1 JAXTTART 22. 1922 tl A. Ill li I I 7 1 1111 l.l.li Jl V 1 . . AV- . - ' . LE5!!AT". RKAT. ESTATK. RFAL ESTATE. REAI ESTATE. 1 "or sLH,. -tUJHou ZZ '- for une 1 1 "nr. I ror run rnn.--.. i " t ".... 1 . ,.,,. ... BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BUNGALOW, KLEGANTLf FURNISHED. Modern, new. neat iind clean. ready to eh-ome you right in, and the finest kind of tr-rrni. Jt has fine llvinir room with hardwood floor, beautiful fire place it nil bookcases, fine Iutch kitchen ami large breakfast nook, modem bath, lights and gas. two lovely a4eplns ro'inia, rood cement baseim-nt, large lot. f 47M get this complete 'outfit, $50 -ash. balance less than house will rent for; no mortgages or Hens to assume; located In Sunnyside- handy to Sunnyside fitr line, good stores and Glenco school. If you want a neat Utile home, do not hesitate to com1 In and let nie show you this one. ijhown. only by appoint ment. SEE E. W. HUGHKS, D07 Journal Bid?. Mala 28.".8. - CHICKENS ANT FRTJIT. CLOSE IX. Bungalow, 0 rooms and bath, firt-clu5s condition, large ground, 1'.VHK, ft. with 10 assorted bear ing fruit trees. All kind of berries, large up-to-date poultry house and broodfr house; garage. AM net ami clean. Price $5200; $20O casa. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway fl054. JONSMuRE AUUITIOX. 7 rooms, 1 s -etory bungalow, 1 block to car; large reception hall, large liv ing and dining1 rooms, 8 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, ex ceptionally large closets In all bedrooms, fireplace, French doors between hall and living room, full cme-nt basement, laun dry trays. Hall gns furnace, fine light fixtures; some fruit tree, shrubbery and berries, nice lawn. $4.") 00, $1000 cash, balance $25 month and 7 interest. JOHNSUN-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Hank HMg. Main S7A7. $4'.ft50 EAST BROADWAY S.VAP. An attractive ft-room houee on East Broadway, with furnace, fl replace, built in; cement baaement, lauiulry tray etc. Very large Jiving room, beautiful l;ght fixtures; wlee-plng porch. All fln-isn-ed 1q Ivory and tapestry paper, VA ca.VT and in beat of condition. City dmprovemervtji aM paid. Your terms) are atiwfattoTy. Phone for appointment. KL'MMIiLL ft RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Broadway 6729. TO THB BONTJ8 MAN. TCave new 4-roora bungalow that has never been oocnipled, 1 acre of ground, light, water, gas are available, 5 blocks to car lliva, store, school, 6 blocks from fine park. Price $2030, or will make a mailer price for half the ground. See J. 0. CuIberUon, HILLKR BROS., Realtor. 2U By. -Bxch. Bide Bdwy. 3o2& HT-JAiL HOMH New Bom City Parle Grocm "aonre; thing -has fceeo forgotten. It la built to laet- you will aay so when you see It. Tee, there's a fine garage and ail Im proves enits 4a and, Included In the price f tKK0. A. H. BIR'RET.T-OIM OO., 218 N. W. Bank BUI. WANT party with 1000 cash to buy a 6 -room modern bungalow from owner. Total price $ 41)00, balance 6 per cent. Hewer, sidewalks, curbs, grading both street, corner lot, east front, all im provements paid, pavement 100 feet; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bui It-Ins, all ivory finish; garage built with house, has hot water heat from fur nace; fine garden, roses, shubbery and lawn. Tahor B0Q or ltd wy. 70H8. APARTMENT BUNOALOW. .$3200. Beautiful little bungalow; has recep tion hall, large living room, large airy bedroom, nice Butch, kitchen and) break- fast nook. Fine bath with best fixtures. Or 100 lot with fruit and berries; house only a few month i old; near Willamette blvd. ; a lovely little home for two. let me show you this. CAWi MR. ERWIN. WOONAWN 6714. BoSK CITx" PAKK district; $4850 ; new 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc. Kendv for occupancy. Terms. A. O. TKBPB CO.. 270 HTARK ST. Kaat Side Office. 40th anil Handy. Tabor 9538. . oi'K.v mrNTAT. ATTK.VW'ION, BITTERS. TVs have for sale in tho Nob Hill dis trict. K-room house, completely and new ly furnished, lot BOxlOO, full price $7500; $2000 will handle; moms all rented. This is worth investigating. Own your own home. See Mrs. Keller. OKO. T. MOORR CO. 10O7 Teon Bldg. OWNKK AT PKOI'HKTY SUNDAY 1 TO 4. ft-rom bungalow, floored attic, fire place, bookcases, buffet, onk floors. lre ftkfaat nook, airy bedrooms, large in,, f,inm u.iiunair-, uiu lUijr mill 'tmm"l finish, cement basement; 65x100 l"t : 4rO0. terms. Thorough I v dnuhlc nm bungiilow. Wok days Main 37M7. V K ST -M ( ) U E I A X I Hi) I E Nine-room two-story home, Very mtidfrn; five rooms first floor, four up; plumbing, on hot h floors, easily con Krted Into a duplex, separate entrance ; fireplace, furnace, large basement, ga rage; for quick sale a"V00; imaU pay ment will handle it. I) EUR POWXDKR, 121.1 X. V. Hnnlc Illdg. Marshall g24fl. NKAIt SANDY. TOP OF llil.L,. Co to .V4 K. IVrtth N. See this brand new home. Six rooms, fireplace, gaJ-age, beautiful finish. Close to car and hoois. A real buy at $5250. Small tlown payment will handle. Open today, 2 lu C. Mr. Church, with J. R. HAMflT. Realtor. .Vr-n27 tioarii of Trade. Bnwy. 2045. I K V I MJ n) X H U X O A L.O V. Just being completed. 6 rooms, full CMniMit busement, gas heat, hardwood floors throughout, tile mantle, tile bath and dra Inboard, enamel finish, tapestry puppr, plate glaps -windows, mirror door. French doors, all built -ins. Port Orford cedar closet; garttge. Price $0500. Open tod i i -. At f70 H. ?ftth st. X. tjt K) Out) f H00 tl00 GOO 1 0I0. AliHBKTA. Small home, living and dining rooms combined. iutch Kitchen. bedroom sleeping porch, large front porch, oOxJ.00 lot; very eav terms. J. A. WU'KMAN CO., REALTORS. C 02 Stark St. Hdwy. 67ft4. 0 HAWTHORNE B U N ( i A I , O V . Six largp rooms, bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement. 6oxio0 lot, garage; paved street In and paid, nearly new house; $1500 cash lll handle. Kelpper Crosby, M4 Railway Kxchange bldg. Broadway titi.'SO. Open today. L,AUREIH1TR.ST DISTRICT. $S00 cash buys, balance esy, beauti ful new modern ft-room bungalow, excel )f nt district; has breakfant nook, tap estry paper, etc. A splendid little buy. Vrloe only $7tW. Mr. Henrv. Bdwy. 7fiMl. 2!10 CHAMHKR OE COMMERCE BTDt;. J24U) WIL.1 HA.NDLB. Xlce new 4-room bungalow. full plumbing, built-in Dutch kitchen, well arranged. Cnn Keup chickens, 60x100 lot. On iv 9'jiNHi. JOHNHOV-POPfiON CO.. X. W. Rank Bldg. .Main S7fl7 IRVIXGTO.V Bl XOAIA)AV. $0.V0. 5 lovely rooms down. 2 up, oak floors, plate glass, tile bath and sink, lvorv finish, select paper, garage. NOW Ht'RRT! THIS WON'T lAST. Neu-hauw-n Co. Mnln SOTS. Hast ti'M. U OW N KR l-y'a,r-old modern hunRa- low, larpe il-tiig room, 2 bedrooms, lutch kitchen, ivory finish throughout. full basement, gas turnaee, wattr heater tuid ran.itv, 2 Mocks to Row City cj KW 0-room bun kh low, hardwood floors, French doors, large fireplace In living room and Dutch kitchen; 100x100 corner lot. 1 block from car line, in good dis trict, tu'iir Peninsula Tark ; $4.00, some terms. ownr, I olumnla 227. 6-ROoM nuMi-rn bciie, furnialiel x piano only $47H); half block from car on S.Vlh st, 17lH will handla. Sei bv apim! n imnt only. TAtiiiAHT BROS.. 11Q2 Spalding Bldg. A 1. AM EDA PARK KIN E COLONIAL A beauty: built for home; beet of fin ish, select oak floors, large rooms. Ivory finish, art paper, fireplace, garage. Neu hausen Co.. wao X. W. Bank bldg. SiY OWNKH: Ieainc city; must sell at once. 0-room cottage: Willamette heights: hot a-ater furnace, fireplace, first -class plumbing, only s.'l'dO. Call Marshall .Tli7. MOl'NT TABOR. loxIO0, ft rooms, bath, tapestry paper, cream woodwork, on car line. $24."0,' Soulier's bon us considered. 1072 E. Vain m hill t. at 7-Vh. N E W M 0 1 1 E R X ' KLL BCII.T 1RVINOTOX Hl'NOAl.W. H rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. full basement; reduced to tiMVi, :mno rash. Wdln. 0B2I. owner. li 4 'MS and sleeping porch, enameled Kit'htii and bath, gss water heater, built-in buffet and bookcase, cement biwement. iuundry travs, clean; adults lt:W E 7th st. X. Wdln. 472s. 'uK SAI.K On sttiitll lot. furnished mod ern A-rwom bungalow, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, IHiimH. terms. RTl E. Slst st. S. l.EAVINO I'ortland, will sell -attractive Port! and Heights home, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large living room, sun r mins. Buy direct from owner. Main O.'.it. lih. A 1T1 KC1. h.ime. 12 rooms. 2 baths, nice ground. 100x120 f t frontage, i-lojte-ln. Knr p.irticulars call Wdln. 4iui7 or l.V7. l''R SALE Hy owner, modern bungalow. ctty district, near Alameda drive. 'Hi'M owxkrs "-room modern home, 4 hr'irrv.ms. irvington or Juaurelhurst, 21 3.'4, Oregonian. BXr'fc.LLh.NT VALtiiS, J4000 ROSP2 CITY PARE. New 5-rra. bungalow now under construction in this choice district. Has fire place, oak floor, Dutch kitchen, buffet, large, living and dining room 12x33 ft., cement porch and basement; double constructed and finished in ivory and tapestry paper. Call for an appointment and we will show you the finished duplicate of this wonderful buy. fsuo cash required. $4750 POSITIVE BARGAIN MUST BE HOLD TODAY, fi-room bungalow, .'ocated In Hawthorne on corner Dutch kitchen, buffet, full ce- I m-nt basement, attic, and is double constructed throughout; street Improvements In and paid; owner Is leaving for California. Substantial cash payment. $3750 ."00 cash buys this brand new fi room bungalow, located near Lau rel hurst. Has oak ffoors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement- Hurry. Open Today. R. U McGREW. lftftfl Hawthorne Ave. Tabor SEft2. WOULD YOU OWN A HOME In the best city on the great Pacific coqjt, where the earthquakes do not quake and the howling winds do not blow? Then own a home in the city of Portland, the city of roses and a mil lion other kinds of beautiful flowers. Here Is a bargain in a home located on 37th st. In Hawthorne. It has six lovely rooms, modern bath, lights and gas, fine cemtnt basement, furnace heat, good lot and garage, all city improvements in and paid. Owner Is in peculiar situation that compels her to sell this lovely good home and for quick sale will sacrifice and give lovely terms. If you want a good home, do not hesitate to come in and go with me to see this one. Shown only by appointment. SEE E. W. HUGHES, 807 Journal Bldg. Main S58. $.1430 4 ROOMSLOT 50x145 FT. Just completed, modern bunga low,, 2 large bedrooms, hardwood floors in living room, fireplace and all built-ins. Including breakfast nook, full plumbing and double construction. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bide Broadway tiiXM. Branch Office 23d. and. Bryce Ave. GtM)0 ROSE CITY $dOOO. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. A beautiful new bungalow, floored at tic, cement basement, wash trays, o rooms, with Mvlng room lixl2 ft., all large rooms, hardwood floors throughout, every imaginable built-in feature, fur nace an-d fire-place, cabinet kitchen; won derful plumbing; artistic light fixtures. Finished In ivory and enamel through out. Large garage and runway. City improvements paid. Cement porches. $1250 down, Rl'MMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. EASTAIORELAND BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED. Six rooms all on one floor, excep tional living room, separated from unique dining room by French doors: Dutch kitchen, wired for electric range, breakfast room, best of bath fixtures, large closets, oak floors, firepJace, fur nace, garage. Open for inspection to day, 1531 V., 32d st.. or cnll DERR & POWXDER. 1215 N. W. Hank Hldg. Marshall 224. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $7W CASH PRICE $5500. Beautiful 6 -room modern home at a bargain; this place must be sold; has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and all the excellent built-in features; ga rage, (VOxlOO corner with pavement all paid; 2 blocks to car, close to high school. A real snap. Mr. Henry, Broad way 75R1. 2.t0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. $4300 $4300 $4.100 141100 $4300. INVESTMENT. B-room home on looxlOO In very de sirable rental district; large attic rough plummed, 6 more rooms can be easily arranged; an Income of $75 per month can be realized. All Improvements in and paid. $1000 will handle. .1. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 262 Sfark St. Bdwy. 6794. A REAL HOME. & t iup.b T 4 ni ST RU'T. S430O. irwt wmv on ISth st.. east front, & rooms and large floored attic, very best of plumbing, full basement with laundry travs. fireplace, large garage with ce ment floor and drive. 14 frae fruit trees, beautiful yarS and lawn. 110OO cash. balance easy. . . CALL MR. ERWTX. WOODLAWX B714. $1700, $400 DOWN. $20 MONTHLY INCLUDING INTEREST. 8-room shingled bungalow In good district; bath and toilet, electricity, gas and city water; we will be pleased to show you some of these neat little homes. JOHNSON-D0DS0N CO.. fm N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. "ViPTrKV HlIMDHRn CASH." 7-room house with 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kltcnen, nam, on rrete basement, furnace, good garage, JVOxlOOofit. lot, everything paid. Sacri fice on account of sickness. $5500, $1500 cashv On H. 35th and Salmon. ELROD & DRYER, 2H-t Stark St.. Gordon Bldg. Pdwy. USS. $3000. New 4-room bungaJow, ready to move into, facing Hawthorne car, 1 block to macadam street, $t0 cah. balance easy. 1043 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 3010. ONE OF OUR BEST. On E. 27th st., near Taylor, 7-rooro lUrym O olnr flOxlOO lot. imprOVC- ments aM in ami paid; $2Wh will handle this. Price ihmm. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILT.- CO.. 216 N. W. Rank Bldg. NEW CLOSE IN 5 ROOMS. Fine new bungalow. Just being com pleted, verv select district, walking dis tance, excellent car service. Small pay ment will handle. See this today. Open 2 to 0 C'-Tadd ave. Mr. Lowden, with J H. HAHTHT, Realtor. 325-327 Rnard of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. iv.vvr.K MUST HULIi AT ONCE. find a snap like this. Very comfortable nur S-ronm nhnck electric llgntS. choice city lot. pave A street. Lot alone worth the money. J000, easy terms. 601 E. 85th st. N., between Knott and Stan ton. jaaOO PENINSULA DISTRICT. SMMI CASH. 5-room bungalow, full plumbing. Some built-ins. Large attic, furnace, beautiful lawn, roses and berries. JOHNSO.V-nODSON CO., 1133 X. W. Bank Rlda. Main 377 1 R V 1 N GTO N CO R N E R BUNG A IX) W. New 5-room modern bunaaJow. hard wruid floor, fir-enlace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; Rightly corner. Skldmore and. 17th sis.. 2 blocks from Irvington car. Phone Owner, Broadway Kll. $ai50 MOUNT SCOTT. w hune-alow. four rooms and bath, full basement, on 84x135 lot, house fin ished In white ivory; near soon scnooi; Hah -a. Ill hnmllA. Kplnm r I'rosbv. M4 Railway Exchange bldg. Broadway t.ift. Open today. $1SOO. $300 DOWN, $18 INT. MONTHLY. 5-room plastered house, electricity. mam n.l pi tv water. 50x100 lot: this property will rent for more than your monthly payment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7 IRVINGTON COLONIAL A DREAM. i'.nir hall, artistic living room, sun room, dining" room, breakfast room, all lr floors, extra fine plumbing, garage THE BEST" BUY FOR THB MONEY. NVuhausen Co. Main Ml. East 3i'4 A BARGAIN. wf little 5-room house, close to M.V oar. will be sold cheap on account of death in family. Be Fure and se this one Mr. Pun smote. Bmnrtwny 7P1. 2:i CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. NEAT. MODERN COTTAGE. CHEAP. Corner lot, 50x100, on a hard graveled street, well located ; owner leaving city must sell. $2150 or $2450 furnished; terms. Automatic 623-1 7. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, CLOSE IX. Large rooms, full basement, latest de signed interior, well located, walking distance; very desirable; liberal terma See it. Automatic 623-17. GOOD SHACK, nearly acre fine land, city water, no assessments. Alberta car; Ken nedy school. $50 cash, 915 month. Roger W. Vary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Res. Wdln. 105ft H I R V I N ; TO X C Ol A i N I A LS rt BEAUTIES EVERY ONE OF THEM. $7500 TO $lf..0. TESTED WITH NETHAUSEX CO. K.:0 N W. BANK BLDG. MAIN fa7-v NEW 6-ROOM modern bungalow, block from Mt. Scott car, only 94OO0; terms. Thi Is something good. T A f tG A R T BROS.. lUt! Snldfng BMe. 4- ROO M BU XOAIOW. 9 lo.". modern ; rwixloo; basemen:. iruit trees: l , n;ks. fro-m car. 62 E. 6Dth st. N. Tabor 4U22. Ea WEST SIDE. 8 rooms and bath on Pett y grove "t. by owner. All Improvements in. 95500. term. Bdwy. 1411. YOU WILL LIKE THIS ONE. A 5-room bungalow In Irvington that Is reallv homey. See owner for a bargain. !V75 E. 13th N.. next to Knott. $.itO DOWN. 0 roms. full basement, ga rage. In Sunnyside. cms block front busi ness part of Belmont: 9.:00; mve $200 by calling owner. Broadway 0iO ROSE CITY PARK. A OEXCINE HOME. Here Is a beautiful bungalow, different from the ordinary ones that you see; has large living room, dining room, billiard room. 2 excellent bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, missive buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, fuil ce ment basement, furnace; garage and full lot; located one block to carline. below the hill; finished in natural woodwork and tapestry paper. You will have to see this home to appreciate it. Price SttiMm. substantial cash payment required. You would expect to pay much more. R. U McGREW. 1039 Hawthorne. Tabor 8892. $3150 $3150. T rooms and sleeping porch ; lvorv finish throughout; bath and fireplace; linoleum in bath, kitch en and some carpets and furni ture goes with place. Fruit and berries. Lot car. 50x100 and 2 blocks from We can make rery easy terma on this place. WAKEFIELD, FRIES St. CO., 85 Fourth .Street. HAWTHORNE. $4750. Owner 'leaving city, home must be sold at once. Has large light living room and den with built-in bookcases and fireplace, dining room has built-in buf fet, fine roomy Dutch kitchen. S large light bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches and bath on second floor. Also has full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays and fruit room. Lot 50xlo. with fruit trees, garage and cement driveway. Im provements In and paid. 3 blocks to Hawthorne car and 2 to Murrymead car. J. L. KARNOPP & CO mn Rv. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. B7o5. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $1000 below the market. On E. 48tn, near car. Furnace, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors, ivory finish, beautiful tapestry paper. All improvements in and paftl. Fine garage and runway. Why pay $7500? Buy thia for . $5600, V $1000 or more cash, Bal. like rent to responsible party. N EI LAX & PARKHILL 210 Lumhermens Bldg. $4500 $300 CASH, $25 mo.; 80x100; mod ern 7-rm. nouse. 93800 361 San Rafael st., 60x150; 7-rm. house, fruit trees, paved st ; walk ing diHtance, near Union ave. $3000 $5u0 cash, $25 mo.; 7-rm. house, 65th st. $5fK - New modern bungalow. JtiSOo Laurelhurst bungalow. See our large list of homes. CHAS. RINGELR fc CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. B497. COUNCIL CREST. 9754)0. Beautiful 7-room Colonial home: every modern convenience, drawing room, din ing room and library down; 9 bedrooms and sleeping porch up; hardwood floors; ivory ifinish : Gasco furnace; beautiful grounds, 55xl20x5i HARRY HECK WITH. 104 Bth St. Realtor. Bnwy. 63 IS. ALAMEDA PARK. B-room bungalow, bookcases, buffet, hreHkfast nook, fireolace. French doors, old ivory and tapestry finish; oak floors thrmie-hmit. eomnlete kitchen, choice electric fixtures, furnace, garage. Built by day labor. Well constructed. 96300, terms. JOHNSON-PODSON CO., 093 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $5500. $1000 CASH RENT TERMS. 5-room modern bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins, break fast nook, large floored attic, garage; only 2 blocks to Broadway car. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. "KV-SRIRVICR M EX. We have some real desirable modern bungalows ready for immeaiaie occu pancv. verv reasonable ; terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date Ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDEXSTOCK & CO.. 210 OregoTi Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 1HVIXOTON. IF LOOKING FOR A FIRST-CLASS HOME IN THIS DISTRICT, -DON'T vail TO SEE MY NEW 7 AND 8 irof HTTNOALOW ON KNOTT ST., BETWEEN 25TH AND 26TH. PRICE AND TERMS ARE RIO HT. OPEN ALL DAY. A. C. MALMQUIST, OWXER AND BUILDER. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Move, right In. Owner will give easy trmr 6 rooms and sleeping porcn, moa ern throughout; garage, comer Interstate and Jarret, near school ana car, irauo mall car or acreage as part. Phone East 7 or Tabor 5702 evenings. t i vi vi:ti v r I STRICT. 5-room bungalow, with- plastered at tic, bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, old Ivory and tapestry finish; large closets, tiled sink and bath. Cement basement. All street liens included in price, $uafl0; terms. JOHNSOX-DODSOX CO-. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. Mn m 17th X real home: 8 lovely rooms, hardwood floors throughout. 2 bathrooms (extra lavatory and J extra toilets), 2 fireplaces; eastern oak. solid mahogany and old Ivory woodwork; beautiful grounds and garage; hk block from Knott. M c DON E LTj. EAST 419. 5-room cottage. Sell wood district, on East inhk 2 biocKs irom car; tw $L'." per month; also 1 cottage in same district. $11MM, $400 down. $20 per mo. CITY HAI.I. REALTY CO.. 207H Fifth St. Main 6420. IRVINGTON HOME. Owner out of city: will consider rea sonable offer; 9 rooms, with solid ma hmrnnv dining room. living room and i.aii- mi M not be duplicated for $20,000. Must be gone over to be appreciated. For appointment, call tvast ."nw. FOR SALE Sunnytdev extra fine, well built modern 6-room bungalow. hot water furnace, fireplace, etc., fins lot 50x100. paved st. See this for a iin-e homt $5200, with $2OO0 cash down. In quire H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week day Tabor 211. , 12 -ROOM HOUSE $7000. an airin verv well arranged, new furnace, good location: $130o cash, bal ance like rent. Phone Mar. 2103 Sunday TO. BIRD, B26 CHAM. OF COM. r-i.i ki.'TIT FUINOALOW. Jut finished nifty bungalow, at 0 E Pine, near 20th st. ; modern, with everv convenience; go look it over, or I will be glad to ehow It to you. For appointment call owner and builder. Broadway 52.?1. Auto. 317-44; ALAMEDA Special pick up; Dumckley ave. Just east of carlrne; fine homes all around; oniy $050; must be cash. See us at once. ' R1TTER-LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board or l raae .piug. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. t00. terms buv this 9750O home: attractive interior, fine oak floors, plate glass French doors, fireplace. INVESTIGATE. Xeuhausen Co.. Main 807. East 3t4. $3400 $3400 $S400 $3400 $3400. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, 50x108 lot; now un der construction. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. 4-ROOM house. 2 nice view lots, concrete foundation, only 92100. equity 90,O cash, balance 925 per month. Owner. Sell wond NEW BUNGALOW. ! rooms, breakfast nook, fireplace. bufft. finished in white; lot 64x100; 1 block to car; only $3800; 9500 down or bonus accepted. Auto. 210-38. 1KG YOII GOINO TO BUILD? See our artistic new ideas; we are tn a position to finance reasonably. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. lidwr. 1H5S. f OR SALE My 5-room house, all mod ern, furnace and garage; lot 6Oxl0O: also fruit trees: cheap if taken at once. 2'.v Going St.. rs tolock off Williams ave. Wdln. 21141. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $0500. Six rooms, very modern, central locft- tlon: esy terms. East 6431. IRVINGTON. CHARMING BUNGALOW. $72.-u; terms: E. ISth, near Stanton; 7 rooms, buiit for home: oak floors, fire l at, garage. NeiihaiiF'.n Co. Main 107S. COMPLETELY furnished modern bunga low and double garage, near 37th and Division. Tabor 8744. BY OWNER New modern bungalow, near 45th and L'iviston. Inquire 1203 Division. Easy terms. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow. 961 Glenn ave. N. - MODERN bungalow and garage, very rea sonable. Peninsula district. Tabor 8023. ALBERTA district, nice home, for aal by owner. Wdln. 447. SIX-ROOM house, first class condition; terms. Phono Sellwood, 503. owner. NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. East 20th and Pine. 5 rooms, modern, with large atfic. furnace. fircpiace. breakfast nook, hardwood floors through ought; garage. On 50xlO lot, unlocked. Laurelhurst, 210 East 43d. near Royal court; modern in every respect. Alameda district. 730 East 30th near Fremont; living room and dining room across the front, nifty breakfast room, large attic, near street car and school. Rose City. 1244 East Broadway. 5 rooms, modern, with furnace, light nx tures and window shades. Attic large enough for two rooms. Brw v-rtu hnv innlr thpse over. I wlil be glad to call for you and show them, or if you are about to buy of :ome real estate aeaier. oeiore juu a deposit. Just ask tnem to enow jvu one of the WELLER houses. They ail carry a guarantee. I alsb have several lots in Rose City and Laurelhurst that I will build on for you and help you finance and furnish plans. GEORGE E. WELLER. 226 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 5,231. Aut. 317-44. WEST SIDE. WITH INCOME. Ml.'iO boy. 2 cottage, on small lot In South Portland; live In one and rent the others both rented now. Ex-aervice man can handle this. NEAR PIEDMONT BARNS. I1R00 buy, neat 4-room cottage, large livinc room. If you are looking for a bargain you should not overlook this. c4r0 down, I25 per month. NOB HIIX. (11.000 Strictly modern borne tn this exclusive district: 7 rooms and sleeping porch. This place la priced to selL Some terms. 533 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. WEST BIDE. 7-room modern home, complete ly furnished and in nice condi tion; located in good residence dis trict of Couch addition. Full lot BOxlOO. Price 10500. Terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. STAR" SALES SERVICE. IRVINGTON. New S-room colonial bungalow, mod ern in every respect, full cement bafe ment, laundry trays and furnace. Mn ished in ivory, tile bath, large attic and many other desirable features. See It today, f.5800; terms. If this does not ,uit you we have many other fine residences "priced right to show you. Ask us. " STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO.. Realtors. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 561"; Sunday and ere , 526-1 ROSE CITY PARK. SAORIK1:k. . $6300, cut (rem $7O00. Must be fold: beautiful, unusual 5-room bungalow, every modern convenience: drawing room Hj2: hardwood floors through out; Ivory and tapestry finish, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; house wired for all electric equipment: corner property; beautiful trees and grounds. HARRT BECK WITH. 104 5th St. Realtor.' Bdwy. S3IH, Corner 37th and Wasco, one ot the classiest bungalows In Laurelhurst; cor ner lot, 6000 square feet. Has every conceivable modern feature. Materials and workmanship are of the best. Drive out and see this and make us an offer. Open afternoons and all day Sunday. We are the owners, builders and archi tects. Call Wdln. 130 or Bdwy. 5164. WAALE-SHATTUCK CONSTRUCTION CO.. $3400 M0 M00 J.VII") 5400. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. .t. i . U.vthnrn.: surround ed by attractive homes. 50x100 lot: 5 rooms and bath down. 2 rooms up; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bui.t-lns- garage; all Improvements paid; ejmA. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. quality flumes 262 Stark St. 87T14. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. See this beautiful white stucco bungalow at 103B. corner of Has salo and Peerless. Beautiful tri angular grounds; very unique and artistic; open from 2 till 5 P. M. JIcDONELL, EAST 419. Including 6 int.; 1 block to car. nice corner lot, 50x100, restricted district; full cement basement, .wueuer pipeim. .u. nace. inis is a nice nmc ... - good neighborhood. Possession two weeks. fins X. W. Bank Bidi?. Main 37S' hikk CITY PARK HOME. FVr sale, splendid 5-room bungalow with sun parlor, complete In every par ticular, corner lot 5x:100, 1 block, to isajKiy car line. r iiw u.vln. fltv. A hn.T2-a.-in at S40.H1 wiith sxHid terms. Call at 001 E. Go-Lh St. North. ST .in HNS. Must sell my new 4-room bungalow, all built-ins, strictly modern: price J3000: terms J3."0 down, balance easy monthly pnvments: near car line. W. M. ITMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 105. IPV1VT.TOX BINXJALOW SNAiP. 4Sj0. Terms; R rooms, attic, cement base ment, furnace, urepiace. i.ury uu, -i., onrf stckivou. Neuhausen Co. Main 878. East 304. 830 N. W. Bank T.ATTRKI. HURST. New modern home. Just completed. 6 rooms. Come to 1257 Glisan st. today and look at a fine home. Will make you a right price. For description phone Tabor 74(4. Owner. THIS RKATS CAMPING OUT. - . rnftme firenlace. basement, chicken house; owner leaving state, sacrifice for few davs $1800. $400 cash. Adjacent to Piedmont, Mr. Sharer, Sunday East J-lil, Monday Bdwy. b.iii.?. TBnnr house, modern. 3 nice airy bed rooms and full cement basement, large fireplace, two large porches, 75x100 lot. fruit and shade trees, plenty choice shrubs. Rose City Park; otuu; terms. Tabor 72SS. JUST COMPLETED. -Vice 4-room modern bungalow. 2 lot . close to car and on. paved St.: one lot and house, 3juu: wuo two jois ...f.,o. r00 down or bonus accepted. Auto. 2111-38. 4-ROOM PLASTERED BUNGALOW. Nice surrounding places: plumbing M basement. 1 block to car, near ney high school: S24uii; .i casn, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W Bank Blrtgs Main 3787. LOOK WEST SIDE BARGAIN ROOMS $4300. Trvlna- street near 23d st. Furnace Will arrange $1500 cash, balance like Tent6. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM S,-w.r oTni-niori. cottage. $2500: libera terms; this is a big bargain. A few steps to stores of all kinds. School 3 blocks, street car 3 blocks; 15 minutes to town. Tap. tn-.M S1.100 CASH Owner leaving city, 4-room house with furniture: lot 40xiuu, near t-oweu vaney road on E. fiGth Bt. rnone juain iwoi, Sunday or evenings. FOR SALE 5-room modern house. Prloe $3430 furmsnea, or un.urnit-in-u. a htnrka to 2Sth st. car barns. 6 block to Kern school. About hall cash. 41 East 29th st. Call today after 10. A SNAP. 5-room bungalow, 3 blocks from Laurelhurst park. 2 blocks from Sunny side car line. Price $2750. Call Frank. Bdwy. 8S08. modern 6-room home. price cut 15250. Must sell. Very liberal terms. 2 lots, garage, fruit, berries, grapes; is near 3tth and Bfimont. lap, tui'.i. FOR SALE by owner, modern bungalow, first-class, double-constructed, with ga rage. Open 1 to 4 P. M.- 44S 52d South, Hawthorne or Mt. cott car. A BARGAIN. My modern 5-room bungalow: want to leave town. 1 none i apor i.-n;. IRVINGTON Duplex, attractive, 17 rms. A home and big Income on Investment, only $10'HI. East 8015. BY OWNER, good 6-room cottage, corner 50x100. paved St., cn Grand ave. Call East 12-T 6MALL 3-room house, two lots, good ground, sidewalks in, not paid, $900.50, terms. Aut. 63.8-62. $2."i00. $500 CASH A pickup, 5-room cot tage, Sunnyside. Ask about It. Scott & Berry. 1038 Belmont. Tabor 9561. $2150, $650 CASH 4-room cottage, E. 35th st Scott 4b Berry. 1038 Belmont. Tabor P561. GOING tio build? Better inveUgate our 5-room double-constructed bungalow, complete. :i3.Ji. Timor COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bunga low, near Peninsula-Park : leaving city; anap; .JTO; hail cash. East od. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. East 16th St., near Belmont: walking distance to west side; 7-room house, splendid condition, fuliv modern Improvement.; re ception hall. living room with fireplace, big dining room and kitchen, 4 nice bedrooms and bath, attic in which additional bedroom may be insta.led. full ce ment basement, new "GASCO furnace, fine garage, splendid 80x100 lot. nice lawn, shrubbery, etc.- price only $0300: reasonable terms. This house can easily ba converted into two dandy apart ments: trulv a nice home with an Income. ITS AWAY UNDER VALUE. J. W. CROSSLET. "Better Types of Homes." Main 5073. SPLENDID BUYS. 5-room cottage. 200 feet from car. Im provements in and paid, out-of-town owner instructs us to get quick action. $2100. m 5-room bungalow. BOxlOO lot. cement basement, improvements in and Paid, good neighborhood; get busy; $1100 cash; $2950. This beauty Is Just being completed; up to the minute In every detail. Ivory finish, finest built-ins and breakfast room; $500 cash; $3750. This listing Is hard to beat. rooms with every built-in feature, hardwood floors, excellent cement garage; terms: $4450. HAWTHORNE' REALTY CO.. Realtors. Cor. 3th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. 13700 WAVERT.ETGH HEIGHTS, $3700. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. S rooms and breakfast nook, modern plumbing, full basement, laundry trays, all street Improve ments In and paid, 1 blk. to car. on E. Franklin St. Price $3700, $851 cash. J. L. HARTM.W COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $4250 i , - .nn.A.A S-rnom hunealOW. finished In old ivory and white enamel throughout, wltn tapesiry napereu -"-inb..... rnhlnet kitchen. floored attic, full cement basement and floor, laundry iuds, in nr.i-i-1... riiHn. (n.idA snd out : good garage and cement driveway; for saler- bv owner; bonus loan can oe appueu. i.j -rison st. IRVINGTON. NEW. $ rooms, hardwood floors throughout. large noored euic, lumm.. ,,.ri..-,.. . .... it. i e.a.ura won. ev.rv imaginable uuin.-. '7""-; derful breakfast nook. cnbint kltcnen. artistic lighting fixtures. French doors. Tini.neu in iutj - rain ana ori.ni im.ic .. the market for a home, don't fall to see this before you buy. The price Is rlgnt. nnen for Inspection today. Located at -.55 K. 25th et- V BUY FROM owner; save commission: will sacrifice my B-room house for $3200; pernl-modern. all large rooms, 2 hed M.ln. Hlnlnsr room, kitchen. pantrv. bathroom, closets, a new Mueller hot air furnace, good plumbing, gas. electric lights, garage, nlcj. lawn. lot 50x100; lot Is worm i;im ainoe. .v.-u street and sewer In; good car service; 1 block to 3 car linen: $1700 cash, bal ance mortgage, 6 : loon ted -Ann Church st Phone Woodlawn 903 from 10 to 1 P. M. ; IRVINGTON. tin (iiarsit from $13,500. Ann. tier reduction Oil this beautiful 8-room home: constructed or everlasting nncrete Dakota blook : every modern AtaA laree drawing and dining room, 4 beautiful bedrooms and sleeping porch up. with two hath rooms, fl.rv.nt.' quarters, double garage: cor ner property-: beatlful grounds. HARRY BECKWTTH. 104 5th St Realtor Bdwy. 6818. T.,-it3i7 r-(TV ni-vriA LOW BARGAIN. cs'aoo Tr hnn.nlnw on E. 39th between Tillamook and Thompson sts.. 3 blocks to R. C. car. Nice homes all around All improvements in and paid, a. ri.iv modern ail huilt-lns. fireplace. old lvorv finish, hardwood floors. French doors, full cement basement; nice biwn. sraraee. Possession on. week. $1000 cash, balance $40 and Kt Interest. .TOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bid. Mnln 378 MT TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW .Most 11eal cosv 5-room home in Portland. This prooerty waj. reeeniLly appralred at 7lKrO. iJualnecns phis'.. n.r,n pacrifiee. including Jisoo worth of m fiimlliire fw I05O9. If you de aire a real home In fine peilghborhood, one block from best car line in city, phone Tabor 2HW tnd-ay and make ap- polntm.in to inrwi i iiiwriii. v.. 1NK4 c;at i aTn.n 1 1 1 ri. 7500 $7500 7500 $7500 $7500. Ai.Avir.i.A r A ni. See this lH-storv 7-room bungalow (.!, It's on E. 28th St. N.. between TirvA a Uaann- faces w.st: Ideal loca tlon: very latest in home construction embodied In this bungalow. We're sure you will Hke It. J. A. WICKMAN CO., HEM7T0HS "6 Stark St. Bdwv. i4 VACANT WEST SIDE. ri.nBE i-N. -jirinittr r-in.ln hI.1. Must be sold. Nice home, furnace, fireplace. 60x100. excel lent location: fl.iou casn win iinii.i, balance to sou. ee n. ..-k -; - T. O. BIRD. "26 CHAM. OF COM. urrnMOVT 18500. This new 7-room stucco bungalow, all hardwood floors, built-ins. garage. Price less than cost; reaeonaoie venue,. this today. W M. ITMBDENSTOCK CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwv. 1658 SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW BARGAIN -.oon with 190OO sh down. fine, mod ern '6-room bungalow wlt-h sleeping nw.h hnt heat, fir-place, fine lot 5ix1flO. paved street. See this for a rtne nnm.. iwii J Be'mor.t. Week dave Tabor 219. mufiilv won KOMF.BODY. O .-rnnm hnnR. shon and WOOd house, chicken house; all for $1250; $100 or more down, balance as vou nae n. NETLAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumhermens mtig. MONT A VILLA DISTRICT. Modern 4-room bungalow, lot 50x1OO; has full cement basement, nice furnace, fireplace, dandy earage; only $3100: jsoo down, bal. $25 per month. Auto. 210-38. RESIDENCE, 8 rooms, 2 baths and toilets, basement, suitable for 2 families, ga rage cement drive. Al condition, all Improvements In and paid, near--good carline. east side; terms. 309 2d St. Weyrick. SEE THIS ONE $4250. Near Reed college: Just .being fin ished : R beautiful rooms, all bullt-lna. hardwood floors: essv terms. W. M. U-MBDENSTOCK 4 CO.. 910 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. Ifi.-iS t?ostt. city PARK. B-room modern hunaralow. all bullt 1ns bardwood floors, open fireplace, gas radio furnace-, lot 50x100. J5O00: consider auto, some cash first payment. C. vv . Mlllership. Main o-io. "BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. 4-room modern bungalow on fine cor ner 92x100. on hard street; am offered :;4flo on easv terms, hut will sacrifice for $2650 If you pay $1550 cash. Owner. East B228 4-room bungalow on paved St.: hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement: all modern conveniences. Terms. 1085 E. 15th st. N. EIGHT ROOMS $3400. PLASTERED, $750 CASH. Good condition. 39th st. near Glad stone. Owner leaving city. See It Like rent. Bdwy. 6011: Sunday Tabor 846. NEW home In close-in. highly restricted district, fairly modern in every respect. Ivory enamel finish, tapestry paper, lawn and shrubbery. Owner. 321 E. 23d St. Phone East 27rin 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FIREPLACE. Furnace, cement basement. Garage; $3850- $2000 cash. $30 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank BMg. Main 8787. $1400 TAKES a dandy little house on East 60th st.. not far from Sandy boul evard. Will take light car as part payment. For particulars call 404 Piatt Building. l-:i r-nrn -"m. tdvivotov CORNER HOME. S:i.-.0. 500 cash, balance monthly: 7 lovely rooms, oak floors. 2 fireplaces, garage. Neuhansen Cn. Main 8078. East j?Q4. . FOR SALE by owner, snappy 4-room bun galow lot 50x100, street improvements in and paid for. Price $2350. You'll like It. 7"17 B3Q ave. g. r. rjv i-i.-.-V-C-T FOB SATE 5-room modem bungalow; furnace, e-arare: this is a fine home. . 1373 E. Grant Call Tabor 23.18 3 LARGE rooms and bath; corner lot; fine lawn: fruit. 81800 Terms. INTER STATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. Main 54 2U. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room home on choice improved corner lOOxino. near KiUintrsworth ave.. $3500; $2000 cash. East 1228 ONE-ROOM house: paid $3oO; snao for 75; easy to move: sink and cupboard, electricity and French, windows. 6713 Faster road. LAURELHURST. $8500 A lovely new two-story home near park in ideal location, with every convenience, very best of workmanship and fixturea, every attention given to minute details and distinctive features. If in terested in I-aurelhurst you should net fail to see this home. Ea.y terms. $7350 A dandy, nearly new. six-room bungalow In park district, with all built-in and distinctive fea tures, hardwood floors, garage, French doors, etc. Everything of best quality. This is truly m bar sain. Terms. IRVINGTON. $7000 An elegant home of seven rooms and sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace, very large dining room: hardwood floors, four fine sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, full lot. This Is in fine location and a home that will please you at an exceptional price. Terms. ROSE CITY. $5200 A very attractive, new. five-room bungalow, ready to move Into, with all modern features. Includ ing hardwood floors, fireplace furnace and bullt-lns. A fint home on easy terms. ALBERTA. $3300 A real buy. Five-room bungalow near car and school: Dutch kitch en, fireplace, full basement; nicely finished, cheerful, airy rooms. A well-constructed home and exceptionally easy terms. We have Just secured several excellent buys in Alberta home, ranging in price from $2600 to $4200, all on exceptionally easy - terms. These places are not junk but real houses at prices thut are right. Let us tell you about them. Experienced salesmen with autos at your service. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY. $38-40 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. WEST MOUNT TABOR. ONLY $5250 TERMS. Fine 6-room home, complete with hdw. floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, bookcasea, buffet, toilet down; 3 bedrms., bath, toilet up. Fine loca tion. MARSH ft McCABE CO. Realtors.. S22-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. U528. Evenings Tabor 430. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. COME OUT SUNDAY. To 103 Royal court, between Flanders and Glisan and carefully overlook this most cheerful new 6-room -bungalow, with 2 large bedrooms up. oak polished floors, plate-glass windows, French doors, old ivory and tapestry paper, all the loveiy built-ins, double garage. This la the last creation in bungalow con struction. Do not fail to see it. D. W. ALTON, .Auto. 32ll-1!(. ONLY $1030. $300 Down. 4-room bungalow, near Bertha station. 'this la a nne nine home for little money. MARSH 4 McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 052S. Evenings Tabor 43U. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. Over 5 full lots riaht on the river. native shade trees and fruit trees In bearing. f ine Deacn lor swimming m. boating, on graveled road, close to the .ivcr highway and Oregon City cars. Beautiful homes surround this tract. The price Is only $10 per lot. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR, 318 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEAT 5-ROOM HOUSE. EASY TERMS. $2500 House newly painted outside, white enameled insldo, has bath, toilet, electric lights, gas, fruit trees, berries, garage, chicken house, concrete wa.lka, near brick school, vicinity PoweJI Val ley and USth st. George E. Englehart Co., 624 Henrv bldg. Broadway 5173. $3,850 BARGAIN $3K.-,0 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. $3850; very artistic, practically new. 4-room bungalow, with large sleeping porch, hdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook? large, airy bed room, garage: make your own terms R. SO.MERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. SEATTLE. 10-room house, modern, situated In Seattle's most desirable neighborhood on Pacific highway: lots of shrubbery, roses, etc., garage, - improvements all in: overlooking mountains and waters; lot 90x110. Price $20,000: terms to suit purchaser; photos to show. Apply Box AH. 361. Oregonian. RUSE CITY. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood . flooiT. fireplace, furnace, built-in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, giarage. practically lew; 2 rooms upstairs lathed ready to plaster; only $4000. $700 down. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155 or residence Tabor 7174. ALUEHTA DISTRICT. 4-room strictly modern bungalow in a lovely neighborhood at a price that will surprise you; $500 down will handle, balance like rent. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Broadway 1."7t. NEAT CLEAN HOME FURNISHED. 3 rooms, gas and electricity, 40x100 lot on paved street, lawn mower, garden hose, enough wood for montns in base ment. Immediate possession; $1400, $450 down, will accept light car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Baik Bldg. Main 8787. IRVINGTON HOME TAKE NOTICE. Are you in the market for a well-built large home, 75x100 lot, hot water heat, center hall, oak floors, fireplace? Could make 3 flats or family hotel. Choice location, near 15th and Knott. Neu hausen Co., 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. $6000 COZY IRVINGTON HOME $IX00. VACANT, MODERN, AT RIGHT PRICE. 5 rooms, bungalow type: furnace, fire place, laundry trays. 50x100 lot, all as sessment paid: in flrst-clase condition; terms. Sunday, Mar. 59G3. MAR1EUS & WILLIAMS. R20 Cham, of Com. BMg. Bdwy. 6771). YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS. Truly a lovely bungalow of 5 rooms, pretty h. w. floors, brick fireplace, large windows, a gem of a kitchen, full buse ment, lot and lattice fence; 3 years old, good district. $3500. terms. O. A. PEARCE COMPANY. Bdwy. 4S35. 616 Henry Bldg. Mar. 178. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. PRICE ONLY $1500. Only 15-mln. car ride to courthouse. $500 cash and terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. HDWY. 6942. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 4-room modern bungalow cloe to car and school; a clever-looking little home and a good buv; $2375, terms. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155: residence. Tabor 7174. 6 ROOMS $2(100. This Is located on Eugene street, near 82d ; full lot. near school. This Is a real value. Terms like rent. W. M. UMBDKNSTOCK ft CO . 210 Oregon Hide. Hdwy. 1658. Five-room modern bunKalow, plplts furnace, 1.0x100 lot, paved street, near car. S2375. Worth much more. W. I). RODABAUGH. Realtor. 1 P4 Hawthorne Avp. Wdln. 42tff. 12-ROOM HOUSE, S7O00. West side, very well arranged, nw furnace, good location. $l."iOrt cash, bal ance like rent. Phone Mar. 2103 Sunday only. T. O. BIRD, lS2fi CHAM. OF COM. ELEGANTLY furnished nine-room rusi-d-nf on Kiiiers Heiahts. one block to car; steam heat: property valued at $30,- 000: will pive if-asr-. R. POil ERVILLE. Bdwy. 247S. 320 U. S. Natl. Bank BMg. 2600 4-ROOM house on E. 7th. near Knott at., 2 bedrooms. Imp. are all In and paid for $500 cash. 42." Chan. of Com. bid?. Phone Bdwy. 4079. Open Sunday. 10 to 1, LOOK W EST SIDE BARGAIN'. 9v ROOMS. $4300. Irving' st.. near 2:td st. Furnace, well arranged, $150O cash, balance like rent. T. O. BIRD. f20 CHAM. OF COM. ALAMEDA New 6-room bungalow, as modern as can be built ; garage ; $UbuO ; terma Bflwy. r.3rt. HIGH-GRADE property and homes of the better type are listed with A. E. Camp bell, Selling bldg. Open Sunday morninf for appointments, jiam itt. NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, by own er. less than coat.' b'- Maple st., two blocks south 14th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE OR TRADE For auto, small equity In $1200 peninsula house and lot. Woodlawn 33i rvniPl.ETELY furnished modern bunjea- low and double garage, near o7th and Division. Tabor P744. vir.fAH LE iocat ion. 5 room, basemen t, raJ-age; cheap, easy term. 1226 Atlan tic fttreT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, modern. 9 rooms, condition, location perfect. Bdwy. FOR SALE A 7-room modern house, pip-- less furnace, concrete garage, lot 4(tx0, we.t side, river viw. Marshall 202ft. $4000 6-ROOM modern house, full lot unp.T Ainiaa. r,ai ..ii. BT OWNER 3-rooia bungalow. Util Gien avenud ono. . 11. C. GOLDEN HERO li. C. GOIJIENBEUG. Realtor and HuiUler Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 4!n3 Tabor M04. $2350 Here, folks, is a snap! New apt. bungalow, modern, garage, etc., near Anabel. . $2000 Cor. full lot, paving, etc.. rd. 5- rnom Ink. neat, plastered home. plumbing, bast., etc. Court order. sale: terms. $3000 Near 80th and Powell, neat bun galow, 2 lots, fine outbldgs., fruit. . garden; terms. $3500 5-rm. bung., close In. East Ash. $4000 For bonus men. strictly Al bun galow, full acre, right In city. Near reservoir, blk. Haw. car; terms. $4500 Absolute bargain, new. modern bung., near Peninsula Park, blk, Keaton car, all conv. $4750 Tillamook St., choice residence district. Snap, $1500 cash. (Brand new.) $5500 Unexcelled bung., (new) adj. Irv. Ington on Hancock st. : Just fin ished for owner who Is leaving for other Job. Has hdw. firs, fireplace, furnace, bullt-lns, full cement bast., sleeping porch breakfast nook, tapestry decora tions, fine garage, paving ail paid. Real snap, easy terms; nieve in. $7150 2 fine flats close In. modern. Inc. $90. $18,000 t flats, mod., prominent St.; Inc. $180. Take sonie trade. O. G. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldr, "35 Years in Portland." Bdwy. 4903. FURNISHED. OWNER SAYS SELL QUICKLY. Haa reduced price to $900 for this dandy little home on beautiful corner lot, 5 rooms, has funiare, fireplace, buf fet, cement basement, in fine shape in side and out. Furnished complete In brown mahogany and black walnut, everything good aa aew. SEE IT. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6i2S. Evenings Tabor 430. ROSE CITY. BIG SACRIFICE. Beautiful 8-room bungalow with 2 baths, large living room wiih fine fire place, massive buffet In dining room, fine Dutch kitchen, all the very latest built-ins, and many extras: hardwood floors, verv fine basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. Also good garage; hard-surface street: close to car. Price oniy $li:,iiO; $10110 cash will handle. DUDllBY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA HI.lKl. HDWY. 0042 BRAND NEW TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, complete, modern In every respect and at a price that will suit vou. Good terms to responsible parties SEE THEM AT ONCE. G. O. TJLRICH CO.. 405 Stock Exchange bldg. SEE IT TODAY. $6500 BUNGALOW. ABSOLUTELY MODERN. Ivory finish and hardwood f.onrs throughout, tapestry paper. 14x20 living room, full length mantel, built-in book cases, fine buffet, big plate-glass win dows, brkfst. alcove, full length, roll rim tile dralnbfards. tile bath. 2 bedrs. down. 2 up: full basement, garage. J blocks to car, 3 blks. to school. By ap pointment only. No phone Information. R T STREET. IRVINGTON AGENT. ..nivn to ('ll.lPlinMA San Francisco lot and balance cash for my equity in best location lrvlrgton. Large living room, dining room, breaK rnnr,, hiillt-tn kitchen, largo bed room with ladiea' dressing room adjoin ing; three other fine bedrooms, nil in old Ivory tapestry paper ami, mm. .I...-,. nnrnta crarnHA nnens Into base- ment.'sOxlOO lot; balance purchase price monthly payments, uwner, I oiu, gonliin c.l l,' on 1,'Vi Ml A VG E. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW On KOxfOO cround with lots of fruit. berries. lawn, roses, etc. Has very 1 .. 'tro nttlr.- nil thfl verV latest bullt-lns, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace; hard surface in and all paid. In Grove- -U.-rlr 1 r,lnrk to Hawtliome CST Sell on reasonable terms or exchange for suburban home. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. HDWY. 61142 WALNUT PARK. POZY BUNGALOW. This beautiful S-room bungalow Is located on Cleveland ave.. close to car and Jefferson high school and surrounded by lovely homes and is a most desirable home; $5000: reasonable terms. ' D. W. ALTON, Auto. 32!)-m NEW 4-ROOM bungalow, $3250; just fin ished. This is on 74th St., near HhIsv; concrete basement: breakfast nook, hniir-in buffet. (tui furnace, Dutch kitchen. This is a real snap. fcaay terms. TTmnnirvqTnrK' cn.. 210 Oregon Hlig- iiowy. i'"i. $S."i0l COLONIAL, 830 HamMet ave. Ivory finish and oak floors throughout. Living rm 14x20, large sunrm. oir it; uni "bevel plate French doors: bkfst. rm. Art tile fireplace, tile bath, Hever.U fine bedrs. and si. porch, garage. iyt Colonial home buy In Portland, eryi het part of Alameda pnri;. 5-RdOM BUNGALOW, AT SNA I ritnjr.. Close in on hard-surface street and all paid for. Price ONLY $21.00. S;ll on easv terms or will reduce price for all cash. A REAL SNA TV DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. KftQ-10 PANAMA BLDG. HDWY. .142. A DARLING LITTLE HOME. 4-room new home that has to be sacri ficed, has never been occupied: lot 3x 100; prtc only $2100 and balance $-3 per month Inclining interest. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 33.". Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SOS30 IRVINGTON corner home a va li able oversize corner, near 23d and Tilm mook. Modern. Boynton furnace: ivory finish; hardwood floors; 3 hedr. and si. porch, garage. By appointment only. r"" .Vtrket. trvingtpx homes 5-ROOM BUNG A I -OW ON CORNER. PRICE $3000. Neat 5-room modern bungalow and garage; 55x100 corner; hard-surface at. In and paid. $5ti0 cash and terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 0 PA N A M A BLDG- BDWY 0012. , ..nnM Kim ird o vi 2 full with bearing fruit trees and garage chicken house and roses and nice yard. Price $0;i0 $350 down. ?35 Pr month in cluding interest. 1S04 Faster st. Take St. John car. uiu'TU,H!'.: DISTRICT. Modern 5-rm. bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath, breakfast noon, gas heat. Price $3750, automobile as part pay. Will take Call Tabof 321 for appointment s800 r-R. COTTAGE on Albina ave. Ni"e vard and fruit trees. Imp. iu and paid; jr.oo cash. 425 Cham, of Com. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4070. Open Bundi'V. 10 L $2000 NEW BUNGALOW $2000. A new modem 4-room imligalow. prac tically on your own terms, monthly pay ments. Must be sold. i. I OK. Mi Ijt-wm j hub. $Hi50 3-R FURNISHED house on W. Al berta st. Imp. in and paid: $50 down. 425 Cham, of Com. bldg. Phone Bdwy. - 4079. Open. il to 1. Munnay T7Z771 7 V' & R Iv DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow. 2 full lots, fruit, chicken runs, garden, etc.: 2 4 VJ" to car; assessments paid. Terms, labor j i.- t rvv Ti)oO Irvlngton's best. Vacant. Open for inspection today. 4S3 E. 2i'th N . rms,. 2 sty., garage- Center of Irvington. bee It toaay 1 acre nnd 3-room shack, 2 miles from 8 2d st. on Powell Valley road; all in cultivation: price $1300 314 Couch bldg- Bdwy. 6336 or Hast 3302. NEW HOME In eiove-i'n, highly restricted dlsrict. fairly modern in every respect. Ivory enamel finish, tape-"try paper, lawn and shrubbery. Owner, 321 Eat 23d st. Phone rast :i'i LAI. nrajiu 6-room modern bungalow. $7350; $40o cash. See this first! 425 Cham, of Com. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4070. Open Sunday. 1" to 1. a i-iir-i t r t - I (j'p IRVINGTON PICKUP $6750. Fine 7-room home, ivory finish, art paper, oak floors, garage. Neuhausen, S30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 807. E. a4. $1575 4-R COTTAGE on Prtscott st. nice vard. paved Ft; $500 cash. 425 Cliam, of Com. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4079. ' Open, lo to 1 Sunday. $000 CASH. 5-room modern bungalow: fireplace, furnace, garage. Price $3M00. Bdwy. 5 tn or BEAUTIFUL fc-rooin ultra modern horn in irvington, larne lot and garage, ex ceptionally fine buy; can give terms to riuht party. 'n ' a'.or ;m FOR RENT with option to buy. furnished or unfurnished, fully modern, B-room bungalow, Irvington. Bdwy. 4S35. Mar. 17 M. LAURELHURST Beautiful new corner bungalow, 1105 Eajt Flanders, at coat; built right. Owner transferred. ROSE CITY PA It K HOME. Six rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; small payments; owner In Cali fornia. Tabor P7S. weekdays Main P'H2. NEW MODERN Alberta bungalow just completed is being offered st $4M0. down percent, $700. A. Jfi. Campbell, Selling UlJt. HOMES FOR THE WORKINOM AN. I b25 $25(1 cash. $20 monthly, buys a 3- room cottage In the Alberta district, ground 50x100. gas and gus lights, patent toilet, sink, city water. 8 bearing fruit tree., good woodshed and garag.. 900 Jl.'iO cash, $20 monthly, buys a 4- room box house, ceiled, small cellar. electrio lights, ground 164x110, four frtllt trees and some - bt-mes. 1 jot) $50 down, $15 monthly, buys a piece of ground 106x141, and a substantially-built 2-rm. cottug'i. near Courtney Station, on the oregonCIty line. This Is In a new platting and you have river front rights and privileges In con nection with this place. $1475 $100 cash. $15 monthly buys a 4-room, 2-story house, has patent toilet sink. fireplace, concrete floor alt over downstairs, house needs painting and a little work by Mr Handvman. 1 block from Woodstock car. Don't hesitate on this, as It Is a dandy. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Chamber of Commerce. STAR SALES SERVICE. NEW SEVES ROOMS $4230. Brand new 7-room bungalow, double constructed, hdwd. floors. Dutch kitchen, modern built-ins; will finish In Ivory or to suit. Splendid largo living room: plastered cement basement: flno corner lot; 1 block to car. in beautiful hi lovar. Seo this. Tako lot in trade. Terms. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. Modem 5-room bungalow, full base ment, furnace, bullt-lns. Dutoh kitchen, garage, paved street; 14 block to car. No liens'. $42311. Terms. STAR REAL ESTATE K INV. CO.. REALTORS. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Tt,iv,-v 561K Sun and Eve., tlo.i-. UM-J'PM.iD L'l AVI. .J.,VII!J A'L) LOTS. Brand new, up-to-dal, modern bun galow, built by owner for his home. Itewt material and workmanship; bus" ment. laundry trays, hardwood floor. hHiid.somo eloctnc light fixturea, a built-ins; garage to match home. uii lot. Price oniy $3100, Terms. W have a numbur of attractive houses and bun galows as well as a largo number of low in this high-class district at prices be low ViflUC. . JOHN K. HOWARD, REALTOR, 31S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. lRYl.NGTu.N PA1IK. "-room bungalow. iNew. i'rica $4i:o. casn siw.iv. Irvlngion Now -room bungalow, $"rioo. ltie Cltv. new five-room bungalow. Slitctlv modern, $."500. . Kenton 4-room modern bouse. $8300. Terms. West Piedmont 7 roomi; modern. Price $3:.0O; cash $1500. JOHNSON' tv BROS., 413 Washington Bldg. ROSE CITT. 4d00 $.-oo CASH. Brand new iv-roum bungalow, close tl Sandy, large living room, liruplaoa, book case!, ok floors, 2 nice airy bedrooms, largo closets. Dutch kitchen with break last nook; full cement basoment, fur mtee. laundry trays. Ex-ucrvlca men apply your bonus on this. SOMEKYILLK. BDWY. 2478. 320 I. 8. Nat. Hunk Wdg. j $3730 $300 CASH. New 3 -room bungulow. hdwd. floors, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook; beautuully decorated in old ivory and tapestry paper; 2 ulry bed rooms, attic, lull cement, basumenl, close to M.V. car. rt R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. N.utoual Hank Bldg. $ r. V-rl U V ISO TON . 6-rm. colonial bungalow type, like new; southern colonial porch, wonderful shrubberv, fruit trees, extra large living room, good sized den or sunroom, 2d floor has 3 bedrooms (one i very large) with fine closets. Ivory finish, up-to-date electrio fixtures, owner moving to country. Hy appointment only. H. T. STREET. HKTTKR HOMES. . 1KVINGTON PICK-UPS. YOL'H BEST OFFER. PLEASE. 701 CLACKAMAS, fl-rm.. modern, garag-'. below $tt000. 45 E. 20TH N. 6-rm.. beautiful condition, modern, garage, below 7n00. VACANT. SEE US F0K OTHERS. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON REALTOR. $.VI GOOD TERMS. Splendid Piedmont home; 0 rooms, en trance hall and sleeping porch, bullt-lns In dining room and pass pantry; cement, basement and good furnace; lot xluo; douMo garage; new, choice location for a home. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. NUH HILL DISTRICT. Corner, 100x130. located on 20th st., close in, with a 14-room house. 7 fire places. Fine location for boarding una roemlnK house or apartment house site. PrLi-e. oi.ly $17,500, which is less than the assessed valuation. Easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, 31 H Chamber of Commerce- Bldg. ALAMEDA. Must sell, modern, up-to-date, story-and-hulf bungalow; 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, sun room, Guhco furnace, Ruud water heater; best location. Price $7000. Easv t"rms. W. M. UMBDKNSTOCK A CO., 2in Pr.'iTon Hldg. Hdwy. 1038. BARNEY JOHNSON CO., REALTORS. 170 JOTH ST. We have a nice Rejection of nice bun galows with small tracts of land or without. In city : py like rent. Be a home owner. We also huve nice hoit.es with 1 to 5-acre tracts, near city. Will show you in our car. "We Serve to Plensp." Main 3160. BUILT by day labor just finished, 0-room modern bungalow, solid cement runway to garage, fireplace, ha rd wood floors, furnace, modern throughout, built by day labor. $4S3u. terms May consider soldier's loan. Take Rose -ity car to i h 1 Vj blocks soil t h to 4 1 E. OHt h st. N. This is direct from owner at Bdwv. 5112. 3::t Hallway ETchnngn. BUNGALOWS H CHOICE ONES, $3.-00 AND UP. Irvington. Alameda. Laurelhurst. Also beautiful COLONIALS ami larger homes. Selling better homes is our busi ness and our habit. Naturally, wo can show you what you want. R T. STREKT. Good Homes Real t or. VACANT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six rooms one floor, cement basement, fireplace, h. w. floors, built-ins. all ki'ads. breakfast nook, garag, all city Improve ments paid ; one block to cur; price $4,-rfW: terms. If you want a bargain cell the owner. Tabor HIW or Bdwv. '.7"!t. FOR SALE By owner, 4-room cottage In good condition, on hard-surface street ; corner lot, 50x50: assessments till paid; electric lights, all plumbing In: buse ment. Price $1030. part cash, ba lance easy terms. Address A. N". Patterson, 271 F irst st. I ' h one M a I n7 4 26. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Practically new 4-room plastered cot tage, concrete foundation, plumbing roughed in : 2 blocks from car. Price $100; $2uo cash. $23 monthly. You had better come a-runnlng. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 fliam. of Com. THE OWNER of a north Irvlrmton home Is taking considerable loss to imBi" ijulcic sale on new modern bungalow which has nevt-r been orcupled; hardwood floors, thoroughly modern in every respect. $5730 ; cash. $1300. A. E. Campbell, Selling Bldg. $0500. BA RG A IN. $0500 Will sell my thoroughly modern 8-rm. home. In one of the bent cast side dis tricts, close In; all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; some terms if desired. Phone East 0007. 75i(i 7-RM. DUTCH C UVIAL, lory finish, tapestry paper, hardwood floor throughout ; tile bath, tile drain board, large brkfst. room, Jare sunroom, ga- RiKT. STREET, I RVINOTNH OMJJS. FOR SA-LE Splendid 0-romu colonial, com plete In everv particular, fine corner. Hast 40th and Salmon, just completed, close to M'huul nnd b-st car linen. Phone evenings for appointments. Owner, Ta bor 510. Opentoday. 2 to 4. tanou HARGAIN for quick sale. 5-room modern bunKalow. double lot. garage, eping porch: laying hens; attractive grounds. Will sell furnished, including piano, $3500. Tei ms. Owner. (1141 Wood stock ave. Phone Auto. 0H.-0. vj4i,ii 7-R. MoDKRV home on Michigan avuv. Real value for tho money; $1000 cash or .-olri ler's bonus. 4 J.". Cham, of Coin. bid. Phone Bdwy. 4070. Open Suiidav. in to 1. K ROOMS. $3400. PLASTKRKD. $750 CASH. Good condition. Thirty-ninth st., 1 r:inrfi one : owner bavlng city : serf- It ; like rent. Bdwy. 0011 Sunday Tahor b-ROO.M hmise and store hulldlng; nn sacrifice m t once; good for $120 Inco.r. can get $iVino loan on this at once; . or tr.ide. O-vner. Enst 53n.. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR HPKC1 ATL Y . BEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAVSKN CO.. REALTORS. 3l N. W. BANK. MAIN K07H. K. BUY Tills BCNGAI.OW. Hawthorne district. $:.05o. $4"" caoi. Balance lik- r nt. Tabor his, after Min- Main "12 FOR SA LE A new .".-room bungalow, ivory finish, hardwood fioors. fu 1 fo ment basement, with furnace n'M ira -rge Rv owner, !M5 Wasco, cor. of 33.1 STOUK ROOM and living rooms. ncsti lo 25x100. fl.lno. term East 127 tl Car NEW. modern, 4-room district. Full-size lo Tahor "B1. use. Ml. $2.Hn. MODERN 5-room bung-' I", finished ft tic f.V'O cash and loan to apply - mihri yon- offer. AsV-r Ireland. Hist 5th t. LAURELHURST buimalow, cheap, i cash 1120 iit.ua to ju