THK SUNDAY OREGON! AX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 11. 1921 THE coming week will be a busy one' for the Portland Woman's club. The anniversary party of One club will be held Wednesday, De cember 14, from 2 to 6 o'clock In the ba.ll room of the Multnomah hotel. AQss Minnie I. Smith, chairman of the calendar committee, has prepared on especially Interesting programme Mid a special invitation is extended Ito new members. All past presidents I twill receive the guests. The current literature department iwill be entertained at its Christmas party Thursday at the home of Mrs. Victor Brandt, 160 Mirlmar place. Mj-f. Brandt will be assisted by a jjroup of the clubwomen. A splendid (M-ogramme will be given. The regular meeting of the club ims held Friday afternoon In the 111 room of the Multnomah hotel. Mtrs. Charles E. Itunyon presided, and the club passed a resolution recom mending the proposals of Secretary Hushes with the approval of the (president on the limitation of arma ment!. After the business session. Judge DC. C. George gave an interesting talk ti ine oecreLS or uur Mountains and Rivers Our Columbia Highway, Its Formations, Legends and Indian Lore." As a special feature Tom Bkeyhlll, lecturer, gave a short ad dress on his recent trip to Russia. L Keeler was soloist. Mrs. R. ffi Bondurant, chairman of the philanthropic committee, an nounced that a cash donation had been given for the disabled veterans' Christmas entertainment. Mrs. D.' M. Watson reported on civics. The Presidents' club will meet for luncheon Tuesday at 12 o'clock at the Washington street Hazelwood. Mrs. J. Weston Hall, vice-president, will preside in the absence of Mrs. Eldon J. Steel, president. Royal circle. Neighbors of Wood craft, entertained more than 200 members at a banquet Wednesday night. The Portland Juvenile circle No. 2 will meet Saturday afternoon at Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor treets. The members of Mount Tabor gym nasium clnds, under the auspices of the Mount Tabor Parent-Teacher association, will present a musical and class drill at the school Tuesday at 8 P. M. The public is invited. A mall admission fee will be asked. Oregon chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lou Wagner, D00 East Forty ninth street North. A splendid pro gramme has been arranged, Including music by R. T. Jacobs and quartet, an address on "Christmas In Old Ken tucky" by Mrs. J. W. Mackle and a piano solo by Miss Vivian Elford. All southerners are cordially Invited. STake Rose City Park car. Tr. Ernest Tucker is to give a lec ture on cancer Tuesday evening, De cember 13, at Cathedral hall. Seven teenth and Couch streets, to the Daughters of Isabella and friends. This lecture will be followed by a eerles of health talks to promote good living. Women interested in health are Invited to attend. There will be a photoplay and Bevcral musical num bers by the Daughters of Isabella. No admission charge will be made. The study department of the Port land Woman's Research club will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Xj. C. McCabe, 317 Kllllngsworth ave nue. The programme 'will start at 12 o'clock with whistling duets by Lota Stone and Mrs. Hiuit. Informal luncheon will be served. Response! will be made by the members on war, the disarmament conference and peace. Judge Kanzler will speak on "Portland's Americans and the Work of the Americanization Council." Dr.. Levi P. Pennington, president of Pa cific college, will give an address on "World Conditions Disarmament or What?" Mrs. Lee Davenport will pre side. All members of the club are Invited to be present, bit they are asked to telephone Main 1033, mak ing reservations, so the hostesses may be prepared. Lucia Mae Brazeati, a Portland young woman, is the author of an Interesting volume of verse, "Little Snapshots From Life Expressed In Rhyme." which came off the press Saturday and will be offered for sal Sunday. The initial edition Is 10,000 copies, of which 4000 already have been sold. The proceeds from the ale, of the book will be devoted to a fund for the erection of a commu nity club house for the downtown district of Portland, where all of the activities ot the Community House Roosters' club may find shelter and accommodation. Mrs. Brazeau is pres ident of the club, Miss Frances Atkins secretary and David Miller treasurer. These officers, with a council of ten men representing different profes sions and lines of business, consti tute the board of directors. The club now boasts BOO members, the mem bership having' been doubled within the past two months. The members ,aV have voted to make a community club house their objective, with the expec tation of having it ready for the 1925 exposition. The department of applied psychol ogy of the Portland Woman's club will meet Tuesday, December 13, at 1:30 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Charles E. Runyon, 297 East Twenty-fourth street. The subject of the lesson-lecture Is "Thought," embodying analysis of Its constructive and destructive nature; its growth or evolution and its essen tial essence as the creative, sustain ing cause of all that exists. Rules and exercises will be given, as usual, for practical application of the lesson. Beautiful cards upon which are printed the principles of conduct adopted by the department at its last meeting will be given out and the symbol which appears thereon will be fully explained. Members are invit ed to bring noteboks and pencils and are requested to be on time, as the lesson will begin promptly at 1:30. Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens Is chairman of the department. Mrs. D. Perry Evans Is secretary and may be con sulted by telephone at Woodlawn 2273. Mrs, Brandt to Entertain for Woman's Club. Christmas Meeting of Current !( ernture Depart iiu-nt to He Held at Her Home Thursday. MR& VICTOR BRANDT will enter tain the members of the current literature department of the Portland Woman's club at a Christmas meet ing on Thursday, December 15, at her home, 160 Mirlmar place. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock and Mrs. Brandt will be assisted by: Mrs. C. L Boss, Mrs. A. L. Caufield, Mrs. Lean deT Martin, Mrs. Thaxter Reed, Mrs. Philip Uevurtz and Mrs. Byron Miller Mrs. Walter S. Klein will read Christmas stories and Mrs. Nettle Greer Taylor will alng Christmas carols. Members are asked to bring the usual gifts for the children's homes. The Home Social club will meet Thursday at 2 P. M. with Mrs. Fred Hagg and Mrf Harry Crawford at 427 North Twenty-flrst street. Take Sixteenth-street car to Vaughn street, a .' Woodstock Parent-Teacher associa tion will meet Tuesday afternoon at the school. Parents will be asked to respond to roll-call with a suggestion of an educational toy or game. Come and bring your Christmas sewing. s Pupils of the Rose City Park school were presented in a play, "The Pump kin's Dream." at the regular meet ing of Section A. last Monday eve ning. Little Miss -Jane Lyon and Daphne Sommers gave solo .dances and Geraldine Hinkston gave violin solos. Other participants in the pro gramme were Geraldine Hainey, Bet ty Needham, Menanna Edgar. Doro thy Billings, Evelyn Krag, Mildred MeCucheon, Anita Enler, Elizabeth Searle and Helen Cornell. Refresh ments were served. Soction B will meet Tuesday, De cember 20. at 2.30 o'clock. The regu lar community dace will be held on the same evening. Everyone is in vited. An interesting feature of the ob servance of American Education week was the entertainment given by the children of adults attending Mrs. May Saith's evening American izatlon class at the Arleta school. The children who attend the day school were invited to come to the class with their parents and give a pro gramme of music and recitations in English, which they did, to the great delight of all present- The children .- - ' participating In the programme In cluded Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Assyrian and Finnish children. There were 45 present. As a result of the recently stimu lated interest in Americanization, an afternoon class for mothers Is being organized.- This will meet two after noons a week in the Arleta library and will be tamght by Mrs. Saith. fl The glee club of the Daughters ofi. Isabella took a prominent part dur ing Music week, singing at the Knights of Columbus house. Catholic Women's league and las; Sunday evening at the banquet given by the Daughters of Isabella at the Benson hotel. Wonderful progress has been made by this club. Buokman Parent-Teacher associa tion will meet Thursday at 3 P. M. in the school assemlbly. Mrs. C. W. Hay hurst will give a reading from Helen Eakin Sterrett's writings, "True Christmas Spirit," and E. H. Whit ney will give a talk on vocational training. The pupils of the school will take part in the programme. Orflenn Parfltit.Tpnfhor mimu,I 1 hoa ! Just returned from Corvallls. where she attended a meeting of the Cor vallls Parent-Teacher council. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Hill and J. E. Brockway. Boy Scout executive, were speakers at a laige meeting and Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Hill held an Informal conference with the parent-teacher workers of that city. Mrs. W. H. Buxton, an ex-president of Glencoe Parent-Teacher associa tion. Is president of the Corvallls council. The Holman Parent-Teacher asso ciation will hold its regular meeting next Thursday at 3 o'clock In the school assembly. The executive board will meet promptly at 2 o'clock. The subject of "Vocational Guidance" will bo given by Mrs. C. P. Soland, the president. Mrs. G. C. Pentherer will talk on the subject of "Educational Toys and Games." I The children of the lower grades will give an elaborate Christmas pro gramme. Refreshments will be served during the social hour. At a later date the parents will give the annual Christmas tree and treat. Women's Legislative Com mittee Has Meeting. Limitation of Armament to Be Target of Workers. THE legislative committee of the Portland Federation of Women's Organizations gives promise of being one of the most active of the many committees of that large body of women. Mrs. G. L. Buland is chair man of the committee and other members are: Mrs. Eldon J. Steele, Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey. Mrs. Leander Martin. Mrs. Frances Whitehead, Miss Vella Winner and Mrs. Alexander Thompson, president of the federa tion, an ex-officio member. Mrs. Buland entertained the mem bers of her committee at lunch at the University club Wednesday, when plans for the season's work were out lined. Mrs. Buland explained that she thought the committee should con cern itself with city, state and na tional legislation. Mrs. Torrey will keep the federation informed on con gressional matters: Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Whitehead will keep in touch with state legislative matters, and Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Thompson will look after local matters that will be of Interest to the federation The dis semination of Information concerning the work of the committee was dele gated to Miss Winner. The first matter that the commit tee Will take up la the limitation of armament. Mrs. Buland la a member of the Portland council on limitation of armament and she Is hopeful of obtaining a resolution from each of the federated organizations urging imitation of armaments, being con inced that success at Washington epends upon the formation in Port and and other cities of a public opinion "which is too insistent to be denied and too intelligent to be fooled." The following is the resolu tion which the council Is asking or ganizations to adopt: To President Warren G. Harding and the United States Representatives in the Conference on the Limitation of Arma ments: We hereby commende the vigorous pro posals presented by Secretary Hughes for the United States delegates, with th ap proval of the president. We urge, in line with the British pro posals, the strict limitation of the con struction and use of submarines and their ultimate elimination. We express the profound hope that the problems of land armaments will be treat ed with like directness and vigor. Finally, we express the conviction that the people of the United States are look ing to the conference to obtain. In the words of President Harding. "Less of ar mament and none of war." While this resolution has grown out of the deliberations of the Portland council, all organizations throughout the state are asked to pass these or similar resolutions and telegraph them directly to President Harding. The legislative committee plans to hold metings once each month on the Wednesday prior to the federation meeting. The next meeting will be at the Portland hotel, when Miss Win tier will be hostess. Research Study Department to Meet Wednesday. 4". A. Miller of Pacific University to Speak oa "Disarmament." A MEETING of the study depart ment of the Portland Woman's Research club will be held Wednes day at the home of Mrs. L. C. Mc Cabe, 317 Killingsworth avenue Mrs. Lee Davenport Is chairman of the programme and Mrs. C. H. Chambreau heads the luncheon committee, as sisted by Mrs. Charles Ray. Mrs. M. H. McClung, Mrs. Theodore Strah meyer. Mrs. C. M. Pearce. Mrs. Fred Vogler, Mrs. Elliott Moon, Mrs. H. L. Ganoe, Mrs. C. L. Dutcher, Mrs. G. W. Stapleton. C. A. Miller, president of Pacific university, will be the speaker of the day. His subject will be "Disarmament." Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock. Reservations should be made by calling Main 1033 today. Take Williams avenue car. Ladies of the Maccabees. Acme Hive, will entertain with a card party Tuesday evening, at the Alaska building. The public is invited. At tractive prizes will be given. The Girls' Friendly society of St. David's church will meet for the monthly dinner Wednesday, December 14, at 6:30 o'clock in the Chapel and a business meeting wili ioiiow. ah giris are welcome. . Glencoe Parent-Teacher .. ; ,Mnn will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, uecemDer 13, at 2:30 o'clock in the school assembly. An interesting pro gramme has been nrpnnrpH nnr nil patrons of the school are urged to at- iena. Winslow Meade Circle, No. 7, Ladies of the G. A. R., will hold Its annual bazaar tomorrow in room 525 court house. Many useful articles will be on sale as well as home-cooked foods, and a dinner will be served at 11:30 A. M. The public is invited. The Women's sooiety of the First Baptist church (White Temple) will hold Its regular monthly Industrial meeting at the church Wednesday, December 14, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sewing will be done both for ' the White Cross and the welfare bureau, arj It Is hoped there will be a large I attendance. The Portland Shakespeare Study -club will meet Wednesday, December 14, at 2 o clock, at the home of Mrs. A. B. Combs 1079 East Morrison 9treet. Mrs. T. Francis Drake will be assisting hostess. Miss Elizabeth Eugenie Woodbury will lead the class and an Interesting meeting is prom ised. Take Sunnyslde or Mount Tabor car east to Thirty-fifth street. The annual Christmas party of the Mount Scott Mental Culture club will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy D. Armstrong. 7013 Fifty-second avenue Southeast, Thursday afternoon. De cember 15. Each member who has not given for the present exchange has been asked to send an article worth not more than 15 cents to Mrs. Armstrong. This is the season for annual gifts to the Baby home. Sumner Relief Corps No. 21 will hold Its annual bazaar and dinner Wednesday, December 14, In room 525, courthouse, under the direction of Mrs. Helen Davenport. Mrs. Mil dred Newel will have charge of the apron booth. The fancy work will be presided over by Mrs. Harriet Hendee and Mrs. Jennie BoDIne will offer a display of pillow slips, towels, dresser scarfs, handkerchiefs, and many other articles desirable for Christmas gifts. The candy booth will be In charge of Mrs. John C. Sharp. A roast beef dinner will be served, beginning at 11:30 o'clock. The public Is invited. PRINEVILLE. Or., Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) The four women's clubs of Prineville the Shumia, Shumla Ju nior, the Ladles' Annex and the Psy chocrat recently gave a dance for the purpose of raising their pledge of $100 for the Federation of Women's clubs. An exceptionally large crowd was in attendance and the affair was a success. Miss Myldred Dlshman of this city was this week appointed vice-president for Crook county of the Women's General Auxiliary to the Associated Industries of Oregon. The appoint ment was made by Mrs. Ida B. Calla han. Miss Dlshman Is active in club work here and is president of the Shumia Junior club of this city. v WASHINGTON', D. C, Dec. 10. "Women of all centuries have loathed war and loved peace," said an emi nent women today. In discussing the work and progress of the limitation of armament conference. "They have always longed for world peace, and believed that some time it would come true. But they have never been so certain that it is a practical pos sibility, as at this moment. In this world-wide aspiration for an agree ment among nations, to bring about a reduction of arms, and to insure permanent world peace, American women are taking the lead. "Club women, school women, home women, and business women we are all working for the same cause. We are affiliating with organizations, in the hope that by united action, we may build the first firm foundation for eternal peace. Many of us are working with the genera! commit tee on the limitation of armament, which is a citizens' body formed for the purpose of arousing and mobiliz ing public opinion of America, so that the international conference on the limitation of armament and problems of the Pacific shall not fail." Among the well-known women of America who are affiliated with the general committee on the limitation of armament, at its national heari- quarter, 1319 F street, Washington, ' are: Mrs. Thomas G. Winter of Min reapolis. president-general of the Federation 6f Women'a Clubs and a member of the advisory board of the disarmament conference: Mrs. Arthur C. Watkins. executive secretary of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher association; Miss M. Carey-Thomas. president of Bryn Mawr college. Pennsylvania; Miss Ida M. Tarbell, of New York. Journalist; MrW. Glfford Plnchot. Milford. Pa. Mrs. Watkins Is recording secretary of the committee and Mrs. Winter. Mrs Pin chot, Miss Thomas and Miss Tarbell are members of the governing board of 27. Dr. Wise's study class will meet Tuesday. December 13. at 10:30 o'clock at the Concordia club. These classes are most Interesting and are becom ing very popular. The public is in vited. Memers of the ladies' gym class of Montavllla school entertained their husbands Monday evening In the au ditorium hall. More than 100 attend ed and enjoyed a delightful evening. The class Is growing rapidly and ex pects to entertain all the gym classes in the city during the winter term. The Ladles' Aid society of the First United Evangelical church, Ladd's ad dition, met at the home of Mrs. La vlna Staver, 764 Schuyler street. Wednesday afternoon for Its regular monthly business meeting. Election of officers for the coming year re sulted as follows: Mrs. Elva McCarl. president: Mrs. Mae Eby, vice-president; Mrs. Nellie Roberts, secretary; Mrs. Lily Sauter, treasurer. A sliver tea followed the business session. The society will meet all day Wednesday In the church parlors to sew. ThePennsylvanla Women's club met for luncheon last week Saturday at the Washington - street Hazelwood. Mrs. D. T. Van Tine, president, pre sided at the business session, which was followed by a programme of poems by Janette Martin. The lunch eon was attended by Mesdames M. Banfield. A. Cutler, W. W. Dugan, Sarah Evans. E. Frankhauser. M. Loury, J. M. Mark, A. C. Ruby, A. S. Robinson, F. C. Wynne, D. T. Van Tine, S. L. Mlzen. S. P. Garrlgus, A. Butlgan, F. B. Layman, C. M. Krum beln, H. J. Martin, A. McCarthy. E. Wilson. R. Fundenburg, E. Zimmer man, A. G. White, Misses E. Turrell. E. Klssell, S. Pettinger and M Bluhm. Phalena temple. No. 17, Pythian Sis ters, which held Its first annual ba zaar Thursday in the lodge rooms of the East Side Business Men's club building, will celebrate the first an niversary of its organization tomor row night at Orient hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. State officers who will participate are: Mrs. W. H. Farrlngton, grand mistress of records and corespondence ; Mrs. Bessie K. James, grand protector, and Mrs. Helen Austin Hogan, grand senior. Walter G. Geason, grand keeper of records and seals of the Pythian state lodge, Is to give an address. The de gree staffs and officers of Orpheus and Rose City lodges, Pythian Sis ters, have been invited as special guests. Phalena temple has 94 mem bers. BALTIMORE, Md.. Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) Plans for a Pan-American con ference of women, recently announced by the National League of Women Voters, were enthusiastically com mended at a luncheon given by the Maryland league, when speakers rep resenting several South American countries, as well as prominent citi zens of Baltimore, discussed the un dertaking and gave It their hearty in dorsement. Guests of honor at the luncheon, which was held at the Merchants' club. included His Excellency Senor Don F. A. Pezet. ambassador of Peru; Mme. Adolfo Balllviam. wife of the minister of Bolivia; Dr. Francisco J. Yanes, assistant director of the Pan American union, and Mme. Yanes and Mrs. Jaime C. de Veyra of Washing ton. Mrs. Richard Edwards of Indi ana, first vice-president of the Na tional League of Women Voters, rep resented the national organization. Mrs. Charles E. Ellicott, president of the Maryland league, presided. Monday Musical Club Will Sponsor Theater Party. Benefit to Be (ilvrn nt Baker on Tuesday, December 13. THE Monday Musical club Is spon soring a benefit theater party at the Baker Tuesday night, December 13. The play will be Willard Mack's comedy melodrama, "Smooth as Silk," and special actions will be featured between acts. Mrs. Paul L. Vos burgh and Miss Gertrude Joeber, members of the club, will entertain. Chaptef W of the P. E. O. Sister hood will be entertained at a covered dish luncheon at th home of Mrs. T. H. Martin. 704 East Fifty-eighth street North, tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. E. Heath and Mrs H. H. Heath will be joint hostesses at a luncheon for the members of Chapter E of the P. E. O. Sisterhood on Thurs day at 123 East Fifteenth street. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. A feature of the afternoon's pro gramme will be the singing of Christ mas carols. Much interest Is shown In the char ity card party and tea to be held Tuesday In the Catholic Women's league rooms in the Filers building. 2S7H Washington street. Both bridge and "500" will be played. Mrs. I. L. McNeff will be In charge, assisted by a committee. Miss Mayme Helen Flynn will be In charge of an in formal musicale to be given during the tea hour. A silver offering will be taken to help the welfare commit tee of the league bring Christmas cheer to the needy. The Corriente club will be enter tained at the home of Mrs. H. S. Tut rt 111. 1611 East Salmon street, Tuesday. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock and members will respond to rollcall with a "current event." The subject for the day's programme will be "Rus sian Writers." and Miss Bertha Moores will give a paper on "The Brothers Karamazoo." by Fyodor Sostvevsky and Mrs. Bertha Hill will give a review of the book "Fathers and Children." by Ivan Turgenez. The women are asked to come prepared to sew for the Albertina Kerr nursery. The reception given by Cartozian Bros, to the Business Women's club and their friends last Tuesday eve ning was a most Interesting and largely attended affair. The large showroom of the firm of 393 Wash ington street was filled to capacity. Many beautiful oriental rugs were displayed, some of which were part of a shipment which had arrived that day from abroad, the first to reach here since the end of the world war. Mrs. Emery Olmstead acted as hostess assisted by Mrs. Elizabeth Barry and Miss Emma Christman. H. O. Car tozian spoke on oriental rugs and told A BEAITIF1I, COIFKfRK Is every woman's desire and may be eery woman's poNMesslon, If her hair is cared for by our expert coif f ttrelats. 430 nttock Block. something about the home life of the people who make them. Mr. Gwynn Hoss gave several readings. Arme nian wedding cake, candies and coffee were served. The speaker at the Thursday lunch eon of the Business Women's club was Fred L Boalt. editor of the Port land News. Miss Margaret Ewing was hostess and Miss Adelia Prlchard, president of the club, presided. The programme was In charge of Miss Anne Mulheron. Thursday evening an illustrated lecture was given at the clubroom, 212 Central building, on Oregon au thors. John T. Hotchklss, manager of J. K. Gill book department, was in charge. Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons gave a reading, and Miss Anne Shan non Monroe gave a short talk. A Christmas party for the club members and their friends Is being planned for Tuesday evening, Decem ber 20, at the clubroom. Miss Marie Sommers, chairman of the programme committee, has charge of the arrange ments. The Woman's Forum will meet to morrow at the home of Mrs E. Slo cum, 1226 Wilber street. Hostesses will be Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. W. G. Lemon. Quotations from Oregon authors will be given as answers to rollcall and music will be provided by Mis. E. D. Morgan Fowle. A paper on "Oregon Historians" will be read by Mrs. E. C. Cochran. The civic lesson "Taxes and Where They Go" will be given by Mrs. Albert Bedgood. A pa per on "Nomination of Candidates" will be read by Mrs. W. C. Elford.. The business session will be from 11 to 12 o'clock. Luncheon will be served by the hostesses and the programme will follow. Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden is president. Will Irwin to Be Honor Guest at Luncheon. Orcfcon Rram h of I.rasrur of Voter to Compliment Writer. ONE of the big events of the week in club circles will be the lunch eon by the Oregon branch of the National League of Women Voters tomorrow at 12 o'clock in the Arcadian grill of Multnomah hotel, comp'imentlns Will Irwin. noted writer, lecturer and newspaper man. who is to be a Portland visitor the fore part of the week. The leagHie. has invited other clubs and organizations of the city to participate In the affair, and covers will be laid for about 400 prominent men and women. During the course of the luncheon Mr. Irwin will give an informal talk on matters of vital importance to the nation at the present time. This will be the writer's only public appearance in the city prior to his lecture at the munic ipal auditorium in the evenng. Mrs. Dallas Bache, state president of the National League of Women Voters, will preside, and Richard W. Montague, member of the local limi tation of armament committee, will introduce the honor guest. The Laurelhurst Study club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Laurelhurst clubhouse. Mrs. Horace K. Thomas will enter tain The Alameda Tuesday club at her home, 911 Dunckley avenue. Tuesday at 2 P. M. A board meeting of the Catholic Women's league will be held Tuesday at 10 A. M. in the league headquarters in the Filers building. The meeting of the parliamentary law class for Parent-Teacher presi dents has been postponed until the second Monday in January. The regular meeting of Peter A. Porter circle. No. 25, Ladles of the G. A. R.. will be held Wednesday. Of ficers for the ensuing year will be elected. Auxiliary of company E. 162d In fantry, will meet with Mrs. B. M. Harris. 176 East Sherman street. Thursday. Tak" Hawthorne car to Glenn avenue and walk south to Sher man street. The day will be spent sewing for the Waverly baby home. The Woman's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will meet at 2:30 P. M. Tuesday in the chapel The programme Is in charge of Mrs Clenn Q. Townsend and the subject Is 'Christ's Birth in Song and Story." Dr Bowman will conduct the devotional service. Mrs. B. A. Thaxter will tell an original Christmas story and Miss Mary Wylie will sing. Members of the Portland Study club enjoyed an interesting and instructive session November 22 at the home of Mrs. dimming. A talk on "Fur. Fish and Game of Alaska" was given by Mrs. Seaton and Mrs. Cawley, re viewed Herbert's "Two Dianas in Alaska." The next meeting of the club will be held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. J. Roberts. 537 East Forty fifth street North. S Alnsworth Parent-Teacher associa tion will hold Its regular meeting Wednesday in the assembly of the school. Robert Krohn will talk to the children and mothers at 2 o'clock. His subject will het "How to Keep Well." This will be followed by the regular business meeting and pro gramme. Mr," EIth Smith will talk on "Books" and Mrs. George Rebec will have as her subject "Toys and Christmas Spirit." The Portland Progress club met at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Teeters Thursday. IClSl D. Kavana. superin tendent of the Peninsula General hos pital at St. Johns, told in an interest ing way of her work at the front. Miss Kavana was a nurse overseas for four years, most of the time di rectly behind the firing line. She told in detail of the work done there. Kennedy Parent-Teacher associa tion, the 50th organization In the Portland council, was organized at a meeting held Thursday afternoon In the school assembly. Mrs. Margery Jordan was elected president; Mrs. A. H. Robertson, vice-president ; Mrs. 'jiimiiiiiiiiu iiimimiiimmiiiiMc iiiiiimimiiiimiiiiiiimm t t Save Your Hair Make it abun dant give it new life and luster if gray if or faded restore It to Its nat- ural youthful color and beauty. I Prevent Dandruff prevent falling hair and Itching scalp. Simply use O-K-B II Mil TONIC 77 N--t r dy, but n hnrmlritn nnri Nrientlfic prepftrntloii. Prescript! on hv pupil of w. Gr-i I l!nir, Prof. Ai recipient of cold. aiWer and bronze medaU. Manufactured by I O-K-lt M AM r.XCTl RIN. CO. s For hm1 In Portland by the Owl lru; Co., Rosenthal SUtern with I.lpman, Wolfe & Co.; Meier & Krank Co.. Frank Nau Drug ( o., Wood- i ard-Clarke) Drue Co. ; Lewis A st en aer Barber Supply Co. We Tell It There's a Swing j and Smartness that stamps the hall-mark of "Sweet Sixteen" on every "Sweet Sixteen", creation, and it is conceded everywhere that the products of this institution have no rivals. Such a Riotous Variety of Fashion in Dresses ! for daytime and evening is a rare spectacle. Interest in them is not confined to the miss. Wom en of all ages find their most becoming frocks among them in sizes 16 to 44. New Ideas Appear in the New Silk-Lined Wraps and Goats I 145-147 BROADWAY Also: New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles. Ella Slmonson, secretary, and Miss Margaret Handle, treasurer. Great interest was shown In the opening meeting and It is expected that the circle will grow rapidly and do many things for the school and district. Speakers of the day were Mrs. W. II. Bathgate, president of the Port land Parenf-Teacher councli. and Miss Cornelia Spencer, principal of the school. At the regular meeting of the Dis abled Veterans' auxiliary to be held ;n room A. public library tomorrow at 2 P. M.. a detailed report of the In vestigation of the public health serv-1 ice now under way will be given. The use of the auditorium has been do Have you ever really heard the Duo-Art piano? Why don't you come in and ask us to play Paderewski for you, or any other great master's own playing, on the marvelous Duo-Art pianola? The Duo-Art plays any other standard 88-note player roll also. May we call, and give you an estimate on the turn-in value of your old instrument? Steinway and other Duo-Art pianos Sherman jflay & Co Sixth and Morrison Street PORTLAND Opposite Poatoftn LATTLE TACOMA SPOKANB With Values That the new arrivals have no rivals is evident to all who have canvassed the field of fashion. Like Quality is hard to find at the price. Like Fash ion is harder to find at the price. iiM.:::..:;iiiiimi,ihiinui. .yjii nated for the Christmas entertain ment for disabled veterans and their families, December 26. There will be a large tree, a musical programme and dancing In the wings. All dis abled veteruns are rquested to reg ister at headquarter.,, 310 Buchanan building. The entertainment commit tee will have an interesting report to make and a large attendance is re quested. Beach Parent-Teacher association will hold Its regular meeting Wednes day at 2:30 o'clock In room 12 of the school. A short business session will be held, followed by a programme of songs sung by the pupils from room 4. 1 1 'oni liiile'l on I'ase 7 t