TIITC SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. DECEMBER It. 1921 SOCIETY (Continued From Page 5.) tensen's hall, Friday evening. Decern- Mf 30. This being a special party. who syour hosier? Principal agents for: Phoenix Silk Hosiery Gotham Gold Stripe Hose Onyx Point ex Hose Bergtex Chiffon Hose the members will be allowed to bring friends and it promises to be one of ( the smartest affairs of the season. The hall will be beautifully deco rated for the occasion and novelties will be arranged for. The children's classes of the Chris- tensen dancing school announce Christmas party to be held on Frl- j Formerly known as Lennon's day afternoon, jJcremDer ju, - to o'clock. There will be a Santa, who j will have w remembrance for all the j kiddles and the Christmas spirit will Drcvail throughout the affair. This i amebic. m nerg s jor Lrtoves: itf Gloves for Men, Women and Children Gloves for every occasion nl Driving Gloves m i 1 Gifts ff real Iarty will be made up of the four aft ernoon classes and will be for mem bers only. George Wright Ufllef Corps will en tertain with a card party Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at 525 courthouse The public Is i&vited to attend. Prizes will be awarded. A card party will be given Tuesday venlng at the Oddfellows' hall. Wood lawn, the entire proceeds to be given to a family in need. The party Is under ti auspices of several well-known families of that district. The North Dakota State society will hold Its monthly meeting at the Turn "Vereln hall. Thirteenth and Main streets, at 8 o'clock, Thursday eve ning, December 15. Mrs. S. F. Downey has arranged a programme consisting of solos by Frank Jue, Marea Stella Nash and the club quartet. Members of the quartet are Messrs. Chapman. Jewltt. St. Germaine and Quigley. Mrs. T. L. Nash Is chairman of the refresh ment committee. Dancing will follow the programme. All ex-North Da kotans are urged to be present. EDDIHG8. r.mrrHuu-nirninni'n. ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) The wedding of Miss Queets Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robinson, of this city, and Cap tain Gilbert Haight Eckorson of New York city was solemnized Sunday af ternoon at the family home. Rev. F. F YV (lraAno nf Sit . n H r A.-'m hnr,h Officiating. Only relatives were pres ent. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Marie Robinson, as maid of honor. Her brother, Willis W Robinson, whs best man for Captain Eckerson. For the ceremony the bride wore a gown of white ellk net with white satin bodice. Her bouquet was a shower of Cecil Brunner roses. ' Following the ceremony a family din ner or n covers was servea. The bride, who has resided in Ab erdeen since early childhood, was the first white child born In the Queets district, after which she was named. t She attended St. Rose and the public schools here, later graduating as a nurse from St. Vincent's hospital, Portland. Captain Eckerson. whose home was formerly In New York city, Is In the aviation division of the army, with 1 which he served during the world war. Captain EcKerson recently was ordered to duty In the Philippines and with his bride will sail January 5 for Honolulu and from there to Ma nila. They expect to be away for two years. They will pass a short time in Portland before proceeding to San Francisco, fom which port they will all. Bnln-IIIgglns. Mrs. Estelle E. Higgins and Robert H Ruin Jr.. of Closset & Devers. were married Mondav evening in the home lot Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dlgman, Rev. P. O. Bonebrake officiating. The couple went to Seattle for a brief trip and returned in time for the Chamber of Commerce dinner dance on Thurs day, when they were greeted by the orchestra playing "Here Comes the Bride." The wedding, which had been planned for a later date, was decided upon that evening at the supper table where a company of guests had as sembled. After finding 4. L. Buchtel, deputy county clerk, procuring the license and getting the minister, the ceremony took place at ten minutes before midnight. The bride is a charming young matron and the bridegroom is popular In business circles. Pnyne-McXnry. A. L. McNary and Miss Gladys Bayne were married on November 28 In Portland. They will be at home After December 15 at Alderdale. Wash. SOCIKTY PERSONALS. Mrs. Jacob Henri Geirsler. who has been enjoying the opera and concert season In San Francisco, with her family and friends, will return to Portland for the holidays. Mrs. Edna F. Hatfield and daugh ters Lottie and Lulu motored to Cali fornia, where they will spend tho winter. They expect to visit In Hono lulu before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson have Just arrived from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Robinson will be remembered as Edna Shainwold of this city and is being welcomed by her many friends. Mrs. L. M. Pollock left yesterday for New York city, where she will visit her son, Robert M. Pollock. Re turning via Los Angeles. Mrs. Pollock will visit her sister, Mrs. Walter D. Chappuls of that city. Flowers and messages of congratu lation are being sent to Mr. and Mrs. H. O. -Voget of 88 East Thirty-seventh street upon the arrival of a son, born December 4. The little lad will be known as Kenneth Stanley Voget. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright of Ketchikan. Alaska, have arrived from Ji noT'h. and will he In Portland for some time, visiting at 169 North Twenty-second street.. Mr. Wright Is connected with the United States lighthouse office. Women's Activities Give generously as you would this holiday season but the spirit of the times irowns upon frivolous giving. The suggestions we make are practical in the extreme but their beauty gives them an air of the luxurious the beautiful. As for prices-we know it will be difficult to duplicate them for moderateness for we have tried, ourselves. pure silk gift umbrellas $8.95 Beautiful umbrellas with leather straps and leather loops, the popular Malacca Prince of Wales and ever so many with fancy bacolite ring han dles. Blue, brown, black, taupe, pur ple, red, green. So welcome, because they're the all-year-'round gift ! Two items of many are featured because they're so splen did at their prices. The most original gift umbrellas in Portland await you here with silver chains and handles and other delightful novelties. pure silk gift umbrellas $6.85 Gift boxes for all purchases if you wish You'd never guess them to be so modest ly priced by looking at them. Fancy rings, leather straps, loops and tips and ferrules to match handles take them out of the ordinary class. Black, navy, taupe, green, brown, purple, red. Other gift umbrellas, $4.95 to $17.95 Men's umbrellas from $1.50 to $10.00 Children's umbrellas, $1.25 to $4.95 'Kerchiefs You'll probably give them and most likely receive them. If Fate is with you they'll come from Berg's. Charming conceits with touches of color in their hand-embroidery, priced from 65 to $3.00 Children's handkerchiefs with nursery figrires in the corners, 2oC each, and some 3 for 50 ( Women's handkerchiefs in gif folders, 3 for 50 and 3 for $1 S v At no other place in Portland will you find such excellent, such smart, new gloves at such moderate prices. Port land's oldest glove shop takes pleasure this holiday season in presenting such wonderfully attractive gift gloves at such fair prices. Every pair will be fitted by a glove expert now or after the holidays. WOMEN'S IMPORTED KID GLOVES smartly embroidered. Beaver, brown and (PO IK gray specially priced at DrrJ EMBROIDERED STRAP WRIST GLOVES fine supple quality glace with strapped wrist. Heavily embroidered. Beaver, flJO CK brown and white DO.OO ELBOW LENGTH SUEDE or Glace Gloves among the most beautiful of our gift gloves. Some heavily embroidered. Brown, (Jf QT gray and beaver DvleOJ BROWN OR WHITE GLACE GLOVES of lovely soft, flexible quality. They (A OQ suggest holiday gifts and good times TV4i 16-BUTTON GLOVES OF FINEST KID ex quisitely fine gloves that have come from overseas. Black, white, mode, PQ 4 P gray and brown tDOetl NOVELTY GLOVES some in Strap Wrist style with bands of contrasting color others with tiny purses many QfT novelties from to Jree7J FABRIC GLOVES ever popular with so many women are shown in excellent variety. Chamoisette Gloves in popular (PI f( 2-clasp style D-L.UU STRAP WRISTS in chamoisette are QKf special at VOK, CHAMOISETTES in 16-button fl1 T length are DA.UJ "DUPLEX" FABRICS 2-clasp style, at $1.65, strap wrist $1.05, and j0 elbow-length at tDutU MEN'S GLOVES range from $3.25 for ' smart capes to $5.00 for Hay's Super seam Buckskin rif-proof gloves. CHILDREN'S GLOVES from $1.45 for capes to $2.25 for genuine Mochas. 3 So attractive in their gift boxes. So dainty in their new nessso acceptable as gifts. hand-made blouses $5 Crisp andMovely as can be with hand made filet lace trim ming touches of hand tucking and rows of hand hem stitching. Other hand-made blouses from $7.50 to $10.85. Costume Blouses Make Lovely Gifts From $3.95 to $25 I 4. if DO A Gifts That Every Woman Appreciates Especially in Silk! Slip-on sweaters of light weight wool in stripe, block or link and link stitch with round necks .fo.OO. Alpaca yarn sweaters are $8. Silk and wool mixtures $8.85. Fiber silk sweaters (with scarfs attached) are $13.45. Pure silks are $10.50 to $25. Indian camel's hair and alpacas are $17.50. who's your hosier? The best equipped hosiery stock in the city offers attractive choosing for practical gifts. Never have we shown such varfed assortments of imported and domestic hosiery -made doubly attractive by their embroidered clocks. And as for silks, they are in comparable in quality, variety and price! MAID-TU-WARE PURE DYE PURE SILK HOSE made especially for us hose that we "back" to the highest degree. 12-strand, fine guage silk hose that are durable and beautiful. Full-fash- (PO Of? ioned. Black, white, chestnut, cordovan, navy sfitsftW PURE GOLD STOCKINGS, OF PURE INGRAIN SILK easily identi fied by their gold band at the garter line. Unexcelled at far higher prices for service and beauty. With lisle tops and soles. PO C A 3 pairs $6.75, or pair tD.tFV McCALLUM'S "TRUE BLUE" HOSE made especially for us. You just know she'll be proud to wear them they're so fine and lovely and perfect fitting. An old gift friend of long standing. Pure PO 0? tiilr wifti 1i1a rpiTifnrcpmpnt. .fj VJ OA DM solve your gift problem with a Berg Glove Order You do atxay with the bother of choosing the uncertainty of pleas ing. Berg glove orders are issued in an)) amount and ma.v he re deemed for any of our merchandise at ahy time. r? r? n una 9, M E N PHOENIX HOSE FOR MEN Always acceptable be cause they're th kind a man buys for himself in pure silk medium weight 75 and heavy weight at $1.00. These in black, white, brown, navy, gray. . SILK AND WOOL SOX in drop-stitch style $1 and with hand-embroidered clocks $1.50. s 0 X CHARLES F. BERG Formerly 0) 1 Morrison Street Postoffice Opposite silk with lisle reinforcement. PHOENIX SILK HOSE the old reliable of the d0 fTC hosiery world $1.10, $1.45, $1.95 and GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE with rip-proof gold flJO CL stripe, a pair $2.25, $2.05 and tDO.D'J HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY plain styles $1.50 (P9 f A and $1.75 with fancy clocking at $2.75 and DO.Oj McCALLUM LACE NOVELTIES and fancy clocked (1JO ff silk hose from $4.50 to dJO.UU WOMEN'S WOOL MIXED HOSE brown and blue fJTgt heather mixtures in popular medium weight PURE WOOL HOSE in wide English rib cor- J" fjr dovan brown, popular for winter oxfords tD-L I J SILK AND WOOL MIXED HOSE Derby rib, Eng- J- rrr lish style. Brown and green heather mixtures tDX I O CLOCKED HOSE IN WOOL MIXTURES Import ed stockings of good quality. Brown and blue with d1 r7(T bright clockings. Priced DXs I O SILK AND WOOL HOSE medium weight in beau- PO AA tiful green and gold mixtures. Narrow ankle style TJ"vf SILK AND WOOL MIXED HOSE black and white fl0 rA mingled effects that are attractive. Medium weight Di.Of ENGLISH HOSE IN NEW RAISIN SHADE full d0 CA fashioned and perfect fitting vdJJ SILK AND WOOL MIXTURES with fine line of CA drop stitching. Two styles. Cordovan or navy DsWstlv ALL WOOL CLOCKED HOSE black with knitted and embroidered clocks. Or brown hose with hand- flJO PA embroidered clocks. Imported English hose iD&i.Oxj HAND EMBROIDERED ENGLISH CLOCKED HOSF. blue and brown heather mixtures with brown clocking. Priced, a pair PURE WOOL ENGLISH HOSE, lace striped a dq FA popular hose in brown or navy DOJvr IMPORTED WOOL HOSE WITH BRIGHT CLOCK ING. Navy blue with gay blue fancy clocking. pfA English hose. Priced, a pair DOU9 ENGLISH WOOL NOVELTIES exquisitely hand clocked with one or two-tone embroidery. Gray covert a neyv shade; blues, natural, brown and black, with contrasting (P1 rTfr embroidery ' fSfr I O $3.00 Luxuriously lovely silken undergarments single pieces and sets of rare beauty. An orchid crepe de chine set is exquisitely lovely with hand embroidery in blue and two-tone ribbon. White sets are hand embroidered and have real lace trim ming. PHOENIX SILK vests are $2.35 $2.50. Knicker bockers $3.95-$4.25. KAYSER ITALIAN SILK VESTS $2.95- $4.75 Knickerbockers, $4.75 and $5.75. Prices quoted are on regular sizes. CHARLES F. BERG Formerly JJ4LJtL SOU Morrison Street Postoffice Opposite ! (Continued from Page 6.) Refreshments will be served during the social hour at the close or the meeting. by the showing of various educational games and the explanation of the values was given by Miss Davis and Mrs. Irwin, teachers in the school. Mrs. Frank! spoke briefly of the work being done by unemployed girls under the direction of the industrial secretary of the Y. W. C. A. A programme was given at the reg ular meeting of Mount Tabor Parent Teacher association last Thursday afternoon. Miss Jarvis" room gave a song and recitation and the pupils ot Miss Fullerton's room gave an exhibi tion with, wands. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. W. J. Hawkins who spoke on "Educational Toys and Games." This was followed Failing Parent-Teacher association held Its regular meeting November 30. with an attendance of more than 100 Interested patrons. Speakers of the evening were: R. H. Thomas, scbooi clerk; Charles A. Rice, W. F. Wood ward and Mrs. J. Kelly, president ot Shattuck l'arent-Teacher associa tion. All gave most Interesting talks Pupils of the schooi were presented in drills and Misx Krletz. a pupil of the school, entertained with violin num bers and Miss Gussie Irene Brown stein played a delightful piano solo. A silver tea was given after the meeting. Wednesday was election day with the women of the First Congrega tional church. Mrs. E. N. Howe was re-elected president. Many of ber as sociates in office during the past year were also re-elected. The four vice presidents are: Mrs. George Brough tpn. Mrs. G. W. Mlllett, Mrs. E. C. jtothnagle and Mrs. E. Cook. Mrs. .lames Patterson was elected record ing secretary; . Mrs. Major Berry, financial secretary; Mrs. Harriett Fitch, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. H. R Wakeman, treasurer. The next meeting of the association will be held on the second Wednesday in January. Congregational women are prepar ing for "Forefathers Day" banquet on Tuesday evening, December 20. Delegates from all the Congrega tional churohes of Portland and vicin ity will attend. Mrs. FARRELL r I M TKIC l. Km 1 M.IST. Nuprrftuoutt Hair, Molen, Blrthmnrkx, Ijrirr Vnrrn. Pinirttr K-movrl by Klrr- tn.il.TMiM : KyrtrrowM ufrnmnntly -orrertrf. 801 i.ko mi v m.i. i-iioN v. m w siev. (Diplomat from llomton, Chicago and Jiftatv l41cal Board.) Mannello Cosmetic Shop r i vi. v M ICALP PBOIAUSTB, iirni r llrondwnv mill lrrlo. 2)Kt llrondnar "uNiling. I'll. hi.- Mamhhli 22117. i