp's cleared and no mote "easily cleiired, running water, well. m a mail, cream and t.-lephono route; Mi mile from graveled road which will run past place this summer; house, barn and buildings, 2 cows, 1 horse, 2 dozen chickens. 7 tons good hay, SO bushels mils Sell for S4300 if taken soon: soins terms. M. Dorland, Bissel, Or., 8 ml Ins from Estacada. NOTICE 100 acres unimproved, 8 act eg in grass, road to pla:e; 20 acres In crek; bottom, rest Is bench and hill land; wi'i make fine dairy or stock ranch; plenty of outrange; worth $3oOO. cash pr'c only $1400; 2 "4 miles from Woods and 3 miles from Pacific City. Fine trout stream and plenty of wild game. Owiwr, J. S. Clark. McMlnnvllle FOR SALE 0 acres in Prune belt ot Clarke county, wsninKion. in culti vation, tt-room house, barn, chicken house, 2 good wells, S j miles from town. A splendid buy at $4.'0o. Terms. L R. FLETCHER. 211 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Wash. 21 ACRES, 34 miles from good town, Co lumbia countv, B acres cleared, fnlr buildings, price $2200; $1000 cash, lib eral terras. B. Simonson, 300 Stock. Exchange h!d g. FOR SALE 40 acres noar Sheridan. 20 acres under plow, !" in crop, building, running spring. Price, $101 per acre. Can use soldier's bonus or get federal loan. AV (i2'. Oregonlan. 120 ACRES of good rich land for sale; road rocked from land to state highway. Write for description to owner, A. Weis. rnback. Redvllc, Or. FOR RENT 2iKto-acre dairy ranch; also 200 wcres bearing apple and pear or chard on shares. Address AV 123. Ore- go n 1 an. F KMKIt,S For brass-tack fa;ts about the beat all-round progressiva irrigated district (V. 45. project). Write ody Farm, Bureau. Las Cruce. 2'. U.