THE STJXDAT OREGONIATT, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 11. 1021 STOCK LIST IS STRONGER IiEADINC; 8HARE8 fJAIX OXE TO TICllKK POINTS. Buoyunt Tone of Foreign Ex change Bonds Irregular. KEW TORK, Doc. 10. Opinion In trad ing circles w.. rather mixed at the open ing "f today's brief session, but the mar ket noon lurm .l strong to the discomfiture United Alloy . Roy Dutch Oil 0.700 50 49 Ry Steel Spst Stand Oil N J. 400 11)6 186 Scare Roebuck 3.100 57 50V4 Shattuck .rlz 800 8 T Shell TAT.. 400 38 38 Sinclair .f.... 5.000 22 21 Stand Oil Cal. 60O !)0 00 Stand Oil Ind. : 8K 87 Sloes Shef ... 200 SS 38 Sou Pacific .. 400 7UTs 7i) Sou Ry 500 10 18 do pfd 100 45 45 St I. A a r -. Stromberr Car 100 32 32 Studebaker ... 8.000 80 T0 Swift A Co 98 97 Tenn Cop A C 1.600 10 10 Texas Oil 27.500 4 7 46 Texas Pac ... 2O0 23 23 T Pac C A O. 'I.'JOO Ji 28 Tnb Products . 400 r,g 59 Tran Contl Oil 1,100 10 10 Union Oil Del. 1,700 20 19 Union Pac ... 500 127 127 I United F Trod United Fruit . Un Rds of N J Union BAP.. speculative variety followed leaders at less ( s Ind Alco'h U S Rub do 1st pfd . . U S Smelting. U S Steel the active close. Coppers, equipments and oils were features at gains of one to three points. Motors, shippings, rubbers, tobac cos and miscellaneous stocks of the more substantial gains Rails alone were sluggish, many repre sentative issues remaining unquoted. Their backwardness was attributed to official reports disclosing an increase of idle freight cars. Sales were 450,000 shares. Sentimental factors In the day's move ment included the .strength of foreign ex changee. Some of which were at maximum quotations since the signing of the armis tice and announcement of the terms of the "four powers" treaty. The November tonnage report of the United States Steel corporation, showing a small decrease In bookings compared with the previous month and weekly re views of trade conditions by the mercan tile agencies comprised the other develop ments. Trading in bonds was broad, but changes were Irregular. Liberty Issues again de noted realizing for profits, while trans portation reflected pressure In the share list. Total sales, par value. $10,875,000. An actual decrease of $38,600,000 In Clearing-house loans and discounts was something of a surprise. In view of the supposed drain on local resources during the week. A cash loss or $7,700,ooo re duced excess reserves to slightly less than 110,300.000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck ACooke com pany or I'ortlann.i Stock Sales. Adams Kxprss 100 Advance Rum. 50O Agr Chem 300 do pfd ...... AJax Rubber. . f00 Alaska. Gold. . 200 ' AlMka. Juneau 100 200 1.500 "ioo 2.7O0 000 1,200 10 126 53 38 54 60 10 123 "72 " 32 37 33 50 H1 ISC, 56 7 38 21 90 88 38 79 18 43 21 32 79-, 97 10 47 23 28 59 10 19 127 25 6!) 10 125 "t 7 70 San Paulo 8a 1936 102 Swedish Govt 6s 1989 95 Standard OH, N Y 7s 1931 108 do Cal 7s 1031 106 Steel A Tube 7s 1031 98 Swiss 8s 1940 113 Sears Roe 7a 1922 99 do 1023 tn( Swift A Co 7s 1025 100 Un Tank 7s 1930 104 U 8 Rubber 7s 1030 104 Wilson 1st 6a 1928 88 West Elec 7s 1025 105 Westlnghouse 7s 1931 105 Zurich 8s 1945 108 8L Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Crrerbeck A Cooke company of Portland: ISia. Asaea. Belgian rest 3s 02 Belgian prem 5s 67 Belgian 7s , ll4i 800 4.000 100 8.1100 do Df d Utah Copper va ' :. em Vanadium St. 600 Vlvandou .... 2.200 Wabash 1,700 do A pfd . . , an a pia... Wells Fargo .. Western Pac . do pfd Western Union Westing A B. West B & 51 . . West Md White Motors. Willys-Over .. do pfd Wilson Pack . Woolworth ... Worthing Pu. . W A L E White Oil ... 300 200 '206 100 900 '460 7IIO 100 600 500 300 36 83 113 65 '32 7 6 20 13 'ii 55 92 48 8 30 5 29 29 33 83 113 63 '32 7 20' 1 13 'l7 55 91 '49 8 39 5 28 29 IOO 100 300 43 7 12 43 7 11 High. 40 11 30 '30 Low. 49 11 30 'io Allied Chem. AXIS Chalm . . do pfd Am Beet Sug Am Bosch .... Am Can Co. .. do Did . 1,400 400 IOO 300 400 500 56 38 88 28 331, 32 147 46 37 88 28 32 32 146 Bid. 49 11 30 68 20 56 37 88 28 33 32 94 147 Am Cr & Fdy 600 do pfd 114 Am Cot Oil. , 600 21 20 20 do pfd 45 Am Drug Synd Am Hd A Lth 00 13 13 do pfd 300 57 67 Am Ics Am Intl Corp. 2.300 41 40 Am Linseed.. 20O 31 31 do pfd 100 Am Loco 2.500 100 9D do pfd 112 Am Saf Rax.. 400 4 4 4 1 Am Khp A Cm 6 Am Smelter.. . 6,000 46 45 46 do prd 100 88 88 88 Am Snuff 112 Am Steel Fdy SOO 34 34 34 Am sugar.... 1.500 do pfd. Am Sumatra. . 900 Am Tel A Tel 600 Am Tobacco. . 800 do "B" 100 Am Wool 2.000 do pfd 103 Am W P pfd 25 Am Zinc ion Anaconda. .... 6,900 Assd Oil Atchison R00 do pfd 200 Atl Glf A VT I 700 Baldwin Loco. 11,600 64 '31 110 134 130 82 13 48 64 30 115 134 130 81 13 48 8 12 r,7 73 41 30 65 09 64 84 31 110 134 129 M 100 300 '4,466 2,000 100 500 500 600 600 500 2,000 "566 700 1.0OO 2,000 1,700 300 100 17.990 3.100 3.100 2.400 8.RO0 300 500 2.500 4.600 100 100 1,500 1.900 100 100 3,1000 1.100 2,500 50O 466 IOO 800 1,200 700 4.300 500 rlr 11M Balto A Ohio. do pfd Beth Steel 'B' Booth Fish... BUT Butte OA Z.. Butte A Sup. . Burns Bros... Caddo Oil Calif Packing. Oallf Pet do pfd Canadian Pao Oen Leather. . Cerro ds Pasco Chandler Mot. Chgo N W. . . Chi at w do pfd Chill Cop . Chlno C, M St P do pfd Coca Cola. . . . C A O Colo F A I. . . Colo Southern Col Gas A El. Col Graph.... Con Gas Cons Cigars . , do pfd Contl Can.... Clt Ser Bkrs. Corn Prod . . . do pfd Cosden Oil . . C R I A P. . . do "A' pfd. do "B" nfil . Crucible do pfd Cuba Cane... do pfd Cub Am Sug. Del A Hudmn Dome Mines. . Del A .Lack . . Davison Chem Endi Johnson Erie do 1st pfd . . do 2d Dfd.. Fain Plav .... )Fo'i Mln A Smt do pfd iFlsk Tire Gaston Wma. . 100 Oen Cigars... loo Gen Elec 300 Oen Motor... 3.500 Glen Aiden Gen Asphalt.. 11.400 Goodrich .... 500 Ooodvear Oranby Ot Nor Ore.. do pfd .... Greene Cans. S Stl t Barker. Hon Oil., p Motor.. Cent Inspiration . . lot Agr Cr cm do pfd Interboro .... do pfd Interst Calls lnt llurr do pfd Int Mere Mar do pfd Int Nickel . . . In Paper .... Invlnc Oil... Insland OH.. Jewel Tea . . . K C Southern pfd .... Kennecott Keystone Tire Leek Steel . . . Lee Tire IjShlah Valley Lorll'ard Lowo Theaers Ii A X - Marland Oil . May Dept Slo Mex I'et Mid States OH .'Ovale stoe1. m "wide- pfd .... Mont Power . Mont Ward .. Mo Pac do pfd .... M St A 8 S M.. No Am .... Nat Biscuit .. Nat Enam . . . Nat I.ea.l Nevada ('on . . New Haven . . Norf A W ... No Pac Nova Pe Steel N V Air Br. . N Y Cent Okla Prod ref Ont Silver ... Ont A W Otis steel . . . 00 86 31 96 102 86 2 5 1"c 11.-.', 11 89 44 120 30 33 48 68 7 17 13 28 20 33 41 56 R9 86 31 94 102 36 '57 6 7 5 18 115 11 68 4i 126 30 ga 67 7 17 12 27 20 32 40 65 3 42 64 3 18 37 3.000 94 20O 111 34 32 84 71 06 it 93 in 34 31 88 71 64 7 15 13 'in" 111 52 78 11 75 '33 13 13 51 77 11 68 138 11 48 67 33 68 137 10 43 1;.; . , 33 Ills Ke do 30O 200 1.500 500 "266 1.700 500 SOO 1.500 ioi 400 MS 1,500 200 400 1 700 2.300 3. 4 0O 300 4.400 3.400 "ioo " 2.900 4, B00 3.000 . 2,200 mm 400 V 1.IHIO 13 48 99 89 83 31 95 102 36 63 58 7 7 5 IT'i 115 11 60 43 83 120 30 35 47 67 17 13 28 20 33 41 56 24 41 65 3 93 18 67 gg 93 110 34 31 84 Tl 64 88 7 15 13 IOO 1R 111 31 7S' 11 1' . 74S. 33 10 68 187 10 43 :.'; 35 11 29'-, BONDS. U S 2s. reg..101 do coupon . ."101 do 4s, reg. . .104 do cv 4s. cp 104 Panama 3s, reg7 do 3s. cp. . . . 79 NYC deb 6s. . 88tJ N P 4s , 84-. do 3s 60 Pac T A T 5s. .92 Penn con 4Ks.n:i iSou Pac cv 5s.. snttt A T A T cv 6sM07'Sou Railway 5s 88 Aicnen gen, 4s. .i;union fac D A R con 4a.. 72U S Steel 5s.. 99 Belgian 8s 1941 Belgian 6s IMS Brazil 8s 1841 British 5s 1922 British 5s 1927 British 5s 1920 British vky 4s British ref 4s t 1 a. 1Q11 n- , J I .Ml v.. ' .1 V ........ 'Canadian 5s 1937 t anauian .is i Canadian 5s 1929 Canadian 5s ...1931 Canadian r.'-s 1927 Chilean 8s 1941 Denmark 8s 1945 Dan. Muni. Ss 1945 F.elich 4a 1917 French 5s 1920 French 5s 1931 French 7s 1941 French 8s 1945 German W L, 5s Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4s i.eipslg 4s Leipslg 5s Munich 4s Munich 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s 1918 Jap 4a 1881 Jap 1st 4s 1925 Jap 2d 4s 1925 Norway 8s 1940 Russian 5a 1921 Russian 5s 1926 Russian 6s 1919 Swiss 5s 1929 Swiss 8s 1940 United Kingdom 3s...l921 United Kingdom 5s...l922 United Kingdom 5s... 19211 United Kingdom 5s...1937 88i 36 83 113 64 29 32 7 6 20 18 67 17 65 92 93 54 49 8 39 5 28 29 124 4:1 7 11 Bid. Liberty Bond . Quotations, Liberty bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland: Closing open. Liberty 3s 95.66 do 1st 4s do 2d 4a 96.80 do 1st 4s do 2d 4s 97.00 do Sd 4s. A . .97.5S do 4th . 97.30 Victory 4s 00.118 100.02 do l-is . 100.00 104 104 95 104 417 407 408 328 296 86 93 96 97 94 91 102!4 107 107 47 66 67 93 100 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 33 86 109 13 14 93 112 '69 97 94 66 70 104 105 95 104 427 427 416 338 306 86 5 9 97 95 93 102 108 108 49 67 58 l'5 100 5 5 l 6 I 6 ! 9 7 34 71 87 86 109 16 8 17 96 113 i 98 95 MAIN rtflfll MARS. 2. !.- We Offer A Well - Protected Security Upon a Local Industry Giving Investors for a GOOD TERM OF YEARS An annual income of 8 and, at retirement, an added profit of 10 per cent is paid. Dividends free from normal in come tax under present federal laws. Full Information on Request FREELAND FURNITURE - COMPANY Mil It era of Fine rubles 97(1 Muradam Street PORTLAND, OREGON High. Low. 95.66 95.16 96.80 96.78 97.00 97.62 97.30 96.82 97.50 97.11 Bid 95.02 97.06 '.MS. so 97.16 .68 97. CO 18 99.9S 100.00 9996 100.00 .Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec. 10. Closing quotations: Allouez 22N"orth Butte... 12 Ariz Com 07!Old Dominion .. 24 Cal A Arls 67 I Osceola 33 Cal A HecJa ...260 IQunlcy . . .- 46 Centennial .... 9t Superior 2 Cap Hf Con Co 39JSup A Bos Mn.. 1 E Butte Cp Mn loy;;shanno 1 Franklin lIUtah Consolld.. 1 I Boy (copper) 23 Winona 40 Lake Copper .. 2 Wolverine 11 Mohawk . . 67 1 Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks at Chleago were reported by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 97 Llbby. McNeil A Llbby 8 National Leather 24 Swift International 21 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW TORK, Dec. 10. Foreign bar sil ver, 03 c. Mexican dollars, 50c. LONDON, Dec. 10. Bar silver, 33d per ounce. Money, 2 per cent, Discount rates Short bills. IH ner cant: (thr.- months' bills. 8 9-1G per cent. Excess Reserve Decreased. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Ths actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows thst they hold 310,283,010 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This la a decrease of 37,704, 790 from last week. New York Bonds. New York bond quotations fnrnl.heri hv Herrln k Rhodes, Inc., of Portland: Am Tel A Tel 6a ....1928 100 do 1824 99 Am Tob 7s 100 Anaconda 7s B 1929 102 do 6a A 1929 97 Armour cv 7s 193o 1024 do 4s .1989 86 Argentine ui lis ;1845 76 Am Ag Chem 7s 1941 101 Beth Steel 7s 1922 109 do 1823 100 do En 7s 1935 100 Belgium Ext 7s 1845 1U4 do 6s 11126 95 do Us 1040 104 Bergen 8s, City of 1945 104 Berne 8s. City of 1943 108 Brazil 8a J 1941 104 Can.idlan 5s 1926 96 do 1981 95 Can Nat Eq 7s 1985 197 do (guar) 6s 1946 107 Chicago N W 7s 1930 105 (. II & St P zn&rf 4Un A 501 a MI Can Nor 7s 7.... 1040 109 fhile 8s 1941 102 Chrlstlanla 8s, City of 1945 107k Copper Exp 8s 1922 102 do 1923, 102' do 1824 ' 103 do 1825 104 Cuban Amer Sugar 8s 1931 102 Con (las cr 7s 1925 104 Denmark 8s 1945 108 Danish Mun 8s 1945 197 Dupont 7s 1931 103 Kr.mch ext 8s 1945 99 do 7s .'1941 94 (Iranil Trunk 7s 1940 108 Ooodyear 8s 1941 110 (iulf Oil 7s 1083 102 Oreat Northern 7s 1836 108 Humble Oil 7s 1823 100 Int Hap Tr ref 1968 53 lnt Mar I'T 68 1941 90 Int Rap Tr 7s 1921 73 Kennecott Ts 1930 101 Llbby, .McNeil A Llbby 7s 193J 99 Mexican Pete Ms 19311 1 00 NYC call 7s 1030 105 Norway Ms 1940 109 . Northwest Tel 7s 1941 107 Pan Amer 7s 1880 95 Pen na 0s 1936 104 x r , i; s (,int 6'...k i:i:iij nmij 1 Foreign, Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of tne foreign unit In Austria, kronen Belgium, francs Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakiu United States funds f .0008 .- 0765 0080 kronen 0120 Denmark, kroner 18t- England, pound sterling Finland, flnmara France, francs Germany, marks .. Greece, drachmas . Holland, guilders .. Hungary, kronen . . Italy, lire 4.1UO0 .0300 .0790 .0064 .0422 .3620 .0018 .04 Jugo-SIavla, kronen 0046 Norway, kroner 1475 Portugul, eacudos 0905 Roumanla, lei uOH2 Seroia, dinars ?Jm Spain, pesetas u...,. ,145o Sweden, kroner 2430 Swltierland, francs 1950 China-Hongkong, local currency.;.. .5400 Shanghai, taels 7900 Japan, yen - 48oU NEW YORK, Dec. 10. strong; Great Britain 4.14 7.82 4.44; 7.50 54 ; 36.01; Foreign exchange demand, 4-14 ; France, demirnd, i.82. Italy, demand, 4.43; Belgium, demand. 7.50: Germany, demand, .54; Holland. demand, 35.95; Norway, oemanu, 14. ou Text Book of WALL STREET -1922 EDITION- Contmntt History of New York Stock Exchange History of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Curb How to Open an Account and Methods of Trading The Art of Speculating for Profits Augmenting One's Income How to Secure Loans on Stocks Dictionary of Wall Street Terms and Values of Foreign Exchanges Copy from upon request McCall, Riley & Co. liembrra ConoliJaatd Stock ' ; of Ntm York 20 Broad St.. New York cables, cables. cables, cables, cables, Sweden, demand, 24.20; Denmark, de mand, 18.93: Switzerland, demand, 19.38; Spain, demand, 14.38; Greece, demand, 4 17; Argentina, demand, 33.00; Brazil, demand, 12.87; Montreal, 91 1-16. Coffee Futures Higher. NEW YORK. Dec. 10. The market fof coffe futures showed further advances today with December selling at the 9-cent level or 5 points net higher. There was a further broadening of commission house demand, promoted by talk of higher, cost and freight offers and the market held most of its gains, closing net unchanged to 9 points higher. Sales were estimated at about 41,000 bags. December, 8.95c; January. 8.83c; March, 8.89c; May, 8.87c; July, 8.70c: September. 8.73c. Spot coffee firm; Rio 7s. 99c; San tos 4s, 12 & 18c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling. 19.30c. ' OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Broker. Stock. Hondn. Cotton, (.ruin. Etc. ilS-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Walla Wulla. Wash. I'ortland, Or. IVndlrton, Or. Members hh (.o board of TRADE. Correspond en 1h of lxjnr,n A Bryan, Chicago and Mew York, MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. New lork Cotton Exchange New Orleann Cotton Exchange. New York Produce Exrhnnge. Winnipeg (iruin Exchange. Liverpool Cotton i.tiion. 23 H ORGANIZING A COMPANY? Save the usual Incorporating ex penses, avoid personal liability and excess profits taxes. Organize on the common law plan under a Declaration of TrtiKt Demurce Standard forms (ap proveif"by attorneys) furnish com plete equipment with which any one In any State can organize a company, issue shares and begin doing business the same day. Ask for circular A-42 containing full descriptions. ('. s. DKMAfUBK, Legal Blank 1'rlntrr. BIS Walnut, Kansas City, Mo. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Lonrst Rntes. Wntch Our Window. Direct Wire Service from New York. TRASS-ATL I II --.STATUS A CIIHDIT CO. 102 Second St., Kear Stark. Mnrahall 20.-.. hat Stocks To Buy for Profit THE trader to make real profit must buy stocks when prices are low and sell when high, but a large percentage always buy at top pricesand sell at the low. A number- of issues are now in a position to go much higher while others should be sold and your profit taken. Keep posted. Our market letter cives you special, valuable inforssstion affecting future movements of many active securities. iskforrc-l I Copy free upon request. COOGAN EL CO. Investment Securities 32 BROADWAY New York HERRIN & RHODES. Inc. Established 1898. BROKERS Wo Will lluv si mid Portland Ry. & I.t. B . t.old Notes at III. 201-8 Railway Excnanse Bids Teleobon ?R3-284 -ui; !!', 1:1 isvi Psvc O ft Elec. Punta Allexre Pae Oil Pan Am Pet. . do "B" Pennn Peo Gas Fsre- Marq . . . Pure oil Phillip Pete. Pierce Arrow. Pierre Oil ... Pitts Cosl . . . Pitts & W Va. Press St Car. . Pullrmin Tiny Cona . . . Heading; Remington . .. Reploitls Rt . . Rep I A S. ... do pfd .... Rep Motors .. 1 ,::! "ioo 'iiii ion '42 ion a,-. 1, 2no no liv ,".M1 117 K 1.400 SOU l..'.iio 2.700 700 non 000 r.00 n.snn 4.70t nno .'. -J...1 :ion IM 1,400 400 400 10.2OO 2.000 200 .TOO 000 1.M10 1.7O0 J.soO 21 K 700 211 m Mfi .121, 47f4 88 II .an 22'. ::s 32 14H !:l as s 20 06 100 u 71 2S H 20 21 s 20 4.1 '4 M 1 47 ::i rat 21 ns 82 14 '0 12 .- 2.-. 00 ION 14 71 U 28 i, 28 33(4 ' 64 V4 21m 47 M :t:tM, 31 144 1 6.H4 20 66 His it I4'i 71 27 26 " 5.1 We offer subject to prior sale and change in prices: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 10-Year B KinklnK I mid ;ld Debenture Bonds. Dated Mn.r I, 1921. Doe May t, 1031. Redeemable nfter 1022 nt 1 10 nnd intereat on 30 days' notice. The.xc bonds are the direct obligation of the company, nnd constitute ltM only funded debt, apnrt from at elosed Flrat Mortarauaa of ahse May, 1041. For the seven months ending; September 30, 1021, Xet Snlea v.-r,- SMI2.42I.I7II, it nil Hi.AtK WAII.IBl.i: FOR IX. TKHF.ST WAS 8K!X.4XI!. MAXIMl.1l IXTKHKST RK M IRF.MF.XT ON TMKSK IIOMIS AMI THF. FIRST llllini.AI.K HON 1K AIIOI NT TO iM.Oimi.iuhi. PRICE 992 AND INTEREST TO YIELD 8.05 Ytritr- or Phone Broadway 3171 for Complete DescrlptlTe Circular. Bond 8? Goodwin Tucker an rn.AHCitco t art O N POH A Til UNITED STATE 5 NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC PORTLAND - LP ANGEL E iEATTLt Liberty Bonds H O LD YOURS Do not part with them unless compelled to do so. BUY MORE At present attractive prices, thus reducing cost. Booklet No 294 gives interesting snd profttstic information. WWie TODAY for your fret cosj ROSE & COMPANY Liberty Bond Specialists 50 Broad Street, New York City HOW TO BUY SAFE BONDS The following boG.aeta may be obtained gratis by writing on your busineu or personal stat toner y. "10-Year Price Range of All Listed Bonds" together with 1021 Sales snd Prices "Buying Safe Bonds on Partial Payment Plan" Also Semi-Monthly Investment j Circular L. A. HUGHES & CO. INVESTMENTS 1 10 Broadway New Vork Manufacturing Investors, Attention I am authorized by owner of high-class manufacturing business located in Portland (last year's sales $150,000) to sell same at reasonable figure. Owner retiring from active business life. Business is free from debt. Deals in staple articles. Sales can be increased up to about $500,000 annually without exhausting possibility of sales territory. Principals only. Apply for full detailsHo box N 997, Oregonian. TRADE SAFELY IN THE STOCK 1I1RKET I0SHARBS astf 'aliaa- 7 -LAV 4sT Gsl lied i.iTTIDX FPU pt Jp Profits Any Stoek Kti rji n n fie Issue $10 CALLS $20 Positively No Marttlna Calls. W rite for Booklet . M I rtr C. Goldhurst & Company Bus last Hellalillltj M llrund Street, New York. 20 MONTHS to pay for any stock or bond. Purchaser rscrives dividends. Writ for booklet FREE. RODNEY &. CO. MwtiriM. teci Ex. f IS. Y. 55 Broadway, New York NEW ISSUE WE OWN AND OFFER $1,950,000 Washington Water Power Company Two -Year 6x2 Secured Gold Notes Dated February 2, 1922 Due February 2, 1924 Semi-annual interest coupons payable February 2 and August 2. - Principal and interest payable at the Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK CITY, TRUSTEE Denominations $100, $500 and $1000 SECURITY These notes are a direct debt and obligation of the Washington Water Power Company and are secured in addition by a pledge of the company's first and refunding mortgage 5 per cent bonds, due July, 1939, on a basis of $1200 par value bonds for each $1000 of notes outstanding. The market position of these bonds is very high. They are given an "AA" rating by the highest statistical authorities and have sold as high as 104. PROPERTY AND HISTORY The Washington Water Power Company needs no introduction to the investing public of the Northwest. From small beginnings it has built up its properties into one of the greatest light and power companies in America. The property of the company consists of hydro-electric and power plants, distributing system in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, a street rail way in Spokane and a suburban railway between Spokane and Medical Lake. The company owns and develops approximately 140,000 horse power at four different plants, and is develop ing a large additional plant in the heart of the City of Spokane, and starting preliminary work toward the development of a great power plant at Kettle Falls. The company has a most favorable contract under which it supplies power for the electric operations of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Co. and with the Pacific Power & Light Company, whereby it now reaches the Pacific Coast territory Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia. - PROPERTY VALUES AND INDEBTEDNESS This great company has outstanding capital stock of $15,490,000 and on its issued capital it has paid dividends without interruption for over twenty-two years. Its present dividend rate is 7. Its total assets, consisting largely of its hydro-electric properties, are valued at $32, 250,873.67, and its total funded debt, including these notes, is $10,446,000, a ratio of safety equaled in few. of the great companies of this country. RECOMMENDATION Having underwritten, these notes, and having been thoroughly familiar with the Washington Water Power Company financing, we recommend them as a conservative attractive invest ment, affording an exceptionally high income yield based on the elements of safety and con vertibility. RENEWALS As a note issue totalling $3,065,000, largely held by Northwestern investors, matures Feb ruary 2, 1922, the present total offering of $1,950,000, we believe, will be eagerly subscribed by the holders of the maturing notes. Orders will be received strictly subject to prior sale and allotment. Present holders of notes who desire renewals are asked to place instructions at once with the bond house from which they purchased their present holdings. Subscriptions may be telephoned or telegraphed at our expense. Price Par to Yield 6'2 SPOKANE & EASTERN TRUST COMPANY Spokane, Wash. UNION TRUST COMPANY Spokane, Wash. FERRIS & HARDGROVE Spokane, Wash. MURPHEY, FAVRE & COMPANY Spokane, Wash. We own and offer: United States of Brazil 4 Bonds of 1889 These bonds are the general external obligations of Brazil. Principal and semi-annual interest payable in pound sterling. Coupons May Be Cashed at Our Office You may realize on an investment in these bonds an annual income of 7V2 to 9 and in ADDITION thereto an increase in principal of from 86 to 121 Owing to the probable further increase in the price of Pound Sterling and to the further decrease in interest rates, we urge investors to take advantage of this investment opportunity. Write, wire or phone for further details. Also Offer Springfield. Or 6s, due 1931 to net 6.00Tr Wallowa County, Or., S. D. No. 32. ,6s, due 1941 to net 5.60 Argentine Government 7s. due 1923 to net 7.00', Province of Manitoba 6s. due 1925 to net 6.50r,'r Winnipeg, Water 5s, due 1923 to net 6.75' i E L Qevereaux frQmpany INVESTMENT BONDS T SMfVH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1042 GROUND FLOOR WELL -FARGO BUILDING For the $100 Investor, The Investor with $100 has often proved himself a vital and powerful force in America's financial system and as a consequence many Bond Issues are now provided with $100 denominations. The following Investment Bonda, for example, can be had from us now in the smaller pieces. French Cities (Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux) 6 Non-Callable Bonds Principal and interest payable in New York in U. S. Gold Coin. Direct obligation and only ex ternal Loan of City issuing same. Financial af DUE fairs of all French cities under control and super 1934 vision of the French "Government. These three Cities, next to Paris, are among the largest and most prosperous in France. Total population, 1918, 1,655,000. Price 86 Vz To Yield 7.65 , Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Ten-Year 8'', Debenture Bonds The Company has a Total Funded Debt of $57, ' 500,000 and Net Tangible Assets as of September 30, 1921, of nearly $137,000,000. Net Sales for DUE seven months of 1921 were $62,421,179, which is 1931 at the rate of over $100,000,000 per year. Balance available for interest for the same period was $6,838,486, which is at the annual rate of over 2.5 times interest requirements. Price 99V2 To Yield 8.10 More detailed information on request. Car or phone. Our Partial Payment Plan will hold these for you. FREEMAN, SMITH & CAMP CO. Uummn Bloo.. Portland ft