Tim STTTSDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 11. 1021 2 CROWD AT PLENARY SESSION THRILLED REAL ACHIEVEMENT SEEN Announcement of Four-Power Pact Sensation. Senate Ratification of Treaty Just Obn eluded at Conference Now Is Counted Certainty. THE OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Washington. D. C, Dec. 10. M. VI vianl supplied the oratory. Senator Lodge furnished the sensation and Sir Arthur Balfour added the good feeling at the fourth open session of the disarmament conference today. The session had a rather dull begin ning, but slowly warmed to Its task as Senator Lodge unfolded the four power agreement between the United States, the British empire, France and Japan, designed to preserve peace in the Pacific. As Senator Lodge began reading the text of the treaty, several in the audience who followed closely the Versailles pact from beginning to end In the American senate shook their heads. There were whispers plainly audible that "the senate will never ratify It," but when he had concluded, applause came from those very per sons who but a few minutes before were skeptical. In evident memory of Article X of the League of Nations covenant, there was well sustained applause particu larly when he declared: "There is no provision for the use Of force to carry out any of the terms of the agreement, and no mili tary or naval sanction lurks in the background or under cover of these plain and direct clauses." Spectators Oat Thrill. The audience appeared to regard it as nothing short of sensational that an American delegation could get to gether with the representatives of several other great nations and work out an International agreement that was not open to the charge of being either an alliance or a league. When Senator Lodge read Section IV of the treaty, which provides for the termin ation of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the effect on the spectators was all but equal to the thrill given by Sec retary Hughes at the first session of the conference when he unexpectedly laid down before the foreign dele gates President Harding's concrete proposal for a 10-year naval holiday. at Vivianl, now head of the French delegation in the absence of Prime Minister Briand. plainly Intended by nature for a great tragedian, gave the conference a further taste of gei.uine French eloquence and oratory. HIS' earnestness and delivery were, so im pressive that one of the stirring mo ments of the conference was when Mr. Balfour, at the opening of his address referring to the Vivianl speech, said: "We have Just had the pleasure of listening to one of the greatest mas ters eloquence now living." Balfour Tribute Barked. Most of those attending the con ferences like anything that Mr. Bal four says, but today he had unan imous approval for his compliment to the great French statesman. Vlvlani Is lacking somewhat In voice, as com pared with his colleague. M. Briand, who fired the audience with such eloquence at the last session, but it is casting no aspersion to say that Vlvlani Is the greater orator. He spoke without notes. wlthAt jstammerlog or hesitating for a word a't any time, and at twice the speed of the average American orator, both han.da all the while going through gyrations, all of them graceful flour ishes, such as an American audience Is se.Vlom permitted to witnesa Though few of the spectators knew French, almost all appeared to make fairly clear Interpretations of the quick and constant gesture with which M. Vlvlani drove home the Book Sale Set Muhlbach, 18 vol $10.00 Latest Britannica. 29 vol. $60.00 Imperial Encyclopedia, 40 vol $15.00 Eliot's Works, calf, 8 vol $12.00 Ridpath's History of the World, 9 vol $25.00 Works of Spencer, 18 vol.. .$25.00 Book of Knowledge, 20 vol. $30.00 Christmas Books, Cards, Stickers. Hyland's Book Store 204 Fourth St. Between Taylor and Salmon DANCINGtaught AT Dl IIONKVS PRIVATE SCHOOLS Learn the new WALKING WALTZ. PIROUETTE ONE-STEP AND GLIDE 8CHOTTISCH. Beginners' class starts at .Cotillion hall. 14th at fWashington, Wednesday evening at 7 sharp. All dances taught as danced In the ballrooms In eight lessons. Ladies 12.00, gen tlemen $5.00. Private les sons all hours. Beginners' classes start at Murlark hall. 23d at Washington. Monday evening. Ad vanced classes, Tuesday evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of practice, no embarrassment. You can never learn dancing with out practice. Join the leading school. Phone Broadway 2002. DRAMATIC PRIZE MASK BALL at Cotillion hall. Thursday evening. December 15. Two beautiful diamond rings and other prises. Bargain prices. Ladies 35c, gents 60c. Don't miss this. French view of the agreement pre sented by Mr. Lodge. Many times the delegates of the nine nations at the table Joined - in applause of the French speaker and Senator Underwood, one of the least emotional men In American public life, grasped both the Frenchman's hands as he took his seat, holding on for some time to shower his congrat ulations while others were seeking to do the same thing. Briton Radiates Cheer. For some reason, when Mr. Balfour rises a smile lights the countenances of most of the conference. Today was no exception. He is delightful to look at and speaks so smoothly, so agree ably and always as if he took no credit, either to himself or the British empire, for anything that is being accomplished in this conference. Every proposal he treated today, aa before. Just as If It had been pre pared entirely by Secretary Hughes and others and handed to him for his approval. His attitude is that he and his government are always grati fied to approVe any steps making for peace, and he looks at Secretary Hughes just as if to say, "Charley, old boy, you're all right; the world be lieves In you and so do we." And it can truthfully be said that several noted Irishmen in today's au dience who have moved actively with the cause of Irish independence joined whole-heartedly in the applause when Mr. Balfour told of his desire and the desire of the British government to promote "good relations between the two great branches of the English-speaking race." It is doubted that there will be any difficulty In securing senate ratifica tion of the treaty presented today. Much of the opposition that began to develop two weeks ago appears to have died out. and the surprising and gratifying announcement this week of the conclusion of the agreement be tween England and Ireland to set up an Irish free state was a distinct setback to those who sought to use the Irish question to disrupt the parley. HOOD APPLES IN ARIZONA Grower AVrltes Oregon Orchard 1st of Excessive Freight Rates. HOOD RIVER. Or., Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) Hood River apples are being sold In Arizona this year, according to W. W. Carn'fcy, owner of the White Wing ranch at Tempe. Mr. Carney writes to S. G. Oxborrow, local orch ardlst. whose name was found on a box of C-grade apples just purchased by the Arizona grower, in part as fol lows: "In this county the freight absorbs about 51 per cent of the cantaloupe crop and the commission men 20 per cent, leaving 29 per cent for the farmer, who must pay the expense up to the time of shipping. Your apples were fine." flITCHISON WELL BUCKED REAPPOINTMENT TO COMMIS SION COUNTED CERTAIN. President Tells Senator McNary Indorsements or Official From West Are Not Necessary. THE OREGON1AN NEWS BUREAU. Washington. D. C. Dec. 10. Clyde B. Altchison of Oregon will be reap pointed to the interstate commerce commission, in the opinion of Senator .McNary and others who have been in terested In the matter. Senator McNary visited the White House this afternoon and offered to submit several letters and telegrams of indorsement sent to him In Com missioner Aitchlson'a behalf, but was told by the president that the in- were not necessary. Mr. Harding indicated that his mind was made up to reappoint Mr. Altcnison. which was in line with reports which have been coming from the White House for several days. It is understood that within the last few days representatives of the western intermountain country have been putting in a word in Mr. Aitch ison's behalf, saying that, while he did not agree with them on some of the principles of ratemaking he had been uniformly fair. The fear had swept over the inter mountain country that a candidate was to be put forward from the Cali fornia coast, who stood ready and anxious, if appointed, to go to bat nir.iinst everv DrlnclDle for which the western interior has been fighting. James A. Ford or the spoicane chamber of commerce, who was con spicious in the campaign which land ed J. B. Campbell of Spokane on the commission several months ago. has been here for several days and is un derstood to have let the president know that in the Judgment of interior cities he could do no better In naming a coast man than to reappoint Mr. Altchison. $11,150 Damage Case Lost. A verdict for the defense was re turned Friday in the $11,160 damage suit of Ionian Collins against the Northwestern Electric company and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Whiting for burns received while operating an electric iron in the basement of the Whiting home, 535 East Nineteenth street. The plaintiff held that the electric company had been negligent in providing a faulty iron and that the Whitings were" to blame for re quiring her to use It. but a Jury in the crfurt of Circuit Judge Hamilton found that no negligence existed. Phone us for prices on your winter coal. Diamond Coal Co., Bdwy. 3037 j Bring Your Eye Troubles to III All i ILW Experienced Men if You Want the Best Service IsBisHaW daaMsaaaa Scientific Knowledge of the highest order is required td recognize and properly correct defects of vision. C It is extremely unsafe to permit anyone not thoroughly qualified to test your eye sight or to prescribe glasses for you. r Not only is this expert knowledge neces sary; the latest scientific instruments and appliances are required and years of ap plied experience to make the result of the examination absolutely certain. Our many years' experience in scientific eyesight testing, fitting and making per fect glasses is at your disposal. Our own complete lens-grinding plant on the premises. j SAVE YOUR EYES j Eyesight Specialists Thompson Optical Institute Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 0-11 Corbett Bldg., 5th and Morrison Since 1IHIN -HAS. A. RUS CO, President and General Mnnager 209-1 Since 1!H)N I CHAS. A. RUS CO, President and General Manager HAIR Baldntas. Dandruff. Falltnjr of the Hair and ail Dtaeasea of tha 8calp Success fully Treated. One treatment will con vince you. 10 A M. to 7 P. M. Advice r DR. EVELYN TREINIES. 620 Morgan Hiifltlinjr Phone Main 44M Gasco Briquets To" Solid Carbon Compare this with other Fuels PLEASE i Then Phone the Gas Office. Main 6500 I J Ready !-Go ! "ANLY two weeks off. and that Is as close as (two blocks when walking). For the greatest measure of pleasure and service and to make the yuletlde flame of cheer and Joy leap high and long, arrange for the giving of gifts with Practical Usefulness! "VfOUR pleasure of distributing will not be doubled, it will be trebled. To make this feature unquestionably pleasant, Edwards will arrange to fit each personal need. Easy term regardless of what may be selected. Suggestions! 100 per CBMT rsri i i vet (l LITE INEXPENSIVE. -Mahogany Finished Smokers) u choice -Nickeled Tea Kettles -Water Jug and Tumblers -Casserole With Frame - - $2.50 -Electric Stove and Tray -Aluminum Cooking Set - - - -Large Reed Enamel Roaster -Upholstered Foot Stools VOI R CHOICE $5.00 AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING! At Just the Right Time! Genuine Leather Overstuffed Fine Tapestry Overstuffed, Figured Velour Overstuffed, Reclining -Back Easy Chairs, Jacobean Oak Rockers and Chairs, Mahogany Finished Rockers and Chairs, Charming Wicker Rockers and Chairs, At a Saving From $40 to $18.00 on Each $21.00 $29.50 $34.75 $42.00 $49.50 o VER fifty styles to select from, and EVERT ONE IS FROM RFXiUI.AR STOCK, too (no lob lots or manufacturers .samples). Edwards realizes that for gift buying people want "goods of choice, and this is one supremely pleasing opportunity for those who con sider a saving of $4.50 to $18 worth while on "chairs and rockers with character and cholceness." Rug Values Supreme! And Rugs make ideal home gifts. High-Grade Chenille & Wiltons SIZES: 8.3xl0. 0x10.0 AM) 0x13. $79.50 9x12 Linen-Fringed Wilton Velvets and Thick Seamless A xminsters Gate Leg Tables $32.50, $37.50, $42.50 These charmful delights in both oval and round tope; may be used and correctly, too, against the wall, by windows or out in the open. Genuinely snappy for Christmas and bridal gifts. See those at Edwards be fore you buy any other. BUHtWaja, Spinet Desks $52.50 to $95.00 Most delightful are these quaint adaptations of century aged carYlngs. Tou can have them in antique brown mahog any. MEN. If you've r u b b ed and racked your brain for a suitable remembrance for her. step inside tha Fifth-street door and look these over. Tea Wagons in Variety $28.50, $37.50, $45.00 Both walnut and mahogany finishes, fitted with silent swivel and artillery wheels. To eliminate steps to and from tha kitchen, and to have handy the most suitable rig for afternoon teas and sunporch parties get a tea wagon. $49.00- Edwards, for Floor Lamps and Table Lamps THE most complete showing of elaborate Hand-Made Silk Shades ever assembled within the four walls of Edwards' store. Indeed, the prices are not out of sight! For your convenience a few have been arranged In the front window with readable price tags. tec for yourself. 9x12 Medium - Weight Axminsters -$34.50 Inlaid Linoleums Per Square Yard $1.45 and $1.65 Print Linoleums Per Square Yard 90c and $1.05 S3 JUS Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar Chests $24.75 and $29.50 These chests are not merely nailed together. Thev have cleverly dove tailed and lock-fitted notch cu cor ners, so coming apart or opening up without extreme abuse is utterly Im possible. Besides, they are reinforced and trimmed with copper. $1 week pays for the one you select. J Model 200 I I This One $100 $5 Cash Balance to Suit You No Interest. rpHIS MODEL, the latest Bruns wick out, has the oval horn as Illustrated, also the Ulrona for playing different make records without changing a single part. Without hesitancy or fear of contradiction. Edwards sincerely believes this is the greatest phono graph value on the market today for the money. Tapestry Overstuffed Davenports $105fc$115 Pleasing designs to select from and, if you paid 17B to get mohair covering the Interior construction would be the same. Every one 1 built with full web base and back, double strength spring front edge, pocket sewed coll spring base and each of the three loose cushions is filled with pocket sewed coil springs. For your examination a frame with only the spring works con structed has been brought from the shop. See It on the first floor any time this week. Special Christmas Release Brunswick Records 10O4A Silent Night Florence Easton, Male Trio $1.00 214S Hark! The Herald Angels Sing All Souls' Choir .85 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Cathedral Choir 3140 While Shepherds Watched AH Souls' Choir .85 Angels from the Realms of Glory Cathedral Choir 10O45 Holy Night .-.Marie Chamlee and Chofus $1.0 .toon Ave Maria (Bach -Gounod) Soprano and Violin In Latin.. $1.50 .Florence Easton and Max Rosen 5001 Wayside Cross (Palmer) Criterion Male Quartet l.oo Church in the Wildwood (Pitts) Criterion Male Quartet I .loos Christ in Flanders (Stephens) Theo Karle 81.25 The Lord Is My Light (Allltsen) Theo Karle 5033 Adeste Fideles (Oh. Come All Ye Faithful) (Portugal).... , Collegiate Choir $1.00 Joy to the World (Handel) Collegiate Choir ) Te7ms - No nfTZlf For Mother's Model Kitchen A Beauty Too! INSTALLED COMPLETE, 1SCLI DING HOT WATER AND OAS CONNECTION $20 Cash, $3 Week, No Interest The "Stay Satisfactory "K&nSe This new Monarch Paramount will please you entirely frorp a beauty standpoint and Edwards guarantees it in every respect '.rom a quality and practical standpoint. Smoke Pipe on this new model Kitchen Paramount is concealed, and. mind you, with all the features of completeness, this model Kitchen Paramount takes up only about a 36-inch space. For Gas Only! Blue gray and white, all enameled peninsulars shown with either 'large or small oven. (Quality, as well as beauty, in Peninsulars.)