V 23 TTTT- SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY 8, 1022 BUSINESS OPPORTrVTTIKS. Hotl and R4omlnc Houam. COUNTRY HOTELS. 2 room, fram bulldins; 0 mlle south of Portland on Southern Pacific In town of about J00 population; cleared $10,000 In last & yean: will sell building, grounds and furnishings reason able. nn rooms, brick building: beat hotel In city of 3500 population; Is now clearing about 1H) net per month; will sell building, grounds and equipment, or will leas and sell furniture. 63-room hotel, best hotel In town of 7.100 population in Wash ington; division point of railroad; also branch headquarters. $1,100 cash will buy a leans of 32-room hotel in Salem: restau rant can be sublet for $73. This Is a good buy. We have listings of number of fine hotels in Oregon and Wash ington, a majority of which w have photographs for your In spection. Chester I.. Florence. HITTER. LOWE &. CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid:. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTKL NEWS. Hotel doing fine business, profits iwu, can be bought at this time to advantage; price not inflated: good location. For lew days only can offer chance to get Into business: hotel, paying $300 - net. $.i.00: and win nanaie. Downtown hotel, nets around $1000 S-vear lease with an extension clause; tranBient business; price for the Income satisiaclory. We have a large hotel In the city which includes real estate, furnishings and all equipment with suD-leases; all very attractive. Interior hotel: !).00 will handle; net profits $S0o; balance can be paid from profits. We can locate you In most any size or price hotel or apartment house, cafe or restaurant. -14 concH Br.no. HEADQUAliTElt.S full HOTELS AND ROUMINO HOUSES AND APART MENT HOUSES. 20-room biick, steam heat, on one floor, well furnished. Price $li00; terms; bargain. -0-room apartment house, water In all apartments: good furniture. Price $.00; terms; fine buy. 18 roonit. H. K., good furniture, net $1-0, low rent. Price $-000; terms. Close In, west side location and mak ing money. 1 have others, all sizes; also have some good hotels. 15 years in the business enables me to place you right. Call 1U3 V West Park St. See O. P. ANDERSON. 82 ROOMS Housekeeping and sleeping, f downtown district, steam heat; clears $3."i0 month net; rent H10. H rooms, 2-room suites: steam heat, good furniture; Income afeout $150 net; price $-1500, terms. 14 rooms, nicely furnished; good in come: price $1400, terms. 50 rooms, 2 and 3-room apts.. steam heat; fine location, brick building: a good buy If taken at once; price $7000, terms. See W. S. Watson, with C. W. Mlllershlp. 105 . 41h St. Main .125. COUNTRY HOTELS. $20,000 for leading hotel in town on Pacific highway, with best tour ist trade: business Increasing in volume every year. $13,000 for hotel in large town, making good money, low rent, no dining room and eaa be made to double present Income. Another large hotel, with furniture and real estate included a wonderful proposition. WESTON g- CO.. 120(1 X. W. Bk. Blrlg. HUTEL NEARLY NEW FURNITURE. $4000. This Is first payment on the snappiest hotel buy today: close-lh brick; 5-year lease: nearly .10 rooms, large net Income: building is absolutely modern and clean; you will want ft at once If a hotel man. If in the market, call us by phone and salesman with car will show you promptly some of the city's best hotel Investments. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. Inc., 408-11 Couch BIdg. Broadway H7S7. 14 H. K. ROOMS, Uillt-lns; garage for two cars; clears $115 per mo. $2000, $1000 down. 20 rooms, close in. clears $200 per month. $2I00. $1000 down. 32 rooms, close In. $4000, $2000 down: clears $200 per month. 10 H. K. rooms, close In. $1000. frtoo down: Clears $00 per month: rent is $3.1; a good buy. AM these sre on west side. KOI CHAM HER OF ffiMMRRCB. HARDWARE OR DRUG STOCK. We have a client who wants a stock of hardware or drugs and they would consider a good grocery, either in Port land or other good town MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4C.C14. 320 Lumbermens BIdg. EAST SIDE ROOMING HOUSE. 8 rooms.' exceptionally well furnished, located In fine neighborhood, a lovely home with an Income. Rent $0.1, includ ing garage. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 40(14. 320 Lumbermens BIdg. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE E. SIDR. -lO modern apartments. 1o:t rooms. 4-year lease, at $ per room; will sell at $155 per room: $ihhm cash required; EXCLUSIVE. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGT'IRE. 203 Ablnston BIdg. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Broadway 7131. Formerly Main loos. 12 ROOMS. CLOSE IN" OX EAST SIDE. 12 rooms, very well furnished and lo cated In a desirable district: good fur nac'e and garage. Price $2800 MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4004. 320 Lumbermens BIdg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 18 very attractive rooms, arranged for H K. suites, very clean and well fur nished, doing a good business, close-In location; one of the best buvs In Port land. For further particulars call MRS. SNOW, Pdwy. 41.114. 320 Lumbermens BIdg. LESS THAN $100 A ROOM for an honest-to-goodness value and where you can improve the place. See this 25-room house; good location on W. S. Lease past the fair: netting now $12. i: house well arranged and a seller. See this! Call us and ask for salesman with car O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. Inc. 4M3-11 Couch IIMg Broadway H7S7. SNAP. 7-ROOM FLAT. 7 nice, clean, airy rooms, well fur nished and In fine location; $250 will hand'e. MRS SNOW. Bdwy 414. 320 Lumbermens BIdg. CHOICE BUSINESS SECTION LOCATION. .12 attractive rooms. H. K. suites and SOITie K'eonlns rnnrna v.-w ... heat; good lease: SDlendid mi.nn.mkr I For appointment and further ' particu lars call MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4004. NOR HILL DISTRICT. r.l Mffht, airy rooms, arranged In H. K. suites, well furnished, good looking $"l00 flnC localIon' rent i0- Price MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4004. FOR QUICK RESULTS. List your hotel, apartment or rooming ho-use with us. Have buyers waiting for Urge and small places. H. W. OSBORNE. REALTOR. ihnne Bdwy. S3-S7. 821 Chamber of DO YOU NEED AN INCOME? 1 rooms, west side, wen arranged and modern; 2 fireplaces. 3 baths, hard wood floors, well furnished; long lease' price l-'.ooo. terms. MARIELS A WILLIAMS. S20 Chamber of Commerce R 1 r g. FINK MONEY-MAKER 43 rooms; rent $120; steam heat; 1 and 2-room housekeeping apts.; medium clasi furniture; net profit $400 month; close In; price fOooo. f4O00 down, easy tern, HKH MRS. KELLER. OKO. T. MOORE CO. M07 Yeon BMg. A P A DTK PVTu 20 rooms, all In 2-room apts.; rent $03. 5-yar lease; corner brick blrtr : making good profit; price $300, $2000 down. aw tit KDa rrrr nr. nPTO. T. MOORK CO. Umit Venn Bldg 10 ROOMS housi-keeping. lejpe at 00; price $1000; $000 cash. See McNeill, with L-433. M7-21 Chamber of Commere Bldff full SALE liy owner, furniture of 0 roorn flat, fr $l.'i."iO; Income $130; can rent ftnt. Phone Main 7-.tK WANT rooming houe or apt. that 1 can buy on monthly payments, bv respon- tMe p-i r: v. AM ' '0, Oregon ian. frwlt SVLE by mi:e. 20 ciean housekeep ing rooms, rent SO:t; good Income, -too (l,1V !" t ii housekeeping -(mm, rent $;jo; must sell. Cill owner: no ni'-nts. M;iln 7300. H A VM I.I t r... ( housekerni' '- U din. 2o ROOMS, fine furm.urs. Income, quick sale. $730. East 1002. Bl'SlNBSS OHf'ORTfNITIKS. Hotel nnl Kimmlng llmiK. SEE .1 HkI i'i.: i :( l ill f ti PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKLR I'OK OVER 10 YEARS. 127-room apartment house; beautifully luiiHsiicu in ana 4 -room apis-: um lease In Portland at a rental of timy so per room, price i a-.,!. H.'iftlMI rlnuf.. Thl. nl. cleared $mxio in ilea' and will do some 100-room hotel, on Washington St.. for $25,000; beautifully clean and coin- lng money. Teems; lobby, etc. 50 odd rooms, many baths, lobby: very i-iMu ami well lurnisneu. ' . have $12,KI0 you can own this. Clears vusiv iiiuuiu Motive exMeiiacB. 60-room family hotel : steam heat, fur nished, under a 3-year lease. Price 15.i(0. Terms. Good for $500 month profit. Eay to run. 40 rooms: Immaculately clean, furnished with brass beds, steel springs, heavy furniture and excellent rugs: strictly modern, on long lease: clears $400 month above every expense. Price $10,500. on terms. Prettiest little hotel in all Portland. 00 rooms, one floor, business district. $7.50; $1500 down or will trade for smaller place and some cash or will take houae equity for part. Tn.1? place can be cleaned up and sold for $5500 before winter Is over. Not moaern. but snienam location wonderful money-maker. What have you to iraue . 22-room modern art- 'house, with all private baths: almost all new furni ture: clears $10O month above ex penses and provides modern home. Price $2700. $1700 down. 13 rooms on one floor: transient and steady roomers: rent D0; long lease Price $2500. on terms, or less for all cash; first time offered. 19 rooms, on ons floor; principally housekeeping: $2800. terms; clears $150 month. Better see this. 44 rooms, not modern, but a money maker: $30O0. terms: long lease. Clean this up and sell for $5000. You can do It. lr rooms, $1R00: 10th at Wash. n. Irt rooms. $2250; old Lincoln high. 0 rooms, $1PO0; near Lincoln high. 11 rooms. While Temple district, $l.i00. 10 rooma, over store, tlrand ace. 40 rooms, east side. $45o0: modern. 130 rooms, modern hotel. 2.".ol0; terms 125 rooms, modern hotel. $22.5oo: terms. 10 beautifully new rms.. Good Samaritan. 12 rms newly fur.. Marshall st. $li0. 20 rooms. Hall St.. $2000: terms. 40 rooms, Third St.. $1000; terms. 211 rooms. Wash. St.. J.fiMJO: terms. 19 rooma. near Portland hotel, $32o0. Xtnat ft 4h. aHnt-a nlce N re eXClUSlVel? for sale through this office and if you are In the market for a place of any kind you will save much time and money bv consulting us. Buyers and sellers alike are assured a square deal and no after trouble nen Dur ing through this office. Our auto mobiles are at your service to ouick ly and comfortably show you about. J. BRUCE OODDARD. .101-2 Couch Pldg. PORTLAND REALTY CO. Residential hotel. SO rooms, rent $2.10. long lease; nets $300. $8000 cash will handle 28 rooms, all housekeeping; 3 years' lease; cash $3300; net $200. Close-in rooming house; $2300 will handle: net $300. rooms, good furniture, price $750; cash $350; family using 4 rooms; net income can be increased. For sale or will trade for apartment house, fine dairy farm. .15 acres under cultivation: good buildings. orchard, beaver dam soil. H miles from hard surface road. 127 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ANNOUNCEMENT. ELVA It. SKOTHEIM OF lfll PARK ST. AND AUGUSTA B. McCLAIN, FORMERLY WITH M. E. LENT CO.. OF THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Bl.DG. WISH TO ANNOUNCE THEIR NEW PARTNERSHIP IN THE HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BUSI NESS WITH OFFICES AT 1111 PARK STREET. THEIR MOTTO FOR THE NEW YEAR WILL BE COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. ROOMING HOUSES. 17 rooms housekeeping, close In on east side: rent $45; good Income; $12i.i with terms. , , 18 rooms housekeeping, very close In east side; rent $50: Income nearly $2U0; nice clean place: $2300. terms. 12 rooms housekeeping. Nob Hill loca tion; rent $35; .fine income, excellent furniture. This is a real buy and a money-maker at $Hm0, terms. 12 rooms, very close In west side: net Income about $150: Price $20OO. terms. 8 roome housekeeping. Noj Hill, close In. income over $100: furnace with base ment and laundry trays; a real buy at $000, terms. .-. O'FAHRELL & FORDNEY, 338-40 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. hi onnwii y . i OH .MY.iSelK THIS WOMilSKiL'L BUY. .10-room strictly modern apartment In one of the best locations In the city. Some of the tenants have been there six yearn, always full, with waiting lift; brick building, hut and cold water In each room, steam heat: clears $3,10 pe. month; .1-year lease Price $7000. Will take a bungalow up to about $4000 as part payment. See us for particulars. AUSTIN-O I.EARY REALTY CO.. 3:.5 Chinhc- c-f C--mmrcc Pldg. R OOM I N G H U U S 15. 1" h. k. 0 apartments and 2 sleeping rooms, long l"ae. three moms for self; newly furnished : r.nt 00. net income about $100. AM apartments taken. $lSo. $1200 down. Good business district. First street Hp v C. Marshall, with FRANK L. MoGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Th rr! S-. " . ''''shl""on a 1 Stark. i HiiMl-: A DINING ROOM. and 40 rnnms rente. I; furniture of the best, serving business people, and to a person who tan manage a resident iai hotel this is just ri4 hi ; price $13,000. with $HOO0 cash, aud it nets over $4tMi per month. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. (102 Stock Exchange Bidg. SIX-ROOM FLAT. Located clo?e in on east side, excep tion Liy well f urn isl.ed and nicely ar ranged for reining rooms. Kent only M Prked for quirk sale. !ioo. MRS. SNOW. BDWY 4004. 320 Lumoermens Bid. A P A RTM E N T H CA S rZ. LE AS E AND FURNITURE of several places, ranging In price from $10,000 to $75,000, with splendid terms. It will p.iy anyone in the market to see us before making their selection. Let us know your h ants, we are ever at your service. rt ('.. C. ULRICH & CO.. 002 Stork Kxt-n trxvp Pldg. A REAL BARGAIN. 1 1 rooms, close-in location with good income, good furniture, rent only $t.0. If you ace looking for p good buy. see this one. $."iun will handle. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4MU. 3 -JO Lumbermens Bldg. ONLY liofl in one r,f best towns in val ley: so rooms, modern, newly refinlshed throughout ; fine commercial trade; Jrtrtfe dining room; I"t 100x130; 8-story building: nets $10,000 yearly; $20,000 cash, balance easy terms. 3112 Ry. Ex- chanpe. Bdwy. 4338. JIM n.-ii j 43-room apt., central west side, nice brick bldg.; modern and beautifully furnished- rent $225; r-ear lease; this is a splendid buy at $sooo. terms. See MRS. H AUG. Sun. 10:30-2 P. M. 520 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 104. ........ imi i t vrii" w a vt A ltiG BARGAIN. 20-room apartment, close In, good fur nltun?, with B-yeur lease. Clears $135 per month. Price $2800. $2000 cash handle. Al'STIV-O'LBARY REALTY CO.. Sit Chamber of Cnmm-f'-e Bldg. MRS. HOTEL WOMAN. We ha e a 34-room hotel you can manage all by yourself, chuck-full of good tenants and clean as a pin. good 1 ease. See us a bou t t h Is on e. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. Stock Exchange niog. MODERN APT. BARGAIN 40-rooin apt., fine west side location: modern and nicely furnished ; good 3-yt-ar lease at floo month. Nets 9240. A ba rea n I ut $.'200. terms. See MRS. HAL'G. Sun, 10:30-2 P. M. r.2 Henry B'dg. Bdwy. 11)04. APARTMENT. Strictly h rgh - class Investment, very good location, ft: led with good tenants. Will take $150,000, some trade. What have you? G. C. ULRICH A CO.. fl(2 Stock Exchange Bldg. WILL LEASE new apartment house, cah bond r oulred. J oh n E. Walter, 1333 v V. Rat k bldg. Mar 37 18 ti.m. i--n t.'iO . income $10.1 ; ' ' . 2 :J 0th st. Call For sale by owner. Mo '.lay. BtHlNKKS OPPOKTIMTIKI. Ilotclw unil Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES. 20 rooms two connecting houses on Fifth St., close In; nominal rent: $2000 cash down will handle. 10 rooms upper and lower flats; always rented: substantial in come"; price only $1400 on terms. 11 rooms very close In. with stores and offices, also ga rages in connection which bring In substantial income; $1300 cash. 13 rooms near 10th and Jeffer son, all filled; price $2000; $1500 cash will handle. 20 rooms fine furniture walk ing distance; $3000 cash will handle. 10 rooms wonderfully clean and new; player piano; all rooms now rented; for amount of Investment this place pays good Interest; $1423 cash will handle. 17 rooms divided Into 2-room apartments, over stores, west side, south of town. This place caters to workers; is always full and clears owner" over $100 per month: $1200 cash will handle. Total price JlSuO. 20 rooms, brick building. over store on Front St., south of Madison St.; rent only $50; $2300 will handle. 11 rooms near 24th and Marshall: nice clean place and furniture In fine condition; rent $110 per month; $UoO will handle. 13 rooms divided into "4 apart ments; on east side in good residence district; fine large residence: all rented; $1800 will handle. We have other rooming houses for sale which will bear your Investigation. Chester L. Florence. RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-35-7 Board of Trade BIdg. 11 ROOMS Housekeeping, good furnace. Iurniiure oeiier mmi . net income $00; $d25 cash handles. niture; nets $30 with nice home for owner; price 8 ROOMS Newly renovated: nice yard; rent only 35; price $1000. 10 ROOMS Housekeeping, an unusually good place- with fine in come; rent $B0; $1100 han dles. . 13 ROOMS Housekeeping, clean, good location; nets $50 or more, with 3 good 'rooms .for owner: $1000 handles. 13 ROOMS East side, all on one floor; rent only $35. lease; income over $100 with very low overhead expenses: $1300, terms, or $1200 all cash. MRS. ALBAUGH, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger BIdg. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. EAST SIDE. t-,000 For 28 rooms in very good building. cheap rent. always full: $:S500 to handle. $2030 For 25 rooms, very cheap for this place, and only $12O0 re- $.-,400 ForlO rooms, nice building, with lease, making good money; $3u will handle. ' . $1300 And only $500 cash buys a dandy little rooming house that nets ioo' per month. G. C. ULR1CH & CO.. o. citnflr F.vchnnee BIdg. 70 ROOMS 24 modern apartments. $0000 aNobe'hlll, 1" H. K. rooms, fine furni ture, nets $120: full price 7 rooms, fine furniture, $400 "sh. "7 rooms 2s and 8s. net better than 1200; only $4250. $3000 handles. MANY OTHERS. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Rea, tors. 322 Falling BIdg.. 8d and Washington. nroa'iway ,,.,-r. APARTMENT iIOu-ju; iiClLDING. 21 rooms and small grocery store building, furniture and stock and build ings paying 14 per cent on Investment pn of $14,000 about $0000 cash will handle. Will accept 5-room bungalow ud to about $4000 in trade as part pay ment. See us for full particular A USTIN-O' LEA R Y R K A LT Y CO., 33.1 Chamber of Commerce Blug. YOU KNOW THIS LOBBY. Every time you go past Its IT',ay" full; this is a large hotel and a busy one. Over 100 rooms with SO baths. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD LEASE If you are a hotel man. Interested In makinmoney. ee abouth.s one. Stock Kxc-hange Bidg. m LEASE WANTED. fite price, number apis., length of lease and location jeter west s.de. Must be brick bldg. N 348, Oregontan. TRANSIENT HOTEL Newly furnished throughout, very best; located business distr.ct. Old estab lished location. Insuring ateady business. Clea-ed $500 monthly. 5-year J Has 30 rooms. Very reasonable. Terms eiven Fu.i pnne only $0300. Phone owner. Main 2T73. This is a money niiikr. . t TT. i -1.-1. :. ." r i VO 7 rooms. $WH; cash payment. - -$ ;p0 Hi rooms. i:HM; cash payment... 12 rooms, $1800; cash payment... 1- 0 10 rooms. 2"25; cash payment... W0 .... t--fin notih nn vment ... 1 -'KJ 25 rooms. $2500; cawh payment... -000 O. C oc. ' -. - 002 Stock l: 'irnn n:e nm SPECIAL. BARGAIN NOB 1 11. 7 apartments, ltt rooms. $i- rent. S-vear lease, new furniture. $1000 re QUired Ask F. C. Marshall, with U FRANK U M.GU1RE. 203 Abington Bldjt. Third S... Bet. Wash, and Stark Broadway 7101- Formerly Mam 163. ' " ROOMING HOUSE. U H K. roonui. Nob Hiil nlrlet; fur nace heat; no vacancies. $1200, S3..U down Sve this Sunday at 11 or week days Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Eidg. Main 1008 Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. 16 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. White Temple district; furniture in good condition, nets $100: rent less than $4 per room: this is a real buy and the price only 1oo. H W OSBORNE. REALTOR. Phone Bdwy. 337. $21 Chamber of commerce i"i OCR OPPORTUNITY. 10 rooms, H. K., White Temple dis trict furnace or stove heat; good fur nishings, nets $75. Price $1150. half cash, bal $20 mo. Pee MRS. H AUG. Sun. 10:30-2 P. M. .V'ti Henry duir. " "WHITE TW.ii:'i.fc DISTRICT. A Mn i riAt ej. 14 rooms, all housekeeping, close-in, nicelv f u: nlshed. clearing $127.30 per month. Price only J$230. $1500 handles. Al'STIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., - j a i nr a i . ni'V 7-room apt., beautiful brick bldg. ; modern and nicely furnished ; 3-year 'ease; rent $:J00. A good buy. Price $14, Ooo. naif cash. See MRS. HALT., Sun. 10:30-2 P. M. .Vrt Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 1004. iv.,:Tifl TEMPLE DISTRICT. 1 3-room modern apartment, close in and splendid furnttur-; one-year lease, clearing f 1TO per mnth. Price only $3700 nbcut half cash will handle. A USTIN-O LEA R Y RELTY CO., 33!S r1vm'"'r rf Cmmer-e Bldg. NEW ON MARKET. " 72 rooms, all In housekeeping apts., 3-year lease; rent only $373. income over $750. This place needs fixing up; $4500 will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. WE SPECIALIZE In rooming houses, ho tels and apartment houses. If you want to buy or sell, see us first. MRS SNOW. BDWY. 4004. 320 Lumbermens Bldg A COSY ONE. 10 rooms centrally located, nicely fur nished, including piano, rent $53; nets $00. A real snap. $1500, terms. See MRS. 1-1 AUG. Sun. 10:30-2 P. M. 520 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1004. 20 ROOMS, close in, rent $73; lease over the fair; fuftiiture. new; real buy at $2800. Terms. This Is no junk. 11 rooms, close In, west side, rent $33. Nets $100 and 4 rooms for self: hot and cold water. Price $1300. Barand Realty Co.. ?!! Salmon St. $5i)00 CASH and pay the balance out of the MOO per month thts little apartment housj earns. You can't beat this. Full price $12,000. G. C. ULRTCH A CO., C02 Stock Exchange Bldg. ROOMING HOUSE. Near heart of business district. Old established. 12 rooms, steam heat, fully furnished. ,A good proposition for small investment. Full price $1000. might give terms. Phone Main 2778. GARAGE FOR SALE. Fully equipped, will trade for restau rant or rooming house and asmnr.e, gross Income llioo month: price $4500. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeun BIdg. BltflNKKS OPPORTlTMTIKS. and Kt omiiit? H mi htm. THOMSOX & THOMSON'. REALTORS. LEADING HOT AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. $15,000 will handle lrase and furnish ings of 80-roorn Btrictly modern brick hotel, best location; ground floor lobby, some private baths. In excellent condi tion throughout, new shades, curtains and linen; no further outlay required. 1 atrlctly modern apartments; 5 years' lease, rent $350, nets $40 besides nice apartment, beautifully furnished, well lo cated. Price J13.5U0, extra good terms. $S0O0 will handle 5 years' leae and furnishings of fO-room apartment house In excellent condition, no wall beds, eas ily managed. 28 modern apartments, corner brick building, 5-year lease, rent $HtI5, nets $5.i0, good proposition, low price; $15,000; some terms. FIRST TIME OFFERED. $10.01H) will handle 5-year lease and furnishings of strictly modern brick ho tel; Northwest heat, some private baths, rent $5Hi, big net profit. Shown only by appointment. $10,000 required to handle 90-room strictly modern apartment house and lease, rent $3."0, nets over $00 and - loveliest apartment, extra well furnished, no wall beds, automatic elevator. Lease and furnishings of one of the best corner apartment houses (west side), 833 apartments, 2a and 3s, all strictly modern, fine turnitui;, automatic e-ie-vator. 5 years' lease, nets $800 ; only $15,000 cash required down. 27 rooms, nearly all apartments, brick buiiding. lease to all renovated within S months, new Bhades and cur tains, lots of nw linen: clears $-25 and very nice 2-room apartment; best offer takes it, with $2500 down. Over 80 rooms, strictly modern brick hotel, lots of private baths. Al lobby, long lease, rent $550, making big profits; $17,500. Shown by appointment. 50-room hotel, right central location, 5 years' lease, rent $tt per room, steam heat, wonderful Income; $8000; terms. 45-room modern brick hotel, 5 years lease, doing capacity transient business, a cash deal, shown only by appointment. If you wish to invest around $.".0,000 in first-class hotel, we have two of the best to submit, good leases, right rents, furnished with the best of everything. Locations cannot be beat. If interested, ee Mr. Tice for full particulars. $0000 will handle lease till ID'JO and furnishings of over 100-room modern brick hotel; (some apartments); auto . m.1 tic elevator, nets aoout $750. 4 modern apartments, corner brick builjing, 5 years' lease, rent $450, well furnished, very clean; $8000 will handle.- '$3000 will handle furnishings and lease of 20 rooms. 2 and 3-room apartments, rent $125, clears $100 besides own apart ment. Good proposition. CARS AT YOC'R SERVICE. MRS. THOMSON'. 020-21 HEXRY BLDG. b-HOL.l BARGAIN. 8-room H. K., central west side, nice large rooms; lix it up and resell for more. Price $700 terms. See MRS. HAL'G. Sun. 10:30-2 P. M. 520 Henry BIdg. Bdwy. li04. 34-KooM ttrictl modern apartment, brick ouiiamg, nne iurnace. two-year lease ; clearing $240 per month. Price $000, about half ca.sh handles. ACST1N-OLEARY REALTY CO.. a,'" ('llKml('r f Commerce Blrig. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY ; AND FURNITURE. A wonderful place and netting good money on your investment. G. C. ULRICH & CO., fiOJ S topic Exchange BIdg. f.iRIC S 1 . LOG A T 1 0 N . . 14 rooms, several kitchenettes, com pletely furnished for housekeeping, net profit $150 month; $20(hi will handle. SHEJ MRS. KELLER. GEO. T MOORK CO. KM'7 Yeon Bide. A GOOD HOME AND BUSINESS. 1 8-room apts.. best location in city, modern and well furnished, furnace heat; nets $150. Price $2050. terms. See MRS. H AUG, Sun. 10:J0-2 P. M. 526 Henry Bid g B d w y. T.H4 . APARTMENT HOUSE. Over 00 apts., a high-class place you will be delighted with and a real in come. Price $30,000. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. S02 Stock Exchange BIdg. APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE. 0 3-room fully modern apartments, store rooms below all rented. Price, in cluding building and grounds, $10,000; terms. Fine income property FM ITH-WAGOX K H CO. STOCK KXCH. APARTMENT HOUSE. Close in. with an income of $600 per month. Price $20,000. one-half cash. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 002 Stock Exchange BIdg. IS-It OOM apartment, nicely furnished. 1- ier tease, ciearmg 3 pr month. Price o:.ly $2500. half cash handles. AUSTIN-O'LBARY REALTY CO., 33-1 Chamber of Commprce Bids. HUThu 10-room, ince u.'iCtv. v.eli located. Price for building, ground and furnish inns only $li!,oO0; terms $2200 cash, bal. like rent. This is certainly a rare bar f in fl. W. tTnrlnnd. 201 3d st. BRiCK apartment houte; 24 rooms 4 threes and 3 twos; steam heat, private baths, stationary tubs in all apts.; lease over fair; rent $U0; nets $200; E. S.; Q0. 332 Railway Exchange. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 18 rooms, $2.T(0; only $1500 to handle. G. C. ULRICH & CO., flQ2 Stock Exchange Bldg. liOO.Vii.j OuUse. Aon tuil tli.stj ict 11 rms. housekeeping and sleeping, modern. Price 12.'.0, terms if demred. Phone Bdwy. 4M7. 650 DOWN buys this: 13 rooms, h. k., close in went side: electric light; good furniture: large yard; clears $110 per month. 37 Taylor Ft. C. E. LOUDEN CO. Phone changed to Broadway 366S, Buyers waiting for 10 to 20 rooms. H. K. places. Phone us today. 21 liOOMS. newly furnished, brick bldg; lease runs to 120; rent $75; $2.VOO will handle. B Simonson. 300 Stock Ex change Md. .Main 313. CONFECTIONERY, notions and school supplief: this store Is a snap at $S50. 3tl.1 Artisans bldg., opposite Benson hot?!.. 0 TRANSIENT rooms. ? 3 2 3 0 or $1500 cash, first payment. Reasonable rent with lease. Nets over $200 month. 101 Park. 1 ! H. K. ROOMS, downtown, will lae ; good furniture, well arranged. $1350, terms. I'll P;irk st. LEAVING city, mutt sacrifice furniture of It-room fin t, close in. rent cheap. Mrs. .Tnck Howard, city. 10 H. K. ROOMS. clo?e in. rent $33: SO00 i r sold th is week ; am sacrificing $3O0. S r AT-' ''. 203 tfi nrv b rte. Mocks mid B lit s. OA r iuT l FlK-sT. Buy pref. and com. dividend paying stock. Write A. L. Flattum, 320 Mont gTnery st. L fpnspd a sent. E H. & A. N. HOSNER. Brokers and In vestment Dealers. See us to buy, sell or trade !n stocks or bonds of merit. IH'R McKay hide. liAKHi.M.ro.N CO M.im 3817. Stocks and bonds, anywhere Title & Trust bidg. WANTED Space for auto paint shop. AP S39, Oregonian. , LOST AND FOrXI). PIT BULL PC P. male, 5 months old. brln dle with white breast; tail cut; an swers to name of Mike; $10 reward. Main 1267. LOST A small Bosti n i Trier, white, with brlndle spots, vail Wood. awn 3173, or 1U9 E. Jessup. Reward. LOST Small black loose-leaf memoran dum book. Friday, either on East Couch or Morrison, west side. East 7770. LOST $41 in currency on Montavllla car at 0 o'cloek Friday evening: liberal re w ard. Phone Woodlaw n 34 5. LOST Gold enamel wreath pin. small pearl, semi-precious but valued us keep suke. Bdwy. 02-4. Reward. LOST An abstract between 2d and 3d on Yamhill at, Saturday evening. Finder please can wain, ouuj. FOUND Jan. 1 on West Park between Yamhill and Morrison, ladies' bag. Call Main 0H41, apt. 304. LOST Black hand grip, somewhere on Glisan st. Return to Sunset Electric Co.. 0th and Glisan. A PAIR of glasses lost on the east side, glasses in a urace Aaams case; reward. East 4240. LOST Airedale female. Grizzles. Tabor 7269. H. Soreasen, Rt. 1, Portland. Re ward LOST Airedale pup with name plate on collar. Anyone giving information will T-epeive reyird. .1 o. 'md. Miin 1583. FOUND Key on ilna. in Oregonian, office. C I "t c-'" e . nn-v. I LOST Lady's gold wrist watcu, gray rib bo n 7 . LOST Large col lie male tiog Re w ard Phone East 1610. WILL lady who lost umbrella on Broad-' way car Friday morning call Wdln. 1307. LOST Dec. 23, a black music roll; finder please can f.nst ai.vs j OS T An Airedale, lame leg: reward. LOST Female biood hound with puppies. LlcTse No 30.1, Reward. 320 Main st. LOo i - - piiii-- o.ic n.'d ut navy satin. Hfcwaid. Tabor o'Jbti. I LOST AND toi'MI. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. January 6. 1022: 10 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, 1 purse, key. 1 handbag. 2 pair gloves, 2 single gloves, 1 book. E vers harp pencil, tennis shoes, 1 single rubber, paper carrier's bag. sack, roil of canvas. 8 packages, veil, epg crate. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Aider-street station. LOST Sitver wrist watch (t'.ruenj in second floor lavatory in Portland hotel between 12 and 12:30; Christmas present from my mother; please return to Port land hotel cigar counter; generous re ward. LOST Friday evening from Ford coupe, brown leather suitcase containing lady's clothing and Incidentals of value to the owner. For any information leading to recovery reward is offered. Tabor 3ii4. LOST At matinee in Ueilig theater on December 31, a pair of opera glasses. Finder will receive suitable reward by notifying General Blatchford, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. LOST Sat. morning on 10th or Washing ton st.t gold wrist watch, case carved, valued as keepsake. Finder call Mrs. Hewitt, Broadway 5965, mornings. Re tt ard. WILL party who picked up black purse In qtage depot Wednesday evening re turn Bnme to Miss Greer, Forest Grove hospital? No questions asked. Amount in purse, reward. L ST Airedale pup, Xmas present to small boy; very anxious to net some trace. Liberal reward. Telephone E. aner o cioch m. sundny. WILL lady who found, in Lipman's tele phone booth, umbrella with silver stmlded ' horn handle. please phone again to East 1007? 8PKCIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF A.VNUAL MEETING. The members of the Oregon Fire Re lief association of McMlnnville. Or., are hereby notified that the resrular unnual meeting of the members will be held in the o trice building of said association at McMlnnville, or., at lo o'clock A. M., Tuesday, January 17. 3!22. for the pur pose of electing two 'trustees and the transaction of such other bualne-w a.i may regularly come before said meeting. Dated this 3d day of January, lirj2. W. C. H AflKRT", Sec. I WILL NOT be responsible for bills con" tracted by my wife. J. M. McCoy. IrosoH,H Invite!. REQUEST FOR BIDS. The undersigned, as trustee in bank ruptcy of the estate of B. N. KATZ. do ing business under the name of THE PARISIAN, bankrupt, will receive sealed bids up to and until noon of 'edneJay, January 11. 1022, at the office of R. L. Sabin. 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, upon the following personal property: A stock of merchandise consisting principally of ladies' ready-to-wear gar ments, located at No. 31 Alder street. Portland, Oregon, of the inventoried value of $4001 07, and fixtures pertain ing to the same of the inventoried value Of $1402. Total $6003.97. Bids are to be accepted subject to the approval of the court, and right is re served to reject any or all bids. Certi fied check for ten per cent (10) of the amount offered must accompany each bid. The stock may be seen at 3 SI Alder street, where the inventory may also be men. R. L. SABIN, Trustee In Bankruptcy. REQUEST FOR BIDS. In the" District Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Oregon. In the matter of E. R. Llpshutz. bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids at the office of A. M. Cannon, Referee, room 805 Title & Trust building. Portland. Oregon, up to and until Thursday, January the 12th, 1022, at 12 o'clock- noon, for a stock of ladies' ready-to-wear consisting of coats, suits and dresses, inventory value $4470.71, and fixtures, inventory value $700.75. situate at 308 Alder street, Port land, Oregon. Will receive bids sepa rately for the stock and fixtures. Bids must be accompanied by certified check In the amount of 10 of the bid. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office. B13 Consolidated Securities building, Portland, Oregon, and the stock inspected upon appointment. H. W. SITTON, Trustee In Runkruptcy. ESTIMATES on 500 or more 8-foot rough logs, diameter 6 to 30 Inches; any wood suitable for firewood; Inspection passed; delivered ready for loading or loaded at dock any nor'h Pacific port August to September, l't)22. Address AV ti'J. Ore gotiian. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the Pacific Wholesale Drug company (a corporation) will be held at 40 Front street, Portland. Or., Wednes day, January IS. 1022, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. EDWARD STIPE, Sec. CHANGE OF NAME OF BUILDING. Notice Is hereby given that the name of the Lumber Exchange bldg., situated on the southeast corner of Second and Stark streets, has been changed to Ex change building. DONALD G. WOODWARD, Supt. HAVE sold my interest In the Keipper & Stewart real estate firm, 514 Railway Exchange building, and will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted after January 0. 1022. G. W. Stewart. I WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Hazel Cieloha, after this date. HENRY CIELOHA. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR LOCAL INVESTMENT. Additional capital needed to extend operations of an established commercial enterprise backed by Portland business men. A real opportunity In a dignified substantial business; ground-floor propo sition with exceptional earning pros pects; references gladly furnished. AL 317. Oreffoni.tn. MORTGAGES WE BUY W'ELL-SECtTRED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 33 102 FOURTH ST E. H. AND A. N. HOSNER, brokers and Investment Dealers. See us to buy, sell or trade in any stocks or bonds of merit, tins McKay bldg. SHORT-TIME loans on mortgages, con tracts or other collateral Multnomah Finance Co.. S22 Gasr-o bldi? SELi.EKs- CONTRACTS and second ai on gay es bought and sold. C. DeYoung A Co., 810 Snaldlng bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon. ti. c. n o Die, am Lumbermens bldg WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A C 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Mai n 3020 WANT $0u0 second mortgage on good property; perfectly .safe investment. Answer. AL 341. Oregnma-n. CONTRACT for sale on new bungalow, $1550. payable $50 monthly; liberal dis count. KaSt BfM. WANT private party to buy $000 seller's contract; 7 per cent, well secured, liberal discount. Q 338, Oregonian. WnL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon. 031 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAKE loans, buy notes and ecuritie Lee Davenport. 012 Buchanan bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F ti Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4ih and Oak sti WE PAY $01.00 for Portland Railway tf per rent gold notes. F 320. oregonian FIRST mortgage of $loui on Oregon real estate for sale. AN 340. Oregonian. i $ Jim Ml TO LOAN for from 3 to 5 yeara on improved city property. Tabor 5Cift. Money t Loan on Krai Kstate. $8000, $10,000 or $12,000 for highly Im proved business property. Schaefer, 817 Board of Trade Building. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. HAVE $1000 to loan on first mortgage at 7 per cent on improved city property Give location. V 350, Oregonian. $1500 TO LOAN on good real estate security ; to owners only. Edward E Taggart. 1101 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of Interest. OUo A Harkson Realty Co.. 415 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS made on imjroved city or farm property. Main 0034. Witham-Reed Co , N. W Bank bldg. $200, $400, $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action": Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money to loan on real estata, low rates, no delays. C DeYoung a Co., SIP Spalding bldg. MONEY to lend on approved real estate. Northwest company. Oasco bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. $200,300. DIVIDE; $2300. $5000. $0000, $13.- 000. $18.000; $00.000, $100.000. East 7504. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and" 7 per cent. Sa 1 omo n A Co., 307 Railway Exch. bldg. $10,000 FOR well Improved business, west sioe preferred. C 320, Oregonian. WOCLD buy contract up to -$1000. Har ruon. StrUnger bldg-. FINANCIAL.' .Money to l.imn on Ileal Kstate. WE HAVE 6 PER CENT MONEY FOR CHOICE LOANS ON INSIDE BUSINESS PROPERTIES; $GO,000 AND UPWARD. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENCE LOANS. W PER CENT. Five-year period; payment privilege of eiuu or any multiple tnereoi. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 00 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required witn interest ; you may pay more or all on the first of each month: no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. OH PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privileges. brick Mortgage go., Portia rti MontKage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon b 1 d k. Main S30S. PLENTY OF MONEY for good loans on improved Portland real estate. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE CO., 91 Fourth St. 'THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east tor residence, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges Other f unos also, as for the past 14 year, especial !y in LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Complete Loan Service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY. United States bank Bldg INSTALLMENT LOANS FOR FORWARD-LOOK ING HOME OWN ERS 6 per cent simple interest on monthly loan balance. Option to take up at an; time. Repay your mortgage gradually and easily if you live and instantly if you die ; no commission. WILLIAM MACM ASTER. 828 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Willamette vallej farms and city property. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. commerce mortgage securities COMPANY. 91 Third St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg Main 6015. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time apd short time; monthly payments: pay as you can. sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 723 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder sts. CELLA RS-.M UltTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS, in any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. Pics-T A PAGET REALTORS. 2S 3 y Stark st.. bet. 4t'h & fith. Bdwy. 3704 WANTED to borrow the following amounts at 7 per cent on Irvington houaes: $1750 Valued $4250. $f000 Valued $24,000. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO.. 300 Riihray Exchange Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available for loans on f!rst-cl-ss Inside retail and financial prop erty at 6 per cent interest. nr i T 1 1 A M Vf 1 I M i T B" O 328 U. S. National Bank BUIg WE HAVE funds available lor good resi dence loans; also insurance money for busliness property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2M31 W ilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money t loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commissior, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. S7 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. iiVa and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed; attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 $300. $400. $300. $700, $1000. $1200. $1500. $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 031 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on im proved farms and city property ; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 300 Piatt BIdg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit, city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 2.13 Failing BIdg. 1 100 $13041 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own monev. Loans oulckly closed. F H. DE8H"X, 1. Cham, of Com, bldg $1500 TO- $3500 always on hand tor well lllipiovcu iroiucm,c .'" iwi ni.. security. Geo. J. Schaefer. 8l7Board of l raue ounmiij. ' a. nn $1000 Pit IV ATE money to loan, loweat rates. See A. K. Hill, 40 Lumbermens bldg. $1000. $3400 ON IMPROVED city or uhurD;in nroperi y. r,:si $10041, T PEIt CENT, on good residence f ecu ri i y .i a tun ji ,m i j i iii i - Money to l.omt Chattels aim Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN OET IT TODAY. LO A N 3 MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. ViCTROLAS REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your sutomobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your poasts.slon, and you can repay us in email monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable Private offices. All - business sttrctiy confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. ) 306-307 Dekum Bldg Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and working-men on their personal notes. Rates reasonable. Easy pavments. NO SECURITY.. NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, ( Licensed. ) 218 Failing Building. DAN MARX A CO., 315 Washington St., near tfth st. Established over 35 yeart; only high-class Jewelry store in city with ioan department In connection; private room for ladies, buriness strictly confidential; under state supervision; ail articles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine Streets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co., 23 Wash, st between 4th and Mh. M a rrhall 727. HON EY to loan ; diamonds. Jewelry, etc. ; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines. Jeweler, corner Third and Washington. MONEY to loan on furniture .or merchan dise, contracts, security or real estate mortgage. BF 350. Oregonian. ALTO and other fhort-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. OO r j. UiN Ti I- Al onty loaned on dm ni""ds. Address AH 333. Oregonian. I-oaiift Wanted. WANT $000 and $ltxiO. 8 ver cent, on 2 new bungalows. J 304. Oregonian. $12t0, $1400 SELLERS' contract, discount 20 per ct-nt. K 304, Oregonian. WANTED -$M)0, security second mortgage on Income property. AG 317, Oregonian $Tm WANTLD at 8 per cent on fine lOOx 100 corner. Hose City Park. Tabor 0550. $2000 TO $25oo LOAN city Improved, large grounds. BJ 340. Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loann Wanted. LOANS WANTED. $4000 West-side modern flat building and grounds; 7, 1 or 2 yra. 1st mortgage. $1000 7 S rr. 50xlOO bu.inens lot. Wlll lama ave., between Broadway and Russell. $1000 Half block adfolnlng O.-W. R. A N. right of way and 71st st. All improvements paid for. 8 $ 500 S'r, 25x100 business lot on Derby st.. opposite hotel, Kenton; worth $2UOO. Inquire at 210 Echange Building. 2d and Stark Sts PAGET A PAGET. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED. $2000 at 7 per cent on new Alameda park bungalow. $2250 at 7 per cent on new home, Mt Tabor district. $2250 at 7 per cent on large house on Hawthorne avenue. $2500 at 7 per cent on new Laurelhurst renidence. $35ou at 7 per cent on splendid Irving ton residence. PAG ET & PAGET. Broadway 3704. 2S3 S Stark st. WHEN YOU LOAN MONEY on real estate demand a Title Insurance Policy. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY. TITLE & TRUST CO.. Title & Trust Bldg. JAZZ AND RAG PLAYING GUARAN TEED BEGINNERS. Learn to piny popu.ar music, straight, rag and .lazg. In ten lessons. Ours Is the only method, quickest, surest and safest. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Established fctnee 1001. Ten years in Portia nd PARKER PIANO SCHOOL, M4 Filers Bldg. Bdwv. 509. LOAN wanted, $1500. 3 years, VVr. on new bungalow. Brvee ave.. near 33d st. (Wilahire). Sve Mr. Hick man with J. L. Hartman Company, S Chw mber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 0034. FRANK L McGUlKb. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values is in a, position to fafeguard your every interest sn locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager loan department, Abington bldg. Main 1008. FOR SALE 541 shares of stock, par value $100 each. Snow Lumber A Shingle Co.. Lyttell, Wash. Dividends for lust 4 years 559c, making an average of over 13'f per year. Continuously operated. Capitalization $5o0.0oo. Property ap praised at $851,000. Oregon Inv. ft Mtgo. Co., 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sta. HAVE good $22,000 urick block, mtg. $3750; need $0500. for which $5000 is needed to change building for buHiuen and apartment houae use. Will deed one-half Interest to reliable party fur same ; located In thriving and big pay roll town nearby of 10.000. 11. W. Gar land. 201 3d st. AN i ONE w ith cash from $HMi0 to $50,000 can Uarn of an opportunity for great profit In moFt essential industry; bunk ing Investigation urged. You likely never had an opportunity of same merit and ll.keiy never will have again. Informa tion. p. O. box 575, Port land. WANT $3000, 7 per cent Alameda home; also $2500, 7 per cent Hawthorne bunga low; hot h occupi d by owners and in fine condition. See Mr. Wilson, Wake field. Fries A Co., 85 Fourth st. Broad vn v 200. WAN TEL i 15m loan on 0-roinn home worth $-1500; recently spent $oo In remodeling 43 East 11th street. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablncton Hlrtg. Main lOfiS. WANTED I'arty with $10.op0 or more to invest real estate and bu ildlng homes. I am an experienced contractor and builder, party to handle real estate and money. L 320, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2500 on fust mort gage property, new, corner, located Ala meda Park. TIIOS. P. BROWN. 215 Washington BIdg. WANT J-100, one year, 10 pr cent interest; security $13u0 houseboat. Insured for $loo0; no incumbrance. 436 Chamber of 'nmmerre hid',;., Broadway 0053. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co.. 210 LuinberKxchange bldg. WANTED Lonn $25O0 on unimproved In dustrial projerty near new terminal dis trict. Write for particulars. Ail 341, Oregonian. CLIENT has $2000 tax-exempt municipal bonds, will sell all or part, to net 7 per cent. ii. ii. Nicholas, uuj Oregonian Dunci ing. FOR SALE $3000 K per cent first morl gage bonds. United Meat Co.. at par and accumulated interest. 1. O. Box 040, ciiy. $lOOO AT 10 PER CENT for 3 years: Lib erty bonds taken at par; security of fered is acceptable by bank. AJ 345, n-egnnian. WA NT ED First Mor; gage loan of $17o0 on home centrally located, paved street. no nen. it ;;.m. 'regoninn. LOAN WANTED $30oo on modern new I rvington home ; will pay 1 per cent rnmni'ssiun, A H 20 4, Oregon Ian. WANTED A loan of $1200 on 42xlOo cor per lot. pa ved st reet, 5-room new bunga low. 1.110 East Sth St. N. LIBERA L discount on a $750 contract with Interest at 7 per cent, payable $30 per montn. btiwy, aM. UUUi) mortgage tor ;ile on brand new house. Howard. 1115 X. W. Bunk. Main S"31 WANT to borrow $3ooo t 6 per cent, first mortgage; new $7500 residence. No agents. AE 202. Oregonian. WANT to borrow from private partv $3000 to $3300 on new building valued $10,000. , A 2711. Oregonian. J WILL cash mtg. or leal estate contract. s-MJO to fllMMl; prompt attention. See A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermen's bldg. $3oo0 WANTED on Alameda Park corner bungalow, 3 yrs. 7 Va per cent. C 343, Oregonian, WA NTED 1 2M on new modern bun gs low. well loca ted ; pay good rate. ( ' t: ivoran. 3'J.l -20 I .umbo rni ri s b 1 ii g . $J2oo. s"r ON 0 LOTS and tt-room house. Frist li"20. $I50', V, , OX 14 LOTS on peninsula, value $5W. East fi"!'j;. f.laMO FOR 3 YEARS on fine Irvington home, value $8500. O 310. Oregonian. $lono TO $1200 WANTED for 3 years; Al city property. L 310. Oregonian. SEE OREGON 210 I I'Mpf $soo, $1700 AND $2800 City property. Harrison, (.erllnger Old g. WILL give $looo for loan of $S00 on Pack ard truck. East 3000. jJiMio 0-ROOM modern California bunga low, half acre. Broadway 4330. PERSONAL FOR SALE Mudernly equipped chiropo dist office; well established practice. K 320. Oregonian. SUPERFLUOUS hair. moles. warts re moved bv to-needie method; trial free. Jose Flnley. 514 Hush A Lane. Main 0318 RKJ U EN ATE .your tired and nervous body b a scientific massage Dr. Ovjdia Larsen. 034 Morgan bldg. M a in loop, MASSAGES FOR LLM DAGO. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg., Waxh. bet. 4 th and .nn. Sundays ana evenm g s. VOu'K case diagnosed and consultation free, by specialist. 33 Selling-Hirsch bidg. Main 3-o5. VEBVET A HANEBUT. leaning wig and loupe makers; permanent marcel tni water waving. 340 Alder. Main 540. WANTrtD -Drugless phyMeiaii as partner in well-fitted office, good locution. X ;:j8, Orenonian. LADY desires refined lady to share huge, warm room and bath, $0.50 Week. S 338. Oregonian. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kidneys. Both sexs. Dr. Elna Borensen. 308 Panama bldg. Main 50SQ. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrigon. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay $1 if cured. Remody sent on trial. Superha Co . W. K14 Bplt?more. Md. WOULD like to adopt new-born babe; glad- ly pay expenses. n jury yregonian. PRIM EDA- B A LM. formerly called Balm of Figs, fr-i -n. sen, --u. mornings. BEAUTY doctor from Paris. I beautify in lew VI 1-miin.mo. ' v. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck collectors. Dekum bldg. gULPH UR steam baths, massage, violet ra v . M ours. iu to o. .uy. aaain a;t.w. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re- ...A -ail nnrotlnnH hlHif Main 1 tn PROSTATE trouble cured w ithout opera t i o n. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Bdwy. bldg. LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cul ture MadameCurtiB.3Irshull 1702. Dit.ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist, arcn specialist, now at 715 Dekum bldg. LESSONS in lip-reading. 73 W. Church st Phone Wdln. 447.. GARDNER SHORTHAND SCHOOL moved from Olooe nitig. 10 r nenner onig. THERE. THERE, THERE Be brave and don't forgive. Write. Mt Rainier. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed free; con fjilential: no needle. AG 347. Oregonian . PERFECT vision without glasses. Dr. W. JU Holloway, 304 Dekum bldg. PKKSONAL. THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE. Auto-InioxlcatJor. la the main cause or .a dominant factor In nealy every disease of the physical body. My sys tem of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation and elimination by the use of light, heat, water, electricity, sweating and massage, scientifically applied A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what C e trouble, because they fulfill the laws of the phvsical body Energy and vi tality building A real pleasure In the taking Monday. Wedm-miay, Friday. Women . nly Nurse attendant. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday men only. BROWN'S H YDltOPATHU INSTITUTE, Stevens Bidg.. Downstairs Main 8030. Seven Vea.j Sariit Location. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blockln. gone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger of after effects We perform all dental op eratlons without pain Come In and let us prove it to you. X-ray work. DR A. W. KKENE. DR. E. J. K IESENDAHL. Above MaJ.ftlc theater, en, 3514 Wash. I'SYCHoLOGi". Find nut what you were meant to d and sf a rt to do It. The most I ni port ant thin in the world to you is YOURSELF. Human analyU as given by Mrs Anna bel Ma lone at the M ultuoiiiah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to b" a success al some thing. Find out what it Is. A 15-minute In ier lew free bv appointment only. 1 ht tie Urnn il vn v JOSO MADAM. Does this mean anything to you T To save the cost of a ton of fuel a year to spend 3on hours a year in comfort that you would otherwise cpt'iid over a hot stove? O:nervo doe th:. For fllll information write OUT WEST SUPPLY CO., fioo Oregon ia n bidg., or call Main 23 10 ANY READER of th.s paper suffering from goit re ( big neck ) en n get posh ive information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is h, pleHsant surprise in Mt-re for you if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others. It will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, box X 737, Milwau kee, Wis. 1 CLA I M my simple home treatment for stuiiiaeh. kidio, nervous disorder and constipation has no enual. No drugs. Unusually succ"K,if ul. K'-sults certain. Inexpensive. Write fully a tnl receive free consult a t ion ltter. Postals not answen-d. Thu Sterling System. Pio neer, Or PILE SUFFEKEKS Free 10 days' treat ment, famous: French prescript ton ; no caustic, drugs or knife; painless. Suc cessfully prescribed by prominent physi cian for many years with permanent re sults. Send for free treat men t tod a v. Perfect Pile Remedy Co., Box 3. Station E, Toledo. Ohio. D 1 1 . NETTIE HICWSON NVrvous and inronle diseases treated by NEW METH ODS traction for weak backs, mineral steam bath, showers, violet ray massage and snuold;ii treatments for both cxes, M. 7Ts:i. 71 J Swet t.ind bldg. P 1 L ES I 'KKMAN E N T R K LI E F. LhraI guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ak to see Gle-o-nts Pli treatment. Stout -LvlH Drug Co., 3d n nd Morrison. 5t h iii'il Wn Mngtoti. It mad vn v h nd -'tark. W M EN only, media not hem py and vit-o-net ; also special obesity treatment to remove fat from any part of . t he body; absolutely harmless ; no st arvlng or drugs. Dr. Laura Pepin, 708 Dekuiu bldg. Broadway lo;l7. SAVE FUEL SAVE TIME SAVE LABOR The National Pressure Cooker is needed bv every housewife. Write the OUT WEST SUPPLY CO., 80 Oregonian bldg. or call Main 2310 for full infor mal inn LADIES. T A K R A ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a soot h lug. cleansing, healing germicide and Invigorating douche; a great aid in female disoitlHis: 5oe and ii per box. PnrHnnd Hotel I'hn rmncv PROSTATE and bladder trouble, piles, constipation MUirkly, painlessly treated; no kr.ife, massage or die tin g. Simple, pi Ivate home treatment. I took let free in plain wrapper. Electro Thermal Co., 050 HVrd bldg. Steuben vll le. Ohio. AN OPEN LETTER lo Anna Evenson. Inst heard from liar View, Or., Saying write Portland general delivery; three leters cent, all leturned. uncalled for. Anyone knowing her present address pleas e write Qtij Evensou, Chapman. Or. JAZZ piano playing. 12 lessons, guaranteed; by note, with music; beginners or ad vanced ; classical music, povular songs, rag or Jnzx; practice rooms; open eve nlngs. Waterman Piano School, 314 Co lli mbli bidg.. over jtlvoll thenler. PLEASE help me find my brother, W. A. Burton. He is tall with brown hair and grey eyes; weight about 200 pounds. He Is 45 years old. Last heard from at li- First street. Portland, Or. Write Felice llurton. Holmea Park. Mo. Llt'E SED plivsh ian will take patient In bis own residence and give treatments dally reasonable nv t1 I refer ences' exchanged; give full particulars in flift letter. K ':ts- Oregonian. . YOUNG MAN. going to Los Angeles this we-k. would like to ride with someone traveling that way: able to drive any make of car. Would pay part of ex penses If necessary. O 333. Oregonian. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, scientific maHsnge. rheumatism, stomach, heart kidney complications, reducing, grnduats nurse assistant. 74-3-0 Selling - lllrscli. Main 77SO. . WE ARE continuing our big sale of wom en's coats and dresses nt Peterson's Up stairs store, 2d floor. Plttock blk. The values are well worth while and we ad- vis e early huyin g. LIVER trouble Physician explains simple treatment for Inflamed gall bladder and bile duels associated with gallstones. Boooklet free. Dr Paddock, box G5201, Kan saw City, Mo. DR. M liGARET 1 1 A V N I )'., chiropractor. Women's diseases my specialty. A I! treatment noti - surgical. For trained nure assistant and bath mafsng-s. aai; for M!m Randall. 215 S wetland bldg. WRITE a song. poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose muslo and guarantee publication. Send words today. Edward Trent, 702 Reaper blk.. Chleu go. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mules, birthmarks, large pores, pimples removed by elec trolysis e vehrows perm alien t ly correct ed Htil liro.id wav bldg. Main 3100. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous and enronic uis h specialty: steam luitli. hoi or co'd showers. S'-lentPle hodv massage, Honrs 10 to 7. 417 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 41 TO. DP LOUISE NHT7.EL treats rheumatism, lurnbuco; electric blanket, vibrator, man sage, bath; ladv asslstunt. 540 Columbia ,.' r,.r 17th street. Main 5508 COMPOSERS of music wishing to have their cniTiponiinniB I'""!""1' "i " -the Pacific Musin Publishing Co., 31 Artisans Ding., ron ianu. RESPONSI RLE imi n going to California for few days will transact business for others to pay part expenses. Phone Main til on. . HOME for bedridden lady requiring atten tion of practical nurse; place must be comfortable and cheerful; C. 3. pre trI).ri L. 202. Oregonian. 'UNUSED electrothermal dilator and cath eter special plug reduces current, mod tror.iuient. constipation. prostate. piles, etc.; no ngent. B 333. Oregonlnn. SI GETS both Teet fixed Up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLAT., who doesn't hurt you; 8 vrs nere, ";. fr''w. ow.be hldg.. 11th Wash. Hdy. 22. ALBERT 0R0R R -1 N A Kliis wauieu bv his urotner. r. i.eniu, x-lt... A $25 reward to anyone letting mo know ii i s w h ereabouts. WHV PAY fancy prices lor trusses when you can get them at commercial pric-s at the J A. Clemenson Drug Co., 200 Morrison st.? Call and see for yourself. VIT-O-NET, sweat body massage. Radiant light, loiei nay in-uuiinu ii sciatica, neuritis, circulation ; 10 to 8 ihiilv. 450 Morgan b'dg. Main 7570. DETECTIVES We make Invent I gat ions. Hhadowlng. oniain eviueo.-c, uuuiri op eratives; private Interviews. Day Bdwy. RESPONSIBLE yuung man leaving for Los Angeles about 12th will act for you, any capacity or tra nsact business there; reasonable, Y 331 . Oregonian. VIT-O-VET IMRLORS SALES TREAT MENT ROOMS. 212-10 KLII3DNER BLDG DR. ti. LOCKE. EXCLUSIVE SALES RIGHTS. MINERAL steam bat hs for rheumatism and lumbago, vibratory treatment. Dr. Chybki. D. P. 322 Fleldner bldg., 10th a n d Washington sts. COME to 008 Raleigh bidg, to have your feet treated ; manlcui ea. facials, scalp t r v atments. :.rtnmrfir'w- Open evening. p M, BLACKFORD, detective and lnves "tlgator; all work strict. y confidential. i a Vista avenue. Main 0817. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed permanent ly by electric needle. Main 1842 for ap- polntmeni. BEAUTIFUL Pegg V Paige dresses and, dancing frocks are now on sale at Peter son's, 2d t loor. Pittock block, at 1-8 off. 'SICE BUSINESS opportunities, drugless physician's practice, equipment, sale. H 340. Oregonian. SKILLED nurses give drugless treatments, steam shower baths and massage. 7o3 1 ekum bldg. Broadway 3414. OO i i RE, einargeu gianus. Cure yourself, A. R. Strachan. rut 5. Hillsboro, Or. No agents or represent atlvcs. LAD I ES, you can get your corsets made and a fit guaranteed at Chandler Corset par lor. 000-8 Filers bldg. DETECTIVE, shadowing and domestic in vestigations a specialty. AM 330, Ore- gonian. TRAINED NURSE. BATHS. MASSAGE, see Miss Randall for baths, massage and electric treatment. 215 wet land bldg.