TTTK STVOAY OTCEOOXTAN. PORTLAND. DECE3IBER 2o, 1921 11. EHD-0 F-YEAB QUIET IS FELT BY MARKETS No Serious Change Implied in Financial Check. . EXCHANGE MUCH BETTER iBterling II Nets to $1.20 After Standing: Around $3.90 Dur- liiff Middle of November. BY STt'ART P. WEST. Vpyrl(rht, ltn.1, by The Oroironian.) 1 NBW YOKK, Dec. 4. Special.) The check tht wtek 10 the upward movement In the financial market n;muItaneoua in 'stock . band and foreign exchange hai not Implied any strlous change in opinion In th general outlook. It u:ay hav tig- Inf finance, that Wall street, in the advance during the first hair of - UeeemDer, naa allowed Itself to become a bit too enthu- laj'ttc over the profped for 1U'2'2 in cer tain lines of trade. liut mainly the de cline was the normal readjustment which marketH In variably have t hat long move Continuously in a single direction. In a word, the stock market haa had the reaction which It was entitled to after a month of almost unbroken advance. The bond market h&. fulfilled the expectation that it could not keep moving ahead in face f the competition of mii:h an outpour of new capital Ik.-u-h as has been going en now for five months. Improvement In Exchange. In the exchanges the speculative element his counted a It has in utmks. That is to lay, such a decline as hav taken place from the high levels of a fortnight ago has been merely a technical readjustment. It ha In nowise taken away from the reality of the Improvement in European finances signified by the advance in ster ling from around $3.00 in the middle of November to above $4,110 and the recovery In French exchange in a still s-horter In terval from 6.10 cents to the franc to 8.30 eentH. The lessened activity In the various mar Vets is quite in keeping with the slowing down in business circles preparatory to the nd of the y-ar. The active production of the steel mills is off about 5 per cent from the maximum of a month ago and prices of some of the lighter products, such as wire and wire products, have been cut again. Dullness has settled over the cop per trade while some of the automobile companies have been closing down plants, rj kh my reKuiiiny au n. i hup ' i fthe purpose of stock taking. But whether lit la stuel or copper or automobile making, Vr oil the forecast for lfl!li among the general run of business men is altogether hopeful. Nobody look for a boom, but the idea mainly expressed Is that the recovery which was Interrupted in December will be resumed In January and wilt gradually continue until it eventually reaches a pe riod of normal production and moderate tout reasonable profits. Lower Conta Neceeaary. As is well known, the chief obstacle In the way of the return of profitable condi tions In Industry Is the inability to bring (tout a thorough enough revision of labor costs. The principal difficulty in the path of wage reduction is the cost of living problem, and as everybody realizes, the reason why more prourehs has not been made toward a solution is that the defla tion of wholesale prices has not been passed along to the consumer, but the middleman and many retailers have been getting an undue benefit. A campaign of Investigation, with a view to publishing the guilty ones, has now been projected by the department of Justice, it ought to have been undertaken long ago, but coming even at this date it is most elcome. If this cru?ade accomplishes Its object. In bringing to the public the full advantage of the decline in agricultural price it will be the greatest single accom plishment conceivable In the way of help ing the busineas community back to good times. Buying Power Increased. Next to settling satisfactorily the cost -Vo living question, the thing most to be idr"lred itt a return to better conditions for the farmers, upon whose buying power so trade. In this direction the developments Of the last week have been definitely fa- vorah!e. In cotton, the shock occasioned by the discovery of the tremendous exag geration of the crop shortage has been more than counteracted by the Improvement In trade demands both here and abroad. In wheal. Europe has come to realise that It has been over-estimating the crops of Ji-'t-22 and that it is not as independent of the American surplus as It had supposed Itself to be two months ago. The revival of the export demand has given the wheat market the most encour- P ging appearance that It has worn at any U'l'o nmv it mir in ins. BUlIHlier. 1 ne Olg autumn movement from farm to market Is over. It has been unusually heavy and has drawn down farm supplies exception ally far. The grain trade Is beginning, therefore, to get the reaction from the at ate of almost panic in which It was thrown In the autumn by what now seems to have been unwarranted reports of tre mendous over-supply. SAN FRANCIrtCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Current on Vegetable. Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Hay City. BAN FRANCISCO, rw. -J4. (State Di vision of Markets.) Krult Apples, 8 A and 4-tler, $1 4d:(j :t.T.; casabas. crate, 75c ..?: oranges, navels. $4. S.50; lem ons, $3.rHi4; grapefruit, $3(3.75; grapes, crate.. $1.754i2; cranberries, hox, $o3fo.54J; Pars, box, strawberries, small crate l!.r.O 3 .' 0. Vegetables Artichokes case. f 16 IS; trlng beans, pound, 3-Vrf2c; -arrota. doa- n, 5e; celery, crat. 9 1.. 10 $'3. SO; cucum bers, small box, H?v ,"0; eggplant, lb., 4ft tic; let i uce. crate. l.L'5i 4 ."0; mush rooms, pound, 20(fi4ftc ; olivea, pound, 2 tfz-.ric; onion, brown, cwt., $'.i04.25: freen, doz., 10c; pea, pound, lSV-"c; bell peppers. 104j loc; potatoes, f 1.75 -& 2.50; pumpkins, sack, 7octi $1 ; rhubarb, box, $2 (t .i : sif uash, lug, $1,50 (ft 2.25; sprouts, pound, flfy. 8c ; tomatoes, $1.25 3. Poultry Brolieri, 8 4 ft .Wc: rooster, young. 22(ff.tlc; old, 17i0c; hens. 23 t Sic; ducks. 22 iff-25c; turkeys, live, SSft43c; Receipts Flour, 4402 Quarter sacks: wheat, 20 centals; barley, 20,250 centals; corn. centals; potatoes, 4o."5 sacks; cn Ions, 15 sacks ; hay, 110 tons ; hides, 6300. QfOTATIONS OS DAIRY TRODICE Current Frtrcw Ruling on Butter, nd Kggs. Cheese. 8AN FRANCISCO. Dec. 14. Dairy prod uce exchange closed. NEW YORK, Deo. 24 Butter Cnset tled. Creamery, higher than extras, 424 5 4:te; creamery extras. 41 Vx &4:ic; firsts, otf ' Kaga -Steady: unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. CHICAGO, Dec. 24. Cnsettlcd. Crcam trv extras. 42W43lic: firsts, .18l40fcc; scc onda, 30(VrS2U.c: etandarda, 87c. Kkks L'naettled; receipt, 40TrJ caaea; flrata. 50c; ordinary rirata. i;i'ij4.V:; mia rellaneous, 4?w4'Jc; rcf rlgrrati)r firsts, 38 it 4c. KANSAS CITV, Mo., Dec. 24. Eggs "r'lrin. unchanged. Hut ter I'nc hanged. Poultry Hens and apritigt. unchanged: turkeya, ,"iic today, quoted nominally for next week. BKCKIPTS AT STOCKYARDS Monday Will Ba Ohaenred aa Holiday With No Market. I.lveatocK truding for the week ended cn Friday. There were no receipt at tho local yards ycaterday. The Christmas holiday will be observed Monday. There will be no market, but alt stock received Will be taken care of. I'rlrea quoted at the Portland Union lorkyarda were as follows: Cattle Choice steers f I! T,n 7 00 Medium to good aleera d.oo'fjj fl.r,0 Kit1'' -ert um We- a .Y Sllw K (H) TURKEYS For Chrlatmaa. Alao other poultry. hlp tu arrive Dec. 17 to It. For ra Irar'M Ile. 27 to 2H. BIBV CO.. H8 Front 1st. J'ortlaod, Or. 2. .10 ft s no 5.0U"j 5 50 4.2ft ft' 4.T5 fi.OI 5.50 4.505.00 4.00 4.50 8 0of 4 00 1.75ra.0A 8 00Tr4 .O0 9 oon 50 8.00fi fl.OO ft oofc h on S.OOlU'tt.OO 8. 7.17 ft on 7.50ft 8 50 6.50ft 7.50 6.007.00 8.50& fl.00 H .00 4z 9 L'ft 4.50 f 0.50 8. 50 9 00 8 oojrfl.fto e.oo-a s.oo 4.00 r 6.00 tf.0Otfir7.00 8.OOfT7.00 s ooft a. no 4. 60 '(T 5.50 4. 00 ft 5 on 1.00 ft? 5.00 Chicago Mvestock Marked CHICAGO. Dec. 24 (U. 8. Bureau of Markets. ) Cattle Receipts 200; compared with week ago: Beef steers, mostly 25c to 50c lower; plain to medium grades show ing: full declines; she stock generally 25c to 60c Ior; veal calves $1 to $1.60 off; Blockers and feeders 25c to 40c lower; bulls f0c lower. s Hogs N(MM); active and strong- to 15c higher than yesterday's average, with lights uj muHt; shippers bought about 750U; good clearances ; top 7. SO for 1 6 0-pound aver age; 7.50 for 1H0 to 100 average; bulk $7ft 7.40; pigs 10c to 15c higher. Sheep- 1500; practically all packers di rect and all on shipper account; compared with week ago, fat lambs and yearlings about $1 higher; fat sheep and feeder lambs steady to 25c higher. Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 24. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Hogs 2500; 15 ft; 20c higher; bulk of sales. ti.70W7.85; top $6.05. Cattle None. For the week, handy- weight and yearlings, strong ; others and she stock, steady; bulls and vealern, steady; stop Hera and feeders, weak to 25c lower. Hheep None. For the week, rat lambs. 2550c higher; sheep mostly 25c higher; feeding lambs steady. Heat tie Livestock Market BRATTLE. Dec. 24. Cattle and hogs steady; no receipts, no price changes. CORN TIEN. FOR RUSSIA PURCHASE OF FIVE CARGOES HELPS GRAIN MARKET. Wheat Firm and Quarter to One Cent Higher at Close of Chicago Session. CHICAGO. Dec. 24. Despite the double holiday In prospect prices continued their upward movement on the Chicago board of trade today. Wheat finished with net gains of to lc; corn advanced H to He and oats U to c Provisions were prac tically unchanged, except ribs, which reg istered net gains of 12 to IT points. Sentiment for higher prices was marked from the atart In wheat. The oplnlonwas advanced that the coming government re port would show decreased farm stocks. Keporta from the dry portions of the win ter wheat belt had It that only light snows had fallen thore and these were swept away by winds, leavings the plantings un protected from cold waves predicted for today. Corn was Influenced by wheat and also by the sale of five cargoea for Russian relief. Oats followed corn. Provisions were dull. The Chicago grain letter received yester day by the Uverbeck & Cooke company of Portland follows: Wheat Trade today was confined almost entirely to evening up of contracts over the holiday and the range in consequence was narrow. July wheat wa. relatively stronger than the old crop months, due to a report that the condition of wheat in Oklahoma is 47, compared wltb 88 last year. It is alao expected the government report next week on the condition of fall non wheat will make a bullish show ing. Little doing In export circles and likewise In the domestic situation. The outlook In our opinion la for higher prices next week. Corn The trade In thia market was good with prices again showing a distinct upward tendency based on evidence of a stronger cash position now developing. New York wired that five cargoes were taken by the government for Ruaalan relief. We adhere to the belief that the movement of the new crop this year will not be a burden on the market. Oats Trade aqttve and market strong on buying by cash interests and commis sion houses for outalde investment ac count. Oats are undeniably cheap and when we recall that the 11)1 crop was a small one and that there is not likely to be any movement of consequence from th-lnterlor for the remainder of the aea son the Investment side looks very attrac tive. Rye There was continued buying by leading elevator interests and prices re flected the strength in wheat. No sales of cash grain were made. No. 2 rye was nominally AM cents over December. Leading Future Ranged as Follows. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. May 1.17 1.1714 i.i 1.1 1.05 1.04 j. 1.05 V, July 1.04 corn May ... .6514 .65 .67 t .5SH .50 .55 5- July ... oats May ... .88 .31) .884 .8ft V, July ... .40 1'ork Jan. . . . 14.85 15.05 May Lard Jan. 8.72 9.15 May .. 9 15 9.T 9.15 KIbs Jan 8.00 805 8 00 8.05 S. 15 8.' May 8.15 rash prices are as follows: Wheat No sales reported. Corn No. 2 mixed. 50i4 0'30c: No. 2 yellow, 50 Vi f 50 c. oats .no. wnue, iwfttfd9fec; jno. a white. 35(&38e. Kye .no. .'. siuc Barley 53 545c. Timothyseed 10. Clovers eed 12. 50& 16.40. Pork Nominal. Lard 8.72. Kibe ti.50'6'8.50. ' Primary Receipts. OHTCAOO, Dec. 24. Primary receipts Wheat. 545.000 bushels; corn, 1,256,000 bushels: oats, 559.000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 841). 000 bushels; corn, 702,000 bushels; oats, 420,000 bushels. Minneapolis Cirmtn Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 24. Barley, J38 39. Flax. No. 1, $1.9TVt 2.03V.. Wheat, Decembor, il.3SV; May, ,1.24; July, 11.191.. Winnipeg (irHln Market. WINNIP1SO, Dec. 24. Wheat, December $1.10'.,. May $1.14, July 11.11 Grain at San Francisco. SAN "FRANCISCO, Dec. 24. Grain Wheat, milling. Jl.Wirl.M: feed. SI. 839 1.95; barley feed, SI. 25 Q 1.30: shipping, S1.30O1.40; oats, red feed, S140cl.60; corn, white Kgyptian. $1.72 Vt 1.77 Vi ; red llilln. ll.424jFl.45. Hay Wheat. $17&19; fair, $1417; tame oat. $15018: wild oat, llrl3; al falfa, $13l? IV; stock, $9 12; straw, $10 l-- Seattle Grain Market. SKATTLK, Dec. 24. Wheat, hard white, while club, hard red winter, northern Klring, Hig Bend blueMem, $1.11: soft white, sort red winter, $1.12; eastern red Walla, $I.0. City delivery Hay, timothy, $23; D. C, $27; mixed $21: alfalfa. $17; D. C. $23: straw, $15; barley, whole. $33: ground and rolledl $35; clipped, $40; chick starter, $54; chop, all grain. $35; cocoanut meal, $28; corn, $33T34; corn, cracked and feed meal, $37; cottonseed meal, $44; linseed meal. $58: niaah mixture, egg. $40fff4; scratch food. $45; soya bean. $tJ0; wheat, $42; Puget sound, $38. Payment of Taxes Active. LA ORASDE, Or.. Dec. 24. (Spe cial.) Indications' are that in aplte of the "hard times" of the current year, the ratio of delinquent taxes to the total tax levy In- Union county will be materially lower by the end of the year than a year ago. Since October 15, $43,000 has been collected, leaving $55,000 Rtill to be collected, compared with $.10,000 last year. The total taxes for the year amounted to JBSS.noo. an Increase of $108,000 over the previous year. Common to fair steer 'holce feeders Fair to good feeders Choice cows and heifers Medlmu to good cows, heifers. Fair to medium cows, heifers. Common cows fanners Hulls Choice dairy calves........... Prime light calves Meriium UKht calves Heavy calves Hogs Prime light Smooth havy, 230 to 300 lbs.. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up. Rough heavy Fat pigs Feeder pigs Ktagit, subject to dockage Sheep Kaat-of -mountain lambs hfnt valley lambs Fair to good Cull lambs Fawtern Oregon feeders , Light yearlings .... H'-Hvy yearlings Light wethers Heavy wethers Ewes OREGON PRUNE LIST WILL BE. ADVANCED Prices to Follow New Rise in California.- SMALL SIZES CLEANED UP All Italians Except 20-3 0s and SO-4 0s Have Already Been Disposed Of. Prune prices have been advanced 4 cent a pound on all sizes except 30-40s, on which an advance of 114 cents has been made by the California Prune and Apricot association on its 1021 stock, ac cording to authentic advices received by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative associa tion. Tha California association Is now quot ing Its prunes packed In 25-pound boxes f. o. b. coast as follows: 30-40s, 14c: 40-5Os, 12c; 50-8OS. 10c; 60-7OS, 9c; 7O-80S, 8c; 80-90s, 7He: 90-100s, 7c. A relative increase In price will Imme diately be placed en Oregon association prunes which have been selling within a Vs cent of the California stock through out the season. The Oregon Growers association has no Italian prunes smaller than S0-40s. all but these and 20-3O. havlr. been cleaned up earlier in the sesson, while the Califor nia association on the contrary, has cleaned up all but Its smaller sites. STOCKS MOST ACTIVE WHEN STRONG New Bond Cnde rltlngs Disposed of With Ease. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. As the year draws to a close surveys of competent au thorities regarding the outlook in finance, trade and commerce are noteworthy be cause, with scarcely an exception, they sound a note of optimism. The work of the arms conference at Washington, resumption of dividends by railroads and Industrial companies re cently in arreara, the decrease of unem ployment and general enhancement of bond values are some of the substantial or constructive Incidents of the past week. These are offset or neutralized In a measure by reduced expenditures, a marked Increase of business failures and the slackening of production in steel and Iron with further price reductions. Fully one-third of the recent mercantile embar rassment occurred In the south, but last week's reduction of rediscounts by the At lanta federal reserve bank was accepted as proof that financial tension in that sec tion is gradually relaxing. In the share list the most significant feature was the fact that stocks were most active when strong and very apathetic when the forces of reaction were in con trol. Dealings In stocks were subordinated to the steady inquiry for bonds. Although liberty Issues and some of the foreign war twnrii occasionally were heavy, the ease with which new underwrltlngs were dls poaed of v suggested that January interest and dividend payments were confidently anticipating new channels of investment. Negotiations now in progress point to numerous mergers by secondary industrial Interests In the early months ox the new year. Acquisition of Amerlcsn Brass by Anaconda Copper la likely to be followed by amalgamations In the steel and motor trades where conditions are at low ebb. In the oil Industry consolidations of vari ous minor companies are under discussion. Bankers believe the turn into 1922 will be accomplished without serloua distub ance to domestic credits. They are less hopeful, however, as to foreign exchange which In their opinion will be largely In fluenced by .th. attitude of the allied pow ers towards Germany's January and Feb ruary reparations payments. LARGE APPLES SCARCE AND FIRM Oregon Newtowns, Spltxenberg'a and Ort leys at Fas tern Auctions. Looal apple prices show not material change from a week ago. The large sizes are scarce and are firm. Spltzenbergs, extra fancy, range from $2 for 175s to $3.30 for 88a to 100s. Fancy Spitx of the large sizes, 88s to 125s, are held at $2.50 93.25. Extra fancy Delicious, 125s to 150s are quoted at $2.7503.25; extra fancy large Romeo at $3 and extra fancy New towns at $2.2593, according to size. No carlot sales were reported from th. Interior. At Chicago, Oregon Ortleys sold at $2.25 92.60 for extra fancy meddum to large and choice, small to large at $1.6392.25. At the New York auction, Oregon apples brought the following prices: 1330 boxes Newtowns, extra fancy, medium to large, $2.2092.50; small' to very small, $1,909 2.10; fancy large to very large, $2 209 2.50; small to medium, $1.70 9 2: combined extra fancy and fancy, all sixea, $1.849 2.30; 945 boxes tipttzefiberg. extra fancy, medium to large, $2.6092.95: choice, all sizes. $1.759 2.10 ; 755 boxes Delicious, ex tra fancy large, $3.1598.30: few very large, $3.70; medium. $2.5092.95: fancy large, $2.5092.83; medium. $2.2592.45; 1400 boxes Newtowns. extra fancy large to very large, $2.5092.70; small lot, $2.85; small to medium, $2.0392.54); combined extra fancy and fancy, medium to very large. $2.25 9 2.85. Oregon Spltzenbergs at the Boston aoc-. tlon sold at $2.40 9 2.80, averaging $2.43, for extra fancy grade. WHEAT TRADE STOPS IN NORTHWEST Foreign Markets Are Closed Lntil After Holiday. Holiday conditions were very evident in the wheat market yesterday. There was no session of the exchange and no busi ness was reported in the local or country markets. At Liverpool Saturday was a holiday, alao Monday and Tuesday. It was like wise a holiday at Buenos Aires. Minneapolis reported choice wheat quiet, medium grades In strong demand, durum slow, winter wheat about unchanged and trade light. Minneapolis wheat stocks in creased 85,000 bushels and corn increased 55,0410 bushels. Flour shipments were 45, 244 barrels. The Oklahoma crop, report placed the condition of winter wheat at '47 per cent aKalnst 86 per cent a year ago. The weather forecast for the middlewest fol lows: "All states In grain belt generally fair tonight and Sunday. Cold wave in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin and Iowa. Rising temperatures elsewhere." Terminal receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wht. Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland, Sat. 53 is 10 13 Year ago .... Seaaon to date. 19.506 Year ago .... 8,573 Tacoma, Fri Year ago .... Seaaon to date. 6,323 Year ago .... 3.013 Seattle, Fri. ... 24 Year ago 138 1,29 167 431 .146 RT.4 312 1,159 78 860 43 522 88 492 74 347 3 8 Seaaon to date. 4.99T 130 1,305 288 940 Year ago C.900 168 196 258 1,010 BEST GRADE TURKEYS SELL WELL Poor Stork Drags and Geese Are Also Slow. Turkey receipts yesterday were of fair size and No. 1 stock cleaned up at 27fcP H cents, but poorer grades dragged. Dressed geese were slow at 25g32 cents. Live poultry of all kinds was generally firm at the close of th. week. There was no change in the egg market. The local demand was lighter, but buyers paid the same price to shippers as on Friday. Butter was steady and unchanged. Bank CI e rings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $3,960,945 $ 677.9)4 Saattle 5,2!8.1.M 1.299.571 Tacoma 440. 70 3 3 2.018 Spokane 1.55.3HH 625,759 Baa- clearings of Portland, Seattle and for this week week in former Portland. He .$28,730,188 $35. . 27.73U.419 2H. and the eorre- years were: attle. Tacoma. 830,584 $2.75.704 :1.037 3.570.343 . 3il.013.88H . 27.859.288 . 17,018.515 . 10,422.971 . 8.3iJ.I70 . 1 . 1 0.H:. . 10.072.22 . 9.52H.539 . 9.420.124 980.347 (1411.220 4.5BS.1 15 4.050,631 3.2O7.M70 1.931,502 1.47.'.l2 1.737.480 3.4K3.4K3 3.768.876 14 7 183.382 O25.205 1.23 3K7.733 324. 52 591,093 4,312.109 -Low Grade Hops Moving. A number of hop sales were reported during the week at 2022 cents for the best grades and 15 cents for the lower quality. Until recently the only inquiry was for prime and choice hops. The rail rate to the Atlantic coast will be reduced on January T from $2.92 to $2.50 a hundred. A number of English owned lots, which have been held back pending the reduction, will be shipped then. Sweet Potato Demand Expected. There has been no improvement yet In the potato market- There Is no demand for shipment to the south, but dealers believe that with the recent heavy rains In California, Inquiry for seed stock will develop soon. It is estimated that about -000. cars of Oregon potatoes remain to be shipped. Mill-Ran Prices Advanced. An advanca of $1 a ton in mill-run was announced by local mills. The demand has been Increased materially by the cold weather. Mixed cars are quoted at $20 and small lots at $21 at mill. A similar advance occurred on the sound. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc No session Merchants' Exchange. FLOUR Family patents, $7 per barrel: whole wheat, $0.2O; graham. $6; bakers' hard wheat, $7.05; bakers' bluestem pat ents, $6:55; valley soft wheat, $5.60; straights. $5 25. MILLFEED Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run, ton lots, $21; mixed cars, $20 par ton; middlings, $34, rolled barley. $343ll; rolled oats. $36; scratch feed, $43 per ton. CORN White, $.13; cracked. $.13 per ton. HAY Staying price f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $14. 50 per ton: cheat, $1212.5; oat and vet.h, $14.50$T15; clover, 112; valley timothy, $15S 15.50; eastern Ore gon timothy, $182 18 50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 42c per pound; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots. 44c; cartons, 45c. Butterfat buying prices, No. 1 grade, 42c, delivered Portland. EGGS Buying price, 44 45c,; jobbing prices, case count, 45 '0 46c; candled ranch, 48'0'50c; association firsts, 48c; association belects. 53c; association pullets, 45c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price ta Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 26c; Young Americas. 27c pound. POULTRY Hens. 17-925c; springs, 209 21c; ducks, 22&20c; geese. 2tK; turkeys, Uve, 35c; dressed, No. 1, 47ij48c. PORK Fancy, 12c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 14c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Navel oranges, $4.50 96 per box; Japanese oranges, $2.50 per bundle; lemons. $5t6; grapefruit, $497 per box; bananas, 8ic per pound; apples, $193.50 per box; pears, $1.7592.25 per box; grapes, California Red Emperors, 12c per pound; cranberries, eastern, $20 per barrel; pine apples, $7.50 per case. POTATOES Oregon. $1.5091.73 per hundred; Yakima, S292.25 per hundred; sweet potatoes, Sfryoc per pound; Arkan sas. $2.50 per crate. ONIONS Yellow, $4 5095 per hundred. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 2 3c pet pound; lettuce, $3.73$ 4. 50 crate; carrots, $2.50 per sack; garlic, 12 Vs 9 15c per pound ; beets, $292.50 per sack; cucumbers, $2.50 93 per dozen; celery, $5.2595.75 crate: green peppers. 859 40c per pound; cauli flower, $22.50 per crate; squash, 214(!3c; sprouts, 17Hc. turnips, $292.50 per sack; parsnips, $293 per sack; tomatoes, $4.50 per lug. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated, 6.03c pound. NUTS Walnuts, new crop, soft shell 23 9 36c pound; Brazil nuts, 18920c; fil berts, 20925c; almonds, 18927c; peanuts 19911Vac per pound. RICE Blue Rose, 6ftc per pound; Japan style, 6c per pound. COFFEE Roasted,, bulk. In drums, 189 85c per pound. SALT Granulated. bales, $3.2094.05; naif ground, ton, 30a. $17.20; loos, $16.23. HONEY Comb, new crop, $3.5096 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates. $T per case; figs, $1.4093.75 per box; apples. 16c lb.; peaches, 15917c; apricots,- 23926Vic; prunes, 7H912c. BEANS Small white. 60; "large white, 4c; pink, 6c; bayo, 6lic; red, 6c. Bides, Hops, Etc TALLOW No. 1, 4c; No. 2. 9c pet pound. CASCARA BARK 3c a pound delivered, Portland. HOPS 1921 crop. 1522c per pound. HIDES Fresh cured, 5c per pound; bulls, 4c; calf, 12c per pound; kip. 7c; dry hides, 9c; dry salt hides, 7o per pound. PELTS Dry pelts, full wool, 8919c per pound; salt pelta, 35 9 50o each, according to size. ' WOOL Eastern Oregon, 13923c per pound; valley, 12914c per pound. MOHAIR Oregon, 13922c per pound, delivered Portland. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 279 31c; skinned. 24 33c: picnics. 20c; cottage roll, 23c. BACON Fancy. 39 945c; choice, 27 9 32c; standard, 23926c. LARD Pure, tierces, 14c pound; com pressed tierces, 14c. DRY SALT Backs. 18921c; plates, 15 Oils. LINSEED OTLRaw, In barrels, 9c; S-gallon cans, $1.04. Boiled, In barrels, 91 cents: 5-gallon cans, $1.06. TURPENTINE In druma. $1; S-gallon cans, $1.15. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs, 12V4 per pound. ( GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar. rels, 26c; cases, 3814 c. Excess Reserves Decreased. NETV YORK, Dec. 24. The actual con dition of the clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shews that they hold $28,383,690 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This la a decrease of $8,655,710 from last week. Port Calendar. To Arrive at Portland. Steamer From Due. Klfuku Maru ...... .Muroran .....Dec. 25 Hannawa San Fran Deo 23 Alvarado New Orleans. .Dec 25 Steel Seafarer New York. ... Dec. 25 F. S. Loop Ban Fran . . . . . Dec. 27 Johan Poulsen e ran Dec. 27 ..Sun Fran Dec. 26 .Japan Dec. 27 ..Japan Dec. 28 ..Japan Dec. 29 lavenport . . . Tomira Maru. Kelfuku Maru Hrazil Maru . Senator .San Diego ....Dec. 29 Flor. I. uckenbach. .. .Mobile ... . . Dec. 29 . . Dec SO Kiso Maru ..Japan Hattle Lucicnnaca lowan West Keats Las Vegas Rnamer. ....-. Mobile ni... .in New York ....Dec 30 Orient Dec .10 Or.ent Dec SO Newport Dec. 0 Rose City San Fran Jan. Mississippi Vancouver ....Jan. Montague Orient Jan. Scotland Maru Japan jan. Cape Remain New York Jan. Kinkasan Maru Japan Jin. Willoolo New York Jan 2 2 2 8 4 6 7 City of Vancouver. . - ancouver ....Jan. 10 Moerdya curope Jan. 10 Nictheroy London Jan. 10 Holland Muni Japan Jan. 12 Ts Depart From Portland. C'.am.r For Date . .Dec. 26 ..Dec 27 . .Dec. al Chas. H. Cramp ....New York.. Rose City can rran.. Senator San Fran.. Vessels fn Port. Steamer Berth Benlawera Terminal No. 4. Chas. H Cramp Wauna Edward Lurkenbach. Terminal No. 1. England Maru Peninsula mill. Kureha Maru Terminal No. 4. Liberator Weatport. Lulae Nielsen Inman-Poulsen mllL Margaret Coughlan..S. P. siding. Minnesotan Port. Flour. Mills. Oregon Fir (sch.) . . . .Drydock. Oregon Pine (sch.). .Harvey dock Rose City Alnsworth dock.. Rder Kanify Weatport. Santa Rita Weatport. Steel Worker Terminal No. 1. Sweden Maru .nammona mill. .Terminal No. 4. .Peninsula mill. .Terminal No. 1. ..Inman-Poulsen mill. . St. Helens. Tenpaisan Maru . Undaunted (sch.) West Ki.w West Katan Ypree Maru Tacoma sponding 1921 1!20 1010 118 1IU7 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911. E TRADING IX STOCK MARKET OF SMALL. PROPORTION'S. Oils, Metals, Rubbers and Tobaccos Are in Lead Bonds Irreg- ' ular at Close. NEW YORK. Dec 24. Th short ses sion of the stock exchange today was a traders' affair, th. week-end and impend ing holidays combining to reduce dealings to slender proportions. Sq far as the list showed any definite trend, price changes mainly were toward higher levela. Oils, metals and miscella neous issues, including rubbers and to baccos, supplanted the usual leaders of the industrial division. Many of the popular rails were entirely ignored for specialties controlled by pools. New Haven repeated Its low quotation of the year, but Chicago A Northwestern recovered part of its decline. ciales amounted to 275.000 shares. Business in foreign exchange was little more than nominal, but the principal re mittances were distinctly firm. The Lon don rate was higher by 1 per cent and allied quotations rose 3 to 20 points, strength also being shown by Dutch, Swiss, Norweglaaf and Spanish bills. Ths bond list retained ita recent uncer tain characteristics, liberty issues and the domestic division almost as a whole clos ing at mixed changes. Total sales, par value, $5,775,000. Changes In th. weekly clearing houae statement were slight, considering tae heavy transfer of funds in connection with new underwritings. Actual loans and dis counts decreased $1 4.253,0iS) and the cash loss of about $8,606,000 was barely one third of the previous week's gain. leaving excess reserves of approximately $2S, 400,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke com pany of Portland.) Sales. High. Low. Bid. Advance Rum Agr Cliem . . . do pt d . . . . AJax Rubber. Alaska Gold. . Alaska Jun.. Allied Chem.. Allls-Chal ... do pfd. Am Bt Sug. Am Bosch... Am Can Co.. do pfd Am Cr & Fdy do pfd Am Cot Oil... do pfd Am Drug Syn Am Hd & Lea do pfd Am 1-ce Am IntI Corp Am Linseed... do pfd Am Loco. .... do pfd Am Saf Rax. . Am Sh & Com Am Smelt .... do pfd Am Snuff .... Am fc?teel . Fdy 11 2:1 36 16 67 87 85 27 33 33 93 V. 142 114 21 43 4 13 61 75 4 31 57 los 114 4 6 41 811 1O0 .12 51 80 113 131 126 70 ll2 25 12 49 l'U -9 2 85 84 81 96 104 34 32 56 7 5 1H 121 12 611 48 83 110 80 84 47 63 6 16 15 28 18 81 40 65 24 88 i, 65 3 91 20 46 21 90 110 37 82 84 71 65 85 6 13 13 106 18 120 53 78 10 13 10 77 10 87 12 67 138 10 42 03 35 11 27 n 81 74 46 77 75 11 97 40 7 32 1 3 5 78 1113 13 63 12 62 90 14 2 11 23 33 42 26 16 44 28 57 161 13 1117 24 108 114 20 13 26 8 23 68 14 17 45 66 43 123 .16 82 15 12 96 78 23 53 73 100 29 29 a 'i,'Ofl "io4 100 3i "906 '57 574 200 38 37. ioo '34" "si" boo 33 Vi S3 "ioo Hi" 143" iio" 21 '21 Y.206 "is" 'ii'vi 10,200 40 40 l'.ioo iosi io34 "'ioo "ivi "4'i 7K) 51 5'. 2,6110 45 43 Ta 2UO 87 87 "flid 82 H S24' I.80O 52 614 "8H) il35i iiivi 2Ul 131 131 "1,206 '79'" iSii "ioo 'iili "1214 4.700 49 v. 49 V. ".vio 'ii'hi "iii " 6IH) 86 85 V "406 81 '4 Si" 4.000 96 95 "460 '35" ji" iV6 "'5I4 "iii 1.4110 1914 19 ' l.lOO 121' 121 3O0 12 12 V. 2M) 69 Vs 69 4,000 49V4 48V V.066 iiiii iio" lOO 30 30 200 34 84 V4 . 600 47 V 47 5,900 63 61 '"ioo "i(T '56 6..MK) 16 13 800 . 28 27 4.000 18T4 18 0,200 314 29 300 41 40 '"800 89 " S!)" 2.000 66 63 1,700 3 3 200 9 2 91 "'ioo '46 "46 1,700 ' 0 6 ' 9 6 ' 100 100 110 2.500 37 36 500 32 82 "ioo ii" 'ii" 800 63 63 Am Sugar.... do pfd Am Tel A Tel Am Tob do B .... Am Wool. . . . do pfd Am W P pfd. Am Zinc Anaconda ... Ased Oil Atchison .... do pfd At Coaat Line At Glf & W I. Baldwin Loco do pfd Bait & Ohio.. do pfd Beth Stl "B". B R T Butte C A Z. . Butte A Sup. Burns Bros. . Caddo Oil.... Cal Pack .... Cal Pet do pfd Canadian Pac On Leather Cer de Pasco, ('hand Motor. Chi & N W... C O W caw pfd.. Chill Cop ... Chlno C M Rt P C M St P pfd Coco Cola . . . C & O Colo F A I... Colo So ..... C U A E Col Graph... Con Gas Cons Cigars.. Con Can Cities Bankers Corn Prod Corn Prod pfd Cosden Oil . . . C R I A P.. do "A" pfd do "B" pfd Crucible Crucible pfd. Cuba Cane... C Cane pfd . . C A Sugar... Del A Hudson Dome Mines.. Del A Lack.. Dav Chem... Kndicott John Erie Erie 1st pfd. Erie 2d pfd . . Fam Players. F M A S F M A 8 pfd. Flsk Tire . . . Gaston Wms. Gen Cigars... .100 11.600 200 200 100 2.500 2.3O0 800 HOO 1.0CI0 400 8.900 "2o6 900 6 13 13 lOH 18 121 53 78 10 13 10 6 13 13 105 1 119 52 77 10 15 lo 76 'si' 12 38 12 Gen Elec Gen Motor... Glen Alden. . . Gen Asphalt. Goodrich .... Goodyear Granby Gt N O (it No pfd... Greene Can.. G S Steel Hask Barker. Houston Oil.. Hupp Motor Ills Cent Inspiration .. I A C com... I A C pfd. 1... Interboro .... lnterboro pfd lnt Callahan. Int Harv .... Int Harv pfd. Int M Marin. do pfd .... Int Nickel ... Int Paper.... 100 16,700 139 10 189 10 3,000 100 65 65 100 800 81 74 31 74 ino 400 75 11 75 11 1,000 200 40 7 39 7 200 loo 400 OOO 400 14 63 12 63 "14 2 11 23 53 42 26 17 44 28 67 14 63 11 62 "l3 2 11 23 68 41 26 16 44 28 67 Int Paper pfd Invincible Oil 23.800 Island Oil 1.4U0 Jewel Tea.... 300 K C Southern 200 do pfd 2U0 Kelly - Spgfld 1.700 Kenneoott . . . 1.4U0 Keystone Tire 13,400 Lack Steel. 100 200 900 Tire .... LehiBh Valley Lorillard Lowe Theatrs LAN Marland Oil.. May Dept Strs Mhx Pet Miami Mid States Oil Mldvale Stel. M K A T "Wl" do pfd "Wl" Mont. Power.. Mont. Ward.. Mo Pac do pfd .... M S P c S S M Nor Amn Nat Biscuit... Nat Enamel.. Nat I.ead..... Nevada Con.. New Haven . . Norfolk A W. Nor Pac .... Nova Scot Stl N Y Air Brke N Y Central. . Ok la Prod ref. Ontario Silver Ontario A W. Otis Steel.... Pacific Dev.. Pa Gas A Klc I'anta Allegro Pacific Oil Tan Amn Pet do "B" ' Penna ....... Peo Gas Pere Mam.... Pure Oil Phillips Pete.. Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil Pitts Coal.... Pitts & W V. do pfd .... rreaad Stl Car Pullman Ray Cona...... , Reading , Remington .. 1 Replogle Steel Republic IAS do pfd Rep Motors... liyl Dutch Oil. Hy Stel Spg. S O. N J Sara Ro.-bm-k tihattuck, Ariz 7,800 114 113 2"0 26 26 9.700 14 13 2.10O 27 26 3.3O0 8 8 . 300 25 25 "300 .14 ii" a 00 17 17 - 4UO 45 45 "766 43 43 "lOO 37" 86 "ioo is" if." 1,400 12 12 "406 78 isvi "700 7.1 72 4on 3 2 10 5 66 27 47 61 46 83 "I 200 5 5 100 66 66 V.ilio 47 . -ii vi 1.1"H 62 61 3(10 40 46 2.41MI 33 83 3,HM 62 60 IOO 20 20 7110 37 .17 900 82 .12 200 13 13 U 3.2O0 12 11 2.60O is" 24 "400 is" is" 6O0 72 71 loo 24 24 200 25 25 1IH 61 51 "800 50 49 Y.ino isi' 180 6181 511 58 1 . 3U0 8 . 8 32 13 12 62 24 77 82 107 14 - 24 25 M 82 7 R0 81 18.1 6 6 Shell TAT.. Sinclair Stand Oil Ind. Sloss-Shef Sou Pacific... Sou Ky Si L At S F. . . Strom Carb. . . Studebaker .. . Swift Ae Co. . . Tenn C A C. Texas Oil Tex Pacific... T P C A C. . . , Tob Products. Trans Con Oil Union O Del. . Union Pac .... United Alloy.. United Drug- . U Food Prod . United Fruit. . Unit R of N J Union BAP. Unit R Stores U S Ind Ale U S Rubber. . do lat pfd . . U S Smelting. U S Steel do pfd Utah Copper. . Va Chem. .... do pfd Vsna Steel.... Vivandou .... Wahash ..... do A pfd... do B pfd. .. Wells-Fargo .. West Pacillc. do pfd. ..... West Union... West A B. . . . Wen E & M. . West M1 White Motors. Willys-Over .. do pfd Wliaon 1'kg. . . Wis Centra. .. Woolworlh ... Worth Pump.. W A L E White oil U S 2s reg . . . 1 do coupon . . ' do 4a reg . . . ' 88 87 5 79 -18 21 35 2,000 22 21 UO0 87 87 i'.ioo iri" is tVH 18 18 3,100 79 78 7 97 1.3O0 10 10 lrt 1.0.8) 43 45 45 5.81 26 26 -M 1,200 2 S 27 27 SOO 63 82 6.1 4,918) 11 lt 11 4) 18 18 1 300 125 124 124 71 11 122 8 7 33 39 64 99 35 83 1 1 4 63 27 68 81 6 6 20 13 67 100 . 9 . 9 "ioo 'a" "'000 53 6.i" .Vh 3 38 1.1.81 M 34 100 99 99 i',26 83 . 83 1.700 64" 63" "io6 7 67 "200 -6' 6' 7.a 6 6 8UO 2V 20 3O0 16 16 16 3.8) 52 62 51 100 0O 0O 0.1 94 KM) 50 50 5i 8 100 37 37 37 2O0 5 6 3 27 25 132 44 7 10 . 84 . 50 . 91 .03 .93 . 881, . ' . 99 l.0 7 7 8.81 11 10 BONDS. 101 ;Nir Pac 4s . . . 101 No Pac 3s 1n4 1. P. TAT 5a do cv 4s cp. 104V:Pnn ran 4Ul. Pan da reg 80 !so Pac cv 5s.. do coupon . Am TAT cv6s. So Ky 5s .... 107 Un Pac 4s.... 84 U S Steel 6s.. Atch gen 4s. . . D A R cons 4s. NYC deb 6s. 72; 98 'Bid. .Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tion at New York, as furnished by Over- beck A Cooke company of Port.and: Open. High. Low. C!o. Liberty, 3s 04.10 94.40 94.10 04 3.) do first 4s 96 30 do 2d 4s 95 70 do first 4s... 90.30 96 52 96 80 96 40 do 2d 4s 95.86 9600 95 72 95 86 do 3d 4V,s 97.26 97 4.1 97 20 97.14 do 4ht 4V.S....96 40 1(6 40 96 24 96 36 VUtorv 4s ....100.04 1U0.04 ion. (.t I011.112 do 3s 1.10 (14 1O0 04 190.00 100.02 Mining Stocks at Boston. Allouez 22; No Butte Ariz Com .... 9 ..(ld Dom A Ariz saulOn-eola Cal A Hec ...271 'Qulncy K Butte Cop M 10 Sup A Bos M. Franklin 1'Shunnon lale lioyalle ... 23 lUtah Cons ... Lake Cup 2iVlnona Mohawk 55 I Wolverine .... 12 2.1 32 42 1 1-16 1 40 10 Swift A Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbfcck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 97 Llbby. McNeil A Llbby 3 National Leather 2 Swift International 23 Money, Silver, etc. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Foreign bar sil ver. 64 c. Mexican dollars, 49 c. LONDON. Dec. 24. Bar silver, 84d per ounce. Money, 3 per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 8 per cent; three months bills. 3 93 per cent. Commodity Exchanges Closed. NEW YORK, Dec. 24. The coffee and sugar, cotton and produce exchanges were closed today. -New York Honda, :allona furnished by .. of Portland: New York bond quot Herrin A itnodcs, inc. Am Tel A Tel 6s do 6s Anaconda 7s B do 6s A Armour 4s Argentine GI 5s Am Ag Chili 7s U-th Steel et 7 Belgium ext 7s do 6s do 8s Bergen 8s, city of.... Berne 8s. city of Brazil SS' CatMillan 3s .......... Canadian 5s ......... C 11 A St p'g'nArf '4's Can Nor 7s Chile Ss Christiana 8s, city of.. Cuban Amer Sugar 8s. Con Gas cv 7s Dia Match 7s Danish Mun 8s Dupotit 7s French 7s Grand Trunk 7s Goodyear 8a Gulf Oil 7s Great Northern 7s.... Humble Oil 7s Int Rap Tr ref 5s Int Mar CT Us do 7s Killy-Sprlngfleld fcs... NYC call 7s Norway es N P A G N (Jnt) 6s. N P 6s Penna 6s Rus Rubles 5 San Paulo 8s Southwest Tel 7s Swedish Govt 6s...... Swiss 8s Swift A Co 7s Un Tank 7s U S Rubber 7s Wilson 1st 6s Weatinghouae 7s Zurich 8s Maturity. Price. 1922 loo '..".'. 19L-4 9:1V 1929 , 1920 , 1939 194 5 1941 -933 1945 1025 1940 , 1943 1943 1941 11126 1931 99 46 87 76 99 inn 103 94 103 106 104 103 95 94 106 36 109 101 107 101 103 107 106 103 94 108 110 HIS 106 99 52 88 72 103 106 IOO K16 106 103 3 100 1.81 94 113 119 HI4 1.13 85 106 107 1930 2014 A. 1940 1941 1915 1931 1925 1933 1945 1931 1941 194.) 1941 1933 1936 1923 ....... 19.16 1941 1921 1931 1930 1940 1936 2.147 19.16 1926 1936 1023 1039 1 940 1923 1930 1 930 1928 1931 1943 Bid. Standard Oil Standard Oil stocks i Stocks. it New York, fur Cooke company of Closing Bid. Asked. nlshed by Overbeck & Portland: Anglo , Borne Scrysmer . . , litickeye , Cheesebrough , do pfd Continental Crescent Cumberland ....... Eureka Galena com ., do Old pfd , do New pfd ..... Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe National Transit .. N. Y. Transit Northern Pipe Ohio Oil International Pete Penn Mex Prairie oil , do Pipe Solar Refg Southern Pip. ..... South Penn OH .... S. W. Penn Oil .... S. O. Ind do Kansas do Kentucky .... do N. Y do Ohio do Ohio, pfd .... Swan & Finch ..... Vacuum Washington S. O. Nebraska .... Imperial Oil 171 18 323 83 180 104 120 27 120 77 40 103 100 135 81 28 343 90 260 16 17 660 i!ll!!i35 76 190 5l 87 360 435 365 390 Ill 3.1 3.IO 33 16.) 104 350 85 190 1.17 124 29 130 70 42 106 1..3 185 83 2 ISO 94 272 16 19 570 229 353 79 2.M) 59 SS 573 445 46H 4.8) 113 4U 3IO m 170 ioa Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furniahed by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Ask. Belgian rest Ha 64 67 do prem 5s 73 76 do 73. 1945 103 104 do 8a, 1911 H5 16 do 6a. 1923 94 95 Brazil 8a. 1941 104 1.4 British 6. 1922 4.30 44.) do 5a. 1922 43.) 4 19 do 5a. 1927 428 438 do 5a. 1929 422 432 do vky 4s 328 338 h.. -..f a . . "ma via Bordeaux 6a. 3934 83 86 Canadian 5a. 1937 93 93 do 5a. 1928 aa 91. do 5s. 1929 96 16 do 5s, 1931 94 9.', tn Kb 1U-1T . . . ' 5 Chilean '8s, 1941 IOO 101 currency efc a Denmark 8s. 11)45 1.16 )OT Dan. Muni 8a. 1945 jml lo7 French 4s, 1911 48, 49 102O 72 72 1931 fti 61 do do do ta. 1941 94 !M fa. ',!. I ' ' V9"t Herman W L 5s .1 4 Berlin 4P J Hamburg 4s 4 n il. s Lelpsig 4 H'-i uo s O'a Munich 4a A ' do re 71 Frankfort 4s Vs Italian 5a. 1M1S - .14 ' Jup l-. H'31 do lat 4U.S, jM-jrt stl- do i'd 4Vs, 1!'.'J Kill., Norwav Ss. 1940 1oS !'.!.-. an .V.-.s nut 1J do 6s, 1ft We own and offer A long-term, high-grade general obligation municipal bond Eastland County, Texas 5V ' Bonds Population 58,000 Price to net 534 (Income Tax Exempt) FEDERAL INCOME TAX LAW FOR 1921 Send for our complimentary booklet explain ing the analysis of this new revenue act. f L Devereaux Sifimpany INVESTMENT BONDS 8T SIXTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1042 GROUND FLOOR WELLS-FARGO BUILDING . do s. 1919 Swiss 5 L a. 1929 do 8s. I94) . . . U K 5 a. 1922 . . do 5 a, 1929 . do 6S, 1937 . .. 12 .. 94 ..lit . . 19 . . 98 . 95 i. 14 94 112 1.81 99 90 Foreign Exchange, NEW YORK, Dec. 24. ForeUrn ex change steady; Great Britain, demand. $4.18, cables 14.19; France, dimand 7.08. 7 99; Italy, demand 4 43, cables 4 44; Belgium. demand. 7.62. cables 7.63; Germany, demand 33, cables 54; Holland, demand 36. 5S. cables 35,64: Norway, demand 13 63; Swedt'n, demand 24.85; Denmark, deuiand 20 15; Switzer land, demand 19.35; Spain, demand 14.08; Greece, demand 4.14; Argentina, demand 33 37; Brazil, demand 12 87; Montreal, 93. Xnpavlnc Finances Satisfactory. CHEHALIS, Wash., Dec. 24. (Spe cial.) W. II. Richards, state exami ner, w ho recently completed checking up tire finances of the town of Xap avlne, has filed a complimentary re port of conditions as he found them. The town record.s are well kept and the finances in satisfactory condition. However, better security for the municipal fund Is intimated, the re port of Mr. Richards statins? that "membership in the state fruarantee deposit fund is no security for the town's funds." Pomona Grange Elects Officers. CHFIIAMfl. Wash., Dec. 24 (Spe cial.) Newly elected officers of Lewis County Pomona pruiiKe are as follows: Frank (). Miller, master; T. K. Relcher, overseer; C. W. Fr.ise, lecturer; Mrs. C. Null, chaplain; O. C Wlsner. steward: L (iricl, assistant steward; Mrs. (iroshonjr. secretary; V. Foster, fratekceppr. Tho I'omonu meeting will be held next time at Silver Creek, the date being Feb ruary 4. DAILY METKOKOI.OGICAI. REPORT PORTLAND. Dec. 24. Maximum tem perature. 36 degrees; minimum. 30 degrees. River reart.l.g, 8 A. M., 3 4 feet; change In laat 21 hours, I 2 feet. fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M ). O. Total r:ilnfall since September 1. 1921. IS. 2d Inches; normal rainfall since Sfj-teniber X, 17.63 Inches; excess of rainfall since Sep. tpmiber 1. 1921, 0.68 Inch. Sunrise. 7:52 A. M.; sunset, 4 .80 P. M.: total sunshine, 2 hours lo minutes; possible sunshine, 8 hours 38 minutes. Moonr!.e. December 25. 5:11 A. M. ; moonaet, December 25, 2:23 P. M. barometer (reduced to sea level). 5 P. St.. So. 11 Inches. Relative hu midity. 5 A. 31.. 69 per cent; noon. 67 per cent; 3 P. M.. 56 per cent. TUB WEATHER W ind STATIONS) linker Boiae poaton Calgary Chicago Denver les Moines. . Kureka C.lveaton ... Helena Kansas City. I.oa Angeles. Marshflrld . Med ford .... Minneapolis. New Orleans New York. ... North Head, phoenix . . .. Cocatello Portland .... Roaet.urg ... Sacramento . St. Louis . . . Salt Lake... San Diego... S. Francisco. Seattle Sltkat Spokane .... Tacoma Tatooah lad. Valdezt .... Walla Walla Waahlnglon . Winnipeg ... Yakima 22, 32 11. 32! 32 0 94!. . H cloudy 02: . . iS ' lt. cloudy 24' . .INK -8now 28 30 I). -lOj 22 0 -8 3'i 0. . .1 nil". S 1" .1. 2. .V. ii. 6H 70 0 .Ml' . . Cm 'Clear 13, lo N WSn.iw 112;.. IN 'lear .i5 . .NW 'l..r .in! R 'Cloud V js 2.1 N ;v 'cloudy i8i . . e:V Iciear in 10 N Clear .a)'. ,,K Cloudy 92. . . IN Vl"!ear ls . .W .Cloudy 0! 14 l lo 16.1 JhI 38 .) 64 0 84 O -2 O 86 0 s Clear 181 10 N So 12 K 3o 12 K Tt. cloudy Jtaln iCIoudy Cloudy k'now Icioudv (Cloudy 40 0. 411 o Kt O 8IM1 1st, . . 'K 08 1 2 S 3ol ,1i.l. . . H i2!N 32' 8s 0. 481 52 0. 26: 26 0. 241 3a 0. (Main iSnov K'lou .04 12 M 8) 12 'iidy 3.1! 62 0 34 0 INW 1st: Cloudy so! Huln Cloudy cloudy 84 38 n . . -S8 0 18 26 0 . . I 86 0. SOi 4.10 . .138 I) 161 22 0 an! 60 i) 18 2 0 N NW sw a' Clear ICIoudy l.'luudy Clear .Hii24,l noi. . I Oil I . . 'sw on' .Ink OOl'.'O'SrJ oni . . s 18' 28 0. 'Cloudy t A M. toda) day. P. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Sunday probably occaaional snow: winds mostly easterly. Washington Sunday cloudy; fresh east erly winds on the coast Oregon Sunday rain or snow; moderate eaaterly winds on the coast. Want to meet a BOND MAN Interesting proposition for man with experience in Bonds, Mortgages and Finance. Established of fices in Seattle. Will be at Multnomah Hotel Wednesday next, Decem ber 28. George Francis Rowe. TRADE SAFELY IV TIIK STOCK M AKKKT 10 SHAKES T nat' Hm-7-DAY liea - Hetl Ol'TlUNFORUJ Profits Any Stock I'.Tchsnge lu $10 $20 CALLS lnaltlvelT Ko Martina (alia. Writ for Booklet o. 54 Vrre C. Goldhurst & Company Srrvler Hcll.hillty riO Bread Street, .Ners Vork. HERRIN&RHODESJac. Ka'ahllahed 1 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN CorreTondnt- K. V. lU'TTnv CO., N. T Mrobr !', loading: r.chniiKfS llnbwon'-i Srvlr on Kile. The New Way to Save The new way to save is to buy a bond on partial payments, thereby mak ing your money earn 6 to Sro instead of 3Co. BV 7 with safety You may buy a $100 bond with a first payment us low as $10. Kach payment earns the full rate beuin nlnar at once. Tour money Is Kafe because municipal corporation and povern mentR are the highest tvpfl of securities Issued. I'oat yourself on this plan. Send for our circular. Freeman. Smith & Camp Co. LuMBERMKNS BLDO-. PORTLAND v PHONE B' WAY 6740 &-SpWgt Text Book cl WALL STREET 1923 EDITION CoaahFi History of New York Stock Exchange History of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Curb How to Open an Account and Methods of Trading The Art of Speculating for iTofits Augmenting One's Income How to Secure Loans on Stocks Dictionary of Wall Street Terms and Values of Foreign Exchanges Copy trm upon rfiM( McCall, Riley & Co. Stork Lath or. Nw Yarfc 20 Broad St., New York For Investors, that has proven successful 3 months trial subscription free The Row !nvarment Review, puMUh monthly, describe a method of that h proven ucceMful by actual um. Learn how to tnik your money rn and multiply. Ttke your 6r rtep toward financial independence today by writing fur your free copy of L R No. 2A4 ROSE & CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 8Q Broad St, Ww York CItJfl OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers. Mock. Monda. Cotton. C.rain, Ktu. H8-217 KOAKO Of TR PK BI.IKl. Walla Walla. Wash. I'ortlanil. Or. l'endletuo. Or. MEMBKBS CHICAGO BOARD OW 1KADK. Correspondents of laigan A Bryan, Chicago and ew York. MKMIIKKS Near Vork Klttck Kichnnge. Chicago Stock r'.tchange. Itoaton Stock Kxrhange. Chicago Hoard of 1'rnile. ew 1 ark Cotton Kxchange Srvr Orleana Cotton Kxchange. New 1 irk I'rofluce Kvrliniige. Winnipeg 4. rain Kxeliange. lverpool Cotton AaNociatlon. ORGANIZING A COMPANY? Save th unual hirorporat inur ex. pen, avoM pfrrtonul liHt.ility and excess profits taxes. Organize on the common law plan under a - Jirnt Ion of Trut Imrrr Slnndnrd Koran (ft p proved by attorney) furnish com plete equipment with which any one In any Slate can organize a company, Uue shares mid hep In doii.fc huMneHfc the day. Ak for rlrruiitr containing full descriptions. V. J. IKM 4HKK, liricnl Illank Prlnfrr, t!.1 Walnut. Kanaa I lt. Mo. FOREIGN EXCHANGE l.o eat Rutea. Watch Our Indow. Direct Vlr Service fnun New York. 1 It A. Ml-.VI I. A I IC I .9 I A I l' t'llKUl r CO. 102 Second X., rar Stark. Marshall i'C W Tested ) Plan X Carries passengers. 107 Sv