15 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIYX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 15, 1922 FOR flAI.K. MKrH;uirons. fAU3 OP R. II. FREHJHT AND SAMILK UUUDfi. . WTfor.KSALK ANT) RETAIU AlO.NDA V, TUESDAY AND W EDNESDA Y 9 A. M. TO S:3U P. M. $10 ladies' low shoes $4.50. Then oxfords aro the nicest shoes you ever saw. They, are simply beauties in tiurk brown and choco late Ji, C and D last. An un claimed railroad shipment. Only 65 pairs in the lot. They are really a $ 10 shop. Some stores ask $12 for the same kind. LADIES' VESTS AT 15c These comfy-cut vests are nicely trimmed and not a lie vest. They are a 35j and 5Uc vest. Extra sizes 20c, JOc OH 3 FOR 50c for children's lisle short stockings. They come in all sizes. Regular 35c kind. MEN'S $10 VKI.OUR HATS 4. These hats cunie in gray, dark brown and black. Sizes ih to 71. They are simply a wonderful bar- Cain. 17 rolls toilet paper 00c. Metal bottle, caps .HOC a gross. Milk shirts ut $2. Be a sport. I am going to well $4 to $5.50 silk sample shuts lor 2 bucks. 2 FOR LAD I ICS GEORGETTE WAISTS. These waists come In sizes 42 to 40 only. If you are stout you're in Rood iuck tills time. $7 to $0 wool throws closing; ' out $3. 00c scissors 25c. 25c for a beautiful pen knife, fine steel. TROYS' SUITS $r. I tell you people you can't dupli cate Hies? boys' suits Ies3 than $10 or $12. All dark colors. Well inarle. Aces 8 to 10. $27.fiO moleskin coats $11. $:tr moleskin coats $13.50. These mats are rain and wind proof. They are. some coats. Bolted and up-to-date. $1.25 wh isk brooms 50c. Finest MUality corn.' They are the large brooms used in hotels, barber shops or any public place where a good whisk broom is required. $fl0 Todd check protector for $17.50. Ten-pound sacks rye flour 40c. $1 men's uxodized silver belt buckles 35c. STATIONERY BY THE BOX 5c. We are going to put 1000 boxes of highest quality of stationery on sale at 20c a box, in beautiful large boxes. All colors paper and envelopes. SI. 25 knit ties 65c, or 3 for $1.50. 75e tics 35c, 3 for SI. 00. $3.50 V-neck sweaters, blue, brown, gray, $1.65. 15c for mixed wool sox. Lots of books on sale. Any price goes for these sample books. Linen tablets 2 for 15c, 75a a dozen. 70o for phonograph record al bums. PATTTE RECORDS 30c. Just received a new shipment of Pat he records from the U. S. government. They are all new, 30 and 12 inches In size. Double disc Every one a $1.25 record. 30c or $3 a dozen. They won't last long. Buy them quick. $5 WOOL UNION SUITS 12.85. Mixed wool union suits $1.20. Sizes 36 to 40. One lot of four-ln-hand ties. Only 80 In the entire lot. A 35c tie. 2 for 26c $5 Reliance sample hats $2.50. 35c 8-oz. size liquid shoe cleanser 10c, 3 for 25c. 30c size cane and maple syrup 17c, 3 for BUo. 05c sige cane and maple syrup 35c, 3 for SI. 75c bone bandied shaving bruHhes 15c 35c cans silver polish 10c, 3 for 25c. We have thousands of other items that will interest most of you. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Please always add parcel post charges. It pays to watch our weekly ads. CONSOLIDATED FALES CO., Dealers In Salvage Goods and Samples. 226-228 Clay St., Between 1st and 2d. Half Block East of Auditorium, ci7 M H, Ai r. l i i e a i , IjHiuii khi . HVHieni, Jieain any mn cheaper and better than wood or coal, no labor dirt, dampness or fumes, pull cord a t bed and all radiators in house are hot in 30 minute, no large basement boiler or chimney required. Cost about $55 room to install. See demonstrating t .iant, 45S Vanconwr ave. Phone K. 6" CLOSING out $23,000 stock of groceries, all merchundibo at cost. Complete set of fixtures for sale. H. STUMLiERG & SON. A'am-mi vcr. Wash. LxTlvST ivpe $-15 Brunswick and 70 dandy records; all cost :105; price $250: terms. Hatt Talking Machine Co., 35u Alder. N EW BAT T Kit Y BARGAINS. Limll-d number new butteries, IK mna. guarantee, all sizes, less than factory cost: will (IHivr. K. ?or,.'. . BEAUTIFUL blue Parisian tricotine dress, never worn, and almost new moleskin coat and brown sox for leas than naif Ttri nv East 6 IM. KADIO plpei ess furnace, now $105. in stalled ; easy payments. Call or write. Associated Engineering Corp., foot o( Hurllnetoti st. Phone Col. 2-V h i wiiii. vvi i.iii men Lute model machines, perfect condi tion. Shaver. $25. I). C. Wax, 24-20 X. 5th st. Hfhry. 2730. 7 iiARliELS biaek graphite roof paint in uriv cumntitv, $:!3 Tier barrel, also wasnic tar paint $14 per 50 gal. barrel. BJ 335, tregoni an LiCCLE, gjod tires, moiorbike -seat, rub ber pedals, mud guard, box handlebars, $12. Call Ralph. Auto. 323-71, evenings hp fore K. JjoN'T buy jM-t-tylene tanks until you in vestiKate the Hew loan system at the Northwest Welding & Supply Co., bh First street. FOR SALE Ahi'usl now combination ra litre, radiant f ire. fire-less cooker, re frigerator, small ilreser and gas water heater. Wood la wn 54 73. LATEST type $205 Brunswick and 70 dandy records; all cost $:105; price $25u; terms, ilyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. 3lULTlGRAPliS complete i.x low HH $150; easy terms. America n M ulti graph Sales Co., 212 Artisans bldg. H'iwy. 352V THE LATEST tiling in ladies hand v oven hats. advance styles ; orders taken. 125 11th st. RANG E. tub in a Lion was. wood or coal ; with coil: fine shape; cVst $225. Sell for ? 1 25. terms. Pd wy. 1 5S6. LlAUTl';i number of new Kuarantced tires, all siz'H, uacrifice price; Ford size 0.75. Ct 'M i'UETE elect ric-di ivcn multigraph. n ei r I y new, half p r i c e. AN 3 50, Ore -go n tn n. ; t V WHITE rotary sewing machine, lat est model, $35; leaving city, must sell. Call A in. 22H-73. m " " FEKTII.IiEit. " Cow manure, well rolled, delivered any Part of city. Wnodlawn 6233. CH 1 El illfciN S liuiooi tennis game. $;t; doll ilresser, $3: toy house, $2; brass bird cage, $2. Mar. 675. S''I X E wheel lock. :iox3 1 ; silver beam spotlight, carpenter's tool box. Tabor 3.vt'. " It EE l) bubv bugg-, ivory finish, tan cor d iiroy lining; excellent condition ; rea sennhle. East ?4'. BLOfXlETT gas oven. 4 shelves, good con dition, at Liberty lunch, 126 5th st. OAK LlEiiAUY table, cheap; will deliver. Tabor hi;-. l'H A CT 1 C A LLY new 12x14 tent. b0 E, fiifsan. before 12 or Monday. DROPIi E A I sewing machiTies. cheap; storage. 114 Pnion ave.. near Aider. BUYS' wood lathe, electric motor, pol isher with bench, 123. Mar. Ii75. j(iT-UAV!ill heating plant compile, $100. Marsr.aii l-i.'-k ;t H) pas range, als-o refrigerator. 57 Trinity Plaee. Broadway lT.nt. J l A MONO Nearly -kai at, blue white. perfect. i--y. ."am JilAMOND Over 1-3-karat. blue white, lert'ect. $n5. Woodlawn 5.124. 1 K SALE Auto, sock -knitting machine, reasonable. East 4 41'.'. W1I-L sell our inulticulor preBS cheap for ens h. A 1 f 355 . Urego n i an. ELECTIilC stove, $2.50: electric warmo, 4 feet, co st $14. for $5. ?.1ar. 1675 Ml'LTIO iL K press, $150. American Multigra ph Snles Co.. 212 Artisans hldg. UANGK, S 1,1 f me co n d 1 1 : en ; coa t K) new; no dealers. 1 S5 ' East 13rh. X C S. C'f'TIiSK in saleuuiaudhip, ma. ltd ' offer, Bdwy, 2337. FOB WALK. .Mi -t elluneous. b'i'A N LEY LL'TZ, 203-5-7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. SALE Electrical supplies, everything new and guaranteed to pass inspection. No. 14 wire, lc per It. In coil lots. Plujsh, switch with plate. 45c. FiUfh receptacle with plate. 50c. Fuse plugs, 5c each. Knobs with nail. 3c each. 40-watt nitrogen lamps ( these are sombthliitf new), 50c; alsu have 25-watt size. 2K-watt Mazda. $1 65. 3uo-watt Maxda. 12. 1 5. STANLEY LL'TZ. 203-5-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OL'K sale extraordinary of phonographs continues unabated. Never heretofore and never again will It be possible to ob tain such great discounts us we are of fering in this sale. Payments only $7 a month for phonographs actually reduced $51.33, and now actually less than half the price a vear or more ago. Many lor only $5, 67 and $45; actually less than half former prices, at payments of oniy $1.25 a week See Filers Music House. 2d floor Filers Music bldg. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND. FACToltY I1EBCILT. TOTAL A DUELS AS LOW AS $50. Mechanism and title guaranteed. Renair service hv. companv mechanics. NEW KEGiSTEKS AS LOW AS 70. EASY TKItMS. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., I'.roti d wayl 1 . 300 Sta rk St. FIXTCKES REDUCED THIS WEEK. Showcases, new and used : cash reg isters, scales, safe, typewriter, check writers, many other fixtures. 240 Wash ingtoii i jii .mj.ai.w entrance uoor wim oiuu iights. leaded glass; bargain. 1130 E. FOR & LF A C'TOMOBILKS. FORD PRTOE3 DHOPPED JAN. 15, 1022. ALL MODELS. We have them in stock. Call us for particulars and amount of reduction. MAY MOTOR CO.. Wet In. 3050. Where Union Crosses Alberta. WE ARE offering the best lln of used Fords in Portland. These cars may tie bought for down, balance 12 mns, 1022 Ford touring $47" 3022 Ford sedan, $20O extras $050 1021 Ford sedan, extras ." lojo Ford sedan, extras $. Iol'O Ford eedan. extras $500 una Kord touring, extras..... $225 1010 Ford touring, starter block. .$275 USED FOKD SALES CO. Used but Not Abused. ftth and Davis. Bdwy. 3 FRANKLIN TOURING. Newly painted and In perfect mechanical condition; with oversize cord tires; this car is the present series and has run a little more than lT.ooo mile; $1400; would consider terms. AUTOMATIC 632-73. 1021 HUPMOBILE $1000. Cord tires, two bumpers, spot light, rear-view mirror; car has only been driven ootio miles; this price includes pnid-up insurance. Ca I! Mr. Mounts in ut Broad w ay, 217 or Tabor 2552. FoltD SEDAN. 102O model, in A-l mechanical condi tion; tires practically new. Some extras. $125 down, balance 12 month. East 0t;:i2. 1III0 BLTCK SIX. $7S5. Cord tires, newly finished, fine me chanically; exceptional value; terms. 1. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave. at Hth. I'hone Enst 7. FORD SEDAN. li21 model; car only- run a few thou sand miles; can be bought at a sacrifice. $2O0 extras. Itejjt of terms. Wood iawn 721. 1021 MONROE light -passenger; if you want one or tne best little cars in town, can't be toid fruni new; selling for taxes, $550 terms. GODPEY'S GARAGE. f.Trf AND HOYT. LATE model Ford sedan, bumper front and rear; spotlight, shock Hbsorber. foot throttle. large steering wheel and other extras, $4S. Woodlawn 2500. FRANCIS MOTOR C A It CO. 1018 OAKLAND SEDAN, $450. Nearly new cord tires ; car in very g'ood condition. Owner must sell. L. Y. P.ILLJNGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. Phone East 7. 1021 FOKD touring, demountable rinu. speedometer, shock absorbers ; foot throttle: perfect condition: run less than 5000 mlica. Call 202 Stark atreet Monday. 1021 FORD TOURING. A demonstrator that will demonstrate this car, a perfect Ford, 1022 license and $ 110 in extras. Parsons, 00 North Broad way. Bdwy. 321 1120 1'UliD SEDAN, $525. Good mechancialiy ; cord tires; spare tire; larue wheel: speedometer, etc. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY .MOTOR CO.. H.Tvthorne Ave. at Nth, Phone East 7. WILL bell my latest 1022 Chevrolet, run 500 miles, cord tires, other extras; wiil consider Ford or Chevrolet lit trade. Cull Wdln. 0025. Some terms. AUCTION PRICES GOOD CONDITION. 101S Dort. 5-pass. touring. 1014 Cadillac, 7-pass. With 1022 licenses. Parttrul ars Ma in Sff7. CHANDLER roausLer, 1010 model, just overhauled, in line condition, will ac cept best off it, deal with owner. J. E. Thorndik". Marshall 20tM. Cli E V ROLET dt iivt ry. new battery, over hauled, in good shape, $350. will take Ford in trade. Call Alain PJ62. ask for Mr. Pierre. FORD TOURING. 1022 model; 0 wka. obi ; driven 6O0 miles ; at a sac ri flee. loud terms. Wdln. 721. 20 CHEVROLET TOURING. Light, dependable four, nearly new and low price, with terms ; privately owned. M r. Adams. .Main 4 i 1 7. Apt. 31. Bii AND NEW VELIE. Just from factory, never run. Must be sold this week. Big discount. Terms. Owner. Mufn 1-12S. NEW CHEVROLET cars, Chevrolet parts and Chevrolet service now available at 1 4. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., TPiwthorne ave. at Hth. Phone Enst 7. IF Vol; WANT to sell your car. Iave it on consignment, quick results with satisfaction.- GODREY'S GARAGE, Bdwy. l.'tMt. 5th and Hoyt. 1021 BRISCOE touring, new paint, new tires, guaranteed ; a real snap; will ac cept small car as part payment and give terms. Call Props t. Bd wv. 4t 1 7 5. Loci moB1LE, good for 200.000 miles; make good truck or roadster; $173. Mar shall 2735. FACTORY representative offers two new. populur. light ix cars at nearly half price. E. 7ui;.. 1010 MITCHELL special, looks well, runs well ; yours for $ 150. Marsh. 1442. 104ti Corbet t street STl'DERA K ER "4" touring. $150. Terms. Real ba rgain. Good rubber, new top. See at 455 Hawthorne ave. East 7. 102O DODGE touring, like new, cord tires, other extras: will sacrifice for a quick s;Ie. Lownsdale Gnraire. 15 Washington. HAVE late model touring car, could use a good motorcycle as part payment. East ti::2. CHEVROLET touring, $250; pood me chanical condition, tires; $50 will handle. Woi.dla wn 5HiO. FOR SALE Good Overland 85 touring, or exchange for good late Ford. 3420 51 st fit. S. E. 102O XoU K 1 NG, some extras, good tires, car in good shape ; leu ving the city ; 111 ust seli. ('ail East 11417. BABY grand touring, runs and looks like new, 1020 mode! ; will take small car in trade, ha I. easv. T. 5035. 400 CHE V. tour., late model. 1022 license, fine rubber rims and looks good, need lino cash. bnl. "any. T. .Vi:.5. il'M) DoWN and balance easy terms drives away a good light car. Call Propst, Bdwy. 4(175. CLASSY Ford bug body complete, with top, windshield and side -urtuins; no reasun eble oif-r r"fus"d. ChII S-H. 052. FOii D 1 II (1-2 i Coupe or roadster tor spot cash if price is right. BF 353, Orego- nian. WILL sacrifice 1021 Studebaker special six roadster. 503 Artisan bldg., oppo si:e Benson hotel. A REAL buy iu a 1020 Liberty . in good con d it ion. See ca r at 35 1 Burrmide st. 1U10I HUDSON speedster, like new, $1200. Bdwy. 2004. FOKD roadster, $liu for quick sale. Terms. Phone r.:;s-40 FOR SALE Ford contract at a reason able discount. Phone Mar. 3100. I loo DoWN wiil handle late model tour ing car. East 0:120. LOCOMOBILE -4fi, 7-pas., S150; Ideal stag" car Tabor 4fH0. NEW ELGIN SIX senail, S1MMI. $ 1 UOO down. asy pay men ts. Set I wood 3704. BUI' K 4 TOURING Starter and extras, ,15M. V'rnnson's. 150 I'ninn ave. FoRD buir, O. K. running order. $73. Mar " ha, I 1442. 104t Corbet t street. liO FORD ton truck Just overhauled; cord tires, cash or terras Tabor lfiiO, FOB SALE ACTOMOB1I.CS. SPECIAL OVERFLOW SALE. We are overstocked with used car, our building, with 40,000 square feet, wdl not house our stock, so they must go. We have temporarily leased a 100x100 lot at Gin and Main, where all cars can be see a and examined In daylight during this sale. SMALL PAYMENTS DOWN. SPECIAL TERMS. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. OPEN SUNDAY. 11)1(1 Studebaker touring HI 1017 Grant six 225 llfi Chevrolet touring 20.1 101S Chevrolet touring 313 1017 Overiand touring 23 10IH Maxwell touring 325 1018 Buick ix roadster 50 1017 Buick six touring 575 J01.S Buick six touring 25 lolo 01djmobile six touring 2" 1010 Chalmers touring 850 fords: fords: fords: 1 B Hi Ford roadster $175 1017 Ford roadster 105 1018 Ford touring 2H5 1018 Ford touring 275 1017 Ford touring 25 1017 Ford roadster, wire wheels.... 3'-5 320 Ford roadster 325 1020 Ford roadster 350 3020 Ford roadster, starter 415 1021 Ford coupe 75 1022 Ford sedan 605 TRUCKS DELIVERIES. 19 IS Studebaker delivery 203 101S Studebaker delivery 270 1018 Studebaker delivery 273 3018 Ford truck 335 1021 Ford truck, starter. t YOU MUST SEE THESE CARS TO APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT THIS IS A REAL SALE. EXTRA SALESMAN TO WAIT UPON YOU. KORINSON-SMTTH CO., USED CAR sfARKET. Sixth id Alain. A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. EROADWAY AND ANKENY AT PINK ST. For this week we are offering six un usually fine bargains in rebuilt cars. Each Is in the finest mechanical con dition and the equal of a new car. Cull today or phone and we'll call for you. 1018 Buick 6 tourlns car, runs and looks like new. 1019 Velle 0 touring, completely re built and guaranteed. 1020 Iort touring, hardly used, runs like now. J017 Dodge touring, has many extras. 1018 Maxwell touring, a snappy little car. 1020 Peerless 8 touring, sold same as new car, low price. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. W. R- DELAY MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Distributors Velie and Peerless. Used Car Salesrooms Broadway and Ankeny at Pine St. FIRST STORE ON AUTO ROW. Phone Broadway 1823. REBUILT BUICKS. when purchased from us, are GUARANTEED the same as new Buicks. The most IMPORTANT THING to consider in the purchase of a REBUILT CAR is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Largest Distributors of Automo biles In the World. Alder at Twelfth Street. Broadway 1130. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. '20 ESSEX TOURING. This high-powered four is reflnlshed the very latest colors, has cord tires and one extra and side curtains and tools, all ready to go. Motor and entire car first-class. Low price of $783, with $25 down, bal. easy. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CO. AUTOMOBI LE owners, garage men, me chanics, repair men, send today for free copy of this month's issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on over hauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carbu retors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free cop; today. Automobile Digest, 217 Butler bldg.. Cincinnati. 1020 5 PASSENGER SPORT. This car has run only C00O miles and is us good as new in every way ; $300 down and easy terms on the balance will give come one a beautiful car. Phone Bdwy. ::onfl. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison Sts. 1020 MAXWELL TOURING $323. 1022 license, very good mechanical condition. Surely you know the price is low. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 244. 230 N. Bdwy. I'll ONE WIOAUWAV 3OO0. You never saw so much car for the money before. A 101 7 Chalmers for $350. See this car and you will see a real ; bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison Sts. Portland's Newest USED CAR MARKET. Cash Terms Trades. Bargains in all makes. Fords, Buicks, Chevrolets. and others. CORNER liTH AND MAIN STS. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. $4fi0 with terms buys a dandy Dodge touring, in good condition every way : new top, plate glass in back and side curtains: owner going to Europe. Air. Argo, Hflwy. 3281. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1917 Cadillac S touring, in excellent condition throughout, new top, paint good: this Is a real buy at $075; terms or will trade. Talbot & Casey, inc., East Ankenyand Grand ave. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, one J018 model 7-pass. Chandler car, in excellent condition. Phono Alar. 1S20 mornings after 10 o'clock. EXCEPTIONAL buy in lato model -cvl., 5-pass. Buick. 5 cord tires, practically new, bumper, spotlight and other ex tras Cali Tabor 4450, FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic with experi ence in garage management and buy ing, will take position out of town. East 01M). LATE lOltt 7-pass. Col &. Has only been used for city driving. Am leaving city and must sell. Price $loo0. Mrs. Jno. Brennan. Phone Broadway 52H4. 101S DODGE TOURING $5S3. Car in very good condition; must sell at once: will take terms and smaller car in trade Tabor BVS4. BAUY grand Chevrolet touring, 1020, looks like new. Will take small down pay ment and easy terms. Will consider small car In exchange. Tabor 5o:',5. BABY grand Chevrolet sedan, late model, fine condition ; will trade on good lot, Irvington. Laurelhurst, or close-in Rose Cirv. Tabor .1035. $1U0 CASH buys old model Buick 4 in ex cellent running condition. Former owner recently spent $200 on it. Cook & Gill Co. WILL trade Chevrolet in good running or der for good piano. Phone Tabor 1403 Sundry or evening". liilO OLDS $ roadster, excellent condition throughout, $45o. See Mr. Marshall. Wm. L. Hugh sun Co. Broadway :i2l. 10 J 1 ERA N K Li N set! a n ; terms to respon sible peop.e; must he seen to appreciate ha rga 1 n. Tabor 0"15. CHEVROLET, 1022 model, can save you some real money and give reasonable Terms T-hnr P013 FOR SaLE Velie touring car. 1920 model, excel len t eondi tlon. Call Marshall 54 J cr Marshall linn. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder, 1 7t h. Bro.-nl way 5254. 1010 CADILLAC, very reasonable; will take smaller car as part payment. Main 2713. LAT E model Ford sedan, good as ne w ; Tirlcr r''f snnah-e. Call Mar. 2H44. NEW FORD touring; sell for $50 and give- trrms. Call Tnhor 0005. FOR SALE 1021 Ford touring car, Btart er. run about 2500 miles. Call Main H354. CADILLAC, 1014. 7-pass.. perfect condi tion. $500: terms. Lvman Bdwv. fi757. PACK. Alt D car, perfect cotnl ition; make me a bid. Inquire 17S 2 1st. DODG E 1010. motor Al, tires good, ex tras. Must sell, cheap. Tabor 807. CHEVROLET 10JI model, must sell this cr.r ar on'-e. Call me at Auto. S2H-R5. FOR D touring. $1 40 for q,uick sale by owner. 225 10th st. LET ME demonstrate this bug, $100. 400 E.3l 3 ah. labor 1616. FOBRALE At TOMOBIXF8. CUT PRICES ON USED CARS. We are offering first-class used cars in good shape mechanically and In appearance for less than you will have to pay elsewhere for cars of doubtful quality. We have some unusually fine bargains in light sixes and will take your light car as part payment. This in your opportunity to get a better car at a low price. Easy terms, with no charge for brokerage. OMs 8, 7-pass $ 7..0 White touring -00 1017 Mitchell, fi-pass.... 550 ISMS liriscoe, 5-pass 400 301s .Ionian Sport Marine.. 1350 30IH Paige, 5-pass 700 3010 Velie oo 1020 Jordan. 7-pass 2000 loiti Packard, twin 6, 7-pass. 1500 3020 Mitchell, 5-pass. 1150 1021 Mitchell, 5-pass 1350 1010 Cadillac 750 101H Studebaker. 7-pass 3O0 101S Mitchell, 5-pass. 50 1020 Stutz. 5-pass 1750 3010 Mitchell, 5-pass. 750 1010 Mitchell roadster 750 1021 Briscoe 8 OPEN EVENINGS and Sundays from 10 A. M. to 3 P. AL MITCHELL. LEWIS ; ST AVER COMPANY. 33 Years in the Northwest. Broadway at Everett. HERE TKEY GO. YOUR CHOICE FOR $250. Come In and looh them over. Pick out the one you want, try It out, the price will be $230. and terms will be made that you can pay. Chevrolet, all models; Fords, all mod els; Studebakers, Overlands, Oakland, Dodge, Keo, AXaxweKs. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N., Co r. E. B urn si de. PHONE EAST 6109. BARGAINS. At our automobile show room. 132-134 Broadway, opposite the new pontoffice, we have on display an assortment of new und used open and closed model cars of all kinds. If you don't see the car you wane on. our fioor, just step in one of our cars and go to our warehouse. There yrtu will see over 250 cars, all of good standard make, that can be purchased for a big reduction in price at your own reasonable terms. Don't fall to look our cars over. The car you want may be here today and gone tomorrow, as our Stock is going fnst. THE FOLLOWING CARS: New Cara . Used Cars. STUTZ. OA KLAND. REVERE. OLDSMOB1LK. PREMIER. MOON. LEX I N GTON. FO RD. MOON. MAXWELL. E LC A 1L OVERLAN D. TEMPLAR. VELIE. STANLEY STEAMER. MITCHELL. ' VELIE BUICK ROADSTER. MITCHELL, BUICK. 5-PASS. . H. C. S. Also many new and second-hand trucks. PEPP MOTOR. CAR CO., 132-134 Broadway -at Hoyt St. Bdwy 2004. Open Even i n gs and Sunday. 3020 CHANDLER. SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY ONLY. This car has been refinished through out and cannot be toid from new. We have a special price for Sunday only. Alight consider some trade. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3606. '20 BUICK ROADSTER. This car is just like the day it left the showroom. It has cord tires and tools and everything that came with It, ready for delivery. Come and try it. bow price and liberal terms and will take late model car as part payment. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1017 MAXWELL $110. How about this for value? This car Is ready to go. Only one of many such bargains. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Bargain Basement. 21st nt Washington St. Bdwy. 6244. AiUixT SELL immediately 5-pass. Haynes, a car of wonderful power, beautiful ap pearance, comfortable riding quality and economic operation, 1010 model, com pletely equipped, including five cord tires, a high-grade car at sacrifice ; price $25. C. W. Phillips. Bdwy. 34H5. OAKLAND, model 34 li 5-passenger, mod erately run and fine condition ; fine paint ; top, side curtains, upholstering and rubber, completely overhauled ; A 1 condition, guaranteed. Price right if you'd buy a good one. See me at one. G'as?ow, Hotel Venable. Portland. PARTS CHEVROLET PA-RTS at one-half price. Carefully selected used parts. Five-dollar orders delivered free. Phone East HI 0!. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N. H REE CARS AT AUCTION PRICES. 1015 Studebaker six touring, fine condition $123 3010 Overland touring 150 3015 Franklin touring 273 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3370. G rand and Hawthorne $250 BUICIv 4 FIVE-PASSENGER $250 In good condition, good top, 1 years old, cost $112; new $5S battery; back of front seat turns down, so bed can be made for camping, and genuine leather beats, all for $250. C. G. JiLEASDALE. 530 AMer St. :;uo. Overland 00. Al condition: see car and owner at William L. Hughson Co., Broadway and Davis, or call Truman. Bdwy. 321 or Columbia 1073. OVERLAND SNAP. One of the late small models, with the new spring suspension. Car like new. Will give written guarantee. $425. terms. Cook .v uni Co., Hth and Hurnside. IF A 1017 CHALAIEKS will interest you at $250, see this car; It's in splendid shape. Elliott. Auto. 213-34. 1022 BUICK. roadster, nearly new ; must sell at oice; will take Ford in trade. Call Auto 324-30. ' BUICK touring, iu good condition; new paint ; will sacrifice for $375 ; some terms. 303 Glenn. Tabor IHtO. BUICK, excellent repair and piiint. cord tires, extras, best cash offer. Owner Tabor 5775. STUDEBAKER special, cord tires, sed but little ; sacrifice J115U. Take Ford coupe. East 0228. OAKLAND 0. $400, in perfect condition, will give terms to reliabm parties. Call Wdln. 24H1. ATTENTION. FoRD BUYER. Will sell my $175 credit with prom inent Ford dealer for $150. East 114 FORD touring car, a bargan: must be sold at once on account of sickn-ss. 4514 Washington. Phone Ed wy. 2400. 21 FORD in best running condition ; run Snoo miles; a few extras. A real bargain. 1022 license. East 11551. BUICK coupe in fine shape, a snap, $073. Recently overhauled and all worn parts replaced. Owner. Woodlawn 5007. 1020 CHEVROLET First-class condition ; seat cut down; $380; terme. East or E. 5:o. Balke. WE PUT steel teeth iu your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma " chine shop. 534 A ldr. Bdwy. 20S1. 40U CHEVROLET touring, lattt model, fine running condition; will sacrifice; very easy terms. Tabor 5035, 1010 FORI) delivery, new rear end, new rubber,. Hassier shocks, in perfect order. By owner. 1 372. Oregonian. 1020 STUDEBAKER 6 special, Al condi tion; never been abused; bargain at $000. Call Wdln. 1404. MUST sell late 1021 Ford touring, starter, demountable rims, extras. 41 1 Failing. 1110 -100 CHEVROLET, flrst-claas shape. 1 ; ; 7 84 0th an d Division. T a bur 20oa. A REAL BARGAIN Ford louring, can not b" told from n-w: call Wdln. 0f25. 102O CHANDLER in perfect condition, 1075; some terms. East 3310. BUICK iight 0. 1573, will take some terms. Call Wdln. 24fll. COLE S in A-l condii ion ; all tires new, y 1 1 50. some terms. East 3310. SACRIFICE my 1022 D5dge touring, pumper, spotlight. Tabor OlM. 102O CHEVROLET touring; a dandy; $330 with terms. East ftflOS. FOR SALE 1010 Ford, good shape. Catl P.-lwy. 3207. FORD light delivery, good rubber, $100 cash. US Greeley. "OR SALE 1022 Ciit-vrolet touring: wi,l rum contract and lose money. Tabor KI4. OVLiiLA.ND bo, iuf .e cueap, Mam XiiaL FOR SAI.F AUTOMOBII.FS. WINTER BARGAIN SALES CONTINUED AT VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give Mi days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automo biles .thoroughly overhauled, put In first-class condition and sold with a 30 days' free trial, sub ject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It Inspected, and we want only sat isfied customers. KMT Maxwell $ 275 1020 Maxwell 475 101!) Grant six 500 1010 Chalmers six 650 3017 Buick , 575 1017 Dodge 550 1010 Olds six 75 1018 Olds eight 850 301!) Liberty sport model.... Koo 1020 Chandler 975 3018 Overland chummy 425 1W1 Chalmers 700 1018 Cole S, sport model 1150 1021 Light six Studebaker. gone only 1800 miles; cord tires, all in first-class con dition 575 ESSEX. 1020 Essex touring car, re built, refinished and re painted; sold with stand ard factory warranty .... 750 1921 Essx. overhauled, re finished and repainted; sold with the standard fac tory warranty 975 101 0 Hudson super six, re built and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 7S5 101 7 Hudson super six. re built, refinished and paint ed, sold with standard fac tory warranty 875 1018 Hudson super six tour ing car. rebuilt, refinished and repainted. Sold with standard factory warranty 1150 191f)-1020 (model O series) Hudson super six touring automobile; has been over hauled, refinished and re painted; sold with a stand ard factory warranty for.. 1175 1020 Hudson speedster, over hauled and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 1550 Largest Used Car Branch Store la the City at 40-40 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Pnone at Branch Stors Broadway 5730. Also a Display at Our Salesroom. 015-617 Wash ington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. AUCTION" SALE. Two sales m. week, Thursday evening 7:0 P. M., Saturday 7:30 P. M. This Is the place to buy your automobile. We sell about 40 automobiles a week. Different, makes. There's a reason. Come and ace. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSB, Corner 6th and Everett. Phone Broadway 2320. AUCTION" SALE. BIG SALE OF USED CARS. Hudson 7-pasjfc, 1017; fine shape; many extras; $400. 1014 Ford. $75. 3010 Ford. $00. 1018 Kissel-Kar, $83; electrically equipped. Light 4-cyl. Cas. $100. 1017 Maxwetl. good condition, $75. 3020 light Overland. $325. These cars are sold at h price. 414 G LIS AN, COR. 10TH. Broadway 203. 1017 HAYNES 7-PASS. $325. 1022 license, good tires, appearance and mechanical condition. This is real value. We just received It and it will be sold soon. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 2 1st at Washington St. Bdwy. 0244. 2KtO N. Bdwy. LATEST MODEL SEDAN. This fine light Essex sedan ts com plete to the last detail; has cords, bump ers, spotlight, tools, chains and the en tire car is first-class every wajl; low price. Take car of late popular make as part payment. Open Sundays. 514 Ald'T st. BEAUTIFUL COUPE. hand price; this is a light six-cylinder eittuuifciu uiiiLw inrougnout and just the all-year car for Portland's climate and a small family. The price is $1300. StiuO down and $00 per month. Dana. MOllt'I 01 n - t - , . .-, . One of those sturdy little cars that you can always depend upon. We will guarantee this car to be in excellent con dition. The price Is right. AUTOMOTIVE SAL KB CO 34th and Alorrlson. Bdwy 3606 11 n von u l- . 1020 Essex, guaranteed as a new car mechanically, 00 days' free service. To be .repainted, good tires, delivered to you Inside of 2 weeks, $750. terms $300 cash, easy monthly payments. This is 1 PARTS CHEVROLET PARTS at one-half price. Carefully selected used parts. Five-dollar orders delivered free. Phone East 0100 P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., m ana 1 Grand Ave. N 1018 FORD roadster, in real good condi tior ; good Michel In ; same size tires all around ; windshield wiper, extra trus roils, Yale lock. This is a real buy at $225; will give some terms to responsible party. Call evenings or Sunday. Tabor PACKARD 7 -passenger, 1012 ; perfect order.- 3 good tires: m.ike fine truck or good as is. Offered $85 to junk. This seems a shame. Someone should have use at little better price. Hart CIS Railway Exch. HMg., Bdwv. 50N5 FORCED SALE My 3010 Scripps-Booth li-cylinder car; good tires and motor in fine shape; $300. can give some terms. Bdwy. 5131 before 8 A. M. or after $350. Buys 3918 Studebaker 8. with written guarantee as to mechanical condition Terms. Cook & Gill Co., 11th and Burn- side. DODGE SEDAN SNAP. Has been re-enameled. Looks like a new .one. A snap at $700. Terms. Cook y win ti., mn ann liurnslue. LATE V.ij.1 Studebaker light lx. looks jum iiKe new, run oniy l.sou miles, cord tires; will be sold at a sacrifice. Call prrviiir- prmnr, w 11 ! n. ,: 1 n. 1020 BABY GRAND fUKVECH .vr Run 50O0 mjies; excellent condition; will demonstrate. Air. St. George, Bdwy. i020 OLDS MO BILE truck, gone about 20U0 miles, first-class mechanical shape: $050. 1378 40th and Division'. Tabor 20OS. 1020 BABY OVERLAND in good mechani cal condition : good tires Htid will sac rifice for quick sale. Call Bdwy. 2137 for demonstration. FORD. 3018, nicely painted. 5 new tires, Al condition. Will be sold cheap for cash. 511 Burns-Id e. It road way 1315. WILL TRADE auloa or trucks for local real estate, modern home or bungalow ; give or take difference. AL 340, Orego nian. BUICK 1010 7-pass. Excellent condition. Cash or terms and the price is right. Al r. Brennan. Phone Broadway 5-,64 after 7 P M OLD STANLEY steamer (new boiler) demonstrated today. 1 to 5 P. M. Union A veno" G a race. SMAK'1'u.ST BUG in city, new body, lots ol extras; a real roadster. 1 157 East Broadway at 40th stTahor lTMi. A 0-B 5-PXs.SENGER Franklin for sale at the low price of $750. Call Mr. Ryan at Main 310 after 7 P. M. 1017 B U ICK, $3451 First-class mechan ical shape. 1378 40th and Division. Ta bor 200S. BUICK C-37, good running condition, five ne .v tord tires, newly painted, $450. cwnf", 305 3d. LOOKING for a real snap? Come to our salesrooms. Broadway and Ankeny at t'ir.e st. Siudtibaker louring, $J50. Jiuy. lout. 1 FO U 8 A LE A I' TO MOBILFS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMTAXT. BARGAIN BASEMENT. Come up to our "Used Car Clearing Huuw" at your first op portunity. We have some new ouci this week, and price on some we had last week have been re duced. "REAL BARGAINS" only are kept here, as cars in this depart ment must move rapidly. Hudson super six, very fine $3i Overland touring 12 Maxwells, 1022 license very good, $325 and 400 Maxwell touring 31M Maxwell, being painted.. 105 Maxwell HO Dudges from $350 to...- 450 Dodges from $450 to f25 Dodges 050 Cadillacs, $500 to 750 CauLlacs 500 Ford Mdan 4t3 1914 10 20 1019 1018 1017 1018 1010 1020 1015 1017 1920 1020 1018 1018 102O 1010 1018 1017 Ford roadster, very fine. 3J0 Chandler 4Uv Oiddmoblle roadster, be ing painted Dort touriiiff, 1022, license Franklin, newly pamted. 1022 license Chevrolet touring Haynes 7-passenger, new license 450 475 550 175 SS5 DELIVERIES. 1018 Buick 4 215 1018 Dodge panel. 1022 license 3uo ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington. Bdwy. 0244. 2a-30 N. Broadway. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. This month marks the low-water mark In the price of used automobile. Here's your chance: 1018 Maxwell touring, elegant con- dition 2ri 3017 Maxwell touring -j- 10H5 Dodge touring 3 1010 Chevrolet touring 1020 Chevrolet touring 1017 Chevrolet fouring BUS Ford touring 143 1015 Ford touring l:t'. 1017 Ford touring- 3017 Ford touring I1'5 1018 Ford roadster 1010 Ford touring -(r' 1010 Ford touring "'9 1020 Ford roadster, starter.... 2o 1020 Ford touring 3-0 102ti Ford roadster 82j 1020 Ford touring - 1021 Ford touring 4,0 1020 Ford coupe lts 1020 Ford sedan 5oO DELIVERY CARS. 1019 Chevrolet delivery panel 250 1010 Chevrolet delivery panel 185 1010 Ford delivery express 305 1018 Ford delivery express 1018 Ford ton truck, like new, ex press body 0 Ford ton truck, chain drive, fine express body 223 1921 Ford chassis, atarter 20 "i Liberal terms. Open every night aud all day Sunday. FRANCIS MOTOR LAK 1 tJ.wiA. 1, East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne. FORD CAR BARGAINS. Buy quick If you want oue of these bargains, they wiil go fast. 1020 Touring $2Tn 1!I20 Touring- 33. 3017 Roadster l;i- P.i21 Sedan - 6 ,t' Chassis $7t and loo 3010 Roadster, new body 240 1020 Truck and body 10 10 Truck chassis 20 These prices are for Sunday and Mon dav onlv. ARMENTROUT-WTCKE MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford Dealers, 82nd and Foster Road. Phono I38-4. LOOK! LOOK! SlOO REWARD! The Speedoline company of Dallas, Texas, will pay if It don't prove speedo line puts the miles in gasoline, 25 to 40 per cent; increases power of your motor, removes carbon deposits, puts real pep in your car; quart can $1.75. will save $S to $10; by parcel post, $1.85 per doz. cans; 25 per cent discount. For sale by 11. J. Brllarts, 722 East 13th St., Port land. Oregon. A GOOD OLD-TIMER, In condition; needs nothing. Tires enough for 5uoo miles. New $7. battery, Bosch magneto, and all the things nec essary to make it .worth while. 421 Burnsido et. Broadway 521. LATE BUICK ROADSTER. Refinished and rebuilt and new tires, tools and curtains all ready for a year's run. Come and try it. Low price of $583, with some down. bal. easy. Take Ford in trade. Open Sundays, 514 Al der st. MURPHY MOTOR CO. . FIERCE-ARROW, 48, will sell t a low figure if taken at once. Will tako Bm;ill car in trade and give terms. Was over hauled last year. Has a Fould top. velvet plush seat covers and new tires; also lots of other good equipment. Mr. Pig got t, 771 i I o yt. Mar. 008. OVERLAND SEDAN. One of those model 00s. This little 5-pass. sedan can hardly be told from new. Either phone or call for further information or demonstration. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3 (10 6. Open Sundays a nd E vening . LOOK AT THIS FOR REAL VALUE. 1015 Cadillac S touring, Wcstinghouse shock absorbers, car in good condition. $5o. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Bargain Basement. 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 0214. RTS CHEV RoLET PARTS .t one-half price. Carefully selected used parts. Five-dollar orders delivered free. Phone East 01 00. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO.. 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N. 1020 STUTZ, sport model, new paint, good rubber, mechanically like new; sold with a guarantee; a Meal at the price asked, will accept car in trade and give terms. Call Mr. Propst tor price and demonstra tion. Bd wy. 4075 ! HAVE three new O-cylind'-r standard make autos, fully equipped, for Kale at fac tory cost. Can arrange suitable terms. This is a genuine snap. Phone Mr. Reed, Tabor 4, Sundays, or Broadway 750 week drtys. UNLOADING SALE -Scripps-Bool h beau tiful and refined B-cylinder cars, brand r,a,- will tfndn on uv f.Tnio PrffA nnlv $902! Standard' Eight Motors Co., Park at Couch. t. H'i wy. . BETTER VA LUES I N GARAGES, G 10D STYLE, WELL BUILT. DELI VERED, E R E( 'T E 1 1, ST A I N ED. lOx I tl. $ 55 ; A T -TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 200 WE M 'LE it. EAST hSOtl. FoRD truck, sold new on J uly 22. good cab and covered body, Ures good as new. Thia, is a real buy at $550. Liberal terms if desired. Talbot & Casey, Inc., East Ankeny and Grand. CH E VROLET louring, completely over hauled, tires almost new, spare and cover, shock abs-oroers and many o: her extras; 1 inlsh and top in good shape ; S-22.". Tat"T 27 17. STANDARD EIGHT Here is the ideal family car; unloading at $2500, regular! price 53000. Don't miss this opportu nity. Standard Eight Motors Co., Park 1 at Couch st. Bdwy. 7SS. r BUICK ROADSTER, 191S model, good condition, $000 cash. Call Mr. Crosby, Marshall 1M01. Monday. WHITE 30 BUG. In good condition, cord t ires, elect rl" ' li gilts, generator. Wiliard battery, well equipped with extras and 1022 license. Pric e 25 0;some terms. 107 N. 11th st . Mr. Used Car Buyer, visit the USED CAR MARKET. Corner Pixtli and At am Sts. CASH TERM S T HAD E S. RO II I NSO N-S M1TH ' ) $1-10 1010 FORD touring. Ia;e model hood, new top and side curtains, new paint, good tires, 2 extras; good condi tion IIIHIUR nuu'i im.tni, uunii, Owner, 3V-.Q With Ft. S. E. DON'T buy acetylene tanks until you in vestigate the new loan system at the Northwest Welding & Supply Co., bS First st r t. 1021 CH E VROLET touring demons! rat or ; will give new car guarantee on this car and have cut the price to 1475; liberal terms. Phon Columbia i50. FOR SALE Hudson npi--il;".T, excellent shape, 0 good cortl tires, 1750; will tako Ford in trade. Phone Broadway 1427. ,S(l Teath st. ARE Y'OU satisfied with your car'.' I will trade you the kind you want tor the one you have. Call Kelly. Broadway 1S23. FoP. D It OA I STER Start or and extras, $205. Vranson's, 150 Union ave., up stairs. LA T E 1021 Ford touring. $100 worth of extras, best of condition. $525Ma1n 2733. FORD BUG- Al shape; snap, $135. V ransom 150 Union ave. sioo BUYS Ford touring ; good tires; runs fi-e. Tnhor 1P1S. Ft J it SA LE or trade. 10 IS Lex inn ton, in f-ne ettnd't ion. Wood In wn 4 til 5. 101s llUic;; t; roadster, t i rsi-c 1.. con dition. $o5. Cali Broad uv HIS I. Ibis CHEVROLET for e by owner. 414 1 K. 52d T T a heir 222' I :.il,i-; Overi.ii.d S1; li. Owmr must iPtiUs E Morrison f:. m, NK!t. Main 0:t4. 102U Liberti ; fcood cuudiUun; easy paymcuLs, FOR SALEr-AfTOSrOniLES. COVDY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, USED CAR CENTER. We sold 63 used cars durtnir De cember and we are going Just as strong t his month. THAT strong this month. THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU. We would not be selling cars at this time of the year unless we wore giving real value. IT IS THE POLICY OF THIS COMPANY TO GIVE THE VERY BEST VALUES IN REBUILT CARS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. Remember that, compare our prices weekly, no matter what season of the year. Visit our plant often, and keep in touch with our rapidly changing stock. You can onlv appreciate the QUALITY of our -car by seeing how we prepare them for saie. You can compare prices by read ing tiie various advertisements. We want you to do both. CADILLACS. The reputation and pride of our entire organization Is back of each of our REBUILT AND RE FINISHED CADILLAC AUTO MOBILES. No litt.e detail is too small to be given the most care ful attention no ex pens is so . great that we would reduce it iu the slightest. 1H0 Buick roadster $ 700 1020 Coie, 7-pass, repainted, diso wheels 33Ti0 1020 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 1250 3020 Dodge Brothers touring 720 1W20 3odge Brothers roadster 7n ll10 Dode Brothers) touring 040 1010 Dodge Brothers roadster 20 101S Dodge Brothers touring 50 101S Dodge Brothers roadster T.i-O l'.US DodKu Brothers sedan.. 7V 1010 Dodue Brothers roadwter 375 H2o Essex roadster 71(5 1020 Haynes 7-paenger. re painted 11 'to 1020-10 Hudson speedster.... 12u0 1021 Marmou Bpoedaier, like new 2750 1020 Oldsmoblle, 7-pass M 1010 Roamer. newly painted. 12' lltlO Studebaker "4" -405 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1018 touring, new tires, paint, top 1918 roadster, new tires and n-A in t 2000 1S00 1600 1400 1017 touring, paint 1016 touring, paint . new top uiiu new top and ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington Sts. Bdwy. 0244. 2S-30 N. Broadway. NEW CAR PRICES HAVE DROPPED, THEREFORE WE HAVE REDUCED TRICES OM ALL OUR USED CARS. We have a good assortment of Aliens Dortgea Lexinrtons Buicks Elgins Maxwells Brlscoes Funis Ovuriands Chandlers Franklins oaklands Clevelands Hudson oidsrnoblles Chevroicts Haynes Studebakers Priced from $100 up. Come In and compare our prices with others. ' Open evenings and Sundays. Cash, Terms or Trade. All cars guaranteed as represented. OLDSMOB1LE COMPANY. Broadway aud Couch St. VRANSON'S WHEN YOU WANT TO TRADE. l-'ord. roadster or touring J12J Saxon 4. roadster; slailer $12. Buick 4. touring ; starter $ 1 .h 3 odge. touring $ Oakland 0, touring 2L.j Maxwell, touring. , rebuilt S2a Hup Bug 4. touring " T Bahy Ct Jind Chevrolet, overhauled , .?30- 3'aekard 30. 7 passenger M7 x.-.r S latirlnir $2-i0 Itlliek 0. rontlKler $."oo 1 Lulolj- it tnurlnc: rebuilt M Ford Coupe, extras $.VMt lord, touring; liko new, starter $300 65 Cnrs to Pick From. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. LOOK! LOOK! COME ACROSS THE RIVER. 3021 Ford touring, rnn 500 miles. 100 Ford touring, fine shti pe 1010 1'itrrt to-arim:, runs fine BUS Do, lire coupe lOiS Dodge roadster TltL'il StohenS 4-PH.-S.. like new.. .$450 . . 11 . 250 . 55U . 5O0 .1300 . 50 . 000 1020 Liberty chummy roadster 1020 Chalmers touring, a real car... THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Tiylor St. Automatic 214-10. F R1 Sl'FEDSTER. FIVE LIGHT FORD WITH TOP AND WIN DSI1 I ELD, NEWLY R E FINISH 1. D HTTLESH 1 i' GRAY, WITH GOLD TRIMMINGS; VERY STYLISH JOB; LOW PRICE. Liberal terms or will accept deposit and hold car for future delivery, open Sundays. Ml Alder st. M I : I tl'H Y MO TOR CO. i 0 2 1 S T U T . 1 0 2 1 . This Car whs completely overhauled lets than three months ao. Has been driven lej-j than OOUO miles, complete cord tire equipment and plenty of ex tras. This is no dea tor's proposition. Call oner. Wdln. 44.(4 and get further particulars. ' OAKLAND R o A D S T E R . This lirtlo six In tip-top shape. Has original ps i nt and loo Us good ; also has 1022 license. Our special price on this for quiek sale, f :too. Terms if desired. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 34th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3G0C. Open Sundas and Even ink". RTS C H E V K o L ET PARTS et one-half price. Carefully select ed :is-d parts. Five-doll a r orders del ivered free. Phone East Olo;). P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N MY BIG- 0 Studebaker, 101b; guaranteed A-l condition; good top, new paint, 5 cord tires; this is a real bargain; dem onstration will prove running condition. Mii'ht consider monthly payments. No dealers. i'lmne Wdln. Kiss. A CADILLAC in wood mechanical con dition, very fine tires. $t;ou. A sample of what can be found at the COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Bargain Basement . 21t nt Washington St. Bdwy. dti. MITCHELL light six for ki at low price; is late model u-pnpseiiger. in fine shape; will take your light car us part pay ment or make easy terms. Phone II. E. .la Knar, evenings and Stindavs. Tabor 27 1 t : week d : s. B road w a v 4''. 75. PAIGE LIGHT 0 Late 1020. Looks and drives like new. Run little over 7mmi miles. own-T having city. Sacrifice for $000 rush. MNs Shriver. Main 5n33. A No my $040 Wellington piano for $173 cash. MERES A SNAP. Late 1020 oMsmubiJe 0. 3-pass. Like pew; original finish. $750. terms. Writ ten guarantee as to mechanical condi tion. If "ou want a snap, this is it. cook A- Gill Co.. 11th and Burnsido. 10-O CADILLAC, 4-pass 1020 Cadillac. 2-pass 3020 Case Six. 7-pass Chevrolet F. B. sedan, new.., . $ 1 7 5o . Hl.'.o 1250 I'D ONE EAST PQQ7. I HAVE a nood li-lit car v. 1th n-w paint. good ruhlter and mechanically good; will trade for Rood used motorcycle. fall Piop-t. Bdwy. 475. 1021 ESnEX. 0 50; tins Is surely a n.ce snappy 1; 1 tle -.r ; will give long easy terms' tn rt lia Me party. For particulars On!' Wdln 2PII. 1020 CI I E V la'LE T touring. splendid shape mechanically; best ha 1 gain In city ut $205. Liberal terms. Phono Colum hla 5i. ' J010 DODGE ROADSTER. In good condition. Just the car for n salesman. Wire wheels and many otlvr ixtrnv. East S 12Q. 1020 MAXWELL toQrin in fine stmpe, fac tory .finish, 5 wood tires, upholstery as ginid an jew; will be sold nt a sacrifice priee of $ 35Q. Call M a ;n 075 4. iTe iTe 1 1 tie best roads: er buy la 1 he city; 1010; dandy fhape and appear ance. Fur details call Elliott. Auto. 213-31. WILL trade 1010 Ctow-EIK hart roadster, good shape and looks nearly new. for Buick touring and pa v cash dillcrence. CiCI Eiliott. Auto. 213-31. i;il'0 !"( 1 II D sell an, fully equipped, excel lent com! i' inn. $150 down, bal. $27. 50 y, r mo wmn. 4' THE FlXE.vr 1., w ill i" found HT Pine P a ' !!. i 11 light, Ur-"d a r-K Hi - ad w a , and Ankeny , yr-o.idwav 1 vj:i P.rjlt 1-OKD leun.i.;. ;i . . . ji a . a : 1 ollUiUuil FOR WALK ArTOMOmi.FS. OREGON LEXINGTON COMPANY. A partial list of our used cars, listed below. You will be more than satisfied with the appearance as well a the performance of these cars. 1018 Buick. 5 oversize cord tires, spotlight. motoirWer, bumper, Gabriel snubbers price S 730 3910 Buick touring, 6 cord tires, bumper, A I m I t grease system, signal sys tem, cross-bar motometer and cap. spotlight. wind deflectors, automatic rain swipe, rear vision mirror. Pric 1000 1916 Packard 3-pnsenger touring, bumper, extra tire, fine mechanical condition. Price 850 1020 I,exlngton touring, 11--paswenger. new cord tires, 2 bumpers, clock, motome ter and minute man, two wsy headlights, run less than Bono miTes, guaran teed same as new car. Price 1M0 1010 Lexington touring. 7 pawenger, 5 cord tires. 2 bumpers, wind def lertors. spotlight, amber headlights, new paint, guaranteed as new car; price 030 We can make you very liberal terms on any of the above cars, might consider taking late model light car in trade. OREGON LEX TNG TON CO., 632 Morrison St., at 21st. Broadway 6R7B. FORD SALE. FORD SALE. FORD PA I.E. FORD PALE. Wo re el en n lug house to be I tl read I -nr-s for the stmii'K season. Wo never sold Fords so cheap b1ore. This Is the time of year when m-ed cars are cheap est and we n re selling t hein cheaper than anyone else. Thirty to choose from, ,Mimo overnauiea, smne mi in, wuv iwu price is right on them all. ALL MODELS OP FORDS. T Tr: I NGS. ROADSTERS. COUPF.I.ETS. SEDANS. TRUCKS, CHASSIS AND BUGS. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. K. Broadway and Union, rhone East 303. Open Sunaaya. FORDS THAT VRAVSON SELLS ARE GOOD. Ford Rondster. . . v Fort I Touring, ext t as Ford Bug, a. dandy 101H Ford Touring 110 Ford Touring, repainted . . . I!tl0 Ford Touring, starter type. 1H20 Ford Touring, starter 101 S Ford Touring, starter pfM Ford Itondster, slnrter.... T020 Ford Touring, extras 1020 Ford Sedan, repainted 1020 Ford Coupe, extras , , . .S05 , ..$125 ...$U5 - $105 ...$235 . . .V24M ...$325 . . .5205 . . .S:t25 ...3il'i . . ,4S5 , . ,$5M0 VRANPON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. LOOK! LOOK! COME ACROSS THE RIVER. pvjl Ford touring, ran r.00 miles... $ 4"" 1020 Ford touring, fine shape..... 3'0 1010 Ford totirini;, runs fine 2-'i 101S Dod(,'e coupe '" VMS Dodge roadster r"M 102O Stephens 4-pnft., like new... 33"'' lir'U Llhertv chummy roadster. ... 0 1 3020 Chalmers touring, a real car.. I'do THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ae. at Kiit Taylor St. Automatic 214-10. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. Thrt verv best buys in town. 1015 to the present day models, TOUR TNG CARS. ROADSTERS, SEDANS COUPES. CHASSES. f DEL1VERI E S, TRUCKS, B U G S. U N I V E R S A L CAR EXCH A N 0 E. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill St. East 471. Kat 1307. to M KTEI'HENS SPORT. This cur has been rebuilt throughout repainted, and is ono of the swuete-.-running ears you ever rod- In. Just gtv. us a chanee to prove R. Coine up tol.i cr phone Bdwy. 30o0 and we will brin it out. AUTOMOTIVE RALES CO, 1 1th and Mor rNnn. B I wy. 3fl0l Al ITi " i! ELL light s.x for sale at P. priee; is lute model, fi-pmsem:r. In fl.; shape; will take your 1 1 k D t car as pur' pn ment or make easv term. Phone Kd Ostendorf. eveninas and Sun da -. T-'hor 074s. Week das at Broadwa-4i'-75 20 chevro'let touring. This car is nearly new nnd will speak for itself. Low price of $335. with som down. bal. easy. Open- Sundays. Car i- ready for delivery. 514 Aider st. M 1 i: I'll V M 'Ti R C . I WANT A PHONOGRAPH. I have a fine 102O Dort touring r:n, hard.lv ued: lool.s and runs like tiim. wi.l sacrifice and take plumocrn pit n part leivment. Call Air. Gildcu. Hio.h' uav 123. M A Rill 'N CHUMMY. Lnoke like a brand new car and v. been renewed mechanically. Buer f'U protected by written guarantee. Genii, sacrifice nt $15t'0, terms. Cook A: d Co.. 11th and I 'iimid-v EQUIPPED WITH 1022 LH'KVMl lit; In " Buick touring car. 1021 model; this t-.f is hard to tell from a new car: will 1 at nuht price; will take Into model madster or roup in :s part pament. East 30th st North. . ' t'SKD CAR MARKET. Genuine bargains In all makes nf used cars. S-k our line before you buy. CASH TRR M S T It D ES Corn- r of Sitli and Mam Sts. ROHIXSON-SMITH CO.. X LA T E 1020 Dort louring. 10J2 licens-. good paint, very excellent condition, $ 175, and priced to sell nt once. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Bargain Basement. ?"t nt W a s h i fin toil S : . 1 1 1 wy. fi2l. LATE Sl'OKT MODEL COLE ft. in wonderful condition, with new coTd tms and 1 exira. This is a bar gain and must be seen to be appre ciated; will gi o terms or tako a mi nil car In t'ade. all Tabnr 1542V REiK tTairing J cylinder. 301K; hi good shape mechanically; good stage tar. look it over; S loo THE WHITE COMPANV, Flint nnd JLi rk Sts. JORDAN, late model uport. l.evv hui..i nnd new cord tires; sold with a new en guarantee; a real cla.-sy car with a good reputat.on: a steal. Cail Propst lor pr,i and d- mon--t rat ion. Bd wv. 407 5 L('i.K al this on.-; Hnds-on b-4i, vn go M 0-4O, for $J condition: will sacrifice for $Ji.; mn-i sell n a count IfUnesN. Plio'ii o. Bi o;, v ay at Couca ( Ij l 11 S'!!'1 1020 1'oUT touring, 1:1 p- rfect condition in every way; tires good; p u , $utn; terms $201) down, ha'unce in 12 in on 1 In. NO UTII W E S T BARGAIN A N N E V . M 2 A ,der Si reet 1 ir Iff;iy 1 72:1 V E CAlOt V a lull ilne of unlo aceessoi . -tubes. Ford pans, liyht k lobe, eic. aie do lowing Open 0 a v and night. L -NG & Si LV V. Phone Fatt o n. t'12 Hawthorn. P-'20 DllCK. Fine 1020 Buiek, 5 - p is-r n i-er, splendid condition ; dandy ti re.- ; 1 '..' 2 license . price onlv Jnod- ino down, fr5o a month. Hyatt Ta ! v gM a ch I iie 2 . ". 5 " A Kh-r m " FTTaN K LI N HAiui A IN. PC 5 Franklin 5-p-i j"-n gw ; good run ping condit .on ; a l mo-1 new four em .1 tires- must In- fM i m 111 d la t.-l y for $ ion. Inquire a t 1 I 7 N'ort h u eoi rrn Bk. bidg jj.J),S S 1010 model, J M t -1 1 jt -h condllioli, nil good tires and spare; mu-t be wild at once ; f30O chh.'i. $325 term, hie hiding P.22 license ; ca II o rer Monday. J . R oven t Tin I. 1 'r oad w n y "tM WANT 1 1 g"i in toui-ii w ii 11 piirty w Iik would be interested in h it, n -c las 8-cyi-Inder cur ; torced to sacr .flee ; will t a l.e 1; liter car in riil" 11 ml k Iva soinu terms. Woodiawn ''IL "To T'lIE vTuil.KT touring, i'ltie sliape, only run 70K) mih-s; bumpers, spot l.irhl . top cover, ready to go, by pnwife paii$ 30ii. terms 011 part. Meagher, Wah. and Main Mm., Milunilkle. Or. LATE 102(1 I'oi.i louniig. 'tras; fine nuiiiniK $:t:t.".. includini: 102 rin.no own, r. T.-.bor iter a nd on 1 1 1 priced ,i ; tern. 1 S A LE - Ford . p' ; .;urt ov ..ed mi t" U1 ('. S IT I ! . i 1 A K ER OVERHAULED. 2 VUUDLAWN 40t). f A ! ST ""U. .1 I T , HALF CAt .1.