The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 06, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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V ANTtlJ By a middle-aged woman with
a small child, position as housekeeper
for widower or bachelor. Call room 239.
St. Charles hotel, or write H 197. Ore-
EkH.NlD wluuw wishes partition as douse -keeper;
tine cook; can furnish best ref
erences; capable of taking full charge.
K U Ore an, .
BATISFACTVUV drcumaklnf by day,
long fxp.. ref . ; alterations. East "wa.
EXPERIENCED, reliable young lady
wishes housework from 8 to 5; go home
at nights. H 1 Oregontan.
Kr.jt-uNl OLE young woman wishes
general huUHwurk few houra each day;
references, x-roadway 3035.
C10NKRAL housework wanted by experi
enced girl; can give best of city refer-
W ngf3, H)-n.. rl -'imp, uregonian,
vYO-wAn".' w:ln girl 0, w;sne plate, could
take charge where couple are empioyeo
W HU. Orgonian
BRIGHT, capable Lutheran girl for do
mestic work. 403 Terry ave., Seattle.
J tuuf elf ailing .
fiZIUSE C LEA N 1 N G Expert whUe and
ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur
niture polihed, carpet cleaned, win
dowv washed
188 Chapman at. Phone Main 1157.
Housecleanlng. Moor waxing and
vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully
given: best of references.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, tip-to-dat lists of desirable
furnished and unfurnished houses, apart
ments and flats, with definite Informa
tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value In helping them
get properly and quickly located. (
Eighth Floor.
List your houses, flats or apartments
with us; quick results and good tenants.
6$ Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hot.
Phone Broadway 8715- , .
koTKER and two daughters) (employed)
want small house, partly or unfurnished;
1 will board; owner for rent. Inquire -T
X. Stark at. or Eaet 33-10. Aek for Mrs.
Thomae. '
3dH PROPERTY OWNER, let us lease
your house for 8 years and keep same
In repair without any bother or worry to
you. W. M. Smith. Eat 4447. 60 Will
iams ave. -
A NT" to rent 4 or G-room furnished bun
galow, not over $40. Reliable business
man and wile. Beat of references. Phone
Bdwy. 2478
WANTED Small furnished house, any
good district; must be reasonable renL
Phone Bdwy. 4463. .
V ANTED- Modern 7-ruom furnished home.
Nice neighborhood with garage If pos
sible. Afiuiu oniy. - -'v.
SMALL house, furnished or part; respon
sible couple; reasonable. R 103. Orego
tilan. -
SMALL, plea-ant. well-furnkmed apart
ment or Bungalow, reasonable. Sela 2S67.
FOLK or five-room cottage, south of Hol
gate St. Sellwood 2946.
WANTED By refined couple, an unfur-
nisnea i-roem no-ni.
i . nhliHran' rrMrncei. O 212.
TWO rettned young ladles desire small
apartment, moderately priced, on west
I Cl e. .vo. vjrt-n o inaii
COUPLE want 2 or 3-room furnished
heated apartment.. Phone Main 6133.
GENTLEMAN wants to rent 1 or 2 rooms
In private family that own their home,
, lrvington or Rose City preferred. In
replying state rate, location and whether
famished or not. H 212. Oregonlan.
WANTED A room without board in pri
vaio home by young couple, west side
preferred. Call Broadway 688 Monday
between 11 and 12.
V'ANTHD Furnished room in downtown
apartment ho una. Must be modern. AG
215. iregonlan.
WANT small room over winter In a re
spectable horn. AH 247. Oregonlan.
IUmiihn With Board.
WANTED -Place somewhere In Sun
nvslde district In private home for
four adults to get their dinners.
Call Tabor 201 today.
WoMAN with UUle girl, 4 years, will work
for board and room and small wages in
congenial family, assist or take full
charge; can give references. C 223. Ore-
"YOUNG man wishes light, heated room
with naliv Dflin privilege, wn-ie o
conveniently get 0 or 7 quart fresh Hol-
stetn milk daily. F liu. oregonian.
W A NT ED Room and board for man in
private home where there are no stairs
to climb and where a wheel chair may
be used. R -1". oregonlan.
FA RT Y wants place to room and board
child 3 years, where there are no other
children. Marshall 31-1.
OUNG woman employed desires room and
board private family. South Portland
pre lerrcd. J l'.'f, orcgon mn
HOME wanted for school girl to work for
bourd t S. preferred. Tabor 431.
Housekeeping lMms.
ELDERLY business man wants furnhed
room, kitchenette and bath In quiet,
welt-heated house : could also Use ga
rage. Answer with price, phone num
ber and full particulars. Y lul, Ore-
K on la n.
WANTED To rent, part I y furnished or
unfurnished housekeeping room with
kitchenette; call Monday betwewn 8 and
Marshall HOI
it EE lurnl.-hcii hou.ekepentff rooms in
private family by mother and daugh
ter, lrvington preferred. J Orego
nlan. BY FIE FINED young couple, attractive one
or two-room and kitchenette hotiwke-ep-ina:
unit; must be reasonable; west side
preferred. V 1 l. i egonlan.
RE KIN ED couple wants house, ftirnished
or unfurnished, or houekeeping priv
ileges In hornt. Rose City, Alameda Park.
Rt-anrmint or virintty. Tabor loa.
CkNTLEMAN ilehlres lurnirdied housekeep
ing room with kitchenette; give price
tier month, location and full particulars.
H Ui3. ' tregonian.
W t m . N " ant luruished li. k. room in
exchange for ni:tnt'uring and evening
work. Mr?, ii. S., .t'. Montgomery.
TWO Oil 3 H. K. roiiTiK, futnihhed or un
Turntwhed. not over Main fi3.
Itii-inest Place-.
IESK room wanted In manufacturer's,
agent's office, small storage required.
No utenocrHphie service. fall Fletcher,
Hotel H.iniiipti. Hmndw ay 'JIS'2.
WANTED A location on toe ground floor
for a beauty parlor with some one who
a. its tj cut ovrrhead expenses. Bdwy.
v AN I'bH to rent, dek and part of office
in X W. Bank hldg to cover actual coat.
A -'"I Or'K Milan-
1 ANTED-- Lsk tooiii with window dia-
ply All -Ut.
1 i M'V I 111 llfillH,
W A N TED Modern furnished houseboat.
R I'll, Oregonlan.
CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list o?
utoderate'y priced rooms for young men
In ail parts of the city. Including room
st the central Y. at. C. A . with tele
phone In each room, suower baths and
ciub 'aci li ,
IF Xt' BHe a farm tit rent, lease to
transfer. imona 1 property to sell, send
tUs riptjon to Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry
I- urniwietl Kooiiih.
lit'SHM AKK ; Wash si., cor, 11th: clean,
modern steum heated 1 and 2-room apis.,
Ihi p: na rooms ; rt a sun a bie.
Ht'Tfc-1- K K..I1V, Morn-on si., tt loth
rtav. wtt-kiy $.' i 1 uo Krr phone a
ba t !-. : : : iu and a 1 :y S t e .i ni h e . t.
THE VAl tiliN Absolutely clean sleeping
rooms, free bath, lobby privilege. i 7i
and upward N. 1'Hh and Qk'hn sts.
I ikMIIKD sleeping or houekeeplng
room, strictly model n. 4dS Taylor. Mar
st. all ll'M.
XS'H' EL V furntshel, clt-an slet- ping room.
14 per month, walking distance. MU
Ti nili t-. nfitr S.ilmon
AhTHl' R HOTLL, l7n Kiev-nth st., nvar
Morrison Clean and modern rooms by
day, week or month at reasonable rates.
HOTEL TAIL, l.'lti and Mam; i banged
handa; rate 1 per day. wk. i up; pri-ikii-
bath. V up. all outride rooms.
lrge, attractive, modern rooms by day.
wi'Fk or month; rates reduced.
40c DAY. -0 WEKK up, Wan. baths
t ree. 1 1 o tel Cadjjlac. 8d. near Jefferao a.
LA i'.RABEK hotel, modern rooms, reason
hie: walk d st T,rr t. ami Holiday
NIfE. warm ieepinu room on lioiil. i
alsa space fur auto. 3U3 West Park,
FurnirAel Kooma.
1- N. THIRD.
This hotel has been thoroughly cleaned
and is owned and operated by Ameri
cans, the best service in the city for
the rates charged, elegant lobby, ele
vator service always. lots of hot water,
free baths; ratea 00c, 7."c. Sl.f0; special
rates to permanent guests. Edward F.
Coddard. Mgr. ' .
Clean furnished rooms; steam heat,
hot water, .bath, etc., 3-"c and 50c per
night; 0-story brick building. 403 Front
st.. corner Harrison.
CONVENIENT. ALL-iWGril oakauh..
CALL AT Y. M. C, A. to see free list of
moderate-priced rooms for young men in
all parts of the city, including rooms at
tbe central Y. M. C A., with telephone
:n each room, shawer baihs and club
f arllit lea.
NURSES attention; opened - under new
management, a home for nurses; every
thing new and clean; two very desirable
rooms yet to be had. Call and see these
at 55 North 21sl, corner Northrup.
Auto. 538-L'3.
174 Went Park st. Main Ml,
Clean, modern rom at reasonable
prices; telephone service Included, tran
alept and permanent guests nealred,
VIRGINIA, 170 gueat rooms, HOI-mi
4th st Kates 75c, SI per day. With
bath 11.50 day up
Ratea U day; week, 85 up; private
bath, 16 up; fireproof and clean; dose
to business center.
124 14th sl. at Washington. Rates $4
per week up. 1 1 day ; I ire proof, large,
attractive, spotless rooms, close to
amusements and shopping center.
427 Stark. Broadway 740.
Clean modern rooms at reasonable
prices. Phone in each room; rates to
perm anenet guests.
625 Washington St Marshall I960.
Large, attractive lobby with fire
place. Special ratea to permanent guesta.
Rooms with or without bath.
Attractive rooms and suite at reason
bie rate by weea or monttt.
THE MAPLE 30 N. 17th, near Wash.
Furnished rooms, $4.50 per week. Attic
rooms 86 per month, li- and C water,
steam heat. .
THfci iT. PAUL, 130 4th su, corner Alder. A
Kates 75o up. Private bath. 2. Special
rates by week or month.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, two sin
gle and one suite; three beds, phone,
light and water; nice cold water In
rooms, walking distance. 656 Glisan.
2 H. JC ROOMS, furnished, for rent, 84
per week. 3 rooms for rent, basement,
$12 a month. Some Bleeping rooms
cheap. 1H0 X. 10th.
HOTEL Buckingham, under new manage
ment, 652Vi Washington sL Modern, pri
vate hatha. Free phone; reasonable rates.
3.50 wk. up. Main 31.
uui hil. cuiNHALti.Nt;, North loth BL,
2 blocks north of Washington st,; fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very
reason a ble ratea by day or week.
One large room, well furnished, close
in, walking distance; rent $-5. Call
Main I'.'dMt.
873 Washington, at 18th.
Large, clean, uiry rooms, private baths.
Ratea to permanent guesta. Bdwy. aBM2.
14th and Washington.
New management, newly furnished, at
tractlve weekly and monthly rates.
All outside rooms, good heat, $4 week
and up. Main 4QStt.
ROOMS 810 to $25. New furnishings
throughout; choicest residential district.
Easy walking distance, west aide. Ga
rage. 440 Montgomery.
LIGHT, clean room, steam heat, electric
light, bath, phone, flO a month. Adults
only. 800 Savier St., near 26th, Phone
Main 71MI1.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, 2 single
and one suite. 3 beds; phone, light and
water; nice cold water in rooms; walk
ing distance, t W G I ua n .
FOR .RENT A large, sLeam-heated fur
nished room, third floor; hot and cold
water In room, bath on same floor; vry
reajinable. East 2(Vi4.
FURNISHED sleeping or housekeeping
room, strictly modem, 403 Taylor. Mar.
TWO FURNISHED sleeping rooms, $12
per month each. Walking distance, 4W
Montgomery t. Phone Mar. 1 1 o.
IN LOVELY home, large room with alcove,
suitable for three gentlemen, $30. Walk
tny distance. Main 4254.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam
heat, hot and cold water. Reasonable. st.
FURNISH ED room, stearr. heat, hot and
cold water in room. Call at apt. 11,
S4MA Mississippi ave.. or 122 X. Bdwy.
Washington and Fifth Streeta.
Special permanent rates.
r.COMS furnished for light housekeeping,
clean, clohe in; bachelors only. Call
447 Main st.
FU KNISHED porch with the
priv.leg.' ut the b.ith. Call Main 3610.
SMALL bedroom for young man, $10 per
mo. 414 Salmon st.
1'nf urnlshed Rooms.
ONE LARGE iront room, use of bath,
heating stove, range If desired ; other
rooms alo. You will have to hurry. V
to 1 today. 1605 East 11th tL S. Sell
wood car.
2 OR 3 LARGE, pleasant, unfurnished
rooms, sleeping porch, good furnace,
quiet private house, close in, west aide.
Main 7002.
2 LARGE unfurnished rooms, gas range,
light and water. 275 2Lst st. N., cor
ner house.
TWO OK TUUEK exceptionally fine mm.
Modern home, fireplace, bath, etc.; heat
ed. Might furnish: nils. tsn E. Ankeny.
3 UNFURNISHED upslaiis rooms, walk
ing di-tance HO E. Uh st. N.
A LADY will rent a large or single room,
board optional. AtiL ft-o7.
3 t-il 4 UNFURNISHED rooms at 110 E.
14th st.
TWO UNFURNISHED front rooms; nice
view. Main 1442.
Furnished Kimhiim in Private Fam 1 ly .
N bi W L V ftirnished roonu and sleeping
porch In private home; references. 144
21 st N
LARGE, light, beautifully furnished front
roo m in f I ra t c 1 ass apt. 2 0 8 16th s L ,
apt. 402.
VERY nicely furnished room; walking dis
tance, west side, close to bath. Aut.
.2fi -'-'I.
ROOM in private home, gentleman only,
C. S. preferred. Trinity Plaej, Broad-
wav 3S7H.
CHiMCE room in private family with
steam heat, hath, phone; all conven
lences. Mar. 4-.-I1, Monday.
IF Y t." appreciate nice, clean, weil-f ur
nWthed modern front room; -rlvate fain
I'v. fall T n rvlsi.'n.
LARGE front room and kitchenette with
porch, gas, electricity, phone; Sunnyslde
car. Tabor lli7. 3 Belmont.
1 LARGE, beautllully fumishid room; ail
conveniences; suitable for 1 or 2 per
sons. 752 Lovejoy. Phone Mar. 121.
NICE room and garage, suitable for man
wUh car. at 1 114 E. Gliaan and 39th
sts. Auto. 222-36.
PLK SA N T. w arm room, cloe in. home
prlxilfges Included' rent reasonable. 27
Son t h 17th st. '
EXTRA fine room In modern home, to
yourvg person employed, $15 per month.
SUNNY. frut rooms, Rose City Park;
phone, bath, home comforts; meals if
desired D Hi:l, Oregon ;an.
LARGE front room, hath, steam heat,
suitable for two. t4!) Wash. St., 2d
floor, fist B.
CONG EN 1 A 1. young man ishea room
m.ite. Clean bed. 61 N. ldth. Bdwy.
FINK room with sleeping ponh. walking
dtstam o. W '.-t sie. Hdwy. 4:;".V
VERY attractively lurnished room; walk
Ing distance: references. Marshall 3042,
NB E Iront room, can cook own break
fust: 37;h and Belmont. Tabor fcS19.
A PLEASANT slt-epniK com in private
f.imilv, 4" It! nai!way.
III V i NGTON One ro. in; furnace he.t;
rrf.rt'ni-. Kj st 27 45.
NICELY lurnished s.eeping room, home
privileges 5 "til Everett stre-.-t.
N If ELY f urn. lied room, light, heat and
phone, walking distance. East 5426
2 FL RNtStiED or uuturnWhed rooms. 63
K isi Stark. Kat ::is
$11 ;a Mu.NTH Deal rali e. sunny; furnace
he;i t. ,'e- .etc 4! " Brnad wav
62 ELLA ST. Nice clean comty sleeping
room. 1-" per mn. Aftr 1 P M
TWO UuuMS and a kchenvlle, walking
distance. Auto. 324-42,
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
reasonable rate large, clean, cheerful
well furnished rooms in well-kept home,
close-in part Nob Hill section. Phone
Broadway 4U0A or at 633 Flanders
near Washington and 23d sL, steam
heated, comfortable, with small family:
will rent to gentleman. Marshall 1650.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private
apartment; steam heat, private dressing
room, phone and bath; one block from
public library; must be seen to be ap
preciated ; $20 per month ; gentlemen
only. Main 4155.
AN ALL OUTSIDE large room; private
bath; small electric cooking facility,
unobstructed view; large roof garden; in
private home. $50 per month. 826
Johnson st. between 24th and 25th.
Marsh. 2140.
large, cheerful, well - furnished front
room In well-kept home, close In. with
heat and phone; very reasonable. 633
NICE front rooms, hardwood floors,
sunny, with kitchen privileges for break
fast If necessary; also 1 nice sleeping
room second floor. 65? Flanders, west
REASONABLE rent, furnished or . unfur
nished desirable rooms In private family;
furnace heat, hot and cold water, phone.
Main 1746. Gail evenings, 63 N. 22d sL,
west siae.
Lovely room with twin beds in pleasant
lrvington home, suitable for two young
men; all modern conveniences; $20 for
one, $30 for two: home privileges. East
47.17, 369 East Bth St. N.
JNUSUALLY attractive large, airy front
room, south exposure. Ivory enamel,
piano; suitable for two; all conveniences
close in, in strictly private, refined home.
East 2308.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished, front bed
room with use of kitchen if desired;
very reasonable. 611 4th street. Main
MAIN 3203.
NEATLY furnished sleeping room for gen
tleman, 4 blocks from Meier & Frank's;
phone and bath rent $14 a month. Mar
shall 1377. 331 Madison st.
NICE front sleeping room for one or two
gentlemen: walking distance; near Mult
nomah club; 687 Madison. Phone Mar
shall 1RS9.
V ANTED, by refined young man, with
private family, a roommate; all con
ven fences and a real home to the right
young man, li 182, oregonlan.
BRIGHT, well-heated front room, adjoin
ing bath; breakfast If desired; walking
distance; reasonah'e rent. 605 Flanders,
near 21st. Marshall 1490.
TWO nicely furnished rooms In widow's
home for two or more refined ladles
employed; home privileges; walking
stance. rnone Marshall 277.
UBCELY furnished room with sleeping
porch, furnace heat, very reasonable,
, block Hawthorne. 263 East 31sL Ta
bor 2.102.
ROOMS with or without board, large sleep
ing porch, 2 beds, furnace heat, home
privileges, close In. Main 8181. 205 W.
NEWLY renovated, nicely furnished room;
furnace heat: home privileges; break
fast if desired; gentlemen preferred. 092
i nurmnn. Main ff.v.-.
FOR RENT, In private home, 2 large fur
nished rooms; front room $11 a month
for one. or $13 for two people. Location
1220 Division st. cor. East 41t.
LARGE front room, furnace heat, hot and
cold water, two beds; for two or three
gentlemen. Close to the library. 434
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping suite:
everything but gas; fine double sleeping
rooms, breakfast and dinner. F 75, Ore
gonlan. COMFORTABLE home for 1 or 2 business
girls, with 2 girls who are employed;
breakfast If desired. Address 324 N.
23d st. Phone Broadway 723.
ROOM with or without breakfast, large
sleeping poroh, furnace heat, home priv
ileges. 24th and E. Burnslde. Phone
Automatic 216-37.
SLEEPING rooms, good location, good
home, furnace heat. electric lights,
phone and bath. 254 N. 24th. cor. North
rup. Mar. 1691),
2 WELL-FURNISHED rooms in modern
home on Nob Hill, near 23d and Wash.;
hot and cold water and all conveniences;
gentlemen; reasonable. Marshall 36.30.
FURNISHED room for rent, walking dis
tance; suitable for lady or gentleman.
Phone Mar. 1137.
FRONT room. Ladd's addition, with or
without board, walking distance. EaiT.
DESIRABLE room, light, heat, phone and
bath; walking distance. East 16th, near
Morrison. Phone East 8333.
AN ATTRACTIVE front room in a nice
home, 20 minutes from business center.
Marshall 1307.
LARGE front room and sitting room, bath,
furnished, to elderly couple preferred.
434 East Pine. Call evenings.
NICELY furnished sleeping room, suitable
for two: all conveniences. 434 Mill sL
Phone Main 738.
THREE furnished rooms In private fam
ily, upstairs; hot and cold water. Call
Woodlawn 5U22.
FOR RENT Clean, well furnished room,
modern conveniences; s. w. cor. K. 10th
and Couch. Phone East 4758.
ROOMS without or with board for two
home-loving people, employed; west side,
walking distance. Main 4006.
."i7 12TH ST. Large, modern front room,
hot and cold water, two beds, nice for
3. men only.
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen; furnace heat, hot wa
ter, telephone 4 SO East Clav.
TWO NICE sleeping rooms in private
home, close in on west side. Call Main
FURNISHED room In private family,
walking distance. 100 Harrison, near
14th. Marshall 1157.
FURNISHED room suitable for lady em
ployed or one or two gentlemen; walk
ing distance; steam hcet. Bdwy. 225.-1
FRONT and single room in newly furnished
flat, reasonable w'ktng distance. 62 Vi
EMI. . rnaHntr S11
SLEEPING room within walking distance,
to refined young woman employed.
Grand avo. and E. Stark. East 2oS.
COMFORTABLE room in Piedmont dis
trict, 2 blocks from Jefferson high.
Woodlawn 1900.
NK'E. warm, clean room. $10 for man or
$16 for two. 840 East Ash. Phone
Fast 1M.
COZY front room for man accustomed to
nice things. Quiet, modern place. 362 Vi
Park st." Marsh. 1780.
FURNISHED room, walking distance. 546
Kearney st Broadway 2343. Private
LIGHT, steam-heated room, close In, rea
sonable rent. 469 V Jefferson. Main
7127. Apt. 2f1.
25" 12111 LARGE, modern room with two
beds- hot and cold water, walking dis
tance. Men only.
FINELY furnished room, dressing room,
running water, steam-heated apartment,
sout h'-rn exposure, close. Fast 5!'8.
FRONT room, bath, $16 a month, laundry
included. 124 East 20th at. North. Take
Montavltla car to Glisan.
OI'KNbU Nov 1. rooms, single or en suite;
newly furnished throughout: prices rea
son a b 56SoiitlFirsts
APARTMENT of 2 or 3 rooms, furnished
or partly furnished, clean and desirable,
close In. weat side. 406 Clay st.
NICELY furnshed bedroom, next to bath;
steam heat: near Good Samaritan hos
pit:il : re'f rnces exchanged. Main 3140.
NICE, modern room, west side, easy walk
ing distance, $12. 4a7 Harrison, near
$15 FOR PLEASANT room in modern
home, furnace heat, bath and telephone.
Tabor 2417.
NKA'i'i-V furnished sleeping room, well
heated; bath and phone; close In. Bdwy.
57 12TH ST. Single room, strictly mod
ern, walking distance; men only.
LA RUE front room, bam, lurnace hcaL
M a rshali 6 1 09;
FRONT HOOM. refined family, close in.
.Vt2 Davis. Broadway 344:1.
LARGE front room, heat,- batn, phone;
gentleman only. 374 Park st. -
T II RLE furnished rooms !rfr rent. Close
in 406 E. Uth atreet South.
WAuM room and sleeping porch. $12 par
month : also garage. Main 4732,
NICELY furnlahej room, phone, bath,
close in, $3. 31 14th st. Auto. 521-04.
$S ATTIC room for gentleman, west side;
re f e re n ces. Marshall 3fl.t. 721 Glisa n.
CLEAN rooms in good residence district,
west side. Main 1S"0
1 12 MONTH for sleeping room, widows
home. Marshall 1770. 42S 6:h st.
ATTRACTIVE room in refined private
family. nr Mult, Club. Main 6".2.
CLEAN room, re lined family. 54 N 16th,
- . r Vsh. f'.dwv. t22.y Of ntlemen.
ROOM in home with mother and daughter.
Breakfast If desired. Auto. 227-47.
CLEAN, warm room, suitable for 1 or 2;
10 mtn. walk from town, 552 Everett,
NICELY f urn lined a.eeping rooms, close
jr. rt-nsona hi rent fa 11 East n.'.TS.
LA RGE front room, nicely f urn if he d, to
one or two employed. East fe307.
NICE, comfortable room in private family.
Fast 1275.
ROOM in modern home, breakfast if de
sired. Tabor $079.. '
Furnished Kooma in Frivsvte Faanily.
LNT1RE lower floor, 3 room, well fur
nished, pantry and bath, wood and ga
range, free phone and water. $2U Main
COMFORTABLE room, private home, $15,
near 23d and Kearney. First time ad
vertised. Phone before 10 A. M. or
after 4 P. M. Main 854.
WARM, sunny rooai, meals if desired, for
one or two employed; close in, eaat side;
very reasonable; more for company In
the house ntghts. Aut. 323-10.
WEST SIDE Near central library, nice,
warm, front rooms; home privileges:
suitable for 1 or 2 people. 22 10th sL
Phone Main 5758. - .
VERY attractive furnished room, walking
distance, every convenience, very reason
able. 391 12th st, cor. Montgomery.
Mam 4S6.
GOOD rooms, with breakfast, one block
from carline. 10 minutes to business cen
ter, day or week. 205 West Park, corner
Columbia. Main 8181.
ROOM 26x1. fireplace. 5 windows, well
heated and lighted, beautifully furnished,
suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen: t block
from Wash. 58 X. 20th. Broadway 6612.
BEAUTIFUL front room. Nob Hill district,
reasonable, use of home to congenial
people. Hdwy. 4423. B27 i.ovejoy.
LARGE, sunny, front room in modern
W. S. private home, walking dis-tanoe
Bdwy. 340S.
Kooma With UoarO.
Two of the best-known residential ho
tela on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
M ea Is ae rv ed to transients.
THE MARIAN For young business wom
en exclusively; excellent table; steam
heated rooms, attractively furnished;
every convenience for young ladles, in
cluding large laundry; home atmosphere;
moderate rate; have just added five
rooms, one with a fine sleeping porch;
5671 Glisan. near 17th. Broadway 243H.
Rooms single or en suite, with or
without board for families, business men
and women; reasonable rates. Port
land's downtown residential hotel.
JEANNE D' ARC 'urninea rooms with
or without board for business girls and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitatlos
of tbe minimum wage earner; $2 per
week, and up. 265 14th sL Main M29.
. "Would like 2 or 3 congenial young
buelness people to share beautiful fur
nished home, paying guesta for the win
ter; references. East 2347 for appoint
ment. NUKTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-clasa family hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you ail the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
Residential hotel, all oubslde rooms,
all modecn. with or without board, public
parlor with piano: a home for people
away from home. 385 3d. N. and S. Port
land car. '
Splendid home-cooked meals and at
tractive steam-heated rooms in splendid
close-in location, modern; $30 month.
474 East Ash.
886 Montgomery St., cor. Park. 1 blk.
Lincoln high school; room and board
$47.50 per month.
BOARD, room and nurse old people; bst
of care and trained nurses; reasonable.
Carolina home, 47V Sell wood blvd. Sell
wood 3604.
ROOM and meals in a good quiet place
with home privileges In Piedmont dis
trict; reasonable price. Garage for rent.
200 a nsw orth. wain, oils.
TWO PEOPLE to share one room wit
board. Will take care of child while
mother works. Home conveniences. Very
reasonable. Wdln 4244V
LARGE sleeping porch, suitable for four
young men, with or without board; walk-
Ing distance. Main 78 till.
LARGE, light, clean room for two people;
board if desired, or kitchen privileges.
Phone Marsh. 416.. .
THE feOULE Sunday chicken dinner 75c;
week days 50c; all you can eat; like
mother cooked. 101 11th.
ROOM and board lor business girls; alt
modern c jnvenlences; walking distance;
15 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th St.
FOR RENT Rooms with sleeping porches
with board; opposite Multnomah club.
5M Salmon.
ROOM and board. $35 per month, walking
distance. 351 E. Uth st. East 8034.
FIRST-CLASS room and board, home In
every respect. "38 Johnson. Main 3706
Kmimw With Board in Private Family.
Congenial family has one room, hot
and cold running water, hot-water heat,
absolutely new furnishings. Holladay
addition, walking distance, garage near-
by. N. Grlswoia, t.. mn rsortn
ROOMS In newly furnished home; furnace
heat; $16 for room, if board wanted $30;
for two, $25 each ; walking distance.
1H5 E. 13th st., between Yamhill a.nd
lCOO-U aad board with young couple for
two men. Large room and sleeping
p orch ; gara ge f o r car If d eel redl
T-abor SO.
LA RGE front room with board citable
for 2 ladies employed; located In one of
the beat districts; all home Privileges,
125 per month each. labor
IF YOU are looking for home comfort, call
Wdln. aVSfc. A dandy clean room, steam
heated, nicely furnished; will give break-
last. ;
ROOM and board, suitable for two working
men or students; close to two car lines;
will furnish heaL 15 E. 15th st. North
E. 2824. : ,
GOOD boy, going to hiirh school, wishes
place to room ana Doara anu -worn, iui
half of same in good home; references.
F 206. Oregonlan. '
GOOD room and board in modern home
for man or woman. 260 E. 32d st., near
Hawthorne. Auto. 224-58.
CHILDKHX will receive good care in pleas
ant home by responsible woman. Auto.
630-25. !
ATTRACTIVE room in private family for
2 young men, very close In. walking dis
tance, west aide. Marshall 3003.
MCKI.Y furnished room, close in. fur
nace heat, $18 per mo., or will give
breakTast. fcSast Mt.
LADY wiHliew to take care of baby at
her home while mother jvorka. Mrs.
1. A. Allison. 2401-; Russell wt. Apt. 7.
ROOM with board for two gentlemen,
home privileges; garage; very reason-
able: clone In. East 6048.
LARfiR room, close m: real home for 1
or 2 men or girls employed: breakfast
If desired. East y:t i a.
IKVINGTON Room with breakfast, din
ner if desired; good home for young man.
457 Eaat 23d st. N. Phone East 2072.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished room in Irv-
lngton. Excellent board. Block from
Broadway car. East 5314.
ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges
for vounir oeo uie: excellent ooara. want
ing distance: splendid location. East 156.
WANT room in clean, warm home, where
year-old boy will get good care hile
mother works. Room 67, Y. W. C. A.
WANT to board lady in private home, 308
K. 40th So., near Hawthorne.
ROOM, board. 574 Ladd ave.. near E. 12th
and Hawthorne. East 5145.
COM FORT AH LE room and board for 1 or
2 gentiem n. -ij c. i in cast aoi;.
LARGE trout, suitaoie for two; single;
walking distance: tine location. E. 13'.Q.
WARM room for gentleman; home cooking,
t,a t h. fine location, close in. East 3.t0.
CHILDREN to board; good modern home.
Phone Oregon City, OF12.
PRIVATE home for children; 20 years
experience. u Everett bl ainr.
KoOM and board, home cooking, for two
gentlemen. 501 Washington. Main 8107.
NICELY furnished front room with board,
w a 1 k i n g di s t a nee; fine 1 ocatlon. B. 5715.
COMFORTABLE room with good board.
706 Flanders. Main 1853.
GOOD ijoard and room, single or two;
homelike Wdln. 2340,
WAKM room for winter; good board, bath;
reasonable. East 8445.
ROOMS with board in private family, call
Sell. 22MV
LADY will board and room child; best of
care given. 30 East 12th st. South.
ROOM aud board fur two; $35 each per
month. 66 E. 20th st. N.
GOOD care to children; $20 per month;
close to good school. East 1 1 S3.
PRIVATE bom for children between 3
and 7 years. Woodlawn 150.
WILL board little school girl $20 month;
sc hool same block. Wdln. 4434.
NICELY furnished room with board, near
Bnradway brtdce. 4U. Henton.
GOOD room, nice home, near Multnomah
r'ib. 2 meals: gent'emen. Main 2210.
LADY to share mv room at home, with
board. $23. E. 5 St 7.
ROOM and board lor two, good location.
4.-.U E Mh N E. 3V,.
WELL-FL RNlSliED room with board. 701
Irving t
BOARD and room S E. 16th N. Phone
E. i a 2 4. nome privileges, rumace heat.
WANT child ;o buard: motherless chllar;
pre lerreu ; close in. Aut. !-.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
WANTED By reliable business man of
good habits, place to board and room in
private family on west side, within walk
ing distance of business district; two
meals a day and plain cooking pre
ferred; can furnished best of references;
state price. S 102, Oregonlan.
ROOM with sleeping porch. Home cook
ing, walking distance, west side. Call
Bdwy 4633.
WELL furnished room, small private fam
ily, double or twin beds, no other room
ers, plenty heat and hot water; break
fast If desired. Nob Hill district; gen
tleman; references. Mar. 3801.
LARGE front room, suitable for t persona,
with board In private family; located In
one of Portland' best districts; every
home privilege given; this Is a real home.
Aut. 213-70
LOOK at other places first, come here
last prepared to stay. Comfortable
rooms, good board and a homey atmo
sphere; reasonable. 462 Eaat Eighth sL
North. East 5807.
A LARGE front room, suitable for two
people, with board, in small private fam
ily; located in one of Portland's best dis
tricts; every home privilege given. Auto.
ONE NICE, clean furnished room with
board; modern house, furnace heat, home
privileges; high school teacher or stu
dent preferred; 4 blocks from Franklin
nign. jtt.'W sutn ave. a. ri. moor ooaj.
REASONABLE board and attractively fur
nished, comfortable room, adjoining
bath, for 2 young men or women em
ployed; home privileges, references ez-
cnangea. Marshall 3636.
WOULD like 2 or 3 gentlemen of clean
employment for board and roo m. We
have no children or other boarders;
west side; walking distance. &01tt
Davis. Bdwy. 3761.
FINE lrvington home offer elegantly fur
nished front room with breakfast and
dinner for two young men or two young
women. Home cooking, home privileges;
references required. N 200. oregonlan.
LARGE, neat, clean room in private home;
would like 2 ladle to room and board,
or man and wife; 1 block from Rose
City car. cor. E. 12th and Everett sts.
I'hone Kast O.vt,
FURNISHED room with or without board,
suitable for 2 young ladies; home priv
ileges, close In , rates reasonable. Sell-
wooa .urn
NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, elec.
lights, good furnace heat, walking dis
tance; board If desired; ratea reason
able. r45H th st. rnone Aut. n-o-oi.
LADY who has a home in good location
would like to hear from young men In
terested In forming bachelors' club. R
ma, uregor.ian.
MODERN home. Rose City Park, offers
excellent room and board, near car line;
home privileges; price reasonable. Tabor
8351 Sundav A M. or Monday.
LARGE front room with board, suitable
for 2 ladies employed; located in one
of the best districts; all home privilege.
$25 per month each. Tabor 500.
EXCELLENT board and pleasant room to
gentleman who will share it with an
other. Must give reference. $33 per
mo.. AUtO. 510-36.
ROOM and board in widow's modern
home; attractive rates to two couples
or 4 adults employed; 2 block R. C.
car: also garage. Tabor 5SS5.
LARGE airy room, good board. Home at
mosphere. Good car service. Haw
thorne or Sunnyside car. 712 East Tay
lor fct.. or call Auto 212-37.
ROOM and board in private home for two
congenial gentlemen, home privileges and
conveniences. Call after 6 P. M. Sun
da y 525 Iarketst1;iLn 263L
LARGE, front, airy room, suitable for 1 or
2; all modern conveniences; walking dis
tance to town; good home cooking. Call
3 ." S Larrabee st.. or phone East 4433.
NEW IRVINGTON bungalow, room and
board with use of garage for couple, or
two ladles employed, home privileges.
665 Fremont st., near 18th.
WEST SIDE, walking distance, choice
rooms for two; heat, home prlvllego;
no other boarders. Marshall 6018 until
2 P. M . .
WIDOW and daughter would share beau
tiful home, elegant furniture, with two
or three people, very reasonable. Tabor
3405 or Main 7S4.
NEATLY furnished front room, suitable
for 2, with home conveniences, with or
without board. 5806 40th ave. S. E.,
automatic 626-98. t
2 NEWLY furnished rooms, single or dou
ble, with breakfast. In private family:
well heated and in good location. Tabor
cooking, home privileges, 1 single room,
1 double room, living room, fireplace,
piano. 285 14th. Main 2533.
ROOM and board in small private family,
all modern conveniences, walking dis
tance, block from car line; suitable
for 1 or a employee mi cat iwj,
NEWLY furnished room, very desirable,
excellent meals, reasonable, to two men;
walking distance. 654 Lovejoy. Broad
way 4680.
CHILDREN under school age will get best
of care in country home; plenty milk,
eggs Mrs. W. D. Stephenson, route 3,
bOX B.1A, Vancouver, nam
Tin vnn WANT A HOME?
lrvington, elegant double room, sin
gle rooms, home cooking, laundry priv-
liejcps. garage caai
ROOM nd board for 12 people; beautiful
view, nice rooms: a real home; garage.
734 Hawthorne ave.
BOARD and room with Jolly family, nice
home and home privileges. 604 East
22d S. SelUvooa iwus.
WANTED Reliable party to care for
child, 3, where mother may room. E.
ROOM and board: modern Rose City home,
1 block from car; home privilege. 135
per- mo. Tabor 45TW.
LA RGE downstairs room, refined home,
close to school., for father and child
Ith or witnout ooarn. o i v u t
CLEAN comfortable room with board for
two men or cnnureu. "
465 Emerson
ROOM and board in private family for
gentleman. 407 Lombard, corner
wanasn av.
VERY desirable, nicely furnished room
with home privileges, for 2 men. Haw
thorne district. Phone Tabor 5660.
GOOD home for little school girl; school
olose, $20 month. Call forenoon. 007
Hawthorne ave
KOOM. modern home. All conveniences;
Hawthorne district; board if desired
East 8 1 -ts.
LARGE sunny room In very desirable
home for 1 or 2 young men. Tabor
ROOM and board in private family for 2
young ladies or a married couple.
w oooiawn
NICELY furnished room for 2 with board
736 Kearney st., $70 a month; meals. 45c
Call Marshall 3052. "
TWO OLD ladie to care for, room and
board, reasonable- iwgo, imiij. ijuki
home. Call ft31-4ft.
LARGE, airy room for z men or gins or
couple einpioyeu, tAtcucni u , -
rage. Tabor 123Q.
MCE warm room witn board, close in, on
West Bide. rrico ejr iwiiui. aui.
MOTHER S care and artection for one or
two children; further particulars call
636-01. ,
1 NICE room, suitable for 1 or 2 men. good
neat and hot water; first-class table
board. BPi iinsan.
WILL care for children under 10 years;
near Richmond school. Tabor 812 of
11S6 Mlxter
ROOM and board, nice, large single or
double; board optional; gent, preferred.
:;21 Glenn ave. m
ROOil and board in modern suburban
home; home prlvl leges. Tabor 1049.
Furnished Apartment.
DESIRABLE 2-room apts., walking dls-
ance. 32a Jl in. near proaowa .
207 12TH IF looking for clean apt-,
kitchenette, call : walking distance.
ROSELYN apartments. 110 N. 21st sL 2
room modern furnished apartment.
ROOMS, newly fitted, light and pleasant.
53 4Morrison at. Very desirable. II. K.
NICE, clean, two front rooms, apt.; adults.
120 Grand ave.
,iii.KNAP APTS.. W 17TH ST.- Well
fitrnishfd nnd hented 2-room apt.
SMALL apartment, gas range, elec. light.
S--.0 Thurman at 25th st.
3-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished. Call
Wdln. 1043. .
N ICE clean 3-room apartment. near
Jefferson high. 1051 Kerhy.
LOWER FLOOR of my strictly modern
home. 5650 85th st. Aut. 624-16.
3-iluUil apartment, private bath. Tabor
K. APT. with H". K- privileges, employed
couple, reasonable. 415 Broadway.
NICE clean 3-room apartment. Inquire
a. X. 19th st.
PLEASANT 2-room apartment at 735
Everett near Lucretia st.
APT. WITH piano; prcfer couple em
ployed. 696 Irving st.
4-ROOM apartment, Portland Heights.
phone Marshall 507.
It.iSiiA! ENT apt. 606 Irving St.
ONE 2-ROOM apt. with kitchenette; adults
only: west Sine, ciose in. i itn at,
ONE 3-ROOM clean, modern furnished
apt. Inquire 35 X. 10th.
3-ROOM apt. for rent, $4 7.5ft. furniture
for sale. 2H5 14th st.. apt. 15.
HE KM EM A. 4uo Hall L. cor. loth; 2
roum modern front apt.
ONE 3-ROOM apt., well heated. 149 North
3d. Phone Marshall 200 i.
2-ROOM apt., hot and cold water, electric
lights, gas, $27 per mo. Call Main 7759.
Furnished Apartments.
$37.50 FINK RES. SECTION $37.60,
Artistically furnished 3-room apart
ment, rent Includes heat, light, phone,
etc, also 1 large living room, kitchen
ette and dressing room, beautifully fur
nished with fine rugs, davenport, fire
place, etc. ; permanent tenant only.
Main 3816.
Fifth and Columbia Sta.
Five minuu. walk to Meier Frank's
tore; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta., out
aide and French doors and balcony: per-
manent and transient.
Elegantly furnish-Hl rooms, suitable
for one or two peoj.e, with or without
bath; all outesde rooms, with breakfast
and dinner; very special rates to perma
nent guests; meals served to transient.
Main 8783. 386 Montgomery, near Park;
within walking distance.
19th and Marshall sta, 4-roora unfur
nished apartment, completely renovated,
contains hardwood floors, tile bath and
French doors; elegant view; will rent
to desirable tenant for $70.
Very lovelv outside front apt. and
sleeping norch; very modern and lots of
heat; permanent and transient; refer
ence required, 166 St, Clair su, corner
near 23d and Washington sts. ; one
very desirable three-room apartment,
newly decorated, tapestry paper, artistic
ally furnished, outside balcony; hlih
ciass apartment house. Call Main 3 5 S3,
Beautifully furnished 8-room apt to
sublet for 2 or 3 week. References re
quired. Mar. 2830.
REFINED young lady, employed, would
like young business woman to share
her apartment. Apartment centrally lo
cated, neat, comfortable and warm. aUr
snau 44UO. apartment 508.
MODERN three-room furnished apartment,
steam-heated. $37.50. 296 Tillamook,
near Williams ave. See the janitor fur
inspection. Wakefield. Fries Co., 85
4 th st.
BRIGHT, cheerful, wU-furnishd room
apt. Large bay window, white -finish
veranda; all conveniences; nice location.
Close In; good car service. 228 E. JOth.
Two blocks north of Hawthorne ave.
FoK RENT 3-room. clean, well-furnished
apartment; 764 Michigan ave., near
Beach st., one blocks from Mississippi
car line; large porch and fine yard; to
man and wile only; $20.
Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4
room apta; permanent or transient; also
single room. Alain WHl
WANTED A man and wife, with or with
out school child, room and board, two
block from car. 1024 E. Main, cor.
PARTIES to share 5-rm, furnished apt.,
Ivory woodwork, built-in, bath, light,
steam heat, cooking gas, phone, all for
$30. 377 Vancouver ave., apt. 5.
AND 2-ROOM apt., new;y furnished and
decorated; Nob Hill, block off Wash.
New management. Reasonable. 629
Everet:. Bdwy. 1376.
Nicely furnished well-heated 4-r.oom
apartment; adult only. inquire 627
YOUNG woman wishes to share warm, .oy
apartment with two congenial girls;
complete home for less than price of
room. Call Marshall 2846. apt. 410.
WILL share turmshed apartment with
young man, 18 to 21. Call Broadway
lolo, apt. 22, after 9 P. M. or before
K:30 A. M.
THREE-ROOM furnished apartment with
piano; desirable, with heat and every
thing furnished, $50 per month; adults
only. 5.i5 East Alder, cor. 15th.
Very desirable front 3-room furnished
apt., 2 disappearing beds, suitable for
3 or 4 people. 251 12th st.
Large front 2-room apt. 20 minutes
from town; adults. $20. 119 H E. Lom
bard, at Alblna ave. Wdln. 2tV42,
2 rme., furn.; hardwood floors, eleva
tor, strictly modern, all outside, walking
d jst. 3X6 3d st . cor. Montgomery.
FURNISHED 2 rooms and sleeping porch.
Nob Hill, ground floor, nice yard, front
and back porch, reasonable; walking
distance. Ill 2od st. N.
LUZERNE APTS., d and Hall sta. 1 2
room, all light, good heat. Apply pt.
No. 1.
2-room nicely furnish apartment, private
bath. $5. ;
208 16th S., near Tayloi.
Nice fl-room fprnlshed apt.
FOUR rooms, partly furnished, third floor.
E. 28th and Burnside. Price $25. Main
FOR RENT 2-room furnished apt., heat,
light and phone, $35. 145 East 12th st.
SS car. .
3-room apt., furnished, private bath.
505 Jefferson st. Phone Main 5435.
Newly tinted 4-room apartment, out-
Si ne rooms, private unto. imj.
A'n juhoom furnished aot. near Jef
ferson H. S. $10 and $25. 952 Wil
liams ave.
BERKELEY apts.. SO " 'inity place; nicely
furnlsnea 4-rm. ape, aiso casement api.
Marsha'l 1050.
t.imok :t.rnum furnished aoartment; suit
able for 3 adults. 3S8 11th st. Marshall
pi fr. 1 1 MONT Four -room, nicely furnished,
sleeping porch; wall bed. Woodlawn
WILL share west side apartment with
congenial Protestant woman; reasonable.
B 1 23. Oregonlan.
3-ROOM furnished apartment; private
bath, with laundry tray; $40 per month.
TWO ROoMS and private bath, rent $23.50.
Phone mornln-rs and evening. East 7737.
afternoons W nln. hill
,131 Third St.. 2-3 -room, furnished.
Apt. und-r new management.
vrtR RKiT 5-room well-furnished apt.
in modern home. heat, phone, $65. 765
E. Flanders, rjast i;-i
Large sunny front room, nicely fur
nished for H. K. East 4852.
wtii. Bhare well furnlt-hed apartment
has piano, Vlctrola. separate sleeping
room: with one or two gins. Mar. A.t.
vki.v .l-room. steam -heated apartment
for rent, all new lumiture lor saie rea-
sonahle. 13th and Jefferson. Main 1632,
r.7 ii!TH ST. Modern apt. and kitchen
ette. walking distance, everything fur-
2-ROOM apt., eingli
walking distance.
h. k. room; clean :
71 Grand ave. N
East 21130.
LARGE, light, clean, well-furnished apart
ments, near Itenwrn anu n asiuuKioii
school. 20 E. 15th. cor. Ash.
nn,.-in APTS.. 205 20th sl. North, com
pietely furnished 3-room apt., strictly
modern, oatn: i-w iht.
$28 MONTH for 3-room steam-heated
"court apartment with 2 beds: also 2
room at $25 month. 402 H Third st.
c'LASS Y 2-room apts., elec. gas,
water in. always hot water: also single
room. Inquire 20H First st.
WILL share beautiful newly furnished
flat with people employed. Aut. 516-57.
THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 4 rooms,
10th and Northrup. Broadway 3658.
APTTOR RENT; walking distance: elec-
tricl.y. neat. .n 1 ru
UNION AVI and Killingsw ortn. iur. apt.
$21.50; all complete; concrete buildiog
Moving for less. Phone Bdwy 2445
THREE-ROOM modern apt. San Marco
East Eighth and Couch. Eaat 1000.
Guild st
apt., all outaide
I nfurnNhed Apartment-.
FOR RENT Up-to-oate first-cia apart
ment in excellent location. jaain
Six large outside rooms, heat, flre-
nlace. sleeping pon ne. t 'ii ,'iain :v
Broadway and Jefferson.
Large corner apt. 4 room and ath.
i ROOMS! modern, steam heated apt.,
hardwood floors, sleeping porch, high-
class district. East 1360.
1 ADti.. 427 Salmon. M. 8678.
Unfurnished 2-room. ground floor apt..
:ner. imi t.
3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile
iath. Main 39
FOR RENT 6-room inrurnished apt. ;
blgh-grde house, .tntrally located, ex
cellent service. Bdwy. 2201.
HA RR I MAN APTS.. 164 24th st. N Very
desirable 4-room apis., -a noor. o aau
$05jadults only, references.
THE AMERICAN, modern 4-room apart
me n t. Bd wy. 3360.
GARFIELD 8-room. sleeping porch, rea
sonable. 861 Failing sl.. W. Union.
3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath. &48fe Thur
man si. Marshall 47(11,
ONE 5-ROoM unfurnished apartment- The
Wilmar. 742 Everett. Main 5164.
3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment,
$ 15. Buena Vista apts., 434 Harrison.
TWO THREE and four-roLim unfurni.-he I
43. $10. $12 month. H 223. Oregonlan.
Unfurnished Apartnuenta
ALVARADO apartments, 730 Everett at.;
7-room duplex apartment; elegant, large
outside rooms, 4 balconies, walking dis
tance; lease; references required. Wake
fl"M. Fries A Co.. S5 Fourth st.
530 Montgomery.
New 5 and 6-room apartment, unfur
nished. THE VAUGHN It employed In northwest
rortiand save time and money; see our
2 and 3-room apartments; renovated;
low rates. N. 10th and Vaughn sts.
Three-room apartment, unfurnished or
furnished, or furniture may be bought
by small first payment. Marshall 1Q4.
MODERN 5 rooms and sleeping porch, on
west side; steam heated, suitable for 4
or more adults; no objection to 1 or 2
children. Call Marshall 4U79.
IONIAN COURT, lsth and Couch. 3 and
4-room modern apartments, newly tlnt
ed. close In; adults. Broadway 2761.
Two-rcom apartment, hot water heat.
Main S53. This is a nice corner apt.. $55.
GARDNER. 13th and K. Ash Very desir
able 5 rooms, has 2 bedrooms, fireplace.
hot water heat; adults; refere ncti.
JrurmMirq or Lnfumistied Apartment,
LAURELHURST apartments; one corner
3-room, unfurnished; all modern conven
iences, oak floors. Call Tabor 2614,
CAKAiEL.1T A apartments, beautiful four
ana j-roora apartments, furnished and
unfurnished. Main 2o6.
$3750 4 ROOMS. MODERN $37.00.
Located E. 12th and Davis; living
room, dining room, cabinet kitchen, nice
bedroom, bath and toilet, fine place, and
ga heater; 2 adults,
5-ROOM lower flat, wt side, walking
distance, modern except furnace, some
furniture including gas water heater and
range connected; rent $35; referencea.
452 11th st. Aut. 527-71.
5-ROOM. modern, upper flat. 151 V Ham
ilton ave., furnace, electricity, gas stove,
water heater, linoleum In kitchen; ref
erencea Main 6216.
4-ROOM flat, upper or lower Boor; elec
tric lights and bath, large grounds; very
reasonable; children welcome. 061 Haw-
thorne and 32d am.
FIVE-ROOM, modem, upper flat, 151 Si
Hamilton ave. Furnace, elec, ga stove,
water heater. linoleum in kitchen. Ref.
Main 6216.
6-liO Oil FLAT Walking distance; nice
view, w. a.; fireplace, furnace. 889 16th
st.. S. of Montgomery; $37.50. Vlnney.
FINE, modern 5-room flat, 6(6 K. Madison
street; furnace; $40. Donald Woodward,
.Main 1430. 104 econd
0 LARGE, clean rooms, with bath, elec
tricity and gas; walking distance; adulti
only. East b2.
CATHOLIC fiumly to take care of school
girl, 13, for room and board near Ladd
school. Y 100, Oregonlan.
5 LARGE, beautiful rooms and bth,
Dutch kitchen; good location; adults.
lOtf-l E. 18th St. N.
3-KOoM lower flt; 272 Going sL, on
Williams ave. carilne; $20. Phone East
MODERN unfurnished flat, 5 rooms, sleep
ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace,
gas range and furnace. Phone Tab. 8218.
5-ROOM .Hat for rent at 529 E, Lincoln,
near 12th.
4 LARGE rooms, bath and basement, $25.
69 E. 22d at.
6-R. FLAT, walking distance, west side;
adults; $21.60. 512 Gerllnger bldg,
FOR RENT 6-room upper flat, $15. 589
Powell st.. Brooklyn car.
4 RMS. and bath, disappearing bed. 1035
uuuney ave. per month. A. 314-48.
5 ROOMS on first rtoor for rent. 206 Weld-
ler st., near w iiiuma ave. Kent J.
ATTRACTIVE 7-room flat, i block Wlll
liams ave. East 8015.
MODERN 3 or 4 rooms. Call at 206
Broadway S.. 2 to 4 Sunda y.
5-RoOM modern flat, furnace, elec, gas.
walking distance, west side. Mar. 129.
FOR RENT Four or 7-room flat. cor. Skid.
mor- and Minnesota ave.
4 LARGE rooms, bath, sleeping porch and
trays. $25. 60 E. 22d st.
-room; adults. Eut 7651,
FurniMied Flat a.
BY OWNER 4 rooms beautiful furniture
for sale. Mahogany piano, library table,
chairs, etc.; everything to make a com
plete, up-to-date home. Nearly all new
flat for rent. Newly painted and dec
orated. Rent only $30. E. Belmont,
near Laurelhurst. Moving east, hum
all day Monday. $1100, terms. Tabor
Modern 4-room lower flat, fireplace,
furnace, etc, 1 block to SS car; will
sell almost new furniture at about one
half what it would cost you to buy it
in the stores and give terms to reupon-
e 1 le party. tail lanor 31 ;n.
SIX-ROOM llat In very desirable location,
one-half biock from car. Colonial Heights
district; two bedroom and sleeping
porch; hardwood floors throughout, nice
ly furnished; fireplace, furnace and aL
modern conveniences; rent furnished or
sell furniture and rent unfurnished. 297
E. 21st st. Phone E-ist 1225
CLOSE-IN, clean, modern flat for rent
$35 ; new and up-to-date furnrture for
sale; 2 rooms can be rente.! and make
rent ii desired ; a loveiy home bee-kle.
34S Columbia itt.
WHY pay $60 for fur. flat, steam heat.
light, phone, bath, built-lns, laundry
tray, cooking gas, sunny rooms, when
you can share these with nie tor hall
$30 includes all. 377 Vancouver ave..
apt. 5.
FOR RENT l-room lower flat, furnished.
$20; 2 4-room unfurnished, $15 and $13;
free water, light, bath and telephone.
1840 E. Glisan st., cor. 72d. Montavllla
rar. Tabor 6220.
COMFORTABLE home of 6-room steam
heated flat for rent, with income; com
plete lurnisnings lor saie. including oaa
piano and floor lamp. Call Broadway
FURNISHED flat with four larjte. light.
airy rooms, electric lights and gat; $;t0;
hr block from Alberta car. tall be
tween 12 and 4 1'. M. No children.
T"14 (Irjnd avenue N.
WEiST Sl DE lurnished f Ut of 5 rooms;
$60. 28 N. 16th St.. near Washington
See Mr. Ha 1 1 is. with Wakefield, Fries &
Co., & Fourth st.
NEW TINT, paint and enamel through
out nicely furnished 3-room lower flat.
excellent. near-in resident lal district.
I40. Main 43.10 or Main
VERY nicely lurnished 4 rooms and prt-
ate bath, lower flat, easy walking d Is
tance; nice surroundings; adults only.
Call 24 East 8lh N.
FURNISHED 4-room lower rial ; light.
Dhone and bath furnished. P6 E. Md
between Washington and Stark. Phone
Tabor 2457.
WIDOW wishes to share her f urniahed
5-room fiat ith congenial people ; $20
mo. lk'vu, Larrabee at.
4-KOOM llat, private bath. stationary
tubs, stove heat, walking distance, choice
location; arums. east ...lfu
4-RooM. luruifched lower fiat, clean, gas,
electricity, water, garbage paid; adults
only. fall wood lawn 4i30.
ROOM fiat, well lurnisneu; ail built-in
conveniences; modern; references; lease.
Tabor 2700.
3-KM. FLAT, Rent h. k. priv. ; ba-th, pri
vate faiiiily. 63 E. 10tn st.. N.. cur,
$45 LOWER floor, my modern, private
residence, Hawthorne district. Tabor
PIEDMONT Nicely furnished; accom
modations lor six; Bleeping porcn. v oou
lawn .v:ui. .
FLiiMSiiED newly .euiied i-nn. tipper
flat. $36; Dutch Kitchen, winte Dam,
itewtng macnine. i n heruy. vtam. .
WILL share 6-room flat with man and
wife; would care xor oaoy uuring a ay
S21 Williams ave.
X.ROOM lower flat at 20 Vauk'hn. be
tween 24lh and 25th; adult: $25. Mar.
5-ltOOM flat, well furnished, cie-an. Call
ln46 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4209 or Ta
bor 76"S.
FURNISHED Mat to rent. 567 Prescott t-
W ood ; nwn afternoons.
THREE-ROOM modern furnished fit
children. 504 E. 22d st.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat. 1318
fnrbett St.
3 ROOMS, baih. modern furnished llat;
children O. K. :16s 14 Second st.
COSY 4-room liat, walking distance. $:;5.
442 Rodney ave.. corner Tillamook.
0- ROoM (urnifhtd flat for rent, close In,
weft side. Broadway 876.
5-ROOM furnished fiat. Hawthorne ave.
Tabor 42'.t or Tabor 7fits.
THREE large, light rooms, bath, toile',
phone, $25. 402 Park. Mar. 1540.
FOUR clean, sunny rooms, bath, in Over
look add. Wdln. 405.
3-ROOM nicely furnished flat with heat:
garage If desired: adults. 674 E. Stark.
HoilKekerping Room.
FURNISHED hous' keeping room. also
sleeping porch. 603 E. Morrison. E.
14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well fur
nished, all full. SVJHK); terms. Sell 3Q51.
hOUSE-KE-E-PING room with kitchenette.
7:15 Everett.
THREE light, large rooms, phone, bath in
hall. 3d floor. 402 Park.
THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern,
private en trsnci-. 511 f'nluiti hi:.
r.4 CLAY Uniurntshrd housekeeping rnii.
a'l icflay; no children.
WELL turmt-hed, can't b beat iur $4.
544 l'ett grove.
Housekeeping ltooiim.
2 room end kitchenette arurtble for
couple employed ; also room and bath,
$35. Very light and sury; reference
required. 166 St, Clair L. corner Wash
1 nr paix ILKA N, WKLU FV K
A T T R ACT! V E, new I y tinted and reno-
vBkt-d i.v. mis., pantry, nui ana co 1 j
water; range, electricity, steam heat. 2d
floor. Reasonable. Walking aistaooe,
J'hone Auto 634-M, or Bdwy S035. Nob
FURNISHED 11. K, rooms. 1 room wan
kitchenette, hot and cold water, private
phone, elec trio lighta steam heat, five
minuses' walk, to town.. 291 Columbia,
near Fifth.
EASTERN hotel. 211 Ftmt U under
American, whit management; 3-room
h. k. suites and single h. k. rooms. 1 2. .SO
per week and up: sleeping rooms. $2.50
and up; hot and cold water on each noor
2 KL'HMSUKU housekeeping rooms with
Kitchenette, sleeping porch, bath, phone,
garage, on lower floor. 706 Powell su
Sell. 1259.
LA R G K. llghti cieanT well-furnlshei
housekeeping rooms, near Benson and
Washsngton schools. 20 E, 15th, corner
NEW, LIGHT housekeeping room, elec-
trio light, steam heat, everything first
class; use of phone, bath. 890 Savier,
near 5rtth. Main 7Q61.
NEWLY fumuvhed housekeeping and
sleeping rooms, weat side, walking dis
tanoe; 1 block from L J. car. 2tk Nsr
till a, corner Madison. Marshall 4173.
ABSOLUTELY ciean single housekeeping
rooms; men or women; free bath; dandy
lobby; low rates. The Vaughn, North
i nn find autthn,
FU RN ISHED, commodious, well-arranged,
plenty of light, clean and cheery, modern
conveniences, walking diaiance. 547
Yamhill. Main 3."i3V
THE BSAVEK. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h, k. rooms. $15 up, including
hot water, electrto lights, laundry room.
UVO and three housekeeping rooms, very
reasonable. 302 Vi E. Burnside and
Grand av e .
CLEAN, comfortable roo ma; free light and
phone, clean linen and bath. 321 Weat
Park. cor. fin v.
LIGHT housekeeping room near Broad
way, not above 3mh. On gentleman.
Call Tabor 8109 Sunday.
NICELY furnished front room, fireplace,
use of kitchen If desired. Call today.
62 N. 21st st.. near Washington.
NICE, dean 3-room housekeeping apt.;
also single, - &85 E. Main. Phone, heat
and M-ht.
TWO clean, nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; everything furnished; near four
car lines. 340 Hassalo.
3 FURNISHED h. k. baauineut room; J
furnished h. k. rooms; hot and cold
water, electric Urht. 26S Montgomery.
PLEASANT, desirable room, exclusive loca
tion, splendid view. 768 Park ave.. Vi
blk. from Council Crest car. Main 4278.
THREE h. k. rooms, 2 furnished, $15 per
month. 271 College sL, between 3d and
4th sts. .
NICELY furnished 2-room apartment, bath,
phone, walking distance, reasonable. 204
.1 ef ferson.
ONE furnished housekeeping room. Nob
Hill district, rent reasonable. 16S N.
IMh st. .
COMFORTABLE 2-room suites, $4.5u. $4;
hot water, electricity, etc. 652 V Thur
man t,
TWO OR FOU R f urniehed housekeeping ;
1 sleeping: cloae In; rent reasonable. 309
21st st.
2 CLEAN furnished houaekeepkug room
w 1 1 h hot and cold watT. 445 6th st.
RENT furnished, h. k. rcuni. nice residence.
P h one, piano, garag-.. East 2533.
H. 1C ROOMS. Stephenson court, 16th
and Mill. B
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms (or
rent. 266 I 00k ave.
A." LARGE, pleasant h. k. room. 447 6th
St., car line. ,
NICELY furnished 11. K.. rooms, 475 Main
st. Furnace heat.
H. K. ROOMS. Jpigk
gio or in suites. Apply
H W ashlngtmi st
NEWLY furnished sleeping and lighthouse
keeping. 585 M urMiall.
2-ROOM basement housekeeping apt., very
reasonable. 507 Clay st. Mar. 3602.
ZOR-VS HOTEL, 5th and Morrison; nicely
furnished h. k. rooms. 201 H Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING apartment near Broad
way bridge. 434 Larraln-e. E, 5014.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms; electric lights;
$ 1 .75 per week and up. 326 1st.
FRONT apt., clean; also bacement room.
r(;:o Davis, near v ash. ,ouus
TWO COR. rooms, range, elec. light.
otiple. yjo. ami'; -n n.
cheap rent. 253 W Wash., cor. 3d.
TWO FRONT H. K. rooms. 41)5 Mont
gomer . iur. 302 8. ,
2 CLEAN ft. k. rooms, sleeping porch,
ndultf. 715 E. BurnsldP.
S ji T h R E E F U It N 1 S H E D H . K. roo ma
127 E. 16th st.. near Morrison.
trie. gas. water
seki't'ping rooms, elec
063 Williams ave.
FOR R ENT Tw o rooms, furnished for
housekeeping. 3St park eL
F O R It E N T :; - l oo 111 un f u r n is h ed . Col.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 2 3-room apart
ments. Col. 10U
-KooM h'Ufe keeping apartment, $6 per
week. 850 14 th st
I LA KG E housekeeping room, everything
furnij-hfd. ?2" P'-r tiiontn. -io rum ei.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well Iurnuhed,
$2 5o per week. 17 N . loth Ht.
Housekeeping lUiunm in Private I amliy.
HA E a tew nice housekeeping rooms In
private home, cloee In on west side,
for rent, very reasonable. 554 Taylor
St rcet. M:iln 5503.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished one or two cor
ner front housekeeping rooms, modern
home, well heated: spotless, clean; rei.
sonablr. Main 1311. 2-S3 N. 211 h. ,
X VV o or three -room suite, furnished for
housekeeping: cheap rent: ground floor;
near Brooklyn or Woodstock car. 07
E. 20th st. S.
NICELY furnished 3-room apartment,
with laundrv, bath und steepi-ng porch,
telephone and une of electric washer,
gara go. 4-'S 71sr St.. S. E. Aut. 61U-..4.
LARUE front room and kitchenette, ei.e
trie lifthts. furnace heal ; also siiiRle
housekeeping room suitable lo'"l,wo
(iris 511 Montg. st. Phone Main 500 .
ROOM and kitchenette, new ly iurnlsneri ,
lovely homo for two ladies employed;
$18. Fast 852W. 411 r,. .11st si.
2 LIGHT airy h. k. room.-, w a ler II gh 1 ,
phone free; $1. Sell. 310 after 6 P. M.,
all dav Sunday. Adult only
ONE large, clean, nicely iurnisn.-u 100m,
closet and kitchenette, steam heat;
adult-. 4"3H 12th st.
2 FINE larne rooms, tirsl floor ; running
water, clean and reasonable. 229 North
luih st.
rooms with lur-
liar e in-ai, upm, p.--, - 1 -
st Me for two employed. Hellwood flu
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
two adults, employed, preferred. 13 E.
17th st. South. Montavllla carline
uKi...KM:nIHIiKl; au.wle H. K. apart
ment, w alklng illhtaiicu, light, w aier,
Mc-phone. 666 Hoyt.
KICK clean housekeeping rooms, fur
nished, newly tinted; reasonable rate;
walking distance, 46 Union ave., N.
TWO LARGE, clean H. K. rooms; ail
modern conveniences; walking distance,
west eide. 501 Vj Davis. Bdwy. 3761.
FOR RENT Three i'urnislird II. K, rotm
in private family. 721b Mississippi ave.
Wdln. 1051. ,
2 FURNISHED houseke pins rooms, very
rear-onable. Call 59 West Sumner St.,
n e a r -Concord.
W 1DOW alone would rent 2 unfurnished
h. k. rooms to lady. 31 E. 2ftth at. Mon
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
furnace heat, light and phone. 75 E.
II! h st. N.. corner 01 r.vnru.
THREE large rooms, first floor, back and
front entrance. 32 East First st. NortK
H K. ROOM, runnir- water, furnace heat;
'also basement room. 431 Wwt Park.
CLEAN Ut--lu h. k rooms; electric lights;
$12 and $15 month. 4fn 2d t.
' b i ltNlSHED 11. K. rooms, modern, cioao
" fn. on car lln". 5Q4 Clinton st. Sell. M.
H K ROOMS, walking distance, cnltdien.
East 5707. Mrs. Wilcox.
MODERN furnished apartment with
m ge. Phone Tabnr 1 163. t
4 NICELY furnished clean housekeeping
rooms. 15 Monroe st. Wdln. 622.
CLEAN front housekeeping suit, adult J
only, walking distance, $25. 46 K. Q:k.
LARGE sunny lurnished rooms for houae-
k-eplng. 435 Williams ave
FURNISHED sleeping or liounf KeCpT-ri
room. 450 Larn bye. Kajt 20 25.
y:, TWO EXTRA Urue h k. rooms;
walking distance. :;75 Uth st .
THRE rooms, near Reed colli JJfc. new
h. k. 1153 57th ave.. near 30th sl.
FOURlTo051S, close in, light and clean;
re Terence. c. ona i.
THREE large rooms and bath; neat and
clean. East 126. .315 Fargo st.
H. K. ROOM. $10 month, gas, free flee-trii-ity.
phone and bath. 3024th st.
2 ROOMS, everything furnished, all con
veniences. 7jtLThuriii'' .
("rand a1
J-"UR.MSliD iioL..-. k. . j; . ..
5ab l'ettj groc. Ldw , o42J.
12 uio.