THE SUNDAY OKEGONTAN, PORTTANT), DECEMBER 11. 1021 17 KOR KENT. NEAT, large H. K. rooms, perfectly clean, plenty of ventilation, comfortably fur nlhi:d. good and warm, electric Mg-tit. hot and cold water, laundry privileges, bed linen furnished, free phone. Easy walking distance, suitable for two; pre fer employed adults. I3.S0 a week or rate by month. Delmonty, 107 Stout. near 20 h and Washington, west aide. Ft'KMSlJEU FT K. rooms, 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric Ughts. steam heat, five minute walk of town. 2H1 Columbia. near Fifth LA HOE. clean, light, well-furnished rm. for housekeeping, close to Benson and Washington schools. -0 E. 15th St., cor. Ash. NICE, clean - room and single house keeping rooms, cheap rent; light, gas. phone free; walking- distance. 316 linuinm ST.. near . imauia 2-KOUM apartment, lower floor, $33; one Ingle housekeeping room. $20; one sleeping room. $. 821) Everett; Nob Hill CLEAN sinijlB Ji. iT or sleeping roofns. dandy lobby, well heated. $7-$12; also apts.. $12 to $23. The Vaughn. N. ISth g ONE ROOM house, furnished for housekeeping; one man only. 482 Flint t.. near Williams ave and Russell. East 1)371. VElty clean h. k. room with kitchenette, lovely location, splendid view, gentle man preferred, half block from Council Crest car. Main 4278. 2-UOOM apartment and sleeping room, reasonablo and close in. MS1,? Washlng ton. THE BEAVER, llith and Marshall Fur nlshed h. k. rooms. Sir. up. Including hot water, electric lights, iaundry room. .NICE. AIRY h. k. rooms with or without sleeping porch. 003 E. Madison. East eii l. Z ROOMS, fur. h. k apt., heat, electric lights, phono furnished: hot and cold' r; $22 S". 1"'.' X. 1.-th. S SINGLE n. K. rooms in quiet place. Clean. $3.30. $4, $4. .10 per week, with heat, light, phone. 321 N. lth t. 407 W. BHOAl'WAV Large, attractive front room, kitchenette, range, water, every convenience: reasonable. NICE tarn housekeeping room with hot and cold water In .rooms in quiet. home- Ilk esurrojMigj NK'E, clean housekeeping room for bache lor, $10 per..month. 103 10th at.. Main 2 DA ROE H. K. rooms, heat, hot water, electric lights furnished; also one for sin gle person. ui iutn st. 63 N 20TH TWO newly furnished house keeping rooms; close in, west lde;-very roi: Q'lll'-llt fur UorKin.- pi-opir NEW 2 AND li-room housekeeping, Just coinnleteil, Turn ace neat, running wn-ei in at rtmattt. -ist iPtn. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Everything furnished. Adults. Near four car linos, .wo iiassaio NIGEL furnished 2-room H. K. apt.; fur nace heat; light and telephone free. 403 Montgomery ytreet. STANTON APTS., 203 Stanton St. 2-3 h. k. rooms, steam heat, rates reasonable. Children welcome. LARGE front h. k. room, first floor; base ment room; close In. 261 14th st., near Jefferson. , $18 CLEAN 2-room suite, everything fur nished. C52.? Thurman st. 2-ROOM furnished h. k. apt., newly reno vated. $'1.50 weekly. 350 14th st. 11. K. ROOM, 2 oi 3-room suite. Phone Main 5283. .170 12th. THREE unfur. rooms, pantry and bath, $10 a month. Inquire 70" Mississippi ave. 2 NICE i T turn. 2-im. h. k. rooms, vacant. 1U4 Lownsdale, cur. Taylor. FURNISHED h. 264 12th st. k. rooms, furnace heat. TWO NICE housekeeping rooms, close In. 281 Larrabee street. GOING away, will sub-rent furnished H. K. rooms, very reasonable. 432 4th st. CLEAN, cosy single h. k. or sleeping room, $ L5Q per week. 513 Yamhill st. 8-ROOM suite second floor, front, furnace heat. 745 Hoyt st. Marshall 2541. FoR RENT 1 housekeeping room, $10. 4Q5 K Ash st. TH REE f urnisiu-il housekeeping rooms. Talephon. and lights, jgg E. Main. TWO FURNISHED H. K rooms In a prl vate family; wdults. tffH) E. Burnside. LARGE trout room and kitchenette, single room, reasonable. 655 Flanders. NICELV furnished h. k. rooms; most cen trally loca t ed. 211 Morrison. 3 LAU( ' E outside rooms, no children. 402 Park. 3d floor, $35; Jlotiheket ping Room in Private Family. LARGE, pleasant furnished light house keeping room, with bath, light and gus. Large closet Included. 080 East 10th street North. 3 STRICTLY furnished housekeeping rms. in private family, with bath, light and water free. Also garage. Aut. 213-01. 34 E. 52d N. FURNISHED Nice room and kitchen for light housekeeping to young couple em ployed. 240 E. 50th st. CIoho to car line. f TWO LARGE clean front H. K. rooms, modern, close In. 786 Corbett L Rea sonable; carllne. TWO NICELV furnished housekeeping rooms, homelike. 600 Lovejoy st. Mar shall 835. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, bath, phone, $20. Sel wooil 1251. FOR RENT One partially furnished room with use of Utehi n. walking distance; references required. Phone Auto. 526-04 . THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms In private fa rnily ; 1 block from car. Woodlawn 1021. TWO ROOMS, (lean and bright, bath, ga rage, reasonable. 061 Hawthorne ave., cor. 32d. PLEASANT front n. k. room, desirable locality, walking distance, heat, tel.. gas. $15. 574 East Taylor st. NICE furnished housekeeping room; walk ing distance; references. East 493S. 350 gaaton i LARGE h. k. room, $1H per month; lights, furnace heat and cooking gas included ; adults 4C4 E. Oak st. East 3657. NEWLY furniahed front 2-ruom apt., clean, warm and cozy, furnace heat, walking distance. Easx 8400. TTWo large Iront h. k. roorm near Y. M. C. A ; reasonable; adults. 330 Taylor st. Mar. 1675. LARGE front h. k. room, ground floor, on Sannyslde car line, $13 per month. 624 E. Morrison. East 1532. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, phone, gas, elec tric lights, bath, very reasonable. 75 22d at. N. r S oR 4 Ci.KAN. comfortably furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Marshall 0M. 2 CLEAN H. K. n tance, $20. M E. rooms. Walking dia- 10th at. N. East 7800. TWO LARGE front H. K. rooms near Y. M. C. A. Reasonable, adulta 330 Taylor m. Mar. 1675. 2 FUlt.N Isi I K I ' t. k. rooms; grago if -wfinte.l. 1 1 K. 14th N. 2 FrtONT llsht housekeeping rodrns, wallc- Iny dlsmnre. 54' k. (ak. East 3542 8 MOKI-V fur. light, bath, phone and water free; adul ts. Wdln. 3873. PLEASANT room for ladles, close In, rea son a hie. East 23, 102 E. ISth st. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, clean and heat furnished, adult a. 403 H lgf h st. TWo LARGE e.mneclng rooms" modern. near Broadway. East 3707. 3H0 E. lat. CLEAN front room, furnished, house keep - .Mississippi, corner rtussei FOR UET l our furnished housekeeping rooms. Tabor 12. . f Ho USE Ii nished. cl N ; rooms, niceiy fur- 2!o Columbia. $3. T only. AM h k. rt)orna; aduiis 42." 7" h Also iirtfi OR RENT 1 furnlshftd housekeeping r-mm. HN4 Park st. ILKAN I as n-nr Broadwuy bridge. 434 Larrabee. East 5914. RO X T b k. suite; furnace heat; alao aln- : .e i;. k. roiun 475 Clay. 4 'i;LL furnished hnusekeepins; rooms with rl pan cry. sink, range, electric n rat i- m en trance. 430 Jefferson. utiful furnished housekeeping .it home Scilwood 63. Adults. it H. ka, loom; cluse in, $3.' Main. FtH kit -tn. light and clean, modern; l'--Vin g 1-oi-ch; ref. East 0031 . rwly painted, close in. separate Fin LAI 1 HOt D h. k. suite, $10 por month. crove. Bdwy. 3428. it room, first iloor. Phone room. also Bleeping stance. 148 N. 24th. ft-ROOM modern house In Portland Hta., cHose to car. $10 per month. C. W. MII Jerfhfp. 165H 1th st. Main 5275. 4-KOO.M cottage the 15th. close In, near fir llnr-. n.r yard. A!. 2.",4. Oregonlan A NEW 4-room house nt 201 MiJth at., Mt. Tabor car. Plum. Tabor 8574. M modem house . Call afternoons. 52d and Sanoy. Rl. Tabor 401ft. -iclty and gaa. i n 5-room bungalow, for II? sy st. Bdwy. 47W. i fiMiU hniiifi . n r Williumu Au ami ' E. Hrotdway. &lalu 4789 FOR HUNT. Hon -. PIEDMONT, near .Jefferson high. 8 room, furnace, - fireplaces, gas, electricity; near carllnei; 1244 Moore s.t.; $30 per month. ' A LSO " Six Rooms and Sleeping Porch. Modern except furnace; cluse to school: 7o ave. 8. E. ; Mt. Scon car; per month. Both houses open for Inspection. Phone Auto. 641-AO Sunday afternoon. FOR SALE or rent ca lease. 7-room bouse, large sleeping porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, nice lawn, fine neighborhood: G blocks Laurelhurst park; living, dining and breakfast rooms newly done in old Ivory and tapestry paper: white enamel kitchen: 2 toilets and bath. Tabor 5301. Key IDC E. 30th. . PIANOS moved, $8: stairs extra. $1 each flight. SO days' free storage on all house hold goods;, furniture moving, one-ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck, $2.73 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing Call Broadway 1207. Alias Transfer ft Storage Co.. 104 X. 5th st. Open Sundays an d evenings. FOR RENT or lease, owner's home, 7 rooms, with sleeping porch, fireplace, bullt-lns and all modern conveniences: garage, fruit trees, berries and large garden space; located on paved street In Mt. Tabor district. Phone Auto. C3H-73. E-ROOM modern flat. 344 East 7tb St.. North, near Knott St. Rent $35. Very desirable and nicely situated. fARRISH. WATKINS ft CO.. 2.-,2 Stark St FOR RENT Irvington 8-room house and sleeping porch, large rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, fur nace and fireplace, very dtsirnbje home, fine condition. Immediate possession. tfJJr East 10th North. Call Main 8B02 or Ta- l.or IM : : : : - . 5 AORES on 50th and Skldmore. 5-room nouse iinu poultry uririMiiB p.nm.. enut- , ment for sale. 30 battt ries. scalding vat cooling; ata, drain tables, 2 acales, auto delivery. Can give list, of good accounts. Talmr 4052. MOD ERA bunealow with at 303 E. 4Sth st. N., near Sandy; 5 rooms and j breakfast room, furnace, hardwood floors, built-lna; rent $55 per month and ' .ease $50. Call between 12 and 5 P. M. , Sunday. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow, 7015 20th ave. Hawthorne car, $30. Seven-r8om house. 771 Hawthorne ave.. $5o. W. D. Rodabaugh, 1041 Hawthorn-J ave Tabor 4290 and evenings. Tabor 7608. . 8 ROOMS. 4 large bedrooms, lurnace, fire place. In A-l condition; close to car und school; Eugene at., near Rodney ave.; rent $55; references required. Owner, East 4 277. . FOR RENT 1705 Woolsey at. ; tf-room house, electric lights, shower, cook stove, gaa range, garage and chicken run; $20 per month; will decorate. Call Auto. -7-2-s. C. A. Jonea, owner. FoR RENT Three-room house, woodshed, chicken house, barn, half acre ground; 1 mile east of Mllwaukie, near gooH road; water In house; $15 per month. M.iln 37S7. A. R. Johnson. 4-ROOM house in West Portland rtistrict. 3 lots, barn and chicken house, $15 per month. For particulars call at Ben Biesland's real estate office at Multnu- ! m-'.h S.-e Mr.-s Grant j $35 MONTH; new 4-room house. 1036 E. 32d N. ; 2 blocks from Alberta car. Call before 12:30 P. M. LARGE, comfortabli house; hot I water heat furnished from rtntral heat lug plant; absolutely clean, close In, single or double s&rage, ref. 566 E. Ash st. FOR RENT Nine-mom bungalow, one half block Eaurelhurst park, atrlctly modern with hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast room, mualc room, double lot and garage. Call Marshall 17H3 IN IRVlNGTo.V n.", unfui nished. 0-room house, 664 Wasco st. Will give 2-year lease to responsible parties. See Ballls. I Wakefield Fries Co.. s.". 4th st. $47.50 S-ROOM house and garage, close In, linoleum, gas stove, furnace. Cor. ; Pacific and Occident. Key at drug I atore. E. 1st and Holladay. Mar. 2410. A NICE largd 5-room house, fireplace and j 5 ROOMS, modern, sleeping porch, fur furnace, basement and wash trays, at nished, full cement basement, garagt, 531 2 41st at. Take Woodstock car to furnace heat : $60 rent. Call between 53d avenue. 12 anj 4 P M.. 11 20 E. 21st st. N. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; all built-ms; Haw thorne district. Tabor 4537 or Auto. 237-03. $35 FURNISHED 5 rooms, piano, fire place, furnace. Call all day Sunday after 3 P. M ; week days, 400 East 0th st. N.. Irvington. CALL BROADWAY 560 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. $80 8 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS-$60. Thla la a very unusual home, and should be seen. SM ITH-WAGONER CO..8tock Exch. FOR RENT Dec. 15, attractive new mod ern sunny apartment, 3 rooms and glassed-in bedroom, sun porch, conveni ently located. Tabor 270. 4-ROOM unfurnished house for rent. 837 N. Central ave., SL Johns. $16.50 month; cement basement, chicken yard, inside tol let, FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage, with ' bath, on Linn ton road at Will bridge; rent $17 per month. Call 235 Stark st. Phone Main 2363. FOR RENT 7-room house in Rose City, modern in every detail. Phone Main 1625. 7-ROOM modern house, 45th and E. Wash at., rent $40. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5540. Mar. 4070. GOOD 6-room house for rent, $35 ; Rose City Park. Sunday East 7809; week days. M ,r. 437 ARCHDEACON CHAMBERS will rent hi home on Portland Heights after Jan. 1. Main 006. MOVING- Pianos, furniture and long-dta-tance hauling a specialty. O. ft W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d at. Phone Hiw y, 5121. MODE RN bungalow, furnace, fireplace. 054 Vancouver ave. Irrautre 580 Wil liams ave. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 days' alorage free; furniture mov ing for less. Broadway 2445. 8-ROOM house. 646 Albina ave., newly t Intt d nnrl - :i n.T.-i I nlnntrtt 1 1 crhi t In. gulr 6.".. Boi thwlck. Rent reasonable. r.nriit i:.r..,.Tr, 37 ii . to car; $25 ; no objection to children. Call bgtwgen It and I o'clock. Col. 044. FOR RENT Modern 4-room cottage, with sleeping porch. Multnomah station, Main 7606. MODERN 5-room house. 1 acre, 2 chicken houses. 3 blocks to car. 653H EL Morri son. Owner. ONE ACRE. 2-room sha t k partly fur nlahed; city water; $lu per month; Oregon Electric. Marshall 1S74. 5-ROOM house, cloae in; rent $25 if you buy aome furniture. Marshall 2471 from 10 tn 4. 5-ROOM house, newly papered ; rent $17.50. MSK Thurman 3t. Wakefield, Fries A Co.. 85 4th at. SIX-ROOM fine house, furnace, etc.: 009 Rodney ave.. near Wygant. $45; pink of condition; will lease. 31S Board of Trade bldg. for key. Main 7452. s FIVE-ROOM cottage, $18; weat side, walk ing distance 204 Porter, near 4th. Call 31S Board of Trade hldg. Main 7452. SEVEN-ROOM house. Koae City district; 4 bedroom?, $30 a month. See Roya', 72a nnd Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. 11-ROOM house, 10th and Eat Burnside ats., suitable tor rooming h use, $r5 per month. Tabor 702. CLOSE-IN 6-room house in fine condition, with garage. 711 East Burnside st. Phone owner. 315-33. 6-ROOM house, family orchard, an acre of ground, house needs some repairing, can apply on the rent. Tabor 16H3. 4-ROOM eottag, with garage, electric lights and water included, large yard. $20 a month, tlaln 7061. WHICM moving. City or country, set tn beat at lowest price Green Transfer Co.. M..;n 1261, 202 V-j Alder st. ' 7-ROOM house. $30 per month, or lease for one year at $23 per month. Sellwood district. Call Sellwood 626. HAVE a nice, clean 7-room, newly painted, electricity, water, wood heat; $30. Call Woodlawn 4434. L 1 M i A LOW, Beaumont district, 6 rooms and den. 508 E. 37th st. N. Call Ta bor 5618 for Information. NEW BUNGALOW. 1115 E. Flanders. $100, (no children), will lease. Also others. R. T. Street. ROOMS, strictly modern. hardwood floors throughout. :. E. 24th st. Tabor 1610. 6 lj. o;s, full basement, furnace; lot 50x 100; $25 per month; vacant. See owner todav. 546 E. 80th. Phone Col. 1172. IRVINGTON, 460 E. 27th st. N... $50; will lease; will paint In spring. R. T. Street. MODERN 5-room bungalow and garage. 1634 Division; $37. So. Phone Main 5! 97. G ROOMS, modern. 385 Grand ave., S. Also three rooms. Phone East 1300 COTTAGE for ren 1045 East Grant at reM?toiiti.ble price. . 234-04. MODERN Belmont -room Louse. $45 167 E. 16th. near FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungalow. E. 4flth st. South. 254 3d r.nd Madison, '-ROOM house. Hawthorne ave. ; conveniences, full basement. Se modern 1. 2910. FOR RENT Nice home 1100 E. 15th N. ; e. $50. jrnings. 734 E. Burn ot 355 San foft RENT 5 Rafael Call 6-R tO If house. 32.' E. 15ih st ci.eap. I 1 FOR KENT. Ho U.HCM. 8 ROOMS, bath, close, garage, large vart1.. lartre Harden, chicken runs, plenty of small and lafge fruit; near In. Main 4124. VACANT today, partly furnished 4 rooms with bath; full basement, water, lights, gas; S.'to a month. 72(1 E. 70th st. X. R. C. limited car. 54.'. SEVEN -ROOM modern bungalow; fur nace, fireplace, bullt-lns; garage; go look. O.'-t K. 21st st. N. Vacant Dec. 13. Main 4SCS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 3-room house for rent, fuel for sale; no children; posses sion December 15. A F Oregonlan. 5-1.' k i M buiiKaloiv liardwood floors, f ire place and Dutch? kitchen. $33. Call to il.iy. i;.':7 Harold ave. Sellwood car. FOR RENT .7-room modern house. In" quire 317 Willamette hlvd. -ROOM house, 3 bWcks East Ankeny car harn. refonHble.Maln final. U-KOOM niode effn 1: house, furnace, partly furnished it l J&J. Monroe. Furnished floiifw. .VOW AVAILABLE. Modern nicely Turn. shed house, 3 bed rooms, garage, Hawthorne district; good condition. Balance year's lease for sale SS0 month. G. G. BOHRER. Rental Realtor. 209 Panama Bldg. FOR 8 AXE JU!t right for small family w:inting ome hlgh-claa roomers, fur nishings and lease of 8-room modern house in desirable Nob Hill district: good furnace, new combination range, full basement, furnishings practically new. 3055 eight -room absolutely modern House. complet?:ly tuknished in best of taste referents HFQL'lUED. 194 2LST; 1125 PER MONTH. INQUIRE WAXEFIfiLD. FRIES A CO.. BROADWAY 2 080. CLOSE IN. for rent, furniahed. $05 per month; 6 rooms, bath, furnace. 600 Kast rstara. corner lain. uwner wiu us on premises Sunday, December 11, or phone'East 4LM1,'. JUST WHAT YOU'RE LOOK I NO FOR. Nice clean 5-room bungalow. Rent la $40 monthly. 4525 70th St.. cor. 45th ave. Mt Scott ear. Aut. 627 -4rt. TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished, new 4-room and bath bungalow near Roae City golf llnka. Garage. Phone Sunday . between 10 and 4 o'clock. 3S4 E. 62d N. Tabor 3657. ,. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. All the lower floor of my home, o,ne of the best In this district; everything furnished except gas and linen; $50. Wdln. 68. IRVINGTON home to rent, atrlctly mod ern, 8 rooms, sleeping porch and garaa;e. Price $70 per month. . THE LAURENCE CO. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. W1I.I, rent my nicely-furnished home to a good Protestant party who will take care of my little 5-year-old gtrl. Apply Sunday or Monday between 2 :30 and 7:30 P. M., 85 E. Church st. 0-ROOM furnished house to rent, all out side rooms, very light. 4 bedrooms; larae upstairs living room with fireplace; walking distance, weet aide: adults; ref erences. Main 78.".i. $1S MONTH, water, pnld. 4-room cottage, furnished, lights und gaa. not modem; nice place for small children: six blocks to school. Call after 10 Sunday. 1534 Harrison ave., Roae City car to 57th. NICELY furnished 5-room house, base ment and lawn; modern conveniences; paved street; rent $40 month; to reliable party. 1407 E. Ash, bet. 55th and 57th. Call Sunday. 0-ROOM furnished residence, 714 Overton. corner 22d st.. for rent to .May 1 next; rent $100. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 252 STARK STREET. I ROOMS, furnished, for 2 flats, or can be uaed for housekeeping." Whole house for $50 or half for $30; electric lights, gas stoves, completely furniahed. Bdwy. ;hi t COMPLETELY furnished clean 5-room. modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, $60 per mo. Adults. Call between 8 and 12 at W4 E. Glisan. ONE FURNISHED modern 5-room bunga- low ; piano, furnace, hardwood floors. fireplace and all bullt-lns; Hawthorne district. Tabor 4537 or Auto. 237-03. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room house large attic, newly painted, chicken house, large lot, $27 month. Ask for Nelson, East 640. FOR RENT 5-room modern luuise, fur nace, gaa range, water heater ; on car line; near Franklin High school. Phone Automatic 21S-5H. CLEAN, cozy cottage for couple, 1 block west highway on Center at.. Oak Grove; gas in; lights and water furnished; all for $16. Ostrom. - SIX n oms, partly furnished, bath, elec tricity, gas, laundry, cellar, garden, on Mt. Scott line, reasonable to reliable party. 7403 Woodstock ave. MY BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern home, piano, graionoln. garage, large yard, close in, very moderate rent. Phone Sellwood 1HK. W I LL transfer 4 ',4 months' lease lovely furniahed home. Good d i strict. Re sponsible people. No children. Main 4254. WELL-FURNISHED new Dutch colonial. 8 rooms, conveniences, view, fireplace, adults only; references; $55. N 146, or. - gonian. WILL lease my 7-room home for 4 or 6 months; best of furniture, ft sleeping . rooms, old Ivory finish ; a wonderful view; adults only. Wdln. 5424. MODERN home, S rooms, handsomely furnished; will lease 6 months or longer; referencea; attractive location. Main 4711. $55 8-ROOM house, furnished, electric light, bath; auitable for boarding house. 024 Sandy blvd., near E. 16th. Inquire 54 E. 16th st. K. PhojieEast 6S04. 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow style house In Rtfse City, furnished, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-lna; g a rage, good lawn. At 66 East 36th at. N. $35 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fine view, large grounds, mostly furnished ; may lease. Irvington Heights: Irvington car. 012 E 19th N. 6-ROOM modern. 3 bedrooms upstairs ; Laurelhurst district ; will lease for 6 months or more; roanonable ; can be seen y WILL rent Monday. 064 E. Burnside st. my new. i a utiful tr furniahed bungalow in Rose City Park for A65 per month; garage. Call Marsh. 2146; TO RENT 5-room cottage. furnUhed. 2h short blocks from the car line. 1281 E. Alder, near 45th at. FOUR rooms, $30; modern; school, high school. 5380 Powell Valley. Mt. Scott car. Til It B B ROOMS, modern, furunlshed. $1S; free light and hot water for bath. 1623 Macadam. East 5235. FURNISHED A-room house; adults; Irv ington district, near carllne; will lease. L 270, Oregonlan. FUItNISHED house, well furnished, clean, near in, 7-room house. 475 Vancouver ave. COTTAGE for rent. St. John. 1025 N. Kellogg st. Inquire at 465 Jefferson st.. or call Col. 525. g MIDDLE-AGED couple will share modern furnished home with 2 adulta; rates rea sonable ; references Wdln. 5060. WELL FURNISHED cozy 4-room house, piano, modern, newly tinted, old Ivory kitchen. Call Woodlawn 1477. FINE house for rent, furnished, 7 rooms, on the west side, close in, for short per iod: references. Inquire 5M Marshall st. WILL share my five-room furnished cot tage with congenial couple. 1073 East Morrison. FIVE-LOOM bungalow, completely fur nished ; will lease for 6 mouths, $45. Th or V ELL-Fl" !f. ISiiED ousy 4 -room hp use, piano, modern, newly tinted, old Ivory kitchen. Call Wdln. 1477. FIRST-CLASS nine-room house for three months or longer; must renf before the 14th. 3 0O E. ,22d at. FOR RENT Hose City Park. 4 or 5 rooms and sleeping porch ; furnished or un furnished. Phone Main 1805. 9-ROOM house, nicely furnished, old Ivory woodwork. Immaculate condition, west side, garage. Phone East 5094. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 4 block from Alberta car, piano, garage; wL. lease. Wdln 119. between 9 and 12. MOUKKN furnished 7-nom house, Mt. Scott district; rent " reasonable. 6804 Whitman a vex Tabor 3372 4-ROOM cottage, cosy home, piano, $30; suburban, acre; lights and water. MiKaRI-AND, Realtor. Falling Bldg. FURNISHKD 2-room aback, adults. I486 Omaha ave. Kenton car. THREE-ROOM upper. 4-room lower floor, close In. 15 Tillamook st. FURNISHED house for rent. 883 E. 26th Si s.-uth. 7-ROOM furnished house, $45 per month. Sellwood 626 " ;. 5-ROOM house for rent at 1 140 Maryland ave.. near Killings worth. Wdln. 3097. FCRNISttBD 3-room houae, 1115 East 27th at. North. . ELEGANTLY furnished Rose City Park bungalow; will lease $75. R. T Street. 5-ROOM house, furnished, $40 per month. ' Call 241 Washington st. HOUSE. 6 rooms and bath, furnace heaL 1731 E. 10th St. Sellwood 2677. LARGE 6-room house for rent, furniture for sale, reasonable, at 371 B. 7th St. S. 4-ROOM furnished house. Phone East 3767. Call between 10 and 12 Sunday. 0-ROOM furniahed houae for rent. Phone WELL - FURN desirable. ISIIEL) home for rent. vrv Phone Aut. 63o-04. FOH KENT. ft.iiis.-H for Rem Furniture for Suit-. 1 FOP. SALE William and Mary dining set. Xufold davenport, library table, large rockers, dressers, chiffonier, l!-in. post beds. rura. su range, linoleum, all the furniture for 6 rooms, fine house and garage; goeJ location, for rent cheap or sell on rent payments. See this to day. 1050 Tillamook. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; 5 room house, close in, rent $25; good furniture 60o cash; don't call unless you have the price. Cal from 10 until 4. Marshall Z47J NKW 4-KOOM bungalow and garage. ,30 month, 1 year or longer; new .furniture for sale; no children; Sunday or eve nings. 834 Matron. 6-RuOAl hounp for rent and turniahlngs for sale. Including piano, electric washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. : walking distance. Call East B I o 4-ROOM flat adulta only; 1 1 X furniture for sale : walking distance. S05 E. nth jtr'ft 7-ROOM house for rent, lease : furniture for sale. Price $S00. west side. Mar shall 2fil8. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, some income; $7oo, terms. 545 6th st. Phone Auto. 525-51. . 8-ROOM modern house for rent, furniture for sale, west side, walking distance, reasonable for cash. Marshall 1501. CHANGE to iiisi;- money : $tiuO equity in beautiful furnUure for 8-room modern ho u se ; w a 1 king distance. 712 Flanders. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale; for rent if desired. Call Mam 7120. flat HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale cheap. 261 North 21st st. 6-ROO.U horn) for rent, furniture for sale, cheap. 753 E. Ankeny. 7-ROOM house and furniture for sale. Tillamook st. FOR SALE Furniture of 2-room apt. for rent. Appll 4s Salmon Apt 6-R. COTTAGE, gool furniture; 200. . will rent furnished. $35. 615 Overton. , FURNITURE for sale, house for rent; dealers. Main 1442. 11 ROOMS bringing in $3oo; first pay ment $550. Call Bdwy. 3072. h: loth at. 5-ROOM steam-heated flat, good fur. Rent $25. Price $500. 450 Belmont. Call Sunday 11 to 3. Store and Kutti.eim fHWI . EXHIBITS TERMINAL. Investigate Portland's new show spaca for factory lines, on Broadway, in heart automotive dtstrlct. uispiay space, win dow space, atenographlc service, tele phone service, warehouse apace, selling representation for road men when away, all office equipment furnished. Avail able for lines that do not warrant down town overhead. Phone Mr. Harriman, Main 6568. for appointment. SWRK, 25x60, Washington St., suitable drugs, butcher, bakery. W 276, Orego nlan. STORE fixtures for sale, H atore for rent at $18, including garage; very good location. Wdln. 4054. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof wars house phone Broadway 37 15. LiARGE hall for meetings and 6 living rooms; $35. East 12f.7. FO- RENT Stre. Phone Tubor 3114 352 First .. $30. 22K MORRISON. mnll 2-storv store. BMSSflT street. 3-vear lenne. Afnrihnll 4440 FIRST .ST near Yamhill, large atore Jan. 1st, long .ease. M 265. Oregonian. SPACE for butcher shop. Adams and Holladay sts. Inquire cor. 437 STARK ST.. between 31th and 12th. D. G. Woodward. lo4 2d st. DOUBLE store. 50x100. on prominent cor ner. 62 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Bakery. Apply 776 Williams, ave. T .Ti. . EXHIBITS TERMINAL. Investigate Portland's new show space for factory lines on Broadway, in heart automotive district. Display space, win dow apace, stenographic service, tele phone service, warehouse space, selling representation for road men when away, all office equipment furnished. Avail able for lines that do not warrant down town overhead. Phone Mr. Harriman, Main 6568, for appointment. WANTED. CONCERN HANDLING l Service or aUpplles. Accessory, to printing Or advertising. To rent, centrally located office lo cation. 1500 square feet. 3 large, outside windows on second floor. See this at once. Phono Main 6640, and get full particulars. REDUCE I OUR OVERHEAD Well-lighted and heated officea. alngle or in suites, central office building In financial section of city, low rentals. Sea Donald O. Woodward, agent. 104 Second street, c .tier Stark. MODERN dental ofiice equipment for sale. Office for rent. Most desirable down town building. Rent reasonable. T 268 Oregonian. OFFICE space on ground floor; beat office building in city, with storage room if necessary ; f in location for office ap pllances or similar. Broadway 7tf. WILL SHARE nice large east-front office with congenial tenant; roll-top desk, tel ephone and everything furnished ; rent $-17.50. 606 Chamber of Commerce. FOR R EN T Office apace with use of desk and telephone, central location. Call Bdwy. 1237. Monday.' NIGEL i" turnlshed outside office with deak and telephone for rent. $25 per month. Call 536 Cham, of Com, bidg. FURNISHED office with telephone and stenographic service If desired. 832 Mor gan bldg. Main 5264. FOR RENT 3-room suite; well furnished office, all or part. 005 Chamber of Cora mercry Monday forenoon. FOR RENT Deux room in large office, with use of phone and private office. 325-6 Eumbennens bldg. DESK room with telephone and atero graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312 DESK room, sain pie agt-nts, $10 month: free phone. 227 jA Washington. FRONT office room, Bgg Marl "ay bldg. windows. Apply LARGE and smll offices for rent. Flied ner hldn. FURNISHED office in Lewis bid. Mr. Case. 269 Oak st. SUITE or single office, $15; best service. :?"7 i'x h. Id : OBV1 ' ' E for rent and furniture for sale. 020 Cham, of Com. Mitceiluiiroua. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week Monday to .Murouy. $1 25. includes de- E L Knicht C Bdwy i4A ELEGANT Upright piano. value$850. want a home for atorage, very small rental. Not for sale. B7g East 0th at. LAKou, rftoqts tor rent, lop floor Fiiedner bldg.; particularly adapted for school ' purpose.. FOR RENT- Lodge hart and dance hall. , hardwood floor, will lease, reut reison- i able. Inquire G. E. Weiss. l"o Second st. FOR KENT Costumes for masquerade, antique and other articles. Mar. 1009. Itl SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $1500, INVOICE; $50-$6O dafly; no cloae competition ; living rooms. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71.S Dekum bldg. AT 'TO filling station and battery service: excellent corner: pay $250 month: owner wLI invoice 511 Railway Exch. RESTAURANT Good location for tran sient business, attractive, price Mason able, terms. Owner. 40 N. 6th St. FOR SALE Lunchroom near hospitals. Am getting good price for my food. Will take $1500 cash. AH 267, Oraonlan. CONCESSION for newspaper, magazine and bootblack; finest location in town. 7 N. 3d st. CONCRETE garage on Hawthorne ave.. In good location. Owner going to Canada and will sell cheap. Call Main 714 1 . LUNCH counter, downtown; bargain, $475 complete; fine location; rent $45; selling account elckne a. Tabor 69S8. FOR SALE H interest in candy manu facturing company, established 3 years; $1000 will handle. AO 201. Oregonlan. GRAND ave. grocery, low rent, big trade, complete stock ; $1750. McFarland, Realtor. 208 Failing bldg. $400 JEWELRY and watch repairing store; good location; 4 living rooms; rent $20. Z. E A KINS. 315 Couch Bldg. POR1 BALK Locksmith and general re pair shop, steady and old clientele. Price reasonable. Please reply BJ 274, Ore gontan. . RADIATOR AND FENDER SHOR Do radiator and fender work, welding, etc.. good profits; $900 will handle It. Room 401 Dekum Bldg. COMPLETE restaurant for sale; doing $45 per day and up; reasonfor selling. 375 East Burnside st FOR SALE Filling station in good loca tlon. main thoroughfare. Call Wdln. 8618. GROCERY and candy store, $185: all new; close in; small rent. BJ 266. Oregonlan. SHOE SHOP, on account of sickness, will sacrifice. 617 First street. FoR SALE $67 suit order on prominent illor -it hit- d'sr.jiint. Call Bast 5254. RESTAURANT; 178 Madison st. a I!v one: $R50 cash. LOCATION Barbershop or tailor, cheap rent. Inquire &&0V Williams ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-11 Panama Bids;., cor. 3d and Alder, PORTLAND. OREGON. SURETY PARTNER WANTED. light manufacturing; well estab lished, west aide business, manufacturing; auto genera tor; doing- business with Montgomery Ward and some of best business firms in Port land; work light and pleasant: need man to take charge of office end and give me gen eral assistance. Each can draw $150 month and up and share equally monthly prof lta. A clean, legitimate in vestment. $05O hajadles. SURETY GARAGE MEN, here Is your opportunity to buy one of the best equipped garages In city; battery charging, service sta tion, oils. gas. accessories, fine office and equipment, have excellent location with good lease. Plenty of steady atorage; my books are open to Inspection and will show an average of $400 month profit for the past year. $3000 gives you possession. SURETY PARTNERSHIP AUTO RE PAIR SHOP, west side, in V connection with largest ga rage on this side, good lease, low rent, old established; have good steady trad?, all work two men can handle. If you are a willing worker and have $650 call and see me Monday. $40 week to start with an equal share of prof its. SURETY HOTEL CIGAR STANR. lob by of largeat prominent down town commercial hotel ; beau tiful fixtures, splendid stock cigars, tobaccos, candies, mag azines and periodicals; .this Is e, fine Investment for lady or gentleman; experience not necessary, as owner will re main to Introduce you to trade. No trouble to clear $204) and up month. Only $1750. SURETY CONGENIAL PARTNER, to buy equal half Interest in one of the beat located and busi est auto painting shops in Portland. Doing work for the largest business firms In city. I want willing worker, as 1 am expert, and will teach you. Cannot depend upon hired help; drawing account of $175 month and share profits equally. Your opportunity. $650. Call early. SURETY EXCELLENT CIGAR STORE. absolutely the best equipped in town, fixtures are elegant ; large stock cigars, tobaccos, magazines, etc.; west side cor ner location., good lease, low rent; we cannot say too much about this place. Man and wife will have no trouble to .'clear $256 above all expenses. A real bargain for $2000. SURETY OARAGE PARTNERSHIP. offered In largo downtown weat side garage and auto re pair shop. Lease to carry you over thp fair period; low rent; plenty of work, capacity for 65 cara. Good stock accessor ies, oils. gas. etc. Owner can not handle alotfo because he has too much business, will guarautee not less than $50 week and your share of prof its. Worthy of Investigating. $2250, terms. SURETY EQUAL HALF INTEREST in largest auto painting shops In city; doing work for the largest firms In Portland; carrying large stock paints, etc. Employing several paint s' era. I want a congenial fellow to give me general assistance and also bo willing to learn the bualness. Have the best class of trade; well estab lished; good lease; business is exceptionally gopd. Draw Ins account of $60 week and share equally monthly prof its. Don't fail to see thla. Price $1730. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-11 Panama Bldg.. cor. 3d and Alder. Portland, Oregon. ALL HOI S i : K EEPLNG. EAST SIDE. $5000 for 2S rooms In very good build ing: cheap rent; always full; $3500 to handle. $2650 for 25 rooms, very cheap for this place and only ii-uu rcquirea. I540O for 40 rooms: nice buildins. with lease; making good money; $3250 will handle. ' ttr.oo and onlv 1500 cash buys a dandy little rooming house that nets $90 per month. Q. C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Stork Evening? Bldg. $550 A SWEDE grocery store and five living rooms, rent $25 month. A swell cigar and conf. store on cor ner downtown. Call quick. Won't last long. $2000 takes one of the best garages In city, caah. Let me hear from you. I have the best meat market in city for sale. Call at ofdice. T. E. SPENCER ft CO. 517 CHAMBER COMMERCE BLDG. AUTO ACCESSORY SHOP, with complete vulcanizing equipment worth every cent of $15,000; when you see it you will agree : cheap rent ; this place is located right and has never been on the market before; if a place like this with a perfect stock Interests you, see Usffl. G. C. ULRICH ft CO., 602 Rtonk Ex-rnna-e Ride. v GROCERI See this groc $700 for fixtu Look this up. GROCERIES. ore, choice location, md in voice stock. s i Too geta you thla going buainess with 5 living rooms. 5 years' lease. See Mr. Rltx, who haa over 500 choice Hst Ings. Come In and have a talk with him. V E. SPENCER & CO. 517-21 CTiam. of Com. Bldg. Brd. 5011. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. $45(T buys equal half Interest in old established, well-located auto rspalr business; owner prefers steady partner to hired help; experience not. necessary if willing to learn, as your partner is an expert: you should eaally clear $160 per month for yourself in this place. Apply 620-622 Chamber of Commerce bldir.. 4th und Stark. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASSER. Man or woman with $250 can make a very good connection handling a very good household appliance; easy to sell ; will a-lve dollar for dollar and the state of Oregon; terms. G. C. ULRICH CO., 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. DENTl.-T'S OFFICE. We have an exclusive listing of a dandy little dentist's office, fully equipped ; come and see thU place and tell us what you will pay for it and Mate your terms. We have been told to sell. G C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. $450 will handle w!l paying1 restau rant and waffle house, good equipment: must sell today, have other buainess. Easy terms on balance, no agents. in quire ar N. 61 h at. V I LL 1 N V'O ICE M T G ROC E R Y. No charge for my lease or good will: have corner location ; 5-yoar lease, and doing $600 per week; let the wholesaler put the price on; cheap rent; will In voice about $3500. G. C. ULRICH & CO., QQ2 Stork Exchange U' jg CASH AND CARRY GROCERY SNAP. Hfcre Is a real buy in a small place; $1000 takes It, or invoice; rent $30; liv ing room; doing $25 day. See us for grocery store buys. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 60 2 R.i 1: w:tv Exrh B!dg. HOTEL ONE FLOOR. 21 rooms, brick, steam heat, fine fur niture, $50 rent. $3100. $2400 down. See this. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. MacDONALD STEAM BOB-CAT. Small popular priced steam automo bile, past experimental stage; manufac turers desire financially-responsible alei. representatives; unlimited posaibilltiea Address, with referencea. MANUFAC TURER, box 62 Garfield. O. POOL ROOM, CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY. Fine location, long lease, rent $40; cleared $225 last month; S200O handles. See us for pool rooms. Universal Sales Co.. 602 Railway Exch. bldg. SOFT DRINKS AND LIGHT LUNCH. Clean little plae In worklngmen's dis trict; $1750; only J900 cash. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Slock Exchange Bldg WANTED To get in touch with someone who has $500 to $S0J to Invest, either as Interest In good going concern or as well -secured loan with good inter est. E 2R0. Oregonlan. 100 FAMILIES wanted to colonise fertile Bolivian land: 1000 acres per family; re quired investment buys machinery se curing livelihood. Bolivia Development, Inc.. Smith bide.. seatt:r. POOL ha.l and lunch, counter, D months lease, will sell separate; 5 tables. 542 Third St.. McMinnvi'.lc. Or W A . TED Several one und two-karat diamonds; must be bargains. Call Mmi- day morning, goi Husft Ac L,ar.e oitig. GROCERY, nice living quarters, best loca tion: good business. $18 Piatt bldg. SHOE SHOP, good business and location, some terms. 131 11th street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TEXAS LAND. 10-ACRB TRACTS IF DESIRED. GREAT OIL POSSIBILITIES. 640 apres located In what geologists claim will be the next big oil field of Texas; about 20 drilling rigs operating In this section, and when oil is struck, which may be any day, land owners will make fortunes over night: the owner of thla land needs money and has authorized us to sell th.a lu-ud lu fee simple for $10 per acre; the oil lease on tbfs land Li worth more than we are asking for land ; w e can bell you 10 acres and up at $10 per acre; thla Is a great opportunity. ALEXANDER RBALTT CO.. 702 Title & Truxt Bldg. Entrance 69 Fourth St. Office Phone, Broadway 5586. Residence- Phone, Main 700M. $7ooo I3UVS a darkly bakery on east side. In business over five years; ail equip ment up to date ; doing a very fine business; good reason for selling. $5500 -Grocery and three beautiful living rooms; Hawthorne district; rent $40 per month; can get lease. This has not been on the market. $1700 East side grocery. 41IOO Grocery, east aide, good buy; S. M BORLAND, jOg Stock GROCER V tore, living room, rent $30. Price $950. Grocery store, two living rooms, fur nished, $30-per-day buiucas; rent $25. Price $1500. Grocery store, two living rooms; bar gain at $1600; rent $4". Grocery tore. doing $100 per day; rent $100; 13 living rooms; can rent and leave the store free of rent; price S7000; S3000 cash. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Ral'wav Enduing. Bldg. DANCING OPPORTUNITY. For pale or might take partner or lease building the best dancing busi ness In the west; profits absolutely sure; experience not neceas.iry; the sub-rentals alone pay ail expenses and a okr profit make me prove theao facts If you have, a tew thousand dollars. UF 257, orego nlan. FOR SALE CAFETERIA. Good Fixtures, lease oter fair: terms. 2O0 COLUMBIA ST. RESTAURANT on Washington at., doing good 'business; rent lu. prlca $150o. s.ioo cash. Waffle house, $750; $400 cash. Restaurant, well furnished, good loca tlon: can cet lease: urice &1600. Cafeteria, gooxl lease, cheap rent, $75 aay; Bargain at 90000; ;-l. uo casn. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Kxrhange Hldg. MONEY MAKER FDR SURE. First-class restaurant, on Washington, averaging nearly $300 per day. Large dining room, besj of fixtures. Reason able rent. Long lease. Only $7500 cash. Or will trade on hotel and assume. See Mr. Hoefer. L E. SPENCER & CO. 517-21 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Hrd. 5911. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP An equal half interest offered to a steady and reliable man in an old-established business where you will be asso ciated with first -class painter; no expe rience required if willing to work and learn and bo Satisfied with $160 a month; price only $350. Call 620 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. CONFECTIONER V AND LIGHT LUNCH. A dandy ! Good neighborhood ; low rent: living room. $95o, $0(H) down. Ask for F. C. Marshall, 12 to 1 P. M.. Sun day, or week days, with FRANK L McGUlRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main IOCS. Third St.. bet. Wwh. and Stark. CASH grocery, doing nice business, good store building, 3 nice living rooms, fur nished; garage; 2 dots, growing neigh borhood. If you are looking for a good, sound business investment together with nice home, this will interest you. Price for nil. $5504 ; no me terms. Wdln. 515. WANTED Partner who can it vest $200O or more in a growing furnitui j business, new and secgfnd-hand ; good location; money needed to take advantage of the splendid buying situation between now and spring: double your money in one year. AV 794, Oregonlan. NINE SLEEI'IN'liKi M '.MS filled with very good turntlure ; furnace heat; very close in and n nice-looking house; price $1500, half cah, or make us an offer. G. C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Slock Exchange Bldg. - FOR SALI3 Well-equipped shoe repair, Lundes 12, showcases, cash register and stock of findings, living rooms all sealed, good business and money maker. $1400. North Side Shoe Repair, ISM N. Division. Spokane. Wash DANDY CORNER GROCERY. FINE East side location, clean stock and fine fixtures, brick bldg., steam heat. 3 living rooms; doing fine business; best buy in city for $2500. xih-h'si Cham. com. Mdg. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS Want partner or will sell entire stock. Other business cause of selling. Price $5500. terms if desired. This is an opportunity for two energetic men. Phone Auto. 235-21 or call 381 E. Harrison street. SNAP FOR $1750, FINE WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY AND GROC. dandy location. Rent $35, with living room, brick bldg., steam heat; doing excellent business. KIS-RIS1 Ch,nm. Com hldg. STUDIO EQUIPMENT AND LoCATL N. Our client will sacrifice his commer cial studio equipment and location for cash. ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 3292. BOI t "Uch Whig INTEREST Tn fin transportation busi ness; plenty of work but good per cent on investment; $1500 handles and carries with the Investment salary of $150 per month. See Mrs. Albaugh, .M'HN r KH'h 1 N . . r . : r z r ' i ' 1 . PARTNER for half interest In manufac turing business; something new and in demand; salary and equal ahare In profits; $800 and services required ; might consider automobile in trade. W 281. Oregonian. ONLY restaurant in a good sawmill town, with rooms; also modern bungalow; new. Good reasons for selling. Clover Leaf Cafe, Power A Power, Ridgefleld, Wash. . STOP WORKING FOR OTHERS. $000 will give you an interest in a manufacturing business that wiil net you better than $4000 yearly. BC 291, Oregonian. LIGHT grocery and confecthMiery, on corner, near new 10-room school, nearest store, 7 blocks ; will flnanro building with living rooms for $IO0o. Owner. Woodlawn B&ia. ELECTRICAL BUSINESS. Wil' sell at inventory an equal half ustsrest in established business; good lo cation, cheap rent; about $300 required Wdln. 4954. iT IOC know how to run a 50-room brick hotel and you are able to buy out a good lease at a moderate price, write to S. Forester. 224 Provident bidg.. Ta roma. Wash. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Good east side location ; nice, cloai. place and stock ; living rooms in rear: doing a good business: 51350. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry hldg. $3009 OB LNVOlCBj grocery doing $100 day; corner location; no competition: low rent : no cut rates ; highly recom mended by wholesale houses. Z. H A KINS. 315 Cueh Bldg.. 109 4th. i iuo.i WORTH u." '"' K in best-paying sawmill tn northwest for caah or unin cumbered city property. Addraas P. O. Box 42n. Pendleton, o ADVERTISERS Save money, get result; 56-page rate book tells how; mailed FREE. Standard Advertising Agency, 003. St. Louis Mo. POOLROOM. $1500 buys poolroom. with living rooms. Will consider partnership. S1S 81 KH Cham. Com. bide NEW AND USED furniture ., n ; (: a rd v. m I e business; boat location on east side; will take auto part payment. Phone Wdln. 46L TAILOR SHOP stock, fixtures; price right; health demands outside work: good busi ness, here 6 years. French Tailors, 77S Market St., Chehalls. Wash. HAVE business proposition for $500. $250 cash, bal. terms or trade. Chance to make big money. Main 9052. M.s-818 Cham, of Com. bldg. A GOING restaurant doing a real buai ness and If sold within 10 days can be bought for about half of cost. If In market call Main 2757. i C AFETERl A. good business, low- rent; If you want a good loca t Ton for the fair, here Js your chance. No agents wanted. egontan. $6oo0 THIS will buy the claasleart ladles' specialty shop In one of the llvest towns in the state of Washington. For full particulars, write box AP 2'.'4. Ongonian. TAILORS. Don't overlook this cleaning and press ing shop for sale; partnership considered. Must be a tailor. Call today. Tabor 684. FOR SALE Halt interest in goocafcaod mfg.. doing good business all year around; good future in this business. P 281. Oregonlan. GROCERY, good location, fine business, on account of sickness. .491 Washington at. Price $1850 cash. Rent $40, and fine location for meat naxrket. RESTAURANT doing good business: $2000 cash price and priced right. N 298, Oregonlan. " ELECTRIC shoe shop, good location, rent, $1000; going away; sicknesa H Oregonian. . BVMNFSS OPPORTUNITIES. - Bakery, Battery Butter a Butter a iish. L- ih. ., (3000. I, $5000. terms. PANAMA- PANAMA Creamery, $12,000 to handle. Drug svire, price $2000 cash. Drug store, price $6000. t.-rms. Oarage, 40 cars, price $1280. PANAMA Garage. 6OU0. mdm terma. Grocery, price $900, caah. Ororery. price JHHHi. t-rms. Grocery, price $1M75. cash. PANAMA Grocery, price $3300. terms. Grocery, price $5000. cash. Hotel, 70 rms.fc$2tM0 caah. Lunchroom, prh PANAMA I.unehrOom. pri Meat market. Partner, garage Partner, mfg.. $ PANAMA Partner, whsle., Restaurant. $89 Restaurant. jrl Rooming house, PANAMA Rooming house, Shoe shine &tan Tire shop, price 150 cash, $;.:oo. 0 down, lown. 0 down. 00. terms. own. 0, terms. 50, terma. ah. Truck. 3u, Ren.. 12950. terms. PANAMA Open daily 9 to 6 and 7 to 9. Open Sundays 11 to 2. SIX SALESMEN. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO., 401 PANAMA BLDG. THIRD AND ALDER STS. $2100 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS $2100. Clearing $300 to $400 per month. Clean ing and preasi-ng business; established 15 years. $3000. TERMS. Confectionery and lunch. Washington street corner. Marble fountain. Oood lease. Manv other good listings. MORGAN & FELDMAN. 533 Ch a m her of Commerce. Bdwv. 21 S7. ONE OF THE BEST CAFETERIAS. In the heart of the city. Beau tifully equipped. Price $50H). terma. Doing excellent business. Five-year lease: rent $200. Must be seen to bo appreciated. Good money-maker. $4000 cash. Good UftM, Average receipts $80. See this row. 525 Railway Exchange. AUTO REPAIR SHOP SNAP. $550 will secure equal half Interest In established, busy, well-known auto re pair business; fine loration : fully equipped. This is an excellent opportu nity to buy in with first-class ma-'hanic and learn the business; no trouble to clear better than $175 per month lor yourself from the start: best and busi est small shop in city Apply T6 riU toek hlk.. Washington and 10th Sts. GOOD sub. grocery, doing $35 to $45 aay: rent sij; spiv nice living rooms, business can bo doubled. Price $1600. Another sub. grocery doing $30 to $40 a day: 3 living rooms; no competition; rent $25. Pries $17oo. or Invoice. Cash-and-carry, doing $30 to $40 a day, living rooms; rent $29; near school and picture show; one of the best loca tions in the city. Price $1350. BITSHUE 51S Chamber of Com. Bldg. PARTNERSHIP -AUTO PAINTING. An equal half interest. Price only $400; fine location: established steady trade; plenty of work on hand and large volume 4omlr.g in : your opportunity to buy in with fc.-sl-class painter and learn the business. Need man who is a tadv and willing worker and is satisfied to make $100 per month for himself from the start. Apply 316 Pittock blk.. Waafr Ington and 10th sts. BIG WEST HIDE GARAGE. Good brick bldg.. 5-year leas 9: $140 month. Storage ineome alone about $350. Good shop and accessory stock. 2 serv ice cars; woak 3 to R mechanics. You should easily rlear 1509 to $600 s mot;th here. Price $4500; 125(H) cash will han dle. 81 mm. 610 Henry bldg. CIOAR NEWSSTAND BARGAIN. $950. Ideal location, lobby of large, well V nown hotel downtown : complet staple stock; elegant fixtures; any lady or man can make a good :lvlng and steady Income here : leaving for California: must sell; owuer will remain 10 days with purchaser to trach business !! de sired. A reftl bargain. Call 316 I'li tok blk., Washington and Ot1! sts. $9(ioo BRAND-NEW atore building in the hrart of the AInmeda addition; wonderful investment ; 3 stores and large double garage: room for 2 more stores: all rented ; Income $133 month : no inriimrtranee. See this sure toduy. East 29th and Prescott, near end of Broadway carline; part caah, balance mortgage. Phone owner for appoint ment. Woodlawn 3786. BARBERS ATTENTION. If you are a good workman we can put you into part nc rah ip In one of the highest class downtown shops in the city. Doing a dandy business. Equip ment, lease, etc., are exceptionally good. $1000 cosh required. Slmms. 610 Henry hldg. BARGAIN FOR MAN AND WIFE. Restaurant and lunch counter, busy location, west side, downtown; complete ly equipped; wiil positively clear $250 per month above expenses: serious Ill ness forces sale. Price only $1100. A real bargain that Is seldom offered. Meet owin-r, 316 Pittock blk., Washing ton at 10th su CONFECTIONERY A NOVELTY STORE close to 2 large schools, large living room. 6 shQW cases, counters, shelving, Io4l of stock, good business: fine for man and wlfoj ITOO will handle.. ANCHOR IN VES i M BN1 CO., Ref: tors. i v4 -- Panama Bldg 3d and StLOO GIVES YOU POSSESSION. Cleaning and pressing; best location In city; nets $250 month; Hoff press; furni ture of 2 rooms; 2 months' rent paid. Price $373. SEE MRS. HAUO. 26 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 1004. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Brick bldg.. on corner, established 10 years, average daily receipts $75 per day; trial given; modern fixtures; $2300 v ill hafldle. ANCHOR IN VESTMENT CO.. Real tor J, 4,f-.Vtt Panama Bldg.. 3d and A.n-. PANAMA IF YOU WANT TO BUY ANY kind of business call and see us. Open evenings 7-9. SIX SALESMEN. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO.. 401 PANAMA BLDG. THIRD AND ALDER STS. OLD ESTABLISHED POOL HALL. Suburban location, no opposition: population 10.0(H); clearing over $300 a month. Open for Investigation. 4 pool tables, etc.; $2200. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. hH-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Ald-r CAFETERIA. 3-YEAR LEASE. Gootf downtown location; nets $400 month; large seating capacity; cheap runt ; a real momy-maker. SEE MRS. H AUG. 520 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. tQ04 GR CERIE4. Confectioneries. Restaur ants. Cafeterias. Garages. Cigar Stands. If you want the best tn real business opportunities see our big lists. Slmms, 610 Henry bldg. GOOD business Ideal local ion on east side. A smart money-m King omcner shop. Owner retiring Is sacriflring for $2300. This one will stand close in spection. Ruck. 103 Couch bldg. BEAUTY PARLOR. Godd downstairs location ; low over head expense; good business, select trade; good reasons for selling. Y 26D, Orgonla n. Pool HALL, soft drinks, lunch counter. S living rooms, cloae to Portland ; rent $20 per month; $1050. C. W. Mtllership. 1634 4th st. LUNCH counter on Yamhill market, sell ing coffee, tea and confectionery; rea sonable rent: bargain. C. W. Mlllershlp. 165S 4th st. Mnln 5275. WANT partner for up-to-date plumbing shop, imal! capital required; no experi ence needed. Call between 7 and 8 P. M. 371 31 at., across street from auditorium. l'.PERHAN;iN'J AND PA I N T 1 N J. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED at WINTER PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. EAST 7242. RELIABLE nursery stock. Address G. M. Spra'gue, 96 Florida at., representing Toppenish, Nursery Co. Catalogue an re qust. GAKAGE, west sWe, fully equipped for repair work. Storage more than pays rent; $1100, Including Cadillac touring car. $6O0 down. 3'fi Chain, of Com. $20 WILL place you in well est a hi tubed business, where you can clear $150 per mo. 306 Cham, of Com. irOU SALE Gasoline filling station and vulcanixing shop. Good location. 363 E. 11 th st. SEE EDW. T. ORR for beat buye and trades in stores, hotels and rooming houses. 115 Grand nve. OA 'X EEH'TION ERLY. cigars and lunch counter; good business, attractive loca t ! on Cash or easy terma. 230H 3d st. GOOD confectionery for sale, or will trade for residence. Owner. AV 799, Ore gonlan. FOR R EST A U R A N T S . stands, bakeries and UARRAND REALTY. CLEANING and presain flee. Owner. Call 11.' groceries, cigar onfectloneries see 149 Salmon at. shop at a sacri Grnnd ave. CUBAN 1 N ' nd pressing shop must bo sold at once 1 Ankeny sr. grocery today, living Homi, i owner. 694 Mllwaukie st. Candy factory. Inquire East BUSINESS OFPOKTUNITIBB. AMUSEMENT PARK WILL OPEN. Free camping grounds, not for sj Public already talking of the Tuala Rlvi r park ; growing everV day; c structlnn work has started; ideal bo lrg river and main highway. 40 mlnu from Broadway; thousands) of autos p bathing merclal Gordon yours bldg. 1751. LU NCHROOM, ui co place. $750. good location Clgnr store, lobby, nico pLicc. first-class hotel. Cigars, confectionery. soft drtnk. lunch, good location, right price snd trims Qrocerjr, B living rooma. goJ busi ness. $1 Tt'O; terms. WESTERN BROKERAGE COM PAN Y. MT Northwestern Hank Bldg. ESTABLISHED dairy consisting of 11 good milk cows, one 2-year-old. two 1 -year-old heifers. 3 horses, delivery wagon, milk cans, cooler, filler and bottler and bottles? also household furniture; hag for winter In barn : 30 acrea in ry wheat; income $300 to $400 ter month. No opposition; rent $2jf month; prlca $65041 i ash. AV TNT . OregonUn. PATENTS Write tvt free guide book and mo or our fn entable nature; r-f prompt attention: reasonable terms. mLt i A.- u. Vn UAl.rt 1.1,1 i- Franctavn. Cat Main offices, 012 ttth st. Washington, D. C. . $2100. A fin r-taurant in a live town rt Portland; seats 55 people: 8 sleep In i onii. :i.n : ui wen rurnis Inr wit nlitn.i rent $75. price for' all. $2100; LIN1 R.ll Hldg. $5ooo IN VE6TM ENT and your services; out-of-town proposition ; pleaaant out-of-doors occupation during summer; making monay while preparing for the expoattlon harveat : your inveaimeut se cured by read etai'. If you are foot loose, this Is your chance. C 293. Ore gonlsn. , in WHY WORK FOR OTHER87 An opportunity occurs for n good con- M rf) A I 'LAY. 2 1 Rstlway Kxrh. Bldg. UNUSUAL opportunity for A-l business man with $10,000 to retire ona partner in a factory owning building machinery on acre of ground. Only 1 In the Pa cific northwest. Behind on orders. Sell ing to inn nufacturere and wholeaalera. Commodity must stable on the marRat. A K 250, nregonia WHO WILL G T ST. TO MAKE 10-room hotel, good furniture. $2800. $1000 down. Ask for F. C. Marshall. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Arlington Hldg. Main 1008, Third St . b.-t. Wash, and Stirk. WATCH OUR MONDAY ADS. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. MamJ dlnwn 505. Wl HAVE a choice list of business op portunities to make money." If i('nl1 want something "right to ilia point ' In thf business line, see F. C. Marshall with McGUIRE. 205 Ah! Mnln 100. rner 51 at and nmnn store. Ail wife. This Is a tly settled real oms, heat fur- iunch counter. FOR SALE Soft drlnK. cardroom. cigars, tobaci cream, all combined; go to now Labor temple. Maun CAUTIO ITERS Ileforo closing a deal I Interest In established real less, gut advice of Portland rd. 421 Oregon Hldg. Phone WANTED ulnar stores, grocery stores, lunch rooms and -small restaurants; buy era waiting. W E T E R N PR OK FRAGS) CO., 817 Northwestern Hunk Rldg WANT partner for pulnt shop In a large storage garage and on good street; any one wanting to learn a good business and get In on the ground floor address V 2S.T. Oregonian. ; CLEAN grocery and drugs, stock, fixtures, auto delivery. 6 living rooms, cheap rent. $5000. on west side.- Will take bungalow as part. Buv from owner and save commission. K 279, Oregonlan. WANTED Partner for small saw mill cutting sprure and hemlock. One with lumber experience who can take care of the business end. Good opportunity, F 290. Oregonlan. BAKERY and cait?. wholesale and retail, ce of the bast monev makers In south ern Oregon; worth $H000. to bs sold for $5000. Domestic troublo demands sale. AV 430. Oregonian. WANT financier to build 500-room hole .... utt ..,.r..u iidin ninir uiii .rr .nuuun park; 400 squu ,t i-I hunt inur Ifer Bliss. Brood- und irining. whv hot.-l. Po PARTNER WANTED. 5Ian with car for partner; establish real estute office; must have butdnosa training; no capital required. AN .DO. Oregmilun. 4 AN To invest $50 to $1000 in going concern. manufacturing ataple food products. etc Exceptional opportunity for right party. For interview address Tt.T "JH5. Oregonian. TART TUB NKW YEAR RIGHT; US LOCATE YOU. . . ' nn n i' i .n et A CO.. LET 602 STOCK EXCHANGE B I ) PARTNER, with SL'.O .t established DUsi ness ; hot te r t h an wages ; y ou r In vest ment will be doubled by Bprlng. L -J9, Oregonlan. GOOD Portland income property, trade for stock of merchandise; no Junk consid ered' give full details in first lettc M 17, I !- BLA '.YliTH shop, electrically equippea; doing good buMnosa and only one In town Trice $1050. Apply blacksmith shop. Camas, w asn. I II AVE a credtt oi iisou on a new bib phens Salient Six; you select your car. I sacrifice my credit. L. J. postoffice box OPS. WouiT yon pay $ioo down to get into a rood first-class honorable business, a money-maker; non better. AJ 17ft. Oregonlan. I !STATE MAN. rest in good live office -eason for selling, prlca )re gonian. DON" T PAY a bonus to somebody for a business; lease my furntslvd dining room and build your own trade; in operation now. A 207. Oregonlan. . PARTNER with $100 specialty and mai half interest In Luring business; Located at 211 Madi- "SEEUS TO SELL TOUR BUSINESS. O. t. UtKIl tl B0- Stock Exohangtf Bldg. Sr-iio liiUK'HRY; ;i living rooms; good bldg must sell at one'. Phone Auto. jjtO-lg Monday. No nevrit-. FOR SALE Ralisior and tender shop; if you want a bargain look tliip up. 101 W a s h ! n g t or st Vnnouv-r. Wash. FRONT a- ck bar, 2 pool tables, good 1 bargain if taken at once. FOR ier: bus WOULD rent or lease Job printing plant; state location; equipment and terma O 201. Oregonlan FINE garage, two floors, best location la city, doing big business. Phone Bdwy. i mm i. INTEREST for sale in good, ness, good returns Mft be tgW handles this. AG 27. TO BUY OR SELL. 8E1 G. C. ULRICH A CO fl02 Stock Exchange B US. DC 091 , WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. G. C. ULRICH fc CO. 002 STOCK KXCHANGE BLDG. til US can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Oac- ond una amorrisw. FOR SALE $S50. lunch and confectionery. Good location; small overhead. Phon Tabor 4MVTL WVNTED Party to invest small amount for interest In employment buslncsa. O 281. Or gonian. MUST sell at once old established gro cery, doing $loo per day. fixturea cheap, from oun.r. 171 E. Klllingsworth ave. FOl SALE St.. r confectionery, grocery. soft drinks W'U AV 5HW. Oregonian, TR A DE meat market and grocery for close In acreage W 2'2, Oregonlan. WANT partner with $1000 young man preferred. R 12000; lira Oregonlan. SECURE, attractive Investment for live wire with $1000. 2if8 Weldlar. "'' 1 REST A U lng a g son st..