TTTR SUNDAY OREGONIA3T, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 27, 1921 2t WOOL SPECL ILATORS SEEK OREGON CLIP Buyi ing Is on Active Scale in Local Market. ORDERS FROM EAST LARGE Warehouse Stocks in This City Will 1'ie Cleaned Up Before New Clip Arrives. Wool buying In the. local market is on more Active scale than for a lone time pant and the Increased demand bae re sulted In stronger price on practically all grades. There la no doubt in the mlnda of wool men here that tbe large stocks which had accumulated in the local ware houses will be entirely cleaned up before tbe new crop comes on. The buying; Is largely speculative for eastern account. It a part of the nlc speculative movement which Is now on In all parts of tho coun try, created by the extension of the emer gency tariff law. The fact that the goods situation in the east Just at present 1s sutythinr but favorable has no effect what ever on the desire of merchants to accu mulate wool. Meantime, advices from abroad Indicate a somewhat easier position in foreign mar kets. A cablegram reports Americans tak ing the best wools at Melbourne, Australia, paying a basis which means a cost laid down in Boston of 75H cents crean for warp 64s and 67 cents for 60s to 64s comb ing, with exchange at $4. A report from Sydney gives the market firm for fleece wools, but easier for pieces. At Adelaide, recently, even best merinos were off fl little. Other merinos were 6 to 10 per eent lower. The London market, however, has shown a firm tons at the opening of the November auction salea Government wool holdings, according to a report Issued by the United States war department, show a grand total of 25.344 042 pounds of wool on hand. The items in this aggregate are the following: Pounds, Total combing wools 6,04.4!B Total carding wools 13.632,00$ Oreasv sundries combiner) card ing 17.274 Australian and New Zealand crossbred. 2,687,307 Total Iceland wools l- Total worsted waste 22,703 Cables received by exporters Indicated that the foreign markets did not in any measure share th. strength of American markets. Eastern reports were that 500,000 bushels of Manitoba wheat were taken for export to the continent. Russell's News Bureau said: "Big in crease in world's consumption notwith standing reports to the contrary. . Up to date 24,000,000 bushels In excess of last year has been exported. Shortage of rice crops in Japan and China. Germany claimed to require large imports to offset shortage of crop.' Australian shipments this week were 4,872.000 bushels of wheat. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows:' Wheat, Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland. Sat... 22 X ear ago B4 Season to date. .16, 6.8 Year as;o. Tacoma, Friday. Year ago Season to date.. Year ago Seattle, Friday.. Year sko Season to date. 7,328 13 21 S.B78 2,841 16 10 4.0S2 124 1012 78 40 303 12 2 7150 422 110 1103 ISO 102 2 4 262 76 67 1 1 261 1D0 4 761 851 465 473 1 S 803 811 Grand total of wool on hand. .25,344,042 POTATO SHIPPING DEMAND IS SLACK Host Growers Firm In Their Views East ern markets Weak. The shipping demand for Oregon pota toes has fallen off almost entirely, but both growers and shippers believe that be fore long California buying will' be re sumed. Some farmers are disposed to offer their stock cheaper, but the majority are still firm In their views. The shipping movement throughout the country of. 4313 cars of potatoes during the last week exceeded that of the pre vious week by about 400 cars, but was more than 25 per cent lighter than for the corresponding week a year ago. Ship ments for the season to November 10 from 18 leading late shipping states were 83,636, compared with 61,210 cars last season to the same date. Nebraska, Utah and the Dakota, have already shipped more than their total movement last season, while California, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have not equalled last season's shipments to date. Markets were well supplied and have shown a dull, weak tone with some de clines. In the Chicago carlot market north ern tacked round whit dropped 5 to 20 cents to a close ot $1.65 to 11.80 psr 100 pounds, but ranged nearly steady In other middle-western markets at $2 to 12.25. In producing sections, where haullngs were light, and demand and movement slow, prices ranged 8 to 25 cents lower at 1183 to 11.40 X. o. b. Eastern round whites were nearly steady at .L70 to $1.73 f. o. b. shipping points, but declined 10 to 28 cents In ealtern cities at tl.00 to $2.15. Bulk stock sold 10 cents lower In New York city at $2 to $2.10 per 100 pounds Maine bulk declined lo cents at shipping points, to a close of $1.86 to $1.41, but showed gains of 5 o 15 cents in New York city at $2.10 to 42.15. Sacked stock in Boston lost 10 cents, ranging $1.90 to $2. Western rurals held around $1 cash track and wagonloads cash to growers at ship ping points. IXCAt, APPLE MARKET IMPROVING Better Demand Noted for All Varieties and Grades. There was a better feeling in the local apple market d-uring the week. Supplies were large, but there was fairly liberal buying of the better grades and the re cent declines in small sixes helped move them. Current jobbing quotations on the var ious varieties grades and sixes follow: Baldwin Orchard run IGOs, 160s, $1.75. Delicious Extra fsncy 88s, 100s. $4.10; extra fancy 123s, 11.1s, $3.75; extra fancy 138s. 3.fl0; extra fancy Nxts, $3; fancy J0O, $3.85; fancy 125s, 113s. $3.50: fancy 138s, $3.10; fancy 150s, $2.70; fancy 103s, $2.00. Crimes Golden Extra fancy 313s, $1; fancy 2Ms, 8 boxes, 8.c. Jonathan Taney 200, $160; fancy Jumble, 4Vi-5-tler, $1.73. Ortle" Choice, $2; choice 1138, 123s, 138s. $1.78; choice lnos, 163s, ll.BO. Spltzenberjc Hxtra fancy . 113a. 125s, $2.73; extra fancy 13Ss, $2.00; extra fancy 150s, $$3.40; extra fancy KUs, $2.2.1; extra fancy 175s, $2; extra fancy IHSs, 15X, $1.65; extra fancy 2()s, 10X, $1.40; fancy 113s, 12.1s. $2.fpO; fancy 13Ss. $2.2.".; fancy 150s. $2.10; fancy l3s, $2; fancy 17.1s, $1.75; fancy 20ns, 213s, 8X. $1.2.-; choice 113s, liMln. $2.25; choice ISSs, $2; choice 163s, $1.75; choice 175s, $1.iV0; choice 213s, 13X, $1; choice 183s, $1. 75; lookers, un wrapped, 4-tler, Sl.&O; cookers, unwrapped, s-4i4-tliT, $1.85. Winter Banana Extra fanov lS5s. 138s. $2.50; extra fancy 150s. 103, 175s (5 boxes). $2; combination extra fancy and fancy 13Bs, '10X. $2.40; do 188s. irvfts. $2.10; do 163s (4 boxes). 11. Wi; fancy l.ISs, 150s. 16.38. $2; fancy 175s. lSSs (3 boxes), $1.35; fancy 2Ws (3 boxes), $1. Pinrnry conkers 'Unwrapped, 4-tler, fl.fiO; do 4-4M,-tlcr, $1.35; do. 4Vi-6-tler, $1.25: do li-tler, $1. LOCAL WHEAT .BIDS ARE REJECTED Board Prices Now In I. In With Actual Values In Open Market. Although the eastern wheat markets closed with little change, bids were ele vated rather sharply on the local board. Hard white, hard winter, northern spring and red Walla were raised 4 cents, whits club 3 cents and soft white 2 cents. These new prices, however, were several days overdue, as current local values have been at that level since the middle of the week. Year ago 2,733 OREGON APPLES IN EASTERN CITIES. Markets Generally Steady for All Grades ot Boxed Fruit. Apple prloes at shipping points show no material chanre on the few cars re ported sold. Wenatchee moved Winesaps, extra fancy, 10 per cent five-tier at $2.10 (F2.1S, and Rome, extra fancy, medium to large, at $1.60 1.70. Yakima sold five tier fancy winesaps at $1.25 and choic at $1. The eastern markets . were generally steady on boxed applea Boston quoted Oregon Spitxenbergs, all sixes, fancy, at $2.252.50. Chicago sold Oregon Ortleys, extra fancy, larye, at $2.5002.75. and nedlum at 1225 3. SO At New York, quo tations to jobbers ranged: Spltxenburgs. sx tra fancy, large, J 2.75 8; very large, $3.23; small to medium, $2. 25 2.50. fancy medium to larg, $2.40 2.65, mostly $2.50 small, mostly $2.75; C grade, all sizes, t202.2B; Ortleys, extra fancy. $2.85 car run, fa.icy, $2.25 car run, C grade $2 car tun. Staymans, extra fancy, $2.40, fancy, $2.23, C grade $1.85, orchard run $2.10 1.25. Jonathans, extra fancy, ordinary con dition, all sizes $2. W. W. Permalns. ex tra fancy, medium to large, $22.40. New- towns. C grade, all sizes, $2 9 2.25. Romea, C grade, all size $1.852.23. The barreled apple markets have also .mproved. New York Baldwins were steady It, New York and Chicago, 17 7.50 per barrel, while Ma.'ne Baldwins advanced 50 cents in Pittsbu.-g to the same level. Prices cf Maine stock advanced in Philadelphia to a range. of $6.23 to $7.25 and closed with a net gain of 75 cents at $8 to $7. NO ORDERS COMING FOR ONIONS Eastern Markets Temporarily Filled and Growers Are Not Alarmed. No eastern orders for onions are now coming in, but Oregon growers are not alarmed. They figure the market will be quiet for another month and in the mean time do not propose to lower their prices Shipments of onions throughout the country continue to decrease, th week's movement being less than a year ago Total cars were 184, of which California sent 88 and Massachusetts and New York cbout 50 cara Good stock In medium slses continued to demand high prices. Eastern sacked Yellow Globes held steady in Boston 5.75 to $6 per 100 pounds and ranged $5 to $5.50 in other eastern marketa I'ltt burg and Philadelphia quoted near the range of other markets, but showed de c.lnes from last week's high polnta Prices l.eld firm at $5.23 to $3.50 f. o. b. valley hipping polnta Good middle-western yellow and red stock was steady in Chicago at $4 to $4.50 and in other markets at $5 to $5.75. Call fornla yellow anu brown onions ranged $5 to $5.50 in Chicago and Kansas City. TURKEYS HOW TO GET BEST PRICES. Rave paying advice to give on this subject. Write, teil us num ber you have for sale. Rf'BY CO. 169 Front Street, Portland, Or. YTrlte for latent rircHnlnff methods meant higher priVei. SHIP YOUR TURKEYS Any Time. Prompt Returns. BLIE VALLEY PRODl'CE COMPANY, 273-274 Gliaan Street. Portland, Oregon. PRODUCTION OF BUTTER HEAVIER Make Reported to Be 42 Per Cent Larger Than Year Ago. The butter market has declined 2H eents In the past few days, due to Increased supplies and lighter demand, which have resulted In lower prices for butterfat in producing sections, says the weekly pro duce review ot Swift A Co. of Chicago. Th American Association of Creamery Butter Manufacturers reports that 42 per tent more butter was mad during th week ended November 12 than the corre sponding week list year. A continued In crease ir. th makeover last year will prob ably result in further decline la market quotations. Live poultry nas been marketed in large quantities during the week more, in fact, than was required for current use, result ing In some accumulation and lower prices. Thore was a light supply of fre.b eggs, but a tendency to lower prices is shown. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 4,754.74S $ 873.881 Seattle 6.0X0,542 1.277.B72 Tacoma 423,481 70,050 Spokane 1,313,380 120,336 Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Ta coma for th past week and correspond ing week In former years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. $27,270,723 1021. 11)20. 1D10. 1018. 1017. 1D16. 1015. 1014. 11)13. 1012. 1011. . .$23,543,524 . . 2!).723.6."8 . . 33.01)6.670 .. 28,6116,328 . . . . 12,720.357 . . 10,6118. R.14 . . 11.400.6.1.1 . . 12,321.867 . . 12,3IH1,0!l7 .. 11,030.082 3S.225.124 88,172.516 24,276.341 17,330.161 13,782,950 12.870.840 14,460.800 13,333,533 11,800,483 $2,358,610 3.831,61)7 8.075,636 4.306.4(H) 8.118 710 2,0.-7,506 1, 023.165 2.200,520 8,451,388 4.287,146 4,542.714 Butter Market Closes Firm. The demand foi cube butter .contlnusd good up to the close of the week and prices remained on a firm basis. Eggs were steady and unchanged with larger receipts More delayed Oressed poultry arrived yesterday and most of it was worked off. No. 1 turkeys were quoted at S038 cents end poorer turkeys sold as low as 80 cents. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour. Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Wheat Nov. Hard white $ 1.0 Soft white I.O6 White club 1.07 Hard winter 1.0H -Bid- Dec, l.ou 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.02 Northern spring .... 1.08 Red Walla 1.02 Oats No. 3 whit feed.... 27.00 27.00 27.00 No. 2 gray 26.00 26.00 26.00 Corn No. 8 B. T. ahlpment 27.50 FLOUR Family patents, $T per barrel; whole wheat. $6.20; graham, $6; bakers' hard wheat. $7.05; bakers' bluestem pat ents, $6.55; valley soft wheat, $3.60; straights. $5.25. MILLFEED Price f. o. b. mil!: Mill run, $20 per ton; midllngs, $34; rolled barley, $3(936; rolled oats, $381 scratch feed. $42 per ton. CORN Whole, $34. cracked, $36 per ton. HAY Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $14.50 per ton; cheat. $12012.50; oat and vetch, $14.50913; clover, $12: valley timothy, $1515.30; eastern Oregon tlmoUiy. $184(18.50- . . Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 420430 lb.; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 47c; cartons, 4c Butterfat, buying prices, No. 1 grade, 45c. delivered Portland. EGGS Case count, 54 55c doz. ; candled ranch. 57ft5Sc; association firsts. 57c; as sociation selects, 6uc; association pullets, 50c. CHEESB Tillamook triplets, price to jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 26c; Young Americas. 27c pound. POULTRY Hens. 1827c; springs. 21c; ducks, 2025c; geese. 1820c; turkeys, live, nominal; dressed No. 1. 36380 lb. PORK Fancy, 13c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13 H ft 14c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. ' Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Valencia oranges, $7 "per box; navel oranges, 1HW6.75 per box; lemona, $5.506.50; grapefruit. $4.507.25 per box: bananas, 8!)c per pound; apples, $1 4.10 box; p.ars, $22.50 box; huckleberries. lOAlSo per pound; grapes, California red Emperors and Malagas. 1012c pound; casabas, 83 Vic pound; cranberries, Ore gon, $5.50f6 per box; eastern, $21(p23 per barrel POTATOES Oregon, 1.75rl per hun dred; Yakima. $22.25 per hundred; sweet potatoes. 4&4Ha per pound. ONIONS Yellow, $4.u0i5 per hundred. VEGfiTA&LEti caooag, lVteSo pound; lettuce, $398.73 crate; carrots, $1.60 per sack: garllo. 1218o per pound beets. $1. 50&2 per box; cucumbers, $2 per dozen; beans, 10e?12tto per lb. celery, 70cfi$l per dozen; green peppers. 8tfl2o per lb. ; cauliflower, 12&2.60 per sozen; pumpains, zrso Per pouna squasn, I'te3c; sprouts, 17 Vic Staple Groceries, Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated, 85c pound; beet, 6.15c NUTS Walnuts, new crop, soft shell. 24 931c lb.; Brazil nuts. 18 20c; filberts, 20 2Sc: almonds, 2627c; peanuts, 8Vio per pound. RICE Blue Rose, 7c per pound; Japan style. 60 per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums. 18 Q354e per pound. SALT Granulated, bales. $3.2004.05 half ground, ton 60s. $17.20: 100s. $16.25. HONEY Comb, new crop, $66.50 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates, $7 per case figs, $1.4098.75 per box; apples. 16c lb peaches, 1517c; apricots. 23 6 26Vic prunes. 7 12c. s BEANS timall white, 6c; large white, 4c: pink, 6e; bayo. 6c; red, 6c Hides, Ilopa, Etc TALLOW No. 1. 4c: No. 2. Bo per pound. CASCARA BARK So a pound delivered. Portland. HOPS 1921 crop, choice, 2626Vio per pound. HIDES Fresh cured. 5c per pound bulls, 4c; calf, 12c per pound; kip, 7c; dry bines, lie; dry aait hides, 70 per pound. PELTS Dry pelts, full wool, 8 10c pound; salt Delta, 86t50o each, according to size. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 100218 per pound. MOHAIR New clip, 16a per pound, de Ilvered Portland. 2431 279 com Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 27931c; skinned, 83c; picnics, 20c; cottage roll, 23c ' BACON Fancy. 8943o; choice, S2c; standard, 326c LARD Fure tierces, 140 pound pressed tierces, 14c DRY SALT Backs, 1821o; plates. 15c Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels. 89c 6-gallon cans. $1.04. Boiled, in barrels, 81c: B-gnllon cans, $1.06. TURPENTINE In drums, $1; 5-gallon cans, 41.10. WH1TM LHAD--100-pound kegs. 12Vio per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron bar rels. Ztic; cases, BHc STOCKS LIFTED PACIFICS AND GRANGERS GAIN I TO 2 POINTS. Liberty Bonds Continue to Advance and Reach New High Rec ords for the Year. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Trading on the stock exchange today was attended by greater activity, breadth and strength than any other day this week. The move ment derived moat of its Impetus from another brisk Inquiry for rails. Conspicuous features Included high- grade Pacifies and grangers at extreme gains of 1 to 2 polnta Coalers and ahares of secondary or reorganised railroads traversing the southwestern section also rose. Equipments and steels were stimulated by the buying ot rail. Oils, particularly Standard Oil of New Jersey, Mexican and California Petroleums, Pierce preferred and Middle States were firm to strong. In th varied list of specialties, Amer ican Woolen, Associated Dry Goods, com mon and first preferred, American To bacco, National Biscuit, American Beet Sugar and American Can were outstanding features; though yielding moderately on profit-taking. Sales were 475,000 shares. Kqual strength was shown by the bona market, In which th liberty series again were dominant. The first SVas and sec ond 4s and all the 4s attained new high records for the year at net gains of 10 to cents per $100. Total sales 01 bonds. par value, $11,673,000. Notwithstanding th week's heavy shift ing of funds, the clearing house statement allowed an aotual decrease ot $29,250,000 in loans and dlecounta The only other noteworthy change was a contraction of about $15,000,00 in cash, with consequent reduction ot excess reserves to $14,638,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS.' (Furnished by Overbeck & Cook com pany, i'ortianuj 'Adams Exp.. Advgnca Rum. aa piu. .... Agr Chcm ... Ajax Rubber. Alaska Jun.. Allied Chem.. Allls-Chalmers do old Am Beet Su.. Am Bosch . . Am Can Co.. do pfd Am Car & F. Am Drug Sy. Am Hide & L do pfd ... Am Ice Am Iiitl Corp. Am Linseed-. . do Did. .... Am Loco .... do pfd Am Saf Razor. Am Ship & C. Am Smelter... do pfd Am Steel Fdy. Am Sugar . do pfd Am Sumatra.. Am Tel & Tel. Am Tobacco.. do "B" .... Am Wool Sales. 200 700 600 200 6. 700 600 100 400 'i'ino 200 1.SIIO 100 "'206 600 800 400 30O 7tM 10O 41)0 800 400 300 300 1,800 800 2,100 4,100 2,200 6,400 6,6uO High. 48 '334 17 55 36H 8414 2X 'si'si 142 614 '66 V.' 7514 38 84 4 61 t5 10 H 6H 41 . 84 Sl 57 H 87 V 33 14 117H 1271 124V4 80 Low. 47 S3 17 53H 381 84 Vs 214 "iiii 8 138 65H 74 37 84 01 t)5 lot) 414 614 41 84 8114 f"Ts 85 81 116V4 1254 12214 Close. . 48 11 ao 331, 17 54 9. H614 8414 -2 3314 31 V4 8014 141 5V 11 66 74 3S 8314 60 1)4 100 4H 614 41 84 81 55 86 32 116 126 12314 80 do pfd 13 Am W P pfd. 100 26 26 26 Am Zinc 100 11 11 11 Anaconda .... 3,300 45 43 45 Assd OH US Atchison 4,400 8u 88 8S do Pfd 30O 87 S6ft 86 Atl Gulf & WI 3,700 82 81 32 Baldwin Loco. 6.400 U7 t)6 07 do pfd 103 Int Harr 1,S00 78 77 78 Int M Marine. 00 12 12 12 i do pfd 4.5D0 56 55 55 Int Nickel ... 2,800 13 12 12 , Int Paper .... 600 66 56 56 do pfd 85 In Oil 10.100 12 11 11 Joland OH.... 1.000 8 8 8 Jewel Tea 900 1 2 12 12 K C Southern. 400 25 24 24 do pfd.....'. 0 55 54 64 Kelly-Spgfld . 1,500 41 40 41 Kennecott ... 2,500 24 24 24 Keystone Tire 100 10 10 0 Lack Steel... foi 43 42 42 Lee Tire 400 2S 27 27 Lehigh Valley 1,1(10 37 67 66 Lorlliard .... 800 150 140 149 Low Theaters 500 "14 14 14 L A N 100 Maryland Oil. 200 28 28 28 Mex Pet 11,100 116 115 115 Miami 1,200 25 25 25 Mid States Oil 8.400 15 15 13 Mldvaie Steel. 1.000 25 25 25 U K e T 8,100 2 1 2 do pfd 700 8 3 3 Mont Power.. 200 56 56 55 Mont Ward.'. 8,100 ,15 15 15 Mo Pac. ...... 900 10 ll 1 do pfd '4,100 .49 48 48 MStP&SSM eu Nor Amn 400 42 42 42 Nat Biscuit 121 . Nat Enamel.. 400 41' 41 41 Nat Lead 81 time loans was noted. This did not extend to call money for which a 6 per cent rat prevailed. New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by nerrm & Knoaes, inc., 01 Portland: "B" Am Tel & Tel Cs. . do Am Tob 7i do Anaconda ' do 6s "A" Armour cv 7s do 4s Am Ag Chm 7s Beth Steel 7s do do Eq 7s Bergen 8s, City of Berne 8s, City of Brazil 8a Canadian 5s do Chicago. N-W 7s .... C. M A St P gn & rf 4s A. . Can Nor 7s Chile 8s Christiana 8s, City of Copper Exp 8s do do do l2: 1924 1922 1923 192! 1029 19.10 193U 1941 1822 1923 1935 1945 1945 1941 1926 1931 100 IOO H1 101 100 96 102 86 101 11)0 10 100 104 106 103 95 94 Nevada 'Con. New Haven.. Norfolk W.. Nor Pac Nov Scot Steel N Y Air Brake N Y Central.. Okla Prod ref Ontario Silver Ontario fc W. Otis Steel..,. Pacific Dev. . . Pao G A Eleo Punta Allegro Paclflo Oil... Pan Amn Pet do "B" Penna Peo Gas Per Marqutte Pur Oil Phillips Pete. Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil.... Pitts Coal Pressed 6t Car Pullman Ray Cons 1.300 2.100 1,000 13.800 800 800 4,400 600 466 300 200 1.000 8.700 3.5O0 1,000 1.000 1.200 1.7O0 2.700 2,700 400 10,700 400 900 400 400 Reading 9,000 Remington . . 100 Keplonle steel Republic 1 3c 8 do pfd Rep Motors. . Roy Dutch Oil Ry Steer Spg. Stand Oil N J 1 700 Sears Roebuck 1.700 nattuck. Aris Shell TAT.. Sinclair ...... S.200 Stand Oil Cal 1.40O S O Ind Sloes Shef 200 Sou Pacific... 7.800 Sou Ry 1,300 Sou Ry pfd... 1.800 St L & S F... 2.600 Strom Carb 3i) Studebaker .. 2,7o5 Swift A Co Tenn C & C. . 4,800 Texas Oil .... 6.900 Texas Pacific 8.800 Tex Pac C A O l.soo Tob Products. 1.000 Trans Cont Oil 2 000 Union Oil Del. S.9O0 Union Paclflo AOOO United Alloy.. JT. . United Drug.." P0 Un Food Prod.j')0 TTn tr....l 14 13 9 80 27 59 74 3 '21 8 84 80 48 52 47 35 68 24' 36 33 14 14 60 65 109 14 73 23 14 13 09 79 26 68 74 3 "ii" 8 '64' 80 45 61 47 34 63 22 86 32 13 13 59 63 109 14 73 25 700 60 49 1,200 46 46 United Fruit. Un Rds of N J Un Rds pfd... Un Retail Str U S Ind Alcoh U S Rubber.. do 1st pfd.. U S Smelting. u s steel do Dfd Utah Copper.. Va Chem .... Va Chem pfd. Vanad Steel. . Vivandou .... Wabash Wabash A pfd Wabash B pfd Wells Fargo.. West Pacific. do pfd Western Unktn Westing E & M West Md White Motors. Willys-Overl'd. 00 pra Wilson Pack.. Wisconsin Cent Wool worth ... Worth Pump. W & L E White Oil ... 2Ttoo 200 200 1.800 000 1,000 " "io6 10,500 300 1,600 200 "rioo 200 400 4.500 300 'SAO 200 200 1,800 "ioo 6,300 10a 178 6.1 13 91 8!) 40 81 20 50 23 81 75 io 46 26 30 () 10 21 130 72 12 125 9 . 22 53 14 40 49 83' 83 112 69 32 82 i3 14 20 60 91 48 38 6 2 175 63 23 89 8-8 40 81 - 20 49 23 81 73 'fj 4614 25 29 59 9 20 128 72 11 122 9 22 53 89 48 38 83 112 r.s 82 .82' 7 T 22 14 20 " 60 90 47 38 5 26 300 27 27 200 100 700 43 8 13 43 8 13 14 13 97 80 27 59 74 3 4 21 8 8 63 30 45 62 47 84 58 22 86 32 14 13 59 64 108 14 73 24 50 S5 7 46 90 174 64 7 35 23 , 88 ( Si 81H 20 49 23 81 75 99 10 46 25 29 69 20 129 25 U 122 8 22 53 40 49 95 33 83 112 6S 32 75 81 7 7 22 14 64 20 59 90 4S 1)8 38 5 26 29 26 , 124 43 7 3 1940 1941 1945 1922 1923 W24 1925 1931 Con Gas cv 7s 1925 Diamond Match 7s 1935 Denmark 8s 1945 Danish Mun 8s 1945 Dupont 7s 1931 French ext 8s 1943 do 7s . 1941 Grand Trunk 7s 1940 1930, 107 Goodyear 8s liulf oil 7a Great Northern 7a ........ Hershey 7s ............. Humble Oil 7s Int Rap Tr ref Cs do 7s Kennecott 7s Llbby. McNeil A Llbby 7s.. Morris A Co. 7s Mexican Pet 8s NYC call 7s Northwest Tel 7s Pan Amer 7s ............. Penna 6s N P & Q N (Jnt) 8s N P 6s Southwt Tel 7s Standard Oil. N Y, 7s... Standard Oil of Cal Ts Steel & Tube 7s Sears Roe 7s do Swift A Co. 7s Un Tank 7s U S Rubber Ts Wilson 1st 6s West Elec 7s 1941 1933 1936 1930 1923 1966 1921 1930 1931 19::o 1936 1030 1941 1930 1936 1936 2047 1925 1931 1931 1951 3 922 1923 192.1 1930 1930 192S 1U20 110 101 IDS 101 102 104 105 103 105 107 107 106 105 101 96 109 1))9 102 109 lOOS 100 56 100 99 103 10O 106 107 95 17 107 107 100 106 in.v 1)6 100 100 10 103 105 88 104 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by th V S 2s reg.. do coupon. do 4s, reg BONDS. ,100N Y C deb 6s. 100 100INor Pac 4s... S4 100 do 3s 61 do cv 4s, co,104iPac T A T 5s.. 91 Pan 3s, reg... 7rtjPenn con 4s.. 04 do coupon.. iO,Sou Pac cv 5s. '93 A T A T cv 6s. 109:sou Railway 5s 1 Atchen gen 4s 85IUnion Pac 4s.. 88 D & R con 4s 14 US Steel 5s.. fig Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck & Cook company of Portland: Closing High. Low. Bid. 3s B6.40 96.20 1)6.26 First 4s . Second 4. .... 95.80 First 4V4s 96.20 05.90 96.00 Second 4s 96.10 95.64 95.90 Third 4s '. 07.4S 96.86 97.20 Fourth 4s ..1... .96.38 9.1.88 96.24 Victory 4s 99.98 99.94 99.96 Victory 3s 99.98 99.94 99.96 Overbeck & Cook, company of Portland: Bid Asked. Belgian rest 5s 60 63 Belgian prem 5s 65 69 Belgian 7s 1945 104 1041 Belgian 8s 1941 104 10.1 Belgian 6s 1925 06 96 Brazil 8s 194.1 103 -03 British 5s 1922 402 t 412 British 6s 1927 3t 401 British 6s 1929 391 401 British vky 4s 308 318 British ref 4s 283 293 Bordeaux 6s 1934 88 Canadian 6s 1937 1)3 Canadian 6s 1926 95 96 Canadian 5s 1929 97 97 Canadian 5s 1931 94 9.1' Canadian 6s 1927 90 02 Chilean 8s' 1941 101 101 Currency 6 9 Denmark 8s 194.1 107 108 Dan Muni 8s 194.1 107 107 French 4s 1917 44 45 French 6s 1920 62 63 French 6s 1931 64 65 French 7s 1941 96 96 French 8s 1945 101 101 German W L 6s 2 2 Berlin 4s 314 3 Hamburg 4s 3 4 Hamburg 4s 8 3 Loipslg 4s 3 5 Leipslg- 6s S 5 Munich 4s , . , . . 3 5 Munich 6s 5 7 Frankfort 4s 4 '5 Italian 5s 1918 31 32 Jap 4s 1931 70 70 Jap 1st 4s 192.1 .86 86 Jap 2d 4s 1925 80 80 Norway 8s 1940 108 Russian 5s 1921 13 16 Russian 6s 1926 2 3 Russian 6s 1919 14 16 Swiss 5s 1929 1)5 95 Swiss 8s 1940 110 112 U K 6s 1922 99 15-16 U K 5s 1929 96 96 U K Cs 1937 94 4 ANNOUNCEMENT Reopening of Former Bond House of Morris Bros., Inc. UNDER the name of the Morris Brothers Corporation, the former bond house of Morris Bros., Inc., will reopen for business at the old quar ters, Morris Bldg., 309-311 Stark Street, tomorrow (Monday) at 9 A. M. In ' the reorganization of this institu tion more than eight hundred" former patrons have. pooled their interests and become holders, of preferred stock, and the appreciation of them all is expressed . in soliciting' the patronage of other in vestors. In taking over the assets, . we have acquired a great list of highly desirable Government and Municipal bonds, which will be immediately available for pur chase by individual investors, at prices to yield unusual returns in this day of increasing values. . A partial lisl of securities offered will be published in the Monday Oregonian Morris Brothers Corporation Morris Building: 309-311 Stark Street Portland, Orcgdti Foreign business Mining; Stocks. Allouez 24 ,'Mohawk 55 Ariz Com 8INorth Butte ... 12 Cal & Ariz 54 lOld Dominion.. 25 Cal & Hecla...26.1 lOsceola 21 Centennial .... 8Qulncy 42 Cop Rg Con Co 36 ISuperlor 2 E Butte Cop M 10iSup A Bos Min J. Franklin 1 l-Shannon 1 Is Roy (cop).. 22 (Utah Consoi ... 2 Lake Copper .. 2Wolverlne 11 , Swift ft Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 89 Llbby, McNeill & Llbby 6 National Leather 2 Swift International 21 bar Balto A Ohio. do Pfd Beth Stl "B". R T Butte C & Z . . Butt A Sup. . Burns Bros... Caddo Oil ... Calif Packing. Calif Pet .... do pfd Canadian Pas. Cen Leather.. Cerro de Pasco Chandler Mot. Chgo ft X W. Chi Ct W... do pfd..... Chill Cop.... China M St P.... do Dfd Coco Coia 2,600 SOU 1,200 1.90U "506 600 IDO 40O soo 100 5,800 400 ' 700 1,300 3,800 1200 900 1,600 l.OOO 1.400 2.4O0 200 C A 0 2,000 Colo F A I. olo Southern Col Q A EJec. Col Granh . . . Con Gas Cons Cigars.. do fd Cnntl Can .... Cities O Bank Corn Prod.... do pfd Cosden Oil... R I A P do "A" pfd. do "B" pfd. Crucible do pfd Cuba Cane... do pfd Cuba Am Sgr Del A Hudson Dcme Mines . . Del A Lack. . . I avison Chem Endl Johnson Erie do 1st pfd.s do 2d pfd... Fam Players. M A Smelt. do pfd Fisk Tire Gaston Wms Gen Cigars... Gen Elec G n Motor . . . Oitn Alden... Gen Asphalt.. Goodricii .... Goodyear .... Granby ...... Gt Nor Ore... do pfd Greene Cana.. Gulf Steel Hask Barker. Houston Oil.. Hupp Motor. . Ilia Cent li'splratlon ... Int A Cor com ' do pfd Ir.terboro .... do pfd Int Callahan.. 200 1,300 900 1,000 1,360 37 64 66 8 17 118 '73 44 83 120 32 34 46 70 7 19 , 12 27 24 38 38 69 24 46 64 4 95 37 63 55 1 '17 116 43 S3 119 31 S4 46 69 T 18 12 27 23 38 88 69 24 46 53 3 04 '23 900 88 "'506 '84 4.500 83 400 86 1,000 78 2,200 63 200 85 700 8 8O0 17 500 15 400 110 100 19 700 113 3.300 56 1100 77 9O0 12 700 18 'i'.ioo '76 ""BOO -S4 200 10 ToOO 137 4.3O0 11 'iisoi 'ei" "iisoo 'si 8.400 35 9,200 76 1.400 27 3.1O0 50 600 79 4O0 78 1.400 It 500 98 . 1.700 . 38 200 9 500 40 1.000 2 no 6 800 6 23 88 83 83 85 72 65 85 7 17 14 109 19 112 54 77 12 18 '69 s4" 9 136 11 64 30 S4 75 26 49 79 78 16 97 37 9 5 37 64 8 5 17 117 13 73 43 83 119 31 84 46 69 7 18 12 27 23 38 37 69 24 45 63 8 04 22 62 45 23 88 108 S3 83 85 73 65 85 7 17 14 108 10 113 61 77 12 18 12 69 7 34 9 60 136 11 44 64 81 13 29 85 75 26 80 79 77 10 07 37 8 39 6 1 Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK Nov. 26. Foreign silver, 66 c. Mexican dollars, 50 c. LONDON, Nov. 26. Bar silver. 37 d per cent. Money, 3 per cent, uiscouni rates, short bills, 3 per cent; three- months bills, 3 13-16 per cent. BOND DEMAND FEATURE OF WEEK Liberties and Other High Grade Issues Lead Advance. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. Continuance of the recent extraordinary demand for bonds was the salient feature of another active week on the stock exchange. High class issues led tbe further advance, most of the liberty bonds exceeding previous maxi mums of the year. The strength of railroad stocks was an other hopeful development, transcontin ental and coalers receiving substantial support on Improved earnings. Publication of the Missouri, Kansas A Texas reorgan isation plan was considered noteworthy, be cause It removed another road from re ceivership. Erratic movements of industrials and many unclassified stocks seemed to de note little more than the day to day op erations of professional traders. Oils were less prominent but generally higher, and Bteels and equipments were sustained by better inquiry. Wall street was plainly disappointed t the rejection of President Harding's surtax suggestions by the house. This incident was without pronounced effect as a mar ket factor, however, bear raids being short. Trustworthy advices reported marked Increases of production in many branches of Industry. These were invariably offset by high costs of manufacture, net returns, In the steel and allied trade, for example, leaving a scant margin of profit. Latest phases of the armament confer ence occasioned restraint, notably in the foreign exchange market. The British rate proved less susceptible to this influ ence, but French and Italian quotations were nervous and another acute collapse of German marks threatened. Interior banks contributed measurably to the plethora of funds In the local market and a slight easement of rates for short INSURED INCOME and Financial Independence result from wise investment. Our plan is SOUND JiON-SPKCUIiATIVE SAKE. Steadily Increasing income from property held free and plear in vour own name. PRODtCTIVK I'RIXCIPAI. . DOt'flLES every few years. Amply protected by Insurance features and safe guarded against loss. Call or Address MUTUAL. 8 V(iE & CATTLE SYSDICATK. 0O8 Spalding; Bldsr.. Portland, Or. Foreign Exchange. exchange rates at the close of yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United suites funds: Country. Unit Rate Austria, kronen , .0008 Belgium, francs 0000 Bulgaria, leva ooo Ozecho-Slovakla, kronen .0110 Denmark, kroner ". 18.0 England, pound sterling 4.0010 Finland, finmark 0205 France, francs 0698 Germany, marks oo.'.N Greece, drachmas .0415 Holland, guilders .3.YSO Hungary, kronen 0015 Italy, lire - .0-4 In Jugo-Slavia, kronen Oo.'tS Norway, kroner , .1432 Portugal, escudos '.0900 RoumM,nla. lel .OO04 Serbia, dlnara .0141 Spain, pesetas 1402 Sweden, kroner 23.11 Switzerland, francs .1910 China MongKong. local currency... .542 Shanghai, taels .8000 Japan, yen 485U NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Foreign ex change. Irregular. Great Britain, demand. .'1.UU; cables, 13.99; 60-day bills on banks, 3.96. France, demand, 6.94; cables, 6.95. Italy, demand, 4.07, cables, 4.07. Belgium, demand, 6.52; cables, 6.53. Germany, demand, 6.34; cables. 35. Holland, demand, 85.60; rabies, 85.68. Nor way, 'demand, 14.35. 8weden, demand, 33.50. Denmark, demand, 18.40. Switzer land, demand, 19.00. Spain, ' demand, 13.88. Greece, demand, 4.04. Argentina, demand, 82.50. Brazil, demand, 13.12. Montreal. 91. . Coffee Futures Market Steady. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. An early ad vance in the market for coffee futures met some scattered realizing and was not fuliy maintained, but the undertone was generally steady, owing to the advance in Rio exchange rates and the prompt stopping of December notices yesterday. The market opened unchanged to 9 points higher, with active months selling about 6 to 10 points above last night's closing figures, with March touching 8.30c on the call. Later March eased off to 8.25c and the market closed net nine points higher to three points lower. Sales were estl- mated at about 17,000 bags. Closing quo tations: December, 8.64c; January. 8.52c; March, 8.27c; May 8.05c; July 7.90c; Sep tember, 7.77c. Yesterday's notices are now said to . have represented nearly .00.000 bags. - The spot market was firm at 8c to 9c for Rio 7s and 11 c to 12 c for Santo 4s. Excess Reserves Decreased.' NEW YORK, Nov. 26. The actual con dl tior ofclearing hnue banks and tru! companies for the week (five days) shows that they hold 114,636,410 reserve in ex cess of legal requirements. This Is a de crees of ll5.6tKI.560 from last week. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Haw sugar, centrifugal, 3 8794.11c; Refined, fine granulated, 5. 20f 5.30c. The sun is 1,369,000 times larger than the enrth. Even a squirrel knows enough to put something by while "the putting is good.'' The little squirrel is not particularly en dowed with brains and fore sight, either. In the financial world RIGHT NOW THE "PUTTING" IS GOOD We have available a modest amount of the new offering; of two-year Argentine 7b at par and accrued Interest to yield a full 1 7 Delivery Immediately or later to suit the convenience of your funds. Our Partial - Payment Plan will hold these bonds for you at the present price. If interested, kindly notify us at our expense. Freeman. SMITH llllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllltllllllllll!llllllllll!IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIM!lllllllllllll!i I Announcement inminHiimHnNnM(MiiinimiiiHnmi THE WICHITA ROYALTY COM PANY ANNOUNCES AN EXTRA DIVIDEND WILL BE PAID ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF RECORD DECEMBER FIRST IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR THREE PER CENT DIVIDEND FOR THE MONTH. 5 THIS COMPANY HAS PAID A TOTAL OF FIFTY-THREE PER CENT IN CASH DIVIDENDS THE PAST SEV ENTEEN MONTHS. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL. tmillHIIMWinilllllllltlllilrl I Howland?Pederson I INCORPORATED 1314 L. C. Smith Building, Seattle, Washington I Elliott 8188 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f I ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? We offer subject to prior sale and change in price: Province of Alberta. . Province of British Columbia.. .. Province of Ontario 6s Broadway-Yamhill, 1st Mortgage, Guaranteed VVss Standard Gas & Electric .... 7V4s State of California 4s Republic of Chile 8s Republic of Argentine 7s Rate Maturity Price . 6 ' 1931 $100.00 . 6s.'.' W26 1927 " 98.00 99.01 101.00 . 97.50 88.25 Mkt. 100.00 Bond & Goodwin &Tucker SAN rRAMCIftO IMtORrOR AT C D UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUU0IN ex. PORTLAND LOl ANGELtf SEATTLE mouno m.oei Fume asus srraiisi Camp Co. MORTGAGES We Bay Well-Se-enred Mortsrairca in Any Amount. Prompt Consideration. Mnln 33. FEAR & GRAY 103 Fourth Street. Wc own and offer: City of " Springfield, Oregon 6 General Obligation Bond Due 1931 (Not subject torior redemption.) Price: 100 and interest to net 6 L Devepeaux 5i(5mpany INVESTMENT BONOS 8T SIXTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1042 OROUNO FLOOR WELLS -FARGO BUILDING To Brokers and Dealers in Securities ATTRACTIVE terms 'can be arranged for any part of the remainder of $6,000,000 (over half sold) of 6 debenture gold bonds, in denominations of $1000, $500 and $100 each, with bonus of correspond ing profit-sharing certifi cate, issued by the Bene ficial Loan Society, incor porated 1913. For many years the. Society has paid investors 6tf yearly interest (by quarterly coupons 31 paid) and also 57o profit sharing in addition, making; a total of 117o yearly. These securities are good' and will stay good. They are held by many representative, dis criminating investors. Under writing commitment not re quired. Listed in industrial volumes of all standard se curity manuals. The society has offices In many cities, north, east, Bouth and west. It requires additional funds to extend the system. The society is tho largest cor- f oration in the world exclusive y maklna; Industrial loans. It is conducted in a spirit of serv ice and not solely to mats money. Correspondence Invited trlth se curity sales organizations or in vestment brokers. Kindly state experience, equipment, tc. For fall nartlralnra, terms anal eonvinclns; literature for list print address Clarence Hodson, President SO t'ortlandt St. Nerr Yorlc Liberty Bonds HOLD YOURS Do not part with them unless compelled to do so. BUY MORE At present attractive prices, thus reducing cost. Booklet No 291 tivei interesting snd profitable iniurmatlon. Wiile TODAY for yourVee cop ROSE &. COMPANY Liberty Boni Specialists 50 Broad Street, New York City OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Hrokem. Stork. Ilondn, Cotton, drain. Kto. 216-217 ROAKI) OF TRAPS BLPO. Wull WhIIu, Wmnh. 1'orllnnil, Or, lVndletuii, Or. MK Mil KKS CHICAGO HOARD Off 1KADK. Correspondent f l-niran A Iiryn, ClilctMro nni Nw York. MKMRRRfl w York Stock Ksrlinnjre. ChtrAKO Mock KvrhuiiK. HohIoii Stock Kxrl.niijr. Ii learn ltorinl of Trail. Nrw lork Cotton Kxclutnjr. New OrlcnnM Cotton Kxrttttnire, Nrw York 1'rotliicA Kmc limine. Winnipeg (mtn ICxclmnir. Liverpool Cutlon AHiwciution. HOW TO BUY SAFE BONDS The followln booklets may be obtained gratis by writing on your business or personal stationery. "10-Year Price Range of All Listed Bonds" toRfthor with ll21 Haifa and Prlcss "Buying Safe Bonds on Partial Payment Plan" Also Semi-Monthly Investment Circular L. A. HUGHES & CO. - INVESTMENTS 100 Broadway New York ORGANIZING A COMPANY? Knve the tisunl Incorporating ex penses, avoid personal liability and excess profits taxes. Organize on the common law plan under a v Declaration of Trust llrsiarre Standard Forma (ap proved hv attorneys) furnish com plrte equipment with which any one In any state can organize n companv. issue nharcs and bcaln rloinK business the same day. Ask for circular A-42 containing full descriptions. (.'. S. HKMAMF.K, r.rsrnl lllnnk 1'rlnler, ei.t Walnut. Knn City. Mo. SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL MARKET TRADING OI'R LATEST HOOK LET. WHICH IS N Kt'KSS A R Y Knit TRADINfl TO T1IK SKASONKl) VRTKltAN OK WALL STItlifcT AND Full THK UK OIN'XKR. Free on Krqnrst. Ask for . 6t. C. GOLDHURST & CO. 80 Ui'.OAM 8T. NEW VOKK. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established MM. BROKERS New York Stock. Pond. Omln. Co Privt.1 Wire. Members Clulcag Ponrd of Trade. 201-3 Ruiiwtty Kxchtttiffe tllds. Taiebbuow Mtin -iSii-lS-i FOREIGN EXCHANGE Loivrat ICutcM. Wntck Our InilniT. Direct Wire Service front New York. TK.W.S-ATl.A I IC KSTATKS H It K II IT CO. ' t 102 Second St., Near Stark. .Murxhnll ).'. MONTHS to py for any itocfc or bond. Purchaser recfivej dividend. Writ tor booklet fKhli. RODNEY &. CO. MttlvT, . Suet Ejr.tfN, 7'. 55 Broadway, NewYort-