TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 2.t 1921 SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS WILL PREVAIL IN ALL CHURCHES TODAY Elaborate Musical Programmes and Specially Prepared Sermons Promised Congregations Asked to Back Up Arms Cut by Adopting Resolution Submitted by Portland Religious Council. o THE Christmas spirit will prevail In all Portland churches today. There will be special services in the morning and at night In celebra tion of the day, and cantatas, tableaux and various other entertainments have been arranged The music will be especially fine, and elaborate programmes have been announced for the churches, both large and small. The choirs will sing Christmas anthems and carols and the ong services will carry the messages of Chrjstmas good-will throughout the city. The churches have been, decked with garlands, potted plants and flowers. The members of the Sunday school classes have had charge of the decorating In many churches. Special welcome to the public at all services Is planned. Such subjects as "The Spirit of Christmas" and "The Mean ing of the Day" have been chosen by pastors. Churches Help Xedy. The churches have not forgotten the needy. Christmas baskets will be taken to the poor and many con tribution today will be turned over to the suffering In this country and in other Lands. Members of young people's societies gathered Christmas eve to sing carols to lonely folk, and today many will visit the hospitals. The department of International Justice and good will of the Portland Council of churches has called upon all the churches of the city to ob serve today as International Good Will Christmas. The churchee have been called upon to pass the follow ing resolutions, which the council will send to President Harding and Ameri can representatives in the Washing ton conference on Wednesday night after Christmas: ' The Washington conference on limita tion of umuneiila, In the steps o far taken, hit (one far in interpreting the purposes of Christianity In International relationship It has strengthened the hope of Christian people for a "warless world." Thus It wins their g-ratltuds on the day dedicated to peace and to the cele hratlon of the birth of the Christ who in troduced the fundamental theory of ov ernment by food will. . It Is the earnest hope of the churches of this city that the conference will not adjourn until it has perfected plans look ing toward: 1. A weepinir reduction of both fcrmles aB2dh?iira."Vt,ok of far .uUr. problems: 8. General commitments to suoinii wai 7 International difficulty for peaceful set tlement; 4. International law. courts of Justice and boards of arbitration; We pledge our prayer and our loyal sup port for the realization of these Ideals. Amedee M. Smith Is president of the Portland Council of Churches, and the department of international Justice and good will consists of Kdward O. Sisson, chairman; James B. Kerr, Rev. Daniel Bryant. Marshall Dana. Rev. C W. Huett. Harry W. Stone. Rev. A. R. Schmalle. Richard F. Schols. Rev. D. W. M. MaeCluer, Mrs. Dallas Bache, Richard W. Montague and J. J. Handsaker. When tlie First Methodist Sunday school realized last Sunday that for some two or three years it had taken second place in contributions to the near-east relief in the state, it de termined that this year it would be second to none. The offering. In thei Bhip," will be taken Christmas morn ing. "I am of the opinion that Oregon is leading the United States in per cap ita givinn from her Sunday schools, as she lends in various other patriotic and philanthropic measures," stated J. J. Handsaker, state director. "So far no other state director has re ported the Sumlay school of Its size whose record of givinir has exceeded that of tho First Christian of this city. Some may have given more in propor tion to their numbers, and some may have given more in actual dollars and cents, but no school of its size 300 children has exceeded the offering of SI 300 made last year. While this generous) giving has been with no thought of any notoriety or publicity, still the story of the generosity of this school has been told in a number of states besides Oregon, with the re sult of increased contributions." Additional Christmas offerings have been received during the past week as follows: Portland Reformed Pres byterian Sunday school, S60; McMinn ville First Christian Sunday school, $2; McMinnvillu Christian Sunday school, S3. 54; Milwaukie Kvangelical Sunday school, 21. Du; Mountain Home Sunday school, $13; Mosier Union Sunday school, $10; Corvailis Church of God Sunday school, $20. Much Interest is beine manifested in the community church conference which is to be held in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium January 2 and 4. Some of the leading church workers of Oregon and Washington will take part In the conference. Leslie M. Butler, prominent business man of .Hood River, will preside at each session. Tuesday night an ad dress will be given by Superintendent Williman, "The Community Church and Its Relation to the Kducational System." This address will be fol lowed by discussion led by Rev. E. B. Pace of Monmouth Normal. Tuesday afternoon Professor L. S. Hopkins will give an address on "Co operative Christianity." Rev. W. H. Boddy. pastor ot the largest commu nity church in the northwest, situated at Hood River, will speak on the sub ject, "The Price We Pay for Acute Denominationalism." Professor B. L. Gaukel will lead the singing and render solos at each ses sion. From present indications there will be a larger attendance than was at first expected. All who plan to at tend the conference should write some member of the committee for pro gramme and registration blanks. Each church will be entitled to two lay del egates and a pastor. Each community' or federated church will have a voice and vote through its delegates in the organization of the Association of Community Churches. The committee , on arrangements is Rev. D. 12. Nourse, 412 Ivanhoe, Portland: R. S. Stryker, M. D., Ridgefleld, Wash., and Rev. George V. McClure, Ridgefleld, Wash. The December losue of the Moody ivi. i J . I Bible Institute monthly, the official publication of the Moody Bible in stitute of Chicago, contains a page article entitled "Premlllennlall-sm: a Danger to the Church?" written by Rev. Gottleib Hafner of Portland. Mr. Hafner eays; "The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is the hope of the church, and every other hope substituted for it Is ! a fraud. If you want to learn what ' the word of God teaches concerning ) the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. ; read his own words and the words . of his inspired apostles. But in doing so, lay aside all preconceived Ideas and accept his words without ques tioning." Bishop William H. Washinger. D. D.. creneral superintendent of the Pacific district of the United Brethren church. 1 vn4 Rev. G. E. McDonald. D. D., su- join the congregation with proces perintendent of the Oregon confer- J sional, candle-lighting and carols, ence, have Just returned from a busi- j On Tuesday at 2 P. M. will be held neas trip to Dayton, O., the denomi- I the Christmas party for the church national headquarters of their church, They attended the sessions of the board of administration at which the operating budget for the fiscal year, 1922-.3. was fixed at SI, 000.000. In addition to this, enlargement and en dowment funds for benevolences and education were authorized, amounting to an additional million dollars. Ore gon conference mission fields will be I benefited by these funds, as will also Philomath college, the denominational I college of the Pacific district, at Philomath, Or. The programme of the United Breth ren church for the Pacific district for the next qundrennlum, includes the building of IS new ehurch houses and parsonages on old fields of labor, and the entering of eix new fields. The first church of the 15 is nearing completion a beautiful village church at Beaver, Or., valued at 14000. Two new churches are, planned for Port land for 1922, and others within the quadrennlum. Bishop Washtnger's leadership is recording victories. Evangelist Champion, and the sing er, Rev. Mr. Wilson of Shelby, Or., will arrive in Portland. January 1, for a few months of evangelistic work In the Pacific northwest. Dr. G. R. Varney to Speak at White Temple. Cantata, "The Manger Throne," Will Be Given Thla Evening. AT THE First Baptist church (White Temple) Dr. G. R. Var ney of Corvailis will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. There will be special , Christmas music at both services rendered by the Tem plo quartet. In the evening the can tata, "The Manger Throne," will be given. At the Sunday school hour, 9:45 A. M., special Christmas exercises will be held and Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe will tell the Christmas story. The senior and intermediate Young Peo ple's societies have arranged special Christmas programmes for their meet ings at 6:30 P. M. Dr. XV. B. Hinson, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, has re turned from Vancouver, B. C, where he was engaged in one week's re vival services. He reported a suc cessful meeting with 125 conversions. This morning Dr. Hinson will preach from the subject, "A 'Christmas Mes sage. And tonight, the last sun . . ' lrtf f Jh. vp ' inn, rp Hin- them, will be "The Death of I Year." At the close of this service me orainance oi uciievurs uapkisin will be administered Two new publications of Dr. Hln son's are Just off of the press "The Return of the Lord." and "Good Chee r for the Year." One of Dr. Hinson's sermons Is printed in pamphlet form each week. Next Sunday the Bible school of this church will commence a uni form study of the Bible by books. At the midweek service Wednes day night Dr. Hinson'e subject will be "The Last Great Prayer Meeting." There will be a watch n!ght service held in this church Saturday night from 8 to 12. Dr. Hinso:. will occupy the hour from 11 to 12 "International Good Will Christ mas" will be observed at the Third Baptist church today. The Rev. Ray Edwin Close will preach from the text. "And On Earth Peace Among Men." Special music will be ren- ,re'd by tne choiTi Tne subject of the evening sermon will be "Making Room for Jesus." The Christmas entertainment of the Third Baptist Sunday school w'.'.l te held tomorrow evening at 7:45. The programme will Include he tableau. "Adoratlcn at the Manger,". .1 one act play. "The Students' Chri3t.nas Night." a shepherds" drill, and reci tations and songs in which the va rious departments of the Sunday school will participate. At the Glencoe Baptist church', East Forty-fifth and Main streets, the Rev. C. H. Dayton, evangelist, will speak at the hour of the morning service. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock the choir, assisted by the Old Soldiers' quartet, will give a sacred concert. Albany College Graduates Co-operate in East. Rev. Krert Jones) snl W. A. Squires Kormlnir Church School. ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany, Or, Dec. zf. (Speclal.)-'-By a pecu liar coincidence two graduates of Al bany college in the class of 1909 are co-operating In the establishment of the first correlated school of religious education In the entire country which will open the first week in January In the Oak Lane Presbyterian church in Philadelphia. Rev. Evert J. Jones who, after graduating from the college here, re sided for a time In Portland, is pastor of this church, and Rev. W. A. Squires, also residing in Philadelphia, a class mate of Rev. Jones, who Is a member of the educational stafff of the Pres byterian board of Sabbath school work, is assisting in this and other projects of religious education, his special field being weekday instruc tion in religion. Both of these men have attained recent distinction in the field of re ligious education. A book written by Mr. Squires has attained the place of a ''best seller" in religious book stores of several denominations. It is entitled "Week Day Instruction in the Church." It shows how to correlate the work of the church, the school and the home for children's Christian development. This new school, which will be es tablished in the church of which Rev. Mr. Jones is pastor, will provide three hours a week of religious instruction, correlating the lessons of the week day church school with those in the primary. Junior and intermediate grades of the Bible school and Chris tian Endeavor. The school will be under the supervision of a joint com mittee from the Oak Lane Bible school and the educational staff of the Pres byterian board' of Sabbath school work, with the pastor of Oak Lane church as chairman. ""' -"r: V"" wtta t ' " . 2 orator and debater when he attended Albany college. Representing Albany college, he won the state intercolle giate oratorical contest in 1906. 'The Grace of Chrst" Is Unitarian Subject.1 S per In I Christmas' Musir Will Be Purniahed This Moraisx. X Jr. this morning at 10:50 at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill, will be upon "The Grace of Christ," a Christmas sermon. The choir will contribute especially fine Christmas music to the service, and the church school will school and at 4 P. M. of the same dav ' officers and teachers of the church school will meet. x wv-,;.;..v,, - sTftft "IT rtbT.slYY-1 rTfwftrrTT ' " " 'Christian Science," Topic in Portland Churches. I sual Services Will Be IeU TodMT tor C4njres;ations. "C1 HRISTIAN SCIENCE" will be the subject of the lesson-ser mon In Churches of Christ, Scientist, today. Christian Science churches hold serv ices at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.. Fifth and Seventh churches omit the eve ning service. Wednesday evening meetings are held in all churches at 8 o'clock. These meetings include testimonies of Christian Science heal ing. Sunday school for pupils up to the age of 20 is held in all churches at 9:45 and 11. except Third and Fifth, which hold their sessions at 9:30 and 11. Reading rooms are maintained at 1133 Northwest Bank building, S3 North Third street, 133 North Sixth street (near Union station) and 148 Killlngsworth avenue, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read or purchased. Christian Science churches are lo cated as follows: tlrst Nineteenth SAd Everett streets. Second tast sixth and Holiaday avenue. Third Kabt Tu'eiftU and JSaljuoai s;reets. Fourth Vancouver avenue and fimerson street. Pifth Sixty-second street and Forty second ave Southeast. Sixth Pythian tempi (formerly Ma sonic temple!. 388 Yamu.Ul street. Seventh 403 timlta avenue. The public is Invited to attend the church services and use the reading rooms. United Brethren Churches to Observe Day. Christians Services Planned at T v Ions Places of Worship. CtjDTiTMi q o, ., iri,.t TTniterf ' Grc of God to All Men in the Birth HRISTMAS day at the First United , of he ChJJd of Betnlehem.. At 5 Brethren church. East Fifteenth p. jl the transparent will be sen. and Morrison streets, will be cele- j showing the birth of Christ. At 5:16 brated In appropriate fashion. Both the Sunday school children will ren mornlng and evening services will i 5""" Chr's,1m", m';m a carry a Christmas message. At 10:30 I Llt.tle, T?w,n .B.ethlehm' .""?a.n nVlork th. SunrfaV achnnl will arive I i" i Its programme assisted by the aoult ; scnooi. tree aii-u treat I. fM, T service evtaence At 7:45 P. M.' the choir of 20 voices will render cantata, entitled Th6 Good Shepherd." by Wilson. W. H Moore is the director; Miss Beulah Clark, flutist, and Mrs. J. B. Long, accompanist. This choir also has a number of good soloists who will par ticipate. " Rev. Ira V. Hawley will preach at Second United Brtehren church this morning on the subject. "Christ Above All," and in the evening on "Clean Up, Sinners." The choir, under the direction of G. A. Peake, will furnish special music both morning and eve ning. At Third United Brethren churcH Rev. E. O. Shepherd, the pastor, will speak both morning and evening. The Christmas spirit will be emphasized and good music Is promised. At the Fourth United Brethren church. Tremont station, the pastor, Rev. Leila Lucky, will speak this morning on "The Greatest Gift to the World." In the evening a Christmas programme will be given by the Sun day school. Lutherans to Hold Service at 7 This Morning. Pnstor to Preach on "The Gift Precious and Divine." A". EARLY Christmas morning matin service will be conducted by Rev. William E. Brinkman at 7 o'clock at the St. James English Lutheran church. West Park ,and Jefferson streets. The pastor will preach a Christmas sermon on the subject, "The Gift Precious and Di vine." The full responsive service with the processional and recessional of. mi cieo ciiuir wui oe neta. spe cial Christmas music will be a fea ture of the service. Owing to the Christmas service being held at 7 A. M. there will be no Sunday school session at 9:50 or regular services usually conducted at 11 o'clock A. M. This evening at 7 o'clock the chil dren's programme and service given by the Sunday school will be held in the main auditorium. There will be singing, speaking and music. Two beautifully decorated Christmas trees will grace the church chancel. A programme will be presented by the children of both the senior and primary departments of the Sunday cchool. . , ' The Christmas sermon in Our Sav ior's Lutheran church will be in Nor wegian in respect to the older mem bers, of the congregation. Music bjr the choir and soloists will augment the service. The evening programme with the Sunday school in attendance will be in English. Thursday evening the congregation will hold its annual meeting and Jubi-j iee oeivice. at win no tne congrega tion's 45th anniversary. The first service was rendered on that date in I the year 187S in the Episcopal chapel on Alder street, the officiatine- nas tor being Rev. Emil Christenseu. fa- ther of the present pastor On New i' r F - "iff ws.tlws Tear's day the confirmation classes will . attend the annual reunion serv ice. Christmas will be celebrated with special services at St. Paul's Lu theran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, A. Krause, pastor. The morning service at 10:30 is held In German. The subject for the ser mon will be "The Appearance of the ana .ngnsn win oe usea. xne yni- rM1 K . fha Th n eye. Sundav school meets for th( rehearsa, at 9:30 p. M. 0n Saturday SylvcMer service Is held in ' . T t. vr iicai sco i iua; ml j The First Spiritualist church. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, holds services every Sunday at t and S P.M. Interesting conference meetings In the afternoon, followed by message and healing circles. Evening address given by Ira Taylor. Jacob Stocker to Preach Christmas Sermon. 'The Incarnation of Christ" Will Be Evangelical Subject. THE Sunday school of the Clay street Evangelical church at Tenth and Clay streets will convene at the usual time at 9:30 and will be In charge of the superintendent, E. J. Keller. At 10:45 A. M. the Christmas sermon will be preached by the pastor. Jacob Stocker. whose subject will be "The Incarnation of Christ." A choir of the children of the Sunday school will render the special Christmas music for this service. . At 7 P. yt. the Sunday school of the Clay-street Evangelical church ' will render an ebalorate Christmas .pro gramme with appropriate-exercises. Thursday there will be held in the parlors of the church a Chinese ban quet, under the auspices of the mis sionary committee, where Chinese dishes will be served and Chinese decorations will be used. Miss Shoe maker, principal of a Chinese girls' boarding school, under the auspices of the Baptist board, on furlough at the present, will give a missionary lecture in connection with the banquet. On December SI at 8:20 P. M. the annual election of the officers of the Sunday school will take place. In con nection with this a watch-night serv ice will be conducted. At Rose City Park Presbyterian church, this morning, Rev. Donald W. M. MacCIuer will preach from the topic "The First Christmas Gift." Y. M. C. A. to Hold Xmas Services This Afternoon. Special Manic Will Re Fnrnlshed in Aaditorlura at 3i30 o'clock. CHRISTMAS services will be fea tured at the Sunday afternoon meeting at the auditorium of the Portland Y. M. C A. at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Special music will be furnished. Several numbers will be presented by Edward S. Lee, tenor soloist of New York city. The meet ing will be held under the auspices of the religious and social work depart ment, of which J. W. Palmer is execu- tive secretary. A stag party was held in the Y. M. C. A. lobby last right. Community singing was featured. s B. F. Irvine addressed the Y. M. C. A. Dormitory club Wedn.nrd,ny night. E V ! j " i '' v I !; " . - - 'w 1 r 14 v - Is f A- ti - i It '!V -7 j fc . . A -it" ' ' - A ...: Hs- J 14 1 1 i r " 'if 5 ' f, f V 'y ' l3 . lit , j. : ; - .: , . ..... t i " - ; t i 1 r?-- i If L i til it ' .; . rz ... r..-. ; ,: a 1 , i 1 Greek Orthodox rhnrrh bere nsskes plsns for Christmas. 1'pper interior of the church. Lewrr Eitrrlsr of the building and Father II. A. Knrabnles, the head ut the rbureh la this dlstrirt. GREEKS TO OBSERVE FEAST OF NATIVITY ON JANUARY 7 Portland Members of Orthodox Catholic Church Will Celebrate Christ mas According to Date Fixed by Gregorian Calendar. EVENTS of the Tuletide season in Portland began well ahead of the actual Aata rf t V. A T.-. .. .. . . i "l i"e reast 01 tne Nativity, with school, loflge and clety programmes. Tho Christmas events will continue well after today, and to one section of the population of Portland Christ mas day itself will not come vitil Saturday, January 7. This is the Christmas date of tb Greek Ortho dox Catholic Apostolic church, under the Gregorian calendar. About 1500 Greeks in Portland, and probably as many more throughout the Pacific northwest, give their allegiance to this church and will observe the com ing festival date. Christmas for the Greek orthodox church falls on a date 13 days later than our own Christmas day. , Greek Edifice Attractive. The Greek church, located at East Seventeenth and East Taggert streets, is unknown to many residents of Portland, but it is ti substantial structure of artificial stone and its interior presents the typical arrange ment of Greek houses of worship, while It is adorned with the work of well-known artists. Both in the sanctuary and the body of the church features novel to many Portlanders may be Been. For the Christmas season thej-e will be profuse decoration with evergreens and flowers and flags. The American and Greek flags are to be seen dis played at the public -services of the Greek church handsome, large flags of 'heavy silk, donated by parishoners. The Christmas services, which be gin In this church at 9 o'clock the morning of January 7, will run con tinuously until the stroke of 12 noon. First comes the service for the chil dren, from 9 to 10 o'clock; tiiien the sacrifice of the mass from 1.0 to 11, and then the sermon from 11 to 12. All persons stand during the entire service of the sacrifice of tike mass. Priest Hesds Northwest Chnrrh. The Rev. B. A. Karahales. D. D., Is pastor, a-nd he also is missionary apostolic of the Greek orthodox church for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. His work takes him to all of the larger cities of these states for supervision of the religious work among the Greek colonies, but Portland is his headquarters, his resi dence being 40thi Park street. Once each month he visits Spokane, where there is a large Greek colony, and where a handsome Greek hall was dedicated last Thanksgiving day. . Occasionally he visits Vancouver, B. C, and as often as possible the other larger cities of the northwest where there are considerable numbers of Greeks. The Portland church is known as the Church of the Holy Trinity. In the Interior the main floor is for the I men and the women and children have a gallery for Uieir use. This is pro vided with seats, but on the main floor there are only a few seats for the use of aged persons or cripples. Sanctuary Is Cat Off. The entire end of the church de voted to the sanctuary is cut off from the body of the church with hand somely carved wooden panels, adorned with biblical pictures. There are three oore entering this partition, one on each side and a central door, or half-door, closing before the altar, and used only by the priest in the celebration 4T the mass. Th other .4 doors are used for the gospel and the sermon. In front of the partition, setting off the sanctuary into which only the prieet is supposed to set foot, there are eight "condilion," or lamps, .and two large "mianounlions" for candlea, all of which were made in special de sign for this church. Against the side walls, and close to the sanctuary, are the carved stands for the men singers three on each side. No musical in struments are used in the church, but the trios sing back and forth, in vari ous parts of the service. The sinners stand almost underneath the folds of tho American and Gre-k flags that are always in place at the public services. Father Ka.rahales, In his general work among the Greeks of the north west, is making a strong point of Americanization, and he insists chat the American flag shall have the place of prominence In all Greek gatherings. Congregational Church to Hold Unique Services. Chorus of ITS Voices to Participate In Christmas Service. THE Christmas church service this morning at the First Congrega tional church will be unique. For several weeks Mrs. Carrie B. Adams has been training a chorus of 175 voices for this service. They are the fresh voices of the boys and sirls of thT First church school. They will sit in the spacious resr gallery, sing several Christmas carols, and sing antiphonally with the church choir. Dr. McElveen will preach a 20-min-ute sermon on "The Christmas Proph ecy of Disarmament." At the evening service a chorus of 45 adult voices and the church quar tet will sing Charles Fonteyn Maney's Christmas cantata, "The Manger Throne." At the conclusion of the cantata Dr. McEiveen will answer two Christmas questions: "Does As tronomy Verify the Star Incident of the Christmas Story?" and "If Decem ber 25 is Not the Correct Date of the Birthday of Jesus, What Is the Cor rect Date, -and Why Do We Persist in Celebrating Christmas on the Wrong Day?" "Following the Star; What Do Men Find?" is the topic to be discussed at the two Christian Endeavor meetings. The leader of the Senior Endeavor meeting will be Floyd McKalson andi the leader of the Intermediate En-I deavor meeting will be Helen Went worth. This morning at 9:45 o'clock the church school will have a Christ mas celebration in which every de partment of the school will have a part. The Women's association has neciarea a vacation until aner the noiiaays. tne next meeting or tne association will be held on Wednes- day, January 11. On January 12 the church will hold a meeting to hear reports from all departments. Tuesday evening last a large num ber of Congregationallsts of Portland and vicinity did honor to the May flower Pilgrims who 301 years ago ended a dreary voyage across the At lantic by landing at Plymouth Rock. Among the speeches delivered after the banquet was one by Dr. W. T. McElveen on "The Pilgrim of Today." Christmas services are announced for today at the Highland Congrega- tional church. Music will be made a feature at the morning celebration of the Nativity. There will be Christ mas hymns, solos and other musical selections. The sermon of Rev. Ed ward Constant, the pastor, will have for Its topic "The Spirit of the Day." This evening there will be a carol and picture service, wnen tu oeauuiui views of the life of Christ will be shown. The church is to be decorated by members of the Sunday school in honor of the festival. The spirit of Christmas will per meate all the services of the Sunny- side Congregational church today. At the snornlng service the Sunday school will co-operate with the pastor in supplying a Christmas programme. The Sunday school will give the musical features under the direction of James Shearer, with Miss Elsie Smith at the organ. The Wednesday night Bible class 1 of Dr. Sutcliffe will be omitted this week. Thursday evening the church will hold its annual business meeting. AH members and friends are urged to at tend. Saturday night the Senior Endeav orers w ill 'hold a watch night meet ing. The Christmas services at the At kinson Memorial Congregational church. East Everett and Twenty ninth streets, will be at the usual hours of 11 A. M. and 7:30 I. M., ex cept the Sunday school, which will meet at 10:30 for a brief session, unit ing with the church at the 11 o'clock service. f Bishop Sumner Officiates at Service Today. Holy Communion tovffe Celebrated at Pro-Cathedral. V1 HERE will be two celebrations X of holy communion at St. Stephen's pro - cathedral today. Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop of Oregon, will be the celebrant at 7:45 A. M, and the Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks will celebrate at tho 11 o'clock service. Special music by the vested choir of .the pro-cathedral will tie rendered at this service. The ser mon for Christmas will be preached by Bishop Stunner at 11 A. M. Then will be 110 night service. The Young People's sorletyj will meet at the main entrance of the Good Samaritan hospital at 3 o'clock nnd hold a special song service in the various wards for the sick. The Young People's society will hold their regular meeting in the parish house at 5 P. M. instead of 6:30 I'. M. us heretofore. ess St. Andrew's Bnisconal rhnrrh. Ports - mouth a, nart of l: Chrl.tmaa nrn- s-rmn . i, h i"a n r t, . m . 1,. . i gramme. It began Christmas eve at 11:30 and consisted of a choral cele bration of the holy communion, con cluding shortly after midnight. Among the special musical numbers were a duet. ".Silent Nitfht." sung by Misses Muriel Thomas and Bonnie De Vaul. This morning there will be a cele bration of the holy communion at 8 o'clock, and again at 11 o'clock, with sermon. The annual children's service and entertainment will be held Thursday , night, December 23. At St. Michael's and All Angels'. Rose City Pa-rk. Rev. T F. Brown, vicar, preparations for a hearty cele bration of the birthday of Jesus have been made; the church has been beau tifully decorated with flowers and evergreens by the Altar guild, and the choristers, under the direction of Miss Sue M. Frith, have prepared an excellent musical programme. The services will begin at 8 o'clock with the holy communion. At i:45 the Sunday school will have a special festival service of Christ mas S'I.ks and recitations At the 11 o'clock service Gower's communion will be sung. The Christmas anthem will be "O. Holy Night." and C. H Savage will sing "The Birthday of a King," by W. H. Ncidllnger. ' At St. David's Parish. East Twelfth nnd Belmont streets, Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector, the first event of I Christmas were the children's carol service and tree at 7 o'clock eve. Today the holy communion will be celebrated at 7, 9:80 and 11 o'clock. Christmas hymns will be sung at the earliest celebration; the Junior choir will sing at the second; and the adult, choir will sing at 11 o'clock, when there will be procession and sermon.' The rector will preach on "God's' Birth; an Event and a Process" At the night service at 7:30 the choiri and congregation will sing Christmas! carols 1 I The Christmas programme at St. Stephen's. East Forty-second and East V, church will Include special pro Taylor streets, will consist of theierammeg today at both morning and celebration of two great anniversaries I .., .,., , . , In one. The feast of the patron saint en,n ""Vice, In tne morning wor of the parish falls on Monday. De-i'P L ,?Iock " Pastor, the cember 2. and will therefore be cele. Harold H. Griffis, will d.-llver brated Christmas day. For thisl message on "The Spirit of Chrlat-rea-wn the men's choir has exerted 1 m- In tl,e evening at 7:45 the every effort to prepare a fitting church and the Sunday school will musical programme worthy of the I unI,tc. In the presentation of a spe great occasion. cial Christmas pageant in five scenes. B I entitled "The Bethlehem Story," lllus- BiKhnn Walter Taylor will celebrate trated by motion pictures. Following at St. Phillip's mission today at lO'the pageant the various classes and o'clock. This mission has a full vested choir and has made wonder ful progress. The little chapel is beautifully kept and the altar with Its flowers and candles Is a testimony to the loving care of the Altar guild. The Davenport fund has quite re cently provided handsome candelabra The bishop will preach the Christ mas sermon. During the past week the 11 strong committees have met and organized for service. Publicity, halls, enter tainment, pulpit supplies, transporta tion, reception, housing, luncheon, music; all these important matters have been taken cere of by leading churchmen. Next week the finance and automobile groups will formu late their plans. Special Christmas Services Are Methodist Feature. Consrrrirntlonn of Portland Are As sured of Fine Exercises. AT the First Methodist church this morning Dr. W. W. Youngson will preach the Christmas sermon. His theme will be "The Star and the Manger." Next Saturday niisht there ! will be a watch-night service in the church parlors. The Epworth League will have charge of the meeting, be ginning at t:30 and continuing till 12:05 A. M. It Is expected that Dr. B. Earl Parker, the new pastor, will be present to speak at about 11:30. At the evening service at 6:13 at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Episco pal church there will be a social hour for young people of the city, to which all are invited, after which, at 7:30( there will be a "candle lighting" serv ice in the church auditorium. This morning at Rose City I Methodist Episcopal church Dr. C. W. Huett. the pastor. will speak on the theme, "The Glory of Christmas," and . a special pro- gramme of music will be given by the choir appropriate to the greatest Christian festival of the year. The programme will be varied and full of good things from Mart to finish. In the evening Dr. Huett will speak upon the subject. "Pool's liold." During the la.;t week a ;""d.' : numoer or cottase prayer meetings 1 have bean held in the Rose City Pa: i. uistrici in preparation for specia: services which are to begin the In si Sunday in January, and they will he continued during the coming week. 1 Woodlawn Methodist church will , celebrate Christmas with exercises hy the children at 10 A. M. The pastor's message at 11 A. M. will be "The Cen tral Idea of Christmas." A vesper service at 4 r. M. will close the day. Special music at all these services. Presbyterians Will Sing Christmas Carols. Dr. llownmn to Preach Today on Two Forces In Manner." ft'T'IIE TWO FORCES OF THH A MANGER" will be the theme of Dr. Bowman'a sermon at the morning service In the First Presbyterian church. The choir will sing a group of Christmaa carols ami Otto Wede meyer will sing the offertory solo, "Nazareth" (Gounod). At night. Dr. Bowman will speak on "The Christ Child In Art." Tuesday night the auxiliary to the "Oman's Missionary society will hold the regular monthly meeting in room H of the church house. Hiss Eliza beth Carothtrs will relate some of her experience with the Mormons in Salt Uke City, where sho taught school for a numhar of years. Miss Mary Campbell will givo a short talk. Mrs. N. K. Tully will lead the devo tional service nnd Mrs. p. A. Ten Haaf will sing. Visitors are welcome Westminster Presbyterian will hol.I , f , Jstmas "Prvlces this morning at 10:30. Special music for the day has been prepared hy Professor Hutchi son and the choir, and Dr. Pence will An v-nristmaa Binds Ages." the I Immediately following the preach- i tne HiDie school will meet In ono body for a short appropriate session with Christ nuts songs and alo a Christmas messago from tho pastor. Believing that tho rest of the day should j(0 celebrated In tne home there will bo no afternoon or night services The response of the Bible school In brniKlng in gifts for ,h ,,,. wng very gratifrlnir Ind.eJ and this came ns a great help to the welfare bureau Just ut this time of year when their funds are low. The families kh,,,,m,i were those who nre under the rare 1 .. "'au. 1 no rnurcli is en- "i ine oureau. I . . lo .Vvork " ' " ' h-wized I "cm ics in relieving siiffei "r io avoid duplication. Enough cash was given so that the women of the church will at once, beginning, do extra sewlnic to provide clothing and comforters for thoe who Just now n.. d them badly l cause of Ihe extreme weather. Due to th severe wenther the Cirtstmaa parties for both the be ginners and primary departments of the Sunday school were postponed until the coming week. The exact da-tcs are left unannounced until there is a break In theNveather The Central Presbyterian church will omit the night service today. This morning Dr. Walter Henry Nu gent, pa.stor, will preach on "Tho Made Name of Jetw " Sunday night, January 1. the choir will render Herges Christmas cantata, "Ron of the Highest." The monthly social tea of the wo man's society win be held Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs falter E. Gray, 13.1 Ent Thlrtv fourth street. Thoso assisting Mrs. Gray In entertaining are Mrs E A Myers. Mrs G. T. MiK'nskle, Mrs. John Molr. Mrs. Hartley Morgan. Mrs P A Murray. Mrs. E A. Nealond, Mrs N f' Norcen. Mis Eliza Parker, Mrs. B IC. Cogswell. Mrs. C. H. KaMe, Mrs. 11. L. Archibald. The monthly "fun night" of the Sunday school will take the form of a Christmas party this time and will be held Friday at 7:30 o'clock. Tho programme will inclurle sevorai oi moving pictures. Santa ClAtis. be ing over his Christmas rush, will ho present in person and make candy for all present. Christian Church to Hold Special Services. Rrv. Harold If. l.rlfflx' Topic to lie "The Spirit of Christmas." 1 i HKlb rMAS at the First Christian deparunents of the Sunday school will make their Christmas offerings to the neejy. cont rihut ing both to the sufferers in the near ast and to Ih.i needy in Portland. Last ear tho offerings for this cause totaled mere than H500 and it is expected that this sum wiir be equaled hy the con tributions at the close of this eve ning's programme. Tho Christmas day services at Piedmont Presh terian church will be limited to Sunday school at 9:16 anil the morning service at 11. There will be no Christlon Endeavor nor night service. This Is to enable the young people home from college to enjoy the Christmas dwy at home. R( v. J. Francis Morgan will preach in the morn'ing on "The Manifested Life" The. services New Year's day will also he limited, no Christian Elides vo, nor night service. However, at 7:3" A. M. a sunrise piajer i,ieetlii i I which the ouiiK people wlil co-n;- erate will be observed. Simo.iy s hoo. and morning eervire will follow e ; I the usual time. "Let Us Go Even Unto Bethlehem' will be the subject of Ihe Rev E. Sut ton Mace's sermon this morning In th) Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal church at Poweil and East Fortieth streets. There will be Christ- mas music and on orchestra ut the services. Epworth League devotin:l meeting at 6:45 P. M. Mr. Mace will preach In the Westmoreland chapel at Milwaukie and South avenues ut 7:30 J'. M. "Christ, the Prime of Peace." will (CoticJu.i. u on rCTT :i i Congregation Beth Israel Twelfth and Main Sts. Rabbi Jonah B. W ise Services Friday evening at S. Sat urday morning at Hi. 30. Sumlay morninp at 11. Religious school Suti'iay morning at 10. (