' THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 15, 1923 TO KXCffXNO E It KAI, KST ATE. $-47,500 Cor. lot on Yamhill, close r to Bdwy.. In the center of city, whore a nuinbiT of impnrta.nt transfers have taken place during th last 3 'months; one good lnve fitment ill equal a lifetime of toil. Will ac cept KOot residence to $15,000. Corao tn and let us show yon this property. $10,000 HHixluO close in on 4th at., want income property tp $60,000. Tay cash differ ence. $110.000 Close-in apt. bids. 100100. store on ground floor ; in cludes furniture, big in come producer. "Will pay for Itself by time the fair Is over. Mortgage $25,ooo. Will accept cioae-ln long 100 npt. site up to 950,000. Rabince cash. $300,00OI5,(oo acres, locaterl in Saratoga valloy, Wyo., un der gov't irrigation pro ject; finest of noil; prows all kinds of farm products. Wonderful opportunity for colonization. Take 2 or 3 pood I neom properties In Portland. Give some cash. See us for further partic ular. Important We have some good farms. stocked and equipped, in the Wil'am ette valley to exchange for I'ortland income property. Exchange is our "middle nanin," Sep tin at onp. METZGKa-l'ARKRR COMPANY, Realtors. 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 8355. VERY fine, strictly modern home, douole constructed: bent materials, 1555 Di vision St.; 3 large rooms on first floor; space for .1 rooms upstairs; living room 1 :ix J 5 across front; 2 very large plate glass windows and door; fireplace, book- .iFc-9, hardwood floor, French doors. paneei uining room, nardwonrt r nor beautiful large buffet, plate glass; com plete Dutch kitchen, old Ivory, 2 large bedroooms, white enamel finish,; full length mirror in one. fine large bath room; full cement basement, laund ry trays; iin inrnace; large, front pnrcli, garage: 101 ouxiuu: a vouns rruit trees kerries, roses; street paved, cement side walk, iewer; all paid; 1 block Haw thorne car; close to Franklin high and grade school; itne outlook. Price $7foo. W'lil take smaller house and some cash. Tnbor '-'I'll. HAWTHORNE. I own one of th best homes on Haw t home avenue, lot 100x150, double para pre with living room, home has ti large rooms, large con servatory, billiard room. every modern convenience, partly hard wood floors, commanding a beau tiful view of the city; wet of 25th Price $-'0,000, which is less than the cost of the improvements. Mortgage $8.SO0; will exchange my equity for a farm, acreage, or well located Iota; might assume If suited. Taxes, Interest all paid to date. Y .151, Oregonfan. STAR TRADES I STAR TRADES! $34H) for modern double constructed 5-room bungalow, fine Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, paved street, hi block, to car. Will take good lot or car. Fine 4 -room cottage, 90x100 lot, on Dekum, $1750; sewer and sidewalk in; take car, iot or what do you have to swap 7 SEE) Va FOR 6TAR TRADES. STAR REAL KSTATTO A INV. CO., Bdwy. B618. 012-13 Wilcox Bids;. Sunday and Evenings, Wdln. 0051!. WE WANT CorvallU (Or.) home for fine 20 acres In Clarke county, Washington. This is extra well located, modern buildings, hot and cold water, toilet, bath, Jawn and flowers; a fine home for $7500. Will take home In Corvallim at $3000 to $4000. ATTCINSOK A PORTRR, Vancouver, Wash. 705 Main St. APPLES, PEAKS, l'OULTUY. A clas A" orchard, net profits this year $1 500 above salary and expenses nd Just coming Into bearing, 9 to 12 years old; your Dodge car or Ford sedan or Bufck a first payment, balance eight annual payments at 4 per cent. Two adjoining orchards to care for on salary. You can't beat this opportunity. Owner 'will take all cash or rental property that can be left In charjre of agent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., A3 3 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 377. WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH. 1S0O acres in Eastern Oregon, 1200 acres cultivated with over 10O acres ir rigated, plenty of buildings, fully Ptocked and equipped. Price complete, $ 60,000. Consider good trade In part and liberal terms at 6 Interest on any balance. This is wonderful opportunity to make ranch pay itself out. Owner here now and ready to figure on any proposition submitted. Li. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., 005 Yeon Bldg. LAURETjHURST HOUSE. $14,000. Best location, overlooking park, strictly up to the minute: Gasco furnace, double garage, mtg. $70oO; consider clear house to $7WK for the equity. BOONE-CLEARWATER. REALTORS. M6 Court! Bldg. Bdwy. 1 7. V'B OWN lo04( acres in eat ern Oregon, that is considered one of The best stock: ranches In the country. 2'0 acres In al falfa and 2'0 additional acres that can ho irrigated; well improved and on main highway. Will consider Improved valley farm to half value or Income for whole. .555,000. We have other good buys nd exchTince. FINANCE SERVICE COMPANY, floo Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 0153. Montana stock ranch. Nearly (jooO acres, other leased lands, large acreage Irrigated, decreod first water rights, on Yellowstone trail near Livingston. Price $200. ooO. Will con sider Washington, Oregon or California property. U. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., 005 Yeon Bldg. WHEAT RANCH WANTED. Want good wheat ranch, will give good farm near Salem for $25,000 and talera city property for $25,oik), clear; will assume some If stocked and equipped. W. C. BKrTTTFLL, 1317 N W. Bank Bldg WEST ASIDE VIEW PROPERTY. ft-room house, KOxIOO lot, with unob structed view, walking distance to busi ness district: car 2 blocks. Price $8000. Will consider acreage or farm of equal value. LTJEDDEM ANN COMPANY, i'13 Chamber of Commerce,, ' WISCONSIN LAND. 10O acres In Price county, price $3500. no encumbrance. Owner now lives in Oregon and wants property here. Will assume on right stuff. Good Central Oregon property will be considered U. S. MORTGAGE & IN V. CO. 05 Yeon Bldg. fcO ACRES of timber land for Hale or iraue lor for Hand property, value . $lHOO. L 10. Will trnde my beau If ul suburban come xor Portland property. L 10. Mr. Buholt. I. E. SPENCER A CO., M7 Chum, of Com. Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 12 acres near Molino. small house, barn, chicken house. $ 1 20O. Will trade for $3oii0 residence In Portland or sub urb and assume dif. ROltNETT He McCLTTE, Realtors. Bdwy. H574. 3 OJ Couch Bldg. HOME In St. Johns for one In Portland. H. B. FERN. 200 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 7S74. EXCHANGE OFFICE. City residences to exchange for well improved small acreage. Also farm list ings. ROBNETT A McCLCE. Realtors. Bdwy. t'.57i. 3i2 ('m-h Bldg. lJo IU5 EL'S 1 .N ESS propurty on paved St., in good eastern Oregon tow n ready for improvement.. Worth $ooo; want small improved farm. Might put In ho usa and lot on coast. Aii 300, Ore vonhi n. Jiio ACRES of finest coal land near large Montana city ; can be had at a bar gain, or will trade on improved property. CORCORAN, 323-2H Lumberman's Bldg. WANTED Stock furniture or genl. mdf-e. for cltar western Oregon timber lands, or clear ranch lands. Address owner, box - 1 0, A Ih.-tny. i r. JIOPERN 5 -room bungalow, $2500. and grocery, cash and carry, will invoice about $2100; will trade for out-of-town store. Z. E.ikinw. 315 Couch b!dg. TRADE FOR liKKMAN MARKS. $15o( equity in hS acres irrigated, un improved land in southern Idaho near good town. 1-12 Shuver st. Wdln list. WANT ck.v home, have either 5 or 10 acres, near paved highway. 10 miles from court house. A P "57. Oregon lan. ;:o-AC RE larm, near Portland ; all in cul tivation, for small house. Owner. . Wrtm. MODERN fi-rooni bungalow, half acre, fine view. Multnomah sta. $4800. Pre fer we side. Bdwv. 4:?:td. TWO small residences In eastern Oregon town; will exchange for Portland prop erty. Phone Tabor 5040. JTO EXfHAXflE REAL K STATE. ALEXANDER'S EXCHANGES. Five rooms. modern- double con frtructed house, full attic, can be made into a rouniK, hardwood floors. Dutch Kitchen, fireplace, cement basement, fur nace; l block to carline; 2 lots. Price $iu00. Want small suburban home. 104 acres. lf miles fm the court house, ii mile from city limits, 7-room. inoderri house, electric lights, hot and cold water, etc.; good barn, S chicken houses; garage ; 2 acres prunes, fruits ot ail kind, team of horses, - cows, an kinds of imnlements. Price $12,500: will take houatj in Portland up $5000 or 9U00U. 3 acres near Oreneo, Or., 10 acres in cultivation, 9-room plastered House, bath, toilet, acetylene light plant; barn 2ox30, 6 chicken houses. Price $0000, clear; will trade for larm near Mc Minnville, but will not bo over $7000 to $S00u. ALEXANDER. REALTY CO., 702 Title &. Tru.st Co. Bldg., Entrance ! Fourth St., Telephone, Broa'lwsy fi5b0. , A BUSINESS MAN could hire a miller and by looking after the business end himself make money . from this water-driven flour and feed mill located in a rich section of the Willamette valley. The mill Is well established, in operation now and do ing a good business with posaibiities of expanMon. 7 acres of land a surplus of water power and a three-story mill with good machinery to turn out 30 bbls. of flour per day and 1 Vz tons of feed per hour. A barn, storehouse and office bldgs. At a small expense the surplus of water power could be u.ced to develop electric light and power for surrounding coun try. This Is really a good opening for an energetic man and will stand a strict Investigation. Price $S000. with generous terms, or will take a home in Portland or equipped acreage to $50OO. McINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT. R ITT EH, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades are Made. PASADENA INCOME. Fine 2-apartment building, modern In every way, excellently locaterl, one apartment now rented for $50 per month, ot her occupied by owner. Price $SO00. Will trade same for well improved place close to Portland, 35 acres or more, with good buildings. Owner ready to come and do business on right place. U. S. MORTGAGE rffc INV. CO., 005 Yeon Bldg. GREAT FARM IN YAMHILL CO. Close to McMinnville. We have about 600 acres, highly improved, with nearly 400 acres In cultv., good bldgs.: one of the fine farms of richest section In state. Will consider vacant I'ortland or small income with tho easiest terms In the world on balance. Only $1-0 per acre. Worth nearly $200. O. H. SKOTKEIM REALTY CO.. Inc.. 40S-U Cnuch Bldg. Bdwv. 07S7. TO EXCHANGE PORTLAND FLAT BUILDING, SPLENDID LOCATION. A-l CONDITION. BIG INCOME PRODUCER. CASH PRICE $35,000. WANT VALLEY FARM. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. 401 First National Rank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. WANT KKS1DENCE FOR FARM. 20 acres near Oreneo ; all in cultiva tion, finest soil, fruit and berries : good B-room house, barn, chicken house; : wells, horse, cow, 25 chickens and farm ing implements included. Price $8000 clear. Trade for house equal value. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, !13 Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACRES with pretty new bungalow on Oregon Electric, with station at your door; highly Improved and nearly all under cultivation; will coneider trade for house in good district; this is something worth while. 1130 X. W. Batik bldg. Main 4179. TO KXCITAWF MISCFf.LAVEOrS. NEW .32 high power Remington rifle for shfplap and 2x4s. valued at $35. Watch for sign near crossing of Barker and Base Line Roads. R. E. Lionberger. i:t. A. box 040. firesham. Or. 1 HAVE a vise, pipe cutter, thread cutter and dies, will trade for pianola, phono graph or what? Box 38, Hillsboro, Or. Route 2. WANTED 3 h. p., a. c. motor, drill press, emery stand; have late model Ford tour ing with starter for trade. Tabor 6603. Franklin garage. 133 Division. WILL trade for Ford, Chevrolet or Dodge. logged -or f land, rainy good road ; 40 ' miles from Portland. John Dowd, Yank ton. Oregon. EXCHANGE automobile and cash for resi dence or inside property. Owner, X 857, Orcgonln n. ROSE bushes, bulbs, perennial plants, general nursery stock, landscaping. Want groceries and tailoring. Fast 2127. FOR SALE 1 5x7 and 1 1x81r4 viow cameras or win iraue lor small camera. 120 E. 20th st. FOR SALE OR TRADE Beeman garden tractor; iraae tor x ora or cows, write to G. Mokan, Kelso, Wash. BEAUTIFUL set of mole and ermine furs, stole and muff, trade for diamond or anything of value. 551 Taylor st. PA IGE 0-00, nearly new, for sale cheap, or will trade. What have you? AH 807, Ore eon Inn. SWAP woodsaw for Ford delivery or cows. 0520 3d st. and 65th ave. S. E. Thone Automatic 03O-i5. WILL trade one 111 14 Appeison motor car for good team and harness. 403 E. 80th st N, near Sacramento. 5-PASSENGER automobile, exchange for piano, diamond or phonograph. ltifl loth st. Phone Main 220. HAVE lli Jlartey Davidson motorcycle to trade on Ford, piano or good phono graph. Itm 10th st. Main 220. TAKE light roadster on piano, player piano or phonograph. Soule Bros., Main LoT ON ISth st., Westmoreland, to ex change for carpenter work; improve ments paiu. DHJrtenryive, WILL TRADE truck for what have you? Cell Frentzel Bdwy. 0ll. Evenings, Sell. OKI. 20 ACRES unimproved land, worth $200, for furniture, phonograph or light car. Eat fill 23. TRADE 3A special kodak for good casting rod and reel or anything. C. R. F., 2od Oak st. MITCH ELL car, good as new, for build ing lot or house equity. A. H. Afcer son, 420 Henry bldg. WILL trade $13ti gas range with tirebox combined, two months oid, on light car. Tabor 3210. TRADE b-cylinder balance trade. " Cadillac, part cash. R. F.. 20O oak st. REACH lots and $3oO phonograph for diamond or diamonds. Wdln. T.1M0. WANTED Phonograph, will trade Chev rolet delivery car. Sell. 0S1. EXCHANGE Rco car Tor concrete and car penter work. Cr!1 R410 Foster road. WHAT have you to exchange for music course? Main 3013. M AX WELL for player piano or dia mond - BC 35fl. Orcgonin nJ ACORN gas range, nearly new. What hnve you? 1231 Detroit ave. Wdln. 43H0. DENTISTRY 1 !Mi.-i. for plumbing. RE LI A ti I iH print shop will exchange printing for groceries. G 374, Oregonlan. FOR SAT.F. IiorCN, VeliidcM, Livestock. SK If VICE registered pure ( hornless) blue ribbon Saanen bucks. Fee $5 bal. sea son. Best bucks in Oregon. Clark, 771 I' nino ave. 1 I'AIR matched Belgian bays, o years old, weighing 3000 pounds: I black mare, 5 years old. weighing 1 200 pounds. Price $73. Inquire 504 Northrup. $7o BUYS chunky built bay mare. 8 years old. weight 1500 lbs. 381 Water st., west nide. FRESH, good-sized young Jersey-Holstein, 4 gals, rich milk. 780 Insley ave. Sell, car. ft WANT good team, harnei-a and wagon as part pavment on Liberty six car. Wood lawn 5 173. FINK, gtntle 3-year-oid Perciieron mare, weight ebout 1500 lbs.; in good 'shape. Price $105. SM Water st.. wst Rifle. LAST mare, will seil reasonable, LHOU lbs.; brown horse, good worker ttnd in fine shape. 3M Water st.. west side. YoUNG fresh cow, .Jersey and Ayrshire, In good condition; T, B. tested; $00. 302 Front gt. FK E.-fi cows, registered Jersey; Duroc brood sow. sale or trade Cor cow. Rich ter. Tigard. Or. TWO GOOD niiluh cows, coming fresh soon, must ell. Box 105, route 1. Or chards. Wash. v JERSEY COW, ju.t fresh, 5 gallons. Also Jersey-Guernsey, fine family cow, tuber culin tested. 240 E. 8th st. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 0566. FOR WALE Two nico family cows fresh, coming fresh. Wdln. 4210. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-04. MILCH goat and roU-top desk for kale. Ant 21 3-15. BIO FRESH Jersey-Durham cow ; no scrub. Phone Auto. 6H2-H7. LIGHT team and new harness, $125. Ta- FOR SALE cheap, one Jersey cow, ti duks. two white gee.e. SHwoofl 2422. $o-" TAKKn nice young cow w Uh first cail. xvtot E. stark, cor. tilth. FOR 8 A I.E. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. 00 HEAD ot horses for sale or hire: weight from IGOO to 1700 Ids. xne ioi lowinr n re some n T the nrtces Span of geldings. 7 and 8 years old. free of blemishes, weight 2100 lbs with double harness. $175 takes all. Span of gray geldings, 7 and 9 years old, weight 2bw lbs., free or oiemisnes, $140. Span of young bloeky buJlt dappl gray mares, weight 2MH lbs.. $225. 35 sets of new and used harnesses at a reduced figure. G. K. Howitt, Columbia Stables, Front and Columbia Sta. FARM HORSES. A carload of young horses and mares just arrived from my ranch, where they were raised. All low-down chunks, 1UH) to 150 lbs.; gentle and broke to work and all brand-new. 1 will prove to you that these horses will be as represented. Don't fail to see them before buying elsewhere. M. M. Heck, owner and raiser, at feed barn. 5th and Columbia sts., y ancouver. ash. C ROW X S T A HLES. INC. Just received a consignment of horses and have any kind of horse you are looking for in this lot to fit a poor man s pocketbook. from 1200 to 170O Ios, They are for sale regardless of what they will brine. Th ronsicnors want their money. Have teams from: $lo0 up; all good serviceable horses. Have wagons of all kinds: also new and second-hand harness of every kind. 2S5 Front St. TWO TEAMS well broken colts, 3 and 4 years old. weigh around 2500 lbs. each, heavy boned and well-built, span of bay mares, weight 2400 lbs.. 5 and 6 years old, with good harness, $175; also 2 good farm wagons, double and singte harness, buggy and farming tools; bargain if taken at once; 6 miles northeast of Van couver on Battle Ground highway, route 1. box 105, Orchards, Wash., near Gehr station. REGISTERED JERSEYS. Small herd select Jerseys, popular western breeding headed by a sire wnose daughter will soon make him a silver medal bull, guaranteed right by a most re-sDonsibie owner, no culls, a reai op portunlty to get started right, priced and advertised for quick sale. Communicate with K. Hanneman. Corbet t. Or.. 20 miles, from Portland on famous Columbia highway. Phone Corbett 14-5. not lc k to korsf. buyers. Will arrive Sunday, January lii, with a carload of horses from Grand Ronde va-U-ey, eastern Oregon. Thse horses grain fed and ready for work : ages 4 to 8 years; weight 1200 to 1000 pounds Ana sound; will sell to mtcu ana woric. V. W. Kelley. Portland Union Stock yards barn. K Elf STONE STABLE. 80 head eastern Oregon horses and mares. 4 to 8 years old, weigh 1300 to 1S00 lbs., some matched teams; 25 new 3 farm wagons, new and used har- ness. msi ater st., cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE One carload horses, weight loQO to 1S0O lb., 4 to 6 years old; all halter broken, some broke to work. Can be seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or write for particulars. Strau.be Bros.. Waterman, Or. FOR SALE or trade, milch goats; one 3 months old, Toggenberg doe; one 8 years old, Nubian billy; one 3 years old, Sainan doe, milking, end 4 months doe kid ; must sell or trade. What have you? Auto, fl-13-40. FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. No. 1 second cutting alfalfa. $14.30 f. o. b. I'ortland car lots. RUSSELL SHEPHERD. 271 E. 0th st. North, Port land. or phone evenings East 04'4. ONE TEAM, 2500 lbs., $110. One team, 2 'J 00 lbs., $125. One team, 2000 lbs.. $140. LYONS STABLE, Corner Union Ave. and East Salmon. TEAM bay horses, weight about 2H00 lbs., sound and true workers, with new breech harness and 31 farm wagon. Price for outfit $385. 381 Water St., wst Si'lo. 1 TEAM, 2500 lbs HO 1 team, 2000 lbs 125 1 team, 2yo0 lbs 140 LYON STABLES, Cor. Union Ave, and E. Salmon. 2F1NE "saddle horses, black mare, 7 years old, weight about 1100; brown horse, 9 years old, weight about 1050. Both gentle and galted. Keystone stable, 881 ater- St.. cor. .Montgomery. l'OR SALE or hire by owner, 3400-lb. good team, harness and wagon; good loggers or graders. Call East 6047 from 6:30 to 8 A. M. and from 12 to 1 noon. Ad dress 5S5 E. Sth st. N. VV ANTED Ciood young fresh Jersey or Ourensey cow; price must be reasonable. Bruce Palmer, Mllwaukle, Or. Rt. 1, Box 190. Phone Oak Grave 1Q6M. TEAM, of good work horses, about 20uO lbs., sound and dead-true, grain-fed and used to hard work. $125 for both. Phone East 8S73. BAROAIN, $125 Team, 24UO lbs., with good harness; also 3200-lb. team, cheap; several other very cheap horses; harness and wagons of a.11 kinds. 24-0 E. btli st. A TEAM of young heavy mares, sound and true pullers, weighing over 3800. In quire of Mr. Ol sen at Olsen feed barn. Oregon City. POLAND CHINA BOAR. 10 months old. weight 323 pounds; price $33. RUSSELL SHEPHERD, WASHOUGAL, WASH., or phone evenings. East 6464, Portland. TEAM, chunks, weighing 244)0 lbs., har ness and farm wagon; all in good con dition, $135. 5410 54th st. WoodstocK car. WANTED One team of young mares, weight 2500-28OO lbs.; also harness and light wagon. Phone room 213 Portland hotel, Sundsv and Mondny. LARGE HEAVY DRAY. Will take $25 for same If you take It away. When new cost $700. Call 514 Stock Exchange. FINE Jcrsev cow with calf, 4 years old, gentle, fresh. Conley, 214 E, Holland st.. between Rodney and Williams ave. Woodlawn. FRESH Jersey cow, cheap. 10005 45th ave.. Lents district, home all hours. I' in no. Organs and Muwical Instruments. NEW $125 PATHE phonograph; golden oak with 30 double records, cheap. 780 Willis Blvd. Take St. Johns car to Hodge street, then 2 blocks north. CiUCKERING grand piano, mahogany, good condition ; must sell for cash or Vg terms. A genuine bargain. Phone Marshall 5701. COLUMBIA grafonola; cost $225; mahog any case; like new, for only $125; $15 down, $7.M) a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $150 MARSHALL-WENDELL piano, up right ; Steinway. $150; Hinzeman, $125. Terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 12a 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. WILL sacrifice high-grade mahogany graphonola and records, mst sell at once as I am in need of cash. Call East 733. 410 Hoiiadav ave. PLA Y ER piano, nearly new ; original cost $11o; ha'f price, including music and bench. Would consider automobile or diamond. Marshal! 520. BEAUTIFUL brown mahogany phono graph, used 1 month; perfect condition, must sell ; no reasonable offer refused. 1115 E Yamhill. 175 EDISON diamond disc, mahogany case, n fine shape; $125: $13 down, $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3T.0 Alder. CHICKERING grand, late plain mahog any; only $05. on terms. Brokcrags Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. STUDENT violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings; only $18. O. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. $600 JESSIE FRENCH piano, late plain mah., only $275, on terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT, beautifully toned mahogany case piano, $4 per month. Will sell cheap. Phone East 5259. BROKERAGE CO. moved from 311 to 812 Worcester bldg. Remember. 312 new number. CONN alto saxophone, gold bell and trim mings, $125; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 fith st. $Umh STEINWAY piano. almost like brand new; less half pric on terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 orcester blng. $575 ANDREW KolILER piano, oniy $223, plain mahogany, terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. BROKERAGE CO, moved from 311 to 312 WorceFter bldg. Don't forget the num ber 812. $1(M BUYS $'') McCamon piano, upright, nice tone. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bid?. WANTED Piano for storage; resonsible party ; no children; will pay dray age. Tabor R550. $125 BUYS fine upright piano, terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Good violin case and bow for $00 cash. E. 6523. WANTED Good toned piano, pay spot cash. Broadway 1548 week davs. HOFFMAN PIANO. GOOD CONDITION. NO DEALERS. 123 E. FLANDERS. $200 BUYS $700 fine McPhail piano, on terms. 312 Worcester bldg. UPRIGHT piano for sale cheap. 213 West Park st. KIMBALL piano, $200, almost new; leav ing town. 1230 Belmont. Tabor 1610. $350 PIANO. Klimball make, only $173, term . .tiL' v orcester old g. FINE old violin, perfect -in tone, condi tinn. $45. K5 Union ave. N. WANTED Used piano for ail cash. Cail Kant KSS2. $31111 uu YS Schiller upright grand piano. sweet ionnn, terms, .ill orce-ter hid:?. $275 BUYS R. S. Howard piano, like new, terms. ;ili orcester mdg. $.i BUYS jfhoO penuine Hardman cabinet irrann piano, rrrni". an orcsrer ridg. BEST piano in Portland for $Ri. Soui Bros.. 100 10th sL, near Morrison. FOR SAI.K. Pianos. Organs nnd Musical Instruments. TO CLOSE OUT. Mahogany finish cabinet Munola Phonographs that pWy all steel needle rec ords (correctly, too) ..... .$45.00 Several good used Phonographs that have been traded in on large model Brunswicks. Everyone at a bargain price. EDWARDS FURNITURE, Fifth and Oak. Thsj Home of the Brunswick," Easy Terms NO Interest On Everything. The Latest Records Are Here, Too. rrsirn PHOVOGRAPH3. Oak case with, top 10.00 Columbia 17.60 Victrola, style X. with records.... 100.00 Brunswick, with records, new.... 120.00 Brunswick, large size, gold plated, with records 240.00 And others- Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. CLEARANCE OF USED PLANOS. $425 Haliet & Davis upright $163 450 H. P. Nelson, large walnut.... 215 800 Steger A Sons, mission 3J5 900 Steinway & Sons, rosewood.... S'.5 750 Kranlch & Bach, oak 2U5 Parlor nrin X1M IL'.V $35.. $45. to $08 Terms $10 or more cash, $3, $0, $8. $10 monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 iu:n st PLA YER-PIANO bargain. A few used player-pianos, all in Drst-class shape, at half pneo and less. Everyone guaran teed standard make. This is your op portunity. Satisfactory terms arranged. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12 lb, and Wash ington sts. Bdwy. 7.t0. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POW E R CO. HOLD NOTES WANTED. Wo will allow you par on above for new Victrola, Kuison, tiraionoia or Brunswick phonograph. Hya.tt Talking Machine Co., 3o Alder. . NEW LOCATION. HAROLD H. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK, BETWEEN STARS AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. RENTED. SOLD. BOY SCOUT drums, made by Ludwiff Co., heavy thumb screw rods, calf head and waterproof snares, with hickory sticks, 2 sizes; $6.5o and $7.50. G. F. Johnson lano Co.. HQ 0t h st. PHONOGRAPH BARGAIN. Latest type $125 cabinet grafonola and 60 fin like new records, only $125; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. BABY GRAND, $585. Used, but looks like new, fine condition throughout. A rare birgain. See It at once. Reed-French Piano Co., 12 th and Washington sts. Bdwy. 750. CONN tenor aaxaphone with case, Just like new; cost new $10S; price $125; $23 down, 10 a month. Hyatt laiRing Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. i;wo CASH Buys $730 Planista player piano. Includ ing bench and 40 player roils. Security Storage Co.. 103 Kith. cor. Stark. SONORA phonograph, $140, mahogany, used very little, records worth $20, in cluded. Will deliver. Call evenings and S unday. Woodlawn 5000. SPOT CAS 11 PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Broadway 7101, 12s 1st. bet. Alder and Wash. Sts. MUST sell quick, my $300 console model phonograph witn 100 records. .irst per son with $125 cash takes it. 875 K. 2Gth st., near Brooklyn car. 2 BUESCHER "C" mel. saxophones, as good as new. silver with gold bell, at $125 each; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. $20, $30, $4U, $08, $ti0 and S10O closing out new and used phonographs. Terms $3 cash, $3. 4, $5 and $0 month. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth at Wash, and Stark HOWARD piano, golden oak case; cost new $430; price $250; $25 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. A PERFECTLY new phonograph, standard make, plays ail records, manogany case. Terms n nd low price to Quick buyer. Phone East 43. VICTOR banjo, also guitar, with case. and Hawaiian attaenments. r irst-ciass condition and a bargain. Mr. Wood, 61 21st st. Tel. Main 7S55. HOWARD piano, golden oak case; cost new $450; price .o; a down, 510 a . month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DRUMMER'S outfit complete. Including bas and snare drum cymbals, pedals, everything a drummer should have; only $75. Q. F. Johnson Pi ano Co., 1 40 6th st. BY PRIVATE party, Columbia Grafonola. verv little used; IS records; $55. Main 2 23 It. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. PIANO FOR SALE Will sacrifice high grade piano, used less than six months. 1 je avlng city, want cash. 504 Weidler st. HOLTON cornet, quad, silver plate, gold bell, $35. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 th st. LATEST model Chippendale Edison phon ograph, waxed oak finish ; cost $2'Jf; like new. for $225. Call Sellwood 3137. PIANO tuning and repairing. Expert workmanship. Sei her ling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st- Bdwy. 0570. SET BUFFET Boehm clarinets, perfect shape. Price $200, with case; cost $40O. H 352. Oregonlan. HOLTON slide trombone, -finish 3-gold bell and keys, fine case, $30. G. F. John son Piano- Co., 140 0th st. BALDWIN upright grand piano; have to sell at once. Call F. W. Petersen, Y. M C. A. " " $U)5 CASH. " . vi 1 lot T-t- . . Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor. Stark. STORY & CLARK piano, fine walnut cas3, a bargain. Sei ber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125th 4th st. PRACTICE piano, upright, $87.50. Good organs. $25, $33. $50. Reed-French Piano Co., 1 2th and Washington. Bdwy. 7 50 FOR SALE reasonable. $150 pathe phono graph with Mi records. In good condi tion. Phone Sellwood 1670. WE WII trade you. a new Victrola or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. FOR S.aLE. Ford roadster, in first-class condition. Phnne Bdwy. 301. $35 VICTROLA, oak case. $20; $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 A!(K ST LIN W A Y it SON, upright, $400. A real bargain. T'rms given. Sclberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PHONOGRAPH, good as new', tone unex celled, at a price less than wholesale. 353 E. 10th St. KRELL piano, walnut case, fine tone, in perfect condition, $200; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 flth st. $175 CASH buys my $040 Wellington piano. Mahogany case : leaving city. Miss Shriver. Main 3633. $H5 AN U 75 CASH Buys two small upright pianos. Security Storage Co.. 1"3 10th. cor. Stark. PIANO FOR RENT. Fplendfd-toned piano for rent. Hyatt TaMting Machine Co.. 3"0 Alder. PHONOGRAPH Victrola cabinet No. 10. $10O; will trade for Ford and pay dif ferenre. K. 4376. W I LLARD Piano, walnut plain, case, a splendid buy at $275; terms. G.T. Jottn- son Piano lo 11:1 tun st LARGE cabinet phonograph; will trade or sell. Make offer. 751 E. Couch. KINGSBURY piano. A snap. Se it. j. beriinir-I.ucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIANO wanted ; wiU pay cash for good use J piano. Tabor 7'.'I4. FOR $ 5. NICE cabinet Oratonola, terms. empire 1 rwnsirr. r-uwy. 1 USED PIANOS WANTED. ' Highest cash prices paid. Bdwy. 20J0. FOR SALE Mahogany graphonola; 22 records. $00. East 4270. KIMBALL PIANO, n-w. $39.1, terms given. Seinerlmg-Lucas Mulc Co.. 125tn 4th st. i'l ANO w anted. Pay cash iruin private party. Marshall 1532. OOOD used piano iu first-class condition at very low price. 40P Union ave. N. FOR wUICK ale. Decker Son piano at a low price. Tabor 4140. 243 E. 4Mth fit. SET OF trap drums, a. most new, for sale cheap. 2c7 Union ave. N. East 0233. PHONOGRAPHS repaired, any make. Sei-herling-Lucns Music Co., 125th 4th st. FOR SALE Bush A: Lane company's Vic tor piano; never used. Phone 212-02. FOR SALE Lud wig bads drum, 30x12, $25. terms If wanted. Mar. 103. Ivi-UHALL PLAYER, new, at a bargain. S'-iberltng-Liic;.s Music Co.. 125th 4"th st. PIANO wanted. cash proposition, must h cheap. Bdwv. 0570. but SUDENT warns use of piano few hours daily. P. O. Box 10JL R. S. HOWARD piano, good condition, che ap for cash. Aut. 043-im. HAVE your plar.o t uned. Piano Co.. Broadway 750. Reed-French TRADE VICTROLA for piano, take dtf'Tence. Bdwy. fi.".76. ORG AN in first-class condition, $12.50. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs anil Musical Instrument. A PLAYER PIANO SLAUGHTER. We are now closing ont a great assortment of very fine player pianos. The gre-atest opportunity to se cure a thoroughly modern and def initely guaranteed player piano Is now presented. The finest Instrument In the col lection Is a magnificent $1175 De Luxe player piano: 33 rolls of music included. also a bench. Former owner left town and we are authorized to sacrifice every thing at only $095, and this need not be all cash. A beautiful mottled mahogany 8S-note pianola piano with 40 88 note music rolls free: also a bench. Cost new $875 now only $400. Terms $50 cash (or liberty bonds) down, balance $15 per month. A superbly figured dark oak pianola piano, the $750 style in strument, retubed with new rubber tubing and in every way as good as new. Sale price $370. terms $40 cash, $15 per month, or for all cash we will sell for $300 An oak cased Thompson player piano, price ony $470, which is ac tually less than half its adver tised market value. Terms. $50 cash (or liberty bonds), payments $17.50 or even less per month. A lovely genuine Autoplano player piano a fancy mahogany, regular $000 model, only $537, any reasonable terms of payment will secure it. Remember, these player pianos re as good as new. They are mod ern and nr covered with the FAMOUS En.KRS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Will ship any where subject to examination and free trial. OREGON ETT.ERS MUSIC iiousa Second Floor, Etlers Music Bldg. 7 Floors Devoted to Music and Musicians Entrance and Elevators 287 Washington Street, Just Below Fifth Street. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. CLOSING OUT Martin Bros, upright piano $176 Btnze-Kimbali upright piano 195 Haltet & Davis upright piano 215 Wellington upright piano B5 Schubert A Co. upright piano 203 Smith ' Ar Barnes upright piano...: 815 J10 each. $6 and $8 a month, 7th floor. i.ipman, wo: re & Co. PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING. REFINISHING Guaranteed workmanship. Phone Eilers, new phone, Broadway 5523. $ 35 GRAFONOLA, 10 used records$ 25 i t oiracnvara ana 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe. Cabinet. 20 used records 1 173Sonora. cabinet, 20 used record 345 jio wrunswick, 20 used records.... 5 175 Columbia cab., 20 used records 115 $5 snds one home, then $3, $5 and ip monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth st. at Washington st. NEW SHIPMENT 1022 styles of hiuh oual Ity standard pianos, now selling at lower prices man you nave been asked for used pianos. Satisfactory terms. We save you monev. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO., 12fh and Washington. Bdwy. 70 WJ LL dispose of a lot of rebuilt phono graphs, everyone guaranteed, everyone a bargain; they will reproduce as good as new machines; cases in oak and ma hogany. Pathe, Victor, Sllverton, Colum- 01a una- oiner national. y Known ma Res, i.-v .10 hiiu -o. ax ju, near 1 amiilll. A KIMBALL baby grand for high-class home, only $045. bench included, ac tually less tnan hair present-day valuo. Also a superb Weber and a Hazelton baby grand for virtually half value. uer Music House, 287 Washington M.. JUPt ueiow i)in sr. PHONOGRAPH SNAP Latest type Bufh & Lane $235 phono graph and $300 worth fine records, all like new; purchased recently: outfit cose i).t.: will sell for 3iHi. Call Bdwy. i.mi tomorrow, ask for Air. Young. BRUNSWICK phonograph, model 1177 fumed oak rnsp, not a scratch or mar; perfect condition, beautiful, soft, mellow tone, for $1 ji); you make a saving of 1- recorua witn machine. Phone J ahor 44.jO. BEAUTIFUL Rood piano, almost good new; owner says slaughter for $283 in order to get cash, or will sell on time payments for $300, $10 per month. See toilers, second floor Filers Music bldg. BEAUTIFUL mottled mahoganv 8K-note pianola player piano with 40 88-note music roils ana oencn; cost new $8 now only $400. See this at Filers, 2d floor' Kiiers .M ustc bldg. PLAYER rolls, SX-note, all good guaranteed rolls, special Tor this week, a package of 5. for $1, while they last. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. $075 HOB ERT M. CABLE piano, .lust kerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. A CONOVER upright, fine-tone, rich, dark oak case, only. $180, cost $500. See Eilers Piano Dept., 2d floor Eilers Music Mdg. WONDERFUL values in slightly us-ed pho nographs Ed'son. Brunswick. Pathe and Columbia. Soule Bros., 100 loth SL. near Morrison. $175 EDISON diamond disc, mahogany case, in fine shape; $125; $15 down, $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE DELIVER piunos, no mars, no fuss, at lowest rates, phone delivery depart ment. Oregon Filers Music House, Broadway 55ii3. $550 SMITH & HARNESS piano, only $130, on easy terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Wor- cester bldg. E FLAT alto saxophone, Busher, like new. Phone Eiist 5250.- Furniture for Sale. OUR CLEARANCE SALE Continues With the Most Remark able Bargains Ever Offered. Overstuffed tapestry daven ports, $!M values for $65.00 $57.54) Nufold bed davenports reduced to 36.75 $22 waxed oak library table now at 15.75 $22 solid oak rockers with genuine leather auto scat. 10.75 Round pedestal dining table In oak 17.50 Solid oak elip-seat dining chairs 4.75 -lnch post metal beds .now only n.73 Steel springs priced as low as 5.75 40-pound cotton mattresses. 5.3-5 0x12 Gold Seal congoleum art carpets 10.93 9x12 Pabcolln rugs, only 9.75 9x12 ail-wool seamless Brus sels rugs 21.75 9x12 wooi and fiber ruga. . . 14.73 9x12 grass rugs at 0.75 Hundred of Other Bargains Waiting for You. EASY TERMS NO INTEREST. MISH FURNITURE OOMPAXT. 188-100 First Street. ONE BRASS BED and springs. $15; 1 brass bungalow nea and springs, $20 ; 1 kitchen table, $1.25; 1 kitchen table, $1; 1 folding leaf table, $2; 2 combina tion hotel dressers, S each; 1 dresser, $8; one washstand. $ 1 ; 2 sewing rock ers, $2 each ; 2 chairs, $1.25 each; 1 small heating stove, $5; 1 red carpet, $4. 454 Broadway. Main 3703. FURNITURE 7-room house and sleeping porch, 2 h. k. apts., rented for more than rent ; near high school ; terms. Iu20 Williams ave. Eyi'lTY in new baby grand piano at big sacrifice; also William and Mary dining suite; two small Orlentul rugs. Phone Tabor !. BEALT1FUL cane and solid mauugany davenport and chair, upholstered blue velocr: cheat). It road way 35-13, 1 DINING room et, table and tf chairs, practically new. Jacobean onk, William and Mary pattern. Tabor 14Q3. GOING east, will sell my complete house hold furniture of six rooms, reasonable, $575. Tnbor 725. ' FOR SALE, child's iron bed with silk floss mattress, ia. good condition. Tabor .VK. ' $05 DAVENPORT table for sale at a good reduction and excellent condition. Bdwy. 2MVO. TWO practically new 0x12 Wilton velv-t rugs, cheap at $35 each. Tabor 353. 1309 E. Grant st.. Sunday. MAHOGANY f.oor lamp. 4o. Main. Sunday. Call 851 E. WILTON rugs, 9x12. one 6x0. one rocker good as new. 532 Fast 25th North. FOR SALE A goud dining room table for 17 5o. Call 3M" lorh st. IVORY bedroom set. cane trimmings, best con dltion. $H0. 103 M c Miilen St. FOR SALE A combination wood rane, davenport and Simmons bed. Fast 3'25. FL'RNl'i'tLE tor five roums for falo cheap. Call East 4377 or 43o East Pine iU FOR SALE. Furniture ror fie. BIG CLEARANCE SALE. GEVURT2 FURNITURE CO. 183 FIRST ST. In order to make room for our big shipments of spring stocks, we are making great reductions In all departments. Here are a few examples of the wonderful values we offer this week. Bar gains that cannot be obtained elsewhere, and most of our mer chandise has been reduced in price in the same proportion. Don't neglect this opportunity to secure fine, fresh, standard goods at prices so low you will be aston ished. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. 48-inch William and Mary Dining Table, mahogany finish. .. .$20.50 Oblong Period Oak Dining Table and 4 Chairs, In genuine leather, yt $.50 Solid Oak Buffets In mission style, wax finish, n-ow $25.00 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. Overstuffed Tapestry Davenport, 8 loose spring cushions $00.60 Fine Overstuffed Parlor Set, Dav enport, Chair and Rocker, ..117.50 Beautiful Sample Mahogany Dav enport Library Table $29.75 BEDROOM FURNITURE. Genuine Mahogany Roll-Edge Beds, full size, now $29.50 2-inch Continuous Post Beds. In bronze, walnut or mahogany .$0. SO 50-1 b. Cotton Felt Mattresses, guaranteed in every' way. . .$14.75 RUGS. 9x12 Brussels Rugs cf good qual ity, now priced at $22.50 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs of high grade, linen fringed $47.50 9x12 Genuine Wilton Rugs with light imperfections $75.00 SPECIAL IN RANGES. ST. CLAIR RANGE. lS-!nch oven, nickeled, sanitary base. Regular price $03, for. $47.50 $5 cash, $1 week. PORTLAND AGENTS BUCK'S STOVES AND RANGES. We take your old range in ex change and give you a year to pay the balance. No Interest charged. AND REMEMBER, EASY TERMS, NO INTEREST. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 185 FIRST ST. NEAR YAMHILL 6T. JANUARY CLEAN-UT SALE. ON SLIGHTLY USED FURNI TURE. ETC. WM. GADSBY AND SONS. FIRST AND WASHINGTON FTS. A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE. White enamel breakfast table good as new $ C.S5 Bookcase with portable shelves, slightly used .... 6.75 Dining table, round top, 6 foot extension 11.P5 Slightly used . spiral coll spring, value $10.50 11. PO BIrdsey maple dressing tablo, oval bevel mirror.. 18.75 Quartered oak china closet. portable shelves 10.50 White enamel breakfast set, decorated, value $35 .... 19.75 Solid oak buffet, with good plato mirror 23.03 Majestic wood and coal range, guaranteed 29.50 Jewel gas range, high side oven 17.50 Vulcan. 4-burner pns range, white enamel oven door. . 33.85 Oak Duofold davenport, slightly used 43.50 Large library table, plank top 11.80 Colonial mahogany dresser. bevel plate mirror 20.85 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WM. GADSBY AND SONS, FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. SEE THIS ARTICLE FOR YOUR SAVING. 1 Occidental combination range, coal, wood and gas regular price of this Stove is $185. You can't tell It from a new one and we will sell ours at $03.00 (All connected.) 1 Lang combination range, good as now 00 00 1 Blue Alcazar range, good as new 173 00 Tf you are In the market for any of these stoves it will pay you to Investigate early Monday morning. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 First, cor. Yamhill, DRESSING TABLE. IVORY PLATE MIRROR, $12.50, DUOFOLD DAVENPORT, OAK FRAME, $24.iO. HARDWOOD DRESSER, LARGE PLATE MIRROR, $14.50. POLID OAK. COLONIAL PTTLB CH IFFON1ER. 0 DRAWERS. 2 S M A L L D R A WE R S ON T OP, $24.:(0. GENUINE LEATHER FLIPSEAT DINING CHAIRS. $3.95. MAHOGANY DAVENPORT TA BLE. $26.30. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S FIRST STREET, 75 FEET SOUTH OF MORRISON. OUR sale extraordinary of phonographs continues unabated. Never heretofore and never again will it be possible to ob tain such great discounts as we are of fering in this sale. Payments only 7 a month for phonographs actually reduced $51.33, and now actually less than half the price a year or more ago. Many for only $85. $67 and $45; actually less than half former prices, at payfnents of only $1.25 a week. See Filers Music House, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE FOR SALE. Sacrifice beautiful new furnishings of 4-room apt., mahogany. walnut and ivory, rugs, draperies, linens, silver, bed ding, china, mirrors, lamps, Brunswick pictures and bric-a-brac ; nothing sold se parately. Bdwy. 2308.. FURNITURE 5 rooms, piano, victrola. li brarv table, dining set, 4 rugs, heater, combination range. leather rockers, dishes and cooking utensils, dressers, beds, mattress and springs. $0OO; this is all In good condition; investigate. 700 Brooklyn st. Sell. 34QO. Mar. 4128. LADY'S plush coat in perfect condition, slightly used, fur collar, size 4 or 42 ; also one red fox fur and one oak dining room set. leather-seated chairs. No reasonable offer refused. Call 558 Kil Mngs worth. Woodlawn C 137. FOR SALE Big overstuffed davenport, upholstered In. a fine grade of tapestry; 8 loose spring cushions, spring back, spring arms, spring edges; must sell; cheap. Sellwood 1361. ONE 0x12 Wilton velvet rug. 1 practically new combination heater, new double bed and spring. Wanted, 6xt rug, dining room ret, living room set, single bed and springs. B'61 Schuyler St. MUST sell by monday noon 6 -hole steel nickel trimmed range with coils, several chairs, food safe, gerden tools, hose, mattress, spring, 18x40 beveled French plate mirror. (1542 03d st. S. E. FURNITURE for sale, enough for 5 rooms; it's a bargain, ,$oo, cash only. Call be tween 9 and 12. Sunday. 569 Belmont St.. near 1 4th. LIKE new overstuffed davenport. cost $2?3. sen $00; chair to match, cost $90, sell $30. 554 Tillamook. FOR SA1.F. Furniture lorSnje. MUST UNLOAD A BIG STOCK of new and used furniture. Get our prl-ces before buying from sales. Our windows tell the etory. New M-inch top round ex. tension table. flush rim, quartered oak, massive pedestal ; a real $60 value for $27 50 48-Inch top, 8-foot extension table, quartered oak, slightly tuned ; cannot be told from new 10.00 2-Inch conlnuous post beds. 8. Quartered oak library table. 9. LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS. Steel bed springs as low as.. 4. 40-lb. cotton mattress as low as Genuine leather everstuffed rocker Quartered oak china closet, curved glats front, mirror back 22.! LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS. Reliable gas rige, 4 burn ers and lm merer. blue enamel doors, used 32. New bin enamel coal or wood range 63. Blue enamel combination coal, wood or gas range. . 0 Extension tables as low a.. 7 Kitchen chairs Garland gas range. 4-bum-ers and slmmerer, side ir r ... 17.50 r cub ............ Solid oak, doubl door book case 14. P0 New 9x12 velvet nci 27.50 Rockers as low as 2 SO LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS. Hirh-back g-emrlne leather spring-seat rockers 11. R0 New brass bens 17.30 SMld oak wardrobe 10.50 LOOK IN OUR WLNDOWS. Queen's Anne dining set, blue or brown genuine leather at chairs, G-foot exten sion table, American wal nut 50.00 IOOK IN OUR WINDOWS. 6 solid oak dining1 chairs at. 2.93 Nw St. Cla lr coal or wood range, nickel base, polished top. 1 H-tnch oven ; a $03 value for 37.50 OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less, 106-16 First Street. 73 Foot South of Morrison. EXCHANGE BARGAINS AND CLOSE-OUTS OF NEW GOODS. Clrculnr cretonne covered Cushions (new) $ 1.00 Wnvnn Washing Machine Chke new) 36 50 Simmons drop - side Crib now 8. 50 Solid oak Dining Suit". Table, Hlx Chairs and Buffet 75 00 Twin and fuM slz1 Iron Beds $4.30 to 6.73 Genuine Ivory reed Peram bulator 14 50 Fine onk Stand Tnbles... $3.75 nnd 4. SO $130' Gas Range with kitchen heater attachment with coil and connection (used only 2 months) 78 50 4-buruer Jewel Gas Range. 10.50 f3 New Process Gas Range (good a.s new) 49 50 Lawson Gus Heater 8.50 Humphrey enameled JhcU et Gas WatT Heater, con nected 10.50 Large Rnnnml Oil Heater (liku new) 4.50 This Is only a partial list of what awaits you on the fourth floor, EDWARDS FURNITURE. Fifth and .Oak. A Good Place to Trade. Easv Terms NO Interest on Everything. CLEARING SALE AT . FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St., N. East cor. Yamhill. 2-In. continuous post bed.... $9. 65 Y. Y. spring 4.30 t 45-pound cotton felt mat tress 8.50 pebrolln and Gold Seal con- goleum, the q. yd 65 Inlaid linoleum, reg. $2, yd.. 139 Full size comforters, ea 2.45 Full size cotton blankets, pr. 1 05 36x6 shades, green or cream.. .63 $13 simplex electric heaters.. 8.25 Every article In our store Is re duced from 10 to 50 per cent. Investigate our prices before you buy your furniture. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St.,' cor. Yamhill. FOR SALE 1 34-Inch dining table. 1 60 Inch buffet, 1 china closet, 1 tea wagon, 1 carver, 5 diners, blue leather seat. William and Mary design, brown ma hogany finish, good its ne w ; prlco $300. Call Automatic 215-18. DESKS CH A IRS SA F ES. New end second-ban, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN HODSCN FURNITURE DEPT. loth and Stable Sts. Bdwy. 3144 FOR SALE at low figure, beautiful solid mahogany and cane davenport arid two chairs ; handsomely upholstered ; uped few weeks, bought At wholesale. io57 East Hurnsme. T WO N E W elegant overst uf fed chairs a ahnut one-half cost, leaving city. Mai 5072. FOR S A LE IJlrdseye maple bedroom suite, one Brussels rug, cheap. Mar. ".4 61. 7-11 ECE high-grade par'or set at reason able price :nr snio. r-u i.rn st. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, cloe in. 353 Graham, near Union. FOR SALE 1 oak dresser with French Miirror for $13. Call Aut. 520-13. FOR SAI.F. Furniture for sale. OF TTTTH FORMER MEIER & FRANK And Other Stocks of furnltur, run, draperies. etc., darnnged at warehouse and re moved to 849-351 OAK ST. Between Broadway and Pnrlc st. Across from Telephone building. We are offering above stocke at prices unheard of before. LIVING ROOM. Regular $ 100 tapestry over stuffed davenport, loose, cushion Special $ "0 no Chair or rocker to match... 25.00 Keg. $133 velour or tapestry davenport, well construct- " ed. only 67.50 Reg. $103 tapestry or velour davenport, full spring con st ruction, moss ami hair filled. Special 85,00 Reg. $250 mohair davenport. Special 137.50 Nutwld bed davenport, up from aS.OO Ma hog any dn venport tables. period design, up 15.00 Oak or mahogany library tables S price Mahogan v or walnut gate leg 1.1 hies, up 20 00 Reg. $23 cedar chest, copper trimmed. Special 15.00 Mr1io any piano and table la 11; ps, from, up 7.00 Silk lamp shades H price Denim covered hox much... 9 00 RUGS, ETC. 9x12 Wilton velvet tux with linen fringe. A wonderful value, onlv 41.25 8-3x10-6 Wilton velvet rag to match, only $7.25 Pxl2 Axminster rug, special, up 2S.75 8-3xl0-G Axminster rug. Spe cial 26.25 9x12 seamless Brussels rug Special 18.75 9x12 grass rugs, assorted pjiMern 7.25 And 01 hots too numerous to ment Ion. 24 - In. si air raj-nt, yard 40 It eg. 85o felt base linoleum. only, yard ,42 Pllk druperl'. assorted col ors, reg. $2 50 yard, a lim ited amount for only, yard 1.00 Reg. $13 portieres. ll colors, only 4.00 DINING ROOM. Mahoganv or walnut exten sion tables, period design, up from 1!.V Oak extension tables, up,... If.o0 others as low h fi.50 Wn I nut or mahogany dining chairs p P5 Ivory pnte-leg table 7 fW Onk butfets, good slctlon S prtoe Child's rockers, reg. $3.50. now I. B0 BEDROOM. Reg $2S walnut or Ivory suite, consist in ff of bed. dresser, vanity c nnd chlffonette, a wonderful, buy for on Iv 1 77 50 R-pieeo ivorv deenrttted suite. 110 Oft 4 -piece Ivory suit 2.50 Reir SlL' 50 drifter. Special. 12 .'.0 Triple mirror dressing titble. 15.00 2-in, post beds, all t InUhen, ?ip. from 8.73 Single delc D Luxe pring 9.25 Reg. $27.30 double d"ck, size HflA I vory wood bed s. Spec la I . . . 1 2.50 And a thousand other bargains. 310-351 OAK ST COIIN BROS. & DIRECTOR. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. Chulrs $1.00 Iron beds 1.75 Rockers 2.5u Bed springs 1.5d Kxfensfoti (able 7 r.i Ma-f tress 2.5' Solid oak d ining chairs with leather feat 4. CO Dresser 0 oo Coal or wood rango 17 .5o 9x 12 grass rug Q.Ji OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less, lffft-104 First Street. 75 Feet Soutfh of Morrison. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS AT LESS THAN WHOLE SALE COST. Lot 1 Beautifully figured, smooth and soft, make dandy bath robes; cot us $3 35. We will se 1 them at only $2.45 Lot 2 Ful 7. 66k0; 73 per cent wool Blankets; weight 5 !b , and black finish only. Sell leia than cost, at onlv $3.i5 Value $10. Lot 3 Cotton sheet Blankets, single pieeeM, grev or pink borders, nt only Sc. Woo! nap, wnshnble end moth proof. iWuiliic, full si.o, grey with pink border. $3 75. E v -ira nuitlfiv cotton Blankets, paid design. 6iH0 inches 52.05 Full s!i:e Cdinfortrr. filet wHh rorded cotton figured covering: regular $3.75, now 42.75 FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 171 First St., Corner Yamhill. J'AVI.M '( HIT M AM' K ACT U H 11 K S Wo are making a line of overstuffed 0'iven ports slid chairs which arc eu 10 the best lines made In the east mi l we are se ling them at prices n oat t the chiiped linen made anywhere Pretty broad statement? We will artnil that it Is. but we are nblo nnd wll'irv to prove It. We arc starting n educa tlonal advert! dug campaign on daven port construct ion. otjld you 11 t join us ? hef her .u bu or not, wi'l be moro than pleased to teach yoi free Many styles ot davenports lar. assnrtnient of tapestries, mohairs, ve lours, deriims, etc. I'cw samples at roi-i bottom prices. Phone 435-27. Eventn and Sundays Tabor 5707, or AuLoinari tilt 5-1! 7 M IciiHi' I son - M a sou. loo.. 5 4 11 FoMer rn.td. S WE MONEY. Try our spies d. uanment If vmi wan to buy or sell household goods. Reduced f re lull t rates to ttiont all point a in our inrougn pool cms; expert packing. r--pAlnng and rcf :n..dilhi;. Money leaned on goods in storage. Fireproof tfloiajto. Bow insurance r.it-s. .bECURITV STORAGE & TRANSFER CO 53 4th St., Cpp Multnomah HuUt. Phone 1 '.t-.im i w n v :t 7 1 5- 11 KM'I l i: E, 1 in l-s br.c-a-l.rac. nil lery, curt aln n.i f;.is f. t ures, ni;: linen, p! rt ures, le i 1 her cha ir. on k chi. . t . lihrsu-y nilili', dining tah.e. book s::tr: Imoks, f.ttH and plain dishes, pots. paii hIiii-, etc.. eiirl;i)ns and drapes: nil o o:iri. App'Y b i w n 12 n-id 7 'HO P. M Sun d; v .1 p i n Mient 216 Zuinhro Court . 20t !i and V .iv'i, DoN'T SACI: I Pier: your furniture If goirw: ea. t ir to ( a il 10 ni a U e nin s i ve y ot. pio'iey on your l reign 1 in our througn m is ; fir proof si ora go. Olson T'-.nid'' r A Stor.-ige Co , Ms Pine street NEW. M-JAl ril-l L .tv-rsi u: fe.i uavenpr.r' finest cairn 1 s hair ve.our. .uarsn.i. spring iiml iliwn cushions, ih e best o : tuiTKibie, bargain; Uavmg city. Mai' lil'FFET and cii.na c!"s"i, ouariered u , a 'd finish, penccr ly matched, cm $ 1 5o ; von t a 11 have It for $75. lMion K:it tM.-'t IA V KM'uKT i.'ii lon.tt j..n. lull Led sty ! Spanish lent her, almost new. $15. e trad i f"r oveisiul'fed tapestry style. Ca Tabor h7iL 1 OiE " SA LE - Uadi.int f.ic heater wl: canopy ; also small gas pea 1 or. Morr c n air ', no dea ;. 5i::i KlllipgHworL' '( iR SA LE -Diii.n, good as n ; ; E. Davis. Phor.r mill tabic, S- ft , n n Iter. Call --t 6S75. LEA VINO CITY Will Mil nb e lu 1 1 root: suite, pietures nnd fruit cans cheap, 4-1 Nort h 2Hd st. LI V 1 N 1 J . d.ning and loclrooni f u r n 1 1 u re a n kitchen ui 'Mi si C 1 1 6 to 0 Sat urHic and Sunday, 614 EJtSth N. Tahor 6Mi F iR SA LE IS o erst 11 f fed d a ven pori.T 1 c 1 a :i'J, utta b. for hold or room In house. Ca'! M : IhiiiH-t. Mar 6070. Ot if 1 1 us. d Vu .call i; as t a itu . Very I t onabl". Call Mon. Main 5:0ia. O f flee I- until urt. OFFICE 1 urn i t ui e. cons ..-t tne of roil -lot o:tk de-k, 2 Eat-t.p onk d-r.s, 2 rug' check prot ect 'T, Underw oo'l typewrite rim irs and sundry Article. 1 tui uire u T W. Kendall. 611 Pittock Ml. i.-, . 1 v 1 1.' HEAP, re ass m t n t office furniture, in cud ing Kdiphum chair i.e ,ir. Ktngs.ey at ore cun I i1r in rs 1 1 le agu- ONE KOLI.-TuP T W. desk, 'a roll-to" desks. 2 flr:t-top di-sks, 5 table. R chain 1 salt. Lubliiit fe Cj., 91 Park O 5T1 1 04.2