TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAXD,' DECEMBER 4, 1021 23. M BONDS STHE NBTHEN I III BERT Y ISSUES SELIi AT NEW HIGH QUOTATIONS. Victory Notes Also Register Net Cuius Stocks Irregular With Oils and Steels Favored. NEW YORK, Dec. J. Stock trading to day was quiet in contrast with active ses sions earlier In the week. The uneven trend of prices resulted from the custom ary week-end closing out of apculative accounts. Htrels and equipments attain were fav ored, because of consolidation rumors. Ieciaratlon of the regular dividend on International Harvester strengthened shares of that description. General Elec tric made a substantial addition to Its recent advance and oils, some of the Eu ropean groups excepted, were strong. Of the domestic ollst Transcontinental was most prominent on confirmation of rumors that It had closed a deal wltb Standard till of California for Joint oper ation of its large acreage in Colombia. Ralls were apathetic, the few changes !n that group being confined to coalers of secondary importance and the more popu lar Pacifies and grangers. Leather Issues reacted, but chemical and papef specialties Improved on better trade conditions. ,6ales ' were StjS.OOO aharea Liberty and victory Issues comprised most of the dealings in bonds. Several of the former scored a new high quotation and both series closed at net gains. For eign boads were subjected to renewed pressure. Total sales, par 'value. $10, 876.000. . Heavy transfers of funds Incidental ts December Interest and dividend payments were not reflected in the clearing house statement. Loans showed only a moderate Increase and the actual cash loss was alight, leaving excess reserves nearly $18,000,000 In exceaa of requirements. INVESTMENT DEMAND 18 GREATER Bond Bales During Week Aggregate f 125,000,000 In Value. NEW YORK, Dec I. An expansion of the Investment demand for bonds and an increase of publlo interest in 'the stock list featured financial markets this week. Kxclusive of enlarged private offerings, bond sales on the stock exchange totaled about f l-'S.OOO.OOO par value, while the trunovar in stocks was 4.000.000 shares. Liberty bonds and victory notes broke sr equalled the year's high records, de spite extensive -realizing. Some other do mestic bonds and several of the foreign roup, especially French and Belgian gov ernment, were irregularly depressed. Much of the activity and strength In stocks converged around steels, equip ments and affiliated shares. Their ad vance was occasioned by well defined re ports that the discussed consolidation of Independent producers soon might assume concrete form. Ralls dominated at Inter vals, the October record of a 10 per cent gAln in aet earnings and a 24 per cent cut in operating costa being a pronounced factor. . Following market tradition, how ever, that division reacted on declaration of the Burlington and Colorado & South ern dividends. Industrial and commercial developments disclosed moderate .setbacks and sporadic gains. Steel and Iron production lagged and improvement in the mercantile lines was mainly traceable to pre-hollday de mand. Incidentally, business failures reached their highest point of the year during November. Recent irregular conditions In the money market were unaltered. . Despite further accumulation of reserves by the local fed eral reserve bank, call loans rose to &hb per cent. The shorter time maturities and rates for merchants' paper. however. Showed slight concessions. A. buoyant tone developed in the foreign exchange market on the decision of the 'Washington government to participate in the proposed reconstruction of International credits. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck 4k Cooke com pany. Portland.) sales. 13 2 24 25 4S 28 H 07 T lol! 41H 25 f 2SH4 151 28 '4 15 Vi 304 2 27 110H 2M 14 1! 2 Int Merc Mar 14 1SH do pfd 65 ft I ini a:cki ... z, km) i 11 mi rajipr .... DOO Oi 'a do pfd Invincible OH. S.4O0 12 Island Oil ... 2,300 3 Jewel Tea K C Southern 200 "24 K C So pfd Kelly-Spdfld . 1,400 42 nciiiircun ... ...... Keystone Tire Lack steel... 3,000 Lee Tire I-hlgh Val Lorillard .... ...... Lowe Theat Marland oil 27 Mex Pet 11.500 112V? Mid States OH Mldvale Steel M K A T do pfd ..... ...... Mont Povsr. ....... . Mont. Ward......... Mo Pac 100 do pfd M St P & SSM No Amer Nat Biscuit t. Nat Enamel.. ...... Nat Ler.d Nev Con New Haven... 100 Norfolk & W Nor Pac N Scotia Steel N Y Central.. 600 Okla Prod ref Ontario Sliver Out W Otis Steel Pacific Dev Pad Q 4 K Punta Allegre. ...... Pacific Oil Pan Am Pet do "B" Penna Peo Gas Per Marq.... ...... Pure OH Phillips Pete Plence Arrow.. Pierce OH Pitts Coal.... 700 Pitts A W Va. .4o0 do pfd ...... Press stl Car Pullman ..... Ray Con RO0 Reading 1,400. Remington Replogle Steel Kepub IAS.. e,400 do pro ..... Rest Motors... ...... P.st'al Dut Oil 47 47 Ry Steel Spg - Stand Oil N J 191 Sears Roebk. 400 59 Shat Arlx Shell T & T 37 Sinclair 4,200 22'j Stand Oil Cal 91 FOUR STOCK table: . Stand Oil Ind Sloss Shef 19 47 44 80 V4 13 13 Wt 82 '75 20 10 so 45 61 40 34 2i as 31 14 13 2 27 "7 110 14 73 65 18 46 80 13 13 88 ft 81 'ii" ...a. '20 , 5? 60 4 34 "22 ft 87 31 14 13 62 27 67 108 14 73 2.i 63 1S6 67 '37 22 91 . .45, Adams exp... Agr Chem ... Ajax Rubber., do pfd AJax Rubber. Alo.U. C'.nlA Alaska Jun... Allied Chem.. Allis-Chal. .. do pfd Am Heet Sug. Am Boch . . . Am Can Co.. do pid .... Am Car A Fy. do pfd Am Co Oil... do pfdt .... Am HAL.. do pfd Am Ice Am IntI Corp. Am Linseed.. Am Loco . . . do pfd ..... Am Sat Raz. . Am Ship A C. Am Smelter.. do pfd .... Am Snuff ... Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar .. do pfd Am Sumatra. Am T & T. .. Am Tobacco.. do B" Am Wool .... Am W P pfd. Am Zinc .... Anaconda ... Asfd Oil .... Atchison .... do pfd .... Atl, O A W I. Bald I.oco ... do pfd Bait & Ohio.. do pfd .... Beth St "B". . B T R Butte C A Z. Butte A Sup. Burns Bros., fadrto Oil ... Calif Packing Calif Pet do prd .... Canadian Pac. On Leather. . t'erro de Pas. t'hand Alotor. Clujo A N W. 2 STock Table. Chgo Ot W... ., do pfd Chili Cop .... Cluno C M St P do pfd Coco Cola . . . . , C & O Colo K A I Colo Southern. Col C..1S A Ele Columbia Ora. Con Oas Cons Cigars .. do pfd Crvntl Can ... Cities W C B. Corn Prod . . . do pfd Cosden Oil ... C R I A I do "A" pfd. do "B" pfd. Crucible do pfd Cuba Cane .. do pfd Cuban Am Sug lel A Hudson Dome Mines . Del Lack Division Chem Kndlcott John Erie .. do 1st pfd.. Famous Plays) Fed Min A Sm do pfd Fisk Tire ...i fiaaton Wms . Oen Cigars .. Gen Elec .... Oen Motor ... Olen Alden . .. High. Low. 300 31 18 31 17 300 18 17 900 57 37 28 32 15tV' 5 87 28" 82 149 13 12 7.1)00 8,066 9O0 1.200 i,66 1.1) 'Ml l.."MK 500 1.900 O0 8.200 tt.UOO 900 i.soo 41 34 7 " ft 84 55 33 N 11U 134 12tt 80 46 66 85 37 67 8f 83 07 '4 5 43 ' 34" 55 32 115 132 121) 80 4 8'iii 94 87 66 116 116 300 BOO 8.0O0 4IH) ' 1,000 800 900 200 1.2o 3,000 Tl 44 lis 31 34 47 69 12 27 23 30 31) 57 "5 2 44 65 3 71 1 44 lis 28 34 47 68 12 27 23 3H 3Hft 87 26 44 64 8 Goodrich .... U ran by Great Nor Or Co pfd Greene Can Oulf S Steel.. Hunk Barker. Jfounton Oil . 34upp Motor .. Ills Cent Inspiration .. . Int Arr C com do pfd Jnterntata Cal. Jnt Harv .... flit pfd 88 88 "1.166 's.ift 83 33 33 !'."" '78 '76 1.400 65 64 "2'.4o6 "7 "7 15 13 600 14 13 iii" iio 52 51 78 77 11 11 "l'.8o6 69 '68 iii" iii 11 10 lo'.66 H5ft 64 400 32 32 ...... 27 20 600 33 i 83 77 76 28 26 BOO 60 49 80 80 "1.466 "12" "iift ""ioo '38 'is Bid. 41) t 31 18 56 v. 18 56 87 85 28 32 32 92 141) 115 21 45 12 RSft 75 41 84 97 100 4 6 43 86 109 34 55 85 32 115 133 12. RO 26 11 '4 46 100 9ft 80 04 Jot 7 65 b 7 5 16 116 . 12 ' 71 44 84 lis 2 34 46 68, 18 12 27 23 311 8', 57 26 43 64 3 3 ' 21 62 46 24 8S It' 33 33 8S 76 65 87 7 15 13 109 18 110 51 77 11 18 11 69 e ' 81 7 143 10 43 64 ( 32 2 83 77 28 49 80 78 11 9S 38 7 36 6 82 161 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DE- J-KNDAULK 1HODICK DEALER f . Veal Butter Pork t heeae Poultry i'.ggs Honey Any Product Get our prices HlBY CO , 169 Front 8t. Portland Or. Sixteen Tears' Reliability. So Pacific... So Railway.. do pfd .... St L A S F... Strom Carb. .. Studebaker . . Swift & Co.. Ten Cp Ch Texas Oil Texas Pacific Tex Pa C A O Tobe Products Tran Cont Oil Union Oil Del Union Pacific, United Alloy. United Drug. Untd Fd Prd United Fruit. Untd Rtl Stra U 8 Ind Alco U 8 Rubber.. do 1st pfd.. TT 8 Smelting-. U S Steel.... do pfd .... Utah stopper.. Va Chem.... do pfd .... Vandlum Steel Vlvandou .... Wabash do "A" pfd. do "B" pfd. Wells Fargo.. Western Pac. do pfd .... Westrn Union Wstgh HAM West Md White Motors Willys - Over do pfd .... Wilson Packg Wlscn Central Wool worth .. Wortn Pump. W A L B.... White Oil.... 2,000 400 SOO 8t 19 23 77 80 19 23 75 10 10 2.000 45 45 400 24. 24 2S) 2S 400 69 6HH 33,500 11 10 20 191, 127 126 "ioo 7i ii" "566 124" 124" 63 B2 1.100 37 3(1 1.700 60 50 V.SOO 84 83 "Abi 69 69 29 29 3,666 83 82 "t" t" 21 21 S'.IOO 49 48 I!!!! 36" 36" 600 6 5 29 29 "266 44" 44" "966 is" 12 BONDS. 14 65 11 52 95 12 2 12 24 63 42 25 9 48 21 57 151 14 27 111 251, 15 29 2 a 59 H 18 47 70 -44 11 6 13 13 H 81 20 75 3 4 20 10 8 64 30 45 50 46 34 65 22 87 31 14 13 6J 27 78 67 109 14 ' 73 24 24 M 7 90 mo 58 7 37 22 91 80 8(1 80 14 4ft .22 82 76 lou 10 45 24 29 6X 11 10 126 25 70 10 124 52 S 60 VI 33 84 112 5!) 20 72 33 7 7 ei 13 64 19 611 90 411 9 88 5 211 29 29 122 44 7 12 (7. 8. 2a, reg..' do 2a, coup.' do 4s, reg..' do cv 4s, c. Pan 3s, reg..' do 3a cou..' A T A T cv 5s Atchen gen 4s D A R con 4a 100M T C deb 6a. .100 100iNor Pac 4s.... 83 I04 do 3s 61 l()41iPaC TAT 5s..93 76 76 108 83 73 Penn con 4s.92 So Pac cv 5s... "95 So Ry 5a 89 Union Pac 4s.. 88 (J S Steel 6a... 88 Bid. Liberty Bond Qutatlong. Liberty bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland: High. Low. Close. Liberty 3s 9TX30 96.18 1)0.26 do 1st 4s...' 97.30 do 2d 4s 97.40 do 1st 4s 97.S0 97.54 97.02 do 2d 4s 97.70 97.50 97.56 do 3d 4s .VPS 10 97 8 97.94 do 4th 4s 97.94 97.74 1)7.90 Victory 4s 100 99.HS 99.96 do 38 IOO 99.98 99.96. Boston Allouez Ariz Com .... Cal A Ariz Cal A Heela... Centennial Cop R Con Co. E Butte Cop M Franklin Isle Royalle C. Lake Copper.. Closinc Mining. 23Mohawk 55 9Sorth Butte .. 12 6.1 oid Dom 23 53Osceola 3t 9 (Superior 2 39 Sup A Bostoni. 1 10iShannon 1 1 Utah Cons .... 2 23lwinona 40 2Wolverlne 11 Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift A Co. stock at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 100 Llbby. McNeil A Lllby 6 National Leather .................. 2 Swift International 20V4 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW TORK, Dec. 8. Foreign bar sil ver, 67c; Mexican dollars, 01c LONDON, Dec. 8. Bar silver, 87 d per ounce. Monkey. 2 per cent. Discount rates Short bills, 8 per cent; three-months bills. 3 11-16 per cent. New York Bonds. ' New York bond quotations furnished by Herrin A Rhodes, Inc., of Portland: Am Tel & Tel 6s, 1922 99 do 6s, 1924 1197,4 Anaconda 7s B. 1929 101 do 6s A, 1929 , 96 Armour cv 7s. 1930 . . , .' 102 Am Ag Chm 7s, 1941 102 Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1922 100 do 7s. 19231 100 do Eq-7s, 1935 100 Belgium Ext 7s, 1945 104 do 8s. 1940 103 Bergen 8s, City of, 1943 105 Berne 8s, City of, 1945 .....107 Brazil 8s, 1941 104 Canadian 5s. 1926 93 do 5s, 1I13L 95 do Nat Eq 7s, 193.1 106 do (guar) 6s, 1946 107 C M A St P- gn A rf 4c A. 2014... 60 Canadian Northern 7s, 1940 109 u Chile 8s, 1941 102 Christiana 8s. City of, 1945 107 Copper Exp 8s. 1922 , lHOhi do 8s, 11123 102 do 8s. 1024 111314 do 8s, 1925 104 Cuman Amer Sugar Bs, 1931 105 Con Gas cv 7s. 1925 104 Diamond Match 7s, 1935 10T Denmark 8s, 1945 109 Danish Mun 8s, 1945 108 Dupont 7s, 1031 lDShi French ext 8s. 1945 100 , do 7s. 1941 94U Grand Trunk 7s, 1940 110i Goodyear 8s, 1941 110 Oulf Oil 7s. 1933 Il02 Great Northern 7s. 1936 108 Humble OH 7s, 1923 looi Int Rap Tr ref 5a. 1968 64 Int Mar CT 6s, 1041 o-ul Int Rap Tr 7a, 1921 73 Llbby, McNeil A Llbby 7s, 1931 ... 100 Mexican Pete 8s. 1936 101 N T C cal 7s. 1930 105 2 Norway 8s, 1940 109 14 Northwest Tel 7s. 1941 'l07 Pan Amer 7s, 1930 s Penna 6s. 1936 "lou - , - - . " " W T n. moo .......107 Bonds and Bunk WE DON'T HOLLER about ourselves, much; we don't like to talk about ourselves, much. BUT the bonds that WE buy are suitable for the investment of anybody who makes safety of principal and regularity of interest the prime requisite. Bonds WE buy are legally acceptable for invest ment of financial institutions in Oregon and elsewhere. That " in itself does not mean much. Any bonds not good enough for the funds of widows and orphans are not good enough for us to buy and we don't buy them. The president, the several vice-presidents and the secretary and treasurer of this company and as well several others of the directors and stockholders who devote their entire time to this business have had long experience in buying and selling bonds, several of them being actually engaged in it from fifteen to twenty years. Every officer, director and employe ofhis company from the president down devotes his entire time to THIS business. We have no side issues. We believe v we know something about this business. Our clients purchase from us about $ 1 ,000,000 of bonds monthly; some months considerably more, V We will be glad to see you and discuss investment matters with you. It will cost nothing to become acquainted. Perhaps we can be of real service to you. We will certainly be glad to try. May we have the opportunity? Frstmak smith ssouMB rtocat a snams tarsi au tbsi Camp Co. British vky 4s v.... British ref 4s . . ., Bordeaux 6s. 1934 Canadian 5s, 1937 Canadian 5a. 1U26 Canadian 5a, 1929 Canadian 5s, 11131 ....... Canadian 6s. 1927 Chilean 8s. 1941 ......... Denmark 8a, 1945 French 4s, 1917 French 5s. 1920 French 5s, 1931 French 7s. 1941 French 83. 1945 German W L 5s .......... Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s ..... Hamburg 4s Leipslg 4s Leipsig 6s ............... Munich 4s Munich 5s Frankfort 4s ............. Italian 5s. 1918 Jap 4s, 1931 Jan 1st Int, I"-J Jap 2d 4s. 1925 Norway 8s. 14) ssian 5s. 1921 ....... Russian 5s, 1926 Russian 6s, 1919 Swiss 5a, 1929 Swiss 8s, 1940 U K 5s. 19221. U K 5s. 1929 U K 5s, 1937 . ...818 ...21)0 -... 86 ... 93 ... 96 ... 97 ...94 ... 90 ...102 ...lus ... 45 ... 63 ...64 ... 94 ...100 .,. 3 ... 4 ... 4 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... ... 5 ...S3 ... 70 ... 86 ... 86 ...109 ... 13 ... 2 ... 13 ... 94 ...112 ... U ...96 ...94 328 3U0 8 93 9(1 97 95 92 103 46 64 56 94 100 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 8 6 34 70 86 86 110 16 3 18 95 113 99 96 94 Foreign Exrhange. r ureisil eL-uiie , ... a a. - buslnetffs yesterday, furnished by North- JLT...I 1 n UnpttanH T Vl A amount quoted Is the equivalent or the foreign unit in unuea eiaies auuu.. Country. Unit. Kate. Austria, kronen .0OOS Belgium, francs 0,J- Hulirarla. leva .008. Czecho-siovakia.. kronen 0115 Denmark, kroner -J '- England, pound sterling 4.00oO Finland, flnmark ffranp. f T a n fm ... ............... .0t33 Germany, marks t 2"' Greece, drachmas -. .0415 IT . I ,,J 'Jit! rtoi.anu, uiiuma .......- " Hungary, kronen 0'i0 Italy, lire Jugo-Slavla. kronen 0(M1 Norway, kroner .1450 Portugal, escudos 0900 Roumnnla. lei 0OS7 Ferbla. dlnara 017,1 Spain, pesetas 1415 Sweden, kroner 2300 franr I 1924 China Hongkong, local currency.. .5450 Shanghai, tae.s 7KOO Japan, yen .4850 NEW YORK. Dec. 3. 'Foreign exchange Irregular; Great Britain, demand $4.04; cables, 14.05; France, demand 7.25, ca bles 7.28; Italy, demana 4.-'o, caoies 4.25; Belgium. demand 7.03, cables 7.03; Germany, demand .4.1; cables .45; Holland, demand 33.64, cables 35.70; Nor way, demand 14.37; Sweden, demand 23.78; Denmark, demand 18.65; Swltzerlandv de mand 19.1.1: Spain, demand 13.96: Greece, demand 4.07; Argentina, demand 32.37; Brazil, demand, 13,00; Montreal, 1 0-1B. Kxeeaa Reserves are Increased. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. The actual condi tion of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week skows that they hold $17,987,800 reserve a excess of legal requirements. This la an Increase ot $3,451,390 from last week. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Current Prices Ruling sn Butter, Cheese and Egr. BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 8. Dairy prod uce exchange closed. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Butter Barely steady: creamery higher than extras, 47? 47c: creamery extras, 46&46c; cream ery firsts. 89 45c. Eggs Irregular; fresh gathered extra firsts, 62 6 65c; do first 65 iff 60c. Cheese Steady; unchanged. Live and dressed poultry Quiet: un changed. CHICAGO. Dec. 8. Butter Lower:' creamery extras; 45c; firsts. 86943c; sec onds, 8335c; standards. 88c. Eggs Unchanged: receipts 1725 cases. SEATTLE, Dee. 8. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 64c; do mixed colors, 56 58c; pullets, 45ij9 46c Butter City creamery, cubes, 46c; bricks or prints. 47c. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Dec 8. Raw sugar, cen trifugal. 3-87'y 4.11c; refined, fine granu lated, 8.204T 5.30c. Duluth Linseed Market. DTJLTJTHT, Dec 8. Linseed on track. $1.81 it 1.84; arrive, $1.81. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec 8. Spot cotton, quiet; middling. 17.80c. Coffee Futures , Market Higher. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The market for coffee futures was higher today, owing to further advances in the Brazilian mar ket, which served to emphasize recent re ports of unfavorable new crop prospects. The opening was three to six points higher. There was very little business In December, which sold at 8.65c, or one point below last night's close, but later months sold 13 to 25 points higher, with March touching 8.48c and September 8.47c Last prices were the best of the day, net one point lower to 25 points higher. Sales were estimated about 54, O00 bags. Closing quotations: December. 8.55c; January, 8.45c; March, 8.48c; May, 8.40c; July. 8.44c; September. 8.46c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio Cs, 8oi9c; Santos 4s. 11r12e. HOW TO BUY SAFE BONDS The following booklets may be obtained gratta by writing on your business or personal stationery. "10-Year Price Range of All Listed Bonds" together with 1921 Sales and Prices "Buying Safe Bonds on Partial Payment Plan" Also Semi-Monthly Investment Circular . L. A HUGHES & CO. INVESTMENTS 100 Broadway New York NOTE: This advertisement appears in the interest of the further development of Oregon Agricultural lands as well as our personal interest in the distribution of these bonds. We feel that the recent Oregon Law, which makes for a fundamentally sound investment, is not generally known and we are taking this means of publicly pointing out the important features to those who are not regularly re ceiving our offerings. We take pleasure in presenting the Municipal Irrigation District Bond as Safe Bonds for Investment and for general information as to the progressive action the State has taken, we respectfully request that the following be read with care. Oregon's Greatest Opportunity HER UNDEVELOPED AGRICULTURAL LANDS A WELL-KNCVWN EASTERNER Mid In commenting on the proposed V 1925 EXPOSITION "It Is widely acknowledged that such an exposition will naturally attract new population to Oregon and Portland. Do not forpet that Increased population in cities will require additional food supply, and that an increase in rural population will be occasioned only by the availability of land to till. You have lands, proven as to quality by noted soli experts, which need only an adequate water supply to place them on a par with the best (arming sections of the country. You have the advantage of a state law, to be applied to worthy projects, which is sound, protective and progressive. Through the making ready ot these lands, every business man is directly increasing his income every taxpayer is decreasing his public obligation. lo not delay consideration ot this very vital problem." STATE ENGINEER CUTTER In a recent article ptabllshe-d la The Portlsad TVlesrana said 1st parti "Oregon "today presents the preatest opportunity of any utate In the union for development. However, in tlie agricultural lands of Oregon lie her most permanent, stable and desirable resources. There are now some 1.200.000 acres of land Included In well organised projects, "of which some 00,0v0 are still awaiting reclamation. This is by no means the measure of Oregon's Irrigation possibilities, as we may reasonably hope ultimately to nee 3,600.0110 acre under Irrigation. "The 1915 fair will bring people here to aid In the development of our wonderful agrfrultural resources, Krom the standpoint of Irriga tion and agricultural development generally, the 192 exposition U very opportune" IRRIGATION SECURITIES C031MISSI0N This commission Is composed of the etate engineer, stats superin tendent of banks and the attorney-general, who must pass upon the district with reasonable certainty from an engineering, financial and legal standpoint. Certification and Interest Guarantee , This commission Investigates, prior to consideration for certifica tion and interest guarantee, the following: (1) All the affairs of the district, including the water supply and the district's right thereto. 2) The nature of the soil, its fertility and adaptability to Irriga tion. (3) The general feasibility and cubstantlalness of the project and ( eystem. , (4) The market value of the water, water rights, canals, reservoir, reservoir site and of the works owned or to be acquired or constructed by the district and the market value of all lands in the district. (6) Whether it will be for the best Interests) of ths district apply ing for interest guarantee, and the state of Oregon, that the state of Oregon sliull pay interest on such bonds for the period covered by the application. Action of the Commission Upon complete approval, the commission may order that the bonds be certified, to sn amount not rxcerdlng HOT, ot the segregate rnsrhe value of the land and the works, by the (secretary of Mate under the seal of the state. Such certification makes these bonds a legal Investment for sav ings banks, commercial banks, trust funds, trust companies and state school funds and legnlly acceptable to secure deposits of state, county and city funds in Oregon banks. Secondly, the state enters into an agreement with the district to pay interest for the period of. time covered in the application, such funds being repaid to the state after the retirement of the prebent ' bonded indebtedness. Strong Features of Bonds Issued Under This Law 1. They are a direct obligation of the entire district. Interest and principal are provided for by municipal taxes assessed against all lands in the district. These tRxes are collected In the same manner and are an integral part of the general taxes. The county treas urer of the principal county in which the district is located is the treasurer of the district. 2. In addition to the provision for the payment of principal and in . terest of the bonds by taxation, all the property of the district, including water rights, reservoir and distribution, liable for the indebtedness of the district. 3. That until paid the district tax is a lien on the land, ranking prior to all first mortgages. 4. Through certification these bonds are made legal for every pur pose In the state of Oregon thnt our state bonds are. 5. Through interest guarantee the state of Oregon In the majority of cases becomes the largest holder of the obligations of the various districts and the holder of an "obligation which is not retired until after retirement of the present bonds. In addition the state re ceives six per cent on Its investment as contrasted with the return the bondholder receives. We Submit Below the Bonds of Two Districts Bearing State Certification and Interest .Guarantee The Unsold Portion ot Federal Income Tax Exempt $275,000 Silver Lake Irrigation District G Bonds Lake County, Oregon. f 1000 Denominations. Due Serially 1033 to 1948. Legal Investment for Oregon savings banks, commercial banks, trust funds, trust companies, insurance companies and state school funds and letcally acceptable to secure deposits of state, county and city funds in Oregon. Bach bond bears the certificate of the secretary of state to this effect. The Silver Lake Irrigation District, comprising 8979 acres. Is the first unit of the 48,000-acre Silver Lake project, carefully Investigated and recommended by the U. S. Reclamation Service and the State of Oregon Jointly in 1S15. The present construction follows the recom mendations of these bodies in practically every detail. Soil survey by Prof. W. L. Powers of the Oregon Agricultural College. The total loan represents less than $30.00 debt per acre spread over a period of 27 years. The value of real property with water is estimated at $850,000. Interest on these bonds paid by the State of Oregon up to and In cluding January 1, 1924. PRICES All Maturities to Yield 7 Legality Approved by Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland, and the Attorney-General of the State of Oregon. The I'nnold Portion of Federal Income Tax Exempt 881,800 Slide Irrigation District 6 Bonds Slalheur County, Oregon. flOOO and $500 Denominations. Dne Serially 1M2 to IDItl). Legal investment for Oregon savings banks, commercial banks, trust funds, trust companies, insurance companies and state school funds, and learn" y acceptable to secure deposits of state, county and city funds in Oregon banks. The Slide Irrigation District, serving 1719 acres, was completed in May of this year, and in this first season approximately 900 acres have been placed under cultivation. This district is located on the Snake river, directly opposite Welser, Idaho, and Is connected with this city by a good highway and bridge. The Columbia River highway traverses this district. This district is in the heart of a proven Irrigation country, lands on adjoining districts having values or from J250 to $400 per acre. The outstanding bonds total 1100,000, while a conservative appraisal of the land and works is placed at 1322.000. Interest on these bonds paid by the State of Oregon up to and including July 1, 1923. PRICES All Maturities to Yield 7 Legality Approved by Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland, and the Attorney-General of the otate of Oregon. NOTGi At the present time we can furnish all maturities of the Silver Lake issue except in 1925. 1926, 1931, 194t, 1947 and 194S. The Slide issue can be furnished in all maturities except 1932, 1933 and 1939. PARTIAL PAYMENT PURCHASES! For a limited period we will accept partial payment purchases on the basis of 10 as the initial payment, the balance to be spread over ten equal installments. Full details furnished upon request. RESERVATlONSi On bona fide reservations we will hold bonds for a period not to exceed sixty days. Build Oregon Through Wise Investments G. E. Miller & Company Northwestern Rank Building Portland, Oregon Gentlemen: 1'lease furnish me ! Detailed information on Silver 1 Detailed information on Slide J Complete information on your purchasing these bonds. ame . . . . . . . .... . mm Lake Irr. Die lrr. Dlst. 6 Partial Paym . w . . . t. 6 Bonds. Honds. ent Plan for Street Address ............... n City i.......... .aai G. E. MILLER & COMPANY Second Floor INVESTMENT BONDS PORTLAND -SEATTLE Northwestern National Bank Building PORTLAND- Main 411)3 20 MONTHS to pay far any stodc or bond. Purchaser racsivss dmdrads. Wnta far booklet FREE. RODNEY 4. CO. IWnCaM T. 55 Broadway, New York C. B. Harrington Co. BROKERS What Stocks or Bonds do you wish to buy or sell? Let us handle your order. Title A Trnst Bldg. Main 3817. Northern Pacific 6a, 2047 san Paulo (is. 1U36 Southwest Tel 7s, 1925 Swedish Government tts, 1939 Standard Oil X y 7s. 131 do of Cal 7s, 11131 ........ Steel 9t Tube 7s, 11)61 Swiss 8s. 11)40 Sears Hoe 7s, 1922 . . 1 (M ..1111 ..in lott 9S " Jl-'S do 7s. ll)l'3 J Swift Co 7s. 1025 luot Union Tank 7s, lD.'SO iditT Wilson 1st 6s. 1!J8 iau. West Elec 7s, 1UJS ..." .JJJJ Westlnghouse 7s, 1931 ' Zurich H. i"2 lu Foreign Bonds. Forelrn bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Belrlan, rest 5s ,ys Belgian, prem 5s ,-, Belgian 7Vs. 1!)43 Belalsn 6s, imo British 5s. 1!2'2 4111 Britlxh .Is. 19-'7 41M) BrlUsa ia, li 400 Ask. 62 6'.) KM tm 40 410 410 IIMlllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIllllUllllllllillillf Announcement S THE WICHITA ROYALTY COM PANY ANNOUNCES AN EXTRA DIVIDEND WILL BE PAID ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF RECORD DECEMBER FIRST IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR THREE PER CENT DIVIDEND FOR THE MONTH. THIS COMPANY HAS PAID A TOTAL OF FIFTY-THREE PER CENT IN CASH DIVIDENDS THE PAST SEV ENTEEN MONTHS. q FOR C O M P L E T E INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL. .flffllltiawi.ll HUM.WS. if MIHULM M-i L1LHJ 70B2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiH We Own and Offer: I United States of Brazil 1 47o Bonds of 18S9 1 Denominations: 1000, 500 and 100. E Principal and smi-annual interest payable in pound sterling. E E Coupons may be cashed at our office. E E The Bonds constitute direct external obligation of the E E ' United States of Brazil E You may realize upon your investment E in these bonds an annual income of E . ' to Over 9 and in ADDITION thereto an increase in principal of from E - , 88 to 124 1 E as exchange becomes more normal. E H In an opinion these bonds afford one of the most attractive E E . investments now available. E f.l.nevepeaux5i(Qmpany I ' INVESTMENT BONOS 8T SUMTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1043 GROUND rXOOR WELLS -FARGO BUJLOING Tiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. I Howland?Pederson I INCORPORATED 1 1314 L. C Smith Building, Seattle, Washington E E Elliott 8188 s E iiiilllllillillllliliaiilllllilillllilllliliililllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirE MAIJT 3JMI1 main 3ima BUILD UP LOCAL PAY-ROLLS! INVEST IN THE PREFERRED STOCK OF A SUBSTANTIAL . HOME INDUSTRY. The largest manufacturer of Tables, located west of the Mississippi. Stabilized, heavy demand tor product Justifies doubling; of output and payroll. FREELAND FURNITURE COMPANY Offers for subscription a limited amount of Its 8 PREFERRED STOCK Subscriptions received In blocks of 100 or multiples of $100, at par, to net the Investor 8 per cent per annum. At retirement, an added profit of 10 per cent is paid. If terms are wanted, stock may be subscribed for upon 25 per cent cash payment, balance in three Quarterly payments, without interest. Established 1911. . ' FREELAND FURNITURE COMPANY Makers of Fine Tables. 970 Macadam Street. Portland. Oregon. Text Book o! WALL STREET -1923 EDITION- CoMmntt History of New York Stock Exchange History of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York History of the New York Curb How to Open an Account and Methods of Trading The Art of Speculating for Profits Augmenting One's Income ' How to Secure Loans on Stocks Dictionary of Wall Street Terms aftd Values of Foreign Exchanges Copy Aw mpoa rsqisssc McCall, Rllcy & Co. Msmtarrs ConaolidsUd Btoes. Exobsjic ot Nw York 20 Broad SL, New York Liberty Bonds HOLD YOURS Do not part with them unless compelled to do so. ' BUY MORE At present attractive prices, thus reducing cost. Booklet No 29t ives lnteresrin( snd profitable information. Writs TODAY for your fnecofr).. ROSE &. COMPANY Libertj Bond Specialists 50 Broad Street, New York City OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stm ks, Honda. Cstton, Grain, t-tr. a tlS-tlT BOARD OF TRADK BIJ0. Walla, Walla. Waali. I'nrtland, Or. rendlrtuu. Or. MEMBERS CHICAGO HOARD Of TKADK. Corresnondrnts of I-osan a Bryan. Chicajro and uw Vork. MEM KER.H i New York Hwk Kirhanra. . t'lilrsto htork Kxrhans. HNtn Htiirk Klrhsncfl, Chlrairo Hoard of Trade. ew lork tot Lin En hanr. Now Orleans Cotton Ksrlianffe. New ork I'roduro Ksrhanice. Winnipeg; (train Kxrhanice. Urerpool Cotton Association. ORGANIZING A COMPANY? Save the usual Incorporating ex. penses, avoid personal liability and excess profits taxes. Organize on the common law plan under a Declaration of Truxt nemaree Standard Forma (ap proved by attorneys) furnish com plete equipment with which any one In any State can organize a company. Issue shares and befrin dolnsr business the same day. Ask for circular A-42 containing: full descriptions. C. S. DKM ARF.E, I-aal Illank Printer, 613 Walnut, Kansas City, Mo. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established lsfl. BROKERS New Tork 8tooka. Bonds, Grain, Cot Prlvata Wire, siembero Ckloaaa board of Trade. Z01-S Railway Exchange Bid. Telecbone Mio TRADE SAFELY IX THR STOCK MARKFT 10 .--HARKS eftk psssf I nllin-7-DAY AT UaT tted OI'TION FOR afJ jB l'roflla Any Stork RvrksnKe Isaoe $10 Ltf $20 PoltlTflr No Mararlna Calls. Write for Booklet No. 04 Free C Goldhurst & Company Servle Reliability tW llrond Street, New tork, Phone your want ads to The Orea-o- I man. Mala 7Uu. Automatic 66U-Uj. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Lonrat Ham, Watch Our Window. Direct Wire Pervice from New Tork. 1 HA.NS-AT1.A TIC F.STA 1 a CltKlllT CO. 102 Second M., Near Stark. Marshall Zotl.