TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER C, 1921 19 ff 1.t XV A NT EP MALE. Help M autfo pmomgg. WIDE-AWAKE traveling salesman to sell on commission Al line dresse and aprons for Los An geles concern, territory Denver west; no objection to other aid line : reference required. Gaiety Oirmtnl Co., 1549 Broadway, T acorn. Wash. SALESMAj-V WANTED W are looking lor jakimen now makinx 0v0 or more a year and who want to make more money. We are pioneer manufacturer oi bang supplies, cnecK covert, pass booka, art calendars and business calen dars, advertising specialties. dgns, leather loodi; exclusive commlwioni contract : must have A No. 1 reference J, Hales department, Bankers' Adverti-ing Supply Co., Iowa city, Iowa. K A l.V.ii M KN wanted Mon who haVS SUC cessful lain records to sell Wear Proof Mats. On market 12 years, national & known and used. Every doorway a prospect. especially off lea buildings. hotels. theaters. stores. clubs, res taurants, schools, churches, hospitals. levators, homes. Leader in US Il6tu, Good men can make big money and build a lucrative business. Address Wwr Proof Mat Co., 2100 W. Fulton iu, Ohlraro. 111. IV t WA.M some real live wire salesmen who are In the habit or making good money. Heat selling proposition ever offered. Not a corporation stock Job bing scheme but experienced securities and Investment salesmen can make bite munev. If voti have the class ao not pass up this splendid opportunity to connect with first-class concern ana splendid future for yourself. Sea Man ntiT. Hi5 Spauldlng bldg. GREAT OPPORTUNITY RIGHT NOW. New plan of selling very attractive staple merchandise to general stores, hardware, drug stores. Liberal terms. Strong advertising. Iiusy season here, with great est demand In our history. Capable salesmen assured of success from stalk. Liberal weekly advance to producers. GEO. WILLIAMS, Mgr., 1020 Kurlld, I - pt. 1 3, Cleveland, Ohio, A v, .yiiud to sell our Dustle Radiator Sat elds for hot water and steam h at radiators. These shields prevent duat and dirt from Retting on walls and ceil. hub; no competition; good commission. Tms Is a splendid article, tuny to sell. Writ a for particulars to th Pacific Radiator Shield Co.. 810 FtrM vf. S . Health . hh.VLi ESTATE SALKSilKN. W have the easiest selling lot and small acreage propositions In Portland. Kour of our salesmen sold acre tracts so the amount of 21 .out) within two ek. We need three more salesmen Jlg commissions to hustlers. Se Mr Comta, xus Chamber of Commerce. bM". ft. tun! a v. Snr-.l tv nnd Monday A. M. To Tilt; young man that is ambitious to advance and increase his earning power we have a permanent and profit able ronnection to offer. Men well known In Portland preferred. Advancement will 'be verv rapid to those that make good. To ambitious men it will pay you to call urd at e Mr. Strunahan at 007 Henry bldg. 10 to 12 A M . - to 4 P. M. V K Khi.'UliMZIS no com petit tun be a use of our unujue. L S. protected article, exc-lulvej owned nnd controlled by us, clearing upward of $2uu per week for H.iifdirien. It in a year after year re peater. Government created demand. Exclusive i ri Ituriea now being assigned. Jerome, pres., 8 South Learborn Ml., I'llit'iiO. W A NT 1-.J i '.tpuiJie blot k eMiian. We deaire additional experienced man on a proposition that has exceptional merit and wonderful talKing points. Unusual co-operation given men who will hon estly applv themselves. Hei; Salesmana-g.-r between :ou and 10:30 A. M. at Ilrnrv bldg. To MEN wiio can sell, we offer nationally known protliHt, good, quick seller; big prulils; steudv Income. Opportunity to nuiki It K A L money quickly. NATIONAL PIU tlH C I S CO., Union bldg., Cleve land, o. W A X T K f A iK TM. M.W oil, LAMP ItlKWS iir AIU. H V .lohnfon. 2 Aladdin bldg . HI N. ftfh st , Port In nd, Or., the inventor of wonder ful new oil lamp that burns Hr'c air uiid bents n-f. or electricity, is offering en fre to te first user In each locality who will hrlp Introduce If Write turn for particulars. AGKXTS Hell Mini t mend for tires and tu bes ; cost -c repit ir ; surpasses vul-r-Hiuzing. s.ives ftiin per cent; every auto and accessory dealer busy; profits anutz- ItiK. I'Mrtu-iilnrs free and samples. The Continental Rubber Co., department -a. PI !. l.l IF VllL' walil Xiiiits money et busy urlrh niir fm L-tff un i- ti n vrt. bodv buys. iomethiiis appropriate for - everv member if t fit inlly. Toilet and shaA'tng eip. etr. Sales quick, many to family, big profits. Pig rush on. M. fi.'ivfs Vi . Dept. Td-i. Cli I en AG LNTS M.tku eiH'inioua profits selling Krniit"wt household necessity on mar ket Sells for .'iMc. worth Jl.mi. i profit. Women can't resist purchasing Free sample to workers. Act quick. Midwest ern Mfg. Co . Dept. fcTJ-C, HIH bouth W'es'erri. f'h fi go. MA K V. :.u to too weekly selling New Mateh Lip hi er Gasoline Lamps; big profits; ready seller; write for agents' offer. Economy Lb nip Co., H22 Economy Bill . Kansas City, Mo. AC K.N lis He.l new imported vest pocket aluminum pencil sharpener with razor Hire) re ne w.i ble bl.nlo. Everyone- demon strates themselves Into a buyer at 2ic. Protit inn-,, l.tttln Bros Co., 71H P. E. hld . Los Antfi'li's. W H V PAY freight and middlemen on products I twit you can mnkn und sell ynurnolf; make your own goods, employ your own agents and make big profit. Wrilo Gorhum & Gorham, 1001 Western ftve., R. attle. Wash. Ml'lN and wotm-n maku tood money weekly sellinc nr a text lit bo r and money -saving house hold necessity. Big repeater. Good crew mitn.iKer,!i proposition. FREW sam ple and particulars. HOLLY CO., Ha, II Jist hi irs. ehraka. IB U KHuLI lu'i csaiiy. Positive re peater. Big profits. Quick sales. .HI piece dish set free with every p(c order. Send tod a y for sample and proof. Ex clusive territory. Great American Co., .V.'o:t Wrtll St., I.ns Angelas. Cal. EARN aod money silvering mirrors, plat ing and refinlshing metal ware, autos. rhumlellers, bedsteads. Outfits furnished. Write for information. Manton-Declea, L'id Flflh nvr, New York A BUSINESS OF YOU It. OWN Make spark ling glssa name plates, numbers, checkerboards, medallions, signs; big Illustrated book free. E. Palmer, 2U1, W oomer. START your Ford Instantly on coldest morning, new Invention, saves gasoline, starter and bat tory ; agents, dealers. Ford owners, mend for sample. J. 1. R. & pe i M a 1 1 .csC o . , tcpt. 21S. Cm . O. OH H D V E A R MFG. Co.. -J7 Goodyear bldg.. Kansas City. Mo., is making an offor to send a handsome raincoat free to one person In each locality who will re, oinmend It t frl--n.l Write, today. AGENTS: BIG SI RE PROFITS and eas. fast salt's, with guaranteed waterproof aprons. No capital required. H. A G. Rubber Co., 016 Penn ave., Pittsburg. 1'a . Dept. 10 t.G K NTS -Every woman wants Jolly Molly house dressea Big profits. No cap ital needed. Commission advanced. Do mestic Products Co., &4S Davies bldg. Dayton. Ohio. BIG PROFITS EASY Duplex tranalonn eri needed on ry auto ; save gas; easily sold. Exclui? distributors want mi. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 240 St a. C, Oma ha. Neb ADVERTISERS Sav money, get result; frfl-page rate book tells how; greatest booklet of Its kind published; mailed FREE. Standard Advertising agency, loo. St. Louis. Mo. AUTOMOBILE accidents prevented by new Invention. Costa agent 9 .!0 de livered; retail at 47. Wonderful self selling plan. Carl Brown, manager. Dept. 2. Columbus. Ohio. A NEW kitchen device that every house wife has longed for. Sells for II. Good money for auents. Call at 500 E. 57th st. .. near Sandy. . GAS fan in any cook stove from coal oil. New selling plan. No investment. Agents com money. tt our big offer. V. ti. VFO CO. Dept. 10. Columbus. O. AGENTS for counties; have best Ford ac CAaanry on the market; 100 per cent profit; must have car. W 18L Orego- m nun. AGENTS make big money seJling Uneeda raincoats. Season now In full swing. Sample coat, outfit free. Uneeda Ruin cnat Co.. .'17ft D-pt. FN. Chicago. SELL ne went and best automobile acces sory. Great labor-saving device. Perma nent Proposition. Excluaiv ter-itory. B"iir Mfg. Co. Rock Island. III. AG h;.N I S S.-.i town bootr automobile piates; real money-maker; free particu lars. Schmidt Novelty Works. 1941 Lin di'n ave.. liaclne. Wig HAVE you vtwe Intelligence and a neat appearance? If so call Wdln. 2221) or at 454 Going st , bet. 3 and 3 P. M. Sunday for opportunity to make big money. AG E NTS New Jiffy Cnangeab,e Signa Sensational sellers Big profits. Every merchant buys. Write today. People's Pm-tnlt. Station D. Chicago. INCREASE your profits selling soap, per funic, extracts, etc., as side line LA CASSIAS CO. P-pt B42. St. Louis. Mo. HEALTH, accident and nospital Imuraao. H!g comnr.f io n .Q1 Corbett bldg I'Myl'E Christmas novelty, needed in ev-.-rv Tipn'.e. :t 1 1 W'ir-efT b.)g HO a EST. com pet en i i "ni antd. city wor. Wot'.djt.-n k Nurgery. A lili'-'.tg. WANTED Good steady incomk so.uitors. Chance . Tabor 7 03. tor WAIfTED ACEXT3, W E WAN T M E X A N D WOMEN W H O ARE DESIROUS OF MAKING $23 TO IliUQ PER WEEK CLEAR PROFIT from the start In a permanent business of their own. Mitchell's Magic Marvel Washing Compound washes clothes spot lessly clean In 10 to 15 minutes. One hundred other usea In every home. Noth ing else like it. Nature's mightiest cleanser. Contains no lye, lime, acid or wax. Fastest selling article ever old through agents. Free samples make sales easy. Enormous repeat orders. ttou per cent profit. Exclusive territory. We guarantee sale of every package. No capital or experience re quired. Baker, Ohio, made W0 last month. You can do as well. Send for free sample and proof. L. Mitchell A Co., Desk 76, 1308-1314 E. 61st, Chica- ro. III. LP YoC wih exclusive right in your county to sell the wonderful Utilltool you can secure It without paying a bonus; the Utilitool la an article of merit which will enable you to build a future for yourself by earning $75 to $100 a week from the start; sells on demonstration lour out Of live people you call on; re tail stores, hotels, office buildings, fac torles. electricians, car owners buy It lUllttool Is a 0-inch standard tool made of 00-point carbon steel, highly polished and nickel plated; takes place of IS tools. Jones, 513 Llssner bldg., Los An geles, Cal. AL'TO OWNERS. INTENS-A-FORMERS make old care run like new; easy starting when cold; quick get-away; fires spark plugs In oil pumping cylinders; fires through carbon and broken porcelains; makes acored and weak cylinders shoot uniform, always giving uniform spark ; the most simple and efficient trouble saver on the mar ket; convince yourself; send this ad and &0c for set of four or 75e for six. Agents wanted. Intens-A-Fonner company, 44 N. T'nlon ave.. Portland. Or. HOW TO SELL AND WHAT. Every Issue a textbook on salesman ship. Tells you how, when and what to sell. Protects you from dishonest mall order companies. Puts you in touch with most profitable, fast-selling lines and reliable manufacturers; sells for 'M cents an Issue; worth J0 to anyone trying for a larger Income. Three months' trial subscription, Doc. (Stamps accepted.) Address HOW TO SELL AND WHAT, ICS No. Michigan ave., Dept. W. Chicago. WAN TED Lady or gentleman of middle a?e with business ability to handle a high-cUvs atpeclalty sold on a money back guarantee ana highly remunerative. This is a dignilied position, not a nouue-to-house job. No competition: everyone need one sometime in life. Business se cured through advertising and office sales. Hisr profits and pleasant work. Address Radco. 346 Bradbury bldg.. LuJ AnnMeg, Cdl. AG ENTH lie it seller; Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcan ization at a saving of over 8uu per cent; put it on cold, It vulcanises Itself in - minutes, and is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube ; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Rub her Co, Philadelphia. Pa.. Dept. 7tf. Ql IT u orrytng over labor uin-i; make ski aaiiy easily renmsning Dras oeus, autos, chandeliers; new method; light work ; no losses ; no capital, no expe rience required. Vt amount of work readv in your city; you hire others; protit on their work. Free particulars and proof. Gunmetal Co., S3 Elm, De i'H i ti p ill. AGEXTri J-HiO per month, steady pay; new styles written guarantee hosiery; must wear or re-placed free; experience unnecessary; pare time satisfactory; sam ple tree. JennlnK Mfg. Co.. line oil. Dayton. Ohio. HELP WAXTK P FEM ALK. WOMEN or men, copying letters, mailing circulars, etc., at home, all or spare time; big weekly income for honest, sincere persons; experience unnecessary; splendid traveling posiilon also open. Commercial Service Bureau, Dept. PJ0, Isabella rid g. Chicago. UlLAU MOM1..I1 Urtllleil lot- housework in fnmily cons sting of two adults and two children; must be neat and experienced in the care of children. - 447 B. wt. N., corner Thompson, Rose City Pirl fir W A NT ED Housekeeper in widower's home, with children or where mother is employed, by young woman with girl 1H years old. Box vT. Jennings Lodge. Or., or call 3d house B. of Gltn Echo., Or. City car Iln. A Yul'MI woman to do educational work; splendid opportunity for disengaged teacher; may travel if desired; we guar antee $1300 the first year. AE IT-'.". Ore gontsn. WE WANT - evpereu(-ed Sdieaadle of neat appearance and pleasing personal ity. li-M ArtUtans' bldg. Call lt to 1-' or 2 to 4 I--"'" VER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for economy lion-Hleoholic flavoring. Permanent po- sl t ion. F, E. Barr Co.. Chicago. WILL give woman room and bitard and husband's' board for work In cafeteria; mut be god pastry cook. Call 1 to S, Sundav. ovfc Grand live. V WANTED L'apabie midd.c-ugud stenog rapher state experience and give ref erence, steady employment. Salary $1S pf r wuelt to .start C ')'. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, over 21. possessing excep tional beauty and physique, to pose for established artist of national reputation; excellent s.ilary. AE 224 Oregonian. SOLU'lloRS to travel and sell a quality food product from house to house through grocers: experienced women pre ferred A 1io. Oregonian. LADY wanted In small office, some knowl edge of books. Apply Mr. Nutter. 13th and Lovejoy sts., 10 to 12 Sunday morn Ing. COMPETENT girl for general house work mutt be good cook; small family; no furnace. 804 Lovejoy st., phone Main ir74: VA.TE1- An unincumbered woman to take care of children while mother works; home and small wages. Call at 3S4 Park or phone Main 5371!. ANY GIRL In need oi a iriena, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streeta I'hone Mais . 34. 0. DM csr. BRIGHT, energetic, neat young women; prortta ble. pleasant work : your money everv day. 210 Stock Exchange, 8:30 to Hi :t Monday.. WANTED 0 women who can give from 2 In 5 hrs. a day to pleasant outside work; can make 31 per hour. 627 Cor btt bldg. WANTED Capahle young girl to assist with housework; good home and wages, no cooking or washing; small family; references. Tabor 57D3. WOMAN with dept.-aior experience who ran handle dry goods, suits, millinery, general merchandise store; giv age. phone and reference. C 222. Oregonian. Il.E you av or use In tolhgeace and a neat apearauce? If so. call Wood lawn 2227 between 2 and 3 P. M. Sunday, to make MK money. TWO WAITRESSES, in the city, good wages: girl for general housework, 435, out- Lewes Kmployment. 4.8 2d. WANTED An experienced finisher on drenii-H. Call Monday morning at ' otpk. WJT MTtr:in nldg. YCUNG farmer wants' "housekeeper; give age, phone and alreet No. AK 214, Ore- nnian. STENGGR A I'H ER. law office training; atate experience ana salary. jonn flnker. Hood River, Or. CHECKER w anted, experienced lady for cnecK room, evening wurn, can at v. Hilton hill. 14th and Washington today. WANTED Free deiiontrator, experience unnecessary. Apply 10 o'clock Monday morning. MSB TTpshur. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and for short-henir work in confectionery store. App'y Spanlol's Swm 2V 4th St. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with light housework for room hd board and some wages.- Fast 3743. ToL'.Nd women wanting employment as telephone operators, call at room 601 Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak streets. MIDDLE-AGED lady to keep house and care for convalescent, nervous patient. Particulars. East 1142 to 12 today. THS FLORENCE CR1TTKNTON noma Is ready to heip any girl in distress. D53 Eat Gliran. "MV" car. East 316. SCHOOL girl or woman working mornings to assist with housework and child. Marshall lOfiO. after f. TWO EXPERIENCE) HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASSERS. GOOD COMMISSION. 10 TO 12 A. M MSnrCHANAV HLDO. CH KCKER wanted. Experienced lady for check room. Evening work. Call at Co tlUton hall. 14th and Washington, today. Experienced f;niier on so was. ' 02 Northwestern Bank biig ,LLE1LLV woman to do light srvice In exchange for gxol home Ant. fi'-SO. WOM:.. wanted to aoik on appiej. Starr Fruit Products Co.. 321 K. Yamhi'.l si. WOMEN wanted to worn on apples Starr Fruit Products Co.. 321 E. Yamhill st. WANTED Teacher of English for private lessen. 104 2d st. LADY canvassers, something new; big money. Boom M 4 Buchanan bldg. ELDERLY woman to take charge of small home; light work. Wdln. ."iin'2 WANTED A oung lady as a housekeeper. AV 3 A. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED town finisher. 201 Broad- YflmMll bl.Is. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; no wahlng. Mar. 2133. LADY, home mauager, pleasant: give full address, phone. PF 210. Oregonian. fuKULAUl MH1. fjctory; A.te cxpoil- re AR 21i. Oregonian. BRIGHT fctenokfrapher. aeneral insurance; state minimum salary. B 222, Oregonlaa. HELP 1VAVTED FEMALE. WANTED Women of unquestioned culture and refinement, 23 to 35 years old, high- scnooi or college education and unincum bered, for hiKh-clasa traveling position paying liberal advance and railroad fare from the start, also bonus on business written; necessary qualifications, educa tion, personality, sound health and self conffdence. experience unnecessary, as we train you thoroughly ; no investment re quired; special opportunity for tiose who have had teaching experience. In reply state age, education and previous busi ness experience; aso give personal de scription. F. E. Com p ton c Co.. 510 American Bank bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal WANTED Laxly partner. U to 4. unln cumbered, with ltk0 cah, to Join my wife with Uk amount. In high -grade de-licatesaen store at location to be se lected by you two later in Portland: am on road traveling; can give portion of time only to help you; A-l reference . given and required; no agents P. O. Box .W, Portland. Or. WANTED SEVFRAL TOUXO LADIES for -genera 1 office work. Apply 8 to 10 A. M.. Montgomery-Ward & Co.. 27th and Vaughn. WILL give capable woman home for win ter for help with housework in family of two: fn country near email town; conveniences, piano, schools); would con sider one child; can get man work in camp; give particulars and phone AV &7K Oregonian. WE WaM several iadits qualified to ap proach and interview the highest class of prospect with view of selling tickets to aeriira of instructive and en tertaining lectures. Please give phone number. Leads furnished. -Good conxmis slon. F 171. Oregr.nian. Ttiii; tN; HlKaiT. suCUTl of New York clt in Us Horn Department needs the services of two or ttree cultured, earnest women. To those a ho can meet with our requirements the ooslrlon pays 12300 a year. Csai at Sotf Coroitt bldg. between 'J and ft. SALESLADIES to sell high-grade all-wool and aiik-and-wool cloths for coats and wraps; the season's wanted smaxt fab rics; sample suit; 10 per cent commis sion. ' E. Muldoon, 171a Columbia ave., Philadelphia, Pa. W A N T a saleslady to handle best line tailored all-weather top coats for men and women, direct to wearer; a money making proposition; exclusive territory; give full particulars, experience, etc J 'Jttii, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE traveling position ior edu cated woman with pleasing personality; ex-teacher, mother or one Interested in children preferred; railroad fare, salary and commlfision. Apply to NeaL J. wnite, ik;o Kurue bine. Seattle, THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its service in ai mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; Interviews confidential, a 14 Worcester bldg., SU and Oak at a. Phtne Main a-s. PASTRY and steam table cooking. 25 per week; chambermaid, out, Mu, room and board; good cook, private families, also other positions. Scott's Employ ment Bureau, Henry bldg., corner itn ana oak. VAXTliii By widower, Pfutvaianl lady to ketp house; li children, age 6 to i yra; S13 per month; long job and good home tu right party. Address Box 3i Ashland. Or. YOUNG woman to care for new bunga low wanted by business man of character and refinement ; no objection to one child if under 3 years. Write, giving particulars. R 19i Oregonian. HOUSik.EEPER, with no children, be tween iH and M years of age; close in; good home; look after aged woman, but not helpless; wages j0. board and room. Portland Labor Agency. 11 North LM. AT rive uriul. oapaoie uaies is travel, demonstia'.e and sell dealers; 140 tt 473 per week, railroad fare Pt Write at once, Goodrich Drug Co.. cp. lulHB. Omaha. Neb t LADIES Solicit orders private families, $30 weekly guaranteed, experience un necessary ; we deliver and collect.- Con sumers Hosiery Mills, 7 -'4 City Hall sta tion. N. Y. . WANTED Woman to help with house work, separate, waeh milk utensils; we haven't children and wouldn'tnbJect to one child under scnooi age; wage ju. Mrs: C. P. Coleman, I-akeside. Or., box 77 FIRST-CLASS HOUSEKEEPER. NOT OVER 40. TO TAKE FULL CHARGE MUST BE GOOD COOK; TWO IN FAM ILY. MAIN 220 OR BPWV. lO GIRL experienced In folding and lnclo-lng circular matter; must nave some execu live ability ; salary $."0, with advance ment. BJ 210. Oregonian. WOMAN, over o, unincumbered, to vf&it the tick: mutt be neat in appearance and sympathetic: satisfactory remunera tion to right person, u i c i. oregonian WANTED Experienced counter girl; must be uuick; good checker and good cah ler; steady work at good wage. Call Monday, v. A v. Cnfeteria WANTED An txpv: tended, reti-U.e cham bermaid; good wage Apply between 0 and 10 A. M., Jefferson h-Hd, 2-j Jel ferson rt. WaNT.D Middle-aged houkc-eper b' widower; 3 fam-My; small ranch; good home, fair wages, give age; particulars. Box 1. Corvatlla Or. WANTED Experienced chocoiate dipper. Call UT2 Hawthorns av. Liberty Candy Co. East .Mi.":t. GOOD home for elderly coupie in ex change for services; referencea. M 102, Oregonian. Wanted Domestic. WANTED For familv living In modern ranch home 15 miles from Portland an exnerienced Young c r or active woman (may not bring child) for general house work and plain cooking. Wages $40 per month. write, giving age ana reier ences. AH 224, Oregnnian. COMPETENT girl lor cooking and down stairs work; best of wages; no laundry work. 1K4- Willamette blvdL Call Col. 721, cither Sunday morning before 10 or Monday WANTED Woman for a-eneral house work; nice home, family of 3; state sal ary expected, age, etc.; Swedish pre ferred. K I'on. Oregonian. Kv . NTEDVV illtng girl to take charge of home and school children : mother em ployed; good home; $25. labor 7US even- ilngs. GIRL for cooking and housework, family of three; good wages, 704 Lovejoy. Main 247. Ci-taN, relubitj girl or woman, uioking and general houswwork, small family, no srm-H children. SM M archill st. U nl iti iri or wuiiiaii, employed or going to school, can have board reasonable for asL-.tance evenings. Broadway 4425. (I'T L.u toy nr. SWEDISH cr Norwegian girl to assist with cooking and general housework; wages 130. Apply 133 Hryce ave. "WANTED Good experienced girl or young woman for cooking and general house work. Et 7J4. WOMAN for general housework In plain, modern home ; electrical conveniences. home privileges. wages. Sell. 112a. WANTED Girl to assist with Ushi house work; will pay good wages. ioOSs Broad- way. WANTED Girl for general housework, 625 Halsey st. Phone East 5331. GIRL for general housework or capable hteh jwhool girl. East 2217. CAPABLE gul for housework, ii in fam ily; good home. Tabor 2470. COMPETENT woman or girt for light housework. Phone East 3027. GIRL for general housework; good home. M ain 4t'L1. HOUSEKEEPER to take lull charge of house on farm. Call 3!'5 E. Sd st. N. GIRL to ast-t with housework; small fam jly. Fast Ha47. m COMPETENT girl for general housework. East 2411. 5:t7 E. 21st street N. Gilt lor tiier-l ouswora, two adul , M. Main wrw. HELP WANTED MA LE0 R FEMA LB. MOVIES HECTOR CLOVE RIO is back in Portland to produce 20 comedies to be released by Forward Film Distribu tors. Inc., of New York. Portlanders who wish picture work and are ex perienced, write him, care Cloveno Film Co.. or AR 200. Oregonian. MAN OR woman wanted; salary 1-6 full time, 75c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; experience unnec-sary. Intrnational Mills, Morris town, Pa. WANTED Live hustlers: have best sell ing specialty on market: big money for right party. 600 Hawthorne ave. . TWO MEN or women for work In or out of city, steady, good pay. No experience neceasary. Inquire 6a 0th s Sunday 8ti to 4 P. M. Mr. Hail, WANTED Al house-to-house solicitor for big holiday specialty : something new; easy seller; big money. Phone Monday, to .V Tabor 744 WA NT D Soliciiurs in Oregon, Washing ton. California, Idaho: fre transporta tion. Instruction: big money. Room 221 Angela hotel, &''r ashlngton CANVASSER wanted. Call 02 North 6th st. II Kl.F v4'A'T:i WITH rVVESTMKNT. AGREEABLE coup. a can buy half Interest, with man and wife, in lunch counter on public market; good location, good busi ness, w oreg-onian. IF YOU want a live proposition and have mall amount of cash to finance your- elf. 1 ."Th St. made prouucL oa the market. 211 McKay J bid. 1 HELP WANTED WITH INYEPTMKNT. WANTED Good live man to handle auto motive transportation proposition; an exceptional opportunity for the right man; requires investment of Sou; in vestor handles hi own m ofluy. - AG 216. Oregonian, WANTED A real meat cutter to handle meat in public market for stocamtn on commission basis. This Is a real op portunity. Requires only $b00 Invest ment, w rite public niaraet, Kiamatn r a i is. Oregon. Wanted a lady, l'3 to 30 years old. who has j123 cash. if you want to make $.v0 in 30 days, let's go: legitimate bl sin ess. this is no fake ad. just bl'si n ess. r 214, o reooniax. MAN. HAND 1" with tools, with few bun- area collars, can get into a clean money making business; be your own boss; no canvavdng. Give phone number. N li-, Oree.iniarL WANTED Experienced egg and butter man to handle same In public market. Klamath Falls, Or.; $300 will handle It. Write Public Market, Klamath Falls, Oregon. F. A E. SALESMAN wanted. 63 Board of Trade. ! to 11 A. M. SITFATIOXS WANTED MALE. A LI Vtl, clean, capable farmer (single). A-l horseman, also iractioneer, wishes general farm work; no tobacco, refer ences. Room 337, Hotel Harrison, city. JANITOR, singie man, w Lanes position as Janitor or assistant In apartments; can paint, kalsomins and do minor repairs. References. D JOU. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS chef wants position in Port land; thoroughly experienced in both . hotels and restaurants; best of refer ences. G 10, Oregonian. LET ME draw tne plans for your home. Years of experience in 'designing of residences; prices very reasonable. Call Tabor gti4. PRINTER IS years' experience country hops, wanta situation, Job, ads, machinist-operator; give description of shop and wages first letter. K 193. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, very careful drivar, do own repair work, wishes po sition with private family. AM 20V, Ore gonian. bA-ftfcunCci man. married, i.eeua worn; experienced electrician or truck driver; honorable discharge; excellent character. ri"."t lARRIED man with clean habits and steady wants work with storage and ex press company or helper with truck of any kind. Phone Broadway 37fll. PAINTING, papering, tinting ; reasonable; first-class mechanic, takes most any thing you can name as part pay. Wood lawn 55G3. COOK., all-around economical and quick, experienced in hotel, restaurant, club and institutions; can take charge. . R -HW. Oregonian. MILLWRIGHT wants Work in city, can give good references and can handle any kind of machinery. O '-10. Orego nian. AS JANITOR, by a bandy man. with best of references. Phone E. 4b37, or V 2u, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE, good cooks and bakers, want ob restaurant or country hotel; references. S iftw, Oregonian. BOY. 15, WANTS place to work, room, board and clothes, go to school: farm ex perience. Hellwood 3A1. MAN, j4, ex-soldier, wile, 7, want Job on farm; experienced, hard and good work- era; references. V l'jj. Oregonian. JAPANrSE, Iirst-class cooK., with best references, wishes situation in private family. G. TANAKA, li.S Everett. MIDDLE-AGED man, would iiko to do chores or care for chickens; some wages. M 153, Oregonian. JANITOR work w.ii ted in apartment house by middie-aged man; board and some wages. J l'.K. Oregonian. - PObiTlO.v wanted by expert typesetter and work on presses. Address IOCS 7th yt . Ore gon City WANTED Any kind of house repairing and cement work by day or Job. Oto, East FiUST-CLANS MECHANIC WILL RE PAIR YOUR CAR; 1 PER HOUR. MAR. 4H.V. YOUNG man attending trade school will work for room and board or small wages. ElRt 7445 Monday. FIRST-CLASS t ur repairing and re lining coats and capes a specialty. Miss An derson. East 0435, after P. M YoL'NO man, experienced In grocery and hardware lines, wishes position with wholesale firm. Mar. 2130, room 3. POSITION in auto le- and acctasorie shop, by mechanic, or will take mechan Ical work. R lbO. Oregon i am FIRST-CLASS painting and decorating done reasonably but good, by day or contract. East 7131. A WORKING chef wishes position as part ner or by wages. A-l economical dinner cook. Call Tabor 03? bX -SAILOR, honorable d if charge, wants work, experienced chauffeur; will drive truck. R. B- Foster, Bdwy. 4403. WANTED Clerical position by young man with college training; opportunity more object than sal a ry. Y 224. Oregonian. liAN, aTKONG and wili.lig, Wibiiea any kind work; experience snipping, etc H 221, Oregonian. YOUNG man, truck driver, 4 years' ex perience, wants work; will work at any thing. Phone Auto. 3l'-4(i, ask for Leo. BLACKSMITH and horseshber, Al me chanic, married, wants steady position, S4.50 pr day. AV noil. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic and truck driver, with hunt of references, wanta position. T:iVr 'tm ENGINEER wants work in city, can run any kind df engine, and give good refer ences. P 222, Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, capable de signer: residence specialty, desires posi tion. Wood la wn 3u3. 1270 Atlantic st. fclX-SERi'ICE MAN wishes position in bat tery station; willing to leave city. Ad W 2t'W. Oregon in n. EX -SERVICE MAN wishes position In electrical supply house, in or out of city. S "M2. Oregonian. UN 1 VERS1T Y student mut have work. Would like office work or outride posl tion. Re fere nee. Tabor Ih.'iG. MAN WITH light car for trips, or can spare about half time with his car. Call Columbia 510 PAINTING, kali-om-ining. enameling and paper hanging; reduced prices. Mar shall ."'i:iKli--.C.i retail and wholesa le grocer open for engagement. AC 244. Oregonian. FUR CUTTING uowc trees, call Auto matic 524-4S. N JAPANESE wants any kind of job for eve'. Call after 2 o'cloc k, Aut. 6 32-05. YOUNG MAN wants work. Can drive any muke of Main flu 14. Room 3. MARRIED MAN need work. Painting kalnominlng. Macltn. Ea.t 1M1. TRUCK hauling and moving. 4i3:.. Call East POSITION by expert need man. janitor watfhmm. caretaker. Tabor S770. CARl'EN'TER. lirst class finisher, wishes work. Wdln. 374. SEE ME for estimates on Interior painting and decorating. J. P. Boiik, Ens; 71 I. $15 REWARD for information leading to "eauy joo 111 my, u'-, "" ii. CARl'ENTER and millwright wants work. W. Burgeas. 014 Y. M. C. A. COLORED man .wants position In private family. Tabor 87GS. PAINTING, PAPERH ANGING. TINTING. WORK GUARANTEED. EAST lift. HAULING contract wanted for late 2-ton truck. Owner, Bdwy. 2!41. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract: first-class work. Wdln. 2G(i3- CEMENT Iinh;ng, porches and Bieps a sieclalty. Ph,one Marshall 2b08. CARPENTER cantracUi to build or to alter. Manny. Sellwood 2421. MAN AND Ford car will work for $4 per day. East 11 S3. THE LITTLE Jobs that dad won't do; roofs repaired. Tabor 43. Auto. 623-30. WANTED Generai hauling. 3fe-toa truck, day or contract. Wdln. SO. MIDDLE-AGED man wants any kind of work; good referen ces. Wdln. 2944. EXPERIENCED carpenter foreman, r e su 1 ts. East 7207. PAINTING, tinting, papering; work guar anteed. Prices lowest. Tabor 232S. YOUNG man wants work of any kind. Tabor 1737. CHEF. Al, European or American cooking, good meat cutter. M 210. Oregonian. SHINGLING ur rcshmgling, rain ox shine. Phone Tabor 1..1S. evenings. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Auto. 514-71. Room 13. YOUNG man wishes work or position chauffeur. Est S.-.84. PA i'cR HANGING. 25c per single roll; es timates nn painting. Main Kl3 PAINTING and kalsomlning; good work na r"fiSona o;e iiru-ew. auu. nja-ov I. C S. ARCHITECTURAL student wants work In architect's office. Sell. 4Prt. CARPENTER READY FOR WORK MON DAY MORNING. SELL. 2400. BIDS on excavating basement. Ma ft. 131 Colum- MaKRIEU man. truck driver; I ca save v-'U mnnev on vo'ff repairs. Sell. 3537. FoR Al POINTING and exterior work CoNCRiiTE work in all branchea Bdwy. ;:o-V " '5 j.", r. g.c n. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc 40 . sth. Phone . 210. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AM 84 AND married: bave had 16 years' sales- and executive ex perience, can handle sales or ganisation of representative business offering a definite fu ture ; excellent references ; sal ary not important aa the future. O 186, Oregonian. WALL-PAPERING. Correct wail-papering by interior deco rator of 15 years" eastern experience in the better class of work, ordinary work given the same atentlon: estimates and decorative schemes furnished; prices rea sonable; no hurr-up. half-done work, as I have no boss. For appointment, phone Tabor 2424. . CONCRETB forms filled by mixer; basement, ga rages, anything; house raising and re modeling, fhone Mar. 74tt evenings. CONTRACTORS, farmers and woodsaw men. attention. Now is a good time to have your stationary gasoline engines overhauled; very reasonable ; Fatrbanka engines a specialty. 6101 eJd St.. Grays crossing. PAINTING, tinting, papering, all branchea. best materials, satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable. GAOE A MOE. Tabor 3404. Tabor T056. 147 E. 75th st. N. 114 E. flftth st. N. DON'T try to get a position till we press your suit for 45 cents, while you wait. Joy. tne tailor, 104 4th. near Stark. JOT. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH ST REE' ENGINEER, 5 years' experience In sta tionary, hoist, portable work, steam and electric driven compressor, pumps, etc., open for position; go anywhere; beat of references. Box 35, Camas, Wash. EX-SERVICE man, 32 years old, 10 years' experience with steam engines and boilers on steamboats, wants work: wilt do anything. R. S,, route 1. box .141, B twin g. Oregon: : BENSON student wanta to work for room and board; will take care of children; can do all housework or heavy work. Call East 2S78. . YOUNG man wants to learn storage bat tery work In practical shop; have had some experience. What can you offer? W 1 S3. Oregonian. MAN A.D WIFE, janitor and housekeep er, will rare for apt. houete; understand steam, painting and tinting. F 187, Ore- W.Ai'TEiJ Janitor work In large apt. by energetic young colored couple, or experienced man will accept private car driving. Phone vooniswn m'akkIED man. C. S., wants Janitor work pair woik and engineering. J 102, Ore- gor.lan. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FIRST-CLAS3 WORK GUARANTEED AT LOWEST PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. E. 7842. WANTED Position of any kind by man with several years' experience as oper ative and under cover work; best ref erences. M 104. Oregonian, LOGGING superintendent with -0 years experience, t-an give owi vi rvkersuvw. A V Hti nrcmnlan EA.-SEKV1CE man wants work, anything; Al cbaufteur, truck driver, good repair man. V Hit. 0,-o iron Inn. YOUNG Japanese scnoolboy wanta general housework in small family. Phone Bdwy. MARRIED man wants work of any kind, handy with tools. Phone Main 5237. A MeGtnnis. A LICENSED architect is open for a posi tion with a building firm or with an architect. M IhH. Oregonian. FUR HIKE, LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCK, DRIVER AND TRUCK 1 PER HOUR. PHONE MAIN 7400. TRUCK hauling wanted; lumber, wood or gravel. Room 318, 2711 Grand ave Kss! 2!1. - GLASS CUTTER, glazier and art glass worker wishes employment or contract work. R 17. Oregonian WANT position as watchman or caring for furnace: will leave City; best references, Y 1G2. Oregonian. NOW ia the time to have a coil put in that furnace or stove. Pre-war prices. Work guaranteed. Tabor 227rf. I'alU 1 wttli Ui - fciiaw wait la contract to cut rick wood, Hi-tn. lengtn.- a a areas . Cooner. s 30 (isth ave. S. K . ELDERLY man. experienced, wishes posi tion a dishwasher or batter s helper, jan Itor or c ho rem ;m. X 1 ', Qfe-gon ian HAVE you a car and don't know bow lo drive it 7 A young man will teach you reasonably. Call A. K. P.. Main 3..30. WANTED Small lathe work by Job or hour; alt work guaranteed. Phone Sell wood 75. DENTAL student warns Job for room and board or room and part board. Phone Fast 3i43. WANT any kind of inside work evenings, ti to 0. or Saturday P. M. 2 to 9. E 200, Oregonian. . CHAUFFEUR l.'il3 acciuenui in October. Employ a careful driver. G 187. Ore- r n rd h n . GENERAL CONTRACTORS, cement, cess pool, new era. baement. Briegel Co., HAVE new Dodge car; would like to earn some money. What have you? AK 224, Oregonian. POSITION wanted as rodman, chainman, axeman, truck driver, doorman. A. I. man. V UK. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE couple wish to iflve serv ices morning and evening for furnished rooms; references. Bdwy. 2. room 314. RESPONSIBLE couple wish Job as care takers In exchange for furnished rooms; references. Broadway 2. room 814. GENTLEMAN wants position of trust, office, home, Institutional or by day. Phone 624-00. G ISO. Oregfinlan. WANTED- Position as ca ndy maker, by all-around, practical, experienced maa. Adrtress II !!'!'. Oregonian. AUTO mechanic. 6 years' experience, fair education, desires work In shop, driv ing or anything. Tabor 32"2. POSITION wanted. Registered pharma cist ; good references. M IDS, Orego nian. MAN with 12 yefirs experience In driving automobiles wishes position as private chauffeur. 200 Othst. PAINTING, tinting, roof repairing a soe cialty. first-class workmanship and ma-. teriai guaranieen. nenwonu oj. PAINTING and Kalomining done; prices reasonable. C. Clausen, 554 Johnson st. P h or. e Bmadway C4H. r MARRIED man a ants janitor or any kind of work, best of city references. J ISO, Oregon i a n. Phone Wdln. 325rt. WANTED By young maiTk-d man. ateady employment; handy with tools; driva any car. AC 227. Oregonian. WE DO ANYTHING!. Why not rive us that odd. Job, you hae? Main Mr. Collins. JAPANESE warns to contract a Job cut ting brush or reclaim a piece of land. Y 1 05. Oregonian. A MAN WITH two-ton truck would like anv kind of work. Woodlawn 1. L. E. Smith. - toil iNG LIN G Roof patching, gutter re pairing, leaky chimneys reflashed. Mar shall 1072. HIGil school student wants after school and Saturday exp. In grocery and meat rriKt. Can drive car; references. Sell. 2326. STRONG young couple would like work on farm, or JaniLor. B. KoostromeLnoff , A.ttorin. Or. EXPERIENCED, reliable elevator opera tor wanta position; refs. Address 111 E. Sumner st. Phone Wdln. 3ii0. COMPETENT man and wife want apart ment house work. All-around couple; can do all repairs. P 207, Oregonian. CARPENTER, builder, remodeling, built- ins a specialty. East 7iu 6HINGLKRS When you want reshingling -- - . t M -- Wood In wn -V'flR mnrni-- STRONG boy, 20, out of the army, wants PRIVATE chauffeur with ref. wants job, F 1 ict oregonian. PLUMBER wants work; do any job; repair expert. mwy. a.,.-?-. CEMENT WORK CESSPOOLS. Rn-yonble rtes. Ts hor 140. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position Fchool hoy. 307 Burrside st. CARPENTER, Jobbing and repairing; also painting ana asi a.?;.'o. SHINGLING, roof repairing ; prices rea son a b 1 e. w o rk jtu aranteed . Auto. 325-16. PIANOS, phonographs and furniture refln- Ished. W. J. jaurpny, .aiam YOUNG ex-service man wants work of t.l- M.r.V oil -? FORD mechanic, nigh scnool graduate, wants steady work. Sell. 11400. B KER Experienced cake baker wants position. Phone Main til 5 2. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sell wood 1 :!. HiGH SCHOOL boy wants work afternoons a:. Sa-urdr.y.'. Cull East 7s20. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sell word U19. PLU MB I NO done very reasonably by h.jur or Job. Auto. 235-51. CHAUFFEUR, exp. driver, wants work, full or part time. A IPS, Oregonian. MARRIED couple wish care of apartment house. PJ 218. Oreg-onlan. p()U.I iinttd. !-?; 3no rll: p iiting hv hour or j- b Wln. 0n.-4. PLUMBING and cutters' work reasonably b-.- hour or lob- Woodlawn ''"4. Yov'N'G m in will give service morning and evening for room. A 200. Oregonian. SH1NGLERS WHEN Yob W ANT SH1NG-I LiNO XCCv, MA1X 6100. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-AROUND printer machinist-operator, capabte oT taking full charge Job or newspaper office; A-l executive and sya lemlzer, wants a steady position as working foreman: married. State wages In first letter: union or not; best oi references AV 5T', Oregonian. ilAOll.Nl.Vi' who is idle u.utd like posi tion at trade or other work; would buy commercial or other car for use with any firm needing such, or will Invest where work can be secured In any line. V ?9, Oregonian. COLLEGE student would like work as a chauffeur; will take either a position in town or with some one touring soutn for winter. Have driven for 7 years and can give rcferepces. Call Tabor 1 v" ft. . BAND MASTEK. tnoroughlv .competent, leach all instruments: violinist of aoility; dejMre location, coast states only. Ad-dre.-s B. M. S0 n. 30th sL, Seattle. Wash. ENGINEER, UNDERSTANDS ELECTRIC ITY. REFRIGERATION AND- GAS. GOOD ALL-AROUND MECHANIC. A l'.Ml. Oregonian. WILL give $15 for Job. Can drive car. cierk. had two years in real estate of fice; desire something permanent, with future. Tabor 54H2. NOW" IS THE time to have that stump land cleared; get it producing: would like contract clear it for you; five acres up. D Oregonian. ' APARTMENT hou?e manager and en gineer; thoroughly experienced; only first -class position considered. E 1U2, Oregonian. WANTED Employment, husky, willing young married man, experienced Janitor, general labor or clerical work. 4.03 Sec ond. Main 5337. hdokkrejifra. Stenograph e rs. Office. .LUMBER ACCOUNTANT, " OFFICE MANAGER. Fifteen years' lumber experience, now employed in above capacity in Oregon, married, 40 years old. thoroughly con versant with West Coast Lumbermen'a association accounting system; good ref erences and bond if required; bt of reasons for desiring a change. Address AV ,W7, Oregronlan. E.VPEKT accountant and auditor wants . one or more seta of books to keep dur ing mornings; financial reports and sys tems installed ; beat of reference 1 can help you solve any bu. sinew prob lema N 12. Oregonian. EXPERT Ethnographer, 7 years' sales and advertising experience, desires connec tion with local Industry or commercial house; understands general business principles, shipping, etc., and capable of assuming executive responsibility. Phone Mr. Bullock. Broadway 24. IQ. ACCOUNTANT, with 15 years' practical experience, coat accounting and auditing, aged 35 years, wishes connection with manufacturing or mercantile company, reasonable aaiary. Address W 205, Ore gonian. COLLEGE graduate. 34 years, married. 14 years of business experience, desires po sition of office manager or assistant to busy executive; can furnish unqueatlon- nh1e reference C S7. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, desires per manent or temporary position with local firm; excellent references. M 16J, Ore gonian COST accountant, payroll bookkeeper and general office clerk; for past two years and seven months with large copper company. Call Downing. Bdwy. 1270. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, books au dited, small sets kept, systems Installed, Income tax. Main OH. SMALL sets of books wanted by hour of month; reasonable, by expert account ant. N 103, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER .AND ACCOUNTANT WANTS POSITION. n ?. nRr.iioyi n BOOKKEEPER, with five years' experi ence, capable of managing office. K 106. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant, part time work. Books audited, system installed. G Hi3, O rpgon I a n Salrnmen. LUMBERMEN, BUILDING MATERIAL M EN. Salesman, first - class connection amongst local dealers, factories, con tractors; thoroughly experienced In all kinds of lumber and building material; highest character, best references. Open for engagement. Sales or retail yard. AM 222. Oregonian. 8 A LES.VIAN Seven year w ith nationally known specialty and garag trade ac quaintance, wants connection with whole saler or manufacturer; have car and can furnish bond and best references. BJ 21 11. Oregonian. SALESMAN. WELL ACQUAINTED WITH M K ROh A NTS IN OREGON. IS OPEN FOR A PROPOSITION : DESIRES CON NECTION WITH REPUTABLE HOUSE; AOK 30; BEST REFERENCES. J 109, OREGONIAN. B if SALESMAN -Experienced selling di rect to farmers. Installation of farm mi- 0 chlnery and gas engines. Irrigation sys tems, pumps, etc.; can handle apeclaltlea successfully; wis lies engagement with enr st house. R 217, On 'gonian. LIVE WIRE WANTS MANUFACTURER'S LINE FO R,NG RTH WESTERN TERRI TORY OR COM M ISSION CONTRACT. IN ANSWERING NAME THE LINK. F. V.. 1530 HARRISON AVE . CITY. HIG II -GRADE speci i.ty salesman wants Job selling to trade, with salary, gro cery or some staple line preferred. Ad dress 'jjn. Oregon :an. A A N with 7 v-ears' experience in wholesale "rocery line, wishes position; best of reference; have car. M ISO, ore- porilan. HOLLSALE grocery salesman now em ployed wishes to make a change. C 162, Oregonian. srrrATioxs wanted female. RELIABLE! woman will care for hotel or rooming house, or act as housekeeper. Mrs. Wilson. Bdwy. 37f0. YOUNG woman cook, experienced cafe teria, delicatessen and generai work. Phone Bdwy. FIRST-CLASS butter wrapper, understands W. A. Nolnnd. Clackamas. Or., Route 1 WOMAN wan La day work. Phone East 5371, room 7. SEVEN-DAY ADVENTJST wanta cooking or nay work. Enst 4l.i. WILL care for children afternoon and .unl-c. nhnn Hr.iu.lan V 1 HW COM PETENT maid wants any kind of work, day or hour. E.i st 4202. EXPERIENCED lady piano teacher. les sons at pupil 's ho me. Broadway 22!4. EAf5KCURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST fil'.J6. "i. 1 i 'Ol WS" 1 'LA 1 MOi.nL ' ers who work or shop. ior C. S. moth Marshall 3673 WOMAN must have work, experienced, cafeteria. East 6102. apt. O. CLEANING, laundry, by day or hour. Main ST-'2. , LADY. experienced, desires ' apartment hMis- tn rim. jr.jtTrtrf ic tox HATS MADE to order, trimmmg and re- rrmoeiUlK- flui' "'i-n, i n.i i-. i at. JAi'ANSE wants position as school girl tn this town. oin sl.. city. YUUNG lady wishes few hours housework mornings; west side. G 1 17. Oregonian. WOMAN wanta day work; experienced. Woodlawn M3S. WOMAN, reliable, competent, wants house w n rk ; rff e ranees. Wood la wn 4 7 '10. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Phone Bdwy. 410:. room 6. EXPERIENCED girl desires position as clrk In store: references. East 046. COM PETE NT colored, woman wants day wo-K. Ea-Ct 2"07. RELIABLE widow wants day work. East 44 OS. EX PERIENCED chambermaid wants po sition. East 4441ft, COMPETENT lady wanta hour work. r, o 4 a. Mrs. Harp. GIRL, experienced, wants second work; cnod references. Marshall 2H77. WOMAN for day work. Woodlawn 2705. Phone all week. LAUNDRY work and cleaning; references. Marshall 2K. I LIRE to care for old people or children, citv or cnuntry. 149 1st St.. room 12. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Te'rphnn? R4.1-20. WANTETL Ladies' and gents' fancy laun drv. Telephone fi"-20. EXPERIENCED woman wishes second work. Marshall 3S54. Bdwy. 3;S. THE CARE of Invalids and of children evenings. Mar. 340. DAY WORK by widow lady; American. X 211. Oregonian. WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas: sitlerwiid references. Tabor 1.VJ0. -Sweeping, cleaning, by day; M.Tin .v77 till 2 P. M. RELIABLE WOMAN will stay with chil dren. Call Fast 7540. EXPERIENCED teacher wishes position ; city or rural. P 2'W, Orgonlan. CAPABLE mother's helper wishes poal t or. 0 to references. Broadway 8135.. WANTED Work by day or hour on Mondays. Wednesdays. East 373. TEACHER of piano, beginners a specialty. Call Tabor 3S13. WOMAN, good pin In cook, wants work by day. AG 21T. Oregonian. CARE of invalid or child in my home. Call after Eunnav AUt. i-43. COLORED woman wants second work to do; good waitress. Bdwy. 2'94. LADY witn baby, 25 manihs. wants em p'oymer.t. Broadway 2720. YOUNG LADY wants to leara waitress. Broadway 272TV GI KL a ants position caring for childron wnlle parents wotk. auio. - -' i . YOUNG woman wishfc charr.uer work or 4aj work. Pho&aJL. SITIATIOXS WANTED FTM ME. WIl'OW. reiiabie and capaoie. wisiies po attion as managing housekeeper in nice country nome ior wicower anu run daughter; stock ranch or lare farm; northern California or southern Oregon; Al p-'Ople. A 501. Oregonian. WOULD like to placa school girl 14 In good home where- aha would be t rented as one. of family ; no children ; wii.lng to help with light work or as companion in exchange I Of room and board. L 2"i. Oregonian. WOMAN who has had several years of ex Derience wants management of apart raent or rooming house or handle same for real estate firm. Phone Broadway 3761. CA PA LE woman of cuuure. employed nan aays, a wora eveutiitta room, breakfast and use of piano. AM ', Oregonian. WOULD like position as switchboard oper ator In a small residential notei or apart ment house; can operate typewriter as well. V I'l 1, Oregonian. REFINED, capable woman wishes work in a refined, nofc fashionable, home Room, board and .small wage, O 2U0, Oregon!, WANT position s nurte ior cniid by quiet, refiped young lady, city relerences. ex perienced. Miss M., Troutdaie, Or., route , dux i a ELDERLY woman will do light house work in plain family where there is no sickness. Give phone nunber. AP 200, - Oregonian. REFINED GIRL ef IS must have work afternoons and Saturdays; oflic work or care of children dusired. After 1 P. M. call Tabor 1S..H. WANTTD By e.derly lady, housekeeping for man and one or two cnnoren, noi too smalt, suhool age. Tabor 2-tiO. Can give references A QUIET, refined, middle-aged woman wishes the position of companion to an elderly or invalid person, all day or part day. iast -i.iu-t. Ml DOLE-AG ED lady w ihns to take com plete charge of tne houoe of a business - or professional man; best of references. no tr;Hers. AC 240. Oregonian. EXP. OPERATOR would like position as P. B. X. operator or oitice wora. iai- 4M. room All GOOD, cook wishes position In small fam ily or man with 1 or a children: no laun rtrv. East 8S73. WANTED Position by stenographer; 10 years' experience, years in lumber office. H ltH. oregonian EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist desires work by hour or piece. Tabor STENOGRAPHER with VZ yeais legal experience wishes position; either legal or commercial. East 3147. AUTOMOBILE parts department cleric wishes Doaitlon: experienced. AO 23, (rei:onlan. - ni:'i: Li.iv wishes uouiLion at once, ex Derlenced all lines of cierking. AR 224, oregonian. Main 22. room 3-. WANT room in clean warm home wnere year-old boy Will g-?t good care while motner worKS. jura, inuuma. . v, " PYuvHiKW'v.n laundress, city reference, 'wishes ail-day work Thursday, Friday, 40c. Call Bdwy. 2U4B. WOULD like light morning work or day work or chambermaid work, close in. Woodlawn o-to REFINED young lady who U fund of chil dren WOUld IIKO position a yiwiti. R 217. Oregonian. ui i L . i mMh.-r ( ninrrtil 1 5llG DtT leason, com to home. CU mornings, Wood lawn S4S0. WANTED House cleaning by the hour in i.mraihumt or Ruse City district. Call Tabor 17ti7. WoviAN wuiiies day work. 30c an hour; will take care of children. Call evenings, Wdln. IV03H. fc.Vl'hkl ENCED laundress wuhe to lake work home. caiiea ior mu Sell. 1 S ; 1 . SITUATION wanted by reliable young lady clerk In bakery, grocery or candy. imti. lUL.Mi w omaa w i- position as housekeeper. For particulars call t;i nor !'. Ladi' w..iii nuisiug or work of any kind: good cook; refa. Call Hotel Parsons, room - -' DAY hoiw or night Janitor work oy colored w.iman. Phun morning. Broadway lts YOUNG girl w;ahes position in dentist's n .i.w.i,,'- nffirp- Avneriencad in clerical COMPETENT colored girl desire- general i. i t ,,f ritv firsL-claaa refer- M,! ),al1 nT i( witu'iV i manager of f irst-c.ass apartment house by competent woman; references exenanseu. v -7T ' .....-. ..a UiU h.uisi WA.v i e lJ jy ic..v . work by the hour, honest and can give references. Wdln. 3 HP. EXPERIENCED second maid wishes posi- tion in small family. East 83UO, between " ana f. -m GENERAL housework wanted by experi enced g-rl. can give best of city refer- , 3t w ages, iw-'m. ' - Kr.Ul. IJ ic eiei ij i-u, '"-'" . spectable family, good cook, in or out of citv. R 1 Hi. ( tregoniwn REulAULE middle-aged lady wishes work by hour or aay. -aw . 11 to. ).J -..i GOOD ironer. hand sewer or lady Com panion ior few hours dally. Broad way 5.11.1. WOiiAN wants dy work from to .-. also prsctical nursing; reiereuo-. '"J" MOTHER'S helper, cure cmldren, sewing; Hawthorne. Tabor districts preferred; retcrencrs; ooc nr. Ki.Dr.HLi' luriy oesiie lew hours' work daily. hotel, delicatessen, paaery or store. H 2"Q. Oregonian. LADY wants work by day. warning ami some cleaning; price reasonable. East 507 ELDERLY woman wishes woman for com panion; small wage and home. Phone onn lawn YOUNG lady of literary ability, wants work on newspaper; experience and ref erences. t -.. Oirh-ii'uii BookkecpcrB.St enog ru p licrs. 4)tfice. ATTENTION. Temporary or permanent position wan tea uy ciiiih , , 7"j typist A-l refereneen. Broadway 51..S. WANTED Worn as mu Itigrapher. some exptrienoe, willing to begin with small salary and work up. P. O. box BU7, Portlind. tir. YOUNO business woman wishes responsl bia offica position; capable. N 164. Ore gonian. TYPING Experienced stenographer will do temperary circular letter writing. Marshall COMPTOMETER operator wishes pvrma nent position; can also type and take Bhortnwn'l. l-nnne -i.'-i" EXP-.K1ENCED bookkeeper; desires posi tion. references, lumber preferred. Tabor TUUKoUOHLY experUnced gisnosjrapher wants position; law oftice preferred, fa 1".' i . orexiniii" SITUATION wanted as governeas to young children. Experienced; references. Main BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 4 years ex- perience. wants position. Marshall 6oj. Room 1$. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper, stenographer desires permanent position. . Tabor 1150. . FXPEK1ENCED BOOKEEPER. CASHIER. FAMILIAR OFFICE DETAIL. C 8. O KEU r i a.-n THOROUGH LY experienced stenographer desired office or secretarial position; Kniendid references. Main 4 5s. YOUNG woman wishes clerical wora or po ,ition as bookkeeper: references; would appreciate being employed for part of 3l IV" YOUNG woman desires position in phy sician's; references; would be glad for employment for part of day. East W5. WaS'TED Temporary tping. copying, ad drVssing. general office work or stenog raphy, rnont x a uji u CAPA-BLE young lady desires stenographic or'clerical work, legal and general ex- nee. .1 1 w ' - COMPETENT stenographer, IV yearrf ex perience, wants permanent position. East 4 a YOUNG woman wants position In dentist's or doctor's office; experienced. S loo. uregonian. "YOUNG girl wishes position 4 years' ex perience clerical and caahiering. East EX PERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier wanta position: also typist and Ediphone operator. Phone Main SQST. References. WANT steno.. typing or cashier work; can give best of r--f ranees. Wdln. 4rj.r.3. FIRST-CLASS stenographer and typlL woodlawn iw-i. fcTENoGRAPilER, bookkeeper. 10 years' exrterienre r referer.ees. East 4300. YOUNG laiy wishes poaition in doctor's rttTice. Apt. :1H4. East 7313. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME. RATES REASONABLE Mar SHI. TYPIST to court reporter, J 186, Orego nian. -- WASTED A position as typist. Call mornings and evenings. Phone 630-17. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, to manage mall office; lon-g experience. Wdln. 5-43. li x' STENOGRAPHER of 5 yt-ars experi ence. Auto. 614-S'J. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posl 'l;nn'. Wdln. 13'f.t. ask for Miss Morrison. STENOtiRAPH ER, -exp.. desires position In real estft'e office. Ci 211. Oregonian. INSURANCE stenographer desires position, lP n. r 0"ry or perrnanem. ia;mr .-a. TYPEWRITING at home, work sat isfac tory; Urmi reasonable. Main 6374. SITUATIONS W AVTEO FEM A I -E lMmkkrepcn. Meiuorapnerfc. Otlice. I FILL ANY OFFICE POSITION. Stenographers, book Keepers, account ants, typists, dictaphone, compt., posting, adding, all machine ops., b.llers. bank era clerks, applicants sent any place im mediately. Wi it, call or telephout) Marshall 3153. WILLI A M 3 OFFICE p-RVICS. An.t-.V4 bldg FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPH ER NOW EMPLOYED DKS1RES CHANGE BT NOVEMBER 13; WELL E I ' U C A T K D. REFINED; 3 YEARS' EXPERIENCE; SALARY $100. PHONE AUTO. 820-27. INTLLL1GENT and capabll trained in legal work. si enog r sp her. sires eteno- graphic, secretarial or clerical position. Call Auto. 220-01, or address B 203, Or&- gnnian. EXPERIENCED In general ofrue detail, bookkeeping, cashiering, correspondency best of local reference ; prefer small ot- ' fice to take complete charge. G 2t7a lregonian. STENO. -TV P1ST with 5 years' general of Ace experience and 6 months' legal perlence wishes position with law firm. I'hone Auto. t.'i 2 - 04. CuLLEt.:E Kirl with four years' bu.inps experience wanta position as stenogra pher: will go out of town. Auto. S4T-77. B 11)5, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and Ediphone operator Ten years" expedience in law and other work. Reliable and accurate. Miss Mnhr. Marshall pjs2. BY EXPERIENCED Burroughs bank bookkeeper, or can handle set of books and do general office work. Phons Wdln. 407S or Wdln. 4440. 1 hKiti.M.'LU and cap.iOle "oil tig buiti netiM w oman wants general or f ice and typing or reception work In doctor's office, part time. 0 to 2. Auto. 0H4-55. YOUNG lady with 3 14 years' experience in stenography, bookkeeping and general office work, desires position. Phons Tabor 1731. D-rcMMDiikrra, HEMSTITCHING, be. while you wail; de signing, dressmaking and remodeling ; perfect fit guaranteed. 803 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. DRESSMAKING Those desiring flrsl-clat work call Mrs. Owen, Main 3113. 1 ab solutely guarantee to please the most exacting. REMODELING, repairing, altering, re lin ing; our work will please. Quick Dyers and Cleaners, 12th at Alder. Bdwy. 2M3. DESIGNING, tailoring, riiiodehi, per fect fit guaranteed. Mads me Rosen, Rrooriwav 524L 3D4 Globe bldg. ENGAGEM ENTS by day. thoroughly ex perienced dressmaker, remodel, design guarantee work. East 7.P. GOOD dreasniakur, hand, wishes work. Reasonable pay expected. Ruferencea. AO 2211. Oregonian. WILL make and remodel dresses, also re line and remodel coats. All sewing dons reasonably. Call Bdwy. 41' 70, WILL make and remodel dru.-oea, suits or coats evening. Dress a specialty. 015 K. Flanders. WANTED Plain sewlug, knitting or fancy work ; also washing and ironing and mending to do at home. Tsbor 5tt7 lAiLOlU.NG. 1-piece drcsius, remodeling; city reference 621) Kearney. Broadway 7;t. t- DOCTORS' coats, nurses' unifouns, aprons. home dressoa. made reasonable; satis faction guaranteed. 332 Mohawk bldg. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed. " All kinds emb. and beading. Broadway 2312. 230 N. ISth st. JUKLAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. 102 Broadway bldg. Phone Main lJSff 1LK dresses a specialty; prices reason-' aula 42-' Morrlfrn, room 0. upstairs '. DR ESS MA KING; children work a ape ' daily. Woodlawn .'imiq. HEMSTITCHING while vou wait; luncheua . , .ets oc yard. luuO Broadway bldg. J DRESSMAKING, 13 a day; specialise in" making over. Sell. 174S. . ' . EXPERIENCED dressmaker wlsncs sew-' lug by day. Tabor ' DRESSMAKING i 'O N K R E A SO N A U L E. , MRS GOOD. WOODLAWN 2140. EXl'KRI LNCKD dressmaker wan's work. Call Tabor S87. EXPEU1ENCKD seumstrcss will do plain sewing reasonably. Auto. 230 -OH. EX PERIENCED drcsamakur wishes w Ing by day. Sell. 2.'i4'.t. ORDERS taken for crocheting; pricua ra' SLinable. Phone Wdln. 3'.2t. COATS a specialty, dressmaaing, tailoring and rrmoileilng. hy day. Tab.r 3213. ' EXPERIENCED drmaKei , 1(.jU Tabor 0i'O5, Sunday or eveninns. a day. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wiinls sewing by day or take home. Auto, tilS-7S. PLAIN sowing dons' ruusonablo. Call East Hi lit. AIRS. R. T. (WRIGHT), Swaffoi.l, engage nients by the day. Auto. 31S-73. EXPERlE.Nl'ED dressmaker, ladlua tai lorews. 3 Ml day. Bdwy. 5tt52. liRES.s.MAK LNG at home or by day, re- l-Jast 4n. DRESSMAKING, tamlly sewing. childrrnVe s ork. 17" Llth wt., room 7. . Main 772'-'. DKKSoM A K ER whiles pewing or any work tor m .rnings K-ist K5S4. t,eaiiiHlre.,s open for engage ment. K 204, Oregonian. ursea. NURSE Quiet home on good auto road and car line. Will care for confirmed Invalids, elderly people, unfortunates G re h ham Or. Route A. box 2 J 1 1. EX PERIENCED, practical nurse wishes case, night nursing preferred. Broad- yay 2204. bVV i-.DlMl maa-n In your own homo;. In dive only. Miss Poulaen, Woodlawn 07H. FOR EXPERIENCED, p rue t leal nurse, en- peclally maternity cases, call Tabor 21-iti It a te reason a nie. PRACTICAL nuie, will curt for confine- . mwnt case and do some housework. Fhoae . Col SI 7. PRACTICAL nurse takes maternity cases in her home: can give best references; ' price reasonable, hast TRAINED nurao deam a permanent p 'Sl tion after Nov. 15. Phone Hotel Sewt,rd room 2'M. Monnay morning. NURSE will care for patient In her fwn home. .-Diet a specialty. Call Tabor ' 5T.i.i. CONVALESCENT or maternity caj-es taVen.'; in my home, bent care, good reference - I'hone Eat 77'.U NURSE grl want position taking care of child 3 years or over. Marshall 2077. POSITION as nurse, take entire charge oi l baby. AR 223. Oregonlnn. PRACTICAL nui-e would like a few cases, maternity preferred. Wdln. l."i0. PRACTICAL male nurse wishes Invalid tW care for. F 207, Oregonian. ritACTlCAL nurse wants day nursing from", K:30 to 4:30. .Marshall ww. CHEERFUL pr.u Leal nurse. Bdwy. 4787, . Hpt. 37. women or cnuaren. WOULD like practical nursing, will travel FOR TRAINED NURSES, undergraduates and practjral. prone Marshall 31J. WILL care for children afternoon and evenings; referenc. s. Woodlawn 2134. IIouHekreDcr. WANTED Ry a m.ildlc-agd woman with a small child, position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Call room 239 St. Charles hotel, or write H 107. Oregonian- 11L)DLE-AGED woman wants place to work for widower, nacneior or smai family; good cook. Call at 546 Belmont EaM 540H. LaD of refinement and experience a-ould like the management or apt. or rooming house; can give references. V 203, Ore gon i-an. ' WANTED A position as housekeeper for. men or man with children. Am middle-: aged; good cook and can give best of references. Tabor 53Srt. j WANTED Position as housekeeper In nice home by lady with 13-year-old daughter; no widowers without a family need an swer. D 1HK. Oreirontnn. POSITION as housekeeper for widower; no objection to 1 child. Phona Marshall from T.0-5 POSITION housekeeper and companion to EXl'ERI ENCED woman wishes housi- , work by day, two or three days a week. : References, Y 12. Orrronlan. J YOUNG widow with little girl would like housekeeping in widower's home; no : triflers. D 14, Oregonian. T . riV t h , r t C roMinrra nnilllnn !tii- meaiateiy, as auueai)w. O regonjan. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as housekeeper; no triflera Write or call 0Tb1; Mississippi. SITUATION wanted by lady a managing housekeeper; experiencea wun servant n nd children: r-f Tj-ni S. Mswi 4--.. EXPERIENCED woman, with references,., wishes chamber work or day work. Can all week, Bdwy. I - HOUSEKEEPING where I can take girl Varcfiuver. Wash., rrute U. box 2?.3. . ENGLISH woman desires post as house keeper or companion; fond of children. , E I0"i. Oregoni:;n. -t GOOD refined houaekeeper, elderly, wishes- position, Ilgni worn, reasonaois pay. , References. JC 221, Oregonian . AN EX PERIENCED hotel woman wishes a position as manager and house- keeper. N 1ST, Oregonian. HO I KL nousekeepr; bt refort-ncsa. Main f! TO. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady will oversee housework. Call Tabor ft7. WANT housrUecping f&r widower. PhotiS Mar-thai! 83H. EASTERN dreh..mktr wants work by lis day. Mam aam.