11 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 15, 1922 l t 4, lnirlmii Hume. A'REAL HO.MK. Attractive bungalow of room and bath, gnu ar.d fc-1 rictt y. I:n-t class, automatically eontrolli U wa ter syMcm, iiull Ktiu v a liable; double garage, poultry house, etc.; '2 ai-reg oi level Jarnl, ail in culti vation, aborted fruit ait J berr.cs; located on hard road, clot-fi to hiynway; more. land if desired. Price :.V0O, $ 1 500 cash. J. I,. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 Chamber of Corn. Hole;., Kruudway 003 i. MCLTNOMAH building nilr.s 1 h-ave them in all fchapeB, fortnw and iocaiions, from & lot to an acre. lJou't fail to pick out tne of these delightful bul.ding eiles be fore they are a. I gone. Only ten per I cent down and smaii monthly payment thereafter. Cut out the rent, and get in the habit of renting jour feet under your own table, i MiaJI be glad to take you out In mv machine over the boule vard to the Multnomah district at your convenience, or ou may rail on Mrs. irant, who Is in charge of my .Multno mah office, and .she wili be glad to how you over the property. UEN lilKSLAXD, Peabr in Multnomah Property Exclusively. 40-4 Piatt itldg. Phone Main 880. Multnomah Olilc. Telephone Main OOoO. PARKRO K JT'ST OUTSIDE CITT LIMITS. t2."0 DOWN. $3950 Acre tract and r-room bungaliw. modern plumbing, gas and electricity ; 2 blocks to both rad and high ttchool, good loca tion, on gravei road autl only A blocks to car line and Columbia highway; possession at once. J. U HARTMAN COMPANT,' 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Airoadway 0034. t-.nuO ON'LY t.(KI UOWN. New 7-room hou.se with beautiful brick front and cement porch, fireplace. built-in buffet, cement basement; double garage and hair acre, a rich garden pot with all kinds of berries; $.")) down and easy terms. Would take light car In enod condition as Dart payment. JON'T MUSS THIS AS IT IS A BIG .HAKUA1.N. Ask for F. C. Marshall. with FRANK L .McGUIRE. 0.1 Arlington Bid. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Waffh. and Stark. HKAND NKW Hl'NOALOW. OREGON CITY PAVED HIGHWAY. 5 rooms, unfinished Inside; cement walks and porches, gas and electricity, 1 garage; EVE KGKEKN STATION. This can be made a cozy nest, as it sus uaca in the trees; I.'IOO down gives you pos session: 1400 In the price, ask lor x. C. Marshall, with FRANK 1. McGUIRE. 03 Abingion Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wn.h. and Stark. BIX ACRES In cultivation, high and sight ly, lota of fruit and berries. B-room house, plumbing, electric lights, barn, chicken hou.se, near Willamette river; paved road, lid minutes by auto from city; walking distance to car line; J$0U00, $2000 down. $1000 per year. This is choice. H. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. lfiStj 4th St. 7-ACRE PLACE. Close In. fine location, on paved road; convenient to interurban car; fertile soli; lies beauLlfully. A dandy buy; complete details furnished on request. Drop in and see our list and photos of suburban places. Sizes and prices to suit Fur .Sale UuNine nh Property. MAKE AN OFFER. MUST BE SOLD. FACTORY SITE OR DAIRY FARM. TWO DUCK. LA K ES, HO ACRES. SOUTH END OK SAl'VIF-S ISLAND, 400 FT. DEEP WATER KLVEH CHANNEL. K. O. MORRISON, oos WILCOX. BRDY. 7702. IF NOT IN LEAVE NAME. ONE fireproof building, income $400 month, $112,500. One fireproof building. Income $625 a month, $47,500. Two fireproof buildings, income $5800 i a year. $43,000. One fireproof building, 100 feet square. Income $27 Oii per year, $10,000. 1158 Union Ave. North, bet. 9 & 11 A. M. vKST SIDE apartment site; Nob Hill location; owner needs nionev, make offer. 100x100. or will sell JO0x200 ft. Kum- inell & Rummell. L'74 Stark st. 74x00 FEET, Ella st., near Washigton st. Sacrifice; investigate. Kummell 4: ltum- mfil, '274 Stark t. 2-STORY business building; accept small farm near Portland as part pay. I'hlllp Olsen, Sherwood, Or. l- or Sale A create e. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. Over 5 full lots right on the river; na tive shade trees and fruit in bearing; line beach for swimming and boating; on graveled road close to the river, higthway and Oregon City cars ; beautiful homes surround this tract; the price is only $1S( per lot. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR, , :1S Chamber of Commerce 1-Mdg. PAGET & PAGET. REALTORS. are authorized to Hell an acreage tract at Jennings lodge AT A BARGAIN I' RICE. This may be subdivided, and affords an unusual opportunity to those dc.s-iring a suburiwin home. bUVii totark St. ( Hetween 4th and Oth Sts. ). Broad v a y M704. Til E it EST 10-ucre tract in southwest Washington for fruit or poultry; one-half In timber, balance ready to crop; no buildings, on county road, close to mar ket ; will sell equity of $0i)0 reasonable tir trade, tor good late model car; bal ance $;;tJ4, payable at $ 15 per month ; no payments due until September. Kelso Rcuy Co.,' Keifo. Wash. "ITtoTuT 10 acres, near Mt. Hood electric sta tion; splendid soil; IS miles from city; located on hardsurface roads; terms very reasonable. W. M. Umbdenstock t- Co.. IMP Oregon bldg. Bdw y . i fl H . tt z AC kks, 4 acres cultivation, balance pasture and timber: 6-room house, barn, outbuildings, chicken house, 10x50; all kinds fruit; creek; 0 miles from Oregon Cily ; $2100, terms. C. W. Millership, 10.VA 4th st. NEW GOVERNMENT PROJECT, warm soil, long .season. Suited to fruits, truck, alfalfa. Special terms to SERV ICE MEN. Geo. C. Howard, owner. 1115 N. W. Bk. A GROWING OPPORTUNITY. One acre Cut hbert raspberries, on paved road ncir Portland: easy terms.. See, W. KENNEDY, 003 C. of C. P.idg ON POWELL VALLEY ItOAO. One aero and new il-room unfinished bungalow, $ll2."i; $7.V. cash, balance monthly. In d W. Gorman Co. Broad way 04 t.". o aci:es $irou. This 1h near Mi. Hood elrtric sta tion; good mciI; all under cultivation; very easy t-r ium. w. Umbdenst ock v. Co.. 10 Or. gon bldg. Udwy. IC.IS. Af'RiJS 1."aiu. This io near Mt. Hood elecric station; good soil; all undr cultivation; vry ensy ("tiiim. . M. i'mbdeiiMiock & Co., LMO treg.n bldg. Rdwy. n;rs. SACUI KJCW. 10 at:res, do.e in, good house, barn, fruit and berries; t:ike bonus loan. Owner, 1tii 1.th st. Mnin Hstio. ACRES on paved high way and electric line; good chicken and berry ranch ; J.'.op; $".0 down, $ 1 1 per mo. DRAPER. His Hn.MIl) OF TRADE. 4,oo CASH will buv -)-iiiT- farm, all in cult i vat ion ; fam I y orchard. running water; It', miles, out. Owner, it'.trt llaight. Wdln . J s. Ti. aT'r i-:s. u, acres. ai At -res. $10 payments, city wwter. Alberta car. One tract with shack, $15 month. Rower W. Ciiry, lL'10 N. V. Hank Bldg. i'Ult SALIO One acre of ground, 4 rooms oiot modern) house, with fruit trees, in wide cay limits; no reasonable offer re fused. Automatic r.Jt-n;v 2 lo-ACUE tracts cio.se to city limits I'ortl.iiui, S. E. : good road. Price J7o m r acre. J.i:: First bt., room 1, N'-lson. i-'O ti SA LE 10 acres, lo nules from i-ourt house, mile otlier side Damas cus; Monie large timlKr. Phone Wuln. 1JU ACRES of good rich 1h nd for sale ; road rocked from land to state highway. Write for description to owner, A. Weis enback, H.edvillu. Or. SHACK with less than acre fine cultivated Ja nd, city water, Alberta car. No city assessments ; $,'0 down, $1 ," month. Koger W. Cary, Il'10 N. W. Bank Bldg. fcU ACRES, ;e:iced, m cuitivation, ;o tillable; enough timber to pay for place; $;tfMt Jiiindles; price $TOO. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71S Tekum bldg. lhdxtUO LOT; $8 down, ?H month. Alberta car. TIQOKR N- CAIM'. 1-10 N. W. Bk. Bldg. -3 ACRE fine garden iand, near Reed eolu-ge. $10 down, $P month. Roger C- t'r-ov 1"H V W Hi r, U hl,lt OOOI land near i ra naport ation, HA per acre. We move atumpH free. Davenport Tin i ber Co. Buch;t na n Phlg. CHE.-P acreage and improved farms near Porr land : a Iso choice city property. O Donovan, v oreesrer miiiaing. FuK SALE Choice acreage on Base 11 r.e road, 1 mile from city limits. Phone Main 0741. 10 ACRES, n 11 cult. ; 4 -room bungalow ; $2750; $1750 handles. G01 AXc&ay bldg. REAL ESTATE. ONLY $300 DOWN. 10 acres "2 miles aoulh of Port land, 1 -4 mile from elec. station and school; acres under cultiva tion; all can be farmed when (bared; 3 acres beaverdain land; bearing family orchard; 4 -room house, barn. Price :t200, or will lease place, or consider soldier's loan. "WELL LOCATED CHICKEN RANCH. 44 acres 5 blocks from station. Oregon City line; rocked road; 3 blocks to school ; 10 bearing fruit trees; li'H) strawberry plants; 1 i acres under cultivation; all can be farmed ; well, spring, water piped to 5-room house ; barn, chicken house. This Is an exceptionally good chicken location. Price $1'100. $1:0 cash. 4 acres between Portland and IUIlsboro, 2' blocks from electric station ; wire fences: 2 acres un der cultivation, balance in pas ture; no waste land; dark loam soli; strawberries, loganberries, etc. ; 5-room frame house, good well, barn, woodshed, gaa In street. Price $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger idg. SPECIAL IN ACREAGE. 74 acres clear, level, extra fine land. some fruit, tf-room house, large barn, line well, fine neighborhood, near scnooi and H. P. R. R. station, on good roaa a snap at $-000, $000 cash, balance $-0U per annum. Also 10 acres, 1 mile O. E. station on two roads, extra fine Iand. r acres light brush, balance oak and fir, this Is a real bargain at U400, $:ou casn, balance J20 ner month. Also 10 acres. It miles from Newberg. 9 acres clear, new bungalow, land is extra good iruit iann, goou spring on place, extra fine view; only 5UU"o, can giye terms J, H. RICHARDS. :WS McKay Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. ON JOHNSON CREEK, $00 CASH. Two acrep, cleared, 1 block from car line, close In; creek through the place, ideal for chickens; total price $1000. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. Hldg., Hroadway 0034. FARM SACRIFICE. Will sacrifice at half value my place, approximately 0 acres, 5 min. from eiec . trie car, 10 mln. from city limits, good view of city, paved road to Portland, good buildings, all kinds of fruit, good well and living spring, good fish stream on place. Refused $10,000 six months ago, will sell for $0."0 and give some terms; land surrounding selling for JlOdO to $-ooo per acre. Must cell ijuickiy on account leaving Oregun. Phone Main 0130, a-sk for Fred .1. Wyatt. Address Fred Matthias. Portland, Or., R. R. No. 1, box ".'". GRAB DADDV TIME BY Til E FORELOCK. The balmy days of spring will soon be with us, then you will want a nice acre where you can grow your own. gar den product, and enjoy the freedom of the country. Hern's the acre just out side city limits. $:J0 will handle, tnree Years to pay balance. See us today. Tabor 7304. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-!!-3-3-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. :i-A('Kli FARM BARGAIN. All in cultivation and crop, best of soil, 11 miles from Portland on fine road, close to electric station and school; good house, full cement basement, large barn, other buildings ; about 'Jt acres of apples, other fruit; 2 horses, II cows, 11 hogs, 0O chickens, hay and grain to feed through, wood, all kinds of farm machinery. Price $!0oo. H'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GARDEN HOME ACRE TRACTS On hard road ; gas, electricity. Bull Run water; close to station, school and stores; ail cultivated. Prices $000 to $100 per acre; 0c commutation fare; 40 electric trains daily. Most desirable acre home tracts around. Portland. Easy terms. See . McCORMTC CO., 207 Falllnr Bldg. Broadway 7420. Main 0318. BEAUTIFUL o-acra country home. 7-room modern house, city water. Ilgiits and eafl. large Bleeping porch. fireplace, modern bath, French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country, near Beaverton on rock road. Price $0500 terms. STROUD & CO., INC. Beaverton, Or. EIGHT ACHES OF SUBURBAN BUSINESS PROPERTY CHEAP. On the highway, lft miles out, located at a prominent business corner, eight acres with two good houses, partly mod ern; land all clear, seeded to clover. This is a wonderful pick-up at StUMMi, good terms. Big money in developing this. W (1. f I E, S17 LEWIS BLDC,. N EAR TIG A R Li. ;iL'OU. 1 i acry, good 4 -room cottage, good well and tank, on rock road, right at electric station (Tret-se), good chicken house, garage and small barn ; $1000 cash, or will exchange for house and lot in Portland to same value. Sunny aide district preferred. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors 732 Cham, of Com. DON'T worry about tne money. We have the acre near Buckley ave. for $700 and If you are the kind who will make the most of this opportunity we will make the money question easy for you. See us today. Tabor 7304. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, rittp;r, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES, BEAVERTON DISTRICT. All In cultivation, fine soil, buildings, young orchard. 1 mile from electric Btation. ten miles from Portland; good road; very sightly place. A bargain at $3500. easv t-rms. LUE 1) D E M A XX CO M PA N Y, 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4' ACRES, by owner, H miles out on sur faced road, near station; all in cultiva tion; good small house, good barn, other bidgs; acre in berries, other fruit, place is pleasantly located ; would have to he seen to be appreciated: price $2SO0, $400 rash, balance to suit. Main 72J3. IN THE G RES HA M DISTRICT. 10-ACRE TRACTS $500. Half mile from electric station, 20 miles from Portiund. 4o rare; surround ed by highly improved farms, fertile red shot loam. Free from rock Fred F. Huntress, exclusive agent. 120 Grand ave. ACREAGE ON PAVEMENT. One acre or more to suit, best of soil, cleared mid plowed; faces highway, oe in; Jl."VO an acre, terms. Build a cheap bous-e and get ahead, beats renting. D. MeChesney, Ojti Henry bhlg., Bdwy. L'.'O.'i. Sunday, ral 1 Main 7 SI 4. OWN AN ACRE. Tn the fascinating country .lust out side city limits on good road. Bull Kun water. $00 Hh. Three years to pay balance. Sec us todav. Tabor 7304. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, 201-2-3-r,-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. JtlOu DOWN. $20 PER MONTH. New 4-room plastered house with wide porch and well, arrpn of best soil, fronts B:rr road. mile west of Barker roiid ; hi ml is over half cleared. Strong K- Co.. K:i!tors. 0o Ch. of Com. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEVERHAUSER TIMBER CO., T acoma. Was h 30 ACKKS ON PAVEMENT. Fiv' miles out, high stale cultivation, buddings, e lee trie lights, water system ; fruit; only $3.V0 an acre. Owner, 020 Henrv bldg.. Bdwv. 2"iK"i. ' 8U ACRES ot creek bottom land, 15 miles I'rom Salem, 1 mile from town, school, R. It. depot, store; o acres under culti vation, sniajl 11-room houte, from owner. AR 372. Gregnnlan. 1J AciiES on Foster ro;td. nearly all in cultivation, best of soil, .some fruiL Price $:t.-jO0. Terms. HENRV W. GUDDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St Bdwv. 7S31 OSWEGO BARGAIN ONLY 510.-.0. 100x120 with new 3-room bungalow. lights and water; very easy terms. See owner, floo Concord bldg.. 2d and Sfark. C L OvS E -1 N ACREAGE. 2 to 5-acre tracts on E. H2d t. (main Oregon City road), near Kendall station: paved road, gas, city water, etc. ; $7."0 acre; easy terms, tjwnr. .nil Piatt nldg. FINE HOMESITE One or one-half acre within R0 feet of Sl'.ver Springs station on Oregon City car line. Call owner. Bdwy. "OfiO. Mr. Frick'-r. 6 ACRES, country home, 7-r. modern house, private water, cistern, family or chard. 20 miles out, $5000 will handle. owner, r . i. . npynnius, tanpy, ur 2 ACRES fine, cultivated land on Colum bia blvd., just outside city; will sacri fice for half cash. Roger W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank Bldg. II AV E several smalt places. 1 to 5 acres with buildings, that $300 to $500 will handle. Oul Stock Exch. bldg. Phon Main 053. FOR SALE, 2a4 acres in city limits of Beaverton, ail in cuitivation; price 1MH, good terms. Address owner, 4. E. Bates, i Jaston, Or. , ACK EAG E. Just outside city limits, elec trio lights, water and gas. all in; fruit. Call owner. Automatic 030-07. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. & RFATj kstatk. I- or Sale Arrcue UNIMPROVED ACREAGE. 4 Acres -Fine soil, 4 blocks from car and stage route, 11 miles out from Portland, Or. Price $1000, $S00 will handle; w ould consider some trade. 9 Acres All cleared, 1 block from paved highway. Price . $4.i00, wt,l take, house and lot up to $3000, bal ance terms. "We have several small , tracts of 3 acres each, located on Buckley ave., near carijne; this tract is unimproved ; we can sell them for $025 per a., on any reasonable terms. If you want a place for berries and fruit, be sure to see us about these. POULTRY RANCHES. 14 Acres l-rm. modern house, 500 o pacRy chicken house, liooo capacity brooder, some outbuildings; will take f to 7 acres unim proved. C3-10 $2S00 will handle this fine ranch on Foster road, all bottom, creek runs through place, high way on one side, Es tacada line on the other side; all in cultivation, lots of fruit, 4-rm. house, storehouses, two chicken houses, barn and other outbuildings, 11 miles to courthouse. See J. S. Culbertson, KILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. GSS3. $S0 CASH, $rr0 PER ACRE. Two or 4 acres and lumber to build a 4 -room house Included. This is lo cated close in on the east side, about 10 blocks from the street car; has city water and electric light and gas , near land; land like this was selling 12 years ago for $1 J0O per acre and no improvements; now $."."0, Including lum ber to build a little house. You should investigate this If you are In the market for a small ranch ; will make terms that you can afford - to meet. Call on owner, O. H. Dammeier, 403 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. 5-ACRE HOME IN SANDY. This 5 acris Is located In the suburbs of Sandy, on the Mt. Hood loop road; there is a 0-room house, good barn, chicken house and woodshed, team, 2 cows, wagon, plow, harness and about 2 tone of hay; price only $4000; $1500 cash. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR. RITTER, IOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Will Pell this big choice acre for only $1000. Near car. all cleared, level, mag nificent view, faces on improved st.. no liens. Way under value at this price and being at the outgrowth of the most valuable resilience property in the city Is certain to enhance very much in value. Fair terms. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. C200. RAISE GARDEN. On this 8 1-3 acres located In the heart of the Canby garden land; all level and under cultivation; finest sandy loam soil; 12 fruit trees, few grapes and berries: owner sowed 2 lbs. of asparagus seed last fall; place now seeded tn rye to turn under this spring; price only $2500, $500 cash. F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. CH k;k EN R A NCH ES. 4 77-100 a., 1 block highway at Aloha, 41-room house, bath, toilet, city water, gas, chicken house, barn. 2 a.. Aloha, 4-room house, 2 large chicken houses, $1850; ternij. S 14 acres, on highway, mile TIgard, unimproved, $1-50 per a. Some buy. 2 acres at Bertha only $100O. R. HOAKD, JW1 Stock Exchange. y0 ACRES 1M PROVED $1000. Located 2S miles from Portland, J, mile from station and school, 4 acres cleared and 10 acres level creek bot tom land, fine stream, good 4-room house, barn and other buildings, all fenced, familv ore ha rd and berries; price $1600,, terms $10O0 cash, balance easy. LTEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Cham her of Commerce. ' 500 ACRES. NEAR SALEM. One of the best 500-acre farms In Willamette valley; about 400 In cultiva tion. ;:oo of this is river bottom, fair .set buildings oil good road, 20 minutes to Salem by auto. This ought to bring $luo per acre, but owner will take less in any kind of good city property. Here is a splendid chance to gt in right on a good farm and In a fine locality. W. C BECKTELL. 1317 N. W. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 120 acres of good land in Josephine county. Or., on good road, one mile to town; dailv mail; 8 acres under cultiva tion; about 2.000,000 feet of pine and f ir ; good Hchool ; old buildings, springs and well water. Only $15 per acre and will give easy terms. WALTER B. JONES, Box 370. Eugene, Or. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD. We are opening for sale a tract of 18 acres, right on the highway, in subdivi sions from 1 -acre up ; only 15 minutes from 5th and" Morrison: beautiful home sites with native trees and shrubbery and running water; electric lights, gas and citv water available; easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, 3!S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. A fine home ami chicken ranch, all In cultivation and crop; good house, barn, garage, brooder house, chicken house; about 450 chickens, cow. furniture; near Portland on paved highway. This is a splendid place. Price $5250. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CUTOVER LANDS. 750 acres, lower Columbia river; 8 miles from Rainier. 1 mile distant from boat landing, railroad station, paved highway ; running water, numerous springs, county road through place; surrounding lands cultivated right up to line. 407 HENRY BUILDING. 0 ACRES ADJOINS GOOD TOWN. All cleared, fair buildings, fruit and berries, part beaver-da m, fine stream, plenty of water to irrigate whole place, pump and engine, olfctric lights, gas, liard road, about 13 miles from Portland. Price $5000. LUEDDEM A N N COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "NICE LITTLE HOME." 10 acres, nearly all in cultivation; 20 bearing fruit trees; 4-room nearly new house; high land; i' mile off pavement and railway jttation, stores, church and school; 22 miles Portland, 3 miles New berg ; $205O; good I erm. R. M. GATEWt hO & Co.. 105 'A 4th St. MT. TABOR SLOPE. Two acres, all in cultivation ; south slope, right on the, main hard-surface highway. We are going to lt you have this entire, tract, comprising about 16 full lots, for $3500. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, .'.1S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. K ACRES; 0 acres under cultivation; fair house and barn, chicken house tor 200 chickens, nice waterfall for power. 30 bearing Lambert and May Duke cher ries, macadam road : nice location 6 miles Vancouver; price $30OO. B. S. Cook, fiOl Stock Ex. bldg lo AC REM ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 12 miles center of town, all under fdow, young orchard, 1 acres mixed terries, 5-room new modern bungalow, fireplace, built-lns; barn, garage, chick en house. $0500. J. C CORHIN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis B!dg. $750 10 ACRES CLOSE IN $750. Red shot clay loam, no better produc ing soil, adjoining farms prove value; close to water, rail and highway trans portation ; Insistent demand for labor; will co-operate In ar.v reasonable man ner: terms. Owner. 248 Stark st. ON E ACRE. CLOSE IN. On pavement. real value at $4-50, on terms; best soil-, cleared, plowed ; build a cheap house and work in town. D. Me Chesney, 20 Henry bldg., Broadway 2505. Sunday rail Main 7844. 2o ACRES FOR $4o0. 14x18 shack; 7 acres in cult.; fenced; close to highway; 4 4 miles north of Cathlamet, Wash.; fine land ; $1 50 down, balance 6 per cent. Seachrest Bros., 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5 ACRES. CLOSE IN. Cleared, best toll, no gravel, 2 acres bearing Logans. acre bearing orchard, good view, near 82d-st. highway. $2000, Terms. T. C. COR BIN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewjs Bldg. ACRES, good soil, near Barton; Deep creek borders land; good place for sum mer store; parking ground. $300 cash. 3 a. cleared. $750. McFarland, realtor, Falling bldg. u ACRES $375 per acre. Near Barr road and Buckley ave. 1 miles east of city. Bull Run water In front. Level, good soil and a real buy at price. Owner, 015 Rv. Exchg. bldg. 5 ACRES garden land, house, near $2d ml. JiOVil. vs.. Auto 641-55. REAL F ST ATE. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 3 acres of wonderful black loam soil, nearly an acre of beaver dam and all in cultivation. In Glad stone on improved street, with sidewalks and only 2 blocks to Oregon City carline and 3 blocks to Bchool, church and stores. Good 0-room plastered house with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, city water, gas, woodshed, barn chicken house, mixed family or chard, berries. You can keep a cow and make a good living on this plac. Owner leaving and will satirUsce at $200 $22K cash, balance mortgage, 6 per cent. This 1a right in the city and . could easily be subdivided in tor city Iota or small acreage tract. See this sure. You wiil love the oil, the location and Improve ments. Immediate possession. 10 full acres, all in crop, except vmall grove at 4-room houae. Good family orchard and berries; well water with force pump;- also barn, henhouse, woodshed; o0 chickens; implements. Rich red shot soli. Located 14 miles from Gladstone on high bank of the Clackamas river. This is won derful soil and just right for fruit, nuts, poultry, grapea and berries of all kinds. Price $300O; $15H cash, balance to suit at tt per cent. Adjoining land $500 per acre. 6 acres of sandy clay soil, all under cultivation. a aores in clover; 3 in vetch; acre straw berries; some fruit. Land all built up and Just ready for In tensive farming. Extra good soil for gardening, berries or poultry. Pretty 5-room newly painted hoiuae, fine well with windmill and tank ; water in house ; vbarn; 2 blocks from paved highway and only a miles on highway to center of Portland. Near R. R. depot. Price $4250; terms. Come out and let us show you this place. It will appeal to you. FRET TAG-WEEDS CO., Realtors, Gladstone, Oregon. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregn City 20$ J. 20 ACRES, $800. All level, fine land; not a foot of waste land ; has been logged-off ; some standing timber left that is going1 to be logged off in the next 2 weeks; there is between $200 and $30 worth of tim ber left on the place; if you want to build a house, get the logs sawed at the mill and you will have more than lumber enough to build all of your building's; wateT from 8 ft. to 15 ft. deep ; if you want to Bell the timber they will pay you $2.50 a thousand ft. for it on the land; lots of plaices it is easily cleared; on county road, 4 miles of Molalla, 21-. miles of Cotton, Or.; graveled rood to all the towns and to Oregon City; this, is In a good location; well-settled oommunity ; all small places; 4 mile of good Jrout stream; you have daily mail, cream route and phone by the place; l1, miles to school; $400 down, balance at 0 per cent. E. P. Elliott & Son, 7 Hi and Main sta, Ore gon city. Or. 5 ACRES on pavement; 100 prune trees in good shape; 'ZVz acres lo ganberries In full bearing; i acre Giant Himalaya blackberries, 1 V, a. strawberries, peach, apple and cherries, bearing pear trees. Good 5-room ceiled bungalow, barn. Price $1950. See Earle C. Miller. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 5 ACRES WTTH INCOME BERRIES AND FRUIT. This tract of 5 a. is all in fruit and berries, 4 a. strawberries, 1 a. loganber ries, fine young orchard, 5-room house, woodshed, milk spring house, some small tools, located only - miles from good town about 00 miles from Portland; price only $J:i50; $Hxm cash. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2ol -2-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALL EQUIPPED, WITH AN INCOME. U'.i acres, all in cultivation; on electric line "to Oregon City; 175 fruit and nut trees, all in bearing; 7 kinds of berries, also grapes, rhubarb and horseradish ; fine soil; 4-room house with city water, barn and chicken house, fine cow, num ber of chickens. Majestic range, heater, dishes, cooking utensils and tools SO with place; price for all only $il50t. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR. ;1S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ONE ACRE with new bungalow, near Multnomah, facing improved county road ; all modern conveniences In the street. Ground very finest gardening land. Price only $2400 on easy terms. Tills Is a wonderful little buy and you can't afford to overlook it If you want a, suburban home. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. FINE TRACT FOR CHICKENS. Two acres near Beaverton, all cleared, finest soil, fair shack, well, mile from St. Mary's school and station, mile from public school, good road; price $1100, terms $250 cash, $20 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. OUt Chamber of Commerce HomewtadH. KelinquiwnmentB. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. 40-AC RE improved, relinquishment, close in, for $700. B. W, HELM, 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Irrigated Lands. WANTED Small acreage with buildings for a very finely im proved, irrigated ranch in the earliest country In Washington. The best place for strawberries, asparagus, grapes and early pota toes. Growers received an average of $3.75 a crate for strawberries last year. Go to the famous fruit country of Kennewick. See Earle C. Miller, ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Farm. IF YOU WANT a line Willamette valley farm and have some good Portland or Salem property, here is your chance. WM1 accept a little money . and some clear property as cash payment, ba I. on long time. Fine grain and prune land, good buildings, plenty water, well lo cated tt miles northwest of Salem. 270 acres, 200 cult., bal. timber, but good land. . Priced low. If interested write to George B. .lacob. Liberty- hotel, cor. Front and Madison, or cjjll In person or p h one and inako dat. Fnone Main 4302. R ACRES. $2100. All in cult., on good graveled road. 3 miles of Oregon City; less than mile to car line,; on mail nute, cream route and phone line; fine soil ; 4-room box house, nt'w; barn, good well of water: this is fine berry land; will make a good chicken ranch: price $2100; $10OO down. E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and Main ats.. Oregon City, Or. FINE VALLEY FARM. For sale or exchange for Portland residence property, 02 acres finest of soil and every foot in cultivation, sandy; 7-room house, like new, and good out buildings and barn; 10 miles from Cor vailis on good road and mile from Ore gon Electric. Call Dr. Johnson, Bdwy. 4000. WE HAVE farm lands close to Kelso for any purpose and in any size tract. If you want a farm for stock raising, dairying, grain, fruit or poultry write us, stating what you are interested in. and we will send you free information. Some extra good bargains this month. See them. KELSO REALTY CO.. Kelso. Wash. STOCK FARM, eastern Oregon; over 5000 acres, well equipped ; sheep, cattle, horses, hogs, farm implements and feed for winter; a real bargain; terms, some cash, Income property and mortgage. A fortune for the right party. 1. G. DAVIDSON, Realtor. M9 Chamber of Commerce. TWO SOLDIER BONUS BOYS who want to go on a farm In a district that produces wonderful crops. For such I have a fine proposition, if they have a little cash to pay down. Write, stat ing experience and amount of capital on hand. AP 354. Oregonian. CLOSE IN $30OO 2t ACRES $3000. Some cleared, red shot loam, free from rock or gravel; new 5-room bungalow ; good well; terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. Main 5420. FAKMEK.WFor brass-tack facts about the best all-around progressive irri gated district i U. S. project write to day. Farm Bureau. Las Cruces. N- M. 10 ACRES on wet side, paved highway, good chicken and berry ranch. Price $1000, $:h down, $10 per mo. DRAPER, 408 BOARD' OF TRADE. REAL ESTATE. SMALL DAIRY, CLOSE IN. 16 acres 8 miles from center of Portland, 1 miles north of Beav erton on rocked road, H mile to school; 12 acres under cultivation, it acres pasture; black loam soil; creek with water right; ail can be irrigated; 12 young fruit trees; 5 room house, good barn, modern chicken house. Included with place: 0 high-grade Jersey cows. 3 heifer calves, one horse. 40 chickens, 150 milk bottles, milk cans, wagon, harness and farm implements. Income $170 per month. Price for everything. $ 0500 ; $2000 cash, balance eis-y terms. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. 06 acres south of Portland, 7H miles from good town with high and grade school; graveled road; 40 acres under cultivation, 10 acres timber, 40 acres pasture; creek; bearing orchard, acre berries; school on place; good 4-room house with fireplace; bam, chick en house, hog house, granary, ma chine shed Included with place: team, 4 cows, 5 heifers, 00 chick ens, wagon, plow, harrow, buggy, cream separator, interest in mower, rake and seeder. Price for everything, including feed, $7000. Consider house in Portland up to $3500. 40 acres 00 miles south of Port land, Linn county, Oregon, on rocked road; 32 acres under cul tivation, some timber and pasture; good creek ; bearing orchard ; 4 room house; good barn, chicken house. Included with place; team of iwares, 4 cows. 2 pigs, 00 chick ens, wagon, plow, harrow, culti vator, interest in drill, mower, rake. Price for everything,. $3750; $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger Bldg. 65 ACRES, rich loam, 52 acres cultivated, 3 acres in strawber ries, family orchard and berries. 12 acres pasture with wood for farm use, good buildings, on A-l road, 5 miles to Corvallis and O. A. C. Price $12,800, terms. 320 acres, all tillable, fenced and cross-fenced. large and good buildings, running water, family orchard, good road, shipping point H mile, 10 miles to Eugene. Price $123 per acre; very easy terms. We have large and small places, fruit, garden, grain and dairy farms priced reasonably. Come and see or write us. HUGHS ON & TAYLOR. 132 S. 2d St. Corvallis. Or. FOR SALE OU-acre farm ; situated '2 mi. from Newberg postoffice; all in cultiva tion ; thoroughly tile drained ; plenty drainage, but not hilly; black loam soil; all in crop ; about 40 a. in clover, bal. wheat and oats; small orchard; all new improvements, consisting of 7-room bungalow, plastered throughout, bath, and full cement basement; barn "Ox40x 20, hen house, garage and small hog house; farming implements. Case trac tor, tractor disc and plow, roller, grain drill. 8-ft. McCormlck binder. 2-horse cultivator, Dowden potato digger, mow er and rake, walking plows, harrow, email gas engine, all for $22,500. Will assume mortgage $0000 on federal farm loan at 5 and 6 per cent, balance cash; near school, high school, college and churches, on graveled road and one mile from Portland pavement; about 1 mi. from cannery; good location for a home and soil cannot be beat. Address Rural Route 1. Box 30. Newberg. Or. HERE IS A $10,000 FARM THAT IS GOING TO BK SOLD FOR $G500. Consists of 34 acres, 2S in culti vation, on good road, 30 miles from Portland, mile from store and postoffice, large new bunga low with basement and fireplace, all kinds of built-in features, good water system with modern plumb ing, good barn, large chicken house. If you want a place with, good improvements, better inves tigate. $3000 will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM $05 AN ACRE, ONE-FIFTH CASH. CAN GET LOAN FOR BALANCE. For $05 an acre, cash payment one fifth, aud a new loan for the balance, you can buy a highly improved farm of 189 acres, all In cultivation except 20 ores of creek-bottom pasture; improved with nearly new h-room modern home, bath, light, water, etc.; 2 barns and other buildings, fruit and berries for family uxe. A real farm at a great sacrifice; 8 miles from Eugene and Ore gon University, on a good hard auto road, about 30 minutes drive. This is a real opportunity, don't miss It. W. G. HE. 817 LEWIS BLDG. Broadway 2040. YOU CAN BUY A FARM, In western Canada you can buy low priced farm lands, so rich and fertile that one crop has been known to pay for them In full. Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and living condi tions are the same as those you now enioy. Same language and climate. Send for free booklet telling about the choice lands for grain growing and mixed farming along the lines of the Canadian National Railways. Special low rates and personally conducted ex cursions. Write today. DE WITT FOS TER. Supt.. Industrial and Resources Dept.. Canadian National Railway, Dept. ( J 4 . Marquette Dint;., in icauo, in. FARMS for sale or trade for city prop erty; 871 acres near Albany. Linn coun ty. Or. Hlghlv improved, new farm bun galow, modern conveniences, woven wire fences, running water, no waste land. Price $10,000. 60 acres at Mulino. Cackam&s county. Or. Good buildings, running water; 35 acres cultivated; bal. excellent pasture. "Woven w 1 re f e n ces ; no was t e I and. 2 7 miles to Portland. Price $10.0OO. Both good going farms, from owner, at any terms in reason. Address W. (ilover 246 Floral Ave., Portland, Or. Tabor '01 7. WE CAN sell 40 arre 4 miles of Vancouver, near West Mill Plain school for .lust what is against It In morl gage and delinquent tax. Worth investigating. See us Mon day or phone S32-J, Vancouver, Sunday. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. A BARGAIN. 80 acres. 0 miles east of Estacada; good 7-Tooni bungalow with furnace; good well and creek: barn with cement floor in cow barn, stanchions for seven cows; plenty of hay and horse room; 5 acres in cultivation, balance good pas ture; place all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; a bargain at $5750. eapv terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwv 4751. 410 Henry BMg. CALIFORNIA. Irrigated farm lands in the only IT. S. government irrigation project in the state, located at Orland. Productive soil (no alkali or hardpan). Splendid climate, no killing frosts. The. logical grape and fruit center of California Prices right. Opportunity for all. Free literature upon request. Jos. S. Erlck- pon, B ox S. Orland. t'ai. -3 ACRES, CLOSE IN. "West side, ten miles out, hard road, 6 miles Beaverton. 13 acres under plow, fine bearing orchard : 5-room houe, fireplace, barn; deep, rich soil; no rock or gravel, every inch tillable, some wood. Eastern owner offers for $50o0. J C . COR HI N CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis BMg. NOTICE 100 acres unimproved. 8 acres tn grass, road to place; 20 acres In creek bottom rest Is bench and hill land: will make fine dairy or stock ranch: plenty of outrange; worth $3M)0, cash price only $1400; 2 H miles from Woods and 3 miles from Pacific City. Fine trout stream and plenty of wild game. Owner, J. S. ClarK. M C.Minn vine. FOlt SALE BY OWNER. A bargain if taken at once. Sixty acre farm, -about half in cultivation; nice apple orchard, loganberries, straw berries, raspberries, ten acres in clover; fine soil, comfortable buildings, only 14 mile from Fortland. Good terms. I. E. Schilling. R- R- U SHERWOOD, OR. 57 ACRES, on Lewis river: 30 in culti vation ; good 4-room house, large barn, stanchions for 10 cows; root house, on county road; price for quick sale, $5250. easy terms, or will accept equity in Portland property as first payment. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bids. 21 ACRES, good land, 7 under cultivation; house, barn and shed: spring and well; 3U miles west of Goble. Or. $2OU0; some CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $5i0 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. REAL ESTATE. Fo r Sal e Fa ruin. WEST SIDE HIGH WAi FARMS AT VERY LOW PRICES. 25 acres, 15 miles from Portland. 30 rode fof Newberg highway; IS acres Al bo; torn land, some beaverdam, fine for onions; 7 acres of good pasture with running creek, and some orchard and fruit; good 5-room house, barn and other buildings. This place Is priced low at $t54H, only $20O an acre, land In vicinity of same quality facing on highway held $40 to $500. Let me show you this. 09 acres, with nearly half-mile front age on highway, south of Newberg. all in cultivation and mostly in crop except 1A acres cleared pasture with running water; good 7-room house, good barn, fine shade trees; sightly location, near school and electric station; one of the most desirable places on the highway; $250 an acre, or would divide Into small er tracts. This is good buying. 80 acres, 20 miles from Portland on Newberg highway, half In cultivation, some timber and good pasture: 15 acres in fruit and berries; comfortable house, barn and silo; fine water system; price only $S5O0, will give terms aud accept smaller place in trade. 10o acres, all in cultivation except 15 acres riverbottom pasture, only mile off paved highway on good graveled read, on west Mde; good house, barn and other buildings, in a section of finely improved farms; $100 an acre, good terms and will accept smaller place. W. G IDE, 817 LEWIS RT,IG. $21,00040 ACRES $21,000. READ. One of the most picturesque ranches In the vatley we are offering for sale at Tlgardvllle, 12 miles from Portland. 45 acres under cultivation, almost one acre In virgin timber for fuel stands; 7-room well-built house with bath and splendid water system; overlooks the Tualatin river which flows through part of this ranch; large barn and many other build ings; 10 acres in apples, orchard $1So0 Income alone last year; 1 acre In wal nuts, 10i0 pounds yield last year; 20 acres now In crop. - Stock, cattle and im plements go in and almost everything you will need on a farm. Located on a good gravel road close to highway and R, R. station. Cash $8000, balance $1000 a year. M, E. DeJOICE CO. 307 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1031. IN CLARKE 'COUNTY, W.i.sh. Splendid 40-acre tract of black loam foil. 31 acres in cultivation, just slightly rolling, all fenced, 40 assorted fruit trees, 7 years old. 7-rouin plastered house with concrete foundation, full basement and furnace, barn 3tL50, silo 8x30. good ga rage, house alone could not be built for less than $3000; 1 mile from high school. 1 mile from Battleground, Wash., -about 25 miles from Portland. Total price $0500. $1000 cash, $500 yearly. Another splendid 40-acre tract, near Amboy, on the edge of the Chelatchie prairie; 17 acres In cultivation, 10 acre.s of black loamsoiT; assorted bearing fam ily orchard : 0-room house, large barn ; mile from town, ail kinds of open range. Price $30O0, f.c,n0 cash, balance to suit. Photos, of both of these places ut office of FREI W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Cham, cf Cnn. Bid?. REAL VALUE. We offer a farm of 07 acre?, all tillable, over Za) acres in cultiva tion, ahout 30 acres can bo cleared very easy, balance small timber and brush ; a good portion of the place is bct river-twjttom land. This Is the lowest-priced land in the district; 15 miles from Port land: price $11!, 000. jL'fWM) cash will handle. See Mr. Hurd, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. Bldg., Broadway 0031. 25 ACRES, STOCK V. D AND EQUIPPED, NEAR REEDVILLE, FOR ONLY $0000. Belongs to a widow who Is forced to Bell. 22 acres in cultiva-' tion, good 0-room house, bin n, large poultry house, 2 acres diver- slfied orchard in full bearing. All kinds of berries for home use. Milk and mail route, close to school, in fine neighborhood. About half cash will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. 22 a., 20 In cultivation, 5 a. apples; 10 sl. oeaehea. good condition ; t -room bun galow, barn, chicken hour?e, garage: on main highway, banks ot 1 ualatm river. 1 mile from station; 1 team. 100 chick ens, incubator. 2 wagons. 2 plows, spray purnp, cultivators and all tools necessary. Real bargain. $!MWK, $2001) gives posses sion, balance C years, 0 per cent. See A. 11. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47B1. 410 Henry Bid? STOCK EXCH. IF YOU want a Truck-Garden Farm read this. 40 acres. 13 acres beaverdam in cultivation. Good onion or vegetable land; balance pasture and timber. Small L'-room shack. On county road, V-'-mile from station ; 2i miles from Portland. Bargain. Only $50n0, $2000 cash, bal. easv. See Mr. Ket :.-r. INTERSTATE. INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. B EA V L R S PR I NO S FA It M S. In tracts to suit, 10 to 150 acres. All good soil, no rock, some cleared, some buildings, living streams. Close to good school. 2 miles to good town, R. R. and Columbia River highway. 2 hours' drive to Portland. Come and join our colony of good people already here. Trice $30 to $00 per acre. Your own terms within reason. John A. Melssncr, Sl'l Gasco bldg. 3 ACHES land, about 12 cltivated, or chard, house, barn, well and force pump, creek. 3 to 4 acres fall grain, balance grass, mostly clover; place is well cleared, not full of snags and blind stumps. Price Is $150m, cash; want to change climate, so am giving it away. Also S head of cattle and 1 hull for sale cheap, not Included with place. Jesse DAIRY farmers, investigate ths unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $IG.OO0. Located in famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., Inc. Redmond. Oregon. FOR SALE On Yaquina bay. 38 acres 4 miles below Toledo. 8 miles above New port: fair bidgs.. young bearing orchard, about 8 acres tideland. about 0 acres cultivated. Price $2500. Terms $1500 cash, balance on easy terms at 5 per cent. G. W. Andrews, Toledo, Lincoln Co., Oregon. Box 133. 25 ACRES 25. ;;iooo. About hnlf clear, d. Small house, barn, chicken house, fruit, spring water, fenced, cross-fenced, macadam road. A pick-up at $10ihi cash, remainder terms 0 p r cent. Owner, 24 S Stark. Interstate Land Co. ; FLORIDA 40 Hcres de,.i,-d for slight service in famous Suwanee River L,nd Belt. North Florida. Mixed farming, trucking, dairying, poultry, bees, Snt sutita oranges, fruits, berries. Especially pecan. Samples free. J. B. (.'lark. Indus trial Agent, L. O. P. & G. R. R. Co.. Box NX. Live Oak. Florida. biiA.VrA COUNTY. Cai., hO acres. 0 miles city. Vz farmed, irrigated, old bidgs., large figs, olives, etc.. wood, gold mining, good Ford, team. cow. pigs, hens, tools, etc.; price $2500. 80 a. on river; big game, fishing; price $3 acre; stuck dairy, gar den and fruit ranches; ail prices. Pac ta y. 1103 Pine wtreet. Redding. Cal. FOR SALE Good dairy larm, abundance of pasture and wa'.T for irrication and other purposes, d; try barn, good house ; school, church, highway on place; '.W head of good Jersey cows, etc. Good reasonable terms can he arranged. Own er Hnx 234, Prineviile. Or. 40 ACRES, about 0 In cuitivation, spring water, small house, new barn; 7 miles from Rainier, Or., on rock road. Includ ed six cows, two heifers, good worts team farm machinery. Price $3500. Terms. Peter Mauris, Rainier, Or., Box No 013 40 ACIiEri land, 0 Va nii.es to town, small cabin and barn, 1 acre orchard, naif atye fall grain, a ooui two acres grass h;.y ; creek, outside range ; want to change climate, bo will give tins p'.ace away for $5im) cash. Jesse C. McKee, Castle Rock. Wash., R. 3. HEALTH seekers, investigate sou t hern New Mexico; U. S. 'weather bureau classes our all-year climate: "Dry. mild, sunshine, unsurpassed for heaithfulness and comfort." Write Chamber of Com- ni e rce. Las imcey. .u, TO SETTLE STATE. IN BOOMING TOWN. At Vernonia, Or., 02-acre farm, 40 acres in cultivation, orchard, modern house, aood barn and buildings. Owner, Dunca n" 741 Ollwan st. SA LE or rent. 50 acres. Barr and Rock wood roads, S miies city limits; no gravel ; plenty water; good buildings; '2 acres in orchard; terms. 10Tb East Taylor st. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH, 172 acres. 150 acres No. 1 tide land, dyked, '2 larjre barns, one 3 tlx 1 00, one 30x00; 2 houses: must sell. $275 per acre; terms. r w Critter ClnvPrHalp Cr FOR SALE or trade for Hood River fruit farm, a good double-constructed house with two lots and ail kinds of fruit and berries. Pv owner., 4012 40th st. S. E. & ACRES, level, cleared, fenced. Rood 3-room house, near Wtliamina; $20o diwr. .1. R. Sharp. H3la Third st. 10O-ACRE Vheler county, Or., trade lor I city property, v ooa.awn BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Farm. CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. 80 ACRES $13,000. . 00 acres In' cultivation. 8-room house. barn 00x00. woodshed, granary, chicken houfc, hog house, good well, family orchard, gravel road, within 3 miles of hard sur face highway ; personal property, large team, 14 head of cattle, mowing machine, rake, , disc, plows, harrows, all small tool.-j, hay and jeed potatoes. Located It miles from Vancouver. $5000 cash, balance good terms. 20 ACRES $0500. On hard surface road. 8 miles from Vancouver: 0-room house, barn, chlckenhouse and other out buildings; assorted young orchard, all kinds of berries; 3 cows, 5 heif ers, 2 horses, 1 hog, 35 chickens, 2 plows, harrow, 2 cultivators, all small toots and household goods. Fin sdl and excellent location. $2500 cash, balance to suit. 0-ACRB SUBURBAN TRACT' $4000. 4 miles from Vancouver on good road; 5-room house with basement, driven well, dandy young orchard, woodshed, garage and barn. Must be seen to be appreciated. Takes $1000 to handle. TERCIVAL. & WATTS, 10S W. Oth St. Phone 233. ancouver. Wash. No. 1. BEAUTIFUL DAIRY AND PR UN E FAR.M. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. S3 a., the very best loum soil; 45 a. in high state of cultivation; 30 a. river bottom pasture; 10 a. limber; all f'-need and cross fenced, large trout stream through place; large spring piped to ail buiUiings and lawn; 12 a. bearing I talian prunes, 2 a. assorted or chard, grapes, ft raw berries, sma II fruits of all kimU; large farm house, concrete dairy. largo gran ary and machine shed, large con crete cellar; dairy barn, all mod ern conveniences ; chicken house, park, 5 acres fenci-d with woven wire; hog pasture; automobile arid trailer; 5 dairy cows. manure spreader, spray outfit, plows, har rows, disc drill, wa gon. mower, lake, disc harrow, jpike tooth har row, cultivators, scales, scalding vats, apple and prune boxes, household furniture, complete in every respect. Adjoining best farming district and orchard in Clarke count . Only 2 minutes' drive from Interstate bridge on pavement. Price 25.00o. owner le nving for California, will accept town property for thin beaulitul la rm. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. Realtors. Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver, Wa.sli. B EAUTIFUL 157-AC R E FAR M . An opportunity; very well-kept, near Albany; excellent dairy proposition: loo acres in cultivation; live stream crosses oru; corner of field; R. R. atation less than mile; good roads; good 8-room house; fair barn, granary, chicken houo and other outbuildings; family orchard; 1-year-old walnut trees, berries; soil black loam, owner unabloxtu farm; will sell responsible party on easy terms ut U per cent. HARRY RECKWITH, REALTOR. 10 Eifih St. Rdwy. 0-113. 240 ACRES (iUlNO FARM W I LEA M ETT E V ALL E V . This farm of 24 acres has 2.'t5 acres under cultivation, family orchard and berries, fc-rom house. 2 barns 40x00 and 4ox4o, machine shed, hoghouse, etc.. lo cated onlv ;t -3 miles from good town on S. P. This Is a real Willamette Valley farm, priced right at only $20,000 good -terms; will consider house in Portland up to $5000 as part payment. F. L. EOOV. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2VI-2-:J-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COUNTRY FARM HUM E. 47 acres, 3. ready lor crops; part seeded on shares. Death in family forces Bale. Soil rich loam, no stone. Resident owner kept property in good shape; 8-room house. completely f urn. shed; family orchard; excellent barn and out buildings; ram forces rnfmg water to house and barnyard. On main market road. Can give reasonable terms and accept city property as part payment. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Bdwy. tmS BE INDEPENDENT on this fine tract of Id1 acres with 5 a. under plow; ome small timber; .-rooiu house, barn 10x20, shed 12x20. chicken house 10x2. fruit tree will bear this year; 't acres stra wherries, loganberries, gooseberries, rubarb ; in fact, an idal chicken and berry farm; price oniy 91MH); 12"0 rash. F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-:t-."-7 Board of Tr :ide BldV STOCKKD AND EOriPPED. CLOSK-1N FARM. 19 acres. 4." acres tn cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, creek and springs. 20 miles Portland, R. K. station on land; 4-room house, '2 barns, stocked and equipped ; orchard, berries, grapes; price $ll.."oii; good terms can bo male; would take small farm or suburban tract for part. R. M. (JATEWOOD CO., 10.-, i$ 4th St. SALE OR TRADE. 20 acres in cultivation. 2lo fruit tros, fully utocked and equipped; 11 miles Portland, frond road. $;.00; mortnao JHHiO; take house $4."00, or $2500 ca.-ih, bal. time. It. 51. OATEWOOO St CO.. IO.iH 4th St. WASHINGTON COCNTT FARM. For sale, 00 acres, all cultivated, fine modern bungalow, water and light, larjr! barn ; ono mile out from pood town ; 3 horses. 0 milch cows, all kinds of ma chinery and feed; crop all in. Price ?0,tK)0. At C01 Stock Exchange Tuea., Thurs., Sat, FOR SALE 40 acres in prune section of Clarke Co., Wash.; 20 cultivated, balance pasture; 3 acres family orchard ; all fenced; 6-room house, barn and chicken houses. A splendid buv at ?4.i00. Terms. 1. R. FLETCHER. 211 I. S. Nat Bank Htdtf., Vancouver. Wash. JolN OCR BOLIVIA COLONY. Cct way from inflated land values and high taxes. Secure rich agricultural land ai $ I per acre ; plenty of rainfall. Best climate on earth, but no taxes. For maps and data, call BOLIVIA COLON 1 A TION ASS'N., Q0 Chamber of ( 'ommei ce Hldtf. OLOSK IN SMALL FARM $ 1 7.".0 20 Arret $1 7."0. 4 cleared, loorJ soil, running water. e:no to school, highV;; water and rail transportation; plenty work: terms; will co-operate. Owner. 21 Siark M. CLOSE-IN FARM. 3N' acres, 2o acres in crops, bal. pns ture and timber; 7-" b'.irlntr fruit tre-s, berries, etc.; It-room house, barn and outbuilding's ; J'i miles Ben vert on, 10 miles to Portland: price $7.""d, terms. R. M. (iA'I'KU i )Q D A- CO., 10..' 4th St LOCKING for a farm tint will make you money. We have on" ne.ir Salem, priced b'-low" th' market. Let us give you full details of thi A. H. BIRR ELL-C I LL CO., 210 N. V. Bank BidR. 0 ACRES AT TI ! A R D V I LLE. Few rods from paved highway on hard surfaced road ; hinh and night ly ; Ken tie roll; beautiful view; unimproved; all cul tivated ; an v reason a !' terms. HARRY BECK WITH, RKALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Bdwy. OH IS. 1(M A OR ES. 4 under cu Iti vat ion : small hnupe, f :ne sprinK and creek, ahout 1. Ono.oOO feet of timber, sawmill near, 2.1 milts from PorCand. 3 miles from sta tion, Washinmon county; bargain; J.'loeO. Cover & Or gory, C Grand ave, N. Eaal 24.1 l.'t'i Ai l-KS on Ronue river, partly im proved. LuUdfnKs; $1000 will handle. 20 acres, Clarke county, 14 In cult.. hu..d iiitfs ; mile off Pacific highway ; $2.."0. libera ! terms. B. SIMoVSON, 300 Stock K harire B!dc ONE MILK FROM HILLSRORO. For sale, -) aires, all cultivated, fine huntralow. pood barn, several head of stock and machinery goes with farm. I Tire $12.uoo. At .101 Slock Exchange Tu-s.. Thurs., Sat. WE HAVK an IH-acre fruit -farm, with water and 7 acres bearing berries; close to town and will sell it to an ex-service man on the bonus loan plan. W. K. WHITE CO., Newberg, Or, 40H-ACRE RANCH FOR SA LE. H 1Kb ly 1 m proved, on pa ed hiKhway ; stoik ami implements included. T I M RE R LA N D B V R E A Board of Trace Bldir.. PorCrind, FOR SA LJ3 iS-acre im proved farm !:ear town. $!tO'Ml; terms $20OO rash. Sprint: water, pood buiidin?s, pasture, orchard and wood. W. K. WHITE! K- CO. . Newberg. Or. 00 AOKKS, : bi.ut naif under u 1 1 1 vat ion, Beaverton district, nea r Portland. Will sol! at a bargain. Electric depot ou farm, liuber, Or, P. O. box 40. REAL ESTATE. For iUe F:rmt. NO. 1 yUAKTEK weotion. alfalfa an I stock ranch, o miles from Bend ; fine improvements, owner likes Willamette valley, considers exchange on Portland bungalow or acreage or garage busi ness; stock and machinery go. Price $15,000. No. 2 SO-acre alfalfa and potato ranch, ail in cultivation; fair buildings; joins outrange on highway. bO-aero water right ; 10 miles east of Bend ; consider part trnd" on Portland resi dence, terms on balance; a fine propo sition for ex -service man. Price $7000. No'. . 100-acre homestead on high way; 8 miles from Lend; water can be had for this fine potato and alfalfa land. See me for this one quickly. Price $050. No. 4 SO-acre ranch on highway ; S miles from Bnd on highway; puts up 150 tons alfalfa; puts IW acres in pota toes and grain; good 0-room house and outbuildings, orchard and berries; easy terms. Price $7000. js;0 fj 40 acres. 2 miles from Rnd, stock and machinery good; 6-room house, largo barn, garage, outbuilding, etc.; seeded to allaila; line small d.iir.' proposition or chicken and hogs. Prlgo $1000. e 100 acres, 10 miles from Bend, tinder the Tumalo irrigation project; O'.i acres water right; 12 acres now growlm; alfalfa, balance easily seeued ; a good place for an ex-service man to apply his loan; consider Portland residence. This section of Deschutes county carried away the sweepstakes ot the entno world on potatoes ut DulutU last month, also won over all ot hers at Portland and Spokane. A fortune a wails ou raising pot a toes. Price $4 2"0. ,o, 7 We have several good exchanges In central Oregon for you from 0 to 10,000 acres in a parcel, so pleas. in vestigate our list before making an ex change on your property. No. 8 A great dairy and stock prop osition, consisting of SM acres; school on place, river running through place ; all fenced; 500 acres tillable; liOQ acres under plow ; fine 0-room ho oho wit li water and teU-phone in house ; larg'j dairy barn, holds ;i5 cows; all im provement!! A-l; equipped with nil nec essary machinery; 0 head Percheroa work horses. ar head Jersey milk cows, 17 young cattle, uo head ft no bogs, a. numher of young calves. 150 tons hay, in fact evervthmg to start right out with. 15 nubs to railroad and county neat. Abundant outrange and summer gracing permit in mountain fenced. W ill s-ll on terms or consider trade tu $1000 on Portland resid-nc. Price $22,500. p Truck garden ranch, acres, near Bend. Man s wa'e nick oit4y rea son for selling or trading. Sold $4ioo garden stuff last year; stone house, good improvements; prlco $05oo; good place for two ex-service boys to handle; will trade for small place in valley. (i j, ttppnrtunitb's for ex-service men; central Oregon offers best oppor tunities and cheapest land values toduy of any irrigated H.-etion In the 1 nited Mtnte. Wonderful potato and dairy count rv; hU:het uualily a Malta grown anywhere. This is the last great west. Write us today for particulars. Wo a at your service and m line to place yovi on a good 1 arm that may bo bought with votir bonus. BEN J 1 AM FALLS RKALTY CO., P.. nd Oregon. WIULAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. Samples from our fine selection of farms. We have many otheis ruiiging from lo acres up. FINE VIEWPOINT HOME. 5d acres AS und'-r cultivation; berries and lull hearing orchard ; f -room modern house wit h indi vidual liuht P. ant and ater tern; team and -stock, including ..0 sheep. cMrkens. farm Implements, etc 7 miles troin Salem, pawd road ; pi -icv $l"."": $2oo0 cash, ruaon:ih;.9 terms on h:nauce. W LI accept Portland or Salem property up lo $00U0. T VRCE COUNTRY HOME WITH CITY ADVANTAGES One- of the, finest home in Ma rion count; MO acres fine rt-d soil 2o acre cherries, lo acres prunes, 11 acres loganberries, lots of strawberries, grapes, raspber ries some pasture and timber; now modern 10-room bungalow with hot and cold water; S cows, cluck ens. farm Implements, berry crates and carriers, hay; 7 miles from m-Urn- paved road most of the wa ; now mortgaged f-r Sir-.'HH) running K wan at US. The $ju.imm equity can be handled by trade up to Sir. 000, balance cash or good paper. See Mr. Mackenzie, with FRANK McCRILLIW, REALTOR. Henry Building. Broadway it'.i. 4"H ACRES, ail In hUrh state of cultiva-t'on- good 0-room house. fine iarit" barn tile silo, garage, h acres clover, mt all la ml plowed for spring seed ing 1 cre family orchard 2 acres prune.-. This If an oxo-pt hmul piece ol laud well drained, on mum county rt,n'J It; miles from Portland. W id accent Portland propertv up to :0oo and some cash. Price mko. 40 acre 30 acres in cultivation; fam ily orchard, a-room hou-e. barn. 'ilckn hou-e lot oT KMg.lsh walnut trre. ber ries' 'nice complete line ot . ulpment: two' cows, heit-r. mine ln. uud a lot 4,5' larm machinery; .-h'kness has com piled the owner to sacriUc fr J.ouo; will accept house or lot lor part pu meiit; toino cash, balance easy. S acres, all cultivated, .Vroom bunga low. 2-acre orchard, lot of berries, burn, ctucken hou.-e and wnud.-died; city lor cooking and liuhts; n ur paved highway. Frlc, t'2K cash 1)0. V. M ELLAR. R &4'.2 ACRES, i wheut. 10 aci in loganlK r miles out, ; houe. extra outbuildings; S JIHMt I'.l? h ; i ii c roit. 40 acres in ia:i m tu cat- and vetch. 1 e f jml. v o: hard ; - .: mile paved road: .Vrooiu u,,od new bam. all klnd-4 this is a snap, price $ooi balance. i :ig t' rms at 0 . per cent interest, 1!4 acres, all cultivation : good house, Lam. oil Kood road. ' mm 4 mile o; McMinuvU.o. Or.; :oim cash. It vou want bargains a. pavea roa'i. pri'e $L'oo either the p. aces at m' e ie n--e J. C. GILBERT. r. o. o. f. .Hjdg. li;-M !.PnvU '' r- - " SOME CHOICE' HCYS. 4- acres, Washington Co., L mile Portland 1. o.. on Kood road near hiiih way ;;- acres cultivated, orchard; i-rm. plastered house, bam. concrete t""" tion. buildings ait fust -da thapc , cre-k" tin" H- Priced rlht. 1-:A. fine bottom land. 10 jnlb'S out, P.l A. cultivated, Rood bldKs. $LiU per a"Ti:m acres at lnn-ild. IM A. cultivated (to 00 cords wood. 2S miles port land; wood will pav for this, owner needs money and will Kive unat hari;aln. R. lloAKI'. Titll Stock Lx- haliKe. SO A''RES 1RRIC TEI. This 3 a. -res i loaned in c-imal Of pon near I schutc.v ,.7 u-.-.s under cul tivation, of wluch 4o a. .ut in alia. la. 12 a. ... clover; place well fenc . and K-ood bulldm;;-; ceih-.l h b.iru R-M I. heiWiouse. root c-::a r. full Un ol fa OO tools, such is mower, plojs. etc., u cows. 4 heifers 2 r. t;. .1 r-e v .- . leam bout ln hens; lo a w .. etnop-. and u-oiiiS rami,; alu' ..o tons a.Li.la in Mack; price only $'.-.nn; f I ash. F. L. KLH'V. ReiMto,. RITTER. LOWE V o . 20l-2-;;-."e-7 Jioai 1 of li.iu- Hh.rf. Fit I'll FARM --2o acre-. u:id I I acre- will be In unit this spnuc. s acre- h ar- f.,, ,lKtered house, hot filld co 1 d wa ter, woodsht d, pouittw hoi:? a lso new para s;e ; t m f 11 house with sliauln;:i'i'', hit rl.s nrutos. ch.-rros and and ban;. cal fat ni- Tlu farm with Co- personal pr riy is cheap a! fH,oMl ud ii' vi.u mean huy news and have a K od a--h payment a can do business. V K. WHITE ti CO.. REALTORS. Newberx. Or. , ID A"RKS. iully improve. I. Family orchard, brood. -r hou chick en pens. burn. well, lo.u.-e with ceiii-Mit floor force pump. 7-room modern hou.-.e. cement basement. furnace, ha rdwo.el floors down, t-ho: t 'distance from paed hinhwav. on pood road; few rinN Lorn electric Mtntlon. Less than l'l ni. troni Portland. Owner wants re.-pon-mle paity; re.isona hie t l'ir,s ; some t ra de. HARRV HiX'RVMTH, KF.ALTOR. HH Klfth St. It.iwy. O.'.IS CHANCE OF A LIFETIME CHI-acre wheal i a to h. "o acre., ni hiKh unite of cultivailon. 300 acre hum mer fallow; two st-t-i 01 buihi. .U'h wt.i telephone ; 2 Rood we li.-'. dun p lei li ror of implements. 0 pood work bores. ;; bushels of se"d whe;u 1 vcv t hlliK com plete at :i2."iH p'T acie; mitrht consider lnime In P'-i'Can I up to $."mi'i, and .'ooo c.i.sh, bal. on your own term, r'er fur ther information phone Wdin. "00. ACRE TRACTS. 2. '.I or 4 it' res abouf 0 miles fiori Portland on highway: In eh-. tne irmns dav within :i biorks; level, op.-n land, not flump and cut i'r; e,en be f ii . ) beaimtui chb-ken farms; wiil Hssist v. nil butid.riK where nee-s.-ary. Price rt ah -u-iihle. 1IARRV RECKWITH. RKALToU , HH FKth S I'.dwv. t 1 V PLAIT I Nil proposition. II" J" rev ali it. -der cultivation, mar liRih-vay: macadam road thronnh place; m-ar 1e. trie t t.'Ul. Shooi, Stores; iate hoor-e hod oi",-t.iii.dnr.;-: water w-'Iks. hr.hiirn; plait1; ' 11 acre- f,i:i h.ariiiir p-une-; uu" drier: IeI; fine loeaiion: tir.ee 1 3 per id cash v i 1 1 h ' c linii, H. : ok. t; I ,;ot MI'S I" SACRIFICE a 1 1. 1 if. i mihii mi ac count o tfic.kne.titi. liy ownur, iut C'i31,