THE SUNDAY OREGONTJiN, PORTLAND, NOTT3IBER 13. 1921 21 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hot-! ami Rooming 1 MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-0 Northwestern Hank Bid. Phone Main 85GO. HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES AND KnOMIXf, iiotKH, ALL. SIZES AND PHK'KS. Fifteen years in this business In Port land enables us to give you satisfactory service. 40 APARTMENTS HERE IS YOI'U OPPORTUNITY. FIRST TIME OFFERED. Close In west a:de aoartment house, one of the beat built hounei In the city, strictly high-class patronage; clears tUfff to $ monthly. If you are In the market for a real apartment ' house R-nrt have $20.oo cash, ask to see this. Price i.VUmmi. 24 APARTMENTS. Comer brick building, elegantly fur nished and best arranged apartment In the city; 2 anI 3 rooms each : 5-year lease at reasonable rental. Price $14.0o). ou ran hav term on $7000. You will look no f rth er. m 17 APARTMENTS. Nice little white pressed brick apnrt ment; 13 apartments f nrninhhd. a') 'M and rooms each. Price $io.m, half cash. OVER H-O ROVMH, Annrtmen ts ani rooms, rent $000: phones and private baths; Ionic lease. Ihe price la oniv ir, oon. hait cash. 40-P.OOM HOTEL. Whit pressed brick, private baths, rtoe to business renter. Price only 12.000 fer quick sale, terms to reliable party. FOR ROOMTVO HOUSES SEE MR.S. McCLAIN. Modern apt. house. 21 rooms, private baths: cheap rent. Ion? lense; 2 built in bed each apt., Tiir- furnishings; ex ceptionally clean. $250o cash handles. 20 h. k. rooms. rent $K0. lease: etra fine rum, good beds, hot anil rold wa ter every room; clears about $20. b a!deK apt. Price reduced to $4000. terms. 19 h. k. an sleeplne; rooms on Park, dose in: rent $1'0, same as leaned. Well r ranged for sub-letting; dandy rugs, bef!s. curtai-ns and linens. Can clear $175 easily. A bargain at the prb-e of $1150. Requires $200 cash, balance to ult. 14 sleeping- rwms. all on one floor. Almost new furniture, 'firm Wilton mm. nice 3-room a tit. for own use; net profit about $125; $loX win handle. . 13 room a 'Fine proposition In Nob Hill. Very nicely furnished, food rugs, davenport, vacuum cleane-r. Owner ned ready cash for other business and Will re 11 tor 42100. 6ome terms. 11 rooms; (rood place for aomeone With extra fumlnhl7irs to place. Lovely rooms, cheap rent, beautiful yard. Place to make 4 more rooms. $1000 cash bandies. FuU price $1600. T rooms, beautiful location. Extra sTood furniture, fine clean nuts. Price at $1375 Include a-ood piano. $750 cash gives possession, balance, as you Ilka. 6-rocan duplex flat, furniture for sale cheap; clean and very attractively fur nished. Pretty drape, new curtains, linens, fine beds, modern furniture, Best locution In the city. Can rent 3 rooms and atlll have a lovely apt. Price $050. BFAUTIFUL home In Nob Hill district: most attractively furnished In every de tail; the very best beds, springs and mattresses on the mar'tet; selection of furnishings tasteful in the extreme; operated now as residential hotel and applications refused dally, as capacity li always taxed. $.1000 handles build ing. Int. garage, furniture, business and everytnlng. Might consider Felling furniture, business and lease for $10,000. Net income $800. The place will vastly pay for list if. li" rooms, very attractive house and around; unuually spacious rooms; fur nished with very high-class furniture; overstuffed, oak. ivory enamel, etc. This is a home that attracts only the best class of tenants: beautiful home with net Income. $3500, some terms. 13 apartment, all with private baths nd kitchens; some sleeping rooms; food furniture; disappearing beds; fine inse for 5 yeais; K"'d net income; easy to keep full ; $5'iti0 cash handles. Mm. Albaaigh, John Ferguson, Realtor, GerMnger bldg. 1. E. SPENCER &. CO.. REALTORS. (VI 7-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, WHAT MoR'E 10 YOi; WANT? 22 rooms, h. k.. $looo. Only $500 cnh; rent $"0. In good rental district. This is a snap. L. 3o. H rooms, near Lincoln High; good Tious and fur.; tease; rent $. $1150, $.mh cash. Don't iiiIk this. L. 240. 15 rooms, h. k.. White Temple; net Inc. $loo; good home, excellent fur. ; $HK will get you this bargain. U 217. 17 rooms, h. k.. White IVmple; nets $i;:.; always full. $1KM will handle. L- 14. 12, h. k. room. Nob Hill; new rugs, TJenv steoi range. Wonderful values. Rent $50. Come. I will tell you the rest. For the above Portland city bargains gee Mr. Kennedy with L.3r.. I. F- SI'E.OER & CO.. Realtors. M7-21 Oiamb'T of Commerce Hldg. 11 A 1 1 N E Y JOHNSON CO.. Realtors. 170 10rh St. 10 h. k rooms; rent $00; clears $130; price $:1(U0. 11 h. k. rooms, $2100: wilt take auto Up to $.".00. 10 h. k. rooms, 11.150, rent $50; clears $So. eusv. b. k. rooms; running water, 11300; clears $75. It-room flnt h. k.. Nob Hill, $1100; terms; clears $(10. 7-rt m flat, sleeping, downtown. $000; Clears $.0; easy. These are ull modern and very fair buys. Have auto In- connection Wo ser i to plense. Harney Johnson u. Realtors. 170 10th St. 30 apts., -4 rooms; brick building; modern; has elevator; 4 l -year lease; ,".! a month; clean J7oo; $UMuO; ll.OtiO down; very good. We have eeveral other brick apis., with 5 and tl-year If use of various sizes on west side. Have auto in connection. We servo to plenso. IF 1UU WANT TO LI' Y U It IF YOTT WANT TO SELL. TRADE OR I.KASK HOTELS. A PABTM ENT HOCSES. HOMES. Ai'HKAli E, IN FACT A N YTH I NO, KVFRYTH1NO IN THE REAL ESTATE LINE. CALL BROAD WAY or. h.'tt.T still, come untl -oe Us at M7-U1 Chamber of Cominerce h'.dg. I. K. SPENCER .t CO.. REVLTORS. " SS1ALL HOTETZ 411 rooms. .Vvcur lease, steam heat, ground floor lobby, automatic elevator. M privute bntlin; net profit over $."00 month; prii-o $Lt.0iHt; eusy terms. See SI rs. Keller. CEO. T. MftoRE CO.. 1i'Q7 Ymn Hldg IF Y)l' are buying an apartment house or hotel, either large or small, we have tflein ; would be pleased to go over our listing with you at the Columbia Realty Co . SU Kay bid., cor. Third and St irk. &.;-KM. APT. HtiCSK. one" Liur, "uood fur n in; re. r turn Hue water and sinks, etev. lights. K"" ranees, always full and a good income. Rent only $IV. St Mr. Slagoon, with I.. -V 1. K. SPENCER A CO.. MT ChniMb.-r of Commerce HMir SNAP. '2 -room modem apa-tment ; concrete building; ali private b.Chs: 4-year letue nt $" prr month. l'et little house in r tv Jjooit mill, small ba lance. See Mtau:y. with Wm. A. HuKh.-s Co.. -.'I Riil! v Kvi'!Mni;t' V.lg t! ..i. w av l'M' Jis; WHAT YOtT WANT. 44 - room apa rt nn'tit completely furnished, rleun hs wax. good ft-ye-nr lease, prl va te lia t lis to a!l up.irt men: ; price $U.tM(; fine terms: net profit 3.0. Sc. Mrs Keller CEP T VOQRF CO. 10"7 Venn PUlg " CASH will put you in one of the best lit:! apt. houses on east side, c'.ose In. nett:ng attout J"'1" per month. See this T. C. I'lrich Co . Slock Exchange bldg , Third and ; nihill U 1 1 . K . R. h 'MS. cloi." in ; t ent Jm. in come Sl'tMi; .1H;I. fK04 cash. ia room.', h k ; close In; Income $lt!(i. can be increased; rent f.'O; JHtott. $M0 v . -h El? t J ' 'w T ?iT" Y tmhKl y. " 17 itoi 'MS C 'J :i N E K. Located f.ning the park: all full; well furnished, clean and nea; ; rer have iMH.-Btit room. All for $1 on on- w r. r:v I'ffn:. ' 1 "i N ."t h s". L'V ELY I'-ioom hotis, , tu-w ly furul.-hed rent only SlV parties leaving city; for Quick aaie SI 12 S.-h Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. M( K K. CO . MoT Yeon Hldg. r'ilt SALE, flood lease on brick hldg.; '2'2 room, onf urnlshed ; w.dktng distance. Call 4', Albin.t v e. befo- e. lo a. M.. after 4 I. SI Phone noAF!Mc; ANP ROOM?. $Hhmi. rinsf In. I'S tumrders. cheap rent. Well furnished, good terms. Harper, 148 Ptwrk st. " 11 K'-oMS KENT 't! Working district , clean and neat : all full;'t lose with that rein, for $7'.t-". Pay $.v ' dnft n. Peters. L' North .Sth st. IS LOOMS HH1CK. Running water In some rw m : a 1 ! full ; dandy huv f.r t Mini; pay $;t50 i! own. Peters, 1 Nort'i :h s:. 16 ROOSIS. all h k. ; Ieae; clears $173 rnont h ; '.''' I ; good easy terms . grab it. 3-'' HENltV i-.LIX;. iiL'WY. :..".;t0. $4mi EIOliT rko!iis. well furnished. H K. $00 cash. tie MorrU, 248 &Lark sL Hotel anil lt4Mtming k louses. GOOD APT. HOT'SE BUY. Splendid brick building, large ground space. '1 apts.. each hav ing private bath. This house Is well furnished and always full. Located close In on west side. $17.ooii payment will buy ground, building and furnishings, balance as place makes it. Ask for Mr. Brown. HOTEL FOR SALE. Here is on of Portland'a best medium-sized hotels; elegunt loca tion, strictly modern brick build ing, splendid furnishings, beautiful ground-fioor lobby. It will require about $.'V000 to handle. Call and get Information. APARTMENT HOT'SE. Modern brick apartment house; 17 apartments, B-year lease, fur nlshtngs are good, the best that $7.rMJ can buy in Portland; some terms. See ilr. Brown. HOUSEKEEPING. ID elegantly furnished rooms, mostly singles, ihow good income. It requires $50u. bee Mrs. Zomp. SMALL TRANSIENT. 35 sleeping rooms, center of business district, (i-year tease at $300 per month. This is a brick building. Rooms all on one floor; newly furnished and can be han dled with $4UO0. HERE IS A BEAUTY. Strictly modern brick building, close In on west side, 14 beautiful apartments, three rooms each. 5 year l-ase; $000 first payment, small balance as you wish. tfes Mrs. Zemp. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. One of the finest In city. In ex clusive district, furnishings of the very best, including solid mahog any, Circassian walnut, piano, victrola, many electrical devices; can show net of $4oi) to $5uo per month. If you have $.'000 let us show you this place. It will not last long. See Mrs. Zemp. RIERDON REALTY CO.. Realtors, 37 Plttock block. Washington at 10th St. 80 ROOMS, part housekeeping, part aleeping rooms, on Washington street; can have &-year lense; neu $105; al ways full; $40o0, $'.'00 cash handles. 14 rooms, housekeeping ; close to Mor rison street; exceptionally good furni ture; ruga and beus; most attractive In every way; very reasonable rent; $300, terms. 13 rooms, very good In every respect; alt sleeping rooms; especially fine loca tion for boarders; good furniture and lota of It ; attractive house and yard ; $3JO0, terms. 14 rooms, housekeeping; White Temple district; furnace; very conveniently ar ranged; all light room; nets $115; $iuo0- handles. Nice 7 -room flat; good furniture; fur nace; good for either rooming or house keeping; rent oaly $37.60. $300 will handle; good discount, for all cash: Mrs. Albaugh, John Ferguson, Uerlinger bdg. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. 21 rooms, housekeeping. All nice, light rooms. Income $JJ5 per month; $6i rent. Price only $.8U0. 7 rooms, near public library, very nice furniture and clean as a pin. Income $111 per month. Kent $40. Price $lloO. borne terms. 10 rooms, very fine furniture, good Income and a fine place to live. Kent $50. Price only $14.10. DUOHEY INVESTMENT CO. 600-10 PANAMA BLLU. MAIN 3042. BUSINESS OWNERS. FOR A QUICK and satisfactory sale, list your business with SURETY: INVESTMENT CO. 15 years successful selling experience. The largest and jnost progressive selling organization on the Pacific coast. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. No business too large or too small for ua to handle. Phone Main 'Z'jVO and our representa tive will call to see you. 8 U R ET Y I N V E ST M E N T CO.. 310-11 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder Sta. Portland. Or BEAT IT? YOU CAN'T. A net profit of $2LN and up per month on a $Cuo investment: $.i'Xi cash to handle is fine. Isn't It? That is just what this 43-room apartment Is doing ; always full, corner, concrete building, waiklng distance, free, water and heat. 6-year leas, splendid f umishln-gs, neat as a pin. private baths, more rooms to be added soon. Shown by appointment only. You'll have to hurry. R1PPEY. 10-n MeKnv Lb! u. . rtd and Stark. JUbT A GUUU oLD-EASIilONEl R. HOUriE. Step In, please. 40 rms.. close to where people work and pay their rents every week. Yet. house Is modern, has lease, clears an amount equal to most professional men. It is a real place. Only H'MKi. about half cash. Can't talk about this over phone. Come to office, or we wi!l call for you with car. O. Ii. HKOTH EIM REALTY CO.. INC., 4vS-ll Couch Hld. Main 1575. THIS IS A MONEY-MAKL1L 2fl-room apartment In a good netgh bornood; nicely furnished, good lease; nets $3o0 per month; price $3500, about half cash will handle; this is a nice, clean place. , AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., ::I5 Chamber of Commerce H!dg. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 12 -room apartment, with 3 kitchen ettes, In nice location; price $1700; rent only $;il',50. net income $:5 per month, with nice 3-room auartment for your self. I1U00 will band. a. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce BUlg. M K. LENT CO.MPAN1. 523-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK PLDO. LEADING HOTEL, AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT A HEAL OPPORTUNITY. You should see this splendid l-room apartment, all spotlessly clean; private bat lis and strictly modern ; rent only 5 ; net income $ 1 5o per month. long leas.; price $4500. and $-000 will handle. AUSTIN-O'LEARV REALTY CO., .t.'i Chamber of Comnierc Htdff. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN LOCATION. 11 large rooms well furnished and clean. 1' baths, furnace beat, garage; rent $00, good in co me leii:'. PRICE fJX CASH $1L'10. MRS. SNOW. I1DWY. 4f.tl4. 3J0 LUMBERMEN BLDO. DON'T MISS THIS. It-room house elegantly furnished, beautiful rugs, mahogany and Ivory fur niture, steel springs, fine ma Ureases; all in f-rooin apartments; net profit $00 a mnth. See- Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 107 Yeon Bldg oOROOM HOTEL WEST SIDE. mm CASH. Have Just secured an attractive lease for ." years: elose-m on Wash. st. A money-maker; permanent building. Full price $ll.k. terms. O. H SKo'PHKLM REALTY CO.. INC., 4' -S-1 1 Couch HWt:. Main 15 7 o. 111.000 APARTMENT 111.000. $iivHo cah. ba.aace on monthly pay mei.t s, tur an apartment house in Nob Hiil. all aood furniture and five-year lac at r4sonib.e rent. This Is th he."t a;artiiu-nt buy in Portland. T. C. L inen e Co.. W- S:ock Exchange bitig.. Th;rd ar.d Yamhill. A NIFTY LITTLE PLACE. 11 -room apartment, very close In; price $1 too ; sou i n hand:e this Wlln $oo net income TO per month,. A USTI N-O'LEA R REALTY CO., 3i." Ch 'tin her of Commerce Hldg. SMALL PRICK APT HOUSE. 1 a.p:s. and J :-eping rooms, meam heated. 5-j ear lease ; rensonable rent : house is immaculately dean; $5000 will hand e MRS. SNOW. PDWY. 4ik;4. o.O LUM11ERMENS LLDci. WEST SIDE. 19 rooms on one door, niostlv housekeep ing; rein only J5o per niuniii: showing s n t of 175 P'T month ; lady :orced to sell; $Uo wi'i ha mile, small balance, nun- terms. See M viu e.v. wi.h Wui. A. Hughes Co.. -I Railway Excimnue bldg. '.- .1.IWJV t'-sl . KuR OUK K SALE. List your hotel, apartment or room ing houst-s wtth us; your interests will at w ayi be protected. We have cash buyers waiting tor your propositions. S- Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOOR E CO.. ljt07 Ye.-n Hldg. fTRNITURE and 5-ear tikof 42-room brick hotel; modern, elc a; or, etc. ; west iU, casb and terms, am Piatt blug. BUSINESS OPPORTUVITIES. HoteU and Kenning IbmtfH. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS. One of the best buys In the market today. Modem brick building. 42 apts., 2s. 3s and 4s: good lease, rent very low; cieara over $S00. $15.uO0 down, 50 rms., some apts.; some sleeping, steam heat. h. and c. water In all: 8 year lease, rent low; well located, dandy place for tady alone, good home and Income. SaOOO. terms. $10,000 will handle one of the best apartment houses on the west td; good f ireproof brick bid. ; good lease, rent only $3-; automatic elevator, well furnished; big Income. 16 strictly modern apts: long lease; rent $350. nets over $450; all beautifully furnished; best location, $7000 down. 2 sleeping ntii, lease; rent $300; steam heet. h. and e. water in all rms., exceptionally well furnished; big In come. $i0O0, terms. Over RO rms.. strictly modern brick hotel; best west side location; good lease; rent $.VW: gross Income around $20uu. Price $18,500, part terms. Small residential hotel, strictly mod em ; lease, rent 10; fu'Iv luiPPd arwi furnished with the very best; extra good Income; beautiful ground. $5000 down. 21 rms., all apts.: rent $0; furnace, elec; cieara over $200; very well lo cated, nice and clean. $-100 down. SO rms.. apts.: 3-yr. lease, rent $175; good furniture and clean: nets be sides nice apt.; furnace, elec.: well .lo cated. Price $4000, part terms. 9-rm. strictly modern Nob Hill home, furnishings all the best, new and beauti ful: lovely home wtth income. Fuilest particulars at office. $10OO will handle 12 rms.. modern; rent $t0: lovely home and $li clear; well furnished: central location. If rms.. all h. k.: rent $115: very beet west side location; furnace, elec. water In nearly all apts., clean as a new pin; lovely home and over $200 clear. 21 rms., all apt., rent $73; furnace, eleo.. tio attic rms.. well located: lovely yard ; everything In perfect condition, iaooo required. MRS. MEYERS. C2Q Henry r.Idg. THOMSON It THOMSON. REALTORS. Over 120 rms.: modern brick hotel; gross Income over $'Jo00: good lease, rent $ $10,000 jwill handle If you act quickly. $7000 will handle 70-rm. modern hotel, lease over fair; good location, unusual Income; full Pric only $14,000. Strictly modern fireproof transient hotel: 5-year lease, rent $4i:.; good rugs, lots of linen; best of plumbing, every thing in first-class shape. Clears $UKM). Price la $20,000, part terms. 100 per cent fireproof brick building: 52 rms.; lease over fair, right rent; ex tra well furnished: location can't be beat; in splendid condition. Good, terms. 4-4 rms.. modern brick hotel; 5 yrs. lease, rent $L'oO; nets better than $000; excellent condition. $4OO0 down. Mr. TICE. r.'Q Henry Bidg. BEE THE PORTLAND REALTY CO. FOR SAFE BUYS. We have one of the best located ho tels In the city; owner leaving town and will sell at a sacrifice 44 rooms, 6-year lease, $8000 cash, nets $o00. IS apts., -5-year lease, rent $140. $4000 Will handle. 20 rooms, close In, west aide. $4500, cash $o00, nets $300. 23 rooms, walking dlatan :e, $'.1300. cash $1500, rent $05, brick building. 0 rooms, well furnished, rent Including water $27.00. Price $1100. cash $000. IT rooms, furnace heat, 2 fireplaces, good furniture, $1320 cash, nets $160. 21 apts.. White Temple district, rent $100, nets $207. Price $5000. 534 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 2056. SI APTS. 1 and 2-room apartments, snod ern building in center of city; rent $500 per month with 0-year lease; making good money; Northwestern steam, hot and cold water In all rooms; $20.0oo; terms 46 apartments, ! and S rooms. 23 pri vate baths. 4 public baths, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heated; rent $;uo per mo., wrh 9-year lease; west side, close in; clearing around $&00 per mo.; $20,000; terms. $1000 is deposited on lease. 16 rooms, all housekeeping, nicely fur nished; rent $70 per mo., including water; making good money; close in, west side; $1400; terms C. W. MILLERS II IP, 105 H Fourth St. 5 MODE RN apartments, long lease, over $14oo income; $25,uoo, terras $10,uoo cash. Brick apartment house, modern, nearly 50 rooms, 5-year lease, good Income; $15,000, terms. 32-room hotel on 6th st.; brick bulla ing. with lease; $4000 handles this. 43-room apartment house, nets SJ00; rent $150 with lease; hot-air neat; $55uo, terms. 24-room brick hotel. 1 floor, steam heat, good transient locality; 3500 casli. COLUMBIA REALTY CO., 201 McKay Bldg. Broadway 1201. HOTEL BARGAINS. WEST SIDE Long lease at $3.50 a room; modern; only $1S.000; fix it up and sell it easily for $0,0OO. List No. 174. ANOTHER 90 rooms, modern every way. extra well furnished. 5-year lease at $6 a room; $iu.oo0; can easily make $5000 on this; -about half cash gets you in either: tirst time offered m years and your big chance. SEE MR. SALIGER n'HK HOTEL MAN, with List 185. T R SPENCER & CO.. BlT-SUl CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 70-room modern brick, $14,500; terms 42 -room modern brick. $sooo handles. J J -room room lilts huujc, iv. - 25. room H. K. house. $2500 will handle. I o.:-room moQrn unu un "U,J , handle. 8-room H. K.. very well furnished ; $11 00; termK. Thtjse are nil close In west side; rent rlg-ht. If in the markee call 103 West WE HAVE some very fine propositions to offer In hotels, apt. houses and room ing houses, both large and small, with good leases over the fair. If you are short on your down payment we can arrange to he 1-p you. Better take ad vantage of our large list of first-class buys. Do it now. TRY-US-REALTY CO.. Realtor. 1 f.'.i Wwt Park St. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. If you have around $25.0o0 that you wih to invest In either a hotel or apartment house, call on us. We have some first-class propositions that we do not wish to advertise in detail, but will cheerfuilv give full particulars to any one interested. See either Mrs. Meyers or Mr. Tice. 020 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 48.S0. HOTEL 70 rooms, modern place, first class do n town location; price $18.000 cash $HWK. See George, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. HOARDING HOUSE. 25 rooms and large dining room, Is now making over $250 per month; $2500, some terms. G. C. ULRICH A CO. ftO'2 Stock Exchange Bldg. 29 ROOMS, casn J 1000, price $25oO: west side location. See George. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 473 L 41 0H enr y Bldg. SNAP 10 rooms h. k. ; White Temple lo cation; rent $45: modern; dandy home and good income, $1250; terms. Call Ss7 Taylor. L H.Vi: some excel. ent apartments for sale that will Interest you. 419 Lum bermen bldg. WINS LOW CO. KI RN1TURE of 12-room houe for sale; b..iain. See owner Monday, 5t6 Couch target. , , 21 KoOMS J2100 handles; rent only 410: nets $2"0; west side; lease. Call at 407 Mc ! b'dc. jtt LoO-U. Lxira -jod furniture; very reasonable; rent $55; lease; terms 1 1 w n e r 57.1 :id. H. K. ROOMS at net. $5, and handsome apt. for nir furnished In wicker; $HM 0 h;m"'- E. 192s. mornings. No agents. lo- K OM modern hou&e, good furniture, furnace h-:it. barga n for quick sale. I'h M.-fsh.-iM 224 after o'clock. : Hot SEUiLI'iNG rooms, take smaller one as first payment, balance cash. Main 9451. 1 1 -'-"'O Fo K 1 o noun k-t-ping rooms : ne ts ss.-f a month: $O50 handles Phone M.iin inn 2 A. r hD Looming house, 14 rooms or more: must be cheap; west side only; r.o agrrt" B. .Ldeut:s. Main 5669. ;y Rt'OMS; ient 15; alt n. k. Price 6u0. HAKRAMs 3:' al.non st. U H. K. ROw MS lor $"0, terms; clean; close in : nets 0T lol Park. -5 n.Oi'i-E bi.ujt.iui;' iwr.iMhed 3 om ft it. Vc! h-r.. M.i'n 2"sT. LoW EH flat for rent, new fumlturs for F. verv beautiful. H'3 N. 16th. 27 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Pes; location, bi one lo make money in. Alain 0451. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels, anal Rooming Hou SEE J. BRUCE OOLDARD. Oregon's leading hotel broker. Hotels rooming houses, apartment houses and other business chances 130 rooms, large lobby, elevator, new furniture a short time ago; 4-year lease from Jan. 1 ; profits In this house run from fSOO to $1500 per month; transients alone run from $25 to $50 per day; this place will clear $.1000 per month fair year; price is $25,000, $15,000 down. 125 rooms, beaut if uV lobby and ele vator In white compressed brick bldg.: 6-year lease; this place Is being sold for $17,000, some terms, and it can be Improved at a cost of two months' profits and resold again for $23,000. If you want s snap you better hurry. MODERN APT. HOUSE STtAP. 127 rooms, rent $600. lease over the fair; best and most complete furnish ings of any house in Portland; all new rugs, bedding, curtains, etc. : nothing old and worn out In this place; price la $20.0o0, $12,000 to handle; you can live in this place and lay away $700 every month. What better can you ask for? 60 rooms. 5-year lease, rent $300 : 8 baths; this place is heated by furnace; steady roomers and housekeeping rooms; income about $500 per month; price $3300; west aide; first time offered; some terms 50 rooms, north end, stove heat; price $4000, terms- cheap rent; money-maker; first time offered. 40 rooms, $4300. In business district: rooms and h. k. : brick: wonderful money maker, but needs fixing up; clears $300 month. 25 rooms on one floor, $2300; rent $65. perfectly clean, all Simons and Vernis Martin beds. $150O will handle this; first time offered. 20 rooms, apts. with private baths, fur. exceptionally well, modern lease, clears over $1'H) per month and provides good home; $2000 handles IB rooms. White Temple district. $1800: clears $100 month; beautifully clean; rent $33; first time offered. 11 rooms, modern house, all new fur niture, $1750, terms; it's a beauty; rent $00; Income $175. Hurry. 15 rooms, near Portland botef. $2225. 12 rooms. East Belmont, fine. $1300. 12 room Northwest heat. $2100. 9 rooms. West Park, $1500, terms. 10 rooms, new, near Good Samaritan. $1500. 21 rooms on Hall street. $200. 19 rooms on Montgomery. $3400. 7-room flat, Washington St.. $730. 88 rooms, Vancouver. Wash., $2000. terms 11 rooms. Taylor street. $1800, terms 22 rooms, ftst side. $2500. 12 rooms Nob Hill district. $1800. 10 rooms, Thurman st.. easy terms, $2700. 40 rooma North 6th St.. $3500. 82 rooma. Washington street, $"4000. 23 rooms, Washington street. $4000. 40 rooms down town, city heat. $0000. 84 rooms, steam heat. $3500: brick. 64 rooms brick, east side, $5300. 13 rooms. Mill at.. $1500. 20 rooms. Hoyt St.. fancy. $4300. Most of the above places are exclusive ly for sale through this office and if you miss them you miss the best buys ob tainable In this city. J. Bruce Goddard. 501-2 Conch Bldg, 42-ROOM apt.. 13 three and 3 ones (brick); west side; long lease. $5000 re quired. 19 apts.; 1-2-$ rooms (brick); S-year lease, $175; west side location. $5500 will handle. 9 H. i. rooms, west side, rent $50 per month, with lease; heated with stoves and gas $1300. 64-rm. hotel; many private baths: rent $325, with lease; west side location: $10,000 required. W. L. Harrell. 432 Plttock blk. Broadway 1910. MODERN APARTMENTS. 15 apartments, strictly moWcrn. eleva tor, private baths, 5-yenx lease, reason able tent; good Income. $11,000; terms. 16 apaetments, modern, S'i-year lease; reasonable rent; good income; fine loca tion. $14,000; terms. 33 apartments, modern, rood location, 9-year lease; big Income, $10,000; terms We have many more good buys A car at your service. E. S. KERR, REALTOR. 301 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. EXTRA, PLEASE EXTRA 22 rooms, new building under lease; new furniture in 9 rooms; located very close In, Nob Hill; modern house and will be worth between $4000 and $5000 when completely furnished. Owner go ing east; $1000 will handle, balance of $1000, on terms to suit. Better not miss this. 'Call for car to show you this and other R. H. and Apt. snaps. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. TAK.E NOTICE! 82 h. k. and sip. rooms, close In: lease, neta $200; $l'5O0 will handle. L. 2G7. lO h. k. and 2 extra In basement, rent $35; winter's fuel in; $1000 will handle. Mr. Bevan with L. 300. I. E. SPENCER & CO.. Realtors. 317 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 43 rooms. 2 and 3-room apts.. rent $100 with lease; good building; steam heat; clean as wax; net profits $225 month; price $50O0 ; good terms Thla Is a splendid buy. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. A COZY ONE. 40 rooms, 13 apts., modern and nicely furnished throughout ; fine Prick bldg. ; rent $200 with 6-year lease; price $6500; $4000 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 326 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. SWELL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 45 rooms, rent $250 with 3 years' lease, beautltul ground floor lobby beautifully furnished throughout: wonderful loca tion; net $00 a .month; price $13,000; terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. 326 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 90. 18-ROOM house at corner of 2ith and Up shur: has been thoroughly renovated. Modern plumbing, elec. lights, hot and cold water: ready for IlghB housekeeping rooms. Will give lease for 8 or 4 years to responsible partie?; references See Mr. Bailis at Wakefield. Fries ft Co., s." Fourth yt. THIRTY 2, 3 and 4-rm. apartments; long lease; low rent: modern wet side brick corner; no court apartments: automatic elevator and all modern equipments; nothing cleaner in town; entire price only $19,000; easy terms. Yates. 245 Fourth t. NORTH WESTERN HEAT. 45-rooin hotel, right in the heart of the city, fine brick building; rent $375, with 5-year tease: $650; price $13,000, easy terms. This is a splendid buy. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. NOB HILL BRICK APARTMENT. 44 ROOMS. Strictly modern, elegantly furnished; all outside rooms; automatic elevator; $H0OO will handle; small balance. Quick Sales Realty, 525 Railway Exchange. See Miss Birf-h. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 110-room apt., modern and well fur nished throughout: fine corner brick building; rent $600 with 5-year lease. For further Information SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. A GOOD BLY. 21 rooms, 1, 2 and 8-room apts, hot and cold water, nicely furnished; rent $65; can net $175 a month; price $2600; half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 1904. STOP LOOK LISTEN. I MUST SELL MY LEASE ON ONE OF THE FINEST BRICK APARTMENT HOUSES IN PORTLAND. LEASE RUNS TILL 1926. THIS IS A BAR PAIN AF 227. OREGONIAN.' FORTY'-TWo 3-rra. apartments; sinewy modern brick, in eay wajking distance; unusaaily low rent: long lease; equipped with automatic elevator, etc.; completely fur nibbed and in good condition through out; a wonderful buy at $23,000; some terms. Yates. 245 Fourth ft. A MONEY-MAKER. 145 rooms, 48 apts., nicely furnished, corner brick building; rent $5u0 with lease; net $:00; $ooo will handle It. SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry B.dg. Bdwy. 1904. SEE THIS ONE. 21 rooms, sil H. K.. nice!y furnished, good location, rent $130. with lease; nets $200 a month. Price $3300; $1400 cash SEE MRS. HAUG, B26 Henrv B dg. Bdwv. 1904. WEST SIDE BARGAINS. 5-rooio flat, modern and nicely fur- nisnea; rent sju; a ouv ror toou. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 Henry B dg. Bdwy. 1904 $L50 SACRIFICE, good will and rent paid till Dec. 1: 8-room extra well furn-ifhed rooming house. 533 W. Flanders, near 1 lth. Bdwy. 42Q3 Is KooMa. -5 nun. from Washington; ail h. k.; rent 45; nets 00; $Sio will han dle. See Mlkj Birch, wuick bales Realty, w ANT hotel a. id looming nouses quick; have buyers waiting; ror quick results see us. Main 5oo4. 513 Wilcox bidg. Star Real Eftste and Inv. Co. 15 H. Iv. ROOMS. GOOD LOCATION, CLEAN AND CLEARING $90 PER MO. CAN HE HANDLED FOR $1250. 435 Y MHIi.L ST. !2 ittOi. 2 and -room apartments. Wei: furnished; no vacancies; furnace, sp. en did location, west side; leaving town at once. Mir. 2fiis. DANDY shi rt-order pla ; nn Washing ton; 350 will handle; daily Income to 4" : reasrna ble r- nt. 'J r Railway Exchange bidg. See Miss Birch. BCS1VESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming llnuw. MODERN HOTEL SACRIFICE. Nearly 10O Rooms at Ha'f Price. $12.0O0; Worth $20,000. The biggest big bargain in Portland; rent for next 4 years under $600 per mo.; at present only $430- cheap If sold for $20O per room. You must have $7700 cash or don't bother. No curiosity eek- era. so phone information. See McCOR MIC, 2o7 Failing bldg., or phone Main 6220 or Main 931S for appointment. Full details to parties meaning business. HOTEL 120 rooms fireproof corner building, ground floor lobby, elevator; rent only $3.55 s room, good 4-year lease; North western heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; this is the better class work lngman'a hotel; net profit $700; $10,000 will handle. See Mrs. Keller. 'nO. T. MOORE CO.. 1qQ7 Yeon Bldg. $440O CASH HANDLES APT. HOUSE. Over 40 rooms, mostly 2s and 3s; brick bid., close to business center, lease a; $200 a mo.; clean, good fur nishings; rent includes steam heat and water, eliminating overhead. Only $3000 more and place is yours. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC, 40S-11 Couch TT.d. Main lf.75. APARTMENT. You can't buy much of an apartment house for $5000 cash, but if you have that much money we can place you in an apartment house that la now making money. In a very good location. Full price $12,000. G. C ULRICH ft CO. 602 Stock Exchange Bldg. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 12 rooms neat and clean and well fur nished, furnace heated, close to several hospitals. This place Is known to set an excellent table. MRS. SNOW. BDWT. 4664. $1400 13 ROOMS; take light car and $400 cash first payment. 60S Chamber Commerce bldg. LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POW ER CO.. Lost Article Department, First and Alder sts, Portland, Or. The fol lowing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Nov. 11, 1021: 9 umbrellas. $1 bill.. 1 purse, 1 bunch keys, 2 suitcases, 1 pair leggings, 4 pairs gloves. 4 single gloves. 2 books, 1 hat, 2 coats, music case, 4 packages Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder st. station. PARTY THAT CALLED WDLN. 5533 ABOUT FINDING MONEY, PARTY WHO ANSWERED PHONE WAS OLD LADY, COULD NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH GOOD AND MAN NOT AT HOME, SO PLEASE SEE CASHIER AT OREGONIAN OFFICE. LOSER HARD WORKING MAN AND CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE THE MONEY'. OVERCOAT Brown, English Tuxedo, leather-lined overcoat, taken from down town cafeteria on 10th and Alder. Kind ly return to owner at 270 Stark or 1204 E. Ash at. No questions asked. Suitable reward. LOST In vicinity of Laurelhurst, tan leather suitcase, initials F. A. B. paint ed on end. Finder please return to 302 Stevens bldg., or phone Mar. 373. Re ward. LOST From 008 E. Couch st., Friday morning, large English setter dog, black head and ears, body black and white, has round collar and no license. Phone 227-34 or Main 523. LOST In vicinity of Hth and Montgom ery, female canary, does not sing, but was a pet. Reward for return or In formation leading to recovery. Main 184. LOST Black lynx fur, Armistice night, at Star theater. Finder leave at trim ming department of Olds ft King's and receive reward. . IF PARTY', who found green silk umbrella in Myers pharmacy, corner Grand ave. and Morrison, will return it there the owner will be much obliged. LOST At Polytechnic evening school, tortoise shell-rimmed glasses Will find er kindly return? Reward. Main 3671. PC 222, Oregonlan. FOL'ND Nov. 10. small sum money on Clinton at.; owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad. 31 1 Railway Exchange bldg. LOST Jept. 30, Burlap sack containing wearing apparel, between Portland and Eugene, on Pacific highway. Finder notify Q. Willis, P. O. box 8 1 3 , Portia n d. LOST At Broadway and Yamhill or 5th and Montgomery sts., small purse con taining 3 keys and $30 in currency. r Incier please pnone Main 0. lie ward. LOST Bull spits, female pup. markings white on neck and feet. Phone Wdln. 1961 or S34 Alberta and receive reward. LOST, strayed or stoien. tenia- fox terrier, long tail, license number 155; color, white with black markings. Call at 1424 E. 13th st., or phone Sell. 1710. Reward. FOUND Lady's purse containing change; other articles. . Owner's by describing contentf. Main 7flOO. room 11. LOiiT Sterling silver eversharp pencil, with name en graved. Reward. R. L. Bond. Bdwy. 673. FOL'ND Marble header on Lombard st. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad. Col, 510. Lorvr On First st. betweuu Alder and - Yamhill, a purse containing 17; reward. M i'n 6214. LOST A sorority pin with the Initials 'J. P. L" on back. Call Tabor 4058. Reward. LOST At stock snow Friday, pair nose b lasses, with chain, in black case; re wnrd. Phone Sellwood 2412. LOST Brindle and white English bull dog. Finder please return to 7411 E. Clat ave. P. E.. or call Auto 635-07. FUIDAY. Nov. 11. at 13th. between Taylor and Stark, or at Panama restaurant, lrt $35. Finder please call Auto. 222-1S. I'l.vUKH of beaver iur 22 Washington st., please return and receive reward of ?rea ter value. Main 2501. DIAMOND locket with child picture in side; great value to wner only; reward. Briwv. fl.fl. LOST Cameo broocn Saturday night, ini tials on back. Phone Miss Parkinson, East 491. Reward. LOST Lady's pin. Shrine emblem, Tuesday night. Nov 8. $5 reward. Main 741, 822 Corbett bldg. LOST Black setter pup, half grown, touch of gray on 4 paws and chest. Re ward. Phone Marshall 3300.. i.ubT Tt.rto;je r.n gKit-;v s on First sL Cal' 233 Mede. M;in 379S. LfOST Small durk yeaow female dog in LOST Beautiful yellew male kitten, 7 mos.: reward. 2i X. 23d. Mnin OQS. LOST A bunch of keys; reward. Leave at Oregonlan office. LOST White Llewellyn setter, black ears. Phone East 5H10, reward. LOST Brown Irish setter, femaie, 1 year old. Phone Bdvv. 3743. Edwin Seller. LOST Lady's wrist watch, st stock show. Friday. Call Main 7133: RPFCIAL NOT1CFS. Proposal Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 7 P. M. November 16. 1021. for clearing and grubbing the fite of the Ockley Green school, Port land, Or. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board in room 304 court house at 7 P. M. tha same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper ties, old Failing school. First and Por ter streets.. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, school cler. and business man ager, must accompany each proposal. Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated Nov. 10. 1921. Miwel la neons. WANTED Bids on land clearing. 10 acres, good house furnished; bids to be In by Nov. 15. George F. Ogden. R. F. D. 2, Hood River. Or. . m ON AND AFTER this date I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife, Irene Pashek. Signed. Charles Pashek. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE Coal mine near Cheha'.is. Wash. In 30 days can be made to pro duce 300 tons daily. Coal superior to any other In that district. Should make a proMt of $150,000 first year. $13,000 will swing it. For particulars address J 210, Oregon ian. FIRST mortgage $3500 on 11 acres on Newberg highway near Rex: acre in or chard; 5-room house and out-buildings; runs three years at 6 per cent. Will discount to earn 8 per cent; valued about $500. V 220, Oregonlan. DO YOU NEED CAPITAL? Our business Is that of raising addi tional capital or clean-cut. established businesses of merit. Must have nroven earning ability. Replies confidential. M 22i'. Or- gonian. ESTABLISHED retell business of liigti-s;. most successful confection on Pacific coast, wants f30 as Investment paying 100'i dividends In two years. C. L. Lam bert. V6 Harrison st. WB BUY f'rst nnl ecnnd mortgngrs and sellers' contracts F. E. Bowman ft Co.. 210 Charcber of Com, bldg. Main 3026 (SELLERS CONTRACTS anc second mort gages bought snd Fold C. De Young ft Co.. 810 spacing D'og CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real unif; Washington. Ore gon. H.,E. Noble. 316 Lumberman h.dr FoK S A LE West ern finance bonds. 4 preferred. 2 common, at big discount for cash. East ""?". BUY NOTES, contract oi"r:sG F. n Ltwis, 712 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SEL I AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR, WE OFFER SUBJECT; 600 Realty Associates, series 2 Bid 4 Pre. 2-Com. West'n Finance Corp. .Bid 2 Pre. 1-Com. American Securities. . Bid 2-Pre. 1-Com. Oregon State Finance. Bid 5 shares Bankers Mtg. Corp Bid SEE US TO BUY OR SELL STOCKS OF MERIT. Main 4823. U8 McKay Bldg. HOSXER A HOSNER. PUTTING DOLLARS IN YOUR TREASURY! If your business enterprise will bear investigation and you have proven abil ity to make It a real success, with cap ital added, then we can be of service to you. Our organization covers a broad field and Is well established. A 238, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTO MOBILES OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 1333 Northwest Bank Bldg. CAPITAL INVESTMENT. Navy Alaska coal and Navy Alaska Oil. Gas and Power Units. Matanuska Chickaloon coa! field. Address L. Net land, owner. 303 Oakland Bank of Sav Inga Bldg.. Oakland. Ca.1. WILL discount $3000, 1st mortgage, to net P'.-c int.; runs I yr. Tabor .lS. Money to Ioan on Real Kttate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. 0 H. PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $loo or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 0 PER CENT. Five-year period ; will loan 00 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; vou may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. ' PER CENT. Five-year period repaying privilege, BRICE MOKTG. G K CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main S308. THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses snd other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties. no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for the past 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOL'DEY COMPANY, United States Bank Bidg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farms. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up e- Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbet t Bldg. M-'- 6915. SEE US TODAY We loan mo-- on city propertv; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans: long time and short time; - monthly payments: nay as you can; sums to sul t : contracts. second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder SLf CELLARS-MUICON CO. WE "xVE fundi available ior good resi dence loas; also insurance money for business pro erty at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2s:u. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company nvuiev to loan at lowest current rates on. Willamette val ley farms: no cornmiss on, no delaya, DEVEKEAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. mortgage lo ans on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST., Portland. Or MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6H and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT' CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. $300. $100. $53. $700. $1000, $1200, $1500. $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $10 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOAN'S In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, Realtor. 622 Corhett Birtr. i -Main 623Q. MORTGAGE LOANS. Anv amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attiactlve repayment privileges A. H. BIRRELL-G1LL Co.. 217 N. V.". Bank Bldg Mar.4114. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property: favorable repaying privileges: no commission oi delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. Ltd., 30I Piatt Bldg. - Main 5371. MORTGAGE loui.s in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILIAM (J. BECK. 215 Fai'.lng Bldg. JliiOtf $i.-,iH $ 211(10 $25011 $11000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own monev. Loans quick Iv closed. F H DKSHON, 1115 Cham, of Com. Bldg PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent If security Is ample. Edw. P. Mall. 3 (9 Chamber of Commerce. $Hiii-50UO ON IMPROVED city or sub urban property; prompt action. East PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates, no delays. C. DeYoun ft Co., M0 Spalding bldg. $10.0d0 TO $12,000 UNDIVIDED. AT 6. If Income city-improved sec'ty. sufficient A O 2i3. "rogonln 11 $300. $400, $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. "32 Cham, of Com. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved fanms and city property. K. K. Baxter. paldlng bltljf. MONEY to loan on real estate security st going rates of Interest. Otto ft Harkson Really Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE LOANS. C and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co.. 307 Rail. Exch. Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. $12.-0 ON GOOD Portland security. M8 Cbsmber of Commerce bldg. WILL discount $3000. 1st mortgage, to ' net 0 Int.; runs 1 yr. Taoor 5048. $4S.3uO DIVIDE 100, $15o0. $lSoo, $2300, $4500. $9000. $39,000. Fast 7504. $2500 TO LOAN at 7 per cent un good moilern home. Tabor 0559. Money to Loan- Chattel and Sularies. DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 AT LEGAL KATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON -AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. ff your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security in your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own notes. Rates reason able. Private offices All business strict ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAX COMPANY. (Licensed.) 306-307 Dekum Bidg , Marshall 3286. S. W Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strlrtly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed.) 218 FAILING BLDG. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX ft CO., 315 Washington st.. near 6th st ; established over 35 yesrs; only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private room for ladies; business strictly con fidential ; under state supervision ; ail articles held one year; do business with an old-esia!.Ii?hert firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds auil jewelry, confidential service; fcovernmt nt licensed and bonded brokers. Zeil Bros ft Co.. 2s3 Wash st.. between 4th and 5th, Mnrs'ia! 727. money to loan on good In storage. Hank rate. SECURITY STORAGE 4 TRANSFER CO. Phr ne Hri'a d w,- y 371 5 MO.N'rJY to loan: diamonds. Jewe.ry. eic. ; legal rate; articles held one yeur. A'lnes. Je w e'.er. corner .'t.4 n. nil W?isIt tngtrn. Loan Wanted. W A N T E D 1 1 0 one ear. lo pr cent ; ample security. chstte4 mortgage. L 211, tr'gcrln. $2H'0 ON NEW. modern lio.T.e In restrict ed (' i t ri c t . r c-y e iti. W 213. O r f g n n i a n WANT 45(.0, private money, on close in pr -pTiy. va!u-'t'on tl2i"V Phone E M.'.S. $ ON M Y Ifvirwrtnn home, valued 'H o. K 211. Oregonian. 5i:.'.oo ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS rel- W.-NT 20ou -n r..-w hua.-e. g.od security. Main vjO. 021 Gasco bidg. I FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WtH EN you lean money on real estate you should Insist on getting a Title In surance police. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Title and Trust Bldg. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In s position to safeguard your every Interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See .T. Logle Richardson, manarer of loan department. A bins toft bldg. Main lMiS. WANT '$1000 on S-room house, well lo cated; all Improvements In and paid. DERR ft POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. WANT money for first mortgage loan on improved real estate In amounts $3H). 4UO, $500, $730 and $1000. all drawing S net. These are conservative 'loans. Lei ua show you the properties Kreii W. German Co., 732 Ch. of Com, bldg. $1300. 8 PER CENT, 3 years, 1st mtg.. on modern bungalow and half acre traet. near Sandy blvd. tn Parkrose. See Mr. Hickman or Wilson, with J. L. Hartman company, 8 Chamber of Com merce b Idjc. GROCERY A good one, $1150; sickness compels lady to sell; positively was of fered$1400 10 days ago. but now has to sell for what she can get. BD 670, Ore gonlan. LIVE automotive electrical firm needs $4oO working capital; will pay reason able brokerage snd interest and give chattel mortgage on $1UOO machinery. etc. D 217. Orcgonian. ESTABLISHED retail business of big('-st, most successful confection on Pacific J coast, wants $3000 as Investment paying 10o'e dividends In two years C. L. Lam- I bert. 400 Harrison st. ($4000 WANTED on new bungalow In Irv- tngton. Choice corner, just completed. Reliable parties. Will pay 7, & years No agents need apply. Call Monday. 215 4th st. A GUARANTEE OF 12 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY. THIS IS NOT A STOCK PROPOSITION. BUT IS FULLY SE CURED BY REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES. V 214, OREGONIAN. WANT $SOOO on highly cultivated farm on Columbia highway: only 8 miles from heart of Portland. Worth $35,000. See H. A. Dryer, 23 Stark at., 2d floor Gor don bldg. $75u 3-year 1st mortgage wanted on property and Industrial plant. Large - new building, fully equipped. L 230, Oregonlan. SW'ANT $3000 or $350O, 7 per cent, on new. m -story 8-room Irvlngton home; ga rage, 830 N. W. Bank building. Main M7K. $57KK) FOR THREE YEARS on a one-story brick garage. 2Sth and Savler, west side. See Ballls. Wakefield, Fries ft Co., 83 4rh rt. I WA NT from $30uo to $5000 on unim proved but close-in city property, val ued at $50,000; name your rale of ln tere st. E. I SS. Oregonlan. WANT $1500 on improved real estate security at 8 per cent, payable $40 per month and Interest; no agents. B 247, Oregonian. $2000 WANTED on first mortgage, 1 acre, modern 5-room house, outbuildings, close in. Alberta st.. between 87th and 3Sth. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds in ioul concerns see Oregon ln vttftment & Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber Exchange 1 1 1 d Ig. $5000 ON 130-ACKE Improved farm near Portland, valued at $19,000; state rate of Interest for two or three years. M 248. Ore gonian. ' WANT $25o0, 7 per cent Interest, acre. Mount Tabor, bungalow, orchard. B 220, regonian. Lua.n wauled, $1500, lo renew $170 mortgage on fl-room residence property. Pay 7 per cent. Mnrshall 1375. LOANS WANTED. $1500 on new bungalow; large lot. Owm-r, W o o d 1 a w n . 3 25 . W ANTED from private party $17lKl; first mortgage given on my home; will pay rr ', no commission. X 250, Oregon Inn. WANT $iiu(i0. l'e: private party; good income security. Wood lawn 800 after Monday muni. X 220. Oregonlan. SEE lib- aboul getting 10 on your money. A-l security. Roy H. Keagy, 712 Lewis blrtg. WANTED $3000 for one year, 10 per cent interest; Industrial security. AC 219, oregonian WANTED $500 on 4 -room cottage in Al bina dlstrlcL Call Richardson, Main 10(iH. W ANT $10,000 loan from private party on close-in west side business property as- HvfvA at ;;n.iniu. i'o. x WAN ThiD $H00 on good 4 -room cottage on corner lot In Alblna district. Call Richardson, Main 100. LOANS from $5H up; will give 10 bon us. Good security. Address P. O. box 575, Portland. Or. WANTiiU, from private party, $18U0, 7 per cent, on new bungalow. Owner, Wood lawn 2103. LOAN wanted. $5000 to $3500, on new Dutch colonial in Irvlngton. Telephone H;it 2mm. W ANTED 41200 loan; $500 Portland property as security. AV 614, Orego nlan. 1 WaNT SMtoo to s lo.uuu on hmhlv Ini- I proved farm, 20 miles from Portland; c i interest. i tre gonian. $27.(H WANTED on Rose City Park home, alued S'MH). Main 1 1 fin. r 3 SHARES stock in one of Portland's big banks ail or part S 244. Oregonlan. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG $iooo, 3 YEARS, 8 per cent; 5-room bun galow, garage. Radahaugh, Tabor 4 2!0. $2200 WANTED on my new home. Rose City; Main 1106. . $17oo 8 PER. CENT, one acre with two kiinrolnuru T a r-b- m m a I." - u ao-Ut $500 FOR 3 YEARS on business property. A V 222, Oregonhin. $loo WANT EU on fine home In Rose City, valued $.vwm. s 213. Oregonlan. WANTED $1500 on my new modern home. East 4H12. i.uu and 2ouu on good city homes. Hrrifon. 512 Ger.lnger bldg. $MK) WANTED on fine home, Irvlngton district: 7.5"Q. Main 1 100. WANTED $1000 or $2000 on a first mort gage, H?r. V 240, Oregoninn. $1000, $1200, $2200 SELLER'S contracts; will discount 20. W uy Oregonian. pmsovAL A REWARD of $25 will be paid to the first person who furnishes to the under signed an accurate statement of the post office address and whereabouts of Ony M. Crosier, who was frequently known as Jack Crosier, whose home prior to 18SU was East Portland, Or. He afterwards resided at Victoria, B. C, until about 10O4. when he resided In Seattle till about 1014, when he let t for Alaska. He was a single man, would be 60 years of age now if living. He worked for Seattle Taxlcab Co. as driver and me chanic for some time. If he be dead the above reward will be paid for proof of death and identity, giving time, place and manner of death. WILL R. CROSIER, brother. Boring, Oregon. R. D. No. 3. Box 19. GlhT 1 i' r tue. woman wiiufat) constant thought is to make a real home for her husband and children, order a gift subscription to the Ladies' Home Jour nal. $1.30; beautiful CxV announcement card sent to arrive on Christmas day announcing gift and giver; honor her now through an ex-service man, it costs no more. Make checks payable and m -!l to me at 241 13th wt.. W. C. Dol e. HOLDEttS of U. S. Automotive, Steveii Duryea. Rauch Lang, Dayton Rubber, Metropolitan 5-50c Stores stocks will re ceive information of the utmost impor tance by addressing box AV 041, Orego nlan. WHY have gray, faded or streaked hair when you can give It the natural shade of youth, sheen or even color, by having an expert call at your home Best ref erence furnished. Joan Rosselle, Wood lawn S721. FL'liS. Coats, scarfs, chokers, collars at great ly reduced prices account warm weather. The Fur Shop, 613 Eilers Music bidg.. Wash., bet. 4:h and 5th ffw Main ft4'l. vAOl'LD like to perform some mission to h'.p defray expenses to middle west or tret in toucH wlih part going by auto. Wondiawn 52SO. W j. a .-- i'o Mtuir imiu .nui ly tur it UfC. Baby Grand piano, mahogany case, in Row City Park home: Iwnt of care; n i rWM-en 2V 'r-gor. l;i n. MEN For vigorous development use re niarkahle Vital Power Vacuum De veloper." Information free. Box 62 J A, E-pri ngi icq, in. EXCEPT chauffeur a:id :nerniutc desires i to get in touch with parties going over 1 '' n A to California. Y 2'.'d Pretmnlan. i'KLNCEfS HfcAl Ti t UtAilS will r move those disfiguring facial burnishes. Princess Co.. 351 Pittork hi!:. SEE cue "Shi inline" Dog. eule in? toy, H5l Plttock blk. . 1 , . C G taUi; hi ; rates, r-iu.ts ha'l-fac- "ti'-n V'.n 2'.4 Aft. Marshall 2-21 GOING u I.0.1 A . have i oom for 2 WILL die for a sTiiaU child very rettsl' able. Aut 628-lfv. rr.KSONAL, THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE. Auto-lntoxicatlon Is the main cause or s dominant factor In nearly every disease of the physical body. My sys tem of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation and elimination by the use of light, heat, water, electricity, sweating and massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the laws of the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the taking. Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Women only. Nurse attendant. Tuesday, Thursdav, Sn t u rd ay men only. BROWN'J HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE, Stevens Bldg., Downstairs Main 863a Seven Years S.ime Location. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, sons therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or alter effects We perform ail denial bp. eartlons without pain. Come in and 1st us prove it to you. X-ray work. DR. A. V. KEENE. Above Majestic theater, ent 33m Wash. PSYCHOLOGY . Find out what you were meant to da and start to do It. The most Important thing In the orld to you is YOU KSELF. Human analysis aa given by Mrs. Anna bel Malone at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what it Is. A 15-tuinute Interview free by appointment ouly. Phone Broadway 40 jo. ANY RUAl'ER of this paper suffering from goiter (big neck) can get positive Information on how to cure It at hum a without tne least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise In store for you ff you will write; no charge whatsoever. Tell others, it will help us all. Address Dr. Rock. Box X737, Mil ee. Wis. LADIES, TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a oo thing, cleansing, healing germicide and douche; a great aid la female disorders ; 3oo and $1 pr box, Portland Hotel Pharmacy. GIVE It Kit A STRING OF LA PARIS PEARLS. Beaut It ully matched in size, 24 inches long, with clasp. Price $1. postpaid. Novelty Importing Co., P. O. box 52, Portland. DR. NETTIE BENSON, L. P.. Lang's min eral steam bat lis, hot and cold showers, scientific massage, electrical, violet raf and vital treatments for both sexes; also traction treatments for lams backs. 711 Swetland bldg. Main 77U. DRLGLESS .'HYSlClAN. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have laiittd don't be discouraged, but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scutt, ulLce 417 Swetland bldg. iiours 10 to 5. WANTED 50 patients with external can cer to be treated FREE ; no knife; no radium; no money ; absolutely FREE. We are Us' efficient. Something pew. Monday at 3d and Stark ats 2u7 Mc Kay bldg. KEEPS BUSINESS MEN FIT. Renewal of lite cells defers old age and keeps you fit lor bum n ess; a bw method that is patronised by Portland a best business niuu. Dr. Dee, 414 Ar- timing' bldg. MATHILDE ARNESEN, Norwegian gradu ate, formerly 3o5 Columbia building, scientific massage and medical gym nastics, steam baths, electricity. Ladles only. MarMmll 1011. ATTENTION. MEN AND WOMEN. Take your stem baths, maiuagi.-s and chiropractic treatment from Dr. Marga ret 11 ay me. 215 S wetland bldg. Tn years In Por...and. FURS Coats, scarfs, chokers, collars at great ly reduced p'-lces account warm weather. The Fur Shop t'13 Liters Music bldg.. Wash., bet. 4tl a id 5t il sts. .Main 6424. KAG AND J A Z j k uaian n-t-il bi ginneis In 10 lefesuni. Popular songs Immediately. Practice rooms free. Pa rker Piano School. 514 bldg. Wash, at 4ib. Main 40:iN. MINERAL teaiu buths, hot and coid showers, scientific and S edish body massage. Open Sundays, also evenings. Nurse .assistant. 322 Filedner bldg., loth and Washington. MISS HELEN E. JONlvS formerly of the Port la ii rl hotel halrdressing parlor, has returned from New York and will be as sociated with the Hoiiney Dee Beauty Shop, room 205 Plttock block. jt 1Tb a song-poem; love, mother, home, comic or any subject; I compose iiiumIc and guarantee, publication; send woidw today. Edward Trent, 702 Reaper block, Chicago. Ill Fit EE o cascN only of external cancer to be treated free. We are 8 effi cient; no knife; no radium; no money. Only 50 cases free. cull Monday, 2o7 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark elsJ DR. CLaTrHENSERLING, rirugless phy sician; steam baths, scientific massage; hours 10 to 6. 31 Selllng-HIrsch bldg.. W. Park and Washington. Main 7780. GRADUATE cniropouiM, manage under medical super vie ion ; open evenings and Sundays ; removed from 205 to 2 Hi Atifky bldg., 3d and Morrison DH. LOL" ISE N ETZfciL treats rheuma tism, lumbago ; electric blanket, vibra te r, massage, bath; lady assistant. 546 Columhia St.. near 17th st. Main 550S. RAG TIM E pia no playing. 12 lessons, guar anteed, beginners or advanced ; double baes: trial lesson free. Waterman Plana school. 514 Columbia b'dg. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, , the CHIROPODIST and ARCH HPI-ST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe hldg., 1 ltll ft Wash. Pity. 224. 'AT LAST." a real rag and jail piano method; 12 lessons, guaranteed; harmony, popular songs. Waterman Piano school, .1 1 4 Columbia hldg THE beautiful coats shown tins week are wonders and those smart Peggy Paige dresses are the talk of the town at Peterson's, second floor Plttock block. VIT-O-NET sweats, bod ItlaMtagc, Kauluut light for colds, sciatica, neuritis, circu lation, 10 to b dally. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7570. SHIP SALMON EAST. Will pack and ship, express prepaid, eight or nine pounds of fish for $3. Pi eilic Fish Co.. Couch st. DBS! CARTER AND CARTER, ilrugiess methods, magnetic treatments for nerv ous, chronic and acute d if eases. Office 5311 Beacon. Phono S' llwood 338. DR. JENSON, chiropractor, 30 treatment. $23; massage. Violet Ray. electricity, etc. Main 1122 Morgan bldg.. Wash. and Broadway. A MIDDLE1-AG ED man going to Los An geles In Dodge roadster desires to meet congenial person who would like to go that ay. i 211. oregonian. WHY PAY fancy prices n-r trusses wnm at the J. A, Cleinenson Drug Co., 200 Morrison L? Call and see for yourself. TOBACCO or suuff habit cured or no pas $1 If cured. htnady sent on trial. Superba Co.. W. :u 4 Baltimore, aid. LEARN the science of reading people at sight; class starting Nov. 14, 8 P. M. For Information call OPALINE Mrs. bummers' remeules for diseases of women. Positive relief. U46 Lincoln. Main 0470. REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body by a scientific massage. Dr. Ovidia La rs e n. 631 Morgan bidg. Main VW. WRITER A: JEWELL, originators of chil dren s hair bob and curl, Mre again 1 orated in Medical Plug. .VI a in H01. FEB VET t HANEULr, leading w;g and toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving. 340 Aider, Main 540. CA L1FOHN1A Experienced chauffeur u ill drive any car to California Iur expenses. C 227, oregonian. MARY A. THOMPSON qf New York, kindly communicate with your brother Kdv : rd WANTED To adopt child, aged 2 or It years; good home and care, Y 245, Ore- gonian. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kidneys. Both sexes Dr. Elna Sirens' n. Panama bl-lg Main 5"V6. SL'PEKFLCOl'ri hair, moiea, warts re jnovd by lo-need.e method: trial frre. Jose F'.nley. 514 Hinli ti L:iiip. Main OUtS. FJILVI'-CLASS Iur repairing snd rellnlng loats and capes a specialty. Miss Au-nVn-on. Kast 4 33, sft-r U P. M. MASSAGE FOR LI M it A Go, ETC. 413 Buchanan bh-g.. Wash.. bl. 4th anri Mh sts. Also Sundays nd rv nlngs WANT to adopt bbby, nut over 0 months. Cilil Woodlawn 25U, after 6 30 daily or all day Sunday. SKI LLED nu'-i Kiv Ylt-o-N'ct and elec trical treatments, steam baths, khowers, massagc7l3 pekum hldg. Bdwy. 8414. OC1TKE. enlargeJ glands Curs yotjrs;f A K. StrsVau. fou'e 5. HdisSora. tr No agents or repmentatlvsa. PILES can t' permanently cured without j pi-ration. C"ll or write Dr. Dean, Ssc uud and Mri iwon. , PARKER piano sebool of rag, Jnrz, blues. In Portland 10 years. IJo.kI- nd lesson free. 514 Filers hl-lg. Main 4Q3K II." A ! N Ue-tUtV lu.luri; iUI JlAUim Cu.'tls. Marshall 1702 IAD1ES' HO.MK JOt UNAI. sabscr. p; . n Z g - :U, W. C. )":. 241 l.Vh nr. Main Li'Lltl- LI'OLS i.air pent. am nll tv moved. 50 4 S we'.. and bldg. Ma;tii;Jl's. PRIM EPA formerly railed H.i.h of Fig s 3:ui --":t mornlii):- DoEaN 1 li-ii See Vie re- k. CLAl-.iY car, 1 l 4 peop-v, $2 hour Stp: (or sltiij.