TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, '"PORTLAND, JANUARY 1, 1022, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Koomlng Hounf. HOTEL. K4 rooms In hotel district. 12 with private bath; 5-year ieaa at reasonable rental; all rooms re cently kalsomined and 20 rooms recently recarpeted; Northwestern heat; furniture L good; hotel is enjoy Ins wonderful patronage. Only $10,000 down payment re quired. , ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 11 rooms, conrpletoly fnrnlshed, west side, in good district; rent $0 per month; $900 cash will handle thin; total price of leaae and furnishings, $1800. HOTEL. B2 rooms, clow In, N. W. steam, sice lobby; high -clan furniture and In good condition; this pla-ce in now netting $1000 per month; Thin place must be old quickly at the price now asked. APARTMENT HOUSE. 44 rooms, divided Into 14 3-room. and 1 2 -room apartments; stucco finished building; west side, with in walking distance. This place now netting owner over $340 per month and living quarters; fur nishings and leaae con be bought for $11,000 on terms; five-year leaae. WANTED APARTMENT HOUSE. Someone to trade an apartment house in Portland for a model farm of 00 acres near Salem. All level, all !n cultivation. Includ ing 1 acre in orchard and 8 l acres In loganberries; 6-room 2 story house, modern in every de tail; modern barn, ailo, water tower, chicken houses, hog pens, etc. This place is ready to move Into; la valued at $18,000 and U extremely low valuation. We have photograph for your Inspection. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 14 rooms, furnished in solid Ivory and mahojrany; close In. wt ' shfV district: irross inconre per month Is now $120; this place has never had a vacancy; furninire is new. There are a number of tran sient boarders. This la a hlgh ejujr proposition andbears Inves tigation. APARTMENTS. ROOMING HOUSE. Located In largo frame resl- dene on east side In high-class neighborhood ; 13 rooms d Ivided Into 4 apartmen-u, all rented; nice home and Income for owner; fur nishings and lease can be bout? lit . for $200, with only $1800 cash payment, APARTMENT HOUSES. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. We have a large number of Hat ing of apartment house buildings for sale at reasonable valuation. COUNTRY HOTELS. Lease and furnlahlngs, 3C-room hotel in Salem for $1000 cash. 1 7-room hotel In town of JWV) population In Washington on Pa cific highway: building, grounds and furnishings, only $4000 on termfl. High-class hotel in prosperous town n'ear Portland on highway; AH rooms; is doing a $15,000 busi ness this year: $r7,000 cash will handle Vhla place. 22-room hotel In town of 1000 population ; near Portland ; nets from $250 to $500 per month ; build in g, furnishings and 4 lots adjoining can be handled for $&500 cash, which is half of total pur chase price. 88-room hotel, brick. 3-story, best hotel in town of 3500 popu lation In southern Oregon ; wilt either sell furnishings and lease building or sell building, grounds and furrftshings. $R0O0 cah as down payment will handle a 41!-room hotel In town In southern Oregon; building, fur nishings and grounds are moder ately priced at $15,000. We have a largs number of Ht Ings of country hotels, ranging in price from $1500 to $ti5.000. These hotels are priced right; we have photographs of a number of these hotels for your Inspection. CHESTER L. FLORENCE, RTTTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. aoi-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. WHITE TEMPLE. 20 rooms, all fine furniture, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, showing ft net of $175 per month, reasonable rent, with lease, $2500 cash will handle, small balance, easy terms. PEE MrOAULET. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main SO. TRANSIENT HOTEL BEST VALUE IN THE CITY Only tSSOO cash down buys one of the most profitable transient ho tels: long lease, brick bldg. New fur nishings. Step in and make yourself in dependent between now and fair. $8300, to be paid in installments from your net earnings. "Where you find the Good Hotels." O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 40S-11 Couch Hid. Main 1.173. BRICK HOTEL On Broadway, right In the heart of oWv AA mnnm M W ). . 1 which can be increased. Low rent and lease runs to June, Vi'M. $14,000. $0000 cash, balance to suit buyer. PETERSON & YORK. 4t N. W. Bank Bldg. Main R003. 23 ROOM'S All hardwood finish: a fine place to live, some professional man's office and residence or a good boarding house; good furniture, netting $200 per month and 4 nice sunny rooms for living quarters. Come and inspect and buy from owner. Reduction la price for next to rtsys. 4i3 Ysmnill st ROOMING HOUSE, CLOSE IN, W. R. 14 rooms, rent $05 a month, $1800 cash, terms on bal. A first-class value. Sunday P. M. and Mondav. Main 1.175. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO-. INC. 40X-11 :oucn j-iiag. ROOMING HOUSE, WEST SlDK. Close in, 12 rooms, rent $55. Netting IV50 a mo. Best of terms. Sunday P. M. and Monday. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. CENTRAL HOTEL BARGAIN 3-story modern brick, close In, 5-year iea&o. net ting $450 a month. Special price this O. H SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. sow-ii t.oucn .Miag. Main. ir73. oi w - - c i ii rooms, close in, wesc sloe. noc ana coiu water, a garages and park ing space; gross Income $180 a month, rent $35, Clean. Price $1800. Main HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS AND AGENTS. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK Rl.nfl ON ACCOUNT of ill health will sell or trade my parking station, the best in the city, and sedan car for rooming house. Tnhor 6031. , ROOMING HOUSE. WEST SIDE 10 rms., rent $40. Price $11511. Terms to suit. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 Couch Blilg. Main 1 575. FOR LEASE by owner, modern brick hotel Iw IJend, Or., unfurnished ; would sell furniture. Apt. K, 304 Guild st Portland. Or. FOR SALE Small rooming house in cen ter of Astoria, doing good business; good terms. Write Sain H. Webb. As toria, ur. u rfrtxi si 77 ? v-i.-t-o .ion close in, high-grade value. Sunday P. M. and Monday. Main 1575. HOTELS, APARTMENTS, REAL ESTATE Clients waiting. List with us. 44'J 450 Sherlock bldg. GOOD 8-room house, west side, centrally located, for sale cheap cash .consid.ra- tlon. Marshall 25S:;. 28 ROOMS, 1, 2 and 3-room apartments: 2 baths, good furnace; always waiting list. Marshall 2H18. " IF YOU want the best paying rooming house in city. Owner, Main 8451. Some terms. WANT rooming house. Have best of secur itles for part pavment. Main 0451. 14 ROOMS, all housekeeping, good (urnl tnre: income $(i.i. Marshall 2H1S. ii KOO.MS, housekeeping: good furniture: no vacancies. Marshal! 2l',1H. IVANTLD Lease uri nu tr prtmiiab 12 H. K. ROOMS y owner. $1200; take light late car. Main $283. BI' 81 NESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses, WANTED. 30 to 40-room hotel, close In, wpm side. 40 to 50 -room hotel, close in, west side. 75 to 100-room hotel on west side. Rooming houne, 0 to 30 rooms. Rooming house, 15 to 20 rooms. Good rooming and boarding house, 11 to 14 rooms in good dis trict, west side. Apartment houfe, furnishings '-and lease, 13 apartments. Apart men t house, furnishings and leaae, 20 to 30 apartments. COUNTRY HOTELS WANTED. Country hotel, of first-class town, in Oregon and Washing ton with population from 1000 to 1U.UUU. Wo have clients for the above listed properties and owners de sirinj to eli, If their prices are right, would do well to list same with us for quick action, j Chester L.. Florence, RTTTER, LOWS 8c CO., Realtors. 201-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 46 TWO AND THREE -ROOM apartments, wonderful west side location, rent per room, long lease, modern llreprooi building with all up-to-date conveniences sucn as automatic elevator, private nai conies, etc.: this is the surest money maker on the market: will stand closest inspection; easy terms - to responsible party. 42 three-room rfpartments, long lease at $000 per month, brick building with all modern equipment, completely fur nished and in fine condition, clears" over $UO0 per month: price $24,000, terms. 02 two and three-room apartments, choice west side location, very desirable lease, extra well furnished and unusualty clean, strictly modern throughout: net -Income over $1000 per month; $20,000 ' will jiandle. U8 two and three-room apartments. long lease at V400 per montn, ail llgnt. airy rooms, completely furnished, clean as a pin. lone woman can handle easily; price tlN.otm, terms. YATES REALTY CO. 21.". Fourth St. $14,00024 3-ROOM spts.. nicely fur nishfd; private batha; Stokes furnace; reasonable rent, lease until after the fair; netting over $500 ner month; $0000 will handle. , $3000 18 rooms of 2 and 3-room ants with baths; lease until 102ii; rent $75 per month. All brand new furniture. $9000 13-room hotel, good lease, rent only $150 per month; nets over $300 per month, $5000 win handle. Office open Tuesday. Note our new aaaress: S. M. BORLAND. 221-22-23 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1.568, FORCE SALE. SNAP. 20 rooms of fine furniture, very clean house, showing a net of $140 month, has good lease, at $55 per month: ladv must sell at once. Trice $2100. $1500 cash will handle. SEE MoCAULEY. HILLER BROS.. Realtors.. 211 Ry. Ex.-. Bldg. . Main SC. BY OWNER 13-ROOM HOTEL. BRICK BLDG.. LARGE LOBBY. DINING RM. SEATS 50 PEOPLE: 5-YEAR LEASE; 8 YEARS AT $150 PER MO., BAL. H. INCLUDING HEAT. THIS IS ONLY HOTEL IN BUSY TOWN OF 3500 PEO PLE, 24 MILES FROM PORTLAND ON HIGHWAY. THIS IS A GOOD MONEY MAKER. FOR PRICE AND TEW MS SEE OWNER. ROOM 33C IMPERIAL HOTEL, SUNDAY FROM 10 TO 4. SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE PROPRIETORS. We wish to save you annoyance and inconvenience which might be caused you by our phoning or calling on you to Inquire If you wish to dispose of your business. One of our representa tives will call upon you and Investigate your proposition with a view of making a tale, if you will phone us. Thomson & Thomson, Realtors. 020-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. APT. BLDG. AND FURNITURE. You will at once appreciate this ex ceptional investment: Apt. house of modern and recent construction. Ideal w. s. location. Earnings close to $800 a mo. No lease. Special price, by own ers, who must liquidate. Full price $45,000. Terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. HOTEL WASHINGTON STREET. FINE, MODERN BRICK. RUNNING FULL. GOOD INCOME. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. WITH SPLENDID "NET IN COME. $10,000 CASH WILL HANDLE). O. C. UI.RICH & CO.. 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. OR WRITE M. E. ALFONSO. BLACK STONE HOTEL. TWO LEASES DIRECT. A pleasing New Year's Message: Di rect lease on a modern brick hotel, w. s. , which will net you close to $1000 a mo. Offering 5-year lease. Also a lease on residential hotel for 5 years. Both enn be negotiated on very reasonable terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 4QS-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. NOB HILL APT. HOUSE, $3500. TER.M.S. A classy, small apt. house, modern, good lease and exceptional furnishings. May consider smaller place as part pay ment. Sunday P. M. and Monday. Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. LOVELY' HOME. 11-room house, elegant, y furnished, mostly housekeeping, everything goe electric washer, vlctrola, sewing ma chine, vacuum cleaner, fine rugs. Price I2.V0O; about $15O0 down; easy pa ments. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPAN S23-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BI.DO. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME I.N AND TALK IT OVER 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. SMALL- APT. HOUSE. 28 rooms, 1 store room. 2, 3 and 5 room apts., completely and well fur-, nlshed, steam heat, all corner rooms, clears $2O0 month alcove all expenses. Price $4SO0: some terms. See Mrs. Keller. " GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg DOWNTOWN TRANSIENT HOTEL. First time on market In five years. New direct lease. Nearly 80 rooms. Ab solutely modern and has the finest of furnishings. Exclusive. Takes less than $15,000 cash. Mr. Howe, with O--H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. SMALL HOTEL. Splendid 41-room hotel, brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water ali rooms, clean as a pin. will clear $400 month. Price $7000. Easy terms. Se Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 11)117 Yonn Bldg TWO R. H. BARGAINS 10 room, h. k dose in. modern home, $00 handles. Full prlceT$U50. For real value see this. 11 rooms, Taylor t. location; very low rent. Modern house and good income. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. v NOli HILL DISTRICT. Ijovely 12-room house, mahogany and oak furniture; rent only $35; all in 2 room housekeeping suites: net profit about $75. Price $2000. Liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg IF YOU WANT TO BUY OK SKI. I. business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence. UITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade" Bldg. We Write All Kinds of insurance. WHITE TEMPLH DISTRICT. 84 2-room apts., always full, well fur nished: rent only $350 month: 5-year leaae, not on market before, iajs)y-ma-ker. If interested See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg FOR QUICK SALE List your hotel.- apartment or rooming houses with us; your -Interests will always be protected; we have cash buy ers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs.. Keller, . GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Mdg. lo-ROOM HOUSE. 1 floor, ali h. k., loca tion very good, $45 a month rent. Large net. Best bargain in town at $1325. Terms. 6. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 40.8-1 1 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. 14 ROOMS, fine corner house, rent oniy $75; will give lease, all housekeeping. net protit sioo montn: 150o will handle 4f S&K MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. HIGH-CLASS 42-roCm, modern. West side hotel, clearing over $500 month. $0500 will hanie. C. H. Woodward, 100 Ab ington bldg. BfSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MART E. LENT COMPANY, 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank. Bids. Phone Main 8560. , Hotels, Apartment Houses and Booming .Houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Fifteen years in this business in Portland enables us to give you satisfactory service, y The follow-ing are samples of the many places listed with us. We have many others. WISHING YOU HAPPY NEW YEAR. APARTMENT HOUSES. ; 50 APARTMENTS. This is a corner brick, each apartment has private batb. au tomatic elevator, office, oil burn er: easy apartment to rent; ail two and three rooms; low' rental to 1920. If you have $20,000 ask to see this. ' 42 APARTMENTS. Here is your opportunity to buy a place that has not be;n sold before: strictly high-class building, all modern appointments: close to business center; a money-maker; party desires to retire from busi ness. If you want the very best buy on the market, see this. Price $30,000. Some terms to respon sible party. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent only $075, Including 30 phones, steam heat and hot water; white pressed brick build ing; private balconies, automatic elevator. Price $24,000. Terms. I 16 APARTMENTS. Just the right size for a home and $380 net every month; very clean: well furnished; each apart ment has bath, large rooms, clos ets, etc. Price $10,000, half cash, balance as you make It. 80-ROOM HOTEL. " Large ground floor office an4 lobby, 30 private baths, automatic elevator; income average over $2200 per month; low rental and "long lease. Price $20,000. 40-ROOM HOTEL. One of the classiest small houses in tits city; very clean and well furnished; clears from $450 to $500 per month; long lease. If you have KO00 cash, this will suit you. SEE MRS McCLAIN FOR THE FOLLOWING: 40-room hotel, right In business district, very cheap rent; lease; "steam heat, brick bldg.; as clean as you could wish: Vernls Martin beds, extra furnishings; clears be tween $400 and $500. Special term price of $7250. See Mrs. McClaln. 'Close to Washington St., steam heated 'ldg., hot and cold water in every room. This can be run housekeeping, sleeping, transient; fent $100, lease: extra good beds, . carpets and dressers, clears $200 up year round; $3000 handles. See Mrs. McClain. $1500 gives yon possession of this money-maker; close In to Bdwy.; rent $115, lease: gross Income over $300 per month. This Is worth looking over. See Mrs. McClaln. 18 rooms, housekeeping, all on one floor. 2 baths, rent $50. income over $200. nice halls, all light rooms, well furnished, extra good beds and springs. lots of linen, fjc, stove heat; pjs.ee runs itself; $1500 cash required. See Mrs. Mc Claln. . Beautiful clean sleeping rooms, 14 rooms, all on first floor, excel lent location, high-grade furniture, practically new; clears $100 up, besides 3-room apt. Can be han dled with $1500, Beautiful home, rent $50. lease, house immaculate.'- fine exterior, furn. electricity, clears over $50. be sides lovely home. Furniture in best condition, dandy rugs, extra linens. This is a bargain at price of $1500. Terms. 9 rooms, well furnished, rent $45, leaae If desired: modern place, very good looking. Just the place for couple desiring nice home and net Income of $50. Price $1250 with $700 cash. Be first to see this. M. E. LENT CO., 524 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FREEMAN-SMITH. 6 H. K. ROOMS. Within walking distance: house in good condition; good furniture and furnishings; 6-year lease can .be had; very reasonable rent; gross Income $300; nets around $180. On account of personal reasons owner is selling this place at a sacri fice. Make us any reasonable offer. 21 ROOMS. Location close to business dis trict: conditions very good; has gross income of about $300; will net $180. Cash to handle $1500. 13 ROOMS. Nob Hill district; everything In first-class condition; long lease; rent $50: will net about $75; $1000 cash will handle. 15 ROOMS. ; Few minutes' walk from busi ness district: excellent furnish ings: rent t5: nets $185; small cash payment, balance easy' terms. 11 H. K. ROOMS. One of the classiest little places in the city; fine location; nets $80 besides nice apartment for owner; $700 cash handles this me, FREEMAN-SMITH. REALTORS, BROKERS. BDWY. 1873. 030 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. LOVELY APARTMENT HOUSE. 44 rooms, beautifully furnished, all 3 room ats.( with private baths, all out side rooms, 5-year lease, net profit about $350: price $11,000, some terms. ' SEE MRS. KELLER. ' G:0. T. MOORE CO.. W M Yeon Bldg. ANOTHER ONE. SO apts., splendid corner brick bldg., absolutely modern, every room outside, automatic elevator: ail gas ranges and linoleums belong to furnlsh4ngs. excep tionally clean: makes fine money: $10. 000 will handle. Bee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. FINE MONEY-MAKER. 45 rooms, rent $120. steam heat, 1 and 2-room housekeeping apts., medium-class furniture, net profit $400 month; close in; price $0000. $4000 down, easy terms. SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BRAND NEW. 16 rooms, all new furniture, rent $100. with 2-ye.r lease, housekeeping sand sleeping rooms, right down town; price $2750, liberal terms. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE) CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. W wish our many clients and friends A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Office open TJonday from 9 till 2 P. M. 020-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 48SO. HOTEL. Over 100 rooms. 50 private baths. 7 year lease. A-l location, enjoys long es tablished business, net profit over $1500. Call at our office and talk this over.- See Mrs. Keller. OKO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. DO YOU NEED AN INCOME? 18 rooms, west side, well arranged and modern, 2 fireplaces. 3 baths, hard wood floors, well furnished; long lease; price $5000; terms. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce FTldg. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 42-room hotel, fine location, nice brick building, modern and wefl furnished throughout, clean as wax: rent $125. good lease: nets $400; prfce $7500, terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Broadway 10Q4. HOTEL BARGAIN. '"West side hotel, has established clien tele,' many transients; 30 rooms; new furniture and fixtures; very neat: lease 5 years; have cleared $500 monthly. Whole price $000; some terms. Private. Phone Main 2778. morning or .evening. ATTENTION. Before buying consult our list of first class apartment houses and hotels. We handle the best in the city, at your service for a square deal. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NEAR JEFFERSON. 15 rooms, all housekeeping, furnace heat, well furnished, net profit $ 100 month. Price $3000, $2000 down. See Mrs. -Keller. G EO. T. MOORE CO. lOOT Yeon Bid g. FINIS SMALL APT. HOUSE Good loca tion, X, D-niuui iciiuii .lou per mo. Rent $65. Great money maker. A very small first payment handles. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 157 ROOMS, nicely furnished, all new: west a!4. Inquire 193 N. 15th, St.- t .fiJiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiuumiiimiimiiiiiii!: I 4 o'clock I I Today is the closing hour for the acceptance of 1 Classified Advertising for I The. A uregoman i Annual E Published tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 2, 1922. niiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimir; HI'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels anil Rooming Houses. "WE WISH to extend to our friends and c'ients our best wishes. May you have a happy and prosperous New Year and may we enrich our store of blessings by making new friends the coming year and continue to hold the esteem of the old ones. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4064. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. We submit for your approval a few house of our rooming house and apt. listings, us first. If you wish to buy ossell see 7 rooms, rent $32.50. price $875. 7 rooms, rent $32.50, price $1375. 9 rooms, rent $05.00, price $1470. 12 rooms, rent $..oo, price i-'ooo. 31 rooms, rent $;u.oo, 8 rooms, rent $50.00, 10 rooms, rent $35.00, price $1850. price $1050. price $1125. price $2100. price $3500. price $3000. 25 rooms, 18 rooms, rent $05.00, rent $110.00. 15 rooms. rent $75.00. 30 rooms. rent $275. price $10,000. 16 rooms. rent $40.00, price $2300. 20 rooms, rent $50.00, price $3100. 10 rooms, rent $50.00, price $.1000. 12 rooms, rent $05.00, price $2000. 10 rooms, rent $.5.0O, 12 rooms, rent $05.00. 2t rooms, rent $75.00, 13 rooms, renT $00.00, 32 rooms, rent $80.00. 20 rooms, rent $55.00. 11 rooms, rent $60.00, 20 rooms, rent $75.00, price $1350. price $2800. price $3S00. price $2000. price $7000. price $2100. price $1450. price $3500. . 44 rooms, rent $325, price $13,000. 84 rooms, building and furniture, $21,000. price 125 rooms, rent $750. price $10,000. 33 rooms, rent $100, pilee $0800. We will be pleased to show you these places and others by appointment. Come in and see us, anyway. We may be able to help you. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bids., 3d and Stsrk Sts. ' Bwdy. 0808. WHITE TEMPLE. 22-room apartment, hot and cold wa ter In all apartments, steam heat, always full, rent $100 per month, with lease, netting $175. walking distance; $2500 cash, easy balance. SACRIFICE. IS rooms of fine furniture, all house keeping, close in, no vacancies. Must sell this week. Rent $100 per month. Can get lease over the fair. Be sure and wee this. SNAP. 11 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping, close in. clean as a pin. Sickness forces sale. Net $85 and own apartment; $500 cash and own terms on balance. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 20 rooms, housekeeping, beautiful fur niture, steady tenants, no vacancies, rent $75 with new five-year lease. Owner will paint building in spring. Price $3500; your terms. TRANSIT HOTEL. 32 rooms, brick building, heart of city. Northwestern heat, rent $100, lease over the fair, net $300 per month. Fix this up and turn for more money. A snap at $5500. NOB HILL. 45-room apartment, close In. steam heat, rent $150 with lease, net $275. This place will sell for more jmoney with a little work. $3500 will handle; small balance. BARGAIN. 0 rooms, housekeeping, good furniture and location, no vacancies, rent $35. Fix this up and make quick profit. Only $700 cash. We have many listings to select from Our service is sure to please you. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. HOUSEKEEPING. 20 Rooms Close in on West Income . . Rent .... Price WAKEFIELD. $ 300 90 .. 1600 FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. For the convenience of our customers this office will be open Monday all day, EXCLUSIVE LISTING. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 42 rooms, brick, lobby, automatic ele avtor. Northwestern heat. Situated on one of our principal streets ;, number of private baths on the order of suites. Full price only $1S,000, part cash. In vestigate this and you will buy. ' J. BRUCE' GODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. Beat tourist and commercial place we know of. 40 acres land, with mineral springs; modern bldg. in every respect. Owner has out side Interests and must sell. This Is a high-class phTce; $8000 will handle. Busy all the time. H. B. FERN, 200 Railway Exchange. Mar. 5558. APARTMENT HOUSE, PROPERTY AND FURNITURE. One of Portland's best: a. first-class Investment. Fod fuTl particulars see G. C. ULR1CH CO., 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE LOCATION. 3 years' straight lease. 11 rooms. H. K-, water In all, 2 baths, fine rugs and leather furniture; clears $80 jper month besides own apartment: $1250 .down. Call at 387 Taylor. Monday. 1 HAVE several buyers for modern apart ment houses, well located. 20 to '50 rooms, pay mostly cash. Phone Main 36ii.). 'H. W. Garland, 201 3d St., corner Taylor. ' ' YOU want to begin the New Year by buy ing, selling and listing your rooming houses with Mrs. Gibson, rooming house specialist. She gives you immediate re sults. 440 Montgomery. Marshall 2018. VBST SIDE. Ten rooms, all ' housekeeping, stove heat. Net more than $00 month. Rent only $35. Owner. 12 to 4. 227 Mont- gomery st. HOTEL. 90 rooms, close in, good Income, cellent terms. G. C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. WANT 12 to 15 rooms, some housekeep ing, close in. west side, cash for bargain. X 838. Oregonian. $1100 LETS YOU IN. 20 rms., clean, perfect order, rent $55. Lease, some terms. Owner, 573 3d. 14-ROOM apartment house, modern brick, waiting list; lease 1926; swell buy. 04 Buchanan bldg. AWRTMENT house, 36 rooms, lease 1926, income $230 net, waiting list, modern. 54 Buchanan bldg. BARGAIN 20 rooma housekeeping, 5 year lease, cor. brick bldg.; $2000. $1500 down. Owner. East 1257. , BUSINESS OPrORTCNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. 28 modern apts.; corner brick bldg.; lease over the fair; rent $305: clears $550; good proposition. $15,000, part terms. v 33 modern apts.; besutiful bldg., cor- ner, 5-year leaae; clears $800; auto " matic elevator;, fine furnishings; best west side location. $15,000 down. 30 apts.; 2s and 3a: strictly modern brick: long lease; clears $550; very de sirable; well arranged. $10,000 down. 90 rooms, all modern. 2 and 3-foom apts.; 5 years' lease; nets over $500; everything in good shape; no wall beds. Price $10,000, half cash. $8000 will handle lease and furnlsh 1 lngs of 15 strictly modern 3-room apts.: 5 years' lease; rent $U25; automatic el evator; proposition we feel safe to rec. ommend. , 68 rms.; mostly 2-rm. apts.: good lease; rent $200; nets $500 apd own apt.; well located, west side. Price tSOOO, good terms. m ' 26 rms.; mostly 2-room sots.; good lease; rent $125; clears $lbO over all expenses and good apt. $3000 down. Over 100 rms. : part apts.; lease over the fa4r; automatic elevator; In good shape; unusual income; under good men aagement. Price $10,000, about $11000 ' down. 70 rms.: 2-story modern brick hotel; lease; rent $550; best transient loca tion; good lobby; m excellent condition. $20,000, good terms to right party. 44 rms.; modern. brick hotel corner): long lease; rent $250; always full; clears $50o; nice apt. for owner; good condi tion: $8500, $4000 down. 120-rm. modern brick hotel; long lease; rent $450; monthly gross $2500; elevator; unusual proposition; we can recommend it. $17,000, terms. 28 rms.; transient hotel; lease; rent $75; brick bldg.; clean, fair furniture; extra good Income. $2500 will handle. $5000 will handle 60-rm. hotel; steam, heat; 5 years' lease; rent $300; best lo cation. Price $8000.- i 27 rms.; mostly II. K. : rent $125: lease over fair: nets $250 besides nice apt. Price $3750, part terms. 16 rms.: H. K., 2-rm. suites: rent $5.1; furnsce, elec: good home and income; well located. $1500 down. 15 rms.; sip.: rent $85; lovely mod ern place; extra well furnished; hot water heat; very desirable; home and Income, Price $3500, terms. 22 rms.; frlst class, modern, rent $150; nets $173 and lovely 3-rm. apt. for own ufce; very beautiful; unusual place; takes $3500 to handle. 21 rms.; all apt.; rent $75: furnace, elec.; clean and well furnished: no at tic rms.; dandy location; good home and Income. Price $5o00, part terms. levems.; White Temple; all apts.; rent low; good lease; nets over $200 and nice apt. for self. $3000 down. i 6-rxi. modern house, rent $33; extra good furniture; well located; nice home; Income if desired, $650, terms. w have many others listed and would be glad to have you see our files. We can locate you right. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. 620 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 4880. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. Hotel, brick blog., 32 rooms: profits average little better than $3541 morvth; 5-year lease; price Is within the reach of anyone. Hotel in a brick bldg.. 100x100 lot, 4 stories, good furnishings, no Indebted ness; within walking distance center of city; always full; can be bought as a whole: profits from hotel about $700; stores bring in extra rentalB. Apartment house, brick, in a neigh borhood of homes, gross income about $120O; can be purchased to make showing of 21. We have for trade about 40O0 acres of land, Ideal for stock raising, two sets of buildings, running water, alfalfa lanq. 100 acres in wheat, to trade for hotel or nnArrm.nr hAii.K. Something for a corporation, chain of hotels or large comDanv to buv. initial payment $75,000; profits $50,000, and can be made larger; location perfect to control -Justness. Hotel. 40 rooms, hot and cold water, telephone in aH rooms, splendid loca tion to command more business: peeds a regular man to direct: profits now $450; with attention will proaoce more. We carry listings of other hotels, apt. houses. rooming houses. restaurants, cafes and beach resorts. 714 COUCH ni'ILDrN1. Nj-T INCOME $550. 72-room apartment, beautiful brick building, modern and nicely furnished; 5-vear lease, rent $300. This is a splen did buy; price $14,000; half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 828 Henry Bld.g. Broadway 1004. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Llgnt & Power Co., December 30, 1921: 7 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes, rin.g. 1 pin, 1 suitcase, 2 handbags. 1 single glove. 1 book. 2 bundles sacks. 8 packages, 1 bunch keys, Eversharp pencil, box; owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First ana Alder street station. LOST One small straw ruitcase on Lake road between Milwaukle and 82d st. Contains flashlight with red, Vhite and green globes; wearing apparel, men's white collars, sise 1514; ivory romb and other articles Reward. R. E. Wagy. 2d and Har.kley ave.. Milwaukle fHI-J. LOST Friday, Dec. 23, at or near Star theater, a dark tan leather brief case, containing book of photovaohs and Alaska engineering reports. Please re turn same to 215 W. Park St., to W. H. Adams. LOST Saturday, In shopping district, good-sized diamond from bar pin set ting. Finder please return to- window No. 1, second floor. First National bank. Reward. LOST A medium-size long-haired reddish brownj dog, name Bob; has bobed tail, 1021 license No. 2752. Phone Tabor 100. reward. - LOST A roll of paper with a rubber band around it: was lost at Liberty theater Friday. December 31. bet. 3 and 4:30. Finder please call Main 7858 fcTRAYED or stolen, 1 Aairedale dog, 7 months old. with collar and chain; re turn to owner, receive-reward, 385 East Burnslde. LOST-Tlme book and envelope contain ing slips account with H. W. Knanss and florist t Portland. R. 3. box 400. Re ceive reward. LOST December 29. Eastern Star pin. Initials J. A. engraved on back. Call Columbia 1150. Reward LOST Rosary beads on Christmas morn ing on Belmont street between 20th and 27th. East 4300. . LOST In the A10r-street station, a gold wrist watch on a black ribbon. Return to 800 Corbett bldg. Reward. THE GENTLEMAN who picked up party at Union and Russell streets please re turn umbrella left In-car. Call 317-97. PIT BULL PUP, 5 momns old, brindle with white breast: tail cut; answers to name of Mike; $10 reward. -Main 1267. LOST Eastern Star pin, 5, 10 and 15c store. Sin and Alder. Finder please call 032-38. Reward. LOST Toy Boston female, almost white; , Hoyt-st. address on collar. Call Wood lawn 4061. LOST Sterling sliver coin and card purse with currency and calling cards. Re ward. Mar. 57411 or Bdwy. 2270. LOST Suit box containing gray coat, gray scarf and blue sweater, December 27. Reward. Phone East 21P-5. FOUND ec. 28, lady's fox fur. Call - Broadway S55. apartment an de- scrlbe property. LOST Music case with initials C. R. T. on catch. Music -all marked Chaa R. tbomson. Call Tabor 7359. LOST Last week, a pair of tortoise shell rim glasses in Columbia Optical Co. case. Finder call Mar 1543. Reward. LOST I pearl ring wltn o pearls in row. Finder call at gas company's office and receive reward. PLEASE return patent-leather purse and contents. liu mningswortn; Key needed. Wood lawn SHORT string pearls; liberal reward. Phona Main 4G82, or leave at Oregonian office. FOUND Gray squirrel choker, Heilig the ater, last evening. Call Mar. 4574. FOUND, 4.153. red Irish setter. Phone Woodlawa LOST White gold snake as keepsake. Call Mar. bracelet. Sit 20. LOST Pure on Depot-Morrison car, day. Reward. Call Bdwy. 5033. LOST Black purse, Meier &. Frank's, Frl day. Wdln. 669 cvenlnga. Reward. LOST Wednesday,., glasses. Alberta car. Stark St.; reward. Wdln. 0307. XOST Pair of eyeglass in black case, .-made by Dr. Pratt. Marshall 1344. LOST K. C. emblem off watch fob. ward. East 4880. LOST Black cocker spaniel dog. Reward. 37 E. 47th st. Tabor 6449. FOUND Package, nette." Call Mrs. "Mildred, From Jean Beck. Marshall 881. LOST Chrfatmas day, gold pia with 5 black stones. Woodlawn 5062. LOST Lady's black fur belt. Call Mar Shall 4H3L Mr. Kemp. Reward, I.OST AND FOI'NT. LOST Little black Shepherd dog with yellow legs and feet and yellow spots over legs. When last seen was wearing license No. 2432. Communicate. Mil waukie, Or., ft. F. D. 2, box 402. $10 reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Take notice that the undersigned is about to sell and transfer to John Sol man that certain personal property con sisting of restaurant and fixtures, con ducted at No. 05 Grand avenue. Port land, Or.; all creditors of the under signed are hereby notified to present their claims Immediately at the said premises. GEORGE ARHOM. BILLS contracted by Mra D. C. Moore (Betty), my wife, will jiot be paid by me alter tnis date. D. -Moore. I WILL not be responsible for anv bill contracted by my wife after this date. Mra Albert Blond. Mr. Albert E. Blond. NOT RESPONSIBLE for bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. Stanley Marchlngton. s. Marcn-ington. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. - YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MOT RG AGE CO. SOU SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY. MAIN 35. 102 FOT'RTH ST. STOCK and bond Issues floated, companies Incorporated, legal and financial advice regarding future financing. Have com plete -selling organization with connec tions in all principal cities, u j-ij, ure gonian. STOCK and bond Issues floated, companies incorporated, legal and financial advice regarding future financing; have com plete selling organization with connec tions in all principal cities. E 340, Ore gonian. OUH EASTERN correspondent requests us to present a desirable western stock or bond issue with the view of underwrit ing or disposing of same. For appolnt- . ment address box BP 330, uregonlan. ADDITIONAL f orking capital furnished going concorn by sale of capital securi ties In amounts from $25,000 to $100, 000; must have commercial rating. Re piles confidential. P ' 343. Oregonlan. DOUBLE your dollars In Portland, the fastest-growing city at present, by in vesting them in building homes, can handle your own money. C 334, Ore gonian. ADDITIONAL working capital furnished going concern by sale of capital secur ities in amounts from $25,000 to $100,000. Must have commercial rating: replies confidential. p 843. Orpjronmn. $7500 FIRST mortgage, b, secured by $18,000 improved income-bearing prop erty, at liberal discount. Mark T. Kady, P. O. box 642. city. E. H. AND A. N. HOSNER Brokers and Investment dealers. See us to buy or sell or trade in any stocks or bonds of merit. HQS McKay bldg FOR SALE 8 per cent mortgage $0G0, farm security. Phone owner, Douglass, Woodlawa 0111, or see Bank of Trout dale. CASH paid ror mortgages aud sellers' con. tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WILL cash mts. or real estate contract, $000 to $1500; prompt attention. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages und sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bids. Main 3020. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. See, ad with above heading under Business Opportunities. V 340. Orogonian. SELLERS CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. DeYouug & J1Isuipai(fmfl LIBERAL discount on a $730 contract, payable $30 per month wiili interest at 7 prr cent. Marshall 5S4S, WIL.L. buy aiiisiller seller- contract tr sec ond mortgage. Gordon, t(31 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAKtC loans, buy notes and securities. Lee Davenport, B1U Buchanan b!d. WANT loan $'200 on unimproved acreage near Unnton, Or. P 845, Oregonlan. liUY NOTiiS, contracts. morijfuKeit, F. H Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., tih and Uak sts Money u Loan im Heal KMute. THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, do renewal charges. Other funds also, as lor the put 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Complete Loan Service. EDWARD K. GOUDEY COMPANY, United Stated Bank Wdg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley Tarnis and city property. Lowest current rates. Liberal r pay ment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Thlrd'St.. Portland. Or. Ei L'a TODAY Wo loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commbwlon on choice loans; Ions Um6 and aiiort time; monthly payments;- pay an you can, sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. T- Gaco btug., 5th and Aider sta. CELLA Rij-M UR,TON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $r00 up on improved city or iarin property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6013. $3000 TO LOAN for 3 to 5 year- on first security on new modern home in Laurel hurst. Irvinsrton or Rose City, value JSIMM) to $:uoo. or $lu00 on $5000 to 9UUIHJ homes; no agents, au ano. ure- gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest ratea on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. PAGET fc PAGET. REALTORS. 2W3' Stark ft., bet. 4th & 3th. Bdwy. 3704. WE HaVE fund available lor good real dence loans; also .Insurance money for business property t lowest available " MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 28.il. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company mon7 to loan at lowest current rates n w.nameue val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTAGE CO, 87 S;xth st.. Portland, Or, MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege: lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. HAVE $10,000 OR $12,000. 7 FOR WELL J.MPROVfcL WbSl Blue. At' o-il, OREGONIAN. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Propertj. 6 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Heiry Bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS. ' Any amount: low ratea; promptly closed; attractive repayment privileges. A. H. B1RRELL-GILL CO., 217 y. w. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $30. $4U0. $-00, $7tKJ, $1000, $1)0, $1500, $2000 and up; lowest rales, quRk action, pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Cham ber of Commerce Plug. J" am luiv. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farm and city property; favorable repaying Drivileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 8371. MORTGAGE loans in ums to naif, city farm or auburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W I LL1AM G. BECK. 215 Falling Bldg $loot $1500 $i'iou 9200 jaooo. NO DELAY. We are- loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DBgHON. 613 Cham, of Com, bldg. 18-ROOM modora steam-heated hotel for . sale by owner; close in; price $3500.' JJ 347. 4regonian, CLIENT will make few good second mort gage loans; full details. H 150, Ore gonian. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, fip aiding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co-. 41S Chamber of Commerce. PR I V ATE money to loan on real extate, low rates, no delays. C De Young & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. . SUMS of $3000, $8000 and $ll,00ofor well imDroved west side. AC 311, Oregonian. $200. $400. , $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low raw, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., id tntmofr ot commerce. $107,000 FOR BUSINE.- and resident loans: divide to suit. East 7504. MORTGAGE LOANS, fl and 7 "per cent. Salomon 1 Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. MONET to lend on approved real estate. Northwest company. Gaaco bldg. $1250 ON PORTLAND security. Zimmer- man, 618 Chamber of Commerca bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan oil Real Ifute. MORTGAGE LOANS. RRSinii;rK T.OANS'filA PER CENT. Five-year period payment; privilege of lion or any multiple tnereoi. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 0 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent ot the vatue of your nome; on.g small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on tne rirst or each montn; no pensiry. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOA5 3, 8 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment pnvllega BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg.. Man 308. $500-$5000 ON Improved city or suburban property. East I..12W. Honey to l.onn t'lmtteU and Satnnes. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, V1CTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BUNDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay thern up and advance you more money if needed. We make & spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busineps stirctly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, ( Licensed.) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall S28C S. W Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workina-nien o their personal notes. Rates reasonable. Susy payments. NO SECURITY. NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern monev lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed. ) ) . 218 Failing Building. DAN MARX & CO., Sid Washington at., near 6th Pt. Established over 35 years; only hlgh-claFs jewelry store in city . with loan department In connection; private room for ladies, business strictly confidential; under state supervision; all articles held one year. Do business with anold-oftablished firm. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in stuiage with us at regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine Streets, OppoMta Multnomah Hotei.v Phone B roa d way 8 7 1 5. CURRENT RATE. From $300 and up to loan on Improved city property or suburban property. WILBUR F. JOUNO, Honry Bldg. MONEY to loan on a.ainonds and Jewelry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded broker. Zell Bros & Co. 2S3 Wash, st., between 4 th and fitfc, Marshall 727. MONEY to loan ; diamonds. Jewelry, etc. ; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler, corner Third and Washington. AUTO and short -time loans. Multnomah Kinance Co.. hi! tineco bldg. Loan Wanted. PAGET & PAGET. $1250 at 1cc S-tx - room house, value $.VM). $2000 at 7 New modern bungalow In Rose City Park. $2."VO0 at 7 6-room Laurelhurst home with double garage. $3O00 at 1 New Irvington home. J.VOO0 at S7e Concrc'ta business block, In prosperous Oregon town, , plenty of value. ' -PAGET & PAGET. Bdwy. 3704. 23 '; Stark yt.. Bt. 4th and Mh. rWANT to borrow $1800 for 3 years at 7 per cent Interest, on new bun galow In Rose City Park district, complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, etc, valued at $4000. Exceptionally good loun. A.-. TEEPE CO.. 1170 Sandy blvrt. at 40th. Tabor 0380. . FRANK L. McGCIRE. with 111s years of experience and expert knowledge of values is in a, position to aeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications-for loans. Of fice or personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager loan department, Abiugton blrig. Main JOflS. VOUK savings earn most wncn invested in real estate mortgage? ; w e get you R per cent net; now- want amounts $S30, and K.oo: properties worth around three times the loans. Fred W. (lerman Co., 7oli Chamber of Commerce hVdtr. $1S(M firwt niorta.ge on A-rKim bunga low, new, and 5 acres of land, on corner Section Line and Barker road. Address John J. Lambert, Route A. It. 2lt4, Oresham. Or. Private party only. $15,000 AT i PER CI-iNT. lOOxl.Mt, with 3-story warehouse, and big brick garage, investment of over $r.0.040. moral rlfk good. SMITH-WAOONKR CO.. STOCK F.XCH. WANTED From private party, $1300. on first mortgage, security one-,uHter block and modern 7-room house, fine district, valuo $4.U0; l'o interest. Sell wood 804. WANTED to borrow $37.' 0 at S per cent on highly Improved lieavenlam ranch this side of hherwood. Value of farm $10,000. McCIure & Schmauch Co., Main irn:t. LOAN WANT 10 D. $1300, 7 per cent, 7-room modern house, well located in Woodmere. HD 34 I. Oregorunn A LOAN7' of $iMo wanted. Have $12,000 and .t-year lease as security; int. una commission. See Mr. Hearn, Main 341. Spalding bldg. $ Kt LO A N W A N T K D $ i 00. 40x2' o lot and 4 -room house, insur ance $1000, 8 per cent. S All T H -W A G O NKR CO.. STOCK FVCTI, FOR GILT-EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgage bonds in local concerns see Orecon Investment Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTKD Loan of $18,000 for five years, reducible XluOO yearly : west side. Im proved, Mr. Cnry. 1210-20 N. W. .Bank blrig. Main 104:,. $ . U I LO A N W A N T E D 500. 40x2'H lot and 4-room home; Insur ance $1000, 8 per cent. SMITH -WAGONER CO. . STOCK KXCTj AT UA'l.'E Want $000 on 2 fine vacant lots; 8 per cent; will pay back monthly. AE 340. oreeoninn. WILL aell $15oo mortgage on property valued at $3500 for $lw)0. AL 320, Ore gon Ian. $1IMM) OR MORE FROM PRIVATE PARTY; GOOD SECURITY AND CITY IMPROVED PROPERTY. TAWOP. WiVA. I WILL borrow at once from private peooie $100 on my modern bungalow and' two lots. Phone East 6228. PRIVATE money to loan cn improved real estate. Lowest rates. Sea A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED $1000 at 10 one year. Good security, chattel mortgage. AP 330, Oregonian. GOOD $1250 Seller's contract, will discount 10 per cent, f am. urPKonmn. WANTED To borrow $0000 on farm near Eugene; ample security. AV B0, Ore gon Ian. WANT $10,000 loan from private party at 7 on improved business property, value $40.000. p. o. BOX i. $1200, br'o ON U-room, house with G lots. East 32. $1400 Tu $1500 ON NEW bungalow, 2 lots. Owner, Woodlawn 5325. WANT 41000, gilt-edge collateral security. Miller. 025 Morgan bldg. Main 203 5. $12. VI WANTED from private party on Ros- C:t v Park bungalow. Tnhor WANT loan $200 on unimproved acreage near Linnton. R 340. Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. PERSONAL A REWARD of $25 will be paid to the first person who furnishes me an ac curate statement of the postofflce ad dress and whereabouts of Ony M. Crosier, or Information leading to the same. He was frequently known ss Jack Crosier. His home prior ro 1PH was East Portland, Or. He afterwards resided at Victoria, B- C. until about 1004, then in Seattle until about 1014 when he went to Alaska. He was a single man. would be 0 years of age if living. He worked for Seattle Taxi cab Co. several years a-s driver and me - chanlc. If he be dead, the above re ward will b paid for proof of death and Identity, or for information leading thereto. Will R. Crosier, brother. Bor ing. Oregon. R. D. No. 3, box 18. COME to u$ Raleigh bldg. to have your feet treated, manicures, facials, scalp treatments and shampoos. Open eve nings, $3.50 BUYS ticket for airplane ride com ing season. Sell wood 8471. Special of fer, limited time only. LEATHER LIFE! See the man at 310 Oak st., any day after New Year's day. Ha will tell you. WANTED To adopt baby girl or boy, age 1 to 5 years; good home. F 347, Ore- gonion YOUR master tool, 5 pieces In handy nickel cue, $1 by man. t.. c itossman, :uj King st., Portland, Or. - SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed free; con- Uaentiavi; no eao. avt vrcsgnia PERSON AT. THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE. Auto-intoxication is the main causa or a dominant factor in nearly every disease of ttia physical body. My sys tern of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation and elimination by the use of light, heat, water, electricity, sweating anti massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the laws of the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pieasura In tha taking. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Women .-nly. Nurse attendant. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdny men only. BROWN'S HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE Stevens Bldg.. Downstairs. Main 8030. Seven Yea, a fc'amn Location. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocklng. one therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Wit bout danger of after effects. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and let us prove It to you. X-ray work. DR. A. W K RENE. PR. E. J, KIESENDAHL, Above Majestic theater, en. 35JH Wmh. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do snd start to do it. The most Important thing in the world to you is YOURSELF. Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Maioiie at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you ore fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing Find out what It is A l.Vnilnute interview free by ppotntment only. Phone Broadway 40SQ. RAG AND JAZ, In 10 lessons guaranteed. Bfginners play a late popular song In S lessons or no charge. Advanced earn all kinds of business tlavlnir. technlaue thor- - oughly taught. Free practlco rooms; only sueceasrui acnooi ot the kind in Port land. Established 10 years. Parker Piano School, 514 EUurs Bldg.; Wh. at 4 to. .wain 4o::x. ANY READER of b 1 paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive Information on how to cure it at noma without the least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise in store for you If you will write. No charg whatsoever. Tell others. It wlil help ua all. Address Dr. Rock, box X-737, Mil waukee. Wis. REV. ANDREW CAUOHEY and Mrs. Margaret Cuughey are now rendy to re reivo all their friends. CIuss work and personal development work a special! v. Hours 0 A. M. to ft p. M. 31 "-tl Macleay Mdg., 2R6 Washington st. Phono Bdwv, 5018. Residence Mar. 3250. We wish al 1 a happy New Year. 1 WILL gladly tell anyone suffering with rheumatism how I was cured in four days after two years torrlhle suffering. It matters not what form you have, what you have tried or how long standing. Send name and address today. Address Box X-147. Little Rock. Ark. PROSTATE and bladder trouble, piles, constipation quickly, painlessly treated; no knife, massage or dieting. Simple, private home treatment. Booklet fre In plain wrapper. Electro Thermal Cow, "ot isnira niig.. cteunenvine, itnm. Dlt. NETTIE BENSON Nervous anl chronic diseases treated by NEVV METHODS, traction for week backaw mineral steam bath, showers, violet ray. m annate and sinusoidal treatments for both nexes. M. 77SJ 711 Swetlnnd bldg. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, face, alp specialist; massage under doctor's auperviflon. Formerly 210 AlUiky bldg., now ;t22 Flledner bldg., 10th and Wash ington streets : nlo open Sundays and evenings, ur. nypnni, l . 1 . PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to see Gle-o-nla Pile treatment. Stout Lyons Drug Co., 3d and Morrison. 5t h and Washington, Broadway and Stark. LADIES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Ilk sooth inc. cleansing, healing germ tr Ida and Invigorating douche; a great aid In femnle disorders; 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Vhr rmaey JA'.Z pinno playing, 12 lessons, guaranteed; by note, with musie; beginners or ad vanced; classical music, popular song, rug or ,1nz; practice rooms; open eve ning!. Waterman Piano School, 314 Co lumbia bldg., over Kl vol I theater. CH 1 ROI'RACT JC. steam batn. sclentiflo massage, rheumatism, vtumuch, heart, kidney complications, reducing, grnduuta lurse assistant. 74-5-U Selling -Hi rsch. Main 77JMV DR." MARGAR ET 11 AY N IE. chiropractor. Worn a n's diseases rny specialty. All treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, a distant and bath and massages, ask for Mlm Randall. 215 Ewctland Mdg. WRITE a song, poem, love, mother, homn, comic or any subject. I composo muslo and guarantee publico Hon. S'-nd word today. Edward Trent, 7 1 Reaper block, 'hfi-.i co. WHY NOT haru beauty culture wientlfU caHy? Investigate the Mnry-Marfnrla aeliool. References; rcqulj-ed. Inquire of Marincllo Cosmetic Shop, 203 Bdwy, bldg. . RESIDENTIAL work wanted by iladaina Delllngham, Swedish niuj.unc Treat ment ot scalp and skin, hair dressing, shampoo, manicuring, etc. Reterencea. Marshall 755. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous ami chronc dis eases a specialty ; tnin bath'-, hot of cold showers, r ienttf 1c body me ssage. Hours 10 to 7. 417 Swetland blag. Bdwy. 4J70: b DR. LOUISE NETZEL treats rheumatism, lumbago; electric blanket, vibrator, mas sage, bath; taily assistant. Mtl Columbia street, near 17lh street. Main f50S. WHY PAY fancy prices ior truces wnen you can get them at commercial pries at the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison Ft. T Call nnri yewjor yourself. WILL Mr, Marsh, blacksmith, who roomed nt 400 W. 4th St., "Vancouver, while In shipyard, communicate with friend? V mis, "oregnnlitn. D G Y. LOCKE. KWPUESENTINO V1T-O-NET MFG. CO.. FORMERLY AT T')S DEKUM. MOVED TO 2H2 FLIEDNER y.l,n; . 1QTH AND WASH. LOS ANOELEH Can fake 4 passengers. Large Hudson car. Will be In Portland Tuesday. Leaving soon as poaslhln after.. ( ; 1 vo iiimne number. EE 2H0.J regonlan. Vl't'-O-NET, sweat body Iiiaswtge, Radiant light, Violet liny treatment for colds, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to S dallv 450 FMeriner bldg. Main 7570. IRENE STUY Kivs eleetric cabinet baths, hot and cold showers, scientific body mawge and violet ray treatments. Hrs. 1 ti t.. T. 308 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5(1. II GETS buth feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton' the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SFLST., who doesn't hurt you; s yrs. here; enm. free. Globe bldg., 11th fe Wash. Bdy.2S24. WANTED The add res of Mrs. Draka, aged 40; willow Wltn nauguier, 11. dish; lived in East Portland. C. D. NUes, Riverside. Wnsh. MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. bet. 4th and 5th, Sundays and evenings GENTLEMAN Having fur L03 Ango'ea wentters. Call Marshall m24 2. DR. MILLARS hand body massage take away your anms ami a.uin, i.ju. oil Worcester bldg. SPECIAL SALE VIT-O-NET electric blan kets, pads; sales people wanted ; trea t- liients. 70fj Deli u in. Phone. Bdwy. 1037. GOlTRE,"enlargcd glands. Curo yourscT?, A. R. Strachan, rute 5. Hlllsboro, Or. - s o ng''i-ta or rpre s e nta tlvos. ORIENTAL buyer, experienced, will buy anything, small commission. P. O. box jHi4. Portland. "TRAIN ED NURSE, BATHS, MASSAGE, see MIks Randall for baths, massage and elect rlc t rt a t merit. Hi 5 Swetlnnd bldg. SUPERFLL'UL'S hair, moles, warts re moved by 10- need ie met hod ; trial free. Jose Flnlev, 51-1 Bush fc Lane, Main 03 OS. REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body by a tocientiii massage. Dr. Uvldia Larson. 034 Morg an bldg. Main ll'OO. FEB VET & HAN El'iUT, leading wig aTul toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving. 3 V.I Aider. Main 54 tV. MASSAGE, tatli. rheumatism, constipa tion, kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. Elna Surcnsen, 50S 'ani""Al.Vl'.itc; . n 5QMl. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and M"rrljm. ( CANCERS successfully treated, many sat isfied patients in Portland. 000 Swet land bldir. Phone Main h71. HONEY BOY! Must bear from you at once, have Important news. W 310, Oregon In n 'lOliACU or suutf halm cured or no pay $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial. Superha Co., W..H 14 Pa mm o re, Md. . V O U R O VI 0 1 i T U N I T Y . See ad with above heading under Business Opportunities V 310. Or. -gonian. WOULD like to adopt new-born babe; glad ly pay expenses. II 3QS. Or'-gonian. PR1MEOA BALM, formerly lulled Balm of Eii.'S. M4 E. 33d. Sell. 13, morning. DOESN'T Tom. Dh k or Harry pay you t See Vtereck m co! lector. Dekum bldg. CANCEK treated, 312 Morgan bldg. Bdwy, and W a shlngu-n sts. SUE I' II CR steam baths, massage, viol el ray H ours. 10 to S. 420. C'.n y. Main K35H. SI'PERFlT OLS HAIR permanently re moved. 504 Swetland hKUv Main L't3. PROSTATE trouble cured without oper 1 1 1 ) n. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Hdwy. bid g. LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cul ture. Madame Curtis. Marsha 111 702. PARTIES having or using Vtavl call Sell- J ..n ll'.I.A W - O-.'l nil v WOtHl ..'.11, inn ..... V.HJ, DR. ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist, arcK ppecl a 1 1 st, now nt 715 Dekum Mdg. PRIVATE detective will tako few Indi vid u'ii'AIiJ LESSO N S in lip-reading. 75 W. Church Pt Phone Wdln. 447.. LEAVING Tuesday f'r Seat tie, room for 4 passengers. Call Mondav. Main ROn.V LEARN practical custom cutting, easy, re.' liable system, 401 Stock Exchange bldg.