THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 11, 1921 P The decorations and favors were in keeping with the holiday season. A CJhristmas grab bag formed part of the entertainment of the afternoon. Guests included Mrs. C. R. Miller, Mrs. W. H. Brandes, Mrs. O. Naur nann, Mrs. R. D. Barr, Mre. L. A. Ellis, Mrs. H. W. Grumwaldt, Mrs. W. Josse, Mrs. W. Sengbusdh, Mrs. T. D. Barr. Mrs. T. TJetland. Mrs. J. Relech maiui and Miss Pauline E. Steuer. BMiatintiTODMODfiiOT H-LIEBES & CO- LIT IE IB Furs and individual style shops. Broadway at Morrison Furs and individual style shops. Broadway at Morrison Give a practical gift ! ' ' ' ' ' are planned for the first Friday in each month, the next one to be .1 in uary 6 at SokcTs hall on Duke avenue. Dr. J. H. Tllden of Denver was honor guest at a reception given on Wednesday afternoon In the Columbia tnrllding. The Portland Physiothera peutic Institute and the Portland Woman's club and the Oregon Society of Physiotherapy entertained. Receiv- lng were Mrs. C. B. Runyon, Mrs. Victor Brandt. Mrs Watson, Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Easter, Dr. and Mrs. Virgil MacMlckle. Bobles Johnson was the soloist. Mrs. James B. Rogers, 493 East Twenty-eightn street, entertained the Sunshine club and a few invited guests at a Christmas luncheon on Wednesday. Covers were laid for 11. COMING EVENTS. A card party of wide Interest will be given Tuesday afternoon, begin ning at 2 o'clock sharp, by the Toa dies' auxiliary of the Temple Ahavi Sholem at B'nai B'rith hall. Thir teenth and Mill streets. Mrs. Meyer Wax, Main 1247, is chairman, and reservations may be made by apply ing to her. The proceeds will go to ward purchasing an organ for the synagogue. St. Matthew's women's guild will hold a bazaar at Mission hall, Cor bett and Bancroft streets, Wednes day afternoon and evening. A pro gramme will be given in the evening The Camelia Social club. O. E. S., will give Its annual Christmas party on the evening of December' 16 In Sunnyside Masonic hall. East Thirty ninth and Hawthorne avenue, for club members and their families. There will be dancing, cards, refreshments and a Christmas tree. Mrs. R. Baker is chairman. A coming event of Interest planned by the Knights of Columbus is the minstrel show to be given December IB and IS in the municipal auditorium. A special complimentary matinee will be given on Thursday afternoon for all orphan Institutions in and near Port land, for disabled war veterans and for newsboys and residents of old peo ple's homes. The Illinois society will hold it December meeting Tuesday. Decem ber 13. at 8 P. M. In the Portland ho tel assembly rooms. The programme will consist of numbers by the follow ing: Miss Lillian Moleson, reader; Miss Daisy Gibson, vocalist; Frank lin T. Griffith will speak . and Dr. Riley will sing the Oregon 1925 song. Following there will be cards, danc ing and refreshments. All Illinolsans and friends are invited to be present. Tony Sarg's marionettes will be presented at Washington high school on Wednesday. The proceeds will be devoted to the purchasing of books for the school library. The puppets are little figures of wood dressed to perfection In minute detail surrounded by complete scen ery to scale, with all effects brought down so that they give the illusion that the play is being interpreted by real actors. The marionettes are about three feet in height, perfectly propor tioned, skillfully Jointed'and capable of rrfaking all the movements of the human beings they so closely resem ble. The figures are all designed and carried to perfection by Tony Sarg, who introduced the puppet show Into this country from Europe. A company of eight or nine puppe teers manipulate the strings that ani mate Ue marionettes, speak the lines, change the scenery, work the electric lights and play the various instru ments and sing as the action of the play requires. Thackeray's "The Rose and the Ring" will be presented in, the after noon and "Rip Van Winkle" In the evening. A card party will be given on Tues day at 2 o'clock in 525 courthouse by the Scout Young auxiliary. No. 3. Cards will start promptly at 2 o'clock. ' William Moore Stack council, Amer ican association of the Irish republic, will meet Tuesday evening at the res idence of Mrs. J. B. Benoit, 529 Green wood avenue. - The Alpha Pi girls will hold a holi day food sale on December 17, at 87 Fourth street, Henry building. The sale will be an all-day event. Pies, cakes and cookies and holiday wreaths and garlands will be on sale. Mrs. Verne Hansen will be chairman. Miss Lucile McCorkle and other members will assist. Mre. A. Benson and Mrs. E P. Cownlse will be .hostesses next Thurs day for the women of the Elks' card party. At the last meeting, card honors went to Mies M. Troy, Mrs. D. David son, Mrs, J. S. McHugh and Mrs. A. C. Smith in bridge and to Mrs. H. Green, Mrs. W. Montgomery, Mrs. S. K. WiUett and Mrs. George Zeller in 500. The Kenton club will give a dance next Wednesday in Its club house, Russtt street, between Fenwick and Interstate avenue Arrangements have been completed by the Willing Workers' society of the First Spiritual science church for the bazaar to be held Wednesday, De cember 14, in Portland hotel assembly hall. Among the many dances to be given during the holiday season will be the special holiday party given by Mrs. C. Christensen and Victor Chrlsten een for the members of the Junior As sembly club and their friends. Chrls- (Concluded on Page ") S. WEISS THE LADIES' TAILOR 344 MORRJS"! SI. ROYAL BLDG. grafts, mm The The Phonograph With a Soul This noble phonograph, a product of the master mind of Thomas A. Edison, stands pre-eminent among sound reproducing instruments, because it actually RE-CREATES music, as repeatedly demonstrated by Tone Tests with the living artists who make Edison Records. It records the delicate emotional impulses of the hu man voice with a fidelity that is astonishing, and the listener instantly recognizes and appreciates the dif ference between the ordinary talking machine and the New Edison Reed French Piano Co. Washington at Twelfth Street Open Evenings The gift incomparable a Liebes fur coat at a new low level of prices Divide the first cost by the years of wear of pleasurable wear that go with the purchase of a Liebes fur. Inconceivably low isn't it? 40-inch Hudson seal coats Coats that come well below the knee, made with snug-fitting belts and large roll collars a ry - rr all of Hudson seal, ZiDAJU 40-inch Hudson seal coats with collars and cuffs of skunk, beaver or soft squirrel; re- A7 CC markable values at T- 3nJ 36-inch Hudson seal coats Skunk trims one handsome, belted model at this extremely low figure ; another, is trimmed with Hudson seal. Both are unusual at Ey 00 A world of other splendid models similarly low priced! ESTABLISHED 1864 Holiday Gifts of Marked Individuality We are prepared to present to you this Christmas season the finest productions shown. FOR MEN English Hand-Loom Ties Italian Grenadine Ties Tailored Cloth Hats Amazon Hats Barberry Coats French and Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Walking Sticks, Umbrellas Riding Crops and Whips Horse Riding Leggings Box Cloth Spats Coat Sweaters Shetland Cardigans vnd Waistcoats Slip-on Sweaters Men's Wool Hose Kashmir and Lambswool Mufflers Soft Collars Swiss Silk Mufflers Evening Dress Shirts White Dress Waistcoats Lanola Silk and Wool Rags White Negligee Shirts Fine Leather Goods Fox's Spiral Puttees Camels Hair Polo Coats Knitted Outing Coats Kashmir and Shetland Wool Gloves Alfred Danhill Bruyere Pipes Custom-Made Shirts Golf Clubs and Balls Stewart Iron Clubs Knicker Hose Golf Bags English Golf Suits FOR WOMEN Burberry Coats Umbrellas Camels Hair Polo Coats Women's Knitted Skirts Kashmir and Lambswool Mufflers Swiss Silk Mufflers Box Clofh Spats Sweaters K. S. Ervin & Co., Ltd. Established 1901 GENERAL ENGLISH TAILORS AND CLOTHES READY TO WEAR Second Floor Selling Bldg. Sixth and Alder Streets Lake Lytle Hotel OPEN ALL YEAR ON TILLAMOOK BEACH. LAKE LYTLE. OR. This hotel will supply every modern convenience and comfort. Well heated and lighted rooms, with hot and cold water in each. Attractive lobby, where dancing may be Indulged In. Sun parlor overlooking ocean. Southern Pacific depot near hotel. Accessible by auto all year. Special week-end or dinner par ties solicited. Reasonable winter rates. For Information write or phone MISS Jl l it M. PARKER, H(r P. O. Hockaway, Or. T ! r WHY BE FAT When I can teach you how to reduce your weight Safely. Permanently and Inexpensively, WITHOUT DRUGS ? HAVE VOI R HGl'KE Permanently Marshelled I will give FREE OF CHARGE a full course In weight reduction to the heav iest woman who brings a copy of this advertisement to my studio before Jan uary 1, and will refund the price of the course to every tenth applicant. If you live out or the city write lor Informa tion. Elizabeth Marshelle OBBSITT SPECIALIST. 807-8 Broadway Building. Main 8735. Monday 1 20 of our better COATS re-grouped at 75.00 and 95.00 Rich, smart, well-styled Liebes quality coats formerly priced much higher. , Many are collared with fine furs; others trimmed with the fabric. At 95.00; a smart coat of Forstman & Huffman Marvella the finest pile fabric made I Every coat is taken from our own racks. 4 important pre-holiday specials French hand-sewn lingerie 25c off Made in the convents of France, of silky batiste; richly embroidered, trimmed with real Valenciennes laces. Pleated into delicate, basket like shapes, ribbon tied. A new shipment of the finest lingerie procur able at any price reduced 25 ! All of our better ' costume blouses 20o off Silk, clnffon and lace-trimmed models, now priced 17.50 and more. A number of imported blouses Suit shades and vivid colorings hand somely beaded, trimmed with real laces! Our exclusive woolen sweaters 20o ,off Novel weaves, new colorings and combinations some with new collars that button high. Mostly in Tuxedo styles with narrow belts and mother-of-pearl buckles. Sweaters now marked 16.50 and more. A group of handsome silk sweaters 20o off Tuxedo styles in smart new weaves; a number with long, fringed skirts. In high or subdued colorings an unusual opportunity to pur chase a much-appreciated gift! . Liebes gift bonds delightful, thought ful remembrances is sued in any desired amount. ESTABLISHED tB64 Your packages wrapped shipped or mailed or expressed. Holiday Shipping Desk third floor.