.1 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 11. 1921 1 YV' urrv SB r- - i j H ggj uai .MIWH .... - ..Ma-mi f Shop in Comfort! Spacious aisles and courteous salespeople make shopping here a pleasure. Without Reservation Without Exception! f The Shop of Gifts Practical gifts dainty, appeal ing and feminine in endless array. Every Fur Choker Every Fur Cape Every Fur Scarf HALF PRICE! Every Fur Collar Every Fur Stole Every Fur Neckpiece Luxurious furs the gift treasured by every woman in the GREATEST PRE-HOLIDAY OFFERING IN OUR HISTORY! BELOW ARE QUOTED A FEW OF THE TYPICAL VALUES OFFERED. $165 Jap Mink Cape $ 82.50 $295 Squirrel Stole. . .147.50 $250 Skunk Scarf $125.00 $295 Mink Cape $147.50 $39.50 Stone Marten Cho ker $19.75 $69.50 Taupe Wolf Scarf $34.75 $47.50 Wolf Scarf $23.75 $85.00 Hudson Seal Stole $42.50 $89.50 Mole Stole $44.75 $79.50 Lynx Scarf $39.75 $39.50 Skunk Scarf. . . .$19.75 $55.00 Wolf Scarf $27.50 Fur Coats Radically Reduced! $98.50 Sealine. . .J $175 Near Seal, .j $215.00 Sealine squirrel collar 66.55 J116.65 and cuffs $143.35 $175 Maskrat. . -$116.65 $485 Hudson Seal with skunk col lar and cuffs. .$323.35 Plush Coats Radically Reduced! $17.50 Coat $11.65 $29.50 Coat $19.65 $39.50 Coat $26.35 S49.50 Coat $32.95 A Reasonable Deposit Will Hold Your Selection Until Christmas $57.50 Coat $38.35 $65.00 Coat $43.35 $75.00 Coat $50.00 $89.50 Coat $59.65 held at Christenen' hall on Monday. December 12. These parties are more popular than ever this year among the sir knlglitB, and the attendance has been most gratifying to the commit tee In charge Martha Washington Social club. Or der of the Eastern Star, will give a dunce and card party at Christen en's hall Wednesday night, December 14. The matrons and patrons of the city chapters have been Invited to act as patrons and patronesses for the affair. The next party of the Rose City Dancing club will be held on next Thursday evening, December 15. at Chrlstensen's hall, which will be the last party prior to the holidays. The following floor committee has been asked to serve on that occasion: Judge J. H. Stevenson. H. C. Thomp son, A. II. Stringer Jr., Fred Glenn and Frank J. McCarthy. On Tuesday Mrs. M. Zollam was hostess at a delightfully appointed luncheon at the Multnomah hotel, fol lowed by a theater party honoring Mbn Frieda La Grand, whose mar r u'-'e to Barnett (loldsten will be an fvi'.it of the coming week. The lunch , n lable was attractively decorated -,v h pink chrysanthemums and in i Vldual corsages marked the places r. ' til,- g'ics-fs, who were: Mesdames t' -r,. .fo(e;h. Frank Klernan. Jack i -. B. Suck. Leon Wolf. Charles i ii otrg and Miss Frieda La Grand. Nancy Ealerte Rahles, daugh t , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rahles. was I P. t on Saturday when she enter luinid 12 of her little friends and their mothers, the occasion being her seventh birthday. Music and games were the diversions of the afternoon. A delightful surprise party was e-iven FrlriHV eveninir in the Hotel Clifford parlors by a group of girls! In honor of W inafred Nelson s birth day. The rooms were beautifully decorated in greens with pink flowers. Refreshments were served with the table decorations and favors also in pink. The amusements were cards and dancing, and In keeping with the spirit of music week, a short musical programme was given with solos by Mrs. Frank Hunt and Leon Gibbs, and community songs led by Mrs. C. B. Welmer. The young girls who planned the surprise were Lillian Lovetz, Claire Fcharpf, Mrs. Dewey Rand. Mrs. Lyn don Scott and Louise Gilbert. They were assisted in receiving by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson and the manager And his wife, Mr. and MrB. C. B. Welmer. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rand, Mr. and Mrs. Lyn don Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Lamon, Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes, Misses Van Hunter, Esther Halvorsen, Marie Meagher, Effle Eppllng, Vera Hampton, Dymon Povey, Eva McCoy, Margaret Mc Cullough. Eugenia McNaughton. Vir ginia Helen Zander, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Zander; Messrs. Clayton Frisbie, Russell Standley, Ralph Halvorsen, Verne Gaut, Jean Vincent. Miss Helen West, who will return from Mills college this week, will en tertain with a tea on December 17. Miss Marion Farrell and Miss Fran ces Cornell will be hostesses on De cember 28 at a dance at Waverley Country club. Mr. and Mis. D. W. L. MacGregor were dinner hosts on Friday, honor ing Mrs. Gordon Forbes. -lt. and Ms s. Pierre Rosslter Hlnes v ft hosts on Thursday at dinner for Silas Loretta Brady. ... KrservallttDI are being made for t' e dinner dances to be given on New ". i s eve at the University and V al : ley Country clubs. Hi-Mui'iiig Mrs. George Mayo. Mrs. Vi in . Kendall gave a tea on Tuesday f ) about '5 gin sts. Among those who . n'.rd wer- Mrs. Preston Smith. A Gift Group of High Grade Blouses $9.85 A charming and sensible gift may be chosen from this group a specially reduced lot of high-grade blouses finest georgettes and crepe de chine in winsome modes white, flesh and darker shades. Special! Women's Wool Hose $1.00 Soft, warm green and brown heather mixtures in plain and ribbed weaves. Remarkable at $1. j-s y. j0vy 'rA s&z Ssz lsr e v- Mrs. Richard Parke, Mrs. Fred P. Mr.,-,, Yfr Whltnev Mnrrten. Mrs John Forest Dickson and Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Mrs. William MacMaster has Invited friends to be her guests on Tuesday afternoon for bridge and additional guests to tea Mrs. Gordon Forbes will be honored. Miss Ella Hirsch will entertain at bridge on Monday for Mrs. Frederick Levy of San Francisco. Mrs. Marcus Fleischner was a recent hostess ion orlng Mrs. Levy. Friendship auxiliary. Order of East ern Star, will meet next Thursday. December 15, at the home of Mrs. D. M. Loyd, 408 East Thirty-eighth street N. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. F. A. Gridley, Mrs. R. Baylis. Mrs. G. A. Sugnet, Mrs. J. B. Protz man, Mrs. C. L. McDonald and Mrs. A. H. Eastman. A large attendance Is j expected as it is the last meeting of the year when the annual election of officers is to be held. Mrs. Richard M. Blatchford. wife of the commanding general at Vancouver barracks, entertained a group of the officers' wives on Monday at one of a series of luncheons. Mrs Blatchford is an ideal hostess and has a charm of manner that en dears her to all On Friday night she Extra Special I Monday Only I "Kayser" 3-Star Silk Vests $4.45 Fine, heavy knit "Kayser" Silk Vests the FAMOUS $ J .45 THREE STAR BRAND MONDAY ONLY Kayser MarveUStripe Hose Extra! $3 SS Kayser patent marvel stripe pure dye ingrain silk hose the "Marvel-Stripe" is a series of knotted loops that prevent runs or garter tears pure dye ingrain silk insures wearing quality and luster. A wonderful hose extra special at $3.55. "Vanity Fair" Undersilks Greatly Reduced! Unsurpassed for the small, intimate gift $.5.50 Vanity Vests $2.35 $;.95 Vanity Bl'm'rs $2.65 $2.50 Vanity Vests $1.50 $5.00 Vanity Bl'm'rs $3.35 $5.50 Vanitv Unions $3.65 $8.95 Vanitv Bl'm'rs $5.95 EMOTUM A New Shiprhent of Silk Umbrellas $5.85 (Tax included.) Splendid colored silks with white and colored novelty handles rings, ferrules and tips. Splendid values at $5.85 (tax included) ideal for gift-giving ! New! Middy Slip-On Sweaters $4.95 Smart new slipon sweaters of wool knit in all the best shades collar may be worn up or turned back. A Gift The Genuine EMMA E. Goodwin Corsets Can be obtained only of MME: MARIE U ZEITFUCHS Mill' 5494 312 Fliedner Bldg. 407 Washington at 10th St. never depreciating in value, rather serving as a personal reminder of your thoughtful ness each day, is Your Photograph It will be the best in portraiture when bear ing the name of Aune Photographic Studio Formerly . lJImore irove. 839 MORGAN BLDG. For your appointment today phone Main 339. XMAS SPECIALS POPULAR PRICES Open Sandny 10 to 4. 124-128 SIXTH attended the Hill Military academy reception for Captain and Mrs. Flegel and was attractively gowned In black net adorned with sequins and crystal beading, made over ivory satin. At the game reception Mr.". Olcott. wife of Governor Olcott. waj admird In a gown of black sequins o' black satin. Mrs. R. Lee Stelner of Salem was handsome in a beaded gown of I orchid. Mrs. Karl Flegel wa., lovely (Continued ,r. Phrh 4.) furs the Gift of Gifts oo 1 Eric V. Hauser, Owner Jfflultnomal) Hotel Richard W. Price, Manager Two Big Events Christmas Day Dinner $2.00 plate New Year's Gv Supper Dance Vaudevlll Features Souvenirs gfcjg plate Phone Broadway 4080 Again we request our patrons to make their reservations early, as we already have many reser vations for these two events. Christmas dinner will be served In the gold room. New Year's Eve supper In the Arcadian Grill.' Assembly Hail and Grand .Ballroom. Great Remodeling Sale offers an unusual buying opportunity. Your choice of any Fur in our great stock at reductions of ' 25 to 50 Fnrs of Guaranteed Quality HUDSON BAY FUR CO. now located WEST PARK AND MORRISON I 1 For Her A Xmas Gift that will give greater joy and longer use. Willow Furniture in chairs, lounges, settees, tables; rockers, lamps, ferneries, tabou rettes, etc.; reasonably priced. Many patterns in stock or made to your order. t Portland Wicker Furniture Mfg. Co. 207 Third Street. Main 2091 A Gift for the Baby is a gift for all the famliy. Nowhere in all the 0 country will you find more or lovlier "gifty" things for wee folks than here. "Ascher" Knit Sweater Suits Sweaters Sacques Bootees Shawls Carriage Robes Buy "Ascher" knit wearables and be as sured of the ,utmost .satisfaction to the mother and comfort for baby. Priced from 25 to $9.75 Suggestions Coats Robes Kimonos Sleeping Bags Blankets Rompers Toques Dresses Hose Gertrudes Shirts Caps Pillows Hoods Pillow Tops Bibs Shoes Nighties Wrappers Ribbon Novelties Record Books Rain Capes Every article in our shop is moderately priced Gifts from 25c to $25.00 Buntings A special Automobile and Carriage Bag for baby's Christmas gift. Made of soft double faced eiderdown, tan outside and white next to baby's clothes. Priced Very Special at ,s;t.!r. Carriage Robes Crepe de chine lined with double-faced eiderdown, bound all around withsilkribbon. Special, $:.7." 388 Morrison St., Near Tenth i 4