THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4. 1921 0 REM. nSTATK. For Sn Ic Lot. APARTMENT. OARAGE, BUSI NESS. FACTORY. WAREHOUSE 8ITES. $15.000 100x200. Hawthorne ave., cIom In. Tills '3 block Ilea exceptionally fine and the price 1 low. $4.000 lOOxlSO on 24th a., west side. 1 blk. from car and buay business section. ThfM lota He perfect aa to grade, tc. ; assessed value 16700. Owner needs cash Imme diately. $8.000 88x100 corner. Eut 20th and Salmon. Thin la an ele gant corner for duplex house. (4, BOO 88x100. Thurman at., cor. This la a fine location for atores or garage. $27.300 On 4th St., cor. Flanders R. R. track on Flanders st. Would five long terms. ground lease, or will build to suit tenant. 17,500 On Ella St.. 60x100. Just off Washington; go look It over. It's a big bargain. $5,500 S. E. cor. 21st and Northrup. This la a fine location for tore. apts. or garage. $25.00O E. Burnxide at end of the bridge; will lease for long term, or might build to suit responsible party. $20,000 Grand ave.. near Burnslde. This la a fine location for re tall store. $2.500 Thurman St.. bet. 21st and 22d .facing south; suitable tor store, shop or garage. 880,000 Over H blk. on 21st an Wilson. Good location for factory or warehouse. $12,500 On 4th St., near Flanders. , Good location tor storage or warehouse. $10.000 Cor. Ollsan and 2d at. This Is very convenient to R. R. and river. You will find noth ing cheaper in that location. $8.500 Junction cor. 20th and B. 1 Morrison. A store, garage or some other business can do well here. $8,000 Cor. Mill and 16th sts. Ele gant location for flats or Pts $12,600 Trackage, cor. E. Yamhill on S. P. R. R. Fine ware house site. $28.300 On 9th and Flanders ts. This corner has many ad vantages. $T,500 Sandy blvd.. business cor ner, at 37th st. This li also a food Junction point. $7,500 Corner 23d and Wilson ill. There are 4 houses on this corner. You might make a good profit In getting this corner for such a snap price. We have many other good buys. Come In and talk over prices and terms with us. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 201-S-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRITE AT, I. KINDS OF INSURANCE. "j.WCIV IRVINOTON DISTRICT $5350. $1000 Cash. $33 Monthly and Interest. New bungalow, 5 rooms and breakfast nook on first floor. large living and din ing rooms full length of house, hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases. 2 bevel French plate mirrors, excellent bath, tile floor, complete kitchen; finished in old Ivory and tapestry paper, 2 large Tight bedrooma with ample closet room, large finished attic, cement basement with laundry trays, full 50x100 lot with all Improvements paid. H block to car, blocks to school. 0 blocks to new city park, surrounded by several new homes. This Is real value and must be seen to be appreciated. Call today. 005 Fre mont st., between E. 16th and 16tb sts. N. Salesman will meet you from 10 A. M. until 5 P. M. We have others In this same locality. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 683 N. W, Hank Bldg. Main BTS7. LOT BARGAINS. Laurelhurst, 50x100. south face. At location, near pjark. easy terms, 11600. Irving-ton. 'A block, south and east facing, good location; terms, $2400. Irvlngton, 53x100 ft. lot, well located, handy to school and car line; second mortgage privileges, $1650. Irvlngton. 50x100. near E. 26th and Brazes sts.. for a few days only; easy terms. $1500. 60x100 corner of E". 28th and Stark st ; a dandy lot to build flats or garage on. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN ft CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HERE WE ARE AGAIN with the snappiest apartment house deal In Portland. Modern, nearly new brick, four stories and basement; contains over 80 rtni., divided Into small apartments: close In; W. . S. location; a wonderful value at $70.0no. giving you furniture and personal possession; will take some clear Income as part payment; best of terms. Owner going away. Must be sold. $10,000. Less than cost. O. H. SKOTHE1M REALTY CO., Inc., 408-11 Couch Bldg Main 1375. YOU WANT THIS LOT. One of the best lots in Piedmont, faces oust on Cleveland ave., 100 feet south of Jarrett St., between two fine homes; It Is lot 6. block 16. In said addition; all Improvements In and paid for: $1200; compare this, with any lot there and you will buy. J. J. MCCARTHY. Ablngton BlrtsT. IRVINOTON CORNER BARGAIN,1 50x100, 8. W. COR. B. 14TH AND STANTON -Cost owner $2850; beautiful location for nice home, price cut to $1850 for short time only. RITTER, LOWE ,v CO, Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, ALAMEDA PARK. All Improvements In and paid. N. H. corner 32.1 and Skldmore. . . . $900 Ft. E. corner Blst and Prescott $900 TC. B. cor. Alberta and Montana ave.$730 8. W. cor. Webster and Minnesota. $500 DONALD MhcLKOD. 5tt Spalding Bldg 100x100 LOT, three blocks from Denver avenue; no street Improvements; good location for home and chicken ranch. Good car service. 25 minutes to busi ness section; strictly cash; big sacrifice. Phono Sunday and evening. Wdln. 5624; week days. Automatic 525-49. IRVINGTON Just think. 73x100 on 17th St.. east front, for $1600; must be cash; beautiful new homes all nroand; and remember, an 80-foot street. Sea us at onco. RITTER. LOWE A CO . Realtors. 2Q1 -2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' NICE FLAT m iLDING TO TRADE. Will take either a very small amount cash or a residence as part payment on Irvlngton modern flat building at $15, 000. A money maker. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., Inc., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1373. W EST SIDE 80x100. Willamette Heights, all pres ent Improvements paid. $1175, $200 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 883 N. W. Rnnk Hldg. Main 3787. 100x100. ALBERTA CAR. $360. Including assessments; $8 down. $8 mo. These are beautiful tracts, overlooking the mountains and river gorge. R. W. Cary, 1210 X W Bank Mm ALAMEDA PARK. 7.".0. KKIDMORE ST., also one on E. 32d. all liens paid. 8ee US for bargains In this choice dlstrlcL RITTER. LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201 -2-3-5-7 Hnftrd of Trade Bldg. $390 DANDY LOT on Mt. Tabor carllne; cement walk, lights end gas: $8 down. $8 month; assessments paid. R. W. Carv, 121!) N W Rnnk bldg. . sRVINGTON "3x100. $11100; sacrifice for cash. E. 17th. fac. E.. 17.". ft. north' of Klickitat. Oan you beat it? RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201 -2-3-5.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. By owner. Have a number of lots in Alameda Park. Will sell cheap. Call star. Hfli or iv r..t. XLAMEDA lot. east front. $800. Streets, etc., all paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Hldg. Main 3787. EX-SERVICE MEN. Have you a lot? Can build and finance your home. Call Main 7732. M. Bryce BEAUTIFUL Lnurelhurst corner, bought at auction.. Will sell for price paid. East KH50. GOxlOO WILLAMETTE BLVD. All Im provements In and paid; 1 bjock to car. 8.V. Terms to suit. Main 1575. 5Oxl00 NEAR AINS WORTH. $350 TERMS. aurrounoVd by nice homes. Main 1A75. Vx2j located iot, Alameda Park, beauti ful trees. $1400. Main S787. A. R. Johnson. 633 N. w. Hank bldg BY OWNER: Ala:r.eda Park lota, cheap. Call Marshall 14S7. lrt vk choice building sites, best part ot Ladd'a Add, Falrcnild. 17$ East 15th. REAL ESTATE. For Sale let-. LOTS OF IRV1NGTON LOTS. $1200 Alameda Park view lot. 52x160. $ 775 Schuyler. 50x100, south facing. near 29th. $1050 24th, near Fremont. $1373 22 d. 150 feet north of Stanton. $1400 21st, 150 feet south of Siskiyou. $1350 24th. Brazee to Knott. 25u0 75x100. face east, 20th, Brazee to Thompson. $3200 100x100. nr. E. corner 14th and -100x100. V. E. come Stanton; s-lll divide. -73 feet, 1 kh, next Kn $2100 73 feet. 1th. next Knott S 850 18th. block north of Fremont $ 950 50x123 to alley, facing aouth on Clackamas, 150 feet east of 26th. $ 600 14th. N. of Klickitat fno paving). $ SIM) 10x120, 27th. north of Brazee. $1850 16th, 460 feet north to Knott. $1100 26th, Knott to Brazee. $1750 Corner 12th and Tillamook. $1750 Corner 16th and Klickitat. $1950 Corner 19th and Stanton. $ 950 50x100. 27th. south of Knott. $1250 100x100 corner. 25th and Siski you; sewer, sidewalk, curb In; now no hard-surface; beautiful property, snap: will divide. $1250 15th. next store, near Brazee. $1350 23th, Brazee to Knott. $ 700 16th, 130 feet north of Falling, 2 blocks north of Fremont. $ 650 50x142, 26th. south of Klickitat. $1500 68x100, Clackamas, near 22d. $1200 100x142, corner 26th. Siskiyou. $1900 50x100, corner 25th and Brazee. $ 725 50x100. 20th 100 north Klickitat. $ 950 8. E. corner 24th and Klickitat (corner or inside). 100x100. cor. KNOTT and 24th, or lOOx 100. corner 25th and Knott. Phone us to show you Irvlngton lots. R. T. 8TREET, Irvlngton Headquarters. East 894. Res. East 4280. BEAUTIFUL IRVLNGTON. PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION. How about Christmas? Why not a present of a homeslte to your family? Wouldn't you like to live In Irvlngton? Irvlngton. the addition of beautiful sub stantial homes. Build your home and rear your children in an environment that will develop character. We still have a few of those choice Hughes es tate lots left and are Instructed to make special concessions until January 1. Drive out today, between B. 14th and E. 24th, Thompson and Fremont, then see us for prices and terms on particular parcels. RITTER, LOWE CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. SCENIC HOMESITES. BUILD YOUR HOME. Beautiful CARSON HEIGHTS. Ideally located on the west side of the river. No bridges to cross; 18 minutes out by car, or you can drive out over scenlec Terwllllger blvd. Your wonderful chance to buy 50x100 lots at A BARGAIN. Deep, rich soil, some with beautiful shrubbery and shade trees. Values will greatly increase with the FAIR. List price $500 and $750. Sale price $200 and $130. Think of this at 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month; city water to each lot. Ask for C. W. Borders, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. IF YOU WANT to beat the high rent, buy a lot In our new subdivision Just outside the city limits at 45th and Fremont. You have every city convenience except the taxes and there are absolutely no restrictions. You can build your little home Just to your liking and we will give you any kind of terms and furnish you the money with which to buy your lumber if necessary. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. APARTMENT OR FLAT SITES. REAL SNAPS Prepare for th fair by building a multiple dwell ing house on one of these dandy sites: $2500 Schuyler, fac. So., 50 ft. B. of B. 2d st. $2300 8. E. cor. E. 28th and Flanders. $4250 100x100 N. W. cor., E. 14th and Davis. $2300 N. W. cor. E. 7th and Broadwav. $2350 Weidler. fac. N., 125 ft. B. of E. 21st: concrete garage, fruit treea Many others; see us tor lot bargains in all parts of the city. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, g01 -2-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. LARGE TRACTS CLBSE IN, $23 DOWN $15 PER MO. INTEREST INC.. AT 8 ADJOINS ALAMEDA PARK. 100x100 AND LARGER. TWO CAR LINES. 2S MILES CENTER OF TOWN. CLEARED OR WITH TREES. LOW PRICED. GOOD DISTRICT. W1LSHIRE ADDITION. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. SNAPS. 100x100, 21st st., central. East Port land. $1400. 50x100, 22d St., 700 ft. off Hawthorne ave., $1500. 50x100. East 33d St., near Knott. $550, terms. 2 acres. E S. Pacific highway, close In. $1000: $300 cash. 1 acre on rock road, 8c car fare. Some fruit trees: $1000. Terms. A. W. LAMBERT ft SON. 120 Grand Ave. Bast 640. LOT SNAPS; ROSE CITY. 50x100 lot. 100 ft. north Sandy blvd., $700. 100x100, facing Sandy blvd.. $1250. 50x100 lot, 3 blocks north Sandy blvd., $373. BOONE-CLEARWATER. 306 Couch Bldg. Main 5201. FOR FLATS. 100x100 ft., only 1 block south from 2Sth st. and Sand- blyd. ; recognized apt. and flat district; $2500. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. r FINE VIEW SITB FOR A NICE HOME. 100x100 corner 29th and Raleigh sts.. one block from Westover terraces; any reasonable offer will be considered arid easy terms granted. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. BARGAIN Going St.. between Williams and Union; small shack on rear thrown In; paved street; all In cultivation; sev eral fruit trees; only $1200, or make cash offer. , RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. A beautiful 50x100 building site, all clear of Incumbrance, $S50. One of the finest corners In the best district, $1330. Easy terms. W. M. t'lTBDENSTOCK A CO.. 210 Oregon Bl.lg. Broa dway 1038. ROSE CITY PAR'k'S BIGGEST BARGAIN Owner authorizes us to sell beautiful east front 54-ft. lot on E. 45th. below the hill, near Sandy; very low price on application. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3--7 Board ot Trade Bldg. SPECIAL OFFER. If you will build at once we will make you a special price on a lot on East 17th St., near Failing; sidewalks, curbs, sewer and paving in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. TWO FINE LOTS IN IRV1NGTON. On 16th, between Tillamook and Thompson sts., 50x100 each; single lot ' $2000. or $4000 for the 100x100, liberal terms. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. BUILDER'S OPPORTUNITY. HAWTHORNS DISTRICT. near E. 43d: 123x100; build three houses: all im provements pnld; lots In this district are scarce: price $2500; must be cash. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VALUABLE WEST SIDE VACANT PROPERTY SNAP. 100x100 on Lucretia street, about on block north 'of Vashlngton, right In the apartment house district: $12,000. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. ROSE CITY PARK. E. 51st ST.. REAL CORNER PICK-UP. facing east and south: perfectly level. Price Just cut to $1130 for quick sale. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 201 -'.'-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUSINESS LOT. 100 feet on Alberta, good location for any business: quick sales. Price $2600; Improvements ail paid. See A. H. Bur-rell-oill Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. LAUREiLHURST CORNER 100x100 on E 33d, clear, for $1500. Also 30x130 on Oak. across from park, for $1000. RITTER, LOWE CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. LOTH near Jefferson high and Peninsula park; $300, easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 3787. R. C. P. CORNER For $850. all clear, on B. 49th st.; only short time on this buy. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-i2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER Alnsworth lot. 40x122. with 20-ft. alley. Just 110 ft. east of Union ave.; all Improvements in and paid; $830. terms. Bdwy. 1411. IRVINOTON LOTS LOTS LOTS. WE HAVE THEM. ALL STREETS. FROM $900 AND UP; ALL CLEAR. N El' HA US EN CO.. 830 N. W. Bank Bldg. 81100 LAURELHURST corner lot. bv owner. Terms; no liens; sacrifice, AK, Ami. ursiou&a, . r ( REAL ESTATE. For Male Lots. ROSE CITY PARK LOT SNAPS. $300 E. 49th St.. east front, 80 teet south of Klickitat. $600 Southwest corner E. 49th and Klickitat sts. Sewers, curbs and walks in. $673 E. 46th St.. west front. 100 feet "north of Klickitat, paved at. All imps. paid. $700 E. 4th St.. west front. 60 feet north of Stanton, paved st. All Imps paid. $700 Northeast corner E. 52d and Hal sey sts. All Imp. In and paid on E. 32d st. -$750 E. 52d St.. east front. 50 feet north of Haisey; paved, all imps. paid. $750 E. 40th st.. east front. 50, feet aouth of Stanton: paved, all imp. paid. $700 E. 47th St.. east front. 100 feet north of Haisey; paved; all Imps, paid. XSOO E Slat St.. west front. 150 feet north of Klickitat: all imps, in and paid. $1000 Southwest corner E. 56th and Siskiyou sts.; paved on both sts. All Imps. paid. $1030 Southeast corner E. 66th and Siskiyou sts. Paved on both sts. All Imps. paid. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. $950 Southweat corner E. 27th and Mill sts. All Imps. In and paid except paving. $1250 E Harrison st. sonth front, 50 feet east of B. 28th st. All Imps. In and paid; easy terms. GROVEL AND PARK LOT. JS50 E 52dBt.. west front. 95 feet south of Sherman at. All Imp. paid. " - HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4734. NOTE THESE BARGAINS! ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $775 On 47th between Stanton and Siskiyou, eaat front. Half down, balance easy. $1500 Distinctive corner, almost two lots. 108 feet on 54th and al most the same on Alameda; a bargain. . $1250 8. E. corner 88th and Tillamook. Beautiful building site, one of the good buys below the hill. $850 Corner of Hill Crest and 57th. Everything in and paid and the lot next to the corner at $750. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. $750 32d near Prescott.. Everything In and paid. Many new homes In this section. $730 Rkldmore near 24th. Another good bny. $1000 Corner Shaver and 83d. In among the big trees. Just the place for the vounasters. $1300 75-foot front on Fremont, eastj OI 33a. xsext to aiaum-iivo vnu- galow. LAURELHURST. $1250 Hassalo. East of 39th. Between two fine homes. $500 cash. $20 month at 6tt per cent Interest. For your convenience, we have our signs on the above listed lots. Call us today, between 2 P. M. and 4 P. M. about these or similar bargains in other districts. A. O. TEEPB CO. Insurance Realtors Loans. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 8092. IRVINOTON DISTRICT. COME OUT TODAY and make Vour choice before they are all gone. We have only a few choice lots left at these remarkably low prices and terma Near school. Irvlngton car and new park. Surrounded by new homes. $750 to $932. Inside. 52x150, $12.30. CORNERS. $1000 TJP. $100 cash $10 monthly on above. 59x100 CORNER, $1200 cash. 48 m206 $1000. half cash. 58x100 $1200 caah. Sidewalks, curbs, sewers and paving In and paid on above. liOxlOO, $500, curbs and sidewalks paid. 50x100, $562, curbs and sNewalks paid. $100 cash, $10 monthly. Salesmen will meet you today from 10 A. M. until 5 P. M. at the new house 605 FTem6nt st-, between East 15th and 16th sta .V JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. We want to show you a big piece of ground. 125x200 feet, only 4 blocks from the city limits and less than 10 minutes' walk to Rose City Park car and school; graded and graveled streets and Bull Run water Included In the price of $800. We have some smaller tracts for $675. We will give you 31 years' time to pay for a tract. Remember, the tracts are Just outside the city: no city taxes or assessments to pay. See us today (Sunday). COMTE ft KOHLMAN. 208 Chnmber of Commerce Bldg mt! Tabor park in your back YARD Wonderful unobstructed view of south, west and north, nestling on west elope of Mt. Tabor, adjoining the city Tark. on Yamhill st.. a big lot. 8000 sq. ft., for only $2250. Remember. It Is sheltered from the cold wlnda' and this view is unsurpassed. To see It Is to want It. RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVIN'ITON It KAUT1 FUI. LOT FOR DU PLEX HOUSE E. 21st and Weidler: fine full bearing fruit and shade trees; solid concrete garage; all for $2350; owner needs cash. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT. ALAMEDA PARK. More than 50x100. fronting 2 streets; over $1000 In improvements; total price, including everything, $1300. HENRY W. OODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 881. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE Alameda Park. E. 24th. faces west. 150 feet north of Fremont; owner, out of town, wants offer; price $850; all liens paid; worth $1200. RITTER. LOWE CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50x87 PAVED STREET $450. Improvements paid: $20 .down, $10 month, or $400 cash; Alberta car. See me for lota: reasonable terms and prices. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Hldg. IRVIN'GTON PARK 50x100 with 14-foot alley. Can you beat it? Only 300 feet from car line; cement walks, curbs, grading in and paid: price $300; cost $600; see us at once. x RITTER. LOWB ft CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MY EQUITY and one of the choicest lots In Laurelhurst directly across the street from park. Will sell at same price I bought It at first auction. Pay me my equity, you assume contract. Wdln. 2SX4. IRVINGTON CORNER Owner, cleaning up. wants offer: go look, southwest cor ner E. 14th and Stanton: asking $2100; all liens paid. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS. $500. 42x108, facing on Waverlelgh blvd., near East 29th. 3 blocks to car and school, half cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mnln 3787. LADD'S ADDITION Out-of-town owner wants offer, beautiful east front on Locust, near Hazel; paved alley In rear; asking $1500. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., Realtors. 201 -2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DON'T wait till spring when prices will have advanced. Get that lot now while prices remain low; any district; easy terma Leave it to Blue with COB A. McKENNA ft CO. Main 4322. 82 Fourth 8t. SACRIFICE. IRVINGTON CORNER Must be sold this week. 50x100. southwest corner E. 10th and Brazee; price cut to $1400. Take a look, then se us. RITTER. LOWB ft CO.. Realtors, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CONSULT me before acting on impulse. I have the choicest lots In the most select districts and priced reasonably. Call Blue. COE A. McKENNA ft CO. Main 4522 82 Fourth St $400 50x100. ONE block to Hawthorne car: street hard surfaced: beautiful level lot; all In cultivation: It's a dandy; don't pass up this real pick-up. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY Northeast corner 64th and Stanton sts. Full size tot. 1 block from car line. Snap at $750. COE A. McKENNA ft CO. Main 4522. 82 Fourth St. IRVINGTON E. 11th and Knot, only $1050; east facing: way below true value. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg IF YOU want bargains In approved dis tricts we have the lot to suit you. See Blue with COE A. McKENNA ft CO. Main 4522. 82 Fourth St. IRVINGTON. E. 21ST. NEAR STANTON. Dandv level lot. clear; $1700; terma RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors. 01-2-3-5-7 Board ot rrane rung VIEW LOT. about 50x140 feet, everything paid, $1500. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., (133 N. W. Rnnk Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON' E. 9th. near Stanton; all Hens paid: only $1250. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A FEW OF THE BEST LOTS In town at a dollnr down: cement walks, gas and electricity: Alberta car. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg ELEGANT ciose-ln apartment site, 1U0X 100. $3250. 613 Gerllsger bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. KENTON KENTON KENTON. THE PENINSULA ADDITION WITH A FUTURE, A beautiful natural park, wonderful trees and shrubs; paved streets, cement walks and sewers now In and Included In price. THE SCORES OF MODERN. ATTRACTIVE HOMES NOW IN THIS DISTRICT FIRMLY ESTABLISH IT AS AN UP-TO-DATE RESIDENTIAL SEC TION. Convenient to Kenton car. club, school, and our great industrial dis trict. "North Portland." A "SAFE" DISTRICT for builders to operate. DE MAND FOR NEW HOMES IS UNSUR PASSED. 50x100 lots, $700. up; 10 per cent down, 2 -per cent per month This is an Ideal spot to build your perma nent home. Phone Main 1068 and one of our representatives will gladly call for you with his machine and show you over the property. You will be abso lutely under no obligation to buy. ASK ABOUT THEM TODAY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. (Exclusive Selling Agent). Ablngton Bldg. Main 1088. TUALATIN VIEW PARK. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. LOTS 60x100 $350 TO $700. I am Instructed to close out the unsold lots in this addition at these sacrifice prices; city water, gas and electricity to every lot; macadamized streets, imp. paid. Convenient to C. C. car and only 2 miles to courthouse, but Just outside city limits, with 'low taxes, but all city conveniences; this is a nice place to live; in a well-developed community of nice homes. Just a few lots left and all genuine bargains; easy terma J. G. RAINEY. 617 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1289. LOT BUYERS SPECIAL. A few beautiful, large lots on aouth slope of Council Crest, at only $200 each. These are Christmas presents at this price, which is far less than assessed value on some ot them, but they must go, so make your selection early. W. C. BECHTELL, 1317 N. W. Bank Bldg. $1850. 100x100 FT., ROSSMERE, 2 blks. north of Sandy on 41st at., all Improvements in and paid. J. L. Hartman Company, branch office, 45th and Sandy blvd. BIG BARGAIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Don't live in Portland, so to make quick sale' will sell this good lot situ ated between two paved sta, with 60 ft. frontage on each st., tor $2000. This price includes all street liens paid which cost almost this much. AF 243. Ore gonlan. $550, ROSE CITY PARK, 63d St., 100 ft. north of Siskiyou at.; as sessments paid. J. L. Hartman Company, branch office 1285 Sandy blvd. $30 DOWN, FINE LEVEL BUILDING LOT ON E. 15TH, JUST NORTH OF ALNSWORTH. A beautiful, wide boule vard, parked up center, sewer in; only $350. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. S. W. CORNER E. 12TH AND AINS WORTH, wide boulevard, parked up cen ter; you assume pavement and sewer, totaling $648.58. Someone Is going to get a snap. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bidg. $60 DOWN Fine level building lot on B. 15th Just north of Alnsworth. A beau tiful wide boulevard, parked up center; sewer In; only $350. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Ideal home site. 1 block to Sandy; 50x 100; lovely trees; near 79th. $430 cash, worth $650. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. IRVINGTON CORNER SNAP. 50xlOO corner, on Stanton, 1 block to car," for $1800. Buy this corner and make a profit when the fair comes. RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Kingston ave.. perfectly level lot. 50x130. with good view, next to nice homes; about the last chance to get a good lot In this desirable block. J. G. Ratney, 617 Ablngton bldg. Main 1269. IRVINGTON 75x100, southeast corner E. 18th and Stanton. The district is made. Beautiful homes all around. Very low price on application. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST $1250. 62x138 home site, 1 Vj blocks to park; choice location and exclusive. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 Fifth st. Main 6669. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME. WB ARE OFFERING A FINE MOD ERN 7-KOOM HOME IN THE VERY BEST PART OF IRVINGTON, ON A BOxlOO-FOOT LOT. HIGHLY IM PROVED ; 2 COMPLETE SETS OF PLUMBING. 2 FIREPLACES, DOUBLE GARAGE. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT AND SEE THIS PLACE, $1500 WILL MAKE THE FIRST PAYMENT, AND THE PURCHASE PRICE WILL BE GIVEN IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. SUNDAY PHONE MAIN 162S. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. BROADWAY 943. 284 OAK ST. OWNER HAS SENT US WORD TO SELL HIS NICE HOME AND 0 LOTS ON EAST SIDE. ALL KINDS OF SHRUBBERY, FINE LAWN. YOU CAN BUY THIS PLACE FOR ALMOST WHAT WAS PAID FOR THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONE. LET US SHOW IT TO YOU, AND MAKE A BID ON IT; THE HIGHEST BIDDER WILL GET IT. Main 1623 Sunday, or Broadway 943. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO., 284 OAK "STREET. PORTLAND HTS.. 6-room Colonial style house, large living room, di.ilng room, kitchen and pantry; 2 large bedrooms and bathroom upstairs; t-aay walking distance; $4000; mortgage of $2000 at 6 per cent, payable $30 per month; house will rent for $40. BROOKE, Mar. 4827. Phone mornings. LAURELHURST. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. $7800 Beautiful tapestry paper, hrw. floors, elegant fireplace and buffet; full cement basement: garage; only 1 block to Park. Call T. 5319. Main 7U31. ' J. BOBBINS. PORrLA.VD HEIGHTS Solid, well-built, comfortable house. hardwood floors, white' woodwork, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry, furnace, level lot. close la. 2 blks. car. $6000, $1300 earth and $50 per month. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. Phone mornings. ROSE CITY HOME. Just completed, a home you would be gprotid to show; 6 rooms and sleeping per.-h, garage, strictly modern; price $7500, $2500 cash. O'FARRBLL-FORDNEY. 338-340 Chamber of Commerce. GOING TO FLORIDA. We will sell our cosy home at' a sac rifice; all built-in. One blk. from Haw thorne: excellent furnace, $4200. See our agent at HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 36th and Haw. Realtor. Tab. 7463. ROSE CITY-Eiegant home, modern every way; would cost you $10,000 to build, but the owner must have money. Yes, he will sacrifice. This Is 3 blocks south Sandy and the heart of dlst. Call Tabor t)3l or Main ITSSl, 11 WOULD cist you $1U00 more than our price to build this home; 5 rooms, large attic, garage, improvements all included In the price of $5500. and it's a corner. See A. H. Blrrell-Glil Co., 216 North western Bank bldg. $650 A SACRIFICE! $650. Bungalow of 3 rooms, new and un finished, fruit and berries: on Woodstock car tine; $150 cash, balance $15 a month, now occupied. 5617 57th st. S. E. Sell wood 2889. SOON FINISHED. New, modern. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood floor, fireplace, good district; price $3250. $850 down. bal. $23 per month. Fjrenoons. Main 7311. YOUR Ford, Chevrolet or Dodge. taken as part i first payment on lovely 6-room modern bungalow. Alberta district; bal ance arranged. R .L. Yoke, 1136 North-western 100x160 FEET on car line In the heart of Irvlngton; large house, suitable for roomers and boarders, and a fine apart ment site: no agents. Phone East 5932. LAURELHURST Beautiful new corner bungalow. 1195 E. Fianders. AT COST; built right. Owner transferred. 2-ROOM house, corner lot 46x120. chicken house and fence. lawn, fruit trees, etc., essy terms. 7821 43th ave. S. E. 6-ROOM house, partly unfinished and V lota $1000 cash. 103d st, 50th ave., Mentone. By owner. Tabor 2010. GOOD 5-room cottage, corner, 50x100, paved streets. E. 7th near Union ave., $2300. terms. East 127. IRVINGTON New, modern 6-room. well built bungalow. Just completed; price $6300. half cash. Woodlawn 6321. Owner. WILL exchange 5.000.000 feet timber In White Salmon district for city or sub urban property. AN 284. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOUSES. Prices ranging from $2000 to $40,000. BROOKE. Mar 48.'7. Phone mornings. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow. $2750; cash $600. Phone Bdwy. 2532. IF A 7-ROOM houae at a 3-room price in terests you. shone owner. 63T-83. REAL ESTATE. For Male RITTER. LOWE ft CO., CITY HOMES DEPT. ROSE CITY CORNER six room bungalow, all on' one floor, ideally arranged with large living room in center; oak floors, every bullf-ln fea ture, fireplace, cosy dining room, complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook and den or bedroom on .left of cen tral living room. Two bed rooms and bath on right. White enamel in kitchen, bedrooma and bath, tapestry paper In living and dining rooms. Full concrete base ment combining a garage, fruit room, trunk room, fur nace, etc.. 50x100 grounds, beautiful lawn, trees and shrubs, only 2 blocks from Sandy $65 NEW IRVINGTON RESI DENCE, 7 rooms and two story colonial, interior is in . old ivory and white enamel throughout; living room 15x 34. fireplace, dining room 15 xl7. hardwood floors through out first floor, bullt-tn book cases, etc.. Dutch kitchen and large breakfast nook. 4 large sunny bedchambers and bath on second floor; full ce ment basement, automatic hot water heater, hot-water heating plant equipped with magazine feed operating at a cost of $4 PER MONTH FOR CONSTANT HEAT night and day; house equipped with burglar alarm and fireproof safe; modern garage. Owner will consider good Irvlngton lot as part of first pay ment . . $10,000 A STRICTLY VlODERN BUNGAJXDW in Rose City Park, one block from car; very attractive both inside and outside, finished In old ivory and white enamel, hardwood floors throughout; all elec trical fixtures match the rooms: beautiful tapestry pa per, fireplace; choose your ' own furnace, cement base ment, laundry trays and fruit room. Very complete Dutch kitchen, wired for electrio stove; breakfast nook; ga rage haa cement floor and driveway '...$0000 AN IDEAL BUNGALOW, THE GARAGE IS PART OF THE HOUSE. 50x100 corner midway between Rose City and Laurelhurst, .3 ft block from car. . .: ge living room with flrcplaoe in center, din ing room and Dutch kitchen on right- Built-in bookcases, buffet and window seats. Two cozy bedrooms with bath between them on the the left. Sun room or sleep ing porch in back. Hardwood floors, concrete basement. Homer plpeless furnace. Ga rage has a hot water radia tor connected with water coll In furnace. Beautiful lawn with garden plot enclosed by. metal fence set In concrete. House faces east. Call and let us describe It and show you the picture $4000 BIX-ROOM "HOUSE, 60stS0 corner, only two blocks from Kearney school ; paved street, on carllne, walking distance to Washington High and Benson Polytechnic. Large sunny rooms, three bedrooms and bath upstairs, basement, room for garage $3675 COZY LITTLE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW surrounded by beautiful trees, only h block from paved street and car line; new, neat and clean. fu.ll concrete basement, white enamel plumbing In bath and kitchen Peninsula district. Just north of Piedmont. $300 cash, balance $35 per month including Interest $3100 A REAL PICTURESQUE ENGLISH COTTAGE, situ ated In the heart of Irvlng ton on E. 17th St.. near Stan ton. The grounds are beau tifully landscaped and there art several tall stately trees to set the house off. All de tails complete with every built-in convenience conceiv able. A wonderful sun-room with large leaded glass win dows, a shadow porch where you can keep cool on a hot summer day, large Itvlrrg room, complete and well ar ranged Dutch kitchen. Heavy oak flooring throughout, high grade hardware, beauti ful shades of tapestry paper, coved ceilings, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, and sewing room with every convenience, 2 large bedrooma with plenty of closet space. Full concrete basement, Gasco heating plant and water heater. .Garage conforms to design of house. The roof has the true English style of 3 shades of creosote dipped shingles, which glve It a wonderful appearance. This home was constructed by the owners with the intention of having $t for their home, but cir cumstances compel the im mediate sale. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR AN ENG LISH STYLE COTTAGE be sure and see this one. Owner will consider modern 4 or 5 room bungalow In good resi dence district as part pay ment. NEW BUNGALOW. 5 large sunny rooms and attic, Groveland Park, Just north of Franklin high. Fireplace, oak floors, every built-in fea ture, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, tapestry paper with old ivory and white in terior. Concrete basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. Garage with concrete floor and driveway, beautiful shade trees $5280 RICHARD W. MAST.'rEALTOR. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTRACTIVE NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GREATLY REDUCED. Five rooms and attic, modern: owner must sell; will make a very attractive offer for cash, or terma may be ar ranged. 1233 EAST PINE ST. Near East 41st Street, IRVINGTON ELABORATE HOME. On corner near Brazee and 15th; large rooms, hardwood floors throughout; first floor has elegant eastern oak wood work; second floor woodwork all Ivory, with mahogany, doors; tile bath, 2 extra toilets, and lavatory; servants' quarters on third floor; grounds beautifully land scaped; garage. East 419. LAURELHURST. Tust Completed, new six-room bunga low, modern In every detail. Including hardwood floors throughout, tapestry paper In all rooms, inlaid linoleum in bath and kitchen, lighting fixtures, shades. Fox furnace and garage. Open for your Inspection. 47 Meikle Place, 42d st.. near Couch. FOR SALE Just right for small family wanting some high-class roomers, fur nishings and lease of 8-room modern house In . desirable Nob Hill district; good furnace, new combination range, full basement, furnishings practically new. Bast 3055. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist In financing same; 11 years' contlnuods and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. I. R. Bailey. ,. trading architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg HAWTHORNE district; 4-room modern bungalow; 2 bedrooms, elegant plumb ing, fine corner 100x100; 4 blocks to Hawthorne car; forced to raise money, so $1850 cash takes my equity; balance $1100 mortgage. Telephone owner, East 6228. ... ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Attractive small ' 5-room house on paved street, near car and school. Un obstructed view. $3750: terms. May con sider some trade. 553 Terrace Drive. Auto. 527-28. or 615 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1186- NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5 rooms old Ivory and mahogany fin ish, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors: beautiful Interior decorations and elec tric fixtures: tile bath: lot 60x100; Imp. a : paid. Price only $5800; terms. Lo cated at 757 East 18th st. N. ' MonF.KN 5-room bungalow. 1095 Ala meda. See builder: $1000 cash first I payment. j 6-ROOM modern house in Gresham; jot 30x200;, full basement, $2100 Terras, i See owner. 227 Mill st. I G-ftoOM modern bungalow. Kenton dls- I trlct, $2600, See owner, 133 W. Winchell. I HEM. ESTATE. Jfor Bade Houses. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW IN 8UNNTSIDE. Just completed ready to move. Into, it has fine combination living and dining room, with beautiful fireplace and book cases; two lovely sleeping rooms, elegant Dutch kitchen and large breakfast nook, modern bath, lights and gas; good cement basement, wood lift and laundry tray; full-size lot, handy to school, street cars and stores and Is a snap for $4130; only $400 required as first pay ment, balance $40 per month, which in cludes the Interest: property Is clear of debt. no mortgages to assume. Don't hesitate to come In and look this up. E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal bldg. Main 2S58. $350 NEW, MODERN. VACANT $3330. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? If so, see this beautiful new bunga low, cmobtnatlon living and dining room, 2 nice bedrooma kitchen and breakfast alcove. It is absolutely modern; cement basemnet, laundry trays, oak floora bookcases, buffet; 'the dandiest bullt-ln kitchen, with every convenience, fins plumbing. This Is not a shell, but double constructed every way, and the beat ot workmanship; very attractive exterior, this is actually the BEST buy we have had for months; terms are easy. See It TODAY Sunday. Marshall 6963; week days. Main 7967. Marlels ft Will iams. 820 Chamber of Com, bldg. HOUSE BARGAIN. BAST PAYMENTS. Six good 5-room houses on East 7th street, walking distance to business section, hot and cold water, modern bath, basement gas, lights. Improvements all In. houses all plastered and newly painted: only $2500 each. $500 cash and $20 month and Interest. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY BELOW THE HILL. Beautiful bungalow Of 5 rooms. Very large living room, dining room, 2 bedrms.. cabinet kitchen, cement basement, plpe'.ess furnace, beautiful fireplace and bulltlns. Price $4800 GOOD TERMS. MARSH ft McCABB CO REALTORS. 820-3-4 Falling bldg. Mar. 3893. Evenings Call Tabor 436. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. CLASSY NEW HOME. This is a beautiful U-room bungalow and large floored attic, nice plate glass windows, French doors leading Into din ing, also into den or library, hardwood polished floors, old Ivory and tapestry paper, tiled tloor In bath, floor tub. ped estal lavatory, all the bullt-lns; a charming home, well constructed In a very desirable district, one block from car; $8000. D. W. ALTON, Automatic 329-19 $300 CASH AND TERMS. Small bungalow In Fulton dis trict; all modern: 100x100 lot; $2400. Call Mr. Young. OTTO ft HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 39. ROSE CITY. $300 DOWN CLOSE IN. $3000 ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM HOME WITH FURNACE. GARAGE I AND SLP. PORCH FIREPLACE. BOOK CASHES. BfTFFET. DUTCH KITCHEN. 2 LARGE m-DlOOMS. EXTRA LARGE. CLOS ETS FULL CEMENT BASEMENT; SOErViE: BDWY. 2478 . 320 V. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG 30x15 ft ; spacious dining room with French doors opening Into living room 3 big bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, full basement, garage. 50x100 v ew P"d street, all paid. Price only $3300; rea sonable terms: immediate possession This Is $1000 under value. Sunday call Main 3073. CROSSLEY. "Better Types of Homes. 81 4tTi st Broadway 5041 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $5000 Modern 7-room house eo r lot. on E. 26th. 3 bike, to cars; $1000 caah. balance monthly. '' t5,t0O 8-room house, full basement, fsrnare, fireplace, attic, cor. lot. garage, near E. 15th and Hawthorne. Either can be converted into flats or apts. at little expense. F W. TOROI.ER. 1"6 Sherlock Bldg. ETSCS ... RiSSw Tt t.' A T T Y A 5-room new and classy bungalow, with hardwood floors, cement basement, floored attic, furnace f'"Place. every imaginable bullt-ln feature, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, large "ment porches, beautiful light flxtoMl lot garage; east front, city Improve ments paid: price $0000. with terms. RUMMEI.L RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. $75 CASH PRICE $350. Small new shack. 50x100 nice level lot. close to school and not far from 8c Mt. Scott car; the price is only $350 for the lot and shack. See Mr. F1COMfEnftaKOHI.MAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Kvening. t-nouc ALAMEDA COLONIAL. 830 Hamblet ave ivory finish and oak floors throughout, 6 finest bevel plate French doors; llv. room 14x26. art tile firepl.. double light ing sun room; breakfast room: garage second floor, tile bath fine bedrooms and si. porch; Immediate possession, best colonial home buy In Portland R T. STREET. Good Homes Realtor. Large mddevn home. 8 rooms and s'een4ng porch; interior beautifully fin ished and every convenience you can name has been Installed. Including vacuum cleaning plant; attractive grounds with cement drive and gsraga til improvements In and paid; seen onl by appointment. ia' . . , MOVTHI.V Three lots and large 2-room unfinished hack- 150-foot frontage on a macad amized street, which Is paid for ; four blocks from car. two blocks from Wood mere school; price $6B0. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Chamber o! Commerce mag "IRVINGTON. ELEGANT HOME. CORNER Finest of finish throughout, all oak floors 2 fireplaces, lovely large rooms, art paper, ivory finish. Ideal floor plan, double garage. . SEE THIS. Neuhausen East 394. Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. SIZE nnwv WEN TON. Five-room bungalow and two lots 100xlO0cement basement, garage: ir you want a home with all kinds of fruit, 6?$ fall to"., this: the price Is ISM Call Everson. Comte ft Kohlman. Main HVVJ 208 Chamber of Commerce blag. 13130 VACANT VACANT $31 50. 8-room bungalow type house In Monta Tllla. Just painted nad tinted and in best of condition: terms. Sunday. Marshal 6963; week days. M'1""'- , MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALAMEDA bunga'.ow. owner leaving for California. 7 rooms, Gasco furnace. 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, garage, most artistic Interior. Another seml-colonlal of 5 rooms, fire place, furnace, garage, fine location. Mrs. Harry t-rice .mil..-,. . WE HAVE a dandy cottage of 4 rooms and attic on Alblna ave.; all street Imp. fn and paid priced at only $18.30 on very easy terms This 1. only on block to car and walking distance to west s"de Geo F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi ave JUST completed, large 5-room. bungalow full attic, full basement, built-in break fast nook, cupboard, buffet, bookcases, fireplace and dressing table in bedroom, all Improvements In and Pald: lot 50x123. Terms. mi tmm - S B . - , w. - ... i fnnitf eneted 7 room bungalows In Portland at 641 East 68th st. NOrth; block south of Sandy. Man there to show the place. Terma Main Ton IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BAR IAIN. 18th. near Stanton: 6 rooms, music room, bak floors, fireplace, garage; built for a home. Neuhausen. East 394. Main HOTS. W3Q w. nana ui'is NEAR 30TH AVE. AND 77TH ST. SCHOOL 8lx-room house In Al condition; cor ner let. 107x100; $3000; small down payment; a good buy. . TAGGART BROS . 1102 Spalding Bldf 13800 NEW WOODLAWN BUNGALOW. See this lovely four-room bungalow; fireplace: breakfast room; attractive fixtureae 707 Highland st. Buy from owner, on premises tonay TAKE Rose City car to 68th St.. then go 114 block! south to No. 641 and inspect the new 7-room bungalow; modern, with solid runway to garage. Man there to show It. Price $4850. Terms. Main 7511. ln YOU WANT A HOUSE? 90x100. with all kinds of fruit, a 7-room houae. Mt. Scott district; mort gage $1700: worth $3000. What have you to trade? H 270. Oregonian. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. $6250. terms ; 6 charming rooms, sleeping porch, sunroom, oak floor, plate plnss. fire place, furnace. Neuhausen, East 394. Main SOTS, 83Q N. W. Bank bldg. $273 TAKES' lot 80x52 on Michigan ave. 120 feet north Dekum ave.. west facing, cement walks paid. Tabor 6441. WEST SIDE, by owner, modern 8-room house. Close In bargain. Mar. 1195. WILLIAMS AVE.. 2 5-room. cottages, $3600, Owner, Bast 1122. BF.I. ESTATE. For Sale -Bruges. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLERS IN AMERICA. 1200 photographs of homes for sale. Every home before being offered for your consideration, has first been PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. WE EXTEND YOU A CORDIAL IN VITATION to visit our great show room and look over our remarkable display of more than 1200 photographs of homes for sale. Every district, homes of every type, at every price: TERMS THAT YOU CAN MEET! IF NECESSARY WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE . YOUR DOWN PAYMENT! Our office attorney handles all details. WE PROTECT YOUR EVERY INTEREST and put you In Immediate touch with the home you are looking for! lOOct Home Service. 40 Autos at Your Disposal. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY! Open Evenings Until 9:00. LAURELHURST. $6350 A FINELY PROPORTIONED, distinctive 6-room home in HEART OF LAURELHURST. beautifully decorated in' soft tones of old ivory and rich tap estry. Cheery living room with great fireplace; attractive dining room having massive built-in buffet; coxy den (or smoking room), HARDWOOD FLOORS; ultra convenient kitchen, etc.: Laurelhurst avenue. "A HOME OF DIGNITY AND QUIET CHARM! ! A LAURELHURST SPECIAL I $5490 Beautiful 6-room semi-bungalow, replete with everything that MAKES A HOME WORTH WHILE! Just the RIGHT DE GREE OF COZINESS! Living room extends across full front, has big fireplace, flanked on either end with bookcases; hos pitable dining room with hand t ,nm butlt-ln buffet; OAK Ov FLOORS; 3 sunny bedrooms and bath. Unusuallv well constructed and artistic SUPER BAROAIN IN LAURELHURST! Clackamas street. HAWTHORNE BEAUTIFUL. $5490 IN HEART OF HAWTHORNE you'll find this exceptionally at tractive 6-room bungalow, EMI NENTLY LIVEABLE! Has hardwood floors, living room with fireplace, dining room is solid paneled with beamed ceilings and massive bullt-ln buffet: Ideal white Dutch kitchen; central hall lined with linen closets, plpeless furnace, garage: beautiful cor ner. East Harrison st. (gas range, burner Included!. This Is one of HAWTHORNE'S PRET TIEST BUNGALOWS. UNDU PLICATED ROSE CITY! F.ORCED SALE! $750 DOWN! $4990 $750 down! REASON FOR SELL ING? OWNER GOING SOUTH! Makes A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY FOR YOU ! A warm, double constructed, well-built and arttstlo 6-room home In ROSB CITY PARK ! Contains every modern feature that you'd de mand In YOUR HOME. Cheery living room with glowing fire place and pretty built-in book cases; attrsctlve dining room; large airy Dutch kitchen; 8 sunny bedrooms upstairs having very large closets: NEWLY RENO VATED AND IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Garage, 1 block to car. East 41st St. INVESTI GATE THIS TODAYI TOUR ROOF WON'T BLOW OFF! $4990 JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WANTING in this popular home district; 8 rooms in a very sub stantial, attractive homelike home; extra large living and din ing rooms with bullt-ln features; radiant fireplace; great big kitch en with dozens of bullt-lns (a place for everything), 1 airy bed room down. 4 up; 2 lavatories; white enamel bath; SPLENDID HOT WATER HEATING SYS TEM! F"ul! lot with beautiful shrubbery, etc.. half block to car, and close to Jefferson high school. Kerhy St.. MAN WITH A FAMILY THIS IS FOR YOU! LITTLE PENINSULA. $2950 A SNTG COZY BUNGALOW BEAUTY! Immaculate In Its newness and daintiness: Meaiiy located on THE PENINSULA. combination living and dining room with fireplace: a love of a Dutch kltohen; old Ivory through out: French door: CHEERIEST EVER BUNGALOW. ALAM ' Very easy terms! Owner has to dispose or this witnotit aeiay: You'll love it so! Detroit st. IRVINGTON PARK. $3490 COME HOME TO THIS WHEN ITS COLD AND WINTRY and you'll realize Just how very cozy and happy you'll be! There's 6 rooms In an attractive bungalow type. Large dining room with massive bullt-ln buffet. airy white enamel Dutch kitchen: white enamel bath and 3 cheery bed rooms; good furnace (gas range and heater Included) RIGHT ON CAR LINE! Vacant Garage; East 30th. WALKING DISTANCE! $3490 CENTRAL E. PORTI.AND; close to wasninglon j-iign ann gram mar schools; 5-room. comfortable, substantial bungalow cottage. neatly arranged; large dining room with bullt-ln buffet: 2 airy bedrooms and large bath; hard surfaced street. East Ash: only $300 down! Balance like rent! MT. SCOTT ! $200 DOWN! 11450 1200 down! Partly furnished. neat little 4-room cottage, newly renovated; 100x100, with loads of fruit: 87th st. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM MAKES HOME BUYING A PLEASURE A few minutes spent In this modern daylight office will accomplish more than weeks ot aimless shopping. TRY" IT AND See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. Open Sundays and Evenings. MOVE IN BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Furnished horns of five rooms, near Peninsula park: plastered bungalow type., fine basement, 30x100 lot. We'll iruarantee you this Is the coziest little home for the money you've seen. It's worth more but the owner Is leaving for California, so his loss Is your gain Have a Merry Christmas In your own home. $2700 $500 CASH. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNOALOW. $3930 T E R MS $3930. 470 E. 36TH ST. N. Five large rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, break fast noole, furnace, hullt-ln effects, full basement, fine plumbing and electric f xtvires: iraraiie. street wnrK inc IKleil See this today or phone owner Woodlawn 1 5 50. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 1-TRN1SMKP Near Franklin high: full lot: this Is a warm ceiled little home with extra large rooms and fair furniture: It will help best the rent man: 2300. $250 cash, balance $25 V r month, 4ncluding interest. RALPH HARRIS CO. Slti Chamber of Crnnmerce MalnQfi024 ROSE 'CITY PARK, new 3-room bungalow with garage, absolutely modern In every detail. This is the bungalow that you have waited for to be completed. It Is now ready to occupy; located at 614 E 42-1 at. N., near Thompson. Price and terms are right. Come out today. C. F. Johnson, owner and builder, 313 Henry hldg. MONTA VILLA. Four-room modern house, full cement basement: full plumbing: near car; $2200: $600 down, balance easy. Five-room modern bungalow in fine condition; cement basement, garage, ce ment runways, extra large lot; $3000; terms This Is a' big value. R. M. OATEWOOD ft CO.. 1654 4th st. ROSSMERE. New 3-room modern bungalow, fin ished attic, hardwood floors throughout, pedestal lavatory. Inlaid linoleum in bath and kitchen, tapestry paper In all rooms, electric fixtures, shades. Fox furnace and garage. Open for your inspection. 4!t E. 8th St. N BUILD TO SATISFY Before letting contract to build your home, see us. We will save you money and' show yau real construction. DEAL with an ex-service man; soldiers given everv consideration. ROBNETT ft McCLURE. REALTORS. MarshslI 32m. 30' Couch Bldg. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Partly furnished. 2 complete sets of plumbtng. 3', blocks from Alberta car. This Is worth $6000. Priced for quick sale $3700. $$600 cash, balance very easy, terma W. W. Snbln, realtor, 1032 Union ave. N. Wdln 589. A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT, $1500 EQUITY IN 8-ROOM HOUSE GOING AT $900. CASH OR TRADE, SANTA CLAUS. "I'LL SAY ITS A CHRISTMAS GIFT" JINGLE. JINGLE JINGLE I MARSHALL 706. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, Laurelhurat; south front; hardwood floors, large attic, $5000; terms, pr, Duback. Main 5862, RICA I. KSTATE. $6500. This fs one of the finest bungalow that we havs sver had for sale; close In on the east side. . Haa been finished two years, has living room entirely across front ot house, extra large plate glass windows; tapestry paper and ivory finish; hardwood floors In every room; all Interior kiuss trim is bevel plate; .crystal hardware throughout; large bath, pedestal lavatory and pedestal base tub; large bedrooms, finely decor ated and very complete kitchen and breakfast nook; large floored aula, full concrete basement, furnace, garage with concrete floor and driveway, sewer and pavements in and paid for. This home was built by day labor and coat the pres ent owner $2000 more than the price we are asking. Very reasonable terma HILL BR BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy Sta. Tabor 8485. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. $700 caah and $18 per month and Interest will buy a new double con structed five-room bungalow In the Falrport addition to Kenton. This home la ABSOLUTELY COM PLETE. It Includes fire Insurance for three years, hardwood floors, shades, electric light globes and fixtures, linoleum In kitchen and bath, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement, large lot: all as sessments paid; move In at once; $4300. Call Mr. Young Monday. OTTO ft HARKSON. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Main 639$. BEAUTIFULLY" FURNISHED. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW ONLY $7200. 0 large, airy rooms, hardwood firs., cement basement, furnace, fireplace, all bulltins, sleeping poroh, garage. Very fine furniture Including Persian rugs. Real home at a sacrifice. Will stand the scrutiny of the most exacting. MARSH ft McCABB CO.. REALTORS. 322-3 4 Falling bldg. Mar. 3993. Evenings Call Tabor 436. I MUST SELL MT BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Business demands that I go east at once; will give someone the buy of their life In my 6-room bungalow with full floored attic, rlenforced concrete con struction, pebble dash finish; not built to sell, but dselgned and built for my own home; exceptionally large and at tractive living room, massive fireplace, English dining room, complete bullt-ln kitchen, breakfast room, two beautiful bedrooma garage to macth the house; if you are In the market for a real home at a moderate price, drive out to EAST MORELAND today. 1331 E. S2d at., or call owner, Setlwood 611, 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW. $3250. Cosy 5-room bungalow; has large light living room and dining room with hard wood floors, fireplace, buitt-ln bookcases and breakfast nook on first floor: ce ment basement with furAaee and laun dry trays, large attic; paved street; very easy terms;' will accept soldier bonus. J. L. KARNOPP ft CO., Main 875. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. A beautiful tract lying right on the river with a fine beach. Reached by gravel road and close to hard-surfaced highway and Oregon City cars. Hlgh clsss neighborhood. Price $1000. Will exchange for a first-class touring car. Something in same class as 5-passenger Bulck. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR, 318 chamber of Commerce. I.AURUI.HURIST BUNGALOW. LOVELY HOME. This Is Just a grand, new home ot sK rooms; hardwood polished floors, old ivory and tapestry paper; rooms are large and delightful; plate glass win dows. French doors, lovely hum in buf fet, Dutch kitchen, with a breakfast nook, burfet that Is different, tile tire place, furnace, garage; select location; $7008. D. W. ALTON. Automatic 329-19. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. This wonderful gem ot a home will be ready this week: Interior finished lu mahogany and ivory: hardwood floors In' living and dining rooms; large 50x100 lot and ltl-ft. alley: 3 blocks to Miss, ave. car; street improvements and sew ers all In and paid for and the price la only $3600. Where In all Portland can you beat this? But you will have to hurry. Geo. F. Crow, 801 Mississippi ave. OWNER S SACRIFICE 1 AM HE. $1425 $4425 HAWTHORNE VACANT BUNGALOW. NEED MONEY AND MUST SELL. 6 rooms, one floor, cement basement, good plumbtng, hardwood floors, ftre- place, every kind of bullt-ln. breakfast alcove, tapestry paper, garage, hard surfaced street, all city liens paid, near car. easy terma See It today (Sunday), Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. $3230 $3230 $3250. $500 CASH $300. $23 PER MONTH $25. Brand new 4-room bungalow with breakfast nook, oak floors throughout, gas furnace, full plumbing, full cement basement, light fixtures, shades; strictly modern, move right On. Sellwood car to Reynolds ave.. No. 334. nesr river; great bargain; owner must sell. See It today. Phone East 40O0. ROSE CITY. $300 DOWN CLOSE TO CAR. 1441 WISTERIA DRIVE. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE, BOOKCASES. BUFFET. OAK FLOORS, BREAKFAST NOOK: 2 NICB BED ROOMS. ONE-HALF BLOCK TO SANDY. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 820 U. S. NATIONAL BANK I1I.DQ. FOR SALE TERMS. IRVINGTON PARK. Classy new colonial bungalow, 60x100 lot. Improvements all paid; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. complete kitchen and breakfast room; tile bath, vltroltte drain board. This Is a rest home, well built; will stand Inspection. Owner at house all day Sunday. 8221 Wasco, corner 26th st. Phone Tabor 6346. ROSB CITY PARK. CORNER BUNGALOW. A very cosy 5-room bungalow with floored attic, oak floors. Ivory and tap estry paper, compact Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms, French doors loading1 onto exclusive porch, large corner, lovely shade trees, 2 blocks north of Sandy, below hill; $6800; reasonable terms. D. W. ALTON. Automatic 829-19. $4930 EAST Bit. i A DWAY SNAP A 6-room house with full cement base ment, laundry trays, bullt-lns, furnace, fireplace, beautiful light fixtures, fin ished In Ivory and white enamel, tapes- I try paper; vacant. In fine condition; elty r improveent in snd paid; four blocks Para wood school: $4950, with $.. down. RUMMEI.L & RUMMEI.L. 274 Stark SI IRVINGTON HOMES ol'K SPECIALTY. UEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAUSEN CO. REALTORS. 830 N. W. BANK. MAIN Sillh EAST 894. IRVINOTON PICKUP $6,300. Fine 7-room home. In perfect repair; well built, modern, garage. Neuhausen, 8:u N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. K. 394. JUST completed modern 8-room house, all conveniences, hsrdwood floors through out the house, tile bath, with shower; 24 Zexow Gasco furnace, double ga rage; house Is located In best part of Laurelhurst. near park For appoint ment call Tabor 6034. A. Tajunen, con tractor. builder. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow. Just completed; hardwood floors throughout: tile hath and sink; como out today to 641 Ea. 65th N.. near Stanton, 2 to i P. M. ; easy terms if desired. N. O. EKLUND. flwner and Builder. Tabor OOB. $3875 A REAL BARGAIN $3T0. Two good 7-room houses close In. east side; rented $23 each: a home and an Income; terma Sunday, Marshall 3863; week days. Main IMT, MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $7300 SNAP In Hawthorne home. 8-room modern house, walking distance. 2 fire places, concrete garage, cement base ment, hsrdwood floors, all bullt-lns. close to high and grammar school; 1 block to car. Call East 28f4. Will consider terms. IRVINGTON NEW ('. INI AL. Near Knott. Wonderful large living room, French doors, colonial staircase, oak floors, select plumbing, cement porches, perfect kitchen. In fact, noth ing missing. Neuhausen Co.. . Realtors. 83o N. W. Bank bldg Main 8078 E 3114 FOR SALKJ Hawthorne ave. home, open 2 to 4 o'clock on Sunday. 1107 Haw thorne av. ; 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, cement basement: must be seen to be appreciated; $1000 down. Price $5230. Phone Tabor $78. ; UNLOCKED today. 485 E. 20th N'., near Thompson. 6-7-room home,, now In the most beautiful condition throughout. This real home In thU resl location. Must turn Close offer will buy. R. T. eTR!:T Better Homes. FOR SALE Cosy Intl.- bouse very .heap; come and see iL 1214 K. 18th st. N.