THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAXD, DECEMBER 4. 1921 21 BTHINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. liulfi- K'l'iiniii; I lull -. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. "SA ost attractively furnished In very respect; Income $300: aristo cratic clientele ; many transients. You can buy both building and furniture for fOOOO cash and rea sonable monthly payments. BEAL'TJKUL HUME. 12 rooms, extraordinary furni ture; very best beds, bedding, etc. Very attractive house and around. White Temple district, close to Morrison St. Price $il-AHj. disoount v tor all cash. RESIDENCE DISTRICT. 15 rooms, large bright room; twin beds, lot of unusually good furniture; fine net income; good looking house. 'A'iiiQ. .CLOSE TO MORRISON STREET. 14 rooms. part housekeeping; splendid rugs and furniture; nice) location; always full; rent only $70. f33ou. terms. Discount lor ail cash. HOUSEKEEPING AND TRANSIENT. 32 rooms, on Washington st. : nets 8 183; can get 5 year's lease; very reasonably priced at $44)00 ; s oms terms. NOB HILL. 10 rooms, clean and attractive. Furniture and rugs good. Owner occupies 4 nice rooms and nets $00. Priced much below the market at SLiOO. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 13 rooms and large kitchenette; amply furnished with good sub stantial furniture; stove heat: cor. house; 7 blks. south of Morrison t. ; rent only $50. $1000 handles. MRS. ALBA UGH. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bid. HOTEX. MEN ATTENTION. One of the most complete and welt furnished hotels in the city. About 100 rooms. Beautiful lobby. Long lease. Always doing a big business. Call and get particulars. 00-ROOM HOTEL. Here is one of the best of its class in Portland; office upstairs; over Vs private baths; .Vyear lease; splendidly furnished and can be handled with $10,000. SOMETHING GOOD. 90-rnnm apt. -house; '. 3 and 4 room each ; 5-year lease ; strictly modern brick bldg. Well furnished throughout. $13,000 cash. Balance as you wish. Sen Mr. Brown. SMALL APT. HOUSE. 15 3-room apts. ; strictly modern brick bldg. Close In on west side. Five-year lease. Price $8000. Can make good terms, fee Mrs. Zemp. 40-ROOM HOTEL. Strictlv modern brick bldg.; good west side location ; now netting $600 per month over all expenses. Price SS500, terms. RIERDON REALTY CO., Realtors. G37 Pittock Block. Washington at Tenth Sts. -ROOM hotel, furnished, lobby and din ing mom, fuel ror winter, on i acre, in good Washington town; consider Incorhe or small business in or near Portland. 20-room hotel futnished. In N. Port. Wash., and 4-nu.m cottage on 30x140 lot. 160 acres 12 miles out, 20,000 ties and somo saw timber; 20 acres bottom land cleared, old buildings, good road, price 80OO; mortgage $2000; also 3-room cot tage in same town, $1500: clear, trade; what have you? Will assume some. BOCKHOLD BROS.. Realtors. on l Bwetland Bldg, BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. Realtors, 170 10th St. 42 -room hotel, long lease, close In, rent $130, clears around $373; best close in location; we have others; this one Is a very good buy. 11 H. K. rooms, close In, very classy; Will take car up to $300; has garage. 9 H. K, rooms, $1030; terms; rent 43; Bice home. We have several good apt. houses with good leases. FIVE-YEAR LEASE. 43-rm. apt. house; prisate baths ; rent $200. Price $6500; 4000 will handle. G. H. Vradenburg, 325 Railway Exchange. Main 2000. WILL YOU GO TO FIRST STREET TO MAKE MONEY? Brick hotel, near Morrison; 16 rooms and big lobby; new furniture, drapes and rugs, piano lamp, leather chairs, potted Slants. Cannot be seen till Sunday. !ake appointment now. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third StM bet. wash ana PUUm. COOK iTi t h ls7 :t2 roums, rent $73, with lease; brick bldg; price $3000 1 1 rooms, close In, west side. $1050 ; net $73. Stove or furnace. 10 rooms, close in, west side; rent $50; nets $70; price $1400; $500 down. 13 rooms. Clay st-; nets 85 ; price $1030; $5O0 down; fine place. BARRAND REALTY CO.. 24 Salmon St. MOST attractive west side apartment site with best view and walking distance to business district ; have plans drawn for client for up-to-date 2 and 3-rooni apt, showing large net returns on Invest ment. Want reliable party with $13,000 for half interest and management of same. SMITH & GRIFFITHS. Architects. Marshall 4776. BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. REALTORS. 170 10TH ST. 42-room hotel, close In, strictly mod ern, nets $400, rent $130, good lease. $7000. good terms; brick building and clean ; also another, 84 -room transient brick hotel. $7500. good lease, modern, best of locations; have other sizes; also a Bice line of rooming hottsaa. WANT Rll AT ONCE AN APARTMjNT house. A1s.j have buyers for high-class rooming houses. Chester L. Florence. RTT'-'ER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-3-7 H-ard of Trade Bldg THIS BRINGS HOME 1 H E BACON. Apartment house with 14 rooms. 40 Apartments; rent $500; 0-year ieuse; I minutes' walk from Meier A Frank'; gross Income $1500 a month: nets $700; not and cold water In all apts; 32 baths. Price $16,000; terms. 812.O00 handles. BARRAND REAL T Y CO.. 340 Salmon St. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 30 rooms of the best mahogany and oak matched furniture; large, cosy din ing room with a beautiful fireplace; all modern equipment, steam heat. located on Nob Hill. Leased until Nov.. 1025. at $230 per month; this, place iIiowm a most excellent net income: $HO00 cash will handle this. Marshall 5K48. NEW SERVICE. To apartment and rooming hous owners who bought from us; or our clients: We fill vacancies quickly through our personal service Uureau. Call Miss Richardson, with x FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg 3d St.. lift. Wash and Stark. ROOMING HOUSE EXTRAORDINARY. Close In, on east side, 11 rooms of ex ceptionally good furniture : an excellent building on a 100x100 corner that Is mod ern and up to date ; Beautiful pawn, fruit trees and a double garage: rent is only $73: tin- price is $2400 with a very small cash payment. Marshall .' 1 1 v NOR HILL. 20 rooms and sleeping porch. Fine fur niture, beautiful house. 4 baths, 3 toilets. Showing a net Income of $20o. 82OO0 will handle, small balance. Be sure and las this. WM. A HUGHES CO.. r2is Riitlwiv Exch. B'dg. B.lwy. ggg NOD HILL S ' 'RIFICK 12 rooms, elegantly furnished, mahop any overstuffed parlor set. Ivory bed room sets; clean as wax ; owner must leave city, has reduced price from 88O0O to $2530 BARRAND REALTY CO. 340 Salmon St. ' HOTEL 20 moms, busy corner, transient .hotel, good lense. $2300 puts you In possession Price f-fOOO. See George. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bilwy. 4731 410 Henry bldg. KITE TIN PLE. 12 rooms, 3 kitchenettes, good furni ture. House Just newly cleaned through out; all gas ranges: water in all rooms. Rent $35 per month; $1000 will handle. Small balance. WM. A. HUGHES ro. 21S Rnllw-av Fxch B dg B I v 44 1 1 ( i .M.k". BRICK BI.lx'l , heat. 3 year LEASE; $ IO00 will handle COME ' IN, let Mr. Bevan show you this BARGAIN. Lltfl I. E. SPENCER A CO., 317 Cham. of Com Bldg. Bdwy. 3011. A FINE modern home and an incm furnished apt, and 3 for yourself; fine residential dint.; $3no handles. L847. See (NICK), who sells them quick. I. E. SPENCER, CO., 317-21 Chamh'r nf Comnvrcn Building. WHITE TEMPLE. 14 rooms, seven 2-room apts.. corner house I showing a net , Income of $120. Price $2200, $1000 will handle. WM. A, Hl'OHKS CO.. 218 Railway ftxch B'd g. Bd w v hmh SEE To SELL YOUR BUSINESS O. C ULRK'H CO 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming Houses. HOTELS. 00- rooms, about half with baths. One best location in city; ground floor lobby. Lease. Price right. 70 rnnms rr,rrt Inoallnn eunt PartV retiring from business on account o neaiin. bargain price. 30 rooms, up-to-date ; five-year lease; rent reasonable. Good buy. 40 rooms, private bath, dining room. Five-year lease. Furnishings all good. Doing fine business. 40 rooms, right downtown; brick: cor ner ; lease. Full all time. Bargain to quick buyer. Owner bought large hotel. 30 rooms, best location In city; lease. 25 rooms, in fieart of city ; can' t be beat ; modern. AH on one floor. North western heat. SEE US FOR PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS. APARTMENT. We have a real buy In an up-to-date, modern apartment; over 100 rooms: 2, 3 and 4-room apartments. Furnishings ex cellent; long lease; west side. ROOMING HOUSES. 32 rooms. Price $3730. Cash $2500. 28 rooms. Price $5000. Cash $2300. 25 rooms. Price $3730. Cash $2000. 19 rooms. Price $4200. Cash $3000. 13 rooms. Price $S00. Cash $400. ! 15 rooms. Price $3500. Cash $2500. 10 rooms. Price S1S50. Cash $300. 11 rooms. Price $2000. Cash $1500. 11 rooms. Price $1000. Cash $300. 8 rooms. Price $1000. Cash $200. Call us for what you want. We make a specialty of Hotels, Apartments and Rooming Houses. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title & Trust Bldg. Entrance SO Fourth St. Bdwy. 5586. HOTEL SACRIFICE. $12,000. Nearly 100 rooms; furniture above average ; some private baths, 8 public baths; 5-year lease at $6 per room; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; elevator service: 23 fireplaces In this brick hotel; netting now about $500 per month; will take In Portland residence to $4300; $7300 cash will han dle. Call at office for full details. 'Pos itively the best hotel bargain in Port land. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 207 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. Sts. Main H220 or Main 0318. 43-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Free heat, free hot and cold water; receipts $400 per month. Rlnt $200. Private baths, corner, concrete bldg., all outside rooms, nlcw furniture, splc and span, 5-year lease. $8500. Besides many others close In at right prices. See me before Investing. O. B. RIEEPEY, 610-11 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. M. E. LENT COMPANY, 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER, 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. " "hotel. The biggest bargain in the city; yes and you will agree with me. If you are a bargain seeker see this modern hotel; 34 rooms, good lease. Price only $7500 Might arrange terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTE L. 22 rooms, brick building, four 2-room suites with private baths, 2 public baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; North west heat; net $300. One of the best furnished small hotels' In town. Price $3500. Terms. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. fl-SO. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. In the heart of Nob Hill; 40 beautiful rooms rented and a wonderful dining room; 5-year lease at reasonable rental; it cost $13,000 to furnish this house and that is the full price; $8000 to handle. G. C. ULRK'H & CO.. G02 Stock Exchange Bldg. WE HAVE OUTSIDE BUYERS WHO WANT THE FOLLOWING: Apartment. 40 to 00, modern. Apartment. 15 to 35 modern. Transient hotel, west aide. Grocery and housekeeping togSjther AUSTIN-O'LEAR Y REALTY CO. 335 Chain of Com. IV. Ac. 44 ROOMS LEASE TO 1926 Hotel and apartments, corner, brick huEdlng. steam heat. $4H0 down, bal ance monthly; clears $400. 52-room hotel, downstown. corner, hrlck building, lease; price $4000, some terms. : V EDWARDS, 810 Hnr Bldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. SACRIFICE. 78-room brick apartment, mostly 2s, all on 2 floors, good furniture, all light rooms; has s new 5-year lease; owner must sell at once; price $10,000, half cash. Seo McCaulay. 218 Railway Exch. bldg. Bdwy. H0S. HOTEL WITH LEASE. 42 rooms. BRICK BLDG.. clearing $400; centrally located, always full; LEASE OVER THE FAIR. Get that? $3000 handles. Nick, as usual. L191. I. E. SPENCER A CO.. 317-21 Chamber o:' 'rnim-rcf ButMlnt. liOAKDINii house, rent $32; 30 regular boarders ; price $830; $600 handles. II rooms, h. k.. nice furniture, clean; nets $90; price $1500; $800 handles. J. H. ELY & CO., 128 14th St. liET BUSY UN - THIS. 10 rooms. H. K., close in. rent only S35; can be made to clear about $100; needs little DOLLING UP. You know. $300 handles. (SEE NICK). L336. L E. SPENCER & CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Building. FOR QUICK ALE. List your hotel, apartment or room ing houses with us: vour Ipterests wlil always be protected; w? hnve cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg HOTELS. Clearing house, for. large hotels. If you are In the market see us. Our clients are fully projected at all times. O. C. ULRICH A CO.. 602 Stock Exrhangf Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY AND FURNITURE. A wonderful place and netting good money on your investment. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. HOTEL. A wonderful little place of 32 rooms, best of furniture and clean as wajc. To st-e this Is to want It. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 60J Stock Ex. Bldg. EIGHT rooms on one floor, all nousekeep ing. nice corner house, good furniture, very clean. Rent $30 month; showing a net of $75. Full price $1000 cash. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 21 Railway Exch. B'dg. Bdwv. 8888. H A V K APT. HO CSS. 1 8 rooms. Income $373. rent $70; will take car as first payment. See Mr. McNeill with I. E SPENCBR A CO.. 317-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL. i 8U rooms, netting over $700 per month. This is a real place and thn only one left at a low figure. G. C ULRICH CO.. 002 Stock Exc ha n ge Bldg. BARNEY JOHNSON CO Realtors, 170 10th St. n H. K. rooms, modern, close In; only $750: best of furniture. This is a sacri fice sale. LOOK THIS OVER. Card room and restaurant, taking in $123 per day. nets 30 per cent: best transient street In city; $7150; two third. down. 201 McKay Mdg. ALL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. J 25 rooms, dandy good place; a money maker. $2630, your own terms. G. C. ULRICH CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg SPLENDID buy in 30-rooro apt., -modern, electric lights, gai, steam heat, tins location ; will consider a good house in trade: a bargain If taken at once. Phone Bass R820 or call 304 Alblna ave. ROOMS, s.eeping ai.d H. K7. always full, w. ., rent $40; $800 will handle. See Mr. Bevan with L357. I. E. SPENCER' CO,, ."17-'l Chamber of Cojnmerce Building. I HAVE cash to buy modern apt. house. 20 to 30 room: condition no object; lo cation mesns everything. Call East 2S76, ant. 3. SEE US TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS. O. C. ULRICH A CO. 602 Stock ExchHnge Bldg. THREE splendid buys In While Temple district. 14, 12 and 1 1 rooms; clean, modern and show good Income. East SS2.I WANTED Lease on hotel or apartment house. U 117. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Koumimr Houn. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES. R2-room modern brick hotel; $9000 will handle. 42-room modern brick hotel; $8500 will handle. 27-room apartment house; $2500 will handle. 3r-room apartment house ; $3500 will handle. 25-room apartment house; $2500 will handle. 31-room brick rooming house; $550U cash. 49-room frame rooming house; $4000 """will handle. 8-room frame rooming house; $10oJ, terms. These are all well located, west side; '.also have others, all sixes. I have a fine cafeteria priced to sell ; also have some groceries. If tn the market, caii 1A3tt West Park St.. See O. F. Anderson. WE II AVE THE ROOMING HOUSES, hotels or apartment houses you want. Here are a few snaps In the rooming house line: 41 rooms, housekeeping, net $150 ; SI650 cash down. 10 rooms, west side, good Income : 11000. 12 rtfome, fine location; $750 cash down. 10 moms 12th sLi 1600 cash down. 17 rooms, housekeeping; all full; price SIZlB. Salespeople with cars ready to show you the best rooming house buys In Portland.. Call Main 1375. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC.. 408-11 Couch Bldg. 34 APARTMENTS, 4-story brick building, modern throughout, com pletely furnished; paying 10 per cent net on price. $150,000; can sell on easy terms; will consider good residence as part payment. ATKINSON A PORTER, 705 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. GOOD, CLEAN HOTEL. Brick building, steam heat, 42 rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms, rent only $125, R-yr. lease; $4200 will handle, smalt balance; netting $400 per month. 523 Rail way Exchange. 16-ROOM apartment. $1300, close In, a bargain, terms; 32 -room apartment, right down town, must sell, price $6000. some terms, with a good lease; -13-room apartment, modern, good furniture, 8 year lease. Income $300. rent $100, price $5000. some terms; 20-room apartment. $2600. some terms, rent $75. Income $200. 5-year lease. 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LANE A CARROLL. ROOMING HOUSE, Vancouver; 85 rooms, both transient and light housekeeping ; all full ; pays $150 net per i month ; central location ; $2300; $1200 cash, bal. monthly. JOHN H. EL WELL, Realtor, 8134 Main St.. Vancouver.. Wash. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. t".IA i . . IAIUSTHI ttU lEL, Modern brick building, lobby. lease, low rent, dining room completely equipped, monthly gross about $2000, clean and in fine shape, about $4000 re quired, or will consider small home in part trade. Full particulars with Mr. Tice. C20 HENRY BLDG., BDWY. 4SS0. POSITIVELY the best buy in the city, lovely home and net income of $00 in 4 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms; well furnished, in best of condition, curtains, drapes, rugs and bedding like new; fur nace heat; Nob Hill district: lease; I am going to California and will sacrifice if sold at once. Make me an offer. Call Broadway 3445. IF YOU want a fine place to live, soma professional man's office and residence or a good boarding house, I have 22 rooms, good furniture, netting me $178 per month and 4 nice, sunny rooms for living quarters; come and Inspect and buy from owner. Reduction in price for next ten days. 406 Yamhill st. SPECIAL. 'We specialize In pleasing you If you are In the market for apsrtment house lease and furnishings with good lease. We have four special bargains to offer Monday. See us without fall. You may b the lucky ope. Winslow Co., 419 Lumbermena bldg. V THOMSON & THOMSON. RH-ALTORS. A real home with good Income. Nob Hill location. 12 rooms, furnished wlthj liiK erj ueii, Briaugru in .1 c . . - ments, lease, rent $(.". furnace, elec tricity; $2000 on terms, less for all cash; furniture cost more. Particulars with .M IIS. MVn:. 02M HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL PLACE. 23 rooms. White Temple district, hand somely furnished, slet ping rooms and apartments. Income $325. $3500 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. C.KO. T MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg SPLENDID MONEY-MAKER. 40 rooms, all housekeeping, good cor ner bldg., every room outside, clean as a pin. clears about $400 month; $4000 cash will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1O07 Yeon Bldg. HAVE immediate buyer for housekeeping rooms with good lease up to $5000. Have immediate buyer for apartment or transient rooms with good lease; has $4500 oash. SEE NEWTON. 218 Rv. Exch. Bldg.. Bdwy. 68QS. CLIENT HAS SOME FURNITURE needs place wiiere more furniture can be used. Will pay good price for lease or possession of houssw - O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. Owner must sacrifice west side brick hotel, modern, some private baths, good lease, clears about $500; $600 will handle. MR. TICE, 620 HENRY BLDO. LEASE -FOR SALE. 5-yr. lease on one of the finest resi dential hotels In the city; no furniture Included: no phone information. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. Inc., 408-11 Couch Bldg. APARTMENT. 24 apts.. lease, over the fair. Nob Hill. $10,000 to handle. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. HOTEL 40 rooms, lobby and elevator; 5-year lease. Price $12,500; good terms. O. C. ULRICH & CO., 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. II ROOMS CENTRAL. Near Telephone bldg.. In heafjt of cltv, well furnished, always full for $1105, pay $200 down, balance as you make it. Peters. 15 N Kth st. ELEGANT new four-room bungalow. Rose City. $4750. as first payment on hotel or apartment house. Will assume. BC 210. Oregonian. WILL sell best paying rooming house In city, west side, close In; $2500 cash, bal. terms. Save commission. Main f45t. ' FOR BEST buys in rooming houses, mod ern apartments, hotels or leases, see E. S. KERR. Realtor. 301 Yamhill M:r?ha1! 55R4. HOTEL Do you want a real hotel? See us. G. C. ULRICH & CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. 12 RX)MS. good west side location, $1400, $1000 cash. bal. easy terms: rent $50; can assume a good lease: rent $55 per mo. 306 Cham, of Com. A PA RTM E NT HOUS E. 33 APTS. $25,000 with $15,000 cash. Q. C. ULRICH CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. CAN get you one of the best locations in city, center of business, with 4-yr. lease at $75 per mo. rent; $2000 cash. 306 Cham, or com . 1 H. K ROOMS, cose to Washington St.. w. s , elect., good heating system, nets $90. .'.4 N. Nl.Tn st. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house, see members of the Realty Board Yates Realv Co.. 245 Fourth street WANTED Hotel or rooming house. Will trade In best of securities, balance cash. Main 0451. WANTED Rooming house. W7il! trade in seller's interest in contract on land. Haw it-i-H 40-ROOM brick hotel, modern, 5-year lease, furniture, west side. 318 Piatt building HJH lilSlNEBS opportunities, hotels and apartment houses, roe W L. HorrtlL Realtor 4X2 Plttoek oik Bdwy. 1M8 ElfTHT clean housekeeping and private sleeping rooming house, walking dis tance siii.mi cagn ihkih iv nun st ROOMS housekeeping and sleeping. Sacrifice for quick sale. 426 Burnslde. JOOD-PWIXO ic-tining house, price reas onable, terms i: desired. AV 716, Ore gonia . FOR SALE Small rooming house located on Astor street, Astoria. Or. Phone Marshall 3132. A-KOOM modern house; will trade for Col. 722. f iR RENT -1 -room hotel, t urnat:cd complete, reasonable rent to right party. A1"1 2 5 It. j regon!an. HOTEL. 34 rooms, located on Broadway, leased until after fair; a snsp. Room 320, plttrck block. BOUGHT a 24-room rfote: and don't want it. Who does? Call Sellwood 3748. Owner, 582 Boise street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. lintels and Rooming Houses. MARY E. LBNT COMPANY. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560. hotels. apartment houses and rooming houses. all sizes And prices. Fifteen Vears m this business tn Portlandgsfnables us to give you satisfactory service. The following listed exclusively with this office: APARTMENT HOUSES. 34 APARTMENTS. White pressed brick building, all two and three rooms each, pri vate baths, automatic elevator, new furniture, all In fine shape, if you have $25,000 cash and want something good, with long lease and cheap rent, ask to see this. 40 APARTMENTS. Here is your opportunity to buy a place that has not been sold over and over for the last two years: furniture and furnishings very complete. If you are a live man ager you can make $1200 per month clear on this the year round. Price $30,000. 30 APARTMENTS. Easiest place in the city to manage ; low rental. including steam heat, hot and cold water and telephones In every room, all completely furnlhd; located ?lose In. west side. You won't make a mistake on this; price $24,000. terms to responsible party. 24 APARTMENTS. Cosiest furnished small apart ments In the city, all In high-class condition, furnished throughout. Your opportunity to get into a nice little business with $7-500 cash. 18 APARTMENTS. Two and three rooms, each have private bath, very clean, clears $400 per month; can be handled with $6000 cash, balance easy terma OVER 100 ROOMS. Apartment and rooms. rent $600; phones and private baths, long lease; the price is only $16, 000. half cash. 40-ROOM HOTEX,. White pressed brick. private baths, close to business center; price only $12,000 for quick sale; terms to reliable party. ROOMING HOUSES SEE MRS. McCLAIN. Modern little apartment house, east side, very fine class, excep tionally furnished, complete as to curtains, dishes. linens, good rugs and furniture, just the place for party alone to manage: clears around $240. This proposition can be handled with $1400 cash. 40-ROOM APT. HOUSE: mod ern, furnished and unfurnished: steam heated; most apts. private baths; very complete. Needs go ing over and remodeling. If you have $4250 cash and desire to get place you can turn at big profit later make appointment at once. 20 H. K. ROOMS: very fine proposition ; very welt furnished : good rugs. davenport. pretty drapes, vacuum, etc. Owner needs ready cash for other Investment. $1400 cash gives possession, - 11 ROOMS; good place for somo one with extra furniture to piace; lovely rooms, large yard, fine lo cation ; place to make 4 more rooms; rent only $50; $1000 cash down. 10 ROOMS, upper corner flat, excellent location, fine looking bldg. ; very exceptionally furnished for the price. Clears $30 nice home: $1000 cash required. Price only $1550. 8 ROOMS White Temple; coiy. Clean, safe; clears $40 and up. Price $1100; $800 cash. MONEY-MAKERS. 75 rooms, off Stark st., corner brick. Private baths, lobby ; long tease at $9 per room. $15,000 required. 40 rooms, modern brick, close in. Number of private baths, lobby, eleva tor, lease over fair, low rental. Full price $11,500. 32 rooms can be bought for $3500. Shows big net profit. Lease runs over fair at $6 per room. Real transient house. 41 rooms, beautifully furnished, mod ern brick, everything desirable. If you have $7000 see me about this. It clears over $400 month. The above are exclusive buys and you'd better hurry or you'll be too late to get them. J. BRUCE OODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg MOST SELECT NOB HILL DISTRICT. PRICE $1500. Nine lovely rooms, immaculately clean. beautifully furnished. lovely home, newly tinted and In fine repair, best of beds and bedding. This is a strictly high class place, wood and coal included in ji:-u . MRP. SNOW, Bdwy, 4664. ROOMING HOUSE. PRICE $3000. West Fide location- 5-year lease. 18 housekeeping rooms, first-class furniture and good house ; Income $230. could be made more, se mis one nerore you Duy. Only $2 200 cash required. See SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. SPLENDID LOCATION. 18 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping. Immaculately well furnished and well arranged for renting rooms; income $290. $2" worm or ruei lncmaeo in ine price. This Is a good proposition. PRICE $3500. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ISO-room apt.; 68 apts., modern and un usually well furnished throughout; beau tiful corner oncK ounoing, oesi west side location, rent $1000, with lease This is a splendid buy. For further in formation REE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1904 b ROpMS, clean as wax. all large airy corner rooms, well furnished ; 3-year lease; downtown location; nets over all expenses $2j0 month: price $4500, $25H down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A SPLENDID BUY. 26 rooms, housekeeping, all on one floor, nice brick building, nicely fur nished; rent $50 with 5-er lease; pries $1800. $1000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. I1M4 JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 10-room modern and beautiful fur nished throughout, clean as wax, hard wood floor, nice location; price $xl00, half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. J NORTHWESTERN HEAT. 34-room hotel, modern and well fur nished; rent 1375, 5-year lease ; nets $500; $5000 wlil handle. SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bl.lg Broadway 1H04. APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE. Modern corner brick apartment hotel for lease, unfurnished ; fine proposition. See Black welt, exclusive agent. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 817 Northwestern Bank Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. Over 60 apts. A high-class place you will be delighted with, and a real In come. $25,000 to handle. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. 10-ROOM apartment bouse situate close In; clean and nicely furnished ; clears $85 per month. Price $3300. terms. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOS Small bunch of keys with chain about foot long. Return 130 1st. Kad oerly Hardware. $." reward. LOST Saturday. lady's Eigin wrist watch. Initials A. L. K.. 10$ Royal Court. Ta bor 5041. FOUND" Wednesday AP. M., pair lady's sqei. glove. Ci. Antcvsn. Bdwv. m'?. LOST A Delta Oanirnn pin. goiu anchor set with diamond. Main :'.W2. LOST Chinese bracelet, not valuable: kc-pwakf. Reward. East 8537. FOUND Electric voltmeter. Call Wdln. 552 S. LOST Purse with broken strap. Return to City Hall, room 311. STRAYED from 006 U. 00th N., large yel low cat. Reward. Tabor 2180. LOST Eyeglasses with chain. Mrs. Geo. Brown. Marshall 6!7. FOUND Ilewellyn setter, female. sfaM Wdln. MHM or 1 13.1 Montana ave. LOST Lady's black purse, near 5th and Washington. Phone Esfst 1441. LOST Blue silk umbrclls at Lents school. Friday. Dec. 2 Auto. 023-53. STRAYED Dec 2. Hhepht-rd puppy, from 143 E Msr N KewafU FOUND, large black dog. Main Tujo. LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT & POWER CO. Lost Artlcie Department. 1st and Alder Sts.. Portlsnd. Or. The following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co. December 2. 1H21: 11 um brellas, 5 lunch boxes. 3 purses. 1 bunch keys, 12 packages. 2 hand bags. 7 pair gloves. 2 single gloves. 5 books, silver powder box. school tickets. watch charm, comb, electric iron, basket, fur muff, slicker coat, sack dahlia bulbs. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at 1st and Alder st. sta tion. LOST Wednesday nignt, black plush bag. $20 bill, some change and pencil, name and address, between 21st and Irving and 23d and Flanders. Reward. Main 4188. LOST By working girl. Wednesday, be tween 6 and 7 P M.. near Union and Russell, small black plnseal purse. Finder please call East 5046 after 6:0 P. M. Reward. WILL party who found pac-kago contain ing Red Cross apron and pin in Meier A Frank Co.'s book department return same to H. T. Page, county assessor s office, courthouse ? Reward. . GRAY purse, on Wtliiams-ave. car or Cir cle theater, Friday evening; keep silver, but please return purse, papers and watch. Call East 6838. TEN D J L LARS toward for the arrest and conviction of px'ty who stole one Mexi can dog, freckitt'i. no hair. C. E. Wood. 921 Prom.. Seaside. Or. REWARD for information ot Rambler) bi cycle stolen from Franklin high Nov. 29. Black frame, decorated In red. Phone Tabor 3401. LOST String of imali pearls in down town shopping district. Finder wilt re ceive liberal " reward by phoning East 3264. STRAYED From 5812 40th ave. S. E. brlndle Boston bull terrier witn wQJto head and neck. Answers to name of Chummie. License No. 1201. Reward. LOST -Lady's gold wrist watch, cm Nov. 20 on Williams ave. or Irvtngton car lines. East 2295. 642 East 18th st. North? Reward. LOST or stolen, white Persian -cat. Re ward for return of same, or for infor mation that will lead to the recovery of cat. 1119 Arnold st. LOST Wednesday in Meier A Frank's or vicinity, lady's gold bracelet wrist watch. Can Identify. Please leave, at Oregonian office. Reward. WILL lady who picked up purse in Ben nett's market Saturday P. M., please leave at fame place? Owner very much in need of money. Ub'1-a. T. u. rrmtemity pin. Black and gold malteae cross. Reward. 822 Gasco bldg. Main 7602. LOftT Fox terrier, white, light yellow on back, collar and licence; ans. to name of Pep. Reward. 756 Albina ave. LOST Tortolseshell glasses. In case. R. N. Sherman, optician, name In case. Phom- Tabor 809. ' LOST -Silver lavalllere set with rhlne stones. Finder please call Marshall 4Qfi.') ; reward. LOST Male Airedale dog; collar and brass lock; tag on collar lost. Liberal reward. Tabor 3511. LOST Oval platinum pin set. -with dia monds and pearls. Liberal reward. East 664. BLACK sealskin neckpiece, trimmed In fitoh; reward. Call Monday between 9 and 5. Main 2272 LOST Christian Science quarterly in leather cover. Finder please call Tabor 4952. LOST Purse containing money, between Crout's store on Sandy and 501 East 48th it. N. Finder please phone E. 6855. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. 011769. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roseburg, Oregon. Novensber 8, 192L Notice Is hereby given that the Dun can and Brewer Lumber company, ot Duluth. county of Saint Louis, state of Minnesota, has filed in this office its application to relecC Serial No. 011769. under the provlisons of the act of con gress, approved May 31, 191S (40 Stat., 593), and the regulations thereunder ap proved July 17, 1918 (40 L D.. 424), the B h-t of Sec. 16, L Nil NWH Bfi SW14 and MW4J SWfc Sec. 17, all of Sec. 19, Nft, Ett SEW. NW hi SEW. NEW SWW and W SWW Sec. St, Tp. 25 S R. 10 W Will. Mer. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands de scribed, or desiring to object be"csiuse of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant should file their aff i aavlts ot protest lu this office without delay. W. H. CANNON. Register. First day of publication. Nov. 20. 1921. Last day of publication. Dec. 2u. 1921. TO WHOM it may concern. I hereby an nounce that I will not be responsible for any debts which may be contracted by my wife. Mrs. Mary Rorick. R. M. RORICK. Proposals Inviteu. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. The Oregon State Board of Control will receive sealed bids on December 15. 1021, at 2 P. M., for furnishing supplies to the various state institutions, consist ing drygoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, stationery, crock try. plumbing, etc.. lor the semi-annual period ending June 30. 1022. Specifications and sched ules will be- furnished -upon application to the secrtiary at Salem. Oregon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Each bid i ha.; be accompanied by a certified check representing 10 per cent of the whole amount bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, or where the 10 per cent cmounts to $500 or more, a surety boud fiom some company au thorized to do business in Oregon will be ac :Tpted In place of the check. The same hall be ne.d as a guaranty of the faithfil performance of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any or ail bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODIN, Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control WANT team outfit to handle 3000 yds. earth excava lion. I 'hone Bdwy. 42:iv MiMrelianeoosw NOllCL AUCTION dALlfi. A aat or unredeemed pledgee, con sitinK of watches, diamonds. Jewelry, kodak, lypewrlte-rs. etc., will be heid st A'Ji Stark r i eet, Portland. Oregon, on TucdayM December 8. 1D21. Sals start ing at 1U A. M Articles to be sold rep rbsentnd bj pledge numbers; 444. 114; &821. 0127, 0641. 6808. 7807. 7806, )03w. 826S. 8340. 8304. H.4,'. H5d2. 8314. 8827. 8838. 887. 1014. V10I. SHU, n2'Jl. V307. . . -m b43. .'O: .'.. 9.172. WuV. lOtlll. 10010. 10O22. 10033. 10O36. 10040. 1". 10066. 10084. ;0U'J3 10UU 10140. 1V142. 10144. 10200 1U284, 1U241, 10213. 1U24V 10263, 10270. 102D6. 10812. I03rs. 10323 10385. 108 IL 10347, 103.V 10366. 10377. 10306. 10400, 10407. 10444, 10446. 10432. 104.17. 10463. 10460. 1047. 10413. 10406. 1316. 10522. 10534. 1U561. 10383. 10MMJ. 10616. 10026. 1O050. 10U6U. 10723. 10732. 10733. 10761. 10784. 10770. 10772, 10776. 10780, 10782 10763, 107U0. 1Q73. 107DU, 10802, 1U824, 10833. 10841. 10850. 10832. IUVH. lO.VI. 10011. 10019. 10186. 10038. 101)74. 10V82. 10UKH. 11007. 11015. 11027. 11644, 11045. 1105L 11069, 11070. 11070. 11UW2. Hull. 11117. 11 141. 11131. 11187. 11226. 11233 11261. U343. 11346. 11338. 11365, 11374, 11407. 11420. 1143.V 11440, 11453, 11430. 114.3 11504, 11333. 11538. 11544. 1154tl. 11537. 11563, 11566. 11569. 11671. 11378. 115S0. 115H7. 11398. 11668. 11712. 11713. 11768. 11771. 11777. 11782. 11792. 117W5. 11854. 11657. 11863. 11869, 11910, 11916. 11947 11933. 11991. 11995. 12002. 1209. 1019 12024. 12050. 1232. 12053. 12060, 12003, 12094. 12003. 12108, 12118. 12128. 12141. 12162. 12163, 12168. 12174. 12178. 12180 12188. 12192, 12194. 12202, 12232. 1228ft. 12240. 12241. 12234, 12233. 12260. 122ftft. 12280. 12281. 12283. 12283. 122S9, 12297. 12298. 12310. 12327. 12334. 12331. 12337, 12339, 12340. 12346, 12358. 12367. 12381. 12403. 12406, 124o9, 12416. 12420. 12424. 12426, 12480. 12431, 12447. 12484. 12168, 1246H. 12488. 12304. 12505, 12507. 125H9. 12513. 12518. 12527. 12330. 12888. 12519. 12377. 12391. 12393. 12597. 12609. 12620, 12022. 1263L 12637. 12640, 12882, 12634. 12657. 12662. 12668. 12676. 1-080 12613. 12696. 12700. 12704, 12712. 12734. 12748, 12730. 12751. 12732. 12763, 12767. 12770. 12773. 12776. 12790. 1280L XSftft, 12810. 12812. 12819. 12822. 12824, 1 S88 1 . 12889. 12830. 12834. 12833. 12858. 12b63. - PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. C. Myers Herrman, Manager. JOHN T. WlLSOsJ. Auctioneer. First publication. November 29. 1921 FINANCIAL. $1100 CONTRACT on a new. modern. .V room bungalow, drawing 7 per cent with payments of $40per month. Will discount $200. Marshall 5848. LAbH paiu tor mortgages anu setters con tracts on rtMtl estate, Washington. Ore gon. II. K Woble, 311 Luniyrmns Mdg FOR SALE Have $1000 gold bond, bor rowed $22. on same. will sell equity cheap. AJ. 270, Oregonian. WILL cash small mortgage or teller's rt-al estate contract. See A. K- Hill, 426 Lum bermens hldg. MY $200 EQUITY In Kmg'a Food Prod ucts Co. dehydrated stock for $160 Wdln. 302S. SELLERS -ONTKACTS anu becona mort gage? bought and sold C De Young 8 Co . 810 Spaldr.g bldg. TO BUY or sell, any good securities or make loans. See Lee Davenport. 611 Buchanan bldg. ' M WILL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Oordon. 631 Cham of Com. bldg. CUV NOTES, cortractc. mortgages. F. H. Lewis 713 l.pwin bldg.. 4th and Oak M. s. $1000 CALOARY school bond, 8 per cent. one year. Auto. 612-80. - MAKE offer on 2U0 shares Beaver Stats Motor stock. F 283. Oregonian. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. WILL sell a first mortgage of $100. run ning a years 3 months at 6. at a dis count to earn you 10 for the full time; security Is 14 seres. 4 In cultivation, some in orchard ; situated on the New burg highway. Improvements consist of a good fi-room house, chicken house, barn and all necessary outbuildings ; it Is easily worth twice the value of the mortgage. Interest pavahle semi-annually, there being $105 due Feb. 27. which will be Included in the deal. X 1 Ti. Oregonian. WE ARE in position to immediately un dertake the further financing of an es tablished manufacturing business patent or industry where increased working cap ital will add substantially to profits and output ; company must be st least two years old. past experimental stage; fi nancial statement, references required. BJ 300. Oregonian. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR A GRAY, MAIN 85. 102 FOURTH ST. BOND SACRIFICE. Will discount 5 per cent on $600. 8 per cent mortgage bonds: I need the money. My loss your gain. AK 752, Oregonian. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If so, see me. Don't give up and lose your equity. I will give you a good trade or pay cash for your equity. AC 278, Oregonian. WANTED experienced business man with $10,000 to $25.0O0 that can fill executive position and become associated with prominent successful business men manufacturing. AC 297. Oregonian. T1H iROl'CiHLY eXplSBoi .1 s'-n i n,i bonsl salesman, capable of taklivg tu.l Tsaarsje of promotion campaign and organizing selling agents, will consider floating de sirable local Issue. AN 288. Oregonian. WILL sell 54O0 shares Beaver State Motor stock at 63c share. See us to buy or sell any stocks or bonds of merit. E. H. & 'A. N. Hosner, 608 McKay bldg. FOB SALE 5 snares Motor Loan Associa tion stock: sacr lice account of sickneaa f 2 1 5. Orefgnia 143 SllA'RKS of the stock of the Universal Locknut Co. for sale for $5 a. share. AV 755. Oregonian. Y.'E BUY first svio second mortgages and sellers' coutract F- E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber o. Com. bldg. Main 8026. 31 oner tp Loan on Real Ksmto. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENCE LOANS. OW PER CENT. Five-year period repayment; privilege oi iuu or any multiple inereox. INSTALLMENT I. DANS H PER CENT, Five-year period; will loan 60 per cmc or me value or your nomo; out small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSIMESS PROPERTY LOANS. ' 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO... Portland mortage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg . Main S308. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" lias come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for the past 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY. United States Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farms. v Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 01 Third St.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property: lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to su't; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE L ") NS on real estate security, any amount irom i.mju up n improved city or rarm property. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. M'- 01B. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also Insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2831. Wilcox BMg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current ratus on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUK MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or ci v property Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment prlv lllge. . Lowes ratea WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 0 FOURTH ST.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amornt at lowest rates on- city or country property. Prompt an i helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. 622 "orbett B,dg. Main 230. MORTGAGE LOANS. ud City Property . tt anJ 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Ftoor. Henry Bldg. MORTu All E LOANS. Any amoun low rates. prorrtasUy closed. Attract H-e repsy nwnt privileges A. II. BIRRELL-OILL CO.. 217 N. W.' B:dg Mar. 4114 $roo, jioo. ?:-Wr iffto! siooo. D.oo. $1304. $2000 and up; Irwest rates, quick action Pay off f UK - or more at any interest date. Oordor Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Conine, e bldg. Main 1370 HORTOAUS LOANS cn improved farms snd it y property : fsvorable repsylng privileges, no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. Ltd. 300 Piatt Bldg. Main &371. $ 1000 f 1 3C0 8200082300 $3000. NO DELAY. Wc are loaning our own mono Loan quickly closed. F. 11. DESHON. S13 Charr.. of Com. Bldg WE BUY . equities in plsnos snd phono graphs. If you cannot continue pay ments see Oregon Eilexs Music House. 2d floor Ellers bldg. Phone Main 1123. MORTGAGE loans In sums 10 suit; city fsrm or suturban property. BCILDINO LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM Q. bECK. 213 Failing Bids; S2500, $3000, $5000 and $10,000 waiting for you at 7 per cent Imp. city proptrty. 3 269, Oreginlan. $3300 I WILL LEND this amount for 2 years. 7. on a choice residence prop erty in a good district in Portland. AE 21. Oregon lan. 1 HAVE 810,00 I would lend on mortgage If offered sn Improved property that la satuyfnctory. AC 2Z3. Oregonian. " PLENTY if u.oney to loan on resl estate st 7 per ' :. :f security Is ample. Edw. p. Mail. 309 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan or real estste necurity at going rate, of rterest. Otto A Harkson Realty Co., 41?. Chamber of Commerce. $00. HOD. 300. elo Huuo AND UP Low rates, qu.jk a tlon. Frtd W. Oer man Co.. 132 Cnamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rated on well-improved farms and jity property. K. K. Baxter bpalding bid';. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates, no delays. C. Dt Young A Co., 810 Spaidtng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 and 7 per cent. SJomOu A Co.. $07 Rail. Exch. BiOm S3 Lb. -IvCvj. -. 210 i."MShh MO R Tt Afl E AtriAMifc, HI. DO MON V I" loan on resioenca ur Ou;ah property. Bdwy. 4333. E uoo DIVIDE. S 1 ouu. S 1 Sou. $300u ::,oo. $iu,uuo. $i.yuo East 7504 SrtM (KM, D1V1DL. flo blH. Ilo.ilim $11 mho ".".' 10i: few K.H st 7."o4 1400 TO LOAN on real estate. R. M. OATEWOOD & CO., 16,V,a 4th St. 1 WILL loan up to 810,888 on a farm or semi - business property. 325 Henry bldg. 750 $ 1 000 $2000. W. D. RODABAUGH. TABOR 4 299. Money to Loan t lmUf 1 utnl Salaries. SALARY ! ANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY ' on short noti to salaried or working men ?i thai" own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eacb transaction strlo'.ly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Ws also ui, on household gooda pianos, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (censed. ) 216 J AILING BLDO. . CALL AND INVESTIGATE. Borax TO LOAN. Money loaded on household goods or merchandise plaeed In storage with us st a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. Fourth at Pins Street, Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Pnone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX A CO.. 9ir Wash.ngton at. near ttth St.; established over 35 years; oniy high-class jewelry stors In city with loan department in connection; private room for ladies; business ttrictiy ran . ui.'! r fetsfta ku per vision I alt articles held one year; do bustnsss witn an old-established firm. FINANCIAL. Money to I.uun Chattel mid Milaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY. AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments ore too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a specialty of these losna and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. .Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) 806-307 Dekuin Bldg. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor Third and Washington. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry, confidential service; government licensed snd bonded brokers. Zetl Bros. A Co. 283 Wash, sc., between 4th and 5th. Marshall 727 MONEY to loan; diamond, jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Via. Jeweler, corner d snd Washington. I uu V niiird. WANTED Loans from $7500 to $25,000 on good income be srlng real estate; wlh psy 7 per cent Interest; want to dea! with party having money. AR 247. Ore gonian. LOAN WANTED. New, modern-house. & rooms, bath snd breakfast room, hardwood floors down stairs excepting kitchen, furnace, lo cated East Shaver and 30th sts.: very dnslrable location. House selling for :: ..' owner wants $4000 loan. 3 yrs 7 per cent: will pay commission. E. A. BAKER. MAIN 300. FRANK L McUUiRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is m a position to sareguara your every interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of -lce ot personal service. Let us loss your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abington bldg Main 10UN. MAKE your savings earn the maximum on safe Investment. We have good first- mortgage loans constantly coming In ,- oearing M per cent net to lender; now want loans of $350. $050 and $1000 at N per cent. w e show all properties and give expert appraisal advice. Fred W. tier man Co.. 732 Chamber of Com, bldg. OWNER of new residence. valued at $14,000, desires loan of $0000 at 7 per cent, pay a Die quarterly, smau risa. ex cellent, well furnished: bank references: a good conservative investment. Main 1090 Monday. $3000 at 8 per cent wanted by client on 930.000 business building in lively Oregon town. This Is positively a high-grade Investment in all respects. B. Lee Paget, 622 Corbett bldg. WILL pay 10 for $3000 for 3 years, glv lujr in exchanso a first mortaaKs on sub urban farm of twice the value of amount burrow pd. Y 183, Oregonian WANT 800 building loan from private party on acre In 3niltnomah dlst., value $ 1250. no incumbrance. Phono owner. Mi.:. 9313, or Main 8220. WANTED Loan $4300, west side property valued at $10,000', first mortgsfge, 7 per cent. Oregon lnv. A Mtg. Co., 210 Lum ber Exchange bl d g., 2d and Stark st s. $400 OR $500 AS working capital in estab lished business. Will pay good interest and give security. Private party only. AR 278, Oregonian. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment A Mortgago Co., 210 Lumber Kxi-hHiiK'' buy $73o8 PER CENT, 1 Mi a., 2-rm. house. $1000, 8 per cent, n-room bungalow. $ 1500. 8 per cent, Q-room house. W. D. ROD A B AUG H. TABOR 4299. 8700 FIRST mortgsge on new 4 -room house near WAodlawn school, from pri vate party; will pay 8 per cent. Tabor 7403. WANTED $2000 loan on very large 8 room very modern bungalow on 82d at. Hawthorne carllne. 3 years at 7 per crnl. J. R. Lee at Main 106S. WANT luan $3750 at 7 per cent on brick garage 60x100, west side; leased for $123 per month. A 285. Oregonian. $1730 WANTED on n dandy five-room bungalow with garage. BJ 392, Orego nian. WANT loan $300 for one year. 10 per cent on unincumbered lot, from private party. P 214. Oregonian. WANT to borrow 1300O for client on now bungalow now building. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 163 .a 'h st MY PROPERTY is worth a mortgage of :;., ami will pay 8 per cent. Af 281, Oregonian- $3000 at 7 PER CENT on $6500 Walnut Park residence; no brokerage. AB 2hU, Oregonian. . WANTED $800 or $350; best security; by Wednesday; will pay 10 per cent and commission. AK 278 Oregonian. WANTED 83000, flrst-mortgago on sight ly 5-acre tract In city limits; building Mnrtt-.I. 04II orh. rt M. Uwni r. Mn. o971' LOAN of $HAH for one year, 10 per cent chattel mortgage; amplo security. AB 279, Oregonian. $3000 W ANTED on fine Alameda Park bungalow, value $7300. BP 290. Orego nian. WANT private loan for $500, one year, pay 10 per cent, good mortgage. East 706JS. WANT loan of S30O0 on new tile and brick building. valuf IQQPO. U 151. On gonlan. $2200 WANTED on bungalow- near Sandy road, value $4300. Main 1166. WANT $ l bK on good home good security. 021 Gayco bldg. Main 88. $3000 KOR 3 years on fine home worth J7:00. AM IT i, H rftofi mn fp YOU have money" to i'oan call Columbia - 1285. . Its:. i) KOR 3 years on a nice 4-room bun gslow. AE 272. Oregonian. $300 IX) AN- 7, $6000 ! .we. See Hulld r 37th and Alnmrdi No brokers. WANT $1400. 3 years at 7 per cent, on Portland Ht-lghtt. Ai 29H. Ore gontan I2.VOO I'UH 3 year. 7' . fi 1 wt -cla Rose City security. AC 271. Oregonian. bKE ORL'tiuX INV. MOUTOAUE CO.. 210 LUMBER ttXHANOE BLDO WANTED, $1400 to $1300 on new bunga low; large lot. Owner, Woodlawn 5323. 2O0O WANTED on K City bungalow, value S4MM( Main 1166 WANT $8300 from private party; good se rurlty. AB 218. Oregonian. $1000 ON 6 - ROOM house and one acre near Creaton. East 6321. PKHSOWJ, DRUGLKSS HKALINO. The Weltmiir method will cure 05 per cent 01 chronic diseases, on March 1. 1021. W. S. Mllier. S, 12th at., came to me for treatment after tr Ins; every thing else first. H,u! stomach, kidney, bladder and liver trouble; was tn con tinual pain in sides, chest, stomach and pine; could not turn over for treatment without getting up tn turn; It took him 1 hOTR and 25 minutes to come. 2:1 blocks. He has not had a single pain since I gave him treatment, cured In 1 weeks. Now to advertise my work, shall give free treatments Mondays and Tues days bal. of year, from 1:30 to 5:30 P. M. Anyone coming this month shall get two free treatments each week until cured. This gives you four weeks treat ment for the price of three weeks. We have plenty of cures lo refer you to. Prof. Peasley, 400 Morrison st. Mar shall 260. If you csfl will go to the hm- to Ki 0 MISS RYAN'S Hi:ALTirSCHOOL. Lack of vitamlne and iron In the sys tem Is keeping many people In ill health. This school hss been founded to teach people how to EAT FOR HEALTH. Food, prepared, properly combined preserving the natural minerals and sugars necessary to good health, is served at this school. Methods used are in strict compliance with the fearhings of Dr. J. H. Tilden, Denver, Colorado. BAT RIGHT AND NATURE DOES THE CURING. For further particulars, address M. Ryan, principal, 1HI 14th street, Port land, Oregon. NOTICE Rheumatism sufferers ! Ltoyd'i Lis to Liniment, the L. L.L. remedy foi articular or muscular rheumatism and sciatica, has cured many hopeless Port land cases. For free information and testimonials call East 2018. or writ J. W. K earns, manager of the Llovd Cheini tal company. js Williams are ATTENTION people wishing to better yow financial, mental and physical con dition! If you consider prosperity, health and peace of mind worth a 888 Investment, communicate with me. Do not call unless you mean business. Room 521. Broadway lfVlM. DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA. An expert mechanic will drive your car snd pay part of expanse for trans portaCon for self and mother. Phone 15roanway mm. room FI RST-CLASS fur repairing and reJInlng, coats and capes a specialty. Miss An derson, East 0455 after 6 P. M. B. A. H. COLE, write Arthur Cole. Ai bany. Or. 000. tody niafH.i g- 1 ii n ( will iriak- wm f e I good. Woodlawn 0450. BE.l'TV doctor from Pari. 1 baallUfy in t e w treatments. Main 5776. HAIR combings mad up. B, F. Pleri 24 Kllllngsaorth. Wdln. 43S0. MAN driving to California to take young man passenger. Aut. 227-10. PERSONAL. THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE. Auto-tntoxlcatlon is the main causa or a dominant fsctor In nearly every disease of the physical body. My sys tem of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation and elimination by the use of Ugfet heat, water, electricity, sweating aa massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to snyone. no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the laws of the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the taking. Monday. Wednesday. Friday. Wcmen only. Nurse attendant. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday men only. EROWN'j HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE, fitevens Bldg.. Downstairs. Main 8630. Seven Years Sam; Location. DENTLSTRY WITHOUT 1'AIN by nerve-blocking, xone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or sfter rfftfets. Wo perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and let us prove it to you. X-ray work. DR. A. W. K RENE. DR. E. J. KIESENDAHL. Above Majestic theater, ent. 351 Wssh. DIAMONDS. DIamonda at big sacrifice (private, no dealers). 1 soltalrs 2 l karat, plati num setting; 1 solitaire stickpin over mm ksrat. platinum setting; 1 ladles' platinum bar pin. 3 large and 16 small diamonds; 1 ladies' cluster ring, 8 large and 10 small diamonds, platinum setting; 1 Indies' solitaire ring, karats, set In platinum. These are rare gems and can be bought at great sacrifice from owner. BF 293. Oregonian. 1'1fn.?N.TiT1ck' llck' tlck- tlck lIc. SSL 5 Ink this is the first time my watch has run ror over live -ars. Watch repairing has been so out of reason, till ftis? J"11 Watchmaker started up iH W fen,d' blvd. between 51st and rC-h wJ?uM not my tch fixed. E2a 3S?W!58.w to fix iu Tn , W-T? Watchmaker only asked $3.50 55? S Pn-ltM6 order and guar antee It. So 1 said go ahead and lix PSYCHO LOO Y. -Ind out wh.t you were meant to do SSS tart to do iL Th no"r Importsnt thing n the wM-.d to you - YOURSELF. "in nnalyia as given by Mrs. Anna pel Malnne st the Multnomah hotel do Wmlnes the work you afe fitted for. rou were born lo bo a success at some infrg Find out what It la A 13-minute Interview free by sppointment only. - r u'1WHV 40N0. RAG AND JAZ Beginners pla lesions or no kind. Of bn.ln nteed. r in 3 ro si! tor tree practlcs rooms; only ol of the kind In Tort m! 10 years. Parker Piano era Bldg.. Wash, at 4th. Main AM RKADLR of this paper suffering from ,tibis ncck) can et positive In L?imJf cnu0n. how Ul curo 11 home without the least trouble or discomfort, mere lm a pleasant surprlss In store for Z5 yu wi write. No charge what TBSi TeM others, it will help us all. tSF&l Dr- Rock- box x 73'. Mllwau- CHIROPRACT1C adjustments, massage un- aer medical supervision: graduate chi ropodist, manicurist, face, scalp treat ments, superfluous hair permanently re moed; open Sundsys ami evenings; re moved from 216 Allsky bldg. to 5ol "U.K.. gq anq Washington. rauvTATfl and bladder trouble, piles, constipation quickly, painlessly treated. No knife, massage or dieting. Simple, privnio horn.! treatment. Booklet free wrappers. Electro Thermal Co., 888 Hnlrd bldg., Steubenvllle. O. DR NETTIE BENSON Nervous and m . VU d l8a t rea t ed by N K W MJB1 HODS, traction for weak backs, mineral steam bath. violet ray, massage and sinusoidal treatments for both sexes. M. 7789. 711 Swetland bldg. "AIN'T WE GOT FUN," "Sunny Tennes see, "All By Myself and other late popular hooks taught beginners or ad vanced In 12 lessons, guaranteed. 67 bass and 180 -ble style taught. Water man Piano Scool, flu Columbia bldg. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, cleansing, healing gerrrKclde snd invigorating douche; a great aid In female disorders; 50c and $1 per boa. i'ti mini iKHf, rosroucy. ml'i:i L- o iiiiv'Ji.Vi . "" Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be discouraged, but give me s trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, office 417 Swetlsnd bldg. TM 1 IPM I L" . V ij. v-'T. rmr , 25S 1 "-w i . i i it n. &r . , Legal guarantee given. No nerd of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to see Gle-o-nis Pile treatment. Northern laeific Phcy. 3d and Morrison. Perkins Hotel Phcy.,- 5th and Washington. TO WHOM it may concern, I will not be responsible for any debts or bills con tracted by my wife or any member of my family. T. C. Mooft, 6332 8th St. S E., city. Dec. 2. 1121. XaiAS SUGGESTION. Boy her a fur. Price ours before buy ing elsewhere. A deposit will hold until wanted. The Fur Shop. 615 Ellers hide.. Wash, het 4 and 5th ts. Main 6424 WRITE a song, poem, love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send works today. Edward Trent, 72 Reaper blk.. CsJoago A TTKNTION. MEN AND WOMEN! Take your steam baths, massages and chiropractic trratment from Dr. Msr garet Haynle. 513 Swetlsnd bldg. DR LOUISE NBTZKL trsata rneumattam. lumbago; electric blankrt, vibrator, mas sage, bath; lady assistant. 340 Columbia street, near 17th street. Main 8808. KX PK K I K. 'KM n u i' givi' mineral steam baths and scientific body massage, also Sundays. 3.22 Flledner bldg.. 10th MT-O-NET : wei.i body massage. Radiant light. VIole Ri treatments for colds, sciatica. BfVfltX circulation: 10 to 8 daily 430 Morgan bldg. Main 7878. WHY PAY fancy prices Tor trusses wnsn you can get them at commercial prices at the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., 200 Morrison st. ? Call and see for yourself. MEN -KoR vigorous development um mar velous "Vital Power Vacuum Developer"; Information free. Box 831 -A, Spring- rtchi. in. SCENARIOS wanle l. any lurin, s reSO product Ion asourt'd exceptional st pries. SCENARIO SERVICE HP.. 302 Mason )L'S hair removed permanent lal, reasonable; beauty work, thod. Phone Main 1842 for ap- K 1 1 N E Y. r h eiunaUc and bio d i tm-dy. 4 wks' treatment S2.30: sworn proof FREE. Dr. E. O. Wilson, cx-clly phy- h feet fixed up at Dr Eaton's )PODIST and ARCH SPL8T.. t hurt yon, h yrs. here; exam bldg.. 11th A Wash Bdy 2884 FtFLUOUS hair, m ed by 10-needls mr Flnley. 514 Bush A s. warts re nd trial fres. red or no psy sent on trial. ni-re. Md. TOBACCO or snuff habit 81 If cured. Remcd Superhn Co 8V. a 1 4 Bn OPALINE Mrs. Summers remeales for diseases of wormm. Positive relief. 248 Lincoln. Main JW70. COME to 807 Raleigh bldg. to have your feet treated. M facials, scalp treatments and BEAUTIFUL Real hand-pa at 818 Swetlnm CHRISTMAS O.IFTfJ. nteii china, mixed pieces, I hide. Main 170.V MlU'i". .'-aumg wig and permanent marcel and si; A Ider. Main 3 4 0 FEliVLT A: HA toupe makers; water waving '.KILLED nurses give Vlt-o-net, stau, showv. bath ar.'i rnassase. 705 De kum .bide. Hroniivav .n. n & ,( 1 K )II I.I'M ltAi;ii ffi-" 41 A Buchanan bldg. Wash!, bet. 4th nr.o. ti:ii " n 'Vfii: n k.h MANAGE, bath ro umatism. cunstipa tion. kidneys. Roth sexes Dr Elna yprfnsrn. .".j ' ;';"";' '""l .Msirt .fOHA PILES can toe permanently cured without operation- Call or write Dr Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. GOITRE, enlarged Klands Cure yourself. A. R- Strachan., route S. Hlllsboro, Or No aents or representatives. ANYONE knowlnir the address of Mrs Maud tr Cornelius .lortlnn. formerly ot Everett. nlcase "all Marsha! I4 0W. P R I N O ES S beauty creams are made by akin s-perlalist. absolutely pure. 831 Pittocl; blk. WOULD like to Ret in touch with 2 or 1 younff people Rolns; to California. Phon East 8884. room 31. DRIVING to itakland at" ut U':h ,,f ivr. : srsust two more to share expenses. BK 200. Oregonian. . REJUVENATE your tired snd" nervous body by a scientific message. P Ovidls Larsen. "3 Morgan b!dtf Main 11!w W A ST t know the whereabouts of Mr? t. Rnestet-ker A V 0)11. "rrg-nnmn. CANCER trw Ud. 3 1 2 MorKan bldR. Itdw) and Washington sts. . SULPHUR steam b ray Hou'. 10 8insaruuy HA m o v id MM Sw .1 massace, viols : a y .Mam sa.Mi minify re Main 1304 PKUrtTATE trouule cured without opera turn H." It A Phili'ns Hdwy bM, 4100 FOR ITS mat cancer 1 fall u treat -urccssfu ? 20. .Vi -Ray bldg. MASSAGE sn-l hourly nuraiua. Miss E A. Shaner Main IP' :"p I M KDA RALM. formerly called Bain ul u; t hlhN "I Tom ' la rv ba ( kuit. bids .7m'ERT si Ql4 " ,: v 1 HW8 H 1