The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 08, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 45

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Roirlna Gill. Mlldrd Gabler, Louise Hat
field, EUzabetb Hicks, Gertrude Harris,
Mary Harris, Frances Hare, Margaret
Hyatt, Helen Hawlclns, Elolee Hupglna.
Dfirls ITolman, Lucy Hoover, Bemice Hunt,
Katberlne Henderson, Delight Ingold, Mll-flr.-tl
Johnson, Marjorle Kettenhoffon, Dnld
Klrkwood, Alice Kraenick, Luclle Kraenick,
Van La Roche, Margaret Lucius, Doris
Lytle, Helen Llanzo. Lilian ftlltchell. Hazel
Morrow, Virginia MdMullen, Fern Mowrey
Frances Milne. Marlon Norman, Francf-a
Nflndel. Marv Kohlnson. Velma Freeland,
Ruth Senufnich, Mildred' Seufert, Harriet
Sargent. Katharine Sargent, Prgy Stans
bnry, Philipa Sherman. Lenora Speldel,
IMeta Speldel, Frances Thatcher, Clancy
Thatcher, Evelyn Thatcher, Ruth Taylor,
Week, George Akers, . Taylor Roblson. Al
Therkle, Mae Lewis, Bill Honeyman, Jerry
Murvy, Harry Hammings, Kenneth Pare
llus. Bill Mahoney, .Glen Francis. Evans
Van Buren, Ed Stout, Merrill Jackson. Earl
Garrison, Sydney Hobtnson, Bob Neighbor,
Chuck Walpole, Ronald Frazer, Dexter Re
man. Ed Miller, Winston Sutton, William
Wlthee, Ed Ford. Bob Officer,
The next IrvIns;ton club formal
dancing party will be Friday, January
13. The clubhouse will be attractively
decorated for the occasion. Mrs. El
mer Maxon is chairman of the hostess
committee and assisting- her are Men
dames C. L. Powell, L. E. Cable, E. R.
Marjorle Taylor, Irene Taylor, France . Allmen, L. G. Haack, William F. Amos.
Taylor, Helen Holmes, Grayce Tobras,
Josephine Ulrlch, Virginia Umbdenstock, I Mr, an(j Mrs. E. J. Steele returned
Evelyn Versteeg. Helen V?teg, Gladys u f isH t Sa, k
a:r.u25.y:,15"l0t.t?'Jili City and Denver, where they .were
Ardls Weloh. Maxin Wrxlknp, Marianne
Dunham, Marjorle Stafford. Dorothy Lyon,
May H uneasy, Sylvia Welnsteln, Mtgnon'
Hawks, Flora Snider, Maud Neighbor. Van
Ixunetmry, Barbara Hlxaon, Ramona Daw.
inn, Grace Siarr, Mildred Dolan, Martha
Shell, France Wardner, Charlotte Jo ire a,
Evelyn Kerr, Cladrle ColUnson, Vlrlan
Spooner. Etole Sfeoo-. Irma Hunt. In Caw
ley, Sophia Sbeik, Cleo Haack, Loulnt
Arnold, Margaret Res bury, Carolyn Bow
man, FYanoee Prudhomme, NeiUe Pllklng
ton, Martiw White, Florence Pangea. Helen
LUk, Imostie Lewis, Floretta Iowltt,
Irma Price. Esther Benon, Gladys Stans
bery. Helen Miller, Olive Green. Elinor
Simpson. Hannah lewln, Helen Catron, Mu
riel Withers, Lenore Blaeslng, Joyce Aid
rich, AMce Aid rich, done Kennedy, Jane
Carter, Ruth Young, Bertha Rosen berg,
Irene Hoone, Lucille Maxon, Charlotte Mel
boeuf, Beulah Blackwell,' Betty Lively,
Frances Dlok, Dorothy Dant, Hazelmary
Price, Harriet A dame, Helen Ktrschner,
Rose Agnes Ready, Peggy Spencer, Dor
othy Finch, Frances Cornell, Marlon Far
cell. Pearl 6 tap lea Dorothy Dunne, Luclle
Unvbdenetock, Frances Morgan, Jay Lack,
Verna Peters, Eleanor Matthews, Helen
Idartln, Katberlne Jones, Alice Rob-bins,
Annabel Douglas, Omnia Howard, Bernlce
Xaldlw, Janet Woods, Elsie Bristol, Elea-
-,sior Wlrtrlna. Katberlne Kubll, Ed Geary.
Kdgar Pengra, Frank De Spain, Frans
Drinker, Warner Fuller, Chuck Barker,
Pete WUUams. Bud Anderson, Ted Ftef
fens, Lee J on re. Boh Geenty. Duke Rum
mill, Dyke White, Bob B omens, Jerome
Buckley, Walter Stmpion, Pete Sweeney,
Con Roth, Ruseell Drinker, Palmer McDon
ald. Jack C Bryan. Dlok Rummell, Aifred
Wltherbee, Rudolph Palltzsch, Al Dugan,
Kenneth Rlngirr, Truman Btdwell, Ed Bur
nees, Delors Miller. Harry Myers, Harry
, Cofold, Warren Clark, Bruce Wei In, Charle
Ptok. George Mullholland, Ben Reed, Dot
.Beaile, Sydney Welnsteln, Harry McGUl.
Dick Martin, Jamea Rowden, Kenneth Ket
tenhoffen, Warren Clrlch. William Wlg
glna, Alien Mann, Paul McGregor. Ed Peck,
Norman Burk, Henry Herrdt, Allen Ed
wards, Gerald Winters, Joe Frazer, Jack
Day, Miller Bruhn, Tom Nordby, Hal
Garner. Carroll Bullen. Bob Mautz, HaLph
Zimmerman, Robert Dodwn, Gerald Plue,
Gib Brubaker. Ray Rankin, JaCk Riven
burgh, Charles Carr. Dlfk McLardy, Ed
ward Brttts. D:ck English, Ray Bolger,
Chuck McOabe, Ralph Htaley, Alden Ben
nett. Sterling McCord, Frank Lacey, Homer
Hidwell, Fred Woods, Herman Conn. Dirk
Wynne, Gus Hixson, Front Simpson. Gib
Mahoney, Jimmy Eng-lehnrt. Earl Olnen.
Pasfl Burke, Harold Bennon, Don Brakey,
Frank Brlggs. I i 111 Palmore. Mllford John
son, Iee fcunory, Malcolm Rlngler. Siacy
flendrix. Fred West. Vern Caeepeare, Har-
v r l Overmlre. Walter Kelsey, Alln Bailey,
E'irl Clarke, Maurice Mann, We.ley Good
ell. Myron Good el I, Tom Mahoney. Fred
Cutler, Martin Slrhel, Eugene Leldlgh,
G.'org Wardner, Billy Turnen, Earl Jack
eon, Philip Lively. Dave Pattullo, Bert
Itaynes. Fred Martin. Corlls Sherman, Her
nan Blaeslng. David King. George Galla
gher. Don Fii.zer, Price Sulllian, Lawrence
Ryan. Scott SlcheU, Allen Crissell, Albert
F"ttlebaum, Henry Hall. Thomas Armlt
nfi'1. T wrw Prg.vk. Glenn Butler. Ph !lr
V ft iTAT-Mfno
fresh every day
Morrison ak. oeu
4th and 6th. TeL
Main or A 18U6.
extensively entertained.
Miss Beatrice Hermanson enter
tained with a larfre holiday tea last
week in honor of Miss Inez Fairchlld
and her house guest. Miss Hilda Til
llnshast of Salem.
SWEET HOME. Or., Jan. 7. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner gave
a reception Christmas evening
honor of their son, Levitt D. Horner,
and his bride, formerly Miss Frances
Kaiser, who were married at Albany
December 23. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaiser of
Sweet Home. She was a popular stu
dent in the Sweet Home union high
school and is a musician. Mr. Horner
is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Horner. Since graduating from the
local high school in 1918 he has been
engaged in farming with his father
and will continue in that occupation.
SWEET HOME. Or Jan. 7. Spe
clal.) There was a family reunion
at the home of Mrs. May Putman
Christmas day, with a large attend
ance. Mrs. Putman gave, a dinner in
honor of the occasion, the guests
numbering 32, as follows: Grandma
Putman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rolph.
Mrs. Rolph being a daughter of Mrs.
Putman; Mr. and Mrs. Gresham Pad
dock, Mrs. Paddock, another daugh
ter; Mr. and Mrs. Davis, from Port
land. Mrs. Davis, a daughter; Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. O. C
Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone, Mr.
Ralston and Grandma Gedney from
Foster, Mr, and Mrs. Davis' cTiildren,
Verl and Delmer Strickler; Mr and
Mts. Jack Rolph and children. Mr.
Rolph being the only son of Mr and
Mrs. Fred Rolph of Sweet Home; Mr.
and Mrs. Markhart, Mrs. Fay Putman
and her three children.
LEBANON, Or., Jan. 7. (Special.)
Among the brides of the holiday
season was Mias Beatrice lone New
port, whose marriage to Marvin Ross
Tate took place at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. M.
Newport in Lebanon. December 28.
Rev. J. J. Canoles of the First Pres- ,
byterlan church officiated. , Mrs. Tate
is the eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Newport and is a former student
of Willamette university and Oregon
Agricultural college. She is an ac
complished musician and has been or
ganist in the Presbyterian church of
Lebanon for two years. Mr. Tate is
the son of the late James K. P.
Tate, a pioneer of Linn county, and
is in the employ of the Southern Pa
cific company. After a wedding trip
in California cities, Mr. and Mrs. Tate
will make their home in Portland.
One of the events of social and
artistic interest for this week will be
the symphony orchestra's popular
concert at the auditorium on Friday
Mrs. Annah Leonard of 126 Thirty
second street East was hostess at an
informal party Wednesday, the occa
sion being her birthday. Refresh
ments were served and a special fea
ture was the large birthday cake.
The decorations were of red and
green. Mrs. W. H. Blevins led those
present in singing. Miss Ella Jones
accompanied. Edgar and Irwin
Leonard gave readings. Mrs. D. R
Thompson and Mrs. W. TL Sellers
entertained with games and fortune
telling. Those present were: Mes
dames Gus. Fanno, Ross Evans, W. P.
Kneeland, B. H. Vaughan, Rachel
Leedham, J. T. Dixon, M. R. Sellers,
D. R. Thompson, W. H. Blevin, Ella B.
Jones and Edgar and Irwin Leonard.
Friends of Miss Elizabeth Hasel
tine will be interested to hear that
she has accepted a position in the
University of Chicago to teach
modeling. Miss Haseltine is a grad
uate of the Portland art school and
of the University of Chicago. She
has been studying sculpture at the
art Institute in the latter city the
last two years and Is a member of
the art colony of the Midway studios,
of which Lorado Taft Is the bead.
Miss Haseltine is the daughter of
Mrs. Anna D. Haseltine of this city.
Miss Penelope Davies of Salt Lake
City was the guest of Dr. and Mr.
Ralph C. Walker (or the holidays.
Captain and Mrs. C. TL Peck and
son Jack have returned from Seattle.
Captain and Mrs. C. H. Bragg and
Infant daughter have returned from
Tacoma, where they visited Mrs.
Bragg's mother. Mrs. J. J. Trompen.
Lewis Rogers of Tacoma was a recent
pufst of Pnntnln rind Mrs Rnrrr. rr-
344 MURK10"1 Si.
If so. begin the New Tear right and
ivUiUCi. No mailer what method yuu
have employed in the past; no matter
what you have tried, don't give up I
CAN REDUCE YOU safe.y. permanent
ly and Inexpensively with my d rue less
course of treatment. Have your figure
oflts you nothing to Investigate. Write,
phone or call
Elizabeth Marshelle
Obesity Specialist
807-8 H roadway niilr.. Portland. Or.
Main 2735
S31-t Yale nuil.lln-. Seattle, Wash.
.Mrs. C. W. Hhrrman offers special
sale on all artiWm in
for Jannary. 1 to 6 P. M. 400 North 81st
St., Portland, Or. "
Artiatir Hand - Made Gifts. Venetian
(,1am. Potter and Thine That Are
Telephone Main J6.
A Neglected Complexion
is surely poor to be; for a healthy,
clear complexion
TOO mnat see.
620 Mortas Bids;.
Main 44S4.
Have you ever really heard
the Duo-Art piano?
Why don't you come in and ask us to
play Paderewski for you, or any other great
master's own playing, on the marVelous
Duo-ARTpianoIa? The Duo-Art plays any
other standard 88-note player roll also.
May we call, and give youan estimate on the
turn-in value of your old instrument?
Steinway and other Duo-Art pianos
Sherman ay & Ca
Sixth and Morrison Street
Opposite Postof&ee
tain and Mrs. Braggr entertained at
Vancouver barracks at their Quarters
with a dinner party Monday when
their guests were Captal nand Mrs.
Chapman, Captain and Mrs.. H. K.
Heath, Captain and Mrs. C. B- Peck
and Lewis Rogers.
Among- the members of the younger
set Interest la expressed in the sched
ule for the Hill Military academy
parties. Yesterday the following
dates were announced: January 21,
senior and intermediate "hop"; Febru
ary 25, patriotic party; April 1. In
formal. "First of April hop"; April 29.
cotillion, fancy costume for girls; May
27, formal; June 16. commencement
dance honoring graduating class.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McQuerry of
419 Ross street, have Just returned
to Portland from a two months' visit
with their daughter and family,- Mrs.
George C. Baker of Phoenix. Ariz.
They report the climate of Arizona
delightful at this season of the year.
but prefer Portland.
Mrs. Gordon Voorfiiea ds expected to
arrive on Monday from Mediford to
visit her sister, Mrs. Margaret Burrell
Mrs. W. J. Burns entertained at
lunclieon on Friday for Mrs. E. W.
Baird of Philadelphia, who is visiting
Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, 1064
Thurman street, will be hostess for a
neighborhood tea for members of the
American Association of University
Women. The district includes Arling
ton heights. Willamette heights,
WestSver and the Nob Hill section.
Members on the west side who have
not previously attended any teas of
this series are especially Invited by
Mrs. Gerlinger to attend. Mrs Caro
line Benson Unander is general chair
man of the series. Serving will be
Mrs. Jordan Brumfie-ld, Mrs. Edward
F. Geary. Mrs. Richard Scholz, Miss
Bertha Young, and assisting will be
Mra Forrest Fisher. Mrs. Richard
Park, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe. Mrs.
William Henry Thomas. Mrs. Joseph
Withrow, Mrs. Norman Coleman, Mrs.
Pat Allen. Mrs. Dean Hayes, Mrs.
William Purcell, Mrs. Lee Patterson,
Mrs. Caroline Benson Unander, Mrs.
Jerome Mann, Miss Florence Knapp,
Miss Beatrice Knapp.
The annual meeting and electibn of
officers of the Portland Heights club
will be held January 13. This will be
the date of the formal dance of the
club for this week. Homer V. Car
penter, president, has piloted the club
ably during the past year and it has
grown in strength and numbers un
der his guidance.
Many of the friends of Addison
Bennett are planning to call at his
home, 3S8 Benton street, this evening
to extend congratulations on the oc
casion of Mr. Bennett's 77th birthday.
The many Portland friends of Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Alexander of Tacoma
will be interested to. know of the en-g-asrement
of their lovely young
daughter. Miss Dorothy Alexander, to
J. L. Carman Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Carman, also of Tacoma. Miss
Dorothy Is a graduate of Miss Ran
som's school ' at Berkeley. Mr. Car
man is a senior at Yale and is on the
varsity crew. The marriage will be a
social event of next summer. The
Alexanders have a beautiful country
home near Tacoma and are prominent
socially in the northwest. Both fam
ilies are Influential also in the busi
ness world.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Pllkington
are being congratulated on the ar
rival of a baby girl, born December
26. Tha baby will be christened Betty
Jane. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster McLynn are re
ceiving congratulations on the ar
rival of a baby daughter, at Sell wood
hospital, December 3L
Mr. and Mrs. William Jessop have
as their guest their daughter. Mrs.
R. O. Gentry of Seattle.
An anticipated event is the poten
tate's ball to be held on January 20
in the municipal auditorium. Patrons
and patronesses will be: Messrs. and
Mesdames A. L. Tetu, J. L. McAllister,
Oswald W. Taylor. Phil Metschan,
Harvey Beckwith. Robert Lutke, J. L
Hammersly. Herman von Borstel,
Harvey Wells, C. E. Mlnslnzer.
George C. Macdonald Jr.,H. D. Cham- ;
bers. Robert Krohn, J. G. Mack. Louis i
G. Clark. Archie Thurlow, William C. 1
Bristol, George W. Stapleton, W. E. 1
Grace, James P.' Moffett. William i
Davis. W. J. Hofmann, A. H. Lea,
Frank S. Grant.
One of the attractive weddings of
the week was solemnized at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Ediund, 495 East
Twelfth street, when their daughter.
Birdie Delphlne. became the bride of
Joseph Glay Chatfield. Dr. Harold H.
Griffis, pastor of the First Christian
church, performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of canton
crepe with tulle veil caught in place
with a wreath of orange blossoms and
carried a shower bouquet of white
roses and fresias. Miss Clolse Barnard
of Eugene attended the bride. She
wore a gown of cream organdy and
carried a shower bouquet of pink
roses. Halmer Ediund served as best
man. The bride attended Washington
high school and Reed college, and is
popular socially.
The living and dining rooms were
artistically decorated with a profusion
of chrysanthemums, palms and narcissus.
Mrs. J. L Klsaberth was hostess for
several recent dinner parties and in
formal affairs.
Miss Ethel McKercher is being wel
comed home aftier an absence of
several months. She spent half a
year in study and travel in Europe.
C M. Rynerson and Miss Margaret
Whetzel, daughter of Clinton B.
Whetrel. 91 East Thirty-fonrth
Formerly Selling Up to $95.00
the majority usually priced around the $75 mark
A Selected High-Grade Group
At One Price,
Unquestionably the Premier Suit
Sale of the Season!
Suits of quality and distinction that
you may wear with the assurance Of
being perfectly-groomed
Many striking novelty modes lav
ishly fur trimmed
Every one carefully tailored hand
somely lined
They will go quickly we advise early attendance for the best selection
50 High-Grade Coats
Formerly Selling Up to $100.00
Soft, rich, enveloping coats that one
wears with pride coats that are "differ
ent" perfectly tailored beautifully lined
and luxuriously fur trimmed with gener
ous collars of beaver, squirrel, nutria, mole
and wolf.
The season's smartest fabrics panvelaine,
Pollyana and soft bolivia weaves.
The season's best shades sorrento, deer,
navy, brown, black.
Thorough and Extensive Comparisons Will Characterize This as the
Coat Event of the Moment!
124-128 SIXTH ST.
II osiery,"
and "Kayser"
Under silks
street North, were married at the
residence of Rev. Harry H. Pratt in
Fairview Tuesday afternoon. January
3. at 3 o'clock, in the presence of
the immediate relatives of the bride.
Mrs. Rynerson is an active member
frontlnu.d nn Pag 4
Mid- jj
169 Eleventh St
Near Morrison
Main 6017
NEW CLASS for Adult v Beginners starts Tuesday evening,
January 10, 7:30 o'clock.
INTERMEDIATE CLASS Join now and learn jthe new dances,
including the Society Walk-Around Fox Trot, Spanish Schottische,
etc Only those who have danced before can join this class. Num
ber limited. All dances taught are those adopted by the American
National Association Masters of Dancing.
NEW CLASS for High School pupils starts Saturday evening,.
January 14, 7 o'clock.
Children beginners, age 7 to 10 years, may enter Thursdays, 4 P. M.
Children beginners, age 10 to 14 years, may enter Saturdays, 2 P. M.
Children advanced, 10 to 14 years, may enter Saturdays, 3:30 P. M.
BALLET CLASSES for all ages and grades Under the personal
direction of Miss Jessie Merriss.
For further information call Main 6017 or office at hall.
ADULT CLASSES Term of eight lessons, $7.00.
BALLET CLASSES Term of ten lessons, $10.00.
HIGH SCHOOL and CHILDREN CLASSES Term of 8 lessons, $6.
PRIVATE LESSONS by appointment $2.50 for half hour.
NOTE The usual Tuesday evening advanced class has been changed
to Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock.
I Great Remodelling Sale
I of "Hudson Bay" Furs
From now until the contractors
start tearing up to build a bigger
and better ' Hudson Bay" we are
offering the choice of any gar
ment in our wonderful stock of
Reliable Furs at a reduction of
25 to SO
Every garment backed by the
"Hudson Bay" guarantee of re
liability. Note The Fur Coats are being
sold very rapidly many coats at
half price. Better make your se
lection now.
f Hudson Bay Fur Co. now Located
Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane Bldg.
i Ma