18 TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, . JAXUxVTIT 15, 1922 PITrATIONS WANTED FEMALE. lirfMxmnKrrn. LXHSHItJXi.'fcJlJ dieimaker wlshea pi tion as fitter or alteration work, with f irt-cla-s pi ore or whop. Phono Main H4. npt. 307. - ENGAGEMENTS in Homes, making, re modeling, gowns, cutting, f :tt innrr home work; city reference. Tabor 3o2, nn worn. TUB lii.AU SHUl'. Oownn for every occasion copied from sketches or original designing. Main 5354. ioi n.iwv. but KJ.IKKLY widow lady wihlu-n mtuat.on Feb. 1 as housekeeper for couple em ployed or elderly gentleman; hffht work, final; compensation. f52 E. 3o t h. ilOTHERS .spring wardrobe school chil dren to ordiT. reasonable prices. Will call at vour hnm for arrangements. East fi 120 M rs Martin. LiHKS.SMAIvlXC TJiom deairing fiist-claaa work call Mm. Laura C. owen. 1 abso lutely guarantee to please the moat ex net in it. Marshall 1047. H KSS.M A K I NG and plain sewing; also embroidering; prices very reasonable. 55", Kast -7th at. Phone East 0132. Ak fur Mis Van Nntta. 1 u rues. R E y INKD elderly lady; (rood nurse, wishes place ax companion and nurse for Invalid lad v, or would take maternity cases. Phone Main M0f. 272 Sixth st. An bp! us a nt s Room 1 ft. 1'RACTICAL nur.se. some hospital experi enre, wants private, hospital or sani tarium nursing. Woodlawn 0002 after Sunday. NURSE tjuiet home; care for confirmed Invalid, elderly; Rood auto road and ear line. Gregham ave.. route A. box 220. I'RACTICAL nurso wishes care of invalid or confinement, best references. Tabor FOR TKAINKI nurses, una.rgraduates and practical, phone Mnr. 31'.', HOME for invalids or elderly people. 1117 Kast Madison. Tabor bWLbisli massage In your own home; ladles only. Miss Poulsen. Wdln. "V. I'OSITloN Experienced nurse; short on iMTniatient eases: reasonable. Mar. L'o. NURSE with lnely home will care tor Invalid or elderly p'-rson. Ant. PHi-flO. WANTED Position as practical nurse, city referenre Riven. C 375, Oregonian. PRACTICAL iiui's: ready lor case women or children. Kast 37.". T 1'RACTICAL Tabor 4102 nurse, doctor's references. Tabor .V.M0. Housekeepers. C M DETENT, unincumbered, middle-aged lady, wished housekeeping for widower or bachelor; experienced cook and neat housekeeper. ail or v.-rue -no. . Gray, room LOd, Alder hotel. LADY wants position as housekeeper on ranch or In lumber camp: neat, cheerful, economical, good cook; give particulars. Answer room 2, Netherlands Hotel, Port land. Oregon. l"oSiTJ ON as housekeeper in small room ing house or hotel ; no Incumbrance. Broadway 2HU or call Apt. -07. 03 N. ISth st.. Lawn Apts. - IIOUSKKKKl'Elt. reliable. midd ie-aged ; good cook anl housekeeper; small fam ily or widower; no laundry. Phone East Si Mrt Pelmont St. . W ANTED by capable refined unincumbered woman position as housekeeper, no ob jections to out-of-town; reterences. J .Hi 1 , uregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow wants housekeep ing fnr one or two gentlemen. Mrs. E. S. Wright, 112 East Glisan St., Tort- land. r. WuMAN wishes to keep house for gentle man, no obfectlon to children; wages not less than Jj.'i. Call landlady, Maui trA(l, 4:1 Jefferson st. WIDOW, experienced, honorable, with boy IS months, wants to keep house for wid ower with 1 or 2 children. References. Tabor B.iO. JlEFJNED lady wishes h ousekeeping for gentlemen with comfortable home; no objection to one or two children. F 3iu, Oiegonian. GIRL, tlightb deaf, would like to assist with cooking and hourework In refined home. Y. V. C. A., -Monday, 3 to 5, Delia Tohin. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper for one or two men or man and son: good home more than wages. East 77JH. , liEEINED middle-aged lady wants house keeping In widower's home where there are children. Phone East 5043. O 3T, 1 e,Ton.tn. GOOD reliable middle-aged lady wants position in widower's home: good home more than big wages. P :tt'.:5, orcgonhtn. WANTKD Position. as housekeeper in rooming house. Can give good refer ences. Phone, Enst ?KH0. GOOD plain cook and housekeeper desires place In private home; prefer couple em po yed. R 3.".:',. Oreg o n i an MIDDLE-AGEI woman with child wishes position us housekeeper, good references. Mrs. V. E. Hall. lHt',- Haven St., city. CAPABLE, refined widow desires position as housekeeper; willing to leave city. A P Jtfil. Oregon i an. LADY, good cook with girl 0. wishes posi tion, good home more than big wages. W :i."7. Oregnnian. liL'LI A HLE, . elderly lady wants light housework for working man with child. AG 35tt. Orecorinn LADY, economical, wants housekeeping, city, country, any distance. G 352, Ore- WoMAN wants position, housekeeper. In widower's home, with one or two chil dren. Call East sn:t:t. EXPERIENCED, reliaOle woman with daughter, desires place as housekeeper. A ut. 13-0H. TtKLIABLE midle-aged widow must have work at once. Room 5, Cadillac Hotel, 3d and Jefferson sts. ELDERLY widow wishes position as house keeper for small family or couple em ployed. Call Sid 1 wood 3122. HOUSEKEEPER in cay, neat u.:ul clean, gnntl cook; no child re :i . Wdln. 534 "WIDOW, alone, experienced, wants house wnrk, city, country. N 350, Orcgonian. I'OSITl-N houH. keeping by reliable wom an. 703 Northrup. Main 03. 1'OSITlON as lutusekeeper, hotel or apL l'hone Main 1113. WIIXV deircs housekeeper for widower; no children. B 355, C'regonlan. HO L' s K K E K PIN' ' for widower or bachelor. D ;i'5, Oi-eironian. LA D Y wishes position as housekeeper in gent le man's home. East 872S. Domestic. WOMAN, good took and housekeeper with quiet and obedient daughter, 13 years old. wants work. Apply Woman's Pro tect 1 ve Division. H roadway 7422. SWISS girl wants housework or other job while attending evening school. Phono Main ."l-!', Jeaiine D'Aro Home.. REFINE! widow wants housekeeping. Ta bor 5." Hi. NEAT, ex p., girl wan ts place, housework, gnod wages. At"' 355, Oregotiian. COOKING and (In competent. It 3 instair work desired; 3. oregnnian. STRONG Finnish triii wishes to assist with liniiM-work. Phone Woodlawn 313(1. oUNG girl. U. de.re3 position as nurse maid or second mmd. Phone Wdln. 5230. tloiiHeclcaiiing. HOUSE CLEANING Expert whle and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, c leaning, floors w axed, furniture pol ished, carpets defined, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE iss Chapman st. Phone Main 1 1 57. V E IUB JiS;rvTN DOW CLEANE RS. COLUA1BI A 1U27. Housed' aning. f .oor waxing and vacuum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully given ; best i f references. TVWTEI TO RENT. Houses. "WANTED 7 to O-room unfurnished house close In on west aide, with furnace and electricity, and pri vile so of renting out part in housekeeping rooms. Wood law n 53 10. WANTED 7-8-roo:n house to lease, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace; prefer ably on lins running across Broadway, Steel or liu: nside bridges. V 350, Ore gnnian. WANTED TO RENT. Modern house (bungalow preferred). 6 or 7 rooms, in nor; he a st sect ion, after February 1. R. F. Troslrr, East 1 HIM. d u r i n g business iin urs. or Scllwood 1 15 s . RESPONSIBLE party desires four or five" 100m bungalow or lower part of home; partly furnished preferred ; references -xenangeii. AM 35!. Oregonirtn. ADULT family wants lease for five years; low rent. a.t leit six r-'ui! ant' !?rLyir.g i"itn; Iwo toilets, cement basement. firepiaee. W 301. Qretronian. 'A N T K D 1 1 y responsible business man, 0 or 7-rooin. sirietly modern, furnished house in Irvington. Laurelhurst or Rose City Park. K.ist !HIM7. COUPLE wit ho tit children wants to rent strictly modern unfurnished bungalow in good residential district. Phone Hroad wa 1711. AiOJ'EKN furnished or unfurnished house. Nob Hill d st rict : no children ; perma nent A L 352. re gon ian. YOUNG business woman will share small cozy apt. with congenial girl; very rea sonable. AO 355, Orenonian. WANTED to rent, privileged to huy. nub urban plac small house and sheds: buy Fntne o' id' ens, A ' ) 301. Oregnnian fclN-ROOM IhUSK OR BUNGALOW. l GOOD LOCATION, WITH GARAGE. Y 35H. ORKOON1AN. SMALL- furii.slied buiiKHlnvr or cotnige; Hawthorn r Snnnvside Tahor 3134. BY FEB. J. 5-moiu hoae or Hat, mod ern. Tabor C7 1 5. MANTKf) TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Informal Ion and Keuml Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished housen, apart- merits and !i;its. with definite infurma - tion pertaining to each; sleeping room. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of grea t value in helping them gel properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. KUhr-.DUM FROM RENT DAY. Buy this beautiful acre, with 4-room shack, shade and fruit trees, faring on ni.u-adaml7.ed road, Juwt outside city, for S Moo. 150 rash. b.tl. like rent In 3 years. You will be free from rent day. Sen it todatf. Tabor 7314. H. H. CON Fit KY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Wdg. WANT to rent f urn is bed house from 4 to 0 rooms in desirable neighborhood. Must be reasonable rent, have good basement, bath, electric lights, etc.; prefer place for sale where rent could apply on pur chase price if suited. Address P. O. T.nx 3044. city. WANT 'io KENT A HoUsE on west side by April 1, furnished or unfurnished ; responsible private family: about 12 rooms, two baths on second floor, one bath, servants' quarters. Phone Main 1 742. WANTED On west side, about III rooms: walking dist anoe of business district. N 357, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED To lent by couple, 2-room apt. and garaec, near Mir-sissippi or Kenton cars North of Killingsworth. State full particulars and price. BD 373, Orego ninn. K'MimH. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms about January 25. Prefer private family. Must be clean. Walking dis tance to Cathedral school. Mia. George 1 jam her t, lien vert on. Or. EDUCATED, re fined man w ants room for week end's with congenial young couple; garage accommodations wanted also; references exchanged. F 3JS. Oregonlan. USK OF piano in warm room 5 mornings per week, 9 to 12. vicinity of ISth and Flanders; will pay $5 per mo. D 357. Oregon ian. MJDDLK-AGED couple want three unfur nished rooms with heat ; walKing dis tn nee. East 3i",. UNFURNISHED room, heat, closet, walk I n g dist a nee. M a r. 223'J. apt. 4Hfl. 4-ROOM apartment or fiat, unfurnished, walking d istance. G 353 . Oregonian. Kooiun Wit 11 Hoard. MOTHER, employed during day. and twin boys 7 years old. want room and board where children will receive a mother's care; references exchanged. J 330, Ore gnnian. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like one lur nished or unfurnished room with break fast ; vicinity '.sth and Sandy blvd., away most of day. O 3r.. oregonian. VoUNG lady employed would like home where she could stay with children nights as part payment for room and board. H St'.tt, Oregonian. WOMAN student wishes to be companion nights to lady as part payment for hnrd and room. Phone Main 7500. WANTED Home for elderly lady where she can be cared for. East side, north. V 374. oregonian. WIDOWER would like a. good respectable home for girl of 13 years. 13 357, Ore gonian. YOUNG- man, working, desires board, r. S. family. K 371. Oreffonian. riiisiness Places. WANT to lease a building 25xlHJ for shop., between Uth and 14th. Everett and Hoyt st., for 5 yrs. or more; give location. K 371. Oregonian, WANT location for grocery on good road near Portland. 1432 Winona street. House keeping Rooms. ELDERLY business man wants two rooms and kitchenette in private modern home; must have separate entrance; walking distance, west side. Give telephone num ber. A.T 353, Oretronian. WANTED Bachelor wants sleeping room, kitchenette and private bath in quiet, well heated house; references. Answer with full particulars and phone. AJ 35J, Oregonian. W E L L-FUKNIS1I ED sleeping roo m and kitchenette or kitchen privilege for light cooking, in quiet fa.mil y near Peninsula par k . Aut. 310-03. W ANTE D By mother and daughter, two or three well-f urnished housekeeping rooms, Irvington district. P 353, Ore go n in n QUIET young couple wish housekeeping rooms, furnished, unfurnished, private family; permanent. E 354. Oregonian. WANT housekeeping room or small upL for woman aloni; references. E. 7794. Miscellaneous. WANTED A' good cello price. Mihvaukie 14W. at reasonable FOR RENT. FURNISH ED ROOMS AND LIGHT H. K. APT. IN NICELY FUR. LARGE HOME; 2 Ti LOCKS" FROM LIBRARY. ESPE CIALLY CONVENIENT FOR BUSINESS MEN. 243 11TII ST. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Bachelor rooms in high-class apartment house ; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen or ladies. $23 a nd uj ; references required. Ititf St. Clair st. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see rree list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including roo ma at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. hotel Harrison, rooms. $2 week Clean furnished rms., is team heat, hot water, oath, etc., 35c and 50C per night; V story brick. 4 "3 Front, cor. Hanison. NICE f tiriiisned sloping rooms, heat and all conveniences, reasonable; 1 room hardwood floors, walking distance, west side. !57 Flanders st. Phone Hroad wn y 27S2. W A S I II N ( 1 TON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able, rate hv week or month. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Large, attractive lobby wuh fireplace. Soecial rats to permanent guests. THE ST. I'Al l.. l.lo 4th m.. comer Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private batn, $2. Special rate.- bv week or month. HOT EI, i.ONRADl.NE. 22 North 10th St., 2 block north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL RL'CKIN'GiIAM. under new man agement, 052 '.a Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rates; $3,511 week up. Main 31. NEW ROYAL HOTEL. On 4 th. near Wash in g ton st., steam -heated rooms 75c and up. By week $4 and up. LA Ri i E, outside room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; centrally located ; something good. Ca:l Bdwy. 4205. 533 Flanders, near 1 Ot . U o.S E- 1U H M house furnished for housekeeping. 1 man only. 4iJ Flint, near Williams ave. and Russell. East 5571. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Larue sunny sleeping rooms, modern, suitable for two or three gentlemen. 301 Uth st. Auto. 5H1-12. H E A UTJKU LLY furnished room and bath, with board, suitable for two gentlemen. "The Lorraine.' Hdwy. 3405. ARTHUR HOTEL, 17o Eleventh at., near Morriyon Clean and modern rooms by da v. w eek or m on 1 1 (1 1 rea son n hie rats. Hui'Ei, OCKLEY. Morrison St.. "at 10th $1 dav. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baf's: : i ic h t an.psalry. Steam heat. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Spccifil permanent ra t p s. KEVloN HOTEL at KeiUoii station Sleeping and h, k. rooms; hot water, sfp.i m heat. S2.50 jnd tin ner week. H 1 LLC REST HOTEL. Transient a ad permanent; free phones in every room: elevator: private bath. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat. lo cation desirable. Penrose ant.. 14: Grand a e. at H-'iniont. Kast 4-" i S DIG HT, coin 1 'or table sleeping rooms, close In. w tiSt side, quiet place. 2uS J 7th st. Main 70-js. WA K M ROOMS, M E N. E M PLO YED. $ 1 2 Ul CALL AFTERNOON. 54 N. 10TH, NEAR WASH. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam best, hot and cold water, reasonable. 2!0-l 5th st. OUc DAY. $2.5i tree Hotel t WEEK up; clean, baths adilhic. 3d. nea r Jefferson. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th., choice rooms, modern conveniences; walking dlsta nee. LA RGE room, furnace heat ; use piano; first f'oor. '327 Sixth. -R( K)M and 1-room apt. Main 203. 452 Fifth at. LAKRAP.EE HOTEL, steam heated, well ken moms. ?3 wek up. E. MO. Fl N K lartje front room, furnished, fur nace heat, reasonable. 41 Multnomah. SEMI- 11 AS EM EN T room in first-class apt. house. $s per mo. Hdwy. !tso. 1 FURNISHED room, private ca trance. East 0034. FOR RENT. Furnh.bedl Kooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST OTH. QUI KT, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.25 PER DA T, u PER WK. AND UP COW K N i K NT. ALL N I G-H T GARAGE I nt (irtii.-died Rooms. I v. ... i UL' can't get ahead by looking on, be in dependent, own some acreage, over two great big acres, facing right on Base Line road, for $107.5. $110 cash, yrs. to pay bul. See us today. Tabor 73 04. R. H. COXFHKY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2ni-'J-3-S-7 Hoard of Trade Hid jr. 4 I'N FL'RN ISI1ED rooms, lower floor; gas, light, bath and phone; use of range If wanted; $13 per mouth. tk)$ E. Ash. East 570. THREE large, partly furnished II. K. rms. 1010 Foster st., St. Johns car. Wdln. 4210 2 Lt URNlMlED rooms, pr.vate entrance. East iio.vi. FurnUhed Rooms in Pri vtt te Family, COMFORTAP.LE cheery room In at tractive neighborhood on west side, not a boarding house, but a tefined private family; easy walk In? distance, or 1 block to car. Hot water, bath, phone, etc. Plen ty of closet room; breakfast and dinner if desired. Call 411 14th t., or phone Marshall 3552. VERY ATTRACTIVE room, also young man wjshes room mate, twin beds, con genial place, parlor, piano, home privi leges; rates $3.50 up; Id minutes wa Ik Meier & Frank's. tl N. lath. Hdwy. 2721. PLEASANT furnished room In modern home, furnace heat, breakfast If desired, ail housekeeping privileges, to employed people only. Hawthorne or Sunnyslde car. 257 E. 32d. Phone Tabor UM4. FIN E large, light room, tw o large win dows, location one block north of Haw thorne, near 20th, In modern home: large grounds, excellent residence district; gentlemen only; $ per week. E. 4M3. FOR RENT To a lady employed, fur nished bedroom with living room and kitchen privileges in widow's home; $12 a month. 37t Vancouver ave. Bdwy. car Ask for Mrs- Calder. NICE, warm I ront room in modern flat, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private en trance, close in, less than f minutes' walk to business center. 228 loth st. Phone Main 57."s. WIDOW. alor.e, will rent comfortable sleeping rooms to middle-aged gentle men employed ; heat, bath, phone; all home privileges. Woodlawn 4'HH. BEAUTIFUL front room, new modern home. Rose City, with or w lthout ga rage, breakfast. Woman or couple em ployed. Reasonable. 4Sl 41st st. North. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, modern, all conveniences of home and privileges. In walking distance, reasonable. 61 2lst N. Main 7S55. References. PLEASANT front room in fine residence district within walking distance on east side; with or without garage; men pre ferred. Phone 222-05. GIRL Employed, to share flat. who, wishes to study music; room, icesons, use of piano; most reasonable. Main 3tlR. t LARGE bright room adjoining bath in private family, Portland Heights; break lat If desired; to business lady or gentleman-. 775 Green way. Marshall 2o7.V WEST SIDE well-furnished room in mod ern home, heat, light, use of phone, to refined lady employed. 3S0 Uth st. Main 75i. BRIGHT, attractive front room, adjoin ing bath; furnace heat; reasonable rent; walking distance. 01)5 Flanders St., near 21st. Phone Marshall 14HH. DESIRABLE room in modern home, fur nace heat; gentlemen preferred; walk ing distance. Nob Bill, 736 Hoyt. Main 2!Ui4. . 2 FRONT corner rooms In small fam ily, no other roomer, double and twin beds; good heat and plenty of hot watcf. Gentlemen. Reference. Mar. 3M1. LARGE front room suitable for ono or two young men. Congenial people. Walk in? distance. $12 month. 007 GUsan. K.hvv. 2!Mrt. 4 NEW ROOMS, new linoleum, gas range, hot and cold water in kitchen, private entrance, garage and space for garden H desired. Aut. 31S-17. $5 PER MONTH Upper room, good bed; near hot and cold water, in pleasant home, walking distance to business center. 703 Northrup. Main 6003. ROOM in modern bungalow, fine location, nicely furnished, home privileges, break fast if desired; working girl preferred. Sunnyslde or Mt. Tabor cir. Tabor 13 Hi. ROOM, with fireplace and sleeping porch and housekeeping privileges if desired. Suitable for 2 adults. E35 Montgomery drive, corner Elm. CO M b O K T ABLE room for gentleman, fur nace, bath adjoining, no other roomers, very close In, west side. Main 32yi. 3 2 2 ,3 Broad way. ATTRACTIVELY f urnished room, furnace heat, all conveniences, nice home, close in on eat side. Phone Ea.t 11 77. LOVELY warm room adjoining bath. Phone, with or without kitchen privil eges; walking distance. 470 1'ark. Main 3011. IRVINGTON Large nicely furnished room with private lavatory; near 2 car lines. Call East 515M. ELEGANTLY furnished front room In a swell 1 ri vate home, suitable for two young men. 71 Trinity Place. DESIRABLE room in fine modern apart ment, west side, walking distance. Marshall 4 ."..". DESIRABLE room lor two girls employed; home privileges, walking distance. Main 301 s. NEWLY furnished room, reasonable. Heat, piano ; lady preferred. Cioso in, on 2 carline; breakfast if desired. Tabor 1152. NICELY' furnished rooms, with or w i th ou t board ; a;l conveniences. Phone M aln. m n 4 74 1 H o y ts t . "STEAM-HEATED furnished room. all modern conveniences. 504 Couch, apt. 3. Bet. 17th and ISth. NICE front room, family privileges, mu sician preferred, reasonable, w alking distance. Marshall 24!4. HAVE room tor refined gentleman; ref erence preferred; walking distance. 174 Porter. Mar 3734. DESIRABLE ROOM FOR RELIABLE PEOPLE ; single or en suite, centrally located : reasonable. His North 18th st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, lights and heat free. No chil dren. Alberta car. HfO'J K. ISth North. CLOSE-IN, desirable sleeping room, with home privileges and use of kitchen; ref erices. E. (;i31. IN MODERN private home in Irvington, 1 or 2 nicely furnished bedrooms with garage, gentlemen preferred. East 1845. N iv.'ijjij, Y furnished room, all modern con veniences ; wa Iking distance ; furnace h'-i.f. reasonable. -!30 Mill st. NICELY garage, furnished room for 1 or 2, with in Ladd'? Addition. Breakfast if East S51. fin Elliott ave. HAVE a fine room in mouern home for ladies ; piano and home privileges. Sun nysioe district. CrH Tabor f432. CLEAN, light, airy room, first floor, has private entrance, close in, $3.25 week. 4.-.I Taylor. SLEEPING room for gentleman, private home, walking distance ; board near b v. E tJ'.iH'V LOVELY room, steam heat, housekeeping privileges, west side. Ch. Sc. lady pre ferred. Main 4015. KENTON district. furn. .deeping room with hf.it, use of phune and bata. Wdln 2573. 70 W. Watts st. WELL furnished room, private family, home conveniences, men. Woodlawn 3o:tS. ROOM suitable for gentlemen; break fast if desired. 504 E. call Sell. 3004. will give '2d st. or ONE or two furnished rooms in private family : beautiful location, west side. Main OlH; women only. NICE sun ay ; r-mt room, large alcove. 2 blocks from Burkman school, on East Ankeny. East 3132. NICELY iui ni.-lit d warm room w nil uath, west fide. Mpr.-hnil 253P. SLEEPI NG rooms, gt?ntiemen. 30 E. 15th t . E. 0 OW 2. LA RGE comfortable room in Piedmont dist. Wdln. l!Mt. NICELY furnished fPi.S Everett, n'-ar rni., walking distance. 21st. NICELY furnished sleeping room, furnace heat. hath, phone free. CM) Everett. STEAM-HEATED Call Rdwy. 220. room , for gentleman. LARGE warm front room, s:. Kist 5417. 303 East 12th $12.50 A MONTH Comfortable, warm su'iiv room; central. 415 Pr,.a dw a y . CLEAN room, heat and phone; reasonable. Near M If-sisftppl car. Woodlawn 4375. '1 WE LFTH, modern 1 ront room lor ' 3. men only; walking distance. 200 14th Near Jefferson; walking distance. Ph. f uriMshed room, Main 3W3. LARGE cheap. unfurnished room. men only, J W. Wiseman. 141 First st. ROOM, with a gaianie. Main TOM I. :n private famii. -'T room, close in. refined family. Pnvu Bdw y. 3 N3. 915. FOR GENTLE.Vi AN. batll, telephone, Tur nhe heat; reasonable 2 SO lH'h st. CLEAN, modern room; reasonable; East 3IS. .its'i Km t-t Stark st. PLEASANT, comfortable room in modern home: walking distance. Auto. 21 4 -SO. THREE furnished housekeeping 70s 4th st. Main GS39. KooMS for runt at 300 Park su FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT. Two sleeping rooms, ladles or gentle man or married couple who are em ployed. Home-like place with use of piano and typewriter. Garage also to rent. Call after 0 1. M. week days or Sunday afternoon. 540 41st st. E., Tabor 73'.' 2 Rooms Witn Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 2.1D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; lates by day or month. Meals served to transients. BEAUTIFUL home on east side, converted into exclusive family hotel, can accom modate few more guests; large rooms, fireplace, shower baths, wonderful grounds and porches; unusual dining room. On.y place of Its kind In city. For appointment. E. 73s4. NOR TOMA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suits or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARIAN An exclusive residential hotel for young business women, newly furnished rooms, single and en uite. Ex cellent table; ait conveniences, refined, home-like atmosphere. Olio Giisan. Bdwy. 24 3 s . 32S 1UTH ST. Well furnished front room. second floor, with meals; hot ana cola water; price reasonable HEREFORD HOTEL Modern rooms, single or en suite, with or without bath, reasonnble. Main 3305. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 1J E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rates. 3 St) 10th. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board, with use of house. 270 K. 2Sth. , ECK LLENT table board. 054 Lovejoy st. KooniH With Board in Private Family. LARGE front loom, suitable for 2 or J men, heat In room, walking distance; rent verv reasonable. With or without board. Phone East 4433 or call 35S Lar- ra bee ATTRACT I VELY furnished steam-neated rooms suitable for 1 or 2 young ladies; excellent meals,' all conveniences, laun dt v privileges. 03 Glisan st. Bdwy. 24 3 H. . STEAM -HE AT ED bed-sitting room with sleeping porch, suitable for 3 or 4 per sons; also single room; moderate rates; in pleasant, refined home, 254 10th st. I'none e. .S4. HAVE room for 2 gentlemen or couple employed, in private home in beautitul Groveland Park. All modern conven iences, home cooking. Tabor 4SVJ. IRVINGTON LOVELY ROOM. MAHOG ANY FURNISHED. REFINED HOME, ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES; GA RAGE. EAST 0045. ROOM opening on sleeping porch, com manding wonderful view of river and mountains, Btrictly private family; splen did home cookintr: references. Main 511. NICE front room, just off the living room, with fireplace, $1 per day for board and room; respectable men only. Call Bdwy. 3072 or call at i"in W I Do W w ith nice home will room and board working men, homo privileges, 7.50 pe- week; close in, 100 Morris st. Mississippi car. DESIRABLE room with board in pri vate family In one of best districts: suit able for two ladies employed; $ per month. Tabor 5H1). 2 FRONT rooms, 1 room with twin beds, suitable for men: good heat, hot water, shower bath; first-class table board. 081 Glisan. . 1-ROOM and sleeping porch, suitable for 2 or 3 persons, in home-like plac, board If desired, with gnod home cooking. 713 East Hurnside. East NV COZY' room, Ivory-wicker furnishings, for a gentleman desiring real home, break fast and dinner if desired. 70 Lucretia Place. . BOOM opening on sleeping porch, com manding wonderful view of river and mountains, strictly private family; splen did home cooking; references. Main fill. WARM, modern house, best of home cooked food, at reduced rates if taken for winter to four men employed; no other boarders, jo Jast L't.tn ROOM and board, 32.5u lor one, two S0O; room with household privileges, $15; piano, furnace heat, walking distance. 1K5 E J 3th st.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED 3 r 4 children to board, am building home 4 nines out on pavea highway, beautiful park and grounds. Auto. ol.i-4 ROOM AND JiOARD for school girl, very reasonab.e; west side, with young mar ried couple; can give reference. Bdwy. 2K17. BUS1N ESS girl may have room anil use of kitchen for breakfast if desired; Catholic preferred; west side. Bdwy. 2S17. LADY having large, comfortably furnished home, with splendid meals, would like one or two people to room and board. Woodlawn 3(131. LARGE room for 2. Heat, board if de sired. West side, walking distance. M arshall 0018 until 2:30 P. M. MOTHER would like room and board and care of child, ciose in. N 305, Orego nian. HAVE room and two meals for two young men willing tq room together; reason able rates, it 20 E. 30th S. Woodstock car. PLEASANT room with board for one or two men. all modern conveniences; piano: walking distance. Hn w y. 14(13. ROOM and board reason aide to one who can help bov with algebra or Latin. 3S E. 07th st.N. .. Wl LL give mother's care to 1 or 2 chil dren in my home; price reasonable. Tabor K2(W BOARD and room, good home cook in g, near East. Ankeny car barns. 915 East Flanders. NICELY' I urnished room suitable for two; home conking and home comforts; ga r.ge spare. Mn.tn 47S. NEAR WESTOYEK TERRACES. Private home, view of nits. 3 win dow: references. BD 304. Oregnnian. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board for a couple or gentlemen. Mar shall 3521. 211 X. 23d at. ROOM and board, private home, for two men, la rge 1 1 011 l i uumi, jusi tine jiome. Phone East S24K. NICE clean rooms, good board and home. $30 month; close to S. P. car shops. 747 Ea st Tent n st. Sell wood 2M. DESIRABLE room wiiu board in modern home, hot water heat, walnut Park. Woodlawn 4700. WILL take care of child for mother who is working. $3.50 week. Call at 5U33 57th ave. S E . VVS car. Wl LL g i ve mot her' s care to child ren in my home. Call at 14 W. Wine hell st. Kenton car. LARGE, pleasant rooms with board ; fur nace heat, garage ; 1 block from car, walking dist h nee. Phone East 0503. WOULD like to care t, little girl 4 to ti years old, 20 years experience children. Phon a E:sf 4i21. 'ROOM suitable 1 or 2. modern home. wal kin g distance : generous board if desired. East ".753. BOARDERS wanted in pleasant refined home, modera te rates. 254 E. 10th. Phone E:ist 234. LARGE front room, with heat, in res idence at 450 East Mil X.; suitable for 2. Phone East 385. OH 1 ID R EN will receive good care in private home of motherly woman. Aut. ir.n-25. WOULD like to take cate 2-4 years old. East 1 Uo7 ave N . of little girl, or 302 Grand ROOM and board in private family, walk ing distance center Portland. Phone Automatic 310-70. NICELY furnished warm room for 1 or 2, gnod board, private family. 703 Hoyt. PRIVATE nome for children. 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2IK2. MOTHER'S raie for oe r two children in my home; references. Phone t3i-fil. NICE warm room for 2; good board; rea son a hie ; cloe In. East s4 15. NURSE with lovely home will cure for In valid or elderly person. Aut. 10-t6. LARGE, warm, front, room. 2 if desired; board t oiurrbia. .Main 2HH4. LARGE ROOM AND HOARD, $7 U'EEK L Y . 500 M I N TGO M E R V. GOOD home Multnnnia'i cooking, nice room. near Huh: reasonable. Main 2210. EXCELLEN T care given small cnild , pri vate home. Call East 72. EXCELLENT room with two meal: pri vi le ges. Tahor 740. LARGE front room suitable for one or two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. IR V 1 NGTON, r 00m w it h board In quiet home. 45a E. Uth N. LA RGE, we 11 -furnished room w ith board. 70 Irving st. W I LL board child ; best of care ; $ JO month. 30 E. 12th st. S. LADY will board child. $20 month. 50 E Sth st. S. Ari.u room v itii bo.rd for two. ih wk. : men preferred. 513 Montgom e ry . CHILDREN to board, good modern coun try home. F 301. OregonlHM. BoARD r.nd room m private laimly, high si-hen I'ov 'ire'errrd. Call Tahor 313t. i.l. he. I o board in pri vh te f a mily. it c'lildren. Call Ta iv.r 75.?3. CH I LDR EN to board hi private home with mother's care. Phone Sell. 3772. NICELY fur. mom w .th. or without sleep ing porch. 381 12th, FOB RKNT. Rooms With Hoard in Private Family. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Large front room with wonderful view of mountains, city and river, in charm ing Willamette Heights modern home; 2 meals; 1 or 2 gentlemen; $50, or a per month. Mar. 710. ELEGANT room In fine Irvington home, rpjii homn rooktmr. i? nnri home environ ment; music room, billiard room for your te; 155 a month one in room: $' two In a room; references required. East 2-52 at 02O Wasco st. BACHELOR'S HOME. Men. you can have a good home, room with running water, hot-water heat: first-class in every report ; servs two meals. 248 East Gth St. North. TWO OU THREE respectable young gen tlemen to room and board In refined home with mother and daughters; bo.t who appreciate real home Hie. J E. Ankeny st.. Montavilla car to 22d. 1 LARGE, light front room, twin, beds, H. and C, water, fireplace; also 1 very large room, fine for 4 men employed; walking distance, W. S. ; w ith or without board. Broadway 4033. BOOM and board Private family, 001 Pershing at., cor. 15th. Two blocks from Brooklyn car line. East Sell wood car line. Home privileges. $30 month. He 11 wood 3332. PLEASANT, well-furnished room with or without board, heat, phone, hath. Pri vate, close in. 5d4 Hoyt. NICE pleasant room in lovely home. Suit able for couple or two gentlemen. Breakfast if desired. Phone East h35. Furnished Apurtments. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 Uth St. 3 rooms, 2 disappearing beds. Suit able for 3 or 5 persons. Modernly fur nished. Also one 2-room basement apart ment. IRVINGTON On carliue, 3 large rooms, completely furnished, on ground floor. Player-piano, fireplace, $55, Includes phone, lights, heat, water; no children. Suitable tor man and wife or 2 adults. East 43K4 after 2 P. M. $2U I'J.'t ST. CLAIR ST. $20. Front apartment well furnished, 1 room and kitchenette. Beautiful view of city and mountains, light and warm. Main 3M1H. $;! 1::5 x. CLAIR ST. $30. Large front room and kitchenette: gnod furnace heat and fireplace: 2 large windows that view city and mountains; permanen t tenant only. Mar. 3s 10. NICELY' furn. apis., suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen or business woman; hot and cold water, fur. heat; also sleeping rms.; wal king distance. 57 Trinity place. Broad way 17!)rt. LINCOLN APARTM E N T S. 2-room suites with or without private bath. $30 to $45. including light and telephone. Fourth and Lincoln. Main 1377. THREE-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, par lor bedroom and kitchen, everything lur nlshed ; with garage or walking dis tance. 343 W. 10th st or phone Mar shall 3351. STANTON APTS. 203 STANTON ST. -2. 3 H. K. rooms, steam heat; rates moderate: children welcome. ELEGANT 5-room flat, steam heated, newly painted and knlsomlned, furniture all new, 3 blocks off Washington St., $05. S. B. Oustaff. Bdwy. 1245. LUCRETIA COURT. 3-room, front, corner, well furnished, hardwood floors, modern, first-class; adults; references. Marshall 1513. APARTMENT, with private entrance, suit able for 2, on first floor, in private resi dence: no children. 3'JO Vancouver ave., near E. Broad wa y. CINCINNATI COURT, 10th and Harrison Sts. 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apts. Phone Main 24sn. $45 3-RoOM apt., close in. neat, clean, completely furnished; also Bleeping rooms, $5 week. 147 Lownsdale St., near Abler. 2-ROOM, nicely furnished h. k. apartment, heat, light and phone furnished ; first floor. Broadway 4205. 533 Flayiders, near 10th. JUST the place for employed couple, well furnished 3-room apartment. home-likj and clean, in. attractive modern home. East 254S. "UK. Ankeny. VERY desirable four-room apt., suitable for three or four people; also one and two apt. Rent very reasonable. 000 Irving st. THE REXFORD. 2-room cornerapartment, steam heat; this Is a nice one, close in; $55, Including phone. Main 553. 1 ROOM with kitchenette on ground floor, steam heat, light, phone, nicely fur nished. ?15 month. 250 N. 10th. Broad way 4ii(i. 2 -room furnished brick apartment; light, heat and phone; $30 per month. 015 Pettvgrove. Bdwy. 5O50. BENSON APTS.. 205 20th st. N. Com pletely furnished 3-room front apt. : plenty of heat and hot water, linen and rllver: $55. Hdwy. 44 IS. LA RG E, modern room. with fireplace, kitchenette and sleeping porch Gb9 Vanders. Mar. 2035. PA RE Apts. ; clean, large, well furnished 4-room apt.: suitable for 4 adults. Price $05, Phone Mar. 2".S1. A LTAMONT APTS. Basement apartment. 3 rooms and bath, $35. Fifth and College. Main 0375. WILL share part of modern bungalow or furnished room, garage included. QUI E. Main st.. corner 33d. WANTED 5 or fl-room bungalow', modern house ; preferably southeast part of Portland. Phone 313-02. PO RTXO.MAH. 4-room furnished apt., with sleeping porch. 200 E. 13th st. Adults. 2 HOUSEKEEPING apartments, hot and cold water in room; clean; rent reason able. 301 Broadway. 2 LARGE rooms, alcove, and bath, newly painted and papered. Clean. Adults only. Tabor ISU. 3-ROOM west side apt., free phone, light and heat. Main 3SD9 Sunday or after 0:30 evenings. FRONT 2-room furnished apartment, bath and dressing room, $45. Hanover apts., Broadway 200$. JAEGER APTS. ' 3-room furnished apt. Bdwy. One 753 ALICE COURT, available Jan. 20., 3 rooms. 2 beds, fireplace, phone, bath, E. St'n and Ho rr.i de. East 35tiV -ROOM a pts., new furn it ure. hea t, light, water: $20 and $25. 043 Upshur, corner ;. 20th. TH E JUKI-TRY 2-room furnished apts., $lrt a month; cor. of Russell and Kerby. Phone East 15!4. 1, 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, $15 ami up; every convenience. 504 Union, near Rnse!l East !I240. Fi RST floor front rooms, furnished h. k., bath adjoining; ciose in and delrah!e. Main 4430. H ADDON H ALL, Uth and Hall. 3 rooms, kitchenette and batn; hardwood floors and balcony. -ROOM apart 111 cut , nice and c .eau. new bedding, new curtnins, lots hoi water. !." Salmon st. Main 3ur. TWO AND THREE rooms compl- l.-ly fur nished with bath, rent 15 and $20. 327 X. 1 7f h st. Plione Aut. .33-l. BEAUTIFUL apt.. Laurelhurst home, hard wood floors, own privacy, $5o. Ta tior ,;2so. FURNISHED apartment, clean, hot and cold water. 104 Lownsdale, corner Tay lor. DI EL APTS.. 700 Eat Ankeny t., modern, completely furnished 3-room apt., warm, titth t. clean. Phon" East 1S0S. 3-ROOM apart men i, all outside rooms; newly pa inted and tinted, with good bache'nr servire Mar. 2045. LAR IE living room, kitchenette, dressing room, connecting bath, $32.50. 4S7 Tay lor street. N E W L Y t urnished apartments. M illen street UNION AVE and K illlngsworth, fur. apt, $J4.60; all complete; concrete building. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts. tiU bath! Main 10. j nuna ista apts. 3- ROOM newly t urnished a part ment. 4 12 E. 0th N Phone East 0500. LARGE room ; kltchenet te ; furnace heat; use piann; first floor. 327 Sixth. 4 -ROOM 1 urnished apartment, light, gas. furnace neat, o.w Jim. GIRL to share nice room reasonable. Main 501 3. Apt. 1. BIS1NESS girls to share modern apart ment. iin st., apt. APARTM EXT. 2 rooms and kitchenette, furnished. East 4s52. ELRRIDGE APT., 274 N. 21ST 2-ROOM ! FURNISHED APT. CARLOIS APTS. 2-rin. furn. modern apt. 14th and Market. NIC EL Y furnished two-room modern apt., s ;-m beat. Tne A read la. 70 tl Everett. FURNISHED apts. for rent. Westminster apt. Main ft52. T vVo - ROOM apartment. str et. North 17th 4-ROOM ''urn is lied apartment, heated, $::7.'.o. 425 East Coueh. LUZERNE. 2-rdom mndern furnished apartment. 4-ROOM furnished apt. with bath ; walk Inr ti isf a nee. 3 to Mont gnniery. 57 1 2TH ST. Room. kitchenette, gas. light, heat, phone furnished. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat. 711 Johnson sr. Main lonft. FOR KelNT Auoul 4 acr-'H. east of .Irv ing! on. .T. .1. I'ohal'n. o:,5 chatn. "om. 3 ROOM furnished apt.; gas range, light, ' running water. 214 13th st . J THE IDAHO apt. house, neat, clean apt.., i reasonable rent. 3aii 6tb mt, 3. I FOIt RENT. Furuishrd npun "ent STELW VN APART MEN T 3. HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-ruom and sleeping porch; 10 windows, all outside rooms; furnished in Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings; lots of heat; also a2-room permanent ami transient bach elor rooms, $25 up : references required. lUrt St. Clair st.. cor, of Wash. LARGE. LIGHT, WARM. MODERN, FUR NISHED. OUTSIDE. CORNER 4-ROoM APT., $05 PER MONTH; FINE FURNI TURE; ALSO ONE 3-ROOM APT., $50 PER MONTH; NONE BETTER IN PORTLAND. First-class janitor serv ices guaranteed; equipped for 4 persons. THE COLUMBIAN. ELEVENTH AND COLUMBIA THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to .Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. PORTLAND Heights modern resideiiti.il apts., 3 rooms and bath, defdranle for two; furnished in wicker, mahogany and oak, unusually lighted, hardwood floors, French doors, ivory finish, fireplace. Jit rge porch. Inwn, trees; rent $0U and $7o. Main M542. UNDER NEW' MANAGEMENT. WELLINGTON APTS. 15th and Everett. 4 rooms, beautifully furnished, all new, clone in, walking distance. Rent $00. References required. Broadway 1 24 5. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 130 VISTA AVE. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. One 8-room furnished apartment, with 2 disappearing bed, also outside bal cony. Call Main 3.S.y3. , IRVINGTON. ' BONNIE BRAE, 012 Hancock St. 3-room furnished apartment, sleeping porch, h. w. floors, modern ; ground floor, $55 per xno. Vacant Jan. 15; baL of month. $L'd. Unfurnished A part merits. PEOPLE of discriminating taste will be interested in this most attractive 3-room apartment, kitchenette and private bath; everything of the best, tireplace and fur nace heat; located in lovely home; ref erence? exchanged. H 2!0. Or'gonfan MOST amacuvely luriuMied 3-room apart ment, unusually laro, light rooms with open fireplace. In lovely residential d ls tlrct, close in on ca.t -lde; $75, includ ing gas, light, heat and phone. 'East 3'.i ! 2. GORDON COURT APTS, 530 Montgom ery, new, modern 0-room apt., white enamel woodwork, hardwood f.oors, French doors; 3 bedrooms. VJew Mt. Hood. . VERY attractive apt., 4 room, fine view, desirable neighborhood. $32 50. with heat, water, gas range. J01 Front, cor. Lowell avel Mar. 3i'7S. ALVARADO APARTMENTS. Corner Lucretia ami Everett streets. 6 rooms. Modern. West and south ex- posiire. ELEGANT 5-roo m flat, steam heated, newlv painted and kalsomined. 3 blocks off Washing-tun St., $o5. S. B. Gustaff. Bdwy 2-room corner apartment, steam heat; this is a nice on, close in; 1 50, including phone. Main 553. COLLEGE HEIGHTS apartments. 5 rooms, strictly modern. fireplace. hardwood floors. $50. 13th and College. Aut. 520-42 "t i : 1. R A I 'TS One 3-room unfurnished apt. 0753. Bdwy. IMPERIAL ARMS 1-roorn front apt., fur niture mahogany, wicker and ivory, for sale at saerilice. Call Main OQU. GARDNER, 13th and East Ash. Large o rooms, fireplace, hot-water heat; hard wood floors; garage; ref. East 2S71. KING ALBERT A I A I IT M E N TS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. Main 350. RESIDENTIAL IrviiiBton. exceptional J and 4-rm. apts., furnished, heat, light, gas. $05. $52.50. East HQ 15. THE AMERICAN, moaera i-room apart ment. Broadway 3300. m 3-ROOM modern, steam heat, gas stove. 5nl Glisan. Foil RENT Three-room apt., 40th Sandy. $25 per mo. ind 4 ROOMS and bath, heat. light, garage, ?r od err. enst side. E. .57i. FurnWhed or I'ninmished Apartments. t'ui.:n N F.W MANAGEMENT, Upshur Apts., 400 Upshur street, 2 3. 4 and 5 -room apartments, steam heated, furnished and unfurnished; rea son able ra t es. Flats FOR RENT Unfurnished modern 4-room lower flat. Fireplace, white enamel kitchen and bathroom, cement base-, ment with stationary wash tuba. Large front porch. Apply Sunday between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. 512 East Davis. Take Roso City car. VERY desirable 7-room flat with larg sleeping porch and attic; furnished with gas range for cooking, gas for heating In fireplace; in excellent condition and com mands fine view of city; rent $50. Strong Co. ttml Chamber of Commerce. FLAT FOR RENT. A S-room fiat: closo in on east side. 125 per montn. fere m r. 111 im-ui INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Ti ma f.ToKS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL flat just newly, completed. Five large moms and bath ; hard woo floors, all bullt-ins and garage, in Ladd addition. 55(1 Ladd ave. Call Monday after l A. M. Rent $05. FOUR-FAMILY flat, close in. -ast side. Income $150 per month. Price $K.00, halt cash, fine place. SMITH-WAGONER CO., ST K K K.N' II AM' f-. i-Roo.M modern flat. "m0' Rodney ave.; gHS range in kitchen, also furnace, fire place and sleeping p'.rch. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 200 ( mk St. Rdw y. 53-... HOLLDAY add. Unfurnished upper 3 rnom flat, gas stove and hot water heater, heating stoves. 2.1 E. 2d t. N., $25. adults. 0-KOO.M modern flat, 540 East North, near Bra zee st. Rent $35. PARR1SH. WATKINS Ac CO. 232 Stark Sr. t.i ra;;; E. MADISON. Modern up-to-date 5-room flat, $40 per month: walking distance. Donald Wood ward. 104 2d st. Bdwy. .4 30. WEST SIDE, S. E. corner of 12th and ol lege, ' 4-room fiat w ith basement, fur nace and attic, fine view; rent $35 per month. "all Tabor 4502. 5-ROOM Hat, walking distance, nice view, good order, fireplace, furnace, $37.50. 3 SO 1 0th St.. youth of Montgomery. THtt iii.M Hat, including hea:, light, water. phone. $L'U ner month. 1130 Vernon ave. Alberta cur; nduits Rt Ki S. w a 1 kill liS ta nee, range ..m water heater; adults only. Phono Mar. 144 5, 4-ROOM upper flat, mouern. $20, includ ing water. 622 lj Gantenbeiu. Tabor S 3 5 2 . CORNER flat, modern. 355 la rue cheerful rooms ; Sixth st. Key 351 MODERN 5-room f Lit. 3 1 7 R uss Rent $23. Phone East hQP. 3-Rt OM moth ?'. Adults. n flat. 4'. Phone Mnr. N. 710. LARGE 7-rooin loer fiat, newly painted. lrvintztnn. Ka"t - 1 o 4 i;uii.M.i and private bath. 330 East 4u;U nr' n. 1 ; for .imhi. GOOD 4-room Out. east side, desirable lo cation. $:o. Phone Mar. 203. 4 ROOMS, bath, linoleum. Ml't. 5S1 3d st. UNFURNISHED rooms. Phone Marshall 1457 l,'ttriii-ti;'d I lats. BE A UT I Fl ELY I arm.-bed 5 -roo in upp flat, fireplace, heat, furnished. $75; net 22d Kev at 711 K"arney. Main 1503. VERY at t raet Ive well f uriiished 4 or 5 room flat, modern, close in, garage. 310 E. Glisan, near Union. A DC LI'S 4-room furnished io wr flat, cozy and cb-an. prl h te bath. 4 73 Fail ing fall Wdln. 4730 4-ROOM flat, furnished. 3 Mucks from Si Johns car line. Phone Col. 1152. 8. 1 1 a rva rd st. . NICELY furnished four-room lower flat one block from Huso city car. 1 20th st. N. HEATEJ four-room furni.-hed flat; adults only. Call betwt.cn 11 and 5. 07 E. Morrison. CORNER Ot'u and Wasco. 5-room lower flat, modern, newly renovated, ' adults. " 11 4I" '-a Wasco si. 4-lK M 1 tur. fiat. 1 min. walk to post- office: electricity line. o 0th St. gas. 1 block from car 3 - Room furn is heil f la t h l t24 l-j Vaughn, between 24th and 2.Vth. $24; dults. Phone Marshall 3710 3 RoVMS. nicely furnished, lower fiat, private bat h. close in. 0SII E. Aider st. Phone E 7S20. 4-Roii.d eleKt,ntly furnisV.ed flat, good lo cation: adults and references. Kar 47Q7. 4-ROOM furnished Hat, lurn.sh heat, water. 304 Fargo, near Union ave. 4- It( it M furnished flat and sip. porch. I nquire flat 4. 310 Hentoii St. zTltOOM flut, furnished nicely, adults, $10. East ISO. MODE R N 3 - room u p pe r flat, nicely f u r nished, walking distance, $30. 55 Mill. NICE 5-room flat, large, light, adults only. 300 Fnrao st. East 21'03. FOR KENT --N wl iiirr.ohud 5-room : walking rilstanee. Inquire 3J 1 H"I;P: l- uUo i- g re mi:.- aid Path. P 1 . -r 3V ndii 4-R m;M f urnished flat, UiiulU. EaA . SaoJ. 200 Fargo 6L I FO R RKNT. liirnUhed 4-ROOM furnished fiat, ail of downstair, of building, bathroom, hot and cold water connections; both wood and gas 'ranges; walk Ing d stance of downtown. $30 month. Inquire 422 First st. - MODERN FLAT, 5 rooms. Sleeping porch, every convenience; ea;;t frlde, easy walk ing distance; will rrnt completely furn ished, Inclufiing piano, or will share with congenial couple Kant 0174. 5-RooM modern upper fiat for rent at 4ss 4 E. 1 2th, In very good condition, newly kalsomined and painted through out, rent $37.5o. Inquire Wakef le.d, Frie- A- Co.. St 4th ft. FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern flat. 7 rooms with sleeping porch, In cluding piano and phonograph ; west ride location. Call Main lOUS or Mar shall 1210. STEAM-li EA'i'ED. h-room flat, ft rooms furnished. Will rent or sell furniture. Clojie in. west aide. Rent reasonable. bt'.3- Glisan. WANTED Couple adults to occupy tt- room furnished flat, my home, with ladv employed; modern, clean, close in. East 3 5 L'5. UPPER 4-rtjoia furnished fiat, private ha th, priva te en tram, we! 1 located. Adult. 530. Phnne Wdln. 01 7o. PRI VATE i urnished 4-room fiat at 510 Clay s:reet; no children allowed between ag' s of 1 and 10 years. Marshall ls.5. FURNISHED uoper Lai, 4 rooms, modern, half block to car. Call mornings or eve nings at 1072 E. Kith st. N. $R). 4-ROOM 1 urnished Hat ave. ; stove heat. Wdln. onlv. 0-10 054 7. Mal:ory Adults 3-ROOM lower fl Itjg .distance, w Rent very reas , furnished, walk : children ta ken. i 'all a t -HO Hail. Housekeeping Room FOR R ENT Housekfepln-r room wiiu Kitchenette, nicely furnished itnd mod ern, with hot and cold running water and heated; this is a very desirab.e apartment, suitable for man and wife; walking distance. 431 West Park. Main 1 ..;. Rooms, j'urnisheii, H. K., front. 011 see on il 1 1 oor; free 11 so of gas stove, elec tric liiilit, phone and bath, $27: walking distance. Hendricks Apt., 15 th and FJa nder.". Hroa-i wa v 1 4 05. RIGHT down town, 1 and 2-room apart ments, clean and well furnished, hot and cold water, light and phone free. J4 and up weekly. Call Mam 3230, or 10S Hth st. NEAT and clean, electric 1. gilts and heat, walking distance, 1 single. 1 --room h. k. apt, $10 and $10 per month. 400 Van couver ave., 1 block nnrth of Firoadwav. FURN 1 SH ED basement a pa rtiuent, clean, comfortable. (dec trie lights. chWdren taken. Rent reduced for services. 05S Gtisan st. Call EroadwaV 3035. CINCINNATI COURT. Tenth and Harrison Streets. 2 ii. k. rooms, $2 a month. Call Main 24 so. LIGHT housekeeping room, one man or woman or couple ; gas, electricity and furnace beat iurnished. $10. lUUO East Main. Phone Tahor s7'".0. N'l C E, elca n, 2 -room house keepi 11 g suite, 1 large housekeeping roon. private en trance; o,ulet and homeliko urruund ings. 321 0th. NEWLY 1 urnished h. k. 1 tjtms, very be.it hot water h.'-at; beds are new and clean; rent 15. $20. $22.50. Phone East 755i. 40O Hnlbid.iy. THREE unfurnished housekeejuiig rms , bath, h'-at, lights and phone, to couple employed: will caro lor child during day. Wdln. 4 7O0. 1 H. K. WITH kitchenette. 4 week. 1 H. K. with kitchenette. $3..".o week, lnclnding lights, hath and phono. Phone Main 753. 205 17th M. U.NDEIl NEW .MANAGEMENT. Nice, la rgo, Minn y rooms for l!ch t hoiisekrf ping in strict 1 v modern homo. 301 llth st. Auto. 510-12. 11. K. ROOMS with kltchenettt s. heat. Ifg h t. bat h a nd photic; nice place to w as-h. 321 AVest Park, corner of Clay. FURN ItFrE for saTo elu-a'p of house keeping room, free gas and ba th ; rent . reasonable. Room 2i"7 Goodnnngh bldg CLIO AN. single. J 7 to $ 12; dandy lobby, well heated; 2-3 room suites. $15 to $22. The auThn. N. 10th and Vaunhn. THE REAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rurnii", 515 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, fur nished, newly t luted, walking tlut atiee ; reasonable rates. ft; I'ninn ave. N. 1)1 Si I M ARK, Wash, st., cor, 17th. Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apts.. aNo sleeping roo ma. Rd w y. 54n3. OUTSIDE light and clean apts., sink, hot ami colli water In room, furnace heat. 4 L 1 '-j Oth s't. Mar. 20o5. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. r. aona l.Ie. phone. Unlit, heat and water free. Hroad way 3075. ooo Snvirr st., near 21st. LA RG E Iron t room and kitchenette, nice ly furnished, walking distance, $18. A dii' 1 s. M! ;. lot h st. Sout h. l'Wo oR THREE H. K. rooms in a nicely f iirijished flat ; reasonable. Marshall 701 niyt. '(ill R ENT Furnished housekeeping 1 m. for baching. Reasonable terms. 3tv N. 22dst . 'OU R ENT Furnished housekeeping rin. for baching, reasonable terms. S.S5 N. 22d -t NEWLY luriiished, new bethilng, ch an throughout. 01 E. 12th, near Stark. Call 10 to 5. ON E singie f urnismd house Keeping roo 01. $12 per month; free gas. One 2-room apt.. SIS. ISO flay st. LIGHT, modern one or tv.o rooms for house keepi ng ; heat, bath n nd phone. pr 12th st. Hoi 'SEE EE PI NG rooms, suite and large single room; attractive price. 103 Kirst st. 2 KtidMS exchange or wo: k. Apply 2 to 3 tod a v ; also rooms for rent . 27 1 Rllse'il. 2 !,. H. K. rms. on car line. Call at lo2u 'lliams SUITE of 2 furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Call 221 17th st. N. Til i; M A PEE. 3o N. 1 h. near Wash. H. K. and sleeping rooms. TWo CLEAN rooms etuipped for h. k. rf asor-able. 173' y N. 21st. LARGE, conifortao'.' II. K. rooms. OO.t E Madison. East S01 1. 1 AND 2-ROOM a pis., furnace heat, rea sonable rates, cli.se tn 372 P. roar! w a v. 15 DAYS" STORAGE FREE; Moving for i' w. Phone Hdwv. 215 TWO l'ui 111 sh.-d Jl. K . rooms, e ice trie light?. 320' 1t. f'.ieap rent. SINGLE, steam-heated housekeeping room, $1 and $5 .-r week. 147 13th st. TWO CLEAN. furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distune. Wa-"h. ft. 3 (.LEAN 2-1. . .m bouseke, pin-i eh r it. 1 50 N. ".'2d -l ripts.. To rooiim, one peitni 15, iwo persons SIS. 055 Flnnfl'TA TWO II. K. rt.oms. 5 per week up; I H. K. and transients. $:t up. 2"S Wash. CLEAN. HUM KY I i. K. ROOM. .'Lt.SE IN 472 YAMHILL. 2 FURNISHED IL K. hmmih und kltcm-n-ett-'. Clean. RG l."vr" e..r, Taylor, LARGE front room. $5 wk. Single, $3.50. H-th and phone 327 3d. DolRLE 11. K 5th "t. : well apt.. I'd lioor, flout. 447 fur-ished. FURNISHED h. k looms cheap. 270 E. 2srh, near- Hovthorne. N I CE L Y 1'u i n Is lieil lion.- I'kci ping ja ytis. l:vht. war.r furnlsh-d. ;;m $2'---II ' Ni E comforts for reliable, couple Ma 1 : 254. , 2 l'l'RNlSMED rodiis, h. k.. liie local. 0.1 Phi. ne Main 2!1-.'. Nlfi: light 1 1 . K. room $15. Walking distance. 357 12th st. LA RG E t ni ni.-io d houselccpiU 223 Pire ; r.d First. CLEAN, largo room, sink, hot, cold water. 3IO Oth si. TV 1 unt'ui nished winking distance. hoiist ki-ping rooms; otn st. NICE Jiiiht. clean h. k. apt., 213 llth at in la rge home, Nli'E 1 1 . K. rooms wall Dutch kitchen, central. M'.iil 3 105. TW - ROOM .pt.. el'ise in. I'eoplo ploy.-d mef' red. 331 Y nt Park. irtn.ekeepiitg Room in Prlvnle Faiilly. I I liooM Willi kit 1 iieiii't te ; a Iso miikIp h. k. room; everything furnished. 03 K 1 1 :i st. Hroa d w a y 20 5. 1U5 20 r tl . 1 nine r I-'.ander., neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. THitlOE pleasant ft unshed H. K. rooms to mini's 555 Yamhi.l. Main 1115. CLE N tl. K room, k i nheliette ; every thing furnished. 105 13ih st. a lloo.MS and p.Mitr.v. sink, wood r.inj;t', r eeirie lights and phone. 43o Jefrer-on. H. K. ROOMS. Wi i It- ms ave. walking tlistnce. 275 East ."707. Mis. Wilcox. NICELY furnished h. k. to.nns, Kan, bath, S10 mo. 0!'2 Ff'MiC 3 NICELY furnish .1 il. K. m.-iiih on fRst Moor. 1 20 E 3 2d . pen r M nrrlson. CLEAN com lot table H. K. Walking dis tance. 140 N. 17th st. N EW I A pa oei'ed front h. k. room ; idnk. r r g e. I 2 17th st. S. 1 I'll! N i SI I E D roi'in. J74 E. 35th. Phone Tabor 3H2 H. K . FRONT &u it e, lower floor. 17th st.. corner Yamhill. $13 SI N i Lli hous keeping room, walking distance ; w -"m Hi"e. , a inn ."-t. V u 1 1 newly f ti ml. -thed housekeeping rooms; modern: v ry rea o?im hie. S d ! w oofl 2315. i CLEAN Well fu. 'i -h' d h. vooms In mod nrn hrtne ch-,-' in l'.;-st Sf?.M Si NO LE ho Jtek'-epioK 37 Taylor. in. reasonable. 1 2 FURNISHED H. K. room 9. with kUchca elto. 02i Mill St., cur. lUth. ion WENT. Housekeeping Rooms In Private 1 aindy. ONLY $15 per month. 2 Urge rooms, t wo closets, good light, furnished for housekeeping : k ttchen ran go connected wh h bat h ; inqul r- 11 1 k rocery, 15uli E. St at k s l .. or call .i !atri 7 75 0; II. K. ROOM, hot and coin run-in water, heat, bath. gas. phone, iaunury pri -Urges: walkln distance, congenial ir roundirgs; ieferrnef required. East 211 3. O-.mrt nve. 4 FURNISHED connecting first floor rooms with kitchenette, telephone, g.i, electricity and bat h : no objections to small child. 500 Clinton at. he II wood 30 Sundav only. TWo PKaJHAHLli ii, k. rouiita lu trn tiy modern home, for employed couple; walking distance. 500 E. Yamhill, cor ner 13!h. East 4M3. FU li M S H i: D room, kltchenet Le. w ith run -11 ing water, well heated, plenty h-t water; wurking coupie. Main 1311. -SJ N 24' h n. 1 LARGE front and 2 furnished connecting housekeeping rooms ; gas range, bath, I'.Khts and phono free. 002 Front Main 4S5T. TWO well iiiinihed housekeeping mom, w it h or wit hoii t piano ; gas. t ieotric". , private lath and telephone; no chu- 1 .MnutK.tmerv I O It REj'T 3 Uil I II I'll IMied lioust keep i l.g rooms, private I ami! v. light and het 325 per month. Adults only. Wood- I'l.K.i.SAM lrint h. k. room, n.-e of piaun. hoiiu; comforts; ladb's preferred; '-ry reasonable; wu.King distance. 0o3 Oth .it. M.ijn 51 2. ONE tilt TWO unfui ilished or pai-lly fur nished housekeeping rooms In resident 0. H 1 regonia n. TWO I'ieasant 11. K . rooms, furnished op Pa rti : w n ter. light, bath, phone, i-onk. I'm: ;:a: S-JQ .-r mmith. Wood awn 437 5 1 1 UMail ED 2 H. K. room.-, lir.-t 1 hum , range, water, reasonable rent. 3d 7 Mar ket Mreet TWo w el i -luri.i -iud II. l. rooms, ground flcnr and yartl; walking d;stance. East For RENT To working Kill, front sUep ing room with kite lien privilege! In modern house, jjln, l-iast P121. FU RN IS 1 1 1 -1 2-i 00m apt., c.t an and close in . f ree lights, water a a d phone. 545 W :h in g t "ti . LA RGE amy.e II. R. rooms, $4 50 to 5 50 per wee k. Heat, 1U It : . phone, in cieau, ouiet piri-e. HJ N. lot Ii street. FOUR lurnislud h. k. tooms, 731 E. 15th St., S llwood car to Rhone St., $25; llt;IU, t :i ami watT i lie I ilde, . 2 housekeeping V.MHiiH. 2 beds, lo. r floor' private entrance, close-in; phone, ete. ;tim Mill. 1 5 Fl'RMSHiOD connecting rooms, liiit; clns. in; separata entrance; garage. East 2 NICE housekeeping rooms for rem. fresh lv done over; llf;ht. phono and bath. 535 E. Hurnshle. East 3s. t TWO FINE, furnished It. k. hmjiiis, private bntlt room ami sleeping porch, hut water heat, close in. East O.'tsi lloi;sEKEEPl.; apt., kiudicnetle. elo.-et, heat ; ndul's. 40:t 1 12t h v'. 1IOUSEK EEP1NG mid !.;eedng room to ren I ; g ood location. M a i0S. Rt OM Li ing room and kitchen privi leges. 2 tills. Tabor 7 ;.. WA RAl , sun u v II. K ., walking dis. ; every thing fur.. $15. f. 74 E. Taylor. HollH4'x 5-Roo.M IiiiiiKii oh, all Onili-ins. fireplace, f.'lt) month a-.xl heating stoe: good as new; A-lt pas rane ehean, single bd, 0I2 fuff no;. IM Mason, corner Oth. Foil RENT West side. 7-room nio-iern hou-e, 45 inonih; partiaily furnished; 4 rooms to rent upstairs, 2 now rented at $25. liliin. Mar 11 10. WALKING il is i a nee ; for rein . a nio.lern 0-room house; g:ts and electric light, and a full base me n t. Will h va uutit ' '. 1 v 1 11 pi Ii e 1"s' f'l I nt on st . CLOSE to -sth and Sandy blvd.. 5-room modern cottage f-r rent : solid oak furntturo fttr salo reasonable. Auto. 210. :ts. Rill R l-i N T -5-i 1 101 11 j 11 otter 11 bungalow w ith sleeping port h and garage ; 1 eiit reasonable to riuht paro ; open Sundaj, 1 to 5. 11:;:. East :; 7 1 U No rt h . LARGE 0-room houe, .-lieping jtoiih, furnace, fireplace; one blm k to Rosa Cttv car; reasotiahle rent to perniiineni, reli;ih tenant. 501 K. 5sth N' East 1352. $25 ITH wat. r. (115 .Ma rk-t-sl. drive. 4-rooin, oih double, upper unfurnished flat. Gas, the. I' urn nee. lower Portland !' ''.: s'"-' " family. Main 4 150. AT'l'Ti A f TI V E small Intuse, liUMhrii ex cept 1 tirnace, close in, at low rental to responsible pa rt . Walk ing distance, on ;im side. MaJn31Hl. FOR LEASE O-roitni house, '-j iuit, all kinds fruit, barn, chit K en house, closti In, J'.'to per nnnth. 32-S Tillamook ml. WiMtams avo. ear. FO R RENT or li'v, 5-roo in bungalow with u a rage and 1 in-re oi land, either fut iiished or uiilurmsiied. Call Wdln. 3 10. Port LA ND H.-lu--. modern h-ro..m ga- rage. sleepim; porch, vi-w: will lease ! ; inn ing M 01 1 ijl a v. Ma in OO'l. .MOi-EUN unf 111 .11. bed 0-room lioue; 4 root:i f urn is he d lmvisc. 030 E. Ta gn rt . Innuire cirrier 513 E l7Gi st. S.. WS tar. 3-R 'o.M buuaUr.v, Rosei'iTy" ParkT120 per month, 3 inontlis in advance. 075 74lli N. Ow ner. 42 E. 27ihst. South. ELK TP. A N SEE It X ST' ) II AG E. 15 DAYS' .STORAGE FREE. Moving for h ss lln.adw av 2(15 WHEN mijll.j. eilv or eountry, get t lie best at loW'St pro i". Green Tia tis : er L'o., Main 1201. 2"",. .M.j. r st ROSE CITI PARK; good light -4 - rex 1 m idern coiivonieiP'es, .0(0. w er fl u ; all parage. 5 10. Tahor ART IS TIC. com l.iiile, 4 -loom eotlaHi . r- asotiable 1 ent ; teil on terms. 1" ho no 0 .;-n7. ;VEN-R1 house, newly built ; hardwood 1 1 oor s. furnace. 201 E. 5otii. Take Haw - t horne i-;t v. CLE A N 5 room Iumi near 2'Uh; rent $1.1 Kr:r tir Co . S5 l:h S S 5 U Ih iirma n Apply Wakefield. Ml 'VI NG Pianos, f iiml t ure and long ii 1b t m' e hauling a speOaltv O. A- W. I'm. k S-TVlee Liv. 4'l 2d st Plmtie Hdwy. 5121. CLEAN 5-t. ...m bungalo and A Ibert.i t ar. Adults preferred A. ehe-e to Union ooiilawn -lfllil. FOR KEN T I'Vn. L'l. a - room iii-uleru house. la rge lot and fruit , f ui li.io-, adult priirr'd W , 1 11. : I WOODSTOCK 5 1 .mins, aeant. dandy house, nice a nil clean, nil 1 otiv enieiit es. 0117 4 Uh st. S. 1'. 1 'a bleid-s from cur. .. and Ph'Ote ll- R 00 M u p-ti'-d.vte 1 rvin g ton home Tor i-et.t ir sale, niriiisheil. Phone evelni, '1 ii hor 55S2. FoR RENT- 1 4115 7"ih s. hi m f a 1 0 ! h h nos" a ; 'P'-n for 1 ns !; c: ion Sun- d t. Mm;iiI:iv . NEW PRIVATE ca .-.ige. F:..t 27th 11 ml Khn n iv Phoce i'w ood K'M. LTr"m"M buiii.'.:'"A a:td git.tge. Itot- City Pa ik. ?'o. I'''"J o.Ml'aw "2125 .Vic ro.M hou. . 7 1 !:.: P.';;i near E V l"M t 1 ! : 1 .i.M f L MODERN 0 : :n ! ! tfay.-. .-ROOM R I N 1 1 A I o G ;:... M R.-H A M- J 23 MDETiN 7 . h :-." I,himi. Tl : -'-.:; 5-R- o.M hous. . t-uke :.r. ?2'i "t il. pl .t , MoDEivN bu-o, ... . tur jf I2. Hrnun- ii:Ingt"o'n. . i'.'. u. P. T. Sf o ' IR l.NOP N i..ipo nevv'v fini--h"d J,,ll T laVs.. new Cie.i.,,i mIioo'-. two . ir'im FOR It ENT- Mo,;. -in t. ..i. I l-'taiikiln !2t oj 1 no in null . 1 K -R m Ml coda-! .-.'Id and P V lights go-. toCh Hdwv .:. 4-1. ot M to. l-.f. 1 130 1.3 L.i 0-R M house. iv as, b, Ari-: 4 2n H:m h- It' HIM I l' U". Rose l .ao TS0!l We. k da v irsbii"! RG tlii UTnT hhii hi.U "1 . r 10 ' . ' 1 k 1 1 if (Mwt a M'-e t o tow n. 31 2 20' h . 'UH KENT HiU'iouiii houdc. Tubur tiOA 2 CLEAN, poa.-ani rn.ims, 12 per inontli. flood cir Service. ,aber I.VJrt 2 Rot ) MS, nit e I y f uriusli'-d, e cry ton vei tiein-e, f iryf flinir. 5 7 A 3 L SI Li.'t l -ui r .; 1 i.. . 2 Has ..Co. ,,. R'e. tn "'1 U 0"-RoM bun -' ' o. .i s-.: c;. ha.f idock f----n ' l,Ixs s iTTT, .;s .t. ..-i:.ood. Ladd . Vd.i.ti.o- T a . . J'' ! -l M - : "'-ii""'' iVu- s.,!e at - ' """ - .S -'2 MTTi'.KR.N. 7 t- -st".- a.-d La-: Ma. a r-ci ; .s 1 JJ...-' " '' sTl"LL 2-io-on fi-i t u it. i - h i . . 1 1. Auto tl2G ' 'il-t .ot s i: 7o7Mno.l. : u S i ;. ll.iw Oo.ri.,- VR AGE. RENT Mi.iiiM htm.-. . Ha.v ....-to uo . ' (ni-lied. modern on v ' n "''""." j' - ..r-'l.'-TVwV 5 RO i.Ts"1n7-!ui:iriK fiiKl . lef- f Tem es. E ast 24is li-Kou.M lumse, hai -1 w ood i looi 7l I pTden e. N. . $ 0- Ri M Tiouse. ss I tuoii oe. N. ' "woo.Haw n I'l'is totlav I "TTtTioM house, .ts. ei.-t tricio ; clean. r-iit 3.V o!l22l 17th st, N. 5-R i"Vf miMiei n house. 117 Morgan fit. i Woodlnwn ''