T1TE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 15, 1922 0 REAL ESTATE. For hale House. TOUR HOME IS HERB! See FRANK I,. MrOUIRE To Buy Your Home. , 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. . LAHGKbT iloMB SkiLLER IX AMEKICA. THE McOUIRH SYSTEM in the Original. Superior, Modern Method of Home St-iiintf. our office attorney protect your every interest. We put you in immediate touch with th home that -will best meet your requirements. If necessary, we'il help you make your down payment I SERVICE MEN! We have many homes which you can purchase through . your LOAN lMtlVILEOES! Take ad vantage of the rare opportunity afforded you NOW! Jrop in anytime and talk K over with ua. OPFN AM, PAT SUNDAY. Open Evening until 9. 60 Salesmen W ith Autos. OUR NEW NFMBKR IS BDWT. 7171. ALAMEDA VIEW HOME! $ 8 50 0 INFI N 1 T ELY APPEAL! NO Is the view of snow-capped moun tains ancl city from this lovely ALAMEDA HOME; permanent and unobstructed; lot 6Sxl05, ex tends throuKh Alameda Drive to WlMerla. Distinctive type bun galow of 7 rooma, ultra-modein. PRETTIEST IX ROSE CITY. , $4100 HAPPIEST DA V In your life WHEN you move into a little home all your own and into thi! A beautiful pergola bungalow, built ) ifferent from the usual run! Exterior of pray, interior exquisitely clean; built-in book rafi; buffet; built-in kitchen; PIPELESS FURNACE. JFiST LIKE NEW! K. 50th utreet. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THilfil! 1RVTNCTON COLONIAL. 17730 THE NEWER ERA of architec ture! Distinctive 7 -room excep tionally well constructed; finely appointed Dutch colonial, bavins hardwood floors throughout : 2 lavatories; two-ply French doors, etc.; garage. NEW. E 2Gth St. LAURELHURST. $49l0 WO N I ERF L" L V ALU E Is this genuinely homelike, pleasing semi-bungalow in L A U K E L 11 URST, cose to the ever-beautiful PARK: 0 rooms; massive fireplace with bookcases at either end; handsome buiit-ln buffet; complete klichen; OAK FIXtORS; 3 cheery bedrooms and bath up; HAROAIN EXTRAORDINARY. Clackamas street. Call Bdwy. 7171, and we'll take you right out. HAWTHORNE MISSION BUNGALOW! $01:50 A WARM BK EATH FROM SUN NY .SO UT1 1 E R N CALIFORNIA! One of the most artistic homes we can show you; o rooms, wim all the comfort and beamy you'd wish for; decorated in tapestry and old Ivory; hardwood floors; imen closets; 2 lavatories;; built- in labor-saving devices. PiPE LRSS FURNACE; rare shrubbery, lawn, garage with cement drive way ; clone to car. HOME BEAU TIFUL. E. 5Hih atreet. IN WESTMORELAND. $700 CLASSIC H U N O A L O W. built alonR simple, straightforward, beautiful linw: if you , want something- super-fine, see this; mmle of stucco; rooms are all very large and finished In ivory; massive .built-in features; su perior plumbing and lighting fix tures, paved corner. OWNER LEAVINO CITY. Holman street. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN! $4190 EASY TERMS; VACANT; typical 6-room California bungalow, every modern feature; tapestry ; built-in: plpeless furnace; hard wood floor. A REAL SACRI FICE. MUST BE SOLD. Eaat Sherman atreet. HEART OF SUNNYSIDE. COMFORTABLE 5-room substan tial modern bungalow-cottago, Just 2 blocks to Laurelhurst park and car. E. 35th St. Will sell furnished If desired. Terms. ALBERTA SP OCTAL. $861)0 HE RES UOO D S U liSTANT I AL value in a 7-room neat, comfort able, att ractive, modern Alberta home, built-in conveniences; 4 light, airy bedrooms; furnace; best white porcelain plumbing; paved street ; block to car. Rosclawn ave. EASY TERMS. REAL PENINSULA SNAP I $3190 HIX ROOM.S IN this homey Pe ninsula story and a hulf bunga low ; airy cheerful living and dining roome. with built-in buf fet and m-ats; white enamel Dutch kitchen; on paved street and car line; will take a car as part payment. WONDERFUL VALUE and a bargain that defies competition. W. Lombard st. $450 DOWN MONT A VILLA! $2ff25 - J 4"0 down! Neat little 5-room bungalow, newly renovated in ' sitie and out; rooms are airy and conveniently arranged. VACANT! MOVE IN TODAY ! 1 block to car. E. bOth st. $400 DOWN WT0ST SIDE. $1930 $400 down. 'WEST SIDE BUN GALOW of 4 rooms, cozy and warm ; built-in conveniences; one airy bedroom; white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas. YuU WILL LIKE THIS LITTLE HoME. Front atreet, H block to car. MT. SCOTT. $1590 SUCH A NICE LITTLE. HOMEY LITTLE 4-room lattice cottage bungalow, clean and neat; on Box BK, with lots of berries; beau tiful shrubbery, etc.. bSth st. START RIGHT HERE. SEE FRANK L. McGTJIKE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. AJbington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. . (Formerly Main 1008.) Third St. bet. Washington and Stark. LET US PUT YOU on our mailing list for the McGUIRE BYSTEM, a I'ive Digest, dealing with current Real Estate News. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. NEW ARTISTIC HOME. This lovely, new 6-room bun galow is something you will tie proud to own. The rooms are largo and well-lighted. Frem-h doors Into dining, also into music room ; hard wood polished floors, old Ivory, tapestry paper, tiled bath floor, pedestal lavatory, large finished a tt ic. Really a most charming home. J M'0. , D. W. ALTON, AUTO. 3-"J-19. TRVINGTON. One of Irvington's finest STUC CO homes; large rooms, solid ma hogany and old Ivory throughout; two white tiled fireplaces and two tiled baths ; th ree extra la vu lories, two glass-incloned sleeping porches, connection with dressing room and lavatory. In the heart of Irving ton; $l2,fi00; will consider small Los Angeles house In trade. East 419. $7'5UO $7. UK) $7500 $75UO- $7500. A lameda park. On E. 28th street North, between Bryce and Mason, tac. west ( Alameda Park) is this beautiful 7-room story and a half bungalow; nothing lacking in the way of modern conveniences. See it to day. Arrange for appointment. Excep tional terms ; good, reliable service man entitled tu the bonus can handle on very eny terms. J. A. WICK M A N CO., REALTORS. Quality Homes. 2-2 Stark St. B rt wy. 6704. LA I RE LI I URST VIEW. Corner 37th and Wasco, one of the classiest bungalows Jn Laurel h urst ; cor ner lot, tUkto square feet. Has every conceivable modern feature. Materials and workmanship are of the best. Drive out and see this and make us an offer. Open afternoons and ail day Sunday. We are the owners, builders and archi tects. Call W.lln. 130 or Bdwy. 5104. WA ALK-SH ATTLTK CONSTRUCTION CO. MODERN rt-rm. house at 707 Wasco st. is for sale at an extremely reasonable price. Good furnace, large basement, ga rage, targe klt he... with gas stove and water heater, linoleum on floor and In bathroom. Hardwood floors do. nstalrs; on paved street. Price Is absolutely right and reasonable terms may be arranged. 1 will be on premises today. Sunday be tween - and 4 P. M. or call m at my home before or after. Broadway 3402. ROSE CITY BEAUT i. 5-room bungalow. everything you eou Id ask in a real home. Blrdseye maple floors, furnace. French grey wood work In living and dining rooms, white inamel balance, large living room, 21x14. nly 500. See this one sure Broad vay 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO., 033 Railway Exchange Bldg. LAURELHURST lot wanted first payment K&ioo Irvington home, East 3700. REAL ESTATE. For hale House. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. AN EXCEPTIONAL WEXST SIDE BUNGALOW; this neat, strictly modern bun galow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch and large attic, has hardwood floors, fireplace, every - built-in convenience, cozy breakfast nook, full concrete basement, auto matic Gasco furnace ; for quick sale will Include new electric range, electric au tomatic water heater, new linoleum; Hi health com pels an immediate sale, and for a substantial cash payment this attractive view home will be sacri ficed for $6000 IRVINGTON H-ROOM BUN GALOW, RIGHT IN th heart of this desirable dis trict, large sunny living room acrosfl entire front of house; oak floors, fireplace, every built-in feature; 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs, large dining room, Dutch kitchen, full .con crete basement. Boy n ton furnace, water heater, etc.. lare summer porch off kitchen. This desirable home must be sold at once, owner now in San Fran cisco 6000 ROSE CITY CORNER. 6 room bungalow, all on one floor. Ideally arranged with large living room In cen ter, oak floor, every built in feature, fireplace, cozy dining room, complete Dutch kitchen with break fast nook and den or bed room on left of central liv ing room ; 2 bedroom and1 bath on right; white en amel kitchen. bedrooms and bath; tapestry paper in living and dining rooms, full concrete basement, combining a garage, fruit room, trunk room, etc.. fur nace, .VixlOO grounds, beau tiful lawn, trees and shrubs, only 2 blocks from Sandy.. 6300 CHEERFUL LITTLE BUN GALOW. $."00 AND YOUR SOLDIERS' LOAN. 50x100 corner, Just midway be tween Rose City and Laur elhurst; strictly modern 5 room central living room with fireplace, bookcaaes. etc., 2 bedrooms and bath on south eide of dining room with built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen on north ; hardwood floors, furnace, laundry trays, full concrete basement and beautiful lawn, garage con nected -to house and haa hot water radiator con nected with the coils In the furnace; 3 blocks from E. Gllsan st, and car 4000 NEAT HAWTHORNE BUN GALOW, 8 large well-ar-' ranged rooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, every built-in feature, Dutch kitchen In white enamel. 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 bedrooms bath and sleep ing porch up ; full cement basemenu. furnace and laundry trays; will con sider used car up to JoO on first payment 4050 XiAUR ELTI V RST BUNG A -LOW, new, neat and mod ern. 5 rooms and attic fin ished; hardwood floors throughout first floor, every built-in feature, fire place, white enamel and old Ivory throughout, with tapestry wall paper; full concrete basement with furnace, large living room across entire front of house, cozy breakfast nook: on East 43d t., just north of Gliaan 6500 ALAMEDA PARK, one of the attractive homes in this desirable district; 6 rooms and g 1 a s s e d-1 n sleeping porch, hardwood f Ioor, fireplace, every built-in feature, old ivory and white enamel Interiors, full concrete basement, ga rage with concrete drive ways 6500 RICHARD W. M APT. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRTTE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. 417 GLENN AVENUE, HAWTHORNE DIST. NOW AVAILABLE. Modern 6-room bungalow; good sur roundings; well constructed; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; bullt-ins with bev eled French plate-glass leaded doors; best electric fixtures; hardwood floors; hot-air furnace; fireplace; good plumbing; lawn and shrubbery ; garage ; hard-surface street; living and dining rooms papered with tapestry paper; . wood range with gas-plate attachment; im provements ah paid; near 3 carllnes and school ; A-l condition. Shown by ap pointment; terms If desired. CALL AT 206 PANAMA BUILDING. BROADWAY 7458. FOR SALE OR LEASE for a year, with option to buy, furnished or unfurnished, account leaving city, 10-rooin home on ML Tabor; large attractive home, beautifully laid out large lot. 7.x 100, with shrubs and flower beds; house etrlctly modern, with beau tiful living and sleeping rooms and porches; garage; references, re quired. For appointment and in formation call Tabor 70S1. HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. A real home, consisting of a modem house, 6 large rooms with bath, finish in new Ivory, hullt-in buffet, bookcases and china closet, fireplace and full ce ment basement and cement walks; good garage and chicken house, plenty of fruit and berries, with fine grove of fir trees; good lawn with shrub and rose busnes, a full block of ground, or about 8 50x100 lots; also have 4 lots 50x100 ad joining above property that can be bought If desired; half cash, good terms on Ulance. 550S 50th ave. 8. E. Phone 610-92. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS $3920. Beautiful modern home. like new, only t'0t) cash, balance to. suit you. The neighborhood is very stood, lovely homes on ai: sides, paved 'list rict : house has beautiful hardwood floors, new plpeless furnace, laundry trays, artistic electric fixture, full cement basement. You will never find In all Portland o much value for ?3:5U. House vacant, front door un locked. 915 Tlbbets st., Woodstock or Richmond car. Owner, Marshall 740", mornings, evenings. AVOID all trouble In closing your real estate deala by using our Escrow De partment. TITLE & TRUST CO., Title A Trust Bldg. EAST 20TH AND PINE ST. Just completed a 5-room bungalow with large attic; it has every conven ience that one could ask for. Better motor out and look it over. N E W L A U It ELHURST B U NG ALOW. lust finished, move right in; it Is modern In every way possible to make happy. Come out and look It over and save the real estate commission. Owner and builder on the ground. GEORGE E. WELLER Cham, of Com Bldg. Broadway 5231. $4300 $4300 $4300 $4300 $4300. CLEVELAND AND FREMONT. 100x100. all improvements in and paid; 5-room home, Jarge attic, rough plumbed, which can be made Into a 5-room flat; exceptionally good renting district; house and 1 lot Is well worth the money. Walk ing distance to Jefferson high. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. Quality Homes. 22 Stark St. Broadway 6794. BY OWNER Very attractive 5-room bun galow. Ivory finish, hardwood floor throughout, fireplace, built-in features, fine basement, furnace, garage: complete In every detail: good neighborhood, close in. Sell wood 3017. JG5O0; terms. IRVINGTON B U N G A LOW, $0750 TERMS. New, modern bungalow, finished In ivory and mahogany, fireplace, furnace, tiled bathroom floor, vltrollte drain -board, electric fixtures and shades; lot 50x100; all Improvements In; large ga rage; a kr work double constructed. Owner, East-tiS33. SEE- THIS. New 5-room bungalow, fireplace, 50x 100 lot, fS-'o; terms. Tabor 9322. NEW. modern bungalow at Peninsula, bonus accepted. 1454 Alameda drive. Cor. 54th. i-ROOM house, Irvington Park addition. 11250; very easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. MODFfRN 6-room house, 50x100 corner lot. Owner, East 353, REAL ESTATE. ror Hale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $4O00 $500 down, a modern 6-room bun galow with furnace, splendid lo cation, pavement and sewer In and paid for. level lot, 50x100; there is no question about the value of this, it is Just a question of whether it suits you or not, $4250 We have under construction a modern bungalow, on which you may apply the banus loan with out any additional money down, balance $25 per month ; this is close to the car and very desir able. 14885 Do you want a beautiful little bungalow with a large living room, large plate glass wonuows, hardwood floors, fireplace, break fast nook, furnace, in fact, every thing complete? This Is located on one or nose city s Deai streets, nil street improvements In and paid. Now if you want a bar gain on easy terms, investigate this at once. ROSE CITY PARK. 5000 $500 cash, $50 per month. In cluding Interest, 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, beau tiful living room entire width of house. French doors, nrepiaee, bookcases, larsre date class win dows. breakfast nook, two bed rooms, bath, attic, faces east on paved sLreet, one block from sandy nouievara. X630O Here Is one of the most beautiful. one of the best-built homes In Rose City Park, built 5 years ago for a home, and it looks like It was built yesterday ; finished throughout in old ivory, book cases, buffets, wrap closets are all bevel plate mirrors, there is not a modern feature lacking in this house, so it Is not necessary to name each feature; it is within one block from Sandy boulevard. and we will surely be glad to show it to you. Open Sundays. HTLLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Bdwy. 6S3. Branch Office 5oth and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. MAKE your dream come true, be hide pendent, own an acre. Where you have room for the kiddles to play, a place to meet your friends, a gathering place for the family, a garden spot, a lawn, a place au your own. Here a the lana just outside city where taxes are low, facing on macadamized road. Bull Run water. $S8o, small payment down, 3 yrs. to pay the bal. See us today. Ta bor 734. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONK OF THE NICEST brand-ne,w strictly modern 4-room bungalows In the city, on a 50x100 lot in North Jonesmore, for sale by own er for $3275. This Is a bargain at this price and will not last long. Ready to move into. Call Tabor 201. IRVINGTON. Just finished, 5 rooms, most attractive Inside and out ; conveniently arranged for small family; space for more rooms upstairs; built of best materials, by day labor, for owner's home. Plate glass windows, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, shades. 439 East 27th North, near Tillamook. Broadway 6651. 8-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. Hot Water Heat. Full Lot. S61 Mississippi Ave.. Near Shaver. I'rice $4750. $1500 Cash. Easy Terms on Balance. Immediate Possession. SALOMON & CO., REALTORS. 307 Railway Kxrhango Bldg. IRVINGTON SNAP. Modern 12-room house, 2 fireplaces, large vapor heating plant. Millard room, hardwood floors, two baths, attic fin ished, large ground, shrubbery, double garage; owner leaving city and will sac rifice, terms. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY BCNGALOW. $4500 TERMS $4500. Five-room modern, hardwood floors, full cement basement, fireplace, fin ished In white enamel, buflt-ins. attic floored and wired for two rooms. 50x 100 lot. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 67N5. EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. $2200 5-room house on hard surface street, 50x100 lot, 0 fruit trees and berries, near East Ankeny car bams; $500 cash and $25 per month, including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank blder. Main S7S7. $10.000 BUSINESS block, good income. $t;sxt residence, close In, some trade. $3500 Four rooms, seven lots. $2100 Six rooms, sleeping porch. $220tt Five rooms, small barn. $70XM 40 acres, improved, trade. INQUIRE MONDAY. WDLN. 6461. BT OWNER 1-year-old 4-room buiifealo-.v, i.iiy rarK uis-trict ; iarp:e l. ;r g room. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, 'ull basement, ivory woodwork throughout, gas furnace, gas range, water heater: 2 b ocks from Rose City car; $3400, terms. Tabor 2794. HAVE cut to $477)0. modern home of 6 rooms, with furniture, piano included; hardwood floors, builtjns. cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, splendid loca tion: business compels me to leave city Tabor 64!t3. LARGE 6-room house, with s. p., edge of Irvington; can be made Into good in come property at small expense, 50xlo0 lot. paved St., garage, furnace, fruit ex cellent construction; $4200. $1000 cash. Eji st 2914. $(5750. Irvington bungalow, 5 large rooms on first floor. . hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath, modern kitchen In fact, this home is up-to-date; wli; consider sol di ersbonusaif1$lOO0cash. East 419. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. , 5 rooms, sleeping porch, one floor, cor. lot, 50x100; furnished mahogany, waP nut, brass beds, nice rugs and draperies; all imp. paid, all goes for $3&o0; some terms. Automat ic 210-3 $4T0O J500 CAH; $25 MO. Modern, well-built, 7-r.. story one-half bungalow, SOxloO lot, fruit trees, full cement basement, near good school. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 5497. SUNNYSIDE, extra bargain. $3300; one third down ; extra well-built modern 5 room house. East Taylor, near 33d; ready to move in; on the market only for few days. Call owner. Tabor 219 or Auto matic 213-51. VACANT WEST HIDE. 7 LARGE ROOMS. 21ST ST. A BARGAIN. 21st st.. elope in; furnace, fireplace good home, aty terms. See it. 1 hone Broadway '011 i,r St 11. 27W1 e.'n'n-s FOR SALE BY OWNER. KENTON. 7 rooms, sleeping porvh, extra kitchen and dining room, furnace, gas and elec tricity; near car, 1 block to school; 50x Bto lot; stove, water heater, linoleum; $1000 cash, balance terms. East 6747. GOOD 7-room house, 10019 Foster road, $16H0: down, $10 per mo ; paved st. ; garden spot; 2 b ocks to M. S. car on 100th st. C. O. Beymer, 215 W. 7th St., Eugene. Or. REDUCED to $5250; modern home of 6 rooms, near Laurelhurst Park; lot 93x95; splendid location: am leaving city; Tabor G4!3. This is positively a snap; liberal terms. $5500 TERMS. IRVINGTON BUNGA LOW. FULL CEMENT BASE M EXT. OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT, GAS FURNACE. 521 E. 6TH N., NEAR B RAZEE. NEW MODERN 5-room bungalow in Al berta, iust completed. Well built, dou ble constructed, all built-in effects; $4000. down payment $700. A, E. Camp- belU Selling bldg. HOUSE plans. 100 deaigns. 10 to 15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO., 924 N W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON 7-room home, excellent loca tion, well arranged; priced at bargain; must be sold s-on. Owner leaving city' Phone East 5753 evenings. 5-ROOM bungalow, block from car. h. w. floors, fireplace, full bsmt., Idy. trays, floored attic, near schools and stores: $4300. HOOP cash. East 2914. BY OWNER, strictly modern, nearly new 7-rm.r I. h. bung., garage. Can be bought cheaper than one can build; easy terms. 9S4 E. Ankeny. Tabor 14O0 LOOK 2 houses right on Williams ave., north of Broadway, needing repairs; large valuable lot; all for $3500, $2000 cash. East 6228. READ 7-room bungalow, furnished. $3600, also 5-room bungalow, completely fur- rnyena. f-' ui wna. r-ast pi'L'm. tinn. with caraee and fuel shed. C rai 5-ROOM modern house. Dutch kitchen furnace, built-ins, $3000; $1800 cashf 6 E. R3d N.. afternoons only. FOR SALE 8-room nouse. no agents reasonable; 50x100 lot. 1275 E. Taylor t., near tn. 9-ROOM house. Ladd addition; fine home, tttr.oo mbv terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 8-ROOM home In Irvington at once; this is a real home; priced for quick sale, terms Phone owner after 6. East 5753 WE WILL build you home on your lot or -jure 5Q5 Artisans bldg. i-KOOM house, 3 lots, orcnard and garden. $3f0. Call Aut. 310-17, REAL ESTATE. For hale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. New, 5-room bungalow, large living room. 2 large bedrooms, dining room, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, full cement basement, large attic, all Improvements In and paid. This is a beautiful place and you should see it. Price $0450, $10OO cash, balance easy. IRVINGTON. . 7-room bungalow, on best Btreet In Irvington, old ivory finish, fine light fixtures, extraordinary paper, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, garage, all improvements in and paid. If you want a real home see this one. Price $850O, cash $2500, balance easy. LAURELHURST. Here's a bargain for you. New, 5 room bungalow, all large,, light rooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large closets, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement, all improve ments in and paid. Price $5800, cash $2000, balance easy. ALAMEDA PARK. You can't beat this one. New, 5-room bungalow, double constructed, plate glass front windows, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, garage, all improvements in and paid. Price $49o0, cash $1000, easy terms. GOOD MORNING ADDITION. 6 rooms and bath, 2 rooms upstairs, electric lights. This is a new place and cannot be equaled for the price. Price $2350, cash $500, $30 a month on bal ance. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title & Trust Co. Bldg., Entrance 80 Fourth St., Telephone, Broadway 5586. $10,500 NORTHRUP ST., near N. 21st., modern 11-room house. Can easily be converted Into two flats. Two complete sets of plumbing. Large lot. $10,500 Btrictly modern 9-room house, garage, corner lot. 715 Love Joy at., cor. 22d. An exception ally fine home at a very rea sonable price. $6500 Modern 6-room house, garage, full lot. 371 N. 81st at., near Thurman (Willamette Hgts). An unexcelled view of the mountains, river and canyon. The above properties reasonably priced, can be bought on convenient terms, and will bear closest Investigation. SALOMON A CO., REALTORS. 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2650. Tou seldom find -as pood a buy. It will take $1500 to handle; 7 rooms, story and one-hlf bunga low. Alberta district ; fine condi tion. OTTO & HARKPON, 413 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6389. STOP! SEE THIS TODAYI PRETTY. WELL-BUILT BUNGALOW. NEARLY COMPLETED. WILL TINT WALLS TO SUIT. 1222 E. 2TH ST. N. Five rooms, breakfast nook with table and seat, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, bookcases, cooler, ironing board, screened poreh, light fixtures, window shades, good plumbing. 50x100 lot. Alley. BUY FROM OWNER AND BT1LDER. YOU PAY NO COMMISSION. $35O0 TERMS EAST ttW. $6750 LAURELHURST $6750. Well-built 5-room bungalow Just be ing finished, large Bttlc with eight win dows, hardwood floors in all rooms, mir ror door, fine plumbing, tile fireplace, tile bath and drain board, garage with 8-foot runway; 1189 E. Couch, near park. Tabor 927, owner and builder. IRVINGTON. See 530 E. 17th st. N. . n ear Knott, if you want a bargain in one of the finest homes In the dis trict. East 419. " CALL UP BROADWAY 7478. Say: "Send your man to list my place." Do it now! FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $3750. This new 5-room bungalow Is located near good carllne; has oak floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement ; easy terms. R. L. McOREW, 1099 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An Ideal S-room modern home, larsre grounds, shrubbery of all kinds, view, owner will sacrifice for quick sale, terms. Call and see photo. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Attractive 6-room Spanish tvpe bun galow on corner lot, 1 block from Sandv, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement bas-ement. Dutch kitchen, mas sive buIlt-lnF, large garage; all street im provements in and paid; some terms; Ub era! discount for cash. 420 E. 45th st. N. $(i.-,(Hi THINK of it. a 7-room modern house, nicely furnished, west side, walk ing distance and the price for all Is only $05O0 ; very easy terms; now rented for $75 per month. LINTON & WELCH. 41S Railway Exchange. ALA M EDA BARGAIN. FROM OWNER 5 rooms, recept. hall. hardwooJ floors, fireplace, built-ins, exceptional plumbing, furnace, garage, everything complete; owner going east, must have $2700 cash. 99 SKID MO RE. $1320 SMALL payment down, completely furnished 4-room house, oak and leather furniture. Vulcan gas range, rues, gas, electricity, water; lot OoxlOO, hrTuse in good condition inside; buy from owner; fihow Sunday or any day. 160S Halsey st,, Montavilla car to 00th and Glisan. SELLWOOD CAR. 3-room bungalow, $1200; sewer In, bath, toilet. 50x100 lot ; $700, bal. $25 mo., incl. int., or will trade for larger house. Broadwav 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. $750 $100 DOWN, $15 monthly, 2-roorn phack on good corner. lOoxlOO, splendid soil, good district, some fruit; here is the basis of a nice home; a little work will increase the value. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. GROVELAND PARK. $4300 For quick sale, modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. full cement basement, bearing fruit trees. Improvements paid. Owner .leaving city, obliged to sell. Inquire 415 E. S3d. Phone Tabor 1425. WE HAVE a 5-room bungalow on 41st st.. In the heart of Hawthorne district. All of the modern convenience. If you want a real home call Tabor b92 and we will give you the particulars. R. L. McGREW. 10-9 Hawthorne Ave. SPECIAL, FROM OWNER, LEAVING CITY. FURNISHED 6-ROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, ON MONTGOMERY DRIVE. $3250; $600 CASH. BDWY. 3600 OR MAR. 3045. ONE of the most attractive homes In Overlook. Located on triangle lot. 190 on three sldts. 7 rooms. Only by in spection can the beauty of this place be appreciated. $H1A0. casn $3000. A. E. Campbell. Selling bldg. CHAKM1NG ROriE CITY BUNGALOW. Large corner, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, white enamel interior, French doors, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; garage. $1200 cash will handle. Strong & Co.. Realtors. to6 Ch. of Com. NEATLY furnished 11-room modern house, arranged for 5 families ; corner lot, 50xloo. Price $8000. Sell or trade equity of $5000 on good home up to JilO.Oon; will assume. Owner, E. Jackson, 1224 E. .Main. KENTON BARGAIN. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BARN; GARAGE. 12x28; 2 FUf-L LOTS. COR NER; ALL FOR $3o'Hl ; TERMS. OWNER. WOODLAWN 4272. 5-ROOM, houe. all in splendid condition Inside, fine lot, oOxlOO, garden spot, some fruit; near the end of Irvington car line; $-400, easy terms. Tabor 1&1L W. H. Saw it. ii KENTON district, new 3-room house, fin ished t Inside with building paper, full lot. 6 young fruit trees. $1150. easy terms. 240 Willis blvd., near Delaware ave. $23u0. $500 CASH. $30 PER MO. 5-room bungalow, 2 blocks from car line. Parkhurst addition. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Modern Dur.galow in Laurel hurst; 6 rooms, all 'on one floor; double Karage. Tabor 2941. IF YOU own a lot, let me finance and build you a home. For appointment, phone Wdln. 3634. KUSE CITY PARK 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, 2 blocks from street car, 450 E. 51st N. Tabor 32. FOR SALE 1-room house, furnished, with lot 100x100. $1850. $r,t0 down, balance like rent. Call 4115 70th st. S. E. 5-ROOM house, 837 Nelson st.. $25 mo. ivey nt- 4. "uoi. .uei4s-nrnur v.o., 2W Oak. Bdwy. S355. " FOR SALE -Attractive 4-room shingled bungalow on river bank t Rot he ata alion. Call, Oak Grove, 141M, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. Hre are a few of our bargains 00 EASY TERMS, all located near Haw thorne car line. Call us for an appoint ment and we will show you what you are looking for. $4100 $250 CASH. 5- ROOM bungalow, nearly now, with oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, full lot. 2150 $500 CASH. 6- ROOM comfortable cottage, an excel lent opportunity for someone who is willing to d-o minor re pairs; 50x100 lot. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. $3750 $500 CASH. 6-ROOM brand-new bungalow, located near La.urelhurst ; has oak firs., buffet, Lutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basemen;. H u rry. $4O0O $800 CASH. 5-ROOM bungalow in Rose City Park with oak firs., fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. ; is BRAND NEW and finished in ivorv and tapestry paper. OPEN TODAY. R. L. McGREW. 109 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 892. LAURELHURST BTTNOALOW. COME OUT SUNDAY. This lovely, new bungalow Is situated at 103 Royal court in the cream of Laurelhurst; 6 large rooms down, including large living room with French doors Into din ing room, also into library or music room; 2 large bedrooms, ex tremely fine Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. All the clever built-lns and two Jarge bedrooms up ; hardwood pol ixhed floors down, hemlock polished floors up. Complete and modern to minute. $9500. Come out Sundc-fV between 10 and 4 o'clock and look this over. It will interest you. D. W. ALTON, AUTO. 329-19, LAURELHURST. NEW! NEW! NEW! WONDERFUL MOST WONDERFUL. JUST COMPLETED. Circumstances forbid occupying my colonial bungalow, the classiest and most distinctive design In Laurelhurst; con tains finest materiala, beautiful, spacious rooms, 3 large plate-glass windows, built in bath tub, tile bath floor, tile drain boards. Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper PHONE OWNER, AUTO. 310-73. PREMISES 10S4 MULTNOMAH ST., Near 85th St.. Two Block South of Sandy Boulevard. IF TOU overlook this bungalow, quit talk ing high prices. We believe this to be the best offering in Rose City Park. .Five rooms, absolutely modern and up-to-date in every respect ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all improve ments in and paid. New garage, cement runway, just like other offerings at J1.1W. The owner must raise money ana authorizes us to offer for quick sale at $.600. Reasonable cash payment, bal ance like rent. N EI LAN & PARK HILL, 210 Lumbermen's Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. $7400. a real home, 8 rooms, fine lig'ht basement, wash trays, fine furr.nce, large den or sleepii.g room with clothes closet on first floor, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, attic floored, A-l location, immediate possession, easy terms. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN ft CO., 210 Chnmb er of Comm erce B I d 9C. $2630 $2650 $2i50 $2150 $2050. 1521 E. FLANDERS STREET. See it today; 1 block from carllne, be tween 57fa and OSth streets, 6 rooms, plastered, white enamel bath, cement basement, laundry trays, $500 down $35 per month. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS, Quality Homes. 262 Stark St. Broadway 6794. LAURELHURST Beautiful new cor ner bungalow, 1115 East Flanders, at cost; built right, owner trans f ered. R. T. STREET, Irvingftm Agent. ROSE CITY HOME. 8-room, 1H -story bungalow, 100x100 lot. This Is a real home, sewing room, music room, glassed in sleeping porch, hot water heat. H. W. floors, faces east. If you want an H-room house don't overlook this one. $7oimi. Bdwy. 571. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. HOME OWNERS. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. A lot tiHx 106 on 72d st.. for only $10 rash and $5 per month, which Includes the interest at o per cent. ONLY 20 LOTS ON THESE TERMS. No more when these are closed out, this is all there is in the tract. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. HAWTHORNE. $42i0- 1EKMS. C LOS E TO C A P. FI V E - R OO M ? t UN -OA LOW, ATTIC. FURNACE, FIRE PLACE, PAVED ST.; OWNER CALLED OUT OF TOWN; SACRIFICE. AlViN JOHNSON. REALTOR, BI. OF TRADE BLDG.. PHONE BROADWAY 37; Si N DAi", EAST 2901. YOUR BttST OFFER, PLEASE. 761 Clackamas. 654 Schuyler. Vacant: below $6000. R. T. STREET, Irvington Buys. SOUTH MT. TABOR. ONE YEAR OLD, SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. Modern, 5 rooms, ivory finish, hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement and trays; lot 50x100. or will sell extra lot If de-ired; will accept soldier's bonus. Owner. Eat 6933. 6-ROOM house. 2 lots on corner, at Arleta. 80x100, semi-modem. 3 blocks to car, 1 block to school. $3000. 5-room house, lot 41x100, Monroe St., on 2 car lines, street improvements m and paid,. $1730, any reasonable terms accepted. Call owner. Wd In 6467. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same: 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L R. Bailey, contract Ing architect. 924 N W Pink hldg. $0500 B U N G A LOW $6500. New, modern 7-R. and garage, paved St., fine view. $JS00 Laurelhurst bungalow, itiouo Irvington 6-R. home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO , ?f4 Ry. Exch. BItlg. Bdwy. 5497. FOR SALE By owner, now home in close, in highly restricted district ; 7 rooms, full cement basement, shower bath, two toilets, tile bath and drain board. Muel- ler furnace, lawn and shrubbery in. Terms reasonable. Phone owner. East 2760. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 55x100 corner lot. 5-room bungalow, floored attic, full basement, furnace, everything Al shape, only $3000, $1500 cash. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. jIUO WOODLAWN $VUO CASH. LOT 75xtiH SIX-ROOM HOUSE. FULL PLUMBING, FINE LAWN AND FR U IT, CLOS E TO C A R- A L VI N JOHNSON. REALTOR. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG., BDWY. 37. HOME, K. 2001. HANDSOME new bungalow in R. C. P. Full length living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, furnace, fireplace, French doors, tapes try and old ivory finish, tile bath w.ith recess tub; 50x100 lot with garage. East 20 1 4 $650 cash; paving, sidewalks, curbs and sewer in and paid, on E. 18th near Falling: near school and Irvington car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldj?. Main 377. SUNNYSIDE snap, owner leaving city at once, $4350; $1200 down; real modern 6 room house on Belmont east of 39th; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace. See this at once. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week. Tabor 219 FOR VALE 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, 50x100 lot, basement, concrete founda tion, fruit and berries, hen bouse; sell contract or cheap for cash. 810 South Edison st.. St. Johns car. $2750. $300 CASH. $35 PER MO. 5-room bungalow just like new inside. Furnace. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 475L 410 Henry Bldg. $3450 6-room house, modern, nice lawn, paved st. paid. St. Johns car passes house; fine district; 20 minutes from city center. Owner leaving city. Term 1249 Greely Ft. A BEAUTIFUL home looated In the heart of Irvington ; 6 rooms, all modern con veniences. $rtf50. Will accept down pay ment of $15KJ from responsible party. A E. Campbell. Selling bldg. ST. JOHNS l-rm., Btrictly modern house, garage, chicken house. 114 So. Hartman. inquire next door. M. H. Catterlln, Gas- ton. or., owner. NEW MUDKRN 4-room house, lights and shades Installed. Mt. Tabor district; $2900; terms. Phone Tabor 681; no agents. 7-ROOM house, one block from car: Haw thorne district; modern, corner; ga rage ; price $4250. SMITH- w AUU.r-K vo.. n im rv ca.. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow with large basement, all conveniences: must be old; price $3200. easy terms. Apply 1330 Burrage 'street. REAL ESTATE. For Sikle IloUAen. $2500 TIG ARDV1LLE, near HOARD, 5 acres, an attractive 5-room plastered bungalow, almost new, small chicken house, barn, wood shed, family orchard, berries, good concrete-covered well with pump; Included in purchase price ; 2 milch cows. 2 pigs and - 25 chickens, some furniture. Cash $.-Oo, $25 per month. SPLEN DID VALUE. $3400 ALOHA STATION $3400. Income 5 -aero ranch, 6-room house. Dutch kitchen, large new barn, hog house, chicken house, city water and gas in front of door; excellent black loam soil, 1 acre in orchard and berries. Located on good gravel road close to highway and school. Six minutes' walk to S. P. station. Cash onlv $400, bal ance $30 per month. SEE THIS ONE. $4000 BE AVERTON DTSTRICT $4000. Fine choice acres, 6-room California mission bungalow, bath with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered, semi-Dutch kitchen, city water and gas, wired for elec. ; located on good stone road, close to highway and good schools. Only 20 minutes' drive to Port land. Cash, $10O0, balance $30 per month. 10-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. $ 4500 R K E D VILLE STATIC N $ 4 500. 6-room. well-built house, barn, chicken house, electric lights; good water sys tem, orchard, berries and walnut trees, located on a fine macadam road; cah, $1000, balance easy terms. The above are only a few of our su burban houses. We have a well-chosen list some excellent values. Office open Sundays, 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 307 Henry Bldg.. Broadway 1631. $1575 4-R. COTTAGJC. A nice little home? 3 biks. from car and school ; $575 cn sh. t $1900 5-r. cottage on Alhlna ave., fruit trees and lawn. A bargain, $500 cash. $4000 Modern 7-r. bungalow type home on Michigan ave. This is a real buy; $loiK cash, or soldier's loan. $6300 Rose City Park bungalow, strictly modern. 5 rooms and garage: 15o cash. $7350 Laurelhurst. 6-r. bungalow. 3 bed rooms. This is one of the nicest homes In the district; $3730 cash, K. A- S. REALTY CO.. 425 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4079. Open Stindnv. 10 to 1. WORKING MEN ! ONLY $2t50 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. Exceptionally well-built 6-room home, good paint and interior, large airy rooms, good basement, 50x100 lot, chicken house, close In on paved street, sewer. 4 block car, new roof ; you won't believe until you see the value. MARSH & Mr.CABR CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Blrlg. Bdwy. 6.128. Evenings, Tabor 4;i6. EXCLUSIVE HOME. S-room house and garage. 4 bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, paved streets, fine neighborhood, most elegant view, near street car. lot and half. Westover drive, near head Kearny st., corner; very reasonable price. FRED W. NEWELL. 4i Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON DUTCIH COLONIAL. See this! 531 K. 26th North. OPEN 2 TO 5 TO DA Y. Reduced to $7500. Terms. 7 rooms, 4 and reception hail down, 3 up, oak throughout, furnace, fireplace. ti bath, 2 set best plumbing, lota of built-lns, 2 blocks to Broadway car. J. R. HAIGIIT. Sunday. Wood'awn 6260. 32S-327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2043. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. Beautiful Spanish bungalow at North gate, 33d and Sandy. Large rooms, plate glass, tiled bath, 2 bedrooms on first floor. One large bedroom on second floor, hot water heat; 100x100 corner, double-garage. Open for inspection from 1 until 5 P. M. EAST 419 IN 11 E ART OF IRVINGTON. Five-room bungalow, all large rooms, newly refinlshed. beamed and paneled dining room, wh ite enameled kitchen, with plenty of bullt-ins. Large front and rear porches. Full basement, fur nace, laundry trays; IK street level lots, wit h roses. A well-planned, attractive home In best neighborhood. Come and s e It today. 575 E. 13th N. Phone Enst R"42. E. 47TH. NEAR DAVIS. Fine bungalow In exclusive district, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, brand new ; f in mn terial and workmnnsh Ip throughout: .".on:; $."HM) will handle. Easy payment;. 51 E. 47th N. Open 2 to 5 todav. Mr. Church, with J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2043. LAURELHURST. $5900 CUT FROM $6200. BnrgH in for quick snle ; good terms. Beautiful 5-nn. bungalow, every mod em convenience ; hardwood floors. Ivory nd tapestry finish, breakfast nook, sep arate living and dining rooms; furnace; garage. Fine location. HARRY BECK WITH. HM 5th St. Realtor. Broadway 631. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have some real desirable modern trinmilows ready for lmmedfnte oc cupancy ; verv reasonable ; terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date ideas. We can help vou finance. W. M. UMRDENSTOCK & CO, 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. TOSS. R C. P. DISTRICT. CALIFORNIA BUNG A UW, FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. IVORY ENAMEL TAPESTRY PAPER. LLNOLEUM IN KITCHEN AND BATH. SHADES. ELECTRIC FIXTURES PRICE $2650; CASH $ 0 3 0. 512 CER1.1NGER HLDG. S 7A i u FIRST PAYMENT. On a modern 5-room bungalow near the Hawthorne car. J his p.ace is vacant, has fireplace, h. w. floor, built-ins. ce ment basement, all city Improvements in and paid. This is a nice place. Price $4750, terms. Sunday. Mar. :.!'il3. MARIELS WILLIAMS. R20 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6779 SACRi KICK. THIS WEEK ONLY. FIVE ROOMS DOWN AND SPACE FOR THREE ROOMS UPSTAIRS. BHix 0O LOT; NO ASSESSMENTS; P R I ' E $3750; $1200 DOWN, $33 PER MONTH. 1215 GREELEY ST. CALL BDWY. 7338 OR MAR. 55!i!l. FURNISHED 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. $430 cash and balance like rent; enough wood for wint'T, 40x100; fruit, shrub bery, etc. ; price for quick sale only $1400 and will accept light' car. J tHNSON-DoDSoN Co.. 633 N. W. Bank bide. Main 377. WE FINANCE YOUR HOME. We furnish the lot and build accord ing to your plans. If you have a small amount of cash. RYAN REALTY BUILDING CO.. REALTORS, 415-6 Abington Bldg. VACANT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six rooms one floor, cement basenn-nt. fireplace, h. w. floors, built-lns. nil kinds, break fast nook, garage, all city improve ments paid; 1 b.ock to car; price $45M. terniA If you want a bargain, call the owner. Tabor SI -9 or Bdwy. 6770. Apartment bungalow, with dlsnppenr Ing bed. bookcases; writing desk, -hina closet, fireplace, gas. water, garage, fruit; 80xloo corner. W. M. UMBDENSTOOK A CO. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. ,11 i? T-..k A i (innii 5-room, new modern bungalow, all built-in effects, nice fireplace corner lot. In Woodiawn district. The best buy in the city. RICH ANBACH & CO.. "07-S Cnucii B'dg. Broadway 4143 l'l.'iJT c t 1 1 P 0 rooms, extra good house, on College between Park st. and Bro-adway. Price SOOtio, half cash. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TWO excellent lota In new and finest sec tion of Irvington; must sell at once; $1250 each, cash; will sell separately. J R HAIGHT, Realtor. Bdwy. 2045 :i 5 -327 Hon rd of Trade. Sun.. Wdln. 6260. YiU'lt REAL ESTATE BoND Your bond should be filed before you transact any real estae business. BONDS OF EVERY KIND WRITTEN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 1J R 33H AND SANDY. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Brand-new 6-room bungalow and ga rage; a bargain at $39t0, and only $750 cash: open 1 to 4 today. 10o5 Wasco tit. 5-ROOM bungalow, close In. Hawthorne d is t rict : improvements in and paid. A real buy for $3300; terms. Call Mrs. Simpson. 62'.'-12. OWN ER going away, strictly modern 5 room bungalow, built for home, cheap. 9S2 Hancock. East 1950. NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, by own er, lesa than cost. 503 Maple st., 2 ' blocks south 14th and Hawthorne ave. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $2000. TERMS. SMITH-WAOONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5-ROOM corner bungalow, $360O. 434 E. 37tb. Owner, box A 55, Oregonian. REAL K ST ATE. For Siile HoufM, HAIOHT'S ZONING SYSTEM. Salesmen are specialists in their xones, TELL US WHAT YOU WANT. We will find It for you. THESE PLACES OPEN 2 TO 5 TODAY. WEST SIDE CORNER. $4750. Six-room home In good district, walk ing distance; excellent condition; new paper and shades; double garage; new paint outside. 620 6th, Mr. Wiles. LADD'S ADDITION 5 ROOMS. For $1000 you can gain possession of this new bungalow in select dtrlct. walking distance. Fireplace, oak floors, floored attic, alley. Easy payments. Mr. Louden, 675 Ladd ave. Excellent bungalow in fine district; modern throughout, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, brand new ; fine workman ship and material $."u)0, $500 will han dle. See It today, Mr. Church, 51 E. 47th N. 7 ROOMS. IRVINGTON. $7500. Seven rooms. 4 and reception ball on 1st floor, 3 on 2d. Oak throughout, fur nace, fireplace, ti'.s bat h. 2 F"ts best plumbing, lots of built-ins. 2 blocks to Broadway car. Good terms. J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdw 2045. ABOVE PLACES OPEN 2 TO 6 TODAY. IRVTNGTON. One up-to-date California bungalow, 6 large rooms and break fast nook, fire place, furnace, hardwood floor and pa pered throughout, file bath and dm In board, rnr.ly plumbing. plate-glns win dow front door and sidelight ht vel p'.ate light, fixtures and window shad--; this is it verv attractive home nntl in the bst part of Irvington. 4 E 24th ft. S., near Thompson, open for Inspection Sunday. 1-5. wecitdnvs fl-S.' Herman Nel son, owner and builder. Wdln, 4841. NEW HAWTHORNE ?M On. Cement basement, tra v. fur nace, r a bluet kitchen. breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, huffrt. floored att if. hd w. floors, gara re. REAL VALUE 1 block car. LET IS SHOW YOU THIS AND OTHERS. MARSTT MPAT?rc CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Hldg. Bdwy. 632S. Evenings. T.ibor 436. IRVINGTON. fisrtfloe $11,000. cut from S1R.500. Conditions compel Immediate srile of this unusual 8-room home, constructed of everl-awt (ng concrete Dnkotn. block: every modern convenience; itnuwua.l lv large drawing and dining room and k i ten en : F re n ch g rev f : n i "h t h rou g h -out, hdw. floors, four large bedrooms UP with fireplace nnd two hath rooms; servnnts niinrtrr; dnuMe pa ra ge ; cor ner propertv; v rv artistic uround. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Fifth St. Rector. Bdwv. 631.. rose city home $S00ft 7-room bungalow on E. 39 th St., between Thompson and Tillamook. 3 blocks to Rose ci;y car line; beau tiful homes nil around; strictly modern, alt the built-ins nnd fireplace, old Ivory f inlnh. French doors, hardwood floor, nii-p lawn an v.i IT" : IWissp.'h ion e;t n be i ;i d In one w-eK. $imtO cash, balance $10 pf-r month. 6 ot r-tit Interest. Ji iHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Brink b!de. Main 37S7 $54110 $5400 $5 40(1- $.". IIMV $.".400. HAWTHORNE HOME On E. 41st st.. 50x100 lot. 7-ronm modern home ; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace. 4 cheerful bedrooms. hou?e In excellent condition: natural, se lect finish; ?10oo will handle, balance at 6 per cent interest. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. Quality Homes. 26? Stnrk St Bdwy. 6704. WEST SIDE CORNER $4750. 6-room house, in excellent condition, good district, walking distance, new pa per nnd shades: double garage. All ne-wlv painted. Good terms. Oin 2 to 5 today. 620 6th. Mr. Wiles, with J. R. HATCTTT. Sundav Main 2."34. 325-327 Board -if Trade. Bdwy. 2Q15. ROSE MTY PARK SACRIFICE! $470O. Modern 6-room bungalow, every mod ern convenience ; music- room, full glass Him room; interior very nrtlntie nnd ptact leal ; cement basement ; furnace. Choice location. HARRY BECKWTTTT. 104 5th Sr. Realtor. Briwidwnv 6?.19. WEST SIDE FLATS 16 flnts. S 5-rooms e.:ich nnd R 4-rooms: 2 modern buildings, on a close-In corner 100xl0v: present Income in a little less than $300 per month : a reasonnble rental value will bring $400 per month. Price $2000. half rash. JOHN SIN'CEH. 420 Chamber of Commerce BMg. 55UO. I I I N Of ON D TstT V 125 O CASH, .'(-room bungalow with plastered at tic, bookcases, buffet, fireplace. com plete k It c h.-n. br'a kfast nook, hardwood floors, tiled bath and sink; lnrge clos ets, cement basement, ftOxloO-ft, lot. AU liens paid. .JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. LAKCE colonial. P30 HnmhVt ave., Alameda Park; nothing In Port land 50 good at the money. Va cant. See It today. CLOSK-TN CORNER. Fine S-room residence, 11 e w lm rdwond floors t h rough out. new lino'en in. new light fixtures, newly decorated find painted inside and outside, strictly mod ern : ?05OO. en sv terms. N W. corn- r E. Ith nnd Biirnlde. Owner Eut 3300. or Urea d w iiv 71 ,i PIEDM'NT di'trict modern home at a sacrifice; price $4750. $750 cash, bal ance to suit you. S rooms and ha'h, fur nace, flr-piace, built-lns. full basfincnt. garage, lot 75x100, close to school and car. RICIT WIIAOII & CO.. 207-9 rv.urh B'dg Rroadwnv 11-13, 5-R if M Of 'TTACE, loOvliHi pfillXKU, Tou can make hie phare of your living here. Fruit nnd berries, r'ch soil, poul try house. iea t 5 -room cotta g- ; good location, close Mt. Tabor carllne I'rl-e $5oo, on easv terms. S-e A. K Hill. 4'.,1 T.mnbern-en hMtr. j7m.o ( - T'vf iYyi v ;to- i'm mi-:- tt;oo VACANT. MODERN. AT RI'IMT IM:I"F. 5 rooms, bunga'ow tvt"! furnace, tire pi a ce. laundry t ra ys 50x I11O lot . n 1! a semmenti paid: In f ;r?" -''a condition; terms. Snr.d,v. Mar 5ic.:t. MAKIET.S K- WILLI WIS, S-20 Cbr.-'i. of Con 1 T CU'. Bdwv. r,770 $:moi 4-ROOM BCNCrALOW. $400 ra.Oi, balance monthlv. near new hlch 5-bool b'iiur fn.!w. block to car; full plnmt. i.:. banient. .UiiN oV-D" -DSON Ci .. f.v? N. W !'! ' '1 !e, 'n'Ti 377. PIEDMI VT JV..IU This new 7-ronm Stucco bunenlow. nil bnrdwond floor, built-in. g:irage Price les. t h 1 n cost, reasonable terms. See tlliH todav. W. M UMRDENFTOC.K CO. 210 Oregon bMg 1'". "j40)MdV EST 1 II V I NGTO" J I "00 6 rooms, corner lot. nil as Moments pa Id ; house Is vacn nt and In good con dition. A renl birgaln. on r.-i"- t.-rms. Phone Sundav. Marha:: r.H3. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. S"0 Cham, of Con B'dg. Bdwv. 6 LADD'S ADDITION T5 I. ADD AVE. Dm nd hew bungalow. i 'rt d rt. walking distance, oak floors, f'replace. f'nored attic. ii!y; open 2 to 5 tmluy. Mr. I.owd. n. wl:h J. It. HAIOHT. BEAT. TOR. 325-327 V.'n-'1 of Trade Bdwv. 201. ITTm :M7Miiiodern bungalow, attic, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, in fact ev erything needed In a home: pvison for selling, leaving cttv. Tf desired will s.'il furnished or part'v furnished. fa II f-r Inspection. 110!t East Market, near 37th st. 2 blocks from Hiwthorpe car. EX-S 1 : R VIC e"m en. You can use your loan to build you a home, ns we -will furTiNh 'he lot. RYAN REATrv k- BCTLDINO CO.. REALTORS. 415-6 Abington Bldg. IF YOU want to buy a house or lot. see me; I have two houses for sale on terms; lso desirable lots for your home; easy terms, close to Di vision n nd Fran k I In high school. Dad's. Real Kstate . "'co, Veto Division st. BRICK $:Uf0 CASH $M'0. Will take small car ns pa rt of firt payment ; 7-ronm modern bungalow, full lot elope to AH'rta car- and school. . RICH ANBACH Sr CO.. 207-ft Couch. B'dg. Broad wn v 4113. EY OWNFR Modern five-nim huniratow, sleeping porch, lot SO 120. poultrv house, garage. 1T laying hens, nice 'awn. fruit, flowers. f-hriil. gurd'-n. S3JOO. terms Will sell fifnHhed. Ph"rj" Auto 11 n;. $7500, HOVSF, and lot. garage, furnace, fireplace, kitchen range; 3 bedrooms op. fir-t floor, just orr 'ir:riy Mvd. 11 1 42d ; J CY . 12ofi ' W. Bank ''V'tr! PARK-ST. CORNFR 7-room houno. corner of Park nnd College street p. pHre -nno, half camIi. JOHN SINCF.R 420 Chnmber of Commerce Bldg O-Rfw M bungalow. 1 'Jmi 1 st st., including furniture ami .'HX1'i 101 ; run Dasement; bfrga'n. AP 3 no Oregnn'nn. 4-ROOM, new bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. Lot 1ooyp2; ?4fwv. Take sol dier's loan. 601 McKay bldg. KF.AI. KSTATE, LA TJR ELHURST. $S500 Tine new 2-story horn near park, modern to the minute, large garage, many distinc tive features ;a wonderful lo cation and a real home; very ea--y term. Call today for ap pointment. $C'00 Fine new bungalow near car. excellent construction, abs -lutely modern, with tile bath and hower, bwt of fixture, garage, etc. See this today. Terms. KCSrc CITT BCNCALOWS. $6200 Flv rooms, on comer lot, buffet, bookcase, Dutch kitch en, fireplace, garage, etc. A wonderful buy; $12uO cash. $5200 Five-room new bungalow with all modern conveniences; Just being completed. $4500 This Is Just the priced home you have been looking for. Five rooms, on full lot. old Ivory flnifh. hardwood floors, all modern conveniences. Call for appointment today. HAWTHORNE. $G500 Six rooms, only H bioclc from Hawthorne car. on full lot with gara ge, fu!l basement, furnace, large attic, etc. ; $1500 cash. $5000 Furnl.s bed 5-room bungalow. up to the minute In modern features, best of furniture; a very good buy; taring. FRANKLIN HIOH BONUS. $4700 buys either of thes two fine modern, well constructed bun palows; very eaay terms, with bonus. ALBERTA. $500 down handles this 5-room mod ern bungalow, in bent part of Alberta, near rar and school: many built-lns, furnace, sleeping porch, etc. At trac homa at the right price of $3n0. $500 CH.-h puts you In this fine mod modern A 1 htrta bungalow, with hardwood floors, f Ire P Inert. Hbepmg porch and 1 mt oh kitchen. Jut off car op paved lreet. Full price $3700. MONTAVILLA. $,"tl00 A lovely new four-room bun galow with two deeping rooms and hreUfast nook, hardwood floors and fire place, finished in Old Ivory ; evert yh! tig In fin condition and brand new. Call for ap pointment today. Experienced salesmen with autns at j uu mit vice. O' FAR RELL-FORDNET, 334-40 Chamber of Com, BMg. Broadway 4172. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 7-R"UM COLONIAL HOirfCJC. On 23d st., I '! block south of Haw thorne ave. open ftr first showing; to day ; modern In every way, wit h such, features as hardwood floors thmughnuf, built In wardrobes In all closetn, tl tot t h room f l-ior, with wal 1 tub nd show -er; very modern kitchen with tile drain boards and bark: breakfast room; tile stairway, entrance from kitchen an. I hall; expensive pa per ; living ronni 14x25; three, largo plate glass window, with unusually nice shades. Price $050o terms. Cull owner. Tabor 27It. Woubt take choice building lot or good auto mobile up to $I."iOO A LA M K DA. $!!n0. One of tho most complete and mod ern R-room bungalows In the city; ev ery conceivable op veniepre ; large draw ing nnd win room with fireplace; bnu tlt'ul dining room and buffet with, plate glass mirrors; Dutch kitchen with break fast nook ; built-in refrigerator; flvsj bedroom. 2 down and 3 up, with Rn -dlant fireplace in each ; ivory finis 1 throughout ; hdw. floors, plnte-gla.t wlndow, full cement basement, gara go, block to car. II A RRY HKOKWITH, 104 Fifth St Realtor. Bdwy. 31H OWNKR. 5-room bungalow-, on 71st st. S V. , near Ha w1 home car near Kellogg school, not fur from Franklin high. Full base ment and floored attic; S'JSno. Terms. WM. J. JACOBS Co.. Wdln. 230. N I : AT. N I FT Y . N K W . Hardwod floors throughout In this) 5-room bungalow; fin-place, buffet, book -cases, breakfast nook, plaster hood over range, built-in bathtub, pedestal lava tory, com posit ion drain hoards, larg attic, concrete basement and porch, beau tiful light fltur-B, furnuc. and tho price Is only $.'2".rt, and 1 will aco'-pt ji lot an part pavment. Open today from 2 till 4. No. 3H4 K. oath at. N, between Broadway nnd Hancock. Monday call Broad way 5s N. ROSK CITY PARK. New, modern 4-room feature houe; white with green roof, rock fireplace, hardwood floors, disappearing bed, lint ater heat, bedroom I In U tied In old 1 vorv nnd kitchen and commodious break fas-1 nook in white; owner will pa per or tint wall" to nilt purchaser. 070 Fast 47f li si. N'ort h. near Siskiyou M. Open all day Sunduy and Monday; $ s-c it. IN UKAItT OK IRVINCTON. $0004 AN INCOMK BARCAIN $0001. 10 -room duplex f lat ; K rooms each, side; flue bam-ment, furnace, fireplace, ail in fine eotid it ion : rents for $ I20 per month; lot .Vtjdnu: all assessments paid; this is a RKAL BARGAIN, on terms; make your home pay you $00 eueii month. Let us tthow you. Mar. 5H03, Sunday. MARIF.LS WILLT A MS, R20 Cham, of Cum. Bldg. Bdwy 77!. N K V 5- ROOM 1 1 r NO A I . o w . Kxtr.i well built, attic, fireplace, tmok-ra-cs. buffet, oak f;nii-t, breakfast nook, complete kitchen, glanx bwrdware. Old ivory finish. wner at pi op.rty from 1 until 4- $t.".oo. terms. Take Kenton car to Stafford nt. half bloc k east. Ji HI SON- ( I iSON C .. r,;;:t N V Bank Bblg Main 37T. K -sTTlTv ICT:-M UN. 1 hav an Ideal P -room modern hoiite at 305 Je-up . that I can s 11 u very reasonably wlCi good t-rns and your extra rooms can be rented, which will more than meet vour monthly payment. I am the owner, if ln!-rotf d write m.i for appointment. Charles J Rose, lluber. or. I R V I N OT I ' A R K . $4500 5 rooms nnd large floored nttle, on paved tret and car line, 50xloo rue. nT l"t . m rict , v mod. th, fireplace, f 11 1 1 c"tii"!'t I ixiii'iit. j!:iraK'-; will accept lot part pa if Milled, terms. j 'tit N'Sl iN-D' 'DSON t . f.? V . I la uk Hldg. nin 377. BI N-: l,oS .-iu CH iICK o.NKS. $55to AND IIV Irvington. A la in la. La u re hurst Alo b.autltu: COLONIALS and larger homes. Killing to tter home is our bui nes and coir habit Naturally, we can show vou what jmi want. R T. STR KI'T, Cod Homes Realtor. ii:vin;tonnk w 501 F. IKth Ht. N.. near Braxee. Beautiful 7 -room bouse, garage two firt p. area, oak floors. French doors, per fect kitclo n. select plu in 1 itng ; cement porch. In fact no!h!ng mi'i.-iug. opeti Sundav. Owner, tl. 1 e Koplng. Fhnno K niM4 - NKW 4-i:oil bungalow. S:i25ct; lust finished. Th. I on 71th st.. near Hal se. Concrete b iseiii- nt. break last nook . built-in buffet. k.ij fiirnac,.. Dufeli kitchen. Thi 1.- :i rc.il snap; $500 down. c-av terms on ha 1 1 in e V. M r.MMUK N STOCK" & CO. 21Q Oregon bid',- Bdwv. iti:. 5TT:Tn im 1 1 1 ' N ; A l ,ov. Modem fin place, f la.-- n fumneA, fUi 1 cement baeuier.t. toll 1 loor-'d altlc. cor ner lot. pawd m reels, l block from Haw thorne car; cuoi-r leaving city; house 4l-!i all da v S inda ; come and see a, I arruln. 2..0 Ka.-t 43d M., corner Mad- lf Ml OWNKR LF.AVLNfi CITY. Will !,ll furrl!-Med or unfurnished 5 room buim.ilew near (Ynim-uU 1'ark, furnace fireplace. yatae. c-ement base, metit. nil in good repair: unfurnished, $3.o $"nOd ca-'i, ;30 monthly. ,loH VS0N-D0DS0N 0., 033 N W. Hank B'duv Main 377. WF.ST S1DK. 0 rooms, extra good building, on Col lcg I". 1 u ec u Ba rk st . nnd Broadway. I'rice $0000, half cash. J mx SINCKR. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RosrfVrFY i'ar k $:im. Must sarrif m e my 5-room bungalow ; all modern hu:!t-ln garage, easy terms. W. M I'MBDKNSTOCK A CO. 210 Oregon b!d2 Bdwy. 1053. FoU SAI.K BY o WN Kit A t tl active im-w 4-room apartment hunualow. price $3tiou. open for inspect (on t nun 'J to 5 P. M. Vm;n t nna"a Telephone Main 'J43. $;i.",00 BUYS S- room luni-, BMx 100 m , ,1ust east of La u re lb urst . fruit, berries and chicken h"ise. Terms. s MITH-WACt N FR Ct ., STOCK- FN. N !; " 5-room bungalow, ivory finish, hard wood floors, full cement basement, wit a furnace and g 1 rage. Owner. Call Ptd Waseo. corner d. OWNKR must sell. 0-rm. house; paved St.. full basement, Casco furnace; makn of fer cash or terms. 4-7 72d at. Auto. 620-31.