8; TIIE SUNDAY- OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 27, 1921 RKAL KfTATK. For Sale HEAD THIS. ROSB CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. Folks, we'vA got some dandy buyi now In these popular districts. Drive out to our east side office. 40th and Sandy, to- cay ana see xor yourseu. 300 Rose City district, 2 blocks from Sandy. New Bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, etc. Beautifully finished in old I ivory ana white, tauetitry caper. A real bungalow of class. $800 I casn win nan a i a. 1 1000 TO BK BUILT. Folks, here Is your opportunity to secure a o- room bungalow with hardwood I floors, fireplace, all built-lns. Double constructed. Full lot. 2 I blocks from Sandy; paving; and I ewer paia 5000 6 room and sleeDlna norch. Lo cated below the hill in Rose City. A real buy. Aioaern in every way. 5800 New. ready for occupancy. One of those real good -looking, down right modern homes, enduring! h construction. we urge an in- . spec t loo. You'll like the bouse. $600 LATTRELHURST. A wonderful bungalow home located on 33d I and Oregon streets. The owner 1 dm moved to California. The ' price Is extremely low. Lots of I f class and - distlnotlon. Built by i one ox rortianaa best builders. I tee ror yourseii. J SAfTT SIDH OFFICE) OP EH TODAY A. O. TKEPB CO., T0 Stark St. Main 8092. Vast bide Office, 40th and Sandy. Ham 8003. 400 CASH PRICE $1600. 6-room plastered cottage, located s on I at. I lo1 I in on Mississippi ave. near Fremont t. intents. gas ana water; zaxiuo lot with plenty room for garage ; DStxance on easy terma. $500 CABH PRICE $2300. 7 -room plastered bouse. 00x123 lot. 8 blocks from Mount Scott oar. Oood i&rag, block off macad am street; lights, gas and water. Full basement; lots ot fruit and shrubbery; balance on very easy payments. C. L. Newman, JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. Gerllnger Bldg. Phone House .Dept., Main 8528. W1E6TMOR EL A NT HOMES AND LOTS MY SPECIALTY. Beautiful new fire-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, hand some electric light fixtures, fine fireplace, furnace and large attic, practically every modern con venience Is to be found In this elegant bungalow, fine garage with cement runway, extra large lot, 75x100; this place must be seen to be appreciated; this place Is a bargain at $3504), easy payments. We hare a number of attractive houses and bungalows in this high class district. JOHN E. HOWARD, REALTOR, 318 Chamber of Commerce. KOSK CITY PARK. $5250 A 6-room bungalow of unusual design, extra large lfving room, beautiful buffet, finished In bevel plateglass, hard wood floors, large sleeping porch, floored attic, full concrete basement, concrete I iruit room, splendid garage; entire nouse is well constructed ana tne finish is ex tra good: all city improvements are In I and paid; terms $800 cash, 50 per month, including interest. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Railway Ex oh. Bldg. Main 88. BRANCH OFFICE 50th and Sandy Sts. ' Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. LAURELHURST. 3005 WASCO STREET. 200 ft. north of Sandy at 83d. Six-room bungalow, finished Dec. ,1: quipped with Rudy furnace, guaranteed I the best; garage; lot mixioo; living room 10x27. with French doora to din- in ir room: bulit-ln buffet, tub. etc. Buy now and select shades, paper, etc Price I $O50O: $1000 cash: take lot or auto. Owner on premlfea 2 to 4 P. M. today, j ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Southeast corner of Stanton and 51st t. An attractive 5-room home among the firs: white enamel Interior, hard wood floors, glass hardware, French j doors, fireplace; a garage with an easy I entrance; $1200 cash win handle, bal ance to euit. STRONG & CO., Realtors. 0-06 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " " ALAMEDA PARK. ' Fivn-room bungalow, fireplace, book cases, beautiful buffet, breakfast nook. hardwood floors, old ivory and tapestry I imisn. trench uoora. glass Hardware. tic. furnace, cement porch, garage, east- I ern exposure; SoxlOO-foot lot, all liens paid. 8H2.o, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO , t QMS N W. Rank Bldg. Main 37S7. IRVINGTON. ' 8G0UO. Bungalow of 5 rooms and sleeping Tornh; hardwood floors, large IWlng room, nrepiace, run concrete Dasemetit, I furnace, garage and a Beauty, vacant, I ana vou can move ngnt in. Terms. COB A. McKENNA & CO., Realtors, 82 Fourth St. Main 671. CLOSE-IN CORNER. 8 large rooms, splendid comer resi dence, strictly modern; new hardwood floors, new linoleum, newly painted in side and outside; $0500; owner 055 E. Burnslde cor. 18th. East 8390, Main L EAST BURNSIDE NEAR 22D ST. $5000 $1000 CASH. Balance to suit. 8-room house, all mod ern. 4 rooms downstairs, 4 rooms and bath upstairs. In first-class condi tion. Ready for you to move Into. See this before you buy. Mr. Kichanbach, O. II. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC.. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. CINE, brand-new, solidly-constructed Swiss bungalow, equal to tt roomH, large, well lighted basement, broad verandas front , and back; all rooms splendidly papered and finished In the natural wood; the very nest guaranieea plumbing; close in and to car; double lot; $3200. Owner, 740 E, 34th st.. near Francis ave., on onninr car imp. npiiwoon 3Y OWNER 5-room modern bungalow In best part of Rose City, lrr excellent con dition, beautiful oak floors, all butlt-lna furnace, fireplace, cement basement, ga- 1 ! rage, street improvements in and paid; : all for $5000, only $1200 down, balanci : easy and no commission to pay, owner living In house at 001 E. 6th North. j LAURELHURST. I New 6-room bungalow, modern in 1 very detail; this ts near the car and I park, and a home that you will be proud to own. Open for your inspection. 47 Meikle place, 42d at., near Couch. Owner i and builder on premises. $300 CASH Bal. $37.50 per month. $3850. A new 4-room bungalow on one of, the most beautiful 100x100 lots to be INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Brtwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IR VINliTON CORNER 100x100 7-room, strictly modern residence; hardwood floors throughout; full cement basement; Ivory finish; beautifully deco rated; $11,500. Owner 603 E. 20th at. N., cor. Brazee. East 3309. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Full plumbing, near car; price $2400, $500 cash, $25 monthly. This is a neat place. JOHTNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SNAP BEST BUY IN TOWN. Equity In home, on large lot; fruit and , nut trees; 2 milk cows, chickens and rabbits, bringing In nioe Income, ail for $fiooo. See this at once at 839 East 37th st.; Woodstock car. MEAR 50TH AVE. AND 77TH ST. SCHOOL 6-room house In A-l condition; corner lot, 107x100; $3000; small down payment. A good buy. TAOGART ilROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. 1RVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 18th, near Stanton; 6 rooms, music room, oak floors, fireplace, garage; built for a home. Neuhausen, East 304. Main S078. $3000. $3600. $3000. This beautifut 5-room bungalow on a 60x100 lot with a double garage, $500 will handle this. Drive out today and see It. 1101! East 21st st. N. Wdln. 2575. SUNNYSIDE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 5 ROOMS, SMALL LOT. OWNER LEAVING CITY; $2750. TERMS. Ill EAST 3.VTH. NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE. RENT OR LEASE Five-room modern bungalow in the Mt. Tabor dis trict; everything; up to date and in first class condition. 1434 E. Lincoln, near 52d st. - J I'HMSHEL) 0-room house, complete, in cluding new gas furnace, garage, 75x100 lot ; $'JtH0 cash, balance terms. 152 EHt 73d st. N. Tabor 7S07. BOSU CITY 5-rooir. modern bungalow at 082 E. 70th st. N., near car, $5000; terms; oak floors throughout; street paved; must sMl. Owner East S20!. CALL SUNDAY New Sunnyside home, completed and vacant ; paved st., fire place, bookcase, full basement, attic, oak floor. 12u0 East Alder, REAL ESTATE. tor sale Houses. RITTER, LOWE A- CO. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. CHEERFUL LITTLE BUNGA LOW, 50x100 corner. Just midway between Rose City and Laurelhurst, strictly modern 5 rooms, central living room with fireplace, book cases, etc.. bath and 2 bedrooms) en south side of house; dlnlncr room with buffet and Dutch kitch en on north side of house; hard wood floors, every convenience: garage is a part of the house; con crete basement. Homer pipei?as furnace, trays, etc.. beautiful lawn, and large garden plot, fenced with metal fence set In concrete; U1 block from.E. Ullsan $4000. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW just north of Sandy Blvd.. oj low the hill, strictly modern in every detail, large living and din ing rooms, fireplace, heavy oak floors. French doora, Dutch kitch en, with a cosy breakfast nook, wired for electric range, or gas. old Ivory and white enamel throughout, large attic, full cement basement with furnace; garage with concrete floor and driveway. Price $t000. ONE OF ROSE CITY'S PRET TIEST, just south of Sandy on 52d St.. new, modern, convenient, hard wood floors, fireplace, every built in feature. 5 large eunny rooms, Dutch kitchen. breakfast nooit, white enamel and old Ivory throughout, tapestry wall paper, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays; garage with con crete floor and driveway; 50x100, attractive lawn $5700. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, large, well arranged, hard wood floors, fireplace, every built in feature, Dutch kitchen In white enamel, living and dining room, -bath and 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 2 b,edrooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor; full concrete basement, furnace, laundry trays: will con sider used car up to $1K)0 as first payment. $41)60. GROV ELAND PARK, new -wy . bungalow, Juat north of Franklin hlgn, 6 large sunny rooms, ftre- flace, hardwood floors, every built n feature, Dutch kitchen, old ivory and white enamel throughout, con crete basement, furnace, laundry trays; garage with concrete floor and driveway; lawn leveled, shade trees. , $5230. IR VXNGTON CORNER Modern 5-room semi - bungalow, full con crete basement, hot water heating; system, living-, dining rooms, fire place and kitchen on first floor. 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; oniy 1 blk. from Broadway and I. J. cars. If you want a neat little home close in. see this one.. $5000. Right on the oarllne and a paved street; 50x100 lot on the northeast corner, 8 nice bedrooms, large homey living and dining rooms, large kitchen, full cement base ment and furnace. $1000 cash, lo cated on East 23d mt $4000. MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms. 40x100 lot, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc.. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, at tic, full basement, laundry trays; garage; $i&oo cash, ft block from car on E. 2Sth st. N $4000. CLOSE-IN MODERN HOUSE on East Burnslde, near E. 18th, 3Rx100 lot: furnace, fireplace, sip. porch; cement basement. Only $1000 cash $520J. STTNNYSIDE COTTAGE, 8 rma. 44x100 lot, near E. 39th St.. 3 bedrooms, eelctrlcity and gas; all newly painted and some rooms ire papered, $030 cash $2700. TWO COTTAGES JUST WEST OF LAURELHURST on carline. each has a lot 50x80, and 8 rooms, electricity and gas. some bullt-m features, moderrj plumbing nd each a corner lit: about - blks. apart. Either one $1000, bal. on first mortgage. Each house j1 for $3673. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. ROSE CITY PARK. 15300 $500 cash. 850 ner month, buys that new bungalow you have been look ing for. Living room is 28 feet, extend ing the full width of the house; beauti ful dining room with French doors; cove molding in living room and dining room; two large bedrooms, with pass hall Into the bathroom; buffet kitchen with break fast room; cement baaement; large attic; faces east on corner lot with pavement in and just one block from sandy boule vard. We think it is a real bargain you look at it and tell us what you think. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. BRANCH OFFICE z 60th and Sandy Sts. Tabor 8485. Open ynnaiy. . IRVIXGTON MODERN HOME. 12 Rooms and Large Sleeping Porch. Over 100100 Grounds snrubbery. Hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, 2 oaths. 3 toilets, fine vapor heating plant, fine light fixtures, billiard room, fireless cooker, Ruud heater, large hand elevator running to 3d floor, large porch, very heavy pi ate-glass windows, double ga rage, Al location; owner going east, must sell, or might take in little trade. terms. If vou wish a large house in a fine district, call and see us at once; possession at once. See Mr. Jones, - F. K. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY. 7-rm. bungalow near Sandy, sur rounded by fine homes. Owner going to Cal. Immedlute possession can be given to this splendid home; every built-in feature, fireplace, hwd. floors. Al hot water heating plant. Liberal terms. $5250. SPLENDID BUY. This 8-rm. bungalow is an ahuntut bargain; every conceivable built-in. hwd. floors throughout; Al furnace. This property stands on 50xliK) cor. lot. garage; imp. in and paid. $1000 cash. $4700. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO Cor, 30th and Haw. Realtors. T. 7463. HALF AN ACRE. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2800. 5529 50th Ave., Near 52d St. S. E. Very small cash payment, balance $25 per month, Including interest; gas, elec tric lights, bath and toilet, cement side walks to car line, rood street, fine for garden and chickens, fruit trees, berries. gooa son ; we are owners; immediate possession, see Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVIXGTON' NEW HOME. 731 E. 19TH NORTH LARGE ROOMS. TILE BATH. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. FRENCH DOOK3, BREAKFAST R.M.: BEVEAL FULL-LENGTH MIRRORS, BUILT-IN DRESS XB TABLE. TUTH- ROOM HAS GOOD BUILT-IN EFFECT. $1500 CASH CAN HANDLE IHI.S HOME. BAL. TERMS. SSAST 41. $400 WILL HANDLE. 100x100 lot with 2-room house, near Alnaworth ave. Bath, toilet, hot water tank, sink, gas water heater and electric lights. Will need about $75 to finish house. Prire only $145o. DERR & POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. 6-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, 702 CLACKAMAS. CORNER EAST 24TH ST., LOT 50x109 FEET. PRICE $7500. EASY TERMS. $750 CASH DOWN AND $75 PER MONTH, WITH INTEREST, WILL' HANDLE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A MODERN HOME ON VERY EASY TERMS. PARRISH, WAT KINS & CO.. 252 STARK ST. OWNER NEEDS MONEY. We are ordered to sell his home. One of the best buys In the city fur $4000; $2000 cash will handle. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.,' REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON COLONIAL STYLE HOME, $8500. Near 17th and Brazee. Center hall, charming living room, French doors, ivory finish, oak floors, garage. Neu hausen Co., Realtors, 830 N. W. Bank bldg Main 8078 Kast 304. 5-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, alt built-in features, ga rage, paved street; $4750. Phone owner. Tabor 2505 evenings or Sunday. BY OWNER Adjoining Alameda, nice 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, garage. $3750. Wdln. 1354. MODERN bungalow for sale by owner; all modern ; 5 rooms; hardwood floors; full basement: garage. Wood lawn 21 H. SACRIFICE bargain, Montavllla bungalow, old Ivory, classy ; cash terms. $000. 1 block school, st. car. East sni5. IRVINGTON Income, big percent on in vestment and home besides. Choicest dis trict. Enst 8015. NEW bungalow can be had for $-uO cash and take up payments. 02 E. 40th. Mnin 510. W EST side, 12-room house, furnace, 3 fireplaces; income property; terms. 318 Piatt bldg. $50 CASH. 7-room cottage bungalow, Mvr tle Park. Price $2500. terms. M. 3072. jilc Fnrland. Realtor. 20 Failing Bldg. MODERN 9-roorn house, with garage. Portland Heights, might rent Jau. I to right party. Main &t6. - REAL ESTATK. for Sale Hounes. HOMES IN RESTRICTED DISTRICTS. ALAMEDA. This 5-room bungalow has every mod ern convenience. Exceptionally well constructed, large light rooms, excellent, location, a real home, $5750. Small down payment and easy terms will handle. Let us show you. LAURELHURST. Brand new, built of specially selected material throughout under owner's per- wnn auenuon. i tie last wora in mod ern noma ounaing. Close to car; one diock from park; $7000; terms. Owner's business Interests have been transferred and he must sell. His fine colonial home s going cheap; sleeping porch, den. sua room, besides six other exceptionally well-arranged rooms. Newly tapestry papered and re-enam eled; $0350. Most any terms. An excel lent ouy. WALNUT PARK. On Mallory ave.. seven rooms and sleeping porch, story and half bunga low, xurnace, nieplace, oak tlooors. up to-the minute In al! ways. A beautiful home in a beautiful district ; - $0500. Good terms. IRVINGTON. New five-room bungalow with big attic, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all modern built-in conveniences; garage jupc Detng completed; in heart of the east side's finest home district. Ex pensive new homes on all sides; $7400; $25 W will handle. Near Thompson on 18th, comfortable, Toomy home, oak floors, furnace, flre - place, white enamel, full basement with all conveniences, bedrooms are large and airy, with lots of closet room; large doublJ sleeping porch, fine garage. Price way low; $0750; terms arranged. For modern, up-to-date construction this stary and half bungalow cannot be beaten ; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, French doors, full cement basement, laundry trays, etc.; seven rooms In all. Fiuisn and material the very best, even to the garagu. Owner transferred to Frisco; must sell now; $6500; easy terms arranged. The above homes have been personally Inspected by me and I am convinced that each is an exceptionally good buy in i its district. - J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 827 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. Sunday. Woodlawn 0200. ATTRACTIVE NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GREATLY REDUCED. Five rooms and attic, modern; owner musi sen; win mane a very attractlv oner ior casn, or terms may be ranged. 1233 EAST PINE 6T. Near East 41st Street. ROSE CITY PARK. iseautnui corner with southeast ex posure. This Is one of the most deslr able corners in this district. One block orr sandy, under the hill, a lares a room modern bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built-in features of every kind : French dnnnt large plate glass windows, attic, splendid casement witn furnace, garage, all Im provements in and paid. Owner is leav Jng the city. Price $6300. reasonable terms. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. BRANCH OFFICE 50th and Sandy Sts. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. a-Iwina nome. close In. 7800 square feet grouna; rine shrubbery; car line rear street: garage front street with com municating stairway to first floor. View or an mountains unobstructibte; ma- nogany and white enaml; hot water neat; oaK xioors tnroughout: three tubs. three showers, four lavatories: living room In mahogany, 17x38 ft., including JUXJ.I-IL. sua parior. two neatea sleep ing porches off of four family sleeping rooms; two maids' rooms and sitting ruuni, uesiues inira iioor rinisnea an in one room. Price $30,000. Iritludlna' com mission to any realtor. Residence phone an am a.inu. uwner, v oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW SNAP. Seven of the dandiest rooms, large and well arranged.; select material through out; best grade oak floor: good looking from outside and the interior will make you want it; double gasttge; two blocks to car, on East 45th st. N. ; price onlj t uouu. DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. ROSE CITY. $4750 $500 CASH $50 MONTH. Bungalow, modern, 6-room, paved at,, U block Sandy blvd. Can apply bonus. $4500 $500 CASH. $3S MONTH. Modern 7-room home, bOxlOO lot, fruit trees, near goou scnooi. $3300 $500 CASH $25 MONTH. Five room, modern: corner lot. f HAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. OWNER MUST SELL HIS ROSE CITY rtOAl HI AT ONCE. Seven-room bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, ga rage, on paved street, close to car and scnooi ; beautiir! interior decorations: six months ago owner was offered $0000 ior nis nome: must sell now for $5500, $1000 cash and terms. Call Mr. Young. Main 0308. MUSI sell Rose City bungalow. Am wllliii to take $ltki0 less than it formerly aoid for in order to make quick, sale. G'mco iurnf.ee. nrepiace. buffet. bookcase., Dunt-lns in kitchen, breakfast nook, tapes- iry paper, oiu ivory riniaft; garage; will sell furniture, formeKy sold for $S70i. Now $710o. would like $1700 cash. .IOHXSON-DODSON CO 0--.3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37-7. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CORNER $0000. ON KNOTT ST.; SURROUNDED BY HOMES UP TO $30,0oo; IT'S THE ONE YOU HAVE ADMIRED. EAST 410. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. , Modern home; has five rooms and sleep-ins- porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement and heating plant, garage and abundance of flowers; street paving and cement walks in and paid for. Price $6000. liberal terms. See Webster L. Klncald, realtor. 401 Lewis bldg. Phone B road way 47-15. CLOSE IN WONDERFUL VIEW. Six fine rooms on one floor, perfect condition ; furnace; hardwood floors; fireplace: built-in: $4750; terms. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. ' Phone Bdwy. 37. Sunday. E. 2?K1 ROSE CITY PARK. Brand new. 5 rms. : hardwood floors. iirtpiacn, r rentn uuurs, oreaxiast nook large attic. cement basement. paved wifi'i, iwo Diothj norm sanay Diva., on both; will make a dandy home. Don't pass it up; 9oovv. iuuo casn. wm. Will- HERE'S HOW. $150 down, $15 monthly. Total price $1150. One acre planted. Small new house. Chicken house, paved, water, yas, electricity. Be early. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. o Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. ONE OF the prettiest little homes Tn Laurelhurst; one block to car; strictly modern, new; the price will please after you have seen It, as it's priced to sell Quickly. R. L. YOKE. 1135 Northwestern Bank BMg. NEAT LAUREL WOOD COTTAGE; $500 down balance monthly total price $2050. Seven-room modern house and garage. Cement basement In per fect condition throughout. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. of Com, jtldg. Phone Main 1370. YOUR CHANCE. $1900 $250 cash. Bal. $35 per mo. 75x100 lot; double constructed, tt rooms. Come in and see about this. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Location, price, terms monthly, any thing of value down; 4-room house, 1 acre, $750; 2 acres, $550; log house, 5 acres, $1750; 9-room bouse. $3050. Own er, Marshall 790. NEW MODERN bungalow in residence sec tion of the city which we are compelled to sell: house now vacant; price $:;oo will take $500 down, easy terms for the balance. For particulars see our repre sentatlve at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st FOUR-ROOM SHACK. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Three-fourths acre, water, no assess ments; $2000: $400 cash. $15 month, Roger W. Cary, li!19 N. W. Bank bide HOME BARGAIN $1300 $500 CASH $25 MONTH. Modern 7-room home, 80x100 lot, fruit tree, near school; cost owner $0000 CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henrv BMbt' ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, near car, school stores; $3500, $1000 down, balance long time; owner ou grounds, 1016 E -'3d st. N. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN, $250" terms; 0 charming rooms, sleeping " porch, sunroom, oak floor, plate glas fireplace, furnace. Neuhausen, East 3yj Main 8o78. ' PENINSULA $2500, modern . gaiow; Dutch kitchen, fruit, wood 34IMI. '-room bun terms. Sell- FOR SALE by owner, modern tf-room bun galow, close in. on Hawthorne avenue, $0500, terms. Phor.-a Tabor 7186. NEW, MODERN 3-roora house, Westmore land. 121)4 E, 18th at Phone Tabor 314, HF.1t WTATE, STAR BALES SERVICE ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. A real sacrifice of R-room bungalow all modern built-in, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors; on paved street; no liens; near bist st.; terms, $35 per month, including interest. $3300 SUNNYSIDE $3300. Splendid 6-room bungalow, near SS. and HA. car; fine sun room, paneled aming ana bearoom. JUutch kitchen ment basement. Ye gods, hurry; Small casn payment takes it. $4500 SEVEN ROOMS $4500. Seven-room bungalow, hot water heat Ins; plant, radiator in every room; 50x100 lot. fireplace, buffet, laundry trays comfortaole house which you will appre ciate; terms. $4500 CORNER LOT $4500. Seven-room bungalow, bullt-lns. corner view lot, paved street; near A and I car; terms; would sell some fur- niture. STAR REAL ESTATE ft INV. CO., REALTORS. 613 Wilcox Bldg. Main K004. Sun. and Eve., 819-97. A GREAT HOME BARGAIN. E. 24th st. and Caruthers. nice neighborhood; 1 -story modern bungralow type house, big living room 30x15 ft. ; spacious dining room with French doors opening into living room, hardwood floors, 8 bedrooms; fireplace, furnace, full basement, garage. 50x100 view lot. paved street (All paid). Price only $5WV), reasonable terms. Immediate possession. J. W. CROSSLEY. Better Types of Homes." 81 th St. Bdwy. 5044. (Sunday call Main 5073). DEKUM & JORDAN. NICE HOME. 8-room house, 86th near Hol gate, on paved street; bath, toilet, gas. hot and cold water, lights, full cement basement, 8 lots; house Just refinished on Inside. m DEKUM ft JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids. 4th and Stark Main 2233. BY OWNER. SOUTH MORELAND, NEARLY NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. COM PLETELY FURNISHED. MOVE RIGHT IN. I am leaving tor California an will sacrifice my home. Nicely furnished all new: full cement basement, winter fuel all In. fireplace, built-lns. nice lawn. paved streets; improvements all In and paid; near municipal golf links, eplen did view; If you axe looking for a real home this is your chance. Price for auick sale, comnlete. $5500. $2000 do balance monthly. For appointment phone bellwood 2-54. STAR SALES SERVICE. IRVINGTON SNAP Double construct ed bungalow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch which is glassed in; hardwood floors throughout, oak doors throughout, fire place, bookcases, buffet, cove ceilings, large living room. French aoors. plate glass windows, concrete front porch, full basement,' furnace, laundry trays, ga rage, east rront. $5750, TERMS. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., REALTORS 513 Wilcox Bldg. Main 5004. Sunday and Evening 520-12. HALF AN ACRE. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2800. Near E. B2d St. and 50th Ave. S. E. Small cash payment, small monthly payments; gas, electric lights, bath, hot and cold water, basement ; a real nice little home; being owners, we will see that It Is all in fine condition. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FURNISHED HOME IN PENINSULA. 5-room plastered bungalow-type home witb bath, a blocks from w imams ave. block from paving, full cement base ment. some small fruit: a very nice lit tie homey place; place neat, with fair class of furniture; price $2700, $700 cash to handle. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 81fl Chamber of Commerce, Main 5W24. GOOD HOME BUYS. Mr. and Mrs. Homeseeker, Five-room bungalow, one fine acre, enual to 8 city lota; fine lawn and fruit trees, and onlv $2000. Five-room cottage, east of Laurel hurst; hard surfaced street: close stores and car. and only $2250. J. B. HfOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama. Hldg. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. ' A classy little 5-room bungalow, quite attractive and near the Sandy; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace and nice Dutch kitchen. You can't beat this for location or price and It is new and well built; $4000. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 0871. Mr. Pomeroy. 37TH AND ALBERTA. X!) MONTHLY 50x100 FEET. Nice, level-lot, cement walks. Bull Run water.- beautiful shade trees. The price is $475. Pay $9 a month and put un a little home and beat the. rent man See Comte & Kohlman. Main 0550, 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CJTY HOME. Corner lot, H. W. floors, fine place, has all the BUILT-INS. MODERN, a very small payment down, the rest your own terms, and move In. See Mr. Washburn. Broadway 5!H 1. I. E. SPENCER & CO.. REALTORS. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. Five-room bungalow in fine condition Inside and out; has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, attic, full cement basement and furnace; double constructed throughout; 1 block to S. S. car; .orced to sell at a sacrifice. Price $3250, $1100 cash. Ta bor 8S02. ROSE CITY PARK, $4000. Modern, artistic C-room bungalow, two bedrooms, music room and completely glassed -in sun room : district exclusive. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 104 Fifth Street. Main fiSflO. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 12-room house, f rooms down, 7 bed rooms, 2 sets of plumbing, furnace, fire place, corner lot, 75x1 1; good location fof stores" or apartment ; price $G500. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chnm. of Com. Bldg. "HAWTHORNE DISTRICT." 7-room modern house, sleeping porch, full basement, furnace, in first-class condition; close to car, paved street, on H 35th St.; $4750, terms. This Is big value. R. M. QATBWOOD & CO.. IfliiH 4th St. 100x100 on W. Park st. Three houses in good condition; income of $175 per mo., can be greatly increased at email ex pense; price $22,000; U, cash. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831. WEST-SIDE SNAP. , " 9-room house, in very fine condition; cement garage, ner Lincoln and Broad way; price $5500. good terms. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL DESIGN, plan, construct or finance your building, 17 years In Portland in architectural designing and construc tion. Publisher of "Craftsman Bunga low Plan Book." 501-2 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Phone Broadway 4ft47. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3500 CASH. 4-room bungalow, large lot, street Im provements in and paid, hardwood floors, gas heater and range go with the place. Hurrv. Tabor 82. ARTISTIC ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Now ; 6 rooms and garage, built-in effects; art wall paper, hardwood floors, breakfast nook; In best district; price $5050. terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co. Btradwny 1058. IRVINGTON. SMALL COLONIAL. NEW. Corner lot, original design, artistic finish, select plumbing, large basement, gas furnace, garage. Neuhausen Co., Realtors. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S07S. East 304. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $ 5 500 . 'On 15th between Thompson and Tilla mook, 7 rooms, 2 bathrooms, extra toilet on back porch, full basement, fireplace and furnace; t-Mi water heater; full lot. McQONBLL. EAST 410. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. From owner. 6-room modern house, on car line, $300 will handle it. baJance lik rent. See It. 1022 E. Glisan St.. corner 62d. EQUITY of a 4-room bungalow, furnished complete, all new; house built In June; $1150 cash; don't come unless you know values and have the money. 1198 E. 17th st. N.: Alberta car. $57 50 $2250 CASH. Choice corner lot. lOOoclOo, with 12-room house, close in Sunnystd-e. Lot alone im worth the price; pavement in and paid. Scott & Berry. 1Q3H Belmont. A LA M E UA N E W. For 98.100 can offer the best buy in this district; 7 rooms, all built-ins; reasonable terms. W. M. Umbdenstock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 10 5 H . UNIVERSITY PARK. 6-room house; lot 408. 00 2-3x110. on paved st ; $4200. Col. ALbEKTA district, 5-room bungalow. $3575. terms, modern Woodlawn 47U9. REAL ESTATE. WEST COAST LAND CO., 418 Worcester Bldg. $3500 Nobby little bungalow, corner lot, paved street. 1 block from WR car. full length living room. Dearooms with closets. Dutch kitchen with laundry trays; o0 down. $4200 In R. C. with S. P., garage, P.. 6 rooms furnace, fruit trees, chicken house, on paved street, the best buy in the city; $800, balance as you like. $4500 Hawthorne bungalow with garage, furnace, fireplace, full length living; room. 2 bed rooms, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, everything here for your money, make an offer on your terms. $5000 This bungalow was built for bride but she changed her mind, near Division street, sight ly location and all the pretty things you could wish for. Has large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, nice bath, on paved street, good car service; yes, a garage, furnace and fire place. Call Mrs. Boyle East 8133 today, or Broadway 4635. EX-BANKERS' HOME. A REAL SACRIFICE. Ideally located In close-in west side district for renting rooms; nine lovely rooms, two sleeping porches, beautiful Interior In perfect condition, hardwood floors throughout, very fine basement and laundry; attic can be made in .several rooms. The interior of this home la as lovely as money could make It. bnt circumstances force owner to sacrifice. You may aa well be the lucky one. Make us an offer. MRS. ENOW. BROADWAY 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. B E AUTIFUL ALAMEDA. CORNER HOME. GROUNDS 87x100. Real bargain; 8 beautiful rooms, old Ivory and mahogany woodwork, French doors, 2 fireplaces with Radiantf ires; hardwood floors throughout; fronts south and east and faces one of the finest homes in the district; see this and you will be satisfied; owner In California on account of health. $2500 cash han dle this, balance terms. McDONELL, EAST REALTOR. 419. LAURELHURST. NEW I NEW! NEW! WONDERFUL MOST WONDERFTJU JUST COMPLETED. Circumstances compel me to sell my colonial bungalow, the classiest and most distinctive in design in Laurelhurst; con tains finest materials, beautiful, spacious rooms, three large plate glass windows, bulit-ln bath tub, tile bath floor, tile drain boards. Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper. PHONE OWNER, ATJTO. 810-73. PREMISES 1084 MULTNOMAH ST. Near 85th St., Two Blocks- South Sandy Blvd. $154 INCOME $154. Owner reserves 2 rooms and rents balance of 10 rooms for $154;- other busi ness requiring change of residence makes owner willing to sacrifice at $8000. The quick increase of value will be patent to party who wLI Inspect prop erty. If you want income while yo wait for big Increase, here Is your op portunlty. P. B. Grant, 1215 Halght ave., Woodlawn 5535. LOOK. READ. BUY THIS. $500 CASH. $500. $25 PER MONTH. $25. Brand new 4-room bungalow with Dreakrast nook, oak floors tnrougnou gas furnace, full plumbing, full cemen basement, light fixtures, shades; strictly modern ; move right in. Sellwood to Reynolds ave.. No. 534, near river. Great bargain; owner must selL See it today. Phone East 4000. IRVINGTON. For sale by owner, modern home i every respect, on corner lot. hardwood floors up stairs and down, two fireplaces, garage, sen either xurnished unfurnished; small cash payment, bal ance like rent. Immediate possession no agents need answer. Call Sunday nerore l P. Al. East osyo. THE BEST BUY IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Five rooms (modern), BREAKFAST NOOK, fireplace, H. W. floors, jus what you want, a very small Daymen and the house is yours. Broadway 5911, ask: lor Mr. Washburn. I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, NEW LA URELHURST BUNGALOW. Just completed ; 5 large rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout; best of workmanship; til ba th on drain board, best of plumbln fixture, linoleum, light fixtures: ga rage, furnace, and better, this bunga low is located at 270 Floral ave. Owner on the property. "MONT A VILLA." 4-room modern house, full cement basement, full plumbing. near car $2200, $000 down, balance easy. 5-room modern bungalow. In fine con dition; cement basement, garage, cemen runways, extra large lot; $3000, terms, This is big value. R. M. QATKWOOl) & CO.. 1054 4th Ft, ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT New 5-room bungalow, f ireolace. buf fet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, old ivory finish, garage complete, artistic home; $3075, $00 down. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth Street. Main RS09. EAR FRANKLIN HIGH Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; double con structed. cement basement, built-ins, worth $4000; owner leaving state ; will sacrifice for 32(M); $500 cash. A real bargain for quick sale. See G. G. Me CORMIC CO., 2o7 Failing bldg. Main 8220 or Main 0318. DUPLEX HOUSE, Walnut Park, lower apartments 4 rooms, upper 4 rooms and sleeping porch ; Instantaneous heater, built-lns,, etc.. garage; special price for few days, $6b00; excellent bargain; cash $3300. P. B. Grant. 1215 Haight ave W oodiawn 5.35. BRAND NEW BUNGA LOW $2000. $2o cash. $25 monthly buys 4-room, double constructed, plastered bungalow modern plumbing, never been occupied. lot 50x100, about V way out on St. Johns line. Fred W. German Co. Realtors. 732 Cham tier of Commerce IRVINGTON. ELEGANT HOME. CORNER. Finest of finish throughout, all oak floors, 2 fireplaces, lovely large rooms. art paper, ivory finish. Ideal floor plan, double garage. SEE THIS. Neuhausen, Rast 304, Main 807K. EIGHT ROOMS, VACANT. NEAR HAWTHORNE. $30OO. Walking distance, furnace, fireplace, nice large rooms, small lot. must be sold ; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Marshall Sellwood I'TOW. OWNER Laurelhurst bungalow. nearly new, strictly modern 0 rooms nd den, good view or park, garage. this house can be bought cheaper tha n one can outid. Kasy terms. us l. Ankeny street. Tii nor 14QQ. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. Six-room house in excellent condition and located on good-sized lot, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, double plumbing and furnace; price $45"0, Bub stantlal cash payment. Tabor SS02. $3000 SELLWOOD DISTRICT $3000, 5-room bungalow, new roof, newly tinted, lot 50x112, berries, fruit, chicken run. close to school, car ana stores; $ouo cash, balance easy. See owner, 581 nth ave. . BEAUTIFUL 5-room English colonial bun galow. In Eastmoreland ; hardwood floors, lireniace. oasco lurnace. large 101; m.iuu. terms. Will accept bonus. For appolnt- ment call owner, sellwood .i.iftfl. N E W W OO I ) LA W N BUNGA LOW $ 300. Four beautiful rooms, all modern; fireplace, attractive fixtures. 707 High land Ht., Woodlawn car to 18th. Owner, 172 Park st. -Main ktm. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW PROPERTY. Charming living room, oak floors, plate glass, ivory finish, garage, large lot. :eunausen. K,ast am. .Main wiin. TOR SALE Six-room house. 50x100 corner lot, by owner; close in, good location, East 353. SMALL house and lot. $s5U, $75 down, balance easy; Alberta car. 1365 Mar guerite ave. N. COSY 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built ins, Dutch kitchen; $3300. 10U8 E. 21st st. N. BY OWNER 5-r. modern bung., 45th and Division, 1 blk. south; easy terms; owner on ground. M 257, Oregolan. NIFTY, modern 5-room bungalow with ga rage, by owner; Kenton district. Call 154 East Holland st. MODERN Alamed; today. 5-room bungalow, 1005 The l. $100 first payment; see it Ask for builder. BEAUTIFUL Rose City home, sacrifice, 2 lots, close in; $0500. $2000 cash, terms. Owner. X 254, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON 5-room bungalow, furnace; price 454850. some terma. 710 E. 15th st. N. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bunga low in Irvington; furniture almost new; nrfre $S500. Call East 4500. THREE-ROOM bungalow, new; fruit and berries; will sacrifice, $050, easy terms. Come a running. 5617 57th st. FOR SALE by owner. 4-room bungalow. A snap, very cheap. Call Sellwood 140tf. Will rent for $30 a month. REAL ESTATE. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDB. 775 Karney St., Bet. 23d and 24th. Reception hall, living room, den, din lng room, kitchen, pantries; 4 bedrooms, large closets, sleeping porch, bathroom, large attic. Hot water heat from community heat ing plant. Fine garage; lot 50x100. Price $00)0. Reasonable terms. Immediate possession. SALOMON ft CO., Realtors. 807 Railway Exchange Bldg. $500 DOWN WHY PAY RENT? THIS MODERN SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW In the beautiful sec tion of MT. TABOR, hardwood floors in the main rooms, cozy fireplace, surnpunded by built-in writing desk and bookcases, at tractive buffet. Dutch kitchen, every room beautifully enamel fin ished, 3 bedrooms. FULL cement basement, excellent furnace; we own this place and will make reasonable monthly payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $5500. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $5500. 1 H -story bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, big living room, four nice bedrooms tn white enam el; paved street, near school, fine neighborhood; $1500 cash will handle. J. W. CROSSLEY, 4 "Better Types of Homes." 81 Fourth Street. Broadway 5044. $3500. A fine little home with gas, water, electricity and modern plumbing, five rooms; has an extra large living room; this house is about 10 years old and has an exceptionally fine lot, 72x120, with every knid of fruit; It is located on a corner and the pavement la in and paid; If you want a - real home with a large .piece of ground, this Is $1000 less than anything you've seen that is its equal. Call for appolntment.- HILLER BROS.. REALTORS, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. BRANCH OFFICE 50th and Sandy Sts. Tabor 8485. Op-n Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. $3700 $700 CASH. New, coxy 4-rm. bungalow with real fireplace, buffet, oak floors, Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, cement basement, large combination living and dining room, 2 fine bedrooms; double con structed throughout and located belo the hill. Alt improvements in and paid Better hurry. Tabor hwj IRVINGTON BARGAIN. A well-built 5-room bungalow with sleep, porch. This home is modern, well kept and only 6 years old and has dandy garage: fireplace, furnace. Dutc kitchen and lots of built-lns, and th price is only $5500. COE A, McKENNA A CO., Main 6871. Mr. Pomeroy. ROSE CITY PARK 3-room new bunga low and garage;, this beautiful bunga low Is complete In every detail; If you wish a real home in a fine location you better come out today to 514 E. 42 St. N.. near Thompson, and see for yourself; price is right and easy terms can be arranged. C. J. Johnson, owner and builder. 313 Henry bldg OWN YOUR HOME. Modern 5-room bouse and K acre young orchard. Just outside city; base ment, woodshed, chicken house; price $2000, $500 cash. Modern 7-room house on outside edge city limits. S blocks to car. 1 OOxlOO lot price $1N00, cash $300. Let me tell you about them. N -i3, oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK. $7000. Unusually artistic and exclusive five room bungalow, every modern conven lence. larae drawing room, separate din lng room, choice location, close to city. HARRY BECKWITH. Kealtor. 104 Fifth Street. Main fl60, HOME SEEKERS, ATTENTION. If vou can secure a soldiers' loan have a little money. I can build and finance you on a home on one of my ten beautifut lots at 2;th and Madison a pleasing location. Come and see me. O. W. TARR CO.. 47 McKay Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME $0300. Splendidly built 7-room house with large airy bedrooms, furnace and fire place; every modern convenience and tastily finished interior. Worth looking into. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main S31 $1hoo 3 ROOMS: 75x100; tf rms. 25x100; weHt side. 50x100; new. 100x100- terms. $H00; $12 monthly. I1N50 7 rooms; $22004 rooms; $innu 3 rooms; $'J5(tO 6 rooms; $3200 5-room modern bungalow. $2350 4 rooms, nearly new; terms. 747 Union Ave. N. East 127. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. 5-room modern bungalow, tile fire place, hardwood floors, beamed celling, panel dining room, Dutch kitchen, wood lift, cement basement, launury trays; $1000 cash down, b lance $2, per mo.. per cent interest. To see this is to buy it. Owner. 51 North Park st. CITY FARM, $5000. 6 LOTS. FRUITS. BERRIES. 8-room plastered house, good condi tion, full basement, near car. school Woodlawn district, widow, must sell ai real bargain. See it. T. O. HI R D. 526 Cham, of Com. EN-SERVICE MEN. See our plans and up-to-date Ideas in modern bungalows. We can help you finance. No trouble to show : our autos at your service. W. M. Umbden stock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 105S. IRVIXGTON COR N E R B U N G A LO W. New 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; sightly corner, 17th and Skidmore sts., 2 blocks from Irvington car; open daily from 2 to 6. Phone owner. Main 27. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BY OWNER, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. nrepiace. built-in features floored attic, hot-water heating plant on paved street. 1 4 1 East 6th street North. Tabor 573. WEST SIDE. Nine-room houso in first-class condi tlon ; lot 50x100; double garage; full cement basement; income $100 a month besides owner's beautiful apartment; price $10,500; terms. Owner. Main 0750. FOR SALE by owner, modern s-room house, walking distance, close to gram mar and high school, one block to cr. concrete garage. Call East 2374. 1!G3 East 14th street R. ROSE CITY home, u rooms downstairs. 2 up; garage; improvement all paid; be low the hill, block from car at $5250 ; you will like it. A. H. Blrrell-Gill Co., 218 N. W. Bank bldg. NEW MODERN IRVINGTON REAL BUNGALOW. 6 rooms on one floor, furnace, fire place, oak floors, built-Ins. full bape ment. attic: $tl5QQ. 531 East 8th North. SIX -ROOM house, sleeping porch, nice lawn, wash trays, block Franklin high; $3200, $400 down, balance like rent. 3010 54th street S. E.. near 2'Jth avenue. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. In fine condition ; furnished or un furnished; Eust 22d st. N.; $1S50, terms. Call WW Dekum bldg.. 11 to 1 P. M. E W 5-ROOM bungalow, just completed and modern, $3Soo, $1200 cash, Beau mont district. Owner, D. B. Howell. S4 Fourth street. Main 2:524. RVINGTON SACRIFICE Extra fine home, near 24th and Brazee, jsono. Neu hausen ft Co.. Realtors. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S07H. East 304 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Attractive 8-room house. ' furnace, built-ins, fireplace; fruit; near car. East 3703. LEAVING CITY 7-rm. Irvington home. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; built for my home; terms. O 274, Ore gonlan. SEVERAL HOUSE SNAPS. Large and small, -different parts of the city, easy terms. Room 511 Railway Exchange. WESTERN LAND CO. IRVINGTON 0 ROOMS $5500. Real bargain, close In, good condition, furnace, fireplace; no mortgage, some terms. Mar. 1022 Monday. IRVINGTON PICKUP $0500. Fine 7-room home, in perfect repair; well built, modern, garage. Neuhausen, MO N. W. Bank bldg. Main Bo7. E. 3!4. LOSE in, west side, 100x100, 3 large houses, worth KS.wm, wm sell for $ 18,0H), half cash, balance easy ; no agents. AC 200. Oregonlan. Y SACRIFICE your gain, modern 4 room bungalow, 50x100 lot. 14 ft. back alley, garage and large chicken house. hostnn ave. hi-oa. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE $5750. Owner leaving, must sell attractive house, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, 30th St., near Maaoa. Eaat 394. Main 6G7S, REAL ESTATE. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. BK IVDEPENDENT FEE THIS. $1200 New 3-room cottage, 50x100 lot. Macadam street; living and din ing room combined, Dutch kitch en, 1 bedroom ; $150 down, bal ance less than rent. TAKE SMALL CAR. $2900 Now 4-room bungalow and bath, nice, airy rooms, cement base ment, laundry trays, 60115 lot; will take small car or us low as $ 1 50 down, balance verV hmai 1 monthly pa ym u ts. PA Y RENT TO YOURSELF. $1100 Quarter acre, 5-room cottsge. 8 light, airy bedrooms, bathroom fixtures not in, cement basement, garage, fruit; a good plastered house; $300 cash, balance $20 monthly plus 6 per cent Interest. See Mr. Hewitt. SEE THE PLANS FOR THIS. $4500, TO BE BUILT IN BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND on 5Mxl0 lot, facing east; 5 rooms and break fast nook, tapestry paper in liv ing and dining rooms, elaborate fireplace and bullt-lns, hardwood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, laundry trays, fine lighting fixtures, shades, im provements paid. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. See plans in our office. GOING TO BUILD? SEE US. We are In position to build and fi nance your home. We will do so on your lot or on one of our own. Now Is the time. Don't wait until the big building programme starts in the spring. We have a competent architect to assist you with your plans. You will pay-more next year. Thousands are figuring now. Remember the BIG EXPOSITION build ing activities will stimulate the prices of material and labor. Come in and taiit it over. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors, "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 563 and 1004 OPEN TODAY. $250 WILL HANDLE $250. THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW IN SUNNYSIDE. It has fine combination living an dining room with fireplace and boo cases, two lovely sleeping rooms, beauti ful Dutoh kitchen with large breakfast nook, modern bath, lights and gas; good cement basement, wood lift and laundry trays; it is handy to Sunnyslde car line Glenco school and stores; Just completed, ready to welcome you right in ; onl $4250; pay down $250, move right in the balance Is Just like rent; no mort gages to assume. M r. Homeless Man why not let the new year find you unde your own roof? It beats throwing you money away ior rent. ee E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Building. Main 85S. IRVINGTON. 530 B. 17th N. ON 17TH. NEAR KNOTT. FINE SQUARE COLONIAL: CENTRAL ENTRANCE; 8 WONDERFUL ROOMS: H A R DWOOD F LOO R S THROUGHOUT. 2 BATHROOMS. 2 FI REPLACES. OLD IVORY. MAHOGANY AND EASTERN OAK WOODWORK. THIS IS A REAL HOME AT A BARGAIN; $10,500. EAST 410. CLOSE TO PIEDMONT CARBARNS. Near Jefferson high school. Peninsula park and Killings worth shopping riia. Five-room double -constructed bungalow, In excellent condition, pretty location, with good homes all around, full cemen basement, nice Dutch kitchen. Price $3200; $b00 cash. This Is a dandy buy. RALPH HARRIS CO., 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5021. OWNER'S SACRIFICE I AM HE. $4425 $4425. HAWTHORNE VACANT BUNGALOW. NEED MONEY AND MUST SELL. 6 rooms, one floor, cement basement, good plumbing, hardwood floors, fire place, every kind of built-in. breakfast alcove, tapestry paper, garage, hard surfaced street, all city liens paid; neai car; easy trms. See it todny. Sunday, Marhnn .Vfi3, week Ohvs. Main 70 7 IRVINGTON. $9000 $1,500 CASH. 731 E. 10th N. Built for a home, 6 large rms. 2 fire places, tiled bath. French door's, hard wood floors throughout; open from 2 to o today. McDONELL. SAST 410. LAURELHURST NEW BUNGALOW; 5 large rooms also large attic; garage ok floors throughout; tile bath;-ivory finish, living room 14x30. tapestry pa pered; this artistic home is now being finished, most excellent construction, an exceptional buy at the price of $.VSoo, terms: near school nnd car. Whlt'-aide, Woodlnwn HortK until 3 o'clock today. E;tst 41'SO nfter that. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $1000 BELOW VALUE. S bedrooms, sleeping porch, also maid's room in attic. Two fireplaces, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet and china clos full cement hasemtnt, rare shrubbery and fruit. Entire house recently repaint ed inside and out. One block Irvington car, 2 blocks Bros d way. Terms. Owner, telephone Enst 3735. $G7.V: $1MM DoWN; for this bcautltu Laurelhurst biinKalow; 5 rooms, also mu5ic and breakfast rooms; beautiful bathroom with built-in tub and pedestal basin; hep tapestry paper; hardwood floors throughout; material and work manship are tho best. Se. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 Railway Kch. Bldg. Urdwy. 00-0. HAWTHORNE I U STR I CT. NONRESIDENT OWNER; SACRIFICE. $5000. Modern 7-room house, corner lot on E. 20th, furnnce, fireplace, attic, paved street; 3 blocks to cars; reasonable amt. cash, balance monthly. Easil v converted Into two flats. F. W. TORGLKR. 10 Sherlock Bldg. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 8-room house with basement, furnace, etc., 50x100 lot. on Glisan st.. and ad joining a fine apartment building on the corner 22d. 1'rice $01100 ; very easy terms. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON. Real complete home. Must he sold. In select district. 3 large rooms downstairs, 4 bedrooms second floor, one bedroom in attic; white enamel finish ; in first class, up-to-date condition : garage, shrubbery. Phope Bdwy. 1058. W. M, Umhdnstock & Co. LIVE IN" riKDMONT. To know Piedmont la to love It; 1 00x100 corner with fine mature shrub bery, good house and garage can by ha for $0500. Now is your chance. Act quickly. W. H- ROSS. 110O Northwestern Bank Bldg. ORTLAND HEIGHTS So! id. well-built, comfort a bio house, hard wood floors, white woodwork, fireplnce, furnace, full cement basement, launlry, xurnace. lev lot. close In. 2 blocks ear. $0tWH, $150 rah and $50 per month. BROOKE. Mar. 4H27. Phone morning: ALAMEDA. 5 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood loor, fireplace, -furnace, cement base ment, garag, paved street. 5oxlOO Jot. beautiful district. $570o, S7o down. MALL ft VON BURST EL, 104 2d St. Main 1 13d. $3075 A REAL BA RG A IN $3075. Two good 7-rnum houses. cIomu in, east side ; re n ted $25 each ; a home and a ti income; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5003, w ee k il a vs Main 70 07 . MARIELS ft WILLIAMS. S20 Chauibf r of Com merer Hldg. R ISIS CITY $4050. Modern bungalow, I year old. corner lot, five- rooms, breakfast nook. A real bargain. Possession h t once. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co-' -10 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 105S. LAURELHURST Beautiful new 2-story bungalow; an modern: nrepiace ana xur nace; Improvements in and paid: 50xloo, garage. Price $0300; about $1500 cash. Main 7030. LAURELHURST, $1500 cash, balance terms; 5-room new modern bungalow; all improvements In, ROxlOO; price $5250. Main 7Q3'I. FIN E 10-room modern residence, good neighborhood, west side, direct from owner, for $8000; $5ooo wilt handle it. A 204. iregonian. WEST SIDE. 8 rooms and bath, .Mix 100 lot. Petty grove street between 10th and 20th. By owner. Terms. Price $53o0. Bdwy. 1411, 7 ,-,00 ATTRACTIVE home in Ladd's add.; hardwood floors, bullt-lns. lino leum In kit' hen. garage. Main ho.2. BEAUTIFUL owner. Mua 501 K. Oth BUNGALOW, lor saie by t be seen to be appreciated. t. N Tabor 8 log. COSY 5-room bungalow, garage, corner lot, paved street; $3500; easy terms. Woodlawn 5405. KNOTT st on corner 25th, elegant 7-room bungalow, built for homer no tor homer no agents; p h o w n by appolntm e n t. Main 4 4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOUSES. Price? ranging from $2kK to $40,000, BROOKS. '.Mar. 47, Phono morning a. REAL ESTATE. NEW LAVR ELIiritST BUNGALOW, 15AH. 37 th and Wasco. LarK corner vlow lot. east exposure, complete in every detail; cedar clothrs press, tiled bath, re--siMt tun. pedestal lavatory, show- r. laumlrv chute, meet tha latent whims. A J.VxL'8 living room. loxl4 dining room wnu la run plate glass windows. tngithr with French doors and a inoht individual fireplace invite criticism. Two bedrooms. 12x15 mid I2x 13. afford Maco for twin brtn. The kiu-li-n, with Its white tiled drain nuard. cupboard spa.T and a breakfast nook made cosy by th morning sun, and its curtemciUs opening to the street, appeal to the housewife. A double ga rage complete with wah rack and ho bit. Open for Inspection Sunday; 1 to 5 P. M. week days. Phone Bdwy. 5164; evenings Wdln. 1. HERE'S YOUR CHANCI2. 5-room bungalow. Alberta district, fireplace, fuli basement, lot 50x100. A cosy little home, $J400. Terms. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, full basement, fireplace. All bullt-lns; sewers In and paid. Largd floored attic, lot 50x100 to alley; ga rage. A real buy tn Alberta district, $4uoO. Good terms. 8-room modern house in Piedmont, fireplace, furnace. beam celling, ait built-ins, full basement, lot 50xlo0, for $0500; $1000 wili handle this. MeGEE & DENNIS. ftOO Union Ave., Wdln. 56S4. $3350 N E W. M OD E R N. V A C A N T $33 50. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? r If so. see this beautiful new bunga low, combination living and dining room, 2 nice bedrooms, kitchen and breakfaat alcove. It is absolutely modern, cement basement, laundry trays, oak floors, bookcases, buffet; the dandiest built-in kitchen, with every convenience; fine plumbing. This is not a shell, but dou ble constructed every way, and the best of workmanship. Very attractive ex terior. This is actually trie BEST buy we have had for months. Terms are easy. See it TODAY. Sunday, Marshall 5003. week days. Main 71107. MarWs ft Williams. SlMI fhnmber of Com. bldg. ROSE CITY l'AKK. $5450. Here, folks. Is an exceptionally modern double constructed bungalow, hullt by one of Portland's best builders. This home has hardwood floors. I'ireplaee, complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, furnace and garage. Located in the very choicest part of Rose City Park, on 44th st. A home you will be proud to own. Liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., Insurance Realtors Loans. 20 Stark St., near 4th. Main J1002. 1170 Sandy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor D5b0. SUNDAY CALL TABOR Q5S0. $20501 0-KOOM modern, home, Bleeping porch, full basetment: lot 60x100; fruit trees. Franklin High school district. Improvements all In and, paid; $050 down. $2050 4-room bungalow on eaat wide; finished 1n old ivory- Beautiful lawn, lots of fruit and flowers, 10O feet off Ta vement ; $ 700 will ha ndJe. Let us show .you. S. BORLAND, m 3Q3 Stock Exchange- Bldg. ALAMEDA COLONIAL; 830 Hamblet ave. Ivory finisa and oak floors throughout; 6 finest bevel plate French doors; living room 14x20. art tile fireplace, double lighting, sunrooin on south ; breakfast room; second floor, tile bath, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch rooms off same; immediate possession; beat colon ial home-buy in Portland. R. T. STREET. Oood Homes. Realtor. ROSE CITY HAKGAkN. THIS 5-ROOM BUNGALOW HAS EVERYTH LNG. HARDWOOD FLOORS. EXCEPTIONAL FIREPLACE. HOT WA TER HEATING SYSTEM. FULL BASE MENT. ATTIC IMPROVEMENTS Pl. ASK US ABOUT IT. $5200, WITH $2000 CASH. IT'S WORTH IT. J . A. WICK M A N CO. . RE A LTORS, 'Shortest Way Home." 204 STARK ST. MAIN 53 and 100 . ROSE CITY SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. BELOW HILL. Fully modern, wit h hardwood floors, red brick fireplace, nice glassed-in (deep ing porch, furnacn, full basement ; this home Is 5 years old, best construction, cioavt to Sandy; price only $5500; terms; inquire today. , O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, 201 Oregon Bldg. Broad wnv 435 $55oo I R V J N G T O N COLONIAL; (1..4 ehuyler, I block to Uroadwiiy car; fine lot and garage ; lurun 11 ving room, a I ho llhrary or den; bo'h have fireplnccs; extra plumbing on first floor; 1 bed room is large; full basement: Fox fur nace; house needs re-decorating snd hardwood floor; easy terms; iinmediato possession; big value, R. T STREET. Oond Home. Fenltor SEVEN ROOMS AND SLEEPING PuRClI. 1 105 Commercial street, about half block north of K llllnt:sworth avenun. in Piedmont; lot Ohxlmi. splendid double garngn and beautiful fir trees, close to Jefferson hinh ttchonl and nest of car service; $5!o), good tt-rms. E. M. BFOWN, 1122 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 2122. IRVINGTON NEW COLONIAL. BARGAIN. BMtGAIN. Near Knot t. Wonderful large living room, French doors, coloniitl staircase, oak floors, select plumbing, cement poichcH, perfect kitchen. Jo fact, noth ing missing. Ni'iilut uen Co., re .i I tors. K.'io N. W. Bnnk hldg. Main S07S K. 30 1. BUNGALOW IN A LAM EDA DISTRICT. This Is a better buy for $3no than you have seen In the city of Portland; 5 rm., furnace, good basement, corner lot, fruit, lawn, doubUi-coiistructed. $1 150 cat h. bal. terms. RoHNETT ft McCLUKE. REALTORS. Marshall 3212. 30 2 Couch Bldg, GLEN N A V10. .Modern 0 room bungalow. Including some furnishings: attractive corner. 50x100; all improvements in and paid; hciiutlful hardwood floors through out, furnace, fireplace, splendid bath shrubbery, berries and garage; an cx cejn lonal buy and good terms, from owner, going to tho fur in. 410 Glenn ave. $3700 ALBERTA $3700. Modern, 7-room home, one block from car. white enamel nnd old ivory finish. 3 bedrooms up. full cement basement, wash trays, etc. ; improvements in, 4 years old. worth $50im; easv terms, J. BRUCE GODDA KD. R01 -2 Coueh. Main 457. SIXTEENTH. NEAR PR ESOOTT. 5-room bun ga low. excellent condition, fireplace, full basemenC fruit trees, paved street, near car line, $:1050, terms to suit. MALL A VON BORS TEL, 104 2d St. Main 143H. $; j ,(( v A l A NT V A C A N T S3 1 50. H-room buna glow type house In Monta vllla, Just painted and tinted and In best of condition : terms. Sunday, Marshall 5003. week davs Main 7007. M A R I ELS ft WILLIAMS. S20 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. PAY yi'l It MONEY AND TAK E Y UR CHOICE. Several nice little homes from $1200 to $3000. somo aa little as $300 down; will take small car as part pnyiin-nt on nome of these. Main 'J'.f.Hi. fiJ5 Rullw.-ty K. STOKY 7-room houre and bath, full con crete, basement, lulw. floors, flrep'iice, French doors, buff t. Hutch kitchen, fur nace, cnr. Int. on 201 K. 50th and Mathe. son. You set the price with th owner. I'omo over and see for yourself. Haw thorn car. CAPITOL HILL. 3-room house, garage, 1 50x1 50 lot, 20 minutes from 4th and Stark, he fare, Bull Run water, gas, electricity. $1500, terms to suit. MALL ft VON noRSTKL. o4 2d St. Main 1 II'.O. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Attractive- small 5-room house on paved street, near cur and school. Un obstructed view. $375o; terms. May con sider some trade. 553 J'erraen I rl e. Auto. 527-2H. or 015 Chamber of Com merce. Main IBM. REAL ESTATE AGENT. LET US WRITE YOUR M"l NOW. NO FINANCIAL STATEMENT. WE TAKE TAKE uF ALL DETAILS. SM ITH-WAt it 'NEK ' ' . STOCK KM HA VG K PI.P'L UNION AVE WINDFALL Full buslnts lot. value $4500, with modern d-room house. r"inn for :oro be sides, clear. i1 for $4000. J. D. KENNEDY. 3-". S'llnmn. IRVINGTON. one of I li inoai den 7-room 2-story home. in le.-t part o: Irvington. Price $'.nioo. If In ni.irko for it real home do not fall to sp this Main 7'30 for a ppoin t ment. DRIVE OUT TODAY AND SEX THIS IRVINGTON BUNG A I." iW STRH'TLY MoDKRX AND U P- T ' - DA T E : l;'H" I BOTTOM PRU'K. 752 E. 15TH ST. N, OR CALL P-DWY UOV LAURLLHU ItriT. Modern 0-room bumrilow with i;irge, Ln rire living room, breakf isl cook. 3 bedroom, all bull t - ins. f iipl;ic,-, hard wood floors. tc. Call Tiibnr 2'U NICE 5-room coitu lurhts, w ntcr. gill $'j;;oo, $150 down . ful full b.is lot. $JO 'MO-Ml. Kiei1 fruit. Urlei mo. Wultc Hid Cham ( m hhU'. IRVINGTON COLi 'Nl A L PICK-UP. 075 Thompson, Unix loo corner ; hot w:i ter hM t ; 0 rooms mid a t ; R. T. STREET. H-t'cr Home. Realtor PORTLAND HEIGHT? New colonial btinna.ow mid gur sacrifice sale. $0m.m, 5 rooms. In nut : i view. 711 Mom i! tn I n bird Mn : 11 ,i?:: ALBERT A $ LVMI . five rooms. Nm. g.i and electric lights; will my Ml.'i equitv for 5oo. balance $700. I'hon nod!nw n 1 $150 DOWN S5ih a rooms, toilet. cl ctrU monthly. Price $looo. 11. 1 ' Wi nl.-to it v. i.; I. nlonc Ow nor. St riiv t od