THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1921 FOB RENT. piirnUhed Flats. W K i, L FU H N I S H E D. $55 Noil HILL. flat. Livinr and din ng rooms, kitchen with alt bul.t-lns: 2 bedroom, hall and bath: basement, fur naca (or heater if preferred ). 7S4 Glisan near or phonf IMivv. oli.t FURNISHED fiat, 5 rooms and bath, liv- inK room 15x:iO, f i replace, all walls newiy uniea ; m ust ne ren io ap preciated, adults only; $j0. Call East ;o30. 4-ROoM corner furnished flat, except bed ding and silverware, private bath, wash trays end Kuud water heater, wood and gas range, electric lights; adults oniy. 733 Rodney ave. I none Mar. Hs,.t, CICELY furnished 4-room Hat'. 84 E. bth St.. to married oartlea without small children. Near Grand ave and E. Mor rison tCKU4KM 4-room, clean, attract- Ively furnished, mahogany, hardwood floors, desirable location. For month during owner's absence. $00. Kant 2578. IhKiiK-UuOM Hat on nrst lloor. com Sletely furr.lahed, modern, convenient; "nt light and telephone included; no children : price $47. St-II wood loS. ft-RooM inouvm lower flat at 820 Vaughn st., rear Montgomery aru ; nmt; (;'! 74." ' H'i"H'-v!t st. Marsha 11 37 10. ARTISTIC well furnished modern bunga low flit, !nwn, porches, garage, phone, .100 1 arid ave. Auto. 010-73 ONE 3-ROOM furnished flat, 1 room and kitchenette, and single room, all bouse- keeping, East 664H, 21CELY furnished five-room flat; large front porch, walking distance. Inquire 7H4 Glisan at., flat C. 4-RooM lurntslied flat, including piano; 13 th and Umatilla ave. bee J I. Sell wood, 1IH1 E. 13th st. W'JUUW wishes to share her furnished 0-room flat with congenial couple; $18 month. IW-i Larrabee st. HoUKKN 5-room flat near Belmont, part ly furnished. Call bunday, 170 'a East 35th st. MubEKN furnished 5 rooms, heat and water: no children; rent s-tu. iaoor wr.i. 4-HOOM furnished Hat; adults ouly. Autu 4-la-Oil upper flat furnished, garage. Haight ave. $25. Tabor 1035. 4-LooM, mouern, nicely furniMied flat. 616 Commercial St. Phone 310-01. Housekeeping Rooms. CKuL warm H. K. rooms, beat In the city for the money and very comfortable; Xuralshed; Just the place for employed adults. Electric lights, hot and cold water, laundry privileges. Easy walking; distance to business center. $22. 50 per month and up. Delmonte. 107 Stout at., 1 block south of 20th and Washington. TWO clean H. K.. rooms on 2d floor; no children, free electric light, fuel, gas, bath and phone, $3.50 per week; also single H. K. rooms on 4th floor, $3: 4 blocks from Washington st.. corner 15th. II. H. Ragan, M0 Flanders st.. phone 5'W'u sets of housekeeping rooms, 1 suite with sink, coal and gas range, free phone, light end gas. 540 Glisan, first house above loth, near two car lines. Call After 4 P. M. 1u ii. K. RMS. $5 per week; large h. k. rooms, $4.50. Small h. k. room. $3.50. All newly tinted, in nice quiet place. Heat and light, phone and water furnished. 321 N. 1lh. corner Quinby. T WO PRO N T roo mi and bath in 5 -roo m cottage; clean and quiet home-like place. TVn minute' walk to 6th and Washing ton Ft. No children. Kant reasonable. 171 17th st. FURNISHED H. Jv. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and com water. pnv" phone, electrlo light i, steam heat, five minuted' walk of town. 2il Columbia. near Fifth. . 4 WO COM b'Lt RTA LLE furnished house keeplng rooms; gas heat, near Mont- Wo. .1 A I'n a ml A murli'lln 1 n company. Apply between S F. M. and 0 1. M.. any day. 730 Wii.ton st. I'L'itNlSHED aiftn tment foT rent" also furnished single rooms, suitable for working couple pr bachelors. Phone service. 885 N. 22d St. IL JC RoO.MS. newly decorated, in ivory, electric lights, bath, gas stove, $10 and $13 per month, 704 Harvard, 2d house from corner Ftake. 022-31. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, water in pantry and kitchen, gas rangfj; also large clothes closet In front room. 200 Cook avenue. CLEAN furnished, also housekeeping rooms, in White Temple dial.; furnace heat and other convenlenoeex Phone Main 3V.H'. - -ROOM housekeeping suite, nicely fur nished, every convenience; walking dis tance, west side. Call 70 N. 15th st. T'rc.iflwav 2M3. PLEASANT front housekeeping rooms, separate entrance. lower floor; also sleeping room; walking distance, near luiwy. hriflge. 37H Vancouver avo. CLEAN, weil-fur mailed 1 ana 2 -room h. ku apartment on first floor; furnace beat; close in. Roycrest apartment, 175 12th st.. cor. Vaniiilll. STANTON APT S. 2' J 3 Stanton St. 1, 2 and 3 h. k. rooiiua, steam heat; children welcome. ON 10 N ICE single housekeeping room ; built-in bed. kitchenette, private bath, private entrance. 4110 Market st, after 10 A. M. Phone Mar. 3xs. ABSOLUTELY clean single housekeeping rooms; men or women; free bath, dandy lobby, low rates. The Vaughn, North H'th and Vaughn. ATTRACTIVE, clean housekeeping rooms, reasonable, at 203 Grant St.; furnace ' heat. LARGE front room, well furnished, house keeping; telephone, bath. 01 X. 2uth. llroailwiiv 4123. 1 SINGLE, 1 double room for men; nfod ern; home privileges; close In. 235 14th Pt. Main 2.YI3. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room LA RG K, cU-an furnished housekeeping room?. c!(e in; reasonable. fcrtKl Front. Main I.Vj-i. CLEAN, comfortable U.K. rooms; bath, light, phone and linen, 321 West Park and Clay. 2 N ICELY furnished h, k. rooms on 1st floor; heat, light and bath; suitable for 2 or 3 adults. 324 Jackson. t LARGE, furnished h. k. rooms and pan try, steam heat; suitable for a large family. Ift2 X. 22d. , 2 OR 3 W ELL-FURNISH KD rooms, ground floor, east side. y block off Wiil iam.i ave. 331 Wasco st. East 4470. b'KOXT ro.Jfcin, $4.50, $4 week; clean hot water, electricity, etc. 652 H Thur- iii an. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, newly tinted, private entrance. 281 Lar rabee nt. Housekeeping rooms; steam hoat, light, gas ; acrotia from fli-ntal college. 423 Pacific st. Kast S4'.H. WALK.1.NO distance, extra nice h. k. rooms, clean, light, warm; very reasonable. n-.'.t fl. .Mar. 347. ON K NICE, lurgti, furnished room suit able for two; hot and cold water in the room, furnace heat. Unadway 17U0. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms ; a home-like place to live. Inquire flsti Overton st. SINGLE 11. K. or sleeping rooms, $10 per month and up; Nob hill district. 620 r, vp re 1 1 pi COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 block from Sell wood car line. 5"."i Rhone nt. ONE --room light housekeeping apartment on 3d floor; furnace heat; $20. 404 Park st. iHKEE rooms and pantry, separate en t ranee, electric lights, wood range and wink, close In. S3". 430 Jefferson. TVVu houHukeeplng rooms, n-at and clean, Iras and tights included; 1000 E Main. Ta hor R7nM. TWO-ROOM h. k. apt., close in; heat, light und telephone free; rent reason a Me. 4i3 Montgomery st. 2 LARGE, light, furnished rooms. $27 50 with steam heat, light and gas; close In 401 10th st. Main 24SO. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 530 Jefferson Ft. Main 45M. LA KG E room, with kitchenette : also sin- gie noiis''Keep:ng room. 2'4 12th ?t. LARGE, newly furn. h. k. room; water heat, litrht. te!. : $ ,174 Tavlor ' FoR R ENT Housekeeping rooms, light and elean. 3S I I'ark Pt. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. room., cheap rent. 253 H Wash., cor. 3d. 1 singlj rooms. $12 to $18, many priv- 2 ItooMS. $5 week up, linen, lights, water h th. 2"H Wns-hitiKtnn t. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms for rent; heat, elec. 347 Hall nt. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, newly mil.-.,. iumMinmr. - ."'1 l.&rraDPA St. cXc SE in. 212 10th, two large housekeeD- itix attorns. FURN ISHED houst keeping rooms, $10 per month. 3"5 Main st. TWO unfurnished h. k. rooms. $10. 1013 Hassa lost. 2 GOOD furnished h. k. rooms with kltch enette. 32n 4th st. An to. .' 20-23. F U R N 1 S 1 1 E L house keeping roo ms, sunny, clean and light. 214 I3th st. B-ROOM furnished H. K. apartment, $6 per week. 3'-' 14th at. NEWLY furnished 11. K. rooms at 432 Jef ferson rt. FURNISHED h. k. rooms; adults only. 20 K Sixth n. North. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms- for rent. 4i4 jr Hereon ft. FoR R ENT 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms. till Linn ave. Sell. 3325. 854 CLAY ST. Several clean unfurninhed housekeeping rooms; adults; call today. KOK RFM HotiM: keeping KooinM in rniute I amily, WILL lease my 5-room flat six months to responsible adults; fully furmsneu, in eluding Diano: absolutely modern : fur nace. sleeping porch, hardwood floors. etc. References required and two months rent In advance to secure lease, Kant i 74. VERY ATTRACTIVE PARLOR FLOOR H. K. SUITE. Three large, bright, well-furnished rooms with heat, lie at, gas, phone and fuel supplied; west slue, close lu. Phone r!nan way 4.. CLEAN, large, light, alrv room, kitchen and dressing room on ground floor; hot and cold water in room, furnace neat, spacious lawn. Reasonable. 801 Broad way. T Wo nice clean, newly furnished house keeping rooms, five-mmute wsik to business center: to cnuola employed pre ferred Marshall lObii, or 548 Colum bia st.' RE . T Furnished h. la. rooms in nice resi dence, phone, piano, garage. East 25.13. Do not call between 11:30 and l. FOR KENT 2 connecting furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, private entrance: adults. 80 E. fcth st, N.; phone East 1 65. TWO niceW iO.rn.nhed houseKeeuing rooms. light, water and gas; newly papered and tinted; 2 adults; only $22.50. t75 Haw thorne, or 20th. CGMFORTAiLE, convenient housekeep ing rooms with bath, reasonable to working couple. 501 Commercial at., near Stanton. FOLR furnished housekeeping rooms in private family for rent. $20 a month; no children; use of phone; walking dis tance. 501 K. Oak st.. corner lmn. TWO LOVELY large furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern house, furnace heat, gas range, parlor, piano, working cou ple. Main 1311. 283 N. 24th st. . LARGE ROOM. ALCOVK, CLOSETS. L. n K.- n.E.vN. RE FlXED FAMILY; GKNTLEMEN PREF. 54 N. IrtTM, N E Alt WASH 02 ELLA STREET One large, clean, cozy room with kitchenette, suitable for lady employed. $15 per m. 2 LARGE front rooms with kitchenette, near bath. Everything furnished, $30. Marshall 1455. 360 Hth Bt. , 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern home, fine, location, all conveniences, adults. Kast fcsaa. 2 OR 3 NICELY furnished rooms; h. k if desired; reasonable. Marshall 3402. 701H Hnyt, S ROOMS, back, for man and wife, help care for house in absence of lady, rent $20, wood furnished. Main 4003. ONE very large front room with kitch enette, closet and sleeping porch. 240 13th. -ROOM light housekeeping apartment in private family, hot and cold water fur nished. East 0IH. B74 E. Ankeny St. FLRN1SHED room in steam heated, first- clHMaapL; housekeeping privileges. Mar. Hill. FOR KENT 3 light housekeeping rooms, heat, light, water, furnished. $35. In quire E. 2-m.h ft. N. 2 OR 3 ROOMS, unfurnished. 0o5 Savler si Main iut4. DLSlKAliLii front H, K. suite, furnace heat, gas range, ftsi Hoy.t. 2 LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms. 286 N. 21t. one block from D.-M. car. 2U ROOM off kitchen, hons comforts, to congenial party. BUS 5th st. BAV WINDOW, front housekeeping suite. 1S2 17th. cor. Ymhill. ' THREE beautiful furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 450 Hoy y corner 17th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. W4 Glisan. Phone Mar. lj7. TWO FRONT rooms, newly papered. Clay. Main 345!. 3 CLEAN fine front h. k. rooms, adults. elec. phone, bath. 13 E. 7th st. LARGE front room and kitchenette for two, walking 11 stance. ilasx. 74l3. HOUSEKEEPING room for two ladies. References exchanged. 471 E. Broadway. FURNISHED room f'T two working peo ple, $15 per mo. 441 Jarrett st. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Will iams ave. East 57H7. M rs. Wilcox. THKU.E lurn. h. k. rooms. 1221 Milwau kie at., near Reed college. iOR It ENT Three furnished h. k. 138 E. Tavlor st. Adulta. NE w L l i urn niiicd rooms, with kitchen ette. No. il K. 7th. Ea?t 37!fS. FRONT rooms for H. K. ; single room for If. K. 314 flth st. b ROOM suite, working girls, walking dis tance. Call Marshall h24 evenings. 1 NICE h. k. room, lights, phone and bath. E. 3S.S3. t FUIiNlSHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 500 Hawthorne ave. FU RN LSHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms for rent at 2o7 Grant st. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms-. 105 Monroe st. Woodlawn 622. T Wo . K. rooms, niceiy furnished, fur nare heat. Ml Montgomery st. TWO large front H. K. rooms. $24; adoilu only. 330 Taylor. Marshall 1075. FOR KE.NT One housekeeping room, $10. 4 ' '..1 K. -Ash at. TWo VERY desirable h. k. rooms, walking ri i n rep,' 375 14th tt. 2 NICE, clean h. k. rooms on first lloor; f 1 i month. t;'H, corner Front and Mendc. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 182 Grand ave. N. East 2375. - 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, close In. 34! Jefferson st. $35 THREE housekeeping rooms; adults o n ly. 425 E ast 57 th St.; also garage. 3 ROOMS cheap, E. 11th and Columbia boulevard. Woodlawn 1703. FoR RENT 7 -room modern house with sleeping porch and garage, $70; Ladd a ddition. 607 Mulberry ft 5-RooM modern North Irvlngton bungalow for rent. Sunday 12 to 1, Monday and Tuesday, Main 2ti2. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace. Close-in. Garage. Inquire 589 Williams avenue. ROSE CITY PA RK Large modern house built for two families. Partly furnished. Garage. Tabor nlW. 8-KUUil house, $40; part of same for less; at t01 .Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 7422 or Main 1077. FoR KENT li-room unfurnished house In attractive neighborhood, modern. $50 a month. Telephone 220-11. NEW MODERN 5-room bungalow, garage, on paved street, half block to car, $40. Call 034-70. No children. MOVING Pianos, furniture ana long-distance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d t. Phone Hdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGB CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. Rroadway 2445. WHEN moving, olty or country, get ths best at lowest price. Green Transier Co. M ain 1201. 202 Alderst 6-ROOM house for rent. Inquire at Paxzui Pharmacy, 1258-1200 Greeley sL, cor. of AliiBWorth ave. WARM, comtorj-able 0-room, nic yard, fruit, 2 car lines, $30. Call A. M. Wdln. 1354; P. M. at 1010 Vernon ave. FOR RENT Modern U-room bungalow, fireplace, furnace and garage. 182 Meade st. Phone Main 485. 7-ROOM house, newly papered and painted 180 Chapman, near Yamhill. Key at 554 Yamhill. WILL lease beautliul Irvlngton home nicely furnished; 0 months to 2 years. Garage. W 241, . crcgonlan. ti-ROOM cottage, all downstairs, furnished or unfurnished, with or without garage. 430 Prescott. 5-ROOM modern house, clean ; best car 'service In city; half block Alberta car; adults only, lofiii E. Seventh st. North. SIN KOOAlS. ful.y modern, garage; K55 month. 134 East 2'Jth st. Jacob Haas, M a rs li all 3324. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, partly furnished, rent $35 muaih. Call Sellwood 3326. FOR RENT b-room house, suitable for 2 lain Hits if necessary. 400 1st St., be- tween iiaraanano man FOR RENT or sale, , Main 7150. 7 rooms and bath MODERN a-rooin house for lent; walking distance. 31 K. 15th St. 7 ROOMS at 528 E. Clay st.. corner East 11th st., $30. Call Main 0015. MODERN 7-room house. 20th and East Taylor. East 4178. $3u o-ROOM modern house; Unlou ave. N. M a t n 4781V MODERN 8-room bungalow. St.. near Kelly st. 00! E. 31st liOR REM' 5-room cottage at 801 Nelson st. Phone Broadway Jo7o. FoUR-ROOM house for rent, partly f ur- nished Fast 673ft. PRIVATE- garage for rent at Multnomah station. $5 per month. Phone Main 5758. N E W MODERN 4-room house by owner. Mar. 3SQQ or Bdwy. 6124 6-ROOM HOUSE, $35. 10S E. 34th St., near Keimunt. inquire j'w nanway hxc. :d CLEAN 0-room house, good condition and location. Phone East 1308. 1RV1NGTON, $50, 6-room modern house. 4a5 East 10th St. N. COTTAGE for rent. Auto. 624-13. rooms and bath. U5o EAfciT MORRISON. 5 rooms and bath. 717 Corbett blrig. 4-RooM house for rent, $12 per month. ,'.oo:t fSth st. P. E. W. P. Alderson. A MODERN 0-room house. 54 E. 13th st. N. Call Monday 5-ROOM house for rent. 71 2d. Mar. 3348. HOUSE for rent. Call at 05o Alberta at. 3-KOOM house. $J mouth, 31 Morris mU FOB RENT. Hooscs. HAVE client wishing to lease for 2 years to family of adults, very handsome Irvlngton home, 10 or 11 rooms, garage, 2 fireplaces, ex cellent location and In superb jea dition. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 2854. LAURELHURST HOME. Owner leaving, will give responsible party year's lease on modern, nicely fur nished 2-story B-room home in most ex elusive section, near car and park; large rooms, old ivory finish. French doors, sun and breakfast rooms, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, $110. See R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 44)7 ROSE CITY PARK. Eight-room bunralow. never been oc cupled. hardwood floors throughout; fur nace ana garage; near car. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. Bidg. Main 89. Branch Office 50th and Sandy Stt. Tabor 84S5. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra, fl each flight; 30 days' fcee storage on. all household goods; furniture moving; one ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co., 104 N. Btn at. Open Sundays and evenings. FOR SALE or rent on lease, 7-room house, large sleeping porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, nice lawn. fine neighborhood, 6 blocks Laurelhurst parx; living, dining and breakfast rooms newly done In old Ivory and taoestry ca per; white enamel kitchen; two toilets ana patn. raoor a.tUl. Key at li E. 30th. RENT or lease one B-room nouse. modern, partly furnished, nice and reasonable to responsible adults. One unfurnished 6-room house, good location. 514 Leo ave. Sell 3039. 6-KooM line modern nouse, put, of con dition; some fine fruit and flowers, on Rodney ave., near Walnut Park; will lease for one year; references required; rent $45. Call 318 Board of Trade bidg. Main 7452. AT COuRTNEX station, Oregon City line, iuur-room oungaiow, Datn, sleeping porch, just painted and calcimined; has gas range, electric lights, pressure water system, garage, seven acres land, some fruit, five minutes to depot. Bdwy. 653. 7-ROOM house, $25; place for auto; hard suriace roaa; .Lents school 2 blocks; wood in basement. Call today 5523 East 89th St., bet. 2 and 0, or phone East 8043. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful home, 11 rooms, four baths, perfect condition and modern to min utest detail, large grounds, derisable, quiet location, lease for two years. Sam Norton. 011 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 2326. -ROOM house; walking distance; conveni ent to Washington high and S. S. or Hawthorne cars. Reasonable rent. Broadway 6130 or call at 642 East Salmon. 8 ROOMS AND GARAGE. Fine home, corner East 2Sth and Yam hill; 2 blks. to car; rent $05. The Law rence Co., realtors. 212 Corbett bidg. Main 61H5.. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house with mod. ern conveniences, close in; garage if wanted; $45 per month. Call 747 East Burnslde st. UNFURNISHED apartment, $65; high grade, good service. Marshall 5450. MODERN S-rm. house; furnace, fireplace, uasement iuu wooa. range connected; rent $50 month. Fred Law son Co.. 601 McKav. .Vain 742lt. CALL BROADWAY 50 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. FOR SALE Houseboat No. 18, at Oregon lacht club; city water, electricity, gas. phone; easy terms. See caretaker or write S 271, Oregon Ian. WILL share 4-room cottage for half of rent, gas and wood; house rents 'for 120 per month. 1137 Vernon ave.. Alberta car. FOR RENT Unfurnished 6-room modern bungalow in Kenton addition; $24; Apply 1660 Brandon st Sunday or evening. 8-ROOM modern house with double sleep ing porcn ana garage; rent partly fur nished, $85, or unfurnished, $75 per month. Call Main 15. 560 E. ASH ST.--Large tt-room house, hot water heat, furnished from a central heating plant ; near Washington high school : references ; garage. ROOMS, modern, good condition, extra clean, downstairs bedroom ; garage; E. 12th and Lincoln; ready Nov. 21; $40. Sellwood SlMlS. FOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage with or without garage at 294 Crosby st. A 8 blocks east of Bdwy. bridge. Phone East 7818. 6-ROOM bungalow, near Hawthorne and 03d st., 9311.00. inquire i3 y Second St., room 2. Phone Auto. 518-24 before 11 A. M. 6-KOUMS, bath, electricity, furnace. 2 toi lets, trays. Knott, near Union; cement basement, garage; adults. Inquire 6o0 Kerby. 1R V iNGTON, six rooms, hot-water fur nace, modern, clean; garage. or sell for $45O0, small cash payment. $40 per month and interest. East 3502. FOR RENT 6 rooms, half block from car. on paved street; 100x100; $25. A H. Birrell-Gill Co.. 210 N. W. Bank bidg. Marshall 4114 4-KooM house and an acre of ground on east siope or 3iount Tabor, lots of fruit, low rent to parties repairing house. East 2549. RENT free to responsible middle-aged cou- pie lor care or two cnituren. 1002 East Madison. Tabor 4192. Call before 2 o'clock. LADY, employed, will .rent four rooms. wen lurmsnea, garage, or exchange for board for self and child. Call Automatic 641-15 before noon. 2 MODERN 5-room bungalows, each with zirepiace ana lurnace, l furnished and one unfurnished; Hawthorne district. AuromnUc 237-03. FOR RENT Seven-room modern bunga low; nam wooa iioors, n replace, built-lns. $23 month. Call Sunday afternoon, 504 East 31st. Richmond car. 5-ROO.U cosy cottage, 1244 E. Madison st., one block Hawthorne ave. car; $31.50, Including water. Main 2129. DESIRABLE modern bungalow to party wu)b ii or muni oi iiirniLure, rine Quality, like new. Tabor 2104. NEW 5-room bungalow (or rent. $3& 58 Jessup su Will be on grounds from 0 A. M. on. MODERN 7-room house with furnace. electric lirht, gas and double garage. Auto. 310-60. MODERN 3-room nouse. rear E. 9th and tsurnsice ats.; rent 125. 717 Board of. Trade bid?. Main 67. -ROOM house, partly furnished, no ob jection to children ; 0 block to S. P. shnpp'. Sellwood 102S FOR RENT 8-room house, will lea&e 6 mon'hs if prr ferret. CaH Sell. 1131. 7-ROOM house, partly furnished, modern conveniences, garage. Tabor 6712. urml-ed llotinen. FOR RENT Desirable 7-room house, com pletely furnished. 7J5 Northrup st.. seen by appointment. Phone Main 461 B. FOUR-ROOM furnished cottage in Wood- stocH, $20. References required Call Wdln. 5545. MODERN 5-room furnished house with ga- rajte: reaonaoie. i i j th ave. s. E. M. car. Nar 62d st. $25 FURNISHED houseboat on land, foot isevaua street; city water, electric lights, suitable working men. 225 Henry bidg. $65 MODERN furnished house. 1 blk. ta Portland Heights car line; rent for 6 months; references. Telephone Mar. 1621). 5-RO.M bungalow, clean, partly fur nished; garage; paved street; 3016 C2d st. S. E Tabor 7H. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bungalow in nose city rara ; l diocks to car; $50 month. Tabor 3042. FOR RENT 0-room furnished house. 21st and Madison sts.. Milwaukle. 5-ROOM house, furnished complete witJ piano. $4.. can v ooaiawn .44. 5-ROOM plain cottage furnished; no chil dren, $32.50. 1004 East Main. RENT or sale. 0-rootn houseboat, fur nished. Call Sellwood 35 1 2. 535 FIVE-ROOM furnUbed bungalow. iK)8 E. 20th NortB Mar. 2447. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow on carline. For further particulars call Main 84i). FOR RENT Furnished house, 8 rooms, 140 Failing st. Tel. Wdln. 6135. MODERN 8-room house. Phone Milwau- DEC. 1 Clean 5-room partly furnished house and garage. $50. 105 E. 12th N. furnished, gas, bath. and electric ity. Call at 1253 Minnesota ave. Fc uNiSH ED 5-room bungalow to reliable party. 11 Market St.. near 37th. 4-RftOM furnished, house for rent. Xuto! . 614-43. NICELY; furnished 7-room house. Sellwood 2 1 5 4, FiVE-ROOM, furnished, strictly modern house: rent $50. 1272 E. Madison .at. 5-ROOM bungaiow for rent; all furnished. Woodlawn 5022. FURNISHED house for rent. 215 Port land boulevard, cor. Delaware ave. $30 SUBURBAN 4-rooin bungalow. M. 3072. McFarland. Falling bidg. 16-ROOM furnibhed bungalow with garage TOR RENT. FnrnNhed Houses. NEW, MODERN, weli-f urntshed suburban bungalow, located on Board man ave., near Ashdale station, Oregon City car line ; $30 0 also 4-room unfurnished cot tage, semi-modern ; 1 acre ground. In fruit fnd berries; $15. R. J. Thompson, Jennings Lodge. Or. EJGiT- ROOJa AbjObLliiLY MODERN HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED IN BEST OF TASTE. REFERENCES REQUIRED. 114 21ST; $125 PER WON TH. ISU UIRE WAX EFIELD, FRIES A CO.. BROADWAY 200. MODERN 0-room house, west side, unu sually well furnished: extra large light rooms old Ivory finish; garage, walk ing distance. Lease for two years or longer. Kent $175. Phone East 60U4 for appointment. HOUSE, completely furnished; 4 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, phone; on Linn ton road, 3 blocks north St. Johns ferry: rent $25. Phone Col. U85 Sat. and Sunday. $35 PER MONTH, furnished 6-room house, fully plumbed, electric lights and gas, wood In fJbsmient. 549 Rex ave.. Sell wood; rent or lease; suitable for middle- . aged coups HANDbOM-H.A-1 APPOINTED MODERN HOME, ATTRACTIVE LOCATION, LEASE SIX MONTHS OR LONGER; REFERENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 4711 $45 BUNGALOW; modern, 5 rooms, bata and sleeping porch; fireplace, pipeless furnace, wash trays, washing machine, lots of fruit, garden, etc.; references. Auto. 310-21. At place 1 to 5 Sunday. iifDERN u-room bungalow, nicely fur nished in old ivory; best of condition: no ohildren. Phone Tabor 4927 or 207 45th st.. 2 doors from Hawthorne ave. WEs liiuiifcLAM), 7-room furnished home; piano, full basement, - furnace, wash trays, one block from Sellwood car. References. Rent $50. 600 Martins ave. FOR RENT A completely furnished 4 room house, gas and electricity, one block from Mt. Scott car. 5004 41st ave.. $20. , FOR RENT Completely furnished 6-room house for $35 per month; in Woedstock. Meet owner Sunday between 2 to 6 at 5336 44th st. S. E. ; Woodstock car line. FOR RENT An up-to-date bungalow, with some furniture, in a good district; will lease for 6 months. Phone Sellwood 2012. LADY will share well furnished, clean, modern bung.low with right couple; owner away part of time. 1370 E. Har rlson. Sunday and evenings. WILL lease my C-roora furnished house to responsible couple, close to cars and tores, rent $4C per month. 94 E- 61st st. Tabor 8123. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. lower floor. In modern home, restricted dis trict, adults only. Phrne. heaL 705 East Flanders. East IDBl. . 8-nOOM HOUSE: Suitable for two fam ilies; three rooms furnished, large ioc. law n, berries garage; prefer to lease. 271 K. 34th at Hawthorne. DES1RAR.E 5-room modern cottage and blocks 'west of Woodlawn school. Tak Vancouver or Woodlawn car. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, partly fur- nisned In Laurelhurst. vtii Aiuitnoman st. Inquire Sunday, after 11 A. M. Phone Kast 6 1 7 5, WILL rent my home, ntodern, six rooms. completely lurmsnea; zurnace. tan 631-43. - FURNISHED clean home, nice golden oak furniture, good rugs, or would rent part ly furnished. 045 E. Franklin st. FOR RENT Furnished S;x-room modern house; east side, close In. Phone East 7074. . ENTIRE lower fioor of modern Irving ton home, 4 rooms and den; fuel, water, phone. $5. East 3147. 8-ROOM well-furnished modern home In Hawthorne, close in,, close to car and school; will lease for $G5 per mo. Bdwy. 47!t. 7 ROOMS, absolutely modern, very desir able; Keen college ana eranKiin nign district. Call Sunday or evenings. Mar shall 1506. THREE-ROOM modern house; full ment basement; half block Alberta, close to Union ave. ; adults only. Woodlawn 4040. 4-ROOM house, well furnished; rent $35. ntj urew st. Aauus oniy. Aiarsnau 4040. DESIRABLE 4-room furnished bungalow yard, Hawthorne. Auto. 642-80. No children. WILL lease furniMied 5 or 6-room house; must be in good district and reasonable rent. Phone East 3022. IRVIN'GToN Nicely lurnished 7-room bungalow; sleeping porch, garage. East 3547. FOR RENT 4-room furnished cottage, good location. 1534 H arrison ave. R. C. car to 57th rt. Call after 12 M. LO W ER pari furnished house for rent reasonably; good car service, 354 Fre mont st. NICELY furnished 0-room modern house. 385 Grand ave. S. ; adults only. Phone Auto. 232-54. FOR RENT Five-room house, w"ell fur nished; good location. Close to two car lines. Woodlawn 472.V BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room home. Hawthorne -district. Bdwy. 4491. 321 Board of Trade bidg. lloimew for ICeni IJ uruUtire tor Jale. SIX-ROOM flat, good furniture, dishes, drapes, piano lamp, $375 for quick sale; walking distance. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK U McOUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bidg. Main 1068. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FURNI1TJRE of 8 rooms and steeping porch, all In h. k. apts. ; Income $110; rent $0o; Nob Hill, walking distance; good yard ; wood In basement ; must sell ; parties leaving city. Phone Main 7 2ft after 10:30 Sunday. FURNITURE 0-room cottage; semi-modern; house for rent. $25; sell or ex change; $250. 615 Overton. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 6 moms, for $150. 100 Blandena sL, Woodlawn 1367. DESI R ABLE modern bungaiow to party buying all or must of furniture, fine quality, like new. Ta-hor 2104. -RuoM flat for rent, furniture for sal $450. Walking distance. Call 354s Haw thorne ave. SNAP Furniture modern 1-ruom flaL $550; walking distance. P46Kearney st. 47ROOM furnished flat, sell or rent. 352 3d. Call 9 to 12 A. M. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for said. Ki'Q Irving. 7-ROOM modern house for rent and f ur- nlture for .ale reason a h ly. Ea st 311 T. FURNITURE 5 rooms for sale; er.t. 4 Mi Montgomery. DESIRABLE modern fiat, all or part of furniture for ?m. Auto. S16-K7. b tores and Bum news Places. STORE FOR RENT. THIRD ST NEAR BURNSIDE. NIGHT AND DAY LOCATION. CALL BROADWAY 727. DRUGS OR MERCHANDISE. New building, fine corner, mile from other druggist, Kenton car turns here, over 400 families; building fast; Lom bard street; corner Albina ave. Owner. Automatic phone 511-75 FOR RENT Very desirable store In new brick building- on -Sandy blvd., between 50th and 51st streets, suitable for dress making, millinery, bakery, delicatessen, etc. Inquire Monday at 203 3d at. FOR RENT Good corner store 25x50 feet for drug store In thickly populated dis trict; close In, west side. Call Gold smith Co., Marshall 180S. STORE for rent. U13 Thurman, near 27th. $40. Will lease for three years; living room in - rear. See Bali is. Wakefield, Fr'ei A Co.. S5 4th st. ONE-STORY frame, southwest corner 16th and Alder; 2u,oo0 square feet; rents $250; no posts, good light. Telephone Main Qi'4 TO LEASE Store for 5 or 10 years; busiest corner in town, at 2d and Alder. Apply 310 Commonwealth. STORE lor rent; plate glaas front, cement basement; 454 Burnside. Phone Broad way 5026T FINE lis tit top iioor 50x100, long lease; N. W, team heat, good elevator. D. C. Wax. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2730. 2 STORE ROOMS for rent, $30; will divide. 187 Holladay ave. Inquire 307 Railway Exc. Bldg: SPACE on amhill St. Suit-able for candy, cigar or flower and seed stand; 4x20 ft. Call 247 Yamhill Pt. 437 STARK ST. trie light. D. E. Steam heat, gas, elec Woodward. 104 2d st. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof war. house phone UroaJway 3.15. FINE light floor 50x100; long lease; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Fifth. . FOR RENT STORE. 200 MILL ST. $20. TABOR 1114. GOOD location for tailor shop or dress mak!ng. 42S Yamhill. FOR RENT Space for hemstitching ma chine. Phone East 658. STORE with attached apartment and ga- rage. Mississippi and ajtidmore, IOR RENT. Mores and JtUKiness Places. SPACE 20x40 feet with show windows, in one of Portland' most attractive shops, with well-established trade: fine window disnlav on Morrison st.. In rood shop ping location. Pleas note that only lines appealing to women or cni.aren win ue considered; reasonable rent, including basement store room, packing room and ' office. For appointment call Mala 63L Office. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-iighUd and heated offices, slrtcls or In suites, central office building in financial section of city, low rentals. See Donald O. Woodwara, agent, 1U4 Second street. Corner atara. A PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. or one desiring to engage In the work, can learn of an opportunity offering deskroom, desk, machine and us of phone, at a merely nominal rental by applying to AH 204, Oregonlan. SUITE oftices, west service, reasonable rent; also furnished private office. $15. i'u, stock Exchange bidg., aa ana i ant hill. OFFICE space on ground fioor -et best building in city, with service or storage room, i-none urnaaway iw weeg cays DESK space, use of telephone, with or without desk. 212 Hallway Exchange ning. .Main mi. FURNISHED office wanted to rent; with young attorney preferred. Main 5624. Ask ror .vicunugait. LARGE home-office room, fur., 2d floor, close in. light, heat, gas. Call at office 18. 1M5'fe Fourth st. FURNISHED office with telephone and stenographic-service If desired. 832 Mor gan bidg. Main 5264, SHARE half cr.pletely furnished and most pleasant office N. W. Bank bidg. .vt:tin 4!. OFFICE and reception room for rent. Call 12 to 1 P. M. Monday or all dav Tuesday. Si 7 Northwestern BanK Mrtg PRIVATE office, desk room. 2M Artisans bidg., next Benson hotel, Broadway side $15. Broadway 52W. DEmK room w:ia leiepnone ana lo' graphic service Phone F.dwy. 3715. FRONT office, modern, la Railway Ex- cnange Diqg. Appiy room ai. SPACE ;n excellent ground floor business location. uroanway ."44. OFFICES for rent, and Wash. st. FUedner bidg., 10th FURNISHED front oltlce- everything com- plete ; reasonable. 202 McKay bidg DESK space with or without stenographer service. 304 Henry bidg. ftliceIluneou.t. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday. $1.25. Includes de livery, ffi. L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 145 LODGU hall and hail for dancing, or will rent ror otner purposes ; steam neat, rem reasonable. G. E, Weiss, 170 2d st PRIVATE garage. 24th and Halsey. Call East but. BI PINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OREGON 1025. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. CONFECTIONERIES. $1100 good business, cheap rent; ga rntre ; livl n tr ronm Se thls $2100 Conf. and groceries, doing $35 day, 10 furnished h. k. rooms; close in. Dairy agency. This is a gift. $1320 Receipts $30: 2 liv. rms. Garage. $30tK) $45 day; 5 Hv. rooms. $3500 $50 day, lease: invoice $4000. OHOCF.HIES. $120fl $50 day; $25 rent; living nns. $2500 Invoice, fixtures. $650 and worth. . $1210 Delivery car. doing $30-480. 120OO Lumn 4 llv. rms. $75 day. il2Ml Fine hakerv. clearing $350 mo. $2500 Half interest in garage, drawing $2.0 month; money securea. Drug stores, shoe repairing, cleanings, uiyvnoii'tia nw nTUV.n HUVS. "j. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch B'dg. Main 455T. $5o BL'IS cash-and-carry grocery on busy street: living room; rent, --. $1400 cash-and-carry. near school and picture show. $30 to $40 a day; llv lng rooms; rent $20. tiaiHi r.nnd uh. erne. $40-$45 a day, Three furnished living rooms; rent $15. with lease. This can't be beat. $2i)ou cash-and-carry doing from $40 to $oo a aay: rent -u. mm is n. ft US H U K. 51S I'hnm. of Com. Pldg. -GARAGE- WMt nlde. downtown location, low rent, 50x100 concrete and brick build ing, full up on storage, acetylene weld ing equipment, lathe, battery charger and other equipment; $l00 cash, balance like rent. 007 Couch bidg. I'lK KT RftIA 5-YEAR LEASE. Downtown cafeteria. doing a big business; splendid equipment; a money maker; $35iH. SEE MRS. HAl'G, 526 HENRY BLDO. BDWY. 1W4, c r u- V I V i 1 ntiH nrOKtti nr hiuh-claSS a Pt trade: Hoffman press; furniture of 2 rooms, good leaae; a bargain, JbW. SEE MRS. HAUG. B26 HENRY BLDO. BDWY. 1004. IN LADD ADD., easy walking distance, fine location for select privare boarding house, large, thoroughly modern 8-room house for rent furnished; piano, large double sleeping porch; garage. Lease ; rent $05. Kast 55SQ. SMALL INVESTORS. Auto' wash and polishing in big down town garage, a good steady income; $250. SEE MRS. HAUli. K2R HENRY REDO. BDWY. 1004. XMAS TREES. 1000 Xmas trees, downtown location location to sell from ; big bargain on trees and location. 607. Couch bidg.. Monday. . GROCERY store, clean stook and good fimrM ltvins: rooma. does $!SO to $) a day: will Invoice shout $1550. Others $03 to $4000. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Pekum Bidg, $1750 GOOD GJiOCERY STORE. $40 dally, fine location, living room, rent $25; furniture goea free. McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing Bidg. ""wTjTiE von an Outfit? Battery or vulcanising location; down town. ook this up. 201 W. Park. Come and see place quick. CLEANING and pressing, best location In city; Hoffman press, good lease and furniture of 2 living rooms; $800. 300 Chamber of Commerce. $v,,V) NEAT grocery, candy, cigars, lunch; also with furniture, living ro"om, coxy home for couple, $14 rent. M c FA R LA N D, Realtor. 2Q8 Falling Bidg. FOR SALE Cheap, part intere in whole sale candy shop, aotng goou uusiiies. Cull Knit 4v.i -SHINGLE AND SAW MILLS We .have the best buys in the state, cash and terms. 607 Couch bidg. CONFECTIONERY, sonool supplies, doing nicely; one living room; good buy; $11175. AM 248, nre-gonlan. $250 $250. Buys half interest In a good west side business. OQT roucn Ding. GROCERY and apartment house, with good lease, high-class utstrict. musi sen ai once: price $3000. Tabor 3H10. BAKERY for sale cheap: good west side location. Full price. $800. Main 7511 M or a v CE.M ENT brick, block, drain tiling, com plete outfit for sale; $1200 cash. AO 251. Oretroman. WE CAN sell your business if priced right. Davenporte-Klmball Co., 611 Buchanan bid. WANTED Party to tinance Invention for a third part of same; a fortune it in. AN 23. oregonian FOR SALE Grocery store with four liv ing rooms in rear with 100x100 lot. 4129 R3d ave. S. g. $3750 CAFETERIA, downtown, good lo cation, low rent. Chas. Ringier, 225 Henry n I n g. FOR SALE CHEAP Confectionery, Jight lunch and groceries, 6435 Foster Rd., Mt.' Scott car to Arleta ata. il.u a oit TiilS buy grocery. You can't beat it in Portland. Cobb Bros., 028 Chamber of Commerce. v, iliU K-ae my auto repair shop; bent equlrped shop on east side; $300 will b-r die it. H road way An to Inn. DANDY fruit and produce business; will trade for farm or city property. 31$ Stock Exchange bidg. i- INTEREST in dandy office business lor "$250; can make $200 per month. 814 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDO. FoR SALE One-half partnership interest In well-paying downtown restaurant. C 226. Or cnlan. Duo HUSINESS cards.' $1.50; all printing now at pre-war prices. Acorn press, 26 4 Washing ton st. BARBER SHOP, 4 chairs, $2100; high clusa. 4 chairs. $3O00; very busy, 2 chairs. $T2Q0. 6Q6 Cham. Com, bidg. Kult tALE Smaii grocery, good fixtures, near new school. 'Mnt. X 2," J. Qregonian. OPENING for an. exp. real estate man; no investment. L 238, Qregonian. 3KLL equity In income-bearing property. Portland: going away N 230. Qregonian, WEST SIDE grocery, apurtmeift district, ca?h and terms. 318 Piatt bidg. HAVE patent of merit; want some one to finance or will sell. Call Col. 1342. SHOE SHOP, good location and business. Owner 131-llth st. WILL sacrillce meat market on account of slrkneas. Marshall 2670. V A R I ET Y t.nd dry gooas store for sale. Address A. D. Thomson. Salem. Or. MA X OR woman to run danc business; some capita. 3-T 230. Qregonian- NEED MONEY; will sacrifice interest in I n ve ntion D 228, Qregonian: PA RT V who would be in threat ed in good line; small In year AO 2-V2. Qregonian. 4 WILL SELL my interest in a butty small K local furniture factory. V07 Wilcoa bids;. BFSINFSS orroKTrNTTiK. GOOD grocery store In the II vest town-in Oregon, clean, up-to-date stock and fixtures, low rent and good two-year lease; two Ford de livery cars and fixtures will in voice $2300, stock $4000; did $100, 000 last year and have done $80, 000 so far this year. Price $6300, terms, $2500 will handle IL C. J. CULLISON REAL EST. CO., Realtors. 205 H Morrison Street. GARAGE, service station and camp ground on Pacific highway, town of 1000 pop ulation, 190 miles south of Portland; wealthiest community In the Mate. Ga rage 60x120 ft., frame; $400 shop equip ment. Service station 20x24 ft., equipped with new Wayne 5-gal. stroke pump, air compressor ; clean stock of oils, tires. Ford parts and accessories; camp ground accommodates 40 cars. This business Is clearing better than $4O0 per month and can be doubled. . Price $7000, $4000 cash, balance easy monthly - payments. This price Includes garage property, all stock and equipment and 5-year lease on service station and csmp ground. This proposition will stand rigid investigation and Is one of ths best locations in ths state. Dr. H. H. Owen. Oakland. Oregon. AMUSEMENT PARK TO OPEN. $5 per month and up for concession leases; construction work started; beau tiful location; right on ideal besting river and main highway; thousands of autos pass entrances ; 40 minutes from Broadway; big featuring will draw crowds; opportunities to make fortunes; dancing, boating and standi of all kinds; secure a location and commer cialise that Idea of yours. For Informa tion see A. Gordon Ross, 410 Henry nmg. uowy. lul .RAIj MDSE., $12,000. Kinall town on Oregon Electric road, splendid oppor tunity for rightman to engage In mer cantile line in established business: only 1 hour's ride from city ; Ideal town to live In; electric lights, city water, etc.; only prospective merchants need an swer. We have clean, staple mdse.; no clothing or expensive dry goods In stock. Located In substantial farming district No larger stores within 25 miles. AV 677. Qregonian. CAFETERIA. A FIRST CLASS PLACE that we will be glad to tell you about. O. C. TJLRICH A CO.. 6U2 Stock Exchange Bidg. SMALL grocery, confectionery, scnool sup plies, clearing over $2oO month; some charge accounts; good lease ; living rooms; $1500 for stock and fixtures, in cluding small car; have nice business, but on account of wife's health murt sell. If you are tired looking, come and buy from owner. Want cash, but might consider part trade if worth the money. State fully what you have; ab solutely no agents. W 233. Qregonian. WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR NEW OVENS AND MIXERS, ELECTRIC OR GAS, YOU WILL FIND WE HAVE THE BEST THAT CAN BE HAD FOR ALL PURPOSES. WE ALSO HAVE USED OVENS AND MIXERS. BUT NOT ABUSED. WE HAVE TWO GOOD LO CATIONS FOR BAKERY. ADDRESS P, O. BOX 3524. 1 1 OH T 1 ( L A C K STAND. OUTSIDE TOWN 3500 PEOPLE. Price for tile atand and 4 upholstered chairs and building 8x10 feet. $000; no other stand in town; present owner there 10 years; 5 per month rent for ground; rignt in business center. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., riHii - th Panama Bidg. Mnlji 3042. GOOD cigar, fruit and confectionery store on Oth sty near Union depot, will sell fixtures and as much stock as you care to taae. Also a good going grocery store on otn, near Shattuck school, on invoice. JOHN SINGER, 426 Chamber of Commerce HIdg. CASH grocery doing nice buaineas; good store building ; three nice living rooms furnished, garage; two lots growing neighborhood. If you are looking for a good sound business Investment, to gether with fine home, this will Interest you. cash for all; $5500; some terms, Wdln. 505. BUSINESS CHANCES. We have grocery, confectionery and cigar stores in all sections of the city listed for; immediate sale at prices that are rignt npa solicit your inspection. NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO., 536 ChamberXof Commerce. GROCERY for tale by owner, on corner of olat and Sandv blvd. Good lease. heat furnished in store room ana living rooms. One large living room, newly papered;- kitchen has built-in drain board, 'etc. Come out and look this over if you are Interested. WOOD YARD and Denby truck, wood saw. 30O cords of wood : irood location doing good businesa; will inv. $0500; all goes 3?oo, only $1500 cash. Mr. Bu holt, with I. E. SPENCER & CO.. REALTORS, 517-21 Chamber of Comerce lildg. BUS1N a, Ms men, promo tors. arganiaers ami ass n, do you want "money? Create a trust estate; i?sue bonds, stocks, trust certs., debent. Notes. Legal In all states, saves taxes, fees, blue sky rpts. Live . sales force. Inf. free. Nat'l Org. Co., 163 v . Washington st.. t nicago. WHY BUY a store 7 Grocery store with fixtures, 4 living rooms, bath, big ga rage ana lot, in good district, for rent cheap. Come from 12 to 7 P. M. 103 Beech st., between Mississippi and Michigan avenues. OPTICAT, offices, well established, richly furnished, ' fully equipped with edging plant ana everything ready to start bus iness when you take your hat off; go ing Into other business. Address M 231. Orecroninn. ARE YOU financially embarrassed 7 1 can reduce your expense and overhead, col lect your accounts and console your banker; my experience will be of value to you; an interview costs you nothing. J 235. Orpffonlan. EST A C A DA MEAT Co.. KMacada. Or. ; wholesale and retail business, est ah. sho;i. modern in every way, including lot 25x 100 ft., building thereon ; reasonable price; must su; come out and see some thing WORTH WHILE. TO BUY OR PELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STORES. 61U HENRY BLDO. PARTNER FOR SAWMILL Located in good town; buay the year round : want partner ror otnee, etc. : $350O required, which goes In the busi ness; no one selling out. Call room 401 ivkum bidg. JOR PRINTER Have a proposition for a high -class printer who would take the foremanship of a going Job plant and make a cash investment In the plant of $2oo0 to $30i0; business will run around $25.000 first year. AV 652. Qregonian WANT partner for cutting cord wood, must lie oimc IU iiriji u u y ut uk rn w , iuuii kiiu camping outfit. Call after Sunday or write W. Livingston, Arlington Hotel, 03 N. 6ih. A PARTNER WANTED. Light manufacturing. Need service of active man interested In the business. Pay good salary besides profits. Half Interewt $750. Room 4nl Dekumbldg. FOR SALE Only restaurant in a good sawmill town, with room;, also modern bungalow, new; good reasons for selling. Clover Leaf cafe. Powers & Powers, proprietors. R id g field. Wash. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. Bent east side location clearing $400 monthly. Fixtures and equipment first class. Living rooms. Sell on terms. Call at 206 Morgan bidg. ADVERTISERS Save money, get results; 56-page rate book tells how. Mailed free. Standard Advertising Agency, 300, St. Louis. Mo. BEAUTY PARLOR. Bast-equipped one in your city ; pays tidv monthly income; terms to right party. Call at 2"6 Morgan bidg. SACRIFICE furnishings and lease of 26- room apartment house, xiceiy arranged and located ; for sale by owner, $2000 can, balance easy, ni a. mm it. MUST sacrifice my half interest in good paying OUMiiceo, vnsii ui one ii now. Address Matchett. 546 E. 27th at., city. NEW BRICK picture show, seating 4O0. for sale In Rood industrial town, doing good business; sickness cause of sale. AV 662, Qregonian. LEASE for sale, 'ong J ease on store build ing, choice location, west side. Aft 228, Qregonian. WANTED Restaurant and content., or reai. nione ; v tu i o xu.uou. Broadway 501j. Mr. Buholt. STORE for sale, grocery and feed store. big business, long lease, in- business sec- tion, west side. AP 220. Qregonian. GROCERY Best snap buy In Portland, Location ana irane v. iv. win inven tory. See Mr. CroKS. 2Q6 Morgan bidg. FOR SALE Radiator and fender shop. Small amount or casn win nanaie. 201 Wnsh. st , Vancouver. Wash. OLDEST violin shop in northwest, I sort, stock and fixtures. 307 Montellus bidg.. Heattle. AUTO trimmer, tailor or rtressmaker. Join ' me In good .proposition, take shop equipment repl M 213, Oregon laa. BUSINESS O rrOKTTNTTl F.S. MEAT MARKET. An exceptionally sanitary meat mar ket, equipped with most modern appli ances, located on west side in good busi ness district ; rent only $100 a month on lease running through 1023 fair and Includes beautiful 6-room white-enameled apartment above store; Ice machine, ice boxes, scale, racks, counters, etc. ; will invoice considerably more than pur chase price of business; price $?oo0, half cash, balance on terms; 'this is good business opportunity and must be seen to be appreciated. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201 -02 2'3-2l5-2t7 Bd. of Trade Bidg. WANTED. A reliable person who would take active part In the management of a store and will Invest to $30,000, which will net rf good clean profit; the business is refined and pleasing to ev eryone: the party advertising is here from the orient for this purpose. BJ 253. Orcgoninn. WE NH.EU more capital; therefore, to man of ability we offer opportunity to become associated with one of the best sawmill operations In the west ; roust have at least $20,000. which wilt be amply se cured. Now, if you have the money and want to get Into the lumber business, here is an excellent opportunity; investl- gate. R 2:iS. Ongontan. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GRO CERIES. Swell location; price $1300; some terms; fully equipped, good stock. Look this over for a dandy buy. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4Q4-5-6 Panama Bidg , 3d and Alder. GROCERY. $2000 OK INVOICE. Seven modern living rooms, furnace heat; lease, rent $68 month. Including garage; doing $35 to $43 day cash and carry ; sub-rent 4 rooms and garage, bringing in $50 month; everything in this place is modern ; some buy; hurry. on nanwa y v, xc n a n go EUUAL PARTNERSHIP. Auto painting; enameling, etc; a growing buafneas; want interested help; for $050 will sell equal Interest and teach buyer the business; must be worker and stay -with It; $175 month clear profit for each at present lime. itoom 4oi ueitum Plug. GET INTO BUSINESS Fj6 R YOURSELF. This parking station for sale, not on account of Its not paying, but the owner Is called out of the city on other busi ness. It is going at a sacrifice. If , you feel like answering this ad. give ' your phone number. 1 will call you up. X 235. Oregqnlan. $10. oou GROCERY AND BUILDING. 80x100 lot, seven-room modern house; large store, clean stock; have done $150 a day business; owner sick; has been there 8 years; his loss your gain; will take small house up to $3000, balance $5m0 cash. $2000 terms. Keipper A Stewart. 514 Hallway Exchange bidg; 200 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Pool hall, complste, 8 pool tables, 1 billiard table, showcases, etc. ; old es tablished place, good lease, sickness is reason for selling; $3500; some terms; large profits. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4Q4-3-6 Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. $2i), 000 BUSINESS opportunity, one of the best In state, doing a splendid business; owner will take good Portland residence part pay. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwest Bank Bidg., Phone Main U37. SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP. In a garage and service station on busy street. Have large sate gas, oils, tires, repairing, etc 22 cars steady storage, also transients. Need help of steady man. $725 required for equal interest. Call room 4Ql Dekum bidg. CONFECTIONERY. LIGHT LUNCH. ' Established ten years, brick building, net income over $300 a month, 5 people employed. A real store. Trial given. $2ooo will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg.. Rd and Alder, $3Hiu WELL-EOU1PPED garage, doing fine business, five years' lease; a very attractive buy. $3mhj A profitable suburban grocery Dusiness: cu an stocK and iixtures. SIMON SON A LOH M A N. . 3PP Stock Exchange Bidg. ' POOL HALL. ALL OR INTEREST. 4 pool tables, root beer barret, back and front bar, steel safe, showcases. good stock, rent $25. Price for ail $1600; Vl. $oo. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg ., 3d and Alder. OLD-ESTABLISH ED GARAGE. This garugo on west side; 50x100; big repair huplneKs and steady storage of 35 cars; fully equipped with lathes and machinery ; $2000 month business ; price $4iMi. Room 511 Railway Exchange, CONCRETE 100x100 GARAGE. A choice location; has authorised Ford service; large suln gas. oils, tires, etc. full of storaae and a fully-eaulpped re pair shop; $3000 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bidg. GROCERY EAST SIDE. Just what you are looking for; we have it; doesn't cost Inching to get started; small stock ami fixtures, wu.i living rooms; price $300. Ketpper A Stewart. 514 Railway Exchange bidg. PARTNER WANTED. Old-estabiished candy factory; no ex perience required: will stand close in vestigation; price $3700; $1000 cash will handle; will guarantee to net $2ao month. 5 1 4 Railway Exchange bidg WOOD AND COAL. A sfdid business: have 2 trucks, wood saw, etc., and plenty wood; profits $400 month; booas open to uuyer s inspection; $1800 will handle It. Call room oi De kum bidg. TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sale; good location: 3-vear lease; Ideal location for ladies; easy terms. We have other business to take care of. Call Sunday morning between 0 and 12, or Monday 122 North Broadway. Est. 1U06. WhiSTERN LAND Cm, Realtors. Bargains in garages, groceries, con fectioneries, manufactories and other businesses. See our list. Titles guar anteed. ROOM Ml RAILWAY EXCHANGE. $175.01)0 WITH $2000 INVESTMENT. Yes, I made It once end now I set where I can make that much again. Will you finance ms? A legitimate manufacturing business here In Port land. A 237. Qregonian. AN ESTABL.ISH ED business chance of fice, best location and oTTlce furniture. Is in need-of an outside man. who can purchase hal interest for $350. Call 401 Panama bidg.. Third and Alder sts.. 2-4 P. M.. Sunday or Monday morning. POOL HALL AND CARD ROOM. 3 pool tables, card table, candy cases, wall cases, cigar cases, cash register, etc. $looo will handle ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg.. 3d and AldT. R EST A U RAN T 4 050 Good downtown location, doing from $30 to $40 a day business; rent $15, with living rooms; this is not a beauty parlor but a place In which to do the business. M4 Railway Exchange bidg. DANDY GROCERY. Confectionery; a pretty place, with good living rooms; fine fixtures; $45 day business; rent $25; next to picture the ater; will invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange. CLOSE IN CONCRETE GARAGE. Apartment house district. Full of steady storage at $10 to $25 month. Sell icas. oils, tires, auto repairing, rack, etc. Have good leaae. $2000 handle it. Room 401 pekuin bidg. GK'JC ER Y AND CO X F EOT IO N FRY. Postofflce, elegant fixtures; poatoffice pays all expenses; cash and carry; price $3500; $2U00 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg . 3d and Alder. A PARTNER WANTED. Equal interest in high-class auto paint ing business; busy overseeing the shop; want partner to meet the customers, etc. Can draw salary $200 month besldea good profits. Call room 4l Dekum bidg. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto service station; busy street; good sale auto parts, tires, vulcanising, etc.; want partner to sell gas. oils, etc.; will sell at invoice; no bonus asked. Call room 401 pekum bidg. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Close to Portland, rent $10, dandy lit tle business, living room In rear, fine for man and wife; $225. " ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. OARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Excellent opportunity for mechanic as partner in a good repair shop and stor age garage ; a money-maker; $ 1300 re ,i ulred. Room 511 Railway Exchange. POOL HALL, soft drinks, lunch counter, In live town close to Portland, rent S2U per month, with lease, with 0 living rooms, stock well up; $000 C, W. Milb-rshlp. 105Sfr 4th st. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Hoffman press, sewing machine an4 other fixtures. Price $ loo. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-S-6 Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. LAUNDRY PARTNER WANTED. Clearing $500 monthly net now; busi ness growing rapidly; services and money needed for expansion. Room 51 1 Rail wav Kxhanire. A COUNTRY GARAGE. In live town and on main traveled highway. Net profits $4ooo year. In v o 1 cp price. Room 401 !-kum bidg. EXCELLENT opportunity for mine pro moter; mine nas not ueen in operation for some time; has unlimited quantity of rich ore. M 254. Qregonian. U O W N T O W N PHOTO STUDIO. All Al equipment; busy place; Wash ing ton -at. location ; Illness forces sale. Mr. Cross. 206 Morgan bidg. ELECTRIC shoe shop, fully equipped, west side business location, cneap; sicKnesa. M 244, Qregonian FOR SA LE One-half Interest In wood- paw. 6. l psnur st. CLEAN 1 NO and pressing ; close to busi ness district; $200. j uregoruaa. BUSINESS OITOKTIMTI I-:. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. $1000 Confectionery, light grocery. Hir ing rooms, clear $200 month. $1100 Grocery. $10 day, 2 living rooms. no competition. $1400 Grocery, no fixtures to buy, liv ing rooms. $2500 Grocery, concrete bidg., 5 living rooms, bath, garage. These are oniy a few of many listed exclusively with us. You haven't seen these places before. We have ma ay others. 2. EAKTNS. S13 Couch Bidg. 169 4th. CONFECTION ICR Y STORE AND LUNCil ROOM. Centrally locnted, near theater; up-to-date fixtures and equipment for candy ma King; good clean stock; everything first-cIW ; owner In poor health; $4tMo, $ Kn0 caah will handle. John 11. Klw.'ii, 6131 Main at., Vancouver, Wash. GARAGE l'OR SALE. No. Garage and battery station on well traveled highway la nail town near Portland. .SxloO, ,ctly fireproof building. Income from storage of cars pays for rent of building. Shop and ac cessories insure good Income. Thin garage, complete with stock, equipment, etc., only $2500 cash. This must be soid at once. RITTER. LOWE A COMPANY. 201-2-3-5-7 Boird of Trade Building. TIRE AND VULCANI.1NG MEN. A new process for treating new and used tires and tubes, which Increase their life up to one-half, other strong selling features. Is now offered to tho tiro trade of Oregon and Wash. Tlun without question will put you in a por tion to Increase your trade. Will teach, the business to vulcaiiix-r owning hi shop, only nominal investment required. If Interested call or write 401 Dekum bidg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 27 housekeeping rooms, price reason able. Terms. RESTAURANT. WKST SIDE. 2 rooms, prire $lSoo. terms; leas. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. West side, good paying business; liv ing rooms; leawe. GARAGE. Keeps 3 men busy; good location. Call RICH E Y -KJ NO REALTY CO., 212 Ry. Kxch. Bidg. Main 067. GROCERY STORE. Doing fine business, near bark and adjoining movie picture, very busy street; erement building, good 3 years' lease with a-room modern apartment upstairs; rent only $50 per month: owner leaving cltv, will sacrifice for $2800 or invoice. This Is a SNAP. PETERSON A YORE. 437 V. W. Bank Bidg. Main P0Q5. STORE for sale li prosperous farming anl dairying district. 35 miles from Portland; business established 10 yars; a money maker; nothing better for money in vested; 10 20 sales 100.000; stock of gen eral merchandise and fixtures, invoicing at present about $1 l.nOO; owners must -'U and will discount below present wholejial cowt. K. H .MeCnnc, 1154 Pittork Mock. WANTED Partner with .auh capital to enter established bus1 n ess In Portland nationally advertised and doing volume annually $50,000. A big concern manu facturing commodity In dally ue and repeats forever. Truly an unusually fln proposition. Address John T. Peek, M5 Alaska bid g Sea ttie. GROCERIES!! GROCERIES!! $4500 huya you this. BEST YET. Gro cery, $16oi gets you this; MONEY MAK ER. L 846. $1000. This week only. Look: this up. L 174. See Mr. Rita with I. E. SPENCER A CO., M7-21 Chnmbrr of Commerce. TUdg. FOR SALE Hotel of 18 outside rooms and cafe; all new furniture: best town be tween Tacoma and Portland; 15,000 pop ulation; mmt sell on account of other biiHlness; 2-year lease at 135 per month. Address Oliver J. Knudson, Chehalls, Wash.. Gen. Del. REAL ESTATE OFFICE HALF INTEREST. Will consider partner in downtown real eat ate office. Good equipment and doing fine businesa. Small amount of capital needed. F 8, Qregonian. LADIES, If taken at once, $500 will place you In a good, dignified business just In time for Christmas trade; will be h1hvui by appointment only. If Interested gls phone nu timber. BJ 236, t 'rcgonian. MY STEPHENS SALIENT SIX. Sport model ; best looking, best equ'p ped. best condition in town; bona tide sarrltlt e. I want action. Call me up. Marshall 1003. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!! A going RESTAURANT, onlv $1000 If taken at once. I, 116. Mr. lilts, with I. E. SPENCER CO.. REALTORS, 517-21 Chamber of Co t nmerce Bidg. PHOTO STUDIO. Must sell at once; price $1000; $600 cash. JOHN" BROWN A CO.. REALTORS. 322 Railway Exch. MM. CAUTION. BUYERS Jieforu closing a deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business. gt advice pt Port hi nd Realty Bourd, 421 Oregon bidg. Phone It road auj 1 002. i UNUSUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Olennera and dyers establishment for sale, $1500 cash, receipts past 8 months of business $52S0. Hooks open for In spect fonJTnbnr63Ktt. ' BA K ER Y and cate. wholt-nan -and retail, one of the be-t money makers In south ern Oregon; worth $.sooo, to be sold for $5000. Domestic trouble demands tulc. A V 430. Qregonian. RELIABLE young woman, experienced In lirtting real estate and chattel, would like position with large firm; salary und commission. A.I 227. Qregnnlnn. BARBER SHOP, confectionery, cardrooin, five rooms; will seil stork, and lease or sell build tng. fine saw mill town. Ed W ! l nn. Mineral. Wash. 1 SMALL groeery. 3 living rooms, rent $25, fixtures $325, Inv. stock, app. $smi. See Mr. Morris, with I. K. Spencer & Co., n 17-21 Chn in. Com. Hdg. Hdwy. 501 1 . DRUG store for sale- In got d farming com munity; only stor In c.ty. Can satisfy you as to why ho want to sell. AV Ool, ( regnnlan. si'iHi RESTAURANT on the Columbia, highway : cheap rent ; lease; doing a good business and growing; some terms. A K 2't J Preg.mlan. PA RTN Ell w an ted lor eMahliHhed medi cine show, working outh; $500 required: fully protected. For appoint ment call room flo2, Palaee hotel. HALF Interest 'n U. S patent on auto accessory , or will trade for late model light touring car or business Interest. C. A Peterwcn. B.'X 304 1, Portland. Or. CIGAR stand, beat In city, very reasona ble if taken at nnce. L 173. Mr. Frank lin, with I. E. SPENDER CO., 517-2 1 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. $0o0 SN A P duo. Delicatessen on the host street in city; two-year leiue; owner leaving city. 1 HO 2d St. NICE, clean gro.ery with living rooms, doing a good business : good e. a. loca tion, run around $15oit. Tallmadge ItVltv Co.. 610 Henry bidg. FOR SA.LE Established general merchan dise business, stock Invoices $10,036; will ulo sell or rent building and fixtures. Larson Sons. Reuheiis. Idaho. GENERAL blacksmith frhop. fully equipped. good location, tnuna a own iuNinen i priced right if sold soon. 206 Chemek- eta t., S.t le ni. r. WELL-EST A It LIS II ED, paying grain and feed in t he Willamette valley. Add ress P 236. "reonjari T MONEY-MAKING HARPER SHOP, only $550. See Mr. Buholt. --Hurry, or will ml this. 517 Cham, f'oni bidg. PILES csn be permanently cured, without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean, beo ond and Morrison GROCERY slur and fixtures ami furni ture t'l 1" - O T Call East HS27. PARTNER In well -emu bii.-hed auto at-ces sory or vuicanizm Kusuirwi , uii nova tion In city. V 274. Qregtinian. SMALL restaurant in southern Oregon. Will consider :ar in ueai. v wu, vie- gonian. CHAIR barber shop, $6o0; good buy. Mr Franklin, with I. K. Spencer A. Co., 5 1 7-21 Chamber of Commerce hldg. VULCANISING shop with living toom.-l and portable garage, j-o niou avenue. FOR SALE One BaUcotK i-shelf station ary oven re.'Uionaoie. v-an ml. after 7 P. M. FOR SALE Small grocery, rent $15; best offer gets It. &ee owner iouay, .... aiar ket St. . PEST AIT RANT, doing good buMness, will sacrifice. inquire n) umnu ave. u ward T. Qrr. R.-.TACRANT, card room. cos and soft drinks. 27 Rent $35: 2-year leaxe Nvrvh Firt. FOR SALE OUl-t siai.iishcd grocery dfilng $100 a dy; from owner. 171 E, Killihgs wort h r ve. CLEANING and pressing shu lor aaiu. Price 51 50 ca.-th. 42Py Purnsidr ft- FOR SALE Halt interest in new garage. 851 Division. Ask for W. A. Crosby. GROCERY, good locution, doing a good cash business; niustsell. 2M N. 10th. 5011 SAlTESlore, coin ec none ry. grocery, soft drinks. Write AV 5sp. Qregonian. BARBER SHOP for ale; Z chairs. Write .1. W. Trttnier. Bend, or-. FOR SALE Sma side r lunch loom. ;U2 ilurn- BEAUT Y parlor, old established shop, at big sacrifice, for '. V 236. Qregonian. .WANTED I25(M to promote business; money secured. AN -41, oregoniao.