TTTE SUNDAY OREOOXTAX. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 18, 1921 11 RKAL fTATE. For fsale If oues. RuSE city park. Owner leaving the city: a real sacri fice; this is on of the prettiest and most complete bungalows In the district; al most n!w; unusually large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace; has lighting fixture, splendid Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, complete with table and benches; 2 lurgc- bedrooms, splendid bath, extra large. Karate with concrete drive way ; we, cnn.i'icr it a pleasure to shoW you this; $55oo, reasonable terms. HILLKR BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ky. Ex. Bldg. Main 0. Branch nl ice, 50th and Handy. Tabor 64 bo. open Sundays. JtSOO DOWN. ROSK CITV BEAI'TT! VKRY ARTISTIC CAMKORXIA BUN GALOW, LAKHK LIV1NO ROOAI. FIRK 'I,ACK, KKKM'H DORS TU DEN, BK UTIFUL HARDWOOD FLOORS. nXE bLKKl'I.i I'UKCH, HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN, ATTRACTIVE BREAKFAST AI.COVK, ATTIC, COX CKKTK HASKM KNT, Kl'RXACK AND (iAKAiK; OKAY FINISHED EXTE RIOR. PEROOLAP, FULL FRENCH CAS K A I E N T W I N ! OW S AND DO ) RS ; LoCATKU ON TUB UKAt'TI FUL C R NKK UK STANTON AND 4KTH. DRIVE OUT AND SEE THIS UKAfTIFfL JU'XOAMAV; $son CASH, AND BAL ANCE LIKE R KNT. R. SuAIERVILLE, BDWT. 247. 32 U. S. XATIvXAl. HAN K HLPG. ROSB CITY PARK. Facing on Sandy boulevard, $5500: a beautiful modt-rn 5-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, extra large living room. fireplace, buffet and bookcases, doors are bevel. -d plat; glass, Dutch kitchen, large attic; specially pretty exterior: cor ner lot wit h paving and sewer In and paid ; very easy terms. HITLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bid. Main HO. 11 ranch office, 00th and Sandy, 'labor 84b5. Open Sundays. A, Li'I'TLIi iiBAUTV. This new fl-room bungalow is artis tically decorated, finished in ivory throughout, ail built-ins, full lot, will tako $500 cash $3750. 0-room homo on corner. Spacious rooms. furnace, ideal location. Will take t50 casd, $4b50. We have an rxtenstv listing of mod erately priced homes. See us before buying. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Realtors. I Cor. 0th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7403. $ 4 5 n o SNAP $ 4 ."VOO . TIAWTIUHINE- 0-ROuAI ROUSE. this rosy Hume, i.ucatkd in THE BEST UK THIS CHOICE DLS T RU'T AN D E I ,Kt ; A X TL V FINISHED IN TAPESTRY PAPER, HAS BUFFET, HUTCH KITCHEN. VERY ATTRAC TIVE LIOIIT FIXTURES. FILL CE MENT BASEMENT. F U R X A C E AND EXCELLENT UAKAOK. CALL TODAY. R. L. AleCREW, 100 HA WTHURNE. TAROR S!2. A I ONT AVllil.A SACR1FH K . 60x12. Corner; 6-Rooms. $3041 Cash. 31 East "Sth St. North. Go look aL this bargain today; 6 rooms, bath, cement ban-men t . bearing fruit trees and berris; corner lot. OOx 125; price only $200. A REAL BA R OAIX Afuwt he Sold before Monday night. MikIU take light c;i r. O. O. Mci.VJHMir C t . 207 Failing Bldg., Third and Wash., Main H220 or .Main !3tH. $ 33 50 N h W . M u 1 1 K R X . V A CA NT $33 5 0. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 4-room modt-rn bungalow, combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, fine piuinhlng, cement base ment, hardwood, floors, all kinds of built-lnn; this is an exceptionally well constructed house and a bargain ; easy terms. See It at once. Sunday, Mar. .V.M13; week days. Main 7007. MARIKLS & WILLIAMS. 820 Chanibt-r of Com in er c B '.dg. $442."i I AM THE O VXER 1 44 IT. VAC A X T HAW T H O R X E B U X G A L O W . tl-room modern bungalow, one flour, cement basement, fm-piace. hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, garage, hard -surfaced street, ail assessments paid, one block from car. If jnu want a bargain, see this. 1 NEED MONEY. Terms. Sun day. Mar. ,VB3; week days. Main 7!"7. ROSE CITY. $500 CASH J.'iOO. $42oo ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUN GALOW; LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIRE PL A C E , H A R D W O U D FLOORS, T W O BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. DUTCH KITCHEN, FURNACE AND GARAGE. KX-SULDIKRS. SEE THIS! R. SO.M E K VI LLE, BDWY. 247.S. 320 IT. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FURNISHED BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. WESTMORELAND. Fireplace, hardwood floors, full lot; owner transferred to California; $4.O0 ; submit your terms. Will sell unfur nished. Call Sunday 2 to 7 o'clock. IL'45 East 22d street, near Yukon. Tabor h7H. Week days, Main if a 12. FORCED SALE. Cost $rr.00; Will Take $4750. 6-room, strictly modern bungalow, al most new; 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, built-in features; $ tOOO uow n, goou terms on na lanre AUST1 N-O'LEA RY REALTY CO., 33,"i Chamber nf Commerce Bldg. 1KVINGTON New coionlal. near Knott, built for home, center hall elegant, large living room, library ; ideal k i ichen. at tractive bedrooms. Ivory finish. oak floors ; garage; east facing, near Knott. Neuhausen Co., Realtors. Alain M78. 304. $1100 1100 $1100 $1100. 100x100. Just outside city limits with 5-room. good, plantered house, cement basement; some fruit trees. See Mr. Hewitt. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 2H2 Stark St. Bdwy. K7H4 SUNNYS1DE, best home place in the citv. extra good buy; $3300; onfl-thlrd cash down, very neat modern 5-room cottage. 1-;. Tuylor St., near 32d. See this before you buy anywhere. H. H. Staub, 1027 Reimnnt . week, Tabr 210. I li V I NO TON, new Colonials and bunga lows of great beauty; naturally I can show you, among our exclusive selec tions, the home von want. It. T. STREET. Better Homes Realtor. I rvin gt oil Headquarters. FOR SALE. Six room bungalow, a beauty, on a full-sized corner lot In best part of Hawthorne district, fine garage; make some terms, and the price i only $5500. J. A. HEXKLE. 512 Gerilnger Bldg. THIS HAWTHORNE AVENUE HUME. Six rooms, fireplace, furnace, attic, carpets, linoleum. range, 1H;7 Haw thorne h venu n ar E ist 3fRh. street. $5500, eay terms. Call Sunday 2 to 5. Tabor 87.s. After Sunday. Afain ftoiL'. BY uWNKR. 5-ronm, modern bungalow, nearly new, hardwootl floors, cement bn.sement, Dutch kitchen. French doors, fireplace ; bar g;iin. $3450; ?.VtO down. 335 Chamber of Comim-ree Mdg. Phon Broadway 1571. LOOK FOR $150 DOWN LOOK. Five-room house in good condition, close to downtown district, on mac adam f zed street, modern, on ."Ox 1 0O lot. Pri-e JQ'Mi. Cill Mr. Young. Alain fi::;ts. SELL OR TRADE. Beautiful home In Piedmont, large grounds; ti-room house. Want smaller home of less value. Price $7500. J. A. TTFNKT.E, 512 G-rllngcr bldg. $5i5o 701 CLACKAMAS Ivory finish, oak floors, garage; 3 blocks south of Broadway car at 22d. It E. STR EET. Homes Above S.-.noo. ALAMEDA PARK LOT. Snt. Streets paid. You will pav more. .lOUXSON iinDHON CO.. R33 N. W. Bank Bid a. Mj t i n3 7 H7. WEST MDE $550 only for 70x100 on Front street near Iowa; one block car, two blocks school. J. G. Rainey, 517 Ablngton bid. Main 1200. UPPER HEIGHTS SNAP $38. few blks. C. C, near Alt. ZIon church: nOxlOO; almost level, good view, on improved st. No Hens. AF 310. Ortronian. IRVIXGTOX HOMES OUR SPECIALTY BKFORB BT TYING SEE NTT tlHAVSKM CO.. REALTORS 80 N. W. BANK. M AIN SOTS. K AST 3!M I'ORT LAND HEIGHTS EXCLtSI VEL Y. Have some very desirable home; a fow great bargains. BROOKE, Alain 4342. 1'hone mornings. All "ST sell H-rnom house, 1 acre fruit and berries, paved street; will take light car as first payment. 722 E. 3Uth Sell wood 35m. 2 IXTS; 4-room house; fruit, plumbing. gas. lights, water, SPJOO; $340 down. $13 month. 02ru. .Mst ave. S. E. Owner. ONE or more acres on 82d street, $iOO up", rsy te-ms. O. O. SJtttcn, 4 1o Ry Exch hlds. MODE RX" tl-room house on pH vd street clear of Incumbrance. By owner. Wood lawn 1MV4. AN XA1AS PRESENT, beautiful 8-room ll walking distance; reduced. Alain FOR SALE IKiyO, ' 3-room house and improved lot. within eiry liniits; terms. AN 3(H, Oregonian. , COLONIAL A buy; 830 Hamblet ave. R. T. STREET, Hotter Homes. SMALL house, $000, easy terms. Inquire liSo1. Gra nil a v e ron tn 1 o S. 5 - R OO AI new bungalow, f. lots $-43iHt. t )uner. 7::-.'7 45r !i ave. Firland station. s imiu 0-ROOM IlOt'! ienb"in: easy t rv. E. full lot: nSI Gun Enst fi.'ii'r. BY OWNER Ritsy terms. 5-room modern bungalow, tnnm-e Una IKvisinn. A"KW ST. JOHNS bungalow. Ouiy 12QQ down; la per uiauih. CuL l-i'dl. UK.M estate. For (Mile Houfd. STAR SALES SERVICE. BRAND-NEW, MODERN. See today our new 5-room bungalow, embodying new features in bungalow construction. Hardwood floors, full floored attic, has all modern built -ins, including fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, French doors, tapestry paper, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, double constructed throughout, 50x100 lot. in beautiful Irv ington. park adjoining ; $6oou or resi dences; 1 block to AB car; $4250 for quick sale. 12UI East 31st Bt., between Ainsworth and Holman. " STAR REAL ESTATE Sc. IXV. CO., REALTORS, 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Main 5604. Sunday and evening r26-12. 8-KOOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern -room bungalow, lo cated one block south of Broad w ay. in good diHtrict ; living room 10x20, beau tiful dining room. French doros between, both rooms artistically decorated in high grade imported paper; built-in butt'et and bookcases; fireplace, gray enamel throughout; hardwood floors; bathroom equipped with highest grade fixtures, in cluding solid base tub and pedestal lav atory; beau L i I u 1 kitchen with breakfast nook, two bedrooms downstairs ami one upstairs; room upstairs 10x24, attract ively papered ; concrete basement, fur nace; lot 50x100; garage, flowers and shrubs. Price $5500, $lou0 cash, balance $50 per month including interest. This is $500 less than the house cost a year ago. Owner. 3 Weidier st. $7500 $7500 $75oi) $ .".00.. ALAMEDA PARK. In the choicest location In Alameda Park and without doubt the best offer ing under $10,000 in any equal district. It's new never occupied. Very best of construction throughout. Highest grade tapestry paper, light fixtures and shades. Living room -6 feet, with gorgeous fire place, large dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large bed room and bath down, two bedrooms, sleeping porch and sewing room upstairs; 5 extra larg clos ers, extra toilet and lavatory upstairs. Shown by appointment only. Exceptional terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. QUALITY HOMES. 202 Stark St. Bdwy. 67f4 ROSE CITY PAR Y. $47. $1000 cash and $50 per month; , here is one of those pretty little bunga lufff, strictly modern with large living room, large plate glass window, break fast nook, in fact every feature that goes to make a modern home; located on one of Rose City's best paved street; all im provements in and paid. KILLER BROS. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main S6. Branch office, 00th and Sandy. Tabor 8483. Open Sundays. A BIO HIT. Clean-cut snap for $1" 475. E. BurnMde St., near car line. Excel lent i-roorn house, yard Trfixloo full of fruit Trees. We say; Better Investi gate quick. DAVIS BUILDING CO.. FOR FULL VALUE 41 Board of Trad- Bldg. Alain 4154. WE GUARANTEE FULL. V ALUE In any propi-rty we sell. Name your own apprai.-er. ROSE CITY PARK. JUST COMPLETED. Five large rooms, hardwood floors throughout. Tib; bath and sink. All built-ins. Modern and compb-te in every detail. Easy terms if desired. Come out today to 41 East oulh st. N. 2 to 4 I'. M. N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder, Tabor (ISO. I build to suit on your lot or mine on easy terms. S-e my work and sketches. 12 years continuously in the business. B R A N D-N E COLONIAL. LOT 70-FOOT FRONTAGE. 858 E. 24TH N.r ALAMEDA. TJrivo out Sunday P. AI. and pee this beautiful new home. Just being com pleted. Modern in every way. Best of construction and materials. Six rooms. sleeping porches, glaswed-ln sunroom, breakfast room, tile bath, oak floors, etc. Just off A lamed a drive. Fine loca tion in exclusive district. J. R. HAIOHT, REALTOR, Broadway 20 45. 327 Board of Trade. Sundav Wood. 6260. LAURELHL'R ST B U N G A LO W . New, neat and modern. 5 rooms and attic finished. Hardwood floors through out first floor, every built-in feature, fireplace, white enamel and old ivory with tapestry wall paper; full concrete basement, with furnace; large living room across entire front of house, easy breakfast nook; on East 43d, just north of Glisan: $;:.oo. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR. HITTER, LoWE & CO.. 301-2-.'L.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. S U X X YS1DE BUNGALOW. $ 3 5i Ml ; $ 5( )0 CASH. AN EXCELLENT BUY IN A 5-ROOM BU G AL( W. WIT II FIR E PLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN. LA RGB ATTIC, FULL CEMENT BASEA1 KNT AND FURNACE. DOUBLE CON STRUCTED AND IN EXCELLENT C( N D IT ION TH ROUGHOUT. B U Y IT TODAY. R. L. McGREW, 108ft HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8802. ROSE CITY BARGAIN! $4050 on easy terms. Now substantial bungalow. Living and dining room across the front with large plate-glass windows, hardwood floors. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 largs bedrooms first floor and nice bedroom and sewing room up. Furnace and garage. R. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 2478. $4200 $4200 $1200 $4200. JEFFERSON HIGH. Five-room bungalow on improved . street ; cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays; in excellent condition; only three blocks tt high sxhool. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, Quality Homes. 202 Stark St. Broadway 0704. DO YOU want a money-maker ? Here's one. Grocery store and good ti-rooin home on one lot; house has built-in conveniences; in good condition; 3 light iry bedrooms, very substantially built; grocery store lias living rooms above. Close to car, in a good live district. Will take & car as part payment. Can give terms. See this by calling E. 2725. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An ideal home, modern. 8 rooms, view, large grounds, shrubbery of all kinda; owner leaving city and will sacrifice for quick sale ; terms if desired. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOW. VI AN & CO.. 21Q Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Suburban Homes. FIVE acres, in high state of cultivation, facing on main road, near city limits. 2 acres berries, 1-3 acre in asparagus; small house, barn, horse, harness, etc.; Bull Run water and gas, $4750. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE A: CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE AND BUNGALOW ONLY $1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station: electric, lights; new, 3 rooms, plastered, painted and tinted; small paymtnt gives poHsession, balance like rent. Owner. 5QO Concord bldg.. Second and Stark SPEC I A L N T ICE. See our list and photos of suburban homes. A few choice buys on hand just now; various sizes and locations. Prices from $1500 to $12,000. A. Jv. Hill, Realtor, 420 Lumbermens bldg. Reliable Personal Service. ELEGANT, "CHEAP BUY" OSWEGO LAKE. 5 acres, berries, fruit, roses, nut trees. 5-room, well-built hous, spat-iotas porches, hennery, close to elect, station-$3.-H)u, $800 cash. mtl. like rent. McFar land. renltor, Failing bldg. SUBURBAN bungalow of four rooms, just outside of city limits on Oregon Electric, with 8c, fare,, city water, gas. electricity and phone, price $2350; will consider any reasonable terms to responsible party. .Marshall 310. 7 ACRES on Ore. electric, modern 5-rm. bungalow, barn, acre berries, bearing fruit, ail level, pear store and station. For quick salo will sacrifice at $2ih0 with terms to suit. Call owner. Air. Ayres. Alain 7750. A1AKE HER A XAIAS PRESENT. 4 acres, close to Durham st a., all cleared, part in berries, on county road; cute 3-r. house, large barn, hennerv ; $8250. $500 cash takes it. AIcFarland. realtor. Failing bldg. 5 ACRES, ONLY $1000. Nine mils from court house; level, fine, for chickens, berries; $50 gi-es pos session See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark sts. 6 ACRES, near Milwaukee, new 6-room house, fine spring and creek, all good land. Price $5000. easy terms. Phone Mtlwaukie 81-Y. $150 CASH EASY TERAIS. 3-room new bung a low. sere pretty trees, close to sta. and Portland"; $1450. McFarland. Failing bldg. FuR SALE One and a half acres on Oregon City line, with three-room shack. $lo down, balance $10 per month and interest. AT 323. Oregon an. THREE acres, near car line with new 4 room shingled bungalow. Price $30o0, cash, best of terms on balance. X 315, Oregonlan. HIGHLY Improved 7-acre poultry and berry farm, adjoining Nfwberjf. Address Clyde Avery. Newberg. Or. IX LENTS Two-room shack and i acre; $ 100 down, balance eayy terms. 367 E 7th st N BEAUTIFUL ii, acre, fronting Capitol highway, 3 blocks south of Multnomah laUQOt .Owner Last uiGi, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MODERN HOAfE. WITH PLUMBING. 2 acres, on macadamized road, west of Portland, near paved highway, all in berries; good four room house with white enamel plumbing ; other buildings; close to station and school; price $3500 cash. SUBURBAN" HOME BARGAIN. Good B-room plastered house, electric lights, Portland gas. run ning water, complete plumbing, macadamized road ; over U acre ; 3 blocks from electric etation ; 9c fare; just outside city limits; price $2500, $500 cash. VERY SMALL PAYMENT. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road : best of loam soil : no rock or gravel ; close to electric line ; 9c commu tation fare, good car service; city water, gas. electric lights; nice sightly ground: offered tar be low value; on easy terms. Will sell hi acre tracts. ACRE TRACTS. ALBERTA DISTRICT. On paved street with paving and walks in and paid; all under cul tivation ; over lj in variety of bearing fruit trees in best of con dition; fine loam soil; $100 cash, easy terms. NEW HOUSE WITH PLUMBING. . acre, just outside city lim its; 7 blocks from city car line; woven wire fences, all under culti vation; new 5-room bungalow. Just being completed, with plumb ing; price $2250. terms. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. AI ULTXOM AH II OM ES. $2000 Nearly new bungalow on sightly lot, close to school and station. $2500 Four-room house on prominent corner, close to station, church and school. $2000 Acre of ground with new modern bungalow. Very sightly. $3X0 One and one-half story four-room house, with large finished attic; Mntl ;5 corner. Fine view. $3250 Nearly new modern bungalow facing Improved county road. AH i onveniences. $1000 Half acre with all kind of fruit and flowers. Five-room bunga low. $4500 Four large Tots, modern five-room bungalow. Beautiful view. $8000 Two and one-half acres with large bungalow; three fireplaces, l! bathrooms, ideal location for a clubhouse or sanitarium. The foregoing houses ran be bought on easy terms, some of them as low as $400 or $5iM down. All kinds of vacant property ranging in size.- from one-quarter to an acre, on terms of 10 per cent down and easy monthly pa yments. If 1 haven't what you want I can probably build it for you. Get away from the rent. Pay this money to yourself. I handle Multnomah property exel usi vely, and give you the best at the lowest figures. BEN RIESLAXD. 404 Piatt Building. 127 Park St. Alain SSO. Mrs. Grant in charge of Multnomah office. M;iin 6030. BUY NOW DON'T WAIT. $100 1 acre, lots of fruit and berries, 4-rm. house, at Pine Knott station; $1000 cash. $1750 1 acre, all cleared; 4-rm. house; Buckley ave.; easy terms. $2100 2 acres, all In cultivation: 2-rm. house; Belirose station; $100 cash. $2750 1 acre; 5-rm. bungalow; fireplace; Bonita station; $750 cash. $3750 One-half acre; new bun galow, on Powell Valley road; $1000 cash. $55005 acres, all In cultiva tion; ti-rm. house, barn, chicken house; Garden Home; $1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 20$. LOOK AT THIS. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. IT'S A REAL PRODUCER. TOO. There Is a substantially built 6-room residence ; modern plumbing, full con crete basement, gas, water, phone, etc. Every convenience of a city home: ga rage, nearly three acres highly devel oped, rich soil; abundance of choice fruit, garden, ets. IDEAL FOR POUL TRY RAISING. Pleasant and desirable location, just outside city limits. Priced far below market value for quick sale. Very easy terms to responsible parties. Owner must leave and can give imme dlat possession. See photos at office. Here's your opportunity. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. Sunday call owner. Auto. 633-55. COSY NEW BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and acre of land, fronting on paved highway, mod ern plumbing, fireplace, very large living and dining room, also ga rage, gas. water and electricity are in : an attractive home In a good district; price $3750. $!OO0 cuHh and rent terms on the bal ance. J. L. HARTMAN COATPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 208. CLASSY DOUBLE-CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW. Plastered, Dutch kitchen. French win dows, bathroom, 2 bedrooms and living room finished In old ivory and tapestary paper; Bull Run water, gas, phone, elec tricity and "everything," on 4 acre land at Cap. Hill, 4 blks. from station and 2 blks. from good school; He car fare. 15 minutes from business district: no bridges to cross: $2800, terms. Ask for F C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUTRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Alain 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS, acre, just outside city limits, all in cultivation, new bungalow, livable but not quite finished, will make 5 rooms and attic, water and gas in, almost enough material to finish house Included. Here Is a chance to double your money; price $1600. $HK) cash. $25 per mo. J. L. HARTMAN COATPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. $875 ONE-HALF CASH. 4 acre. 3-room house, chicken hose. some fruit, berries, city water, near Lents Junction. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. New 4-room house, ht, t or acres, near W. Portland school, tor less than surrounding property. Terms arranged. East 4855. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN. 8 seres, mostly in cul., family orchard, nearly now 5-rooin bungalow, good plumbing, full cement basement, cement walks, near Columbia highway west of Fwirview; best bargain in close-in subur ban homes I have had on my list for a loner time ; $5750, terms. S. P. Osburn. ll MrKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. $2750 ATTRACTIVE bungalow, just out aido the city on hOxlOO corner, with breakfast nook, china closet, book cases, writing desk, disappearing bed, dressing room, fireplace, water, gas, bath, ga rage, fruit trees, city car line ; don't miss this. Ask for MeClure. W. M. Umb denstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. WHY PAY RENT? ONLY $1500. When you can buy this cute, cosy. 4 room bungalow in Rose City Park for small payment down and only $15 per month and interest. Don't miss this. Ask for F. C. Afarshall. with FRAK L. AIcGUTRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $1450 $1450 $1450 $1450. On acre and 3-room new cotage; hat h room, no fixtures ; about 300 feet from Red Car Electric station. See Mr. Hewitt. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 26Stark St. Broadway 6794. PRICES CUT OXE-HALF. Two to 10 acres adjoining Mt. ITood electric line; this is splendid soil. 8 to IX miies from city limits on hard sur face roads. Terms very reasonable. "W. AI. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. $3750 $37."6 $3750 $3750. . New 4-room Swiss chalet bungalow and 1 acre of fine ground; the bungalow Is modern and very inviting for a real home. See Atr. Hewitt. J. A WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 67!4. FOREST GROVE suburban home. 8 lots with new 4-room bungalow, enclosed wood shed, poultry house, city water, large everbearing strawberry patch, good location; rich soil. $1500 cash for quick sale. E. Starr, Forest Grove, Oregon. 8th avenue pouth. EXCEPTION ALLY good buy n Alultno- 1 mah station, modern bungalow, fine gar-j den land, near station, chicken house, ' $2500, terms; owner. Box 117, MuUna- I mail, Oregon 1 REAL ESTATE. Suhurlan Homes. $3000 ALOHA STATION, west of BEAV ER TON, INCOA1E 5-acre ranch, tl room house, Dutch kitchen, good water system, large new barn, ho ranch, chicken house, city water and gas in front of door, located on macadam road, close to state high way and school, ti minutes' walk to S. P. station and about 25 min utes)' drive to Portland. Cash o0d, balance 30 monthly. It will pay you to investigate. $4000 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $4000. Five choice acres, 6-room California mission bungalow, bath with best white enamel plumbing, brick llreplace. plas tered combination living and dining room, semi-Dutch kitchen, city water and gas. wired for e.ectricity. modern chicken house; located on a well-buitt stone road, close to station. Cash $100-0, balance $30 per month. If you want a choice 5-acre tract that is selling below cost be sure to see thU. $ft500 10-ACRE TRACT $6500. On Capital highway. 6-room Dutch colonial with more than 10 acre, at Tigardvllle, near Tigard; hot and cold water, electricity, barn, chicken house, 40 assorted apple trees, acres of berries, acre in clover. ltMK) feet of frontage. Ilea along the paved highway. Cash $3UO0, balance terms. We have a well-chosen list of sub urban homes, some excellent values. See us before you buy. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANY, 221-307 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631 OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. ONLY $1SOO. ONE OF THE FIX EST LAKE FRONT LOTS. WITH NEW BUNGALOW. PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. THIS LOT IS NICELY LANDSCAPED AND HAS A N E W STO N 3 WALL ALONG WATER FRONT. REAIEAIBER, THE PRICE IS ONLY J1S0O. ON REA SONABLE TERAIS AND WE WILL THROW IN" A NEW GARAGE JUST TO SHOW WE MEAN BUSINESS. CALL 50 CONCORD BLDG.. 2D AXD STARK. MAIX 85. $100 CASH, $20 PER MO. 2 acres, all In cultivation. 2-rm. neat shack, water and gas avail able, 3. blocks to electric line, hard surface' road; price $2000. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Alain 20. NEAR REEDVILLE. Over 4 acres, all In cultivation and crop, 20 young fruit trees, strawberries, logan, black and raspberries; 5 -room house, gas, food well, rock road; price $3000. 1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COATPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. " Main 208. For Hale1 Business Property. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. A BIG BARGAIN". $22,0OO, $b4HM cash will handle. Come if you mean business and talk It over. Easy terms; always full; nothing but mahogany walnut and iviry furniture. This price Includes brick bldg. Lot 5-OxlOO. This hotel clears ' $."HH now. What will it net before the fair? See Air. Hoeter, 517-21 Cham, of Com. h.iia. I. E. SPENCER & CO. BUSINESS BLOCK. INCOAIE 20-O NET and splendid chance for good advance In value. Three stores and four apts. above. Corner location on good east side street. $3000 cash will handle. SI MAIS, 610 Henry Bldg. 1 5 ;0 1 N V EST M EXT. $6000 store building and flats, business st Sell or take dry goods stock. $ Flats, modern, good income. 45,000 brick apt. bidg. No lease. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. S2J Henry Bid. WEST-SIDE JNCLUIE BL'SlXESS CORXER 21.(mmi. $ cash; to net 18 per cent ; principals only. Particulars, Alain 6637. BARGAIN' 2-story brick tile building. 92 W. Lomhs rd, corner Denver. Uouietcau.. Kf liucjUisiimenta. RELINQUISHMENT. $1000 R0 acres near Portland, 5 miles from paved highway, railroad 4 and station, on good road, 4 acres cleared, 25 acres slashed, burned and seeded to grass; 4 room house and fair barn ; near 2 public schools; telephone, mall and milk route. Can drive to this claim In an hour and half, rain or shine. I have several other claims ranging In price from $150 to $750. Call at my office for full Information and descrip tion. E. W. HELM. 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HO AI EST E ADS, H O AI Em3Ars! Have several specially selected home steads in Roseburg district open for fil ing. t"r me at 302-4 Railway Exch. Bldg. Stark St.. Between Third and Fourth. 2 RELINQUISHMENTS, mile to railroad town. line highway, near Grants Pass: adjoins $ ranch ; good house. 8 acres clear, 40 fenced, fine creek, some timber; $750 and $60o. 301 Corbett bldg, 10O-ACRE KELINQ U I S H AI E X T . 39 miles from Portland ; some good timoer. creeK ana spring.-; A-l soil Price $150. tilS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 16U-ACRE relinquishment, close in. build ings. If you want a good one. e me first before you purchase eLse where. AB 3"Kt, Oregonlan. FOR lOuD U .MESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT i.E E W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMBRCK BLDG. Irrigated Lands. 20 ACRES. $3600; good buildings, fruit and shade; 3 seres alfalfa, all under irrigation; fine home on highway. -1 mile from Hermlston. $l0O cash, balance terms ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St. Vancouver, AY ash. t ur sale Acreage. 20 ACRES, $800. Logged-off land near Col ton and Mo'aiia. miles of Alolalla on good road; fine soil, every foot tillable; some timber for wood; well settled commun ity; good roads from Oregon City and Aiolaia to the land. A homelike place. Fine grass land. Price $80O, liaif cash. E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and Main sis., Oregon City, Or. 20 ACRES BEARING ORCHARD. 10 acres apples, 8 acres prunes, some English walnuts, large house, good new barn, chicken house, all personal goes with place; located four blocks from city limits of Vancouver, 74 miles from our office, paying big profits. Price $16,0ou, or will sell half for $700 per acre, terms. ALBERT HARALA, tl Alississippi Ave. ON PAVED ROAD. One ami two-acre tracts on Columbia boulevard, which is paved; only 4 miles from courthouse ; all in cultivation, ex cellent soil; beautiful home sites. Price $1500; $15n cash, balance terms 6, See ELROD A DRYER. 2d Floor Gordon Bldg.. Bdwy. 11SS. 23 Stark St. 24 ACRES all under cultivation, nifty 3-room bun galow, barn, good chicken house, over iioo hens. 1 cow, tools; just mile from A ioha. Paved highway and electric line 45 minutes out. Price $3000, two-thirds cash, balance per cent. ALBERT HARALA, KOI Alississippi ave. $4M DOWN; $20 PER MONTH. A new 4-room plastered house witfi a wide porch and good we-11. Two and one-half acres of best soil. Fronts on the Barr road. If you have not this much cash, sen us anyhow, if you want a place. Wo can supplv you. STRONG A- CO.. Ho6 Cham, of Com. "LATE model Chevrolet or Ford as part payment on a nice little, comfortable house of 4 rooms, just off of MM st. Price la onlv $HM0, balance easy terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, wit FRANK L. McGUIRE. 265 Abington Bldg. Ala.n 106S. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. . 4 ACRES, NEAR BEAVERTOX. All in cult., 2 acres seeded, good house and barn, all kinds of berries, family or chard, soil can't b beat: sidewalk to town ; m lie from post of f ice; $S00 cash, bal. easy terms; price for quick sale only $3500. Call room 518 Cham, of Com. Bldg. TWO ACRES for $500. bet of soil, nearly all cleared, on rocked county road; $50 will handle. See MeClure. W. M. Umb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. S65S. TRADE FOR AUTO. 5 acrps unimproved, on Base Line road; 7 miles out: ?30on. C. W. A1ILLERSH I P, 165' 4th St. FIVE acres, nearly all cleared, half mile from highway, part bottom land. Price $750, $!5o cash. S'6 owner, J. E. John son. Cove Orchard. Or. ACRES, west of 8 2d close to Haw thorne car; for quick sale $HMo per acre. Owner. 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Alar. 15S5. 20 ACRES, partly improved; 20 miies from Portland. Price $15o0, terms. AJ 303, Orcgorian. AT A SACRIFICE 10 acres, fenced. 4 cleared, for less than the cost of build ings. "WrjTI?oominN Wash. FOR SALE or trade, even, for light car, 160 acres. Improved, near Bend. Or. J. TL Rongel. 61 S W. Pear St.. Centralia. CHOICE Close-In acreage, saio or trad. twaer. ast H5. REAL ESTATE. ACCEPT SOLDIER S LOAN. 10 acres, J4 mile from electric station and school; south of Port land, near Woodburn, Or.; woven wire fences; all under cultivation; dark loam soil ; one block from rocked road; 30 cherry trees, 12 apple tree-s. 15 plum trees, some berries; good 4-room house, barn, large chicken house, capacity 250 chickens; woodshed. Included with place: Horse, harness, wagon, complete line of equipment. 7 cords wood, etc. Price for every thing, $3500, $1530 cash. WELL-EQUIPPED POULTRY RANCH. 10 acres, in Lewis county, Washington ; I3 miles from good town with free bus to high and grade school; woven wire fences; bearing family orchard; creek, well. 4-room bungalow. 24x3J; barn, large chicken hou.fe, JO5o, brooder house, capacity 5tt0 chick ens. Included with p'.ace; 420 lay ing pullets. White Leghorn. Tan cred strain, good Jersey cow, heif er calf, large horse, buggy, har ness, plow, tools, feed, brooder stove, etc. Price for everything. $.t;0O, $-000 cash, balance vt ry easy terms. WELL-LOCATED CHICKEN RANCH. 4 acres, 5 blocks from station, Oregon City line; rocked road; 3 blocks to school; lit bearing fruit trees; 2 00 strawberry plants; 1 acres under cultivation ; all can be farmed; weK; spring; water to 5-room housv; barn, chicken house. This Is an exceptionally good chicken location. Price $2 loo, $1J20 cash. Two acrej, 4 miles northeast of Portland, 6 blocks to electric sta tion; nearly all under cultivation; fruit trees and lots of berries; 4 room house aid pantry, woodshed, large chicken house, capacity 150 chickens; exceptionally good loam soil. Price $1750, $o0 cash. Eight acres, on macadamized highway, 3 miles from Oregon City ;' all under cult i vat ion ; good loam soil. This is in weJl-settied community with good houses ail around. Price $ ltiso, $S00 cash, balance easy terms. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small p laces near Portia nd. Get our extensive classified lists. $50 CASH, $550 PER ACRE. Two or 4 acres and lumber to build a 4-room house Included. 1 his is lo cated eloee in on the east side, about 30 blocks from the wtreet car; has city water and electric light and gas near land; land like this was se.ling 12 years ago for $ 12o0 -er acre and no Improvements: now J.t.iO. includtnir um ber to bui!d a little house. You should investigate this If you are in the market for a mnai; ranch ; will make terms mat you can airora to meet. Os'l on owner, G. Ii. Dammeier, 408 McKay bldg Third and Stark st. ATTRACTIVE BOAT E SITES. TEMPTINGLY PRICED. Entire acres (not skimpy lots), for $600 up. In tracts of 2 to 5 acres, best bottom soil. deep, rich sandy loam gently sloping to the Willamette, with old Alt. Hood in plain view. THOROUGHLY CLEARED. READY FOR ACTION. On paved highway and electric rail way. hour from Portland: many fine homes there now, others planned. Go with us todav. SEE FOR YOURSELF. Remember! These tracts are 1-3 un der priced for a limited time onlv. BUY XOW REJOICE LATER. FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO.. 202 McKav Bldg. Alain 747S 3 BLOCKS COUNCIL CREST CAR, 1 1-5 acres, with frontage on paved road; city water, gas, etc.; all liens paid A real beauty spot, with all kinds of trees. Looks Ilka a park. Wonderful unobstructed view ; nicely Improved places on each side. This is the biggest sacrifice of high-grade acreage ever of- lered on the Heights. Price $2200, terms. J. G. Kainey, 517 Abington bldg. Main IL'HO. S451HJ. One acre in b.-aring assorted fruit trees; cosy 6-room bungalow with living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bed room and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms up. City water, gas, pat ed road, 18x24 garage, ix4 modern cm ok en nouse. Walking distance to Hawthorne car. l orms. J. L. KARXOPP & Co , 310 Railway Exch. Bldg. Alain 675. E venlngs Auto. 627-66. $4250 $500 CASH. 6Vi acres on paved highway. East 82d street; a;l under plow, city water; gas, electric lights handy; about 12 blocks to street car. This land will make you money. Should sell for double the amount. OWNER. G. H. DAMMEIER, 408 AIcKay Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre country home. 7-rooni modern house, citv water, lights and gas. large sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath, i rench. windows: land drains notn ways from house; wonderful view of Alt. Hood and surrounding country, near Beaver ton on rock road. Price $55U0, terms. STROUD Jfc CO.. INC. 1 1 c :i v e r t o n. Or. ACREAGE HUNTERS READ THIS, An exceptional choice 10-acre tract, fine soil, all in cultivation, land lies practically level, on hard-surface road. H mile to station, 12 miles out, near Beaverton, on Oregon Electric. Must dispose of this; $2750, $Mi0 down, bal ance can be paid in eight years. Owner, 971 Knott st. 8'-i ACRES, $3500. 82D ST.. PAVED. WILL SUBDIVIDE GENEROUS TERAIS. Good opportunity for a BUILDER. Rich soil, strictly level, some fir trees make a beautiful building site. Exclu sive agents, A. W. LAMBERT & SON, Corner Grand Ave. and East Alder St. "TEA1PORA RY QUARTERS." You haven't the pride of ownership In & rented place. Le-ss than $100 wiiil place you on a nice acre that eventually will bo yours. Poweli Vaiey road to 92i at. turn left. R. If. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. IN THE GRESHAAI DISTRICT. 10 ACRES, $5011. $100 in work, balance $10 per month: half mile from electric station. 20 mlls from Portland; 40c fare; surrounded by highly ini proved farms ; fertile red shot loam; free from rock. Fred E. Huntress, e x c I us 1 ve a g nt. 1 20 Grand av e. 'HICKK.V RANCH BA RGAIN. 2 '-jj acres, all in crop; nice, house, good well, city gas, 2 hen nouses, brooder house, 3.".0 chickens, 1 cow, hay and wood. About B miles from Portland, close to h fghway. Price $:iono. tcruw. LUEDD EM ANN COM P A N Y . 0T3 Chamher of Commercn Bidg. HOMESITE, $850. EQUAL TO 5 LARGE LOTS. Just outside city limits, half mile from street cars, all in full-bearing friit trees, good opportunity for builder; generous terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 120 Grand Ave., corner E. Alder. ACKKX, IMPROVED $800. A 1 1 goo d land, 2 a c res cle ared ; good 2 -room house, well, 2 sides fenced, some t of 1 1st and furniture; located 3 mile from station, 30 miles from , Portland, Te-rms only $::oo down and $50 every 6 months. LUEDDEAIANN COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce. SO ACRES FOR iuno. On account of being pressed for cash will sell mo acres tor $looo. Worth inoro money; has some good timber, but part can be easily cleared. Located ahout 7 miles from Id Hard, 1 ouga.s county. O. B. Rippey, 610-11 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 26 ACRES. $2600. 2 MILES WEST OF NEWBERG. Fertile red shot loam, free from rock, with sma II creek ; particularly adapted to loganberries; might consider trade for Portland property. Fred F. Huntress, exclusive ngent. 120 Grand ave. $25 DOWN : $10 PER MONTH, 1.3 acres with a nice grove of trees, on Troutrtale electric, 300 feet west of Ruby Junction. STRONG & CO., 606 Cham, of Com. MUST SELL 5 acres fronting electric line. level, tine soil, ail under cultivation. Price $1500, with $100 down. Call Me Clure. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon hldg. Broadway 165s. WRITE for map 0 western Washington, showing locatiori, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYEitBAUSER TI AI BER CO.. T-ironu. Wash. FUR SALE lo acres, dark shot prune and walnut land, half in good fir and some oak ; sell for $oo0; terms on hail". White Co.. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE 5 1-3 acres high.y improved; good Yui Idings ; close to city Umits . price $6(t75. ilheral terms; no agents. H F. Starr. Gilbert Station. FOR SALE 7 ACRES. CLOSE IN. 20aiA5 ALL F.N. tfUi V-D SI. & . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acrrage. POULTRY AXD GARDEN CENTER. If you are going into poultry or truck garden don't buy until you tee this la4id. It will stand comparicon. EtatdiMicd poultry yards and truck gardens show what can be done. Priced to that jou can put up your own buildings and till b at the price of improved places. fv35 full acres, ail in high state of cultivation, very rich sand slit loa m, the kind that produces immense i-ize rhubarb or asparagus, btrrus of any kind; located in the heart of the Clack amas county poultry and garden cen ter; close to town, high school. Let us snow you su.m h. l'nce $2. .,. f: $1200 down. Electricity in, graveled J street in front ot land. ; Four full acres, all in cultivation, same soil as above: electricity, grav e.ed street. Price $1000, terms. one crop will pay for the land. 5 acres, ail In cultivation ; same kind of soil, good lo a: ion. $ l.tOO, terms. Splendid JO a. -res. fame -oil. ail In cultivation except grove or abt acre; electricity, good Ion. rounded by line homes. Price terms. FREYTAG-A1 EKDS CO.. Gladstone, t iregon. Oregon ity Car Line. Phone Oregon City 26H-.I. Sur $32t0. 10-ACRE TRACTS on paved Pacific highway, S miles north Vancou ver. $1250, only $125 c-M, balance monthly. 1-acre tracts. $ cash, balance $5 r no. only $10 r month ; lo- VAi,eouver ; paved road, city water, electric lights. ATKINSON A- PORTER. 705 Main St. Vancouv- r. Wash. ROSE CITY PARK T R ACTS. $i.5O-$04. We have some tracts. 1 25x2:w, for $S6o; these beautiful ti acts are wit hln 1 0 minutes' walk of Rose City Park and school; Bull Run water and ;;ravelcd streets in f ron t of each tract. J u.-ft think of get ting a tract in t iis henuti ful district for the above price. Vv'h-.n these are gone you'll never have another chance to buy a t rue; of five Jut. in the Rose City Park district for $MiA tee us at on'e. CO ALT E & KOIILMAN. Alain 6550, 20h Chamber of Commerce R dg. ' ACRES, all cultivated, tamily orchard, 7 and 5-room hou.e, barn, chick house, hog house, i mil 1 o school and car line-, near Oregon City ; wit h place goes 3 cows, large brood sow. 2 heifers, cream separator, hay; price $6250. terms. 6 3-10 acres, all cultivated, 100 as sorted bearing fruit trees, berries, spring, creek, 4-room ceiled house, ba rn. two large hen houses, storage and wood shed, mile to school. Foster road; price $5000, including cow and garden tools. BOCKHOLD BROS.. REALTORS, 601 Swetland Bldg. REAIARKARLE rare offer and just look at this location. Three miles by auto from 23ti and Washington sts., mile electric ry., fine hard-surfaced highway. few rods outside city limi ts ; 10 most beautiful acres, all been in cult ival ion. fine soil, no rock or gravel, fenced, good 4-room house, barn, garage, root house, over 100 bearing fruit trees, assorted ; stream, fine well, fine homey around this, and look at this price for such a place, location, etc., $5500. One-half cash will do business" Great bargain. C. L Backer. 133". 1st st. WEST SIDE SUBURBAN ACRES. Homcsltes facing on the pavement; rich, mellow sol!; sunny south slope; all c le a red , p low ed and read y to plant; no rock or gravek $4m to $7iM an acre Drive west out Jefferson st. and the Beaverton road, 5Vj miles from city hall, an eajy 20 minutes' ride; paved all the way; sign on p-roperty. Incorporation ol Bull Run Wafer district being perfected. Buy now, while prices are low. Ws. can assist you to buihL IV AlcCh-esney, 626 Hen ry b! d g. Bdwy. 2 50 5. "FREEDOM FROM RENT DAY" A place for the kiddies to play, a p'ace to meet your friend, a gathering plaoe for the family, a garden spot, a lawn, a place all your own. Acre tracts from $7O0 up. sold on favorable terms. "Powell Valley to 02d. turn left ; you will see our signs; there la a tract to suit the most exacting. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE Ar CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid H NORTH PORTLAND ACREAGE. On COLUMBIA BOULEVARD, at E. 2!th st. north; convenient to Alberta nnd AVoodlawn cars; SUNDERLAND ACRES. Choice 5 to 20-acro traets outside the -ity limits low taxes $4oo to $600 per acre; 10 per cent down, balance annually. Few dandy 1 to 3-acre tracts Wt; beau tiful homesltes. ELROD & DRYER. 2S3 Stark St. Rr.mdway 11 M. 'HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS" but it la hard to put your heart Into a rented place; start now ; here's the acreage, high and sightly, doe-p, rich noil, all in cultivation ; can be pur chawed on favorable terms; $7K and up; out Powell Valley roid to 02d. turn left. R. H. CONFREY, R-ealtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7' Board of Trade Bldg 3i ACRES, lAIPROVED $1060. located 2S miies from Portland, mile from station and school, 4 acre ceared and lO acre level creek bottom hind, fine stream; good 4-room nous, barn and other buildings; all fenoed ; family orchard and berrlea Price $1600; terms $HXH cash, balance easy term LUE D D KM A N X CO AI PANT, 013 "Chamber of Commerce. HALF PRICE. $1300 for 0 lots and new 3-room house Joining Oregon electric station grounds at Garden Home; all garden land; city water; $500 cash, balance $Ij per month at 67c. M'o ELROD ft DRYER, 2d Floor Gordon Bldg. 2.S3 Stark St. Broadway 11SS. FOR SALE. 400 acres No. 1 stock ranch. 170 cleared 40 can be cleared, for $10 per acre. Never-failing spring. 5 million ft. oak and fir timber or 20 thousand cords wood. l300i) cash, balance to suit, 6 Price $10,000; if all cash, $0506 Address owner, N. H. Rhoades, Sheridan, Or. R. D. 2. "MAKE UP YOUR MIND TODAY'" and buy this 1 -acre tract, covered with a beautiful grove of native trees, facing Powell Valley road. Just outside of city for $1200; good terms. B. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A- CO,, 201-2-3-'5-7 Board of Trade RMg. BONUS MEN. ATTENTION! Buv my fine 10 acres, highly Im proved; fruit, berries and graphs, just outside city limits, for the price you would pay for a house and lot in the city. This) is a genuine sacrifice and won't last ; reasonable terms. Owner, Hi1. 16th st. Main 3S60. COA1E nnd look this place over. A beau tiful location. acres, on niguway; 7 -room house, electric lights, phone, basement, good well. 1 acre seeded dow n, nil in cultivation, ten-minute walk from Tigard station, north. Inquire at Win. Ariss gnrng Tigard. Or. 40 ACRES $51000. South from Portland, mile from tow n and S. P. It- R. : 15 acre all cleared; on good road; lies fine; water right goetj with the place. Some snap. $:;hi. bal. to suit. 618 Chamber of Com-'meref Bldg. "YOU TELL I-AI." Wo have the aero, all jn cultivation, on good road, running water, just out side city only $60, ea.?y terms.. R II. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A: CO., 'n ;: r,-7 Board of Trade RMp ACRE TRACTS. WEST S 1 1 'E. Hard street t n Portland, nice view, citv water. elec tried y. near school, choice of cleared or uncleared ; easy terms; $275 up; will consider Portland house equitv. .1. C. CORBIN" CO , 3Q.I-6 i Le-wis Bldg. ACRES! A C RES. AC R ES, S 50 down. $10 month. Alberta, car. City water, city school. No assessments. Some tracts with buildings. R. W. Cary. 1 "!! N. W. Bank bldg. Alain 1643. Resi dence Wd!n. 15!V 10 ACRES. W1EST SIDE. $10. EASY TERAIS. 12 miles out. main road, best of soil, no hill land, 6 cleared, orchard, fenced, shack. .1 c. COR-BTN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis Bldg. IS ACRES. 3 MILES BEAVERTON. CORD WOOD. S acres cleared. 12uo cords first growth fir. best soil, no hill land, sprl-ng. $250. eftfV terms. J " '. CO R B I N C"Q.. ::o..-0-7 Lewis Bldg. 40 ACRES $i,5. Toward Astoria ; "i mile from R. R. ; 15 at-p most ready for the plow; lies fine; A-I soil. $2o, bal. 3 years, 6 per cent interest. 61 H Chamher of Commerce Bldg. RIVERFRONT building site. i;2Uje2O0 ft., nesr Alilwaukie. Bull Run water and gas now in. elect ric it y available. 7 lj c f a r. near pavenunt: the price is right; terms. Phone own- ' 'ak Grove 16H-W or busi ness. Main 7650. 2-3 ACiiE ON 2 NTH ST. Near Reed college. $!."0(t. Sprtn branch, fruit, building suitable "for garage. $15 down $15 month. R. W. Cary, 121i N. W. T:nV bl'Irr. CCA1RADE Will sell r, or 10 acr-s near city, improved or unimproved, if en titled to Oregon ban. Suit yoursWf on first payment. Y 3o5, Oreg..nia n. EXCELLEXT sol,, tasiiy ieared. anv quantity, good tran.sjKrtation. church, school; any terms or trade. Davenport Kimball Co . Buchanan baitr Lt''KU cleared (tj n canine. out- side g ty, tacrifjCt; Xur vaaii. Caii iiaatj 6&5 ..... i REAL F.STATE. 10 ACRES $3500. Fine for prunes and chickens, near cfiriine, n pood road tele phone. R. F. D.. 1 mile to school, just outside of city limits of Van couver. 5 acres In high state of cultivatlrn. giod huse, barn, eh icken house, orchard, fine we. I water. Will take $2ooO in trade. ATKINSON PORTER. 705 Alain St. Vancouver, Wash. "TH RIFT" has become a plcaaant habit for a lage numlier who are now ppilng the money they were formerly pa ii.g for r-nt to t he payment ot their own a ere tract m Plympten Acre tnl developing them into p re d u( I n g the 1 in m ed 1 a t e n e -ies-iti(s for the Imme. Drie out and look them over. -..v. .-i! Valley rmid to P2d tarn ! f I ; you will sew cur s;gn. 4 7 ' -O .1 n (1 up R H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO. 2QT-2-::-.'-7 Board of Trrv'.e Bid"-? Hi-.Vi-; IS .SOMETHING G-oD. eres, n-i bet t -r u., c.ear, ievei. some fruit, plenty grapt large barn, on good n-n hood, near .school and ii - ron m h ouse !. fine neichtior R. R. ni-ri : snap for ?25oo, $5iwi h. ba". $256 I annum. J. H b.dg . 3d and Hi', 30S McKay ark f . FARAIP. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOUSES AND EXCHANGES. HARGROVE REALTY CO. t REALTORS) We are the oldest farm dealers in Portland, and can meet every reasonable requirement. GOOD hi ACRES TRADE FOR BUSINESS. 24 miles south ot Portland. 2 miies eiect ric Mat ion. SI a.. 20 t leared, splendid soli, all lies good, lots good wood, 5-room house, hot and colli water, bath, patent toilet. be.t poree aitl pi li I II 1 . 1 11 g. M)od red barn, woodshed attached to house, good roothi.ue witli cement floor; milkhou"- with cement floor; two potato hou.-e.-. w orkshop. splendid chicken, upiu-date hoglioue. jden ty fruit and beprit ; prb e $070O; clear of incumbrance; trade lor good business in Portland, rooming house, or income property; or will sell on rta.sonable terms. 4 A. ON PAVEMENT 3 A1ILES OUT. We think this ahout the bet buy In a suburban home; 4 a., lies per fectly, very choice orehnrd. ,5-room pla.-tered huncalow, large red barn, numerous outbuildings . laces pave ment, 3 miles from city limits and right at electric station. Price $4250. 137 A. FOR HOTEL OR SMALLER FAR AT. 2"i; miles from Brownsville. Or.. 137 ls a. cleared ami mostly in tail crops, 50 very best bottom J a nd ; good 5-room house, barn 52xtt, two chicken houses and parks; spring at house and one in ptsture; pienty fruit and berries ; personal : binder, 4-horse double-disi! drill, disc ; steel harrow, 2 walking plows, cult., wagon, buggy, hack, 4 horses, harness. 12 head cattle, brood sow, loi) chickens, grain and hay for feed and seed ; prb-e, $13,500; trade for hotel near Port land or small farm up this way. BEST 10-ACRE BUY. Near Reedville and the best 16 acre buy you can find around Portland, all In cult., and a perfect piece of laiid ; 2 a. st rawberries-; splendid 6-room plastered bunga liiW. fireplace, built-ins, basement, nice red barn. good, outbuildings; sidowalk aU way to elation. Price only $4750. 175 A 20 A. PRUNES FOR SMALLER FARM. Owner too old to run this place; 175 a.. 00 a. cult.. 2o a. in 6-year-old prunes In splendid shape and a perfect stand; black loam soli and lies good; lo-room hntiw; water piped to house and barn ; good barn and numerous outbuild ings; 45 miles out; mile from good town; soil very best for prunes or any other crops. Price $17,5iK. Take small farm to $10,000. 14 A. AS PART PAYMENT ON HOUSE. At Eagle creek. i mile Esta cada car line; 5 acres cleared; splendid soil; nice stream; noma timber; small shack. Price $2nmi. put in as first payment on a $3500 house in Portland. 100 ACRES FOR RENT. At Stayton, Bm) a., i0 cleared, beat. land, good buildings; equipped ; 45 a. now In crop; sell personal for $1100; rent $000 per year. i A. ON DIVrSTON ST. FOR FARM. Nice IS-room bungalow and 4 a. land, mostly In berries .on I i vi sion near 70th s.t. Price $6hM): trade for farm of 10 to 30 a. with, good building's; pay difference. GOOD 39 ACRES FOR HOUSE. Right on car line. 25 miles south ; 30 acres, 30 cleared ; best of land ; 8-room house, barn, out buildings, good orchard; located on good hs-hing stream: it is stocked and equipped. Prire $6506. Take good house to $4000; time at 6 per cent on balance;. EQUIPPED 87 A. FOR ItOTTSIC Price only $2500; trade even up for house in Portland; 37 a.. 24i mi. Kalama. Wash.; 12 cleared; ft-room house, barn, garage, chick en house, roothouse. good orchard, water pLi'ed to house. PERSON AL: Household good, 3 co w if, 2 horses, chickens, vehicles, and Implements; it is hill land, but good soil. We know the country thorough ly and in dea'ing through us you al w ays have the very best to se lect from. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St., Near G.issan. Phone Broadway 43St. 40 ACRES NEAR CANBT. $SI10 DOWN. A'l F-vnl land, ail tillable, fine pota to and clover land, about 22 in cultiva tion, loi more not hard to clear, 6 riium frame hnu-, baxn and all nut houses, some fruit, fine well of water; close to good school: mail route, cream route and phone by the house, in a good location near Alaxburg; no better soil in Oregon ; price JiUmio. $soo down, ba 1 anee tune a t 6 per cent. , Her- is kuid that will raise spuds and ciovr; no ji'miK on th p. aue. P. KHtntt A- Son, 7 1 h nd d .i m Sts . i 'regon Oiy. r. BRITISH ( Ol.UAUUA FA R Al AND STOCK LANDS. An opportunity for prospective settlers and investors; special offering of 20,000 acres personally inspected and selected lands in a. great, in w t-ountrv. now b--ing substant lally set t led ; good soil, water, climate, t rn n sport at Ion, markets; send for list a mi In rge map of Brit is h Columbia. As an investment thfse lnlN cannot be surpassed, prices from $2.50 to $;i per sere, on very easy terms. Write Charles .Morrison, 203 New York block. Seattle. Wash. KX-KI'.VJ''K man can secure 40-acre 'arm without cash U'omis loant: bottom land, near Portland. Jon chickens, cow, prune orchard, good roads. larm ii,g im pie ; merits; easy terms, owner, AJ 325, ( rc gonian. H I'.A LTH SEEK ERS Investigate fouth ern New .Mexico. U. S. weather burnu t lassen our all-year climate: "Dry, mild, sunshine, unsurpassed for hea I : h ful ness and cotiffort." Chamber of Commerce, Las Cries. V. M. SMALL CLO.E-IN FARM, .lust oui-'d.- city, water nd Hvailubl-. This Is a b-autiful ligh's tract overlooking the pp- ! peaUsj and Columbia Hmt. gori;e. tlitoo, balf j c -.-h R XV. c-rv. 12IQ N. W. B ink bldg. ' i."tO l'KK Al .. acres. miles east i rrslifl m, half eul 1 1 vh t -d , iialH nee slashti : running w ater, (rood liarn. fa ir hous". ner sc boo, si ore m nd ch ur h. fiood macs 1I3 m : re.isonav terms. Owner, 321 Eug ne ST Fast 2 to5. c1TTken frT; 1 t. r,. r: den ra x"Thes. near Portland $50 to $.0i per acre, easv tem.s besr sil . farms for a. all size 4. A r Fs -In d. a'tr.r '.'"v F I ' i r, l- h : d x 20 ACR LS. cosy home. 4-mom cabin, fur nished, fruit and berries :.d flowers. 1 stand bees; $1200, a or Hade; 11 o a gtnt s An torn.' t ir 631 -!i 160 ACRES tnul:-- and farming land, in muna Viuicy, iimain county. 'j nn acre; WH1 co w-tt n and pay CApcUttta oi buer. labor 4.-11. KFI. FTTE, Iror Sub' I- urtun. NEAR S A LEAL LARGE COUNTRY HOME WITH CITY ADVANTAC.ES 140 acre- 'u. les, 1,' litres TI ie-. Mia r d i-oil. 2i acres rher pr.ines. il acres m ; f a nd i a.- p- b-rri- s. I'l n. rej. pa-ture ai d Ilea) mi-d limber. pri:.g! and tuuniii erek. 10 Ker.-y under p.uv. part i'l g:-uil. AeiaK" ;i .j.t 1 1 1 1 1 r; v ere p a ,or.e lor ia!t 3 ai $)M per ace. N w bun, a ov 40x47. Mot.e wall font' da:iui. en. -nt ba-emei.t, in ron"" bf. se t.a : ale sh. w r ha ' h, o: ; .,-e and ena coa! rooms, l.m-.e Ln. and room ox: nected . . ., : u i,d i. n M cM ,p. iirep.,1,- , lunniKK wnb r itotu eieu;cd tank, .a. e i n;; room in ba.-e- Ilien t. Tli re rnn . ch Je m i't.", hiitiitt.-iie o; fis. a'l farm Iniple t i ry cmiif and car- ' 'H T ri 1 nil ha I.. i read 7 ml'.- a I the nay. ; 5 ood pa ii h,e .r m i lo ere .- a nni in ; st 1)1 can 5.o II. ii,--Ir. .Mac- ra!i or 'L"i PC" - u it h l-'ra i.k .! t A WONDERFUL VIEWPOINT HO.ME. 4-s ncte mo'.-r celt stni winrrli , ! 11 5-ruom lions. . strict n Irdividu.i 1 huh! p. a i-t . team a id tin-. 1;. 1 :i . 1 chickens, etc Local d 1; on. 2 acres' orchard, U-T n, including I impiCin. i:: s , 11 1 1 . I rom lem, 0 paved, i ,i ance ha;-: macadam. This p.aee overlooks Wi..ainet!e iii v and the city Oi Milt m Four large moun tains can be -.. ii. Land Jiim tMop"' enough to work well. Price Jlo.Oi'ii, $20imi ca.- h. reasonable t.-rms on the bal ance. Will ac-ept Portland or Siiicia property up to joooo. WILL TRADE OR FELL. 85 acres, all under cultivate n. 50 acres In bearing t rn it. apple, cheri ics. m ra w -berries and giapis, goo S-room Iwusi and barn, on ni.ivi i load, one mile ir.mi railroad station, s miies from Salem, Price 23. 1(75. $ IO.000 long-time fed ! a I loan. inusUy trade and eae.y terms. We have a fine selection of farms and Portland hoic-s for sa'e and trade. Fl : A N K AlcC R I L Li S, REALTOR. Henry Building. Broadway 779. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. To acquire one ot the best w bea t and stock ranch's In eastern Oregon. sli uiit'd in Gilliam county; 112U acres. o( a rcs ot excellent wheat land, 4 00 in crop, with best pro-meets in years for bumper crop; three big springs, two with concre't 0 t roughs ; two big concret c res ervoirs; fine set of buildings Just com pleted; five-room bungalow with hot and cold water nnd bat h : 00x20 ft. bun k house with cold water; big barn Willi concrete watt-ring trough in corral; ga -rane with v o 1 11 for three cars; tower bouse with iafod-galloTi tank; oi'iiee and laundry ; lare electric lighting system, with Ugh ta in all buildings ; one 1- 01 d sou ti actor, it no Ford t ru It ; com plot o h-horse plow team with harness and equipment; also ten bead of cattle; iiu large chicken house and exeelb-nt pump ing plant, inclos-'d. Price $05. don. Tit improvements alone cost $20,000 thm y-a r. Owner (s compel h d to move to through newiy acquired busi ness interests. Will exchange tor farm with good Improvements n.iir Cortland oil hard-surfaced road. Prefer some rough land and creek or large springs on place. One ndapfihlo for small stock farm or dairying. Will take one or two places UP to $IO.OuO, balance on easy terms. This rainh will mak" one of the best stock, and grain ram lies W Oregon and is a big mom y maker, and latge enough for two or three limiUts, For sale by owner. AK 3o, oreg'Uilnn. A REAL BARGAIN. 47 acres, 30 acres In cultivation, fine, R-room house, with w atT piped to t lie house anl all tuilMiims irom a fint spring ; large barn, house completely furnished with Hrm-clas furniture; 15 acres seeded to oats and vetch, enough rordwood t imber to supply t tfe ram U for many years; good woven w ire fences. 10 head or sheep, about $75 worth of fine canned fruit, good chicken houses and granary. This ranch is located 27 miles from Portland on a good market road la the hM purt of Clackamas county. Price $S500. Owner will at :t pi Portland residence In exchange up to $5i)O0 and give attractive terms on tha balance at 6 per cent. HARRY BECKWITH, 104 Fifth St. REALTOR. Alain OMiO, SO ACRES TN TUALATIN VAL LEY. WELL 1A1PHUVED. All In high state of cultivation, only 14 miles out, good H-rm house, good barn and on t build -lugs; some In fall crop. price In only $7uoO, half cash. Let us show this pluct- and judge for yourself what a cood buy H real ly is. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WIl.UMKTTlv VALLEY FARM To irau In on a w heat ranch In Sherman or Gil liam count v ; 112 acres, between 50 and 60 acres '-uiuwtted; 5-romn house, 2 large barns, spring water piped to build ings, commercial on-hard of prunes and some mixed trull, water in the pasluie, some good tlm ber ; .1 ust the right dis tance out on crushed rock and gravel ro:id; Home persona! property and crop; price $17.O00. Want a large rancii stocked and ciu!ppd wiih long-time urv diflerenc-; k tm w ttiu w beat gumu and not afraid of dbt. Rf sponsible party. Send full description 111 first lettr to White Co., 703 la First st., Newbertc, or. YOU CAN BUY A FA U AI. Tn western Canada you can buy low priced farm lands, so rich and fertile that one crop has been known to pay for them In full. Ka-y terms, small Cash payments. Social and living condi tions are the same a those you no enjoy. Sanit Iangilauo and c.iinate. Send for free hook et telling about (! choice lands for grain g i ow ing and mixed fanning Hlopg the lines of th Canadian National Railways. Spei la.1 low rates and peisonully c -n duet .' ex cursions. Write today. HEWITT F S 1 V, R, Supt.. Industrial and Resoureej Dept.. ( 'an a i 1 a 11 Nat lonal i ; a 11 wn Dept. r2 ' .M tnnieMe hjdg. CMe.-igo. I I. TAKE YOUR CH ICE. 20 a., 12 a. under cultivation. $10,000. 14 a., 12 a. under cultivation, $sood. 6 a., 7 a. und r cultivation, $0u(N). -5-room modern hunjniow, full c- ment basement, cement stdewa'k yrouml bouse, small chicken house and barn, orchard and berries for family use; half mile from Columbia high way on gor4 gravel road, ten miles 1'r'nn Portia mi. Phone Alar. 254 or write Troutdale, Or., route 2. box 2ol. Mrs S;nn k-n. ( iR S A LK. mi -acre farm; 7o acres cul tivated' 5-room house, shed bar n ; pprtn if water piped ; dar k red soil, be-t ol nut or Iruu land; would niiike a i;hh daiiy farm ; ow ner can't ha nd b- and w 1 : 1 sell at saori'ice. for onlv $5300: term iu re lial.l" parties; improve this place sioj double your money in a f'w- ar.-. No trad- . White to. Co., 703 ',a l lrst bt.. New h.'rs:. r 40-ACRE farm n-ir Albany, for sale or on. good bou.- and lied, s-'.-d and in. r l.i nd . c n f urn 1 -h not occupied wn ) rent ; s II in cuh 1 n I burn, furni-h team, plemenl s ; have ot h employment wnen crop; state Itld particulars Hrst lette-, age, how many in family, any ca pit a i, iu debt, habits; cgaretle smokets U'-t wanted, ft - net. A V so 7. 1 rcg c n : a n . F i R S a'l 1-1 i aere., with ouud 11ns tb'a't w on bl cos 30011 to; mixed or chard, spring wa'er p p' d to hoove, pas ture with f-prlng vat-r; nl'-" view from the bou.-e; nic- lield to uitivat-; woeu wire (ence; would make a I -i'n-n ds if v and 'ru 1 1 t a rut ; own r d isatued and wi.i m'11 for $;ooo: ret tia-b-; tero. to the fight part. S Into Co., 7o;i F i rs f st.. N ew b ' r SA LE or ban l-'.' ra 1 n fa' in. lenced: 17" c-i.tiva:ed. l.-.o n.or- rou'ti b ploweij; Branary eupa-nv 7o''l busb !'ls, windinill. . m plc'ii'-u is. tnol. 17 cat tle. 14 hor.-es, baric - p.ui 1 1 y, Imu.-. hotd ef f i a V . si' 'l w heat, 5oo (,,1, na ts furnished pu t e h:i n r ; veryt bin 4 tots. $2.", 000. A. T. I'l. H r, Route 2, K x et. . ert a N 'TICK - 160 acres ui.improv'-d. H m r of. 20 a. i t in er 1 k it iird hill la nd ; w tH in gias, road to p..i. . 2 bottotn. in t b rich 11 jiinke fine dairv or stocl. ot nut rn r. -i , w t.rt h t'W ranch , plent f O. ra: h pri- o onlv $1 too ; 2 1 : rn : s : miies t nun 1' i.-itic "in Woods and ;t .'v. Fine (rout id name, ow ner -1 ! am and pi'rit o , w .1. S C.ark. M M iiiti'.-r MR. FARMER, s rive y oi all 1 h" details on 1 ' t place 'not far from Siiiem. U kc mom y trom t lit: slart and, Hi!. It'- pflted 'ow. H itiui;l.l.l.-i?n.l. uo. 216 N. W. Haul. Bldg. Let o 1 pl-a.r an ma best Ot A. F V R M 1 1 A 1 1 1 I N 1 1 HI L I ; T ' 1 N MSP, to acres. . m cul'is-ion. ,ies rin Pes 1 oT sdl. Road hu . I'l in s.-. 2 hors 10A.1, chickens, farm jra ch incrv, run n nig wat'f: 12 tn Les f 1 0111 port's ihL, Price 1 "..Vim LU K1M-KM A NN COMp.S NY. !M3 1'hnml" of C..m:aerce BMg. lC'I-OSK-IN ncr. s, son. ooo, i iwriuu. laltuuu Laud Co., 24S Lai It.