The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 15, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 64

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Local Congregations to Hear Sermons by Men High in Councils of Church Party Will Leave Tonight for San Francisco Mass Meeting This Afternoon Planned.
A GROUP of noted Presbyterian
leaders are In Portland today.
They arrived thla morning; from
Seattle and will leave tonight for San
Francisco. All arrangements have
been made to make their brief visit
tere a pleasurable one.
Members of the party are Rev.
Henry C. Swearingen, D. D., moderator
of the general assembly, and Mrs.
(Mrlnnii: Rv John A. Marauis.
D D.. LL. D.f secretary of the board
of home missions:' Rev. A. W. Moore,
a talented missionary from India, and
Miss Mabel M. Shelbley, representing
both of the women's boards of mis
sions. A mass meeting will be held In
honof of the visitors this afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock at the First Presby
tf-rian church. The moderator and
Miss Shelbley are echeduld- to speak.
This meeting Is In charge of the new
era committee of the Portland Fres
bytery, of which Dr. Walter II. Nugent
Is the chairman.
The Presbyterian leaders will oc
cupy pulpits in the city at both the
morning and night services today as
Morning First chufch, the tndrlefa
tor, Dr. Henr"y C. Swearingen; West
minster church. Dr. John A. Marquis;
Central, Rev. A. W. Moore, and Mlzpah,
Miss Mabel M. Shelbley, Night
(Mount Tabor church, the moderator,
Dr. Swearingen; Piedmont church, Dr.
John A. Marquis: Hose City Park
church. Rev. A. W. Moore, and Forbes
church. Miss Mabel M. Shelbley.
e e
Seren hundred Methodists ars ex
pected to attend the conference meet
ings to be held Thursday and Friday
In the First Methodist Kpiecopa
church. This Will be ths second In
tho group of five conference sessions
scheduled for Metnoaisi tpiscoimi
churches of ths Pacific northwest this
month. The first will be held in Eu
gene Tuesday and Wednesday.
All Methodist churches In Portland,
Salem and The Dalles districts will
be Included In the sessions to be held
here. The pastor of each church in
the area Mid at least one layman
Is asked to attend the gathering.
Among those who will bs here for
the convention re Bishop Smith of
India, representing the board of for
eign missions; E. D. Kohlstedt, repre
senting the committee on conserva
tion and advance; J. J. Lace, Superin
tendent of Utah missions, represent
ing the board of home missions and
church extensions! W. S. Bovard of
the board of Sunday ecnoois, ana
C. E. Vermllya of the department of
frontier. Listed among the epeakers
in addition to these men will be Dr.
Kdwerd Laird Mills, Charles E.
Guthrie of the board of Epworth
league, L. D. Mahone, Portland repre
sentative of lay aotlvltles, and Bishop
W. O. Shepard.
Th Baotlst ministers of the Vfll-
lamette and West Willamette associ
ations will meet In conference at the
Y. M. C. A. tomorrow from 10:45 to 3
m m
The leaders of ths Portland Union
Bible lasses conducted by the Moody
Bible dntitut are delighted with tne
report which was read last week.
Among the interesting items was the
statement by the chairman, Haney
K. Hallgren, that more man iz.uuu
persons had attended the sessions
during the last eight months. These
classes are held in various parts of
tho cl-tv and are proving to Be a
vital part of the church life of the
city. Representatives of all the
evangelical bodies are found In the
audiences, and Sunday school workers
from nearly all the Bible schools
using the International Sunday school
lessons, attend the Tuesday evening
hour at 7:15 In the White Temple for
the discussion of the lesson for the
following Sunday. Next week Classes
will be held on Monday evening In
thn First Baptist churcn, or Van
couver, Tuesday evening in the White
Temple, Wednesday at 2 o'clock In the
Westm nster Presbyterian cnurcn,
Thursday night in the Vernon Pres
byterian church and on bunaay aiter
noon from 3:39 to 4:30 In the Calvary
Presbyterian church.
The deaconess auxiliary meeting
will be held at the Methodist dea
coness home, 813 Flanders streot, Fri
day. Sewing will be done in the
morning for the poor. "Pot luck"
lunch will be served at noon under
the direction of the women of Clin
ton Kelly and Westmoreland churches.
Tho business meeting win De at i:su.
Mrs. Matthew S. Hughes will lead
the devotion, which will be followed
by a review of the Christmas activ
ities by the deaconesses.
ProB-rammes will be sent out soon
for the 34th diocesan convention of
the Episcopal church to be held here
January 26 or 26.
One of the outstanding leatures
will be the dedication anO opening of
tho Theodore B. Wilcox Memorial
hospital. This finely equipped Insti
tution will be one of the most com-
pleto on the Pacific coast.
Dr. Phelps to Preach at the
White Temple Today.
Subject Morning Sermon Mill
Be Trayer."
AT the First Baptist church (White
Temple) today Dr. Arthur S.
Phelps will preach both morning and
evening. His morning subject will
be "Prayer" and in the evening his
topio will b'e "The Church for To
day." Sunday schbol Is at 0:45, chorus
choir for young people meeting for
practice at 5:15 this afternoon and
"i'oung People's meeting at 6:30.
At the Glencoe Baptist church, East
Forty-fifth and Main streets, the pas
tor W. B. Stewart, will preach this
morning on "Acknowledging Jesus."
This evening the Rev. John Burgess
will hold an evangelistic service Spe
cial music will be furnished by the
choir and male quartet.
Rev, Mr. Stewart will hold services
at the county farm this afternoon at
3 o'clock.
'A Glad Heart and a Cheerful
Countenance" Is the subject of the
sermonette which the Rev. Ray Ed
win Close will deliver to the boys
and girls at this morning's service
of the Third Baptist church. The
subject of the sermon to the adult
congregation will be "Taking an In
ventory." The ordinance of baptism
will be administered at the beginning
of the evening services. "The Way to
Victory" will be the sermon theme.
Dr. W. B. Hlnson will deliver the
eighth sermon on "The Real Lord's
Prayer" at the East Sido BaptlBt
churoh this morning. The ordinance
of baptism will be observed at both
morning and evening service. At the
evening service a diversified musical
programme will be rendered by the
chorus, ' orchestra and congregation.
At these five popular Sunday evening
services being held during the month
of January the world's most famous
hymns ore being sung and both Dr.
Uinson and his associate. Mr. Bryant,
apeak tonight. Mr. Bryant will take
for his subject "Religion as -Young
People Like It." Dr. Hlnson will
follow with his sermon, "The Toung
Man Who Came Back."
KEWBERO, Or'., Jan. 14. (Special.)
The union teachers' training clcss
met for the first time this year Jan
uary 9 at the Presbyterian church
under the tutelage of Rev. George H
Lee. The class is composed of mem-
. ers of the prominent churches
Important members of the W. C. T. U,
In this class are young people who
wish to serve as teachers, teachers
who feel the need of further train
Ing and parents who wish to co-op
erate with Sunday school teachers.
At the First Norwegian-Danish
Methodist-Episcopal "church, EIgh
trenth and Hoyt streets, Rev. C. J.
Larsen, district superintendent of the
Pacific district, will preach at 11
A. M. today. Communion will follow.
A Scandinavian mass meeting will
be held at the Jefferson high school
auditorium today at 2 o'olock. 6er
mon will be in English by Rev. Scar-
Mr. Holm, baritone, will sing.
Ths Sunday school of the Clay.
street Evangelical church at Tenth
and Clay streets will open at :30
o'clock and will be in charge of Su
perintendent Keller. At 10:49 the
pastor will meak on "Abiding: In
Christ." In the afternoon the pa
tor will conduct a service at the
German Altenhelm on Division
street. The Toung People's all!
ance will hold Its session at 6:30
o'clock, to bs followed by the evan
gelistic service at 7:30.
The subject for the evening service
Will be "Confessing Christ" The
evangelistic services, held every
night at 7:45 o'clock, will be contin
ued during this coming week, but
will begin at 7:30 Instead of 7:45.
These services are Increasing in at
tendance and In interest.. Jacob
Stocker, ths pastor, will preach every
evening unless announced differently.
m m m
Rev. It. Edward Mills win address
ths realization League, 14 Thirteenth
street, at 11 A. M. on "New Objects
of Attainment," and St 8 P. M. on
The Magid Formula.
'Imperishable Assets" to
Be Methodist Theme.
Dr. E. Karle Parker Will Speak at
Both Services Today.
AT THE First Methodist chufch,
corner of Twelfth and Taylor
streets, the pastor, Rev. B. Earle Par
ker, D. D will preach at both serr
Ices today. The theme of the morn'
Ing sermon Is: "Imperishable Assets,"
and at night, "Bethany Idyl." There
will be special music at both services
by ths quartet and choral choir.
Wednesday at P. M. ths Woman's
association will ifleet In the Sunday
school temple. A large attendance Is
desired as plans for tHe reorganisa
tion of the circle will bs presented
and discussed.
Thursday night and all day and
night of Friday there will be mis
sionary conference in First church to
which the general public is Invited.
Luncheon will be provided for dele
gates only.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
will be observed at the Centenary
Wilbur Methodist church this morn
ing, with appropriate music. The
pastor will be assisted by several
ministers affiliated with the church.
At the evening service L. D. Mahone,
one of the prominent laymen of the
city, will speak on "The Place of
America in World Affairs." Mr. Ma
hone is a world traveler and his
statement of world condition will be
heard with Interest.
The primary department of the
Sunday school will move into Its new
quarters In the community house this
morning. The house is being made
comfortable and attractive for the
various activities of which It will be
the center.
At the Sunnyside Methodist church
a full programme is in operation and
will keep all organizations busy until
Easter. The women of the four circles
of the Aid society are in the middle
of a well-planned campaign of call
ing, which they expect to complete
this month. Throughout the month
of January on Sunday night. Dr. Gal
lagher will deliver a series of popular
sermons on "The Great Liars of the
At the Clinton Kelly memorial
Methodist Episcopal church, Powell
and East Fortieth streets, of which
K Sutton Mace is the pastor, Mrs. F.
M. Jasper and Mrs. Robert Allen will
be soloists today. The departments
of the Bible school will convene at
9:43. W. It. Hawksley is superin
tendent. Mr. Mace will preach on
"The Place and Work of a Man." Miss
Glover will lead the devotional hour
of the Epworth league in the evening.
Mr. Mace will preach in the West
moreland chapel, on Milwaukle and
South avenue, at 7:30 P. M.
At Woodlawn Methodist church the
pastor. Rev. J. II. Irvine, will have
for the morning subject "The Expul
sive Power of a New Affection." The
evening topic will be "Thinking God
to Be Like Ourselves."
The Junior league unites with the
other Juniors of the city In a rally
at Sunnyside church at 3 P. M. There
will be no Junior league In the eve
ning. The (special evangelistic services
which have been carried on for the
past two weeks at the Rose City Park
Methodist Episcopal church under the
direction of the pastor. Dr. C. W.
Iluett, assisted by Evangelist Canady,
are expected to close with today's
services. During the past two weeks
the congregations have been large,
with ' an increasing, interest and
marked progress in the spirit and
devotion of the church people. A
r.umber of conversions have resulted.
It Is expected that today's services
will conclude the present series of
special services and from now on until
Easter a steady campaign will be
waged' to bring every follower of the
Master within reasonable distance of
tho church into the fold of her members-hip,
and to take part In her fel
lowship and working programme.
Evangelist Canady will sing at both
services today and the public Is cor
dially invited to the services.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 14. (Spe
cial.) Elaborate preparations are
being made for the annual meeting
of The Dalles district of the Columbia
river conference of the Methodist
church by residents of the Odell or
chard section, who will be hosts to
delegates February 6, 7 and 8. Col
laborating with Rev, W. S. Gleiser,
pastor of the Odell Methodist church,
the following executive committee is
making arrangements for the ses
sions: 3. C. Duckwall, Andrew Weln
heimer, Clayton Fletcher and Mrs.
Allison Fletcher. Dr. W. O. Sheppard,
resident bishop, and District Super
intendent Leech will be present.
i ? '
-S ',- , - - 2
Several notes' ministers w-ll be tn Portland this week. A ajronn of prominent
and well-known Methodists will arrive In a few days for the northwest Methodist convention, to be held here
Thursday ana Friday. Among the church men to be here arei 1 Dr. Henry C. Swearlngen, moderator of the
general assembly of the Presbyterian charch. X Dr. John A. Marquis, secretary of the board of home missions
of tho Presbyterian church, t Dr. Charles K. Vermllya, department of frontier of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Presbyterians to Hear Dr.
Moderator Will speak at Mass
Meeting; Thla Afternoon.
XV JNGEN, D. D., will preach at the
First Presbyterian church this morn
ing. Dr. Swearingen Is ths modera
tor of the Presbyterian church in the
United States, and ministers to a
church, ths House of Hope, in St.
Paul, Minn. At 3:30 P. M. there will
be a mass meeting In the church at
which Dr. Swearingen and Miss
Mabel Shelbley are to speak and to
which everyone is invited.
Dr. Bowman will preach at the
evening service on tho theme, "Mis
understood." takina- his text from
Daniel vlli:27.
In the morning a soprano and tenor
duet will be sung by Mrs. Segarsten
and Mr. Young, "My Song Shall Al
ways Be Thy Mercy" (Mendelssohn),
and the choir will sing the anthem
"Just as I am" (Gilchrist). In the
evening the choir will sing "When
Winds are Raging" (Little) and
"How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place"
(Brahms). An organ recital will be
given from 7:30 to 7:4 P. M. by E. E.
Coursen: (a) "Triumphal March"
(Svendson) and "Finale" (Gullmant).
The Men's club will meet Tuesday
evening in the Sunday school audi
torium. B. F. Mulkey will talk on
'Shakespeare as I Know Him." The
address on ths "Port of Portland" by
Frank M. Warren, which was advniv
tlsed for this meeting, has been post
poned until the evening of January 31.
All men are welcome.
On Friday evening a "Progressive
Party" will be given by the San
Grael Christian Endeavor society In
room H. The young people of the
church and community are Invited.
The vesper class of the First Pres
byterian church had a. large audience
last Sunday to enjoy the concert.
Today the orchestra will present
some new musical compositions, and
the vesper quartet will sing one or
two numbers. Young men and young
women will find this 4 o'clock service-
most enjoyable.
The Warren Bible class for young
women of the First Presbyterian
church Is approaching 1000 in aver
age attendance. A called section
meeting will be held Tuesday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. Strangers will find
a cordial welcome in this social time
of miJBlo and games. Entrance Is at
454 Alder street.
Central Presbyterian church. East
Thirteenth and Pine streets, will have
two noted visitors In its pulpit today.
This morning the Kev. A. W. Moore,
a talented missionary from India,
who is making a tour of the country
with the moderator of the general
assembly, will speak. This evening
Dr. J. Franklin Babb of Boston will
deliver an address on "The Soloist
and the Accompanist." IV. Babb is a
friend of the pastor. Dr. Walter
Henry Nugent. He is in the west on
a lecture trip. The choir will sing
"The Radiant Morn" (Woodward),
and a trio will render "The Lord
Will Comfort Zion" (Brown) this
morning. The evening music will be
a chorus, "Christian, the Morn Breaks
Sweetly )t'er Thee" (Shelley), and a
violin solo, "Melody" (Dawes), Rob
ert Louis Barron.
The monthly meeting of the Men's
club of tho Central church will be
held Tuesday evening. Supper will
be served at 6:30 o'clock. The speaker
of the evening is the Rev. Dr. Charles
MacCaughey of the Centenary-Wilbur
church. His subject is "A Mans
Religion." The Fldolis guild will also
meet for supper at the same time
in another room of the churcn.
Beginning on Thursday evening
each circle, into wh'cti . trie entire
membership is divided, will have
charge of the midweek service in
turn. This first meeting will be in
charge of circle No. 1, of which Elders
D. T. Van Tine and J. Stanton King
are the leaders. It is expected that
the new arrangement will increase the
attendance and interest. The plan
will continue until Easter.
"Partakers With Christ" is the
theme of Rev. Donald W. M. Mac-
Cluer's morning sermon at Rose City
Park Presbyterian church. Tonight
Rev. A. W. Moore of Manipuri. India,
will speakvon "The Work in India.
Rev. Mr. Moore Is said to be one of
the greatest missionary epeakers be-J
rorenhe puouc toaay.
Rev. Mr. MacCluer Is now giving a
series of Sunday night sermons on
"Disputed Questions." The last two
subjects are "Christ and Psychology
on Demoniacal Possession" and "An
gels, and Why You Will Never Be
Rev. J. Francis Morgan, pastor of
Piedmont Presbyterian chureh, will
pi each this morning on "Investment
in Christian Knowledge." In the eve
ning Rev. John M. Marquis, D. D.,
LL. D., ex-moderator of the general
assembly, will give an address as a
member of the moderator's party
which Is now visiting the northwest.
Rev. Mr. Marquis is a powerful
The Women's auxiliary will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the church parlors.
The teachers' training class will
meet Thursday night at 7 o'clock
under the leadership of P. O Bone
brake, followed at 8 by the regular
prayer service.
The moderator of the general as
sembly. Rev. Henry Chapman Swear
engen, D. D., will preach in the Mount
Tabor Presbyterian church tonight at Bnould be able to care for the Nor
7:30. There will be special music. wegian Lutherans in the city at this
This morning the pastor. Ward W.
MacHenry, will preach on "Limiting
Mlzpnh Presbyterian church Chrls-
i tlan Endeavor society will have
K "I
Si V 5
charge of the Men's Resort meeting
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The pastor,
Rev. D. A. Thompson, will speak. At
7:30 Rev. Lvl Johnson will give his
Bible lecture and on Wednesday
rilirht m t i o'clock ths Second United
J Brethren young people will hold a
meeting at the resort.
The morning congregation at Mis-
pah Presbyterian church. East Nine
teenth and Division streets, will be
addressed by Miss Mabel M. Shelbley
of New Tork. who represents the
woman's boards. Miss Shelbley is a
member of the moderator's party
which will pass the day In Portland.
There will be a mass meeting at the
First Presbyterian church at 8:30
o'clock, at which Miss Shelbley and
the moderator. Dr. Swearengen, of the
House of Hope church, St. Paul,
Minn., moderator of the general as
sembly of the Presbyterian church,
will be the speakers.
The children's sermon will precede
the Junior Christian Endeavor and
will be given by Miss Shsibley.
The Intermediate society of Chris
tian' Endeavor will hold tho meeting
at the Men's Resort at 4 o'clock. They
will be assisted by members of the
choir. Rev. D. A. Thompson will
preach to the men.
The Intermediate Christian En
deavor society will hold Its regular
expresslonal service In the lecture
room of the churcn at 6:48 o'clock.
The topio will be "God in Our Lives."
Miss Jean Graham will lead the meet
ing. The evening service will be at 7:45.
The pastor will preach. His theme
will be "Things Temporary and Per
manent." Young People's night will be ob
served January 29, and will be under
the' auspices of the Intermediate
Christian Endeavor society, partici
pated in by the Junior Christian En
deavor and the high school Bible
Westminster Presbyerlan church
will hear one of the outstanding men
of the denomination this morning.
Accompanying Dr. Swearengen. the
moderator of the church's general as
sembly. Rev. John A. Marquis, D. D.,
secretary of the board of home mis
sions, will be in Portland for today
only. He will speak on behalf of the
board he represents and which Is
helping so effectively to evangelize
all parts of America, including the
foreign-born, the ' mountaineers, the
Indian, the Alaskan, and the rural
Dr. Pence, the pastor, will speak to
the children on "Little Chaps Who
Will Be Men and Women Some Day."
The pastor's theme for the evening
will be "The Loneliness of Jesus."
At last Sunday's communion serv
ice 28 were received into the church
and four were baptized.
Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 the
Woman's association will hold Its
monthly meeting at the church audi-
torium- Mrs John Pearson will dis
cuss the topic. "Japan." Mrs. Ira P.
Reynolds conducts the devotions.
Mrs. McAyeal is chairman of hos
tesses. Miss Helen Heller will sing.
'Co-Workers With God," Is
Dr. Brinkman's Topic.
St. James' English Lutheran Folk
to Hold Annual Meeting,
ffflO-WORKERS With God" will be
Vrf the subject of the sermon by
Rev. William E. Brinkman at St.
James' English Lutheran church, cor
ner of West Park and Jefferson
streets, thie morning at 11 o'clock.
Following the morning services the
annual meeting of the congregation
will be held, when reports of the
church work of the last year will
be made The ejection of officers
to the church council also will be
held. Other items of Importance will
come before the congregation at the
meeting. The entire membership of
the congregation Is requested to be
"What Is in a Name?" will' be the
subject of tho evening sermon at 7:45
The Sunday school will hold Its
regular session at 9:50 A. M. All
departments are open to new scholars
and to visitors.
The pastor Bible class and the
young women's class extend a cor
dial welcome to new members who
wish to Join and also to visitors.
These classes meet in the chureh
auditorium each Sunday at 10:30
A. M. The St. James Lutheran
league young people's society will
hold its devotional service this even
ing at 6:45 In the church clubrooms.
The topic for discussion is "God in
Our Lives." All young people are
especially Invited.
The young ladles' guild will hold
ita regular monthly business and so
cial meeting at the home of Miss
Mamie Glass, 471 East Forty-fourth
sitreet North, tomorrow.
The 22d annual convention of the
Pacific synod and Woman's Mission
ary society" of the United Lutheran
church will convene in St. John's
Lutheran church, Tacoma, Wash., next
Wednesday. Delegates from tho St
James congregation have been elected
to attend as representatives of the
church from Portland. Rev. Mr.
Brinkman will preach the synodlcal
sermon on tho evening of the conven
ing of tho synod.
"The Problem of. the Bi-Llngual
Church" will be dicussed this even
ing at the forum of the Lutheran
league In Our Saviour's church, cor
ner East Grant and Tenth streets.
The symposium will bo led by N. Y.
Clausson, and free discussion follow.
It is contended that one congregation
time. All interested are invited to
take part In the deliberations.
The morning sermon will be in
Norwegian, followed by holy com
munion, Rev. M. A. Christ eneen officiating.
Presbyterians will b In the city today
Series of Gospel Services Is
Planned by Church.
Latter-Day Saints to Hold Meet
ings for Two Weeks.
T'HE young people of the Reorgan-
lzed Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints will bold a series
of gospel services at the church, East
Seventy-sixth and Irving streets, be
ginning tonight and continuing to
January 23, Inclusive.
The choir and orchestra have been
practicing for some time and will be
prepared to furnish aood music,
which will be an important" feature
of the meetings. Congregational
singing will be featured also.
The entire series will be In the
hands of the young people and they
are expecting good attendance. They
are inviting all ages, but especially
urge the young people to attend.
The speaker. Elder A. C. Martin
of Independence, Mo., is a young man
in years but has had a wide and
varied experience in ministerial
work. He recently was transferred
here by the presidency of the church
from a mission In eastern Canada.
Elder Martin will preach a series
of typical gospel sermons beginning
tonight with the principle of "Faith
in God," and continuing each with
the six principles as named by the
Apostle Paul in Hebrew vi:l-2 and
other doctrinal topics. The young
people have been planning the meet
ings for some time and every detail
of the services has been arranged.
The First Spiritualist church, East
Seventh and Hassalo streets, holds
services every Sunday at 3 and 8
P. M. An interesting conference
meeting will be held In the afternoon,
followed by message and healing
circles. J. Wlllard Hills, new pastor
from Flint, Mich., accompanied by
Mrs. Hills, as message bearer! will
deliver the night address. In addi
tion to the lecture and. messages
there will be muslo.
Rov. T. M. Minard will deliver an
address on "Life More Abundant"
this morning at 11 o'clock In the
First Divine Science church, 816 East
Clay street (take Hawthorne avenue
car). Francis Richter, the organist,
will commence the morning organ
recital at 10:55.
Tonight John W. Parsons, founder
of the "School of Prayer." and re
cently appointed field secretary of
the International New Thought alli
ance, will deliver a lecture on "The
New Jerusalem" at 7:30 o'clock. The
regular mid-week meeting will be
held Thursday at 8 P. M. These
meetings are open to the public.
"The Never Falling Mystic Light"
will be the lecture theme at 7:30
o'clock tonight at 591 Commercial
street, near Stanton, at the Indepen
dent Bible Spiritualistic Society and
church. Tuesday night at 7:30 there
will bo a healing and unfoldment
circle. Thursday at 7:30 P. M. there
will be held a regular grand circle.
Rev Ida M. Schorl, pastor.
Rev. Cora Kincannon Smith will
speak tonight at 8 o'clock at 409
Eleventh street. The subject is "The
Little Church Around the Corner."
Spirit messages follow the lecture.
The Society for Spreading the
Knowledge of True Prayer, as organ
ized by F. L. Ikwson, has offices at
405 Flledner building. The office and
reading room are open daily from
12 to 4 o'clock. The class In "Life
Understood" meets Monday at 8 P. M.
All Interested persons are invited.
The Mystic Church of Bethesda, 409
Alder street, will hold services to
night at 8 o'clock. Rev. W. W. Aber
will lecture upon a subject of his
own selection. Mystlo circles will be
formed from 6 P. M. to 7:30 P. M..
with mediums in attendance. A heal
ing circle will also be formed at
Rev. W. W. Aber"s residence, 870
Belmont street, at 10:30 A. M. Sunday.
Today Rev. C. J. Ledln will speak
at the Swedish tabernacle, Glisan
and North Seventeenth streets, at 11
A. M. on the subject "The Spiritual
and Carnal Life." In the evening at
7:30 o'clock there will be a union
meeting in the tabernacle of eight
Scandinavian churches. These meet
ings will continue at the tabernacle
every night next week except Satur
day, at 7:30 P. M.. and close next
Sunday at 7:30 P. jr. A mass meet
ing will be held at the Jefferson high
school auditorium at 3 o'clock this
St. Stephen's Presents Gift
to Treasurer.
F. S. Merritt Gets Testimonial for
Faithful Service.
MONDAY night F. S. Merritt, the
treasurer of the chapter of the
pro-caithedral, was tho recipient of a
testimonial, and a handsome floor
lamp with silk rhade as a tribute to
his long and faithful work as treas
urer. Dean Hicks, in making the
presentation, included in his praise
Mrs. Merritt. who has asaist1 hr
husband for years past in the treas
urer's work.
Reports were presented by the dif
ferent church orcanizations. i-0r the
first time in many years the nro-
cathedral was completely out of debt
and with money in hand, both with
the treasurer and the women's socie
ties. The treasurer's report was pre
sented by F. S. Merritt The women's
guild showed a net profit of $752 from
the sale, according to Mrs. Huirh B.
McCabe. Mrs. J. D. Claghorn, for the
woman's auxiliary. Indicated an in
crease of 21 In membership and an
advance in achievements under Mrs.
Joseph Jones. The treasurer, Mrs.
Loree B. McClary. reported all bills
paid and balance on hand of $20.31.
For the church school George W.
Mahoney reported progress and In
crease In the contributions. The total
of these latter was $284.70. according
to Miss E-Jna Moore, the treasurer.
A vital factor of the parish is the
young people's society, and Miss Myla
Chamber, gave a detailed report of
religious, social and benevolent activ
ities. Under the leadership of Miss
Edith Burke the society Is making
rapid strides. Among other things
it raised SS7.50 net profit from a play
presented at the Lincoln high school.
Carl Denton, Organist and choir
master, gave high praise to the mem
bers of the choir, and indicated that
in the near future the organ would
need considerable repairs.
II. B. Sanford presented the work
dono by the Brotherhood of St. An
drew and advocated the formation of
a man's club to reach the floating
population of the city living In hotels,
rooming houses and institutions.
During the year handsome vesper
eucharistlc lights were provided, as
also chalice and paten for the altar.
This was made possible by a generous
gift from Mrs. J. Frank Watson.
Bishop Sumner commended the ac
tivities of every branch of the pro
cathedral. In the history of nearly
50 years the parish had never been
so prosperous or united, ho said. He
appealed for help in the general con
vention to meet this fall, and de
clared that the pro-cathedral was not
only a historic shrine, but a center
of religious and social activities.
The following were elected members
of the chapter for the coming year:
J. N. Pezendorf, Dr. A. J. Browning,
John W. Lethaby, William A. Moore,
F. S. Merritt, Paul Henderson, J. R.
Holman, B. C. Ball, W. Robertson.
Later tho chapter elected as officers
for tho coming year J. N. Dezendorf,
senior warden; F. S. Merritt, Junior
warden; John W. Lethaby, secretary;
William F. Robertson, treasurer; II. B.
Sanford, assistant treasurer.
Delegates to diocesan convention
were chosen as follows: J. N. Dezen
dorf, John W. Lethaby, William A.
Moore, and alternates, E. T. C. Stev.
ens, Paul Henderson and B. C. Ball.
An outing committee has been
named for the Episcopal general con
vention to be held here in September.
Before and after the convention,
groups of the visitors will be piloted
to Mount Hood and the many beauty
spots. Fishermen will be taken to
Tillamook and hunters to southwest
Oregon by churchmen who are adepts.
The thousands who will come from
the south and east and from overseas
look forward to seeing the beauties
of Crater lake and the Josephine
caves. Bishop Walter Taylor Sum
ner is receiving many letters already
which the publicity department will
At the parish meeting at St. Marks
church. Twenty-first and Marshall
streets, last Monday night, the fol
lowing were elected to the vestry:
Roger W. Hastings, senior warden;
Frank Stillman Jr., Junior warden;
Louis R. McGee, treasurer; A. R.
Wright, secretary; William J. Hen
derson, W. T. Slater, William P.
Dr. Bryon J. Clark to Speak
at First Brethren Church.
Choir to Sing at Both Moraine and
Alght Services.
A be ur. i3 r o n i. iai & buj
this mornlnor at the First Uaited
Brethren church. East Fifteenth and
East Morrison streets. Tonight at
7:30 he will speak on A voice rom
the Grave."
Tii. nhnl, unriAr fhfl direction Of
W. H. Moore, will sing at both serv
ices. The evangelistic programme of
tki. .h iirih In nn. and will continue
until Easter. Just preceding Easter
two of tne strongest evaugonnis i
this denomination will hold a meeting
in First church, under the direction of
the pastor.
Rev. Ira V.. Hawley will speak at
JlnitaA TCrethron nhurch. East
Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets.
this morning on "The Uevu. 'ronigm
hlo will hrt "DviniT in Sin."
Special music will be rendered at both
lervcies by the large cnoir.
t r Kh.nlipril. at Third United
Brethren church. Sixty-seventh street
,1 Tht,tv.H.r-nnil Avenue Southeast.
holds a special evangelistic meeting
ivery night and is meeting wim
nlnTiflM Biicnr.. T4a la hlf nwn evan
gelist and preaches at every service.
He will speak morning and night to
day and there will be special music.
At Fourth United Brethren church.
Tremont station, the Rev. B. Ross
Jvans. pastor, will speak this morn
ng and tonight. This is his second
lunday with the church, and all are
nthusiastic over his coming.
Rev. Mr. Griff is to Preach
on Most Popular Sin.
Special Music Will Be Given at the
First Christian Church.
rw-tHE Most Popular Sin in the
X World" will be the sermon sub
ject of Rev. Harold S. Griffla at the
First Christian church this morning
at 11 o'clock. Special music will be
plven by the quartet choir, of which
Mrs. Ethel Wilbur Freiman is di
rector. One of the main features of
the morning" worship will be the pres
entation of each attendant with a
copy of "The A-B-C of Disarmament,"
a statement of 15 brief propositions
by a noted business man of Dos ton
relating to the work of the Washing
ton conference. This document has
been given wide publicity of late and
a copy of it will be a valuable help
to the study oZ present world condi
tions. The Sunday evening preaching
service at 7:45 will be opened with
the administration of New Testament
baptism. The pastor's message will
have for its specific topio "Working
With God." the sermon being an ex
position of the divine-human co-partnership
represented in the religion of
Christ. Musical numbers at the
evening hour will include the prayer
response. "Savior, Now a Day Is End
ing" (Birch), and the soprano-contralto
duet, "Hark, Hark, My Soul!"
(Shelley), by Mrs. Freiman and Mrs.
Winifred Skulason.
The Initial steps for the erection
of the new house of worship contem
plated by this congregation were
taken last week. The cottage on
Park street, located on the north sec
tion of the lot to be occupied by the
new structure, is being dismantled
by C.. McRoynolds, carpenter. In
Congregation Beth Israel
Twelfth and Main Sts.
Kabbi Jonah B. Wise
Services-Friday evening at S. Sat
urday momlnff at 10:30. Sunday
morning at 11. ItellRloua school
Sunday morning at 10.
order to afford space for the wreck
ing of the present church building.
It is hoped that work on the new
building Itself can be started by early
At the new Christian Church (Swe
denborglan) today Rev. William R.
Reece will give the seventh in the
series of lecture sermons on "Steps
on the Path to the Presence of God"
in the assembly room of the Portland
hotel, at 11 o'clock. The musical pro
gramme will be in charge of Dr.
George Wardner, a quartet will sing.
The. Church of Mie'Truth will hold
services at 201 Central building. Tenth
and Alder streets, today. At il A. M.
Nettle Taylor Kloh will speak and at
8 P. M. Henri Napier Carmer.
Dr. McEIveen Will Preach
on Church of Future.
First Congrrsrallonal Services In
creasing la Popularity.
411HE Church of 25 Years From
JL Now" is Dr. McElveen's topio at
the First Congregational church this
morning. The pastor will venture a
prophecy of what the Christian
church will, a quarter of a century
from now, be like. This sermon Is a
continuation of the sermon of last
Sunday morning. At the evening
service he preaches the baccalaureate
sermon to the graduating class of
Franklin high school. His topio Is
"What Is Your Life?" Prior to the
sermon he will answer two questions:
1) Wily are criminals younger than
formerly? and (2) Shall we banish
dancing from the public school
buildings? Ths big chorus and quar
tet have planned an appropriate
musical service.
The attendance at the church serv
ices Is steadily Increasing. The
treasurer has the largest number of
contributors to the church's support
that the church has had in many
years. The church school Is growing
In numbers and activity. The Zontl
Moki class of girls is uniting with
the "Justa Buncha" class of boys In
giving an entertainment for. the
benefit of the custodian's room. The
Senior Christian Endeavor society Is
to give a minstrel show for the bene
fit of Dr. Kellogg's educational work
In China. Mrs. Roberts' business
young women's class is rehearsing an
operetta, "The Windmills of Hol
land," to be given in the near future.
The deacons meet tomorrow eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Little, 310 East Fiftieth street. The
Women's association holds an all-day
meeting Wednesday, with lunch at
12:30 o'clock. The association, at
its meeting last Wednesday, dis
cussed some elaborate plans for the
new year. A dozen of the women
gave reports of last year's accom
plishments, but every report ended
with the expression of the purpose
to do a bigger and better year's work
this year. Ths young people's work
Is also progressing.
The Senior Christian Endeavor so
ciety is to hold a joint meeting with
the Alumni Christian Endeavor Janu
ary 22. Fred W. Nelson will preside
at this meeting. It Is to be a re
union of all tho Endeavorers that
have been members of the many
Christian Endeavor societies of the
First church, and a preparation for
the meetings to be addressed the fol
lowing week by Dr. Ira Landrlth, one
of the old-time Christian Endeavor
leaders. This evening Ruth Harding
will lead ths senior society and
Francis Mulkey will lead the Inter
mediate society.
Dr. McEIveen has received so many
questions that he will devote a few
Thursday evenings to answering
them. Next Thursday evening he will
answer these four questions: (1)
Where did the disarmament confer
ence succeed and fail? (2) H. G.
Wells, on page 848 of his history, says
"America is an uneducated country."
Is that true? (3) How do you in
terpret hell? (4) If one strives to do
right, is not that religion?
Dr. J. J. Staub, paator of Sunny
side Congregational church, will oc
cupy hU pulpit both morning and
At the Thursday evening prayer
meeting Dr. Staub will lead in the
study of Romans, the sixth chapter.
Friday evening tho intermediate
Endeavor society will srive an enter
ne Thousand Cases
of Appendicitis
All Operated in One Single Hospital
Although it 1 irmrAlly known that ap
pendicitis is a vry common dlnn., it will
be news to many that In on hoppltal over
one thou wind operation for this disf
wre performed in a inirl year. This
does not Include caeH in the m hospi
tal where the, appendix was removed dur
ins othor operations.
A Trrncheronw Pinae.
Appendicitis attacks at any moment eyen
vtrioni seemlnply la good health. Usually,
however, it 1 preceded by so-called stom
ach trouble, constipation or similar dis
turbances. Often when there n a warning
feeling; of uneasiness in the abdomen ap
pendicitis can be ajuarded against in ex
actly the eame manner In which one guards
against the spread of throat infection, be
raune that is Just what append Icitts is nn
InTectton In the intestines spreading to the
appendix. When one hnm eore throat one
can often prevent further trouble and the
development of influenza or Rrlppe by us
ing an antiseptic wash or garble to f Is: ht
the germs and a laxative to carry off th
poisons from the body. Just exuctjy the
same procedure la neciwi ry to f is ht the
Intestinal germs and suard nirnln?t appen
dicitis. Rut Instead nf nn antiseptic wsah
for the throat, au INTESTINAL antiseptic
la necessary.
Intentlnnl AntliM-pllo.
There la now offered to th public a
preparation having the POUHLK action cf
an Intestinal antiseptic and a (.'OMPLKTK
system cleanser. This preparation, known
as Adlertka, acts an follow:
It tends to eliminate or destroy harmful
germs and colon bacilli In tho Intestinal
canal, thus guarding arninM appendicitis
and other diseases having their start here.
It is the most complete system cleanser
"Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in a Few Hours
Instant Relief. Don't stay stuffed
tip! Quit blowing and snuffling! A
dose of "Pape's Cold Compound"
taken every two hours until three
doses are taken usually breaks any
cold right up.
The first dose opens dogged-up
nostrils and air passages ot head;
tainment to procure funds for sending
their delegates to tho Salem Chris
tian Endeavor convention to be held
next month.
Rev. Elbert H. Flint, pastor of the
Atkinson Memorial Center Congrega
tional church. East Everett ' and
Twenty-ninth streets, will have for
his topic this moring at 11 "Spiritual
Tonight tho eervlce opens at 7:30
with a community sing and praise
service. The pastor will speak on
"Tho- Immortality of Brotherhood,"
or "The Friendship of Heaven."
The men's forum of the church
will have a rally night dinner at the
church Thursday at 6:30. There will
be good addresses and an Interesting
programme. 1 o Ftudy and devo
tional meeting at 8 o'clock.
This morning at Highland Congre
gational church the pastor. Rev. Ed
ward Constant, preaches on "The De
fenders of Civilization." Tho eve
ning service Is to be under the
auspices of the Willard W. C. T. U..
when Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh will
speak on "The Children's Farm
Home." There will be special musical
numbers by tho Willard W. C. T. U.
Wednesday afternoon the ladies' aid
will hold a tea at the home of Mrs.
Berner, 994 Vernon avenue. Friday
night an entertainment and basket
social will be given In the church
room by a class of high school girls
belonging to the Sunday school.
"Life" Is Topic of Science
Readers Today.
Testimony of Healing to Re Part
of Ceremonies.
IFE" Is the subject of the
Christ, Scientist, today' where serv
ices are held at 11 A. M. and 8
P. 'M. Fifth and Seventh churches omit
night service. The churches also hold
Wednesday night meetings beginning
at i o'clock. Testimonies of Chris
tian Science healing comprise a por
tion of these meetings.
Sunday school for pupils up to the
age of 20 is maintained In all churches
at 9:45 and 11 A. M., except Third and
Fifth, where the sessions convene at
9:30 and 11 o'clock.
Public Christian Science reading
rooms are maintained at 1133 North
western Bank building, 33 North
Third street, 133 North Sixth street
(near the union station), and 148 KU
llngsworth avenue, where the Bible
and all Christian Science literature
may be read or purchased.
Christian Science churches are lo
cated as follows:
Flrt Nineteenth and Everett streets.
Socond Kast Klxth and Hnllsday avenue.
Third Knst Twelfth and Salmon at rest..
Kourth Vancouver avenua and Kmeraon
Fifth Sixty-necond street and Forty
second avenue Southeast.
Sixth Pythian temple (formerly Mi
sonlo temple). 8S8 Tanihlil street.
Seventh 103 Smith avenua (St. Johns).
The public Is invited to attend the
church sorvlces and use the reading
Mr. Hoot Pronounces "Elihu."
New York Herald.
Those bold western reporters have
a way of asking questions which their
eastern brothers are too diffident to
"How Is your first name pro
nounced?" said a reporter in Cincin
nati to Elihu Root. Mr. Root was
more patient with the reporter than
the ancient Elihu was with Job. Ha
said :
"In our family it always has been
the custom to call It 'El-a-hew,' with
the accent on the first syllable. I sup
pose, according to the best Biblical
authorities, it should have the accent
on the second syllable, but I always
have followed our family custom In
pronouncing It."
Elihu spake, morovcr, and said that
tho laNt syllable should never bn pro
nounced "hoo." This agrees with tho
authorities on Scriptural pronuncia
tion. So you may call the namo as the.
ancient did or hs the most modern
folk do anil be right cither way. Hut
in somo other noted Kiblteal names
still worn by distinguished men there
hits been no change through the ages.
In "tlamallel" the accent is on the
s-eennrt syllable, as of yore.
ever offered to th public, acting nn HtiTH
uppr and lower bowel and removing foul
mutter wh !ch poisoned the system tr
months and which nothing clue can dla
lodiTrt. It brings out alt RfiKK, thus imme
diately relieving prcFMiire nn the heart. It
la astonishing the sreat amount of poison
ous matter Adlerlka draws from the ail
ment nry canal ni utter you never thought
was In your system. Try it right after a
natural movement snd notice hew much
more foul matter It brings out which wss
poisoning you. In slight disorder, such a
occasional conMipatlon, sour stomach, gas
on the stomach and nick hesdache, one
spoonful Adicrllta ALWAYS brings relief
A losger treatment, however. Is neresfarv
In crimes of obstinate constipation and long
standing stomach (rouble, preferably under
direction of your phytdciun.
Report From 1'hyNlrlnns.
"I rongrut uiite you nn the good effert 1
bad from Adienka since I prescribed It."
(Signed) Dr L. Langims.
"I have found nothing ht inv 30 years
practice, to excel Adicrika." (Signed) Vr.
James HViver.
"I use AdliTlka In nil hwej (s'ome
require only oae dose." Olfened) Dr. K. M.
ii ft t y man.
"Aflrr inking Adlerlka feel better than
for -0 vrirs, IMvn't l;inRU;tge to express
the AWKl'L IM PUltTTILS eliminated from
my sysreni. (Signed) J. K. Tuckett.
Adlertka is a constant surprise to people
who have ued only ordinary bowel and
stomach medicines. nr account of Its rapid,
pleasant and COMl'l-MTK action. It la
sold hy lending drunKlnts everywhere.
8o!d In Portland by Kkidmore Drug Co.,
151 Third street, ami other leading drug
gets. Adv.
stops nose runnlnn; relieves hAd
ache, dullness, f everishnexs. sneezing
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist
upon Pape's. Adv.