TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. DECE3IBER 25, 1921 11 I i BrSlNKSS OPPORTUNITIES. PANAMA RESTAURANT, soft .drinks, tobaccos; very Rood location near Union depot; Httam heat find brick building; price flMiio. PANAMA D K Y GOODS, well estab Iihed trade, stock will in voice over 12,000. If you have the cash thU is your best buy PANAMA I G A R STAND, newspaper and candy, In one of the must centrally located office buildings in the city. Price $2l.o. PANAMA Pool ROOM, several pool tubUs and one excellent snooker table; on Washing ton lit. ; price $o000, $JOuO a own. ' PANAMA DHl'U STORK, doing good Dusinese : owners want dissoiv e partnership, the price 15 $0OOi, part cash. PANAMA GARAGE, filling station, storage and repair shop K"ou east side location owner leaving town; 11. Huh PANAMA M KAT MARKET, up-to-date piace, piped windows an counter, 2 rooms in rea and 5 rooms and bath up- stairs; 1 use to August, i;iti; sa.-ou. PANAMA GhoCKKY, in rood east sld neighborhood : 4 living rms, garage; rent $27. dO; good clean stock and fixtures rric i:i(H PANAMA PA RTNEKS Cabinet shop, siuuu manufacturing nan In if flies. $1SOO: wholesale, $ 1 H'0 ; garage, $20uU and many others. Closed Monday. Sundays and Evenings by appointment. SIX SALESMEN. PANAMA BROKERAGE! CO., 401 PANAMA BLDG. THIRD AND ALDER STS. MERRY XMAS. It win cost you nothing and you you will be under no obligation whatever to let me show you some of the best cafeterias, restaurants, lunch counters, confectioneries ana cigar stands in this city that w have listed for sale. Open Mon day. V. GEORGE. 625 Railway Exchange. HAPPY NEW YEAR. $;;s.ooo in five years. That's whiit I made In my 30-room hotel in a little town on a bra neb. rail road near Portland. Only hotel, sue ef-Nful record of 14 years. Frank L. McGuir had an auditor verify the re celpts. Ask for Mr. Davis about them, S'i.'iUO cash gives possession. Nothing to pny tnen lor 4 years. , r uny equipped, competent help. I will be here Monday. FRANK L. AlcGUlKK. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wash, .and Stark. .GKuCEit V STOKE PRICED liltiHT. Slock inventories $20OO: fixtures abou $7.10; largo store space, basement and upstairs, .-room living apartment : cor nr location; rnts $32 per month; doing from $40 to $() a day business; health rmiHun lor aedllng; all goes for $2100 cash. See this if you want something good. See Mr. Marten. HARRY BECK WITH. REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Main FURNISHED FLATS FOR RENT. No rent, no light bill, no buel blU. no grocery bill to come out of your pay check If you Invest $.ioO in an estab lished Income flat lease and furniture I have one today. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 20a Abington Bldg. Main 108. Third St bet. Wash, and Stark. i'OH SALE Private owner of a one-sixty fourth (1-H4) share or ownership in each of four lumber schoone:s offers his interests for sale. These schooners are regularly chartered currying lumber car goes to the orient and South America and returning with cargoes of copra, sul phur, burlap, etc., earning good profits. ht-imon lor selling, need money in bust ttess. Call Main 700.1. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; ' send model or sketch and description of in ventlon for our free opinion of its pat en t a bis nature; highest references; prompt attention: reasonable terms. Vic tor J. Evans Co.. Hot-art bldg., San Francisco. Cal. Main offices, 642 &th st., ashtngton, I), c SHIPPING CLERK and general handy man wanted In (wap, auto accessory and toilet article factory. Investment re quired which is fully secured. Good salary, large profits. Call personally Tuesday. Wm. Spry Mfg. Co., U17 Union ave. ,. 1"0,000 CORPORATION wants capable man to open office and manage salesmen for high-class new device. Costs $2, re tails K. Every horn a prospect. Bis money-making possibilities for right man. Opening in every city. $0O0 to $2oo0 necessary to finance exclusive agency. tscott, m: v. . w awn i n gton, I hica g o. $soo. Photo studio and amateur finishing tiant; also doing drug store flnihlng. Will sell at a great sacriftre. Value of qulpment about $10th. Must be sold this week. Call at 402 Union ave. IN Portland, Tuesday. WEST SIDE GARAGE. 60100 cement bldg., storing 35 cars at lu per month. Good location, good lease; inventories si'iitiu; goes jor sunu; $1200 cash will handle this. See Mr. 2iaden, who knows garages. HARRY BECK WITH. REALTOR. 104 Fifth Ft. Main GSflO. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants general sales managers to open branch office and manage salesmen, $10oO to J ."KM Hi capital necessary; will allow expenses to Baltimore if vou qualify. Atlantic Coast Mfg. Co., 603 N. Eutaw sU, Baltimore, Md. BARGAIN. Only cleaning, pressing and repair hop east of E. 17th st. 825 Alberta, for sale reasonable; party leaving town. Call Woodtawn 20M for information. 825 Alberta. RAISE BIG CAPITAL for any legitimate business. Write for free copy "QUICK FINANCING," showing how companies raise large capital by my easily ope rated method. Cunningham, Financial Specialist. 2309 Grant Bldg., Los An geles, Cal. I'Olt BALE Established radiator repair shop in best town on Pacific highway, block from big auto camp ground; full equipment ; 5 -year lease; rent $-0 ; good business: owner leaving city. Price $300 for quick sale. Inquire 22-20 South Fir st.. Medford. Or. Pi RE Insurance department of an old established concern for sale to an al ready established insurance office or to responsible party desiring to open and develop such an office. In answering this ad give your telephone number. L 31 1. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted in good paying busi ness at the Cushion shop, auto trimmers end upholstering. experience is pre ferred but not necessary, will teach buy er the trade; 4 years at this address. 40ft K. Clay st., residence phone Aut. 626-14, shop phone East H7Q7. WANT to communicate with responsible firm or individual to act as selling agent Leach car. See Motor World. December 7lh, pagos M-M. Address Geo. Neill, Manager, 1006 Van Ness Ave., San Fran cisco. WANTED A printer-editor who Is cap able of running a good live country weekly with Job shop In connection; will sell, lease or operate on a partnership plan; reference given and required. AV ,VJ. Oregonlan. DO WNTOAVN restaurant ; good fixtures ; fully equipped; doing fine business; in come about $40 per day. Price $1600. Good place to get busy. C. L. Becker, 13a1 First st. EAK EKY and cafe, wholesale and retail, cr.e of the best money makers in south ern Oregon; worth $8000, to b sold for $.'000. Domestic trouble demands sals. AV 430, Oregonian. CHEMIST fai-.iiiar with manufacture of soaps and toilet articles. Investment re quired which is well secured. Good salary, large profits. Call Tuesday. Wm. Spry Mfg. Co., 917 Union ave. N. 100 FAMILIES wanted to colonize fertile Bolivian Land; 1OO0 acres per family; rs ireu investment buva machinery se curing livelihood. Bolivia Development, Inc.. Smith bldg., Seattle. RAISE b.g capital for any K-gltlmate buM ness. Write for free copy "julck Financ ing," showing how companies raise large capital ify my easily operated method. Cunningham, financial specialist, 2308 Grant bdg.. Los Angles, Cal. FOR SALE or may consider eome trade, 15 acres, greenhouse 60x100, 5-room house, hen house, barn, woodshed. For infor mation write tee Camas Greenhouse, Camas. Wash CIGAR STORE. lobby first-class hotel, big snap for immediate sale; fine place for young couple. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Good proposition for right man; sat 45 persons ; 'everything in first -ciaas shape. Price $f00.. Must sell. Terms. 74 RUSSELL ST. i FOR SALE Quantity of tools, machinery, lumber and furniture parts, together with electrical installation for manufac turing, this city. Good opportunity for rig ht p arty. A M 3 30, O r e g o n I an GARAGES, restaurants, cafeterias, press ing shops, dye works, barber shops, ci gar and confectionery, rooming houses, apts., sny line of business. At Mult nomah Realty Co., 806 Cham, of Com. A GOOD live poo! room In Gaston. Or., on Wkway casb flTuu. W, Foundry, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED A REAL, BUSINESS MAN "WITH $300O TO $V00 TO INVEST IN ONE OF THE BEST MANUFACTUR ING PLANTS IN PORTLAND. OFFERS UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES FOR LARGE AND PERMANENT RETURNS. YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY. ADDRESS AJ 311, OREGON IAN. ALTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. An equal half interest In busy west side shop, where you are associated with flrst-cias mechanic; no better location In city, experience not necessary if me chanically inclined and willing- worker You will easily clear better than $100 a month for yourself. Price onlv $373. It will pay you to see this. Call 620 ChanL of Corn, bldg., 4th and Stark. A BARBER SHOP, located In Sell wood, near carbarn. Will sell cheap; other bUHiness takes all my attention. Best proposition in Portland. Will be In shop from 11 to 2 Monday. 1783 E. 11th s urcgon City car. WE HAVE buyers waiting for hotels. apartment nouses, stores and business in vestments. For Quick action, list yours witn O. V. JACKSON ft CO., 201 Oregon Bldg. BEST GARAGE BUY ICs CITY. $2000 buys garage, fully equipped for neavy truck work: full value twice ove for price asked; storage pays overhead. 713 Dekum bldg. I KNOW of an opportunity where I believe swsju win earn from 4 to per cent. month and give employment to many un employed men ; you handle your own money; no oil scheme, k 830. Oregonlan, 2000. GROCERY. Cash and carry, apartment house dis trict, noing Sfii-sij-) aaiiy. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Pekum Bldg. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, a fine location; working-man plane; rent cheap doing rine. Cheap at $1000. see oar iani, 'ui sa st. PATENT. Shingling device. Doubles production of shinglers. Will sell half Interest or ail at sacrifice. 718 Dekum bldg. A JfcAVELRY STORK. In live country town: Invoices $7000 owner had It 30 years; wants to retire, Room 4U Dekum hldg. WANTED Someone to Join me In pur chasing a weekly newspaper plant on the coast In Oregon town growing fast. Hox is. Oakland, Oregon. CLEANING and tailoring shop, only one in the whole district, a wonderiui op portunity on accsunt of properly interest, inquire .'10 Broadway. Tuesday. INVOICE grocery and meat market, av erage $1X dally, o-year lease; modern living rooms ;- no fixtures to buy. 818 Chamber of Commerce bin g. $300 WILL handle cleaning and pressing snop, downtown, weii equipped, bib Chamber Commerce bldg. TO BUY OK SELL, aEE US. O. C. L'LRICH A CO., fto2 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. G C. ULRICH CO.. 002 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. WILL erect a 2-story garage on 60x100, close in, west side; make offer for leas. AN 314. Oregonlan, I WANT soace 60x 100 for tailor fac tory. What have you to offer T Bd wy 1077. HAVE pool room location, wish to meet someone with tables or interested. Ar 301, Oregonlan. I MUST SELL my interest in going fac tory on account other business. Will sacrifice. A 315, Oregonlan. DRESSMAKERS, milliners, going business, store and modern living rooms, cheap rent. Phone Aut. CJO-feJ. HAVE Al manufacturing proposition; need saooo; unlimited demand, large prollt Address AM 316. Oregonian. POOLH ALL of 3 tables, cigars and soft drinks, at your price, deal with owner. 230 North 10th st. TO BUY OR SELL. SEE US. G- C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Stock Exch a n ge Bldg. PARTNER wanted take half interest In real estate business. 212 Railway x change bldg. CAPITAL desires substantial investments outHlde Europe. Address North Europe Trust Co., 116 Victoria at., London, hn g . IF YOU want to buy or sell your bust ness, see us. ana Artisans oidg. WANT help to start mfg. company. In- vestment secured. AK :t2Q. Oregonian. ItuwinesK Opportunities anted. PAN AM A I F YOU WANT TO SELL your business, call and see us. Evenings and Sundays by ap pointment SIX SALESMEN. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO., 401 PANAMA BLDG.. THIRD AND ALDER STS. A CASH BUYER. We have cash buyers inquiring dally for all Hues of business openings, both large and small, and If price is right can arrange quick private sale. To sell your buxines quickly, quietly and with out publicity see or write. PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY. INC., 401-402 Dekum Bldg. FOR WU1CK RESULTS list your apartment houses, stores or business chances with our Business Chance Department. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henrv Bldg. EXPERIENCED office executive. 3t years, i:nriBtian, win buy or take active inter est in established, profitable, commer cial bustnejw, investing. If desired, sev eral thousand dollars. R. Boongaarden, 7iH Weatend ave.. New York. WANTED Going furniture ouainess ; will consider only gooa s toe it in prosperous town of 4O00 to 10.000. Price must be right; have cash for a good business. AV 820. Oregon fa n. WANT confectionery and grocery or small lunch and confectionery; west side pre ferred; something that $10iKt or $1300 cash will handle. AF 311. Oregonlan. DO YOU WANT to sell your business or want a partner? If so see us. BUSINESS SERVICE, 71B Dekum Bldg. WANTED Gjood business or mdse. up to ou.ooo. nave ciear pear orcnard or ir rigated dairy ranch to trade. Address AV hi S. Oregonian. - HAVE $330 to put Into some small auto repair shop or anything pertaining to automobile business that is a good pay ing proposition. K 117, Oregonian. MUST have from 20 to 30 unfurnished sleeping rooms at once. Will take leas. J 1 40. Oregonlan WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. WANT confectionery in suburbs; have poolhall. o-pass. auto. lf)2l model and cash. See me at 230 N. 16th st. TO BUY OR SELL, SEE US. G. C. ULRICH ft CO., 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. WANTED To buy, grocery from owner or broker; cash for a good proposition; give particulars. AE 310, Oregonlan. EW ARRIVAL from east will buy dairy luncn or caieieria irom owner, rl Bid. Oregonian. 300 TO INVEST IN GOOD BUSINESS; MUST HAVE SMALL SALARY. D 316, OREGONIAN. FUEL BUSINESS. Have $1000 and services to Invest In good fuel business. AO 214, Oregonlan. FUEL PARTNER. Have $1000 and services to Invest In a good fuel business. AO 214. Oregonian. riLL' you build an apartment house for financially responsible tenant? H 116, Oregonian. 10 TO 30 UNFURNISHED rooms wanted once. S 148. oregonian. WANTED Apartment house property and furnishings. BO 202. Oregonian. WANTED General merchandise business. Write P. O. Box 214. Salem Or. WANTED Lease on hotel or apartment hou.e. H 113. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy small lunch counter. AF 39. Oregonian. WANTED Small restaurant, lease. A L 332, Oregonian. Must have TO BUY or lease, meat market, in or out of town. AB 316. Oregonian. Stock and Bonds. FOUR $loo shares of Root Security Inc. ptock ( Webfoot Paint), for sale for $130. Auto. 310-71. MUST sell 100 sound tires, Tacoma; mall bid. BD 303. Oregonian. HARK1.NGTON A CO. Main 3817. Stock mnd bonds anywhere Title A Trust bldg. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 34 ROOMS A lovely cor. with lease; must be sold; well furnished, nice looking plsce. A big snap. Price $1100, on terms. Garland, 2ol 3d st. HOTEL SNAP. Over 50 rooms; lease over the fair; now clearing $33) per month. Price $4000; cash required I30O0. For further par ticulars call 107 11th st. WANTED Rooming house. 11 to 15 rooms, price reasonable, pay $300 cash. Main 3rtrt. Garland. 201 3d at. 27 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, best propo sition in city for profit; $2300 cash. bal. terms. Main 9451. WANT rooming house, have best of socuri ties for part.' bat, terms. Main fl43 1 . WANTED 10 rms. or more, Bdwy. 4822. west side. 16 H. K. RMS. for sale; modern; terms easy. Phone Bdwy. 4822. SIXTEEN H. terms easy. K. rooms for sale ; modern ; Phone Bdwy. 4SU2. WANTED Lease on boiet or pr uasoA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. BOARDING AN ROOMING HOUSB. 1 4 rooms, close In. west side; gross income over $1200 per month. Newly furnished in ivory and ma hogany; one of the finest in the city. This is a high-class place and Insures operator a god net income. HOTEL FURNISHINGS AND LEASE. M rooms, 5-year lease; North western steam heat, 3-story brick in hotel district; number of rooms newly carpeted. All rooms newly kalsomlned. Clean snd desir able. High-class tenancy. It Is possible to add 24 more rooms to this hotel should purchaser desire. HOTEL, OUT OF TOWN. 68 rooms, completely furnished In - town near Portland, on hljrh-' way. This hotel pays $1000 per month and better. ROOMING HOUSE, APARTMENTS. IS rooms, transformed into four' furnished apartments, east side residence district; all rented. large fine residence, frame building on corner; furniture and lease is -priced right at $2800 for quick sale. HOTEL FURNISHINGS AND LEASE. R2 rooms, 5-year lease; brick structure, right down town; high ly furnished : Northwestern steam heat. Nice lobby. COUNTRY HOTEL. Located In good town on high way to Astoria; directly across from depot; good patronage; build ing furniture and ground; Includ ing two additional lots; can bo bought for $b730. OUT-OF-TOWN HOTEL. Lease of 32-room hotel In Sa lem for $1500 cash. Well located. COUNTRY HOTELS. We are headquarters for county hotels In Oregon and Washington. Have a large selection of photo graphs for your Inspection. Chester L. Florence, RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOTELS. We have anything you want In hotels. apartments and rooming houses; prices right; terms to suit; automobiles at your service. 60 rooms; a dandy, a hotel that you would be proud of ; all bright rooms, good furniture; everything up-to-the-minute. This cannot be beat. $10,000 handles. BO rooms; close In, In business section. See this one. $4000 handles. 44 rooms, corner. Ideal location for you all the time; $5000 handles. 40 rooms, located In residential sec tion ; large dining room; fine location ; $3000 handles. 25 rooms, modern, all transient; right downtown; $3300 handles. 80 rooms, transient, downtown; $7300. 20 rooms, strictly transient, close in; $3000 handles. APARTMENTS. We have some real buys in up-to-date, modern apartments. 50 to 1M rooms, two, threw and four-room ; furnishings excellent; long lease. See us for full information. ROOMING HOUSES. 9 h. k. rooms, lease, good location; small cash payment; price $1100. 8 rooms, strictly all sleeping; dining room: a few hundred cash; price $1000. 11 h. k. rooms, lease, close In; $1300, cash handles. I 11 h. k. rooms, good location: 1600 casn nanuies. 14 rooms, sleenlnr. dlninr room: Iocs tlon good; $1300 cash, balance easy terms. 14 h. k. rooms, location Ideal; flrat payment siooo, balance to suit. 18 h. k rooms, right downtown; $1000 urnt casn payment. 16 h. k. rooms. White Temple dls trlct; lease: $1300 handles. 20 rooms, sleeping or h. k right down town; aease. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title & Trust Co. Bldg. Entrance 80 4th St. Bdwy. 5586. DAD KENNEDY'S SPECIALS. 37 rooms, h. k., lease over the fair! Close in, $3000. Wiil exchange for smaller nouse. L32 22 rooms, h. k. Lease at $35. Price $2ooo. Would take small car and some cash. Terms arranged. L258 10 rooms, h. k., White Temple district Price $1000, $450 cash, reasonable rent; nothing cheap about this but the price. See Dad and you will be glad. L401 I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COUNTRY HIGHWAY HOTEL. 25-room, modern brick, fine place, beautifully furnished, steam heat, run ning water, dandy lobby; good little town Willamette valley on highway; pri vate and public baths; steady and tran sient business; also fine poolroom; won derful future for this place as big lum ber mill and box factory will open for business early in spring; 5-year lease; special price for Immediate sale account other business. See owner. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY. INC. Extends to its hosts of friends and clients the season's best wishes, with the ardent hope that 1022 will be one of your best years with prosperity, happi ness and, most of all. the ability to be of some service to your fellow mortals. We are here but once. Let us make It worth while. O. H. SKOTHEIM. Proprietor. O. H. -SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. Couch Bldg. 40-ROOM furnished apartment on west side. 5. two-room apartments. 5 three-room apartments. 3 five-room apartments. Income $380. Rent $10O. Leased for 2 years; can extend for 2 more years, See this at once. Price $5500. WAKEFIELD, FRTES ft CO., - 83 Fourth Street. IS THIS A GOOD BUY ? I LEAVE IT TO YOU. A strictly modern 48-room hotel, good wost side corner location, nicely fur nished; steam heat, hot and cold "water, office and lobby on ground floor, call bel.a to every room, automatic elevator; a good lease. Rent 2.M; S7Wm cash wlH ouy u, including o-om advanced on lease. Call Main 7311 or .Marshall 31133. rt.il Railway Exchange bid!;. TRANSIENT HOUSE. HEART OF THE vllt. 14 rooms fine furniture and very clean house; all carpeted throughout; netting situ monia, price s.'iov; some terms. See McCauley. HILLER BROS.. Reattora, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Main 86. 24 ROOMS. H. K. APTS. Your apt. has private Dam. ' puouc batns, one rioor. Rent Is $75; haa 5-year lease. Net In come Is around $130 per month. Mr. Magoon. - 203 HENRY BUILDING. WASHINGTON ST. LOCATION. 24 housekeeping rooms, concrete bldg. good lease; net income $175; if you have a smaller place to trade and want a money-making investment see us at once. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4Q4-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CENTRAL HOTEL BARGAIN. Wishing you a merry Christmas we suggest that you buy this: 8-story, mod ern brick, close In. 5-year lease: nettint? $450 a month; $6750 will handle. Terms on oaiance. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. 74-ROOM APARTMENT, nice brick build ing, mostly two rooms, new, 5-year lease; price only $84)00; $:i-VK cash will handle. See McCaulev. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Main 86. FINE", SMALL APT. HOUSE." Good location, 1, 2, 3-room apt., net ting $100 per mo.; rent $63; great money maker; very small first payment handles. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 CoU'-h Bldg. . Main 1573. . SNAP. 9 rooms, good furniture. Just papered; rent $35; full price $700. See McCaulev, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Main 86. HOW ABOUT THIS? 16 rooms, clearing $129.40, for $2.VW; terms Location is the bey. Mar. 3635. HAVE 30 rooms h. k. furniture; will lease one or more unfurnished buildings or sellcqmplete. X 310. Oregonlan. FOR BEsT bargains In apartment- houss, see members of the Realty Board. Xate Realty Co, 244 Fourth, atrsou BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. Apartment house, fine, modern place, about 110 apartments, clears over $35,000 per year: building, ground ancPfurnish ings. Particulars this office. List 34. Apartment house, high-class modem brick, about 100 rooms, fine place. Par ticulars this office. List 25. Apartment house, fine modem brick, beautifully located, a most conspicuous place of wonderful personality; about 60 apartments. We consider this an excel lent Investment; building, ground and furnishings. Particulars this office. List 65. Apartment house, nice little modern brick, well furnished, fine location, good Investment; $20,000 handles building, ground and furnishings List 60. Apartment house, good corner, well furnished, good investment; $15,000 han dles building, ground and furnishings. List 2a. Hotel, corner brick. 45 rooms, good Investment for na-ht oarrv : build In if ground and furnishings $30,000, half cash. List 66. LEASE AND FURNISHINGS. Hotel, over 40 rooms, modern brick fine location, nice clean place, cheap rent, lease; $7000, terms. List lU. Hotel, about-' 45 rooms, fine location, 5-year lease, modern brick; $ 12,000, terms. List 69. Hotel, one of the best corner brick; In Portland, about 00 rooms; it's a tine place. Particulars this office. List 48. Apartment house, nice modern corner $ j it 00 handles. Last Anartment house, modem brick, lease about 25 apartments; $t000 handles. List Apartment house, an excellent modern corner, o-vear lease, very ciean. wen managed house: you will like it because It s nice. L.ist . WESTERN BROKERAGE CO MP A NT, 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MERRY CHRIST MAS TO ALL. 20 ROOMS, housekeeping; all full; unusually good furniture, practic ally new: absolutely no junk. Im , maculately clean; rent omy $75, 5 years' lease; net income $133 and can be Increased. $2300 handles. 13 rooms, 11 furnished; good lo cation. Nob Hill; good, clean place; easily kept filled; very neat in come with three good rooms for owner; income could be increased at least $15; rent $55; $1000 bandies. 10 room. Nob Hill: most attrac tive house; fine location; ali full anl walling list; extra good furni ture. Including electric washer, vacuum rleanT, graf-mola. etc.; Income over $175; $1650 handles. 8 rooms, furnace, good furni ture; $.'10 net income and 8 rooms for owner; rent oniy $40; $ir,ou, terms; liberal discount for all cash. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerilnger ildg. HOTEL FOR SALE. One of Portland s best 100-room hotels; nearly 60 private baths; good localion and lease; doing line commercial business. For price and more particulars call at office. SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEL. Tile best tiO-room hotel buy In Portland; 1-3 with private bath; strictly first-class; 5-year leae. It requires $lu, U00 cash; balance easy. APT HOUSE. Over 100 rooms; mostly 8-room apts.; beautiful brick bldg.; strict ly modern; 5-year lease; now nets over $7O0 per month; $15,000 cash. Small balance monthly. HOUSEKEEPING. We have several small apt. houses and housekeeping places for sale. Call and see them. Fair treatment, our motto. RIERDOX REALTT CO., Realtors, Wash., Bet. W. Park and 10th SL FINE COUNTRY TOWN HOTELS. S1H.UO0 for a college town hotel, full every night. No dining room. $8500 wilt handle. Another good one with nearly 100 rooms and dining room, including lots and building. Will take about $20,000 cash or good Portland property; bal ance easv. $20,000 for furniture snd lease on a hotel that will clear $0000 a year, prop erty can a!so be had if desired. Weston & Co., llo N. W. Bank bldg. HOTEL FOR SALE. SOME TRADE. 30-room modern brick hotel and D room residence; also poolroom and five stores, good town on highway Willamette valley; newly furnished, nice business, wonderful future, line place, good in come; $5000 cash handles above -property, complete balance 10 to 15 yea.s, 0 per cent; might take good small farm part payment; excellent preposition. See owner. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 817 NORTHWESTERN HANK Itl.DO. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. Strictly modern apartment house, 44 rooms, consisting of 1 and 3-room apts., brick bldg., 4Vs-years lease. Rent only $225 per month. This Is absolutely the best apartment house buy in Portland. Price for all $7875, $5000 cash will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-3 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP TOU WISH TO BUT OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLE US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. T FOR QUICK SALE List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us: your interests will always be protected; we have eash buy ers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Kelier. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 4 YEARS' LEASE. 43-room modern apartments; rent only $100 per month; can turn to Jap. See McCauley. HILLER BROS, Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Main KO. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 11 housekeeping rooms, frame bldg., furnace heaL Rent $50. Net income $100. Very well furnished. Price $1700. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Sd and Alder. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. We wish our many clients and friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 48R0. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR BELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. 7 Rooms, fine new furniture and rugs, the best, cheap, or trade on larger rooming nouse. See McCaulev, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Main 86. YOU MAY have the management and own half Interest In a new apartment house to be built. $15,000 cash required. Come in and see plans. JOHN E. WALTER. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. luR SALfc. lo-room apt. house. a. so small furnished house, modern furnish lr.crs: water in all rooms: rood Income $0o rent; 2-year lease; all full; only iihmj. t-none Main U"iy. WANTED To buy, good rooming house on east side from $3500 to $4000: must net owner not lees than $150 per month: can pay $2ooO cash down. Address AP 308. Oregonian. ' ROOM1NU HOUSE. WEST SIDE. 11 rooms, rent $40; price $1200; terms to suit. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. FOR SALE, by owner, the best ilttie money-making place in town; least expense; lowest rent: better than a 14-room house; will net $120 a month and one room for self; $1300 AK 305, Oregonian. 27 ROOMS Rent $"0. with lease; 17 fur nished; house clean; price $1000. 10 rooms, rent $33, 6 furnished, all light, - airy rooms; price for quick sale, $330. B-irrand. 34H Salmon st. Wffl HAVE some money makers, apt. houses, furnishings and leases. 419 Lum- bermaos bidg. , - WINSLOW CO. FOR SALE My wife is sit.k; for this rea son I will sacrifice good restaurant In best location of town for $750. Write letters. BD 318. Oregonian. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. Desirable place, good location. Call Bdwy. 3300. Part cash, balance terms. , 12 ROOMS, beautllully furnished, west side, nice income; lovely home; price $2i)00; $1030 cash. Owner. M ar. 41 1 $1$ Ui TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS. O. C. ULRICH - CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bidg. 81-ROOM hotel tor sale on easy terms. inquire Mllti UcGrall, Contrails, WuU, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MARY K. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Mula 85C0. Hotels. Apartment 'Houses and Rooming Houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Fifteen years in this business ' In Portland enables us to give you satisfactory service. The following are samples of the many places listed with us. We have many others. APARTMENT HOUSES. flO APARTMENTS. This is a corner brick, each, apartment has private bath, au tomatic elevator, office, oil burn er; easy apartment to rent; all two and three rooms; low rental to 1U20. If you have $20,000 ask to see this. 42 APARTMENTS. Here Is your opportunity to buy a place that haa not been sold before; strictly high class building, all modern appointments; close to business center; a money maker; party desires to retire from busi ness. If you want the very best buy on the market, see this. Price $30,000. Some terms to respon sible party. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent only $673, including 80 phones, steam heat snd hot water; white pressed brick build ing: private balconies, automatio elevator. Price $24,000. Terms. 16 APARTMENTS. Just the right size for a home and $380 net every month; very ciean, well furnished; each apart ment has bath, large rooms, clos ets, etc. Price $10,000, half cash, balance as you make It. 80-ROOM HOTEL. Large ground floor office and lobbv, 30 private baths, automatio elevator; Income average over $2200 per month; low rental and long lease. Price $20,000. ' 40-ROOM HOTEL. One of the classiest email houses In the city; very clean and well furnished: clears from $W0 to $."00 per month; long lease. If you have $8000 cash, this will suit you. 40-room hotel, right In business district, very cheep rent; lease; steam heat, brick bldg.; as clean as you could wish; Vernls Martin beds, extra furnishings; clears be tween $400 and $M0. Special term price of $7250. See Mrs. Mc Clain. Close to Washington. St.. steam heated bldg., hot and cold water in every room. This can be run housekeeping, Bleeping, transient; rent $100. lease: extra good beds, carpets and dressers; clears $2"0 up year round. $3000 handles. Sea Mrs. McCluln. ' $1500 gives you possession of this money-maker; close In to Bdwy.; rent $113, lease: gross Income over $300 per month. This Is worth looking over. Sss Mrs. McClaln. 18 rooms. Housekeeping, all on one floor. 2 baths, rent $30. income over $200, nice halls, all light rooms, well furnished, extra good beda and springs, lots of linen, etc.. stove heat; place runs itself. $1500 cash required. See Mrs. ' McClaln. Beautiful ciean sleeping rooms, 14 rooms, all on first floor, excel lent location, high-grade furniture, practically new: clears $100 up, besides 3-room apt. Can be han dled with $1500. Beautiful home, rent $50, lease, house Immaculate, fine exterior, furn. electricity, clears over $30, be sides lovely home. Furniture in best condition, dundy rugs, extra linens. This is a bargain at price of $1500. Terms. 9 rooms, well furnished, rent $43, lease If desired: modern place, very good looking. Just the place for couple desiring nice home and net Income of $30. Price $1250 with $700 cash. Be first to see UliS. m SEE MRS. MrCLAIN, M. E. LENT OO., S24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL .n,. Can you stand prosperity .- it so the following: ... With an Investment $14,000, showing a Profit of $800 monthly. With an investment of $3500. showing a profit of $400. With an Investment of $10,000 show ing a profit of $850. Hotel, city 7000 population, gross re elpts 2S00 monthly; brick bldg.. annex for overflow, profits average $1300. We have many others to choose from, a' bo beach hotels and resorts, all making money. 714 COUCH BLDG. HOTEL FOR SALE. The best hotel In prominent southern Oregon town; 8-story brick, very at tractive; has steady trade and large in come on Pacific highway, 36 exception ally well furnished rooms, one-half with baths; pays over 25 per cent net on pur chase price. Owner old and must sell. This hotel Indorsed by sll commercial travelera and A. A. A. and O. S. Motor Assn E. H. Hosner, 8Q8 McKay bldg. 1 TRANSIENT HOTEL. ONE OWNER PAST TEN YEARS. 0O rooms, steam heat, private baths, elevator, ground floor lobby. Lease to arrange. Corner brick buikling; should net at least $1000 per month. Call Broadway 6157 for Interview. 205 HENRY BLDG. 22 ROOMS If you want a fine place to live, some professional man e omce anu residence or a good boarding house; good furniture, netting $200 per month and 4 nice, sunny rooms for living quarters; come and Inspect and buy from owner. Reduction in price for next ten days. 4!S Ynmhlll St. NOTICE. HOTEL MEN! 45-room hotel- brick building, 5-year lesws, close In. always full; rent only $5 50 per room. Income about $800 now. Price $12.0O0, terms: get busy on this. Sea Nick, with Spencer ft Co., 517 Cham, of Com blilit. Bdwy. Bull. (L 101.) HOTEL BARGAIN. West side hotel with transients, has established clientele; 30 rooms with new furniture; very neat; lease, and haa cleared $450 monthly. Full price $6250; some terms. Private. Phone Main 2778 morning or evening. LOOK HERE 14 H. K. rooms, rent only $35. Water In five apts. furnace heat, and electric light: 1200 will handle. UD MRS. HILL, 205 HENRY BLDG. 10-ROOM flat. 80x100 lot. garage, ciose In, east side: will trade for close-in acre. or roomlna house: want to re alize $10(10 cash. Mortgage $5600. Total $S0O0. What have you to trade? C. G. Murray, 454 Belmont. East 7380. BEAUTIFUL HOME AND INCOME. Only $300 down gets this, one. 9 rooms, H. K., modern house on corner; close In; full price only $kjo. mot, wun i. k Snancer ft Co.. 617 Cham, of Coin. bidg. Bdwy. SMI. (L. 317.) i45 WILL PUT YOU in a lO-room all H. K. house that will net you over $50 per month. Ask Mrs. Mill. tt8) W5 HENRY BLDG. 19 ROOMS, housekeeping. 1 floor, clears $100 month: $2800. $1500 down. 9 rooms, well furnished, hot water all rooms; $1350. terms. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. 60-ROOM transient hotel: Income $1200: rent less than $4 pej- room; $5000 will nmodile. See Mr Dietdrlch. t5S) 2i5 HENRY BLDG. 14 ROOMS H. K.. NETS $120. $1000 HANDLES. 24 rooms h. k.; good location: nets $250; $3"M) handles. Have others. Call 17 11th st. 22 ROOMS A nice modern house, well lo cated, west side: rent only $53, lease; well furnished, and a good money maker. Price $21tH). terms hnlf cash. Other snaps. H. W. Garland, 201 8d St. "LOST ANT) FOUND. LOST An envelope with $24. Reward of fered. Please call .East Slot). Miss Rubenstein. WILL party who picked up brown purse. containing $4 tn Metwr rrana-s teie- phone booth. Kindly call Mam 243 LOST On Union ave and Holland, tire chain, to fit 35x5 tire. Phone or return to Powers Furniture CVv LOST Downtown. Tuesday, a lady's gold. open-face wrist watcn; sman, almost square Phone 527-6Q. Reward. FOUND Ladv's umbrella at auditorium, Thursday night. Call Franklin, sheriff's office: LOST Gent's open-faced gold. 17-.!ewel Hampden watch; reward, rtoom a, ftiaai son hotel. LOST Three silver table spoons. Old Eng lish R. Tabor 719 LOST A bunch of keys on ring. F 316, Oregonlan. LOST Dec. S, smali temale Airedaia. Call i AoiU siJ-ii. LOST AM) FOOD. THE FOLLOW ING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light ft Power Co.. December "24, 1021: 10 umbrellas, i lunch box, blue scarf, knife. 2 suitcases, 4 handbags, 8 pair. 8 single gloves, 1 pair rubbers, fur, shopping bag, 8 pacaages. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. ' LOST Thursday, December 22. about S:30 P. M., either Meier ft Frank's or Morri son to Swetland lavatory, woman's black leather handbag; contained $10 and $3 in hills, little silver. Keys are valuable. Please return them. 504 E. 86th. Tabor 2231). LOST Vacuum cleaner; Hoover Special, model No. 040310. Lost naur East 33d and Ullsan. Liberal reward to finder. Call superintendent's office. Olds. Wort man ft King Mar. 4800. LOSi vednej.Ua.y evening in the vicinity or itu seen and Kerby. a ourn e s Ik um brella. Return to emergency hospital atm receive reward. LuST On 4:40 train f 1 diamond, set in black onyna and 1 blue tone with silver mountings. Keward, 342- Len ive, 25u. L.Obf v rist watch with black ribbon bracelet at loth and Morrison or on Pun nyeide car, Friday night about 6 o'clock. , a rci. 18 nor Lust On Corvallis electric train, Fri day evening, lady's biackq purse, con taining; pair of glasses and $1. in cur rnry. Keward. Tabor 1S77. LOST String- of pearis Dec. 21. between 1 - and 1 p. if. on Morrison st.. or on Punnyside car after H o'clock; reward, Marshall 0S0. PART of gold Eversharp pencil, lost on SHd st. car or on street between King and 6th sts. Ple-aae return to lot King tri-. apt. -. Keward. LOST Red Irish Sutter dog. Thursday arternoon. on 20th and sandy blvd.; had no co'lar. Reward East B515. LOhT Dec. 21, between E. 22 and E. 71 rJ., l green-top comfort, 1 pieced quilt ; reward. Notify A. Riply. Ut33 Hancock, Li VST Wrist watch on b.aok ribbon band. o. '. engraved oh case. Keward. "V R- Monr, K!r.t Natloral Bank. LOST Large Airedale " u"ok on Portiand riei-mcs. Anynne havlntr in formation pieaae pal! Hwy . ? or Tnln M 1 G. LOaT 1 larse handbag full of' carpete and drapery tools. Telephone Main 7U19 or PotVAra Furniture Co. 'HE PARTT on who. machine I rode Saturday morning please caU Tabor 5994, aa I lf-ft my purge in It. WILL party finding la rue photograph downtown Friday night, please call Wood. awn 2-'IH0. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, "Cleo' on face; Jink bracelet; reward. Broadway 721. LOST Shepherd dog, near Irving at., Thursday. Answers to name of Shep. Call 703 Irvine or Mar. 12HS. WILL the party who picked up black pocketbook at Goodyear shoe store pleaae phone Tabor 7270. Reward. FOUND On f-male collie. OwnT can have Fame by ldentltlcattun. I heme Wdln. 5iU3. LOST 1 net upper teeth connected with a s-nia bar. Liberal reward. Call East 12 or 271 K. Irtth st. X. .OS T villa. Tan-color d lo iur In Lltx-ral reward. Phone 212 PARTNRRSillP . exiMlnjr between O. W. I'urkfson urn J. T. Tabt-r U hereby dissolved from this date. J. T. Taber. Mncc!laneouA. PARTNERSHIP exluMng between A. W. Pnrklaon inrl J. T. Taber Is hereby dissolved from this dnte. J. T. Tabt-r. AFTER this date I will not be responsible tor my wires d-mn. i'. si m pson. V it. I. mu be rfpou.-lttie for bills con- my wile, Mrs. C. A. Lake. tracted b; nXANC.AL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MOT RG AG E CO. 20tt SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR, MORTGAGES. WE BUY W ELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & OR AT, MAIN S5 FOURTH ST. AN ESTABLISHED Portland t-ecurlty house, with trainid and experienced le force, is In position to immediately undertake aie of dt-sliabie slock. ieue. AL 311. Oregonian. 2000 FIRST mortgage, 7 per cent, 5 years rrom January. HUM. on 28-acre prune farm, worth $7000', for sale; property well improved; no scalping. Pioneer Em ployment Co.. 14 N. 2d at. WE BUY firM and second mortgages and severs' contract. F. E. Bowman Co.. 2Ut Cham, of Com bldg. Main 3020. SiiLLEKS CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. Ie Young & Co., S10 Spalding bidg. $". ou SELLER'S contract for sala on iose City home; will take $J0OO. 710 E. 17th ft., or phone j-l. .'H'r02. WILL cash mortgage or real estate con tract, $1MMI to $KO0. A. K. Hill, 42o Lumh?rmer bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sollera' con tracts on real t-atata; Washington, Ore- gon. H. E. Noble, U16 Lumhermons bldg. WILL buy smaller sellers' contract "r sec ond mortgage. Gordon. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAKE loans, buy notes and securities. Lee Davenport, 612 Buchanan bidg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F 11 Lewlw. 713 Lewig bldg., 4th and Oak sts Money to Ixtan on Real Kntatc. MONEY TO LOAN ou WiLamette Vailey xarms. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY 91 Third St.. Portland, Or. SEE US TODAY We ioan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on cnoice loans; long time and snort time month !y payments; pay as you can auins to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 72 Gasco b'og.. 5th and A der st CELLARa-MURTOy CO. WE HAVE funds available tor good resl dence loans; also Insurance money for business property al lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2831. Wilcox Bids;. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO. 87 Sixth st., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service ; liberal repayment prlv liege ; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS In ar.v amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. 822 Corbett Bldg. Main g23Q. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 64 snd 7 Per C-nt. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount ; low rates; promptly closed ; attractive repayment privliegea A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $300. $400, $300. $700. $1000, $1200. $1500, $000 and up; lowest rates, quick action. pay off $100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. 300 Piatt R'.dir Main B37L 45000 7 PER CENT on hand for good west side loan Geo. J. Scbaefer. 617 Bd. of Trade bldg. PRIVATE monev ; limited amount; will loan in sums $1000 to $20O0. or will cash first mtg. Apply 426 Lumbermen bldg. Ask for A. K. Hill. MORTGAGE loan in sums to suit; city farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. BECK. SIS Failing Bids; $1000 $US0O $2000 $2.100 $3000 NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Lonna quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 315 Cham of Cony bldg. I HAVE money on hand to buy several small mortgages. r or particulars call 4u4 Piatt biilg,, 127 Park at. PRIVATE money 10 loun on real estate, low rates, no delays. C De Young A Co., S10 Spalding bldg. MONEY to ioan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co . 415 Chamber of Commerce $2(0. $400. $oOO, $70. $1000 AND UP bow rates, quii n acnou. r rtu w . uer man Co.. 752 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved farms ann city property. v. a., tsaxter Spalding bldg $3000, $.'-000. $10,000, 7 on improved city property. .Lwls, 713 Lewis bldg. MOR7f GAGfi" LOANS, 6 and 7 per cenL Salomon Co., '61 Hallway Kxch. bldg SEE OREGON I XV. fc MORTGAGE CO.- 210 I.UMPKR EACHAMiB BI.PO. $5e00 TO huou-WEM SIDE; good iin- proves iota, w ex. uretuaia. FINANCIAL. Money to l an on Heal tte. Moll TOACK TO ANS . RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 PfcJR CENT. Five-year period payment; privilege of snu or any mu.tip e thereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS, tf PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent ot the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest ; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOAN'S. 6'4 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege. UHlCa; MORTGAGE CO., Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon :dg.. Main 838. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the eat for residences, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANT TIMS. No penalties, no renewal charges. utner runds also, as for the past 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Compiete Loan Service. EDWARD E. UOUDKY COMPANY. United States Bank Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $."0Q up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bidg. Main 6015. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE ? VOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTKOLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if nfeded. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can rpay us in small monthly payment. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on thUr own notes. Rates reapor.ahla. Private oi rices. Ail business atircily confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed.) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 82S. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington, SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and working-men on their persona I notes. Kates reasonable. Easy payments. NO SECURITY. NO TNDORSF.R. Call and Investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, f Licensed. ) ) , 215 Fnilfnk- PuiMlng MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In storage ith ua at rrgnlar hank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Streets, Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 37 1 5, LAN MARX A i'O. 31 A Wah.ngton St.. near lh rt. Established over 85 yearn; only hiKh-cla. jewelry store In city with loan depart nint in connection; private room for ladles, business strlcllv confidential; under stute supervision; all articles heid one year. Do business with an nid-eftahilr bed Mrm. MONEY to loan on diamond and Vwrlrv; confidential service, jiuvernitint licensed and bonded broker. Zell Bros A "o 2s;( Wash st.. between ith and ftth Marshall 727. MONKY to loan ; diaimmda. J we I ry, etc ; logal rate; articles held one yr Vines, Jp weier. corner Third and Washington Loan Wuntert. LOANS WANTED. $4000 West aide modern flat building and grounds, 7',, 1 or 2 years. 1st mortguge. $1000 7u,r,,, r.OxlOft business lot. Will iams ave., between Broadway and Russell. $1000 Half blk. adtoining O -W. R. A N right of way and 71st st.; all improvements p.ild, for KV $5O0 K, j;xltM): t'lirtine lt ou Derby at., Kenton, worth $2mhi. Inquire at 210 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark nt. B. LEE PAGET. Clients Want First Rral Eittatt Mortgage Loans as Follows: $2500 at 7 per cent; new modern 8-room bungalow in Alameda Park. $3000 at 7 per cent; new attractive 6- room residence In Irvington. $3500 at 7 per cent; well located new Irvington home, value $7."0o, $3.VX at 7 per cent; new double bouse ' in Irvington; plentv of value. B. LEE PAGET. 22 Corbett B'dg. Main 230 FRANK I MvGL'lUE. with IUf ara of experience and expert knowledge of values Is In a, position to lareguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds ot applications tor loans, of fice or personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logie Richardson, manager loan department, Abington bids;. Malnl'ifiS I WANT up to $ooo for Interest In highly meritorious manufacturing proportion with an men He f ulurc A rt nle h.m very little competition. Low selling coats j arm snouiu net inim 111 10 111 per cni. Might use Investors services. For full details see O. V. JACKSON ft CO., 201 Oregon Bldg. WANT $3000 on well locate.) modern 7 room house, on 100x100; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, beamed celling, etc. ; property worth JSooo. Will pay 8 per cent semi-annually. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. Main R.'.Jfl. TO BORROW f2.-MiO tor two or three years, an oid-tsta hllshed bee business In the Boise valley, Idaho; over 700 colonies and equipment for same ; free from In cumbrance; exff liont banking reference; 1120 crop, $10 000. AJ 321, Oregonlan. WANT Jlo.OOO AT 7 PER CENT. 100x150, improved with 3-story ware house and garage; investment of $50.- SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. WANT $4."0, $000 and $000 at 8 for first mortgage loans on improved Portland real estate. Take one or all. These are conservative investment. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT $"(00 on well located, close-In Im proved property; large valuable lot with everything in and paid. A larger or smaller loan can be considered. No agents. AL 21H, Oregonian. HAVE mortgage for ale, $1MH, due March, 10211, well secured, 7 per cent In terest, payable quarterly. A first-class Investment. No discount. Present holder, Wdln. 9itS. Main 3:3. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. LOAN of $4000, 1st mortgage, west side lot and buildings, worth double amount asked. Private party only. Address r. o. oox tho, city, WANTED 60 on $000 worth of furniture for 6 months. Give first mortgage 10 per cent interest. A 103. Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $0000 on my wst-aide residence, which is worth 1)3,000; will pay 1: BD 323, Oregonlan. WANTED From private party, ioan of $1000, excellent residence security. Phoue fVl u rr b;a 'J4 1 . Wa.NTED. irom private party, $.i0o, po days. 12; satisfactory security. J 343, Oregonian. $1500 SELLER'S contract, discount 10 per cent. Take lot and cash. V 203. Ore gonlan. $a."HK ON 3 NEW store buildings, on double corner with monthly Income of $13.'.; valuation $10.0o0. East 132P. IRVINGTON loans, several iiiaiu, $4000, 3 years, 7 per cent; most desirable. R. T. Street. WISH to borrow from private person $lfi00 or $2000 on my modern bungalow and two lots Phone East 612 S. $3M0 FOR 3 Y EARS at 7 per cent. Irving- ton home, value 98000. o 0-0, Orego nlan. $1300 WANTED on new bungalow; value 4 MH). u ai'i, oregonvtn. $Jio0 WANTED on Rose City Park; value J.1OO0. BJ Sou. Oregonlan. $ 1 .-.OO 9 PER CENT on city property, Ea.-t .'I2. h'entnsum ; vn ni :rn'm. $2.t ON MY AUTO for 00 days; pay back ii laoor . win. OFFERS on soldier s loan wanted. AF 316, oregonia n. $3000 3 TO 5 YEARS, 7 ; Irvington East 804. home; bej-t location, :i;tMe $3000 WANTED on j beaut iiul Rose City K 322, Oregonlan. home, value si.too. $3.".00 3 TO 5 YEARS. 7 ; Irvington home; be-ft icrpn, u fiteri'i, Kaar v't. $6t0 $1400 SELLER'S contract, discount 2" per cent, s I'lm. oregonian. $000 ON 4-ROOM bungalow, corner, 1m- provements pain K.ast tM-'T. fcKE OREGON IN V slwRTGAGE CO.. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. PERSONAL PILES ran be permanently cured without operation. ail or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrijon. PRIME DA BALM. formerly called Balm of Figs. H44 E. 33d. S-Hl. 2213. mornings. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you. See V'ereck co'lectora, pekum bide AVIATION learn bott enthusiasts cm I Soil. 34 7 1. thiny to your advantage. ETHEL A. Please write Lenesome J. B me. Gen. Del. DR ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist, arch specln'lRl now at 713 Dekum bldg EVERYTHING about as usual. Signed, OORIXtN. WANTED Private lady for mashage trssvuueat &t$L Bp JU2t Oresoui&a, PERSONAL THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENR Anto-tntoxltation is the main cause or a dominant factor in nearly every disease of the physical body My sys tem of body clean-ting trrs tmrnti cor rects this condition through ciroulat loo and elimination by the use of light, heat, water, electricity, sweating and massage, aclcnttflrnliy applied A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter w hat Uie trouble, because they fulfill the laws. of the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the taking Monday Wednesday. Friday. Women nly Nurss attendant Tuesday. Thursday, SatuMav m-n only. BROWN".) HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. Stevens Bldg, Downstairs Main 8G3(k Seven Ya Sam Localion. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by r.erve-b!ocklng, rone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effects We perform all denia: op erations without pain Come in and let us prove It to you. X-ray work DR A. W KEKNK PH. E. J. KIESENDAHL. Above Majestic, thearer. en. 3M Uj vVssh. MRS HANSON. 310 20TTI STREET NORTH. MUST HAVE H EI. P. HAS BEEN SICK A LONG TIME AND HAS THREE CH1L I K E N. NEEDS F O O I. CLOTHES AND MONEY. PLEASE HELP HER OUT. JAZ.. RAG and BLUES Beginners play "Peggy O'Neill," "Lucky Home" or oth-r late popular songs very flrnt lesson; com plete comse, 10 le.sgns. Call and hear one of our students play and Juzs sll tho late popular songs. Reduced rates If you start now. Free practice romna. Main 40:tS. PARKER PIANO SCHOOL. 513-14-lA-ltI Eilers Music Bldg., Washington pt Fourth St. MAY BELL E, JONES A N N O U N ' E S THE OPENING OK THE 1UVINGTON PARK. SANITARIUM PFFClALl.ING IN NERVOUS AND CHRONIC M El MCA L CASES AT 12 U4 K. 27TH N. PH ON E .4 CT ) H24- "5 HAG AND JAZ in 10 lessons a un ran teed. Beginners play a late popular song In 8 lessons or no charge. Advanced earn all kinds of business plavlng. technique thor ughly taught. Free practice rooms; only successful school of the kind In Port land. Established lu years. Parker Plane School. AM Ellers Bidg., Wash, at tn. Mam 403S. ANY READER of this paper suffer. nr from goiter (hig neck) can get positive Information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or dW mil f rrt . There is a pleasant surprise in stor for you if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others, it will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, box X-737, Milwau kee. Wis 1 WILL gladly tt 11 anyone suffering with rheumatism how I was rured In four days after two years' terrible suifering. It niH Iters not what form you have, what you have tried or how long stand ing. Send name and address today, Ad d r e sn P.'X N-H7. Little Rock. Ark, CONTENTED a:-- ihey who burn KING CO A L, t he hottest, cleanest mid mwt lasting coal sold In 1'ortand. Order some at om"e and secure yourself from the cold. To net the GENUINE KING COAL, phone Main lKwi. CENTRAL EL CO. Prompt d eilverv. We n.ill. It vonr credit. DR NETTIE BENSON Nervous and chronir diseases treated by NEW METHODS, trartlor. for week backs mineral steam bath, showers, violet ray maaia'e snd sinusoidal treatments for both yexep M Jjt Til Swells ml bldg P I EES P E R MA N E N'T RE LI E F. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ak to see Oi-o-nla Pile treatment Stout- Lyons Drug Co.. 3d and Morrison, ot h and W :mh 1 ngtn. !roi d way and Stark FORM playing iea lies e it her c la m a. or rag and Jazs In 12 lesson, h'-ginner or advanced, guaranteed; open ivenings; pianos for practicing; dmonst rat ion free. Waterman Piano School. 313 Co lumbia hldg , over Rlvoli theater PROSTATE and bladder trouble. piles, constipation quickly, pslnlessly t rented , No knife. maspTige or dieting. Simple, private home treatment. Booklet ires tn pi a In wrappers. Electro Thermal Co s.-.H Balrd bldg . Steubeiivllle. ). LADIES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide snd Invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders; oOc snr $1 yur boa Portland Hot el Ph: rmacv THE big clearance sale Is nn ut Peter son's Upstairs itore, second floor pit lock block, on ail suits, coats, dresses, skirts and iVoufes; every garment at 13 and 1-2 off. We advise early shopping CHUlORat. ACTIO, steam baths, scientlf to massage, rheumatism, stomach. heart, kidney complications, reducing, graduate uirse assistant. 74-5-8 beillng-Hirsch. Mvn 77 Ml. DR MARGARET HAYNlE. chiropractor. Woman's ri Iseasea my specialty. A M treatment non - surgical. For trained. nurxe,. assistant and bstn and massages. x ask for Miss Randall. 21 "Hand hi.lg. WRITE a song, 'm. love, mother, hoim. comic, or any and gu.tr;intee tod.'iy. Edwan Chi'Vtrn ihtct. I compose, music publication. Send nonl Trent. 702 Reaper block. DR ADA SCOT'!, nervous and chrunc. dis eases a specialty; steam bath', hot or cold showers, scientific bo.ly massngs. Hours 10 to 7- 417 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 4170 G A LLSTON ES Physlcia n ex plain simple, effective treatment for Inflam-i gall bladder and bl ducts aiociatd with guLstoP'-s Booklet free. Dr. Paddock, b,.x G '-' " 1 . K ans.n City. M o. WH Y NOT learn beauty culture n.-l. nt ifi caily 7 Invest Ik at the Mary-Marjorle school. References req uired. Inquire of of Merrill's costume shop, 203 Bdwy. bldg. YOUNG man going to Detroit, leaving Jan. 2. would transact business, leita or oth erwise, also Chicago, Cleveland or To led') Phone East 2T2t WH Y PA V fancy puces for trusses wnen you can get them at commercial prices at the J- A. Clemenson Drug Co., 2uu M orrison ft.? Call and t-ee for yourse 1 f . SCENARIOS wanted, any form, screen production assured exceptional stories. SCENARIO SERVICE CORP., 602 Mason Opera house, Los Ang"tea. DR. LOUISE NETZEL treats rheumatism, lumbago; electric blanket, vibrator, mas page, bath: lady assistant. MO Columbia street, near 17th strrtMain ESQ- DR G LOCKE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS" SALE VIT-O-NET ELECTRIC BLAN KETS. PADS. TREATMENTS. 708 DEKUM BLDG. EXPERIENCED nurse gives steam baths and scientific body massage; a so open Sundays. 822 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington streets. VIT-O-NET. sweat body maHage. Radiant light. Violet Ray treatments for colds, sciatica, neuritis, circulation ; 10 to 3 rt nl:y. 4-V M o rgan bid g. Main 7.'WP. GOOD MASSAGES BY EX-NURSE. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and ftth sts. Also Sundays and even Ings. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST . who doesn't hurt you; U yrs here; nm free Globe bldg.. llthfc Wah Bdy 2S24 TRTi'NED NTRS E. B ATM S, M ASSAG E, see Miss Randall for baths, massage and electric t re a t m e n t . 'J I " Swetland bldg. KUAO O of suuff ha bii cured or no pay $1 if cured rtemiay sent on tria. Superbs Co. W. SM Hn'tmnrt, Md. EVERYTHING for home bottling. Send for free catalog Crein .fc Pubis, 12o W. R a nio'iph st.. Chl'H o. Til. GoITii E, emai gvd glands. Cure yourself, A. R. Strachan. route o, Hlllshoro, Or. No nger.ts or representatives. GO 1 N G to Los Angeles, Dec. 1'7. want 3 p a c sender, one to help driving. G 222 Oregon Inn. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, w arts re moved bv 10-need e method; trial fre. Jose Flney. 514 B us hR- Lane M a In flirty A lA i loN enthusiasts Buy your ait-plan.-rld'-s-fur coming season now and save money. Sellwood 3471. REJUVENATE uur tired ana nervous bodv by a scientUle mas.-oige Dr. OvMla, l.nrwn. 6:M Morn an Mdg. Main T.''.i. FEB VET A H ANEBUT. leading w.g and toupe makers; permanent marcel anu water waving. 34Q , ider Main JWrt. , M ASSAG E. ha int. t heuina tUin, cons u na tion, kidneys. Both s.-xes. Dr. E.na Soretisen. ranama niog. .vi.iin .'"m; SKiLl.Kb ::utie gives drugics." treatments, bat hi and massage. 70ft Dekum Lldg. B-oad avSIH A PROFESSIONAL children's entertainer will personally conduct children's par-tlr-si nTi r i ng Imi'.davs Phone K,.st emit. Margaret m. how a rd or Hum me c. communicate with sunt in Salt Lake C i t y a t one. Imp ortant. WANTED to adopt a baby girl or boy under 3 y tare AM ars ; American family ; good 321, Oregonian. CANCER treated, and VnMtn: n 312 M l sis. Tdun bldg. Bdwy. SULPHUR stejijji baths, mass.fp, violet ray Hiu-n, 10 to 4 2 C'.av. M aln S:c,;,. WOULD like to adopt new-bern babe; glad ly pay expenses. H 3QK Or s on lan. SL PE u r u I H'S H v 1 K permanently re moved ,101 Pwotland bldg Main 13'H. WANTED To adopt a brtby girl not over two months o'd. AR 311, Oregonian. PROSTATE trouble cured wi' hout opera tlon. Dr R. A. Phll'lpa. B-lwv. bldg. C. S. HOaIE with best care for invalid convalescing or aged. W'nodlnwn OrtQQ. LEARN good trale evenings. Beau: v cul- ture. Madame Curtis. Marshal 1 T02J MASSAGE and hourly nursing. Mies E. Jl. til-an, sUa-lil 110. 105.5v