SECTION THREE VOL. XL THM tinklinfr hellH that call atten tion to the Salvation Army's kettles, the gaily decorated shop windows and the many college dance dates that are being announced serve to remind society that Christmas is only two weeks away. The society matrons really are "shopping early" this year. Call them up almost any morning after 'J o'clock and over the wire in the respectful voice of the maid will come the answer "Mrs. U. she is out a long time already. She 1b Christmas shopping." This past week there Was the bridge tournament Monday, both afternoon and night, as an 'opening event for a busy week orjstal room of the i:. t hiKij irest tited a most attractive appearance on the occasion of the tournament. Kveryone denied to enjoy the unique experience ofj play ing hands that had been arranged for previously by experts. Society was well represented. The tntereat was doubled of because every one knew that the money would go toward helping ' the child welfare work of the American Committee for Devastated France. Miss Annie Blanche Shelby, Mrs. J. N. Teal and all the other members of the com mittee who worked so faithfully for the success of the affair received many compliments on the efficient manner in which the Portland tour nament was handled. Thursday night the dinner dance given by the chamber of commerce was quite a delightful affair and an Innovation. Again society was well represented and many handsome gowns were no ticed. Mrs. William Mat-Master and a coterie of prominent matrons were patronesses. The committee of 100 was in charge of details. Friday night was one of the very busiest of the whole week. The As sembly club dance was held at Laurel hurst club house. The Irvington club had a large formal dance. The Sub scription club met at Portland Heights club house. The Multnomah inter mediates had a dance at their club house. The formal mili'ary reception at Daniels hall, the Junior residence of Hill Military academy, was an im portant event. The honor guests were Captain Earl Coulson Flegel, U. S. A., and his pretty wife. Captain Flegel, detailed to the academy by the war department, arrived Just re cently front Texas. Mrs. Flegel, who will be remembered as Barbara Steiner, is the daughter of Dr. aAi Mrs K. Lee Steiner of Salem. Quite a long list of guests from Salem ac cepted the invitation Issued by the faculty and officers and attended the recept ion. Governor and Mrs. Olcott and Gen eral and Mrs. It M. Blatchford, Mrs. S.' B. Linthlcum and the Misses Fail ing were among the patrons of the affair. The receiving party was sta tioned In the library. Dancing was a feature enjoyed by the younger set and the army officers. Several mem bers of Hill Alumni association also assisted. The table where supper was served was centered with an artistically ar- j " '''"SBBBB i - '-' aft Jm- B " ggfii -,i n, . - ..,. . - Jf Jjjr ranged basket of chrysanthemums. Palms and chrysanthemums were used in decorating the rooms. An orchestra furnished musici Assisting in the supper room were Mrs. William Bar rett Streeter, Mrs. H. F. Kendall, Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, Mrs. Clyde Kelly of Vancouver barracks. Miss Gwladys Bowen, Miss Adeline Kendall, Mrs. A. F. Flegel, Mrs. R. Dee Steiner and several others. Among the events for the coming week will be the subscription ball for Which invitations-were issued a fort night ago. The ball will be a formal alfair at the Multnomah hotel De cember 15. Patronesses for the oc casion will be Mrs. Charles F. Berg, Mrs. Kdward Ehrman. Mrs. William Heller Khrman, Mrs. Jesse Ettelsen, -Mrs. Herbert Frank, Mrs. Lloyd Frank, Mrs. Max Hlrscli, Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs, Ohailes Kohn, Mrs Sanford Mrs. Roy Marx, Mrs. Henry W. Mct.Ker, Mrs. A. J. Meier. Mrs. Julius L. Aleier. Mrs B W. Otten heimei, Mrs. Joseph Itothschild, Mrs. Ruth Schweitzer, Mrs. Ben Selling, Mrs. Harold Wendel and Mrs. Jonah B. Wist. December 14 Mrs. Kenneth Poorman and Mrs. Allmen will entertain with a dance at Laurelhurst clubhouse. Another event of note will be the dinner dance by Multnomah club on December IS. For the Christmas week nearly every night is scheduled with at least one dance. December 27 is the Uni versity of Oregon Women's league ball at the Multnomah. December 28 the Chi Omegas will give a charity -ball at the Multnomah. All the colleges and universities and society in gen eral will be asked to co-operate. The girls plan to establish a neat, clean and homelike room where girls who take their lunch may go to eat their noon meal and if they like they may be served with cocoa, tea or coffee. December 29 will be the Rotary benefit ball. December 30 Reed col lege will hold an alumni banquet at the chamber of commerce. Miss Mar garet Creech, a popular ex-Reed col lege girl, is president of the alumni. And that reminds us that. Miss Creech Is in charge of the Christmas bureau of the confidential exchange. Her Christmas or Santa Claus tele phone number is Marshall 1397. The room where she anil her Busy assis tutUs are in charge is 145 courthouse. By notifying her individuals and or ganizations may obtain names of t.eedy families whom they may help at Christmas time. This , exchange prevents duplication. One' year, be fore the exchange existed, a poor family received five baskets of food to be cooked. As the mother had no fuel, not even clothes pins or a board from a back fence, she was faced with a problem how should she cook the food'.' The exchange does away with all such difficulties. Some of the girls who help in as sorting lists and in doing index work PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY and filing are members of prominent families and are always favorites at social gatherings. But they are so busy they have little time to attend functions just now. Society girls are among the devoted workers in many of the charitable affairs this year. Maybe that's one reason why these girls are so interesting. They are never at a loss for material for con versation. The marriage of Miss Dymon Povey and Raymond Moocrs has been set for MORNING, DECEMBER Thursday, December 28. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Povey. She attended the University of Oregon and majored in fine arte. She is a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Moocrs is a Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity man. He is in business in Astoria. The many friends of Mrs. Charles Donworth are delighted to know that she is- to be here for the remainder of the month, having come from Se attle to spend the holiday season with (Dmtiimmt. 11, 1921 her parents, Judge and Mrs. C H. Carey. Mr. Donworth will join her here later. As- Evelyn Carey. Mrs. Donworth was one of the mott popu lar of Portland's society girls and her visits here always are an inspira tion for many smart and delightful affairs. Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen is a charming visitor in the city at the Benson hotel. Mrs. Owen ham been extensively entertained during her visit here, as she has many friends who always delight to extend hospi tality to her on the occasion of her visits to Portland. Since her mar riage she has made Medford her h -me. -Afjzr. JyJrjc ji&s-zs fFuJZ J?zsm wony) ut whenever she comes to Portland ter presence here is the Inspiration .'or a round of informal social gath erings, teas, dinners and luncheons. At the subscription ball last week Mrs. Owen was greatly admired in a gown of a deep, rich shade of Ameri can beauty. One of the hostesses who entertained for her was Mrs. Fred Green, who gave a dinner before the bridge tournament. A coterie of friends shared the pleasure of the event. A baby girl, Barbara Jean Buckley, ia the latest addition to the Evans and Buckley families. The little maid is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond James Buckley (Grace Evans), and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Calvin Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Evans. Mrs. William Gadsby. Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Walter Gadsby will be hostesses Wednesday, December 11, at a tea to be given at Mrs. William Gadsby's home on North Twenty-fifth street. The receiving hours will be from 3 to o'clock. About 450 Invitations havf- been Issued. Mrs. Robert O. Morrison was host ess Tuesday for a few young matrons and society maids who enjoyed an hour of bridge followed by tea. An anticipated event Is the dinner dance of Multnomah club to be given Friday evening, December IS, in the c.ul.l-ouse. Special music and enter tainment features have been planned, "his Is the first social event of thi3 kind to be given by the club and the committee is working for its success. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allmen and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Poorman will en tertain in Laurelhurst next Wednes day evening. Their guests will In clude a group of their friends invited for a dancing party. Jr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Eppstein will be nosts at auiiicr lumsiu sn oring Dr William Friedman, a visi tor from Denver. Colo. Covers Mil be laid for Dr. and Mrs. Jonah B. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Nelson. Mr. and Mrs A. Feldenhelmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blitz. Mr. and Mrs. M. Markc witz. Dr. W. Friedman. Adolph Wolfe. I l,owengart and the hosts. Dr. Friedman will be a speaker this morn ing at Beth Israel temple. Miss Sue Truby returned on Sun day from New York and Pittsburg where she has been visiting for the last four months. Mrs. G. W. Simpson was hostess re cently at a bridge party for a group of friends. Guests for the occasion included Mesdames O. M. Clark, Win throp Hammond, N. U. Carpenter, W. B. Jelllson, Laurence A. McNary, William Gadsby. R. R. Glltner. 1. U Editorial Page and Doings in Realm of Society NO. ."( AM TO Stinson, McKinley Mitchell, John Manning, Peter Marsden, H. L. Bar bur. William J. Lyons. Ora C. Baker. F. P. Austen. P. Kucptner, M. L. Kline, A. P. Bouney. Charles E. Run yon, M. H. Delahunt, William Baker, J. A. Olvens. William See, Kather lne Daly, Anna Hunt and Nellie Hem e nway. Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Glen of Los Angeles arc being congratulated upon the. birth of a daughter. Mrs. Glen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crawford- of Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. Glen Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glen of Portland. Mrs. Dean Coovext was hostess re cently at a theater party. Her guests included Roberta Yenney, Gabricue Coovert, Virginia Greene and Esther Allen. Mrs. Edward Papo entertained at an informal afternoon at which about 30 friends met. sewod, chatted and had tea, with additional guests drop ping in late In the afternoon when ths tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Cullers are ex pected to leave this week for the, east where they Will paBs the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mears are be ing congratulated on the arrival of a, son, born last Thursday morning. An enthusiastic group of workers on the welfare committee of th Catholic Women's league, gathered, for luncheon last Tuesday In the) league cafeteria to discuss plans for the future work and report activities. During the luncheon hour the Daugh ters of Isabella choristers, under th direction of Mrs. Catherine Covalc Frederick, entertained with a pro gramme. Short talks wero given by Mies Ann Murphy of the Cedars and Mrs. Alta Lewis on "Social Hygiene." Miss Edna Marie Bryant and G. Harold Bowkor were married on Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bowkor, Rev O. W. Taylor of Grace Memorial Episcopal church, of ficiating. Gordon Bowkcr attended his brother n nil Miss Agnes Wads worth was maid of honor. The bride is a former Portland girl who has been residing in San ose recently. The bridegroom is with Brown & Ble Cabe. He served overseas during the war. An elaborate oriental evening was enjoyed by the members of the Pro fessional and Business Women's club on Tuesday when Mrs. Emery Olm stead served as presiding hostess at the Cartosian Brothers' oriental shop with the girls of the educational com mittee assisting. In the receiving party were Miss Adelia Prlchard. Mrs. (.Continued on l'axo 2.). I