THE STJJTDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 2T, 1921 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. MEETING NOTICES. NEW TO DAT. NEW TODAY. vr.w TODAY. SAOE XTRAOBI)lXABY. Our sale extraordinary of phonographs continues unabated. Never heretofore and never aain will It be possible to obtain auch great discounts aa we are offering; In this sale. Payments only $7 a month for phonographs actually rs duced 151.33. Many for only $3, B7 and 5 Just about half former prices at payments of only (1.25 a week. See ORTXTON' KILERS MTJSIC HOUSE. Second Floor Ellera Muarlc Butldina. 7 f'oora devoted to music and musicians. A GOOD truck route, paying 9 per day for 4 hours work, the balance of the day can do a-eneral hauling- The truck Is s;ood to make fl!0 per day during the summer. A practically new 3-ton truck (O. M. C). The truck Is worth more than we are asking for the truck and contract. Owner has bought a farm and cannot run both. This la certainly a bargain at IJOOO; half cash. HILLS BORO LAND & REALTY CO., England & Mellar. Managers. HlHsboro. Or. , A K1KM wishes to place high-grade line of steam speolaltles with salesman or manufacturers' agent who haa estab lished trade with mills. Our products have been In field two years. Good com mission repeats. Mr. Lohman, Imperial hotel, Monday. Tuesday, 8 P. M. to 7 P. M. HERB la your opportunity to get Into a paying business. $.1500 cash required Need a good man to take one-half in terest In a going fuel business. I have everything necessary, stock equipment, trucks, woodsaw and plenty of business. Call at 881 E. Harrison St.. or phone Knwt 7020 for appointment. WANT CITY PROPERTY. Wheat ranch, in good district, near postotllce: clear price $8000; timber claim near Myrtle Point, mostly csdar, $5000. Would exchange both tor city; might pay or assume. What have you? W 72. Orcgonian. PIANO BENCHES. We are closing out nice used piano benches at half price; alo used player piano benches. Prices $6, $4. $2.75 each. Oregon Eilers Muslo House, 2STA Wash. street yOH SALE or trade tor cordwood or farm produce, spring wagon. $40: culti vator, $10; tongue tor heavy wagon. Gor don, etc., other tools. IB West Alberta M. KvenlnKS. ' A LARGE. local Jobbing house wants flret class cabinet and showcase builder with his own shop and equipment, to build their store fixtures: can be kept busy on uppclal jobs. (J 2lll. Orgonlan. J.OST A larse beaver collar on east aide, between Belmont and Division st. On Eat 34th or 3th sts. Reward. Phone Meliwuod 327. 2 FRONT rooms, can accommodate 4 men. every convenience. Call Main 0032 Sun day or after 8 during week, or can ar range for housekeeping. BUSINESS man wants $."00 second mort gage, Alameda modern home; no agents. Will pay brokerage to lender. AK 275, Oregonlan. BUSINESS man wants $500, second mort gage, Alameda modern home; no agents. Will pay brokerage to lender. AE 275. tregonian v7i7n party taking Victor bicycle No. 14788 from In front of the Journal bklK. please return Fain to the Journal and resolve revvarn .' :r n up." i ions aKP. MUT1CH. You want good work, alho a reasonable price: kaUominlng done right. Call Main ri."jtiti. WANTKD Janitor work. 12 years' exue rience; ka.snmjnlntr a specialty. Call Main fiSOtt. Remember the number. Main PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING, RKKlNIWHINfi. Guaranteed workmanship. Telephone Orpg-on Kilers Music Houbk Main ITJ.i. i'ult i;KNT Furnished 4-room flat. In cluding heat, hot water and eleotric light, close In ; referenrea required. 400 fc,ast 1 1 1 n st outn. J4l 4. FOR T.K.N'T Farm, 4J acred. 30 miles from l-'ortiand on lower Columbia hiKhway : good buildings nnd complete farming ouirlt, 4H" per yar. J 2V Uregoniati, HAilY grand CiievrolM for sale, dandy car must sell, cash for building. 30$ Kant 11th st. 6ECOND-11A.N'.) furniture store, dolnic good hijflneHs; will sell at a aacrlilce lloUU, r vort c--- - "WANTiilJ iounK lady, good singing voice, good appearance, prlmma donna typ Apply this morning- r.nlno theater. "WANTKI Kord or Chev., in trade for $3'. new furniture; must go Sunday, 404 IS. Slaffonl Ft. FOR SALE Dining room table, buffet, six chairs, quat tered oak, wax finish, like new. $100. Eapt ii'JS. 2 LARGE rooms. ir floor, furnished. In cluding piano, walking distance. East 2i:m. IOY, over 11, to deliver on a wheel. Phone Sunday. Wondiavn 2081. Alnsworth mar ko. .256 Unmn av?. N. LADY partner for half interest in growing concern wRli brilliant future; worth in vewtigatln r. Bdwy. 23fl. THE WENTWOKTH, 232 12th st. Apt first floor with bath ; also single room. 1st floor. "WANTEU Four ladies to advertise and measure for tailored corget. 600 Eller Mdg. lOST A brown leather bag on east side. Kinder keep money, please return purse. Tnbor SI 3. l-'CRNiTI RE atore for sale at 10U5 1. 13th nt. SHhvnod 23'-. Til KKK-Ki UM lower flat; 272 Going st., nn VVIllinmw nve. rnrllne. Knst 4:1 Id. "WILL trade my Ford touring, '21, flrpt payment on hmi.e. Auto. 644-R1, us 1..UST A n a me thy 1st and pearl pin Sat urday mnrning. Reward. Kagt :t?.tto. Kt'RXlSlI ED house for rent, 45 month, ran Sell. rJ7:t. TWO ROOMS. $.") and up; light, linen, water. b;ith. 20K Wash. WANTKD Complete set office fixtures; in nt be bargain for c:inh. Mnr, 4 OS 1 . LOT TO trade for Ford truck. Tabor 3t45. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the more f.ian one time rate, advertising must run In con secutive issues. One time 12c per line Two times (each Issue) lie per Una Three times (each Issue) ,'...10o per Una Seven times (each Issue)... Bo per Una One to six months, per month 12.30 per Una Six to twelre months, per month $2 25 per line The above rates apply to all headings with the following; exceptions: Situations Wanted Each Insertion fto per Una Help Wanted Notices lost and Found Hpeclnl Notices I'ersonal 1 uneral Notices I'roposuls Invited Merlins; Notices One time lac per line Two times (each Issue) 14c per line Three times (each Issue) ,.13o per,llno Seven times teach issue) .. ..12c per line One month 3 per line NEW XODAT Bates 1'er Lines Dally Sunday One time 8c 20c Two times (per Issue)..., 15c 10o Three times (per issue)... 14c 18o Seven times (per Issue)... 13c 17o One month, dally and Sunday 18.60 Count five words to the line. Nn ad taken for lees than two lines. Ads run Mundays only chargea at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Hltuutlune Wanted') will be token over the telephone If the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. The Orrsonian will receive copy by nail provided sufficient remittance ror definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgment will be forwarded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oresoninn nntll 1:80 P. M.t for The Sunday Oreicouian until 6 P. AI. imturday. MEETING NOTICES. 500 PARTY will be given by WOMEV OP MOOSE HEART Legion on Friday after noon. Dec. 2d, at 2 P. M., a: Moose temple. 4th and Taylor sts. ALL HA.ND MADE PHIZES. Admission 2uc. CASH PRIZE WALTZ will be given at the monthly dance of the WOMEN OF MOOSIiH EART LEGION' at Moose temple F rlday, December 2. Prasp'a music. Dents 60c. Ladles 30c. lncl. tax. S00 PARTY will be given by WOMEN OK MOOSEHEART LEGION on Friday afternoon. Dec. i at 2 P. M., at Moose Temple. 4th and Taylor sts. ALL HAND MADE PRIZES. Admission 25c. LODGE EMBLEMS, class pins, officers' ,'swels; carry large stock to select from; special work to order in our own factory Dnvids, Jewelers and opticians. 343 Wash ington street at Broadway. GUS H. CRAMER, 712-A SELLING LLDG. Main 60J6. Jewel and emblem manufacturer. Tatch and jewelry repairing. DIAMONDS. Diamond Set'lng and Mounting. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, t,w il.-aitn. Jacitr Hros.. 131-3 Sixth st. FRIEDLANDERB for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington sU ATTENTION. MOOSE. ALL MEMBERS OF THE MOOKE BAND AND DE GREE TEAM WILL RE PORT AT MOOSE HALL AT 12 NOON TODAY. ALL MEMBERS AND VISITING MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND THE FU NERAL OF BROTHER PAST DICTATOR GEORGE M. OHTON. HELD AT MOOBB TfcilPLE AT 2 P. M. A FREE TURKEY. $10.00 IN CASH. A FIXE EMBLEMATIC PRIZE. KIRKPATR1CK COUN CIL ''L'L'7. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION All members are cordially Invited to attend meeting Friday night. December za. You can win all of the above prlres with a little effort on your pert. Get particu lars at this meeting. Bring on your can didates, the council expects every member to do his duty, ana do it now. come ana see the beautiful degree work. Captain Bonney and his degree staff. Visiting members always welcomed. Ladles serve refreshments. Remember the grand Christmas masked ball December 23d. S. B. A. NIGHT. BAKER THEATER. Next Tuesday night every member of the Security Benefit association is re quested to attend the Baker theater, the proceeds to go toward the biggest advertisement ever put on bv our society in this state. Secure your tickets at Baker theater box office. Ad mission 40c, 65c and 85c. Make reserva tion early. BIO CLASS INITIATION. EUREKA COUNCIL 204. F. B. A.. Monday evening, Vovember 'lb. East Hide W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and, Alder. Chairman Au gusta Norbstran has pre pared soeclsl programme tnr nleasure of members fter council meeting, which will bs fol lowed by qincing. MACCABEES OF TEXT No. 1. take notice that the regular review will be held Friday evening instead of Thursday evening. After this week reviews will be held Thursdays as usual. Bring prospective candidate to Friday's review at Mac- cabee hall. 'AfAUg Washington street. Elec tion of officers will also be held at this review. TYSON KINSBLL. R. K. NEIGHBORS OP WOODCRAFT THIMBLE CLUB NO. 2 will hold Its bazaar December .1. with Kervlce circle In the Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. Everybody welcome. GL'L REAZEE GROTTO, NO. Oo Regular business meeting Monday. Nov. 28, Pythian temple, 8 o'clock. Conferring degrees, short form. fenriirlufe rennrt T:A J.iMun- nB meitilmi.; eaxp.ien winners. Admission by Iftul or card. Wear fez. Programme will follow meet ing for prophets only. Next Grotto dance changed to Friday. Deo. 1(1. By order of the Monarch. HARRY A. McRAE, Acting Sec. MASONIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Employers needing help of any description telephone Broadway ,12.i8. Only Masonic help furnished from this office. No charge to employer or employe. N. H. Atchison, mgr. Masonic headquarters. Multnomah hotel. EASTERN STAR BOARD OF RELIEF Annual benefit dnncing and card party. Wed nesday evening, Nov. 30. Both bnllrooms and Acacia club parlor at the Multnomah hotel. Masonic and Enstern Star friends invited. Special music by two full orchestras. Prizes. Admission 7&o, including war tsx. PHOEBE GUERIN, Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLUB, O. E. 8., will hold Its annual bazaar at Ma sonic hall. East 8th and Burn side, December 2. 1921. All members and friends are cor dially invited. OKEUON ASSEMBLY No. 1. UNITED ARTISANS, will give card party and dance Dec. 1 at W. O. W. hall. 128 11th st. Cards from 8:30 to 10. dancing from 10 to 12. Card prises. Admission 25 cents. VAH ALSlllNb, DSC Jf . OMEGA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 07, will bold its regular meeting at E. tkh and Alder, I. O. O. F. hall, Tuesday eve ning. Initiation. Visitors CLARE LAUKEV'S. Sec. welcome. MARflUERITK C7AMP NO. 1440. ROYAI NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, will hold Its annual bazaar at 114ft Grand avenue, Tuesday afternoon and evening, Nov. 21). There will be cards In the afternoon and a programme and dance In the evening. A cafeteria luncheon will be aerved all day. Everybody welcome. Come and have a good time with the Royal Neighbor and Modern Woodmen. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 42, H ROTH ER HOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN Special meeting of great In terest to all members, Wednesday eve ning, Nov. 30, Maccauee hall. .IMift Wash ington at. y ETTA HAINES. Correspondent. 402 Aliuky Bldg. Main 635. CUT HIGH COST OF LIVINO. Attend fVOO party given by Queen Elisa beth Review No. 24. W. B. A., Monday evening. November -8, at the Oddfellows' hall. Sixth and E. Alder. Eight grocery prizes; 4!-lb. sack flour first prize. Every body welcome. Admlpsion l"c. MR. J. A. BATCHLOR of Los Angeles, supreme president of the Fraternal Hrothernood win pay nis oinclal visit to Portland Lodge. No. 200, on Thursday evening, December 1. Important. All members 6f the order are urged to attend. NTDIA TEMPLE PATROL will give a formal benefit dance and card party Tues day evenln. December 6. at Cotillion hall, fyhrlners and escort a cordially incited. Tickets may be secured from patrol mem bers or purchased at the door. BENE-FIT 500 party given by all Wood craft circles racity, Wednesday evening, November 30, - W. O. W. temple, IliS Eleventh street Ten prises. Everybody welcome. MAROARET WERTHEIMER. Chairman. DA NCI NO PARTY. Monday evening. .November 2S. at Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor, given by Service circle No. 8.'0. Jack Carlson's orchestra. Refreshments. " Popular prices. Come and enjoy yourself. HALLS suitable for meetings, dances, entertainment, etc. Marshall I!SU1. PIED. HEAD At the Good Ramsrltnn hospital, November 26, Alberta L. Head, wife of H. H. Head and mother of Ethel and Hazel Head. Remains may be viewed Sunday. November 27. at the funeral parlors of Downins A McNfrasn, East Seventh and Multnomah streets. Fu neral notice later. Arrangements in care of Wilson & Wilson. OWEN At the home of his daughter, 426 East Broadway, November 24, Joshua M. Owen, aged 83 years, father of John B. Owen of Mendota, Cal., and Mrs. Cora L. Marshall of this city. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. The funeral notice will appear in a Jaier TUTTLE In this city, November 26. Olive, wife of Emmett Tuttle. of 1367 Carruth ers, mother of Dorothy, sister of Mrs. T. M. Pace of Portland, Ralph A. Hay cock of Oregon City. Or., and Paul Hay cock of Portland. The remains are at Flnley's Mortuary. Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. 8COTT In this city. November 26. Pleas ant B. Scott, aged 311 years, beloved husband of Kathenne Scott, father of Marie, eon of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Scott: also survived by two brothers and one sister. Funeral notice later. Remains at residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. DICK Dorothy Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Dick, Hlllsboro, Or.. November 20. agtd 6 y tars 9 month. 0 rCXERAL NOTICES. GREEN In this city. November 2, 1921. Josephine Green, aged 05 years; beloved mother of H. A. Green of Portland, sister of D. J. and T. J. Canty of St. Louis. ' Mo.; T. V. Canty of East St. Louis, 111., and Mrs. W. M. Evans. Mrs. F. S. Brower and Mrs. M. J. Crowley, all of Lander, Wyo. Funeral will be held from the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & Cain, Morrison etreet at Twelfth, to morrow (.Monday), November 28, at 8:80 A. M., thence to the Church of the Made leine, East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou streets, where requiem mass will be ox tered at 9 A. M. Friends invited to at tend. Concluding services. Mount Cal vary cemetery. MA ROY At the family home. 6435 Ninety first street southeast, Charles A. Marcy. aged 45 years. Husband of Mabel Marcy. father of Doris E. Marcy, son of Mrs. Minnie Cummings of Oregon City, brother of K. E. and George G. Marcy of southern Oregon. Veteran of the Spanish American War, company G. 2d Oregon. The funeral services will take place from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Kast Alder street, at 10:30 A. M.. Tuss day. November 29. under auspices of Spanish American War Veterans. Friends invited. Interment Rlverview cemetery. BURT1S In this city. November 25. 1921, Frank M. Burtis, aged 70 years; husband of Marion Burtis and father of Roland Burtis of Portland, Jessie Burtis of Sea side. Or., and Lloyd and Lyle Burtla of Aberdeen. Wash.; Mrs. W. J. Maglson. of Portland and Mrs. L. T. McVeigh of Canada. Remains are at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son, Third and Sal mon streets. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, November 29, at 2:80 o'clock p. M., at the chapel of Edward Holman 8c Son. Third and Salmon streets. Interment at cemetery private. WINTERS At the family home, 6tl Whitman avenue. November 26. Bunker Winters, aged 02 years, husband of Emily Winters. Member of Golden Rule encampment. Orient lodge, No. 17. I. O. O. F.; B. of R. T. and the Independent Order of Foresters. The funeral serv ices will take place from the conserva tory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, at 2 P. M Tuesday, November 21, under the auspices of I. O. F. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott park cemetery. HEUSTI3 In this city. November 23. John Heustls, aged 78 years, beloved father of Mrs. J. P. Burns and Harry H. Heustls, both of Portland, and three grandchil dren and four great-grandchildren. Friends are invited to attend the fu neral service at the chapel of Breeze Snook. Thirty-fifth and Belmont, Sun day at 10:30. Services will be under the auspices of the G. A. R. Interment at Hubbard, Or. Pleasa omit flowers. THOMAS At his home. 1018 BorthwicK street, November 24. Frederick Joseph Thomas, aged 23 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs John C. Thomas and-brother of Mrs. P. H. FarrelL Funeral services will be held Monday. November 28. at 9 A. M.. from the Blessed Sacra ment church. Maryland and Blandena streets. Interment In Mt. Calvary ceme tery. Remains axe at the above address. A. R. Zeller Co. in charge. JENKINS November 26. at the late resi dence, 684 Marshall street. Mary Jenkins, aged 76 years, mother of Jlopkln and Albert E. Jenkins. The funeral service will be held Wednesday. November 80. at 2:30 P. M., at Finley'a Mortuary. Mont gomery at nth. Friends invited. Con cluding service, River View cemetery. BARTHOLOMEW In this city. November 25. Merritt Bartholomew, aged 79 years, late of 6845 Sixty-second avenue. Funeral services will be conducted at the A. B. Kenworthy mortuary chapel. 6802-04 Ninety-second street Southeast In Lents. Monday, November 28, at 2 P. M. Inter ment Multnomah cemetery. STOPPER At 694 Skidmore street. No vember 23, 1921, Laurence Stopper, aged 61 years. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, November 29, at 9 A. M., at St. Andrew s church. Ninth and Alberta streets. Interment in Mount Calvary cemetery. A. K. Zeller company - in charge. ORTON The funeral service for George M. Orton, late of 231 hi Oak street, will be held today (Sunday) at 2 P. M. at the Moose temple. Fourth and Taylor streets. Friends invited. J. P. Flnley A Hon. directors. KTMrRAL CARS. .IMoOSINEa for funeral service. ONIiS AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FCXEBAI. DIRECTORS. e3esW VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation . , Portland Crematorium Phone Sellwood 987 KAST FOfRTEEX AND . BlBUK. Ask for Baokle-t. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st si?., west aide. LavJy assistant. Main 2GU1 Automatic MB-4 4. HOLMAN & SON Founded 1R54 ) FUNERAL 11RKJT0R8. Third and Salmon Sta. Main B07. McENTEE & EIL&RS Funeral parlors with All the privacy of a home, 10th and Kverett streets. Phones Hroa-lreay 2133: Auto. C31-33. BAbT NILS KUNLKAL L1RUCTORS 8. DUNNING, INC.) "The family sets the price." 414 E. Alder. I'hone K;ist '.St. Auto. 225-25, Lltiiii.K Ac b.NOOK, 1047 ttelratuit. ! unerai uireciors. TV, F. WHEALIiQN, Mgr., Tabor 1238. LBRCH. UNLKHTAKKR, Kast Kioventh ut Hawthorne. Phonw East 7S1. FIN LEX'S MORTUARY MONTtiOMFtflY AT BTH. MAIN 8. CVriiCC UNDIiUTAKINU CO.. OnCO Third ndClay. Main 41B2. n 7C(:D flfl ia;4 Williams Ave. III CLLCn UUm Phone East 108S. A. U. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 6804 B2d St., Lents. Auto. 618-21.' FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty, Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. - LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN PORTLAND. S28 Morrison St., Portland Hotel. Phone Mar. 733. Personal attention siven wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETLAND'S FLOHF.B siiur, Morrison St., bet 3d and 4th. Tel. Main 419. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASION O MAIN V9l A737 YAMHILL AT TENTH. And Floral Designs, 25 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. Iellrs on Aiorrison jflMfltLlkES street, bet. 4th and 8th. Main 7700. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 14 Hi Sixth. opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 721S. NOB HILL FLORI8T8 (Estate Alfred Kurkhardt.) N. a. cor. 23a and GliBan. Main 1339 TON8BTH S FLORAL CO., 3S7 Waehlnston st bet. Ui aad (to. Alain tlOtf. A, IX0X. mm Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. . ' ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS 5! BLACK, public accountant, auditor, Income tax- service. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECTURAL designing. Now is the time to plan your home. See F. C. Rose, ' Main 75L'6. ASSAVfcKa AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second. . Gold, silver, platinum bought. DR. McMAHONS baths, Portland, steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. Bill. DING PLAN. BUILDING or permit plans; send sketch of your new home; prompt service; rea sonable. D. M. CROOKS, architectural designer. Postoffice box 3643. Portland. I'LLLl LOID BUTTONS. THE IKW1N-HODSON COMPANY. .887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 254. CHIROPRACTIC. DH. McMAHON (McMan). Portland; 12th year. Seven post graduate research courses. Rates: Extended lime, 31 ad Justmentg, 115, restoring health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelie. Florello and Dewane De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and lder streets. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. S12 Morgan bldg. Main 87U2. CLEANING AND DYEING. REGAL CLEANERS ASSASS?Saa Soldiers' overcoats dyed blue or black, new set buttons. J6..10. 127 N. 6th St. CON I K.MTOKS. DAVIDSON Jt BLANK, CONTRACTORS. . Home Builders. Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. . 6132 2d St. S. E. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17U6. No collection-, no charges. Estao. IIHjO. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts Main 2119. Auto. 2119. DENTISTRY DH. A. W. KEiiN'K, No After Effects. Without Pain. 351 Vi Washington St. X-Ray Work. Above Majestic Theater. F.I.Kt'TKICAI. REPAIRING MOTORS REWOUND repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOL ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone .-,27-27. 226 Main St. HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING FREE on hemstitching orders, latest designs; mail orders given prompt attention at THE PETITE SHOP. 321 NORTHWESTERN' BANK BLDG. Main 4 '.ISO. Buttons, buttonholes, pleating, braid ing, chain stitching, wool embroidery and scalloping. IRON OKX5. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler, makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fice and works, Hawthorne avenue and East Third street. JKWKI.RY MF(i. AND REPAIRING. ROSS & CO., WHOLESALE JEWELERS, am MOHAWK HLDO.. 3D MORRISON. MlNIC TKACHKRS. OKICGON Conservatory tschool) of Music, 2d floor Ruvsel bldg. (over the "Lion"). Entrance 165 4th St.. cor, of Morrison. L. CaRROLL DAT, teacher 4..3 vv4 voice. Broadway 2.155. 148 13th St. MOjrMEXTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS g6 4th at., opp. City Hall. NEIT BROS. I OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS IE. THIRD &.I-INE STS. PHONE E.T43 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to E P. M. The society has full chargre of th city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Bmall animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up. NEW TODAY. NORTHOTgRUG CO. FLUFF HUGS " Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made om or your oia worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the prlc of a new rug. Use woolen clothing. 0x12 RUGS STEAM CLEANED (1.50. East 8S8O. 188 Eait Eighth. Parrish, Watkins 8c Co. EsL 1867. Frank E. Watkins, Manager. Member Portland Healty Uoard. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. SS3 Stark L rasa Alain 1S4, 1 5 INVESTMENT $ 6,000 $ 7,000 $45,000 $65,000 $75,000 Stores and flats on carllne. Rents $75 mo., can earn J100. Apt. bldg.. east aid; In come $129 mo. Take house to $5000. Brick apt. bids;., west side. No lease; good income West side, 52 furniihed apts., with stores below; $1600 mo. Income. West side brick apartment building;. CHAS RINGLER & CO. Z23 Henry Bids;. STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON TRACK We can move And store your Roods In a fine sprlnklered building:. HAULING, PACKING, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 Gllsan St. Bdwr 3470 MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property. Installment Re. payments If Dealred. Bnlldlnic L,oan, Current Rate. 1'rompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 210-218 Korthweatern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114. NOTARY PrBI.IC. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 52 Chamber of Commerce o4dg. Nl RSKRY FOR CHILDREN. GUNDERSON Yost nursery for children. East 154. OPTOMETRISTS. Out of the High-Rent District. Save Money on Your Glasses. 25 vears' exnertence: most modern and complete equipment at your service. Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate' optometrist. Main 2124. V,naa " UOOnman Front and First. WHY PAY MORE? - Glasses In gold - filled frames 5AS fitted to your eyes. 12.50, double vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwlts. optometrists. 225 First st. Main 451. T11EK& are no better eyeglasses made thjn the glasses fitted by Rubenstein. the veteran optician, from $S to 8; sat- Isfactlon guaranteed. 220 Morrison st PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL, house and sign painter, papering, tinting. 407 E. 37th. Tabor 2611. I'lIVSICIAXH. DR. R. A. PHILIJPs. Broadway building; stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders wiTnout operation PATENTS. 1'ATENTS that protect. Complete appli cations prepared by experienced regis tered engineers. Prompt and confi dential service. O F. McDougall Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' I'ATE.NT ATTOK.N KVS. FATtlS'lS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; ptojnpt, effi cient, .conscientious service; handbook free on request. Ml'N'N A CO.. Hobart bldg., 684 Market St., San; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103, 625 First; ' 'or office, Woolworth bldg. PATENTS und skeU'n or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references, best results, prompt ness assured. Watson E. Coleman, pat ent lawyer, 824 F St.. Washington. D. C. R. C. WRIGHT, registered uatent attorney. 25 years. If invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer. 601 lieltum bldg. I'll'K K EPA I RING. PIPES REPAIRED By Expert. Pipe Shop. 272 Washington Ft. PRINTING F. W. BALTICS & COMPANY First and Oak. Main 16S; Mt-B.1 R1IEI M ATIC SPECIALIST. FREE EXAMINATION FREE. The world's greatest rheumatic cure. IT'S IN TUB OOODS; THAT'S ALL. JACK KINQ'8 Mineral Treatments. Cured Patients My Best References. JACK KING. Rheumatic Specialist. 83 H Fifth St., Corner Oak. Second Floor Phoenix Bldg. TRAHKMABKS. UHEuON TRAHEMARK HL'RRAII. 1101 Ilrkum bldir. IT. S.. forelrn trademark. TRANSFER AMI STORAGE 0 Jfr- 8ECUR1TT KTORAQB A TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 53 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Gllsan 8t- ' Broadway 1281. DRAYAOB. STORAGE. Four Warehouse on Terminal Tracks. VKTLKIXARY. ROSE CITIT VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th snd Grant sts. Both phnneai i'iy ana nignt service: 3 veterinarians. NEW TODAT. MANOR Imposing and picturesque, something of the associated charm of a manor house . unusually rare, with its ter raced garden, arched pergola draped with wistaria and festooned with other vines. The spirit and charm is grand. Built in a nook acre of ground, --facing six streets, overlook ing the whole city. From a large re ception hall you enter through French doors to living room, 18x28, separated from the dining room. 16x20. by a j wynyata compton. From their wln- j" " a. you nave a view or ou miles. A log-gla overlooking tho grounds, use as a lounging and sun room; large library. Luxemberg kitchen, with Pullman breakfast room; 3 bedrooms in white, every one a sleeping porch. The view from every window is a framed picture. Billiard hall with table. Rector heat ing system, costing 2000; double rarage, servants' quarters; only 11,600; J3000 will handle. DELAHUNT ' EAST 1347 Buy.TKis Feivtvor Homo For -126815 THIS it but one of our many beautiful designs. FENNER HOMES ARB NOT PORTABLES. They are reKular double constructed homei built to higheit standards. Price include plant and spec ifications, lumber, lath, shingles, doors and windows, milt work, building paper, nails, paint, hardware and tin work. Set ut before you place your contract. WRIT! OH FHOttl rOITOPFICI BOX -41I 'MONI COLUalla l FENNER MFG. CO..L let of MfKsaae Akih, FvrtUsA, OftsDS) tr J Downtown Office, fill Artisan BIdff. Broadway and Oak Streets I'hone Broadway 2XS3 New $2350 Maibohm five passenger Sedan Bun 1000 miles; completely equipped. Guaranteed perfect mechanically. Buyer up against it, was forced to repossess car. Will sell for $1500, part cash, balance on payments. Call MAIN 89 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. : r.uff rugs tor sale, pid carpets made Into j now fluff rujrff. Rag rug woven. Rues i and carpet cleaned and dyed. "W' call and deliver. All work guaranteed. Try us. 64 aod 6 Voioa Avenge ISortU, . 0516. ENGLISH HOME I r&CTOnTV I ESTABLISHED 1803. ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AIXTIOX HOfSK. WE HAVE RECEIVE!) EOn THl SALE THE CHOICE FlTRISHINi! KHOM THE RESIDENCE OK A LAIV WHO HAS RECENTLY SOLD HEK REAt'TIFVL SI BIRI1AN HOME, comprising; rich blue velour livlns; room suite of three pieces, viz., dav enport, rocker and chair; mahogany library table, mahogany arm rockers with velour seats and cane backs, very pretty hall mirror, sectional and other bookcases with sliding; doors, several volumes of books, oak library table, leather-seat rockers, reading: t a o i e s. lioourettes. Axminster ana velvet ruRS, some of which are equal to new. In 9x12 and I SiliU sixes: fiber rockers, beautiful walnut dining-room suite in Queen Anne de sign, as follows table, buffet and set of chairs, blue leather seats. The bedroom furniture is strictly up to date. vli full-size period Simmons steei Dea, ruil-size Ivory, walnut-fln-Ish steel bed, three-quarter size: brass bed and white enameled beds, Circas sian walnut dresser, chiffonier, dress lng table, stand and chair, other dressers In walnut and oak. All beds are complete with best sprlng9. silk floss and cotton felt mattresses, sev eral pairs of good pillows; gas range, utensils, garden hose, etc., etc. Also from another private home we have received oak dining-room furniture, library table and rockers, Duofold bed, rugs, etc. Al'CTIONEER'l XOTE. Tomorrow you are welcome to call and look over the full list of goods that will be sold at this time. Come In, no matter If you Intend buying or not. You are all invited to the In spection and welcome to tell us what you think of a real auction store. AUCTION OS TCESDAY KEIT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT Our usual weekly sale for various consignments of household goods. This furniture can be seen after noon on Wednesday. SALE THURSDAY AT 10 A. M. OTE Tea, sure we will buv vour goods for cash or sell for you on com mission, either at your home or at your residence If convenient. Phone us. Main 3332. RETAIL DEP'T You people who have been waiting for j'our mahogany-end tables will be able to get them about Wednesday next. First come, first served. We have other bargains for you suitable for Christmas. Terms always cash. W. C. BAKER A XV. H. DEAN. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, PYTHIAN llUILDIMG, Yasnhlll and West Park Street (For merly Masonic Temple Hldgl. Built to Endure Sectional Buildings ARE NOT Makeshifts Nor Substitutes for Real Buildings ' THEY ARE Real, first-class bulldlna-s, ac tually "built to endure"; built with the idea of their giving Ions; and lasting: service and sat isfaction. Is net a substitute for quality of materials nor good workmanship, but la a method of building good looking, substantial buildings for less money. INVESTIGATE Houses $107.00 Up. ft Garages $45.00 Up. Redlmade Bldir Co., Portland, Or. K. 11th snd Mnrkst. Phons F. fills. Downtown sales office, Common wealth bulldlnir, Sixth and Ankeny. Fhone Bdwy. 4333. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Brick Apartment House " In fine condition; free of lease; location Is Ideal; high-class tenants. v $10,000 Will Handle. Property will pay Itself out In short time, af fording you a good home and Independence In old age. O. W. Bryan BO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Main 1HHS. INVESTMENT $ finn Stores and flats on carllne. O-UUURents $75 mo can earn $100. $7nf)f)Apt. bldg., east side; In fUUUcome $12 mo. Take house to $B0OO. C 4 C nnn Brick apt bldg-., west side. u"TjiUUU Vo lease: eood Income. CC nnn1,Ve,t Wlde- 112 furnished $03-UUU apts., with stores below; J51500 mo. income. $75 000 Wes,."'de brlck apartment CHAlr "RINGLER & CO. 23S Henry Bldg-. RAR ARFn! Iorable or nermanent, with UHilMULu or vrKhont cement run warn. SAM CONNELLff-'itt ToL ease GARAGE, TENTH AND EVERETT STS NOW BlILDING. Call on Premises Monday. E. A. McGRATH. &m Baa I' El Iffp jfcUj Auction Sales 169 171 IECOXD STREET, NEAR MORRISON, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AT 10 A. M. MONDAY'S SALE Goods from pri vate homes. Including- WIIXIAM A'D M HY DIM SUITE, (i B X U 1 N K LEATHER BED I) A YEN' PORT, rock ers, chairs, couches, bookcases. LARf.K HODV IIRI SSELS RUG, 9tIS AXMISTER HKiS, HRASS REDS, OLD IVORY WOOD BEI, complete with springs and mattresses, sheets, slips quilts: towels, DRESSERS, t'HIEFO.MERS, toilet ware. "Brlda-e-Beach" steel range, Jewel rhs ranite and other eTfects. Also liOLUEX OAK DIXI' SUITE, complete, and ttO. REMIMiTON TYPEWRITER. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY we sell ae-ain at 10 A. M. Always a good assortment of used furniture at our sales. - FOR PRIME SALE JV8T RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS " AND EASY CHAIRS WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES DAV ENPORT TABLES, DAY REDS, all kinds of I.IVLNU-ROOM FURNISH INCiS. DININU SUITES, OLD IVORY HI A H04.A N Y and other R K I R O O M SUITES. BRASS and E NAME 1, E II REDS, CARPETS and ROOM - 8I.E RI.1,9. larsrw assortment sir.r.i, nu ii.AS RANUES. HEATINCi STOVES etc. If furnlshlnsr, sen our line be fore you buy. TERMS tf desired. GREAT AUCTION SALE 500,003 CIGARS TO BE SOLD TO THE TRADE ONLY TUESDAY NEXT, NOV. 29 . AT 10 A.M. AT WILSON'S AUCTION !E 169-171 SECOND STREET Vlx.. PAR A MOUNTS and RIOOI.ETTOg In 10c. 12c and 15c sizes, in boxes of Za ana s0. to ne soia in lots 01 500 and, tip. ON WE SHALL SELL Ton ITIE REMEDIAL LOAN COMPANY ALL UNREDEEMED PLEDGES Including DIAMOND!. WATCHES, JKWELRV. KODAK. NT'RVKVINU INXTHI'MKNTS, III MHO! :IS ( AI,. C IT.ATOH. Mt'HU'AI INHTHIIMKNTfl, TYPEWRITERS and other efrects Particulars In next Sunday's papers, J. T. "WILSON, AUCTIONEER. We Pay Cash for I'ned Furniture. Main 1A2. PUBLIC INFORMATION Dead and Abneeaard Teeth Causa Numerous Iludily Ailments. HAVE YOUR TEETH ATTENDED TO Before the frrf Are Exposed or Irritated. Thereby IU poalna of Head and Ab. aoeaaei) Teeth. IF YOU NEED DENTAL WORK DONE WE CAN DO IT To Your Satisfaction WITHOUT PAIN BY CONDUCTIVE ANESTHESIA The 20th Crntnrr ProTen Reliable Method. Twelve Years' Practice In Portland. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. J. KIKSKVDAHL, Above Majestic Theater, 331 Wash. Insrton Street. WEST SIDE 100x150 $4000 Have you any faith In Portland? If so grab this quick and make a hia: profit in short time. Can you feature such a snap? Three lots 50x100 each, on paved street, North Port land, for $4000. Only short distance from Mont gomery Ward, American Can company and other Mr concerns. Assessed at $6700. Look this up at once. R itter, L owe & Co . I 2V1-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. 'TUESDAY, DEC. 6 AT 10 A. M, A New Idea in Selling LIGHTING FIXTURES Be Your Own Salesman and Save Money Kverv fixture In my stock plain ly marked at the lowest possible prices. Come in and see the fin est assortment and select for yourself. As advertising space costs real money, I am merely showing a sample of the wonder ful values to be found here this week. ThU artist lo solid hrnaa electric bracket, one of the moat pupu Inr ilcslfna made. Complete, leu ahadca. This rlerant romhlnatlnn Chan delier, for llvtnir or dtnlna; room, eomplete with ahadea (aa ihonn above. for only $13.95 A Good SSO.OO Value. COMPLETE STOCK OP IIOl'SE MIIIMi MATERIA I, AMI BI.KITRK AI, M I'I'MKS AT REDUCED 1' lilt lis. THE Upstairs Electric Fixture Store Stanley Luts. Prop. 203-5-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4233. We DoH ouse Wiring i I WESTOYER IS PROUD OF ITS PEOPLE Thy ar not only prominent In th!r rhniifn fields of activity, but thty ar tHllnjr th world thnt Portland la a stood plaoo to Jive In by tha only rnl, con vtnolna arirumnt "by them vvs ownlnir their honifi." All thlnsrn eonsitlared. "WT:T OVKR homepltes ara rea aonuble In price. 4 For appointment, prlrg or pUtn, you mny phone. f call on or write !- IX 5.1 L-vf. 4 call on or write M kAUy -ASSOC WTESJ ff 29 Prttoch Blk. BrondwnvllO al X a atJSC-3 APARTMENT HOUSE Lease and Fur nishings FOR SALE a good bvy. Twenty, slw Two nnd Three . Rooa Annrtmenta with private unina. Ilrlcfc llullUlna. Low Rent. B6000 CASH WILL HANDLE. 200 OAK STREET. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK $65,000 fLAJfDKRH-STItir.FT THAfKACB, 30.1HMI ilAHK Also basement. Can be chamred for seml-retall business, storage and mnmifacturlna-. Kcasonabla term can be had. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce Ilulldtnar, Income Property AVell Located on Kast Side, CLOSR IN. Ground 62.5x100: brick bulldlnir: monthly Income 1235, or elichtlv over $2800 for the year. I'rice $23,i00. Good terms. E. M. BROWN 1123 Northwestern Bank Bulldins.