TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, l PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1921 23 BrWMtM OPPORTrVfTIEW. Hotel and Rooming Houses. 162 ROOMS In 2 and 3-rm. nparinienw modern went side brick comer; Ions lease; reasonable -fnL This is In cIka by Itself and will stand closest in vestlmtlon. gjO.OOO reauired. 4-rm. s pertinent, choice west side, corner brick; long lease, low rent; no court apartments. This 1 a snap at 920.000. Terms. 30 two, three and four-room apart men tit: modern west side brick, corner all litrht. ulrv rooms: extra clean and well furnished; automatic elevator. Price 210. Oof), terms. 2S two and three-rm. apartments, close In, brick eorner, went side; four-year jeaM at 40 per montn; completely lur mshed and extra clean; big' money maker. Price $18,000. Easy terms. 15 three and four-rm. apartments; rent sZ-3, lease; fine wn side ivcation, completely furnished. Price only IS500, terms. 75-rm. hotel In heart of town, large ground -rionr lohi-y, Nonnwent heat. many private baths, etc. Special price ii soia at once. YATES REALTY CO., 245 Fourth St. EAST SIDE. 30 h. k. rooms, good furni ture, clean. IAI100. TERMS. Nets 285. WHITE TEMPLE 14 h. k. rooms. furnace heat, $1100, $1000 handles. Nets aiuu NOB HTLL Rooming; house, 13 rmi good, furniture, $1800 cash. EAST SIDE: Modern 80 2-room apart ments, rsets 1420 month. Long lease. ei2,uou, $o.'oo down. MANY OTHERS. CALL US. MARSH A McCAHE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bids. Marshall 3013. W-KOOM apt. house (brick), clone In, west side, automatic elevntor. steam beat. 0-year lease. l..fMH reouired. 2 apts., 3 and 4 rooms, west side Cbrick). long lease. Price S20.OOO. terms. 10 furnished h. V. rooms, west side, furnare heat, rent $00 per month, $1200 win jiannie. furnished h. V. rooms, west side. . tov heat, rent $45 per month, price 50-room hotel, west side, close In, rent $."J0O per month with lease. Price ti,ooh. terms. HOKRKLL. 432 Pittock blk. Bdwy. 101ft. APARTMENT 3H rooms, strictly modern, flreplnof building, netting $400 per mo. Lc a He. only $ 1 2 00O. terms. ll rooms, modern. In Irvlngton. ar ranged for apartment or would make a high -class boarding house, very reas onable with terms, shown by appoint ment only. 20 rooms, good location, netting $110; rent 55. with iaw $2350. terms. 38 rooms, west side, all on one floor. rood building, good business, rent only $50, with l"ase; only $2,100. terms. Linton & Welch. 413 Railway Exchange. HEADOUA RTKRS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. -82-room house; $200 will handle. 62 rooms, h. k.; price $3750; terms, 23 rooms, h. k,; price S3500: terms. 42-room hotel, modern brick; price $12,- oov; terms. 10 rooms, h. k. : price $1450: terms. These are all good buys and well located, and have others, all sizes; IS years in the business enables me to place you right. Call 163 ft W. Park st . r. Anncrson. $115.000 APARTMENT building and fur niture. 6-storv new brick bulldinr. mil elegantly furnished; clone to heart of city; fine apartments, full; fine paying Hotel, $6830, 88 rooms, few house keeping suites. 22 sleeping rooms, N. W. heat, gaa, electricity. Let us show you. Terms. B. BORLAND, oa Stork Exchange. Aut S29-04. WEST FIDE 2tST STREET. Just off 'Washington, 14-room house, divided Into apartments, or housekeep Ing rooms; good location, always occu iea; io minuter walk to business cen er. Reasonable Dries and term FRED W. NEWELL, Broadway 6030. tui ienry .mug. EXCLUSIVE FAMILY HOTEL. Class 1, modern, beautiful brlrk atmr. ture, unsurpassed location; over 70 rooms, elegantly furnished; Income close to $40OO a month; owner authorizes ua to sell building and furniture for less man suu.uim; terms largely with pur chaser. P. 8. We have furnished apart ment houses, buildings with furniture, from $30 hh ami up O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, 40S-lt Courh Bldg. Main 1 5 7 5. HOTELS AND ROOMINO HOUSES. Hotels and rooming houses and apart ments of every sire and description In s.ny and every location; before buying see us. RUMMELLL A RUMELL, 274 Stark St. HIGH CLASS. Beautiful 13-room corner house, ele gantly furnished, three fireplaces, one sleeping porch, garage with sleeping room; very select neighborhood; clears over all expense. $loo month. For fur ther particulars See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., lOOT Yeon Bldg. 2-ROOM APARTMENTS. A well furnished, arranged, located Bl-room house, netting $2ot a month; $2000 to handle; $0N cut In prlce to eo.J. Ak for F. C. Marshall, with FRAN K. U MuU L I R B. 306 Ablngton Bldg. Main 10BS. inirn wi.. net, warn, and Stark, $6000 BUYS RIG APARTMENT HOUSE. Only $.1000 cash and you step in and make about ffloo net every month; you own this splendidly furnished, close-in brick apartment house leatto and every thing; full price $13,500, or about 3ota less than others would nk; can't beat It. 4J. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, 41'K-H Comh Hldg, Main 1575. ONLY J700O AN L YOU ARE MANAGER owner and everything of this classy modern brick hotel In heurt of city; So rooms, Leane; big revenue; nicely fur nished; full and prosperous; price $11, 0ou; worth more, but this Is bargain time with uf. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS, 4PS-11 Couch itldg. Main 1575 Noll HILL DISTRICT. 12 rooms completely furnished for housekeeping; rent only $40; furnace heat, mahogany ttnd oak furniture; fine buy fur $1600, $1200 down; clears $75 month. Bee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO , looT Yeon Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE BAROAIN. 17 apartments. In one of the best loca tions In the city for renting; good furni ture and clean, with five-year lease. Price only $."50o. MRS. SNOW, BDWT, 4064. 10 ROOMS and small busomunt room; Nob Hill, housekeeping ; exceptionally good carpets, good clean beds and bedding, furnace, fireplace, good looking house; rent only $33; nice home with good Income; $1200 ca.h, small balance, 23 per month and Interest. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERlU'SOX. tSerltnger bldg. COURTHOLSK LlH'Al.tTV 10 H. K.; wood and wails newly fin ished; nets $HO; $130; $foo ca&h: will trade fur larRer place. Ask for F. C. AlarehaU. with 4 FRANK L McGl'IRE. 2X Abhmion H;dg. Main 10 NOB HILL ROOMING HOUSE 10 rooms, nice. Hunt, airy rooms, in fine location for renting rooms or taking boarders. Completely furnished, Including player piano. Rent $00, including garage, timall pHiut iu down. MRS. SNOW, UDWY. 4(ii4. SEE THIS. miVATK HOARDING. Ten large beaut ir ul rooms, handsome ly furnished, good lease, running water In nil rooms, garage; gross income $446 month; price $3.VhJ. See Mrs. Keller. OKO. T. MOOUE CO., tmT Yeon Bl d g. ij ROOMS. kM' S1LL All houseKeep Ing; needs a little fixing and will sell for much more; tnkes tKiO cash, bal ance. 7oo, on terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS, i i i uuni iMiiy. ! am 1 .n 21 ROO.MS Fine comer hauw. all In houeseeplng apartments; well furnished, least, net profit abuut $17.1. close in' price $3250: $jinh will handle. See Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. Mcn)RK CQ., nnT Yeon Bldg . 10 H. K. ROOMS Easy walking distance, we-t side, hot Hnd t-old water, nets $m; price 11060. $U(0 cabh; pick this up Monday. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS. 4QM-H i -ouch Hldg. Main 1.173. iui" FROM OWNER. 0 rooms, rent W; excellent furnish ings; No-l Hill location; makes lovelv ho tn e and liu-oni ; nice law n. Price $U: Udwy. 4MT. fiUAul. LltKK Hit i'Ki. 1-R1CE $3.lOO. 24 rooms; best location; lejue at 475; Steam hent; good reason for sacrifice. O. H. MiOl'HblM i'Oh REALTORS, lns-ll Couch Hldg. Mam LiT.V -ROOM HKAUT1 FULLY FURNISHED MohKHS FLAT. lArge Income, free heat, low rent: on Washington; only 't:,n, I0O cash. Mala TST1. ir 4'nt-10 Couch bldg. 2J-KwoM HR1CK. Al location, rent only $t;o with lease, always full; a money-maker; price $lot.'i, on your ow n terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. l:i R nty.t 13. White Temple district, swell furniture, always full; snap for $12U5. easy terms. Pef-rs. 11 N. 5 th St. Ai'AKTMK.NT, lurntshlnKs ami lease, 4.1 rooms, private baths. Price $3600. llain 21. BrlNKM OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel mini Romipg Houses. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 Northwestern Hank Bldg. Phone Main 8060. HOTELS. APARTMENT HOtrSES AND ROOMING HOUSES ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Fifteen years in this business In Port land enabies us to give you satisfactory service. 40 APARTMENTS. SOME WITH BATHS. Comer brick building ; 5-year lease; rent almost nothing on this house; clear ing now $400 per month. If you want the best money-maker in the city, -ee this at once; price $12,000, some terms. 50-ROOM HOTEL. All light, airy rooms, white pressed brick, corner building. 6-year lease; clears $700 monthly; price $12,500. HOMELIKE PLACE. 40 rooms, best furnished of Its stze; easy place to manage; mostly all steady roomers. If you have $8000 cash this will suit you. EXCLUSIVE WITH THIS OFFICE. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. FIRST TIME OFFERED. 27 apartments, most exclusive location In the cltv: lone- lease: beat furnished house on the market; clearing $50 per month, exclusive of lanitor and two re served apartments. If you have $10,000 casn, oaiance can be paia as you maae iu 2 APARTMENTS. ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. You can buy and sell again and make a nroflt: owner has other business re quiring his time and wishes to sell at aj aacrnice ior quick saie. iou can i nnte a mistake on this, as It has a long lease over the fair. 60 APARTMENTS. White pressed brick building, clearing over $1000 per month ; long lease at only $350 per month; price $28,000; terms to responsible parry. - If you have $000 cash I can show vou the nicest little 17-room apartment house in the city; very clean; 6-year lease; only one like It in the city. OWN YOUR OWN PLACE. HIGH-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE. Regular and Transient. Elecantlv furnished. 13 rooms, corner. Nob Hill district; clearing over $500 per month, can be Increased if desired; fur niture and equipment Just cost $iu.iu. Owner called away, will sell building. corner lot, furniture and business less than cost. Must be seen to oe appre elated ; $12,000 cash required, balance nae rent. 25 APARTMENTS. Corner brick building: return boiler heating system; rent only $4.10, with 5- year lease; nicely furnished throughout , this is your opportunity; price $15,000, 17 APARTMENTS. Rent only $275- long lease; all apart ments have private bath, good furni ture; clears 3.o per montn; price $iu, 000, about half .cash. ROOMINO HOUSES. MRS. McCLAIN. 14 H. K. rooms, west park location rent $50; furnished; electric; well fur nished. Good money-maker. Requires $1000 cash, balance as you make it. 11 nice. large H. K. rooms. Nob HH1; clean, attractively furnished. Possibility of 4 more rooms. Price $1800; cash payment $1100. $350013 apartments; absolutely best beautifully furnished, clean, hnmallk nlro- rl..iri toon tin- nice place for lady alone to make some money; price reduced to uuuu. $200021 h. k. rooms, leased. $115 clean, attractive place, well fur nished; nets over $100, besides lovely apartment; price $3250 this wee a. $150017 h. k. rooms, near 14th; rent 373. lease: not water neat, run nlng water every apartment; 2 complete baths; very well fur nished throughout ; gross Income now $220; full price $2200. 1 1200 1 2 rooms : rent $35 ; nice place. safe Investment; extra lot of good furniture; clears over $ioo; price siBUO. It h. k. rooms, spotlessly clean, lovely light apt. for owner: new rugs, daven port, nice furniture; can be made to clear $100; price only $1800. Terms. $ 800 White Temple; lovely small place. Immaculately clean; clears $55, besides home; price only $1100. 8mall place, very pleasant rooms. clean, extra well furnished, fine piano Included ; rent only $32.50; price $1375; requires about $soO c.ish APARTMENT HOUSE. SMALL WEST SIDE BRICK. kTfesj vn - 13 3-room apartments, well fur nished, some new furniture, and entire house lately retlnted and renovated ; no vacancies; furnace heat; 6-year lease; good Income. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 4664. 320 Lumbermena Bldg. 117-HOOM MODERN CORNER BRICK HOTEL, GROSS INCOME $4500. Best west side transient hotel in city, long lease, reasonable rent, 50 baths, beautiful ground lobby, house Is always full: $30,0u0 will handle, mall balance, QUICK SALES REALTY CO. 625 Ry. Exchange. Pee Miss Hurke HIGH-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 15 sleeping rooms, large dining room, 25 regular boarders, considerable tran sient boarders; Ideal location and good building. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 4664. 320 Lumbermena Bldg. HOTEL. OVER. lOO ROOMS $17,000. Located right downtown; modern brick; good lease and very reasonable rent. We also have several other good buys In best locations In city. Call and see our hotel man. PI D R E Y I N V ES T M E NT CO.. 5OO-10 Panama Bide. Main 3042. 14-ROOM RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. W. S. Good location; good furniture: well arranged home; clean as wax; splendid gj-ounus; fuil 'basement: modern con veniences; priced to sell at $210O; nets A50. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. 205 Ahitigton ldtg. MaJn HWW. Third St.. B.'t. Wash and Stark. WEST SIDE apartment house. 83 rooms in 3 and 4-room suites, modern, private baths. Ideal location. Northwest heat, good lease, nets $iO0; $10,000 handles. East side apirtment house, good, close in location, 42 rooms, brick, modern, private baths, steam heat, good lease; nets $275. Price $4.10O. terms. Realty Sales Co.. 332 Railway Exchange, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 75 rooms, 2. 8. 4-room apts., rent $300 with 5 years lease ; nice corner bldg., downtown location ; nicely furnished; nets $050 a month; $7000 cash will han dle tu SEE MRS. HAUO. 526 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. STUDENT R A K 1J NTG HOUSE. E. S. 11 rooms, 12 boarders; nets $200; price $12.10; $300 down. Afk for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK U McGUIR, 205 Ablngton Bldg- Main 1063. Third St.. Ri-t. Wa'h. and Stark. 10TH ST.. NEAR LIBRARY. PRICE ONLY $1200. Good Income besides a nice place to tlve: cleanest place In clly ; just the thing for man and wifo. DC DREY INVESTMENT CO., 5O0-10 Panama Hldg. Main 3042. ANOTHER ONE. 21 rooms, clean as wax. all outside rooms, three-year lease; fine furniture; income better than $500 month ; price $-tHH, liberal frmn See Mrs. Keller. C.FO T. MOORE CO.. 10oT Yeon Bldg. NOU HILL. 20 rooms, water In all apts, 2 baths; rent onlv JH5. with 3 years' lease; clear $150: price $3700. $1700 handles. C. E. BO WD EN" CO., 815 Chamber of Com-m-r'-- hMg. s rooms snap. Strictly modern, steam heat, running water, beam celling. Nob Hill district; clean as a pin; clears $43 above rent: all for $sik, easy terms. Peters. 13 N. 5.h st. lloTr.L HlYFKS. ATTENTION! If you have $14.noo casta, ran show you the het transient hotel buy In Portland: first time offered. C. E. ROWDKN CO.. ST Chamber of Commerce Hldg. 13 ROOMS. 10 minutes from 5th and Wash.; $oo will handle, nets $i5; house newly renovated and well furnished; all outside rooms. Price tl.ir0. QUICK SALES REALTY. 525 Ry. Exchange. 8 ROOMS, lady now in the hospital and must sell as sacrifice, good furniture, good house, good location, at less than $100 rer room. For appointment call Msln .71ft today. 11 rooms of furniture for cue; house ar ranged for S apartments for rent; only 7"o'. Tihnr '"; or TrtOS 36-ROOM brick apt. house, west side; rent $125: lease: $.".000. with. $3000 down. BO 122, Oregon tan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Hotel said Rooming Hounm. SOME GOOD BUYS IN H. K. ROOMS. 14 rooms. White Temple, nets $120. 10 rooms. W. T., nets $80. rent $60, 6 rooms. W. T.. fine Dlace. 1550. 23 rooms, part h. k., $2050. rent $100. 8 rooms, very fine, $850, terms. 10 rooms, extra good, player piano, all beautiful, light, airy rooms. 11 rooms, rent $45 with lease, splen didly furnished, fine house. $1200 will handle this. HURRY TO 34 Salmon st. BARRAND REALTY CO. FAMILY HOTEL. $b00O $4000 CASH. CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE; 80 ROOMS, DINING ROOM. HOT AND COLD WATER IN EACH ROOM ; WELL FURNISHED AND VERY CLEAN. A REAL MONEY-MAKER, BEST OF REASONS FOR SELLING. R. POMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. NOB HILL ROOMING HOUSE. Located in most exclusive part of Nob Hill district, modern lo-room house In perfect condition, unusually well fur nished tn extraordinary good furniture, winter's fuel included In price. MRS SNOW. BDWY. 4064. THOMSON &. THOMSON. REALTORS. We have a few special listings that we do not wish to give detail adver tising; should you wish to Invest In either hotel or apartment house furnish ings and lease and have unwarde of 30.- 000, we shall be pleased to submit our listings en same. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. LitlVTblli. than a gold mine; will sell or iraae ior .rortiana property a 30-room completely furnished hotel In eastern Oregon; building covers 60x100; lot 50 x 200: has aluo com Die te laundrv! nnera.ted j , by electricity: income from hotel over y $500 per month; B0 on $10,000; can be I handled for half that amount. E. HOSVMR. Otlg McKay Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 12 large airy rooms, newly and ele gantly furnished; beautiful corner house; this place has only been furnished three months; must sell on account of Illness; no reasonable offer refused; all sleeping rooms. 'See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 14 APTS. WITH PRIVATE BATHS. Brick bldg., lease; clears over $300. $4500 handles. 32 rooms, close in, nets over $375. $1500 handles. Strictly mod ern home, nets over $100. $1000 handles. For quick action give us your listings. FITZ PAT RICK BROS. & CO.. Realtors. Marshall 02. 107 11th st. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. fi-S rms., mostly 2-tm. apts. ; lease; rent $200; gross Income $1000; steam heat, water In all apts. ; not a swell place, but good money maker. Price $80) part terms. Lease can be as signed to Japs. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4S80. UPSHUR apts., 4ortt N. 20:h. Will lease for 5 years, containing 74 apartments, 22 with private baths and 54 2-room for light housekeeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartmenL -Furniture for sale with or wlthouL w WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. SI Fourth Street. BEAUTIFUL modern brick apt. house. Nob Hill district, 44 rooms, all outside, large porches on every floor, automatic elevator. 15 apts, 2s, 3s and 4s. Cash $8000, small balance. QUICK SALES REALTY. 52. Ry. Exchange, See Miss Burke. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 45 rooms (apt.) rent $100. with lease, good building, steam heat, clean as wax, net profit $225 month; price $4800, good terms. This Is a splendid buy. SEE MRS. KAUG. 626 Henry Bids. Bdwy. 190. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotel, apartment and rooming houses with us; your interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FCRNITURE of 0-room house. Everything first-class: house for rent, cleaa and modern. Fine house and Income, west side, immediate sale necessary unless you can arrange to pay $soo cah. Don't bother. Prlre SI n.m. R 102 Oregnnian. SWELL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 45 rooms, 6-yr. lease, beautiful ground floor lobby, well furnished throughout; wonderful town location; net $800 a month; $sooo cash. SEE MRS. HAUO. K2R Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 104. REALLY SELECT. 14 rooms, elegantly furnished, hardwood floors, all housekeeping; Income $237; price $2800: $1800 down. Se Mrs Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. TEN-ROOM boarding house, opposite Mult nomah club; hsve winter supply fuel in and lots of canned fruit; will sacrifice for $1500; some terms; account recent loss of husband am leaving town. 6S0 Salmon. Main 37:t2. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 14 rooms, rent $60. furnace heat, nicely furnished, net $00 and 2 rooms for self; $500 cash will handle 1L SEE MRS. H AUG, 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. A PICK-UP. 15 rooms, all furnished: will give five year lease ; sleeping and housekeeping; full price $1200 cash. See Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. 145 rooms, 4S apts., corner brick blrlg.; rent $500 with 5-year lease; $S000 cash will handle It. For further information SEE MRS. HAUO. 52ft Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1004. 33-ROOM modern west side hotel, location can't be beat. House Is always full Owner leaving city, makes this an ex ceptional buy. cash $3500. Quick Sales Ren It y Co.. 525 Ry. Exchange. LEAVING for California, must sell my centrally located part men t house at a price you onn't refuse; fine Income: can be Increased; small cash, easy terms. Quick action necessary. Marshall 11 SS. WANTED to rent Id to 30 unfurnished or partly furnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping or sleeping. Phone East 6102. Coll or address 31ft Williams Ave . ro-. Rnoeell. 21 ItOOMS, STRICTLY MODERN. White Temple district, lease, splendid furniture. Price J3200. QUICK SALES REALTY, 325 Ry. Exchange Bldg. 32 ROOMS, modern corner brick, wonder ful location for transient, lease over fair $5300 will handle. Prtre $5000. QUICK SALES REALTY CO. 525 Ry. Exchange. 33-ROOM transient hotel, modern and fine location; some private baths; $80O cash. 30-room transient hotel, best location, modern: $6000 handles. Barney Johnson, Realtor. 170 10th st. 12 ROOMS. 6 housekeeping, good furni ture and garage: sacrifice. Including winter's wood. Call Sunday, 843 10th st. corner Market. Must be sold by noon Mondnv. M-rhnII 5 90. 10 ROOMS RENT $15. Dandy location, plain furniture on one floor: all for s"i5, on your own terms. Peters, 15 N. Rth st. 6-ROOM FLAT Rent $35; walking dis tance; price ..v casn: nave an sizes of rooming houses. Barney Johnson Co.. 170 10th st. WHITE TEMPLE LOCATION. A fine family hotel. 5-year lease with cheup rent: clears over $500 per month; $400 handle- CnU 397 Tnvlor. $12oo HANDLES these 13 housekeeping rooms: tnis is tne oesi paying nouse oi Its sire tn the city: no agents: buy di rect from on-ner. AJ 201. Oregonlnn. 2o ROOMS, west side, good furniture, nice beds and mattress, modern, outsiae rooms, a snap. $1600, on terms. OARLAND. 201 3d. NEW ON MARKET 10 comfortably fur nlhed H. K. rooms, nice district, rooms alwavs rented, walking distance; only V 300 with terms. Main 7264. MY 15 H. K. ROOMS at a big bargain for quick sale; good Income; central: this must be sold immediately. Marshall 115. 130-ROOM brick hotel, west side, ground floor lobbr. elevator, hot and cold; lease 4 years. $550; price $20,000. H cash. BD 110. Oreeonian. HAVE $1000 for first payment on $3,100 home and can make good monthly pay ments; must be on paved sL and have n m ire. A 1 70. Oremn in n. THOMSON THOMSON. REALTORS. Lending hotel, apartment and room ing house brokers. 620 HENRY BLDG. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. $1100 12 ROOMS, west side: nets $120 per month oesldes 3 rooms reserved "bv landlord: rent 40. Can you beat this? 407 McKay hMg, 16 ROOMS, housekeeping, fine west side location, mod-rn. water in rooms, clear. f!20 per month; buy th's and make $400; lOfio handles. Csll 37 Taylor. $4Ni ts H. K. rooms, went side: rent $33: onport unity to make $100 quick. 407 M.-'-'av hJdff. A SNAP BY OWNER. Apartments and transient of ?S rooms, cntrsiiv Tfcster?. west side. 1464 1t St. $12.10 HOARDING houpe with 20 furnished rooms; rait ra?n: place always iuu Hsmer. 24 Srar'f rt. H Rt OM S of good furniture, reasonable; al! in housekeeping: two-year lease. 423 Pnctf'.c St. F-t 04. HAVE JMW frr first payment on small rooming house; must be bargain, M 199, Ot pgonian. AjPA RVM EXT HOUSE Irving dlst.. place fuil, good furniture: $2000 handles. See tMs. y4 Buchnran bU'g. I.-1 YOC want to seil your apartment house rM Main 300. Open Snndav P. M. I HAVE huyers waiting for rooming nouses, slum oar. ana -"i :ta. $18H 17 ROOMS. 7uO cash; easy terms; rent. soo. ax. nauwajr . xenange blag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTIS, Hotel and Rooming Houses. THOMSON at THOMSON, REALTORS. 70-rxn. strictly modern corner brick hotel, lease, rent $5o0. very best tran sient location, largo ground uoor loony, $20,000, terms. 52-rm. hotel, 100 fireproof bldg; rirht central: lease over the fair: straight rent $300; good lobby, eleva tor, extra well lurnisneo. irice s,uuu. part terms. 74-rm. modern corner brick hotel. N. W. heat, nice lobby, good location; s real bargain. Best of terms. 42-rm. strictly modern hotel, N. W. heat. 6-year lease; never nets less than $450; well located, good shape, $13.0o0, terms. $4000 handles small modern brick no tion, cleanest place 'possible; suit lady atone. 76-rm. modern brick hotel, lease tt fair, rent $375; transient location, not a swell place, but a big money maker; good linen; low price. .Best terras. 70-rm. modern hotel, good lobby, lease over the fair; well located; unusual in come: $7000 handles this money maker. 44-rm. modern hotel, comer brick bldg., long lease, rent $400; good beds, extra well furnished, good income, $10,- 600, part terms, r 50 rms., modern brick hotel, 4 years renr ftanO: nets better than $60O; newly furnished with the best. Price $13,000. 84-rm. brick hotel, good location, lease; rent $278; nets around $400; good beds and oak furniture. Priced low for cash. Small residential hotel, lease: rent $150: beautifully located, iurnismngs an the best; electric equipment; nets $400; $5000 down. 26 beautifully furnished sleeping rms, besides lovely apt. for own use; lease; rent $200; steam heat, water In all rooms; nice income with good home; $0500, terms. 44-rm. modern brick hotel. 6 years lease: rent $250; everything in good shape; nets over $500; easily managed. Price $8500; $4000 handles. 82 apts,. Is, 2s, 3s; 5 years lease; low rent; clears about-$600; all beautifully furnished, nicest location. About $10, 000 will handle. Over 100 rms., mixed business; lease over the fair; nets about $750; auto matic elevator, iu good shape, $7500 down. 14 apts., modern brick bldg.: 4 years lease at $175 rent; clears over $300; $4000 handles. 16 apts., modern brick bldg.; long lease; rent $350; nets about $450; very good furnishings and location is good. $13.500 part terms. 21 rms., all apts., rent $115, lease; very desirable, clean; nets $175 over all expenses; nice apt., too. $3250, terms. 18 rms., h. k. apts., rent $115: furnace, elec, water in most all rms.; nets oyer $200 and nicest apt. White Temple diet. Price $3050 terms. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. ' Bnlendld west side location, attrac tively priced. Do not overlook this chance to get a long lease at a very reasonable figure. If turned quickly, $:,0O0 will handle. , RESIDENTIAL HOTEL SPECIAL. The most exclusive 20-room hotel in city; furnishings of the very best; long lease, netting $400 per month and better. See this quick, as it will not last long, $5000 cash to handle. 30 ROOMS 30. Another long lease on residential ho tel, west side, netting $500 per month. Always full, can be handled with $4000 cash. Let us show you this bargain. GOOD BUY. ' Small light housekeeping west-side location. Turn this in a month and make $500. Only $000 to handle. This and many others which we will be pleased to show you. MRS. ZEMP, RIERDON REALTY CO.. B37 PlttocK iiiocK MODERN apartment house, brick bldg., long lease, low rent, cannot be beat, priced $0500. $5000 cash. Fifty-room hotel, steam heat, lease, price $7000. half cash.' 32 rooms, 4-year lease, $5500 cash. Small apartment house, modern, lease, $4300, $3400 cash. 21 rooms, brick building. $3000 cash, 25 rooms, h. k.( $2500, $1500 cash. 14 rooms, h. k.. $1850. $1000 cash. COLUMBIA REALTY CO.. 2Q1 McKay Bldg. $400 iETS you a 5-room tlat at $20 jer mo. ot Mill st. ee mis. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Oct. 28. In ladies' laboratory Olds, Wortman & King's, brown silk umbrella, silver cap, old ivory handle. Finder please return to office of Dr. C. 1L Wheeler, 313 Medical bldg. LOriT October 28. in lady's bath. Olda, Wortman King, brown iuk umorena. allver-capped old ivory handle. Finder please return to office of Dr. C. H. v neeier. .1 1 n .-wenn i uik. LOST off one of our wagons Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, wooasioca sec- .(.. m e-llndee No. 21775; finder - please notify us and receive reward. it enry wfi'intrn muni. LOST Lady's wrls watch Friday eve ntnr on Rroarlwav or Sixth between H enr.v w finnarn muni Madison and Grant: keepsake: reward. r-u t tp mt North or Tabor 45S4. STRAYED from 300 23d N.. Oct. 11, black and tan, 5-monins-oiuiemaje pup, wuiw feet and breast, short tail, small collar Call East 4S4V. LOST Somewhere between Portland and Eugene on Pacinc nignway, gunny witf of soiled laundry. Finder please write to Mrs. E. Ryan, cresweii. uregon. IOST Near Grand ave and Multnomah st. 1 mackinaw. nnuer can Am"mauo 312-06. Return to 509 Commercial st. Liberal re war. 1 LOST Saturday on street or Rose City v. i u. ate fc'inHor nlcnRP re turn to 410 Oregon bldg. or phone Aut. LOST About a month ago. on 16th St.. bet. Washington ana irving nireeia. necktie with diamond stud. If found caM Bdwv. 724. Rewari. - $25 REWARD Lost, from 409 East 9tn It. NOrtn, wniie Oiru w. oimi ipots. black ears. License 311. Phone ;asi LOST Purse In business district, contain ing i current miu ,.u..i...B u a license. Finder keep currency and mail purse to vv. U. raugnt, uayion. jr. )ST Suitcase between LaCenjer and Vancouver, on raciuc unsu, Finder please write to P. 0. box 114, Litenter. nsn PARTIES living near 24th on Saudy blvd.. who pickea up pearis on xt.o v-ny ii October 2, 1920 are known. Save trouble bv calling Tabor 81K4. LOST Bunch of keys on 5th, between Stark and Morrison sxs. -iease reiurw to 1015 Corbett bldg., or phone Main 6071. LoST Saturday noon, small brown leath er purse, containing on is ana cnng lost In the Chief Lunch, 11th and Mor rison; needed, reward. laoor aiju. THE LADY is known who picked up $300 on corner Union ave. ana tu. aiorrison st. Monday afternoon. To avoid trouble ...i.m .mt pisivo rewurd. East 2127. LOST Black skunk-opposum scarf Wed. evening, fiiorr v Broadway Hazelwood. Please call Mar. 7 HO. Burns. LOST Scottish Rite double eagle ring. diamond center, fnone xiarry . uaefiet, Marshall tj3. Reward LOST between Sandy and Gresham, 20 ft. or pump roa. r inaer piease can Automatic i!.tu-. LOST On Washington or Broadway, Ma sonic enarm. atcacnea to ioo uucma. Call Automatic 010-4 Reward. $ 3 REWARD for return of sabie neck fur loM bet. Seattle and Portland. Call Main ltr.M PARTY who stole bicycle between 5th and 6th on Stark return to 500 Market St., as thev are known. Phone Mar. 1114. LOST 22 silver class pins on 32d near Bel mont. Monday afternoon. Please call Tabor 3565. Reward. LOST or stolen, small yellow fox terrier Sunday. Return receive liberal reward. Sellwood 824. LOST One fox terrier pup, 3 mos. old. black head, black spot on back and tail. Ta hor 528 Monday. LOST Brown leather purse containing silver pencil, fountain pen. etc. Reward. Call MainlSoO LOST Wednesday afternoon in downtown section, -karat diamond ring. Reward Cat 1 Eas t TltS 4. Ba rre tte FOUND Collie - Airedale pup. Owner identify and pay for ad. Wdln. 938. LOST- Round pin. pear'.s and sapphires; reward. Main 1 38. 415 12th m reet. LOST A gold chain bracelet, $20 reward. Marshall 857. FOL'ND New auto tire on a Garden Home rnid Phnne Main 4:44 LOST P'ue Persian, Neuter cat; reward. Main 2877. LtiST Grav squirrel neckpiece. Reward, Tabor StOl, LOST Ladv's new satin slipper. 4 straps. Liberal reward. E. 7016. LOST String of pearls in park blocks to Washing too. 128-48. Reward. 1 LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co. Oct. 28. 1021: 1$ umbrel las. 2 lunch boxes, 6 purses, 1 pin, 3 suitcases, S handbags. 1 pr. gloves, S single gloves, S books, rule, 1 pr. glasses, umbrella cover, drum, trombone, ax, pipe. 1 pr. rubbers, 7 packages, 5 coats. 2 chisels. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. LOST A $500 bill was dropped in the N. W. N. bank Friday, the 2Sth, Party . picking It up is known. If you consider vour 1oh worth more than $500 kindly return same to Mrs. J. W. Barrand, 849 Salmon. LOST Thursday morning, gold vanity case, marked M. M. M., and gold lip stick on chain, at or near X Meyer's store on 6th st. Reward. Phone Main 8769. LEFT upstairs In Cozy lunch cafeteria, Friday evening, a taupe umbrella, a black and white crook handle. Present from relative now dead. Reward. Mar. 4685. lost Oct Foster road district- Lady's purse containing valuable papers and monev, owner's name on papers ; keep money and return purse and papers to Cashier Oregonian omce. LOST Somewhere between 11th and Har rison and 11th and Morrison sts., eye glasses, gold chain attached. In leather case from Reynolds Opticians. Phone Main 5235. $25 REWARD for Information leading to location or "Jackie, iiosion ouu wrrr. Hark aonl hi-lndle white markings, male. Office phone Main 2349. D. Smith. 493 Everett. LOST Beaded necklace, between Corbett bldg.. Portland hotel and Meier & Frank store, ne warn, can ja,rsnati LOST Friday afternoon down town lady's black sweater. Reward. Auto. 6.14-uu. SPECIAL NOTICES. I HAVE purchased confectionery and gro r.rv Mtnre loon ted 777 Mississippi IVt, Portland, Or., from Mra K. J. Gray. all bills to be presented to Z. E AKIN a, 315 Couch, within 0 days irom aaie. H. W. WAGNER. Ho-rirr. A'n villa SITES. Indian allotment on Qulnault lake and Olympic highway. Bids openea isov. jo, 1921 For full particulars inquire of su perlntendent, U. S. Indian Agency, Ta holah. Wash. Proposals Invited. THE STATE board of education and board of regents of the University of Idaho, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 110 of the laws of 1921, offer for sale and Invite sealed proposals for the purchase of the buildings and grounds belonging to the state normal school at Albion, Idaho, the legislature having directed the removal of the said school to Burley, Idaho. The property consists of about 30 acres of land, three dormitories, an adminis tration building, a splendid gymnasium, training school building, beautiful cam pus, concrete walks, water supply, etc. Possession to be riven on or aftei September 1, 1922. Full particulars furnished on applica tlon to A. C. PRICE, auditor, state board of education, Boise, inane. MitcetutmHus. THE UNDERSIGNED will receive . sealed bids for a stock of general merchandise. principally groceries, of the inventory valuation oi d 4 .., ana iixiures per t&lntnir to the same of the inventoried value of $802.75, total $4557.18; located at Garibaldi, Oregon, up to 11 o'clock Friday, November 4, 1921. The inventory may be seen at my of fice and the stock will be shown on Tuesday, Nov, l, 1921. The right is re- servea to reject any ana an utas. O. A. COTE, 641 Pittock Block, Portland, Or. THE PRICE OF GASPYPLES FUR NACES Is an even hundred dollars leas than a year ago See Mr. Ross at Edwards Furniture, th and Oak. Installed on easy terms. No Interest, too. HANKERS TAKE NOTICE. A $500 bill was dropped in a certain bank Frldav the 23th; kindly hold same for Identification of parties holding same. Barrand, 849 Salmon, Main 024a. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN ACTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY UUn Mtv a, n ill rLr.rton i vu. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 BILLING BLD.. SECOND FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTO MOBILES. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room. 1333 Northwest Bank Bldg. $L0o WORTH of stock in La Grande lum ber, Geo. Palmer Lumber Co., yielding 8 per cent; preferred stock, gilt-edge. S oregonian. WILL sell an 8 per cent first mortgage of $3000 on a Rose city park nome; runs one year, see MUDPeif, ia Lewis ping. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3026. CASH Daid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate; wasningcon, vre- gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WILL cash small mortgage or seller's con tract, real eUit.e security only. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. GAS CO. stock, 10 shares, 7 per cent pre ferred, will sell fur $950 cash. Phone. Mr. Kennard, Main 241. OREGON - WYOMING OIL & GAS CO. stock for sale at 20 per cent discount; IHQQ shares, ail or part. East 4io.. INVESTMENT S'c, 3 years, fully guar antees to s.;uvu. a. i. lasaer, zu TO iiL'X or sell uny STOCKS or BONDS of merit, see us. Hosner & Hosner, 608 McKay bldg. Main 4823. FOR SALE Any part of 3U0 shares Sound Rubber at $2. Z20 Ablngton blag, rnone Main 83112. SELLERS' CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C Dexoung A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4tn ana oak sts. 450 SHARES U. S. Oil A Gas Co.. for sale. Box 8762, clty . FOR SALE $1000 Seaside hotel stock for $ 5 HI. S 180, Oregonian. Money to Loan Real Ewtate. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms ; no commission, no delay a DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO, " 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOAN A. Residence and City Property, tife and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, ffenry Bldg. $300, $400, $300, $700, $1000, $1200, $1500. $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $lu or more at any interest dat. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property ; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Matt Bldg. , Main 5371. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W I L LI AM G. BLCK. 215 Falling Bldg. $10,000 TO $12,000 AT 6 on Al Improved income security. No agents. M 191, Oregonian. $loou $1300 $::iah) $500 $3uoo. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Ixmns quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $300. $400, $500, $730, $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved farms and city property. K, K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates, no delays. C. De Young A Co., 810 Spalding bide. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto A Harkson Re a It y Co.. 413 Chamber o f Co mm e rc e. PRIVATE funds for good residence loans; lowest rates; prompt attention. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security Is ample. Edw. p. MSU. sun ".nam, m mm. MORTGAGE LOA S. u and 1 per cent Salomon A Co.. 307 Railway Eieh. bldg. SUE OREGON INV. c MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANUH BLDG. $61 0O, DIVIDE HOMO, $1500, $100, $3000, $35QO. $9000. $30,000. Ea.t 7504. MONEY to lend on first-mortage secur- 1 1 y . Ma rs h all 312-1. FOR SALE First mortgage. $400, 10 per cent Interest ; no discount. Bdwy. 3663. $15oo ON CLOSE-IN residence. 601 Mc- $3000 TO $5000 TO LOAN by. private party. r.st $lm $j.iui on IMPROVED city or sub Urnan property. cn.-t ).-. HAVE $lioo to loan at 7 oa first mort gage. V 182, Oregon Ian. FINANCIAL. Money to Lmq on Iteml Estate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. RKAD THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. ti PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 8 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan u percent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all oa the first of each month: no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, tt PER CENT. Five-year period repaying privilege. BR1CE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 83U8, "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges Other funds also, as Cor the past 14 years, especially In LARGE. AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service, EDWARD K. GOL'DEY COMPANY, United States Bank Bldg. alONEY to loan on Willamette valley farms. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COM MK.KCK MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bidg.. 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. WE HAVE fubds avallabte tor good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE- BOND CO.. Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. E. LEE PAGET, Realtor, 622 Corbett Bldg Main 0230. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amounts, low rat.es, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privilege. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. THREE to five thousand to loan by prU vate party. ... EaBt 8775. Money to loau Chattels snd Salarcs DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATKS. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, 6.TC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay tbsm up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own notes. Rates reason able. Private offices. AH business strict ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed). 808-307 Dekum Bldg., Marshall 3288. S. W. Cor. Third and" Washington. SALARY LOANS, CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or worklns men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymenta Lach transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. 'Vie also Igmi on household goods, pianos, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed). 218 FAILING BLD3. CALL AND INVESTIGATE DAN MARX A CO.. 313 Washington St.. near 6th st.; established over 83 years; only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private room for ladies; business strictly con fidential; under state supervision; all articles held ons year; do business with an old-established firm. AUTO and other chattel mortgages bought, money loaned on chattel or col lateral security. MOTOR LOAN ASSOCIATION, C. W. Pallott, Treas. $14 Consolidated Securities Bldg.. 84 Sixth Street. MONEY to ioan on aiamonds and Jewelry, confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zeil Bros A Co., 2S3 Wash, st., between 4th and 6th. Marshall 727. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway 3713. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; confidential Investigation. 816 Cham, of Com. (Licensed). MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler. corner 3d nd Washington. $1000 TO LOAN, 6, no commission. Auto. 028-3 9, ' I'ihiih Wanted. ...oiio AT I'c. first mortKHge on improved city block, value $30,oou; plenty of in come; an exceptional mortgage. B. Lee pa cet. 622 Corbett hldg. $7oO 3 YEARS AT 8 PER CENT $700. Four rooms, modern, furnace and built-in. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. TO BORROW direct from lender, in dividual, $13-00 on city residence; no en cumbrance, good loan. See owner at property. TIM Omaha nve. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and S mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg $6000 WANTED at 7 per cent on retail business property, vaiueu at un usually good security. A J 106, Orego nlan. $12008 YEARS AT 8 PER CEN T $ 1 2 00. A nilty lime oungaiuw, lui-iiicu . u Sandy blvd. SMITH-WAG ONE R CO.. STOCK EX. WANTED $3000 for 90 days for building on a corner lot in Kose city, win pay reasonable interest and brokerage fee. Call Tabnr S574 or Woodlawn 772. WANT $3,100 or $30(t0, 7, on new 8 room house and garage, Irvlngton, block from carllne. 830 X. W. bank bldg. Main 807S. $3000 WANTED as first mortgage on $30,000. business building, good location, large Income; a splendid loan. J 156. Oregonian. $2000 ON MODERN bungalow, In Alberta aistrtct. vaiue biku i.wv u nc bungalow in Beaumont district. Metzger & Porker Co.. .'i:' nait sr. BEST 1 R VINGTON SECURITY OFFERED. terly; nine-room home, near club. Ap- piy r. Kf. uua o:'. nj SEE ME about getting 10 on your money. A-l security. Roy ii. vegy, i- wwu bldg. WANT a loan of $8000 on farm In Clarke county. Wash, vaiuea at 3U,uuu. nart- Iett Cole. 1025 Gasco Diag. $5000 TO $vS00O TO LOAN on business property: no commission; i per iii- K iw, uregonian WANT $1000 3 years at 77c on home value $4000. iso Drokerage. af io, uteg- nlan. ., , $(j00 AT 8 PER CENT on 4-room bungalow lot oilXJOU, near -i lasisaiptM i. r. jouno. nenry uiuk. jhw.t. WANTED $1300 on R. C. home, on 60th St.; value i.iiou; irom private party, aii. Clnvton. r:t2 E. Stark. WANTED To borrow from private party. $1000 on ranch worm jjou. v Oregonian. WANT from private party. $1800 on new 4-room bungalow ana two iois. v ooa- Iflwn 240.1 t'lLLgive a bonus of 20 per cent for a loan from $500 up to $25. 000. Yes, the Security IS poou. r-;nnn? RESPONSIBLE party, good security, wants loan of 4"0 ior 1 year. 111 pay eiuu interest. H 177. Oreyoninn. LIVE, going business wants $400 work ing capital; A-l cimitei mortgage secur ity. Y 1X1, Oregonian. $25fM ON NEW Ri' City bungalow, value WANTED to borrow $2500 for two years. Good security. a vjregonian. $1.1O0 ON NEW bungalow. 4015 E. 79th at. S. E. Owner. Woodlawn 5325. WANTED $7000 at 107 for 1 year In established business, aj inn, oregonian. riEE OREGON INV MORTGAGE CO.. 210 LTJ MHKH KAl HAMiK HI.IMJ. SELLER'S contract for sale, $1950 equity. 1 3 per cent discount. 11 lm, uregonian. WANT $3OO0 on Irvlngton home. 621 Gasco bldg. Main 00. $22H0 WANTED for three years, Irvlngton district. ijrpn'miwn. $4,100 ON lMPROED west side property. Call Ttrnamvfiy .'.ivo. $3(ioO WANTEDon fine Rose City Park nom" worm imii $3000 FOR A YEAR; security ample. AJ los. oregonian. WANT $2.""0 from private party on my new home in rtose my, ,mo. $2o0O WANTED by private party on good security worth $5niHI. Main 1166. WANTED Chattel loan for $1250 at Hi pr-r cent security, a to i. .Marsnau a-v WANTED $VM) at 8'.. 3 years. 011 prop er t y wTir!li?Mitti( WIDOW wants to borrow 5; good chat tel security. N 04 t. t 'regoni.in. WANTED To borrow $3500 oa good se curity. 0 ivv, oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loans Wamett. INVEST your money In ownership cer tificates in Inside Income-bearing city real estate. Handsome returns, ruture profits and unequalled safety. A lim ited amount of ownerships In Portland and Seattle lnvAitmenii now on hand. Units $1000.H or multiple: cash or terms. The only investment securea oy real estate which pays all of the In come and all of the profits: no fore closures, loss of Income or profits. Cus tomary courtesy to brokers. Apply for particulars. Oregon Investment A Mtge. t o.. I'lO Lumber Rxehange bldg. FRANK L AlcOLiRh. uitta his years oi experience and expert knowledge of values. Is in a position to safeguard your every interest In looting your money. Hundreds of aDaltcatlons for loans. Of fice of personal s.rice. Let us loan your money, bee J. Logle Richardson, manager ot loan department. Abingloa Bldg. Main 1 063. WANT money for first mortgage loans on Improved Portland property in amounts $3uo and up. These loans are about one-third conservative vaules. Let us show you these properties. Interest 8 per cant net to you, no expense. Fred v. uerman co., 732 Chamber oi com merce bldg. FOR SALE at nar and accrued interest, four $Hk0 3 per cent first mortgage bonds of United Meat Co., Portland, secured by buildings, ground a-nd plant of the packing company. Interest pay able semi-annually at Hlbernla Com mercial & savings Bank. No discount. Aonreti i p. xjqx 6M. city. LOAN of $200 wanted to enlarge my stock for Christmas, money secured with steady Income and over $500, fixtures only, will pay $20 to $50 monthly and $3 interest each month until Investment paid. A 172, Oregonian. WANT $6uo0 uii 100 acres of best irrigated land; all in alfalfa; water right for all paid for; woven w ire fences: buildings; property worth $32,000; w.Il pay 8 per cent; good title. John Ferguson, Ger- nnger bldg. Main BU. I CAN place your money ssfely in sums of $1000 up on first-class Portland prop erty. Strict appraisals and prompt serv ice guaranteed. F. E. Raymond, 244 Mark st- Main r3. I HAVE a sale contract for $1700 pay able. $35 per month and interest, first .mortgage is $1500; property sold at $4000; will discount. BD 195, Orego nian. WANTED $5000 loan first mortgage, west side, 2-family flat; will pay 7 per cent Int.; situated on 22d near Gllsan st. In quire 210 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d ana stark sts. WANTED To borrow $1800 for 3 years on nouse ana corner 101, ciose in, want ing distance, east side; streets paved. property vamea $4000. ai 100, ore gonian NEED more capital to - handle increased volume of business. Will pay 10 per cent ior suu to suou. uny seourea. Accept liberty bonds at par. N 100, Ore- WANTED $2250 on H. C. home on 46th, near Sandy. From private party; 7 rooms and breakfast room, full cement -base ment. Vul. $7000, Mr. Thomas, 530 East Stark. S'l, on new modern house on Portland Heights Fairmont blvd. valued at $uooo. U ioo, oregonian. PERSONAL. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive Information on how to cure It at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise In store for you ir you wiii write, iso cnarge what soever. Tell others. It will help us all. Address, Dr. Rock, bog X. 737 Mil waukee. W is. DO t ) I ; WANT RESULTS? Then take treatment from Dr. Mar garet Haynle; Includes steam baths for skin and kidneys, massage for bloating and poor circulation, electro-therapy for stimulation and chiropractic ior correc tion of the nervous system; sons therapy Included in all treatment If desired ; diagnosis my specialty. 215 Swetland bldg. Main 17U3. . ZONEHY CLUB Get well by the wonder ful new system of nerve pressure. It's a horn treatment. Meetings every rri day, 7:45 P. M., with lectures and clinic. Club members entitled to full instruc tions in the methods: all persons chron ically 111 should Investigate this home treatment, at very small cost. Call Main 1705 for Informnt Ion. IF YOU want to escape work, soot, ashes and Inconvenience, Install a G A SPY'PLE S furnace. See M r. Ross at Edwards Furniture, 0th and Oak. Easy terms. No Inter est on everything. DR. ALBERT S. LINDBLOM (for two years attending Hon. L J. Paderewskl, ex-premler of Poland. For six years practicing at Paso Roblea Hot Springs, California). Scientific massage baths and ellminative treatments. Offices strictly sanitary and up to date. 411 - 412 Filedner bldg. Lady attendant. For appointments call Broad way 306H, PROSTATE and blaaiier trouble, piles, constipation quickly, painlessly treated; no knife, massage or dieting; simple, private home treatment: booklet free in plain wrapper. Electro Thermal Co., 656 Beebo bldg.. Steubenvllle. Ohio. KEEPS BUSINESS MEN FIT. Renewal of life cells defers old ags and keeps you fit for business; a new method that Is patronized by Portland's best business men. Dr. Dee, 413 Ar tiSans bldg. NOTICE. Ladles price our fur coats before buy ing that cloth one. THE FUR SHOP, 613 Filer Music Bldg. Wash.. Bet. Fourth and Fifth. MEN For vigorous development use the "Vital Power Vacuum Masager." Write for free information concerning this re markable instrument. W. J. Lynch, Box 621A. Springfield. Ill TILL1CUM LODGE. On Columbia highway and Sandy river; Ideal spot for convalescents and those w ho desire a restiui place to recuperaie. Phone Corbett 1101. RAG AND Jazz In ten lessons; popular songs Immediately; beginners or ad vanced, pianos for practicing. Call for free trial lesson. Parker Piano School, 14 Filers h!lg. Phone Main 4).i, WILL pay $10 for definite verified Infor mation that will get me an Immediate permanent office or men's store salaried position in Portland for man aged 30. BD 212. Oregonian. WANTED A suit of clothes by a man out of work that ls a family to sup port. Will appreciate hearing from some klndhearted person. AP 157, Ore gonian. HO FOR. California. Three people can secure transportation to Han Francisco in fine roomy car, leaving Portland Tuesdny A. M. AP j-n. oregonian FOR SALE Brown lace dresR. made over brown satin, size 36; Al condition; worn but once. Bargain. 812 Cordova hotel. Main 9472 LhAKX BEAUTY CULTURE Beauty cul ture taught, positions furnished our graduates. Marvel Beauty Shop, 706 Washington st. NESTLE PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL IST My wave Is not a kinky cUrl; work guaranteed. Marvel Beauty Shop, 706 Washington St. Main 8156. SHAMPOOING, 5uc: manicuring, 25c, scalp and face treatment, 5(c ; curling and hair dressing, 50c; done at your own home. Call Auto. 324-26. LADY of reiinement: going south middle of December will act as companion to Invalid or children for expense one way. V 174. Oreeonian. COME to the Portland Sanitary Chiropody and Manicure Parlors for manicures and to have your feet treeted. 607 Raleigh bldg. EMMA PLOWMAN, W. P., steam baths, hot or cold shower, massage, Violet Ray vibratory treatments, 10 A. M. to 6 P. SL 417 Fwetland bldg. NURSES' uniforms, house dresses; aprons made to order, reasonable: satisfaction guaranteed. 332 Mohawk bldg. YOUNG man will drive car to Los Angeles or thereabouts for transportation. AK 170. Oregonian. PRINZES "beauty creams remove all facial blemishes harmlessly. Princess Co.. 351 Pittock blk. Broadway 3161. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. ciU perna lo.. . 1 1 m mm e. aio. OPALINE Mrs. Summers' remedies for diseases of womn. Positive relief. 246 Lincoln. n FILES can be permsnently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond ana aiorrit.cn. WOULD like to adopt new-born baby. Will pay all expenses. A 127, Orego nuin. PROSTATE troubJ cureu wltnout opera tion. Dr. R. A. Phillips, Bdwy. bidg. jt'NIClDE will cure rneumatism or money ba c k. 40ft Dekum bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings DOESN'T Tom. Dick or harry pay you? See Vlereck. eollertors Dekum bldg E. AL F. Your parents want to hear from you, pieayo. LE MtN beautv culture evenings. Madame Curtis. Marshall 1702 H ELEN STOL T, w rue to me at Hood H jver. or. J it LADY with classy car. 1 to 4 people, $2 hour. Tabor 8057 (of H167). HAIR combings made up. S. F. Pierce, 4 KUllngsworth. Wdln. 4380. FTTRSONAU GET Whll.L FRBB. FREE. FREB. ' Every day. from 30 A. M. to 5 P. M.. and evenings from e to 8, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS Oe" SUFF RERS WHO HAVE FAILED to ret relief In any other way are In vited to Investigate Chiropractlo met h oa. which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THK BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thoroughly examine you. make a compute diagnosis of your case aad direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the nn. awl aure and modern science of ourlng an preventing diseawe. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently VwP5 p'r C(nt ' " diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the college building and may be had In private If desired. PRIVATE TKHATMENTS mav also o had In college building by members l. faculty. by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of park aila YamhllL Tel. Xlaln 1014. . Hospital in connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at a most reason-SHI-.!1 in rler to show what Chlro pracUc can do. IR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. SMOKE ON MB FREE. I want to send free to every chronla pipe smoker In the country a good, big, generous sample of my pure, sun-cured, nature-flavored Old Green River Pipe Tobacco. No money to pay. It you are a tobacco crank, all the better. Try the pure stuff. No syrup, flavoring or dope. After you try it FREE I'll show you how to cut your smoke bill one-half and get more pipe Joy. Just send name and sd drens. and say whether you want mild, medium or strong. PETE MUfiKKLf, Boa 850, Owens boro. Kentucky, THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE Auto-intoxuation is the main cause or a dominant factor in nearly every disease of the physical body. My sys tem of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation t and elimination by the use of light heat, water, electrlelty, sweating and massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the laws or the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the taking. Monday, Wsdneday, Friday. Women only. Nurse attendant. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday men only. BROWV3 HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE, Stevens Bldg., Downstairs. Main 8030. Seven Years Same Location. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do It. The most Important thing In the world to you is YOURSELF, Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Maloue at the Multnomah hotel de termines the Work you are fitted for. You were born tu be a success at some thing. Find out what It is. A 10-mlnuie interview f re by appointment only. l'hone Broadway 40SO, DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, sons therapy or con ductive anesthe.-la. Without danger or after effects. We perforin ail dental op earlions without pain. Come In and 1st us prove It to you. X-ray work. DR. A. W. KEENE. Above Majestic theater, mt. 351H Wash. FA1 RFACE instantly te moves superfluous hair, roots and all. harmlessly, without the slightest Irritation or Increasing the growth; one trial will positively remove that unsightly moustache which is spoiling your appearance. Price 23c. postpaid. The air Co., Box 1000, Port land, Oregon. IN A HATCHKLL Human analyst and vocationul expert. Find out w hat ou are best fitted for. Learn the science of reading people at sight. Afternoon and evening classes. Private Individual an alysis by appointments. For Information call East 000. SCAll treu imsiit, laciats, manicuring for ladles and gentlemen. French waving, hair dressing and shampoo. Open tt A. M. to U:30 P. M. By appointment. Lawrence method, Philadelphia graduate. Call K. E. Snrier. Broadway 11H0. LA Dl ES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a great aid In female disorders ; 5oc and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. NETTIE BENSON, Li. P., Lang's min eral steam baths, hot and cold showers, scientific manage, electrical, violet ray and vital treatments for both sexes; also traction treatment for lame backs, 711 Swetlund bldg. Main 77Ki. PROFESSIONAL young lady of refined family wants private room in refined home; prefer best location, phone, walk ing distance, 1 eaftonaule , state price and part I c uinrs. C 1.14. ore gonian. MA'i'HILDE ARNEmC.N", Norwegian gradu ate, formerly 305 Columbia building, bclentific massage and medical gym nasties, stem baths, electricity. Ladles only. MatMiulj 101 1. ATTENTION. MEN AND WoM EX. Take your steam batlis, masnaKes and chiropractic treatment from Dr. Marga ret liuyiiie, 215 Swetlund bldg. Tn years in Portland. DR. J. SMITH, Dr. Ellen B. Pollock, as sistant, specialist heurt, liver and kidney trouble, removes gallstones without op eration 4U2-8 Fleidner bidg., loth and Washington. l'hone Bdwy, 2730, DR. CLAIR HUNSERLING. drug.evs phy. sician; steam baths, .selentllic massage; hours 10 to 6. 51 Seillng-ilirsch bl ig., W. Park and Wa.-Mlnntnn. .Main 77.HK. SL'l'h.'KFLl.'oLS hair, iiiun-s, uiimiiarns, large pore, pimples removed by elec trolysis; eyebrows permanently corrected, wot Uroadw-iiv lihlg. .Main .Holt. H tU ti V tt i 11A.N JjIjU KUUtllK Wl UllU toupe makers; finest stocn huinun hair goods; permanent and marcel waving. scaip tTemnn-niH. ;mi Aiaer. .Miiin f4ti. r uo 11 uni .11 10 ttu per cent less than downtown prices. Rumudciing and cleaning at reasonable price. 516 Wlll jams ave. East 84.Hl. VIT-O-NKT sweats for cold., body mas sage, raoiant llgnt and violet ray treat ments for neuritis; 10 A. Al. to f P. M, dally. 43Q Morgan bldg. Main 7.17n. LADY going to New York desires lady charge of 3-months' child. Part expense aerrayen. At oregonian. GRADUATE chiropodist. niassHgu under ' medical supervision; open evenings and Sundays. Removed from 2M5 V to 218 Ali.L-v- l.lrltr A.l HAVE your eyes property attended to at Goodman's; right giarses at right prices Prompt service. Thousands ot tatiMled patron s. roll Morrison. fli a 1 n M24. MADAME PATENACD SYSTEM. Benson hotel, for treu t men t of the scalp and skin, marcelling, halrdressing snd manl curlng; expert operato rs. Bd wy. 4 1 1. RE J UVKNATE your tirea and nervous body by a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovidla Larson, C84 Morgan bidg. Mala 1'J9. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method; consultation free. 5o4 Kwet- land bldg.. Jin st nn. Main I.HiiS. DR. LOUISE NETZi-.L treats rheuma tism, lumbago; electric blanket, vibra tor, maMSiige, bath; lady ass.Mant. 54(1 Columbia St.. near 17th st. Main 5508. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLHT., .who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, fre... Globe bldg.. 11th A Wash. lidv. ,i.V IF YOU can drive a Chevrolet and want to go to Los Angeles we start next Thurs day and go through Yosemite park, s.-e SU LP HU It sua in Lj Uii. massage, violet ray and vibratory treatments for ner vousness, poor circulation; his. Jo to 8. 40 Clay. Main 83-Vt. WHY PAY lancy price for iruMej w nen you cau get them at commeicial pries at the J. A. Clemelison Drug Co., i'UO Morrison st.'.' Call ami -ee lor orylf. pllTjTOPLA Y ideas wanted, any lor in. Screen production aiurtd exceptional stories. SCENARIO SERVICE CORP., 502 Mason 'i'liea u-r . Lus Angeles. " FURS Portland's upstairs furrier. The Fur Shop. 014-15-16 Liieu Music bldg., W'asJi, bet 4tn ana .it".. ."in o.. 'liiAiAciJ nurse gives itHin huili for colds and rheumatism; Swedish inasug Sundays open 1 to 5 P. M, Dr. Ctivbkl I) f . 322 Filedner Itldg.: loth snd Wa!h GOlTKc en.artfed glaoas .U( yjui.' R. eiracnan. roun . nmi,i' No agents or repreen'-" MASSAGE FOR LUMRUiO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg-. Wa-ii.. Uvt. 4th snd 3th sis. Also Sin.das and veilings. EARL Call at postofflce, Portland!"" Or." general delivery, after October 30 for letter. New Haven. DRIVING to Los Angeles, would like to have a partner jicip pay expenses. HI J ISO, oregonian. WILL Mrs. Bessie Dunphy please com municate wu n v . a. kfy, 0 1 v v . j uiin st.. Portland. Or. ? - MASSAGE, b. th. rheumaticm. onMipa- tlon. Kidneys. 00111 k it .in Sore'nsen 5QH Panama t'-dg Main 3u sDlKFLUoUS hair, moles, wans re movtd by 10-need ie method ; trial free Jose Finiey, 614 Bush Lane. Main 6308