TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1921 HEAL KSTATK. For hale Houses. $3500 $3500 $3500. A 5-room house, with cement basement, laundry tray, bath, etc, in. good condition, 50x100 lot, hard surface utreet and fewer In and paid ; on Prescott nt.. near Union ave. $3000, with easy term. $4850 $483014850. A five-room bungalow ROSE CITY PARK fireplace, inlaid oalc floors, Dutch kitchen, large clothes fclossts, cement basement: wash trays, floored attic. 50x100 lot; corner; garage; ea-at front; $750 taah will handle. $dooo -$ooo $0000. ROSE CITY I'ARK BEAUTY. A 5-room new and nifty 5-room bungalow; oak floors, furnace, fireplace., all built-in convenience, French doors, breakfast nook, cab lnet kitchen, full cement basement. , wash trays, floored attic, finished In ivory and white enamel, tapes try paper; beautiful light fixtures; 60x100 lot; garage and runway; city Improvemen-ts In and paid. Prica $0000, terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE. 77S Kearney St., Bet. 23d and 24th. Reception hall, living room, den, din ing1 room. Kitchen, pantries; oearooms, large closets, sleeping porch, bathroom, largo attic. Hot-water heat from community heat ing plant. Fine garage; lot 50x100. Price $O0O. Reasonable terms. SALOMON & CO., Realtors, 807 Railway Exchange Bldg. LATJRKLHCRBT BUNGALOW. VERY CLEVER HOME. There la a, real living room 14x20 with plato-glaan windows and French doors leauing into aining, wnien nas a loveiy built-in buffet; compact Dutch kitchen with intent design breakfast nook, hard wood polished floors, old ivory, white snd tapestry paper; J large bedrooms fox furnace, tiled fireplace, garage, sur rounded by artistic bungalows. This la your opportunity to move into a harnx in? new home for Christmas". U. W. ALTON, Auu 32-io. IRVINGTON. ON 1TTH, NEAR KNOTT. FIND SQUARE COLONIAL; CENTRAL EN T It ANCE ; 8 WOND ERFL'L ROOMS; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, 2 BATHROOMS. 2 FIREPLACES,' OLD IVORY, MA HOGANY AND EASTERN OAK WOODWORK. THIS 13 A REAL HOME AT A BARGAIN; lO,W)0. EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW SNAP. Seven of the dandiest rooms, large and well arranged ; select material throughout, best grade oak floors; good looking from outside, and the interior will make you want It. Double garage. Two blocks to car. On E. 45th at N. Price only $6300. DBRR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Hank Bldg. Mar. 224. 10 ROOMS and sleeping porch, close in, near Laurlhurst; appraised by loan com pany at $8000; will sell $3100 equity for $1600 rash. House can be made to pro duce $50 month above amount needed to pay for ltaelf. including interest, taxea and Insurance. This is a snap buy In in come property. No trades. .NORTHWEST MORTGAGE CO., 036 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 3500. ROSE CITY PARK. REAL VALUE FROM. OWNER. W11 built si rooms and sunroom, trlctly up to date, large living room, dining room, buffet, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; east front. No agents. Auto. 313-61. ROSE CITY I'ARK DISTRICT. $3000 Is a very pretty 4-room, bunga low, nicely finished. This house is new, faces nast and can be bought for $500 down and eaay monthly payments. KILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office; KOth nnd Fandv. Tabor 84R5. ROSE CITY I'ARK. Six rooms and sleeping porch; modern, with built-ins, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors. In fine whape; lot 71x100; double garage ; a year's wood in the basement; on E. 54th st., near Sandy. $6300. LU E D D EM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0067. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CORNER $9000. ON KNOTT ST.; SURROUNDED BY HOMES VP TO $30,000; IT S TUB ONE YOU HAVE ADMIRED. EAST 41D. ROSE CITY PARK; new 5-room bunga low and garage; absolutely complete In every detail; will be ready to occupy in about 10 days; now Is the time to see and buy this beautiful home ; price Is right ; enn arrange satisfactory terms. Come out today to 514 E. 4 2d st. N., near Thorn pHon. C. .1. Johnson, owner and builder. Tabor 3141. LAURELHURST. Six-room bungalow, just completed, 1178 E. Ankeny st., near 30th; hardwood floors throuKhout, tile bath, elegant plumbing, largo rooms, double garage; lot 50x1.18. Come out today.- Open for Inspection. v N. O. EKLUND, Owner and Builder. Tabor 0R0. lUST THE HOME FOR TWO AT $350 DOWN. Windsor Heights, 4-room bungalow, one bedroom, large dining room, living room and kitchen, fireplace, garage, ce ment basement, laundry trays, lot of built-ins; $3700. Call Mr. Young Monday at Main 031IS. OVERLOOK ADD. 5-room house just completed ; extra well constructed: fireplace, modern bullt lns. Will be on premises Sunday be tween 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. 905 Capitol ave., at end of Russell-Shaver line. M. Neilsen, Wdln. 4637. GOING TO BUILD 7 We design and build residences or any buLldlng, assist in financing same ; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. Ji. Bailey, con tractlng architect. 024 N. W. Bank bldg NEW BUNGALOW 4 rooms and break fast nook, 50x100 lot, $3350. New bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, furnace, $3600. Good 6-room house, paved street, full basement, laundry trays, $2Mto. Terms on all. Call Kast J -7. U.Y HOME of seven rooms, Hawthorne dint.; fine lot 45x100 with lawn, flowers, shrubs; cement basement; gas. elec; very convenient. I want $4000, $700 cash, $25 month and interest; deal with owner and $3nuo, $030 CASH; must be sola quickly. 8-ropm house, corner. 2 garages, rented $ 13 per month ; house firm -class shape. Full basement, good Income property. SCOTT & BERRY, 1i3S Belmont. $3000 ON EAST MAIN ST. A 5-room cottage with good basement, bath, etc. ; in fine condition ; on East Main St.. close In; price $3000, with easy terms. City improvements in and paid. Runimel! Rmnmell. 274 Stark st. 0 ROOMS, larye corner lot, bargain for $2150. 5-room bungalow in restricted district, on hard-surfaced street, loiixHHi, beauti ful native trees: $:t.ViO: sell one lot and house, $3000. 512 GcrHnger bldg. fc-ROOM bungalow. R. C. P., "nice lawn, garage, some fruit and berries, large rooms, close to Samty, price $3045;- $305 down , must be sold by Nov. 23; the price will sell t iiulck. No agents. 740 East 05th st North. BIG SACRIFICE. West side, walking d 1st a nee. 5-room modern house, with or without furniture; must leave city at once; cement base ment, furnace, newly painted ; don't miss your chance. 008 Fifth st. South BY OWN ER Coin pie te.y f urnisheii iun galow, 4 rooms, with , good furniture; paved street, block to Union - ave., two blocks to Alberta st. car; $3200, $775 raiih. 423 Sumner st. FOR SA kiE in Itrvingioti district, 8 room house with 2 outdoor sleeping porches. All modern conveniences. Owner going abroad. Priced right for quirk Phone East 8H2. yon SALE Modern 7-room house, on ' paved street, every convenience, furnace, t all liens in anu paiu; no agents, fnone Automatic 213-42. 2' BEAUTIFUL North Piedmont, thre blocks from car and school; the popular new 4-room bungalow ; lot 50x127; only y'S.tnn, trrni s. i -none BY OWNER Close in, ffaat 2022. East 5550. tf-room cottage. REAL ESTATE. tor bale Houses. READ THIS'. ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHUKST. Some splendid buys. Come to our east side office today and Inspect these: $3700 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT A splendid bungalow, double con structed; built by one f Port land's best builders. Now under construction, and you will really be surprised what a wonderfully attractive bungalow home you are being offered for the money. It Is complete with hardwood floors', fireplace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Pav lr.g and sewer paid. Very easy terms. $4000 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT To be built. Here is being, of fered a bungalow at a truly re markable bargain. One of those , really modern, up-to-the-minute construction, enduringly built, finished in old Ivory and white throughout, high-grade of oak floor, expensive tapestry paper, a real fireplace, an attractive buffet, the kitchen Is the very acme of convenience, complete with breakfast nook. Located on a full 60x100 lot, near Sandy blvd. Below the hill. Reasonable terms. $4500 ROSE CITY PARK A charming bungalow of o rooms with a great big living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, located Delow the hill, near Sandy. Surely this win appeal to you. $5000 ROSE UITY PARK 5 rooms and sleeping porch. A home of ex ceptional merit and of unusual value. Complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Below the hill. $4750 LAURELHURST DISTRICT. New 5-room bungalow; ready for oc cupancy; your own terms, almost any Initial payment. A double constructed bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, fire Dlace and hardwood floors. $5550 LAURELHURST Here Is being offered one of those real modern. . aownngnt good-looking bunga lows of enduring construction built by one of Portland's best builders; located on a corner lot with all assessments paid; if you will give this your immediate at tention, you will appreciate the positive value being offered. Truly it is a real opportunity- for someone. LAURE LHUR ST. MUST BE SOLD MAKE AN OFFER. Owner of this bungalow has moved to .aniornia ana nas left word for us to get an offer. Thia is one of those very modern, snlendidlv constructed. idliv finished homes of real worth. It is complete with hardwood floors through out, modern plumbing, etc. It will ao peal to you. Located at 33d and Oregon streets. A. G. TEEPE CO., Insurance Realtors Loans. West Side Office: 7 270 Star St.. near 4th. Main 3092. East Side Office: 1170 Sandy Blvd., at 40th. Tabor 0586. SUNDAY OUR EAST SIDE OFFICE IS OPEN. DRIVE OUT, OR CALL TABOR 956. ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER BUNGALOW. A most complete and cosy 5-room bungalow with floored attic, 2 large bedrooms, hardwood polished floors, French doors leading onto exclusive porch, ivory and tapestry paper, fire place, furnace; located in the finest bungalow section, blocks north of Sandy, below hill; on reasonable terms. D. W. ALTON, Aut. 320-19. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. 50x100 LOT. $4100 $800 DOWN. Just completed; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, breakfast nook and all bullt-lns. Call Automatic 329-31. ROSE CITY FRENCH VILLA FOR SALE Ar aO'o LUSUUUiNT. Ten-room homo on 100x103 corner; magnificent built-in; French doors throughout, furnace, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, 3 lavatories, Ruud heater, ce dar room, breakfast room, sun room, an exceptional home; reasonable terms and interest at 0 per cent. Call Mr. Young Monday. OTTO & HARK SON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 039H. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished with tho)best or furniture; lot 50x100; street improvements paid for; price $5750. $1600 cash, balance like rent; one block from Williams avo. car. BOCKHOLD BROS.. REALTORS, 001 ftwetland Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250. Exceptionally cozy 5-room bungalow with all floors hardwood except kitchen; large. light living room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, furnace and garage, 1 block to Sandy blvd. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., Main '.. 3H Railway Exch. Bldg. LARGE 7-room house, good condition, hard-surface street, near car line, school e.nd business center; all Impts. paid ; furnished well, including piano, fine combination range; price $5500; will ac cept small rooming house, chattel mort gage or city lots as part first payment; very easy terms on balance. Sell wood 3007. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. Build your own home; Incorporate your own Ideas, use your own individ uality. You are the best judge of what satisfies you. We aim to please. We want your business only when we satisfy you on the merit of our building. ROBNKTT McCLURE, REALTORS. Marsha?! 3201'. 302 Couch Bldg. SUNNYSIDE bacrifice. .owner has left his nice, very clean, modern 6-room house with mo to sell at the low price of $3500; has wired me now to sell furni ture and all, which Is nearly new, for say $3400; an"bne buying a home should see this first and be convinced of a bargain. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 210. v WOODSTOCK, for sale or trade. 4-room cottage, $11:60; will take 1050 cash for my equity of $725 or late model Ford and some cash, balance $535 at $25 a month. Call C. H. Reavls, Oregon ex Service Men's club, 243 West Park st. Main 7867. between 8 and 9 A. M. or 1 and 2 P. M. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Just finished, 2 bungalows that are modern, including furnace, garage, hard wood floors throughout, window shades and light fixture; in fact, ready to live in; located at 206 and 210 East 43d St., near Royal Court. Owner and builder. Main 3231. Tabor 1950. $4250 ALBERTA BUNGALOW. A 5-room bungalow, good basement, wash trays, every built-in feature, fur nace, fireplace, etc., cement porches; 40x100 lot; enst front; A dandy little home for $4250 and reasonable terms. Rummcll A- Rummcll. 274 Stark st. - ROSE CITY PARK. Fe large rooms and attic, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath and sink, all bullt-lns; complete and modern in every detail. Come out today to 641 E. 05th st. N., or phone owner and builder. N. O. EKLUND, Tabor 6S0. 3 USE CITY iiioocrn resiuence. East 42(1 and Thompson ; 0 rooms and sleeping porch, beautiful buffet, panelling, hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, paved street paid for; t.in. .on " uiiumwn kin, FOR SALE flit 4 E. Taylor, near H. 14th., 8-room house, attic, full basement; lot 100x50; shade and fruit trees; rang a in kitchen; owner selling. Price $5800 ROBERT CARROLL, l'hone East 62S8 ALAMEDA PARK PICK-UP. Seven rooms. sleeping porch, oak floors, plate glass, fireplace, fine fur nace: choice location NEVHAUSKN, East 304. Main 8078. i-iiouil p.asiereu oungaiow. White enam eled plumbing, gas, electricity, 1 block car line. Myrtle Park. Cement walk, roses, lawn. $2000, terms. tsee owner. Main 3072. 208 Falling bklg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW " 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, built-in features, fireplace, floored attic. By owner. $5000. terms. 741 E. 60th st N 1K 1NGTON Lovely 7-room furnished home, cement basement, fine furnace, garage, lawn with rose border, fruit tres. clowe In. l'hone East 0505. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room. neatly finished bungalow, furnished or unfur nished, large lot: will consider late model Ford as part of payment down. 1 1 03 K. Jiarnet. near .iiin, FIVE-RoOM nunfin;il,ed house and lot for sale, at Menune. B3d street and 5th avenue, must be .-old, at bargain by o w n e r. G 23S. Orego.ii 1 a n. FOR SALE New 4-room bungalow, elec tricity. gas, full bathroom, hot wate- price $2200. Phone Woodlawn loi0 before S 4. M. or after 5 P. M. , lre 8-ROOM house, modern. Holladay Addi tion, walking distance city, schoals cnurches; cement garage; $(1000; terma Phne 323-13 after 10 A. M. " COMPLETELY furnished 3-room shingled house; garage and new Ford car; $2000 Soo ca-h. 400 Sumner st. Woodlawii c.tr. Call evenings or Sunday JL'ST BUILT, 3-room modern house Dutch kitchen, v.oodshed and garage peninsula park district; easy terma Waodlawu 4232. FOR SALE 6-room Queen Anne house, modern except furnace. Auto. 819-12. KFAT F STATE. For Sale House!. $400 CASH PRK' $ltiOO. 5-room plastered cottage located on Mississippi ave., iuar Fremont st. Lights, gas and water. 25x100 lot with plenty room for garage In rear. Balance on easy terma $600 CASH PRICE $1800. 4-room bungalow, 44x100 lot. Lights, gas and water. Garage. Gravel street. Some shrubbery and fruit. Close to both schools. 3 blocks from the Woodlawn car. Balance very easy. $500 CASH PRICE $2300 7-room plastered house, 50x122 lot. 3 blocks frm Mt. Scott ear. Good garage. One-half block off macadam street. Lights, gas and water. Full basement, lots of fruit and shrubbery. Balance on very easy payments. $500 CASH PRICE $3150. B-room bungalow on 80x100 lot with built-in conveniences in din ing room and kitchen. Few apple trees, currant, and rose bushes. 6 - blocks to Hawthorne or Mt. Scott car lines on 60th ft. Assume $1500 mtg. and the balance on easy monthly payments. C L, Newman, JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Blag. Phone House Dept.. Main 8528. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. ROSE CITY. $4400 $2000 cash will handle this 6-rm. modern colonial bungalow to be built on 42d and B razee; every moderi convenience you would . want. Dutch kitchen with break fast nook, fireplace, h- w. floors; cement basement, paved st. with all improvements in : lot valued at $1500; this Is a type of house that sells for $6000 in this loca tion. $1500 Cash will handle this $3495 horn to be built Just east of Laurel hurst; corner lot, built-ins; Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fireplace. Just the home for you. We have several lots priced at $350 that $50 cash will handle. Let us build you a little home and stop paying renL 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. WESTMORELAND HOMES AND LOTS MY SPECIALTY, Beautiful new modern 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors, hand some fireplace and attractive elec trlo light fixtures and plumbing, furnace and large attic. Large ga rage and extra large lot. 75x100 feet. This beautiful place goes for $5500 with easy payments. We have a number of attractive houses and bungalows In thia high class district. JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor, 818 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD HOME BUY, Mr. Working man, 5-room bungalow, 1 fine acre, equal to 8 city lots lawn and fruit trees and only $2000. I have many other homes, large and small, on which I can quote a homeseeker good prices and terma. J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor, -214-215 Panama Bldg. $4500 SNAP $4500. HAWTHORNE 6-ROOM HOUSE. THIS COZY HOME. LOCATED IN THE BEST OF THIS CHOICE DIS TRICT AND ELEGANTLY FINISHED IN TAPESTRY PAPER. HAS BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN, VERY ATTRAC TIVE LIGHT FIXTURES, FULL CE MENT BASEMENT, FURNACE AND EXCELLENT GARAGE. CALL TO DAY. R. L. McGREW, 1080 HAWTHORNE. TABOR 8802. ROSE CITY PARK. $450O A beautiful new 5-room bun galow with every modern convenience, hardwood floors, and built-in feature, large concrete basement with furnace; splendid location, streets and sewr com pleted an-d paid. Reasonable terms. HILLER BROS., Realtora. 211 Railway Ex-change Bldg. Main 89. Branch Office: .VMh and Sandy Sts. 1 Tabor 84S5. $1040 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN SIX- ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. - Good location, full 50x100 lot: this house Is priced $1000 under value for quick sale; we challenge anyone to show us a buy In Portland as good as this for $50O more than we are asking; 2 blocks to car, close to school: owner needs the money. "Opportunity waits for no man." Call T 330 and see it today. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS, OpO HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4H8Q $5750 ALAMEDA $.750. See this complete home; artistic In terior; 2 bed-rooms, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, large attic floored for 2 rooms, cement basement, furnace, garage; full 4ot. 2 blocks from car; choice location. Circumstances force me to sell. It is a ba rga.1 n . Te rm. HARRY BECK7WITH. REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Malm 680. $2500. $500 DOWN, fl-room, 1-story house, electric lights, bath, basement, plastered and papered, 100x100, fruit trees, good soil, vicinity MV car line, east of Laurelhurst. J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand Ave. N.. Corner E. Ankeny. j Or. 00 LAURELHURST, 8 rooms, garage. bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, close to car and park; In good condition; owner moving to Dalles. CLEVELAND. 306 Bd. of Trade. 4 Broadway 1150. WEST SIDE HOME. 7-room . house, four bedroom, large and airy; furnace and fireplace; neat 25th end Raleigh streets; price $6300. This Is worth looking into. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor, 243 Stark St. Main 831. NEW 6-ROOM BUNG-ALOW. Breakfast nook, large sleeping porch, basement, fireplace, large living room with cove celling. Attractive and cheap. Price only $4000. On easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank ltl1g. Main 37S7. EXCEPTIONALLY fine Roe City home. by owner; 7 large rooms, rull cement basement, double plurnbing. all built-ins. hardwood floors; must toe seen to be appreciated. See this at 000 E. 49th N. between Alameda and Stanton. Phone Auto. (U5-65. AN ABSTRACT of title Is merely a his tory or the title to your property; a title insurance policy is a guarantee of the title ; the history doesn't protect you the guarantee does. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. Title & Trust Building. PIEDMONT. New 6-room bungalow, sun room, nook, oak floors, built-in features, tile bath, fireplace, furnace, full basement, ga rage, $6750, terms. Owner, 1214 Garfield ave. 1RVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. East lKth, near Stanton; 7 rooms, ga rage.large living room, music room, oak floors, built for home. Neuhausen Co., realtors. East 304. Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. NEW MODERN IRVINGTON REAL BUNGALOW. Built right, 6 rooms on one floor, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, built-ins, full basement. Tittle, price only $0500. 531 K. 8th at. North. COZ Y 5-room cottage, close in on east side, near school; large lot, street paved; no liens to assume. Garage; lots of fruit, berries, etc. ; $3200. Terms. Ta bor 2434. DIRECT FROM OWNER. ST. JOHNS. New, modern, .4-room bungalow, reas onable price; terms like rent. Call Mon day. 407 Oswego st. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. FJast 8th and Stanton; 7 lovely rooms, extra well built, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage; make offer. Neuhausen & Co.. East 304. Main 8078. PRIVATE party will sell cheap, plans and specifications ior Deautnui b-room uutch Colonial home ; never used in Portland. East 351)2. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE $5750 Owner leaving, must sell attractive house. 0 rooms, sleeping porch. 3Hh St. near Mason. East 304. Main 8078. 5-ROOM bungalow, corner; im provements paio ; Aismenai irepiace; built-ins; real home; $500, $30 month. Lav.on. Main 7420. Bdwy. 4794. PENINSULA district. $2000; modern 5- room bungalow; D uteri Kitcnen. fruit and berrle.. Terms Sellwood 3406. FOR SALE Six-room houye, 50x100 corner lot; by owner; close m. good location. E-'.-t 3T3. NEW 8-ROOM SHACK, 2 beautiful lots, went side, close In; cash or tprnif. Woodlawn 413. OWN ER m us i sacrifice to raise money. c:asy nungaiow. casn or terms, make offer. EaM HQ 1 5. I'.Y OWNER, neat 7-room house and ga ra?e. price -i.t. :ii Kimore ft. HOUSE and Tot to? saie, $1150, so me ' twmL 530 Bumner at. I REAL ESTATK. For Kale Ho use a. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO BUNGALOW. PRICE $10,250. FORMERLY PRICED $11,500. CORNER PEERLESS AND HASSALO Last Sunday I offered for sale and oIa a beautiful bungalow at 17th and Thomp son. Bargain price. Today I am offering this beautiful home at a bigger bargain. This bungalow home has 6 large rooms. aM on one floor. Den, living room 15x28 and dining room across the front. Do- ngntrui icitc&en, tnea a-rain ooaru. nn tiled bathroom, beautiful built-ins and pedestal plumbing. Haa gas furnace and Instantaneous water heater; large break fast nook, fine garage. A wonderful great big double corner lot. lawn in ana ianu scaned. Reautiful fnllas-e. Don't mlas see ing thia high -class home today. Tha pretty white stucco Dungatow ai , 1036 HASSALO AT PEERLESS. CNE BLOCK SOUTH OF S3D AND SANDY. Mcl50NELL. EAST 419. Tabor 2461. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS. HOMES WITH SMALL PAYMENTS DOWN t uw Down for this completer fur nished large 4-room ' bungalow in University Park; comer mfc full basement, garage; full price only $2100; owner leavmg city. $ 750 will handle this 6-room modern nome m Hawinorn; bullt-lns. furnace, fireplace : ce ment basement, laundry tray One of the real buya 1 orn nnvn ntt tht new 4-room bun galow is yours: Dutch kitchen; all bullt-lns, full basement. 2 lota house is double constructed and well built. $ 6CK Will handle thia 4-room modem bunealow. h. w. floora fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 1 block to car: Just completed. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880, ROSE CITY PARK, jssrtoo Jt.vw cah. 150 oer month, buy that new bungalow you have been look ing for. Living room la 2S ft. extending the full width of the house; beautiful dining room with French ooor; cove mV-l i n r 4n llvma room and) dining room; two large bedrooms, with pass hall into the bathroom. nuiret Kitcnen, wnn breakfast room. Cement basement; large attic, face east on corner 4ot with pave ment in, and just on block from Sandy houlevard. We think it la a real bar gain you look at It and tell ua what you think. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg, Main 66. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy &ts. Tabor 84S. ROSE CITY. One of the classiest homes In the district, 6 rooms. 2 fireplaces, French doors, modrn to the min ute, living room 20x35 feet, fine dining room, -massive buffet; in spection will surpass your expecta tions; $9750. The cheapest home in the district. Terms. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. Bank Bid. Main 8005. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME. Close In. near the Hawthorne carline. partly furnished, on large corner lot. 8 fine, big rooms, 6 down and 3 up, ex tra large clothe closets, modern bath upstairs and down, beautiful fireplace, lots of built-in features, full cement basement, laundry room, fruit room, coal bin. furnace heat, dandy garage, beautiful lawn and flowera. street im provements all in and paid, walking distance to business section. Price is $8000, $2000 cash, balance e-asy pay ments, including beautiful ruga, carpets, stoves, range and draperies. STEWART & JOHNSON. -815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful - Laureihurst bungalow. 6 rooms, with every modern convenience, large living room and dining room, hard wood floors, French doors, ivory finish, tapestry paper, velour drapes, radiant fire furnace, year's fuel in basement: all kinds of bullt-lns; kitchen and breakfast room white enamel ; gas range, hot watv heater, linoleum, bath room, 8 bedrooms all finished and draped, one can be used for music room ; tapestry paper; basement and garage; the above was built and furnished for a home: business calls owner east. Can be seen by appointment. Tabor 6864. $8750. ROSE CITY PARK. $3700 $700 CASH. NEW COSY 4-RM. BUNGALOW WITH REAL FIREPLACE. BUFFET. OAK FLOORS. DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAK FAST NOOK. CEMENT BASEMENT. LARGE COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. 2 FINE BEDROOMS, DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED THROUGH OUT AND LOCATED BET,OW THE HILL. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. BETTER HURRY. R. L. McGREW. 1080 HAWTHORNE. TABOR 8802. IRVINGTON HOME FOR SALE. Owner has authorized us to sell his modern 8-room house; his business calls hJms?fcast, and la willing to sacrifice the same. If you are looking for a house- of thia size be sure and see this. Hardwood floora throughout, two fireplaces, hot water heat, billiard) room, large sleeping porch. A-l location, near club; fine Bhrubbery, lOOxlOO. Terms If desired. Immediate possession. See Mr. Jonea, F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4990 6-Room Bungalow. See this unusual modern bungalow; 2 beautiful bedrooms; Dutch kitchen: every convenience; completely glassed in sunroom; lovely music room: fire place ; bookcases; buffet; old ivory fin ish; Concrete basement; furnace; full lot east face; exclusive district; close to new golf cource and new City Park site. HARRY BECKWTTH-, REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Main ftSftfl. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. PRICE $0000. Just complete. 5 large rooms, break fast nook, hardwood floors throughout. Beat of workmanship. Tile bath and drain board, best of plumbing fixtures, linoleum, light fixtures, garage, furnace and large attic. This bungalow is lo cated at 270 Floral ave. Call owner. Tabor 5233 ADJACENT TO ALAMEDA. 6-room, 2-story semi-bungalow; convex on paved street, 3 blocks to AB car; garage. fireplace, bullt-lns; $4500. WHJ sell some furniture if desired. Auto. 319-07. IRVINGTON NEW COLONIAL. BUILT FOR HOME. Near Knott. Wonderful large living room, French doors, colonial staircase, oak floors, extra select plumbing, cement porches, perfect kitchen. In fact, noth ing missing. Neuhausen Co., realtors. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. HERE Is an unusual bargain, located un der the hill on comer lot, facing couth and east on northwest comer of C2d and Thompson eta. Has 5 roome with every modern feature. It must be sold and will give a real bargain. It Is now va cant and will be open from 1 to 5 P. M. today. If you want a real home at a real bargain drive out and ee this. PINK OF CONDITION. Piedmont home, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace, built-ins, near Jefferson high ; garage; ex jellent value, $0500; reasonable terms. R. B. GRANT. 1215 Halght Avt. Wdln. 5535. MODERN 4-room bungalow, close to school and near Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric; only $-(KH) on easy terms. For particulars see Ben Rlesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 17 Park st., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah off ir-e. HALF ACRE 47TH AVENUE $1700. All In cultivation ; full bearfng fruit anft walnut trees; small . fruit; 4-room house: $1700; terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Main S31. FOR SALE or rent Beautiful Mt Tahor Heights home. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, glassed in, large closets, hardwood floors, built-in all conveniences. hot water and heat, garage, large grounds. Owner. East 1137. 5 ROOMS, AUTO FIRST PAYMENT. 5-room plastered house, lot 80x100, 3 biles to car; would consider light auto as first payment, balance easy; price L'100. Bdwy. 4S37. Col. 1172. NEW MODERN bungalow on East :i2d street north, with large nttic; delight fully situated on wooded lot; only $34O0 on very easy terma For particulars rail at 404 Plntt hide-.. V27 Park st. IRVINGTON PICKUP $6500. Fine 7-room home, in perfect repair; well built, modern, garage. Neuhausen Co., 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. 0-ROOM house, gro-und 10x100; good, chicken yard, garage, fruit. Price $15(M.' $U50 down, balance $15 per mo. Draper, 4(s Bard of Trade FIVE-ROOM modern nouse. lights, gas, bath and garage. Price $2550, terms $500 cash. 372 Eft.-". 0th t. FOR SALE by owner, modern 6-rooin bungalow, close In, on Hawthorne ave., $6500, terms. Phone Tabor 7156. REAL KSTATK. For Sale Houses. J. A. WTCKMAN CO. ASK FOR I PERSONALLY INSPECTED PERSONALLY APPRAISED ' PROPERTIES. $1200 New 3-room cottage on 50x100 foot lot; living room and dining room combined, dutch kitchen, bedroom; macadam street; only $200 down, balance $15 per month and Interest. Ask for Mr. Hewitt, HOME AND INCOME. $2800 Two-flat building, 6 rooms and bath up, 5 rooms and bath down; cement basement ; now renting for $34 monthly; Improvements all in and paid. An opportunity. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. $4500 TO BE BUILT 5 rooms and breakfast nook; living room across entire front, tapestry paper in living room and dining room; also hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-lns, light fixtures, shades, cement basement, laundry trays, all improvements In and paid ; beautiful view. It will pay you to Investigate this. ROSE CITY PARK SPECIAL. $55006 rooms and sleeping porch, re ception hall: beam ceiling in dining room; elaborate lighting fixtures; 2 large airy bedrooms, attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot-water heating plant, laundry' trays, fruit trees, walnut shaae selected finish stain); ail lm provements In and paid. SUN-NYSIDE-HAWTHORNE. $2700 5-room cottage in fine condi tion; paved street; 1 bedroom down and 1 up; only 1 block ti Hawthorne car; $500. will . andle, balance like rent. OPEN TODAY. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Realtors. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Aaln 083 or 1094. CHOICE PORTLAND HOMES. OUR BEST. New modem bungalow. Irvington dis trict, 7 rooms and bath, full cement base- ment, torrid zone bricked In furnace; llv ing room 14x28 with dining room 14x14 connected; beautiful Duuc-in xeatures: choice electric fixtures: garaee with full cement driveway ; you must see this to appreciate its value; $5OV0, hall casn. balance easy terms. NEW AND COZY. A good buy In a 4-room modern bun galow, new and especially built for own fcCr home; Piedmont district; must sell at once; $2000 will handle it, balance easy terms. ANOTHER IRVINGTON HOME. 7-room modern bungalow near Alberta car line: irood neighborhood: $2040 will handle this, balance $20 per month. List your property witn us. we sen service. Frank McCrillls, Realtor, tienry blag Broadway 770. L AURELHTJR ST. NEW! NEW! NEW! WONDERFUL-MOST BEAUTIFUL. Circumstances compel me to sell my colonial bungalow, the classiest and most distinctive in design in Laurel hurst; contains finest of materials, very complete; beautiful spacious rooms, 3 large plate-glass windows, swell beveled plate buffet, built-in bath tub, pedestal wash baslrC, tile bath floor, tile sanitary drainboards, oak iioors, colonial columns, French doors, ivory woodwork,, tapestry paper. PHONE OWNER, AUT. 310-73. COME TO 1084 MULTNOMAH ST., Near 35th St., two blocks south Sandy Blvd. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern, rodtny house in Murray mead addition, 24th St., select neighborhood, great living room 30x15 feet, fireplace, big dining room, hardwood floors, 4 nice bed rooms, full basement, furnace, ga rage, 50x100 view lot. A great bar gainc $5500. Terms. Phone for auto and see this. J. W. CROSSLEY, "Better Types of Homes." 81 Fourth St. Bdwy. 5044. (Sunday call Main 5073.) HALF AN ACRE. FIVE-ROOM BUXGALOW. 20XM. 5520 60th ave., near 52d st. S. E. Ver y smell cash pa y m e n t , ba Ian c e $ 23 per month, Including interest; gas, elec tric lights, bath ami toilet: cement side walks to car line. Just the place for chickens, and. garden, fruit treea, terrie. Bett of eoil. We are owners. See Mr. Jo nee, F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210; Cham7er of Commerce Bld-g. BY OWNER $5250 TERMS. 1180 E. 30TH NORTH. New 5-room bungalow, strictly modern and exceptionally well-built in every de tail, ahsolutely first-class, fireplace, hardwood floors, large living room with plate glass windows, French doors, built-ins, dandy breakfast nook; lot 50x 100, on car line, paved street; owner on premises Sunday 12 to 4; weekdays Phone Main 4226 after 6:3Q P. M. ROSE CITY PARK. , Modern 7-room bungalow; separate living room and dining room, French doors; 2 bedrooms downsalrs and two upstairs; old ivory finish: cement base ment; gas heating system; garage: very valuable Investment district: close to Sandy car; $5355. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR? 104 Fifth St. Main 069. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, fireplace. book- caw. Duner narawood floors, old ivory finish, tapestry paper on walls. large closets, .trench aoors, glass hardware, complete kitchen, attic, good basemen t, electric fixtures, window shades, ready for occupancy. Price $4200. Easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7.- TRVINOTON. $0000 $150O CASH. 731 East 10th X. Built for a home, 6 large rms. 2 fireplaces, tiled bath, Frneh r!oor hnrrl wonri tXnnrm t hrouh- out; open from 2 to 5 today. EAST 419. EAST BURNSIDE, NEAR 22D ST. Modem 8-room house in first-class condition; ready to move Into; very anxious to sell; has reduced price to 1 J5000; only $1000 cash, balance like rent. See Mr. Rlchanbach, O. H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. WEST SIDE HOME WITH INCOME. 9-room house, arranged for two fam llles. Income around $50. Price $2200, Including some furniture; terms. Ne incumbrance. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Main 831. WHICH would you prefer, an opinion that the title to the property you buy is good or an nbsoiute guaranatee that the title Is good? Be safe and get a title Insur ance polic-y. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. . 91 Fourth Street. LAURELHURST. $2000 cash handles newly finished 1 story bungalow, H. W. floors, recess bath tub, fireplace, furnace, buffet, break fast room, double garage, $7850. Tabor 3S6. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW By owner; 5 rooms, strictly modern In every detail; best kind of plumbing, hardwood floors throughout: house not quite finished; go out and see It today. 644 E. 55th- N. . 5-ROOM bungalow within walking" distance of Jefferson high, paved street, full base ment, furna.ee, well-built house, neat and clean, good district; $3300, $650 . cRh. Bdwy. 437; evening. Col. 1172. BY OWNER New 5-room bungalow, ab solutely modern, paved street, terms; open for inspection Sunday. 12 to 4. 11H0 E. 30th N. Phone Main 4226 after 6:30 P. M. NORTH IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Seven-room modern house, full base ment, all improvements in and paid460 E. Failing, corner 8th. $2950. Call Woodlawn 6359. - GARDEN HOME. New ceiled three-room cottage ; one block from school, water, gas or elec tricity: easy terms. Tabor 3352. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Extra fine home, near 24th and Brazee, $S00U. Neu hausen & Co., Realtors, H30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. FOR SALE 3-room house and 1 half acre of ground. $1055. S400 down and bal ance on easy terms. For particulars mil at 734 Roosevelt st. A SMALL home. $1!2H, including furni ture and winter wood: $100 cash, balance easy; would trade, what have you? C 8. OreRonian. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAUSEN CO., REALTORS. 830 X. W. BANK. MAIN K07. EAST 394. A HOME" that is a home. Rose City Park, clo?e to car, 5 rooms downstairs, 2 up. Priced right. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co.. 216 NV W. Bank bldg. 0-ROOM modern house in Gresham ; lot 50x200. full basement. $2100. terms. Se owner. 227 Mill street. A BARGAIN in modern home, short dis tance Columbia university. 75x100 feet 04 Willi tiivd . corner of FUke. ROSE tITY PARK. Will sell equity In 7-room modern semi bungalow, ivory finish. Tabor 1239. FOR SALE by owner, exceptional 7-room, modern view bungalow; exclusive dls trict. Phone Tabor 4993. PARTICULAR homes for particular en- pie In Alameda and Portland Heights. Ppne 3iar. 1684. Mrs. Berry. I KKAl KSTATK. For Sale Houwea. LOOK THESE OVER CAREFULLY. ' $3500 Pretty bungalow on sight ly corner, H blk. from W. R. car; paved st.; full length living room with fireplace, gas, furnace, 2 bed rooms with large closets, Dutch kitchen, linoleum in kitchen and bathroom included; $850 down and balance in very easy mo. payments. $4200 6 rms., big sleeping porch, furnace, garage, fruit trees, chicken house, paved at., very close in. on R. C. P. car line. $Hu0 down, balance terms to suit you. $5500 Modern 7-rm. house, 10 mln- walk from business section ; downstairs fully carpeted; 4 b!g, airy bedrooms with large closets; best e. s. fiffct. This will make a nice income and still give you plenty of room for yourself. Only $750 down and $25 mo. on bah, $5600 Beautiful new bungalow in Hawthorne dist. ; hardwood firs, throughout; niftiest kind of built ins all the way through; plenty of closet room; floored attic; garage and furnace will be added to ault buyer. $1500 down. Call me today at E. 3132. Monday call Mrs. Boyce, with , WEST COAST LAND CO., 418 Worcester Bldg. Bdwy. 4C35. SACRIFICE SALE. SUN N YSI I W DI ST R I CT. $ 3250 $3250 $ 3250. SEE THIS POSITIVE BARGAIN TODAY. EXCELLENT CONDI T ION INSI D E AN D OUT AND HAS FIREPLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN. ATTIC. FULL CE MENT BASEMENT AND DANDY FURNACE. OWNER HAS TO SELL THIS WEEK; $1100 CASK WILL BUY THIS COZY BUNGA LOW; $500 UNDER VALUE. CALL NOW. R. L. McGREW. 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8892. SAVE $300, N-BWlrRVI XGTOX PA K NEW. REDUCED TO $4050. EASY TERMS. .Nifty 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, trays, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, French windows, hardwood floors; paved street and sewer; 2 blka. school and, car. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtor. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg Marshall Evenings, Tabor 436. LAURELHURST. New Dutch colonial, large living room and sunroom. Two beauti ful fireplaces, open staircase, hardwood flora, ivory enamel fin ish, best of hardware and plumb ing. A beautiful home built to endure. See it Sunday 1 to 5. 1023 East Davis St. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO. 306 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1503. $4750. ON THE BOULEVARD. Typical bungalow, firepl., hdw. firs., furnace, buffet, den, attic, cement bas't, garage, 2 lots, shade trees, view, terms. Main 4803. G. C. GOLD ENB ERG G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. 106 3d. $4300. Cash buyer only; 0-room house on paved street, -a block Union ave. carline ; worth $5500 actual value ; must sacrifice. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. I CLOSE IN CLOSE IN. On Fargo st.. bet. Williams and Union ave. I have there a 6-room house, the owner now lives there and rents out part of It for $35 per month. You can buy this plac today for $300 ca.sh. bal. 10 ner month and interest. A home nnd Investment for $3500. Call today. We are open. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., RKALTpRS. Brnndwnv 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. U7,-, FURNISHED houseboat, foot Nevada St., o rooms, largo porcne. $3800 San Rafael st.. 50x150 lot, fruit, 7-room house, paved st. Terms. $3750 Clinton at., near 29th; 6-room. $3300 Alberta district, 5-room mod ern, comer lot, paved st., $500. $0500 Irvington, modern bungalow, $4750 Rose City, modern bungalow. $100 Bungalow, 5 6 til st., view. CHAS. KTNGLERAr Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. WALNUT PARK. $6650 7-room house, with sleeping porch. Ivory finish, tnpestry paper, two toilets, fine furnace, cement basement ; everything In excellent condition ; east front : paved street ; garage; Include new carpet, linoleum, range, oak dining room set ; save agents commission ; sea this bargain before you buy. Wood lawn 4940. BY OWNER. $3600 6-ROOM BUNOALOW $3000. REAL SACRIFICE. Best buy in Alberta, near car, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; usual bullt irw, modern plumbing, full cement base men t, newly finished throughout In ivory and whito enamel and tapvstry paper. Will take torma. Now vacant. Phono East 7508. . ROSE CITY PARK. 001 E. 51 ST N. OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 TO 5. Here Is one of the finest 5-room (possibly 7) bungalows in Portland, lo cated Just off beautiful Alameda drive, for sale, easy terms. J. GORDH, Owner and Builder. East 7090. $o580 $850 DOWN. Your opportunity in 5-room bungalow, Alberta district, close to schools, library, stores, one block to car. Has bullt-lns, f Ireplnce, hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, convenient kitchen, newly painted. Im mediate possession. 1093 E. 25th et. No., Wdln. 4799. ROSB CITY. Five rook 'i and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, elegant interior, full cement basement, hot water heat, plant alone cost $1000: only $5750; part cash. See O. E. Croxford. with William A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Broad- v-tv rtSOS-6809. PORTLAND HEIGHTS: B-room Colonial style house, large living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry; two large bedrooms and bathroom upstairs; easy walking distance; $4000: mortgage of $2000 at 6 per cent, payable $30 per month: house will rent ' for $40. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. Phone mornings. PORTLAND BOULEVARD. 8-room house, newly painted, tinted, roofed, full basement, "paved street, 200x 132 lot variety of fruit trees, grape vines; desirably located; price $6000, easy terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL.v 104 Second St. Main 1436. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Well-built, solid, comfortable home. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floora white woodwork, full cement basement. fireplace, furnace, level lot. close In: 2 blocks car: $6000, $1500 cash and $50 per month. BROOKE, Mar. 4S27. Phone mornings. IRVINGTON. See this fine lot on which I will build you a home; easy terms. 525 E. 20th st. N. fl. GORDH. Owner and Builder Knst 7090. A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Location, price, terms monthly, any thing of value down ; 4-room house, 1 acre. $750; 2 acres, $550; log house, 5 acre $1750; 0-room house, $3050. Own er. Marshall 790. 50U DOWN 525 PER MONTH. Brand new 4-room bungalow ; take Sellwood car to Reynolds ave.. Jo. 54. Ready to move right in. See it today. You will be surprised. A real pickup. Phone owner. East 4QQ0. LA t RELH I'liST. Modern 0-room bungalow with garage. Large living room, break fact nook, 3 bedrooms, all built-ins. fireplace, hard wood floors, etc. Lot 50x100. ' Call Tabor 294. t PO RT LA N D H E I OH TS. $:S750, terms, for a tractive, small house on paved street with unobstructed view, near car and school. 55:t Terrace Drive Auto 527-28 or C15 Cham, of Com, bldg- Main 1166. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN. Large rooms ; fine lot ; all improve ments in ; the home is strictly modern in every detail; low price, easy terms. Owner. Mar. 12. A. 623-17. BEAUTIFUL 8-room modern house, breakfast room, den sleeping porch, garage, walking distance, only $7500, terms. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BE 4UTIFUL home in Lndu's mldttlon, built-ins. hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchen, bath rm gar. Main 8052. NEW HOUSE; open Sunday; street paved; full basement, attic, fireplace. Main r.tt4. 12QU East Alder. 4-ROOM house. H acre. Bl fruit trees, berries, 50 chickens, 0 ducks. Jersey cow. some furniture. Tabor 5730. NEW MODERN Rose City 7-room house, garage. AB 2'.0, Oregonian. FOR SALE Houseboat, five rooms and toatb.. F. B. Block. (y Sellwood REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hon. 37TH AND WASCO. $9500 Laureihurst' bungalow, large corner view lot, east exposure ; a complete in every respect as we o n make it. The cednr clothes press, tile bath with re cessed tub, pedestal lav atory and showes meet the latest whims. Trie kitch en with its white tile drain board, cupboard space and a breakfast nook ' made cosy with the morning sun and its casements opening into the street appeals to the true housewife. The living room and dining room with large plate-glass windows and a most intl vlduat fireplace lnvtte criticism and the owner mey direct the color 0 scheme and the Intimate details of interioV decora tion by buying at this time. , The area ways, drained to storm sewer and wash rack In garage are unique. A double garage easily ac cessible from rear porch and street add to the land scaping. Open for inspec tion Sundays from 1 to 4 P. M. Phone Bdwy. 5164. RENT SAVERS. $ 800 3-room celled cottage, with gas, city wftteL sink, small garago, lot 60x143, fruit and berries, $150 cash, $20 monthly. $ 950 Neat small 2-room cottage, with sleeping porch, on macadam St., lot 40x100, a neat little home, $223 cash, $25 monthly. $1000 3-room shack, with gas, city water and sink, ground 100x100, wonderful soil. In Woodlawn; $luo cash. $25 monthly. $1250 Neat little 1-acre home with B-room cottage, with electric - lights, running water, some ber ries, 2 blocks from Estacada car; ' $300 cash. $15 monthly. $1310 Neat little 3-room cottage, gas, electric lights, city water, y acre of ground, small barn, 2 chicken houses, 13 bearfng fruit trees, some berries, $750 cash, $15 monthly. $1500 Neat 4-room plastered cottage, electric lights, gas, city water, hot water tank, good cesspool, white enamelled Dutch kitchen, fruit and berries, $200 cash, $25 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS. 732 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON" HOME. 623 E. 1STH ST. N. New 7-rm. colonial with garage and all modern conveniences; entrance hall, Dutch kitchen, 4 bed-rms. up, tile bath, costly plumbing, tapestry paper and oak floors throughout. Open 1-5. WOODLN. 4841. IRVINGTON. Are you In market for a real good six room bungalow ? Drive out to 540 E. 25th st. N. Select your paper and dec oration. $4400 ROSE CJTY PARK $4400. New 5-rm. bungalow with all modern conveniences; open 1-5. S07 E. 75th st. N.( half block north of Sandy. Woo din. 4S41. ROSE CITY. On paved street, near Sandy and 50th. 5-room modorn bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-lns;' owner leaving, $4500 $4500 $4500. No liens and only $35 per month. IRVINGTON. 5-room modem, bungalow, large rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors and oak doors throughout, finest of fixtures and plumbing, large garage, cement drivewav, $5750. It's worth more. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., REALTORS. 513 Wilcox Bldg. Main 5C04. Sun. and Eve. 526-12. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. N E W O N L Y $ 554 H) N E W. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with large full -floored and atiuMed attic; full ce ment base-menL, pipeiews furnace, beau tiful fireplace, large combo, living-dining room, Dutch kitchen with composi tion d rain hoards; excellent fixture throughout. You should see thia MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtor 322-3-4 Failing Bld& Mare-hall 31HU. $1500 DOWN. $50 PER MONTH. Elegant modern home Piedmont district; double garage, largo lot, paved street. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. MUST sell Rose City bungalow. Am will ing to take $10oo less than It formerly sold for In order to make quick sale. Gasro furnace, fireplace, buffet, book cases, many built-in. In kitchen, old Ivory, tapestry paper. In fact a first class house. Would also sell furniture. Formerly sold for $8"no. Now $7100. You make $1600. Would like $1700 If possible. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $45.000 U BLK. NEAR city hall; 2 houses; good hotl site; specula tion; present Income will carry. Main 4SH3. G. C. GOLDENBERG (Realtor) ADinKiun iiik. 35 Yrs. in Portland." IRVINGTt N SACRIFICE, $10oo BELOW VALUE. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, also maid's room in attic. Two fireplaces, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet and china closet, full cement basement, raro shrubbery and fruit. Entire house re cently repainted inside nnd out. One block Irvington car. 2 blocks Broadway. Terms. Owner, telephono East 3735. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, -Se this douh',e. constructed hurwralow In Rose City district, hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, breakfast nook, all built-ins. We are ordered to sell this place, owner must have money. $43O0. nnv reasonable down pavmont. ROHNETT & McCLURE. Realtors. M a rsh a II .'1292. 3iV2 Couch Bldg. ALA M ED A. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, modern in everv detail, garuge. paved street, very desirably located; price $5700, very easy terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Main 143V 3-ROOM BOI SE AND BASEMENT. Good east side location. $:io0 down, balance easy payments.-. Close to car line;" sewer and water In. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4114 Panama JUdg., 3d and Alder. Evenings and Sundays, phone Sell. 31 13. SUNNYSIDE. $500 DOWN. $2500. Neat 5-room house, gas, elec. lights, basement, large kitchen Mnd lot. paved St. Very desirable location. G! . ENCO E R E A LT Y CO. Tabor 537S. 1312 Belmont St. COME QUICKLY. This will go quickly. lOOxlOO In Pied mont, with beautiful sh rubbery, good house and garage; only $05 W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Tildg. A LA M E DA PA R K . A DJ O I N I N" G IRVINGTON". $0250. terms, buys tills 7-room house; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace; plate glass, oak floors. Near carline. Neuhausen. East 3i'4. Main S07S. 7-ROOM house for ale, juH completed.; etrietlv modern; paved street, corner lot, ha rdwood Moors furnace and fireplace. 201 E. 50th Ft. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Seott car to 5m h. NEW 4-room bungalow and garage, Rose Citv, below the hill, one block from R. C. ear; modern in every way; street pa ved. assessrnen Is pa id. Price $5000. with terms. Broadway HHP. SEVEN-ROOM house, near 14th nnd Tilln ' iMook. well-built and in good condition: gvtod yard and garage, gas. bath and eelctrlcltv; toilet on each floor; no bnse nvent. $:tino. Tnhor a17fi. EAST SIDE VIEW PROPERTY. On Vista ave.; 7 rooms, colonial style; oak floors, fine heating system, double parage. Neuhausen Co.. realtors, 830 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 8Q7. FI V E- ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floors, linoleum, street Improvements paid, for $5um; veterans can use their bonus and buv direct from owner. No agent s. P. O. Box 3375 A REAL BARGAIN. Five-room piantered house, all for ! $1L'H; ? mo cash. Must sell. Call Auto. I i.t 4 - s 5 S 'I n d a y . i 13000 ALBERTA bargsln. rooms. Sco I H today. loOO E. 15lh N. , G-RO.M modern bungalow, two baths, east sile. i" urn if bed or unfurnished. Mar. j tif:. Mrs B'Trv. $:,000. $100 CASH ; 5 -room up-to-dat modern bungalow ; Hs wt home ri tstrict. SCOTT BEP.RY. 103M Belmont. Ft R S A LE 0-room house In restricted h district: good garage. Price ant terms, are right. Phone Aut. 310-U2. J RE A L KSTAT E. For Kuie IIouir. HOMES IN RESTRICTED DISTRICT, ALAMEDA VJEW. A wonderful home, unobstructable view, beautiful grounds, shrubbery ami surroundings; A rooms, with every mod ern convenience ; plate glass, etr 1 large verandas; ground alone worth $M!00. Forced sale price has been cut to $11,500. A real buy. Terms can be arranged. Shown by appointment only. $5500 7 rooms, all modern. oak floors, etc. Very roomy and comfort able. Good terms and small down pay ment. t IRVINGTON. New bungalow In heart of district. Owner's business interests transferred. Must sell. Every modern convenience, price reduced to $0500. Good terms. Story and half bungalow, exception ally well built, on 1Mb near Thompson, wonderful district. Extra lurgn bed rooms, lots of windows, double sleeping porch, hardwood. furnace, fireplace, .etc. First-class throughout; $0750, $1000 down. Near Irvington club, 7 rooms, modern. A real bnv in thin fine district, to close estate. $7o00. $1500 down. Just being completed, 5 rooms, alt extra large and light. Absolutely the lash word in modern construction. Ex cellent location. Garage; $7400. Good terma LAURELHURST. Fine home, close to car and schools; den, sleeping porch, sunroom, breHkfust nook, besides rt large rooms. Garag. Can sell for $6200. Any terms within reason. Burnside street ; 6 rooms, modern throughout. Paved alley. The best part of Laureihurst, $7500. Terms and easy payments. ROSE CITY. 6 room a maple floors, furnace, fire place, garage, beautiful location. In stantaneous water heater, drapes, gas range, etc.. Included in price. $5500, $750 down, easy payments. $4750 for a 5-room bungalow on paved street, oak floors, cement base ment, fireplace, brand new ; 50x100 lot. See this; $500 will handle. Two-story B-room house, all modern, newly tapestry papered and retinted, oalc floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Ga rage; $5500, easy terms. I have personally inspected the above homes and consider such a good buy at Its price. J. R HAIQHT, Realtor. Bdwv. 2043. 327 Board of Trade. Sunday Wdln. 0260. $3j;K NEW. MODERN, VACANT $3350. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? If ao, see this beautiful new bunga low; combination living and dining room, 2 nfee tedTOoms. kitchen and -breakfast alcove. It is a-bsolutcly modem, cement , basement, laundry trays. oak floors, bookcases, buffet: the dandiest buLt-ln kitchen, with every convenience: fine plumbing. This Is not a ahell, but dou ble constructed very way. and the best of wortcmanship. Very attractive fx terior. This Is actually the BEST buy we ha had for months. Terms are easy. See It TODAY. Sim day. Marshall 5053: waek days, Main 71MY7. Muriels & Williams, 82 Chamber of Com, bldg. THERE Is In the heart of Irvington a home of Colonial architecture, built be- fore the present era of speculative and flimsy construction. It is designed for a family of culture and appreciation, of Intelligent arrangement and pleasing de tail. It la complete with all modern appointment and conveniences. The price is reduced to $8500. 110 commis sion, with easy terms. II 252. Orcgo nlan. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. A very pretty bungalow and brand ' new ; absolutely modern.; French doors, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, fult concrete basement and floor; right oA the Irvington carline; paving paid for. This is a place you would bo proud to own. Being built for a homo but owner must sell on, account of unforeseen cir cumstances. Drive out today and seo for yourself, open all day for inspection. 52 K. 15th st. N., near Fremont. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO., 218 Railway Exehango Bldg. Broadway 1nms-iIM9. $4250 TYPICAL BUNGA LOW. 2 lots, cor., all puved and paid; 10 mln. out ; fruit trees, gara ge, furnace, fireplace, attic, cement bas't, full plumbing ; u gn'at 4-hanco for someonu. Main 4-Snj. Tabor 8104. G. C. GOLDENBERG (Realtor) Abington Hhlg. "35 Yrs. lu Portland." ALAMEDA. Reduced for nulck sale; 0-room bunga low, j ut finished ; 5 -coat ivory enamel all through, polished floors, tapestry pa per. French doors, fireplace, furnaee, alt built-in, linoleum on kite hen, bath and breakfast nook, garaKO and ail street improvements paid; best buy In Ala meda. See owner and wive commission. Open Sundav IO A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Mnn., Tues. and Wed. 2 to 4 P. M. 8t0 Skid niore. Bdwy car. Near 20th st. DO YOB WANT A HOME? FURNISHED. ONLY $3!H0 Dandy bungalow. . rod ma, Dutch kllhen ; good oak furniture ; on paved Mieet ; 50x100 lot. This lm a bargain. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3WS. Evenings, Tabor 430. OWNER'S SACRIFICE I AM HE. $4425 $4 12: HAWTHORN'! VACANT BUNGALOW NEED MONEY AND MUST SELL. 6 rooms, one floor, cement baseine good plumbing, hardwood floors, fl place, every kind of "luiiit-in. brenkf ast rd- a leovo. ta iestry paper, garage, ha surfaced street, all city lien paid; n c:ir; easy terms. See It today, Stind Marshall 5'.Mi:t; week davw. Mam 'Hm EXtMIAN-GE. MOUNT SCOTT DISTRICT. Wo have a largo 8-room home, situ ated in the midst of a love v - 01 ehard. This property conttlsts of ti lots (.'itsllMj eaeh . concrete fruit house mid gat a ge, all In good repair. W will exehange this property for building lots lu good localit v. ROB.VETT & McCLURE. Realtors. Marshall :rM2.. :to2 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY. $30uO buys a 0-room modern bungalow, full basoment, garage. This place is In flno condition; $850 will handle. Don't mUs this. $2500 buys 0-room modern home, im provements all In and paid; lot 50x100, full basement, pear Franklin high school. S. BORLAND. 3n3 Stock Exchange. Auto. 32i-04. tl-,;iM -MODERN HEIGHTS 1HM K- $53 Ml. VACANT. A BARGAIN. SEE IT. 7 rooms and sleeving porch, furnaces, fireplace, fin plumbing; house .lust new ly gonrt over and- in fine condition; largo tract of ground with garage and chlck'ii houses. Terms ens v. Sunday. Mu rsh all V.Kn!; week rlavs. Main 7107. M ARIKUS WILLIAMS. 8 20 Cham her of fom m 'Tfo Hjdg. IMMTil HAT E PO S S E SS ION. Leaving city nnd must sell mv house and furniture. Four rooms and hath, floored attic; full basement and laundry travs; close to car; streets paved ; well built and in excellent condition. Price with furniture $."Un0; without. 2!too. Call Mrs. E. C, Kennedy. Wdl. 1503. nTTat LAURELWOOD COTTAGE. $500 down balance monthly total price $2050. Seven -room modern Iiouro and garage. Cement baMMiient. In per fect condition throughout. GORIH N MORTGAGE CO. 031 Ch. of Com. Bldg. l-hone Main 1370. SEEING IS BELIEVING. I have one of the b-st buys l:i a 4 room bungalow in the city: $.!."o chhIi; tot;il 5:jl50. Call today. Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REA LTOKS. Mrnn.lwiiv 4751. 4 lo I'-nry Bl-i y v . r. ri. i . i . a , .nt. t. $3H00H A WTHOR N E $3800 3-room modern bungalow, paved street, all the built - ins, fine 1 utdi Kitchen, cement basement, shades, screens, sas range. BUY IT AND VOlT SAVE $5Mt. Main 5001; Sunday and evenings. 310-07. OWNER LEAVING $205 IRVINGTON I STlt 11 'T. $50U down, balance .ontllly. Total modern housn emedeled and pre $2050. Seven n 1 1 y painted. Cement basement ;or l IN" M OR Ti 03 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 13 s;t(tim $;,U0 CA: Bal. to suit. 0-room nnmer: first-class condition, close-in side. Vou cun move righ t in. h In ast Mr. Rlchanbach. O. H . Sl IJI H t.l M I . r. . I . I i ' ' . i'iu. 40S-H Couch Bldg. Ma! 15' HERE'S $150 down, 15 morn) ' $1150. One acre plant Tot til price Sinn! I new . ater, house. Chicken house. p.(-v Kis. elrctr'ctiy. P.e early. GORDON M ' iRTC AGE C( 031 cn. or com, mo g. rj NEW BUNGA L 5-r. and hre:ikfn-t '-o material, double r..n-TMi-and plan sold in 1 1 m : Only $ioOi, SK'On (!. Main 1370 built of ,. mm: n for st v 'c $0.'IMI i r Itit. st. ear. Mar. I'll R.e k. iin!is. In and pant; :t:;"2. s-in E 2 ;71 T: i.w ii i iinrs i-: and It A Si . EN'l Price $20011; down, ouanee cni. On corner. 4oxMO Snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT Co.. Re,lto-. 404. 5-0 Panama Bidg.. .11 and Ald-r Event nr nnd Siin-hc. idvn ' '. "O M i'EClAL pr; e, bnil'lli.g (da n builders. Your Ml nod up. on Matter t eont ra ci 10 s and home own nee lu ! n.-fll ' ce turai d. st'rns ti de-. B'jnga low Hiii.lt Co.. ".02 M c K a ;,! " ROOM hollf', close to ear Prt $7 000. some terms. li. L. Croft, M il at.