T7TT" SUNDAY OREGON! AX. PORTLAND." DECEMBER 11. 1021 If) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and ltoomlngHonc. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AM) apartment HOUSE BROKERS. 28 apts; 84 rooms; modern brick bldg; long leue; rent $305. ciears about $550; needs nome renovating. Best of terms. BK rms; all 2-rm. apts: lease: rent 200; jiets about $500; good wct side location. $8500, part terms. $4000 will handle modern brick apt. house. 12 3-rm. : lease; rent $150: fur niture In fine condition; clean through out; good income and home. Full p-ice $7000. 28 rms. ; 2 and 3-rm. apts.; few sleep ing; 3-yr. lease; rent J7u; gross Income over $4i0. A real buy. I'rice $5000. 12 rms.: White TemDle (list., rent MB Be w ly pain ted ; f i ne condition ; good proposition ; $100O down. Over 100 rms.: modern brick corner lease over 'air; automatic elevator; good buy at f 1. W. part terms.. About 00 rms.: aood IMM! rent HM Strictly modern brick bid r. , all apts. are soaelous and well arranged, beauti fully furnished, big Inc. m automatic levator. $10,000 will handle. 42 rms.; lease over the fair, always full location: rent S300: c ei -s over HVj corner brick bldg.; $10,500 will handle 44-rm. brick bids;.; Mr. lease, rent rery low; splendid conamon; ciears wet ter than 30U. nce terms. SSUI - lMM TP Tit 5450 gross income $2500; elevator. $10,000 will handle this money-maker. 70 rms- transient: 5-yr. eaie- rent less than $6.50 per rm.: everything in flrst-claas shape: good linen; good rms.; best of plumbing; olearmg Siooo row. Price and terms on request. -'6 sleeping rms.; all ueautlfuhy fur nished; lease; rent 1300; tfUM neat: h A C. water In all rm-; good Income; il-aM. niinr, the possibilities must be reen to be appreciate.!. 40000. part term. m wmm n ants- rent $7: furnace; lee; no attic rms.; well located; loveiy yard, nice modern bouse, good home and income. $3000. terms. to .11 K lr fii-nafo tT water In most rms.; nets over $200 and best apt.: White Temple location; go-d clean bedding, plenty or linen, sj'u. part terms. steady; lease; very low rent; clean: well arranged; on one floor; splendid in come; easily managed; about $2500 flown. Real home with Income; Nob Hill lo cation; 12 rms.; furnished with the very best; arranged in nice apts., ease. rent $6."; furnace, elee; tMoOA on term,. If you have around $20,000 that you wish to invest In either a notet or apart ment house, rail on us. We have some first-class propositions that we do not wish to advertise in detail, but will cheerfully Rive full particulars to any one Interested. See .Mrs. Myers or Mr. Tlce. Bdwy 4S80. CARS AT lOUR SERVICE. C20 HENRY P-LDO.. 4th at Oak. KENNEDY SPECIALS. Nob Hill District. 90-room apt., lease over the fair. Bent $200. Price $000, Terms. List 385. 2A h. k. rooms. 1 floor, lease. Money maker. Rent $35;" $1500; less than half cash. Just listed. Hurry. List wma, 15 h. k. rooms. Nob Hill, rent $35; $000 will handle. No car fare. Must ell. Other business. Don't miss this. Special list No. 129. 10 rooms, h. k.. White Temple dlst. Rent $50. Bldg. and furnishings in good shape; $700 will handle, small balance. List 3S8. See KENNEDY, with I. E. SPENCER A CO. 317 CHAMBER COMMERCE BLDG. NICK IS HERE. $500 cash lets you In this little MONEY MAKER. IT'S THE TRUTH. List 330. 10 rooms h. k.. close In. always full ; clears $0; rent' $35. Whole price $150. I dare you to beat this. A classy 9-room h. k. modern home and Income. You can swing this for $500. Whole price only $1200. Swell district. List 347. 30 rooms, with lease, $1900 cash, full price $2700. Income $240. Come In, let xne tell you the rest. List 273. See NICK, Broadway 5911. I. E. 8BBNCER A CO. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce B Idg. OWNER OF APT. BUILDING will lease and sell furnishings of 48 room modern steam heated apt. house, $3500 Is the whole price, you may dou ble your money. MRS. HILL. 205 HENRY BUILDING NOB HILL DISTRICT. 12 lovely rooms, beautifully furnished. Including some beautiful overstuffed living-room furniture, good rugs and fine beds and bedding; lovely apt. for owner; furnace heat: good lease; rent $65. Price $2700 ; some terms. MItS. SNOW, BDWY. 4004 APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN. $12,000 cash puts you in a modern brick apartment house. Always full. Over 120 rooms; 43 apts. All private baths. Lease at $000 per; nets $ 10(H). Lease alone worth the price. See Mr. SaHger, with. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTO.V ROOMING HOUSE. Located In district of good homes. H blk. to car service. 1 have 10 rooms, well furnished for H. K. and sleeping rooms, in.'.'..' t piano. 2 buffets and good beds. Price $2000. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4004. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS. SMALL COUNTRY HOTEL. Modern brick bldg.: lobby; lease; low rent; dining rm. completely equipped; monthly gro?s about $2000: clean and fine shape: about $1000 required or will consider small home in part trade. Par ticulars with Mr. Tlce. 2Q HENRY BLDG.. BDWY. 4880. FIREPROOF BRICK HQTEL. In business section, 44 outside rooms; over average: furniture; 5-year lease; rent $325; net Income $450; fine fur nace. Tills is a high-class small hotel and will bear inspection. Price $13,000; cash $8000. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4064. IDEAL LOCATION. IS attractive room, furnished in If. K. antD . Immaculately clean : furnace heat; rent $00; Income $280: close-In locallon. Price $S50o; some cash and terms. 51 ItS. SNOW, BDWY. 1064. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTOR. High-class boarding "house, gojd Btes-t side location, 5-yr. lease ; rent right; lovely dining rm. ; whole house biauii fully eulpped; income Is very good; will sell for half down- of purchase price. MR. TICK 020 HENRY BLDG. ROOMS, Bleeping porch; right down town ; sip. and h. k. . nice furniture semi-business location ; space fo to 40 autos ; dandy garage BattrMM If taken soon. Will tak soud ot or nicely furnished flat s part, or terms. 201 WHITE TEMPLE DI8TRICT. 11 rooms, furnished for H. K. ; clean and attractive rooms for owner; walk ing distance; cheap rent. Price $1450; cash $500. MItS. SNOW. BDWY. 4G64. WILL TAKE CAR. IS rooms, rent $75. LEASE COVERS FAIR. $2850 full price. Will take car as part payment. L. 194. See Sevan, with I. E. SPENCER CO. 517-21 Cham Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5911. ALL MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 5-year lease and furnishings, rent $300. net income around $400; 2 and 3 rm. apts., 55 rms., on west side. L. 874. L E. SPENCER A CO. 517-21 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 17 RooSTB close in. west aide, rent $73, net Income over $200 per month. Would consider car as part payment. L. 288. McNeill, with I. E. SPENCER CO. .17 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. SOU. BRICK BUILDING. Si looms, one floor; steam heat, H. K. and sleeping ; land lady li as 3-room apt. rent $50 lease may be had. See WHS. HILL. 203 HENRY BLDG. W ROOMS, h. k.. brick bldg.. lease over fair; all new furniture. Price $4:mm) Ml 00 cash. Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank 8 WELL-FURNISHED rooms. 4 blocks from Washington, 1 block from 2 car lines; rent $33; $650. terms, R 265. Orgonlan. WHITE TEMPLE. Net Income over $150 in this 21 rooms, all H. K. Ask Mrs. Hill. 205 Henry bd- (36) $850. TERMS 7 roams and garage, rent $.10; furnace heaX use three rooms and rent four, or doll up and sell. Mrs. Hill. 205 Henry IU1m 18 ROOMS, unfurnished, modern; price $500. Trad for lot or house equity. Walter. i:'-:i:i N. W. Hank bldg DOWNTOWN hotel, good lease, big money maker, $l0,uou cash required. Mar. 1684. HI 'SIN ESS OPPORTIMTIES. Hotel and Booming Mouses. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 23-4-3 Northwestern Bank Bids;. Phone Main S500. Hotels, Apartment House and Rooming Houses). ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Fifteen years in this business to Portland enables us to give you satisfactory sen fee. The following arc a sample of the many places listed with us. We have many others. APARTMENT HOUSES. 50 APARTMENTS. This Is a corner brick, each apartment has private bath, au tomatic elevator, office, oil burn er: easy apartments to rent ; ail two and three rooms; low rental to 1926. lt you have $20,000 ask to see this. 42 APARTMENTS Here Is your opportunity to buy a place that has not been sold before; strictly high class building, all modern appointments; close to business center; a money-maker; party desires to retire from busi ness. If you want the very best buy on the market see this. Price $30,000. Some terms to respon sible party. 30 APARTMENTS. Rent only $675, Including 30 phones, steam heat and hot wa ter, white pressed brick building; private balconies, automatic ele vator. Price $24,000. Terms. 16 APARTMENTS. Just the right sizev for a home and $3S0 net every month; very clean; well furnished; each apart ment has hath, large rooms, clos ets, etc. Price $10,000. half cash, balance as you make it. SO-ROOM HOTEL. T,arge ground floor office and lobby, 30 private baths, automatic elevator; income averages over $2200 per month; low rental and long lease. Price $20,000. 40-ROOM HOTEL. . One of the classiest small houses In the city; very clean and well furnished : clears from $450 to $500 per month; long lease. If vou have $8000 cash this will suit you. ROOMING HOUSES. MRS. McCLAIN. Modern little apartment house, east aide; very fine class; excep tionally furnished; complete as to curtains, dlshes.'linens. good rugs and furniture: Just the place-for party alone to manage; clears around $230. This proposition can be handled with $4000 cash. West side hotel, rooms, steam heat, h. and c. water in rooms, 4 baths; beautifully furnished, ma hogany; Itory, etc.; nota shabby carpet. Everything complete; run ning from 0800 to $400 profit; $550O cash handles. 21 h. k. rooms, lease; fine loca tion, near Bdwy.. 2 baths; Income of $330; can easily clear $175; only $1300 cash required. Place pays for Itself. Beautiful comer. 12th st. loca tion; 10 rooms and s. p.; fine ar rangement of rooms; good furnace. A place that can be Improved and sold at a profit. Price this week only $1450. Terms. $700 gives possession of this lit tle home; White Temple district; clears $55; full price only $1100. 12 ROOMS, very attractive house and grounds; unusually spacious rooms; furnished with ver high class furniture; overstuffed, oak, Ivory enamel, etc. This la a home that attracts only the best class of tenants; $3500; some terms. 12 rooms, housekeeping. White Temple district: good furniture; newly painted house ; rent $70 ; lease If desired; $1200 cash han dles. Mrs. Albaugh. Hotel In country town; IS rooms, well furnished: 2 ranges; dining room seats 150 ; 28 tables; plenty of dishes; $1100 cash handles. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. THIS PROPERTY WILL RETURN BIG INCOME ON THE INVESTMENT. Reasonably close In, 24-room hotel, lot 100x1 00. one block from car, mostly furnished, can easily be converted into apartments, which will bring In over $300 per month; $3000 cash will handle; price Including furniture only $8500. Let us prove what a bar gain this really Is. - STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A I ' A It T MEN TS AP A R T M E N TS . 42 rooms. 4H-yr. lease, brick bldg.; a team heat ; nicely furnished ; private baths; close In; $8000; terms. 31 ROOMS. All outside, good furnishings, good corner location, close in; 5-year lease; $550; terms. 43 ROOMS. 5-year lease, heat and water free; splendidly furnished, private baths ; al ways full ; good corner ; cement bldg. This la a good one, can't be beat for price, $6500; terms. O. B. RIPPEY. REALTOR. 010-11 McKay Bldg . 3d and Stark. ID-ROOM unart ment house. lot 40x100 west side location; full price $1500; $350 cash, balance $25 and 4 per cent a month; good west side location. Nicely furnished t -room flat, near Lincoln high, for $500. with terms; or will trat'e on a house and lot close in 15 housekeeping rooms for $1050; $700 down; rent 32j; income fizu; gooo. west side location. TRY-US REALTY CO., Realtors. 160 Wei: Park St. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Established 12 years, net Income" $373 a month, rent $133, good lease. 27 sleep ing rooms, dining room and kitchen all roinnleto. oak and mahogany furniture; $5000 will handle; good location for boarders. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 401-5-0 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. ROOMING HOUSE. PRICE $1125: CASH $250. A rare opportunity to buy a rooming house for a very small eaan payment. 10 rooms, clone in, furnished for H. K. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4604. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Rent $230 for 5-year lease; furniture of the best; nice dining room; you can net $500 per month and better in this housf; rail price on wim uanuj terms. a. C. ULRICH & CO., 002 Stock Exchange Hldg WA'LKINO DISTANCE. 12 rcoms in H. K. suites; well fur nished; good furnace; nice looking build' In? ; good income. Price $1SOO; cash $1200. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. ATTENTION! Before buying consult our list of hotets and apartment houses. We handle the best In the city. We also have some splendid buys In 10-room to 20-room houses for housekeepinc apts. See Mrs. Keller. CF.O. T. MCHiRE CO.. 1 u7 Venn Hldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment or room ing houses with us. Your interests will always be protected. We have buyers waiting for vour propositions. See Mrs. Keller. OBO. T. MOORE CO . TOO" Toon Bldg. S i ' LE N 1 I D MUX i" V -M A K E R. 40 rooms, all housekeeping, good cor ner bldg.. every room outside, clean as a Pin: ciears about $400; $4000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ELEGANTLY furnished 11 -room corner house all In 2-room apts. ; good lease, net profit $90 month. Will sell at a sacrifice. Leaving city on account e- health. See Mrs. Keller. OEO. T. MtORE CO. 10117 Yeon Bldg HOTEL GO ROOMS. N. W. heat and strictly modern ; this place is In good hotel district and a paying proposition; price $13,300; good terms. C. C. ULRICH CO.. flOJ Stock Exchange Bldg. NIFTY PLACE. 14 2-rm. apts.. all with private baths, xceptlonnll well furnished, fine brick bldg.. nets JTood profit: $4500 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller. PRO T MOORK CO. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. EVERYTHING TO OFFER. Excellent close-in location, beautiful furniture, good Income, cheap rent. Owper Main 4009 12 ROOMS, 6 apts.. up-to-date; cood in come. Fries $1700. Mar. 2618. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY KN. Hotel nd Rooming Hoaxes. HOTELS. We have what you want In this line at right price with terms to suit. Call at office for full Information and make date, so w can SHOW YOU. 13 rooms. worklngman's hotel; price $800; cash $400. 18 rooms, worklngman's hotel; big din ing room; price $1500; casrl $400. 19 rooms, strictly transient; price $4200; cash $3600. 20 rooms, modern, transient; price $7000; cash $3000. 30 rooms, transient; downtown; price $7500; cash $7500. 40 rooms; fine for regular; located resi dential section; large dining loom; price $10,000; cash $5000. Z 44 rooms, corner brick, Ideal location, right price: business could not be better; full all time; owner selling to buv larger place; price $10,000; cash $504)0. 50 rooms. In business section ; price $7500; cash $4000. 60 rooms, a dandy: anyone would he proud to own it; all rooms bright; furniture and everything the best and up to the minute: location, lease and rent can't be beat; price $20,(100; cash 0,OOO. APARTMENT. We have a reaL, buy In an up-to-date modern apt., over 100 rooms : 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; furnishings excel lent; long lease. ROOMING HOUSES. 2S rooms; price $5000: cash $2300. 13 room?; price $ 700: cash $ 300. 1" rooms; price $3500; cash $3000. 11 rooms; price $1R00; cah $1000. 11 rooms; price $ 900; cash $ 300. II rooms; price 5 nun; casn wm. 8 rooms; price $ 350; cash $ 0. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title & Trust Bldg. Entrance 8f Fourth St. Broadway 5386. SPECIALS 616 HENRY" BLDG. O. A. PEARCE CO., Just listed exclusive with us; a swell rooming house, close in; White Temple; aM H K. with Al furniture; truly neat and clean: clears $150 besides your own suite, $1200 handles this. Hurry. 11 rooms H. K.. White Temple, nets $00 brsides your own apt. ; $500 cash handles -this. "A winner." HOTEL: 42 rooms, well located, west side, clears $450 to $500; requires $500 to handle ; long lease. 20-room brick hotel, west side, clears $150 besides own suite; price $3100; $2000 cash; good lease. 21 apts,, 1 and 2-room. close In. White Temple; nets $300. with long lease, nicely Xurnlshed, $4800 required to handle. Take this tip; It is worth your time to investigate these; we have others. O. A. PEARCE CO., 616 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4835. THREE DESIRABLE HOTEL LEASES AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. THESE ARE" PRICED RIGHT, WELL-LOCATED AND LOAV RENT. SEE OUR MR. CASE FOR THESE AND OTHER GOOD BUYS IN HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE LEASES AND FURNITURE M ETZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 OAK ST. BDWY. 5355. 40-ROOM brick hotel for $8900; $6000 cash: cheap rent with good lease; clear in $."00 a month: steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms; 8 private baths; close ir. west side. 9 housekeep'ng rooms for $700: $450 cash ; electric lights- clean and well furnished; good yard, nice west side home with an Income. 47-room apartment house, all 1 and 2-room. for $0000. with terms; cheap rent with lease and good Income; well furnished; close In, west side. TRY-US REALTY CO., Realtors, 109 West Park St. .MAKE US AN OFFER. 83 ROOMS of furniture, modern brick building. In walking distance. Leased for 3 years; shows a net Income of over $400 per month and can bo easily In creased. If you are looking for a ral Investment, see thrs today. No phoite Information. RYAN REALTY A BUILDING CO.. Realtors. 413-0 Ablngton Building. 80-ROOM note!, fully equipped with linen room : a money-maker: nets $300 per month. Price $2450, with terms. 72-room housekeeping; income $700: rent $150; 2-year lease. This Is a bar gain. We have all kinds of small places at bargains. Call at 422 .Chamber of Com merce. LANE 8t CARROLL. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 50 rooms of the best mahogany and oak matched furniture; large, cosy din ing room with a beautiful fireplace: all modern equipment : steam heat ; located on Nob Hill and leased until November. 1925 at $250 per mo. This place shows a most excellent net income and the . prfee Is only $13,000. Reasonable terms. Marshall 5848. APARTMENTS ROOMING HOUSE. East side ; 1 4 rooms, transformed into four suites of apartments ; large, fine looking residence: permanent tenants; rent only $65 per month; price $2800 for furniture and lease; $1800 cash required. Chester L. Florence, R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A GOOD buy In nice brick east side apart ment; torn i-rrinm apartments ana six 2-room apartments: 5-year lease, rea sonable rent : private baths each apart ment, as complete as a small home: price reasonable. Phone East 8820. 504 Alblna aye BY OWNER 55 housekeeping rooms, brick building, west side, large clean rooms and good furniture; electric lights and running water; lady can run place alone; lease at only $100; net better than JJ250. Full price $5000. terms. See owner at 6474 First St. MRS. HOTEL WOMAN. We have a 34-room hotel you can man age all by yourself; chock-full of good tenants and clean as a pin; good lease. See us about this one. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 002 Stock Exchange Bid. 130-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Steam heat, 50 private baths, good lease, phones in all rooms, net Income $2000 a month; $25,000 wlU handle. Good furniture. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Pnnamn Bids:.. Third and Alder. 22-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Established 12 years, rent $60, good lease, furniture extra good, iron beds; mOd will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 P.mama Bide. Third and Alder. NEWLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 18 rooms In Is. 2s and 9s with a lease to 1926 at $73 per month. First time offered for sale. This Is an excellent Investment at $2750 and $1500 will handle It. Marshall 5848. HOTEL 14 RoOM 8. $3000 cash will give you possession of this strictly modem brick hotel, below Burnside St.; full price $12,000. O. C. ULRICH & CO., i 802 Snrk Exchange Ride; -ROOM furn'shed house; can get lease on 7 rooms unfurnished; splendid loca tion. This is a real buy; house In good condition; can be bought today or Mon day for $550.- Phone East 8820. G04 AUMr.a aye. OUT-OF-TOWN HOTEL. Modern buIMlng of 24 rooms In nice Oregon town; a real snap at $12,000, with $3000 cash. O. C. ULRICH A CO., 60 Ptock Excbftniro Bldg - v 51-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Brick building, steam heat, 3-year lease, fine Income : $10,000 will handle. A real location ; always full. . ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bids.. Third atid Alder. $1 Too -Hi USE KEEPING APARTMENTS. Rent $35, furnace heat, good furniture; for quick sale. $1700. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404.5-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. EXTRA good buy In 8-room furnished house ; cheap rent, close In east side location: good rurnlture; shows good In come; price $800: $400 will handle; nets $60. Phone East S82n. 504 Alblna ave. APARTMENT. Modern : very best lease : low rent: good location; good profit: price $19,000. Also have one more apartment house to sell. Pteaje se m' at 213 Henry bids;. 24-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Concrete building, rent $123 a month; $20no will handle, balance easy. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. Thrd and Alder. 12-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Rent $35. good furniture, good in come; $1200 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 104-8-A Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. A FINE 12-room apt. house for sale. Rooms all rented. J?hone East 8826. A B A R O A 1 N 24 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE. FIRST CLASS LOCATION. IF SOLD AT ONCE $1850. CALL YAMHILL 435. 10-ROOM H K. apartment house, finely furnished. White Temple district, $2000. Terms. 718 Dekum bldg. Ill SiNESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Hooves. FREEMAN-SMITH. BROKERS. BROADWAY" 18"3. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. 12 apartments, consisting of one and two-room apts.; all modern; brick building; good lease; rent only $300, including- heat and water. Has a net of $425 per month. Cash to oaadle $5000, balance terms to suit purchaser. 34-ROOM RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. AVI thin walking distance of busi ness district; this place Is always full, N. W. heat; hot and cold water In all rooms, furnishings in excellent condition. Five-year lease; -rent only $350, including heat furnished. Will ahow a net income of better than $500 per month the year round. For quick sale $12,000 cash will handle. 27 H. K. ROOMS. x 2 and 3-room apts.; furnishings In very good condition; has a lease; rent $40 per month; will show a net Income of $130 per month. As low as $800 cash will handle this; balance easy terms. 18 ROOMS. Close In on AVashington street, con ditions very good ; lease and rent $60 per month. $2500 cash will handle. 20 ROOMS. Downtown location; good fur nishings; will net better than $200 per month. Price to handle $2000; small balance terms. 15 ROOMS. Nob Hill district; furnishings In very good condition; low rent; net Income $175 per month; $1500 cash 13 ROOMS. White Temple district ; has net income' of $100 per month and better; this Is one of the best buys In the city for a place of this Vlnd; $800 will take this one. 19 ROOMS. ' Nob Hill district; all on one floor; good furnishings, fuel to last for 6 months ; small cash payment to handle, balance on easy terms. 86 ROOMS. If you want to make money here is your chance; one of the best buys of this kind. Hotel in good district alt rooms full; mak ing better than $130 per month clear. As small cash payment as $1900 will handle this. FREEMAN-SMITH. REALTORS, BROKERS. 630 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE x BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES AND ROOMING HOUSES. 44 -room modern brick hotel, good lease. Price $12,000. terms. 52-room modern brick hotel, lease: well furnished. Price $15.0oo. terms. 25-room apartment house, fair rent, fine place. Price $4000. terms. 18-room h. k., good furniture: rent $50; makes good money. Price $2250, terms. 8-room h. k., well furnished; rent $40. Price $105O. terms. 0-room. fair furniture; rent $25. Price for all $175. These are all good west side loca tions. I have others, all sizes. Call 103 H West Park St. Se. Q V. ANDE R SO X. ROOMING HOUSES. We have several exceptional good buys in central locations, netting handsome profits. Any one honestly seeking advanta geous location will investigate our exclusive listings first. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Main 208. Lobby of Chamber of Commerce. GOOD CLEAN HOTEL. Brick building; steam heat: hot and cold water in every room; rent $125; net $40O; 5-year lease. $424)0 will handle; small balance. Transient hotel, centrally located, rent $60; IS rooms on one floor; money maker; lease; terms; $2300 will handle. 525 RAILWAY' EXCHANGE. PACIFIC N OR T H AV E ST HOTEL NEWS. A CONSERVATIVE PURCHASE. We have on upper Washington street a hotel doing a fine business, which will be sold for cash only. If you are In the market and mean business call and see us. Country hotel clearing better than $350 month wo can sell on very fine terms. Beach hotels clearing for the season half of their purchase price. AA'hat bet ter do you want? Other listings equally as productive. 714 Couch Bldg. HIGH-CLASS BRICK APT. HOUSE. 24 lovely 2-room apts.. 12 private baths. 4 public baths; fine location, close in ; very' fine furniture. Immaculately clean ; strictly high-class place, appeal lnK to high-crass tenants; 5-year lease; Income $900; building in A-l cqndltlon: very fine furnace; a place anyone would be proud to manage. Price $14.00trr cash $7300. MRS. SNOW. BDAVY". 4664. 329 Lum bermens Bldg. BRICK APT. HOUSE BLDG. AND -FURNISHINGS. 13 apts.. In fine east aide location. This Is a real buy, if you are looking for a snap come in and see thtsk Price $21,000. MRS. SNOW, BDAVY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FINE BRICK APT. HOUSE. One of Portland's best. Idea) walking distance location ; very fine furniture ; 4-year lease; income $2175; automatic elevator For further particulars and appointment call MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4004. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. NOB HILL DISTRICT. In select part of Nob Hill district I have for sale a lovely home of 9 rooms, furnace heated and beautifully fur nished for H. K. and sleeping rooms, bringing In a good Income, which is of fered at a reduced price of $1500. For appointment call MRS. SNOAV. BDWY'. 46G4. 8 APTS.. mostly 2s. white pressed brick coiner bldg.: steam heat, exceptionally clean, well furnished : clears about $450 month. Price til. $00, MM down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1V07 Yeon Bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST One piece of 1-lncb copper metallic hose and connections, on 82d st. north of Powell A'aMey road. Finder please earl up Baft 77Q and receive rward. LOST Lady'd platinum bar pin. 8 dia monds, Thursday, after 5 P. M. Call Chief Lunch. Main 2238. Mr. Inman. Reward. LOST from auto, brown coat containing watch and papers. Liberal reward. Phone East 7629. LOST Patent leather coin purse, Friday night, containing approximately $5. Woodlawn 1370. after 6:30 P. M. LOST -Between Meier A Frank's and Olds A King's, one H. O. S. pin. June, 1010. Call AVdln. MS. LOST From North Coast Electric Co.'s truck, one $20 bill and one $5 bill. Fin der call Bd wy. 837 Re w a rd. PACKAGE with 2 vests, 1 wool and 1 tweed. Reward Lost Sat. on Division st. Call Main 580. LOST South of Mllwaukte. large white and black male setter, about two weeks ago. Reward. Phone Oak Grove 168-W LOST Fitch fur neckpiece. 3 skins, 2 with heads. 1 without. Call Woodlawn 6228; reward. LOST Small brown purse containing sil ver and clippings. 3th floor. Meier A Frank's. Phone Main 6533. Reward. LOST Between 11th and 10th on Harri son. gray suede purse ctfh lain ing small change. Marshall 4074. GOLD wrist watch, open face, between Park and Salmon and 3d and Alder. Ke turn to 380 10th. Mar. 1231. Reward. LoST String pearl beads, platinum fas tener; finder phone 426J, A'ancouver, Was h 1 ngton. LOST -Airedale dog, two collars, license No 2022, answers to name of "Pete." Telephone East 71 18. LOST Barpln set with pearls, reward Tabor 5740. Liberal LOST Gold bar pin. Thursday. Dec. 8, heirloom. Marshall 2020. Reward. LOST License plate, California, No. 384332. East 6372 ' LOST About tow n. opal and diamond scarf gin. Phone Kenwood $0$$. LOST Friday, an abstract on Grants Pass, Oregon, property. Mar. 3501. LOST- Plain gold ring stamped J. H. S. Phone Bdwy. 2740. Reward. Room 31. LOST One brown kid - glove at 6th and Oak. Reward. Call Est LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., December 9, 1921: 6 um brellas, lunch boxes, 2 purses, foun tain pen, 2 suitcases, 3 handbags, 6 pair, S single gloves. 8 books, overalls, 4 pack ages, 1 single rubber, car tickets. 3 keys, knife. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. . - REWARD. Lost 2 packages between Castle Rock and Kalama, Wash., on highway, con taining Christmas boxes and plctvres; 1 package with army trousers and sweater. C: 11 Mar. 3688. Mrs. John A. Boyd, Port land. Or. LOST A black silk lady's handbag, large bunch of keys and toilet articles. Re turn to drapery department. Powers Furniture Co., or call Tabor 0531. Re ward. BLACK POCKETBOOK. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. CONTAIN ING GOVT. R. R. SCRIPT. VERY SUBSTANTIAL REWARD. MAR SHALL 2349. LOST Large brown collie dog, has white teet, wnite breast and tip 01 nose while. Answers to tha name of Major, call Chief of Police Jenkins. Sell wood 2144. LOST, a week ago last Friday, In down town district, lava 1 Mere trimmed with black enamel with small diamond; liberal reward. Phone Tabor 3621. LOST Silver fountain pen. H. E. K. en graved in old English letters, ribbon at tached ; reward. Miss Kane, Lipman, AVolfe & Co. . A TAN AND WHITE Boston bulldog an swers to the name of Kelly. Please notify Mrs. W. AV. Youngson. 091 East 62d st. N. Tabor 2790. Reward. CAME to my place 10 days ago, Japanese poodle, black ears. . Mrs. Ethel Foster, Mt. Scott car to 'Item on t sta., 71st St., bet. Cooper and McCoy. -PST Nov. 9, parcel of gloves, 4 pairs short, 1 pair long, by the Phessant Cleaning Works. Finder will please call Main' 8421. LOST String of graduated pearl beads, diamond clasp? Reward. 258 Murxan bldg.. Main 2Q15. FOl'ND Automobile Inner tube in Monta vlUa. Lineburger, 94-th and E. Stark sts. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. 011769. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roseburg. Oregon. November 8, 1921. Noxice Is hereby given that the Dun can and Brewer Lumber company, of Duluth. county of Saint Louis, state of Minnesota, has filed In this office Its application to select, SeritU No. 011769, 'under the provilsons of the act of con gress, approved May 31, 1918 (40 StaL. 593), and the regulations thereunder ap proved July 17, 1918 (46 L. D., 424), the Sfe of Sec. 15, Es, NE NWH S4 SAY and NVVfc SAV Sec 17. all of Sec 19. Nfc, Efc SE, NW SE. NE 8W4A and Wft SW Sec. 21. Tp 25 S., R. 10 W.. Will. Mer. Any and all persons claiming adversly th lands de scribed, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant should file their affi davits of protest In this office without dela. W. H. CANNON, Register. First nay of publication, Nov. 20, 1921. Last day of pub.icat.on Dec. 2u. IU21. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES The Oregon ftUUEe Board of Control will receive sealed bids on December 13. 1921, ft 2 P. iu.., for furnishing supplies to the various filate Institutions, consist ing jf d-j goods, clothing, furnishings, groceries. shoes, hardware, broom, drugs, stationary, crock try. plumbing, etc.. tor the m in-annual period ending June 30. 1U22. Meclflcatlons and sched ules will oe f u- nished upusr' application to the avcrttar at Salem, Oregon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Portlana Chamber of Commerce. Each bid sha.; be accompanied by a certified cneck representing 10 per cent of the whole ar.icunt bid, payable to the Oregon State Boird of Control, or where the 10 per cent r.iuounts to $500 or more, a surety boLd Horn some company au thorized to do business in OreR-on wilt be ac :-:pted In p;ace of the check. The same thai: be ne.d as a guaranty of the faithf il perfoi-uiance of the contract. Toe board reserves the right to rejeot any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODIN, Secretary. Oregon Sir le Board of Control. Mince Laneou. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, Portland, Oregon, until 7 P. M , Dee, 21, 1421, for typwt riters for various schooV Portland. Or. Bras will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors In room 304 Courthouse at 7 P. M. the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of prop erties, old Falling school, First and Por ter streets. Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the propose!, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and busi ness manager, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated December 10. 1021 1 WILL receive sealed bids for the follow ing personal property located at Gaston, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday, December 16, 1921. to-wlt: One stock of general merchandise consisting of drygoods. notions, stationery, tobacco, candy. Jewelry, paints and oils, shoes, groceries and hardware, of the Inventory raiuatlon of $7207.30, and one lot of ag ricultural implements of tho Inventory valuation of $3:143.21 ; also one lot of tore fixtures, $2127. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 of thevamount offered must accompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Separate bids for tho imple ments will be considered. Dated at Portland, Oregon, December 6. 1021. R. L. SARIN. 740 Morgan Building. CIRCULAR NO. 537 Sealed proposals will be received at office of general pur chasing agent, AlasVan Engineering Commission, room 422 Bell street ter minal, Seattle, AVash., not later than 3 P. M-, December 13, 1021, for furnishing No. 1 timothy hay. Copies of this cir cular may be obtained upon application at this office, or from Alaakan Engi neering Commission, 204 Neva. Postoff Ice bldg., Portland, Or. C. E. Dore, general purchasing agent. y' FINANCIAL. I HAVE a 40 -a ere oil lease in the famous Ken Pool in Allen county. Kentucky, where 00 ptr cent of the wells drilled produce oil; average cost of each well on the pump L about $1500; production on three sides: also have 1000 acres on the same structure in Tennessee. In semi-proven property. Have been offered $25,000 for these leases, but I don't want to sell all ; will sel' half Interest In them or a less amount, and put the money right lmk in development work, which would increase the value many times. Phone Marshall 5522 or call M3 Spalding bldg. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. AVE OFFER. SUBJECT 6000 Beaver State Motor. 200 Beaver State Motor. 40 Pre. 20 -Com. American Securities. 4 Pre. I -CotA. Oregon otate Finance. 4 Pre. 2-Com. Western Fwiance Cor. Wq are aock brokers. AV111 buy. sell or exchange stocks of merit. E. H. A A. N. HOSNER. Main 4823. 60S McKay Bldg. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES iN ANY AMOUNTS PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR A GRAY, MAIN S3. 102 FOURTH ST. HAVE $14oo csmtract on Tine late model car, value $2oOO; payments $100 and 8 per cent Interest monthly. Fully in sured. - AA'ill make, very liberal discount for Immediate cash. East 6301. PATENTS developed, companies organized. Industrial stock and bond issues floated; correspondents in all principal cities. AC 231. Oregonlan. fcELLEUb u.MKACTS am. eeeona mort gages bougnt a. id sold. C DeYouag k Co.. 810 Spaidffcg bldg. AVE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 3026., CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate , Washington. 1 -gun. H. E. WpMcy S46 Lumbermens bldg FOR SALE $3000, first mortgage. $200" security, paying 8 per cent, to run f -r two years. AV. f Glfford, Beaverton. Or. AVILL cash small mtge. or seller's real estate contract.- See A. K. Hill. 426 Lu m b rm en's bldg. MY $200 EQUITY in King's Dehydrated Food Products Co. stock for $160. Wood !awn MM. WILL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $:Hk0 FIRST mortgage for sale on busli ne ss property. Phone Main 6634. BUY-NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. U. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE Sellers' contract on Rose City property. Auto. .027-02 WANTED $3000 building loan on $6000 valuation. AC 243. Oregonlan. MAKE loans, buy and sell securities. .Davenport, 812 .Buchanan bldg. FIN WTIAl ADDITIONAL working capital fumihd going concerns. We do mm tenn monev but have an established clientele and sales organization capable of supply; $2500 to $loo.ooo within 90 days, pro viding your business wll bear strict in veatigatlon. AL 251. Oregonlan. Mom i to ixtaii on Ural fr.tte. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6, PER CENT Five-year period payment; privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. .'INSTALLMENT LOANS. O PER CENT Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of catch month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 64 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Y'eon Bldg.. Main K30S. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for resideuces. apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges Other funds also, as for the past 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNT! The -Most Complete Loan SerVlce. EDAA'ARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY. United States Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on AVillatwlLs valley farms. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 601 5. SEE US. TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can, sums to salt ; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CBLLARS-MURTON CO. AVE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also Insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg; FARM LOANS Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on YVillamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege ; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B- LEE PAGET. Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldr M.iin 62.10. HAVE $2500. $5000 and $11,000 at 7 on hand for highly improved city only. GEORGE T. SCHAEFER. 817 Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Residence and City Property. 64 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount: low rates; promptly closed ; attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRREI.L-GILL CO.. 217 N. AV. Bank Bldg Marshal: 4114. R K H 1 D K NCR LOTS. In sums to uit. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. HERMAN MOELLER, REALTOR. 426 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy 4 21. Sob, moo $oo. $700. $1000, $1200. $1500. $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Commerce h;dV Main 1370 , MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farme and city property; favorable repaying privileges ; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO. Ltd. :soo Piatt Bidg. Ms in M7L 10 AND $12,000 ON HAND. 7 per cent on A-l Improved city. AN 293. Oregonlan MOHTOAGK loan- in fuihs to suit. city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS JCSPECI ALT Y. WILLIAM G BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. $tiM.u $15o $2U0C $2300 $3000 NO DELAY. AVe are loaning our own money Loans quicKiy ciosea F H. pggtf 'N 615 Chum, of Com, bldw. PRIVATE money to loan 011 real estate. low rates, no delay?, c ueioung Klo Spalding hldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto A Harkson Realty Co., 4 1 5 Chamber of Cotrtint -v. $20O, $40O, $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber Of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent If security is ample. Edw. P Mall. 309 Chamber of Commerce. tUO. S per cent; $1000. 7- per cent; ijouu, X '-...-. ln ,,tir Amounts. W D. Hodabaugh. 'labor 42W. LOANS at current rates on weil-improved arms and city property. K. K. Baxter. Spalding bldg. $3O0 TO $7uO TO LOAN on real estate. L E. Steinmetx, 408 Gerlinger bldg Main 6001 or Tabor 3224. MORTGAGE LOAN. 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & eo., :tu nan, sicn. p"h- SEE 210 (REOON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., LU M BER EXCHANGE BLDG. $-11 0O0. divide $6000. $10,000. S6O.0OO. $1110.000. Ka.t 7504. $ $ioihi AND $5uo TO loan; resi dence security. Marshall 3324. VI one y to Lcan- Imttcls and Salaries, DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If ynnr payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. AAV make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can reuav us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people n their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. POKTLA.Nl) LOAN CO.MPANY. (Licensed.) 306-307 Dekum Bid. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor. Third and AVashington. CHRISTMAS MONEY. AVE LOAN MONEY, to salaried and working men on thelr personal notes. Rates reasonanie NO MORTGAGE. NO IN I KSER. NO PUBLICITY. NO SECURITY. Call and Investigate our modern money lending methods. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Llcesfsed. 218 Falling Bldg. S. E. Cornoe T bird and W ashington sa. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on housebbld goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Streets, Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX A Co., 315 AA'ashlngton St.. near 6th st. ; established over 33 years; only hih-class Jewelry store in city with loan department in connection private room for ladles; business strictly , conriaenwa. ; unurr eiaie su-i vimou. all articles held one year : do business with an old-established firm MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry; f confidential service; government 'ir'nea and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co.. 283 AVash. St.. between 4th and 3th. Marshall 727. UTO loans. Have client who will make j few good - loans. For consideration give all details. Absolutely confiden tial. Appointment nrrairged. E 275, Ore gonlan. MONEY to loan; diamonds, jewelry, etc.; legal rate: articles held one year. Vines. Jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. MUST sacrifice 25 shares American Llfe graph; make me a bid. AE 206, Ore gonisn. . Loans AA anted. $20O0 WANTED on modern 3-room bun galow with full cement basement. Value $4500. On prominent street in Nc-w-berg- By owner. Chrest Nelson, 214 N. Meridian st.. Nwberg, Or. $25uo ON NEAV 3-room modern bungalow. Rose City. East 6329. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. $0000 . oN NEW modern house, large grounds. Wilbur F. .Toun.y Henry b.dg. Want ihoo cirliv. H21 on city home ; good asco. Main MM. AVANT loan, $33041, at 7 per cent flat bldg. $170O ON NEAV mode! n City. riar Sandy blvd bungalow. Rose East (1320. AV NT $700 on $2o,onn Laurel hurst home. 7 per cent. Tabor 2703. $2500 WANTED on $6500 modern City eTlty property ; choice, location. Tabor 63o0. $140O TO $1500 ON new bungalow; large I lot, owner, vouwu fJN'ANClAI I.ottriM Wattled. AVANT $6000 on 180 acres. 143 In alfalfa, with paid up perpetual and appurtenant water right for 143 acres; woven wire fences, good county road. Uulldlngs. Property well worth $24,000; will pay u per cent semi-annually. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Mala 8529. FRANK L. McGUlRE. with his years dt experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of- fie or personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager loan department, Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. AVA,NTE1 To borrow direct from private) (:!. uuu ior o yrs., t on uouute house and lot in Sunnyslde district; In come $60 per month ; valued at over $54MM). McClure Schmauch Co., MM Rajlway exchange bid a. v AT MAPLKAVOOD station on Oregon Elec tric, four-room modern house: $20. Has x city gas. Bull Run water and electric lights. New gas stove for sale. Apply second house from postotflce, Maplc wood. PORTLAND people of best repute want $5O.00o for three years or longer. 8 per rent interest ; bonus of 10 per cent at time of returning principal. B 270, Or- gonlan. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Wanted. $3500 loan first mortgage on -.5 acres, good house and buildings; 50th ami Skldmore. Tabor 4032. WANTED To borrow direct from private party, $25O0 for 3 yrs., Sr'c, on btautlful. new, modern home on Portlnnd heights; valued $0000. McClure Schmauch Co., 806 Rniiwny Exchange hldg FOR SALE $30oo mortgage, interest 7 per cent, secured by good home and one acre land on electric car line. A. R. Johnson, 633 N. AA Bank bldg. Main 3787. WANT to dispose of two mortgages, each $1500, well secured, one due Mar.. 1923, bearing 7: one due Jan., 1924. bearing 8. Present holder. Wdln. 908, Main 333. WANT the following sums for loans on first mortgage on Improved real estate security; $450. $300 and $1000. all draw ing s per cent fret to lender. Fred AV. German Co.. 732 Ch. of Com, bldg. CLIENT wants $5000, 3 years, 7 net, gilt edge security, on city property worth $1 o.OOO. J. W. CROSSLEY. 81 Fourth St. Broadway 5044. ARE THE UK 30 men who will lend me $10 for one year to complete professional education. Money handled by responsi ble person. Excellent references. AL t28.i. ( 'regonlan. AVNT $ 1400 oii 100x100 with 7-room house, walks paid, 5 blocks from car; pay 8 per cent. 5 years John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. Main 85 29. AVANTRD X4UIHJ for 3 years, first mort gage on fine residence in Irvlngton Will pay Agents need not apply. A 2S7, Oregonlan. AVANT $800, pay lo per cent bonus; tOO month, 8 per cent : good security. 332 Railway Exchange. Main 3341. Call Mon day. ' WANTED To borrow direct from owner, $2500 on Portland residence property, ideal location, no brokerage fees. Martin Unser. 846 Alberta st. . EIGHT per cent offered for $300 to $3000 additional capital for my growing busi ness, doublv secured: alt transactions handled by bank. Tabor 7503. , FOR GILT-EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. 1 WISH to borrow $1200 on new bunga low just off Ainsworth are. ; will pay good interest. Corcoran, S25 Lumber man bldg. WANTED Loan. $4000 first mortgage, 7 per cent, modern west side tints. Ore gon Inv. & Mtge. Co., 210 Lumber Each, bldg. AVAN TED Loan. $5000. first mortgage, 7 per cent, on 13 acres at Lents, valued at $13,000. Oregon Inv. 4k Mtge. Co.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. . AV ANTED $1700 fir 7 per cent on new North, betw-een B from private part: , or t gage loan at on East 53d st. ray and Ha!sey, abor 7401. $3000-$3300. 7 per cent, wanted on 8-room modern Irvlngton home, completed. AK 294. Oreonlan. . $7."w WITH brokerage to meet final bills on 3-room modern bungalow ; good dis trict. F 203, Oregonlan. WANTED $25oo fronj private party on R. C. home; cash value .$7000. Tabor 2123 WANT $35i 00 days or longer. AVIU pay 10 per cent and commission. Best of security. .1 297. Oregonlan. $?ooo To 13900; 3 years, 8. improved property. St. Johns, rental value $30 rnonbh ly. BF 254. Oregonlan. $1000 LOAN wanted. 1-3 years, 8 per cent interest; $40oo Rose City Park home for security! no brokers. E 21)7, Oregonlan. WANT $4000 at 7 per cent from private party on new $10,000 Alameda home. Bdrwy. 2045. Monday. $5(ilH WANTED. Farm loan. 3 to 5 years. 275. Oregonlan. Owner, B $800 AT 8 PER CENT by client on real estate valued at $3000. O. AV Kastham. a tty, 214 Couch bldg. $1400. FROM 1 to 5 years: Portland resi dence, value $40,000, for security; no agents. AH 282. Oregonlan. V7A NT ED $1000, one year. 10 per cent interest ; good security, chattel mort gage. D 278, Oregonlan. 1RVINGTON iQans. Oeveral $3000. $4000, :i years. 7; most desirable. K. T. Streut, Hetter-Homes iteait- U'A N T E 1 $12.5uo. first mortgage, 6 per Y;ent; Inside business property. AG 252. Qregonlart. WANT small loan on two lots, restricted district ; fruit treps; blub - class homes surrounding. D 204. Oregonlan. $5000. 3 TO 5 YEARS, from private party, on city business property worth $15,000. A M 284. Oregonlan. $321K NEW More buildings. Value MOM. For three jsrars. no commission. AVdtn. $4300 FOR THREE years 7 per cent, on a beautiful new home, valued at $12,300. AB 292. Oregonlan. , $3000 WANTED on fine Rose City home, modernf 7 rooms, worth $8000. R 286. Oregon la n . t $2300 FOR THREE years, 7 per cent, on large corner home In Rossmere, Al ee cur 1 1 y AN 282. Oregon Ian. $100O WANTED es gajoW in Alberta. a new, modern bun -Jf 2S5. Oregonlan. WANT $20.00". business property. Main st.. Vancouver, AVash. E. A. Burt. East 244. ;1000 ON 3-ROOM bungalow and one acre. East 50th st. East 0320. WANT $4000. Rlngler. 223 R. $25,000 R. Henry bldg. PERSONAL DRUG LESS HEALING. The Weltmer method will cure 03 per rent of chronic diseases. On March L 1021. W. 8. Miller. S. 12th St., camo to me for treatment after trying every thing else first. Had stomach, kidney, bladder and liver trouble, was in con tinual pain In sides, chest, stomach and spine; could not turn over for treatment without getting up to turn; It took him one. hour and 25 ml:iutes to come 23 blocks. He has not had a single pain since I gave him treatment, cured In 10 weeks. Now to advertise my work, shall give free treatment Mondays and Tues- i days balance of year, from 1:80 to 5:3i P M. Anvone comlnc this month shall I get two free treatments ench week until cured. This gives you four weeks' treat ment for tne price of three weeks. We have plenty of cures to refer you to. Prof Peasley, 490 Morrison st. Mar shall 260. If you calt will go to the h-. ne to give treatment. DK a da 'SCOTT, nervous and chronc dis ,.a8r.s a. specially ; steam bains, not Bf cold showers, scientific body massage. Hours 10 to 7. 417 Swetland bids;. Bdwy 4170. nHL'OI.KSS doctor or medical gymnast firat-class office. well equipped ana practice for sale In Salem; only $100. AV 77U. oregonisn LECTRONET hsalth treatment, fine for rheumatism and neuritis; treatments given in your own home if you wish. Main 0103. PARTY driving to San Francisco Dec 27. can take 2 passengers. A A 768. Ore gonlan. EXPERT driver, familiar with roads to Los Angeles, will take machine down for fare; beet references. A. 321-32. WOULD like to hear from party driving a car to San Francisco or Los Angeles before Christmas. K 278. Qrearonian. WILL Mr. K. Emmitt. painter, please call C AA". Zahn, painter. AVdln. 4MM), Sun day A. M? t DE LUXE SHOP Marcelling, water wav ing, scalp treatment and facial ; by ap polntmont only. Mar. 3301. WANTED for adoption healthy baby girl, under 6, months old; reference given. H 277. Oregonlan. LADIES Try Dr. Stewart's painless foot treatments. Open evenings by appoint -ment East 7127. "1 4 Macieav bldg. DOLL AA'IGS of your ootnblnga. 8. Pierce. 24 KHUncsworth. AVdln. 4380. DRIVING I peopi to Oakland first of week ; S 2HH. oregonlan. WOULD like to pay expenses. adopt new-born babe; A r 200. yreynnUn AA'VULD Mrs. J. K. Clark tks Thirteenth st.. please call lived at U3 Am. Ml-Mf SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed free; con fidential; no needle, P. O, Bo PERSONAL. ! FIRST LAW LTM is HYGIENE atjor. is tliH main cause t factor In nearly every physical body. My sys clvjnslng ire: tments cor dlilun ibrouKlt circulation of nu Autc-lnto4 or a domina cllsrase Of th tern of body recta this CO and eltminat neat, water, electricity, sweating and massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the laws of the physical body Cncrgy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the taking. Monday. Wednesday. Friday. Women jnly. Nurse at tends nt. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday -men only. UKOW.V3 HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE, 8tevens Bldg., Downstairs M.tln SC30 Seven Y'ea.s Same Location. desSmstry without pain by nerve-blocking, tone the-apy or con ductive anesthesia. AVlthout danger or after effects. AY? perform all dental op erations without pain Come In and 1st us prove it to yuu. x-ray work. DR. A. AV .NE DR. E. J K II Above MaJeaHIc thea HAUL, iter, en. 351 S AVash. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do it. The most important thing iu the world to you Is YOURSK1 F Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Malone at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what it Is. A 13-tnlnu interview free by appointment only. Phone Broadway 40H0. RAG AND JAZZ In 10 lessons gusranteed. Beginners play a lato popular song In S lessons or no charge. Advanced earn all kinds of business playing, technique thor oughly taught. Free practice rooms; only successful school of the kind 'in Port land. Established f years. Parker Pistm School, 514 Ellers Bldg., AVash. at 4tn. Main 403v ANY READER of this paper suffering from goiter (big neck) can get positive information on how to cure it al home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise In store for you if you will write. No charge what soever. Tell others. It will help us git Address Dr. Rock, box 737, Milwaukee. AA'lsconsin. . YOUR HOROSCOPE, covering three pages. 2 Ac; 6 pages, 50c; complete 12-paKO up to 00 years. $ l ; a! so chart with VOO-year catencfar; know yourself; find your right work; be successful; money refunded if dissatisfied; give birth date. Mllbora Johnson, box 1204. Los Angeles! Pad, 1 W II-L gladly tell anyono suffering rheumatism how 1 was cured In days after two years' terrible sutfe It matters not what form you r what, you have tried or how long st; Ing. Send name and address today, dresei box X-147. Little Rock, Ark. Ad- DR. NETTIE BENSON Nervous and chronic diseases treated by NEW METHODS, traction for week backet, mineral steam bath, showers, violet ray. massage and sinusoidal treatments for both sexes M. 77K9 711 Swetland bldg. FORM playing 1 ach el the k-;aNlcal rag and Jaax in 12 advanced, guar ant pianos for pract free. Waterman I lum oia bldg. , over PILES PERM A .IEF. Legal guarantee given. No nee knjfe, no pain, continue work. As see Gie-o-nui Pile treatment. Nort Pacific Phcy. 3d and .Morrison. Per H ot l Phcy.. 3th and Washington. SCENARIO WRITERS Scenarios typewritten by studios. 25c page; tton and story format r classes. Marie All ta ave., member Au PROSTATE and bladi constipation quickly. No knife, massage 01 private home treatin In plain wrappers. El 036 It.urd blilg . Sten TAKARA soothing, cl and invlgori female disoi Portland He eptic hnvnRR lea healing germicide niche; a great aid in M)c and $1 per box. cy. LEAVE your watt Rose City AA'atcl night when you 7 A. M. till 7 P ti 4hls morning at the maker's and get It to umi hack. Open from M. 1419 Sandy blvd.. bet r.bt Und 32d sts. NOTICE Rheumatism suffer Information, call J. W. Kei Lloyd Chemical Co.. 638 Telephone East 2018 open to 9 P. M. . WRITE a song, poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publ lost ion. Send words today. EDAA'ARD TRENT. 792 Reaper Block. Chicago. NEURITIS. SCIATICA, neuralgia and all nerve inflammations yield to the Sun Lamps Dr. Ironside. Broadway bldg. Main 36. Nurse assist. XMAS M'OGKHTION. Buy her a fur. Price ours before buy ing elsewhere. A deposit will hold until wanted. The Fur Shop, 613 EUera bldg.. AVash bet. 4th and 3th sts. Main 6424. GALLSTONES Physician explains simple, effective treatment for Inflamed gall bladder and bile) duct, associated with gallstones; booklet KM EE. Dr. 1'addock. box G52Q1, Kansas City. Mo. ATTENTION, MEAND WoAn! T..ke -ur sTesm nai!. - - and chiropractic treatment from Dr. Mar- garet Hayne, 513 S Wetland bldg. DR. LOCISE NETZsiL treats rheumatism, lumbago; electric blanket, vibrator, mas sage, bath; lady assistant. 340 Columbia street, near '17th street. Main 3308. YOUNG man returning to Los Ange has place for two In closed year. Le Tuesday, arrive Friday. Call Mr. Kin lev at Hotel Oregon. KX P KR IENCEI nurse gives mineral steam baths and scientific bony massage ; also Sundays. 822 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Washington sts. SKILLED nurses give Steam, shower and. Vlt-o-net baths; maswage and electrical treatment. 705 Dekum bldg. Broad way 8414. VIT-O-N'ET sweat, body massage. Radiant light. Violet Ray treatments for cold, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 8 dally. 450 Morgan bldg. Main TSTO. "" WILL the gentleman having a brother HI at Salem August 22, call Main 5314, be tween 7 and 10 P. M.. for important In form atlnn? $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Katon'4 the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doe.eh't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th A AVash. Bdy.2824. WILL tour to Los Angeles, starting about Dec. 20, iri my closed car; room for on refined lady or gentleman. AE 284 Oregon! n. W 11 Y PAY fancy prices for trunses wnea you can get them at commercial prices at the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., MQ Morrison st.? Call gad see for yourself. SCENARIOS wanted, any form, screen production assured exceptional stories. SCENARIO SERVICE CORP.. 50$ Mason Opera house. Los AnsrHes. DURE-ALL pocket, wont tear off; nursi a uniforms, doctors' coa's, house dress1, aprons made reasonable; satisfaction i- .Moniiws: oing. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no p $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial. Superba Co. AV. 314 Bnif'more. Md. OPALINE Mrs. Summers- remedies for diseases of women. Positive relief. 240 Lincoln. Main 1)470. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by 10-needle method; trial free. Jose Flnley514 Bush A Lane. Main 6368 GOITRE, enlargedjeglands. Cure yourself. A. R. Strachan, route 3. Hllisboro, Or No agent or representatives. RE.l u V WN ATE your t Ired and nerrona body by a scientific msssage. Dr. Ovldt.t ljusen. 634 Morgan bldK Main 100. DE LUXE MASSAGES. 413 Buchanan bid . V.ih , bet. 4th and 5th sts. Also Sundays ami evenings. COM E to 00. feet treated ; trea t ments ant COUPLE 1 to Los j Mr Olnr LADIES w Itu acute or can get quickly relie ments by writ ing K W chronic ailments Ing trial trcat- rRBVKt A HANI toupc makers; WANTED Several one and twn-kurai GOOD MASSAGES II Y EX - NURSE. 415 Buchanan bldg. AVash.. bet. 4Hr and 3th sts. Also Sunds y s and evening. MA SSAGE. baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kidney. Both sexes. Dr. Eini Sorrnsen. 308 Panama bldg. Ma In BOgO, ( LADY desires congenia young lady com panlon to travel south by auto. 31 270, Oregonlan. ' PILES ciio be permanently cured without operation Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison CANCER treated. 312 Morgan bldg. Bdw! nnd Washington t.ts SULPHUR steam baths, masnflff. rtolet ray Hours, lo to V 420 c:,iy M aln 835? . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently r moved. 304 Swetland bldg. Main 1308 PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Dr. It A, Phillips Rdwy. fclflg, UA8SAGE and hourly nursing Miss A. Shane. Main 110. PRIM EDA BALM, lormcrly called Balm DoEsX'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you" LEARN Rood trade evening.-. Beauty tu7 - FURS altert-d and repaired at reusjnjble prices. Ottoi & liuinalde.