17 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN", PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1921 WANTEI MISCKM.ANEOl'S. i urnil ure anteo. WR WANT YOUR I'SKD H'PEHOM) yOOPS AXDWILf.pAY TOP MARKET I'Ui'Ka. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN II A H DWaRE. TOOLS OF ALL DE BCKIl'TIONS Oil KL'iiMTUIT TO SELL O R KXCUA.NUK. CALL US 1 KI. MAIN IHJ72. LEVIN UARDWAKE FURNITURE CO., 221-8-i FRONT ST. NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4d27 or 164 First st. EDUCATIONAL. WHY NOT LEARK WELDING? There I only one way for a man to Irn weldlnir rlicht. and that la by thorough personal Instruction, together with the careful supervision or ma worn by a competent, experienced Instructor. If you ask us we will give you the names of men who only learned from us last winter and are foremen In the big Portland shops now. No man eithsr can or will sell you an outfit and teach you to weld on the profits of that sate. IT CANT BE DONE!!!! Our fall and winter term of teaching now on. Both day and night. Enroll now. aa our number of students Is strictly limited. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDIN3. East 7t3tf. Tomer 11th. all East Grant Street. DO YOU WANT TO LEARN THE AUTO MOBILE BUSINESS? Why not spond a few months this win ter in our school and prepare yourself for a good Job when you graduate? We teach all branches of the automobile, tractor, battery and tire business; day and evening classes; expert instructors; lowest tuition fees of any standard rec ognized school; thorough, practical in Mructlon; not a book or theory school ; largest system of practical automobile and tractor schools in the world; lite membership free; our free employment office heips you to a good position ; we have a plan v. hereby you can earn while you learn; Information a'nd literature upon re quest. HEM P HILL'SJ AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, 7u7 Hawthorne ave. and 331 Oak st., ortland, Or. Will HE Ul'i OE A JOB OK WORK, AT AN JNDEKPAll POSITION? We have helped hundreds of our graduates to positions paying from 1-00 to SuO per month. If you will call at Union avj. and Wasco street any day (except Saturday) at JO A. M. or 2:.'i P. M., or send for our big 134-page FREE catalogue, you will readily uuderstand why we graduate more students who actually mike good than any auto school in the U. S. Be convinced. Make a per sonal investigation or write for our FREE book No. 0. AUCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. K- WASCO ST. IF YOU are really lute: es ted ic a better Job and more pay, write for my FKBS T2-page. Illustrated Book of Facts. Hun- tired of automobile opportunities ex plained. Pictures of students getting practical training. Tells how you can earn room and board while learning. Tells of won-f-rful Los Angeles climate. Shows how YOU can do like other men from 10 to Cu years of ase who are now enjoying salaries up to $401) a moatn, because of this training. I send this book FRffi to anyone Interested. Write J. A. Rosenkians. Pres:denL N. A. 8., 818 S. Kigueroa, Los Angeles. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It Is. Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Bet laboratories, best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice (riven on real repair Jobs. He Hults absolutely guar in teed. Tbo time for you to o to school is white business Is quiet. Prepare now for big business openings In a lew munths. inquire Ore son Institute of Technology. Main street at bixth. Ex-service men gut STATE AID. . WB TEACH you how to preserve; your valuable teeth. If they need repair we fill, bridge, crown, remove nerve and extract teeth without pain by lb mod ern nerve-blocking method. DR. A, W. KEEN E, DR. E. H. PREHN. Ma.iestic Theater Bldg. b'ol h Washington St. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand for hlgh-sa'sried executives; past experience unnecessary ; we train you by until and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particular. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Wash ington. 1 . C. u A MASTER LETTER WHITER 1m a wel come meet to any bUMint'Ns: you can acquire the art of writing clear, concise, human leltors by devoting a few hours per week f or a short priod, under the direction of trained experts'. For full information write or phone Mr. Hlchens, E'lt"oi hotel; evening n ppni ntmont s. lioTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand for high-salaried execu tives; pant experience unnecessary we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washing ton. D. C. LAW Home stuily; tase and ijuuer sys tem; half t he t line at half the cost ; complete the course and you will pass the bar or we refund your money; a few scholarships free for reference privileges. Let us explain. Phono Marshall 4-0-, or write P. U, box 1014. MOHLER HAtUiER COLLEGE .will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and giv some pay white learning; positions secured; former ex- u , iui mer ex aid w hlle at te lor call for 21 Rurnside. service men receive state tending our school. Write catalogue, find particulars B E H N K E - W A L K E It . West's FINEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Enroll daytime for all business courses, lnclud Ing comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. NIGHT SCHOOL f tl a MONTH. Free cn talogue. Address 4th nonr Morrison. Phone Main iiHO. I'Jtl V ATE Inst rue t ions given in I'll man .shorthand and t y pew riling, also coach ing in upper grammar-grade subjects. Appointments for lessons made any eve ning or Saturday. Call Woodlawn 3135 evenings or Sunday. OorUKNMENT positions paying loiM to $4.".iur. Auditors. income tax. rail why mall clerkA Examination soon. lu foriiKitinn free. Federal A ud: tors' league. rnfini i 'iii, w h " 'I i n l n ii . 1 1. i . WANTED Names of m-n wishing become mail carriers, clerks. Commence 11it a month. Common educa t ion suf i icient. OUEtiON BARBEK COLLEGE will teach you the- trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face mansage specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay w hi let lea rn Ing ; tuitiou id need this tnrm. Madison. SlODEiiN barker college teacn es trade in 8 wks.. tools furnished, some pay; position secured ; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. '':t4 First St. W 1 L L EDUCATE GRATIS a talented pianist with a public playing gift Aurt it ions givsn until t he first of De cmher. It 2I!. or ir-mian. LINK H BUSINESS CoLLfcAJE "The School of Quality'; day and night school. Address Htl Morrison. Telephone Broad nv MKI (llut) YEAR paid wmiit'ii, C tiovt-rnmettt, trendy pusitinns. Common education. Ap ply today for list posit. ons. AV 040, Oro i;nriiin, this office f'lt I V AT E tutft mi;, high school and col lege preparatory, -xpertenced young man teacher, el'y refrncew. Main USt.V laA'KV il l'. T achfii" AnL-ncy. Enroll free. Frank K. WtfWrs. ex-ast. state pupt.. rrgr,, NV W. Bank bldg Auto. ;12-ia. . C. A. business schuoi. ciassea day und evening; individu:C atteniin; low Ttl;t!on. iT'ia'iway an-i layior. Alain H7fl. THE WALTON isCHoOL OF COMAIEHCK lias opened a J 'or Hand office at 41' Wilcwx b I d g. Tldwy. tiTHt. " I. E 1 IN '1'E Li; ;i;Ai H i Kaiiway Xe.e graph Institute. 4:44 Railway Exchange t'lg. Night c lays-s. LKssoNS in grammar, grade studies, back- i . r.t itu n ; 1m i Klii'c 'a It V larhn!i (iui iF MU WANT to learn the .vuicanixing husin s, caM 1 ."S East Broadway. FL-'k Te.ichersJ Ag.-ncy Journal bldg". . i 1 1 n i .-.. n-Hniiiit pnwj i ion, rree re A T - K I H E K Teachers' Agency Free regi.-tr;n;fi!i. Mm In -'74. Hroadway bldg. WANTED Men to leain vulcanizing trad. . x r : io. E taught In e.ght lesont. L. r- i e i . Ti n. i a nor .va.i. ANYONE wishing to hum vulcanizing and retreading, call at 4'A2 Hawthorne. HI,I WAVTFIM,K. WANTED Boy with experience in plumbing supplies. Portland Pipe Shop, Kmnt st. WANTKJ' A young man or boy to work In jewelry store. 134 Kiliingsworth h venue WANTED A mat. To do plastering ud i,.iijiriui i uin ' i-us una D IS board Box 1 ril'-A 'ute 4. Be.iverton. J.ioY. To WORK in machine shop. U.i0 Sandy b!vd. Wli.i. i;ie lii'h school lo a room for lirht jniiitor servo-. Mrttn SJHt W A N T ED A man off i:'i;d AH .j mt-asute and Hue OrcK'tnlnn WANTKii ! irat-cla punts finisher. 713 Selling MUr MACHINIST State wanes wanted, expe rience. AK -48, Oregunian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A HIGH-CLAfS MAN TO OPERATE RETAIL WASHING MA CHINE STORE IN PORTLAND; NO CAPITAL INVESTMENT NECESSARY; STATE FULLY YOUR QUALIFICA TIONS AND EXPERIENCE IN FIRST LETTER. THIS IS A BIG OPPOR TUNITY FOR THE MAN WHO IS AM BITIOUS AND CAPABLE OF BUILD ING UP AND MANAGING A REAL BUSINESS. ALL REPLIES TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY. ADDRESS E. G. TANSY, 215 NO, MICHIGAN A VENICE. CHICAGO, ILL. WANTED. Applicants for examination for Super intendent of Parks, Seattle, Wash.; en trance, salary not over per month; residence in Washington, Oregon or Cali fornia for last year required, alsc equivalent of four year university course in engineering, horticulture, agriculture or recreational work, and eight yea is" experience in these lines, three years of which must have been In an adminis trative capacity : a tee limit n0 years; veteran preference law effective. Ad- are.Hs city civil Service Commission. ! Arctic bids:.. Seattle, for application, which must be filed not later than I '- rnner 2. 1H21. VVA.NTblj Conductors, braktmen. firemen, bollermakers. machinists and office men desiring foreign employment to invest! gate Cuba, Central America, South America, and the inlands, through our booklet containing the correct names I 20 railroads in those countries, the proper official to communicate with and their po toff ice addresses; price one dollar; not an employment agency; state occupation and address all communi cations to Directory of Foreign Railway Officials, P. O. Box -438. San Francises Cl lUL.Nu MAN . : Take tais tip: The one best place In this city to assist YOU In finding a position in a clerical, com mercial or technic! line Is the Y.M.C.A. EmDloyment department. You can get relUnle Information and they will mul tlp your chances end put you next to PlKrtunit!es thai you would never find thtough your own efforts alone. All young men and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 307 Y. M. C. A. WANTED. Competent- superintendent of stste high way construction ; must be experi enced and be able to give the best of references. Answer AV 650, Oregonian. stating qualifications and salary expected in first letter. EXPERIENCED machinist wanted, highly capable and wide experience; opportunity for connection with new Industry of unusual world-wide possibilities; prefer man ready to back his own Judgment of merits of proposition with investment; ground-floor basis; replies strictly con fidential. For interview, E 2M, Orego nian. WANTED Competent, reliable male book keeper for lumber office; make applica tion in writing, giving age, experience, references, address and telephone. Per manent position with good opportunity. Crosse tt Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, Or. ii.N 1 Yuu' vu always wanted big money ; here It Is; new patented aluminum handle cutlery set; you simply display set and write order; we deliver and collect: pay you dally; experience un necessary ; sample free : try it out. tenpintfs Mfg. ('.. Set TllfiO. Dayton. O. HIGH wJHoOb boy, witn plenty of ambi tion, to work after school hours. This Is a selling proposition, house-to-house work. Experience not necessary, but do not apply if you are afraid of hard work or the rain. See Air. German. lilo Hoyt St.. after :t P. M. today or Mo inlay. EXPERIENCED sulphite pulp men, chem ists, cooks, screen tendery machine tend ers, acid makers, etc Mail applications with full particulars of experience and wages expected If appointed. Apply Whalen Pulp c Paper Mills. Ltd.. Van couver, B. C. WANTED Experienced claim rating clerk familiar with current classifica tion and transcontinental tariff-, both east and west bound, give full Infor mation as to age, previous experience, etc. ; only experienced t iaim rater need apply. AM .-:tK Oregonitin. WANTED Ex pork need freight waybill revising clerk must be familiar with current classifies tion and transconti nental tariffs; give full information as to age, previous experience, etc. Only experienced freight-rate men need np plv. H 23fl. oregonian. HAULING contrajt. strictly Al proposition, steady work wllh one of the largest con cerns In the etate ; requires $1000 to handle, balance small monthly payments Act quick If Interested. This must be taken at once. Sea Mr. Tllton. 430 Burnslde. PRINTER WAXTSU Oooa two-thlrder, preferably one who has learneo trde in country -phop ; must be able to help on ads and Job work and feed presses, and be generally hundy a.ound a country office, chance to earn linotype; state experience. AV 't."S. Oitgonian. le' iUO consider outsell a nigti-claas salesman and can approach the better clasa of business, my company, which Is operating under the laws of the state, can offer you a fine opportunity to build a peimanent Income, ften over i5 only. Northwestern Bank bldg. MAX CAPABLE of taking charge of store room for restaurant ; preferably one ex perienced in handling of vegetables, fruits and grocery line ; state previous occupations, age and full particulars. C 241. Oregonian. WANTED Demonstrators for special work. To those who can qualify we can place you in a position to earn big money ; must be able to finance your self. See factory representatives. Hotel Morris. 10th and Rtark. room Il'Jfl. JOB PRINTER Have a proposition for a high-claps printer who would take the foreman hip of a going Job plant and make a cah Investment in the plant of Jjooo to XtMK; business will, run around V-'.ypoo first year. AV Oregofan. BOOivK EEi'EU 11 1 nil -class bookkeeper and accountant with collection experi ence, must be capable taking full charge . branch house of eastern corporation; ad vice fully experience and leference and s-ilHty expec(ei. H Oregonian. WHY DON'T you get busy? You can make 100 per cent per day. and the buyer makes 100 per cent per month with this wonderful invention, 447 Sherlock build ing: Cl KV MANAGERS Magazine solicitors, best proponltions, highest commissions; write today ; state experience. Pacific Saba Her ice. 405 Pacific bldg., Sal. Kmnciseo. Cnl. LARGE manufacturer wants agents, sell guaranteed niade-to-measure raincoat s; highest commissions; profit advanced ; outfit free. Standard Raincoat, 103 West 21st Bt.. New York. WOOD hauiing .jn tract with purchase of truck, steady work and a good propo sition; small payment down and bal ance easy payments. See Mr. Tllton at 430 Burnside st. WANTED Expcrienceu clam diggers to dig razor clams on Clatsop beach for cannery ; h Ighest prtces paid. Warren ton Clnnx Co., Warreqton, Or. BOY FOR chines and to give a little help in farmhuute for room and board, with chance of promotion. AV 0b 4, Orego nian. WANTED Oi lit e boy ; must answer in own hand writ Ing ; prefer boy living at home; slats reference. AM 33. Ore goniaiv W A NT ED By experienced creamery ana milk man, charge of creamery or milk plant or will lease & small plant. 1132 I von st. ATTENTION. BOOKMEN! Have lost an Al new seller; come In Monday and get started; 1:30 to 5 P. M. l!o4 Lumber Exchange bldg. POMTioN open lor hrst-class man who understandH packing and processing pickles ; give references and salary ex- pecteq in urt i'mut. aw .-h. nregonian. A NTfciu T ni'ee iin-n to work on con tract, will take 2 or 3 weeks; osa make t4 a rt'iv eich. 32 Kmni st. CABINETMAKERS wanted; none but first class need apply. Western Fixture ft Showcase Co.. Hit h and Jefferson. WANTING carpentering and painting (in side work) In exchange for dentistry. AK -Ml. Oregonian. iUL.G nun for office worn, must be able to use typewriter; good opening for r ght mwri. S 23'-. Oreg.mian. HOMELESS, inenaiesi, npioyea men can linu a noma i natau nuuif coionjr. Scappoose. Or. GOOD position open for first-class dark clothes spotter and wet cleaner. AN 221, Oregonian. ANTED An experienced hard-candy man. Tru-Blu Biscuit Co., E. tith and Dv'- WANTED First-class -auto mechanic. Km n t - s t. grtrage. WANTED Solicitor for dye works; good proposition. Call Woodlawn 3917. EX'PKIII ENCED ma nutacturlng chemist to work p-trt time Call Broadway 3.1t. HOl .Si-To-Hot SE meu, morning. Rath bun. St Paul hotel. WaNTBD Wt maus on digging buhomt nt und putting tn well 2x40. Tabor H!43. lt't'Lii BrlK'U boy, college or high chonl rdtiPifon. P 240. O-egonlfin. a'JTihlilMJ rants ' and herbs: free book, liuu.nlcal, 10, West Haven. Conn. HEM' WANTED MALE. jiCATlONS are requested from men who can properly Represent a high-clasa educational institution. Applicants must be able to furnish satisfactory references and be convinced in their own minds of their sales ability. This la no ordinary eelinig proposition and no ordinary man will do. State phone number in applica tion. V 22U. Oregonian. aCL'u I' N I A NT buoK. K hKl'K II by a pro gressive financial institution; young man 20 to 30 with Initiative ability and a determination to succeed ; salary $130 per month with rapid advancement to a capable man. Reply giving details of experience and at least one former em ployer as reference. Box 11 22tf, Orego nhin. Al BAKER WANTED: must be first class nread and cake maker and under stand ttecoratmg; good position for right party. Answer. A 248, Oregonian. "OUT-OF-T HE-RUT." See page 122, December American Magazine, and page t4 and 03, Saturday Evening Post. Write local office, 70 Journal bldtf., or phone Main 4450 for appointment. - WANTED Youug man for general offlco work; muat be good penman and rapid at figures. Answer, giving age, expe rience, references, education and salary expected, K Xi't, Oregonian. .ANTED Candymaaer for wholesale In small town; must be up to date and will ing to start at low salary: good oppor tunity for promotion. AE J04. Orego nian. HAVE you average intelligence and a neat appearance T If so, call Wdln. --'-'7 be tween 11 and 12 A. M. to make big money. EXl'b i; ihJ.VCEU advertising solicitors wanted; no others need .apply; fast proposition. 4Kt Stock Exchange bldg. MAN WANTED for cafeteria, at liiO Broadway North. Call Sunday after 0 o'clock. AioVl E types wanted. Write Hector cioverio. cioverio Film Co., iortiana. II I 1 U ..hnnl Kr.i-a null U'HIn make big money In spare time Help Wanted Salesmen. SELLING is a hard game now unless you have something especially good which Is badly needed at this time; this is the best time of the year for our line of office filing, follow-up, card and loose leaf record systems. Beginning Monday morning we will place exclusive agents to handle our line here; later Seattle and other territory will be available; high clasa, neat-appearing office specialty salesmen preferred. Harold H. Martin, G. A., The Rate Service Bureau, Henry WANTED, CAPABLE STOCK SALESMEN. We are offering the most attractive Industrial stock issue ever presented to Portland investors; we are building in conection therewith a strong selling force and desire the services of addi tional capable men. If you have the ability, personality, appearance and willingness to work, we want you and will co-operate fully with you, even to the supplying of leads. Salary and com mission to the right men. See Sales Manager, 324 Henry bldg. SALESMEN If you could offer a busi- ness man high grade pencils with his ad Imprinted in gold, in quantities as small as a single gross, cheaper than he buys his ordinary pencils, so he could use them himself or as an ad vertising novelty, wouldn't you think you had a real live proposition? Easy sales, big commissions. Mr. Hobbs. sales manager. 74 Dev st.. New York city. SALESMEN wanted on a good seliin propositi n : not a securities oriermg, but experienced Investment salesmen can make good and earn big money , splendid opportunity to connect witn first class concern if you are a live wire salesman. Manager, 008 Spalding bldg. SALESM EN wanted by one of largest manuiacturers in r-nuaueipnia io mvn tailored cotton ladies' shirtwaists: ex clusive line ani very profitable commis sion basis only; must have had experi ence in similar line. Brawerman ft Co.. Philadelphia? Pa. A WELL established Oregon company. managed by Portland business men is seeking the services of 1 or 2 sales men. We want men who have confi dence In their abt.ity to do things. Call 007 Henry bldg. Monday, 10 to 1 A. M.. or 2 to 4 P. M. A WELL established Oregon company. managed by Portland business men, is seeking the services of 1 or 2 salesmen: we want men who have confidence in their ability to do things. Call 607 Henry bldg. Monday. 10 to 12 A. M., or 2 to 4 P. M. GOOD automobile salesmen ; exceptional opportunity to make money ; have atoca of new and used light touring cars at very low prices; willing to make liberal trades and grant easy terms. For partic ulars address N '2 '17, Oregonian. NEAR CITY PARK High-class home. among finest residences in city, magnifi cent city view without climb: 10 rooms. 3 fireplaces, 3 bathrooms, library, ce ment garage. Will sacrifice for quick sale. G 120. Oregonian. SPECIAL Christmas offering Eureka va cuum cleaners, attachments free to ev ery customer, want 5 salesmen for west ern Oregon; permanent and exclusive proposition for right men. Call or write, Eureka. 512 Couch blf MAN CFACTCRER of high-quality food products wants experienced salesman for Portland ; must be familiar with city grocery trade; "prefer man now success fully holding similar position.' Address for nnpolntment A P -0J, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman with large acquaint ance among retail grocers and bakers throughout the state to introduce a high class specialty: references and sales rec ord must accompany application. Cala riero Products Co., Atascadero, Cal. THIS SELLS ITSELF; just put it on and the buyer won't let you take It off. be cause It gives him 200 per month and you make 100 per day. 447 Sherlock bldg. ; MAKE j;i'M to f.o0 per month distributing Speedollne ; easy, permanent work : ex clusive territory; automobile free. Write for particulars. SPEEDOLINE CO., dept. P6. Dalla s, Tex. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling; write for list of lines and full particulars. Address National Salesmen's 1r. Asn., dept. 274, Chicago, Min-ds. YOU Nti. ambitious salesman of good ap pearance with car to learn real estate busineNs; salary and commission. W. M. I'mbdenstock ft Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Hdwy. 1H."S SALESMEN Well known New York con cern, handling men's felt and straw hats wants resident salesmen ; state refer ence, experience, confidential. Box 44, Room 702 World bldg.. New York. LF Al UN Ell ATI VE, fascinating business for live men In every county In Oregon; SUPER-TUBES; guaranteed against punctures, hlowouts. leaking valves. Write, call, Sarff. 371 State PC. Salem. 2 SALESMEN who have imd some experi ence in selling office equipment, prefer men experienced in selling typewriters. Liberal proposition for the right parties For appointment call E. 1 1 H. Punday. ACTION gets Pla-Ball" agency; new game; sells 25c, 50c, $1, mostly profit. PLA-BALL CG.nOtt Central Station. St Louis. SJkil i H - McCOV requires saieeman lor elwtrtcul appliances; liberal commission, machine furnished. Call 104 Fifth at., Monday morning between nnd Hi. SALESMEN wanted, very profitable spe cialty for thefe times for either side or tegular line; all dealers. Address Manu facturer. box H02, Cedar Rapids, la. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. If you are a hustler actual experience not necessary ; must have car; answer giving pnone. AC '."i, orgontn Hj i,h.H f,N wantt.-d for rapid Helling wln duw cleaner, good proposition. Mable Con binatlon Window Cleaner, 2261 Court Plaee, Denver. Cnlo. SPEClrt.i-.l l salesmen in outide counties; must be producers; live wires can make real money. C. Frank Lee, 21 N. Park sr.. PorC-ind. SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity for few salesmen who write at once. Live men now earning good income. McCleery Calendar Factory, Washington. Iowa. , SALESMAN WANTED, who Is a good, con sistent, day-after-day plugger rather than an occasional whirlwind. BF 442. Oregonian. LIVE WIRE salesman, age 1 30 to Ml. with car, for Oregon; big money; give refer ences and experience. Glllett Importing Co.. Cleveland, O. WANT three vacuum cleaner salesmen, commission basis, for highest grade elec- tno vacuum cleaner, m .4. oregonian. f7 MILES per gallon made with new pat ented Vaporizer. Write for particulars. WANTED Al salesman to sell to trade: also store demonstrators. Call today beL 10 and 12. Main 1!34. WANTED Salesman making territory who wishes to ride over same with an other. tall Mar. 2141. Murrln. SALESMEN calling on dry goods and fur nishings will find excellent side line at 211 McKay Piag VaN l El r is-'e or six live-wire salesmen for useful article, good commission Call ,14 E Oak st. SALESMEN to Introduce Gravity Garage Door Opener; good commission. 10 N. 11th St.. nr. P.urnside. Monday. SALESMAN". To sell a Ford ai?cewory. For further pariculnrs phone Hri wy. MHm SUCCESSFUL bond salesman wanted unusual earnings possible with us. 319 U A Bank bldg Fl RST-CLASS washing machine and ap- plinnce salesman. i --. orfnonian. WAN TED A few live salesmen to work in f Portland; Addreas box 07 Salem, Or. HELP WANT E T M A I. E. Help W anted fraUftmen. SALESMEN WITH AUTO. "Let there be (Stranskyt light" electric light fixture Just out, saves current; put up In a minute electric experience un necessary; sold at $'J on 4 months' time; commission (3 each, paid promptly: sales 10 PER DAY direct to users; earnings t30 PER DAY. Have yon auto? Men with auto avoid second rail. Stransky Mfg. Co.. 201 Canal St., N. Y. Largest selling fixture In U. B. SALESMAN BY NITROGEN LAMP FAC TORY TO ACT AS SOLE AGENT FOR ENTIRE STATE ON COMMISSION BASIS; PROPOSITION EXCEPTION ALLY M E R I TO RIO l.S A N D PROFIT ABLE FOR THE QUALIFIED MAN: IF YOU ARE A LIVE WIRE, HARD WORKER. EXPERIENCED. WITH SUCCESSFUL RECORD, STATE FULL PARTICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. OR DON'T APPLY ACME LAMP WORKS, 35 CAMBRIDGE AVE.. JERSEY CITY. N J. SALESMAN WANTED We are looking for salesmen, now making good money and who wants to make more money ; we are pioneer manufacturers of bank supplies, check covers, paws books, art calendars and business calendars, adver tising specialties, signs, leather goods, exclusive commbslon contract; must have A No. 1 references. Sales depart ment. Bankers' Advertising ft Supply Co., Iowa City, la. MR. SALESMAN. The degree to which you will partici pate In the prosperity of the next fw years, and the foundation you lay for your life work, will depend upon (1 ) what you sell, and 2) what firm you represent. If you can qualify, here is an opportunity for you to become Identi fied with a very old and distinguish-d corporation in one of the best lines of business. Address BF 2."3. Oregonian, giving age, experience and references. Don T be discouraged; maybe you have j not round me ngm oppununaj, the firm you worked for did not teach you how to succeed; come and see us; It won't cost you a cent to hear our opportunity explained and hear how men and women who failed with others suc ceeded with us; we have positions open for those who will honestly try. Phon Mr. Ryan, Broadway 4320. for appoint ment. . SALESMAN for your city and adjacent territory by the largest manulacturer on the Pacific coast. Advertising cal endars. A most complete line of over 100 subjects. We want a man capable of calling on the largest and best trade. Start December 2tt for the next season. Lucrative compensation paid werkly. State age, business reference and sales experience. V. S. Wawh. 560 Mission st.. San Francisco. Established 10O0. EXPERIENCED coftee specialty sales man for wholesale house. None but those having experience in the line need apply. Compensation, salary and com mission. Unlimited possibilities for one who can aell gooda State experience, age and. present employment. Com munications strictly confidential. N 232. Oregonian WE WANT two live-wire, honest and self reliant security salesmen who are not satisfied with less than $300 and upward per month income; we have no room f or men looking for snaps, but If you have ability and are determined to use it, this is an unusual opportunity for you to make permanent connection with a local financial institution of high "tardine. N 2lfh. Oregonian. SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS. THUCKS AND TRACTORS, salary and commission to man well acquainted in Sellwood and Milwaukee district; demon strators furnisned. VERDENN IS-ROBINSON MOTOR CO.. Authorised Ford Dealer. Milwaukie. Or. Phone Mil. 106-W. FOR SAL.EsMEX that are ambitious and desire to increase their earning power, we have a profitable connection to offer; sell automobile accessories; we have accessories that are in big demand by .auto owners; representatives wanted in every county ol the state ; write for appointment, stating your phone and residence number. AV H'W. Oregonian. SALESMEN. Our ad In this isue. headed "Sales men With Auto." should not be over looked. Stransky Mfg. Co., New York. T It A V bLi N G Halemnen; Remaraable side line proposition; place our big free tail oring equipment with merchants on your route; easy, dignified work ; no Inter ference with Dresent employment; strict ly confidential. Sales Manager H. M. Chicago. III. ' 1 WANT ABOUT TWO MORE SALES MEN FOR PORTLAND, ONE FOR VANCOUVER. ONE FOR SALEM AND ONE FOR EUGENE. NOT HoUSE-TO-HOLSB WORK. COMB IN AND SEE ME OR WRITE 818Vs CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. A LIVE, tneigetic salesman, thoroughly experienced in the general grocery and kindred food line, to call on established following of retail grocers in eastern Oregon. Wonderful opportunity ford right man. Replies confidential. M 230, Oregonian. FELL OUR MEN'S TAILORED TO mea sure $10.50 and $23.50 suits and over coats direct to wearer; these two low prices make numerous sales and big commissions certain. Commissions paid daily ; special proposition to men writ ing immediately. Style-Center Tig. Co., Cincinnati. O. WANTED At once, 2 Al stock salesmen; men over 25. who are willing to work and who are interested in connecting I themselves wtth an established and go ing institution. Must be experienced s&.esmen. Phone for appointment Mon day. Bdwy. 4:i20 after 0:30. HIGH-GRADE salesmen lor eniireiy new accessory for any automobile. Makes night driving safe. Can carry in pocket. Every car owner buys. Fits sny make. Men who can stand big profits and stay on Job. Kay Filter conrpany. Marion. Ind. PHONOGRAPH SALESMAN House-to-house salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prices, direct from factory to customer; liberal . terms. E. 33d st. N. and Broadway. Stradivara Phonograph company. . SALESMEN. GET THIS. Make big money presenting the Twlnko service to housewives; your money every day; very attractive; no capital neces sary; we deliver. Address Twinko Com pany. 4523 Shilshoie Ave. .Seat tie. SALE-S.MAN We want a live salesman to handle the agency for Gordon shock absorbers for Chevrolet s in Portland. Splend id offer to the right man. No investment. Names of prospect fur nished. Addr-s AV 057, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesmen wanted to sell the Easy Washing Machine. Splendid opening for hustlers. Call 202 Gasco bldg., Sunday only. w ANT good live wire salesman as partner to start business-chance office. BF 238, " Oregonian. TV A N T ff D- A G K NTS. EARN good money silvering mirrors, plat ing and ref in ishing metal ware, autos, chandeliers, bedsteads. Outfits furnished. Write for information. Manton-Decies, 2Sfl Fifth ave.. New York. AG & NT'S NEW 001,0 "SIGN LETTERS'' lor windows, wonderfully cheap and enduring; profit exceeds 5O0 per cent; free sample. Paoif to Letter Co., Waah ir.gton 'bldg.. Seattle, SELL NIAGARA W'A TEH MOTOR Household n-cesslty ; sharpens, washes, poUahcM; territory open to agents; sells $2. Hlodgett Engineering Tool Co., Roosevelt Park. Detroit. Mlc h AGENTS An unequaled opportunity of fpnfl men and women : Ml tth 1 -M Tier cent profit each sale; write for par- ticulars. K. Corcoran, 20V S. Jersey st.. Portland, Or. AGENTS is. very woman wan la Jolly-Molly house dresses, big profits;- no capital needed; commission advanced. Domes tic Products Co., 38 Davies bldg., Day ton. O AG&.Vi's to seil Sl'oKTMoX; samples and prices sell them; every buyer a booster: only small capital required: write for broadside. Sportmox Co., Boston, V, GOODYEAR MFG. Co.. 27 Goodyear blug.. Kansa City. Mo., is making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to one person In each locality who will rec ommend It to friend Write today. BIG PROFITS EASY Dupiex traneiorm era needed on ', auto: save gas; easily sold. Exclusira distributors want ed. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 24tf Sta. C, Oma ha. Neb. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Make sparkling gta.is name plates, numbers, checker boards, medallions, signs; big illustrated book FREE. E. Palmer, 201, W poster. O. AGENTS to handle our Radium Magnetic Pad; large commission; exclusive terri tory; wonderful seller. For particulars. Radium Magnetic Appliance Co., Tlmken Mdg.. San Diego, Cal. AGENTS New Jlfty Changeable Signs; sensational sellers, big profit; every merchant buys; write today. Peoples Por'rait. Station D. China go. RESIDENT agent for Oregon City and oth;-r outside towns: a sure repeater. Add ress H 253. Oregonian. AGENTS Ltarn about the profits supply ing perfume to families by addressing l.effler & Co. '723 Walton. St. Louis, Mo. HEALTH, acciuent and hospital insurance. Big eomtTi irsion ftOl Co'bett bldg WANT agents at once, fine proposition. Call today. 473 E. Clay. AGENTS wanted to sell a good Christmas toy for the "kiddles, fiuS E. Morrison L W'A NTE P AG EN TS. A GREAT oPPURi'LNlTV". If you are earning less than $2."0 a week you should investigate the oppor tunity lor making large and quick profits offered by this company; the chance of a lifetime. To securo full particulars and rights In your territory, address R. T. PATTESON A CO., Merchants Bank Bldg., Vh"Pi' ver. It. C. AGENTS xiet belief, Jvin Rubber Repa.r for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcani sation at a saving of over M0 per cent; put It on cold, it vulcanizes Itself In two minutes, and Is guarantet-d to last th life of the tire or .tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free sample, addresn Amazon Rubber Co., Philwdeiphln. Pa.. Dept. 7'J. QL1T wuiiiiik' o-r laiar unrest; make 110 daily easily reflmshing brass beds, autos, chandeliers; new method; light work; no losses; no capital, no experi ence required; vast amount of work ready in your city ; you hir others profit on tiie i r work ; free particulars ana pro o is. ounmetal Co., 33 Elm. De ratur, 111. Alh.v I o ami bTAl'CLEAR; just out; no FREEZE, no MIST no DEW on anv glaiis, in rain or zero weather; for winuows, winusmeids. headl'gnts; makes a headlight shine four t:me as far n fog or rainy weather; thousand different uses; agents wanted; write for territory; cah proposition. Ed Brooks, bo West Park st.. Portland. Or. 100 PER CENT profit and two sold a d:y gives you a day's good salary for only part of your time. The man sold to makes more than the salesman, and will thank you for It. Agents wanted for every county seat. 447 Sherlock building, Portland. Or. AlituN'J'S louvt always wanted big money; nere Jt is; new patented alumi num handle cutlety net; you aimply dis play set and write order; we deliver and collect ; pay you daily ; experience un necessary ; sample free : try it out. Jennincs Mfg. Co.. Pet B30i. Pay ton, O. AUtjN i s auo per montn ; s toady pay ; new style written guarantee hosiery; must wear or replaced free; experience unnecessary; sample free; trial will prove. Jennings Mfg. Co., Line 548, Dayton. O. MEN AND WOMEN make good money selling greatest labor and money-saving household necessity; big repeater; good crew managers proposition; FREE sam ple and particulars. Uotty Co., H5, Hastings, Neb. HET.P WANTED FEMALE. OPPORTUNITY. I want three live business women who are used to meeting the public and who will not be satisfied with less than $30 a week. Phone Main 44.'0 for appointment. WANTED A few more ladies to join our tailoring class; we cut and Tit garments, you make under our supervision ; we specialize In coats and wool dresses. East 2001. hULMsiKLKi'fciH for gentleman and son, a ged 14. In eastern Oregon. Call room 617 Imperial hotel, 11 to 12 Sunday. One wishing a home preferred. No phone calls. WDiLS Make good money selling sani tary specialty used by women. Wholo or part time. Dignified work. No experience. Free particulars. American Rubber Prod lietjt Co.. r.nR Fifth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light housework and care of six-year-old child. Good home. Xreated as one of the family. Reference required. Call Woodlawn 107rt Sunday or evenings after 0. P. M. Wa.vi' corse tiers witn outs.de selling ex perience to sell made-to-order corset; give reference and experience, salary. F 2.14. Oreironlan. WANTED Several refined women to work whole or part time for educational club. See Mrs. Washburne, room 20j Columbia bldg, MAKE your phone profitable. Your spare time can be turned into money. An hour's time ought to pay monthly phone bill. O 2:0. Oregonian. LADV solicitors for house-to-house canvass selling an article that every woman should have. Call at Athens Hotel, room 15. Monday betwen 10 and 12 A. M. WANT to board school girl. 14. In Catholic family; will pay small board with her service-win Ladd school district. 11 251, Oregonian. WANTED Women cashiers for the Coffee Cup lunch rooms at Droadway and Wasn lns ton st. .Miut be experienced. Do not phone. AM GixtL in neea oi a inena, appiy t the Saivation Army Rescue H-jine. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 84.10. DM cur. EXPERIENCED omen power machine operators wanted. Eastern Novelty Manufacturing Co., 85 Vi Fifth st. Room jnl. WAN I'LL) A school girl or e;der.y lady to assist in family of two ; board and room and small wages. Tabor 2005 Sunday. r WANTED Young lady, small and attrac tive for vaudeville act ; experlenca not necessary: give complete description and phone. E 241. Oregonian. WAN TED l.a dies call ho nit-a, seli house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 Eat Morrison st. tiAV K hii excellent opportunity lor a j.jung woman of refinement and educa tion to work Into a responsible position; g e pnone number. V 234. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent switchooard op erator who can also operate typewriter; muat be quick on switchboard, AP 230, Oregon'.sn. A SALESWOMAN Have article used in hotels, homes and everywhere; easy seller, good commission. Call 014 K o-k t. WANTED Maid to do general housework fro in 2 to S P. M . eat h dy . Apply mornings. If possible. A pt. 47 Trinity Place ants. Marshall 1417. PERMANENT position for experienced stenographer; no beginner; state age, experience and salary expected. Give ptione numiier. M-M-f, oregonmn HAVE you average Intelligence and a neat appearance? If so. call Wdln. 2227 be tween 11 and 12 A. M. to make big money. ONE LOGGING camp waitress. $50, room and board. Carter's Employment Agency, 245 An keny. Open all day Sunday. WANTED Four ladies to take orders for corsets made to ind ividual measure ments, (lot; Kilers bldg. W A N T E L Voung woman to help t.ake care of small lunch counter. Board, room nnd !ome wages. Sellwood 1M''1. NEEDY woman to work in cozy home for room and board. Can have one child. W 230. Oregonian. VuL'NG women wanting employment as telephone operators, call at room 6ol leiephone bldg. Park and Oak streets. FIVE women wanted to take orders and call on groceries : salary and commu nion. 4.12 East S aldington st WANTED - Me nog rap her for work In evening; give phone number. I'. O. box 34:i. 0-.-.Kr,fc.PEK. Cfiristian woman, one that desires a permanent home; light A V rt71. Oregnninn. WANTED High school girl to assist in lignt housework, room and board and sm.-i !1 wr ires East . i V A N itAi i pist and ci i K for lumber -office; moderate salary; reference re niriert W 2VJ. Oft'ontni. i.sliii laitnly (Jfinrii service of well bred school girl over 1 ' ; plenty study t rpe. reference?. FVtst 2733. SCHOOL GIRL wanted to assist with housework for room and board and small w a ges. Call' Tabor 4203. GOOD cook, private home, $75 ; second maids. $40-$.0; other positions. Scott's Employment Office. .120 Henry bldg, tl o i- iv r. r. i i- it o-ronm ii pt. ana on a chibi to look after; wages $15 a month. GIRL living In my neighborhood to help In the kitchen from 7 to 0 evenings. Apply nt fl' Hoyt st.. rornrr 21st. Hiut IN ED, heaitny family deaire the assistance of competent, neut girl in h'iu"f nrk : references. KTst 2733. THE FLORENCE CKITTKNTuN no me is ready to help any girl in distress. 95 i East Glit-an. "MV" car. Eat't 31rt WANT ED Saleswoman ; financial oppor tunity: training free. 9:30 A. M. liroad- ELDE RLV lady to care for small child while mother works; room and board. Tabor S472. WILL give elderly woman home and some wuges fur light services. 401 E. Morrison st.. apt. WANTED A first-ciass cook; lady pre ferred; a good position In a cnat-t town for the right party. AV -B0Q, Oregonian. FIVE aa.es women lur ' Wuii Jer" house hold article. Call after 10 A. M . 4U0 E. 27 th st.. near Clinton. LADY bet. 30 and 40 years old to keep house for a bachelor. 3 mlies out Ad. . . o 41-1 r ... a 1 KnrlUn.l tip WANTED 6 wide-awake women for prof- can net $1 pfr hour. 027 Corbet t bldg. WANT a graduate nurse for general day duty at I "Uttnum. .ia.m ' MIDDLE-AGED or e.der.y lady for light housework. lH Olhhs st. G 1 RL wanted. Penny Arcade. 20 Nortn Z.hir4tu . WET "NURSE to care for baby, 3 weeks old Bdwy. 2X50. tV AN i U Teal'lluM JOT llh.s.'S.Otl HCtlOul. pply 17fi;H First at., frcm 2 to 4 P. M. LADY baker aud all-round cook. 2oti 13th at MOVIE types wanted. Write Hector toverio. mvorio r nm i o.. t'oriiann. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by bachelor. Have my own home In city. V 2:-t2. Oregonian. WANTED A 'waitress. Campbell Hotel. GT1KL fur the Peuny Arcade at -u N. 3d su II EI.P WANTKD FECI AL Fj A MANUFACTURER of high-grade gar ments requires the services of a cutter, one familiar with patterns and experi enced in general sewing snd making. All white and light colored materials and fine fabric: a splendid opportunity for a woman of ability to make for her self a good paving permanent position ; would prefer woman over SO years of age ; full inforn-ai ion in first letter. Address M 227, tregon in. GIRLS and women to maae paper hats, flowers., favors and other novelties st home on piecework basis for large local manufacturers : experience desira ble but not essential: make application in writ ing this week, submitting samples of handicraft and orignaltty, if experienced. W 237. reg-int:i n. , WANTED Several young ladles for gen eral office work; typists preferred. Apply 8 to 10 A. M-. Montgomery, Ward A. Co., 27th and Vaughn. THE LN:EKSIT- boCiE of New Twik Ut In It Horn Department needs the services of '.wv or ti;re cultured, earnest women. Tu those who can meet with our r-quiienieius the poaktoa p.-ys $2300 a year. Call at Crostt bldg. between ano o. WOMEN OR MEN Copying letters, malt ing circuJara. etc., at home all or spare time. Big weekly income lor honest, sin cere persons; experience unnecessary. Splendid traveling position also open. Commercial Service Bureau, Dept. 1 1. THE WOMEN' S Protfcctivw Division, city of Portland, titers Its service in all maU ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and glrlo; Interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bldg.. ftd and OaK, us. Phone Main 5522. WANTED Three ladies to assist in organization work; good canvassers; be g. lining Mt. Scott district; 4-23 per week; unless you want such position and are willing worker, don't apply. B030Vs W2d WO MAN of good education and pleasing personalRy for permanent traveling po sition. Will pay right party $200 per month. Do not appiy unless you mean business. Wm. Hughes. ti32 Burke B.dg., Seattle WANTED Assistant agency cashier for lite Insurance branch off.ee, with oppor tunity for early advancement: reply in own handwriting, stating experience, age and salary expected. X 232. Ore- giml-'n iHUoi!iK.ijt!-fK, unincumbered; gentle men over 70, daughter 11; B-rooni brngalow, east side, MV car; state age, experience and salary desired. K 2.L Oregonian. . WANTfciD Ifiouaelteeper to take full charge family of four, must be good plain cook; modern house in country, close In to Portland ; popular wagea. Y 234. Oregonian. AT (J-nCE Five urigiit. capaoie iadies te travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; 140 to $75 per week, railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., DepL WANTED Capable woman about -45 years of age as housekeeper for family of four adults and one child; good home and wagea to right party. A 274, Ore gonian v a.s L'tuu Housekeeper tor position in country, preler one acquainted with chicken ranch. Call Mr. Anderson, Ams don hotel, before Sunday noon, or write K. r . !. 1. orcnartiH. nsn.. upk e WANTED 1 EXPERIENCED V OMK.N CANVASSERS TO SELL ARTICLE WORN BY WOMEN ONLY. CALL FOR INTERVIEW BETWEEN 1:80 AND 4 Ii. M. MONDAY. 200 EAST 27TH ST. N. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl tor second work; must hav reference; $35 per month, private bedroom, sitting room and bath. Will Knight Shoe Co., Morrison sL, near Broadway. WANTED Woman for general housework, good plain cook, no washing, ranch, cen tral Oregon, no objection to child. Call Mrs. McCali, Benmm hotel, Tuesday be tween v ana xi a xi. MIDDLE-AGED woman to do light house keeping for man and grown daughter, both working ; com tort able home ; refer- ences reqmrea. .-to, vieKunin. WANTED An experienceu voman for general housework on ranch ; woman with children need not apply. Call Trhnr 2702. W:igOs .$M pr month. NEED woman of p.eatmtg personality for outside work; must be able to meet the public ; liberal commission ; nothing to sell. Call at 4iii f ailing niog WAM'tiiJ Woman lor housework on fiirm, three adults; state wages. Ad dress iiren oenran. ,inn"UKii. l v i) l d i l' v i ' f 1 1 f.-,r I'nnlfiiiir and iren "era I housework. No washing. East lith. North. Phone f-ast i.-v. RiliAtiLE fciri tor general housewora; iwd idain cooking: small modern home. all conveniences. Phone Marsha 11 5(102. GIRL lor general housework, three adults in family; no objection to training for eign girl. Ci5 K. Couch st. WANTED Honest girl fur general house work; light washing; must love chil dren; call In person. 40 E. 41th st. N. WANTED A competent maid for cooking and general housework. East 37bS. 544 East l.itn :v CAPABLE gu 1 for general housework, 4 In family; no laundry; references re nulred. Mnln 2ss?l. WANTED Honest girl for general house work; light washing; must love children; ca tl in person. iu c. tti n m. i-. WOMAN for general housework In mod ern suburban home, seven miles from Portland; children in rnmtiy. ainin nu. WANTED Good girl lor general bouse work. liox i.. i imnei, ir. NEAT, plain cava and some house w ork. ii runnii in.n GIRL for general housework and to HiSL Wlin v 11 1 HI I e il . iviw GIRL to assist with general housework. A pr:y moaning. r.ntn i.ovpioy pi WANTED Experienced lady for general housework. East 702. GIRL wanted to assist with housework, no cnftklng. 7C(i Ollsan st. WANT good, clean, experienced took, good wages. ltl 2'10. ( irgonian. SCHOOL girl, assist light housework; wages. E. 71 - Gi RL to aHHist with general housework ; no children; good home. 7 SO Pettygrove. MAID in small family, good wages, many electric labor-saving devices. Tabor 20111. WANTED A chambermaid at the 1'atton home. Wdln. 1700. EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no washing; wages $40. Tabor B330. H FTP WANTKf-MI.B OR FKMAI.K. WANTED Business man or woman for development of a wholesale fruit busi ness; will take about $0000. AC 243. Ore gonian. WANT first -ciass cook, if not first class don't apply. Ca!' between hours at 1 and P. M. mock s liaaery, .Minn Twenty-third st. WANTED Experienced nclper foi tailor shop. Tei ftp gone uio. o.-.)n, MAi. or woman on ranch; mostly care taker: particulars. Sell, .re after 12 M. CANVASSER wanted. Caii t2 North Cth SL 1IFI.P WANTE1 WITH INVKSTMET. RESTAURANT MAN. rinnrt live-wire nartner with $S00 and rervices wanted for bustling little restaurant. Q. C. ULRICH & CO.. C02 Stock Exchange Bldg. $lm A WE EE to men who can invest $L"0; factory rep resentatives are here for a few days to establish managers In exclusive ter ritories, which are limited ; we have an article that la indispensable to con sumers and sells on night; our man agers are making big money; two-minute demonstration convinces you; also con sumer. Call Hotel Morris. 10th and Stark, room 5 -- HAULING contract, strictly Al proposition -.. i.. , .nnm rtt lh larrt fMeaUj'' num ' w - concerns in the state; requires $1000 to handle, balance small monthly payments Act quick if Interested. This must be taken at once. See Mr. Tllton. 430 WANTED Man big enough to be his own boss witn i" "". m ii mali nger indue, business protected by exclu sive western territorial righta Clean cut fortune, permanent monthly Income, .1. H. KEATING, f-22 Board of Trade. WOOD hauling contract with purchase of trUCK, sieaay wur auu m Kuuvi iiem- sition; small payment down and bal ance easy payments. See Mr. Tilton at 4.-1U nurnaine i LADV partner to invest 0 to roO with services: legitimate proposition, manu facturing staple article used by every business house; no scheme or experiment ,T 2 '12. )regon ian. CAi'AUEE man with .'00 to taite manage ment of Portland office export, importing business ; give phone number. Reply W 2S4. Orec-nmnn WE WANT lady stenographer with $1000 ana services, money wnn kimiu returns; worth Investigating; established business; no agents. z.m. vreuonian YoLNil man. experionced, opening real nffi(i Hpvi n nurlnpr. either InHv or gentleman : high -class propoKitlon; refpreccH exphpntre-'. 1 241. Oregon'an. t.i.-(.'. niAii with small investment for tabMisned hUFiness; s nr wnoie interest. 'a 11 t odav. mm I wood .u'. A REAL opportunity to make money with .av. Iiiai nH am. ill lnv!mnl S2S Henry bldg $ .") REQUIRED: small hours, good money. 5 to 7 P. M., NichvJon, SL Paul hotel. SITUATIONS W ANTFD M Al -K. WINDOW TRIMMER AND CARD WRITER WISHES POSITION. BEST REFERENCES. TABOR o266. PRINT BR -OPERATOR Steady all-round man, tasty job and ad man. fust make up; man led; wants steady position, either Oregon, Washington or California; sta to w ages; union or not. A V bid, oregonian. WANTED Work on country newspupe., not too far from Portland; have bad experience in both f-unt and back office, and can run presses, make up and run typesetting machine; capable of hoidmn a good stltf Job; can come about Decem ber lM ; steady job preferred; write stal Ing salary to E 210, Oregonian. OLl'-OF-TOWN position wanted as sales man or manager of department store; 20 years' experience In general merchan dising; a good mixer, good stock man, good buyer, good decorator; will fur nish you with the best of references as to ability aud character. C Oro gonlan. JVL Y li US IN ESS is writing advertising and sales letters; 1 am at present employed, but have some vpare hours which i wish to put to profitable use. 1C my work doe not satisfy it will cost you nothing; let me increase your sales. AF 238, Ore gonlHn. AN APPEAL BASED ON HONEST NEED. My wife is 111, I am middie-aged. .able to work. Janitor by trade, can operate elevator, general handy man; will some body help ? Please call Geo. Rickeraon, Main 2.Td to leave word. WILL some re liable tirm at teasi make me an offer for my services 7 Am a married man. 2S, years old ; law gradu ate; experienced In sales and mauulac lurlng lines; bet of references; have my own car. O 230, fregonlan. EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC AND TRUCK. DRIVER WISHES WORE. WELL ACQUAINTED IN THE CITY BUT WILL GO ANYWHERE. M AR ID ED. CALL AUTO. 824-10. KEGlSTEREu pnarinaclst graduate, eight years' experience, wishes position In or out of city, permanent or relief. Phone Auto. 638-11, or write Pharmacist. fiiOV 42d ave. s. E YOUNG man, 20 years of age, attending advanced electrical school, wishes work out of school hours for room and board or Its equal, a first-clajs chauffeur. Phone Bdwy. 48.11. lit.") 17:h st. North. A L.1U. Ua.ltiJ.lt neat ' appearance and good mixer would like steady work, or w ould consider buying half interest in 3 or 4-chair business. Address Bryne Mahr, Box 243, Ciinby. Or. W ANTED Position in grocery or general jnerchandise store by man with family; strictly reliable and capable, will go anywhere. Address 4047 03th St. ti. E. Phone 18-74. Portland Or. YOUNG man, 30, experienced in the busi ness of engineering, wants position in city ; prefer lumber, engineering or fi nancial house with a future. AL 248. Oregonian. OUNG man, 3d years old, good appear ance, clean record, some experience in outside selling ami excellent references; can handle shipping room work; good penman. Phone Ka.t 2233. WANTED By young man, work of any kind, have some business training and sales experience; prefer position in gent's furnishing or shoe store; please state particular.. F 23 1. Oreg o n I a n. BEEN out of work three months; man with eight small children would like work; has 2-ton truck; glad to get any kind of work hauling ur day's work. Tabor 73Sl. PRINTER All-around country printer and pressman, not linotype, wants Job In country; would Invest $000. K 251, Ore Ionian. YoU NG man of 18 wihhes employ men t of any description, office work preferred, will work lor low wage to start. Call East liojltl. EN PER I ENCED young man wants any kind of laundry work In or out of city. W. Rosky, 870 Garfield ave. Phono !MS-7tt. References. CARETAKERS Middle-aged couple. re liable, experienced; will care for coun try home during winter for expenses; good references. D 2,i.t, oregonian. CA it CENTER and cement work, reiwilr Ing, he net a 1 coutracting, designing and building of fine homes; 2 yeat s' In city. Shop 201 Mill. Cull Main 7.2rt. COOK, aud wnlireM, experienceu, a. I around, dinner a la carte, etc., desires position. Any class or cuisine desired Room inn, 174 Etth st. Main ns.Vl. MARRIED man, experienced farmer, wants to work a rancu on shares; can furnish best of references; general farming pre ferred. M. Simdris. Portland. Or. G. I . EXPERIENCED pruning of all kinds, shade trees trimmed, tree surgery. Main lrtti2; rs. Main til.t. MANAGER retail lumber yard or city ftalesman ; A I references. Chas. Fair banks. 4o2 Hen ton St. A lit. 324-42. bITL A'l lu.N' w aiued by Janitor. handy man, best of references. Phone East EAPEK1 ENCED grocery clerk, a good education, large family, must nave work Wood la w n 4Mti-t. SITUATION wanted as nurse or oompan Ion, best of city references. A 228, ore gonian. EXPERIENCED F'trdson man want work driving or overhauling. R. IL Hasting. P mid w ay 117 7- ss'4 nth st. PROMPT hauling and delivering with two ton truck. Reasonable. Sutton, Wdln. THKIrt. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as Janitor or uny work. B. 1 roxel, Alain 1 -!:!. room 113. IF oU want carpenter work done, phono Columbia 1342. All kinds Jobbing dona In the right way cheap. YOUNG man want work in shop or driv ing; knows city thoroughly ; some ex perience In gar;ige KHlwood 1 .;). Bl 1EDER with years' experience will build house; take lot as wages. What b a v y on " P 2.4. oregonian COLORED man wants work of sny kind, good chauffeur, 1rive any make of car or truck. East 1M1. PAINTING, kalsominiug. papurhanging : work guaranteed; reasonable. Auto. MARRIED MAN needy work, painting, tinting, enamel work; furniture polish ing, varnishing. Ma-'lin, East 1H1H. WAN'TEl Threu or four hours' work in the evening by a handy man. AB 203, Oregonian. HAVE Jour bouse c.eaned from attic to cellar or odd John done. oOc per hour. V,it.on, E'n 4-'. WANTED Work by married man. some thing mechanical or electrical preferred D 227. Oregonian HAVE your Christmas painting and ih im r hanging done now ; reasonable. Phone Aut. A22-33. FCR Al Interior work on painting by con tract or day work and you furnish. Woodlawn iMOS. CA RPENTEK Eirm-ciass finisher, wishes work; can also frame any kind of build ing. Woodlawn .''704. CARPENTER and finisher wants day or contract ; workmanship guaranteed. . Phone Woodlawn .Vi.'tl. CARPENTER A-l inside finisher, day or contract, reasonable. MbO Gantenbein ave. Phone Wondlawn S440. LA N DSC A 1'E gardening in exchange for dental services. Wd.n. 14. Mr. Cnrter. 20-VR.-OLD hlgh-chool graduate wants work of any kind. W 244, Ort-gonlan. SH ING EE US WHEN YOU WANT SHIN GLING DONE. i'ALL MAIN 100. 10 YEARS expert rooiir.g man; let me fix your roof in good order Wdln.fins4. PLUM Bl NG and cutters' work reasonably b y b our or J ob. Wood law n 6'is 4. YOUNG man wants work In garage : some ryperlenc-. Hasting. Broadway 1177. BK1GK contractor, tile houses, n a rages. f r- T:nces; prlr-ea r'.gnt. l nor MAlkMiANV DRESSEiL CHEAP. 7!G E. SALMON COLORED experienced jHiuior or porter w-.rk. Call Vnrwlisll 4332. BR I 'K furnaces. boLers, fireplaces, any thing In brickwork. Knt 22. -IT U A T ION" want ed as caretaker or watchman. B 23rt. Oregonian. Li;MBlNG done very reasonably, by hour or Job Auto. 23.VM. GOO D gardener who can do some house work, wnts worK. ih oregon'an sTI'liKNT wants work; capable. AG 20tl. ( tregon in n A JAl'ANESE boy wants a job In a good fnmilv 12 2d st. MAN and wife, cooks, f luo month, refer ences. W 22 V. oregonia n txi'EKIKNt'KL) battery man desires posi- tion. W 2 . 'regonlan. CONCRETE work in all its branches; power mixer. Bdwy. 2315. EL El 'Tit IC I AN, fireman wants Job. Call Main 12V. CARPENTER, Jobbing and repairing; also painting and tinting. East PTTI ATIOXS W.NTM M A I T. MOVE BY TRUCK to or from Portland up 200 tit Ilea you and our household gooda rilONK F ST 71R. HUTCH INS. AUDITOR. CONTROLLER. COST AC COUNTANT. OFFICE .MANAGER, age SO. married, ex peru nced and h ik h -grade executive. IS years' constructive, cost and analytical experience; special train ing cost and general y stems; through closing of business now tpen for posi tion us office manager, auditor, con troller -4r cst accountant. Phone Tabor 07 HO. W All' II and je t e' r v a..-..txii, 1 J- .wars experience, including .tiint hi manime ment and advertising; a. so wafrl. maker, engraver, wants ;to-i.ou at once- will be in Port land on a "d iif i er Friday ready to i ork E ' ' jn-g.i.i is n. IF ol require tut mt ice. of a oumr mint w ho ho no bad habits. Is strict ly honest, not afraid of work ai'd can bold a position of responsibility, give me t trl:'l. AG 2 '.7, cg.mian. alTl'A Tl 'N u a iii -d a.t Jul man of im i g e farm : undent a nd genera i la rming, hay and grain raising, hai.'inng und (ceding of purebred dairy cows and beef cattle and li ogn ; u I bo a f : r.nl -c i s teamster; A-l reTirenrew AR 210. Oiennlan. -1AKKIED man wi, uiuli islands neiitlng plants wauls janitor work in bole! or would care for apartment houae where wife could adlst; best references. D 2T., Oregon! a n . DON'T try to get a position nil we press ( your suit for 43 cents, while you wait. Joy. tne tailor. Mi 4th. near Stark. JOY, TH E TA ILOR, 104 FOURTH SIR E ET; MA K K I ED man, thorough! v experienced steain engineer, wants position as en gineer or lireman; nine ears' mariu and traction experience. Cull Sellwood GRADUATE oil geologic ami engineer de sires employment ; t hree yours field ex perience; best of local and astern ref erences; vaiary reasonable. Room 403 I 'n la r h oi el. EXPERIENCED iviiat dist wants position; capable of taking lull charge; 'ive years In present posit ion ; will consider place on salary and -shares; best of relercncea, O. H. Swain. M osier. ' r. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters cleaned. 20 years- experience, iricts tin lowest and a guar antee that counts. Main Ti71 and liti'4. MAN WITH FAMILY OUT OF WORiC AND MONEY; ANV KINO OF WoRC APPRECIATED. McCANN, PHONE BROADWAY 2i'3.V PP.INTER Formerly member of the union, seeks situation in open shop; 20 years experience In the business, married. . y v v'i on iuii. WANT work, Lrst-ciass dining room or cafe, willing worker, neat, clean, de pen n a ble, handy in kitchen on range. Address P O. box 4J34. city. CHEMIST and mecha n ical tniuneer. prac tical experience, a I no jtulesmun, man uf family, home In cit. desires permanent connection locally. E 2o7. Oregon Ian. it'L.Ml until wuii iiepiiHit'ot imuucr must secure work; tome mechanical abll ily ; would consider farm work. O 23b, Ore gon : a n. ACCOUNTANT MuiT.ed iiihii, wunts per manent position; references both as to chu meter and ability. G 2o4, oregonian, or T b..r 2s4. PK INTER-Ol'ERATOR Wants Jot) in t.r near Portland; A-l Job and ad man. Write ux 2.1, Baker, t -V. C;i n come t o 1 1 1 FIRST-CLASS CHEF open lor position in city ; competent and reliable; restau rant or hotel; good references. IT 228, Oregonian. EN PERI ENCED GA KDEN ER WANTS SITUATION ; HANDY W ITH TOOLS; SINGLE, WILLING BOARD oU BATCH. AE 234. OREGONIAN'. S.M A EL l(r.l'Aliu-. i.ai pent i , i.ilniiiig, floor renovating, glazing. eieci rlcai, piumblng, gurdening; reliable. Phone East h.M2. YOUNG MAN w ith business and bank x perience an.l knowledge of foreign lan guages would like position. G. L. Schup hove n. room a.":t. Hotel Oregon. REGISTERED ,dia i ma x. 1st , ye.ns ot ix peiience, wishes permanent poHilton, cty or country, latter preferred, now or first of the year. Pruggit. tl'7 Kerby. A-l MEi : 11 A.MC w a jit a pu.-.i uu us prop er! y man in hotei or I li t -c.uk apt. house, painting, tiphoiMery, etc. ; very hn ml y. J 2.".1 . Oregon la n. YOUNG man and wile want work, man to work and wife to i-ok; have lo-moiithi old child. R. C. Price, -uui V. 2bth it., 'ancouver. Wash. MAN WITH 4 years' experience wants position ss baker or he. per. Call Mc Adunis. Tabor 77!. BUTCHER und Tnealcuiter wants w oi k. 'u n, )t hu nil ' in ir I i . .ii f tin. w h t r e. C 7 O r e g o 1 1 i a n. MARRIED man with cln.d wihlui ran oil work; good teamater. ;f.'0 2d St., apt. 1. I'tmne .Mar, rn, l'it UN ING ol irua, b'Ti -t-a und hubley bv expert. Cull or write, Jacob, 0l3 f.Mh nvc. S. E. U AN TED Cat oil no TeM out roe CUU11:k by too 100 lots or more and will call Jor same. AM 2o4. Qiegoni n n . Ml DOLE-AG ED ma n v ants po.nl t Ion us caretaker or wu Lehman. American. 1 21. r'CQ!i ia m WANTED Uork, any kind; itlno liavo i -tr for light work. A ddres N. AlspaUg lu rr.:i i 4i.n vn, s. E. Vul'NG l-'liunno boy wihe por-itin us dish washer or In . o-r in liu.spitul. Picai aildre.n .s.'ii.. N ond ft. bES ER C o N N EC T loN S A i 1 work Buart an teed. Call Bl uad ay 4 140, aek lor Mr. Strurhcri. AUTO niechaiiu'. f n ' t - la , rt ffti' ex perience; icterence civil In or out of city. Main 3'."ti. Ha?-ry Note. 327 l.ltii. ltOOlS repaired, r.nu or sol no. all kituls repaired and painted any color, eav tnnighs clennrd and repnlied. Main 0320. WoULD like po.n ion with reilubli pn rt y where 1 can use my t rvlec and car. A R 237, ( iregon ian. HAVE pord tourlnn and my tu-rvWes. What have you to oi.er.' vaiary expected. N lo rgan, Automat If ttl 1 -.M. YOUNG man. 17, must have work Imme diately; will 'ake anything honorable, Ti. bor sit.Tt. CA I 'A LEE i ou n g married loan with i'oi d will work ev. iiing.t or early In the morn ing. Alltn. 21.i-4 )1 K.ii.ii lii n.-oii tud nt, Li, want a Work from 2 o'cloek on and all day Salur- d-iVH. C-ill MarMh.i!! 12T.2 MAN, WHITE, single, wants to do gen eral housework; has experience. Alt 23s, Oregonisn. JAPANESE wants l contract a Job cut ting hi uf-h or reclaim a piece of land. H 213, ( irgonlai:. 1 WILL mix your concrete with mixer for f 1.20 per working hour. Call after M P M., East 733. N E W S 1 11 N G LI N G, 1. 1 per M . ; r-;- thingliiiK. - pr M.; work guaranteed. Phone Main 722'. H :it..n. VE D i any thing, why n.-t give us that odd Job you havoV Main 647, Mr. Collins. . CEJi'lTI'lED ti ittic iiianagi-r for Intiuhtrial concern; 20 yearV railway exp'rleiu-e as Mgi'tit. A. L. Lee. Pair mount. N. D. JAPAN ESK boy w Ihht s posit Ion, fa nnly ook ; good reici ein:e. Auto. iih-wi. YOUNG ALiN. univemlty trained, wants to learn newspaper business; salary no object. AK 230. Oregonian. eilL-l,' A tlri r 'i, hi NJt.vv VnrL elif . l...- a posit ion ; w i.l go any w nere. a v uu , ( tpi L-onian. SHlNGEJNG. loot' n irtir,n, Piiieit ra itor:i hie. w..rk gnnr.tnte.ti, uio. 32.'i-H!. MAN VVANT work ux w.itrtimau or port- r: good rererence. am .i.i. 'r' gnnui n . bH I N G L E R S U 1 1 EN V ' ) U W A N T S I ! 1 N 1 I .IN't I'O.M. .I.U .'1 I .N IUIMI. CHINL.nE wants portion, piivute family, cook or coun l ry hot !. S 242. Un'itur.iaiu CAi;i'K.Ti:K, new or repair, day or con t r n i-t ; huil'Hni: -? 1 1 m n t s 1'ii.me 2'-'7-1d. CEMENT work, first-clans work. Marshall K.23 MAN AND W 1 1 E want work on ranch or invthlpg: a'i' " ae 2-. oregotiiun. WANTED 1 v oung man. disn wu dier or ii' iio . ,M - .M i . .a n, -vi -. iftui.i i."fi. WORK wanted by carpenter, good finisher. A .1 24 1. "ro-o nine. MECHANIC waiita piaee In tdmp or driving; r e . iH'innl'l'1 y.i i :i-wt- nnn a ii ho.... PAPEIO! ANGINC.. p a i n 1 1 ; i and tinting; us hit I; an i: 1 1: g if- r-n ai a r. jr.' BA It I I'll, fust cn--. wants work. Call pP'HilW.IV lot! roiTM - ' A-l BREAD and tiastr t-aker, city or country. . . . on.w o HAULlNti. truek.ng. thing ; very r a-onat iii w here or nny P!io 1 1 e V, tint fl S s 4 . CONTRACT T CLEAR STUMP LAND. C 2 .'. " 1 CEMENT work of all kimis. good worit guaranteed. ?ni'i'- WANTED Jeneral hsullng. 3'i ton truck. Clay or enni lug. " " rJ- CONTRACT to cl-ar Und. large or small. V. Hur'.mname, iu ''""''t'l'i ave. PLUM 11 ER w an ts wot k. any Job. remoii. b; repair im-ti i Q') Itp.ICK WorK. chi mu s, mpi ntejn ; m imt ce ment work. 't'i r-.i-i veningn. Kilts T-CLASS ii.to t:ectncl;in and m rhanlr; ref'-refren phoiy Et l'-'oO. I'Ef .i Ivt Mi l.e l go r olli:iii Jotis donA VvNTti Work by experienced hotel .'lerk. Main &bS2, apt. 4.