20 TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBET? 4, 1021 BIMNKSM OI'l'OKTl MTIKS. AN UNUSUAL BUSINESS OPPOBTUTflTT. We wish to meet a few men who ape Interested In making an Investment that will earn more than Just Interest, with the possibility of the principal or ! Investment Increasing; In value as well. For you. who wish to become active In I our company, we offer the unusual op- 1 portuntty of making a permanent luiure connection where you may grow w ith us. Our proposition Is fundamentally rljfht. We Jo not ask you to Invest one cent until you have thoroughly satisfied your self that what we arc offering; Is one of the best propositions in Oregon for the workman or the man of moderate means for Investment. Call or address F. J. Zwlebel Mfg. Co., 403 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 4HHK. ALASKAN OPPORTUNITY. To an ucilve young man with $10,000 to 91 5, 000. dent ring, to associate himself in an established Alaskan commercial enterprise of unusual merit, I have the best opening that has been offered from the far north In several years. This In vestment will be fully secured with gllt edge collateral worth at least five times the amount required. This opening carries a substantial salary and a genu ine opportunity to become permanently and actively identified In orie of the bent-paying businesses In the northern territory, at the same time guaranteeing you a liberal share of the profits an nually. Highest references given and required. All applications treated abso lutely confidentially. Box AJ t. Orego nian. PATTISON. TIB UiOI'CHMAN & F1TZ WATER. East side grocery, 5-ytar lease, four living rooms. glSOO. East side garage, doing $1200 per mo., rent $:i.". $20oo, or invoice. Dandy garage, 10-year lease; full of storage. .;..oo will handle. Fruit and produce business; big prof Its, a-year lease. $5000 rash. Restturant on Yamhll' st. Dandy loca tion. H"t0 cash. :t!4 siofk Exehange Bldg. JF YOU possess h convincing personality, and are accustomed lo meeting the pub lic, can handle business correspondence, and want to establish yourself in finan cial circles, wo have a real job for you. We shall expect you to invest $2500 on a definite contract basis, permitting you to withdraw in six months If services prove unsatisfactory. Adequate salary paid while familiarizing yourself with our business. A K 300. Oregonlan. A GOOD HUY. Light groceries, soft drinks. 11 gals best fountain syrups. -5 gals rca cola syrup, chill; parlor can be used for other lunch; room for family of 4 to o t live; rent $13: price $050 or Invoice Will give special discount for cash or will trade for good 4-cyl. used car or city lots. Will not be for sale or trade after Monday. See owner today and Monday. 1 54 llu swell St. GROCERY AND BUTCHER SHOP. SUBURBAN LOCATION. Complete butcher shop equipment in eluding 1 14-ton ire box, also good gro eery fixtures; stock alone runs about $1M0; price for all only $2650, rent $49 five-year lease. DITDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama bldg. Main 8042. BOARDING house, richly furnished for $850. somo terms and .'to steady hoarder jtont oniv s.F.. on. inciuoinsf water. One-half Interest in soft drink and cardroom for $750; Income from $40 to $50 a day; good down-town location. TRY-US REALTY CO.. 160 West Park St. GROCERY. MODERN LIVING ROOMS. Fine fixtures and nice, clean stock doing $G0 and up; rent $3C. Lease if Wanted. Prlee J-'i.iO. Dl'DREY INVESTMENT CO.. BOO-10 Panama bldg. Main 3042. TRANSFER BUSINESS. Good live wide awake partner wanted In the best paying transfer and storage business In town. They have their own trucks, storage house and fuel yartl. You can clear $150 per month and share profits 007 Couch bldg. GARAGE. GARAGE. A dandy 50x100 downtown garage, low rent, full up on storage, full shop equip ment; owner has put In over $0000. This Is forced sale at $3000. $1000 cash, bal. like rent. You ran clear $300 per month. Investigate this. 607 Couch bldg. $.00 INVESTED RETURNS $250 MONTH. Cleaning and pressing parlor, abso lutely the best location in city. Hoff press, furniture of 2 rooms, rent $25; lease; price $,S50. SEE MRS. II AUG, 5'J6 Henry Bldg. Broadway 11)04. CAFETERIA 5 - Y E A R LEASE. Down tow n location ; nets $400 month ; fine equipment, cheap rent; a real money-maker; $3500, terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. tag Henry Hldg. Bdwy. 1004. CASH and carry grocery doing good business; clean stock, good fixtures; 3 nice living rooms in connection. This is a growing neighborhood In the Ken ton district. Pries $J000 cash. Phone Wnodla wn 505, WOULD you buy a business that Is netting $100 per day? If so, come In and Wtj will tell you about It. This will stand the acid test and the price Is only $15,000. Linton & Welch. 418 Railway Kxehange. FOR SALE I have stock interest of $1460 face value In gobd. well-established small factory in city of Portland, which must sell on account of illness. Will take 50 cents on the dollar for this Interest for quick sale. V 2S2. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted in old-established real estate office; want man capable of han dling crew. Large listings, auto, good furniture, fine location In up-to-date of fice building. $5000 will handle. BC 200, i iregonian $3000 INVESTMENT will secure third in tnrest in bona fide going manufacturing business which will pay good returns. Investment secured and Job provided tor investor u desired. AG orego nlan. BEAUTY PARLOR. One of Portland's classiest and best equipped beauty narlors: new furniture. excellent location, for sale. Call at 206 UTO. ELECTRIC AND BATTERY BUSI NESS, WELL ESTABLISHED. DOWN TOWN LOCATION: LITTLE MONEY BUYS ALL OR PART INTEREST. AR RANGE FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTER VIEW. CALL TABOR M8T4. GROCERY. INVOICE ABOUT $2000. Dandy living rooms and cheap rent ; on corner; 2 - v e a r lease. DUDREV INVESTMENT CO.. R00-1O Panama bldg. Main 3042. $250 BUYS RELIABLE INVESTMENT. Washing and polishing nutos In big downtown garage; nets $200 mo., hurry. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1004 CONIFECTIONTEtRY. rlgars. tohacco and magazine store: In railroad depot; check room pays all overhead expenses; unless you mean business do unt answer. Deal lng with owner. AM 241. Oregonlan. BAKERY for sale cheap; doing a good wholesale and retail business; located In southwestern Washington: It will stand Investigation; ill health La forcing mo to sell. BE S50. nreeonlan. $500 GIVES POSSESSION, best lunch room in city; lease; rent $50; nets $250 month: a bargain. $750. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Ifenrynidg. Broadway 1004. PLUMBING and electric store for sale, small clear stock ; can be bought sep arately if desired ; good business ; good town: cheap for quick sale. Fine oppor tunlty. AV 751. Oregnnlnn. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Need man to tend to office details: dffwntown central location, will clear $400 each per month ; $$."00. which goes back Into buslnew. rt07 Couch bldg. WOCLD a -" per cent annual return m vour Investment Interest yon? We need $15,000 addltlonnl capital In well-established wholesale tire business. AG 243. Oregonlan. CIGAR store, soft drink and card room and lunch counter with barber shop and shoe shine stand In connection; good lo cation; very reasonable. Phone Broad w a y 3450, HAVE $500 to Invest with services i-n some good business; have had office experi ence and also outside sales work. BF 21. Oregonlan. WOOD BUSINESS. $1000 per week, clear, In dandy cord wood business; have all equipment necessary- $40Q0. 007 Couch bldg. CASH and carry grocery, good clean stock, nice business, living rooms, rent $22.So. two-year lease. Price $1J00 and well worth it. Buwhue. 51S Cham. Com, bldg. $714 LIGHT grocery, delicatessen, etc.. In apt. house location ; rent $10; steam heat; extra clean. Call 407 McKay bldg. Main H2H8. GOOD sub-gracrry, doing $40 to $50 a day. rent $15. four furnished living rooms. Price $10OO and worth It. Bushue. 518 Cham, (lorn, bid g . PARTNER. WHOLESALE BUSINESS. $100 per week clear for each partner; must be office man; $1150 required. 007 Couch bldg. OPPORTUNITY for young man with exec utive ability to make connections with a growing corporation; $2500 required. J 2S1. Oregonlan. CA PITA L desires substantial Investments outside Europe. Address Nort h Europe Trit Co.. 110 Victoria St.. London. Eng land. HALF interests In w ell -established real estate buslnesg chance office. Partner re tiring and will sell at sacrifice. AO 281. Oregonlan. HAVE several Inventions, working models, need financial assistance. AH 285. Ore gonlan. F R ALE Part Intere-t - shop. I noulrp E. In established 407. K EH city. timber, t rade for few acres AL 2H. Oregonlan. WA N'T El. Man wiTh .Oil nlarv mnn- secured. C 204, Oregonlan. Itl NS OPPOR'l t M riVS POOL ROOM AND SOFT DRINKS EXCELLENT LOCATION. 6 pool tables, bar, back bar, safe, $600 cash register and full equipment; Ma s' sonable rent with lease; handle, balance terms. right for quick sale. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 3th St. $1000 cash will This Is priced REALTOR. Main (I860 GROCERY STORE AND ROOMS Grocery store, live location, good busi ness, nice place. long lease: 5 living rooms; $lTOO. terms. Will accept mort gage. Cleaning and pressing shop, fine loca tion. $1200. Cigar store, nice place. lobby first-class hotel; WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.. ' NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. $170O GROCERY. 4 dandy living rooms; doing round $00 per day. 92SO0 buys a dandy corner grocery, no competition ; 3 beautiful living rooms with bath: cast side. Will invoice. MOM wilt handle half interest In transfer and storage business: must be good office man. This business is tak ing ir. from $1500 to $2000 per month. Has been established 15 vears. S. M. BORLAND. MO Stock Exchange. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. A short distance Irom Portland ; owner must raise money for other busi ness ; will invoice as much of stock as you want, and make big sacrifice on fixtures; modern Pving rooms; rent $32,60 with lease; Dig business ; will consider property to ISOOO In trade This is the best buy we have ever heard of. as he will give terms, trade or lump orr at i..oo. Universal Sales Co., 00- jt.niu.ty fxrhange olds, LUNCH COUNTER, Vancouver, well located in public market; good steady trade: very low rent and overhead ; $450. JOHN H. ELWELL, Realtor, 8 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. GROCERY in suburban payroll dis trict, average daily receipts $t00; stock at Invoice; about .: cash; rent $25. Vradenburg, 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2006. WANTED $12,000 for development work on five proven gold placer claims, on Illinois river. Josephine county. Ore gon ; an attractive Interest in the prop erty will be given, four men have been working on the property for the past month. If half a million dollars In terests you, Investigate this. Postofflce box 327. A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY. Grocery stock and fixtures. Gas and oil station; dance hall and garage. Good living rooms In rear of Electric light and water; 3-year lease. Rent for everything only $15 per month. This Is an exceptional opportunity to make some money, all lor $1500. See Mr. Smock. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 714L PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Owing to volume of work must have additionalcapital. Will give equal half interest to working partner and guaran tee wages and split profits. Have large contract but cannot handle. I am estab lished and will welcome Investigation. Act quickly If you are interested. BF 'JO 7. Oregonlan. GROCERY WITH C LIVING ROOMS and good corner store, RENT ONLY $14.50 for all. Present owner over 4 years; dandy corner location and good place to add meat, good stock and fixtures; priced right, about $2KO0. at Invoice. SIMMS, 61Q Henry Bldg. LOOK. GROCERY BUYER: If you are In the market for a grocery and you overlook this one. you lose; cash and carry, doing $50 a day: busy east side location: fine stock at invoice, fix tures, including living room furniture, $S50; can have 5-year lease at low rent. Universe! Sales Co., 002 Railway Ex- RESTAURANT. Busy west side location, doing $60 a day; present owner has had this place for six years; sickness only reason for selling; a real buy at $1050. See aiMMH, out Henry Bldg. CASH grocery doing nice business, good store ouuaing. 3 nice living rooms, fur nished; garage; 2 lots; growing neigh borhood. If you are looking for a good buuiiu Business investment log IB ST witn nice home this will interest you; price for all $5500. some terms. Wdln. 565. R EST A U R A NT S N A P. A dandy small place, doing $50 dally; good equipment and long lease; good rea sons for selling; price $&50, some terms. SIMMS. )tlo Henry Bldg. BUSINESS MAN. I have the experience and want lady partner with $500 cash to open a waf fle house; the beat of references. Phone Broadway 3761, between 10:30 and 12:30 Sunday. ON YAMHILL STREET. A very attractive store on the mar ket, on north side of street; 1 will In voice and discount my new fixtures -5 per cent as I am forced to sell. Unl versal Sales Co.. 002 Railway Kxch. bldg. BOX MILL alongside a coast sawmill; good box lumber cheap. Splendid oppor tunity for two men with $2500 each to get ready for next year's business. Main 238S after 7 P. M. WEST SIDE GARAGE $1500. Splendid location, good business, close In. Price $1500, or will take a partner for $800. C. V. Smock, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. DELICATESSEN and light grocery, lo cated very close In. doing $50 worth of business a day, long lease at $40 a month. $3800. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. GENERAL merchandise store on Newberg highway at Six Corners, doing a large and profitable cash business. No near competitors. Prlve vgfrv reasonable if Sold at once. AO i!7S. Oregonlan. WANTED Live salesman with smalt cap ital and auto to take over exclusive sales agency for Oregon. Factory representa tive now here to assist In organization. BJ 244. Oregonlan. AM .OFFERED $5000 for novelty I own. but confident $50,000 can be made dis tributing It myself. Want live wire partner, with $:t0oo. Give phone num ber. AJ 2M0, Oregonlan. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Busy downtown location, fine fix tures, good business; can buy at- dis count and Invoice stock; lease; a real opportunity: act quickly. Universal Sales .. HQ- Railway Kxehange hdg. SPLENDID buy In 50-room apt., modern. electric lights, gas, steam heat, fine lo cation. Will consider a good house In trade. A bargain if taken at once. Phone East hVJo or rail Albloa ave. BUST CASH GROCERY, near largo car barn, doing $ 1 5 or more dally; rent $37.50; invoice about $2500. SIMMS. B10 Henry Bldg. WANTED A fine stock fancier with suit able accommodations as keeper of and partner in a herd of extra fine mtlft goats. In or adjoining Portland. 51 1'04, Oregonh n. MILLINERY and novelty ahop. up-to-date stock, invoice about $d00; fine oppor tunity In growing town of 2000 popula tion. For particulars address P. O. box 612. Coqullle. Oregon. BUTCHER shop. Ideal location, rati equipped, doing $100 day business; long lease, low rental ; we recomend this as an exceptional buy. Present owner re 1 1 ring 4 1 0 Lumhermens bldg. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP! West side, doing good business, rent $10. living rooms, modern shop. $1000. Universal Sales Co., 0o2 Railway Ex change hldt. FIRST-CLASS piano tuner looking for good location, established card indexed business, correspond with AV 723. Ore gonlan. WILL ell at a big bargain flock, of new Willi tuiuiuir, mi LI1 'stock, with a good business location. 510 Union ave. WANT to sell half Interest In my plumb ing business to man nan ay with tools : musr be honest and mean business. 144 11th at. 7 HALF INTEREST in nice clean restau rant doing good business; fixtures will Invoice $800: rent $3u; $400. A snap. .",00 Charm of Com. J000 DANDY GROCERY. ALBERTA ST. This store will please you. doing good business, rent $10. COBB BROS.. 2H Chamber Commerce. WANT TO S ELL YOUR G ROC ER Y STORE vr other small business? We have buyers. Ask for Mr. Bragg at 403 McKay bldjr FOR SALE-- Grocery stores at $050 $850 $1000. $1K50. .J100 and up. alt good. Ask for Mr. Bragg at 403 McKay bldg. SAXON roadster, modern, only $185, or will accept partner to sell products. Box 44. XewbTK. CABINET MAKER to take Interest in cab Inet shop : $1000 required, money se cured. AP 273. Oregonlan. GOOD buys in restaurants, groceries, cigar stores and garages, with leases and easy terms. See us. 306 Cham, of Com. MAN with $1000 to help me with best I paying business on coast. 207 McKay Un ITOK SALE Lunch counter. Ui 3d at. III SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. WASHINGTON ST. 32 ROOMS. NET I-' 00. PRICE I3S0G; $2000 WILL HANDLE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main JOS. MODERN sanitary meat market, highly equipped. In good location near schools on west side; rent only $100 per month, which Includes modem 3-room apart ment above store, which can be rented for good sum if not needed. This market is low priced at $7000 on terms, consid ering equipment, business, etc. See Ches ter L. Florence, with RItter. Lowe & Co.. liOl-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE HAVE for saie one of the high-class cafeterias of Portland, in business dis trict ; lease runs until 10-7 at unus ually low rental per month. We wish to consult prospective purchasers who would be interested in a place of this character. See Mr. Florence, with Rit ter. Lowe & Go.. 1I01-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidjg. GARAGE. PRICE ONLY $7500. One of the best close-in. west side garages in the city : 100x100 space; first- class equipment and service car; 5-yearjj lease, at $J.0 per month. Dl'DREY INVESTMENT CO... 500-10 Panama bldg Main 3042. OARAGE. 60x100 PRICE $3000. One of the best medium-priced ga rages In the city; will sell for $3000. or sell part Interest to mechanic. DL'DREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama bide. Main 342. MR. RESTAURANT MAN. Work for yourself, $200 places you In possession; three months' rent paid; lease. Completely equipped dining room and kitchen; established trade. Indus trial district. Illness compels me to sell. The Vaughn. N. 10th and Vaughn. AN ESTABLISHED and prosperous con tracting firm, expanding its business, has an opening for business man who can take active part In office management and invest from $5000 to $10,000 cash; money secured and good return on In vestment. W ao, Oregonlan. WANTED A PARTNER TO i $1000 and SERVICES, A 270. NT A N. INVEST OR EGO $1M CASH for fixtures of cleaning and pressing shop, and invoice stock. orr, lift Grand ave. lliisinesw Opportunities Wanted. .WANTED. APARTMENT HOUSE, HOTEL. GARAGE. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. GO-' Stock Exchange Bldg. PANAMA IF YOU W, A NT TO SE LL you hotel, rooming house, res taurant, grocery, garage or any other business, write or call and wn will send one of our expert salesmen to see you. Main 7763. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO.. 401 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder Streets. Portland, Oregon. FOR QUICK ACTION AND RESULTS. -LIST YOUR BUSINESS. YOUR APARTMENT HOUSE OR YOUR HOME WITH FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 201! McKay Bllg.. 3d and Stark. A CASH BUYER We have, cash buyers inquiring dally for all lines of business openings, both large and sm.ill, and if price is right can arrange quick private sale. To sell your business quickly, quietly and with out publicity - or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY, INC.. 401-ioj Dekum Bldg. WANTED FROM OWNER. Desirable apt. house of 35 to 60 rooms by country hotel man. FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 103 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. WANT pool hall, confectionery or cigar stand In good town, close to Portland ; havs good Maibohn cur, good as new; $1000 and some cash. BOCKHOLD BROS., Realtors. 001 Swetland Bldg FOR QUICK results list your business with us, we have buyers waiting. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th St. Main 0K0. WANTED- BUTTER AND CHEESE STORE ALL CASH. YAMHILL MARKET. OR GOOD DOW NTOW N LOC AT ION: MUST BE WELL LOCATED AND A BARGAIN. PHONE AUTO. 223-41. PRINTING pressman, capable of taking full charge of pressroom, would like to get in touch with a concern that would appreciate a man that is willing to take active Interest financially and otherwise. A 1 , 2 I'l. ' regonlHH. HAVE a client with $2500 as first pay ment down on a moving picture how in Portland. This la a bona fide client. ,S. M. BORLAND, 803 Stork Exchange. Aut. 329-04. I HAVE $350 to $B0U to invest .with my services In a business that can be made larger with honest work; am handy with tools and have worked In a grocery. Ad dress ine V 171. Oregonlan. No agents. I WANT to buy t garage in Portland; will pay cash If suited; want to deal directly with owner; would consider a partner ship ; replies strictly confidential. Ad dress R 172. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY experienced fruit and produce man with a high-grade truck, desires position or will trade truck for working interest; bank references. K 284. Oregorrian. HAVE some money and services for an Interest In established woodyard. State lowest price and amount of business. Agents, don't answer. AC 769. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress would like work or partnership In ahop; expert atbusheling and pressing. AM 288. Oregonlan. SUBURBAN or small town vulcanising shop or equipment. Mate lowest casn price. Replies confidential. Address AC 28Q, Oregonlan. WANTED A small auto repair shop or a radiator, fender and body building shop; either all or half interest; no agents. Address N 171. On-gonian. GARAGE wanted to purchase. Must be O. K. and show results. Have apart ment house. May consider trade. Call at 200 Morgan bldg. I MUST have a 20 to no-room apartment house or hotel on which I can apply 240-acre clear farm ; will assume some. Add re s s Widow. BP $00. Oregonlan. WANT cigar, confectionery, grocery1 and any paying business, price $750 to $11000. Main SOW, H. W. Garland. 201 Third, corner Taylor. BUYER will pay cash for good grocery with living rooms. Buy- from owner only. Price must be fight. AK 754, Oregonlan. I AM a widow Lady, just here from Idaho, and want to buy a rooming house or hotel. What have you to offer? BF 2S0, Oregonlan. $1500 TO INVEST, with services, in any good going business In Portland or 'l cinity: reference- asked for and given. A N 209. Oregonlan. A BRICK apartment house, centrally lo cated; 100x100; cash offer; must be a snap. Y.2S2. Oregonlan. FOR BUSINESS opportunities of all kinds call Broadway 1M54. Reverman Invest ment Co.. 210 Lewis bldg. WANT merchandise stock, any good Ioca-'l tion; have nign-ciass income property and some cash. Y 1107. Oregonlan. IF YOU want your money quick list your store or business with us. Winelow Co.. 419 Lumbermans bldg. WHAT have you that $1000 will buy along mercantile lines? Or would buy in with responsible party. AK 753. Oregonlan. WANT to buy grocery store from owner up to $2000, with living rooms. Y 292, Oregonlan. WANTED Small boarding house, restau rant, lunch or cafeteria. Main 6289, room 5. or E -89. Oregonlan. HAVE 100 acres timber land and 50x100 lot. clear, that I would trade for a store. AC l!7. Oregonlan. WANT to buy 1 or 2-chair barber shop with payment and terms; country taken Box 140. Condon. Or. WILL you build an apartment house for financially responsible tenant? H 116. Oregonlan. HIGH-CLASS 2-ton truck to trade for working Interest sod established busi ness. BP 281. Oresftnlsn. WISH to purchase working interest or all, established stage line; state particulars fully. P 282. Oregonlan. HAVE cash to Invest in live Oregon drug store; state particulars. A J 235. Ore gonlan 10 TO 30 UNFURNISHED roomi wanted at once. S 148. Oregonlan. WANTED Lease on hotel or apartment hnuwe. H 115, Oregonlan. SHOE repair man wants location: write full particu:ars. AF 242. Oregonlan. MEAT market wanted. Must be il.iim- tho I business. BF 278, Oregonlan, ' Bl SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Bqslrst Opportunities Wanted. WANTED By practical manufacturing and business man of -0 years successful ex perience, capital to open factory manu facturing sport and outing clothing- This Is high-grade proposition with a 'big future, opportunity to get in on ground floor. $25,oho capital required, active or silent Interest. Reference and present connection will convince this ls sound, profitable Investment. Can invest some capital. I have faith In the future. If you have. Investigate this, AV 727. Orego nlan. I WANT to buy an auto painting business, will pay cash; no agents Address O 173, Oregonlan. HtoeMfe una Bonds. WE WILL SELL 2000 Alaska Petroleum Coal 00 I 2000 Idaho Gold & Ruby slTtt 15 Pad He States Fire bid. oOO Futre.l Coupler 2.75 :i Albers Bros. Milling Co. Pfd.51.00 15 Foster & Kletser. Pfd S2.5U -0 L. R Steel Inc.. com 20.00 2o U K. Hteel Inc.. Pfd ; .50.00 2000 Western Mnelting Power.. .50 5000 Baker Steam Motor 03 20 Plggiy Wlggiy. com 42.50 S0O Sound Rubber Co Lg 2000 Amalgamated Gold, ore 10 2 Unit .ortil western Finance bid. Write for our quotation sheet. H ERR IN & RHODES, INC. Ki-tabilshed 1SJ0. -V-Stocks and Bonus. Huge Annex. 700 2d Ave, Main 1512. Members Chicago Board of Trade. VVK 4 ILL svli 5000 shares Beaver State Motor sfwt-k at bV&o per hare. See us to buy or sell any si.Ui.-ks or bonds on merit. E. H. & V. N. Hosner. 00 McKay bldg. AM ImjkCJLD to sell ail or part of 20 shares Northwestern Electric Co. per cetil preferred stock. Wul take 04. , (J. box JUS. HAKulNGTUN c CO. Main 3.M7. Stocks and bonds, anywhere Title Ac Trust bldg MAKE offer on Motor Stock. 00 shaVes Beaver State L'Hl. Oregoman. Hotels and Rooming ituu. SEE J. HKL'CK GoDDARD FOR GENUINE BARGAINS. 10 rooms, modern. $1100, tersns. Rent $40; west side, clean, reasonable. 1- very beautiful rooms, all new, mod ern house. Income $ltfo month. Nob Hill. You'll like this place. 10 exceptionally well furnished rooms, including alectrlc washer, modern bouse, all apt. 1500, half cash. It's a dandy little place. 12 rooms, modern. $1300, easy terms. Nob Hill district. Must sell because of other business pressing. 12 rooms, $1800, clears $85 month and provides good home. Terms. 10 rooms, one floor, rent $50, clean. Clears $150 per month. Price $2b00. Easy terms. West side bargain. 21 rooms, brick, one floor, west side. Lease $3luu, aiv' full, a good money maker. 21 rooms, $2800, all H. K., well fur nished; terms. West eltfe. The above are the best there are in Portland of the moderate-priced kind. See them. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. BRICK APT. HOUSE. Close-in location, 24 apts.. 2 two-room ants., and one 1-room apt. 12 private baths, four puolic; 5-year lease; well furnished; income soou. PRICE $13.00U. CASH $.200. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4G64. 17 ROOMS, all h. k ; good west-aide loca tion; running water; good lease; nets $150; price $3700, $1!500 cash. WHITE TEMPLE. SPECIAL 11 rooms, all aptB. ; rent $40; nets $90 besides owner's an.; full price $1450; $600 cash. HURRY: O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, lilll Henry Bldg. - Broadway 333H WE SPECIALIZE in rooming houses ho tels and apartment houses; would be pleased to hear from jou if you wish to list or find a location. 5IRS. SNOW. Bdwy, 4061. 3-0 Lumbermen Bldg. NEWLY FURNISHED COUNTRY HOTEL. 25-room modern brick, steam neat, running water. Ifne lobby. Willamette valley town on highway, ideal home for man and wife, 5-year lease; right place anil terms. See Blackwell. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, L 817 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HERE'S VOUR CHANCE! 42-room hotel, good transient location, fine corner brick building, modern and nicety furnished throughout ; rent $323, with 5-vear lease; nets 500; price $10,500. half caah. This is a buy. BSE MRS. II AUG,' 520 Henrv Bldg Broadway 1004. A MONEY-MAKER. 25 rooms, all housekeeping, central lo cation, nicely furnished ; rent 90: net 'profit $340 a month; price $4200. terms This ts a splendid buy. SEE MRS. HAUG. 52B Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. A NIFTY PLACE. , 1 2-room apartment situate on West Park ; all nicely furnished ; clears $80 per month. Price $2000, terms; will trade for larger place. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of Commeree Bfcdg. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, ROOM HOTEL IN THE HEART OF THE CITY; private baths and tele phones; all filled up; clears $350 pet month. Price $10,000, good terms. AUSTIN-O' LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of Commer Bldg. SEE THIS ONE. 24 rooms, modern and well furnished, nice location, all on one floor; rent $60 with lease; net $-00; price $300. half cash. SEE MRS. II AUG, -T.26 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 11104. WANT AN APARTMENT? Here' a bargain a 4)95. ooo ; an ele gant brick bldg. on 100x100; has 5; anrfmonu ittirf nnt leased: vou can man age It, but you muat have $23,900 cash to i ii.. oni it U.ti uln 7!t31 . J. ROBB1NS. A GOOD BUY. t rnnma ' and 3-ronm aDts.. hoand cold water, nicely furnished; rent $0O with lease, stove heat; net $Ua; price $2100. half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 52 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904 THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. 21 -room apartment, all H. K., close in, west side; rent $143; clears $185. Price ISOOO; $2500 handles. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO. 333 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL BARGAIN. 32 -room hotel, situate close In on w.st side; always filled; clears $150. Price S4UO0; $SOt will handle. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 46 APTS. 2 and 3 rooms: 28 private baths; 4 public baths; hot and cold water in all rooms- steam heat; well aide, close in. Rent $500 per month wltlt 9-year lease. Clearing $700 per mo. $10.uoo., terms. C. W. Millershlp. 103 4th st, ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 11 rooms, completely furnished, all 2-room apts.. stove heat, rent only $35; price $850. SEE MRS KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg HOTBL WANTED. Want hotel in Portland, about 30 rooms with long lease, will exchange 320-acre ranch In eastern Oregon, clear of incumbrance. Phone Mr. Bejl. Tabor APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE. Modern corner brick apartment hotel for lease, unfurnished, fine proposition. See Blackwellr exclusive agent. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.V 817 NORTH WEST F. R N HANK BUM; 10-ROOM apartment. $1$.M). terms; 14 room apartment. $1500. terms; 14-room apartment. $1200. terms: S-room apart ment $900. terms-; 12-room apartment. $140O terms. 422 Chamber of Com. LANE & CARROLL. Main Sft07. 18 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, east side. $1000 cash will handle. 17 housekeeping rooms, east side. Close In- $900 will handle. Balance easy terms. Room 33 Cham, of Com $350 WEST Bar, aoou. 8 rooms and bath, good furniture, neat and clean, close in; rent $35; income $70 and 3-room apt.; some snap; no agents. 361 14th st. Auto. 321-04. tut; 1 A REAL BARGAIN. 21-room apartmnt situated close In; rent -only $05; clears $200. Price $2100. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RAROAK, in ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE. CLEARS $80. RENT $50; TOTAL $1500, 1 TERMS. 435 YAMHILL ST. YOU. I HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL BAR GAIN FOR $5000. ONE FOR $1500. ONE FOR $30,000. 435 YAMHILL ST. DOWNTOWN. 21 rooms, good Income; rent $73, lease- price $2300. Call forenoons. Main 7511. 12 ROOMS, all h. k.. Nob Hill; good furni ture, clears $100; cheap rent. $1200 handles; small bal. terms. 320 Henry bldg. SPLENDID 12-room H. K. house; newly furnished: good income; lease. Owner, 548 Yamhill. 11 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, net $90; $500 handles, small balance, easy terms. By owner. 107 Iflth st. WANTED By couple, charge of rooming nT- a ra n mnt hnma Kt.--n nnur January L Write AL 281, Oregonian. m sinkss opportunities. 1 1 teU and 1 1 ( Hiroing I lue. GREEN-ROSE & CO. H OT E LS Over 40 rooms, located right, nicely furnished, elevator, brick bldg.; 9 pri vate baths. Nets $500. $8000 handles. 39 rooms, brick bldg., all on one floor, well furnished; 5-ycv Tease; nets $500 or better. $5000 to handle. Hotel and h. k well lorcate4 on the east side ; furniture is new and very good ; 23 rooms all on one floor; eight 2-room apartments, 11! transient rooms; rooms always full. Rent only $70 with out lease. Lease can be had. Nets $275. Priced at $5250. HOUSEKEEPING AND SLPQ. 15 rooms, close In on Broadway; extra good furniture; rent $M0; nets $190. $3000 handles. Small balance to suit. 21 rooms In White Temple district: larg. light, well furnished rooms; good location; house In good condition. Will net $200. Rent $80. $1!300 to handle. S rooms, close In on 22d st. ; fair fur niture. A snap for $850. with terms. 12 rooms on West Park; best of furni ture; location is excellent; net Income is $150. A real buy. $1700 to handle. 18 rooms In a good district on Broad way. The furniture Is good; lease can be had: net now $133: can be Increased. Full prico $2050 with $2200 down. 16 rooms. Price $1750 with $1000 down; lease; rent $50; net Is $165. A chance to make Komo money on this one. Furntturu la good. A snap. Located on 5th. f 12 rooms. A real home place; lawn and shrubbery. A dandy location: White Temple district. AOth st. Real hardwood furniture; lease can be had. Will net $100 or better. Priced at $2200 with some terms. GREEN-ROSE CO.. 401 Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington. Broadway 6150. FREEMAN-SMITH. BROKERS. BROADWAY 1873. 42-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Brick hotel, location right down town; one of the best transient houses in the city; 5-year lease; $325 per month. Place has net Income of better than $500 per month. 54-ROOM HOTEL. Fine location; furnishings prac tically new ; 5-year lease ; rent $-hi. a place that Is always full, has an income that will pay bet ter than 50 on the investment. Only $340O cash to handle. Small balance on easy terms. 19 H. K. ROOMS. Within walking distance of busi ness district; nice clean place, fur niture good; rent $75; has Income of $100 per month; $1400 cash to handle, balance easy terms, 12 ROOMS H. K. Clean and well furnished ; good location, has net Income of $75. $800 cash to handle. 15 ROOMS. White Temple district: place nice and clean; furnishings In good condition. Nets $125 per month; $1500 cash takes this one. 16 ROOMS H. K. Location right downtown; this is a place that can be cleaned up and rearranged and $looo made on It w ithin 00 days. CalH at our office for further information. FREEMAN-SMITH REALTORS. BROKERS. 630 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. i -OTVr HUM HI t P IT 1 I TV t l 201 McKay Bldg. Bdwy, 1201. W rooms, H. K. and S. : rent $140; nets $200; price $4000; terms. - 45 rooms. H. K. ; rent $150; lease; nets $-00; price $5500: terms. 32 rooms, transient; rent $190; lease good; net price $5500 cash. 14 rooms, transient; rent $00; lease; net $175; one floor; price $3500 cash. 40 rooms, apts.; rent $100- lease; nets $330; price $4$00; terms. 32 rooms, hotel; rent $105; lease: nets $15: one floor: price $3900; terms. 01 rooms, modern apt. house; lense; rent $350; net $000; price $L,3.000; terms. 21 apts.. modern; lease; rent $450; net $350; price $15,000; term. This Is Just a few of our liftings. Give ns a trial. We strive to please. COME in and tell us ot your needs. If , we have not what you want we w-fl get It if possible. Columbia Realty Co.. -01 McKay bldg.. cor :td apd Stark. 15 ROOMS. H. K.. close In. west side. $2750, terms. 13 rooms, west side. low rent. $1850, terms. lfi rooms. H. K., Nob Hill, walking distance, nice and clean ; a snnp at $L'5nO. $1500 cash. 45 apts.. good west side location, long lease, gross. $1500 monthly; steam heat; very modern. $8000 cash required. 42 rooms, brick hotel, long lease, rent only ?130. $7000. terms. Opportunity knocks. HOME REALTY CO.. 434 Morrison. Marshall HM& GOOD MONEY MAKER. 18 outside ronms, on one floor, close in on Washington. 5-vcar lease. rent $0O; price $3075, $2300 will handle. See Vr.iden burg. 3-'5 Railway Exchange. Main 291M1. 'I AM FEEDING !4 PERMANENT GTJBST&t" says owner of close-In brick residential hotel. We dare not publish what he claims as net profits. But we are authorized to sell building, furniture and business for $35,000. $10,000 cash. This s better than a 100 per cent In vestment. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. Inc., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. HOTELS HOTELS. West side, downtown, 3VJ rooms, steam heat, long lease at $100 a month; more transient trade than can handle; fur nishings in good condition; a big money maker, price $5300 cash. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. ATTENTION! We have some splendid buys in 10 room houses, handsomely furnished, housekeeping and sleeping rooms, also high-class boarding houses; let us help you get located. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR v APARTMENT HOUSES. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. GARAGES. SEE US. G. C. ULRICH A CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bl d g. HOTEL. Over 100 rooms with long lease at the cheapest hotel rent In town ; has large lobby, elevator. This placo affords a wonderful opportunity to a. hotel person. Price $17,000, with $10,000 to handle. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. Mg Stock Exchange Bldg CLEAN UP. 40-room hotel, steam heat, brick bldg., 'ground floor lobby, private baths, won derful location; clears $500 month. For further particulars SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LITTLE BEAUTY. 13 rooms elegantly furnished, every thing goes, sewing machine. VIctroIa. house plants, all housekeeping, down town location; Income $ 1 10. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO 1007 Yeon Bldg LOOK AT THIS. 28 apts.. mostly 3s, fine white pressed brick building, steam heat, exceptionally clean, well furnished, net profit about $450; $6500 will wive you possession. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. UH'7 Yeon Bldg. GOOD MONEY-MAKER. Fine little hotel. 40 rooms; rent $250. 5-year lease; corner brick bldg., hot and cold water every room, steam heat; $40O0 cash will give you possession. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 63 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, modern brick, corner, west .side: long lease, very reasonable rent; private balconies, au tomatic elevator, etc. Cannot be dupli cated. Will suit the most particular. $20,000 required to handle. Yates. 243 4th ?t. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us your interests will a! ways be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. SEE MRS KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg FIRST TIME OFFERED. 35 2-room apartments, fine west side district. 5-year lease at $350 per mo. This place is completely furnished. Rents are very low and will stand a big raise. Price $12.5oQ. terms. Yates. 243 4th at. 2S AND 3-ROOM apartments, splendid rrrodern brick corner, close In west aide; long lease at $400 per month; complete ly furnished and In best of condition. All light airy rooms. Price $18,000, terms. Yates. 245 4th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. lintel. ;iml Kooittilii: lldil-c-. TOMSON A TOMSON, REALTORS. Over 100 rooms, modern blck corner, lease over fair; automatic elevator; good buy at $13,000, part terms. About 90 rooms, good lease, rent $350; strictly modern brick bldg., all apts. are spacious and well arranged, beautifully furnished, big income, automatic eleva tor; $10,000 will handle. 64 rooms, all nice apts., lease over fair, rent $325; beautifully furnished, everything in fine condition; price and full particulars cheerfully given. 50 rooms, some 2 and 3-room apts., 8 year lease; best west-side location, xteam heat, all rooms have water ; good in come ; nice place for lady alone ; $8000, terms. 68 rooms, all apts., lease, rent low; good west-side location; steam heat, all tompletely furnlhed, needs some reno vating; $5000 will handle this money maker. 42 rooms, lease over the fair, always full location; rent $300; clears over $500; comer brick bldg; $10,500 will handle. 44-room brick bldg., 5-year lease, rent very low; splendid condition; clears bet ter than $500; price $8500, terms. Over 120 rooms, good tease, rent $450; gross Income $2500; elevator; $10,000 will handle this money-maker. 70 rooms, transient. 5-year lease, rent less than $0.50 per room; everything In first-class shape, good linen, good rooms, best of plumbing; clearing $1000 now. i'rlce and terms on request. 20 sleeping rooms, all beautifully fur nished; 'lease, rent $200; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; good Income; words cannot express the possi bilities, must be seen to be appreciated ; $'jouo, pari terms. $4000 will handle small brick bldg.. lease and furnishings of 12 apts , rent $150; clears about $250 and lovely 3-rm. apt., well furnished and clean; price $7000. 2L rooms, all apts., rent $75: furnace, electricity, no attic rooms, well located, lovely yard, nice modern house, good hums and income; $3600, terms. 12 rooms. White Temple district, rent $60 ; newly painted, fine condition; we consider this a good proposition; $1000 down. 20 rooms, all apts.. rent $30, lease, furnace, electricity ; extra-good furni ture; all apts have hot and cold water; right price and easy terms. 12 rooms, mostly H. K., central loca tion; hot and cold water in all rooms, some private baths ; good transient trade; clears $100, with 3-room apt., price $1750. 28 rooms, 2 and 3-room apts., few sleeping, 3-year lease; rent $70; gross income $375. A buy we feel safe to recommend, part terms. 18. rooms, all H. K., furnace, electric ity, water in most rooms; nets over $200 and best apt. ; White Temple location ; good, clean bedding, plenty of linen; price and terms upon request. 20 rooms, brick hotel, transient, few steady; lease, very low rent, clean, well " arranged, on one floor; splendid Income; easily managed; about $2300 down. 14 rooms, H. K., rent $65. well fur nished, clean as a new pin; $1900, with terms; will cut for all cash. 9-room modern home on Nob Hill, In apts.; rent $65; new and beautifully furnished, lovely home with good in come; nothing better anywhere in a small place; low price for cash, $1600. If you have around $20,000 that you wish to invest in either a hotel or apart ment house, call on us. We have some first-class propositions that we do not wish to advertise in detail, but will cheerfully give full particulars to any one interested. See Mrs. Myers or Mr. Tlce. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. 020 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. PANAMA ROOMING HOUSE on east side. Russell st. 17 sleeping and housekeeping rooms, $1800, half cash. PANAMA ROOMING HOUSE on west side, Montgomery st., 10 mors, price $1400. $1)30 down. Verv good furniture. PANAMA ROOMING HOUSE on west bide. Sixteenth st., 8 rooms, price $I00O $10110 dow n. Only blocks from O. W. K. PANAMA ROOMING HOUSE on west side. Sixteenth St.. 11 sleep ing and housekeeping rooms, $li."i0, terms reasonable. Modem conveniences. FAN AM A BROKERAGE CO. 401 Panama Bldg. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. 00-ROOM apt. house, brick. 5-ycar lease $500 per month ; $13. Ooo. agUHF terms. 30 apts. 3-4 rooms, brick. 4-yesr leasa . at $500 i-.r month: automatic elevator. vteam heat; $12,000 required. 42-room hotel, brick. 5-year lease, steam heat, hot and cold water In al. rooms. I or price ana terms can office. 431! Pittock blk. 75-room hotel, oil burner furnace, rent $2K per month with lease ; close-In. Price $11,000. W. L. HARRELL. Realtor. , 432 Pittock Block. S ROOMS. $M); rent $30 with lesne"; in come $100? electric lights and good fur nlture : will trade Cor larger place. 0 rooms, h. k.. all on one floor, good furniture: close-in west side; rent $-.5if. Price $050. $350 cash. 11 rooms, part h. k., and double ga rage, for $2000, $1500 cash; reasonable rent and can have lease; splendid home ami extra well furnished ; good west side location. TRY-US REALTY '.. I HO West Park.j ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN. Close-In west side location. cay walk ing distance, Al condition. furnace heated, income over $150 a month; can be largely Increased ; sacrifice price for quick sale $1650. TALLMADGE REALTY CO. 010 Henry Bldg. TOMSON & TOMSON. REALTORS. High-class boarding house, good west side location, 5-year lease, rent right, lovely dining room, whole house beau tifully equipped ; income is very good ; will sell for half down of purchase price. Full particulars with MR. TICE. 20 HENRY BLDG. TRANSIENT HOTEL. -20 rooms, brick bldg., extra Rood furniture : lease at $90 per mo. ; good net income ; good location; $3100. terms on part. E. S. KERR. Realtor. .".HI Yamhill. Marshall DSM. ROOMING house, 32 rooms, nice-looking place, corner house, rent reasonable and lease; part housekeeping and part tran sient, well furnished; price $2400, terms, $100 cash and wilt take half in trade If good. II . W. Garland. 201 Third. WANT rooming houses, 12 to 30 rooms; I have several parties who I want to get located soon, some on terms and others caah. Main 3660. H. W. Garland, '201 Third st. BARGAIN A beautiful 0-rnom modem home, furnace, only few blocks to high school and gram, school, library, park, close to car; variety of fruit: A-l loca tion for roomers. $5200. terms. Wdln. 4 OOO. ' ROOMING HOUSK, li rooms, well fur nished, clears $140 .month. $1100, $500 down. Another, 12 rooms, always filled, making good profit, $1200. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71N Dekum Bldg. FIRST-CLASS apartment house. 103 rooms. In first-class condition, clears over $500 per month, 3 years lease; $16,000; $0000 cash. Square Deal Co., 154 E. 0th. East 7389. 0 H. K. ROOMS. $600 cash, balance to suit ; rent $00 per mo. ; nets $75: good lease assured; excellent furniture; steam heat. 306 Cham, of Com. LEAVING city Dec. 10, have 14 house keeping rooms, newly and well fur nished, make me an offer, would take 1-ton truck, terms. 187 K. 15th. 26 H. K. ROOMS; good west side location; excellent furniture; clears $175 per mo.; $1500 down. bal. $30 per mo.. 7 per cent In terest. 300 Cham, of Com. TRANSIENT hotel. 39 rooms, all sleeping; new furniture; brick bldg.; 5-year lease; 3d street location, near Yamhill. Phone Main 4540. 3V KOOMS. all housekeeping, all full, clearing $225 a month. Will sell for $2100 cash. Lease for -3 years. 5-1 N. th st. 24 ROOMS H. K. Apts. One private and 2 public baths. All on one floor. Rent $75 with a 5-year lease. Not Income about $200. Mrs HiP. 2o3 Henry bldg. THE BEST FURNISHED 10 ROOMS, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 kitchenettes. All for $1450 Mrs. Hill. 205 Henry h!dg. 14 ROOMS, h. k.. newly furnished: clears around $100 mo. Edw. T. Orr. 115 Grand are. CLOSE-IN 16 rms. H. K. Rent only $58. Over $100 clear every month. See Mrs. Hill. '-'05 Henry hldg. JpTjTt SA LE ama.i apa: laient house ot 7 rooms Call 355 Salmon, room 4 GOOD west side location of It-room room ing house for sale. Call Bdwy. 863$. Bl sinkss OI'POKTl M11FS Hotel and Koomimr lliwe-.. HOTEL Modern brick. 5-year lease, best corner location in Portland; $0000 handles. List 44. Hotel Nice little modern brick, live location, good lease. $5000 handles. List 10. Apartment houae, about 50 apart ments. $20,000 handle. List 38. Apartment house, nice little modern brick, private bat hs and phones all apartments. $3000 ha-ndles. List 53. Apartment hotel, flno corner. 3-year lease; over 10O rooms. $9000 handles List 20. Apartment house property, high-class modern corner, brick. 27 apartments, building, ground and furnishings. $70,oOO. Big bargain account settling estate. Easy payment down. List 30. Fine modern apartment houae prop erty, about 110 apartments. 2 and 3 room suites ; clears $3000 per month ; building, ground and furnishings. $230. 000, reasonable terms. List 34. Bee Blackwell. exclusive agent. W EST E It V BROKERAGE CO. . 817 NORTHWESTERN HANK BLDG. DON'T WAIT FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE UTILIZE SOME OFTHE GOOD TRADE8 WHICH ARE COMING UP EVERV DAY. PO RTLAND R E A LT Y CO. HAS PLENTY OF THEM. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM. 36 apartments, rent $200; cash $4000. net $250 Strictly mod. brick apt. -bouse, flve . Jfar lease; rent $150; hot avater heat; clean and good furniture. Good location, downtown, small hotel. Four-year lease; rent $100. N. W. heat. Price $5500. 20 rooms. S8M; cash $1750; rent $125; net $200. close In and dean. 14 rooms, $2250; cash $000. Good fur niture and clean. 41 -room hotel, lavatory In all rooms; 5-year lease; brick. Net $47.".. c;ish $$B00. 534 CHAM OF COM. HOTEL PROPOSITION AT SANDY, OREGON. TO LEASE FOP. :t YEARS. Big lobby, fine dining room, will scat 1 75 people: big kitchen ; one block of ground, lots fruit, place for chickens, hogs, rent $30 p-r month; psrtles leas ing WW have to buy all furniture. 17 rooms, all furnished ; cood piano, two good ranges, heater. 100 chairs. 20 ta bles, big tine of dishes, lot groceries. Price $2200. half cash. This is paying hotel. Write Georgi Beers. Sandy, or. Phnn 03. $lo,5oo HOTEL. 12 room, running wa ter in each room; lease until after fair; very reasonable rent. $0500 cash WtU handle. $4000 24 -room apartment. walking distance; present owner been there over 4 years; $2500 will handle. $1500 buys a dandy little apartment, west aide; reasonable rent ; good in come; $1100 will hnndl. S, M. in "BLAND. 303 Stock Exchange. Aut. 520-04. THE BEST HOTEL. Willamette valley city. 3-story brick. Very attractive. Has steady trade and a large income. On PMtfSa highway. 30 exceptionally well furnished rooms. One half with baths. Pays over 25 per cent on pur chase price. Owner old and must sell. Lot 100x100. One half built on. Price $35,000. one-half. $17,500, must be cash. Bal., mortg., 7 per cent. E. H. Hosner, (ins McKay hldg. 47 ROOMS, all I and 2-apts., rent $14 with lease; steam hea. hot and cold water In part of rooms, good furniture, nice a-nd clean ; west side. A good money -mnker. . 45 2 and 3-room apts. for $10,000. half cash; cheap rent, long iase. steam heat, good furniture and a btg net income; close-in west side. TRY-US REALTY CO.. 100 West Park. HOTEL. 100 rooms, fireproof corner building, ground floor lobby, elevator, rent only $3-55 a room; good 4-year lease; North western heat; hut and cold water in all rooms; net profit $704); $10,000 will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BRICK APT. HOUSE. Corner building. 30 rooms, well fur nished, 10 private; 5-year lease; water and heat included in rent. This is a good place and reasonably priced; $4000 will handle. M RS. SM W. IMw . 4d0l. NEWLY FURNISHED COUNTRY HOTEL. 25-room modern brick, steam heat, nrnnlnjc water, fine lobby, Willamette vallev town on highway; ideal home for man and wife; 5-year lease. Right price and terms. See Ttlaikwei;. W EST ERN 1 HI O K E I i A O E CO.. M7 NORTHWESTERN BANK HL1KI. FINE LITTLE HOME WITH INCOME. 0 rooms, new furniture, fine neigh borhood, dose In: splendid furnace and basement ; electric washer. PRICE $1430, CASH $000. MRS SNoW. Bdwy 4001. 30 ROOMS, half h. k.. $$696; cheap rent with lease and a good income; close-In west side. 30-room brick hotel h. and c. w ter In all rooms, steam heat, -ood fur niture; nice and elear. for $3300; west side. TRY-US REALTY ' Q. It'.i) West Park. NOB HILL LOCATION. 7 rooms on corner, finely furnished. Axrnlnster rugs, brass beds, very clean ; plce very reasonable. $05o cash to han dle: rent, including garage. $35. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4004. MODERN APARTMENT. 13 apartments and 0 single rooms, strlctlv modern, all outside apartments, west side location; extra well furnished: 5-year lease at $300 per mo. : priced riftht on terms. E S. KERR. Realtor. 891 Yamhill. Marhhall 5504 NOB HILL DISTRICT. 10 rooms, housekeeping apt., newly t in ted. furnace heat, fine tlon, rent only $no. PRICE $ I $00. T B R M S EAS Y. M IIS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4604. house loca- 17 ROOMS, all h. k.. for $1SOO; cheap rent. kooi income, brick bids'.. ' electric lia-hts and furnace heat. This Is a good buy. IS rooms, all h. k.. $3200. Itooo cash; rent $50 with a good net income: close in west side. TRY-US REALTY CO.. 160 West Park. VERY DESIRABLE ICATION. Fine looking rorner building on car line, furnace heat. 16 largo rooms, wel". furnished; some having hardwood floors, large Income. lease, garage. - MRS. SNOW. Bdwy, 4664. HIOH-CLASS. 10-room house, absolutely modern, wonderful location, elegantly furnished throughout; this must be seen to be ap- pfaoiated; parties leaving city. SEE M RS KELLER. CEO T MOQHE CO U7 Y'-nn Bldg EXCEPTIONAL PLACE. 10 rooms, exceptionally wall furnished and very clean, very fine beds and bed ding; practically all new; rent $50 PRICK $3000. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. 43 1 AND 3-ROOM apart men ts. modern brick bld. ; long lease at $600 per mo.; completely furnished, automatic elevator and all modern convenience: Income nearlv $2000 per month. Entire price only $25,000. easy terms. Yates. 245 4th street. GOOD DISTRICT. Close In. 20 ronms. (rood furniture clean, furnace. Price $4000. half cash, lease; rent $10n. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4064. FINK little brick apt. house. 2 and 3-room apts.. all with private nams. wen rur nished. always full: rent only $300; 5 year lease; wonderful location; $6000 will handle. . SEE MRS KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL. Walking dtntance, 44 outside rooms. 12 baths, net Income $450; graduating 0 year lease; $R000 will handle. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy, 4664. EXTRA FINE. Apartment house. 2. 3 and 4-room apis., cleanest and best furnished in the cltv, new 5-year lease; net profit about $700 month. You want to see this be fore locating. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO 10Q7 Yenn Bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 125 rooms, apts.. modern and well fur nished throughout: flno corner brick building; rent $600. with 5 years lease; price $22,000; easy terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1004. BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH INCOME. Splendid location, close In. U2 rooms. boarding or rooming house. Price $5000. j 31 KB, lnU.W BGffJ, uu. HOTEL. 50 rooms. 5-year lease. In good loca tion downtown; be sure to see this. Price $11.04)0. Dandy terms. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Fine 10-room house, newly and well furnished. 2 and 3-room apts., nets about $70 month: price $1300. fgoo down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SPLENDID west side location. IS rooms. 2 and 3-room H. K. suites, modern, good furniture, furnace heat; electric lights and gas; price Is right. Phone East 1 8&20, or call 604 Alblna ave. I MTIKS. Hotel COUNTRY HOTEL. 42-room hotel. town of 2000 population, near Albany, only hotel In city and doing prosperous busi ness. Building, grounds and fur niture ran he had for $15.0oo on your own terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. J 53 rooms. 48 apartments; well equipped and furnished; lease runs In fall r 1025; walking distance on f) out ride ; priced at $40.000 ; $30.4 eaab will handle this proposition. HOTEL. Four-story. 00 rooms. In city near Portland, population 3O0O; books will show remarkable net In come. Modern In every respect. country hotel. Only hotel In town of 1O00 popu lation: Umatilla county: good busi ness proposition; grounds, build ing and qu'pment priced at $15,000 on terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. 48 roon mcnts. eas Of hulldlni $21,000 T by owner; lur-room apart Iways full ; prif e Is and furnilurW., e now operated ash will handle. $0200 HOTEL. 32-room hotel in Salem. Oregon. Pining room and restaurant con nection : good permanent buslnsaa. Lease and furniture for sale at only $1500 cash. COUNTRY HOTEL. 84 rooms'. Yamhill county. 1000 pnpulat Ion ; ra 11 rami term i m us. Property and furnishings $8700, on terms. Chester L. Florence. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-.-.-7 Hoard Of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. W HITR TEMPLE. 10 rooms. $1250; terms; rent $23: water In all rooms; nets 183; a good place to run In combine with some other house. White Temple 1 rooms, fur- heat; rent $30; annd and clean; nets $115. terms. White Temple-nat-e heat ; good 'rice $2250. with It rooms, fur 1 urnlture and carpets: 3 pear good. Rrice $1S00, lease. This U Terms. White Temple 10 rooms ; good money-maker. Price $1350. with terms. Nob Hill A little house with good Income, needs a little fixing up Price for quick sale. $b00. Nob Hill A little better than average ; good, large, well fur nished rooms, new bedding; fur nace heat. 11 rooms. Price $1K50: $1000 down ; rent only $50. See this. It is good and nets nearly $100. MARSH & McCABE CO. 322 Falling Bldg. Marsh. 3003. Open Sunday. A REAL BAUOAIN. BRICK APT. HOUSE. BUILDINO AND FURNITURE, i:; lovely apts., eight 3-room apts. and 5 two-room apts.. each having private bath, exceptionally well furnished and In fine condition : lease, and rent $100. Easy terms. This Is an except ion a I buy; In fact a real investment, at 131,000 for building and furniture, or, $8000 for lease and furniture. MRS SNOW. Bdwy, 1064. 3J0 Lumbermcns Bldg. W ANTE P. A pa rtmrnt house, oast side, modern. Apartment house, west side, about $n Apartment house. 20 to 30 I part men ts. either furnished or unfurnished. Room Inn house, nice place. 20 lo 80 rooms, west side. Chester L. Florence. RITTER. LOWE CO.. COI-3-5-7 Board nf Trade Bldg. u HARTMAN CO. See OS for late listings in apart ments, hotels anil rooming houses. Right now some extremely Rood buys in good locations. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BRICK APT HOUSE. ONE OF THE VERY BEST. 4S apts., principally t wo-room npts., each having private bath; every modern convenience, 4-year lease, automatic ele vator; best location In city; large In come. For further particulars call MRS SNOW. Bdwy. 4061. BEAUTIFUL M DERN LITTLE APART WENT HOUSE. ON THE WEST SlI'F. ALL PRIVATE BATHS. WHOLE PRICE iSftOa.- $175" DOWN HANDLER IT. N EWKST CLR W EST PLACE IN PORTLAND IT'S A PEACH, J. BRUCE C.oDDARD. 301 Couch Bldg. IDEAL LOCATION. 12 lovely rooms, beautifully furnished, four apts. and some sleeping rooms, fin income, good lease, rent SSS This will make 1 1V1 v homo and good Income. Price $200, ICRS, SNOW. Bdwy. 4661. HOTELS. TEN-YEAR LEASES. Hs vo 2 hotels rlaht down town, one for $30,000, th- other $40,000; will give new lfl-yenr lcpe on either of these. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 50:t 10 Panama bldg. MiHn 3042. CLOSE IN. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 7 rooms, wo( furnished and spotlessly clean : price Includes good piano in fine condition; rent only gk3 B0, PRICE $1375. MRS. SNOW. Bawy, 4664. GOOD 4-room house. $1S00. terms; lot 6ft xlOO. 11 -room housekeeping and sleeping, $l."i00, part cash, west side. First-class restaurant. $1000, doing good business. 212 Railway Exchange hldg, , WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 12 moms In two-room apts. All eight rooms; good furnace and fine basement. Price reasonable; good net income; all rooms rented. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4064. ARE YOU TIRED OK AGENTS? When vou renlU wnn! to sell and Tvith little trouble, list it with the old reli able. J. BRUCE GODDARD. S01 -2 Couch Bldg. 15 roomK. arranged in housekeeping apts Immaculately clean, doing fine buslnoff good furniture. Price $3250. 1 MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4664. 1 1 OT K I We have two exceptionally good buys In hotels. O'FARRELL FORDNKY. S34 and 340 Chamber of Commerce, NIFTY SMALL PLACE. Mos in, clean, fl-room flat ; rent $35. Beautiful new furniture for sale, lovely home; rooms can be rented; will glv terms Mar. IPSO 34H Columbia st. APARTMENT HOUSE. 28 apts. of good furniture and lease. 112.500; onlv $5000 to handle. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 2 Stock Kxehange nidg. HERB IS YOUR CHANCE. $100 for 1-3 interest In good live real estate office, good reason for selling, remaining partners are live wires. AE 207. Oregonlan. 40 ROOMS, apartments of 2s and 8s. all nr ivn t t-n t hs. boom iea central Mair.. heat furnished, rent reasonable, clears $215 mo: $aS00 handles 320 Henry bldg. 33 MODERN apts.. twos and threes, all with private baths, long lease, clears $500 to $600 month; brick bldg.; $6500 bundles 320 Henry bldg. NICELY furnished d rooms. In modi rn house And some cash to give for 12 rooms or more. Sec my agent at 503 Couell bldg. $01!5 LETS you 'n 16 rooms, all h. k.. west side: rent $50. Income $135; price $1425. $JSi Hen-y bMtf. I WANT tn get In tueh with owner who has furniture anOMea of an apartment hous for sale. AJ 78. Oregonlan. 65 - IU fur 273 -Brick building; good (5100; no agents. AM 1 1 mil nil 1 si