19 TIIE SUNDAY OREGON! AX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4. 192t FOR RKNT. Houwy, 5-H om modern house, double con structed, wtth east and south front, large new garage, fruit ; H block from Mt. Tabor car. This property la in dandy shape aa owner haa always lived here. If renter desires to buy It at one year, will indorse- or credit one eara rent on contract of sale price. Tou can't rent a house In the city like this for less than $30 per month, will lease for 1 ye..' for 35 per month: prefer adults. John H. Hlttner, 202 McKay bldg. Volt SALE or rent on iase. 7-room house, large sleeping porch, full cement base men t. wash trays, furnace, nice- lawn, line neighborhood; C blocks Laurelhurst park ; living, dining and breakfast rooms newly done In old Ivory and tapestry paper; white enamel kitchen; 2 toilets and hath. Tabor 8301. Key 100 K. 80th. HOI SE FOR RENT. 8 rooms, all modern, hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace, large living room, fine lot on paved si., good garage, everything In first-class condition; rent to respond b!e party and give lease. $08 per month. Net Ian ft Parkhlll, 210 Lumbermen bldg.. Fifth and Siark sts. BIA.NOS moved. 88; stairs extra, 81 each Light; 80 days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, 83 per hour; large truck, $2.76 per hour: we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer ft Storage Co.. 104 If. Oth hl Uen Sundays ami evenings IR VINO TON 8-room house and sleeping porch, cement basemen., furnace and fireplace, built-in buffet and book cases, large rooms, hardwood floors, '-hite enamel finish, rent 803 per month. 620 E. 10th North. Apply 225 Abington hJdf. Main 8862. or Tabor 1010. WE NOW HAVE HOUSES FOR KENT ranging In price from 825 to $75, some furnished. Consult us before renting. COE A. McKENNA ft CO., ' J Fourth Street. .Main 6871. 1BVINOTOM 4 -room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, gas, water heater, double plumbing, full cement basement, garage. Complete 6-room bungalow downstairs, 53 per month. Keya 528 E. 10th at. N. East 7128. Between 1 and 5 P. M. Sunday. FOR RENT SUBURBAN bungalow, newly painted and decorated; four rooms, bath, sleeping porch, glassed In, gas range, electricity, five minutes' to Courtney station. Oregon City line. 1'h'iiu- Broadway O.VI. 0-8tO M house, large sleeping porch, fur nace, nice yard, one blocK to Rose City car on paved street; reasonable rent to responsible parties who will take reason able care ol property. AR 286. Ore- Smian 4-RouM p.asttred house wilh 3 lots, barn and chicken house in the West Portland district; not far from Multnomah sta tion; $15 per month. For particulars call at Ben Rlesland's Real Estate office nt Multnomah tind st-e Mrs. Crnnt. NOW AVAILABLE. Nice, modern 5 rooms, furnace, fire place, good luculity; 822.50. Q. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, 201 PANAMA BLDO. ( 4-ROOM house, unfurnished, tor rent. Iia.av niontii, ut i-i-' n. central ave.. st. jonns, a. s() win snare j-roum no use io honest lady In exchange for light house work. 4-ltouM house, water, ts, electricity, on I1 acres of ground, 'nicken house, gar den and berries. 4 blocks from Garden Home station, rent 812. Cover & Greg ory. I Grand aw, N., Sunday. LAURKLHURhT HOME. 7-room hone, vary modern with fur nace, firtpiaco unu garage; $3o, will and luusr; 85.1 SMITH -WAGON BR CO.. STOCK BXCH. Fou uhNT 5-room cottage, ireshly pa P&pered and painted, bath, hot and cold waw r. rent 530; 30 minutes' walk to 3d ami Washington. Inquire 001 Oregon ft., I corner ISth. FOR RENT 8-mom house, woodshed, chicken house. ' acre, fruit trees, ber ries. 115 a month: 1 mile cast of Mil waukie W. C. Shmldt place. Phone Main 37S7. 4-ROOM house, bath, cement basement, wood range, garage, 822.60: Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, south to 63d ave., west 3 blocks. 41317 Bruce st. Auto. 612-44. V. Mi l EkN 5-room bungalows, one fur nished, has piano, at 805 ; one un lur nished at i Hawthornj district. Automatic 237-03 or Tabor 4537. 7 ROOMS, hath. $25; place for auto; macadam strtet, Lents school 2 blocks, wood in basement. 5523 Eaet 80th st. East :it43. or nil: today bet. 2 and 5 $H1 l-ROOM house, ;( lots and fruit. Call Main 0788 or see Sunday afternoon at 2810 E. 58th st. Hawthorne car to Di vlslon st. POOR MAN'S chance to eat Xmas dinner home with 82iM) payment and lent money monthly; acre, all fruits, 6-rm. house. Owner. 4614 K. 41at at. Woodstock car. FOR RENT Modern 3-room Cottage with bath, on Llnnton road at WiUbrldge rent $17 per month. Call 233 Stark st. Phone Main 2363. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, narnwood firs., fireplace upstairs and down, electric range In kitchen, 0 per month. 001 Mountain blvd. M . zt-r-Parker Co. 0-ItOOM modern dwelling with garage, at 28th and East Canuhers sts., 835 per month; must purchase wood and lln oleum. Sellwood 047. 0-ROOM modern bunga:ow, select Rose City Park dlstrtst, hardwood floors, ce ment basement, laundry trays; lease 850 month. 15SO Sundy hlvd. Fl VE-ROOM modem house, clean, tine yard ; i block Alberta car; close to Union ave. 1000 E. 7th N. Woodlawn 40 t!. Adults only. UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 7 rooms: fine neighborhood; all modern conveniences; fruit trees, grape arbor; 830 per mo. 71-5 Multnomah. East 531. BEAUTIFUL home on Wisteria ave., in Rose City Park, for rent ; 7 rooms, ga rage, not water heat; a block from car. Tabor s-iK.y D00 2 ASH ST. Larue, comfortable 0 room h'-'i hot water heat furnished ; near Washington EL S. ; ref. Garage. 847.50 S-ROOM hi, use and garage. In, corner Oc :!dcnt and Pacific, shall .410. clos M a r- Mo VING Pianos, furniture and long-dls- tance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck ' Service lo., 4 M st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 FOR RENT 3-room house. 1102 49th ave. S. K.. near 30th St., rent 111. Phone M wy. 8740, M rm. Burton. J0M CITY PARK bungalow," 845 a mo.; ell modern t'onvenlences; to reliable people. Call East 1074. MODERN, choice 0-room duplex house, sleeping: porch, garage ; references. Mar. 3403. LSI E. 27th. cor. Yamhill. COMFORTABLE 8-room house, an acre, paved road, water, electric light. AC 287. Oregogiaa. 825 8 ROOMS, bath, gas and electricity, full basement. Some furniture. 2100 Holladny ave. , MODERN North Irvington bungalow for rent. Make an offer. Call Monday and 1 Tiifnv Main 9tU I ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 15 days storage free ; furniture roov- Ing for less. Broadway 2445. SEVEN-ROOM modern house for rent ; sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace. 1003 Vaughn. Willamette Hts. Mar. 3173 6-ROOM house on Portland Heights, near car and school, 883. 585 Myrtle st. Call Monday b t W pen 2 anil 4. MODERN 0-room t. K.j 825 per Call East 258. house, month 1081 East 3-1 tit to right party. SEVEN-KM. modern house for rent. sip. porch. furnace and fireplace. 1005 Vaughn. Willamette Hts. Mars. 317.1. STORE for rent, living rooms in rear, rent 88 month, furniture for sale. 875. 85 1 E. 21st S. 6-ROOM cottage, on one floor, $25. 772 Cleveland ave., corner Beech. Call 3 1 8 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ft-ROOMcottage, $18. 264 Porter st.. near Fourth. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. . WHEN moving, city or country, get th best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 22Va Alder st. SIX ROOMS, fireplace, rurnace. garage; dose in, near Twentieth. 711 Bast Burn Ide. 855. Phone owner 315-33. MODERN 0-ruom house for rent. 31 2d N. ; $50 a month. Call Sellwood after 2 P. M. SMALL 64)33. -room house, reasonable. Tabur 827.50875 KELLY ST.. seven rooms, good condition. Sell. 1640. FOR RENT 5-room uimished collage 44P. lllh. imiulre 334 Hall st Main 4u5. "OR RENT 5 r .ms. new bungalow. E 40th st. South. y54 3d and Madison. 7-ROOM mod. bungalow; u, iIk. to car; garage : ru-autim; .neat Ion. Bdwy. jjgg. modern close In; bungalow, furnace, fireplace. 84... Inquire 58w Williams ave. 53 KAS'i mkuadway. ; rooms; modern convent net's ; adults: no dogs East 1145. 8CODBRN 3-room cottag.-. near Failing and Interstate; 815. Tabor 4670. r ROOM bungalow, bullt-ins. hardwood floors, ho, water heat. Call Bast 7074. 0-ROOM ho W 1 1 ! a m e 1 1 c fine view. Inquire 81 1 X.OSB CITY PARK For rent. 4 or 5-rooms aj'l sleeping porch. Phone Main 1RQ5. HOUSE for rent Woodlawn 6277 or East 0000. FOR RENT 4-room house, 810.60 a mo. CaM at 5003 58th st. 8. E.. cor. 50th ave. -ROOM cottage, Marshall SS4& 430 12th st.. 823. Call 0-ROOM modern house. 653 Mississippi ave-, 830. Tabor S332. 511 EastJiOth N FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow for adults only. 101 Halsey st. "BUNGsU40W IN BELMONT DIST. Ftvs rms and U. W1 Tabor 5618. FOR RENT. Furnished House. STRICTLY modern California bun- ?alow and garage, well furnished; our rooms and bath, hard wood flours, furnace heat, full cement basement with wash trays, wash U minutes out. No children. Call Main 3230. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home with all modern conveniences; S or 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, ivory and mahogany finish, garage, etc Alameda Park dis trict; lease for year or longer. Phone Wood lawn 1508. KltiHT - KUUk Abaub-TELY MODERN HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED IN BEST OF TASTE REFERENCES REQUIRED. 104 21ST; 8123 FEU MONTH. INQUIRE WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft CO.. BROADWAY 2080. LA URKLH U RST . Homelike and attractive 10-room house, near park and car. Will lease furnished or unfurnished for one year. For appointment call Tabor 7128. ATTRACTIVE four-room house, com pletely furnished, modern, newly tinted, old ivory kitchen, piano, 840. 1277 (lay at. Call Woodlawn 1477 or Broadway 3083. NICELY furntahed modern 6-room bunga low near S. F. shop. Pianola included. 845. Woodstock car to 28th and Glad stone. Walk 1 block south of Holgate. HK2 Pardee at. 8. E. . WILL lease for 6 months- adults onl. Nicely furnished modern 5-room bunga low, full cement basement, wash trays, '.'replace, etc.. 855 per month; reference required. Phone Sell. 2234. A FURNISHED four-room modurn cottage in Park Rose with garage, chicken house and acre of ground, 835 month. Inquire at corner house on Fremont street and Craig road. 5-ROOM neatly lurnished house at 3824 40th ave. S. K.. one block from Myrtle Park station. Mt. Scott car line. See owner at 245 E. 51st. or phone Tabor agog tor appointment. MOVE TODAY 7-room house, modern, elegantly furnished; buy house, lot, fur niture with 81000 payment; monthly payment. Biggest bargain In town. 4011 E. 41st at. - . CONVENIENT. comfortably furnished house with garage; lease to right party year, six months or three. Five rooms. Price reasonable per month. AL 203. Ores;onian. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, completely fur nished, located East 43d at., near Hol gate, 3 blocks to car; rent 850 per mo. The Lawrence Co.. 212 Corbet t bldg. Main 0013. STRICTi.Y modern 7-room house in How City: bullt-lns. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, garage good lawn, full base ment. 606 Ea.-4t 36th St. North. ATTRACTIVE 4-room house, completely furnished, modern, newly tinted, old ivory kitchen, piano. 1277 Gay t. Call Woodlawn 1477 or A. 634-33. I FURNISHED 4 rooms in cottage; large. new and neat; private front and back entrance: tree heat, light and water, 05. 'fl E. 10th st. NIFTY l-l'-Oi M BUNGALOW. Furnished, electric lights, tac. berry bushes and fruit trees, $23 per month. Inquire C. H- KLSTON. Oswego. Oregon. 4- noOM cottage, parti t urnishcd, with garage, electric lights and water fur nished, $25 per mouth. 0035 Woodstock a enuv Phone Main "001 , COMl'I.hTKLV fttTUiafcsd 3-room hous close In, large lot, fruit, berries, guragt-, new combination range, furnace. E. 6564. permanent tenants. Only afterjl Sunday. ATARTMKNT BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and bath, furnished, near modern garuge, rent 840. Tabor 3037. 38 4 E. 62d st. N. I WANT to lease my 7-room beautfTuily furnished house, new and modern, hard wood floors in every room, walking dis tance; no children. East 4268. 4-rvooM cottage, cosy home, piano, $30 ; 3-room cottage, full acre, $20, suburban; also a list of h. k. rooms $20 up. McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing bldg. HANI 'SOMELY appointed modern home, center of Irvington; excellent furnace, Ruud water heater, sleeping porcn and gars K'-. n-f'-r.-m l'lioii East 8 l4Ti -hOONl lurnished house ; electric lights, gas and furnace ; close in will take i hildren; X80. Automatic 510-02. 785 Kelly. STRICTLY modern 0 rooms and closed-in sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hard wood lloors, paved street ; Reed college d i srtict. very desirable. Marsha 11 1306. -!.' ' '. 2-story modern house, centrally iocated. In St. Johns; barn on premises may he u.-td as garage: 50. Col. 040. 8-ROOM modern house, furnished ; if urnace, fireplace, garage; .870.- 50th and Haw thnrne. Bdwy. J003. 0-ROOM modern hoube, unfurnished, 835, or will rent furnished, $45. 370 Monroe st. E. 1237. V ENTIRE use of cleaa, furnished bunga low with owner ; reasonable to couple. 1370 E. Harrison nnd 40th. FOR RENT Well , furnished modern 0 room house close In. Call 308 Cook ave., 11 to 2. COMPLETELY furnished, six large rooms. piano. 730 East Burnside. No children children MorMjjga. References. 870. Main 5437 WILL rent well furnished home reasonable to party taking good care of thinas dur Ing owner's absence. Auto. 630-04. 7-ROOM furnished house with 3 bedrooms In Irvington to responsible adults. Phone E. 3V02. FoR RENT 4-room house, well furnished, 072 Drew st. Call Marshall 4040. Adults only. FURN. 3-rm. house. 812 mo.; water, gas. Mount Scott car. Flrland st. Call 155. 7020 48th ave., near 70th st. N1CEL1' furnished 4-room lower flat with gai age. Inquire 543 East 1 7th. 1 block from KM car. FURNISHED house 7 rooms. 421 East 54th st. South ; Hawthorne car, get otl Ht Lincoln st. 4-ROOM house, partly furnished ; 2 lota, fruit and berries. Between 2 car lines, 832.50. Wdln. 5073 ROOMS and bath, partly furnished modern, on Mt. Scott line, 835. 740 Woodstock ave. MODERN 3-room house, partly furnished, close in. 570 Borthwlck, 2 blocks. Miss. car. Call Sunday or evenings. 6 ROOMS, bath, electric lights, rurnuce heat and gas. Telephone Sellwood 2077. 3 731 East 16th st. ft-ROOM furnished house, adults only, walking distance . rent 8123; references required. Phone Main 7855. IrLiiNlfrHED house ior rent, corner Borth wlck and Fargo sfcv Sec J. Plttlnger. 884 Vancouver ave. Phone East 7580. r'v.lN'.sHEU Iowm floor. 5 rooms and bath. Piedmont home ; piano, fireplace. lu.'t, ;&rage. a oociawp xx-t. ";:, - w' ROOMS, wci. furnished burnt, low. electricity. furnace, stationary tubs, gas stove. Last 31'QI'. 1 & E. 20th. 4 ROOM cou ISO, jr. 1.. dg:. tt5 Ui LEAbE Adu.ls only ; lurnished house. Nob Hill; garage; references. M a In 8250. i-uoum turnisht-d no use. 1 th st.. nf j eftsTsoo. ttt-ni m ala .'.vi.s. STH1C1LY modern house with garage. Rf rsouired. 2111-45. MODERN home to share wtth congenial couple; references. Aut. 021-55. WoCLD like couple to Hhare my home. Wish adults. Waverly Heights. Sell. 401. LAD 1 to- share private furnished house. Udwy. 2315. . COZY modern furnlahed bungalow, lawn 3068. t-OR RLNT Nevada st. Furnished boat house, foot of Call 120 Broadway. 2g 8-ROOM lurnished house. Including light and water. 3S8 Third st. G-ROOM house, furnace, piano, close to car, fine district. Sellwood 2045. WILL lease my home from 4 to 6 months. Best of furniture. Wdln. 6424. 0-ROOM furnished house, vttf Atttrsbs. Basg 3034. 0-ROOM furnished cottage for rent. East Vnmhill. 1TKN1MIKD 5-room house, 21st and Lake road. Milwaukle. Or. J. M. Stucky. lloiifHh lor Ren I I urn It ure for Sale. I AM GOING east, will sell my new farnl ture for 6 rooms, cost me 82500 J months ago, for 815O0. Will throw In my one year lease on flat; 830 per month. BD 882. Oregonlan. - ' 5-ROOM house for rent, small amoun' of furniture for sale; rent 816.60. 335 Nel son st.. 1 block south of bandy olvd.. between 26th and 27th sts. -Room Hat, walking dlstan 11th street. ' ; furniture for sale ; ; adults only. 305 East SACRIFICE complete furnishings 5 rooms, almost new; house for rent. 166 Grand ave. S. I OK RENT 5-room house, 81; Jut across Broadway bridge ; furniture for sale, $450. Call East 7248. b-KOOM modern house for rent and fur niture for sale ; west side, walking dis tance: reasonable for cash. Mar. 1501. 11 ROOMS, rent 840. 8550 down payment. Bdwy. 3072. bringing la 8240; 85 10th. st. Phone FURNITURE 6 rooms. 8100; house for rent, lurnished or unfurnished, or ex change. 615 Overton st. 1 u CLEAN rooms for rent, for sale, $550. Main 780, 835 t;!5 furniture Water at. FOR RENTA five-room bungalow, furni ture f;ir sale I2H E. 34th st. FURNITURE 5 rooms for sale, house for rent. 4Hw Montgomery. 0-ROOM house for rent, and furniture for sale, at 710 Lovejoy. FOR RENT. H fc for Rent f urniture for Sale. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow n.l garage, fire place an bu!lt-lna; rent 888 month. 1 year or longer; no cnildren; new fur niture for sale, house and furniture 1 month old. If you are looking for a real heme see this. 834 Mason at. bet. Union and Williams ave. Call evenings and Sunday FURNITURE of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, all In housekeeping. 8550 cash. Must soli at once, party leaving city; rent only 8:15: nice yard and winter wood in basement: Nob Hill district, walking distance. If you mean business and are looking for a bargain, call Main T639 Monday after 10 A. M. FLATS FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. For this week, an exceptionally good list of furnished flats and house. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McOUIRE. 205 Abington BIdg.. Main 1068. Third at.. Between Wash, and Stark Store and Bulne l'laew. WANTED Concern handling SERVICE OR SUPPLIES ACCESSOBY TO PRINTING ENGRAVING OR ADVERTISING, to see this ideal offlr4 location. Exceptionally well lighted office room, arranged ideally, for such a business. Low rent and co-operative office serv ice if agreeable. Phone Broadway 3804 and get particulars. Best of refer ences "will ba called for. REPAIRMEN, garage men. attention, IS, 000 square feet floor space; modern equipped, 15th and Washington streets: centrally located, to lease at moderate rental. Goldsmith & Co., Mar. 1898. GROUND-FLOOR SPACE. 60x43. corner of Park and Yamhill; will cut and remodel to suit tenant, 3 or 0-year lease. E. 8. KERR, Realtor, 301 Yamhill. Marshall 5504 SToRUKOOM, 543 H Washington st, 840. One store brick building, 700 8avler at., near 23d, 850; suitable for storage, manufacturing or repair shop. In'ittlre 30 T Ruilway Exchange I'ldg. L'XKL'KMdi..u, tlrst fioor. troni. J -room suite, suitable dressmaking, musicaJ Btudlo or housekeeping; one block cen tral library. See owner, 215 31th St.. car. Salmon. Main H07S. EXCELLENT location in Sellwood can now be leased. Suitable lor almost any line of merchandising. Space 22x00, concrete building. Inquire 3013 Easi 13th st. WILL rent one-hair of my store in th heart of the business district on Wash st $30n per month. State kind of businesn X 2S3. Oregon ian. FINE lign: tog noor AOxlOO. ong leas. N. W. ream heat, good elevator D. C. Wax, 24 N 5th. Bdwy. 2739. ONE of the beat grocery locations on Yamhill Mreet for tleaae. Write for ap polntment. D 827) Oregontan. TRACKAGE WANTED for woodworking plant; leawe building; or shed desired. Su Lewis bldg, FOR DESIRABLE spare :n firproo hattaa phone Broaowajf 3iia. KOr. RENT Sture. 881 First at., 830 Phone Tubor 1114 ' . STOHr.KuuU and basement Tor rent Rumidde st. Broadway 8008j 22S MORRISON, smi street, 3-year least 11 2-story store, busy Marshall 4440. FIRST T.. near Yamhill, large store Jan. lt. long lease. M 203. Oregon .an. UNIoN avenue etore and garage R. J MuGulre. 545 N. Union ave. STORE space mlh aEow window at 544 Washington St., near 17th. ' OFFICE rc -MOW Sts and space for light mfg. i wy, wag. 437 STARK ST.. between 31th and Uth. by D. G. Woodward, agent. STORE for rent, good location. 81 Thuxman. Call nt Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building In ln-naid G. Wood warn, agent, 104 Second flreev, c : ner Slark FOR RENT i-room combination suitable for M. D. and dentist sharing common reception room. This space is located In one of Portland's most centrally located office buildings; excellent light for this p u rpose. P 2Xl , Oregonlan. H1C K fro it t office s nac e wl th without lHMk: Inrsro iUxd'av window : ltftht. heat watr. phone : on the main st., central cast side. Just the place for mfg. agent. Room enough to carry small . stock. H JHI. Ort-goniitn TWO-ROOM suite containing one large and one medium-slxed room, suitable f6r commercial or insurance office. Excel lent location und reasonable rental rate. AO 2H3. Oregonlan. -x WILL share nice, large, east front office with congenial tenant. Roll top desk, telephone and everything furnished. Rent f 17.50. OQyCham. of Com. A NUMBER of large rooms for rent, top floor, Flledner bldg. Floor space from 2x3 to 1 30' square feet. . PuiiLiC accountant desires office or deslt room In office with telephone service. B 282. Oregonlan. SOMEONE whose work confines to desk may obtain deskroom. low rental. AB 240, Oregonlan. . .-. j FURNISHED office, with desk phone, cheap to right party. 014 Panama b;dg. Phone Marshall 420-'. . FOR RENT Unfurnished office, including stenographic nd phone service. 200-210 Railway Exch. bldg. FURNISHED oi flee with telephone and stenographic service It desired. 832 Mor km n bldg. Main 5i'Q4. LBK turmt-hed. 511 Artisans bldg.. $15; share phone expenses. Bdwy. 2853. DSK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. -FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex- change bldg. Apply room 312 SliTK or single on ice. Ho, best service. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. FURNISHED office room, alfco desk room, rent reasonable. 32-0 Henry bldg. Mitcellnneoua. LARGE rooma or lofts, suitable for tallpr, storage or light manufacturing; rent cht-ap. Manager Goodnough bldf 5th and Yamhill. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday, $1.25, includes de livery. E. L. Knight Co.. Bdwy. 145. Bl SI NESS OI'PO KT1MT1KS. GARAGE AND SHOP. . PRICE ONLY 810O0. A real buy in fine east side location: well equipped; rent only J I", lease if wanted. Hurry If you want It. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama bldg. Main 3042. MUST SELL ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. Grocery nnd meat mnrket In good live town, business over s 33.000 last year. Invoice 84300; fixtures at cost. C. J. CITLLISON REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 2054k Morrison. BAKERY. BAKERY. BAKERY. Bakery doing fine cash business; no competition. Including oven, electric mixer pans. etc. Cheap for cash. Best reiisoau for selling. 412 Alberta St., or Wdln. 1147 after 7 P. M. AN OPPORTUNITY to start a small store near public school. Have desirable corner lot where general sture would prosper; no .tear competition, in city limits. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregor. bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE, easy terms. Doing big business. Inquire easy terms. Doing big bslnees. Inquire William Lamott, Payette. Idaho. OROCn.Rf stock and fixtures, about 82200, doing 875 day; rent 818; also living room: fine iocntion on west side. See. ''it, 314 Couch bldg PARTNER wanted In a paying business. $1500 required; machinery is patentable. For further information apply in person at 5336 44th st. S. E. ECO. POULTRY and Butter market on Yamhli4 st. Dolne; good business; rea sonable rent; bargain If taken at once.' W. MLlcralun. HVi'i 4th M DRUO STORE Good west side store. Will make 84000 per yr. 87500. AJ 295, Ors gonian. M 19 AT MARKET One of Portland's best. Best of reasons for selling. 88000 to handle. AG 206, Oregonlan. PARTNER wasted, $200 will place you In a well established business where you can make $Lo a month. 3u6 Cobb bldg. PLACER mine, well equipped, building, etc.; will sell interest in same very rea sonably. See Garland, 201 Third. 1 HAVE some rash and 10 acres of land to tt POOL hall and lunch counter at a bar gain, 18 m. lease; will sell separate. 5 tables. 542 3d st.. McMlnnvIUe. Or. 83O0. Retail and wholesale business with Ford del, car. 554 Afrberta at. PARTNER with 85O0 to take half interest in atore proposition avlling factory to weavt-r at IQo per cent H 214. Orpgonian. iROl'ERY WITH THREE MODERN LIV ING ROOMS- MARSHALL 8881. WANTED 8250 to develop sure, safe busi- Pgssj quick ft'turn.-. AL 277. Oregonlan. GROCERY and notions living rooms. Buy from owner, 694 Milwaukle ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder Sts. Portland, Or. SURETY PARTNER WANTED In one of the largest and best equipped garage and repair ahop on the west-side down town business section. Plenty of steady storage, fine tran sient trade, good stock on hand, gas, oil. etc. Need con genial man willing to give me genera lr assistance, as I can not handle alone; will guaran tee you 8200 to start and equal share of profits; experelnce not necessary. Price 82250. SURETY CLASS-A GARAGE, one of the best in Portland, 75-car capacity. 80 steady storage; excellent repair Hhop. doing big business In oil, gas, acces sories, etc. If you are in the market for a real place. It will pay you to investigate. t Books will show actual profit of 8500 net per month. The best buy In town, only $4500. SURETY PARTNERSHIP offered In one of the busiest auto paint shops In city, doing work for the largest business houses in Portland ; excellent location, plenty work on hand; experi ence not necessary if willing, worker and not afraid of dirty work. Eaeh can draw 8178 month from the start. See this, only 8850. SURETY CIGAR STAND, one of the best In city of Portland, ex ceptionally large stock cigars, tobaccos, candies, magaxines. etc.; have splendid trade, low rent, the best of location on west side, between 3d and 4th sts. Owner w-111 remain sev eral days with purchaser, the best stand in town; will con vince any one that I am clear 8230 month net; full value in ' lght; 82150. SURETY CONGENIAL PARTNER can buy equal half interest In one of the most fully equipped " west-aide downtwon repair twf shops, catering to best of S trade; old, established, always buy. In connection with class "A" garage ; full value for your money : experience not absolutely necessary if handy with tools; price 8630. SURETY EQUAL HALF INTEREST; I would like to meet reliable, steady man who has 8850 to Invest in my well-established auto-top and auto-seat cover ing business; have established trade, cannot handle alone; will guarantee you 8150 month and equal share of profits to start; a splendid opening with good future. You handle the money. Price 8850. BUYERS, our 13 years' experience in business combined with our expert knowledge of value and locations, to gether with the largest exclusive list ing of busineses investments; will save you time and money by railing at our offices first. Our salesmen will accom pany you in their autos. IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT IN OUR ADS, CALL AT OFFICE. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bldg. Portland, Or. Corner Third and Alder Sts. AUTO REPAIR SHOP SNAP. 8030 will secure eo,uI half interest in eatablished busy, well-known auto re pair business; fine location : fully equipped. This Is an excellent oppor tunity to buy in with first-class me chaipfeo and leArn thn business; no trou ble to clear better than 8175 per month for yournelf from the start; best and busiest small shop tn city. Apply to MR. BRAY. S16 Pittock Blk. Wash, and HUh Sts. ONE OF BEST CAFETERIAS in the heart of city, .well equipped. rent only 8290. 5 vear lease, seata 10f people;: price 84500, terms. 525 Railway Exchange. GOOD CIGAR STAND. Good fixtures, good location ; netting $200 per mfinth; price 81475, terms. 525 Railway Exch. WANTED Promotion posit iop; an expe rienced .organiser and promoter In th selling k;afne wants to hook up with some reliable going concern for the com ing year; the very best of commercial references furnished Address J. H. Cook. 701 East Burnside St., Portland. Oregon i . . i rr v U .' VT V n Auto top. fender, body works, etc.; equal interest with good mechanic; want a partner to meet the customers, etc.; 8150 month and up clean profit for each partner; established over two years: half interest only $600. Call room 401 De kma bldg. RESTAURANT BUY. PRICE $1400. Located on Washington street, doing a good business, -"rent only 840, dondy equipment; owner leaving city, must sell; a real buy and only 75 cash down. SIMMS, 010 Henry Bldg. DRESSMAKERS We have a fully equipped dressmaking establishment whore it cost more money to equip than we are asking for it. Full price 8050, with terms. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. RESTAURANT PARTNERSHIP. Want a good cook with 8500 to take equal half interest in a good going busi ness. If you are a good cook see us about this. SIMMS. 010 Henry Bldg WEST SIDE BUTCHER SHOP. Price reduced for quick sale. A first class shop, all fixtures new, ice plant, all modern equipment; also 5 living rooms with furnace In connection. For merly 88500 ; now 86SOO. See Rock at 408 Couch bldg. , PHOTO STUDIO. Good location, good equipment; a good little business without investing a for tune. Owner sick, must sell immediately. No reasonable offer refused. Call at studio after Sunday. 492 Union ave. N. Portland. Or. HIGHWAY STORE at good summer resort town, near Portland, doing $00 dally winter and $200 in summer ; stock at ' invoice, about 83000 for all; rent 825. 3 living rooms. t 1 MM?. i Henry iag. AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Best :ocatlon In u live town; sell auto accessories, tires, vulcanizing, etc. ; 8250 to $300 month clear profit; st private reasons must sell and will give clear bill of sale for only $1100. Call room I'M i rv u 1 1 1 ii i ii k CIGAR STORE, DOWNTOWN OFFICE BUILDING. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 002 Stock Exchange Bldg. FARM PRODUCE BUSINESS in a country town; deal in eggs, cream, poultry, potatoes, etc.; profits 8150 to 8400 per mouth ; gives bank references ; $1800 will handle It. fully secured. Call room 401 Dekum bids;. PARTNER WANTED. Established steam laundry, fine busi ness. Increasing rapidly. Owner needs Interested help. Will take active man able to Invest 83000. Money secured. Room 511 Railway Exchange. POOL ROoM SNAP. I claim to have the best buy In town 0 tables doing 830 day; rent 825 with lease; .the best fixtures money can buy; let us prove It. Universal Sales Co., 002 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Store located In one of the best towns In Western Oregon; handle full line of all kinds of slectrical ap pliances; wiring, contracting and agents for farm light and power plants. AV 719. Oregonlan. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED A modern garage, 5-year lease ; good local and transient trade; carry auto ac cessories, tires, oils, etc.: need assistance of active partner; equal Interest, 82000. Ttoom 401 Dek'im bldg. FOR SALE by owner, corner 81st and Sandy Blvd., grocery and notion store. An Ideal vplace for man and wife. This is a splendid corner in a thickly settled residence section. Living rooms, heat f u rn Ish ed. Wl ft invoice. nnsiTH'PAVT iimr ntar for man xfte and I wife; S. 1st; no competition: prrce $40fl, i $150 down balance monthly. Owner. 724 N. 6th st. tlOSO BIG SNAP. WMS. AVE. TBest grocery in city for the money; take good Ford or Chevrolet car as part payment COBB BROS . 02K Chamber Commerce. DENTAL practice. Including full office equipment, cheap: splendid east' side location. Tabor 5726. WANTED Experienced licensed real ss- ' tste man to sell apt. houses and hotels. Main 4.74. 81200 BUYS second-hand furniture store. For particulars see Edw. T. Orr. 115 Grand ave. ' PHOTO STUDIO ; must t-ell at once, good terms. Call Marshall 3331. BLflLMJEfM OPPORTUNITIES. PANAMA RESTAURANT, vary good lo cation on Sixth St.. near Union Depot, 2 years Isaac, steam heat and brick bldg.; price 81SO0: 81100 down. PANAMA 2 BUTTER AND CHFVESE tores in the very center Yam hill market; prices 83500 and 80 cash. PANAMA CONFECTIO'NERY. LUNCH. corner location on Washington St.. very good fixtures and equipment; price 850O0, some terms. PANAMA GROCERY STORE. In good residence neighborhood on East - aide ; large livrng room ; price 81050 cash. PANAMA RESTAURANT on Grand Ave., first-class equipment and doing good business; price 81000; 8S00 down. PANAMA PARTNER for established wholesale business, too much for one man. weekly drawing account of 830 and share prof its equally; 81000 required. PANAMA PARTNER, new aarage on East Side, closs rn. 5-year lease, complete equipment, worth 800O0; can get In for 82500. PAN AM A B U6 1 N ESS O PPORTI N IT I E S receive the personal attention of an experienced auditor and accountant and licensed broker. 6 SALESMEN. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO.. 401 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder Streets. Portland, Oregon. A RAPIDLY -GROW ING and aiiccessful en terprise, distributors of building? ma terials and mill supplies, needs a young man of good education, general business experience with sales and executive abil ity, who can invest 85000 or Bor If his letter 18 to receive attention it must b a frank and full statement of hi qual lflcatlons and experience. He must SELL US with the Idea that be swn organize and maintain a building material de partment, grow with a rapldly-expand-iAg company: tbat he possesses person ality, adaptability, iniative and an in tense Interest In sales work. We want a man of broad training and potential ability, with some experience In milung materinl preferred. His letter must set forth qualifications, personal . particulars, references, the amount he can invest and he must be able and will- t ing 10 scana investigation, uie lauor u-- Jiiuiuai. ou.mr i:uiiiniiuitB. ' 285. Oregonlan. WILL sell one-half interest in retail mer chandising business to a flrst-clasa busi ness man, prefer a man witrs selling ex perience, one that can handle sales de partment. Only reason for selling Is that business is too large for one man to handle. This business is doing a vol ume of from 840,000 to 860.000 per mo. This Is located on a prominent corner In downtown district and has been es tablished several years. My books are open to Inspection and banking refer ences exchanged. It will require from 820,000 to 840. 0O0. Answer In own handwriting, giving phone number; ap plications treated confidential. AH 280. Oreiconian. SAVE 820 fo 830 on finishing your car now. We ape going torefin!sh 30 auto mobiles fti any desired colors, as many colors on your car as you want, with the highest-class material and work that will please the most exacting. The tops and cuahlons redressed complete, from beginning to end, for from 815 to 820. Finished the way you want it finished. We are In position to turn your car out at once. Will look like new believe us. Satisfaction guaranteed. R 202, Orego nlan. - JUST sit still and answer this question: Is the public going to quit using auto mobiles? No ; and I want a man with business experience, wideawake, who can manage or wholosale or retail with cap ital for half interest, who is Willing to have Ala money doubled. Don't answer unless you are neat, cleancut and hon est ; anybody won't do. Call Main 3ME1 . or Eajt 5707. Mr. Wray. ' APARTMENT SPECIAL. 13 -room a part men t home : clears $400 with, in heart of thrlvlnc southern Ore gon town; 25.000 population; 2-story; full price 815,000. See F. C. Marshall, with FtftANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 106R. Third st.. Between Wash, and Stark. MANUFACTURING. GILT-EDGE PROPOSITION. Want a party with 85000 to 820.000 to invest In money -matt Ing proposition ; a real opportunity; established market for product. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 600-10 Panams bldg. Main 8042. LADY BEAUTY CULTURIST. Here is an established parlor, priced right to enable you to start a business for yourself. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1069. Third St.. Between Wash, and Starke BOOTBLACK STAND. IN OUTSIDE TOWN. The only place In town : established 10 yeara by present owner; 4 leather upholstered chairs with tile base. Prico for building and all. $000. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama bldg. Mnin 3042. CONFECTIONERY In suburban town: 7 rooms upstairs and living rooms rear ; by renting rooms, would get rent free: rooms partly rented, costing me now S12imonth; will consider machine as part payment; receipts 820; 81000 will take. AL 242, Oregonlan. POOL HALL. PRJCE ONLY $8700 0 pool tables and one snooker; other good equipment and stock, club rooms in connection. A real place. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500 -10 Pans ma bid g. Main 804 2. GROCERY. SELL AT INVOICE. One of the best corner groceries on the east side; doing $75 to 8125 per day cash and carry; rent 850. Two-year lease. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama bldg. Main 8042. DRUGSTORE W EST SIDE CO RN BR. Old-established place: actual invoice of stock about $6300; price, for all. $8000: some terms. DUDREY IH VESTMENT CO.. -500-10 Panama bldg. Main 8042. GROCBRY store, 8400 weekly. mostly cash; all new goods; tell at sacrifice: leaving soon, sick parents In east; 5 modem rooms upstairs, good location, amonx property owners. BC 200. Ore s-onlan. GROCERY clearing 810 daily. Invoice about 81500. West side apartment house grocery doing 875 daily; 82200. Others 8750-84000. HUSIXESS SERVIfE. 71S Dekum Bldg. POOL HALL. PRICE ONLY $500. West side on busy street; 8 tables; owner forced to leave. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama bldg. Main 8042. IF YOU are a high-class salesman and want to make connection with a pro gressive business chance office on tlberl commission basis, apply Sunday. 11-2, or Monday morning at 4t Panama bKlg. 82000. SERVICES. If you sr.- not married to Portland and have ability, we can place yog In good paving" business in outside tern-torV- Investigate at 02 0th st. 1 CASH and carry grocery doing 830 to 840 a day. rent SZv, tnree living rooms, near school and picture show, one of the best locations in the city. Price 81400. Buahu. 51H Cham. Com, bldg. DO YOU wish a small restaurant from $550 or up? Ask lor I. G Marsnaii. witn FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 1008. Third st-. Between Wash, and Stark. Al) ERTlSExtS. save money, get results; TiO-pngc rate book tells how. Matted FREE. Standard Advertising Agency. 300. St. Louis. Mo, CASH and carry grocery doing 840 td 850 a day rent 820, one of the niftiest stores . . . i. on the east side. Price giuoo or invoice. liushue. 518 Cham. Com. GQI.VQ business. exceptional location, hardware specialty, toys, dolls, whole sale invoice stock: 8500 will handle". Call Sunday. 556 Williams. BARBER xhop for sale; one white chair, shower bath : nice business. C. D. GODSEY, Wlllamlna. Or. 9 IF YOU are looklhg for a good-paying, up-to-date business and can pay 8230 down, let me hear from you. AH 278, Orego nlan. WOULD you pay 8100 down to get Into a good, first-class honorable business, a money-maker; none better. AJ 278. Oregonlan. FOR SALE at a bargain, best location in the city; up-to-date lunch counter, cigar, candy and poolhall. Address M. J. Cllne, Aberdeen. Wash. DRUO STORE. Splendid location, heavy misc. sales; Illness forces sale. Call at 206 Morgan building. OROCERY FOR SALE, busy, paying c. and c. grocery, snap for someone. Call st 2Q6 Morgan bldg. MAN OR lady wanted to take '-j Interest In real estate golmr business. 212 Rall- w a y Exchange bldg. HAVE patent on farm implement, would like to hear from good promoter. 287 . 73d North. FOR SALE by owner, cash grocery a&4 confectionery, new fountain, doing 830 nor day Box 04. Amity. Or. WANT apartment house, furnished or un furnished, at reasonable price, from owner. Broadway 2675, room 26, HAN WANTS to invest up to 850O0 with services. In legitimate business. AH 272, Oregonlan. GOOD meat market for sale cheap. Phone Wdln. 589. HI SINEW OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC NO RAWEST HOTEL NEWS. Hotel of 31 rooma brick building, steam heat, public and private baths; lease la obtslned from a company de sirous of keeping tenant ; profits range from 8t88 to 8500 monthly. This hotel Just right for man and wife or for two to handle. An exceptlonsl offer, hotel net income around 8800 month, carrying a five year leass; steam heat, electric lights fireproof building, built in 1020; reason for selling present owners wish to retire and If you are tn the market let us glvs you more Information. This hotel must be seen to be appre ciated and while it is not the largest the set profits compare favorably with larger places; the Initial investment is not large. Wonderful beach hotel open to tour ists and others during the season, within easy train and automobile service from Portland ; the net profits are equal to many others who are compelled to keep open for 12 months. Let us give you all the Information we have. Another beach resort that took in in cash just for one moifth this year half what you can buy the hotel or and the business Is growing, on the Roosovclt highway. You can make this place pay for itself In two years. Beach hotels should be purchased dur. ipg the winter months. A country hotel, purchase prle In cludes real estate, buildings and fur nlshings complete ; does a profitable business; the cash outlay not much, in fact, the hotel can be made to pay for itself. Hotel in city, akout $7000; does gross business $2HO0 month; the price is In keeping with the entire price, since It carries real estate, brick building and furnish inga the net profits are about $1500 a month. This is a real hotel and will keep you busy. We have other listings of bo tela apartments and restaurants. 714 Couch Bldg. WHEN IN THE MARKET "OR NEW OVENS AND MIXERS. EIJBCTRIC OR GAP. YOU WILL FIND WW HAVE THE BEST THAT CAN BE HAD FOR ALL PURPOSES WE ALSO HAVTS USED OVENS AND MIXERS, BUT NOT ABUSED. WE HAVE TWO GOOD LO CATIONS FOR BAKER V ADDRESS P. O. BOX MM $40 CASH clean restaurant. Columbi highway county seat, finest outfit ever snuwn at price. $.iu; a spienaiu ra.n- (rnst 1460 Innv roimtcr 15 S tOOl 8. 13 tables, linens, silverware, nickle coffee urn. refrlscrator. cash register, lin oleum n. if..-,'-.'s cook'nir utensils, etc lease, city and river trade, fine business to Hunt parties, wiii snow oy auiu. McFARLAND. Realtor. 268 Failing Bldg I HAVE listings of good substantial gro- w,. nf-Miu.ru mnA flfir BtordS. City nr rminirv: 15 vt-ara' experience In .- .. .-v- i in a -i.'- me excep tional opportunity to know good values and locations. See me before buying or selling. SCHONBOE. 403 Lumbermen Bldg. Bdwy. 50O6. 8100.000 CORPORATION wants capable man to open office and manage sales men for high-class new device. Costs 82 00; retails 85-00. Every home a pros pect. Big money-making possibilities for right man. Opening In every city; 1500 to 82000 necessary to unance ca elusive agency. Scott, 82 W. Washing ton. Chicago. WITH 83COO you can get an interest In business with well-known business man: owner cannot handle alone. This is a money-maker. DERR & POWNDER. 1218 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2-45. REAL ESTATE uFFlCE. "HALF INTEREST. Will sell half interest In well-established real estate office; down-town lo cation, doing good business Will stand the highest investigation. Small amount of money needed. BP 208. OREGONIAN. GROCERY, etc.. near large school; dandy place for couple; doing nice business; do some credit Present owner here two years; store rent 815; living rooma can be had above; stock and fixtures, in cluding small car. 11500 cash. I would invoice; no agenta. Owner, 156J Stark. . WOULD like io hav- a talk with a good business man who can make an invest ment in a business that has been estab lished for 16 years and still growing. No one need answer this adv. unless character is A-No. 1 and is able to make an investment of 815.000. Utrge return on money invested l 270. QTegoman $100 A DAY BUSINESS, CARD ROOM. Brick bldg., steam heat, close in, west side, modern fixtures. 2 cash registers, fully equipped lunch counter, $2000 win ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Resltors. 404-5-6 Panama Bid.. 3d and Ad-r. WOOD BUSINESS One-half interest in good going wood business where you can clear over 820O per month. Price $700: fully se cured by wood on hand. O. C. ULRICH A CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. WONDERFUL GARAGE. Building 100x100; In very good loca tion, doing a wonderful business; a ga rage man can not make a mistake on this place; full price 823,000; good terms, fl r.. ULRICH A CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. MarDONALD STEAM BOB-CAT. Small popular priced steam automo bile, past experimental stage. Manu facturers desire financially responsible sales representatives; unlimited possibili ties Address with references Manufac turer, box 62. Garfield. O CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. In a little city close to Portland; brick bldg., living quarter in rear: a dand little place, making money; fine for a man and wife. $225 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. FUEL BUSINESS. Real money-making old established business, good district, good stock on hand, with equipment to handle. See us peronally. save commission. AP 271, OrejoniaiK SALES AGENT by manufacturer for branch office. Must come wall recom mended and invest $1000. Staple mer chandise at prices to undersell compe tition. Dept. Ii, Charles A. Foyer A Co.. Cleveland. Q. CARD ROOM AND CON F BCT lONIHT. $000 will handle; brick bldg., back and front bar, card tables, good lunch equipment, good stock. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtor, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 8d and Alder. A DRESSMAKING SHOP that has no equal and only $050. wtth terms; equipment would cost more than the full price asked. G. C. ULRICH & CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg QROCKRT store. CLKAN STOCK, Al busi ness dandy location, rent $45, 1 large llv. room; abo-.t 41000, will Invoice. See Mr. Buholt, with L B. SPENCER ft CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bulldln g. RADIATOR, fender, welding, body build ing, etc., shop full of work and making good profit; a splendid opening for act ive man mechanically Inclined. 8&0O handle It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 81800 CASH -CARRY GROCERY. 4 living rooms, on corner, established 12 years, good fixtures, dandy stock, good business; $1 200. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Rfaltors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. FOR SALE Established truck line, guar anteed good paying business; will sell 2 or 1 truck wltft run, part ensh. balance to suit. See for yourself. F. C. Barth- . olomen.' Estar-wda. Or. EXCELLENT opportunity to get into the fuel business, yard, office. 2 trucks, wood saw and pienty of stock; $5500 cash, misht consider a partner. Call 881 E. HsrrSson sL ... PARTNER WANTED. Auto painting business; being busy overseeing shop, want partner to meet the customers; pay salary 8200 month, also profits. Room 401 Dekum bldg H90O GETS you this busy little grocery store, 850 rent, sublet 813. four living rooms. Can you beat It? SHOW ME. Mr Buholt. I. B. SPENCER CO.. 517-21 Ch.-imher of Commerr Building. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Busjr street; sells gas. oil, tires, re pairing, etc.. haa service car. $1000 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. MODERN restau an lor saie. Good pay ing modern resaurant la lively railroad town ir eastern Oregcn. Inquire of The Orrnonlan. AV GEN STORE Small town. 30 miles from Portland; stock and fixtures; $5500; lean stockr Take bungalow up to 83000. L 2. Oregon ian BASEMENT pool r.sll for sale near Port land, large space for bowling alley. Angeios Coupas. Camas. Wash. P. O. Box FOR SALE Locksmith and general re pair ahop, steady and old clientele. Price reasonable. Please reply BJ 274. Oregonlan. GROCERY and confectionery at 651 Union ave. X.; good f'xture and stock, will invoice: good location i for home bakery in connection. East 3777. $500 BUYS cleaning: and preaslna busi ness, netting f200 month: selling account sickness. :i21 Board of Trade h'dc. GENERAL repair shoe shop, fine location, modern machinery, by owner. 408 E. M orrlson oncn Sunday. 10 to 3. RESTAURANT. 3700 Well located, good business. Atchen son. 414 East Stark st Phone East PK. RESTAURANT, soft drinks, card table, big business, cheapest rent. good lease. Price 31400. 27 First N. LUNCH, Confectionery; man and wife or two girls can handle; 8700 down, terms, j 251 Broadway. i BrfclNKSS OPPORTUNITIES.. RESTAURANT. POOL HALL AND CARD ROOM. Net 8500 Month. Sacrifice $5500. Wonderful buy; lease sione worth more than the price; large first-class restaurant with separate lunch counter and dining room; modern equipment, in cluding fine soda fountain, c'.gar cases, plate-glass pastry shelving, etc. Pool room has 8 tables, 7 pool, 1 billiard: 8 large card tables with full equipment; floor space about 80x100, ground floor; entrance to pool hall and restaurant on aepsrste streets; brick building, lease 3 years, chsap rent; this place cost the owner over $10,000; will invoice more than the price quoted; owner has oShr big paying Interests which must have attention, so will sacrifice. This place will POSITIVELY NET 8300 per month above all expenses NOW. If Interested, call at office and full detail will be given, but 'U must be able to pay nearly alt cash. !to curiosity seekers, no phone information. Strict investigation invited. Main 8220 or Main 031. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Doing 8300 to $600 month; almost new Hoffman steam press; light Ford deliv ery: man and wife can easily net $230 to $800 per month; best buy in Portland: good location; rent only 818. See this snap quickly. Pries only 81300; not loss than $800 cash. LISTEN. Mr. Buyer These are exclu sive liattnars which can be shown only by us, and we guarantee them to be as good ss ve say they are, or better. For dependable businea Investments see g. o. Mccormick col. 207 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. Main 8220 or Main 0S1S. AMUSEMENT PARK TO OPEN. 83 per month and up for concession leases; construction work started: beau tiful location, riaht on Meal boattnc river and main highway; thousands of autos pass entrances; 40 minutes xrom Broadway: big featuring will draw crowds; opportunities to make fortunes; dancing, boating and stands of all kinds; secure a location and commercialize that Idea of yours. For Informsion tee A. Gordon Ross, 410 Henry bldg. Broad way 4731. AN UNUSUAL opportunity to buy an old. well established, profitable general mer chandise business; oldest, largest and nest established business in its locality division point on O.-W. R. St N.. with good semi-monthly payroll ; good farm business: stock in good condition, valued scout ;.;...nn. nxtures in gooa conai tlon. Cash. . SPROUT A BARNHART MKRO. CO.. ST A R BUCK, WrASH. R EST AT RANT. Downtown location, connected with Urge, well-advertised hotel; receipts $180 to $200 per day; lease; price 8330O and 91050 on lease. DERR A POWNDER. 1213 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2248. CONFECTIONERY AND NOVELTY STORE. Close to large school, one large living room, 8 show cases, large r.oor case soda fountain and other flrst-clasa fix tures; close In. west side; $S0O will han dle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-3-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. i A TENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception Diana ; sena model or ssretch and description of In vention for our free onln'.on of Its patent able nature; highest references; prompt attention ; reasonable terms. victor j Evans fc Co., Hobaat bldg., San Franclaeo Cal. Main offices. 842 0th st.. Washing ton. D. C. . POOL HALL. WEST SIDE. Right down town. i Interest for sale, good leas, corner. 2 pool tables, 2 snooker tables, 8 cash registers, show cases, everything modern; 83250 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-3-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CIGAR STANDS LOOK!' LOOK! ! A LOBBY CIOARr STAND FOR $1000. A choice location. L 114. 82500 gets you this SMOKING cigar stand, don't miss this one. See Mr. Rita, I V CDl.'Vl'PU a- fl I MT-'M fhjmhr of Commerce HldST" S DANDY SUBURBAN POOL HALL. Clearing over 800 per month, estab lished 12 years: no opposition; on ac count of sickness must sell; trial given; 4 pool tables and a complete outfit of fixtures; $2200. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-0 Panama Bldg.. Sd and Alder A PART N K R WANTED. 9 For auto service station, repairing, battery charging, etc.; equal Interest with good mechanic ; want partner to sell the gas, oils, etc., and be generally useful ; profits are good ; half Interest $1150 Room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. 4 living rooms, established 25 years, owner wants to retire; rent 880.50. will invoice about $33O0 ; good suburban lo cation. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. MEAT MARKET Best ouy In city; to ees this is to buy; established residence sec tion: grocery in connection; Just right for one wha wishes to get into business for himself, (jive address, phone and references first letter. BC 247, Orego- nlan. $7lHJ. CONK ECT ION BR Y , LIGHT LUNCH. Also card room, back and front bar, cash register, fully equipped lunch counter, good stock, on corner; old es tablished; quick sale 8700. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. $000 HARNESS SHU P $000. 87 miles from Portland, good machin ery and other small tools. On account of death selling this place. In a good farming community. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-fl Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. PARTNER FOR CASH OROCERY. A choice location, need assistance of steady man to help In store; am doing $60 to $65 day cssh sales now and can be greatly Increased with an Interested partner. Half Interest $1800. Room 401 Dekum bids;. CLEANING. PRESSING St TAILOR SHOP. Established 3 years, clearing 8150 a month ; 20 miles from Portland; good live town, $250 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama bldg.. 3d nnd Alder. OUT-OF-TOW N V H 'I. HALL Main line of the S. P. railway. 8 pool tables, 1 billiard table, showcases, all kinds of fixtures, first-class stock, $3500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 401-5-6 Panama Bldg.. Sd and Alder. BAKERY and cafe, wholesale and retail, cne of the best money makers In south ern Oregon: worth 88000, to be sold for $5000. Domestic trouble demands sale, AV 430. Oregonlan. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broad u 1002 , W A N TED Cigar stores, grocery stores, lunch rooms and small restaurants; buy ers "waiting. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.. SIT North we wl' rn nanK MUlg. M A N'TBO Grntl!nan with 87000 to take hold el logging proposition In British Columbia: six million feet of first-class tlmbe-; two doMfeys and complete camp outfit. Applv ffx 502. Vancouver. B. C. GHO STOKE. 5 lUIng rooms, rent $17.50, including light and water; only fOOO. See Mr. Buholt. I K SPENCER CO.. S17-21 Chamber of Commerce Building DOWNTOWN office building barber shop, one of the best high class equipped shops ,ln the city; good business. I must go east. Will make price right. BD 881. Oregonlan. A BEAUTY SHOP in every sense of the word; come and see it. Price 81575. Q. C. ULRICH & CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. WILL sacrifice for 8550 cash, candy shop and fancy needlecraft ahop. combined or separate; good locality; living rooms at hack, at 790 Mississippi ave. 81200 BUYS this BEST-YET grocery store, rent . s i m i,UM"", L E SPENCER ft CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Building. ' EXTRA FINE RESTAURANT. East side, close la, fine location, $22Mt, complete In evefy detail; lease. Mc FARLAND. Realtor. Failing bldg. jvjr SALE Radiator and fender shop; if you want a ba. gain look this up. 201 Wi sh I n gton st. Vancouver. Wash. RESTAURANT with established trade, good location, next to American hotel; proprietor leaving city. 04 N. 3d it. 114 NORTH 3D ST. Princess restaurant for sale cheap; counter, back bar, stoves, dishes. WANTED Cigar stand or light luneh that man and wife can handle with $500 to $7nu cash. D in, uregonian nil i L" 11 I " I L lit UITOD Best buy in city: easy terms; S men worning. o--i jiumj LUNCH ROOM. 8700, good location, 23 dally, living room. McKarland. Falling hldg. HAVE several good Jobs which require purchase of trucks. Sc& Hartshorns of P H. Buchhols. 8th and Davis. u..-Li( turcd to sell; suitable for soft drinks or restaurant, finest location, easy terms. AP 24ft, Oregonlan. CLEANING snd pressing estab.ishmer.t for sale. Must se'l at ones; good busi ness. 485 Morrison st. CLEANING and pressing business for saie; plenty business for two people. 8 883, Or- ron;an. t 8EEUS TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS. G. C. ULRICH ft CO. 802 Stock Ex.-hange Bldg. 8280 TWO-CHAIR barber shop, fixtures complete. Phone Main 3928). in sivi s, oppoicn MTIF.S. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERRH Here la the best opportunity in land to buy in with firt -class painter. In the best possible lo downtown; plenty of work on nan large vol unu of work consing ir the busy season is now starting, cannot handle business alone; steady partner to hired help. Pr experience not necessary ; but mi willing to work and learn the bu You can easily clear better than 81 month for yourself from half Interest only 3550. Absolutely tbe best buy in city. Apply to MR. BRAY, 816 Pittock Blk. Wash, an 31' three Uvini $1750 Grocery, November average $8, cash and carry, 3 living rooms: rent 825. 31750 Orocery and confectionery. 4 modern living rooms, bath, across street from larffe school. Grocery, stck will Invoice about $M8)0: rlnr 3SO many valuable selected llatinga r Z. Eaklna. 313 t FOR SALE Road huusc. Seatle, on new Mt. Ra 8-room new house, cement nace heat, dining room room 20x0, f i ur bed roorr kitchen, porch half way wide; fine water. 2 acres. living 4. bath. l. io it. nt plan for gas station. confe tlonery, soft drinks: 14 coal mines. IO logging camps. near all working; No. 1 place for two women; good reason for selling. AV 744, Or-irontan. CIGAR STAND BARGAIN 3050. Ideal location tn lobby of large, well known hotel, downtown, complete stock and fixtures; any lady or man can make a good living and steady Income her. Other interests cause sacrifice aale. Own er will ronialn 10 days with purchaser to Introduce business and introduce cus tomers if desired; a real bargain that is seldom offered. Call 810 Pittock blk., Washington and Tenth eta. PARTNER WANTED. Have an excellent opportunity for an honest, capable retail lumberman; 20. 000. WO feet timber. 81 50 per M. Have a 20,000 capacity mill. 10x12 donkey engine fully equipped, Hx24 planer, road, boil. lings, loading docks, etc. ; will sell a Interest $12,000. half cash and bal ance from business. Inquire of L. M Tompkins .Lumber Co.. Hlllsboro, Or. LUNCH COUNTER BARGAIN, 31100. Fine Iguay west side location downs town; completely equipped; counter an tables; a nice, clean, attractive place; can easily clear not less than 3200 every month ; full value in sight for the in vestment. Excellent opportunity for man and wife. See MR. WESTON. 816 Pittock Blk. Wash, and 10th Sts. A 1 i. 1. . i I.:'. A cash business, established IS years by present owner, who wants a partner to check goods, deliveries, etc., and be interested In the store; experience not -.necessary; can draw salary $80 weeli besides good profits; $750 handles equal Interest. Call mom 4V1 Dekum bldg. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Barber shop, pool table and confection ery, building and lot, all goes at 81500; or will sell fixtures ami stock at lnvolcs price. This will stand a good, square Investigation; easy terms on all or part. Other business requires most of my time Address C. S. Dodson. Alrlle, Or. PATLNTED articles financed and market ed. Articles must be of unquestionable merit, models already built and patents obtained. Owners, no agenta. Good ref erences furnished and required. Prod ucts marketed either nationally or lo cally. CsJl after Monday at 332 Ry. Exchange. Mnin H341. SArZuS Service station and cam a ground. Do you want to aave 8500 deal er's commission by deallnx direct with owner on one of the best paying ga -rages, service station end camp ground Kroposltlons in the state, on Paclflo Ighway? 83000 will handle. Dr. H. IL Owen. Oakland, Oregon. START business big profits, small Invest ment, quick returns operating new popu lar erase "Indoor horseshoe pltchlnef court, any basement or store bulldrnic suitable location: no upkeep expense. Be the first. Complete outfit and all infor mation from De Luxe Sales Co., Mlnne sota Transfer. Minn. BSTA RL1S1I ED automobile repair shop needs active partner with $2000 for ex pansion: present line. Gler Tusro Disk Wheels, Goodrich Tiros. Protex Auto Signals and ars in tine for the Durant car agency. Write 870 East 8th, Eugene, WONDERFUL GARAGE PROPERTY. A GAR AOS MAN'S GOLDEN OP PORTUNITY. 8e this place nnd tU us what you will pay for It. 87500 to do business. O. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 602 Stock i: xch angel tldg. FOR SALE 815.00O stork ge one of the best business t Willamette valley, largest place, doing $5000 per mo rallrosda Can reduce to su No trades nor agta. Do not you mean business A V 75! dee., tn In the In the HOTEL. 80 rooms right downtown tn a very good hotel dtst year-lease. 802 GAH Located In of fixtures, i agency for pc 82000 month Some terms. clu ling stock Haa sales Rch RAISE BIG CAPITAL for any legitimate business; request free ropy of "Quick Financing.' showing how companies raise large capital by my easily operated, method. Cunningham, financial special ist. 800 Grant bldg.. Los Anat-les. Cal. OUT-oF-TOWN HOTEL. 24-room building, ground nd furnish ings' dandy buy for 812,000 and only 88000 to handle. O. C. ULRICH A CO.. 802 Stock Kxehan ge Bldf. CAFETERIA. Doing large business, right downtown; long lease over the fair. See us for aod, cafeteria buys. O. C. ULR. 003 Stock Ex GARAGE or re ft. floor a. re i district. Con rack, good o J. F. Stavtr, Macleay bldg. GROCERY -STORK UAROAJN. Oood east-side location; nloe. place and stock ; lvlnx-rnm in rear: doing a good business; $1880. Tallmadgoi ne.uiv in, oi'.i tienrv mag. A GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. One of the best close-in location trt city; good equipment and repair trade. Price 82500. some terms. Room 81 L PARTNER wanted with 8500 to buy half Interest In good paying sub-contracting business. Must be capable of hustllnir business and willing to loam mechanical end. AO 207, Oregonlan. FURNITURE factory, fully equipped Imvr rental; good location. Small amount Tif cash necessary to handle this proposi tion. Healy Bros., 13th and lioyt at, Broadway 5851 . MANUFACTURING BUS Tile snd brick plant, larg good swjfply material, not fi Sickness of owner causes aa lars Ml Rsllwny Exchange. lufpmen. rom city. P-irtlcu- MOTION-PICTURE suburban house for sale or trade. Will sell equipment an-t give lease or will Include building anL equipment Owner, room 200, Panama bbig 810.000 CASH will buy H Interest In th- nest paying amusement ouHinese in in city; no guessing; speak quickly. I wtll show you; no doubt you know of this business. CAFETERIA. w Small place on Broadway: good leas. Price 84750 cash. O. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 002 Stock" Exchange Bids, APARTMENT Close in, with an income of 8800 per month. Price 820.000, one-half cash. O. C. ULRICH ft CO 80 2 JUo c k K x c hange Bldg, BAKERY AND LUNCH. SEE THIS. YOUMi:ST. IT'S 0)OB. O. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 002 Stock Kxchang eB M g FOR SALE Small Jcwelry store In the best location in Tacoma; fine watoh re pairing stand; can be handled for I8&fc, AV 734. Oregon Inn. CONCRETE 100x100 GARAGE. Choice location ; large sale gas, oils, auto parts, etc; fully equipped ahop; $3M0 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. AUTO SERVICE STATION. Very busy corner, low rent, cottar goes with 1L Clears $250 month. Owner will Invoice. Room 511 Kaliway Kxch. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. See our lists, they are priced right; east and west aide. Room 511 Rail way Exchange. PILES can be permanently oured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. WILL trade 1018 Olds 8 touir.g ear In first-class condition, on small rooming hnuse. Main 270. SHOE repairing, electiio equipped, west side, good location, low rent; quitting, sickness. AF 27 H. OrognnUn, OLD-ES TA I1L1SH h.D grocery store. Uf es ( 1 heap, casib 247. S1I ind business; leventh t. ing plenty FOR SA1 soft dri grocery, mien. WE p: grocery; low rent, 82200. 81? Ul 17a Madison at. Thin Is a live ens; 1850 oath. fl ft CO ange Blflg. contains ST80 gqv d In N. Broadway or, skylights, wash rv i en vniiable rent-